My Brother's Fiancé free porn video

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I drove down for my younger brother, Jeff's, wedding a few months ago. I’d met his fiancé, Cristina, when they were still dating and both decided to visit me a year prior in Asia where I'd been living. Cristina was a petite Hispanic girl with a great smile, tight ass, and perky breasts. In my imagination, she was shaved down below or at least very well-kept. Seeing them walk together ahead of me on occasion during their visit, I’d also taken the liberty of imagining them both naked with her tight body bobbing up and down on his cock as she moaned into the air.

He was my brother, true, well...half-brother from our dad's second marriage. but we’d grown up separated for most of our lives, were 9 years apart in age, and our recent friendship that started a few years back when he contacted me on Facebook felt just like that—friends who shared similar tastes in our girls, bad jokes, and perhaps a few other hobbies here and there.

I was sincerely happy for the both of them and congratulated Jeff on his good luck at winning her over and keeping her attention the last 2 or 3 years they'd been dating.

But back to the wedding...

I made the 2-day road trip down the coast for the ceremony and they both insisted I stay with them at their place while I was there.

When I showed up at their place, they both greeted me with open arms. Cristina was wearing sweatpants and a white tank top that accented her tiny figure. When she leaned in for her hug, I picked her up in a big bear hug and spun her around, pretty much how we did it on our side of the family. Damn, she was lighter than I'd imagined! She couldn’t have weighed more than 90 pounds soaking wet!

Once the greetings and hugs were over, we went inside. They showed me to my room and let me get comfortable. After being on the road for so long, I was dying to wash up and take it slow the rest of the evening, but we ended up cracking some beers and sat and talked a bit first.

About 30 minutes later, we were getting hungry so they suggested I hit the shower while they cooked up a quick dinner. Once in the bathroom, I began to undress when I noticed they’d forgotten to put out a towel. After poking around a bit and not finding one, I opened the door a crack and called out for assistance, hiding my naked body behind the door. Cristina answered from the kitchen with a “go ahead and hop in and I’ll bring one in for you in a couple of few.” Satisfied, I closed the door but now that I was in front of the mirror, and having noticed my unshaven appearance, I broke out my razor and filled the sink with warm water. My mind quickly moved on to other thoughts and, within a few minutes, the door swung open and there stood Cristina, extending a towel in my direction. She saw me naked but, before turning away, I caught her giving me a once-over with her eyes.

My hands covered in shaving foam, I smiled sheepishly. “Sorry about that,” I said, attempting to cover my junk. She thought a second and replied with a smirk, “That’s okay, I mean, we’re gonna be family now, right?” Then she closed the door behind her and left me to finish up.

The hot shower felt amazing and I remember standing there awhile letting the jets of water overtake me. While soaping up, my mind wandered to the encounter a few minutes prior with Cristina looking at my cock. I imagined her sneaking back in and disrobing, slowly peeling back the shower curtain while quietly asking if she could join me. “Ugh, stop it!” I tried to reason with myself. “That’s your brother’s soon-to-be wife!” In the end, I decided I wasn’t going to rub one out in their shower until I climaxed, but I did continue playing with myself a bit while thinking about what she must look like naked.

Once the shower ended, I changed and headed to the dining room for dinner. They’d made some awesome Spanish omelettes with an amazing-tasting IPA to wash it all down with. A short while later after we'd finished, we washed the dishes and headed back to the living room. My brother broke out his vape cartridge filled with CBD oil. We lounged about in their comfy sofas and Cristina put a movie on in the background while we passed the vape pen around and the weed started to take effect.

At some point in the conversation, Cristina asked about my wife who was still living overseas. I mentioned that we were still waiting for her green card paperwork to be processed. We’d been married over 10 years living together in Asia, but I'd been forced to move back to the US ahead of her to start work at the job transfer I'd accepted while she remained behind waiting for the US government to get their head out of their asses. It had already been a year since I'd moved and we were growing frustrated at the continued separation.

“You must be really lonely!” Cristina said with an endearing tone.

“Yeah, it really sucks,” I responded.

“When was the last time you guys, you know, did it?” she asked, smartly.

I laughed. “You mean, have sex?”

“Yeah,” she answered.

“Well, not since last year,” I said, wondering where this was headed.

“Really?!” she asked, surprised. “How do you keep yourself, um, you know, satisfied down there,” she continued, with a giggle in her voice.

My brother laughed nervously. “Why are suddenly so interested in my brother's sex life all of a sudden?"

She revealed to him that she’d walked in on me while I was in the bathroom a bit earlier and told him what she saw which made her think to ask the question.

“Do you just touch yourself every night, or maybe you have a girlfriend on the side?” she pressed, with a curious smirk on her face.

I laughed. “No, no girlfriend, really, but um, yeah, I guess I’m pretty good at keeping myself happy. Plus, you know, I mean, I have pictures of my wife that I look at to keep me, uh, how shall I say?...motivated.”

Cristina and my brother laughed. The weed had now fully claimed us all.

“So, are you gonna masturbate in bed tonight?” Cristina asked, teasingly. “Cuz you know, we just, uh, washed the sheets.”

“I’m not saying I will, but if I do, I’m certainly not gonna tell either of you about it!” I responded, laughing.

“Oh, come on! We’re gonna be family now! You can tell us,” she countered, now seeming genuinely interested in how I’d answer.

“Nope! Not telling!” I deflected with another nervous laugh.

My brother took that as an opportunity to change the conversation, and we went off on another set of topics for awhile longer.

At some point, I opened my eyes and realized I’d drifted off to sleep on the comfortable sofa I was sitting on by myself. “All that driving really did me in,” I thought. Still groggy, I glanced over to where my brother and Cristina had been sitting. The lights seemed to have been turned down from what I'd last remembered, but were still giving off enough light to be useful. And that’s when I saw them there, Cristina on top of him, grinding her crotch onto his, facing him as he sat there on the sofa. They were both kissing deeply as she wriggled her ass over what had to have been his very erect penis.

I don’t know how long I kept watching, but my own pants were growing tighter as they continued making out on the sofa next to mine on the night before they’d say their vows.

A few moments later, Cristina put her hands around the hem of her tank top and pulled it slowly over her head, throwing it to the floor. Her breasts were indeed small, but shapely, and her dark brown nipples deliciously puffy though growing harder as she fed them to my brother. He kissed and licked them, sliding his hands up and down her waist and over her ass then back up again.

She was grinding him deeper now when she suddenly wheeled over and slid her pants and panties off in one clean movement, revealing her perfect ass with what I could confirm to be a perfectly shaved pussy. With her clothes now gone, my brother quickly unbuttoned his pants and slid them and his boxers off and onto the floor. His cock now stood fully erect under her, waiting to be deployed into action. Not having grown up together, I realized this was the first time I was seeing his cock. To be honest, it was a bit like my own--about 7 or 8 inches in length and moderately thick, and there it was, glistening in the dim light of the room. “Damn bro! Good job!” I thought to myself. “No wonder she likes you! That must feel amazing inside her tiny body!”

I was also fully erect now, but still wearing my pants as I watched Cristina lowering her naked body on top of my brother’s rather sizable head. She paused, rubbed it back and forth a bit over her lips to transfer her wetness to him, then slowly positioned herself onto him, taking him deep inside her.

“Holy shit! This is amazing!” I thought to myself. Cristina began working herself up and down his shaft, and I slowly slid my hand down to my own pants to undo them so I could free my now aching member.

Her moans increased as did both of their breathing rates. My brother must have become self-conscious at the increasing noise and told Cristina to be quiet so they wouldn’t wake me. It was then that Cristina turned her head slightly my way as if to monitor me out of the corner of her eyes when she saw I was awake and watching them both! With my hand down my pants and my cock half out, I thought for sure I was a goner!

Instead, she turned to my brother and said, “Don’t look now, but I think your brother’s awake and been enjoying the view,” as she continued to pump up and down his now very wet shaft. My brother froze and slowly looked over at me.

“Sorry!” I said, sounding half asleep. “I must have dozed off earlier.”

“You were out, man,” he said, nervously. “Hold on, we’ll go into our room and let you sleep.”

“No!” Cristina pleaded. “I think I’m about to cum. Besides, he hasn’t had sex in ages, so why not give him something to watch?”

“Uhh,” I stammered, hardly able to comprehend what I was hearing.

Jeff's body relaxed a bit and she picked up the pace of her pumping.

After a few more minutes of this, she asked him, “Do you love your brother?”

“Yeah, of course,” came his reply. She switched to rocking her hips backwards and forwards, in and out over him, building toward something.

“Do you trust me?” she questioned.

“Yeah, of course, babe! That's why I'm marrying you, right?” he somehow managed to reply as she pressed herself down on him.

A few seconds later, she pulled herself off of him and stood up. She moved towards me, her tiny naked form silhouetted in the dim light. “Let’s have fun this one last time before tomorrow,” she said to him, over her shoulder.

The next thing I knew was that my pants were off entirely and my little brother’s tiny fiancé was kneeling in front of me, taking the base of my shaft into her hands. She examined it curiously. For a moment, it looked as if she was meditating there, on her knees, in front of me. And then she smiled and Jefft forward, lowering her mouth onto the head of my cock.

My body shook from head to toe. "What the fuck? What the actual fuck?!" I thought to myself. Who was this nymph my brother was marrying?! My chest collapsed back into the sofa where I was sitting as Cristina moved her mouth up and down over my head, licking me with the occasional swirl of her tongue. A few times, she took me out of her mouth and licked me from the base of my shaft to the tip, again swirling her tongue in gentle circles as she did.

“I’m so horny,” she whimpered. “Babe, come over here and put yourself inside me.” My brother stood up from his sofa, walked softly over, kneeled down, and slowly put his cock inside of Cristina while she continued to give me the most amazing blowjob I’d ever felt.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Cristina and I both answered together. When we both realized we weren’t sure who he was asking, we all laughed and the mood was lifted. The fun was just beginning.

Jeff worked himself in and out of his beautiful fiancé, increasing the pace of his thrusts. His thrusts left her less and less control over the depth to which she could take me into her mouth and occasionally it would go much deeper than planned, which caused her to gag a bit. But holy fuck, it felt amazing and she made no indications of wanting it to stop.

A few minutes later, Cristina slowed, then took me out of her mouth. “May I?” she asked him, crawling onto my lap. “I want to try putting him inside of me.”

“Go for it,” my brother replied, seeming to know full well she’d do whatever she wanted regardless of his answer.

Once on top, she lowered her now very wet pussy on top of my head until I was all the way in. “Oh my fucking god!” I whimpered. “This feels so good!” She leaned in, wrapping her arms around my neck and planted her small mouth onto mine. I felt her tongue meet mine and a shiver ran up and down my spine as she began probing my mouth.

It sounds funny now, I suppose, but the only way I can adequately describe how she felt to me at the time was like somehow having the smallest, tightest, and warmest Fleshlight wrapped around my cock, with a mind of its own, trying its best make me happy. With each thrust, I could feel the insides of her pussy moving along my shaft, embracing it and resisting being let go on the upstroke.

“Jeff, man,” I said, “you’re the luckiest sonofabitch I know.....Cristina, damn girl, you’re amazing!”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling, her pussy gliding up and down me. “Jeff, come here,” she called out.

Jeff approached the side of sofa where we were sitting. She pulled him closer to us and took his cock into her mouth as we continued fucking. Up, down, up, down..."Dear god, please don't let this end," I said, inwardly.

More minutes passed. Ten? Twenty? This little lady who would pledge herself to my brother forever in less than 12 short hours was now deep-throating him as she bounced up and down her soon-to-be brother-in-law’s cock, moaning in sweet ecstasy.

Before I knew it, she’d taken his cock out of her mouth and began kissing me deeply. After a few more moments, she was back again, taking him into her mouth, his pre-cum dripping from her lips and chin. Once again, she pulled him out and began probing me with her tongue. I realized I was now essentially tasting my brother, but it was being transported by this perfect little woman and it tasted sweet.

“Fuuuuck,” I said, “I don’t think I can hold out much longer, Cristina. Where do you want me to cum?” Cristina began thinking about it when my brother offered, “She just got on the pill a couple of months ago so it’s probably okay if you wanna cum inside her. What do you think, babe?”

“Yeah, I’d like that,” she replied, slowly, now short of breath. “Both of you...and me...together.”

“Here, let me get behind you,” I motioned. I stood up, holding her up with my arms gripping her delicate ass as she continued to flex her abs, sliding up and down my penis. In one fluid motion, I picked her up off of me and set her down on the floor. She kneeled down, raising her perfectly rounded ass to me as my brother positioned himself in front of her.

As I slid inside her pussy from behind, I felt myself going in deeper than before. Cristina’s legs began to shake a bit. She pulled Jeff’s cock into her mouth and we began moving in rhythm. Occasionally, she would tremble and her ass would shake around me and we’d have to pause until she got her legs back.

Before long, it was clear none of us could hold out any longer. “I’m gonna cum,” Jeff said. “Me too,” I said, almost out of breath. “Yeah,” added Cristina. “I’m ready too.”

Like rumbling thunder across an open plain, I felt this overwhelming and unstoppable pressure from deep within my balls start to climb. This was it! There would be no turning back now!

“I love you guys,” I said.

“We love you too!” Jeff said, a look of pure bliss on his face.

“Best wedding gift ever!” Cristina panted. “I want you both to cum as hard and as deep as you can.”

We didn’t need another invitation...suddenly, I erupted inside of Cristina, wave after wave of semen spurting out of me and into her body. Holy fuck! Holy fuck! HOLY FUCK!! At the same time, Jeff had begun releasing his own torrent of juices deep inside her throat as she fought to keep it down.

Her body shook, and since we were still inside it, we shook too. There was cum everywhere. Cristina’s poor little body had given up; no longer able to accept all of this liquid, and it had spilled out of both of her little holes and onto the floor.

Still woozy from the marijuana, we slowly managed to stand up only to collapse back onto the couches.

We started talking about the experience to each other as lovers often do after great sex. Eventually, we all agreed we should probably get to bed as it was going to be an early morning. With a final hug between us all, I headed into my room and passed out under the covers.

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“It’s been three days,” muttered Jason to his dad. “According to the Praetor, this is the way it works. The controls are almost duplicitous, needing only physical contact with the operator and the most superficial of settings. How mom ever got this thing to work is completely beyond me!” “I know, son, “Jacob replied wearily. “She even programmed it to pick her up here in New Eden and return her to wherever the machine was located. Then she even managed to get the machine to bring itself...

2 years ago
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Local Crook Free Mistress

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ , would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ , would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fourth part for continuation “Colleague Taking Over Control” @ , would add spice to the current story. The spice of life was over for a while, for a month or so. All the...

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Through the YearsChapter 11

Second half of the Competition After we finished breakfast, I was checking the scores as the girls went to the bathroom to get ready. Brit was the leader with thirty-two, Syndy in second with thirty, Kacy and Wren next tied with twenty eight, followed by Amy with twenty six and Tam last with twenty-two. “Ok, today we’ll be starting with knotted-rope walk where you’ll in turn move from one end of a rope that has five knots to the other end while having a minimum of two-ounces of weight...

1 year ago
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New Delhi and Agra Boys

I wheeled my suitcase out of the New Delhi Oberoi Hotel, numb from a three-day publishers’ conference and more than ready for the three days of letting down and experiencing that I’d added on to my itinerary. I was checked out of the Oberoi, though, as nice as it was. I didn’t want any of my hoped-for experiencing to be mixed in with meeting any of the people who’d attended the conference with me. I was following the whispered directions of Chet. We shared a fetish that neither of us could...

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Sams CurtiousityChapter 3

“I don’t understand how he picked up that Mencken!” Rachel fretted. “American literature,” Patrick responded. “Those shelves have our American literature. Twain died in 1910, Mencken around the middle of the century. Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Faulkner are there, too. And others. They’re the easy parts of the taxonomy.” “What do you mean?” “Well, what about T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden and Saul Bellow ... or even Henry James?” “Why are they problems?” “Well, Eliot was born in the US, but spent...

3 years ago
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For Stacy

For Stacy By Jennifer Adams To get to where this all started I have to give up a little background. My name is Brian S. I don't want to give my whole name for anonymity. At the time I was twenty-five and a couple years out of college with a BA in business. It turned out that getting a job with that BA was a little harder than I had thought since I didn't have any work experience to go with it. I ended up working in a factory for just over minimum wage. Shortly after that, I met...

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The Conflict

8/07/2020 Hello, everyone it's me again. Shadowborn or if you follow me on Wattpad then it's Lord Shadowborn. In my first story on this site I talked about leaving. But apparently I did not leave. Well, I did for a bit but I found myself drawn back to this...stuff...these "sex stories" but I call it sin and shit. Because I am a religious person or some of you would say religious bigot, racist, and etc...insults that aren't true. I am not like that. Anyway, I was on a site called "xvideos .com"....

3 years ago
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Fun on the road

Here is a strange little tale about my first craigslist meetup. We had messaged each other for a couple of days and on one cold and rainy night she gave me her number which I texted her to see what was up. She said that we should me at a local bar and we could meet in person. I had seen a few of her pics and from what I gathered she was cute with wavy dirty blonde hair that came to her shoulders with brown eyes and very petite figure. She said she had just turned thirty. The pics were not of...

1 year ago
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Surviving 3Chapter 28 Ship ahoy

The winter of 890/891 AD was a severe one, with heavy snows and bitter gale force winds sweeping the country. The depth of the snow, particularly the drifts, pretty much locked things down. Gabrain did put together a dog team with his trusty Wolf, but that could only be for fun and he had to keep within close reach of the town. The lead up to the St Andrew's Day celebrations felt muted. Lots of activities were planned and there was a frenzy of activity as usual, but the cold, biting wind...

1 year ago
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Girl From Down the Street Part 1

Rising from the floor, Sarah again rinsed the cloth out in the sink. Satisfied with the state of the kitchen floor, she left the room, walked down the carpeted hall, and tossed the rag in the wash basket. She made the throw without even needing to look or turn on the light to illuminate the dark room. Sarah had been babysitting for the Wheelers, twice a month, for a year now. She knew their home nearly as well as her own. It was a nice house, although not extravagant, the Wheelers could...

2 years ago
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Chapter ten War with Christy Near miss with Lisa and Stephanie dream

Well after dating Christy for whole year thing seem to have slack off between the two of us. She was spending more and more of her time helping her parents with raising her little brother. This was starting to effect our relationship or at least I thought so and fact in senior year in high school I opt to go full time at A R Burton How did this war start well it all started when I stupidly wrote Christy a heart full letter basically pouring my feelings out to her which I guess she took the...

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New Shoes

The shop was lit with the warm glow of patent leather shoes. Stilettos the colour of fresh bruises, tip to heel with black knee-high boots and mossy court shoes. The rich scent of polish washed across my skin and I almost forgot, for a moment, that I needed to be back at the office by 1:15. Over by the counter, the sales assistant chatted to some fashion victim with less dress sense than money, oblivious to my presence. With no shoes or credit card anywhere in sight it was obviously a social...

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Becoming My Mothers Lover

At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite attractive, at least I thought so. She was a relatively small woman, only about five foot three inches tall with a slender build and weighing only about 110 pounds. Her breasts were quite small and although she had a taut tummy and always looked wonderful in shorts or slacks, her hips were fairly full. Her hair was a warm, dark brown that she kept trimmed to just shoulder length. At that time she had begun to fret over the fact...

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Troubling Dizyntk 4Chapter 3

Captain Jesakalin was busying herself by examining the tactical situation. Her ship was on picket duty on the outer part of the solar system. The Ishalitk, or Sapphire, system contained seven planets. There were three rocky inner ones including Sapphire which was second from its sun. There were four gas giants of various sizes in the middle and outer system. The fourth of these planets was a blue-green sphere about the size of Neptune. It was called Terlarin by the dizyntk. It bore the family...

1 year ago
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The Mist of Time Ch 03

There was little point in staying in the area, but we had booked for the two nights, so I suggested that for the rest of the day we went back and Tina could see the land I had bought. Despite my resemblance to Danbury Chandler, I was unconvinced that I had any connection to the Chandlers of Chetford. Tina in her feminine way was certain about the connection, saying ‘I just know it’s your family.’ Of course that famous feminine intuition ignored facts, or rather the lack of facts. Therefore she...

4 years ago
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CattailChapter 3

It may have been November, but this was southern Mississippi after all, so by the time it was getting too dark to see each other clearly, they were spending more time swatting mosquitoes than they were talking. Finally, Roger offered, "Catalina, I don't know if you've eaten yet, and I know I haven't. Let's head inside, get out of the bugs and into the air conditioning. I'll throw something in the microwave. It'll be out of a can, but we can eat it." "Cans don't bother me," she...

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Excerpts from a Daughters Diary 1

Emma : 5ft 10inches, long brown hair with blonde highlights, attractive but not showy, recently left school, training to be an accountant. Monday 3rd May 2021. So, that weekend was a wash out. Supposed to be going up to Leeds for a weekend with Joe. Looking forward to a birthday shag. Got my negative test on Friday, then a call from Joe Friday night to say he had a positive so couldn’t go. Frustrated all weekend, had to resort to my vibrator which only made me more frustrated, l need a...

2 years ago
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My Brothers KeeperChapter 4

“Hey, papi ... come join us!” Carmen told me the next morning as she showered with Neda. “Scott still sleeping off the Long Islands?” I chuckled now. “Yep, he’s a bit of a lightweight still ... but it makes him so adorable. He can be downright mushy while drunk, you know,” Neda laughed softly as she spoke of her fiance, my own brother. “So ... papi ... you wanna ... mess around in the shower?” Carmen licked her lips while fondling Neda’s ass. “Don’t mind if I do,” I grinned as I groped my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 23 New Years Resolutions

December 31, 1993, Chicago, Illinois For the first time since I’d met him, I wasn’t sending anyone to Alex’s place for New Year’s Eve. It was, perhaps, a bit selfish, but this year I wanted my family and friends around me. Jorge’s death, and the entire situation with Jessica had really driven home just how important that was, not that I hadn’t believed that before. Alex had given me a bit of grief about it, but I reminded him that I’d been there the year before. Not to mention the fact that...

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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Five

That first Monday, the last week of school, Jake and her held hands, everybody did a double take and the look on Elizabeth’s face was priceless. Things were the same with her mother so Henry spent everyday telling her how to cook her own food and she learned pretty quickly. Jake seemed ok most of the time, but as the day came closer to him leaving he seemed to sadden, he tried to hide it and make the best of there time but Riley noticed and despite her being sad she tried to cheer him...

3 years ago
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My Reawakening Part 2

Sally and I had been 'buddies' for around ten months, and the sex was incredible. My lover was more adventurous than anyone I'd ever been with before. I was having the sexual time of my life! We managed to get together once or twice per month, depending on circumstances, and in between times used the internet to stay in touch and keep the spark ignited. We were friends on a popular online social network, and soon began sending each other sexy messages, then photos, even videos. It was like...

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Civil War Slut

The War Between the States had just begun and I was married on the day my new husband was to be shipped out to fight. I was only 17 but considered a woman at the time. My husband owned a small plantation in South Carolina. Though we were southerners and Jim, my husband, went to fight for the south we both believed in the northern cause. His platoon was in such a hurry we never had a proper wedding night. In fact, we didn’t get to properly consummate the marriage. I did, however, get to give him...

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Making Dianes Life Miserable

Making Diane’s Life Miserable Chapter 1 Abby was coming downstairs, when she heard her father’s austere voice coming from the living room. She quickly ducked behind the dining room curtain, affording her a full view of the living room without being seen. ?I am sick and tired of your shenanigans, Diane. Your mother said you used to be a sweet, pretty, cooperative young girl, when I married her five years ago, but since her death last year you’re an entirely different person. You’ve become...

2 years ago
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Live The DareChapter 2 Live the Dare

After firmly shaking my hand, Brad headed inside moments before Julie joined me on the porch. Following Brad's lead I asked, "Hey Jules, you ready to go?" "Only my friends are allowed to call me Jules," she snapped before smiling sweetly and accepting my hand. Talk about mixed signals! Not quite sure if Julie was rude or just nervous, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and, shrugging off her reply, led us towards the Metro. Attempting to break the ice I asked, "So what would you...

3 years ago
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Zodiac Coin Aries

ZODIAC COIN: ARIES 2235 YEARS AGO... He was a thief, and not a very good one. He would travel through the country from village to village, stealing trinkets from one, then selling those same trinkets in the next. He never made much; the villagers never had much to either steal or to buy with. But the town he had come to was different. On the edge of town was the house of a man who seemed to be fairly well off. It wasn't anything that you couldn't find in the moderate areas of...

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Dirty Talk

I like to talk. It’s a genetic thing, I think. My mother talks a lot, my grandmother, and even back farther till before I was born. In fact, the women in my family are so used to over talking the men that sometimes we forget to listen; most of the time we think they have little to say. Perhaps that was the reason why I never found myself connecting with someone of the opposite sex. Maybe I just needed a connection with another female. I was quite young when I met such a woman. We were both...

1 year ago
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Turned into a Girl Part 3

Turned into a Girl (Part 3) By meganprincess I spent the next hour practicing walking in my high heels with a purse on my shoulder. I was getting better at it and even started trying to add a little flirty wiggle to my butt as I strutted around my cousin's room. At some point, I realized that I was pretending that boys were watching me. As I walked in the heels I saw visions of a groups of guys checking me out and whistling at me as I walked past them. I wondered if they would get...

4 years ago
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Jeannie moaned into her ball gag as her Master beat her imprisoned sex. She lay naked on the cold concrete basement floor, covered in angry red welts, her hands by her head, cuffed by the wrists to the thick leather collar around her neck. The cruel clamps around her nipples had become unbearable an hour ago, only a few minutes after Master had placed them there. Her modest breasts were especially bruised - Master liked the knowledge that Jeannie's breasts would be sore every time she wore a...

2 years ago
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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 24

My mom wouldn’t let anyone go near the water without sun block and she made it very clear that it wasn’t up for debate. Mom called my little brother Brandon over and began re-applying it all over him. I will admit I didn’t even think about how wrong things could go with sunblock and the girls in front of my family. Betty smiled as Waverly squirted some lotion into her hands and began to rub it longingly all over her mother’s body everywhere. It seemed as time warped and a slow motion bubble...

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The club is dark. The heavy beat of the music resonates with the ache inside me. I can't stop thinking about him. About his words. I shift in my seat and try to ease some of the ache by rubbing my thighs together. He wants to meet in person. Do I want that? Yes screams my newly awakened body. No, says my sensitive heart. I know this man will be able to destroy me. He will devour me. He may also make me feel more alive than I've ever felt before. Can I trust him? My mind is brought back to that...

Straight Sex
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Pete and I

This story is for those readers who have waited patiently for a new adventure. With a will of its own this very long story has taken over my mind and I have lived its highs and lows for several weeks, re-wording carefully until everything felt right. It has controlled me: I hope it pleases you all. But, in the end, it’s just another little love story…Settle into your seats, grab your popcorn and dim the lights… I suppose it all started way back when I was seeing Greg – or more to the point...

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Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 11 ReIssued

Introduction: Further dreams of Gregs Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 11 xnxx is now being re-issued as Part 11-Revised. by gregorthegrant True Story, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Extreme, Gay, Group Sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Male Domination, Males / Female, massage, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Wife Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report: Now Family Beach...

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