Ma Première Baise free porn video

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Je me présente je suis Camille à ce jour j’ai 18ans, je vais vous raconter mon histoire avec un de mes collègues quand j’étais en apprentissage.

Quand j’ai commencé j’avais 16ans je faisais un bac pro tourneur-fraiseur, je sais c’est rare pour une fille mais mon père m’avait donné son enthousiasme pour ce métier.
Physiquement j’étais plutôt petite du haut de mes 1m52 et assez fine je ne pesais que 41kg à cette époque, j’avais des cheveux longs châtain m’arrivant au milieu du dos, j’avais une petite poitrine, on me trouvait quand même jolie mais on me disait souvent que je manquais de féminité ce qui expliqué surement que je n’avais eu qu’un seul copain avec qui j’étais restais un an, j’étais aussi quelqu’un de très réservée et de très timide.

Dans cette atelier d’usinage j’étais la seule fille de l’atelier et les hommes avaient au début un comportement un peu macho avec moi, bien qu’au fur et à mesure je devais leur petite mascotte.

Quelques mois après mon arrivé, il y eu un nouveau dans le groupe, un responsable de production, un homme charismatique, imposant le respect.
Dès son arrivée, il était toujours très gentil avec moi, sûrement car j’étais une fille.
Tous les matins il venait saluer le groupe en disant bonjour oralement, mais il venait toujours me dire bonjour personnellement quand j’étais seule à mon poste, naïvement je trouvais ça sympathique, encore une fois je pensais que c’était dû au fait que je sois la seule fille, je me suis vite rendu compte que ce n’était pas la seule raison, il devenait très souriant, je voyais son regard changer, je me sentais assez flattée et même s’il était beaucoup plus âgé que moi je lui rendais ses sourires, ce n’étais pas un homme qui m’attirait mais ses attentions me faisaient plaisir.

Un jour ou j’allais me laver les mains, je sentis quelqu’un me frôler, je me retournais et c’était lui, au lieu d’avoir une mauvaise réaction je lui lançais un petit sourire, il me répondit avec un petit clin d’œil.
Les jours passèrent et ce genre de petit contact arrivaient souvent, même si je n’étais pas une grande spécialiste j’avais bien compris que je lui plaisais et qu’il tentait une certaine approche alors je décidais de devenir plus réceptive ce qui était vraiment très dur pour moi mais j’en avais l’envie.

Le lendemain, même situation se produit, il était derrière moi pour se laver les mains aussi et son corps était proche du bien alors je me retournais rapidement et me colla à lui style de rien, nos corps étaient collés mais il fallait être discret et on se décolla vite, mais je pense qu’il avait compris qu’il commençait à me plaire aussi, on joua comme ça encore quelques jours.
Un jour lui et mon autre responsable proposèrent vu la charge de travail de nous diviser en deux équipes, il me prit comme par hasard dans son équipe avec un autre collègue dont la fraiseuse était à l’autre bout de l’atelier par rapport à mon tour.

Le lendemain matin nous commençons très tôt, chacun son poste, mon collègue part à sa machine et mon responsable lui vient à mon poste pour me donner mon travail et m’expliquer certaines chose que je ne connais pas encore, je me met en face du pupitre pour programmer et lui se poste derrière moi et je le sent venir de plus en plus proche de moi jusqu’à se coller à moi, il approche sa bouche de mon oreille et me murmure « tu sens très bon ce matin » et m’embrasse le coup, je ne dis rien, il se recule un peu et nous reprenons le travail, je sens son regard sur moi et c’est moi qui me tourne vers lui pour lui poser des questions mais machinalement nos corps s’attirent et je me retrouve collé à lui, nos regards se soutiennent et inévitablement nous finissons par nous embrasser quand nos bouches se décollent, nos corps veulent le contraire et vu la bosse que je sens contre moi je ne suis pas la seule à le penser. Il se décolle de moi et doucement me murmure à l’oreille « bouge pas je reviens », je le vois partir vers mon collègue, il revient 10min plus tard, il me fait signe de la tête de le suivre et nous montons dans son bureau, arrivé dans le bureau il ferme sa porte et il me colle contre la porte, avec ses mains il entour ma tête et m’embrasse, ce coup si notre baisé et langoureux, nos langues se mélangent, ses mains quittent ma tête et se pose sur mon pull en se glissant dessous, il att**** mes deux seins en pleine mains me les malaxant ce qui me met dans un état d’excitation, d’instinct je commence à ploter son sexe à travers son pantalon, il décolle sa bouche de la mienne et me murmure à l’oreille « je vais te baiser là maintenant » , je suis surprise par sa façon de me parler limite gênée je ne sais pas comment réagir mais ça ne l’arrête pas dans sa progression, il déboutonne lentement mon pantalon et le fait glisser doucement le long des mes jambes, il en fait de même avec ma petite culotte qui pour le coup n’a rien de sexy tellement je ne m’attendais pas à ce qui était en train de se passer, un fois ma culotte sur les chevilles, il se remit à ma hauteur et m’embrassa de nouveau tout en me caressant le sexe, au début juste des petites caresses et rapidement un doigt s’introduisit en moi, doucement il l’enfonça en moi, il décolla sa bouche de la mienne, il me fixait droit dans les yeux pendant qu’il me doigtait en me demandant si j’aimais ça, j’étais vraiment très intimidé même si ce qu’il me faisait me faisait un bien fou, alors d’une petite voix je lui répondu « oui c’est trop bon », ma réponse lui fit lâcher un sourire et d’un seul geste me retourne me mettant dos à lui, il écarta mes jambes, tira légèrement mes fesses vers lui et je sentis son sexe se poser sur le mien, je lui dis juste « vas-y doucement s’il te plait » et il commença à s’introduire en moi, mon souffle s’accélérer, le siens aussi il commentait sa pénétration en me disant que j’étais bonne, qu’il aimait ma petite chatte serrée, il commençait ses vas et viens en allant de plus en plus rapidement, ses mains empoignés mes reins fermement ce qui m’excitait fortement.

J’étais partagée entre plaisir et honte de me laisser baiser par un homme beaucoup plus âgé et dans une tel situation mais mon plaisir prenait le dessus, mon sexe était trempé je le sentais glisser en moi, il me pénétrait en alternant entre douceur et brutalité, après un long moment à me baiser il s’arrêta, me retourna lentement et me demande de retirer mon haut, il me demanda aussi de retirer mes chaussures pour pouvoir ôter totalement mon pantalon et ma culotte, je le fis sans me poser de question je retirer tout soutif compris, il m’observait pendant que je me mettais nue pour lui, quand je me retrouvais nue, je me surpris à être gênée, je cachais mes seins avec un bras et mon autre main cachée mon sexe. Il me demanda de ne plus les cacher qu’il aimait me regarder tellement j’étais belle, il s’approcha de moi colla son corps au mien et m’embrassa langoureusement, pendant ce temps sa main se posa sur mon vagin, il y introduit lentement deux doigts que je sentis entrer en moi avec une joie non dissimulée, il les laissa quelques instants avant de les retirer et de me les amener à la bouche en me disant « goutte toi comme tu es bonne », ses doigts étaient trempé, c’était la première fois que je gouttais ma cyprine, après ce petit moment il pris mon haut le posa au sol, et me demanda de me mettre à 4 pattes, il se mit derrière moi et de nouveau me pénétra ce coup-ci sans prendre son temps, son sexe s’enfonça en moi d’un coup sec ce qui me fis lâcher un cri assez fort, je m’excusais de peur qu’on nous entende et je fus surpris par sa réponse quand il me dit « ne te retient pas la seule personne qui pourrais nous entendre sait ce que je suis en train de te faire » je me retourne vers lui avec un regard interrogateur et il me dit « sois pas surprise je ne suis pas le seul que tu fais bander » je fus assez choquée par cette réponse et ça me coupait dans mon excitation, je lui demandais d’arrêter ce qu’il me faisait, je me relevais avec l’envie de quitter le bureau.
C’était pour moi une expérience hors du commun et cette phrase me coupa rapidement, j’avais envie de m’amuser mais pas d’être mal considérée.

Pendant que je ramassais mes affaires, il m’attrapa par la main pour me tirer contre lui. J’avais un peu les yeux coulant, vexé par la situation. Il me serra contre lui me faisant un câlin, s’excusant en me disant qu’il s’était mal exprimé, m’expliquant que dans une usine de mecs, le jeunes filles comme moi qui sont très rare excite beaucoup les hommes, il se noyait dans ses explications mais dans le même temps, ses mains caressaient mes fesses, il essayait de m’embrasser entre deux mots, il arrivait lentement à ses fins mon excitation repris le dessus, je savais que sa seule envie était de me sauter, mais je sais pas pourquoi, malgré la situation son manque de respect envers moi, ne me gêna pas autant que j’aurais pu le penser et c’est en appuyant doucement sur mes épaules pour que me m’agenouille devant lui qu’il comprit qu’il avait gagné.
Une fois à genoux devant lui il me demanda de le sucer, il introduit doucement son sexe dans ma bouche, commença ses vas et vient tout en me disant des choses un peu cru « tu l’aime ma queue », « tu fais ta prude mais sa t’excite de savoir que tu nous fais bander » et je me rendais compte qu’il avait raison, j’avais déjà couché avec un garçon mais cela m’avait fait l’amour, c’était vraiment la première fois que je me faisais baiser.

Je suçais son sexe de plus en plus rapidement, c’est à ce moment qu’il me releva me pencha sur le bureau et me dit « je vais te baiser petite salope », sa queue me pénétra sans douceur et c’est moi qui lui demandais de continuer comme ça, il me baisa avec une intensité tel que j’en criais de plaisir, il n’arrêtait pas de m’insulter, ses mains compressait mes seins avec fermeté, il me fixait dans les yeux en me disant qu’il allait me baiser comme la petite salope que j’étais, ses mots auraient dû me vexer mais bizarrement ils m’excitaient de plus en plus. Je lui demandais donc de se retirer, je changer de position posant mes mains sur le bureau et avec un regard coquin je lui demandais de me prendre comme ça, il se mit derrière moi et m’enfonça ca queue d’un coup sec et puissant, il commença ses vas et viens brutalement je sentais ses couilles et son corps cogner contre le mien il me baisait sans aucune retenue, je jouissais à plusieurs reprise pendant cette baise et il me dit à son tour qu’il allait jouir et me demanda ou il voulait que je jouisse, je lui dis ou il voulait mais seulement qu’il se retire de moi, il retira sa queue de moi et me fis me remettre à genoux avant de se finir sur mon visage en lâchant plusieurs jet de sperme, après ça je m’essuyer rapidement, il me regarda me rhabiller, il me dévisageait de nouveaux mais ce coup-ci je n’éprouvais aucune gêne et il me lâcha « tu as aimé ca petite salope », j’approchais mon visage du siens l’embrassa et lui répondis « c’est quand tu veux ».

(Dsl pour les fautes ...)

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Surprise Im LefthandedChapter 2

Not surprisingly, it was on Tuesday of the next week that we got the next attempt by road agents. This time, there were three of them. Somehow, a totally invalid rumor had started that we would be carrying $35,000 in gold from the train to the bank in Hesper. I heard the rumor that Tuesday morning, and I could not help but laugh. My first question to the carrier of the rumor was "What in hell to you think that the bank in Hesper would do with that much money?" Well, he kind of sputtered and...

2 years ago
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Snowed in with sis

I remember like it was just yesterday but really it was 2 weeks ago. I awoke to the sound of silence which is unusual in my house on a week day. Everyone is up at the same time getting ready to go to either work or school. School was where myself and my younger sister would be headed but something was different about this morning. I got out of bed and decided to look out my bedroom window and that's when I got a wonderful surprise. You see, the ground was covered in about 16 inches of snow....

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Bob and I used to work together, so I had socialized with he and his wife Ellie on a few occasions. One hot, humid, foggy summer evening, while I was watching TV, the door bell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone. It was Ellie, dressed in very short cut-off jeans and a halter top with no bra. I could see her hard nipples through the halter material and her tits were almost hanging out. Ellie had short, light brown hair, was cute and had a nice, slim body, she had to be in her early thirties. I...

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Here Come the Brides Chapter 7

The rube any decent liar got to believe their most outrageous tales was themselves. This maxim about life was why most people thought they were above average in almost anything. Most people think that they were smarter than average, better looking than average, and more popular than they were. People were gullible to believe these sweet words for they helped make a better narrative about their lives. Steve nor Emily were decent liars, they were starting to see themselves as the...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 949

A couple of oldies from John W. Q: What’s the definition of a mistress? A: Something between a mister and a mattress. Q: What came first, the chicken or the egg? A: Neither, it was the cockerel. These are compliments of Gary H. The afterlife An older Sun City couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other of the afterlife. Their biggest fear was that there was no afterlife. After a long life, the husband was the first to go, and true to his word, he...

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Substitute Wives Part 2

Steve picked up Lauren and headed to the airport.“I can’t believe you talked Jenni into this,” Steve said as they drove to the airport."It wasn’t as hard as you think. I think your wife has a little more of a wild side than you want to admit. It didn’t take that much convincing. I figured if she agreed she would have put more rules than just no intercourse,” Lauren said. “I thought she would have restricted us to only playing above the waist. I guess your friend down here may get a little...

Wife Lovers
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Time Waits For No OneChapter 9

What a fine kettle of fish. I walked into the portal anticipating to be going back to Beth at Crossroads. It was quite a shock when it wasn’t Beth standing there but two thin men instead. One of them took a hold of Joan and held her as a human shield. Beth was nowhere to be seen, so I did what came natural from being on Chaos and went into attack mode. It was a trait of the Heroes I had read about. When in mortal danger, they used their skills to bring the fight up close and personal. The...

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Moms Friend

Ella was mom's best friend. I found out by mistake just how close they were. Ella took me to the mall with her one day and after we shopped for a while she told me she wanted to buy me some sexy underwear. We went into the store and she picked out some really revealing undies and I was surprised when she went with me to try them on. She got me naked and then put on the panties and a sexy bra. She ran her hand over my ass and then across my tits and told me "That looks amazing on you. You have a...

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Treasure hunt

As i got into my car after a long day at work i had a semi, I'd had it almost the whole of the day due to the fact thers a pair of plump sluts at my work place. Both of these chunky babes wear skin tight leggings and tight polo shirts. I had spent most of the time watching their fat arses jiggling up and down, occasionally bending over to pick stuff up giving a glimpse of heaving tits. So my cock was utterly teased, as i drove home my mind wondered as i thought my sister-in-law wears pretty...

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MonkeyChapter 2

At the grand old age of twelve I lost my virginity, the conquering heroine was my Aunt Tili, she was Dad's sister and was as he put it 'A horn bag', she was the black ewe of the family leaving a string of love sick suitors in her wake. The oldies had been having a few ups and downs over recent months, I think Dad was spreading it around a bit and Mum had blood in her eye. They decide on a trip away to sort things out. Aunt Tili was to look after me. Dad had bought an old passenger bus...

3 years ago
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The Love Shared Part 8

---------------------------- I got home as fast as I could, across the street and lawn I darted into the house and collapsed against the door as it slammed behind me. I was out of breath and sweating, and then Mom quickly appeared in the kitchen doorway with a surprised look on her face, ''Doc, what is it?'' she asked. I wondered for a brief moment how I could even explain it, what could I say? I decided right there and then that it was probably best to not say anything. Nothing...

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rich boys love 43

we got back into my car and harvey said "what new car are you getting babe" i turned to face harvey and said "how do you know im getting a new car?" "your mom told me babe she wants to know what your doing with your old one" "okay. well im getting a ferrari f430 black and i was going to give you my porshe for a get well soon gift" harvey gave me a kiss and we went home when we got home there was a few bills and a letter addressed to me so i opened it the letter said Dear Mr...

2 years ago
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FIRST REAL SEX part 3 mom taboo

FIRST REAL SEX - part 3 (mom, taboo)Just like the first time with my mother, after lasts night's exploits, life reverted again to normal, at least on the surface. I was so happy that my mother decided to never speak of our two drunken sexual encounters. I, however, was in a sexual frenzy. It was eighteen year old male lust. If I got a hardon, which was frequently, I found a private place to cum, and I did. I dreamed of my mother, legs spread, in her under garments with her big round tits out...

4 years ago
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Divorce and my Mother In Law Part Seven Guess Wh

It was my birthday and there was a party for me at Eddie and Darlene's. Among the people invited were my parents. I was nervous about it but Melody said everything would okay.The party started at seven on Saturday. Eddie was cooking hamburgers, hotdogs and other goodies on his nice grill. Darlene was mixing the drinks and sampling as the evening went on. Dad, Peter senior, was into his third margarita already. My Mom, Polly was sipping the same one she got when they arrived. There were...

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Her round full breasts

Meeting other women from on line can be fraught with all sorts of complications. They want to meet for coffee, size you up and decide if they want to offer their pussy to you. All of the same sorts of body image, sexual desirability issues that affect straight women also affect bi and les women. It's funny really, women who want sex with other women are affected by marketing aimed at men.Sometimes though, on line is the quickest way to find a woman who wants it as much as you and with someone...

2 years ago
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brothers wife

Ago 20 Year Then I Was 22i live alone in city and make a time my cousin brother and his wife come to my home with his 3 year's old small day i will come early from office then last day of mounth.i was enter in home then see my brother's wife sleep deep on my bedroom and her small daughter feeding her tits. her tits was so soft and big white. nipples are long. baby play sometime with feeding her, i was touch and some press by finger her dick was up and hard (...

4 years ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 12

We woke in the morning. I told April and Nancy when I brought them home. At breakfast, I said, "April, would you take March with you to the hospital?" She nodded. "March, you will go with her. Take a book. We will join you for lunch there." There was a knock and May went to let Mark inside. "Good morning, Mark. It's good to see you and thanks for offering to help." "May told me to volunteer and we could be together all day. How could I turn her down?" He grinned. Laura was...

3 years ago
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Milky Sex In A Train Threesome

Hi this is Babu after the massive fuck and suck we had in the train all of us fell on each other and took some rest. We had coffee which Vijaya had bought and added all 3 woman’s boobs milk and drank. After 20min my snake started to rise i went near Sunitha anni and started to suck her milky boobs. I clamped my mouth over her huge nipps and started to suck. The warm sweet milk filled my mouth i drank it quickly with the rise and fall of the huge 40size tits. I swirled my tongue over the stiff...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 173 Stupid Ideas

"Sorry, Coach. I didn't know I'd made the team. I didn't try out." "Yeah. That's why you're not on varsity." "Huh?" "Coach Mitchell has this thing about not putting guys on his team who don't show up for try-outs." "I'm sorry, Coach. I haven't been all together this year. I didn't think I'd be playing." "I don't know the whole story and I don't need to. I've seen you working out with Whitney every morning and that was good enough to tell me you were still in shape...

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Mexican Vacation 2002

We got in the room, I took her by the hand and we went on the balcony to see the view and started watching the people below, we started kissing and hugging, I had my hands on Dianne's ass, Dianne grabbed my cock and asked me "Do you want me?" I then said "Right here on the balcony?" Diane replied "Yes, I do if you want, come on it'll be erotic, come on know one knows us here!" I said "I love you!" I then removed her sarong and we continued kissing each other and we both started...

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JudgementsChapter 93

"Nobody told me that Ally was autistic, too," Yvonne said, slipping in beside Shawna to lean on the metal railing looking out over the car park. "What?" Hope said, looking up from where she was sat on the wall nearby catching some sun. "I have no idea," Shawna said, shrugging in Hope's direction before turning to Yvonne. "Where'd you get that impression?" "Marcus was just talking about it." "What did he say?" "Just a load of stuff about Ally's condition and how no-one...

1 year ago
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From Martin to Marta

Martin, my lover of 4 months, was OK, but he was a man, and as a bisexual male, I needed pussy too. Much as I loved him, I wanted the right to sleep with women, so he had agreed to that, on the condition that I find out what his needs were and tried to fulfill them as well. Naturally, I went to work quickly on that project, and the answer was soon found: I simply went to his "secret" stash of what was supposedly submissive to boot. He wanted a man who would dominate him, and make him act like a...

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Years Of Wait For Those Pair Of Nipples

I am from Mumbai 27 years of age, Athletic build and engineer. I would like to satisfy girl and ladies. So please feel free to reach out to me. Wherever you are I will reach there to satisfy you. This all started a few years back when I was studying engineering in Mumbai. I used to travel by bus and very often bus used to be crowded. On one such day, a lady boarded the bus and came stood next to me. She was not very good looking thin lady with not so big boobs, appeared to be simple middle...

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Making HeroesChapter 10

There was considerable distress in Asmia the next morning. By the time Sue and Jack had reached the business district, the merchants, particularly, were running around and lamenting that they could not leave town. There were shouts of how terrible this was for business and there would be financial ruin everywhere if the barrier was not soon lifted. Sue and Jack were slightly amused at the predictions of dire consequences, but they tried to ignore the turmoil. The first thing they needed to...

4 years ago
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The Hired Help Ch 02

Jake sighed moments after Kara bolted out the reinforced door in his basement/armory. And she runs…’ he muttered, shaking his head. Then he reached under the desk, pressing a red button, and slowly walked after her. _____ Kara was relieved to see the door just ahead of her and looked back surprised the he wasn’t there. When she thought she was home free with her hand on the handle, she saw the metal blinds securing themselves over the windows and trying to rip the door open but wouldn’t...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Alyx Star Aces Babysitter Interview

When Mike Mancini interviews busty brunette Alyx Star for a babysitting job, he finds out its not children that she’s interested in, but the midlife crisis father that needs some good old-fashioned sexual relief. When the Penthouse beauty tells him that all her past clients are “very satisfied”, he just needs to find out for himself and indeed he does. The lucky father experiences everything from the PYT’s superb blowjob, eating out her tasty pussy and asshole, and...

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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 14 Thanksgiving Sex With Guests

The first ‘selfie’ we sent to Ginger from Houston, was a carefully crafted picture of my head cushioned against Tara’s thigh so that her pussy was visible and showing the leaking semen from her vagina. Right beside her on my left was Nancy’s similarly leaking cunt, while on my right Cindy’s sweet slit also oozed some white jizz. I had an angelic look on my face. Immediately after the successful selfie I deemed to clean each of the available pussies, as the women kissed and hugged each...

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