Tasting My Son free porn video

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I smiled at my Son and gave him a wink, it's been awhile since our last encounter
and the sexual tension was mounting. What began years ago has manifested itself gloriously.
Michael is captivated by this side of his mother,... totally. I find myself feeding from his desire
to pursue even more, my thoughts consumed.

With his father home the atmosphere was instantly altered, as well as my attire.
The candles that once encircled the Den are now hidden, my cotton shorts stuffed deeply
back into the drawer. My ground rules are being enforced, secrecy is paramount.

Michael seems to adjust well perhaps out of fear of discovery, yet I seem to struggle.
My progressive steps forward are quickly halted yet my desire still carries momentum. What takes Michael minutes extends itself greatly from my perspective.
Like a train of seduction that's often derailed, yet my thoughts are still on track.

Michaels candor was pleasant his secret, undetected. I fight the urge to breach my own principles
when brief opportunities arise. I almost seem pursuant when Keith is occupied or out of sight. Unaware if Michael would be receptive or not, I still struggle to uphold the rules that safeguard us from detection.
I must find a way to control those sudden urges, and I will. What reservations a Mother has is now being rather exploited. I chose to discard traditional beliefs which has provided, so much pleasure.

Knowing Keith finds the taboo appealing I still lack the courage to confess. Our pillow talk conversations lean towards the taboo and often, it arouses him greatly. After giving it some thought I decided to implicate some measure of suggestion during our intense sexual moments to seek his reaction, but when the opportunity presented itself, I retreated. There was no way I was going to jeopardize the progress I've made to suffice his taboo fantasies, at least not yet,... if ever.

The following morning Michael was aware his father was gone when I entered the kitchen wearing some naughty shorts. Re energized by his reaction, I strolled through the house absorbing his attention once again.
Michaels plans to join his friends were being postponed, as he methodically notified each one. As I fixed his breakfast I offered a wink from time to time, his shy face reddened. I knew he must have been checking me out, my cheeks were barely covered. I purposely paused by the freezer door, while it hardened my nipples and fast.
When I turned to pour his orange juice my braless presence was obvious, his silent gaze,... enticing.

His father just left an hour ago and my train of seduction, is back on track. As he sat eating I began washing the skillets, my back was turned away. My heart was racing knowing he was focused on my ass. Every move I made was carefully calibrated. When I shifted my weight I purposely popped that cheek outward absorbing that slight bounce myself. When I leaned over to put the pot away, my cleavage just poured from my top.
Michaels silence speaks many words, not a sound was heard. I placed my elbows on the island counter and leaned forward,... my breasts so profound.

' How is your breakfast? ' ... I asked.

His eyes darted from his plate to by chest as he began playing with his food, nervously. I smiled and rose slowly running my hand down his arm, before walking towards the living room. My three inch sandals were enough to create a slight sway in my step before I sat, crossing my legs. I reached for a magazine and began to falsely read. I rested calmly as I blindly read some article, my focus, elsewhere. Hearing his fork scratch the plate, I knew he was equally distracted as well. It was just three years ago when I discovered Michaels wandering eye, during a moment just like this. It was difficult to focus on the article staring past my stiffened nipples, as I began to encircle my hanging calf.
By now I clearly have no problem 'approaching that fence',... taunting hims to step over,... once again.
There was no sense in trying to appear innocent at this point, he was well aware of my change in attire.
What filled his thoughts and mine as well is the fact that he went down on his Mother. I gazed at my thighs so smooth so tanned, as I rocked my calf back and forth,... drawing his complete attention. I darted my eyes to capture his reaction, his blank face glowed.

' A penny for his thoughts' ... I said to myself.

For the last few days, Michael has savored the thoughts of eating pussy for the first time,... feeding from his Mother. Those days must have been challenging for him as well, the nights even more. I was able to engage him about it but only briefly while his father was home. He stumbled for words but his enthusiasm was more audible. He received a warm embrace unaware I was soaked to the bone. He was unable to produce the words I wanted to hear yet I knew,... he was eager for more. Several times while his father was nearby almost telepathically Michael and I shared some lingering stares fueled by lust. Those stares are terribly erotic, so forbidden,... so addicting.

When Michael finished his breakfast he sat curiously in a chair, nearby. Neither of us could focus on anything but what occurred in our last encounter. My heart pounded wildly when I knew I had to address it, he was anxious as well. Absent the courage I continued to silently gaze at the article,... still unread. The silence was overwhelming, the tension was high. Michael leaned forward now clutching his hands, searching for something to say. My once circling calf came to a stop,... my mind was truly melting. I raised the magazine closer to my face as I prepared my opening statement, my head was so dizzy, I was embarrassed, nervous,... yet terribly aroused.

' Can I ask you something Michael? ' ... I said in a nervous voice.
' That night in the Den, did I go too far? ' ... I asked, as I turned several pages.

He seemed to quiver while slowly rocking back and forth, his eyes shifted all around, searching for a response.

' Emily was cute but she denied you things,... didn't she '... I added.

' Yes'... he responded.

My heart was beating so loud I was sure he could hear it. I paused, searching for words,... my hanging calf dead still.

Moments like this are hard to put into words.
I'm dressed in attire no Mother would wear in front of her Son. I have violated some societal line by stepping over several times, in the recent past. His craving for flesh so profound that even his Mother, became a suitable candidate for exploration. His weakness for legs is his Mothers best asset. My ability and will to encourage his forbidden attention has been surely fruitful. I became aroused by his youthful needs, while fulfilling a few of my own. Ignited by thoughts I'm once again approaching that fence, while Michael anxiously waited me to speak.

I placed the magazine on the table and shifted my body to face him directly, my legs were still crossed.
He knew what path this subject was going to take, nervously staring away. I remained in place, my heart was pounding,... my hesitance fading.

' Do you have any plans tonight Michael? '... I asked.

He nodded his head ' no' while stealing peeks at my crossed leg,... then spent some time, looking away.

' Would you like to join me for that movie again? ' ... I asked.
' Which one? ' ... he asked.
' You know which one '... I said, followed with a wink.

He instantly began gulping hard breaths of air, as I rubbed my calf on his, as he stared intently at my legs.

' What time? ' ... he uttered quickly.
' After dinner,... I'll come get you '... I replied.

He exhaled greatly and stood up fast.

' I gotta take a shower '... he cried out as he quickly walked away.

Before he made it to the door way, I called out; ' Just a shower Michael...okay? '
I suspected he might actually relieve himself while showering, I wasn't sure he caught the drift. He paused only briefly, before silently disappearing around the corner.
As his footsteps faded,... his Mother was already moist. I closed my eyes, as my head swam with dizziness.
I have once again sparked that forbidden flame,... and my sense were on fire. I sat so Motherly yet overwhelmed by my desire to please his enormous appetite for flesh. The sounds of falling items were heard as he furiously prepared himself to shower. He crossed the hallway in a dash,... like a guy late for something,... special.

As Michael showered I retrieved the hidden candles and strategically placed them all around the Den. Our rendezvous was still hours away but I wanted to taunt his mind. The den was certainly designed to seduce and his first glance was sensational. I spent the next few hours doing chores around the house with anticipation indeed. He was captivated by my willingness to parade around the house in those shorts. The sexual tension throughout the afternoon was immeasurable. I passed his room many times knowing he would inspect my every move,... as I walked down that hall.
My intention was to prime his mind with hours of forbidden views,... and that I did indeed.

While preparing dinner Michael made several trips into the kitchen for needless things. His wide eyed stares were so focused on my legs and my ass. His chatter lacked direction, distracted by his Mothers flesh. He was also aware I stole a few glances at his crotch, as the day matured. I made no effort to conceal that act, and was pleased he actually noticed.

Years ago, when I began 'testing the waters' I found it difficult to capture an image of his bulge. A Mother looks into the eyes of her Sons, avoiding any act that may be perceived unfavorably. However, several incidents years ago allowed a few opportunities. While he napped his Mother viewed, absent of all detection.
One summer afternoon as he slept I stood quietly by his bedside, my inhibitions in jeopardy. I battled internal voices yet curiosity reigned victorious. I pulled his blanket to the side, ever so slowly to avoid detection. I tried not to look, my morals stood strong, yet intermediate glances matured into a more lengthy observation. My eyes sought permission as they scanned slowly down his toned stomach.... he was beautiful *

My eyes glazed over admiring his youthful body. Michaels balls were silky smooth flanking his thick shaft,... as he lay sleeping. Such a beautiful specimen of forbidden fruit, the image entrenched in my mind.

I called Michael to dinner and he sat in his normal chair. I motioned for him to sit next to me instead.

' That's dads chair '... he said.
' Your father isn't home ' ... I replied.... he quickly scooted over.

Throughout the meal he gazed at my thighs,... resting so close to his. I finished first he was very distracted, my cleavage so displayed.

' I'll come get you later' ... I said, as I rose from the dinner table. Michael froze in his seat, watching me clean the table. I knew my breasts would rattle his cage as they bounced and swayed so freely. I kept my eyes on the table, so his could roam unchallenged. There was no sense in trying to conceal my hardened nipples,... they stood so very proud.
As I leaned over I acknowledged my nipples and tilted my head, as if to say; ' Like what you see? '
His face reddened and lowered fast. My legs just quivered by my own admission yet blanketed with a motherly smile. After clearing the table I placed my palms on the table leaning towards him, my cleavage profound.

' I'll come get you later ' ... I said, with a rather devilish smile.

As time neared I rested on the bed while my body tingled with excitement. Michael was pacing his room like a caged Tiger, his shadows seen. The den awaits our arrival, and Michael was consumed with anticipation. I rose from the bed and stood in the mirror making some final adjustments to my attire. My trembling fingers only prolonged,... my lipstick application. I pressed my lips together and planted a single kiss on the mirror ahead,... I was almost ready. After one final inspection,... I walked towards the door.

As I closed the door behind me my stroll down the hallway,... was memorable. Michaels bedroom door was open as I grew closer,... observing my every step. I was certain he would recognize my altered state of motherhood, and boy did he ever. As I neared his doorway an added sway to my hips was clear.

' Come with me '.... I said as I passed, no pause in my step at all.

Michaels expression was priceless. His movement halted instantly the remote in his hand fell to the floor, his presence was felt,... trailing behind. I could feel his eyes upon my ass as it swayed to and fro. Michael sat quickly stealing peeks at his Mothers shorts. My legs seem to smile with approval,... his attention almost magnetic. No Mother would display herself so forwardly without raising concern, but his father wasn't home.
Michael was well aware I was pursuing him once again, his repetitive exhales, already heard. I slid the CD into the player and walked over to close the curtains. As I reached high my shorts rose accordingly, my cheeks were now fully exposed. As I closed the curtains the view of my ass, faded into the darkness. I paused as I held the curtains in both hands, closing them tightly.
With my back to Michael I whispered loud enough to hear; ' No one knows Michael;... no one ' ... I added, as I remained in place still grasping the curtains, awaiting his anxious reply.

I turned and stood close to the sofa gazing at his presence. He knew I was evaluating his response as he shifted nervously in position. I placed my hand on the back of the sofa and began waving my forward thigh. Like the dangling watch of a hypnotist, drawn to the movement,... captivated indeed. Absorbing the attention I remained in place for several minutes raising the level of anticipation immensely. Michael seemed to rattle with nervousness, yet never looked away. He knew I was wrestling with morals and gladly accepting defeat. When he slowly moved a pillow to the side, I walked around and sat down beside him. He seemed to melt as I rested myself against his side. His focus on my lips reddened with lipstick caused me to lick them moist, as I stared into his eyes. That gesture alone stirred him greatly, his facial expression,... catatonic.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek and rested myself against him. I bent my legs and placed them very close,... taunting him even further. His heart was pounding,... and so was mine. As the movie began we both were focused,... anticipating the upcoming scenes. Throughout the movie I caressed a leg, knowing he would certainly notice. Subtle adjustments provided a wonderful view down my blouse which didn't go unnoticed.
I was baiting my Son,... he was eager to strike.

In the movie, the Mother is caught spying on her Son, when he showers. She attempts to retreat even though detected. As she stands in the hallway,... he approaches her in the dark. She embraces him weeping with fear and collapses down to the floor. Her need for pleasure was obvious removing her blouse, casting it to the side. The camera also falls to the floor,... shocked by the image it captures. Two silhouettes dance in the dark,... screwing madly on that floor. Her legs were wrapped around his waist as he gave her what she wanted.
Her cries of admission flood the hallway as she rejoices in his willingness to indulge. Her nails are seen dug into his shoulders, as he thrashed her body well.
I turned and looked directly at Michael, my eyes slanted in lust...

' Did you ever think about that? '... I asked so delicately.

I was certain he wouldn't respond, and I was surely right. Michael sat motionless glued to the image of that Mother,... naked on the floor. His body trembled, his eyes were wide,... then I placed his hand on my leg.

' It happens Michael',... but no one knows '... I whispered,... then looked away.

I was certain Michael would screw me too if the opportunity presented itself.
Michaels ability to remain calm was really fading and fast. His chest began to rise even faster when I placed my hand over his,... as it rested on my leg.

' Not sure if I could go that far ',... I said softly,... gazing at the activity on the screen.

Just knowing his Mother considered it, threw him into a frenzy of arousal. He attempted to regain his composure but my comment,... wasn't easily dismissed. Michael was squirming in his seat,... his Mothers pussy was soaked. I rose form the sofa and stood directly in front of him, as he sat so still. His eyes fell from mine now focused on my bare thighs,... so close to his face. I smiled warmly,... blowing out the candles,... flirtatiously,... one by one. As the room grew darker, Michael grew ever more excited. As the last candle was extinguished I walked back towards the sofa. I reached for his hand, and he stood fast. When I placed my hands on his hips his body began to tremble. I moved in closer now face to face, my nose now bumping his. Then I raised my arms around his neck and whispered into his ear; ' Kiss me Michael ' was all I could manage,... my tilting head prepared.

The tension of that exact moment,... is beyond my ability to describe. The temptation is unbearable, delayed by choice. Our warm breaths collide while the sight of my lipstick, taunts him further. His Mothers eyes were slanted,... telepathically craving. I took a deep breath,... and I kissed his mouth.

A singular burst of passion resonates in my soul, the moment our lips touch. One affectionate peck becomes more invasive, and soon,... I'm french kissing my Son. I was dizzy with apprehension while goosebumps riddled my legs. How does one describe the emotions,... when thrashing his youthful mouth. Michaels hand rose kissing me terribly deep as he held my head so firmly,... our bodies now molded as one. Michael was drawing my saliva, digging in my mouth,... as my knees began to weaken.

Michael seems totally memorized, observing this side of his Mother. His eyes pulsate wildly as if their being controlled by a dimmer switch,... as I continued crossing that line. Feeling Michael grasp my hips arouses his Mother greatly. The sense of realization is strong, riddled with amazement,... driven by lust. Our tongues continued to battle for supremacy trading periods of dominance, yet both victorious. Michaels tongue was fast and furious, while I took a more sensual path. His tempo caused mine to increase shattering my sense of control. His grip in my hips tightened when he realized my sudden shift in aggression. While kissing my Son so deeply,... I cupped my hand over his bulge.
Michaels squeal was silenced, by his Mothers engulfing kiss. My hand was shaking terribly, my palm was firmly pressed. Our forbidden kiss instantly launched itself, into the atmosphere. Michaels knees buckled several times, while his mothers pussy was flooding. Slowly I reached for his hand, removing it from my hip, and guided it towards my chest.
Suddenly I broke from the kiss and nestled my face into his shoulder. I shuddered hard and fought myself, refusing to remove my hand. Michael panted hard as I held his bulge,... shielded only by underwear. With all the nerve I could muster, I extended my fingers to canvas his entire endowment. I pressed my face further into his shoulder, in an effort to hide my reaction. Michael felt mush thicker than his father,... my fingertips now resting just above his balls. The position of control was now in his favor, my panting now unrestricted. Near my wrist lie his massive mushroom, yet still remained unexplored. I tried to gather my breath but the moment was too enticing. I pulled from his shoulders and kissed him deep as an act of total distraction. When I felt his mushroom throbbing head I kissed him deeper in an effort to conceal my findings.

' Jesus Michael '... I whispered.

I gasped pressing myself into his body, feeling his enormous mushroom head. A sudden burst of judgement caused my head to drop in embarrassment, but my hand never got the message.
Now Michael broke from the kiss, traveling down my neck. Sucking and licking his Mothers neck comes at a price indeed. My head fell backward allowing his maiden voyage to continue. My Son is unaware of the effect that has on his Mother,... but soon, he will find out.

The audible moans from the movie are filling our ears fueling the passion,... even more. As I held his cock he ravished his Mothers neck, even driving his tongue in my ear. I was over aroused, my head so dizzy,... my body teetered back and forth, yet anchored by my groping hand. Quickly I removed my hand and stepped back from his embrace. Michaels stance was one of a man who just completed a marathon of sorts... gasping and sweaty.
My blouse was now partially unbuttoned my left breast, exposed as I stood silently in front of him. I motioned for him to sit on the sofa, his raging erection, a sight neither of us, could ignore. When he attempted to hide it, I took the pillow and tossed it far. My motherly instincts returned as I tried my best to remain focused directly into his eyes. I was astonished by this movement, weighing the consequences while fighting the urge to ignore,... his increasing state of arousal.

My train of seduction was right on course. I stared at Michael as I stalked him, encircling him like a pursuant shark. As I stood behind him I took notice of his tented appearance. Michael was unaware of my weaknesses and ravishing my neck,... is a dangerous move. As I lingered behind him, I tugged on his shirt,...

' Take this off '... I whispered,... into his ear.

He nervously began folding it once removed when I grabbed it away, and tossed it to the floor. Michael was captivated staring wildly into his Mothers eyes. He gulped hard, several times, as I purposely gazed directly at his obvious erection. I leaned over and retrieved the remote and turned down the lighting,...only the sounds of forbidden pleasure remained. Ever so slowly, the room grew darker, until total darkness was achieved. Their moans and groans seemed amplified, by the sudden loss of the picture on the screen. Her gasping cries are clearly heard as her Son fucked her wildly, the scene we remember well. I felt my way to the other sofa and rested myself quietly down.

' Can you see me Michael? ' ...I whispered.
' No '... came from a voice, in the dark.

Sitting near the edge of the sofa I paused momentarily absorbing the sexual tension once more. My legs trembled riddled with goosebumps as I caressed them in the dark. Hidden by darkness I slid off my blouse and cast it to the floor, my breasts now free. I raised up slightly and slid my shorts off and dropped them to the floor as well. The absence of light was beneficial. Michaels Mother was now naked, searching for the courage to proceed. As I sat nervously on the edge of the sofa, I pondered my next move.

' Can you see me Michael? ' ... I whispered once more.
' No I can't ' ... came from his lips.

I clenched my hands tight,... my heart, racing. I closed my eyes and yearned for bravery, my words already primed. My open eyes saw only darkness, my mind saw yet a chance.

' Is your underwear on? ' I asked,... so weakly.
' Yes ',... was all I heard.

' Take them off '... he heard from his Mother, my voice, loud and clear.

My eyes struggled to see in the dark, capturing a long overdue image of his cock. I knew he was equally handicapped suffering the same sense of frustration. MY heart rate was stupendous,... my goosebumps high.
Michael tasted his Mothers pussy during our last encounter,... but tonight,... it was my turn.

' Michael '... I whispered.

Instantly he grew louder, his breathing elevated, my voice was now much closer.
When I touched his leg he jumped so fast,.... ' Oh god '... came from Michael,... and twice.

His soft bare knee twitched slightly, as I rested my quivering hand on his knee. My hot breaths began warming his body as I knelt down to my knees,... hidden from his awareness in the dark. With my other hand I held his opposing ankle while I nestled into position.

I firmly held his ankle while my other hand grew closer to his throbbing confession. Like a switch my glands were activated yearning for the taste of his cock. A tickle of saliva fell on his leg as my mouth grew chronically ajar. I reached for where I knew he was laying and cupped his throbbing erection.

Absent detection I lowered down and kissed his thigh softly, and in random spots. Michael hissed with anticipation, his feet now scrambling bad. I placed my hands upon his hips and pulled his body forward.

Once again I battled the voices that were trying to destroy our fun. Michael has needs and I have desires,... both of which are strong. Ravishing my neck is a catalyst,... one he will learn and learn well in time.

As I cupped his package my lips were primed,... glistening in my own saliva. Michael is not aware of his Mothers appetite for oral sex, and is in for a rude awakening. My mouth awaits a courageous hand, and that time was almost here. I returned my hand to his throbbing mass and held it in my hand.

Michaels body shook in response his rapid whispers,... scrambled. Just feeling his throbbing meat in my hand was truly overwhelming, so thick,... so BIG*. My lowered head of embarrassment truly went unnoticed. The darkness of the room,... gave us both freedom of expression.
He could only imagine his Mothers reaction,... yet I could feel his.

' Are you okay? ' ... I whispered.
' Yes, yes,...yes '... came from a voice in the dark.

At this point I don't know who was more excited,... and his squeals were clearly heard.
We were both breathing heavily, I couldn't turn back... I just couldn't. Silently I scooted closer, his knees now bumping my sides. I released my grip from his cock and began feeling his smooth bare chest. With a few subtle adjustments, I was now right between his legs. The scent of his nakedness was enticing, I'm sure he recognized a shift in my pheromones, yet tainted by perfume as well. When I began planting soft kisses on his stomach,... he had to know what I wanted. No longer able to conceal my arousal became so beneficial. My soft kisses became licks, progressing further downward. It was clear that the tables were turned tonight,... and his mother wanted a treat. Michaels stomach rose and flexed as I grew closer to his stuff. My soft blonde hair swept his belly as I lowered myself even further. I closed my eyes,... and pressed my face into his groin.

' God Yes '... came from a voice in the dark.

I pressed Michael back into the sofa,... my hands now on his chest. The scent of his manhood drove me insane, his soft pubes tickling my face. Just feeling his shaft pressed against my cheek was almost too much to bare. Never once did I engage as I continued priming his mind, as well as my own. The darkness concealed my lustful expression, riddled with hesitation. I was intoxicated by his scent while his mushroom head danced as it brushed past my lips. He ravished my neck,... now it's time to pay.

I opened my hands and placed them firmly onto his chest, while I further tickled his groin with my hair. I slid my face along his shaft as he gasped,... uncontrollably. My will to keep my mouth sealed was truly eroding and fast. My lips began to part as I pressed my face so willingly into his nest. That image stored in my mind the day I slid his blanket aside flashed quickly,... and so did I.
Covered by darkness, I wet my lips. I gazed upward but could see no face. I took a deep breath and trailed my tongue up his shaft with a wet singular lick.

' Oh god ! '.... Michael cried.
' Oh god ! ',... he added.

I retracted my tongue quickly savoring the first taste so hungrily, pressed against my pallet. I waited a few seconds, and then I did it again. Goosebumps rose quickly on my thighs as I slid a hand down and grasped his shaft and firmly.

' Do you want me to stop? ' ... I asked.
' Oh no,... please don't ',... he said in a full tone,..... 'please don't '... echoed in the dark.

Absent detection I prepared myself sliding even closer, as I moistened my lips. The sounds of slapping flesh radiate from the TV as that mother and son fuck wildly on the kitchen floor, adding fuel to our fire.

' Do you hear that Michael,... they are screwing '... I said,... knowing their moans offered validation.

Michael was completely shocked by my comment, his breathy mix so loud. I lowered my head and opened my mouth, I couldn't wait any longer.

' May I give you a,...'Yes!',... he cried out.

Like a beating drum, my heart was racing. Michael is about to witness a side of his Mother he didn't know existed. No Son could accurately predict or even consider the thought his Mothers sexual capabilities in the bedroom. His entire outlook is about to change, his innocent perception of me will be altered, and that time has now arrived.

I closed my eyes, yet I don't know why,...
I warmed his balls exhaling purposely to indicate my position.
His soft pubic hairs brushed my chin as I ran my tongue right up his shaft.
Michaels sighs were like that of a tire,....loosing air,... a continual hiss.
I extended my tongue further allowing myself to cover his massive head with a coating as well, as I licked my way north. When my tongue ran across that beautiful mushroom,... his body twitched,... and he shot his load !

' Aaaaahhhhhhh'.... came from Michael, his body convulsing wildly.
' Michael !! ' ... I whispered,... hearing splats of cum land on his chest.

His massive shaft pulsated well, his jets of cum I felt being jettisoned.

' Jesus Mother,... Jesus ! '... he cried out,... gripping my arm tight.
' Oh Michael ',... I whispered, still clenching his hardened cock, pulsing away in delight.

Michael twisted and squealed as he emptied his balls onto his chest.
The moment came fast and so did my thought.

' Oh Mother,... Jesus mom ',... he said in the dark.

' My oh my '... I said, as I leaned into his body, my breasts sweeping his warm cum aside.

Targeting his mouth by his breath, I kissed him softly several times. Feeling his lips kiss me back is always sensational, beyond this mothers words. I rested myself against him sharing a deeper emotional kiss. Entangling my tongue with his is indescribable, from a mothers perspective, naughty, delicious. He premature explosion was expected yet frustrated him greatly. His warm cum was now crusted to my breasts, as we thrashed each others mouths with forbidden precision.
I reassured his doubts, fascinated by his stamina, while whispering things in his ear. His ability to retain his erection was amazing, just like he was in my dream. The scent of his cum was filling my nostrils as we continued to dig in each others mouths. Licking his shaft was way beyond words, but I'm so hungry for more.

He squealed in joy when I slid myself downward, dragging my breasts along his torso. Once again I pressed him back into the sofa, my hands were upon his chest. His warm sticky shaft now bumping itself along the side of my face, and still throbbing madly.
My tongue excited him, that was clear,...
now he knows what I want,... and that time is near....

I've spent many hours just imagining what it would be like to be sitting where I am. Thoughts that occur as I lay in the tub, planning my next move. My entire body rattled with nervousness,... yet hidden from his view.
His craving for sex arouses his Mother, my desire to please him is about to begin. I've taunted Michael for many years, there's no going back,... that door is closed.

As I pressed my face along his groin I extended my tongue, grazing his balls. After a few more passes, I did it again. Michaels hiss, his wanting sighs shattered my my sense of control. I pressed his cock against his belly,... and started by licking his balls.

' Don't step in the shallow end,... dive in the deep' ... I said to myself, as I began bathing his smooth balls well.

Michael squealed with excitement,... his body shook !
My reserve was off, so entrenched with arousal. Quickly I slid the rubber band from my wrist, and tied back my hair,... undetected. I pulled his cock from his belly,... and slid him into my mouth.

My will to stay on pace was destroyed.
Michael gasped loudly when he realized, he was now deep in my mouth.

' Jesus Mother,... yes ! ' ... he cried.

Michaels chorus of moans rang loudly as I shoved his cock so deep. Earlier visions of taking my time were clearly shattered by hunger. I parked Michaels enormous mushroom near my tonsils, as I sucked his shaft aggressively so... with no retraction at all. My mind was washed of all inhibitions as I continued savoring his depth. Michaels girth was sensational, filling my mouth to capacity.
My hunger for this moment became more important, than any level of concern, my delicate approach, was tarnished. I pressed him into the sofa there was no where to run, his plan of escape, nonexistent. His massive head seemed to plunge my throat, smashing my tonsils blue. Out of the darkness, his cries were heard, squeals of joy, his panting wild. He grasped my arm, with a survivors grip as his cock began to swell. The slurping sounds as I caught my breath, drove him over the edge. My will to receive his warm explosion caught me by surprise. He ravished my neck, it comes at a price. His panting became rhythmic and his volume increased, I knew what was coming,... and he did too.

Michael screamed and suddenly so. My eyes were slanted by an internal smile, his mushroom head inflated, he was ready to shoot. When I squeezed his chest, his cock exploded,...

Jets of cum filled my mouth, as Michael screamed, but his words,... scrambled. He blanketed my throat my mouth was filled, I squealed in joy, his cum was so thick *
His pulsating cock threw torrents of cum, what I couldn't swallow, I savored well. Like a wolf, he seemed to howl as I kept him nestled so deep in my mouth. He was delicious, my pallet, strong. His cum was in globs so chewy and thick, a delicious treat for his Mother indeed. My expression was that of a person savoring their favorite treat, sloshing his cum like jello, fondly between my teeth. His volume surprised me, my belly was pleased, salty sweet,... and I swallowed it down.
Michaels body fell limp, yet his stamina remained, his trailing whispers,... fading.

I slowly retreated to the opposite sofa, dazzled with emotions, as I sat quietly fingering myself in the dark.
SO many feelings swept through the room, shaded by darkness,... fueled by desire. I yearned to hear him speak yet I had no words to offer. His sounds of relief echoed indeed, his grateful moans absorbed.
To comprehend what just occurred was almost too much to grasp. I knew he had needs and so did I, but where do I go from here?...

If crossing this fence is so forbidden, they should have built one taller.
There I sat, savoring his cum, my breath so lightly scented.

The movie was over, only we were heard. Having heard no rejection I paused in wait, his gasping cries were fading. I felt so exploited, my talents revealed.
I sat in the darkness,... does he want some too?...

My body was talking, I blame desire,... I want more, my pussies on fire...

His grateful whispers I simply adored, as I prepared another offer. Reaching in the dark I found the lighter
and settled myself into position.
Off to my right was another candle, and like Michael, it's about to be lit.
I slid myself to the edge of the cushion, and parted my legs really wide. Such a devilish smile came upon my face,... as I taunted the lighter with my thumb. I gazed in the darkness, my legs so wide, over run with temptation, his mother waits. I must find a way to initiate with words, my will to speak,... was frightened.
My thumbs on the lighter, I know what he wants,... it's time to light the flame.

He saw it flicker, it caught him off guard. At first he saw nothing, until the flame matured.
A few seconds later,... his panting returned. My silhouette, and his as well appeared in the dark before us.
Perched on the sofa sits his naked Mother, my legs glowing clearly wide.

' Oh god Mother ',... he whispered.
' Oh god '...

Hit by nerves I hid myself behind a thigh,... as his eyes began to adjust. At a loss for words I had nothing to say, but offered invitation. With hesitance fading he slid off the sofa and moved even closer, goosebumps riddled my legs. I was well aware a candle lit view was enticing,... as I swayed my thighs, drawing him in.

Time for confession, and that tine is now.
We spent that evening together in the dark, as the candle burned,... so did we.
My passionate sighs drove him mad,... his squeals were so orgasmic. Trading sofas, fulfilling dreams, yet wonderfully so forbidden. Our whispered cries filled the room,... that candle guiding our way.
We melted together, flesh on flesh in the dark for many hours. Our inhibitions vanished fast out tongues and mouths were busy. He relished in my abilities, while perfecting his own.

His burning desire to experience sex, extended itself to his Mother. As for us, it seems we've found
a route for convenient pleasure. My concern of whom he might explore was truly a contributing factor.
When I noticed him stealing peaks years ago, it was something I had to consider.

Michael is shy and his luck with the ladies wasn't fulfilling his needs. This evenings encounter stunned us both, our desire to continue,... agreed. I have no doubt was he's hoping for, he presses it firmly against me.
We twisted and turned in many positions, but tongues were only at play.
As for myself, I'm very content with just oral but I admit there were times I considered it too. We were side by side, kissing deep when I felt his suggestive grind. Not in position, so I wasn't concerned but the thought just tingled my bones.
Michaels needs are presenting themselves,... which includes screwing his Mother.

When I felt him grind against my thigh his ultimate wish was revealed. There are many bridges yet to cross, before his insertion is welcome. Our moments are fevered, time will tell, my grip on restrictions may weaken.
Michael is dazzled and I am as well. We agreed to continue at his Mothers pace, and I am still the conductor.

It was very important that Michael understands,... his search for mate must continue.
The choice I've made to please his needs must not interfere with his goals. Like every Mother we hope for the best, but I offered an outlet, for his youthful needs.

I rose from the floor about 4 Am, daylight was soon to arrive. Michael was sleeping his naked body, no longer resting to mine. We parted ways, I took a bath,... and we both slept till noon.

The scent of breakfast, woke him fast and a warm embrace we shared.
A series of hugs with a kiss on his cheek,... reminding him, ' I'm still your Mother. '
The sun was shining and so were we, another day had arrived.
I watched him eat his hearty breakfast as my bra,... tumbled in the dryer.
Of course he noticed as he chewed away,... for I'm taunting my Son,... almost every day. / CarrieAnn

Same as Tasting my Son Videos

4 years ago
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This is my first story, so i hope you like it… If you dont please give me advice! thanks!! My name is Kelly and this is the story about me and my cousins best friend Jayson. I was headed over to my cousins house one Friday which was common for me. I was best friends with the girl, Stacy (16) and her older brother was just like a brother to me, Dakota (18). Dakota constantly had hot friends coming over which made their house a common hang-out place for me. But my by far favorite of his...

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Origins of the Personalia

Personalia: their origins and development [The following paper, ( amended from a talk given to the Rehome Historical Society, which later appeared in the "Journal of the Rehome Historical Society", issue no. 73), is a brief historical review by Robert Kempe, junior, of The Personalia from their ancient origin to their present interactions with the human race.] Author: Robert Kempe, eldest son of Governor Bob Kempe and his first wife Diane Enloe. Background of the author: My father has...

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Adventures of Lionel Sondra

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Sexy Soni

Three years back a friend of mine invited me & all our close friends for a get together at her house. She had arranged for a party on her terrace for her friends. I reached at the decided time. I met those whom I knew, because there were few whom I didn’t knew. After sometime the friend who had arranged the party introduced each & everyone to others so that all will comfortable. There i got introduced to a girl call soni (changed as she requested me to do so). She was pretty, long hair till her...

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A Gradual Affair With Soniya

This was not the first time that I would be writing to you my friends but it would be good to hear back from fans of the female variety :-)It was a late summer evening and I had been busy trying to wrap up work at office. The eagerness was more with the anticipation of catching a glance of our new neighbor Soniya. They had moved recently to the same building and shared the same floor so but natural that my wife and I would extend a warm welcome to them and offer any help or support they need to...

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Bobby8217s Friend Sonal

Dear Friends this is Bobby Bob here again. I am 37/m from Delhi. I am tall 6’1” and people say I am handsome. I am thankful to the ISS and the readers of ISS who have reverted back with a positive note. It was around 15 days back I met a very old friend Sonal nearly after 13 years. She was the receptionist there and I was into sales. We were very close friends and share our problems and happiness. She was a tall girl with nice features. We also got many opportunities to fondle with each other...

3 years ago
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A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotchless black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...

2 years ago
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A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless, legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotch-less black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...

2 years ago
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                                       So back to my past, it’s 1985 and I have started collage. The occupation I was pursuing isn’t relevant, so I will not elaborate on it. My intention here is to share my sexual adventures with likeminded adults, like yourself, so I will not bore you with the irrelevant. I had broken things off with “Spankie, my first submissive girlfriend” (See story for details.) and was making a fresh start on life. What life I had anyway. You see, for those of you who...

2 years ago
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Enjoyment with two friends neetu and soni

At present Soni is married & has a beautiful daughter like her. We had sex after her marriage also, but the frequency has reduced. Anyway this time I will tell you my sex experience which took place because of Soni. She dint help me by purpose. But her act ended in helping me eventually. Soni still now have no idea about this. Because I feel that such relations are better when they are kept a secret.This is about having sex with a friend Neetu who had introduced me & Soni at her party....

3 years ago
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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

4 years ago
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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

3 years ago
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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

3 years ago
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Hi this is Sonali my friend Paul wanted to post this story to other site but in between that I saw that he is sending story in which heroin is I but he still doesn’t know that I sent this story to ISS Michael picked Viplove and Sonali up in his car at ten o’clock that morning. “You understand,” he said as he drove them to the Supermarket, “that if you wish to become members of the club you have to do exactly what I tell you to do during the next twenty eight days?” Viplove and Sonali sat in...

1 year ago
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L8 Night with Lionel and Sondra

He was late coming home — later than usual. Sondra fell asleep on the couch, waiting up for him. She didn’t hear the engine, or even the door opening. Lionel awakened her with a soft kiss. ‘You waited up for me.’ ‘Oh, baby,’ she yawned and stretched, then sat up and hugged him tightly. ‘Welcome home. Are you hungry? You want me to fix you something?’ ‘I’ll get it. Why don’t you go on to bed? I’ll be in in a little bit.’ ‘Okay,’ she sleepily agreed and swayed off down the hall. Lionel was...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Hot Milf Mom Sonam

Helio this Adam Matthews from Mumbai.This story is about my best friends mom Sonam.   I was feeling quite hot after driving to sam’s house. Since his family had moved to another village, we didn’t see each other as often. I was looking forward to hanging out with him. We had a similar taste in music and sport, so there was always plenty to talk about. I parked my bike around the side of the house before ringing the front doorbell. Mrs Sonam, sam’s mom, opened the door. I hadn’t seen her for a...

4 years ago
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Fucked Sexy Sonal

Hi Friends, mera naam Amit hai. I m 22 year old handsome guy studying engineering in last year at pune.Till 21 i never experienced sex because i didnt have girlfriend. I was bit shy guy, Aur mere maximum dost jinke pass girlfriend thi mujhe hamesha unke sex life ke baare me bata the, aur unki baate sunkar mein hamesha excite ho jaata tha. Aur mujhe bhi chodne ka bada mann karta tha lekin uske liye ladki ko patana bahot zaroori tha. Hamari class ki bahot saari ladkiya mujhe line deti thi lekin...

2 years ago
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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

2 years ago
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Professor Sanderson

The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...

3 years ago
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Relationship With Hot Coworker Sonam

Hi, this is Kumar. After being a long time reader of sex stories on various sites, I got an urge to share my story with you all. I am a teacher by profession, working in a private institute in Pondicherry as a principal with a nice salary.Pondicherry is a beautiful place for living and drinking. It was a summer vacation when this incident took place. My coworker name’s Sonam. She is a perfect babe with a perfect figure and having a physical status of 34- 28- 34 which I came to know later. She...

2 years ago
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MumthazShilpa and Sonali

Hi friends, I am Ravi Sreedhar, I am 19Year-old, 5' 6" in height and doing my graduation. I was staying with my brother who was Lt.Col in Army and was studying in Delhi for Degree first year when this terrific incident here is happened. My first sexual experience was with my cousin sister as well as teacher Latha aged 23 [Uncles daughter] at the age of 16. We had a wonderful period of 2 years. During that time we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She was more interested...

3 years ago
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Fun With Sonam

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences. It’s been a while since I have written my experiences on ISS. I had shared my experiences before and now sharing yet another one. This happened couple of months back. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 27, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC. It’s been a smooth going life for me. I don’t believe in paying or receiving...

3 years ago
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The Story of Sonja

THE STORY OF SONJA It was 4 a.m on Tuesday morning, and like everymorning Sonja was lying on the cold floor of her cell naked except for hermetal Chastity belt. Like clock work, Sonja was awakened by the sound ofa female guard screaming "wake up slave". Instinctively, Sonjaassumed a kneeling position and said "slave is awake Mame".Onceshe acknowledged she was awake, the guard opened her cell and laid a bowlof corn meal and water in front of Sonja and said "You have 5 minutes-eat" andthen the...

2 years ago
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New Black Servant Sonu

Hello everyone this is Ramlal . This is my first story in ISS . this story is dedicated to all the juicy ladies and to all the vergin’s who are still dreaming of having sex and to all the penis holders , hold yourself tight to go on sexual adventure with me in this real story of mine . This incident happened with my sister , who later shared it with me , as I and my sister don’t hide anything from each other . Now hear this story in the words of my sister . Here goes the story : Hello Friends I...

4 years ago
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Olivia and Victor Ellison

I looked at the wall clock. She still wasn't home, and it was ten till midnight. I'd gotten home an hour earlier after having been abandoned by her at her company's, Homestead Interior Design and Furnishings, party. She's an agent for them: she deals with department stores buying such. At any rate, she'd simply just up and left with some guy while I was in the bathroom. The she is my wife, Olivia Ellison, and her current level of disrespect is highly likely to put an end to that little...

3 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 3 Bhide Aur Sonu

Namaste aap sabko aur ayie mere 3rd part of story mein. I hope ki aapko pehle 2nd part pasand aye honge. Aur agar nahi padhe toh please padh le toh ek si link set ho jayegi. Yeh sari stories tab ki hai jab sare bache bade ho gaye hai. Toh aab main aata hu sidha story pe. Jaise ki apne 2nd part mein halki si jhalak li ki Sonu aur Bhide chudai kar rahe the apni bedroom mein jab Madhvi nahi thi. Toh ayie dekhte hai ki kaise in dono ki sex life ki shuruat hui. Toh ek din hua yuh ki Sonu ke 12th...

2 years ago
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To Addison, sex was a mystery. She was very curious about it starting in her teen years, but many of her questions about it went unanswered. She was raised in a home where the subject was rarely discussed, and when it was, she was warned that having sex was something she should wait to do until after she was married. Her parents were conservative, religious people and her only sibling was nearly eight years younger than her and being her brother, she never even dreamed of talking about the...

1 year ago
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Tmkoc Episode 12 Bhide Aur Sonu

Hi, this is humraaj88, back after a long break with the much-awaited continuation of my series TMKOC. Before getting into the story, I would like to thank everyone who liked and responded well to my emails. And for those who are new, my email id is Toh jaisa ki aap jante hai Sonu train mein Payal ke sath washroom mein chali jaati hai. Jaise hi Sonu washroom mein pahunchti hai Payal door lock kar deti hai. Sonu ko lips pe kiss karne lagti hai. Sonu bhi sab bhool kar ache se respond karti hai...

3 years ago
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Cricket With My Sister Sonali

My Sister, Sonali, had turned 19 just last week. As much as I loved her as an elder brother, I had to admit her big bosom always left me surprised. They were definitely sized 36 and always looked huge. She had proper busty melons, and for somebody of her age it was an unbelievably sized pair of hooters to own. Sonali, however, always managed to keep it covered,hidden and look less voluptuous on most occasions. But at home, it was just impossible. Firstly you do not always wear uncomfortable...

3 years ago
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My Best Teenage Girlfriend Sonu

Hi friends This is Prem , I am 24 now , this is a two year old story , I was in MBA first year , I mate SONU who was living near my hostel room, she was 18 yrs old but very bold with big boobs. All of we friends use to watch her moving everyday , and she was also very innocent, One of friend set her and they started dating , but soon she got broke up with him and I noticed that she was attracted to me… One day I was going to my room and I saw her changing dress , I stopped and started...

3 years ago
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Fun With My Crush Colleague Sony

Hello, Greetings!! ISS and Readers, Sub: How I enjoyed with my colleague Ref: Hemo, I’m back with fresh story this is my first Office story, those who don’t know about me let me introduce to them. This is Hemanth from Hyderabad (South India) if you want to know more about me then read my previous stories (I don’t like to waste your time so that I said like that), I hope you like them. In this story I’m expressing the fun happened between me and my colleague. I was working in a social service...

1 year ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

1 year ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

4 years ago
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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

1 year ago
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Aunt Sonja

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am driving across country to attend a funeral of a family member and all I could think about was a woman. Sonja, that was her name. The thought of her name alone stirs an emotion in me that time will never quiet. It’s been several years since I felt her skin, smelled her perfume and tasted her essence. She ruled over me even though she never wanted to be my queen. I lived for the opportunity to feel her passion and take her as my own. But there was...

2 years ago
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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that under the covers, she probably still had her silk nightdress...

3 years ago
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My trip the Texas to see my black master Tyson

As in the previous story I meet Tyson at the apartment the I shared with my husband Tim. Tyson was the second man I had ever had sex with and the 1st black male. I was his and he could use me anyway he deemed fit. As stated in my pervious story Tyson moved to Texas and I really missed him. My husband knowing now that I was a BBC cum slut knew I missed him. One day out the blue I got a call form Tyson telling me I needed to get on a plane and get to Texas ASAP. He had something lined up and he...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on.I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Addison

Thanks for taking the time to read my little story. All characters in this story are over consensual age and are fictitious.“Daddddyyyy!” Addison whined. “Hurry up we’re going to be late.” “It’s not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot huh?” Her father said nearly laughing. "But Daddy!" She whined again. "We need to go and you're taking too long. I'm going to get another tardy at school!" "I'll do it when I'm good and ready baby." "Ooooh…" Addison growled in frustration. She changed...

4 years ago
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Saving Sonya

The weekend was rapidly coming to a close. It never really lasts long enough, and on this Sunday night, facing a busy working week, I sent my weekend fuck home and decided to turn in early for a good night’s sleep.After showering and tidying the bathroom, I climbed into bed. Thankfully, my weekend fuck had changed the sheets. We’d sure made a mess. When that bitch gets off — damn, she floods the place, squirting like no female I’ve ever known. All I have to do is curl my fingers up inside her...

2 years ago
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Sex With Sexy Virgin Sony

Hi ISS readers this is arun, age 28, now am living in Pune. I am reading ISS stories since 4 years and now got courage to share my sex experience with you all. Thanks to all readers and publishers for giving this opportunity to share my real incidence with you all. This real incident happens exactly 3 years before with my best friend Sony. Well I am from Coimbatore, I did my studies in Coimbatore itself, and I got job in Delhi I went to Delhi in may 2007 n stayed with my friend Raj, I met Sony...

3 years ago
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Jenny and the Johnsons

Jenny and the JohnsonsIt is fair to say that the tale of Jenny and the Johnsons is a little unusual. It comprises of many different incidents, some of which are brief and others more protracted; most - it will please readers to learn - are filled with wild sexual escapade, which, on occasion, border the realm of the bizarre. Before delving into these events, I will give some background regarding our main character, Jenny Harrington, beginning with a description of her physical appearance. Jenny...

3 years ago
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Purple Pills 2 David Becomes Sonya

"Purple Pills 2 - David Becomes Sonya" David looked at the pills laid out on his table. There were ten of the oval-shaped pills in all, each one holding the chemical compounds to restructure his DNA and turn him into ten different girls. Just last night his friend Mark had surprised the group and turned half of them into girls, and David had turned into a skinny teenage girl with a great body. He'd acted pissed off in front of everyone, but secretly he had wanted to explore his...

3 years ago
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The Delightful Miss Lawson

      Lisa, stood at her bedroom window watching her neighbor Miss Lawson sun-tan. I can't believe she has such a great body, even though she's in her 40's. Lisa thought this everytime she saw her neighbor. In fact she envied her, for her large breasts, which Lisa often wondered how they felt. If  there was ever anyone Lisa wished to look like, it was Miss Lawson.      Heading down the stairs, she checked the phone for messages. There were none. Her parents wouldn't call until later. They had...

2 years ago
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No Choice of Hobson

Hobson's choice from the other perspective:It was Monday morning and the Executive Board meeting was finally coming to a close. I had allowed my mind to wander back to the session I had enjoyed in the car with my driver this morning. My nipples still aching a little from her teeth marks as she savaged my petite breasts while I shoved my fingers deep inside her. I could still smell her juices faintly on my fingers as I ran them under my nose.“Well Lily,” Mike the CEO stated as we arrived at the...

3 years ago
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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 4 Loving Sonya

I tossed around the bed all night trying to decide what I should do about Sonya and in the end I realized that I loved her to much let her go without a fight. I felt that in time, if Sonya was true to her word I would be able to forgive her but I knew that it would be difficult for a while. On Sunday Sonya and I avoided each other around the house all day and barely spoke to each other at dinner. Monday was even harder than Sunday. All day Monday all I could do was worry about what Sonya...

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 2 Meeting Mrs Stinson

February 1, 2000 Dutch was nursing a Budweiser and watching a Duke play North Carolina State for the second time that season. The ACC tournament was coming up in just a few days and he was trying to get a look at as many teams as possible before the NCAA's. He heard Rosa's car pulling into the garage. A minute later, Rosa was standing next to him. He rose up and kissed her. "Missed you baby," he said. "Sure you did, and with the game on too," she said, glancing at the large screen...

1 year ago
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation, you knew many would consider wrong? No, I’m not talking murder wrong, so calm down, dear reader. I guess to tell this story right; I have to begin at the beginning of my story. A while back (no, I’m not telling you when, as for all I know, the wrong person or people are reading this) I was helping a friend move into her new place. Now, I know, helping a friend move isn’t a bad thing, but it was what happened after that was, well, so to speak. My...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 17 Cadet Olafson

The orange haired woman took the mirror thing from her face as I left the Admirals office and she leaned forward over her desk. “There is a washroom right over there.” I gave her a thankful smile. After I had freshened up I asked her.” How did you know I needed to go?” She smiled.” I am Cheeka and I come from Phantas. “She said that as if it would explain everything. Her purple eyes sparkled amused and she added. “Phantas is an old Terran Colony, much like Nilfeheim and we all have Psionic...

2 years ago
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Mike and MalokChapter 7 Sonya

"What do you mean?!" I thought loudly in my head. "I don't have time to explain. Do you remember the story you told Lyna about the mate you 'lost'?" asked Malok. "Yeah." "She's that mate." "But Sonya..." "I'll tell you more later, but for now treat her like Lyna and love her like Sonya, OK?" "OK." My arriving family awakened me from my internal dialogue. "Mike, who is this?" asked Lyna. I smiled, while hugging 'Soya' to me tightly. "This is my long lost...

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The New StartChapter 27 Sonya

Xtos grudgingly ceded respect to the six humans that had escaped its city of robots. After the single robot had returned and reported the discovery of the survivors it had sent several expeditions to destroy these puny humans. None of these expeditions had returned. In the course of their search they had discovered the village of the Silka's and destroyed it. A few of the humans had escaped but had been hunted down and killed. Some of them had fled through a pass in the mountain chain but...

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Vinnies World 1 Sonya

The Sunset's my home. It's not like your home. There's no picket fence on a nice quiet street, no neighbor kids playing next door, and no dogs barking in the back yard. But my world isn't like your world. My family isn't like your family. If it were, I'd know your family and you'd know me. I'm Vincent Costello. Call me Vinnie. I grew up in an Italian neighborhood on the crowded and dirty streets of the city. Street ball. Street toughs. The parish church and school two blocks away....

2 years ago
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation, you knew many would consider wrong? No, I'm not talking murder wrong, so calm down, dear reader. I guess to tell this story right; I have to begin at the beginning of my story. A while back (no, I'm not telling you when, as for all I know, the wrong person or people are reading this) I was helping a friend move into her new place. Now, I know, helping a friend move isn't a bad thing, but it was what happened after that was, well, so to speak. My...

2 years ago
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Aajker Sondhe Shudhu Dipika R Songe

Ami Raja Kolkata e thaki, unmarried, Kolkatar e ekta MNC te kaaj kori, amar boyos 30 height 5’8” ektu golgaal average chehara. Je ghotona ta apnader kaache uposhapon korte cholechi seta bochor khanek aager ghota… Amar ei jibone khub kom meye e eseche karon ami se bhabe kauke dekhtam naa…Kintu sedin, office theke, berobar somoy assistant Mili jiggasa korlo “Ki Rajada kothay jacchen???” Ami or answer ta na diei bollam tomer ki lift lagbe sune bollo “bhaloi to hoy” Ami oke namate raji hoy gelam...

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The Adventures With Mr Ferguson

Mr Ferguson is beyond gorgeous. He is a mixed man, with gorgeous green/hazel eyes. I'm pretty sure he isn't married, but even if he was, I really wouldn't care. He is pretty tall, about 6'2" and has very well-defined, broad shoulders. You can just see Mr. Ferguson's bulging biceps peep through his orange shirt and his massive cock in his khakis. Every girl in my grade wanted him. He looked so gorgeous today. I could just feel me getting aroused looking at him in front of the class. I felt like...

Oral Sex
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Sonja ist knapp 19 Jahre alt, 45 kg leicht mit ihren 165 cm und ein typisches deutsches blondes Mädchen. Sie hat gerade den Kinosaal verlassen und ist mit ihren Gedanken noch bei Ostwinds Abenteuern. Gedankenverloren wandert Sonja zur U-Bahn-Station als er sie anspricht. „Na Baby, wie wärs mit einem Drink mit mir nach dem Film ?“ Sonja schaut auf und blickt auf den kräftigen Türken, Schnauzbart, deutlich größer als sie und muskulös. Die Sonne war untergegangen . Sanfter Nieselregen läuft über...

1 year ago
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Staying late with Mr Carlson

My name's Alex. When I was 18 I was your typical teen. I was about five foot eight with spiked blond hair and a slender build. My abs were in pretty good shape. My cock was about eight inches. I had a history teacher named Mr. Carlson who was hot as hell. I sat in the front row, so when he walked around the room his crotch was always level with my eyes. He was over six feet tall. Really muscular. Short, brown hair. And a fairly large bulge that I had seen more than once. One day, I had soccer...


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