Poilice free porn video

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“I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness, in misery
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness, in misery.”
I feel like screaming as I gun the engine, hitting 70 easily. Part of me knows I shouldn’t be proud of such speed but with the music and my mood, I need it. I want it. I want speed and power and danger. Fuck I want something else!
Something else pulls up behind me. “Fuck.” I groan as I see the police car, sirens quickly telling me to pull over.
With a sigh, I pull to the side of the road and turn down my music, waiting for the officer to come over to my window. “Hello officer.”
“Good afternoon madam. Do you know why I’ve pulled you over?”
“I’m guessing it’s because I was doing 70 in a 50 zone?” I confess sighing. “And I am sorry. But this road was quiet and my iPod was playing a super song and I’ve had a hell of a day…” I stop myself from rambling. “Look, I am sorry.”
I glance up at the officer and I’m glad to see he’s smiling. “It’s alright madam. But would you mind coming with me to my car for a moment?”
“Yes officer.” I nod, taking my keys and stepping out, making sure I pull my shirt and skirt into place as I walk back to the other car. Like a gentleman, the officer opens the back door before getting in the front.
For a moment I think I’m just going to have some details taken but then the car comes to life and he begins to drive. I blink in surprise, quickly putting on my seat belt. “Umm, where are we doing officer?”
“You said you you’ve had a hell of a day? Well, I’m going to make it better for you.” His eyes shift to the rear mirror, looking back at me. “We won’t go far, don’t worry, just off the main road.”
I stare in amazement before a smile comes to my lips. “I see.” Is all I say.
As said, the drive is short, only to in a nearby field off a side road, the engine turning off but either of us move, just the officer’s eyes stare into the rear mirror at me. “Take your top off.”
I blink. “What?”
“Didn’t you hear me?”
“Yes sir.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
I bite my lip and smile as I reach down to the hem of the t-shirt and in one quick movement I have it stripped off, just a powder pink bra that makes my breasts perk up then plunge. I can’t believe I did it but I’m glad I did; I can see the smile on his lips.
“Very sexy.”
A smile comes to my own lips. “Thank you.”
“Take the bra off now.”
I swallow and nod, reaching back and undoing the clips and stripping it off, it joins my shirt on the floor.
The smile grows. “Well, aren’t you a good girl, doing what you’re told.”
“Well my mother always told me to do what the police tells you.”
“Wise words. Now, I want you to play with them.”
I gulp softly and nod. “Alright.” I reach up to my chest and gently squeeze them, rolling them around and wiggling them. I swallow a pleased moan as I do, moving my fingers up to the tits and beginning to twist them between my fingers, eyes closing as I pinch them a bit more.
I keep my eyes closed and get more and more into it, feeling my tits get harder, moaning a little.
My eyes snap open and look up to see the officer’s eyes in the mirror are filled with a hunger and his hand is clearly on his lap. I smile and lower my hands, waiting.
He nods then climbs out the car, throwing off his hat to the passenger seat and opens the rear door. I look and right there, at eye level, is a thick long cock poking out of the trousers from the fly. “Well? You going to sort this out?”
I nod, reaching out and wrapping one hand around the cock and another on his hip to steady myself. I’m quick, don’t even hesitate in licking the tip, feeling a salty pre-cum on my lips but then I open my mouth and take the tip. I close my lips around it tight and ease my way down slightly.
I suddenly find there is a hand on the back of my head, pressing me further forwards and down, the cock being almost rammed to the back of my throat. I fight back the gag reflex and swallow, my head being pulled and pushed forwards and back, the rhythm out of my control but I hold on tight to the hips and enjoy the taste.
One hand releases my head and reaches down for my breasts, grabbing it as it hangs down, squeezing it tight and stretching it out. I moan onto the cock at the delightful feeling and continue to suck and swallow, coming off to breath, I lick from base to tip once more. I only just hear the sweet dirty words being said as I do.
“Oh fuck you are a dirty little slut. You like that don’t you? Oh yeah, suck it off.”
The words make me feel so hot that I make myself go all the way to gagging point, feeling him play with my hair, caressing it. At the back of my mind I realise that this is what I needed; to be fucked.
Suddenly it’s gone; taken from my mouth with a near vicious movement. I look up at my officer and see him smile, reaching over and so softly caressing my cheek. “Would you mind if I fucked you in a field?”
I think about it then smile. “No. I wouldn’t.”
“Good. Then get out.”
I swallow softly and climb out of the car, standing there topless to the world. He smiles and reaches for my skirt, reaching over it and grabbing my ass, using it to pull me forwards so our hips crash together, my chest pressed to his uniform. I stare in amazement but then smile, reaching up and caressing his cheek as he had caressed mine. I smile a little more and stand on my toes, pecking his lips.
The officer smiles such a lovely smile that it makes my heart flutter and my legs tremble, although that could also be due to the erection pressed against me.
His hands resume their grope, squeezing my ass cheeks before stepping back and leaning on the side of the car. “Take your skirt off my pretty.” He says with a cocky smirk.
I tip my head then reach for the zip.
I look up, surprised that a man who’s been in such a hurry so far suddenly wants to slow. He gives me a wink. “I want you to tease me.”
With a deep breath, I nod slowly in agreement and reach for my zip again but this time in a slower manor, inching the zip down bit by bit, undoing the button, letting it slide down over my ass before it drops to the ground at my feet. Stepping out of it, I kick it to the side, leaving myself in pair of matching pale pink panties.
I stand there, in the middle of a field, looking at the officer with a smile and a shy shift of my hips.
He nods. “Panties.”
“What about them?”
“Do I have to tell you?”
“You’ve told me what to do so far.”
His smile grows. “A very obedient girl, aren’t you. Very well, take your panties off and give them to me.”
In the same teasing style, I pull them down, bending forwards as I keep hold step slowly out, holding them in one hand. Naked to the world, I step forwards and pass them to the officer, placing them in his waiting hand. “Happy, officer?”
“Extremely.” He says, putting them in his shirt pocket before undoing the buttons, letting it hang open. I gaze at his chest then at his cock as it stands at firm attention between us. His hand comes up and lifts my chin, staring into my eyes before turning us around so I’m leant on the car. He pushes me back slowly and bends a little, putting his hands behind my knees and lifting me up so my ass near slaps on the roof of the car.
His hands guide my legs to wrap around his hips and I bite my lip as I feel the tip rubbing on the entry between my legs but his attention is more on my chest, leaning down and kissing the point between my breasts, taking over where I left off earlier, teasing them, letting his tongue lazily circle the peaks. I let out a moan at the sensation and run my hands back in his hair and down his back. As a reward, or punishment, I can’t be sure, he bites one and pulls on it. I groan louder and arch my back, pressing my hips forward.
The other gets the same treatment and I just feel like I’m melting, getting fucked by this officer of the law.
He leans back and begins plucking the hard at my nipples, pinching and pulling them quickly until they slip. I feel almost like a cow being milked by such an action.
Then he kneels down, going to his knees so his head his level with the side of his car and my open pussy. I blush as I feel him stare at me, stare at the pink folds and no doubt the shiny liquid that’s leaking out.
I’m about to reach out and stop his gaze when he licks it.
He licked my pussy! Oh it was the hottest sensation I can remember but he does it again and again, sucking on it, his hands coming up to spread it, a finger caressing the edge while the tongue rolls around out and in.
His mouth is heavenly as he continues to go, his lips getting a little faster and a little more aggressive as they lick, his hand slapping my entry in hopes of forcing more juice out for him.
My eyes are shut when I feel a finger slip inside, bending upwards and beginning to rub soft flesh the tongue couldn’t reach.
Then a second joins the first, entering all the way up to the joint it goes so deep. I moan but it gets louder as the pumping sensation begins, fingers a poor substitute for the cock I’d had in my mouth.
But then they begin to shift, going outwards, spreading outwards. I gasp as I feel muscles pull and stretch. Then the fingers are gone but then a hand reaching around my hip, pulling me upwards.
I’m looking at my officer now and he smiles, his hand, still coated in my juice, inching his way down my ass towards… oh shit!
I gasp as I feel the first finger push into my rear hole. I close my eyes and feel my body want to scream at the moment. Oh it feels good!
Then another. The second finger gets slipped in beside the first.
A kiss on my neck is a soft reminder and I can’t help but kiss the cheek that kissed me.
“Your such a good dirty girl.” Is whispered in my ear. “I wanna fuck you in all your holes; fill you with so much hot cum you won’t be able to walk without it leaking out.”
The words, the promise is hot. I burn at the breath on my neck and wiggle a little. I want it. I want to have his cum in each whole.
I feel the fingers in my ass shift again, stretching it out, preparing me.
Then I feel them pull away, being near ripped from my still tight asshole.
I look at him as he stands before me but his eyes are on my front hole then he nods. “I’m gonna cum on your face first.” He decided before reaching up and grabbing my wrists in each hand. “But first…” he steps back and turns me around, slamming me face first onto the bonnet of the car. My eyes widen as I feel him pull my arms back behind me.
Then there is a bold ‘click, click’ sound and I feel something cold and metal on my wrists. I realise that I’ve been cuffed as I’m turned back around and forced off the car, down to my knees and I can only look in want at the cock before my eyes.
“Open your mouth.” The officer orders, one hand on his cock, the other on my cheek, guiding it into position.
I swallow and open my mouth, keeping it as wide as I can. The cock is put back into my reach, rubbing against my lips before slowly edging in, my mouth closing around it as we return to what we started in the car but this time I can feel the build up, the want to cum, the need for release. With my hands handcuffed behind me I can only use my mouth but I suck and suck and suck, listening to the dirty words that give me a clue.
“Ah. Yeah. Ah yeah fuck! That’s so good. You’re such a good bitch. Yeah, suck it. Take it deeper. Yeah, Oh yeah you little slut. Fuck toy! You want it don’t you. You wanna swallow my cum? Yeah, I know you do. I’m gonna let you. See if you can swallow it all. Go on, yeah, swallow it all.”
I’m going so fast back and forth now that I feel like a blur but I still feel it, the twitch, the leak in my mouth. I stop suddenly about half way down and feel it as it comes in. One, two three squirts of salty fluids. Then another. And another. I swallow what’s in my mouth and pull back slightly just as another two hit and it’s shot into my face.
I pant for breath and another comes! This one shoots down, covering my tits.
The officer is panting for breath, coming down from his climax but I know he has more in him. He said himself, all three holes. Well that was one down.
I stand, not easy to do with your hands tied behind your back, and look at him, breasts heaving as I watch him.
With a sure smile he grabs a breast in each hand and begins to toy with them once more, harder than before, smacking at them, twisting and pulling at them. He tries to milk them again before pulling them as far as they can go and letting go, watching them bounce back into place, now slightly redder than before.
He steps into my space again and grabs my ass, lifting me back to the car bonnet, this time lining himself up with my pussy. His hand spreads the folds of flesh while the other grips his shaft, rubbing it up and down the soaked hole.
“Say you want it.” He whispers, teasing me as he does. “Go on, tell me how much you want me.
How I’m meant to think, let alone come up with a reply is beyond me as I wiggle, wanting it. I groan lowly. “I want it! I want it more than anything! Please! Please give it to me! I need it. I’ll die without it.”
Maybe a bit dramatic but it does the job. I hear a laugh and it slips in a fraction. I can’t remember the last time I had such a good feeling but I want it more.
I buck my hips a little and feel the cock slip in a fraction more. I feel frustrated at the lack of action. “No! No please! Please move! I want it! I want it deep in me. I want it to fuck me! Fuck me hard! I want that nice long hard cock deep inside me and filling me with cum!”
It twitches inside me and I know I hit a hit point. I nod several times. “Yeah, I want you to cum in me, I want you to fill me with it. Please? Please make me cum? Let me make you cum?”
“You’ll make me cum anyway.” He says in a lustful chuckle. “And I’m gonna cum in you if you want it or not.”
And with that, he thrusts in, hard fast and all the way. I hear his ballsack slap wetly on my skin but then he pulls back. It’s a fast, jerky fuck, his hands on my hips for a bit but then on seeing breasts bounce he grabs one and squeezes it, still never loosing pace.
I rock my hips with each thrust and keep my pussy clamped tight around the glory inside me as it is sucked out, thrust in, pulled back, rammed forwards over and over again at such a dizzy speed. I feel my own climax coming and I begin to moan lowly. Finally, as it comes closer and closer, I confess. “I-I-I’m g-gonna… gonna…” I can’t get my words out I’m so breathless.
He appears to guess what I mean to say and if possible speeds up even more, his hand caressing the outside clit and other grabbing my shoulder, pulling me in and forwards so we’re face to face. I kiss his neck and shoulder with as much lust and wanting as I can. The change in position just hits the right spots and tips me I’ve the edge, I gasp and feel my climax wash downwards and over the cock that is still going a hundred miles an hour into me.
Breathing sharp, hot and seamy body before me, I know he’s not got long before it hits. I keep my pussy tight, I rub my hands down his back, I kiss his neck and I rock with each trust.
Finally I hear the tell tell strangled sound of ‘ahh-‘ and feel more hot cum enter me. He’s pushed as far forward as he can, ensuring every drop is kept inside me. It feels good and when the cop pulls out his cock, I want to cover it to ensure nothing leaks.
He slips out and stands, his lovely member only a little limp. He’s clearly got amazing stamina to keep going like this. I looked at the cock and smile. “Want me to… Clean it up?”
“Why, its only going to get dirty when it goes in your ass.” He huffs with that same confident smile. “Now, how to do your last hole humm?”
I sit on the edge of the car and swallow, waiting for his anwser.
Finally he smiled and pulls me forward, pressing my lips to his, a firm kiss that leaves my head spinning and heart skipping a beat.
“I want you on top.”
That surprises me but I don’t really care as we kneel. He still leaves me cuffed as he lies on the grass and dirt by the car and positions me over him, making me face away from him for some reason.
“Bend forwards.”
Now I know why. I bend forwards and my last untouched hole is exposed. He can see it.
A finger probs, and tests, stretching it out once more. “Oh yeah, you’re ready for this.” He says before pulling back, a hand grabbing the cuffs and guiding me.
I don’t know how close I am until I feel the tip push on the tighter hole. I feel it push in. I feel it stretch. I gasp, eyes shut as it pushes and pushes and pushed until finally the widest end slips inside. I only have the tip but I feel it.
I sit down a bit more and it gradually makes it way down a bit more, in slowly. I gasp with each move and the officer is groaning at the tightness.
He pulls on the cuffs, making me get further and further onto it until my ass is pressed to his hips, deep inside.
I think my eyes are watering at the stretch but then there is a light smack on my ass. “Up now.”
I do, I lift myself up until I can feel the very tip is only just holding on. Then down. It’s a little easier this time but it’s still a tight fit.
Each rise and fall makes it a bit easier until I’m riding it as easily as if it was in my pussy. He thrusts too and it gets faster and faster.
The officer groans and continues as he spreads my ass cheeks and slaps them, chuckling a little as he calls me his ‘fuck toy’.
I can’t help but feel a little proud at the title.
I go a little faster, not going as high before coming back down. My ass is tight and I want yet another flood of cum inside me.
Working hard and fast I pound that cock into my ass, listening to him as he gets closer. I feel my own building but I hold it back. I fuck his cock in my ass hole until I feel it, another squirt of hot liquid into my hole.
I don’t let that stop me, I know there is more to come. I keep riding but slower now.
He keeps releasing into me until his hand wraps around my hips and holds me down.
I smile to myself and glance over at him, lying on the ground fully spent and satisfied. I smile and rise until his cock pops out, a groan coming from both of us as we do and I bend forward, a small creamy liquid leaking from my ass as I do.
A finger traces the hole then slips down to my pussy then leaves before I get a smack on he ass. “So, how’s your bad day now?”
I somehow manage to turn around and smile at him. “What bad day? This is the best day of my life.”
He smiled, sitting up and reaching for my cheek, leaning over and placing a very sweet kiss to my forehead. “Well, I’ll be sure to give you my details. So if you ever have a bad one again, I’ll come and make it better.”
“Yes please officer.” I say, already wondering when my next ‘bad day’ is going to be.
Because I’m going to be so very very bad.

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Copyright2012©totallyatease She only agreed to do it as a favour to her sister — but He more than made up for the inconvenience… * Their drive home began with just as much silence as their drive down had been. Izzy let it go on for a little while, but not all the way home. ‘It was nice seeing Laura and co again,’ she sighed after about half an hour. ‘I’m surprised that you didn’t want to spend more time with them,’ he murmured, ‘at least over night… or something?’ ‘I was thinking of...

3 years ago
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The ParalegalsChapter 2 Change Of Venue

The first thing that struck me when I walked in the door was that the place was filled from wall-to-wall with sports trophies. The second that grabbed my attention was the 65" plasma TV to the left as soon as you walked in the front door. No sooner had I sat first batch of our bags down than Rachael hurried past me. From the way she seemed to be moving about the room, I could tell she was searching for something. Jokingly, I said, "Didn't you go before we left?" "I'm looking for a...

2 years ago
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brotherly love almost getting caught

So me and my brother had been fucking for a while now and our mum had no idea what was happenin, even though we had a bit of difficulty keeping quite when we were fucking each other hard at night. But by the morning of our first day on holiday she knew.We were staying in a villa in Turkey, we each had a room to ourselfs with our own bathrooms and a private pool. We arrived late the night before so we were all having a long lie, by the time i got up my mum was already up and sunbathing. Now i've...

3 years ago
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Mind Swapping Chapter 25

Mind Swapping Chapter 25 Friday morning, Tom and I ate a small breakfast and I dressed in a matching set of blue silk lace undies. A garter belt to hold up my black silk stockings, a pair of french cut panties and a demi brassiere that hooked in the back. I had selected a long sleeved blue silk blouse with a high collar of lace and lace trimmed cuffs. I wore a ankle length white skirt that buttoned all the way up the back. I left the buttons from the knee level down unbuttoned. I wore...

1 year ago
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Moni shared again

I Want to Share My Wife Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her. It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like...

3 years ago
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Constance caught me with her sister part 3

After Steph had maneuvered Constance between my legs I could see the panic in her eyes. She had watched us sucking and fucking each other, had even tried some cum but it seemed as if she wanted to bug out. Immediately she wanted to get away from my cock which was still covered in her sisters pussy juice. But she just grabbed her neck and pushed her face mercilessly towards my throbbing dick. “Don’t make an act out of it! Watching us did turn you on and you already know how his delicious cum and...

2 years ago
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The Bicycle Accident

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. I was fat, dumb and happy until Jason got hurt on his bike. I am a medical equipment repair technician and a successful mystery writer. My mysteries always involve medical themes and settings. I was gathering background information for my next book and repairing a sterilizer at Metro Hospital when my company cell phone buzzed. “Hello, Jane, (my assistant). What’s going on?” I asked. “I just got a call from the hospital, your son is in the ER, and...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Housewife Part 14

Jennifer's Journey - Becoming the Perfect Housewife, Part 14 My Sister's Phone Call The week following my birthday party - the fourth week of March - was certainly memorable. The phone was ringing when Sarah and I arrived home after driving back together from our Sunday night "dates" at our boyfriends' houses. It was Caitlin. She was wasting no time converting Friday night's 'one night stand' into a full blown affair. After repeatedly saying how much fun she had at my party, she...

3 years ago
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Swing Party Part 2

Part 2 So, I needed to fuck. as I walked down the hall, realized that, there were more women here than men, and all of the men were busy. I was a bit hungry, so I went into room 409. There were people in there, mainly women, eating and chatting.This lovely woman, named Michelle, asked me if I was having fun. We talked for about ten minutes, she was twenty nine and an experienced swinger. It turns out the she was co-host, and tried to get me to join the club. She also said that the crowd would...

1 year ago
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Sassy Cassy

I am writing this while I am using a stand-up desk.  The following story will explain why I am standing today and why I am being extra gentle when I sit down.I have to admit, having a Friday off of work as an adult makes me feel the same way I did when it was spring break as a high school student.  Instead of sleeping until noon and saying I am bored all day long, I get up at my normal time, leisurely enjoy my coffee, and take the time to read.Cassy had the day off too, but, decided to go in...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Ten

When I left Jennie in Columbia, Missouri I had to go south again to catch U.S. 50 in Jefferson City. I had made the side trip north to get her home. But I was now continuing on my way along this old route across the country. Out in Nevada this highway is known as the loneliest road in the country. But along most of it you will find lots of people and farms and lovely landscapes. You will also find old friends. I remembered that someone I once knew long ago was living in Sedalia. I would be...

3 years ago
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미야는 34살의 유부녀였다. 6년 연상의 남편과 올해 16살이 되는 아들 테쓰야가 있었다. 남편은 데릴사위로 미야의 뒤에 있는 장인에게 꿀린 탓으로 미야에게 어렵게 대했었다 . 아들이 생기자 집에 들어오는 일이 좀처럼 없어지고 말았다. 밖에 애인을 만들어서 첩의 집에 들어가 박혔다. 자연 아들과 둘만으로 미야가 꼬박 붙어서 돌보게 되었다. 테쓰야도 미야에게 대해서는 매우 고분고분 잘 따르고 있었다. 엄마에게 고생만 시키는 아버지에 대한 미움과 동시에 자신이 엄마를 보호해야 한다는 기개를 가지고 미야를 잘 도왔다. 아름다운 엄마는 테쓰야의 자랑이었다. 그러나 성에 관심을 가지게 되면서부터 미야를 성욕의 대상으로서 보고있는 자신에게 당혹감을 느끼면서 미야에 대하여 미안하게 생각하고 혼자서 고민하고 있었다. 처음으로 미야를 여자로서 의식한 것은 그녀가 테쓰야의 눈앞에서 옷을 갈아입었을 때 였다. 두사람만의 생활은 두사람이 서로를 필요로 하는 생활이었다. 테쓰야가 학교에서 집으로 돌아왔을...

4 years ago
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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 05

Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ************************ Ever since J.T. had moved in there two years ago, Tim...

3 years ago
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The Shoe Salesman and the Hot Mom

All good. Her dark eyes were hot today, her pony tail of her dark hair was tight and taut, revealing the glowing bright and soft skin of her neck. She looked down at her little skirt and tried to pull it over her knee a little more. It didn’t make any difference. She’s not used to wearing such a short skirt. Looking beyond her knees, she saw her bare legs and wondered if she should have worn an open-toe set of heels instead of the white heels with the covered, blunt nose that she wore...

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HealerChapter 4

Ray Pinsky wasn't absolutely certain what to make of Carolyn's parting remark, urging that he not check out of his motel room early, but from no matter what angle he examined her apparently innocent comment, it sounded pretty much like good news. Maybe it meant that his fervent goodbye kiss in the hospital parking lot might have been not merely Past, but Prologue. Maybe, Ray thought, he was going to get rewarded for curing her asthma. Maybe she couldn't be absolutely certain just yet...

1 year ago
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A Fist Full of Firsts

David Miller and his wife Mandy were an attractive looking couple in their late thirties. Mandy stood just under five and a half feet, with David nearly six. Though David had always admired his wife's full rounded breasts as being one of her major attributes, her tight muscular ass was certainly another which he couldn't help but reach out and fondle whenever she walked by. Mandy of course thought her eyes to be her best feature, an almost cobalt blue that was accentuated greatly by her near...

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The Rise of Miss Hyde Part III

The Rise of Miss Hyde: Part III By Argus Foreword This is the final part of my Miss. Hyde story. At some point in the future, I may put all the parts together and add a few extra bits and modifications to create a complete version. For now though the story has run its course and I'm looking forward to writing something else, going in another direction. In terms of story, this one is kinda just wrapping up loose ends and bringing things to a conclusion. If you look at the first...

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Train me aunty ki jabardst chudai

Hi this Armaan again 24 years old. I will send my story of “bua ki chudai” afterwards until I don’t get satisfy from your mails well here is another new story which happened just two days back when I was traveling in train from bilaspur to thrivandrum dosto is aunty ki chudai to badi simple thi.KOI BHI AUNTY 35-58 years sex karna chahti hai to mujhe mail karene ” armaan.mere umar 24 saal hai lekein mujhe aunty bahut aachi lagti haine.Well you knows me very well I m 23 and my Natraj pencil is of...

4 years ago
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Badge of Dishonor Ch 25

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-five Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Joan Mills was just turning onto Millis Street when she heard what sounded like shots. She was on her way to make a swing past the little diner where other deputies had spotted Lise Billingham’s car, to see if Lise had returned to pick up her car. The shots caused a surge of adrenaline, which sent Joan’s heart rate sky-high. She grabbed her radio microphone. ‘Operations from James...

2 years ago
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Wife sets Me Up to be Fucked

My name is Gary and I'm married to Jennifer. We're both in our fifties and both in great shape and sex with Jennifer is still great. She wouldn't let me cum in her mouth or fuck her ass. Two things I've always wanted to do. There's one fantasy she doesn't know I have and that's having sex with a man. So when I'm home alone, I surf the Internet and chat with men while jerking off to movie clips of men sucking cock and eating cum. I'm just too chicken to be with a man in real life. One day, my...

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BrattySis Haley Reed Step Sister Practices Cpr

Haley Reed is working on getting licensed to become a lifeguard, but one of the things she needs to be able to do is to act in the event of an emergency. She turns to her stepbrother, Jay Romero, for help practicing her technique. Jay lets his hot stepsis work on her rescue techniques, but when Haley lays Jay down on the bed and starts trying to give him CPR, Jay can’t help himself. He reaches up to palm Haley’s tit. Haley can’t help but feel the pull of attraction between...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 29 Bec and Mahler Part 2

Editor’s Note: The next pages continue the notes taken by Dr Koehler during the meeting between Bec Freeman and Detective Mahler on Monday December 6th. Notes of meeting, Mahler & Bec Freeman, Monday, 12/6; 3:40pm Present: Detective Mahler, Rebecca Freeman, Peter Freeman, Lorna Small (legal representative for the Freeman family), Dr Koehler Snr (psychiatrist) Bec: I bent down to pick Tara up off the ground but just then the bigger man came out of the house. He saw me by the truck and...

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"Please, just once so I know what it's like.""Okay, but if things get out of hand, we'll have a problem.""I can deal with Woody. Besides, he's afraid of you."Tia had said she wanted "to be watched" before, and now she was really up for it. So, fine, I thought, we can kill two birds with one stone. I was sharing an apartment with a guy named J**** Wood (I kid you not). Woody was, to put it most kindly, flat fucking ugly. He would do just about anything to get laid, or just see a pair of bare...

1 year ago
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The Ticket IV0

We arrived back at the Manse in time for supper, the ritual was observed. When it became Josie's turn she exercised her internal muscles on my finger I was amazed by the strength of her contractions. I was a bit sad to know that this would be my last meal here for awhile. After the meal we discussed ranch business first. Then Amber stood up,” Ladies I guess you all have heard that our Night Walker will be leaving us for awhile. We must persevere and stay strong. When he departs tomorrow...

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Breed Me Big Brother Chapter 2 Little Sisters Breeding Plan

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Little Sister's Breeding Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The cramps squeezed my guts. I groaned as my eyes opened, staring at the fuzzy walls. I sucked in a deep breath and bit my lip, feeling so bloated. I squirmed, not wanting to be awake yet. I closed my eyes, snuggling up against my brother's muscular body. He pulled me to him automatically, his arm so strong. I rested my head on his...

4 years ago
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Annies First Date

It was almost 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. I was driving home from the hotel and I had a hundred different thoughts running through my head. On so many levels what I did tonight would be considered wrong by many women. I mean here I am, a happily married mother of two returning home from a date with a man who is not my husband with his cum leaking from my pussy and my asshole. It seems so wrong but it was so exciting too and my husband wanted me to do it and I wanted to do it too! For us it...

4 years ago
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Sex With First Love Of My Life

Hello ISS reader..My name is Harman and I am a reader of ISS for 4 years now. I have submitted lot of my experiences earlier also and have received some amazing responses. I am writing my experience after a long time probably after 2 years. The reason for same was that I tried to move out from reading ISS but as you all know it’s very tough. Also recently I was able to have sex with someone whom I have desired since a long time. Not to bore you all for too long let me come straight to the...

1 year ago
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Reddit Lactation, aka r/Lactation! Alright, guys, not going to lie, this is a weird one for me. I know damn well that there’s a fetish for pretty much anything out there. So, when I heard that there is a sub called /r/lactation and it’s a NSFW sub, I just knew that I was in for some weird shit. If you’re into this stuff, then I would probably consider you a weirdo. But even weirdos are welcome to ThePornDude.com, so I won’t leave you hanging! Welcome to /r/lactation, the best community on...

Reddit NSFW List
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     Monday morning I needed more tampons, I used quite a few every week to keep cum from a just done client from oozing out to stain my dresses when I sat, so I shopped at a local store before hailing a taxi for the ride uptown. I was headed for another hotel room to meet with a new client. A client who may or may not become my new regular to take the place of Tim. Marla had told me this client wanted me to dress sexy but classy. From the looks I got from men in the store as well as in the...

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Tales from Lusty Pines Retirement Home

She smiles softly to herself as she smells the cigarette smoke. The old man knows he is not suppose to smoke in his room, but he really doesn’t care. That is what she always liked about him, the fact that he doesn’t care about any rules. Sixty six years old, but still a rebel. Like he always says: What can they possibly do to me? ‘Mr Denton, you know you are not suppose to smoke in you room.’ she says as she opens the door and see him smoking by the window. ‘It is your birthday today, but still...

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Shauns Story

Hi. My name is Michael Gold. I am 12 years old, blond hair that reaches my shoulders, 5’3 and I have young boyish body with a bit of definition. My older brother’s name is Noah. He has blonde hair that reaches his shoulders just like me. He is fourteen years old. His body has more definition then me. He has a boyish look to him as well. Our story starts when I am in grade 7. I woke up to my alarm, which was not really an alarm, but a set time where a radio station turns on really loud. I...

2 years ago
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Chubby White Pussyboy Ch 3

Anyways, the phone was ringing. I groggily answered it. "H-hello?" I didn't sound like myself. My throat was scratchy. That was when I remembered watching some BBC hypno trainer last night. With my dildo stuffed against my tonsils. Trying to deep throat it. "That how you answer me, pussy?" It was Reed's voice. "Who you talkin' to, babe?" I knew what he wanted to hear from me. And a large part of me wanted that too. A small part of me (even smaller than my clit!) wanted me...

2 years ago
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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part two TaliyaP4

Master John, his attention no longer on me was now focused on Mistress Julia.  He swished the cane repeatedly, as if cutting the atmosphere.  Deep in my heart I had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling about this.  Master was a great man but when crossed …watch out!  Off came his veneer of civilization to reveal a primal beast, anger and passion co-mingled..  That is when he was most dangerous.  His normal high level of self-control was discarded like a cloak on the floor about his feet.  Walk...

1 year ago
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God Among Men

There are many things in this world that are unknown to man. One of those things is the existence of the Angels. A few believe in Angels, but most people don’t. The Angels are well-known in art and literature as the servants of God. Winged beings with a somewhat benign human appearance. Very little is known about them and few of them are named. This is a story about these unapproachable celestial beings. Long ago, there was a War in Heaven. God had recently created Adam and Eve, the...

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Broken MiniFridge Turns to Taboo Fun

The wife and I were on our first vacation alone without family or friends in quite some time. In fact, it was the first time the two of us were totally alone in some time, and we were really looking forward to it. From the time the plane landed, we were in "party" mode. We grabbed a few beers at the airport waiting for our ride to the resort. When we arrived the room was not quite ready and they treated us to some champagne, as we waited and toured the grounds. When we finally got to our room a...

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Texas Heat

Work was boring as hell, which was not all that unusual. What was unusual, was that he got cut early. Slow night, the band left early which left him without anything to do. Knowing his car was kaput for the moment, his boss offered to drop him off at home. This was readily agreed to. Now he stood outside waiting for his manager to finish up “one more thing”. Translation: take a seat, this could be a while. Thumbing through his phone, checking through the messages he’d missed. One from the...

Straight Sex
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Putting Out

There's a cemetery near my apartment. I go there on Sunday mornings to ponder my lonely life. It's a quiet place where my private thoughts are seldom interrupted. I like to climb to the high ground, and sit on a park bench to watch squirrels race up and down the trees. Occasionally, a couple of kids come to the cemetery to make out. I watch them, envy them, really. They are unaware that I'm watching. I always wait until they head off in one direction or the other before descend the...

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