Pleasure Pain Pompeii Ch 01
- 2 years ago
- 27
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IT WAS GOOD BUSINESS to free slaves and hire them back as freed workers. A willing worker worked harder than a compelled slave. The Aedile’s next act as new owner was to free all the whores and hire them back at fair wages. Nearly all came back, the ones who refused were those too sick to work.
He did not, however, free Ibis.
‘Why not me?!’
‘Buying this house and freeing six slaves just depleted my assets. And I have six salaries to pay now. You’re the most valuable of the group. If I needed to, I could sell you for what the whole group cost.’
‘Then sell me to Naso,’ Ibis said. ‘Wouldn’t that be better for you financially?’
‘That’s out of the question. If he bought you, he’d never let you out of his bed. I need
you here.’
‘If you freed me, I wouldn’t necessarily leave,’ Ibis said.
‘Don’t try to be crafty. I won’t be rationalized into freeing you. You dislike your work, and would leave if you could. Wouldn’t you?’
‘What makes you think I dislike it?’
The Aedile stepped forward so they were only inches apart and Ibis refused to look away. He said, ‘You disrespect my authority by looking me in the eyes.’
Ibis said, ‘Your authority is faulty. You don’t exercise it properly.’
‘Because I don’t beat you when you talk back to me?’
‘You’re unprofessional toward me,’ Ibis said.
The Aedile saw her eyes were awkward shades of pond blue and Pompeian red clay. ‘When you fuck me, you want me to like it. I’m a whore. I’m not here to like you. And to be honest, I don’t like you.’ The last bit was a lie, and she knew it, but she said it only because she knew it would hurt him.
But the Aedile didn’t really hear what she said, not wanting to hear her, he preoccupied himself studying her eyes. ‘It’s no pleasure to think that I’m forcing you.’
‘I can’t ever be not forced when you fuck me as a slave,’ Ibis said.
‘Freeing you isn’t financially possible,’ the Aedile said. ‘Can’t we compromise?’
‘Where have you gotten such democratic ideas? Are you Greek?’ That was offensive and the Aedile bristled. He despised her arrogant tone, and her attempts to make him feel ignorant, stupid. Yet he felt the appeal of being bested, the rush of debate. He was amazed that a whore would, and could, be so verbally combative. Ibis said, ‘I’m not being forced.’
‘You’re not doing it of freewill.’
‘If I didn’t want to open my cunt to men for money, I’d refuse and consequently be tortured to death. Even a slave has the right to say No. They only fear the consequences of seizing their rights.’ Ibis turned away, hugging herself tightly. ‘Why are we discussing this? It’s absurd to discuss what a whore does and doesn’t want. What I want doesn’t matter. That’s not what my life is about.’
‘It matters to me. I’m the one that has to fuck you.’ The Aedile then blushed when she looked at him quickly: ‘has to’ implied he had no other sexual alternatives, both knew that was obviously untrue. He ‘had to’ fuck Ibis because his desire for her was overwhelming, and now that was completely obvious. She had enslaved the Aedile and it pleased her.
And there began an absurd, embarrassing, awkward, and turbulent courtship.
‘I’m going to sleep with you once a week,’ the Aedile said.
‘Do what you like,’ Ibis replied. ‘You own me.’
Courtship is an inappropriate word: it was more like a battle of wills.
‘I want to give you pleasure. Make you come.’
Ibis laughed, throwing her head back and for a moment displaying the vulnerable whiteness of her throat: ‘Impossible.’
But even that is inaccurate: ‘battle’ is too aggressive, figuratively full of fighting and hostility. They were aggressive, but it was exciting, and as the days waned they enjoyed their aggression more and more.
‘You think it’s absurd that I want to give you something for your work? Would you prefer it if I whipped you every time you talked back to me? Every time you’ve argued with me, or refused me? Or even offered your opinion? Perhaps you prefer being treated like an animal, but I’ve always treated my slaves as people who one day would be free, and being free…’
‘Be loved?’
‘Be profitable. Isn’t that what we all want? Success and happiness?’
They debated, like senators, yet without the practicality of subject senators would have: more often than not, they debated about ethereal issues, which had no solution. The more impractical their discussions, they more they looked forward to them, and the more they liked one another.
‘You can’t give me pleasure.’
‘I know how to give a woman pleasure,’ the Aedile said. ‘I’m very good at it.’
‘I’m a whore. I’m good at avoiding it.’
‘A woman’s body is a woman’s body, despite her profession and attitude.’
‘A woman’s body is ruled by her mind. My mind won’t allow me to get close to anyone who uses my body. It’s self protection.’
‘How can I win your mind when you won’t let me in? You won’t even tell me your name.’
‘Drop all this nonsense,’ Ibis said. She removed her tunic and the extreme whiteness of her body gleamed in the lamplight. The Aedile thought that a goddess’s naked body would gleam in the same way, as if the skin was solid light. ‘Just have me the way you can have me, and be happy with it.’
No, he wouldn’t be deterred, nor discouraged. He pulled her down on the mat, rolled her onto her back, and slid into her slowly, gently. He swirled his strokes and was sure to press against her to stimulate her clit. His tongue flicked her nipples as he squeezed a breast. Wanting to pound her and finish quickly, he resisted and stroked even slower. This technique had been successful before, very successful in the past. He couldn’t tell if she was getting wetter, because Ibis had already lubricated herself with oils. Raising his head from her shoulder with a supreme effort, he looked at her face. Her eyes were closed. Her expression was sleepy. He said her name, softly. Her eyes flew open.
‘Stop looking at me, please,’ she said in a normal tone. ‘If you’re going to take this long, let me get more oil. I’m drying out.’
The Aedile withdrew and came all over her belly. Dressing quickly, he left without a word.
BUT HE RETURNED the next day. And then two days later. The day after that one. Three days after that. And on and on. Fucking only Ibis every time. The Aedile slept with Ibis more than any other woman in his life. More than his current wife, and then more than his second.
With Ibis, he was obsessed with making her come and all his efforts were futile. He took her in every position he could imagine. He fucked her while she was menstruating, using scented oils so their bodies moved together slickly and easily, with toys, and being drunk. Nothing. He grew more frustrated, and she oscillated between annoyance with his seeming childish stubbornness, his arrogant Roman male attitude of conquering territory, and being touched by what seemed to be an honest desire to please her. How typically Roman, though, to be so blind as to the concept of impossibility. As if every world could be conquered and every person could be made a slave.
It never occurred to the Aedile that Ibis didn’t like men.
That was a fact she kept carefully, jealously, and obsessively guarded. He probably would have accepted it, and the knowledge wouldn’t alter anything about their relationship. It might make him aspire more to conquer her, and assimilate her to the world of men, but that wasn’t her fear. It was an act of will and defiance to keep it secret. It was private. It was the only thing Ibis owned. Loving women made her free.
WHEN THE AEDILE gave Ibis management duties at the whorehouse, she was overwhelmed by the volume of work facing her. She had to restructure the entire organization, make new rotation schedules, and had to deal with great amounts of money. More m
oney than she ever had been responsible for in her life. Ibis developed problems sleeping, had sudden piercing headaches, drank a little more each night, and found she cried in the mornings when she woke and thought of all the problems and responsibilities she had to endure that day.
Ibis discovered how deeply ingrained the problems with the suffering house were. It had a horrible staff of lazy whores (wonderful people, and her closest friends, but horrible employees). She pleaded with the Aedile to buy new prostitutes. He refused, unless she could raise the money herself through the house through budget cuts and generating more profit.
‘But I can’t do that with the staff I have!’ she said, backing away from his advances. Ibis wanted to discuss business before he fucked her. The Aedile was always useless mentally after sex. ‘Two more girls and I can REALLY do something.’
‘Let me REALLY do something to you,’ and he inserted his fingers inside her.
Business pressures, his sexual obsession with her, and her own growing frustration with the situations, turned Ibis against the Aedile. Her feelings toward him were manic anyway—one day nearly loving him, the next wanting to stab him. Now she felt consistently angry with him. He didn’t care about the great responsibility he had given her—all he cared about was getting his cock up her cunt. And some stupid, arrogant, Roman desire to conquer her like she was fucking Greece.
‘I have an idea to make more money,’ she told him a few nights later. ‘Join forces with Naso’s bar next door. Knock out the adjoining walls. We get all their clients anyway. Why not make money on wine and food, too?’
‘Naso would be over here every day,’ the Aedile said. ‘He’d never leave.’
‘He’s here every day anyway?’
‘Is he?’
‘He gets drunk with the girls and plays strip dice. He always loses and dances around naked. The girls love it. He never touches any of them and it’s hilarious to watch.’ Ibis laughed and the Aedile frowned.
He said the idea about the bar was a good one. The next day (she heard through rumor) he did exactly that for his more prosperous house. When he came to her that night, and he took her in his arms, she roughly pushed away. She yelled, ‘That was for our house! We need the money more than they do!’
‘It would be more expensive to do it here than there. Once that house makes money, I’ll funnel it to you,’ he said calmly. ‘I’m not concerned. Why are you?’
‘I’m running this place, not you.’
‘I own this place, not you.’
BEING A SLAVE wasn’t something Ibis chose. Neither was being a whore. But doing her jobs well, being admirable, being respected, and respecting her owners was something she chose. Dignity for a slave was accepting one’s fate and doing the best one could.
The whorehouse had a back entrance. It was never really used because the corridor to get to it was too narrow to travel comfortably, and one had to climb steep stairs to get to the upper level. The second back entrance wasn’t known to many, except those that worked there. As far as Ibis knew, even the Aedile didn’t know of it. Or if he did, he never used it.
This back entrance would become the entrance for the Day House, as they called it. The Day House was for women only. The Night House for men (women rarely traveled the streets at night). Through word of the mouths of slaves, the best information system available, Ibis slowly developed a secret clientèle of women who wanted women.
Not that these women didn’t like men. Almost all of them were married Roman matrons, respectable members of the community. They saw their visits to the house, and the moments when whores would crawl between their legs and lick them in places their husbands probably didn’t know exist, as a means to release. Pleasure. A treat, in no way different than a bath, or buying themselves new perfume. They sought relief their husbands, nor their slaves, ever provided. They wanted to try something new, possibly because another friend recommended it, or they heard lurid rumors from their chamber slave that women enjoyed pleasures beyond their imaginations when touched by a woman.
The Day House clientèle had no problem keeping its existence secret from their husbands.
Ibis never worked in the Day House. It was a professional decision, based upon the fact that she wanted to work there very very much. There were many Roman matrons she desired desperately, on the verge of loving. It was inappropriate to indulge her desires under the auspices of prostitution. It would only lead to unhappiness. Ibis was very experienced in such matters.
Part of the money earned in the Day House Ibis wove delicately and invisibily into the profits of the Night House. The Aedile, impressed with Ibis’s success as manager, took the money and spent it on his thriving whorehouse, or the construction of his new expensive bathhouse (located next door to his thriving whorehouse).
‘Why? Why, why, why?!’ Ibis yelled after being refused money for repairs. ‘Why do you spend everything I make on the other house?!’
‘You can function with what you have,’ the Aedile said calmly, amused with her anger. ‘The other house has a reputation to maintain.’
‘It’s almost as if you don’t want this house to be a success. I work my ass off for this house—’
‘I know. Your devotion touches me.’
‘—not the one across town. You know it’s our biggest rival! Why build the bath next to
it? Why not us?’
‘Better location where it is.’
‘Why not move us to a better location?’
‘Too expensive. You don’t make enough money to warrant such a move.’
‘We do, you just TAKE all our money!’ Ibis threw a glass at the wall. Not at the Aedile, but nearly hitting a chipped statue which was already missing an arm. The Aedile promptly grabbed Ibis, threw him over his lap and spanked her, yanking her tunic up so her ass was exposed. He swatted her until his hand hurt and her skin was bright red. She squirmed and yelped and shouted for him to stop. But the truth was she could have easily gotten away, his grip was awkward. There was something different in her anger, she noticed. It had a different charge, and the spanking didn’t make her hateful, but excited. Then he stopped, and with a gentleness she had never seen before, the Aedile led her to the bed, laid her on her back, and fucked her so smoothly, their legs twinning threw one another, that he seemed to be making love to her. Ibis grew disgusted with his emotionalism, and yawned rudely when he came.
The rivalry between Ibis and the Aedile helped her not feel guilty about running the sub-business. All the money she made from female clients, at that point, was kept completely separate. The whores got paid more money, and she kept the rest.
Ibis was saving money to buy her freedom.
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Pompeii, 79 AD: “Tell me, are you a slave?” Arcadias asked, sitting on the bed in the small chamber of the brothel. However, the stone bench with a flimsy cushion could barely be called that. The woman he was speaking to was standing in the corner with her back to him, slowly undressing and finger-combing her dirty-blonde hair. “Excuse me?” she asked, turning to him. Arcadias sighed, hearing the answer in the form of her accent and the pain in her voice. Reaching into the small...
Introduction: An onyx haired beauty comes into the path of a lustful serial killer, and things end badly for the poor college student. My Dying Dark Angel I dont think she had a clue what was coming. I doubt it ever even crossed her mind that I was following her. Stupid cunt. Please, let me introduce myself. My name is Alexi. I was born in Russia but have lived in America for many years now. Who I was is not important. My life, in fact, is not important. And neither is anyone elses. Who am...
Introduction: An onyx haired beauty comes into the path of a lustful serial killer, and things end badly for the poor college student. My Dying Dark Angel I dont think she had a clue what was coming. I doubt it ever even crossed her mind that I was following her. Stupid cunt. Please, let me introduce myself. My name is Alexi. I was born in Russia but have lived in America for many years now. Who I was is not important. My life, in fact, is not important. And neither is anyone elses. Who am...
I looked into the mirror and saw the eyes of a dying man. I was 24 years old, a young man now ascending to his prime and I was going to die. Why, you may ask am I going to die, well it is called HIV precursor to the AIDS virus and the reason why my life as I knew it was over. Some may laugh at me and said I should have used condoms, stayed with one partner only or just practised abstinence. Well if you wish to say the third one to me go blow it out your ass because I did the first two but...
This doesn't mean that it's impossible for him to get me pregnant, it just means that it's going to take some serious effort. I am more than willing to do what it takes, as is my husband. The problem is that his work takes him away so much that it's hard for us to really put a lot of effort into the task at hand. It's not like we don't have sex whenever he's home, we're just not seeing the results from it that we'd like to see. It was a hot summer Friday in July. Joe was out of...
It was a hot summer Friday in July. Joe was out of town attending a convention. We decided that if we are meant to have a baby, it will happen. My friend Sally went through something similar to this and said that it happens when you least expect it. She should know, she has two kids now and she's expecting a third. This particular day I wasn't thinking about babies. I was thinking about getting the inside of my house painted. Joe's not the handy type. He delegates responsibility, which...
Introduction: I found my mind wandering as I starred at the book without reading a single word. Could I tempt Ryan out of his clothes all together? Maybe I can can convince him to take a break and have a little adult fun. He was certainly young enough to be able to get the job done. He was on the skinny side, but he did have great arms and an amazing chest and abs. How big was his cock? I did catch a glimpse of a bulge in his jeans, so he must be packing something substantial. These are just a...
I think this story can stand alone, but will make much more sense if you read the first part posted earlier. Paintball and Panties Ending #1 Gang-Banged August 5th-2002-? Erica Wright I crept up to the edge of the small berm. There was a group of at least fifteen guys drinking beer! I thought of the way I was dressed. I thought of how the night could end, worse case they beat the crap out of me. Best case I got gang-banged! I whispered, 'Fuck! Now what...?" Paul had all...
Author’s note: This story combines experiences from many different aspects of different people’s lives. Many of the characters in the story are based on real people, but all names have been changed and locations anonymized. Its writing was prompted by listening to Gordon Lightfoot singing ‘Home from the Forest’, some of the lyrics from which are incorporated into the story. It brought to mind the poignancy of death and dying, of losing loved ones and the hypocrisy surrounding the death and...
i finished showering, tied a towel around my waist & walked back out in2 the living room, where he handed me a drink. i kept staring at the totally obvious swelling in his sweats, which had become so pronounced that it was pushing the elastic away from his trimly tapered waist. he put his hand on my chest & then led me 2 his bedroom as my head spun from the drinks. we paused be4 a full length mirror. quite the contrast ! 2 men, him very dark, me very pale. he pressed me down on2 my...
This story is based on personal experience combined with a shade of fantasy. All comments and feedback, both positive and negative, are welcome. Thanks! We walked into the house and Mrs. Jensen was standing by the light green kitchen counter, reading the latest article of Romantic Homes. She smiled broadly when we entered. “Hi boys,” she said. “Back already?” “Hey Mom,” Drew said absentmindedly. “Hi Mrs. Jensen,” I replied. “Wow Michael, look at you,” said Mrs. Jensen. “You’ve grown up into...
InterracialThrough early morning fog I seeVisions of the things to beThe pains that are withheld for meI realize and I can see...That suicide is painlessIt brings on many changesAnd I can take or leave it if I pleaseThe game of life is hard to playI'm gonna lose it anywayThe losing card I'll someday laySo this is all I have to saySuicide is painlessIt brings on many changesAnd I can take or leave it if I pleaseThe sword of time will pierce our skinsIt doesn't hurt when it beginsBut as it works its way on...
INTRODUCTIONThis isn't a story but what I really experienced in the year 1977 while Iwas enjoying my summer vacation in Spain. The magic, enchanting andfascinating places of the warm Costa Blanca enclose, as if in a beautifulframe, my true and secret experience. I've always talked about this journeyof mine with many people but never about what happened to me because ofobvious reasons even with peculiar people, I got to know, because theycertainly wouldn't believe me. Today I feel the need to...
The school year wound down to an end and not a moment too soon. I was really tired all of a sudden. I finally made up my mind that I was going to tell Rhonda Saturday afternoon that if she wanted it, the paper route was hers. I still had a bunch of scrip and a bit of savings and a couple of award trips that I hadn't taken yet. I was supposed to go with a bunch of guys who had won a contest to a White Sox game in Chicago this summer and Cary told me that even if I wasn't carrying papers...
I had been living in my house for roughly 2 years and felt that it was timethat I actually did some work to it. The wallpaper was old the carpet tattyand I was definitely the more modern minimalist type. This house neededsome serious work. I could probably have done most of it, but it would havetaken me more than a good few weeks. Much like the introduction to thisstory, it sounded boring as hell.So let me set the scene, that eventually let to me having 2 hot boyspounding my ass and getting my...
Hi. This is my first story but it's true and only happened last week. Let me et the table for you. I am a semi retired guy who is in his 50's. I retired a few years ago and kept myslef busy by doing reno work. I was on a job last month with the painter when his daughter showed up on her way home from school. She was a skinny young blonde with small tits and a real nice ass in her skin tite jeans. We got introduced and Tom (the painter) told me it was his stepdaughter and she helped him on...
Hi, I am Rohit from Delhi and i don’t like Delhi much because of its traffic and over loaded population ,last year i got married to Nidhi it was a arrange marriage ,she is 5 ft 5inch she is slim having boob size of 34 she is very naughtoriouse on bad she loves sucking lund and taking it deep in mouth . After two years i changed my job and got chance to get shift in gurgaon in new house but the condition of that house was little worst so i called up few painters to do the job (pankaj and...
Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...
Brenda….. …..For years I had wanted to feel Eric’s hands on me. Feeling me up and then us having glorious sex. I had watched him feel up my sister and wished it was me. I kept this to myself and just enjoyed thinking about it, making myself all horny. I never made a move on him. ….Purely by accident our legs rubbed together while playing a board game at the table one evening. I got chills. We both had on shorts and the skin to skin warm feeling got to me. I slipped up and smiled and...
I flew to Perth to spend the weekend with my friend Kate, who lives there. Although she is so different from me, we have managed to stay close friends for years. She is vivacious, outgoing and has great model-like looks.I had gone to watch her take part in an annual bodypainting competition. She recently qualified as a beautician, and her beauty school takes part in a national inter-beauty-school bodypainting competition.The beauticians are selected to be either amateur artists or amateur...
ExhibitionismI was having my house painted by a guy, Ed and his son, Tommy. I had talked with a couple of home owners that had used them and their praise was unbelievable. So they were on day three, still prepping, masking getting ready to paint. Tommy did all of the prep work so his Dad was off finishing another project. I am in my 70’s but still enjoy sex. My cock unreliable as a sex tool but my mouth, tongue, fingers and hands still do great. I truly enjoy giving pleasure to women and to men. I had...
With a smile, Sarah clicked through the contact ads. She wasn‘t looking for a partner, but she found it interesting from time to see what other people with similar inclinations sought: Teacher is looking for female student Female student is looking for teacher Father is looking for ageplay daughter Daughter is looking for ageplay father Long-time teacher offers punishment for money Rubenesque lady punishes naughty boys Sarah found most contact ads unerotic, nevertheless, she found it...