Photographs Ch. 13 free porn video

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On Christmas Eve, Pedro went looking for Danny and found him crouched in the corner of the bed where it was shoved against two walls. His knees pressed against his chest and he held a glass of whiskey in his hand. The bottle of Jack Daniels rested against a pillow beside him. Danny hadn’t even bothered to place it on the nightstand. It didn’t take Pedro’s intelligence to figure out that Danny was drunk.

‘Hey, man, want to go to nochebuena with my family and then midnight mass? We’ll have a good dinner after.’ Pedro tried, knowing it would probably be futile. ‘You can meet my family. My cousin Margarita is really hot, and she wants to meet you.’ Pedro wondered if he really wanted to expose sweet Margarita to Danny when he was depressed and drunk, but he knew, deep down, that he was a good person. Troubled, sure, but he didn’t seem the type to be a lifelong drunk. Danny was just going through a rough patch over his breakup with whatever whore had done this to him. That’s what Pedro still told himself, but he was beginning to wonder.

‘I don’t think I’m in a state to meet your family right now,’ Danny said, echoing Pedro’s thoughts.

Pedro picked up the bottle. It was half full, but he didn’t know when Danny had purchased it. ‘Then quit drinking, get some sleep, and head home in the morning. If you left early enough, you could be there by noon. It’s Christmas, man. You need your family.’

Danny only wrapped his arms tighter around his knees and pressed his head into them. ‘She made me leave. I’m not going to go crawling back.’

‘What if she asked you to?’

Danny raised his head, looking off into nowhere. ‘Depends.’

Pedro reached for the photograph that still lay face down on the nightstand. ‘Can I?’ he asked.

His roommate stared at it for a moment. ‘Sure,’ he said with resignation. ‘Go ahead.’

Picking it up with careful fingers, as if it were as precious to him as it obviously was to Danny, Pedro turned over the photograph to find one of the prettiest women he had ever seen. ‘Wow,’ he said. She was leaning on some kind of counter, her chin on her fist, a genuine smile on her face that expressed happiness and love. ‘When was this taken? She looks like she’s not much older than you.’

‘A couple years ago. I took it myself.’

‘How old is she now?’


Pedro did mental math. ‘So…she was sixteen when you were born?’ She didn’t look like the type of woman to have a teen pregnancy, used up and cheap. Instead she seemed intelligent, like she had her shit together.

‘When she was fifteen, she was raped,’ Danny explained.

‘Ah.’ He stared at the photo a moment longer. She really was beautiful. ‘Danny, what the hell did you do to make her kick you out? You’re a good guy, and I know you didn’t drink this much before you came here.’

Later, Pedro would reflect that Danny had probably been drunker than he seemed, because he answered, ‘I slept with her.’

Pedro froze, then sank to the bed, the bottle still in one hand and the photo in the other. ‘How many times?’

‘For over four years.’

He stared down at the photo in his hands, trying to imagine it. ‘She doesn’t look like the type of woman who would sleep with her son.’

‘She wasn’t. It took me four months to seduce her.’

‘Shit, no wonder you drink. Man, that is fucked up.’ Pedro didn’t know what to think of this. He had an uncle that got too friendly with the teenage girls and had to be watched whenever he visited, but somehow he suspected this was different. ‘You were over eighteen?’


‘And she never came on to you?’


‘But then she let it go on for over four years?’

‘We were happy,’ Danny said, his voice heated. ‘Really happy, and that’s something she didn’t have since the day she was raped. My dad was a sociopath. Their marriage was totally fucked up. He blackmailed her into marrying him, liked to beat her during sex, and she had no way to leave. I made her happy. We were happy,’ he repeated.

He looked over at his roommate. Danny was finally looking back at him. Pitiless, Pedro said, ‘You know you’re going to hell.’

‘Good thing I don’t believe in it.’

‘Why’d she kick you out? Didn’t you say you could go to UCLA med?’

‘She did it ‘for my own good’,’ he said sarcastically. ”I need to have the chance to have a normal life and a family of my own’.’

‘She’s right.’

‘You don’t know anything about it.’

Pedro stood. ‘Why don’t you come to mass, man. You can still make confession, and if anybody needs to confess, it’s you.’

‘No thanks.’

Pedro placed the photograph back where it had been, lying face down. When he put the bottle beside it, he noticed a pale, oval pill lying on the nightstand. ‘You haven’t taken any Xanax tonight?’

‘I’m fine.’

Pedro wanted to open the nightstand drawer to see if he could find the bottle and remove it, but Danny chose that moment to actually pay attention to what was going on around him. He hoped — prayed in a short, silent prayer — that there wasn’t more, and surreptitiously palmed the pill as he drew his hand away.

‘We’re having dinner after mass. I was gonna sleep at the house of mi tía, but I think I’ll come home. See you in a few hours.’

‘Have fun.’

‘Go to sleep, hombre. Don’t drink anymore.’

Danny took a sip and raised his glass to his friend. ‘Sure thing, hombre.’


Margarita pouted a little when she found that the ‘handsome med student’ wouldn’t be attending their nochebuena. Danny was smart and headed for a lucrative career, which made his absence disappointing for his aunt, as well. His uncle just grunted and poured Pedro a glass of wine that he had little intention of drinking. Seeing Danny as he was had spoiled his appetite for alcohol.

Margarita grabbed his upper arm. ‘You said you would bring him.’ Then the younger cousins crowded around and rescued him from her.

The nochebuena celebration was cheerful and noisy, colored lights twinkled everywhere and the house smelled delicious, but Pedro found it difficult to relax and enjoy himself. Every few minutes he would see someone with a glass of wine or a bottle of beer, and think of Danny, hurt and lonely and drinking alone. He also could not stop himself from fingering the Xanax pill in his pocket, his worry increasing every hour.

Three hours after leaving Danny, Pedro said goodbye to his aunt and uncle and his cousins, much to their dismay. He had refrained from drinking, thinking of the hour-long drive back to his apartment.

‘You will miss mass,’ his aunt complained.

‘I’ll try to go in Sunnyvale,’ he said. ‘Maybe get Danny to attended.’

It was still early, just ten o’clock, when he returned to the apartment. A light shone from Danny’s room, and he called out to him the moment he entered. An ominous silence greeted him, no movement. He hurried to the doorway. Danny lay on his back, apparently sleeping. Pedro scanned the room, taking in the glass that had slipped to spill whiskey beside him on the bed, the bottle now only a quarter full. What really caught his attention was the bottle of Xanax on the nightstand. Alarmed, Pedro went to it. The bottle lay on its side, a small number of pills spilled over the surface. There weren’t many remaining, but there was no way of knowing if Danny took only one from a mostly empty bottle, or had tried to overdose with a handful. Turning to the bed, he lifted Danny’s wrist and found a faint, slow pulse. His breaths came not nearly fast enough.

‘Damn!’ Pedro swore as he reached for his cell phone to call 911. ‘Damn damn damn!’ He kept the line open with the emergency services, so he could remain by Danny’s side until the last moment before he had to let the paramedics in. They soon arrived, worked efficiently, and quickly bundled Danny onto a stretcher and rolled him to a waiting ambulance. Afte
r asking where they were taking him, Pedro returned to search Danny’s room. He had a phone number to find. He was going to call Danny’s mother.


Danny woke to a raging headache, fire in his throat, and no knowledge of where he was or how he got there. He wiped a crust from his bleary eyes and looked around.

‘Mr. MacAwley?’ a woman’s voice said. A gentle hand settled on his shoulder. ‘Mr. MacAwley?’

He concentrated and a woman came into focus, standing by the bed he was lying in.

‘Where am I?’ he rasped through his burning throat.

‘Hospital.’ A tray on wheels was at the bedside, holding a pink plastic pitcher and matching cups. The nurse poured a cup of water, placed a straw in it, and held it to his lips. She wore fuchsia scrubs, incongruously bright in the dim room. With his aching eyes and head, the color disoriented him, swimming in and out of focus.

The water helped his throat enough for him to ask, ‘What happened?’

‘You tried to commit suicide,’ she said with a touch of asperity.

He frowned. ‘I did?’

‘That’s what it looks like. Xanax and alcohol. We had to pump your stomach. That’s why your throat hurts so bad.’

‘I don’t think I meant to.’

He barely whispered, but she seemed to hear him as she ‘hmmphed’.

‘When can I go home?’

‘That’s for the doctor to decide.’ Her expression softened, and she helped him drink some more water to swallow a pain killer. ‘You could get out a little sooner if we had someone to take custody of you. Do you have family we could call?’

Did he have family? Uncle Mike? Uncle Sean? How could he ever explain to them what brought him down this road?

Mom. He wanted his mother so badly right then he could forgive her for anything. Whatever opinions she held, this trumped them. ‘Mom. I want my mom.’

‘I’m here.’

In the dim room, her figure was just a silhouette against the lighted doorway. Then she stepped forward and his heart turned over.


‘Could we be alone?’ his mother asked.


Christie remained where she stood by the door, watching as the nurse left and then closing the door behind her. First dropping her purse in a chair, she came to stand by the bed, her hands at her sides. She watched him but didn’t speak, a lovely shadow at his side.

‘Christie?’ He ached to reach out to her, but she stood out of reach. She didn’t move forward or speak, and he realized that tears were rolling down her cheeks. ‘Christie?’ he repeated.

‘Did you try to kill yourself?’ He hands flexed a little. ‘Did you?’

‘No. Of course not. It was an accident.’

‘You’re a med student, Danny. You had to have known what taking Xanax would do with that much alcohol.’ Her tone was light but held an unforgiving note that made him hurt even more than he already did.

‘I really don’t remember, I don’t. I don’t remember actually trying to take too much.’

She stared at the floor for a moment, then looked back at his face. ‘While I was waiting for my flight, I had a long talk with Pedro. It’s seems you’ve been trying to kill yourself for a long time.’

‘Fucking traitor,’ he muttered. The pain-killer started working and the throbbing in his head abated. ‘Do you blame me? Do you?’

She stepped forward into the light. It shocked him to see how thin she was. The hollows of her cheeks had deepened, her blouse hung loosely at her stomach. His mother had lost at least fifteen pounds she didn’t need to lose. He wondered if their separation had been as hard on her as it had on him.

She wrapped her hands around the rail at the edge of the bed. She looked tired, and more defeated than he had ever seen her, even in the worst of her marriage. ‘I don’t blame you, Danny. I blame me.’

Danny knew that all through her marriage, adversity had made her strong. She would take a beating that would break many women and come out the other side more determined than ever to save herself. She fought for him, she fought for her family, clients, friends, and she fought for herself. But today… never had she seemed so lost to him. He raised his hand to cover hers. She quickly gripped it painfully tight.

‘All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. And because I had been so miserable for so long, I thought that what would make you happy was the things I never had for myself. A happy marriage to someone who loved you desperately, a house that was a real home not just a building to live in, the freedom to have as many children of your own as your heart desired.’

‘Mom, I never wanted the fucking picket fence,’ he said. His words were harsh, but his tone was more exasperation. ‘With you I was more than happy. I was content.’

‘I know that now.’ The tears started falling harder, her voice breaking. ‘We have a love that I just failed to understand. It was enough for you, and me. For both of us, and I nearly destroyed us both because of my idiocy.’

He reached up to put his arms around her. She leaned forward, sobbing softly now, to rest her forehead against his. Slowly, her arms edged under his torso to encircle him. She whispered, ‘Please come home.’

Something unclenched in his chest and a weight slid off of him that he hadn’t realized he was carrying. He smiled and for a moment he reveled in it, a strange sensation of lightness. He realized he hadn’t smiled for a very long time. Still, she had hurt him too badly for complete trust.

‘For how long?’ he asked.

She pressed her lips against his, salty and wet with tears, for a quick, fierce kiss. ‘Forever.’

He pulled her to him, tighter, closer, and said, ‘I’d like to see you try and stop me.’


It took until the next morning for the doctor to release Danny into Christie’s custody. Physically, he was recovered, but alcohol called to him. Christie wondered how far he had fallen into alcoholism, but Danny seemed determined to fight it.

‘I’m with you again,’ he told her as they drove away from the hospital, having already admitted the need for a drink. ‘I want to enjoy that sober.’

She reached out and patted his knee and squeezed his hand before turning her attention back to traffic. ‘I packed some things at your place,’ she said. ‘I’d rather not camp out at your apartment, and I thought you would want to be with me.’


‘Yes. For today, at least. We’ll make plans later.’

‘Sounds good.’

She had already searched for a hotel and made reservations on her phone, so the trip was short and full of anticipation for both of them. They had kissed a little in the hospital, but Danny hadn’t felt fully recovered until just before his release and neither wanted to risk discovery. Both of them exchanged small smiles as she retrieved the key for a two-room suite they only intended to use half of. No embarrassment or shame. This would be their life now, and both were willing to embrace it.

The moment the door closed behind them, a ‘do not disturb’ sign hung on the knob, the bags were dropped carelessly to the floor, and Danny pushed Christie against the wall. His hands were everywhere, wanting to feel her again. He yanked at the zipper of her jeans and pushed them roughly down off her hips. She detached her lips from his only long enough to shimmy out of them, kicking them away from her feet.

‘Bed,’ she said when he took a breath. ‘Bed would be good.’ But her legs wrapped around his hips and he had her pinned to the wall.

Danny responded by lowering his jeans to free his cock and then thrusting it into her. He growled low in his throat and pistoned his cock into and out of her fast. Frantic. He had to claim her before she was gone again, no matter what promises she made.

‘Promise me,’ he growled.

‘I promise,’ she said.



He didn’t want to hold back, he didn’t even try. He came quickly and climaxed with a soft cry. C
hristie kept her legs wrapped around him, breathed hard, and relished the feel of his weight pressing against her, but Danny seemed to be struggling, his breathing far to ragged for such a young man, sweat on his brow. He had ruined his health. She lowered her legs and took his hand. ‘Come on,’ she said, leading him to the nearest bed. Cum dripped between her thighs. There was so much of it, as if he had been saving up. She helped him remove his clothing and removed the rest of her own, then had him wait while she cleaned up.

She returned to find him smiling at her, curled up on the bed like a smug, lazy cat. He started to stiffen again while she wiped the cum from his cock with a warm wet wash cloth. He reached for her, but she said, ‘Not yet. There is something I would like to talk about.’

She sat cross-legged at his side, giving him a lovely view of her pussy, which he couldn’t resist trying to fondle. ‘Not yet,’ she said again with a smile, pushing his hand away.


She took a deep breath. ‘I would like you to stay at Stanford.’

‘Christie, no!’ He turned his body away from hers and threw a forearm over his eyes. ‘No! You promised!’ He shouted loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

‘Would you listen? I’m not done. I want to move here with you.’

The arm lowered a fraction. ‘You do?’

‘I’ve thought about this a lot, for a long time. What we would have to do if we could stay together forever.’ She smiled. ‘I always dreamed of it, even if I never thought we should.’

This time when he reached for her, she didn’t resist, coming to lie alongside him.

‘Most of the family is in LA,’ she said. ‘They are in and out of our home, and we would be under a lot of scrutiny. I think we should use this as an opportunity. Say that I want you to stay in school, but you need me near you. We’ll rent a house. Be together.’

‘Houses are even more expensive up here than down there.’ He wondered why he was arguing, but he wanted to be certain she wouldn’t back away when she saw the obstacles they faced. She had hurt him.

‘Steve left me loaded.’

‘You would have to close your practice.’

She agreed. ‘That and selling the house will keep me in LA for a few months. Can you handle that?’

‘You would return every weekend,’ he said sternly.

‘I’ll try to stay even longer than that.’

‘Christie.’ He sighed. ‘I never wanted to be like Steve. I don’t want to be obsessed with you or try to own you, but I want you to know that I won’t go easily ever again.’

‘Honey, you’re the one who has to worry. If you ever leave me, I will stalk you. You’ll bring dates home and find me hiding in your bathtub.’

‘Would you have a camera?’ he asked.

‘Nope. Two dozen chocolate chip cookies.’

‘You’re not my mother anymore,’ he said, but he laughed. Whatever she was, she was his, and that was all that had ever mattered.

The End

AUTHOR’S NOTE: First of all, thank you for sticking with this to the end. Truthfully, I was unsure of the reception this story would get. Everything I write is, at heart, a romance, and this story is no different. At a stretch, it could be called romantic erotica, but it is by no means the pure porn that predominates on this site. Hence the warning at the beginning of each chapter. I suppose it weeded out the people who were expecting tons of sex, because I’ve had no complaints on that score. I posted Photographs here because the incest theme made it impossible to post on any other forum.

I’ve had enough comments about why Danny doesn’t man-up and defend his mom that I wanted to talk about him a little. Danny is the sweetest, gentlest character I’ve ever created. He isn’t even capable of putting a dying bird out of its misery. I included the birds to drive this point home. He might fantasize about killing Steve, he might want to, but there is no way he could ever go through with it. I knew Steve had to die, if not just for karma but because he knew too many secrets, but his death was one of the last things I wrote. I simply could not figure out who would do it. The closest I came with Danny was his trying to kill Steve but backing out. (It finally came to me that, duh, Christie had to do it. She was the victim. It was her right.)

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100% fiction! My name is Will and my older brothers name is Ken and he's 4 years older than me. I worship my brother and he treats me alright except when he's around his friends. His two best friends were a black kid they call JoJo and a wimpy kid named Tommy. We have a clubhouse our dad built for us but they don't usually let me hang out with them. One evening I saw my brother and Tommy go in the clubhouse and they were acting suspicious. I snuck around in back of the clubhouse where there was...

3 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 3

The next room turned out to be the bedroom Sheila shared with her partner, Lucia. The walls were hand-hewn pine planks decked out with bookcases and several artfully done watercolor portraits of lightly clad women. A queen-size, four-poster bed covered with a beautiful handmade quilt took up one wall. Illumination provided by a handcrafted wrought iron table lamp beneath a stained glass shade provided most of the light for the room. The remainder came from a stone fireplace with several...

2 years ago
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Southern Comfort1

So, what was I supposed to do? I mean, there I was alone with the girl and all she was wearing was a flimsy pair of shorts and a tank-top that was made of the same material. She’d been sitting on the edge of her bed waiting for me and she stood when I entered her room. I could see the slight bulges of her tits poking through her light pink top, as well as her bony hips poking through her bottoms. She looked a bit nervous and in that way that two emotions can show on the same face, she...

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My first time with a man

My story starts from a pool, or more precisely the pool, hot in Druzhba, Varna residents know very well who exactly it is. I am a big fan of him personally.I was with a girl at the time. She had broken up with her ex some time ago, and things between us began more as a consolation for their separation. At first there was nothing intimate or sexual, but over time we decided that we liked each other at least to some extent and spent several months together.So we decided to go to the pool with...

1 year ago
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The Travel Show

Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected] For Patricia, my beautiful Muse, with love. X The Travel Show   Sunday Evening Patricia, who now only wearing a white lace bra, matching silky panties, hold-up black lace topped stockings and was lying face down across her boss’s bare legs. She squealed with a mixture of pain and...

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When one door closes

When one door closes ... Being a father is an incredible thing. You fall in love with this red- faced squalling baby, and as they get older, you only love them more, even when they surprise you. And boy, did I ever get a surprise from my child, born Emily. The signs were there young, if I had only been able to see it. She always was a rough-and-tumble tomboy, always trying to "be like daddy" every chance she could. But it was when she was turning twelve that I finally realized...

3 years ago
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Andee Learns Just What Stays in Vegas

Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked ‘Just For You.’ She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...

2 years ago
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Stranger: :)You: yeaStranger: ahhhhh why have you k**napped me?!You: because im goin to use u as my sex slaveStranger: Untie me from this dank dungeon!Stranger: I wanted kinky not this!You: no not until u have swallowed all my come and tasted my pissStranger: my hands are tied behind me and my ankles too, i struggle to get freeYou: stop struggling or im going to fuck u up the assStranger: I stop suddenly, wishing I could shower away the sweatYou: ill shower away your sweat.....start pissing on...

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Full Release Part One

A dark fantasy I remember wings. That was the first thought to cross my mind after the night I first met her. A beautiful angel come to me in the night. Looking back though, I remember everything with a clarity that is usually reserved for religious epiphany. Though, in a way, I suppose it was a religious moment. To understand it all, I will have to take you back a ways. It was 3 years ago that I was diagnosed with cancer. Brain cancer. The aggressive type. My doctors told me that I...

1 year ago
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The Anniversary of my collaring

Today is the anniversary of my collaring. Thinking back my life has been blessed to find such an amazing Master. I guess I should tell you a bit about my planet and how I got here. A couple of hundred years ago a group of 150 Masters with their slaves colonized this planet calling it Haven. Saying old Earth just didn’t understand how things should be and tired of being thought of as strange. They would raise their kids to understand the order of things should be. The boys went to one school to...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Ceremony

James and Kate’s Gifting CeremonyParticipants: James, Kate, and Dave.This is a semi-formal occasion in the evening. Kate wears a nice dress, her choice and a veil. She carries a small bouquet of flowers. Men wear boutonnières. This is a private affair, but in the fantasy there can be witnesses and even a videographer.James, Kate and Dave have met, but this is their first intimate encounter. Cold champagne and three glassesCopies of vows on cards for each person. Candles and light enough to read...

1 year ago
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My wifes first big black cock part 1

Its been a while since I first discovered my wife, Kay, in the arms of one of our African American neighbors, she wasn't too happy with me since we moved from the big city to a small urban neighborhood. Money was tight and it was just something we had to do. I can still remember the day, we were just unpacking the moving van when I noticed our neighbor standing on the front porch of his house looking our way. He slowly walked over and introduced himself. His name was Bobby, he was 6'3', 210...

1 year ago
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Photographic MemoryChapter 4

I'd been absorbed by the story the girls were telling me, and when I looked up I realised we were already pulling into the car park at the beach. The sun was high, and the sky was blue. It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great having three pretty girls to show me around. It's certainly not how I thought this holiday was going to go. We clambered out of the car into the heat, stopping to grab towels, drinks and my camera gear before stumbling out onto the hot sand. Jandals really...

3 years ago
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The Vicar of St Dunstans Guide

To be obvious: this isn’t a story, but a guide to the series. Since the series covers 24 episodes, I thought this list would help in keeping track of the major characters, especially their descriptions and basic history. It may not be comprehensive guide, but I hope it’s helpful. If there’s something that should be here and isn’t, please let me know, I would be happy to improve this guide to serve its purpose better even though the series is concluded. I’ve learned in the course of my life...

4 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 7

"My Beloved Harry, My Precious Carol, It's 3 AM and I have to go. Please believe me when I say this is the hardest goodbye I've ever skipped out on. If I stayed to say it face-to-face, I'm not sure I could go. Know in your hearts I will see you again. Know in your hearts I will come home to you. My love is with you always, entwined with your souls, Margo" Carol awoke to the smell of coffee. Straightening her collar she walked into the kitchen to find Harry at the table. He stared...

3 years ago
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Behen Ko Delhi Me Ragda Part 8211 4

Hi, indian sex stories dot net friends, thanks for your overwhelming response to my previous stories and I am glad that people (especially girls) discussed their sexual desires with me to find the ways to realize their fantasies and also live it in reality. Hope my advice helped them. I assure that all those conversations have been deleted so that privacy of my friends remains maintained. This is the continuation of my story series of tit bits between me and my slut sis Prom and this time you...

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Stephanies Ghost

This is the first story I’ve published here, or anywhere else, my english isn’t great as it is not my first language so please comment on both grammar and content. Enjoy! Stephanie’s Ghost Stephanie had just moved in to a new house on the country, she had recently come into an inheritance and decided that she wanted a change of scenery, the house was about a mile outside of town and had no nearby neighbors. The inheritance was so large that if she didn’t get to luxurious habits she could live...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Serena Blair Jayden Cole The Naughty Maid

Jayden Cole has hired Serena Blair to clean her house. When Jayden notices some spots on the front door, she makes sure to point them out humiliating Serena in the process. As she watches her scrub the windows, she gets off on the fact that her subordinate is on her knees slaving away. As she watches her clean, she barks orders at her making sure she does a good job. Serena bends over as she cleans those hard to reach areas and Jayden can’t help but check out her ass. She runs her hands...

2 years ago
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Taffeta Torment V

Margaret stood before her full length bedroom mirror and admired the reflection. Not quite her bedroom mirror, of course, because George had bought it as a special gift, one of several, and this was his spare bedroom in his generous town apartment. But ownership was not in doubt. Everything would soon belong to Margaret. After a short courtship, she had agreed to George's request that she move in with him but only on the condition that the relationship was strictly platonic. No hanky...

2 years ago
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Getting hot

Her name was reshma (not exactly somewhat near to that) and i was studying with her for the past 4 to 5 years. In fact i was very serious in that affair but she doesn’t seemed to be interested as she considered me just as her friend. But i used to see her stealing a glance at me very often. Maybe it was my imagination. She was tall and a little chubby but she was really fair-looking. She had very attractive body shape with nice round boobs,curved soft buttocks and a very very pretty face. I’m...

3 years ago
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Seducing Mom

My Mother comes home from work tired. She regularly asks me to massage her shoulders and arms and legs, today was no exception as I began the massage. I recalled her usual potentially erotic but innocent actions. Either massaging her or sleeping on her bed when she was alone at home. In one of these incidents, I was having an erotic dream and when I woke up, I was lying half on her, my cock resting on her pubis. Since then, I felt that if could try and seduce her and being into my kind of...

3 years ago
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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver Part Two

Part Two: Finding a New HomePatti and I woke about the same time Tuesday morning. I got up first, undressed, showered, shaved, put on a bra and panties, applied my makeup, and cleared out of the bath. Patti then showered, applied her makeup, and dressed. We would not be wearing heels today, walking sandals would be much more appropriate, so I chose a short sleeve, coral red crinkle top with a navy midi flared skirt. Patti selected a multi-color peasant blouse with a denim mid-calf...

1 year ago
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Pocket Adonis

A little about me: 5'10" 200 8" White, Married and on the DL. I had some time on the way home the other night. I was in the area where there is a cruisy bookstore that I like to stop at when I'm in the area, so I stopped hoping to find a little action before I head home. It was about 9:30pm and when I walked in there was not really much happening. I bought a $5 token and went in to the video booth, not seeing anybody as I walked through the booths going to the one in the very back. I was a...

3 years ago
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Seductive Housewife Ch 01

Paul Jacobs was on his way to the Faulkner residence to drop off the mortgage check. His dad had asked him to do that while he was running errands. He had just graduated from high school and would work for his dad that summer before heading off to college in the fall. The Jacob family had purchased the house from the Faulkners over a year ago and since they didn’t have enough for the down payment Henry Faulkner financed a second mortgage. Mr. Faulkner experienced recent success and moved up in...

2 years ago
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Marine GamesIntroduction

The para medic were trying everything they could think of but the poor women had just been stabbed too many times. Her cries of "Save me baby, please save my baby.' were all that kept them hoping for a miracle. As they wheeled her into surgery, her feeble heart, having lost too much blood, finally stopped. Since everyone was there and prepped, they went ahead and did a caesarian hoping to at least save the baby. As the little boy was removed from his mother's dead body he gave a cry that...

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Jasmine Incense

I was sitting on my couch, watching the news, and suddenly I hear a knock at the door. ‘Danny? It’s me, Madison… may I come in for a second?’ you say to me from behind the door. ‘Hey babe! I’m quite glad to see you. Sure, come on in, beautiful… the door should be open,’ I say, anxiously anticipating your arrival. You walk through the door, looking quite beautiful in a skirt and blue sweater, and I tell you so as you sit beside me on the sofa, and I place my arm around your shoulders, pulling...

4 years ago
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The Permissive Purity of Father Fontane 4

. It would be easy to explain why Father Everett Fontane was not going to hear a soft knock that was soon to come to his office door. It would be harder to explain why the chief priest of Pristine Valley would be seen laying with a blond boy on his office sofa. While there would seldom be a good day for such a discovery, this day could not have been worse for Father Simon Dott because he was just returning from a fabulous morning, one he had spent with Dana, Fontane’s own grandniece and one...

3 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 6 The First Review

Once again, I was in a deep sleep, having been exhausted by our activities over the past few days. Our bodies, or at least mine, had not fully adjusted to this new level of activity. At one point in my slumber, I had a fleeting impression of something heavier than my blankets pressing against me, but the single brain cell that had been awakened by the intrusion quickly returned to its unconscious state. After some unknown period of time, I began the slow climb back to reality. I started to...

2 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 07

The alarm goes off, and Sharon is still sleepy when she gets up. She has her shower, and comes back to get dressed. I tell her, “Sharon, take four fifties out of my wallet so you can take a taxi to and from your home today. You’re too tired for me to be happy with you driving.” “Master, my car’s at home, and I’ll need to drive it back.” “Offer the removal men bringing your stuff back here a fifty dollar tip each if one will drive you back in your car. He can follow the van back. I don’t...

2 years ago
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Conversations with Jessie

"You're married aren't you?" The clerk asked as she took my money."Why would you ask that?""Evading the question, yep married and for quite a while." She said it with such a smile that I couldn't help but respond."Yes, as a matter of fact I am." Well I know I wasn’t married anymore, but it was still so recent that I still felt married!She grinned like a little schoolgirl. "I knew it! And from the stuff you're buying, I bet she's out of town."I shifted nervously without saying...

3 years ago
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Wild Night with Mom

HI FRIENDS THIS IS RAJ_HOT4 LOVE AGAIN WITH NEW STORY OF MOM I NEED YOUR COMMENTS ON AND ANY PERSON WANT TO LEARN HOW TO LOVE SOME ONE CAN MAIL ME I WILL HIM/HER TO FIND OUR THEIR LOVE WITH OUT ANY CHARGE AS A LOVE GURU When should a young boys’ infatuation for his mother end? Maybe the first time he masturbates or when he kisses his first girl? In some cases in may never end at all. Jimmy opened his eyes when the wonderful smell of bacon cooking drifted up his nose. “Just what I need,” he...

3 years ago
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You exit the bathroom, having just bathed. As you head into the lounge, making your way towards the stereo, I exit the kitchen behind you, carrying two glasses of wine. As you make your selection, I place the glasses on the coffee table. You press play. I kiss your neck softly. You gasp, and put your hand to your damp hair. As I kiss your neck and then shoulders, you reach round and feel my jean-clad arse. You turn your head further, and as we kiss softly, your towel drops to the floor,...

Straight Sex
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Black wife submits later

Mike replaced the phone thinking of his pretty schoolgirl daughter,not in her final year of secondary school yet but probably the biggest titled,built like her mum and grandmother.mike had no problem thinking like this,he had learnt everything from the couple that his mum was submissive to,the three having a loving relationship for over twenty years.when they’d moved to Spain they had left her in his care and although he didn’t play with their group anymore any member that wanted her had to go...

2 years ago
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Coming MotherChapter 3

Still in her gown, Shellie stepped onto the deck, lifted her arms high and stretched, feeling very good. She pulled her nightgown over her head and dropped it onto the mat she had lain on the day before. Again she stretched in the sun, her naked tits, flawless, nipples jutting. Then she dived into the river, cutting the water cleanly. Shellie had swum in the river naked before, but only when she had been alone on the houseboat. She loved to swim naked, feeling the water flowing between her...

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Boss Trap 2

The room had a bed in the middle and sofas on three sides and a single chair on the fourth side. He asked me to take this chair and said. You are the referee! We are playing musical chair! You have to ring the bell at every half minute, and the person will have to pass your wife to the next person! I started looking at the watch and Girish took ny wife in his lap playing with her boobs and unbuttoning her blouse. In thirty seconds I rung the bell and she was passed on to the next guy who pulled...

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Reality Bytes Part ThreeDantes

"You still with me, Ms. Davis?" Alicia blinked at Juan. She had been looking right through him. She had been thinking of HIM again. "What? Oh, I'm sorry, go on." "Well, as I was saying, we've run into a bit of a snag with the DNA sequencing for the phage. It seems that one of the genes we're using is patented by Kefler-Henley Biotech." Alicia chided herself for having let her thoughts wander. This was a critical matter. Her employer was only one of several companies attempting to develop a...

3 years ago
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Exposing Cindy education our youth Chapter 5

Chapter 5 exposing Cindy- education our youth “The law of unintended consequences” As I entered our master bathroom, I raised my skirt hem, showing my husband that I was missing my panties, but what caught his attention was how red and swollen my vulva was. “Good lord girl! what happened to your cute little pussy? That looks absolutely raw.” “It is raw, I feel like I have been riding a ‘sandpaper hobby horse’.” I replied honestly. For the next 30 minues, Jim hung on every word as I described...

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