The Black Seas Ch. 22 free porn video

Tortuga, 1706
Davy Jones stood watching the Radiant Discord sailing away in an attempt to catch up to the Hades’ Whore. Contempt with the loss of battle, he smiled to himself. A pulse shot through the sea in that moment and he could already feel the heartbeats pulse. He was tied to the sea by that accursed Ancel.
But that was where his anger stopped and the Valkyrie’s mistake began. Ancel thought he could trap Davy Jones in an imprisonment beneath the seas, but he failed to sever the connection to them. It took Jones many, many years to find that connection and influence it. Now he controlled the seas and now he was free.
At least partially. His servitude to Blackbeard wouldn’t last long nor would the act go unchecked.
Blackbeard himself would be on his way briefly and Jones was certain he’d have a few complaints as to why he wasn’t giving chase or why he hadn’t destroyed any of them in the first place.
Time was on the demon’s side and there was plenty of it.
He stood with contempt as the rain began to fall. Regardless of how the battle would turn out, Jones scored his first act of defiance against Blackbeard.

- 04.05.2022
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