Ma Première Baise free porn video

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Je me présente je suis Camille à ce jour j’ai 18ans, je vais vous raconter mon histoire avec un de mes collègues quand j’étais en apprentissage.

Quand j’ai commencé j’avais 16ans je faisais un bac pro tourneur-fraiseur, je sais c’est rare pour une fille mais mon père m’avait donné son enthousiasme pour ce métier.
Physiquement j’étais plutôt petite du haut de mes 1m52 et assez fine je ne pesais que 41kg à cette époque, j’avais des cheveux longs châtain m’arrivant au milieu du dos, j’avais une petite poitrine, on me trouvait quand même jolie mais on me disait souvent que je manquais de féminité ce qui expliqué surement que je n’avais eu qu’un seul copain avec qui j’étais restais un an, j’étais aussi quelqu’un de très réservée et de très timide.

Dans cette atelier d’usinage j’étais la seule fille de l’atelier et les hommes avaient au début un comportement un peu macho avec moi, bien qu’au fur et à mesure je devais leur petite mascotte.

Quelques mois après mon arrivé, il y eu un nouveau dans le groupe, un responsable de production, un homme charismatique, imposant le respect.
Dès son arrivée, il était toujours très gentil avec moi, sûrement car j’étais une fille.
Tous les matins il venait saluer le groupe en disant bonjour oralement, mais il venait toujours me dire bonjour personnellement quand j’étais seule à mon poste, naïvement je trouvais ça sympathique, encore une fois je pensais que c’était dû au fait que je sois la seule fille, je me suis vite rendu compte que ce n’était pas la seule raison, il devenait très souriant, je voyais son regard changer, je me sentais assez flattée et même s’il était beaucoup plus âgé que moi je lui rendais ses sourires, ce n’étais pas un homme qui m’attirait mais ses attentions me faisaient plaisir.

Un jour ou j’allais me laver les mains, je sentis quelqu’un me frôler, je me retournais et c’était lui, au lieu d’avoir une mauvaise réaction je lui lançais un petit sourire, il me répondit avec un petit clin d’œil.
Les jours passèrent et ce genre de petit contact arrivaient souvent, même si je n’étais pas une grande spécialiste j’avais bien compris que je lui plaisais et qu’il tentait une certaine approche alors je décidais de devenir plus réceptive ce qui était vraiment très dur pour moi mais j’en avais l’envie.

Le lendemain, même situation se produit, il était derrière moi pour se laver les mains aussi et son corps était proche du bien alors je me retournais rapidement et me colla à lui style de rien, nos corps étaient collés mais il fallait être discret et on se décolla vite, mais je pense qu’il avait compris qu’il commençait à me plaire aussi, on joua comme ça encore quelques jours.
Un jour lui et mon autre responsable proposèrent vu la charge de travail de nous diviser en deux équipes, il me prit comme par hasard dans son équipe avec un autre collègue dont la fraiseuse était à l’autre bout de l’atelier par rapport à mon tour.

Le lendemain matin nous commençons très tôt, chacun son poste, mon collègue part à sa machine et mon responsable lui vient à mon poste pour me donner mon travail et m’expliquer certaines chose que je ne connais pas encore, je me met en face du pupitre pour programmer et lui se poste derrière moi et je le sent venir de plus en plus proche de moi jusqu’à se coller à moi, il approche sa bouche de mon oreille et me murmure « tu sens très bon ce matin » et m’embrasse le coup, je ne dis rien, il se recule un peu et nous reprenons le travail, je sens son regard sur moi et c’est moi qui me tourne vers lui pour lui poser des questions mais machinalement nos corps s’attirent et je me retrouve collé à lui, nos regards se soutiennent et inévitablement nous finissons par nous embrasser quand nos bouches se décollent, nos corps veulent le contraire et vu la bosse que je sens contre moi je ne suis pas la seule à le penser. Il se décolle de moi et doucement me murmure à l’oreille « bouge pas je reviens », je le vois partir vers mon collègue, il revient 10min plus tard, il me fait signe de la tête de le suivre et nous montons dans son bureau, arrivé dans le bureau il ferme sa porte et il me colle contre la porte, avec ses mains il entour ma tête et m’embrasse, ce coup si notre baisé et langoureux, nos langues se mélangent, ses mains quittent ma tête et se pose sur mon pull en se glissant dessous, il att**** mes deux seins en pleine mains me les malaxant ce qui me met dans un état d’excitation, d’instinct je commence à ploter son sexe à travers son pantalon, il décolle sa bouche de la mienne et me murmure à l’oreille « je vais te baiser là maintenant » , je suis surprise par sa façon de me parler limite gênée je ne sais pas comment réagir mais ça ne l’arrête pas dans sa progression, il déboutonne lentement mon pantalon et le fait glisser doucement le long des mes jambes, il en fait de même avec ma petite culotte qui pour le coup n’a rien de sexy tellement je ne m’attendais pas à ce qui était en train de se passer, un fois ma culotte sur les chevilles, il se remit à ma hauteur et m’embrassa de nouveau tout en me caressant le sexe, au début juste des petites caresses et rapidement un doigt s’introduisit en moi, doucement il l’enfonça en moi, il décolla sa bouche de la mienne, il me fixait droit dans les yeux pendant qu’il me doigtait en me demandant si j’aimais ça, j’étais vraiment très intimidé même si ce qu’il me faisait me faisait un bien fou, alors d’une petite voix je lui répondu « oui c’est trop bon », ma réponse lui fit lâcher un sourire et d’un seul geste me retourne me mettant dos à lui, il écarta mes jambes, tira légèrement mes fesses vers lui et je sentis son sexe se poser sur le mien, je lui dis juste « vas-y doucement s’il te plait » et il commença à s’introduire en moi, mon souffle s’accélérer, le siens aussi il commentait sa pénétration en me disant que j’étais bonne, qu’il aimait ma petite chatte serrée, il commençait ses vas et viens en allant de plus en plus rapidement, ses mains empoignés mes reins fermement ce qui m’excitait fortement.

J’étais partagée entre plaisir et honte de me laisser baiser par un homme beaucoup plus âgé et dans une tel situation mais mon plaisir prenait le dessus, mon sexe était trempé je le sentais glisser en moi, il me pénétrait en alternant entre douceur et brutalité, après un long moment à me baiser il s’arrêta, me retourna lentement et me demande de retirer mon haut, il me demanda aussi de retirer mes chaussures pour pouvoir ôter totalement mon pantalon et ma culotte, je le fis sans me poser de question je retirer tout soutif compris, il m’observait pendant que je me mettais nue pour lui, quand je me retrouvais nue, je me surpris à être gênée, je cachais mes seins avec un bras et mon autre main cachée mon sexe. Il me demanda de ne plus les cacher qu’il aimait me regarder tellement j’étais belle, il s’approcha de moi colla son corps au mien et m’embrassa langoureusement, pendant ce temps sa main se posa sur mon vagin, il y introduit lentement deux doigts que je sentis entrer en moi avec une joie non dissimulée, il les laissa quelques instants avant de les retirer et de me les amener à la bouche en me disant « goutte toi comme tu es bonne », ses doigts étaient trempé, c’était la première fois que je gouttais ma cyprine, après ce petit moment il pris mon haut le posa au sol, et me demanda de me mettre à 4 pattes, il se mit derrière moi et de nouveau me pénétra ce coup-ci sans prendre son temps, son sexe s’enfonça en moi d’un coup sec ce qui me fis lâcher un cri assez fort, je m’excusais de peur qu’on nous entende et je fus surpris par sa réponse quand il me dit « ne te retient pas la seule personne qui pourrais nous entendre sait ce que je suis en train de te faire » je me retourne vers lui avec un regard interrogateur et il me dit « sois pas surprise je ne suis pas le seul que tu fais bander » je fus assez choquée par cette réponse et ça me coupait dans mon excitation, je lui demandais d’arrêter ce qu’il me faisait, je me relevais avec l’envie de quitter le bureau.
C’était pour moi une expérience hors du commun et cette phrase me coupa rapidement, j’avais envie de m’amuser mais pas d’être mal considérée.

Pendant que je ramassais mes affaires, il m’attrapa par la main pour me tirer contre lui. J’avais un peu les yeux coulant, vexé par la situation. Il me serra contre lui me faisant un câlin, s’excusant en me disant qu’il s’était mal exprimé, m’expliquant que dans une usine de mecs, le jeunes filles comme moi qui sont très rare excite beaucoup les hommes, il se noyait dans ses explications mais dans le même temps, ses mains caressaient mes fesses, il essayait de m’embrasser entre deux mots, il arrivait lentement à ses fins mon excitation repris le dessus, je savais que sa seule envie était de me sauter, mais je sais pas pourquoi, malgré la situation son manque de respect envers moi, ne me gêna pas autant que j’aurais pu le penser et c’est en appuyant doucement sur mes épaules pour que me m’agenouille devant lui qu’il comprit qu’il avait gagné.
Une fois à genoux devant lui il me demanda de le sucer, il introduit doucement son sexe dans ma bouche, commença ses vas et vient tout en me disant des choses un peu cru « tu l’aime ma queue », « tu fais ta prude mais sa t’excite de savoir que tu nous fais bander » et je me rendais compte qu’il avait raison, j’avais déjà couché avec un garçon mais cela m’avait fait l’amour, c’était vraiment la première fois que je me faisais baiser.

Je suçais son sexe de plus en plus rapidement, c’est à ce moment qu’il me releva me pencha sur le bureau et me dit « je vais te baiser petite salope », sa queue me pénétra sans douceur et c’est moi qui lui demandais de continuer comme ça, il me baisa avec une intensité tel que j’en criais de plaisir, il n’arrêtait pas de m’insulter, ses mains compressait mes seins avec fermeté, il me fixait dans les yeux en me disant qu’il allait me baiser comme la petite salope que j’étais, ses mots auraient dû me vexer mais bizarrement ils m’excitaient de plus en plus. Je lui demandais donc de se retirer, je changer de position posant mes mains sur le bureau et avec un regard coquin je lui demandais de me prendre comme ça, il se mit derrière moi et m’enfonça ca queue d’un coup sec et puissant, il commença ses vas et viens brutalement je sentais ses couilles et son corps cogner contre le mien il me baisait sans aucune retenue, je jouissais à plusieurs reprise pendant cette baise et il me dit à son tour qu’il allait jouir et me demanda ou il voulait que je jouisse, je lui dis ou il voulait mais seulement qu’il se retire de moi, il retira sa queue de moi et me fis me remettre à genoux avant de se finir sur mon visage en lâchant plusieurs jet de sperme, après ça je m’essuyer rapidement, il me regarda me rhabiller, il me dévisageait de nouveaux mais ce coup-ci je n’éprouvais aucune gêne et il me lâcha « tu as aimé ca petite salope », j’approchais mon visage du siens l’embrassa et lui répondis « c’est quand tu veux ».

(Dsl pour les fautes ...)

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Rita like hymen girl Jhanky

Note : This story is completely fictional! Reedited by: Jack Mayne, many thank to him working with my story. Author’s Note: You should always clean your toys before and after using them. Characters: Rita me and my maid Jhanky *** I was reading a newspaper at my parent’s home when I heard the maid and I said hello to her then went back to reading my newspaper. I think she picked up the cups and left but after a while, she was back and looking at me. “Yes? Do you want something?” I asked. “Yes,...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Desert Treat For My Hungry Manager

It had been only four days since, I joined as an Asst. Admin, and my manager (who took my interview), started asking me for a treat. There are about 4 people in our team, two of them are from IT and, me & my manager are from Admin. The IT team has one more female, so in a team of four, 2 are males and two females. Since my manager had been asking for a treat, I decided to order lunch for all four of us and I organized a small tea party. Everyone was happy and congratulated me on getting the...

4 years ago
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Don and Mom

Don and Mom Where was I? Oh yeah. Home in bed. Somehow that made me feel scared. I jumped up and scattered the sheets all over. I needed a shower. But first, I had to protect my new hair with a shower cap. Why bother? Who cares? But something made me do that anyway. Then I ran to the bathroom and showered longer than I ever had before. It felt like I had slimy scum stuck to my body and I could not wash it off. As I got out of the shower, I remembered that this had become my time...

3 years ago
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Wet and Wild

Kara was looking forward to an afternoon swim with Tommy and his cousin Bill. She was pretty sure Bill would like her to be naked, but she was equally sure Tommy wasn’t ready for that. She didn’t think she was either – maybe topless, but not all the way. She would wear the yellow string thing she had bought to wear in France. Then if Tommy was okay with it, and she had the nerve for it, she might lose the top. Unfortunately, the sky clouded over and a light rain began around noon. Although...

2 years ago
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Fun With A Couple In Goa 8211 Part 1

This is my latest experience which I am sharing with u. I m Ravi Pratap M 44 working in a private company as marketing executive in Patna and hence, I have to undertake extensive traveling. The story told in this, happened with me during my tour to Goa to participate in a meeting. To participate in the meeting, I board air flight from Patna which was to be changed in Delhi. When I boarded another plane at Delhi, I was in window seat. Next to me was a couple (around 35/33) with a boy (5 yr)....

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 77

While I vetted everyone on the crew that I felt needed it, the security wheels were grinding. The security team had Arnold pretty much disguised as he had the breakfast buffet with 'The Girls'. Since they had a Chef making meals no one expected or knew about the buffet. The armed guards couldn't hover about him so they tried to fit in. Hiding their weapons was next to impossible so a lot of the security fell to me and the comedy team of Moe and Curly. The Dovecheck family and the people...

4 years ago
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Run Away Orgasm

It was a warm night as Emma was lying in her bed. Resting peacefully, her thoughts gently strayed into a gentle sex scene with another woman. Her breaths quickened as the heat slowly built, these thoughts came more and more often now. It was only ever in the mornings that she felt any amount of guilt about her thoughts the night before, however during the night, nothing stoped her. She had never, not once, had touched herself when thinking about women daring not to take that step, but this time...

2 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 22

Teechi, Teecha, and Nagat were heading toward mama and her pups as I made it back near the cooking fire. I tagged along with them and was surprised when I saw that mama wolf perked up and flicked her ears forward when she saw me. I walked over beside the pen and she took a sniff or two in my direction, but by then Teecha was inserting her food dish and she lost interest in me. "Does she ever growl at any of you anymore?" I asked. "No. She doesn't growl at anyone now. I think it is...

4 years ago
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Union in CrisisChapter 9

The elevator took a surprisingly long time to reach their destination and, though there was no way of knowing what level they started on, Kat was sure that they were now many levels underground. The doors opened onto a pleasant but generic looking lobby, akin to what you would expect from a solicitor's office. The desk marked reception was unmanned and the room, empty. Three doors led from the room, all of them unmarked. The garishly dressed young man preceded her out of the elevator and...

2 years ago
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The Old House and the Four Girls Part1

Introduction: my first story In one weird house there was four gourgous girls that wasnt ever aloud out of the house ever,and was home schooled by their foster father who was almost never home. When he was he spent only a few hours with his thirteen years old daughters.They where starting to mature into beautiful young women.He just sat down and whatched television,but when they where alone they started having their on sexual experiances.They discovered that they where acutually very horny...

2 years ago
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The art of fucking

Hello Friends. This is Legend again. Male 27 Mumbai India. I have been thinking for a long time to tell you my best experience which have made me mad for woman’s cunt and sex with them let me tell you what happened but before that my name is SUDHI I’m from Mumbai the incident which I’m going to narrate is happened to me when I was 19. I had a friend named Kishore I used to visit him home many a times. I was very friendly with his mother he was the only son for her. His dad was an officer in a...

4 years ago
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Hot KofeChapter 8 Silver Tongue

Kofe let him rest for a while, purring softly as she stroked his head, keeping him trapped tightly against her yielding body. After what might have been minutes or hours, he couldn’t tell, a sudden movement roused him. She rolled onto her back, the mattress beneath her bouncing and the bed’s frame creaking ominously, releasing him from her hold. Her breasts parted, gravity attempting to drag the heavy globes down, and he found himself lying on top of her. She could have served as a bed in her...

2 years ago
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Target Heart Rate

One morning I was at my usual gym at the time. The owner had stepped out and it was just me and one of my usual workout partners. She was a few years older than I was and was married to a much older man who was a Dr. She stated several times she new her place as a trophy wife. I just show up to events and smile, or I host dinner parties/events for his office and stand by his side.Beautifully fit woman is the only way to describe her.One morning she kept checking her watch/heart rate monitor. Is...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Alyx Star Shows Off Her All Natural Triple D8217s

Alyx Star and her mesmerizing mammaries star in this scene from Manuel Ferrara’s “Raw #42”. We open on said rack and in Manuel’s excellent POV style. Ferrara is squeezing the produce and Alyx says “My boobs are really sensitive”. Natural orbs that large probably are… Manuel continues his exploration, kissing and clutching Star’s preciouses. Next he plunges and tastes her twat. Alyx volleys and displays hardy cock suck skillz, easily handling all of Ferrara’s member. The couple move into cowgirl...

1 year ago
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Stranded with Melissa

Melissa made her way through the thick foliage and found herself at the edge of a pristine lake, the gorgeous crystal water surrounded by a clearing of soft deep green moss. Shaking, she removed her clothing and, taking a step up onto a rock that bordered the waters, dove in to the cold haven, shivering at its icy temperature. Floating in the water, she let her outer protectiveness melt away and began to sob. It was hard to believe the plane had crashed over 3 days ago. It felt like just...

2 years ago
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Strange Bedfellows Part 3

by Darkride Chapter 3 - Shona's Day Sitting on the toilet in a stall at her work, skirt and panties around her feet, Shona furiously rubbed her clit, trying at the same time not to make too much noise. Her panties were soaked with both cum and her own sexual lubrication. She couldn't believe how horny she was even after Mike's quickie shower fuck that morning, ended with him cumming in her mouth, followed by the pounding her co-worker Joe just gave her in the supply room. Having sex with...

4 years ago
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My Elder Sister Roshni 8211 Part II

This was all started 4 yrs before in Pune where we both brother n sister use to stay in same rented flat for our education far away from our home town Nasik. After my become I took admission for Mba in Pune where my elder cousin sister was already doing her studies and use to share a flat with her 2 friends. When I shifted her was last yr and mine 1st yr, our parents told to stay together. As life started with new college n new friends, in evening she use to take me with her whatever she has...

2 years ago
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My Friends House Part 3

I heard the car door slam. I panicked and hid under her bed. I heard the front door open.At this point I was shaking as hell.‘Oh my god, what was it I was doing here? It’s fucking crazy! I’m here in my friend’s house in his mother's clothes, covered in cum, hiding under his mom bed...and his mom is coming in the house right now!’I almost wanted to cry right there!I heard her going around in the house. She came in her room; I did not pip a sound. I looked to the side; she had some red high heels...

4 years ago
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Angry Sex is the Most Passionate

‘A glance from across the semi-crowded room A glance, a glance, just a glance You slipped a pencil in my pocket In class, when I needed it for maths Yes you turned around and gave me a smile I’ve never felt anything like this in a while Then it turned into you, talking to me, All I felt was glee Then over the next few days, My heart became a maze You followed through the right way You reached the end and said you’d stay But I didn’t know the right way myself So when you left, I was...

1 year ago
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WOMEN AND TORTURE: A MOTHER INTERROGATE IN FRONT HER SON p. 1Every human perversion is possible in a torture centre a universe of pain and human evil. My story-article it is a real case of mother-son interrogatory:. Real it are the types of torture described, real the victims and the jailers confessions, real the victims emotions?.. In this version there are not the photos but only the text. If do you want the version with photo write me.Incest and torture are embarrassing and scabrous matters...

2 years ago
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E047 Pearl Twentysix a hard pearl to swallow

As Emma brushes her hair before returning to the bedroom, she wonders what is still ahead.  Donald told her there were two parts of three left before.  She has completed the second of the three, but what would be expected of her next?She pulls a little on her pearl necklace by its loop to reassure herself.When she returns to the room, of course, the sheets have been changed, now a light rose silk sheet.  Donald is there, now undressed, still a little hard.  He is sitting on the side of the bed...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The Business Woman Love To Sex To Love

Hi friends, all the names are fiction but real story and real place. I’m 25 yrs old guy working for corporate organization young and energetic, 5.11 height 75kgs, I also work as male escort my parents are staying in Hyderabad I stay in pg I started to work as male escort because single and divorced girls wanted trust to have the trust I started working like this. Any girls can contact me in my mail below and guys please don’t so me for any details. Coming to the sex story. The heroine of the...

4 years ago
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Life in a Full Circle Part Two

Life in a circle ? Part 2 Chapter 9 ? First Kiss After we got home, we dropped our bags and went to the bathroom to wash up. Ms Linder got us some milk and cookies, and we all sat in Aunt Denise's huge dinning table and did our homework. We all have our own desks in our huge bedrooms, but for some reason, we loved to do our homework at the dinning table. Jaclyn finished her homework early and she went to her small studio and started working on her paintings. While Andrew was...

2 years ago
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My sister Makes Me To Jerk Off

Although I had only turned eighteen, I had often fantasized about my older sister. She was much older than me, by a few years but she was so pretty and always had the boys staring at her. Most of them though, it wasn’t her face they were looking at, but the size of her tits. She had such beautiful large tits that bounced around as she walked anywhere. Men drooled over her, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who fantasized over her.For a long time I used to just glaze over her from a distance....

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Leigh Raven Tattooed Lesbian Step Daughter

Leigh Raven is growing up so fast. She has been living at home for years after high school and since then has gone through quite a few identity changes. She has covered her sexy all natural body in tattoos and even shaved her head. Leigh Raven wears wigs when her mom is around because she gets enough shit from her about the tattoos and who she likes to hang out with. Leigh Raven has another big secret too. She has been dating another girl! Her step father found this out when she left her phone...


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