My Perfect Playmate; My Little Sis free porn video

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With a sigh, I looked down at the muddy mess of mud and snow beneath my shoes.

I could already feel my feet beginning to freeze as my socks became waterlogged.

If the weather reports had said anything about snowfall beginning so soon I would have worn more practical footwear!

Remind me again, I thought, but just why the hell do we go to the lake house every year for winter?

I hauled my baggage out of the trunk grudgingly, then reached into the backseat of the car for my precious cargo; my laptop.

Anything in my bags could burn in hell for all I cared as long as my mechanical conduit to the online world remained intact.

I clutched it to my chest as I began the tedious walk up the path to the family lake house which was nestled nicely into the mountainside, overlooking the great lake below.

I trudged through the snow, mumbling curses under my breath.

It was bad enough that even in my final year at college I was still being forced to make it to these family gatherings, but why did it always have to be here?


As I followed the muddy pathway up to the house, I was in an especially rotten mood.

Usually the long drive up to the lake house for our annual family getaway alone was enough to piss me off.

I mean, this was precious down time from school that I could spend playing my favorite games!

Who the hell really would really want to come up to some stupid secluded house in the freezing cold anyway?

Especially when the scenery looks just as good at 4k resolution and a steady 100 fps framerate!

Of course I'm k**ding.

4K resolution?


That was infinitely better than real life.

Just thinking about it now, I couldn't wait to get to my room where I could get set up and logged in to Fantasy Realm again.

My little laptop couldn't hold a candle to my gaming rig, but I'd accepted for some time now that it was not practical to move that mechanical monster the 200 miles from my university apartment to this place.

But that doesn't matter now, as long as I had some means of getting online I'd make it work... even if it meant that I'd have to lower the graphical settings to do so.

I cringed at the thought.

"Breathe, Kev. Breathe. You'll make it."

"Struggling to get up one teeny weenie little hill?"


I shrieked, almost throwing my travel bag to the ground (not even a scare would make me take a hand off my laptop bag), as the words came whispered creepily right into my ear from behind me.

I spun around angrily to grab the offending party, when the little bugger dashed past me while giggling wildly.

"Catch me if you can, little brooo!"

"I'm your big brother moron!"

Just where the hell did she come from anyway?

"Besides, I wasn't talking about the hill, idiot, I meant this ridiculous stupid trip!"

"Aww, don't be like that. I mean you are getting to see your one and only super special ~awesome~ little sister!"

I tried to kick some snow at her as she came charging in at me again in a gleeful fit of giggles, but only succeeded in kicking up mud and slosh onto myself to her further delight.

"Ugh! When are you ever going to grow up!?"

Every. Single. Year.

My little sister Allie made my life here a living hell.

When we were little we were inseparable, but somewhere along the way she became a wildly precocious insolent little brat intent on dedicating every waking second to my torment.

If she wasn't so unbearably annoying I might even be impressed by how dedicated she was to making me miserable.

But now she was almost nineteen, and had absolutely no excuse for her continued c***dish shenanigans.

I mean, seriously. Didn't she have anything better to do at this age?

I banged on the door as I got up the steps to the house, tightening my grip on my laptop bag as I did.

"Mo-om! Allie won't let me in and my hands are full!"

"Just put the bags down, genius."

I watched her with a scowl.

She was smiling innocently, and I was sure she was up to something.

Besides, I knew better than to let my guard down around her.

One false move and she'd be off with my clothes tossing it down the snowy hillside and leaving me with nothing to wear for the next two weeks.

The door swung open while I was still banging on it, keeping my eyes firmly on Allie.

"Whoah there son, no need to go all Viking on us."

"It's all those video games, dad. I told you it would make him violent."

I entered the house with a scowl, but dad still had a big smile on his face.

"Now now Allie, you promised you'd be nicer to your brother this year."

Dad merely chuckled as Allie hopped about, just out of my reach, like a wild a****l waiting for the right moment to pounce.

"Why don't you help your brother get your things upstairs? Your Mom and I are almost done getting dinner ready."

"She is not touching my stuff."

"Why not. You hiding something in there? Couldn't be weirder than that tentacle porn magazine I found in your bedroom."


I almost dropped my bags again as I lunged at her.

"That's not true!"

"Ahahaha. You k**s are precious. It's okay, Kev. You know we don't judge anyone for their preferences in this household," my dad said as he walked off to join mom in the kitchen.

"Wha- hey, it's not like that, I really don't have anything like tha- h-hey!"

Allie, halfway up the half-spiral staircase, wrapped her scarf about herself and clutched onto the banister, putting on a show as if she was being dragged away by some tentacle monster against her will, and moaning as if being violated in the process.

"You bitch!" I cursed under my breath as I scrambled up the stairs with my baggage in chase, but in vain.

The sound of her laughter faded as she bolted up the stairs, down the hall and around the corridor to the relative safety of her room.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard her door slam shut.

I quickly made my way down the corridor, and as soon as I got to my own room, I shut the door and locked it for good measure.

"Finally," I muttered under my breath.

She always found some way to torment me, and make my stay here that much more hellish than it needed to be.

It was bad enough I would be stranded for two precious weeks of vacation time where I was forced to play from my laptop rather than my usual gaming setup.

But all was not lost.

At least we had good Wi-Fi out here.

Since I had left home for college, mom and dad had been spending much more time out at the lake house, so to keep up with work and such they'd upgraded the Wi-Fi here.

Thank god, or else I'd have to play on 5mbps broadband like some sort of savage!

I quickly unpacked my belongings and began setting up my computer.


Luckily my parents did design this room to accommodate me, so I had a pretty good Tv set in here to use as an external display.

I got connected to the internet, did a quick speed test, and everything was good to go.

I was just about to boot up Fantasy Realm when I heard the call for dinner downstairs.


Though we ate breakfast and lunch at our own discretion, there was a strict family rule that we have dinner together.

I went down where I was greeted by a grand dinner.

Dad grilled up some of his famous steaks, and mom made a veggie casserole, creamy mashed potatoes, stuffed Portobello mushrooms and Asparagus sticks.

All of which I scarfed down in under ten minutes before tearing off to my room with my mouth still half full.

"Mo-om, stop him!"

I was out of the room before anyone could get their food down in time to respond.

Not that I needed to escape my parents.

They'd just chuckle and make some comment about digestion or something.

The real menace I needed to evade was Allie.

She always tried to mess with me at the dinner table.

If she wasn't trying to steal the meat from my plate, she was kicking at my feet under the table, or trying to lick my utensils when I wasn't looking.

Even if she didn't do anything she would just keep staring at me with this creepy look on her face that made me think that she did do something!


Little sisters could be such a freaking pain!

But, for now at least I was free.

I slammed the door shut and locked it again, then made a beeline for the laptop.

Fantasy Realm, here I come.

I logged into the game then within two minutes I was rolling on the floor in agony.

And no, not because I scarfed down my food without properly chewing.

She's not here!


Stupid stupid stupid Allie.

I have no idea how but I'm sure she's to blame for this.

Maybe she might have been around earlier if Allie didn't make it so hard for me to get set up as soon as I got here.

I sighed, then set off to see if there were any random quests I could take while I waited for her.

I was just plowing my way through some wood elves who didn't really do all that much to deserve the hell I was unleashing on them when the little ping came up that set my pulse racing.

She's here!

Alessandria2107 is online.

I only waited maybe twenty minutes or so for her to get online, but when you're waiting on someone you badly want to see even a minute can feel like hours.

Easy, easy play it coo-


I practically shrieked as the message came up.

Hey, you're here! Are you sure you don't live on this game? ;D

I wasted no time in replying:

Well this guild hall isn't gonna pay for itself.

No, but you could take a break sometimes. Wanna meet me at the tavern and chill? I'm sure you've been questing all day! ;)

Oh how those winking emojis set my heart alight!

I quickly finished off the nearest elf before teleporting back to the main town.

Sure thing, you coming on TeamTalk or just chatting here?

She answered with a nudge which told me that I'd just been messaged on my TeamTalk account.

I quickly switched over to there, and saw her little nudge along with a strange message:

"Ip conflict detected; switch to multiple accounts mode? Confirm?"

That was strange; usually that only happened when one of my roommates were using TeamTalk from the same server as me.

Must be a bug, I thought, and I quickly hit the OK button before heading for my laptop bag to retrieve my headset.

Good thing I installed all of these things in advance.

As I got into TeamTalk, I was about to call her when I remembered:

"Ahhh! The voice filter!"

One of the really handy features of TeamTalk was the voice modifier; it allowed a person to modify the pitch and tone of one's voice, so that your voice could more accurately match your in-game character.

I had used the feature to- deepen my voice a bit, and give it a little heavier tone.

I'd always just thought it was cool to sound manlier, but ever since Alessandria2107, or Lessie as I called her, had commented on how much sexier it made me sound, I'd spent hours one day fine tuning it to achieve the maximum effect.

Now, don't look at me like that, okay!

No-one is really what they seem to be online anyway.

For all I knew my new sultry voiced cyber friend was probably some hideous middle aged woman with five k**s or something, so what the hell, right?

God, I really hope she's a hottie!

At least I knew she was a girl.

The good thing about TeamTalk was that even with modified voices, it was pretty easy to tell chicks apart from dudes.

Early on a lot of girls tried to fake being guys to avoid being hit on by the massive hordes of pathetic men that would basically line up just to talk to you if you had a vagina.

There was no way to really trick someone unless you could effectively imitate sounding like either a girl or guy to begin with.

And, at least I was hoping, Lessie was not one of those capably talented voice actors.

I was pretty sure I was safe though.

I'd been chatting with this girl for almost a month now, and in the last week- well, things had gotten pretty spicy!

We were in a full on virtual romance; cutting down innocent wood elves and burning villages to the ground in tandem.

You know; typical first date type things.

It was about two weeks before we even started talking to each other.

But the first time I heard her voice, I felt a little flutter in my stomach.

She had a laugh like an angel, and she always laughed at anything I had to say.

I plugged my headset in, made sure it was working and my voice filters were set up, then I hit call and held my breath.

"Hey, sexy. Where have you been?"

"Oh, you know. Had to finish teaching those elves to build those tree houses elsewhere before I came back to town."

"Oooh. Did you get me anything good?"

"Not this time, sorry."

"By the way mister, you have some explaining to do!"


"For someone who lives on this game, you've sure been scarce these last few days!"

"Oh? Did you miss me?"

"Oh sure, you- and your Elf slaying prowess. A girl needs new gear! So what gives? Did you find a girlfriend and forget all about poor little old me?"

God she was so cute!

Unlike all of the boring girls I'd met over the years in college who didn't know one single thing about video games, this girl was a gem.

Every gamers dream!

I couldn't have been happier sitting here and chatting with her than if I were with some stupid ordinary girl.

Even if little miss ordinary was pretty, nothing could hold a candle to a gamer girl.

"Hah. There are no real life girls that can satisfy me. If she isn't 2-dimensional, then she isn't good enough for me."

"Ohh? But there's things that real girls can do that virtual ones ~can't~?"

"What was that?"


She'd never done that before.

It was the annoying singsong-y thing that Allie always did, except when Lessie did it sounded soo much cuter.

It was actually pretty sexy.

"Nothing, never mind."

"Oh? Does someone like being teased? Well then mister, you better fess up and quick! Who's the little vixen that's been keeping you away?"

She spoke in a pouty voice that had me going crazy.

God everything about this woman was just crazy sexy.

Her teasing tones, the pouty nuances to her jealous interrogation.

Oh please God let her be hot!

"Alas, there are no vixens to fear, mi'lady."

"But good sir, surely that's what every good knight claims! What proof do you have?"

We giggled for a bit before I started to explain.

"A vixen or two would be much more interesting than reality, I'm afraid. The truth is I'm visiting my folks for the holidays."

"Oh? So Gara the Glorious has a family now does he? Tell me more!"

"Not much to tell. It's just me and the parents."

"Only c***d, are we?"

"I wish! I've got a younger sister, despite my best efforts I should say."

"Sibling squabbles? I'm sure you love her nonetheless."

"Nope. I don't think it's in any way possible for me to hate someone as much as I do her. She's a stupid brat, and she's always getting on my nerves-"


"Wha- what was that? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I just- uh, stubbed my toe."

"See, if that happened, she'd probably just laugh at me and enjoy the fact that I was in pain! She's terrible, really."

"Oh, I'm sure she's not that bad."

"She is! Trust me."

"Well then, why don't you just put the little brat in her place?"

There was a subtle sultriness in her voice that gave it a really seductive tone.

"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you?"

"A girl does like a man that can take charge."

"Well, in that case I would definitely make her suffer."

"Ooh, do tell me more."

"Maybe grab her by her annoying little ponytail, lean into her ear and whisper, 'you've gone far enough, now it's time to pay with that slutty little body of yours."

"Oh? Do ponytails turn you on?"


"That's so bad! Now I think I want to be your little sister."

"Really now? You'd want me to be your overprotective big brother?"

"Now that you mention it that does turn me on."

Holy shit, this was kinky as fuck!

I was actually getting really turned on by the thought of Alessandria being my little sister.

"Oh big brother, I've been so bad," she said, in a sexy, cute voice.

"What is it this time?" I put on the best authoritative scolding voice I could.

"I've been in my room thinking about you, and I just couldn't stop touching myself."

My cock began to throb in my pants, and I began rubbing it as she spoke;

"Oh, that's really naughty. I know exactly what a naughty girl like you needs. A good spanking."

"You wouldn't possible lay your hands on your little sister would you?"

"Well if you keep teasing me like the little whore you are, I just don't know I can help myself?"

"Is your little sister making you lose control?"


"Oh! But big brother, you're not supposed to touch me like that! What if mommy and daddy see us?"

"Mm, if you didn't want them to see this then maybe you shouldn't have teased me like such a little slut."

"But then I'd never stop teasing you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, let them watch me squirm like a bitch in heat while their son runs his hands all over my sexy little body."

Part of me wanted to believe she was subconsciously describing herself.

It wasn't the first time our conversations had gotten heated and sexy like this, but this time I felt as if she was really getting into it.

Before I wasn't sure if she was just being a tease or not, but ever since we'd started chatting I'd been falling harder and harder for this girl.

I'd increasingly found myself wishing I could see her, meet her.

Play games with her in person.

Perhaps now more than ever.

"You know I don't think your spanking made any difference."

"And why not?"

"Because your little sister is still thinking about you and touching herself."

"Oh? Well then I guess we'll have to resort to really drastic measures."

"Like what?"

"Hmm. Maybe I'll just strip you down, and tie your hands and legs so that you'd be on the ground, naked and bound, and at my mercy."

"Oh my god- uh, then what, big bro?"

Was that a pant?

Lessie was really getting into it this time.

There was no doubt that she was getting really turned on by this.

"I'd grab your head-"

"Grab me by the ponytail?"

"Uh-huh, and I'd pull your sexy, naked body close to me-"

"Oh god yes- would you touch me? Would you finger my wet little cunt?"

"Yeah, I would finger you like the little whore you are."

"Mnh," she moaned, "but this is so wrong! I'm your sister. Big brothers shouldn't have their fingers buried deep inside of their sister's pussies!"

Who knew this could be so hot? She was turned on like crazy, and so was I!

I freed my cock from its confines in my briefs, and began to stroke it in earnest.

"Well, little sisters shouldn't get so wet for their older brothers!"

"Oh, big brother, I'm so wet for you right now!"

Every time she called me 'big brother' it made my cock twitch in my hands pleasurably.

"Oh, well I'm sure that my fingers alone are enough to satisfy a slutty little girl like you."



"What do you need then?

"My brother's, long hard, steamy hot cock!"



"And how do you want it."

"I want you to bend me over and bury it inside of my hot little cunt!"

"Are you close?" I asked in my own voice.

"Uh-huh, you?" she panted.

Her voice was still sexy, even when she wasn't putting on the little sister act.


"Cum for me, I wanna hear you cum."

"Think we can do it at the same time?"

"Oh, my God- that's so kinky! Can you hold out? I'm almost there."

"Mhm," I added, as I slowed my pace a little.

I was so turned on I was certain that her orgasm sounds would be enough to send me over the edge.

"Talk to me. Tell me you want me to cum for you."

"Mm, cum for me baby-"

"Little sis!"

Her voice was thick and husky with lust.

Jeez, she's really into the siblings thing, huh.

"Cum for your big brother, little sis."

"Oh God yes, K-uh, big bro!"

My word, what a slip up!

Hey, maybe she did have an older brother and was really thinking about him right now.

Normally I'd think that was sick but right now it was really sexy as fuck!

"Yeah, cum for your big bro!"

"Mnhhhh! Oh yes, yes, ahhhhhh!"

She screamed out, and just in time too.

I let out a pleasurable groan as I aiming my cock into my t-shirt, and shot rope after rope of cum into it.

I could still hear her breathing heavily into the mic, when she giggled a little, breaking the silence.

"That- was really good."

"Allie! Kevin! Come downstairs for a bit please!"

I heard my Mom calling us from down the hall.


I winced as a shriek came through my headset.

"Everything okay there?"

"Y-yeah, one of my roommates just knocked and scared me."

Roommates, huh.

Maybe she was a student living in a dorm like me?

I began feeling better and better about the odds of Lessie being a hottie.

"Gotta go, brave and mighty warrior. Let's kill some elves tomorrow, kay?"

"Sure thing."

The headset gave a little beep letting me know that she had disconnected, and I quickly rushed to change my t-shirt and head downstairs.

As I darted out of my room, I immediately ran into Allie who practically jumped out of her skin as soon as she saw me.

She had this strange look on her face, almost like a cat-burglar who just got caught breaking in.

I braced for whatever idiocy she was usually prepared and waiting to hit me with, but instead she just darted ahead of me and headed down the stairs.

What the hell was that about?

When we got downstairs, mom and dad were sitting in front of the electric fireplace sipping some hot cocoa.

"What's up?" Allie asked first.

"Our neighbors, the Collins, are up at the lodge for the holidays, so we invited them over for dinner tomorrow night," mom answered.

"So no running away from the dinner table, you two," dad added.

"Just try to be a nice, peaceful family for one evening."

"Is Mel gonna be there too?" my sister asked.

"Yep," mom answered nonchalantly, but my sister's reaction to this was anything but.

She tensed up, then excused herself and took off for her bedroom.

Well that's not odd at all.

As I headed back upstairs to take a shower and clean up after my heated online exchange, the matter rested a little on my mind.

Melanie Collin was a serious hottie; she was one of those girls that developed a shapely figure pretty early on in her teens, but now at nineteen, she had made the leap from pretty to gorgeous nearly flawlessly.

And she never got along with Allie one bit.

Given these details, you'd think that I'd be excited that she was coming over, right?


For one she was quite possibly worse than my sister when it came to teasing me for my gamer lifestyle.

I mean, the last time she was here she'd even flat out called me pathetic!

Ridiculous, right?

Now I know what you're thinking. Choosing video games over a real life hottie?

That is borderline pathetic and just plain stupid.

But the thing is the last summer I'd spent here, she'd spent two weeks teasing me mercilessly, only to shoot me down at every turn.

I hadn't even so much as held her hand by the end of the summer.

Yet when I went back to school for the start of the new semester, she kept trying to text and call me again.

Like seriously!

What the hell was her problem?

The conclusion was the same as always: Real life girls suck!

But, this Alessandria chick.

This was different.

She was real and virtual at the same time.

I mean sure, I could keep my hopes up that she's some irresistible hottie somewhere out there just dying to meet me, but the fact remained that most likely she was some middle aged married chick with like five k**s.

Thinking about it gave me a renewed appreciation for the anonymity of online romance.

Sure, I got pretty caught up in the moment just now.

And hanging with her in game recently sure was a hell of a lot of fun.

But beneath the code; the flashy graphics and smooth simulation, she was a real person.

And that was enough to remind me that she could not be trusted!

I went to bed feeling pretty satisfied, and sleep came easily.

The next day, I had barely rolled off of the bed when I was at my laptop logging into Fantasy Realm, and started hacking away at some poor elven colonies.

I was halfway through some generic quests when Allesandria1207 finally showed up.


Her message immediately came up.

Did you even sleep? Sheesh!

I chuckled at her comment, then switched over to TeamTalk as she immediately placed a call.

"Well, those elves drop anything good for you today?"


"Jeez, I dunno how you have the patience to keep killing them by the hundreds. I can barely get through fifty without getting a migraine."

"New to gaming, huh?"

"Sorry grandpa, not everyone was here at the dawn of the MMO."

"Hey, you k**s don't know how easy you have it. In my days we didn't even have macros!"

"Brutal! Can't say I'm glad I missed that."

Curiosity began to gnaw at me again, and before I could stop myself I blurted out the question on my mind.

"So are you just young in gaming years, or are you also like twelve or something?"

She burst out laughing uncontrollably, and something felt unsettlingly familiar about it.

"Are you looking out your window right now, checking to see if the FBI are on their way up to your room?"

"Ha-ha-ha," I laughed sarcastically, before continuing in a tone of mock worry: "please tell me you're not twelve."

She began laughing again.

Her laugh was cute, but for some reason it still unsettled me.

"Hey, that annoying k** sister of yours, how old is she?"

"Eh? You're seriously into that shit, huh? You know you almost said someone's name last night, are you seriously into your own brother or what?"

"Yup. I seriously think about fucking him almost every day!"

I was only taunting her, but her response made me thankful that I didn't just take a sip of anything, or else it'd be all over the laptop keyboard right now.

"You slut!"

"I prefer the term 'sexually liberated' thank you very much! Besides I really didn't hear you complaining last night when you were begging your little sister to cum for you."

I blushed, and was once again thankful for the buffer of our virtual separation.

"Soo- how old is she?"

I sighed, before responding:

"Nineteen going on twelve."

"Body of a woman, heart of a little girl, huh? Interesting fetish."

She gave a little playful giggle before continuing:

"Well then let's say that I am nineteen as well."

"Are you really?"

"Uh-huh! You know, you sound really interested all of a sudden- are you going to start making me act all c***dish and cute now?"

"Hah! Unlike you, I am not into my sister."

"Eh. Give it time."

We finished up some of the usual boring quests then decided to hit a dungeon before lunch.

It wasn't long before we cleared our way to the final boss, and got started on him.

"Hey, he's getting ready to fire breath us-"

"Got it!"

She quickly fired some high damage range spells drawing his focus to her, and then circled away from me and our monster companions, turning him in her direction.

The fire dragon let out a monstrous roar, the unleashed a hellish blaze into the empty courtyard.

She even managed to take cover behind a pillar, avoiding most of the damage herself.

She's getting really good at this! I thought, as if I needed any more reason to fall for this girl.

As the great Red Dragon fell before us, shattering into a prismatic explosion of light, I looked at her Avatar.

Her long silvery hair glimmered in the afterglow of the fight, and her eyes were grey and thoughtful. Her hair bounced with her every turn, and her breasts, two full round perfect globes, stood proudly on her chest, clad in intricate weave of silvery, and gold, metal armor, which hugged to her every curve, and doing little to conceal the tribal tattoos which were scrawled beautifully across her arms, legs, and torso.

She was a stunning image of absolute perfection; the likes of which was scarcely humanly attainable.

Calm down, I told myself. Beneath the code, she's still a real girl!

We gathered up the loot to see what we got, and divided the spoils as she prepared to log out.

"Aww, at this rate I'm never gonna have a full gold rated set."

Her voice was whiny and pouty, yet really cute.

"Still trying to tempt me with the cute little sister stuff, huh?"

"A girl's gotta try!"

Her game character blew me a kiss as she logged out, and I decided to head out of my room for a little stretch as well.

When I got downstairs I was quickly greeted by the delicious scents wafting up to me from the kitchen.

Jeez, I thought.

Mom and dad had a tendency to go all out whenever we had any kind of company.

I was kind of surprised that they hadn't given up their business life to start their own little husband-wife home cooking show.

They were pretty good at it too, but I never understood the joy they got from being in the kitchen for long hours. Not only did they spend lots of time in there, but they always seemed blissfully happy while they were at it.

Although that one time I almost walked in on dad bending mom over the kitchen counter did seem like a more probable cause.

Now don't go psychoanAlliezing me or anything, alright?

If you live in denial about the fact that your parents have sex, then maybe you should get your head checked!

Anyway, I was s*******n at the time and old and mature enough to handle it without developing any 'issues' or anything like that.

The only impact it had on me if any, was that I had made it a habit to listen for a second before barging into the kitchen when anyone else was in there.

I neared the kitchen, then got the all-clear and headed in.

Dad greeted me first:

"Hey, look who's back from then dead. Is the Wi-Fi down or you here to fend off starvation Kev?"

"Wi-Fi's fine, or else I wouldn't have walked in here so calmly."

Mom chuckled at my rebuttal before playfully ruffling my hair as I retrieved some brownies from the table, and a juice from the fridge before heading out.

"Speaking of which, didn't we have two c***dren, dear?"

Dad did a quick check on his fingers then said, "By God, you're right! I know we lost one son to the dark confines of his room twelve years ago, but I think our daughter seems to have fallen to the same fate."

As I left the kitchen my mom called after me:

"If you see your sister, please let her know that her parents love her very much, and she can leave the room to visit us sometime before we hit the dirt."

"If you want to wake the b**st then do it yourself. I say, let sleeping demons lie!"

Allie hiding out in her room?


You would think she was out in the snow chasing squirrels and doing whatever annoying crap she usually does.

I was halfway up the stairs when she came sauntering out of her room, stretching as she walked.

"Aww, you brought me snacks?"

She made a grab for my brownies but I was ready for her and snatched it just out of reach!

"Forage for your own grub!"

She pouted at me, and struck a pose which struck an unthinkable chord in my brain.

Maybe it was the adorable way she had her hair up in a ponytail, which stuck out to the left side of her head. Or maybe it was the oversized loose t-shirt she wore alone, which carelessly hung to the side leaving one shoulder bare, and putting her long, slender legs on show. Or maybe it was the way she hopped from one leg to the other as she prepared to make another go.

But I couldn't help but think, is my annoying little sister actually kind of cute?

I shook the thought from my head and evaded her as I made a quick dash into my room.

The only explanation I could think of was that my little cyber playmate Lessie had gotten into my head a bit more than I thought.

Allie, my little sister might be many things, but she most certainly was not cute!

That sure came out of nowhere though.

Had I ever seen her wear her hair up in a cute ponytail like that?

Not recently, as far as I could recall.

It was certainly an accidental manifestation of one of my most private fantasies, but damn, it was much more effective than I ever thought.

I went back to my room and quickly ate my food before getting back in to Fantasy Realm, where I played by myself for a bit.

Truthfully though, my heart wasn't really in it.

I was really hoping Lessie would be back by now.

Her company was the difference between tedious boredom and sheer excitement recently.

Eventually I gave up, and just lay down on the ground, looking up at the mesmerizing aesthetics of Fantasy Realm on the external display mounted on the wall of my room.

The conversation we had that morning kept replaying in my mind.

Our risqué encounter last night was so hot.

Without thinking I began to fantasize about the prospect of her being here, right now, in my room.

Whenever I thought about her, only her game character ever came to mind.

Sure, her game avatar was really sexy, but it was always so hard to imagine that design in real life.

What would she really look like?

I let me mind wander, remembering her cutesy voice, saying 'big bro' while we dirty talked, then suddenly the image of Allie popped into my head, her cute little ponytail swaying back and forth as she walked sensually towards me, tugging at her t-shirt as she said seductively:

"You know Kev, I'm not wearing anything under this-"


I almost leapt off of the ground in shock!

What the fuck was that?

I mean I knew that my brain was capable of some pretty twisted, warped shit.

Like Allie wasn't exactly lying about the tentacles thing; I'm pretty sure she found that out while going through my stuff.

But this?

This was a whole new level of weird.

And to make things worse, the thought had actually gotten me stiff as fuck!

As if having had the thought at all wasn't bad enough.

I was still agonizing over the mental image when a little bleep told me that Lessie was back.

She called as soon as she saw that I was online, so I grabbed my headset and answered.

We were chatting for a little bit while she was sorting through her character's junk, when she noticed something was up:

"You okay there bud?"

I glanced at my watch.

It was getting close to dinner time.

"Mhm," I answered, "I've got a dinner thing this evening. Just mentally preparing myself for it."

"Ooh, black tie kind of affair or is this of the more casual kind."

"Casual. My parent's invited my neighbor's family over for dinner. They get excited about these things, so they go all out with the cooking, but in general it's just a drag."

"Hm. I see. Your, *ahem* sister gonna be there?"

"You just can't help yourself, can you?"

"I could- but I don't want to. Teasing you is waay too much fun."

I sighed.

"Why don't you get all dressed up for her?"


"Go all out, shave, dress to impress, bring out the swag!"

"Uh- no."

"Awww, why not?"

"Wouldn't make a difference."

"I'd wager that it would. Do you normally go all out for dinner-guests?"

"Not really."

"Then it would make a difference. Trust me!"

"Wha-? Wait, let me guess. Your big bro gets you all hot and bothered when he dresses up?"

"Actually, the opposite. I went for the cute and sexy look and he had to pick his jaw up off the ground. And he's not the weird one. I am! So ha!"

"Yeah yeah, but any woman dressed in the right way can have that effect. I'm a guy. It would just be weird."

"Any woman, huh?"

"Oh no-"

"Been checking out lil' sis?"


"Come on, not even a little?"



She almost sounded as if she was personally offended!

I was about to ask her what that was about when she quickly added;

"Shoot! Gotta go! Will you be back after dinner?"


"Okay. Buh-byeee~," and with a click she was gone.

As I took a shower in my bathroom, I pondered Lessie's sentiments.

Dress up, huh?

I suddenly remembered how Allie had gotten under my skin earlier, and my competitiveness began to take hold.

Maybe I should dress up!

Make her go through the uncomfortableness that I did.

Hell if it didn't work, what's the worst that could happen?

Lessie would definitely get a kick out of the fact that I at least tried, and we'd probably have a good time chatting about it.

After my shower I made sure to shave, style my hair a bit, and then sneak off to find Dad, since I didn't exactly pack formal wear for my two week vacation.

As luck would have it, Mom was in the shower and he was already dressed, and he absolutely lit up when I told him I wanted to borrow something to wear for dinner.

Of course I said that I was taking an interest in Melanie, since I didn't have a girlfriend or any serious romantic prospects.

"Trying to impress Melanie with the ole' 'well-dressed man' approach, eh? Don't worry Jack, I gotcha back!"

I tried really hard to suppress the urge to roll my eyes, I really did.

"Babe, have you seen my white shirt?" he called to mom in the shower.

"A bit much for dinner don't you think?"

"Not for me, Kev is putting the moves on Mel."

The shower immediately turned off and mom came dashing out of the bathroom, dripping wet and wrapped in a towel.

"Well why didn't you say so? Gosh, we have got to do something about that hair of his."

"W-what? What's wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing honey, you're perfect just the way you are- now just shut up and let mommy make you pretty."

There are some times in life when you really regret even being born.

As my mom hustled, fixing my hair several times over before eventually giving up and leaving to return to my horror with a pair of scissors, my dad searched for his 'sexy white shirt' and some decent fitting dress pants.

While my mom worked on my hair, I came to a startling revelation.

My mom was hot.

I mean seriously, she had an amazing body.

But I was aware this for as long as I've had eyes.

The revelation was that even though she was wet, wrapped only in a little towel, and showing off some serious amounts of cleavage and skin, it had no effect on me whatsoever!

I mean her breasts were glistening wet from her shower, and bouncing about in front of me as she worked on my hair; surely this would turn anyone on, no?

But nothing!

So much for my 'any woman dressed sexy can get you going' theory.

The thing that really got to me though was the fact that Allie had slipped into my mind after our little 'run in' this morning.

I mean what the hell was that?

She wasn't half the knock out babe mom was, but she wears her hair in a cute ponytail and sticks her tongue out at me while striking an adorable pose and-

Oh my fucking God my cock just twitched!

Now I can't even think about it without getting turned on? What the Hell!

"Down boy," mom teased, and suddenly I became embarrassed.

"You must really have the hots for Mel, huh. I could tell that you were thinking something dirty about her just now."

She gave me a little wink.

No no no no NO!

I was on the verge of having a panic attack.

If anyone wants to know what an existential crisis looks like, look no further.

I began to rationalize it in my head.

Maybe it wasn't Allie.

Maybe it was the look? The way she acted?

I tried to picture Mel doing this, but that was a disaster.

"Are you stupid? What kind of pathetic girl do you think I am?" is probably what she would be more inclined to say.

Oh, what about mom?

She could pull off the ponytail, right?

But there was no way she could be cute.

This was a woman who radiated maturity and sophistication.

I was still searching for a cure for my psychological sickness when mom declared, "Tada!"

And I looked in the mirror and thought, holy shit. I look good!

My dad emerged from the walk in closet with the required clothing and gave an impressed whistle.

"Good job, hun!"

I gave my mom a quick hug, then grabbed the clothes from dad who gave my behind a playful smack as I tore off for my room to change.

I got ready, gave myself one final look in the mirror, and then went downstairs to wait on our guests' arrival.

As I descended the staircase, Mom and Dad gave me an exaggerated welcome; wolf whistles, blowing kisses and cheering like my adoring fans.

The reaction drew Allie's eyes to me, and her mouth fell open in a shocked 'O'.

Suck it! I thought to myself, the triumphant feeling practically lifting my confidence sky high.

She almost never looked at me with anything but smirking teases and sharp glares, making the stupefied expression on her face beyond priceless.

As I walked down the stairs, she couldn't even take her eyes off of me!

I'd paid her back, and then some!

It felt so good I didn't even notice how super amazingly cute she looked, wearing her yellow spaghetti strap dress with that huge bow that bounced like butterfly wings on her back.

Nope, I did not notice it at all.

"Looking good Kev! Mel doesn't stand a chance," my dad added with a wink.

"M-mel?" my sister glanced at my dad, then back at me with an expression that looked equal parts hurt and confused.

What the hell was that about? I thought.

"Yup. Doesn't your brother look stunning Allie?"


But as she stammered her response the doorbell rang, and my folks went ahead to usher our guests in.

I glanced over at her and her arms were folded defiantly, and her gaze seemed to be purposely directed elsewhere.

Holy shit!

I'd seen never seen Allie this upset before.

I mean pouty whiny upset, sure!

But not this!

It was hilarious!

I seriously owed Lessie big time for her suggestion.

As we ate dinner, I caught her constantly trying to steal little glances at me.

I mean I was used to her staring at me while we ate, as she was usually trying to do something stupid to me.

But this was different.

A couple times our eyes even met, and she looked away with a cute little blush.

I was in heaven.

Dinner ended up going by in a flash, and I was still in dreamland when my dad snapped me out of my reverie:

"Right Kev?"


Everyone was looking at me, including Melanie, and I suddenly realized that I'd been so caught up in getting back at Allie that I ended up ignoring Melanie completely all night.

She was actually staring at me intently with a look that I could not place.

"I was just saying, it's a nice night out, Kevin, why don't you take Melanie here up to the loft."

I looked over at her and to my surprise she quickly nodded.

"You like stargazing, Mel?"

"Yes Mr. Conner."

"We've got a pretty good view of the lake from the deck up there, and there's a telescope set up. Just make sure to take your coats k**s, it's freezing out."


The heating in our house was superb, but it meant that I wasn't at all prepared for the outdoors.

The deck wasn't usually so bad though.

It was designed to keep the wind from hitting you directly, so it was pretty easy to keep warm, and a nice place to get cozy in this weather.

I went to my room to grab some more layers to throw on real quick, then guided Melanie up to the loft, which led to the upper deck.

We were looking over the rails at the fantastic view of the great Lake below.

"Soo- you got all dressed up tonight," She cooed, as she scooted really close to me, her shoulder brushing against mine; "was that for me?"

She gave me a little wink as she said this.

She was so close I could smell the sweet scent of her perfume, and see the little puffs of her breath in front of me, so I kept my gaze forward, and down towards the lake, trying to avoid letting her get to me like she usually did.

"You know it's okay to look at me a little," she added, placing a her finger under my chin, and guiding my gaze to her body.

I'd been through an entire summer of this before, so I knew how it went.

She'd try to unsettle me, gain the upper hand, and then turn me down if I so much as hinted that I wanted her.

Well, unfortunately for her, not only was I game, but after the way things had gone with Allie tonight, I was in the zone!

Bring it! I thought.

Still, I had to be careful.

She was pretty hot, and though she definitely couldn't hold a candle to the perfectly rendered female avatars from Fantasy Realm, nothing in the game world came close to replicating the intoxicating of a desirable woman in close proximity.

And right now she was trying to unsettle me with her closeness.

I tried not to let my breathing falter, knowing that in the cold it would show as clear as day.

"What? You don't like my body?" she gave a little pout, "or are you still thinking about your video games?"

"Are you a mind reader now?"

"No, but you haven't even looked at me all night. I know how you are, always living in your fantasy worlds. But a real woman is right here, if you just open your eyes- and look."

She giggled a little, but unlike Lessie's heavenly giggles it was fake and see-though.

I gave her a 'not very impressed' look, then returned my gaze to the lake.

She moved in closer yet before continuing:

"I know you think I'm playing games with you, but I'm not."

Despite my best efforts I shuddered a bit, the warmth of her breath as she spoke close to my ear making the pores along my neck flutter just a bit.

"I'm getting a little chilly out here, why don't we go inside and you can warm me up a bit."

I gulped, as she took my hand, and guided me back into the loft.

There was a cozy loveseat and a sofa set inside, in front of a modest home theatre set up.

She pushed me onto the loveseat, then stripping off her coat she tossed it onto the seat beside me before she began climbing on top of me.

Her knees pressed into the softness of the sofa on either side of me, and her legs slipped through the slits in her dress, revealing the smooth naked skin of her legs on either side of me.

"Do I have your attention now, Kevin?"

She arched her back a bit, drawing my attention to the way her ample breasts stood out on her chest, and letting her crotch brush just tantalizingly against the growing bulge in my pants.

I was tempted to reach forward and take them into my hands, even if I knew she would probably just laugh bitterly and slap them away before ridiculing me a bit.

Be strong, I thought.

Think about anything else Kev!

I tried thinking about Mom's sexy towel clad body from earlier, but that was as ineffective as ever.

I tried thinking about the sexy game avatars from Fantasy Realm and Lessie, but even that came up short.

It wasn't until my lunatic good for nothing brain subconsciously conjured up the image of Allie, striking that cute pose with that adorable ponytail hanging to the side and d****d carelessly in that oversized t-shirt, that I was able to free myself from the spell of the vixen in my lap.

A wry smile crept onto my face, and I saw Melanie tense as I lifted my hands, only to place them behind my head as I let my cock twitch up, and giving her a little caress over her panty clad crotch.

She let out the faintest whimper, and looked into my eyes with shock, unable to comprehend that I was not only able to resist but even counter her whims.

She ground her hips into me, trying to see if I would give in, and reach forward to ravish her, but again, to her chagrin, I resisted.

Her teasing smile was replaced with a 'how dare you' look that was equal parts shock and contempt, and she ever so subtly moved her hips against me a few more times before leaning in with her lips to my face.

She was inches away from me, when I turned my face and put a finger to her lips, bringing a scowl to her face.

She looked so angry I thought for a second that she might actually slap me, but fortunately for me Allie chose that precise moment to come wandering in.

She practically jumped off of me, and began straightening her dress.

Allie shot me a curious knowing smile, before speaking:

"Trying to graduate from giving blowjobs in the barn behind the lodge, are we?" Allie directed the statement to an incredulous Melanie.

She glared at Allie, then folded her arms beneath her chest crossly.

"Well hi there little Allie. Tell you what, when Kevin wants to play house with a little girl, he'll give you a call, but why don't you run on downstairs and leave the grownups alone."

A look of hurt momentarily crossed Allie's face, and I suddenly felt really pissed off.

I mean sure, I hated my little sister, and she was as annoying as fucking hell.

But she was my sister, and this bitch had no right to talk to her like that.

"I'd rather play house with Allie than do anything grown up with you, Mel."

She turned on me without missing a step.

"Hah, now that's priceless. Not only are you a pathetic video game obsessed dweeb, but you're a sister loving freak as well, huh?"

"If the only alternative was you then the real question would be 'what kinky shit am I gonna do with my adorably cute little sister today'?" I countered with a smile.

"Ugh. You're a creep."

"And you're nothing more than a pathetic little girl with big breasts," Allie retorted this time, giving me a conspiratorial nod before coming over to my side, and plopping down on the sofa beside me.

Allie looked shocked at first that I'd stood up for her, but now she was positively beaming.

God I hope this doesn't go to her head too much!

"What a bunch of creeps!" Melanie scoffed with a huff.

She was really mad, and Allie was enjoying this as much as I was.

I took one glance at her, and figured, what the hell!

I took her hand pulled her into me and wrapped my hands about her, and Allie, not missing a beat, clung to me, dr****g one leg over my own seductively.

"Now if you'll excuse us, my sister and I are gonna 'play house'. You can show yourself out, can't you?"

Melanie's mouth fell open in shock, and she stood there stupidly for a few moments before finally stomping her way downstairs and out of the loft.

As soon as her footsteps faded, Allie held me for a moment, before looking into my eyes and bursting into a fit of giggles.

"I can't believe we did that!"


"That was soo cool!"

Yes, but she's gone, do you think you could you get off of me now?

Though the thought echoed in my head I did nothing to move her.

"Did you mean it?" she was looking up at me with sparkly eyes.

"Mean what?"

"That I'm cute."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yeah. Maybe. You can be sometimes- hey, what are you-?"

Allie's eyes were tearing up, and I pulled her back into my arms for a proper hug.

"Allie, what the hell?"

"I'm sorry, it's just- it's been like ten years since you've called me that."

She sniffled a bit as she spoke.

"You're nineteen- who even wants to be called cute by their older brothers at that age?"

"I always want to be your cute little sister."

"Is that why you behave like such an annoying brat."

She pouted:

"No, that's really just how I am, but-"

She looked like she was pondering something that she couldn't find the right words to say.

"But- what?"

"Well- you've always chased girls who act like that. Why do you hate it when I do it?"


Allie finally got off of me, and I retreated slightly to my side of the couch.

"If you met me and you didn't know who I was, you'd like me, wouldn't you?"

She was fiddling her fingers nervously as she spoke.

"What's gotten into you?"

"Come on, would you?"

"I don't think I can objectively answer that."

"Come on, try! Just think about it. Pretend that I'm just some random cute girl, who has a kind of a thing for the quiet, brooding reclusive type, what would you do?"

I looked her over and realized just how adorable she really looked in her little yellow dress with the bow on the back, and her hair done up in the little side ponytail and-

Take you on my bed and ravage that cute little body with my mouth!

I muttered curses under my breath and rose hastily from the couch.

"Hey- wait Kev, come on! Don't be like that!

Lessie, I thought, you've ruined my brain!

I ignored Allie's complains and made my way down the stairs towards my room, but as I came to the corridor where my room was, something caught my attention.

What was that sound?

Was that- Fantasy Realm?

That was strange.

I don't remember leaving my laptop on-

But wait.

It's wasn't coming from my room.

It was coming from- Allie's room?

I walked past my room to her door which was just a little ajar- a rare slip up, that's for sure.

I looked back to make sure she hadn't chased after me immediately, then quickly stole inside.

It was dark, but in the corner of her room, just around her bed, was a little flickering screen with the Fantasy Realm login page open.

The username field was blank-

Hey what is this?

Is she actually playing, or was this just some prank?

Wait- when I first logged into to TeamTalk- the Ip conflict? That was her?

I switched out the tab from Fantasy Realm and sure enough, the little TeamTalk icon was in the taskbar.

Holy shit!

There seemed to be a web page open too, so I clicked on it and saw that she'd been looking up youtube 'how-to' videos on how to play.

There was an 'everything you need to know about elf rangers' video, a 'everything you need to know about crafting gold rated armor' video, even one with the bait tactic that Lessie had used in our last dungeon.

She was actually playing!

Wait- the tactic that Lessie used. Who was it that put the little sister thing in my head in the first place...

My head started spinning.


I looked up from the dimly lit screen to see Allie standing in the doorway with a shocked expression on her face.

"Okay, before you start freaking out, it's not what you think."

"What the hell is this?"

"I swear Kev, I didn't even know it was you when I first met you, I was just trying to figure out how to play and you started helping me-"

"Y-you- it can't be."

I moved the cursor over to the TeamTalk icon and hovered over it, and sure enough-

*Logged in as Alessandria1207*

-came up.

I started hyperventilating a bit, my mind going blank from shock as I backed away from Allie and the laptop.

"Kev, I swear, I didn't mean for this to-"

Like hell you didn't!

I pushed past her and dashed out of the room.

I lingered for a moment in the hallway in front of my door.

My room, this was my safe place.

But there was no Lessie waiting there for me online anymore.

That was a lie.

My head was spinning, as the hot steamy conversations I'd unknowingly had with my little sister came into my head.

I continued past my room, down the stairs and towards the front door.

"Hey, Kev. Mel looked kinda upset when they left, everything alright?"

I ignored my dad and headed out the front.

"Kev, you're not going out like that are- hey Kevin!"

I shut the door and continued walking.

The snow was freezing but I didn't care.

You win Allie, I thought, you've made me hate myself enough so now I'll just die.

I walked all the way down to the lake, and just sat at the end of the little pier, looking out at the frozen expanse of water before me.

So this was all planned from the beginning, huh.

See folks, this right here is why you don't trust real girls.

Virtual ones were pretty much coded to never betray you.

So what if they aren't real?

At least they won't break your heart and shatter your soul into a million little pieces.

I was shivering.

Probably couldn't make it back up to the house if I tried.

With a sigh, I lay back and looked at the stars.

It really was pretty.

Like Allie in her little yellow dress-


Why was my stupid brain still so hung up on her!


Great now I'm hearing her voice in my head.

"Kevin, please!"

I looked up to the dock to see Allie, in full snow wear, lugging a great big blanket, trudging her way over to me.

"Go away," I muttered, turning back to the black icy desolate landscape before me.

But instead, she tossed the blanket over me, then wrapped her arms around me grasping me tight.

I tried to shake her off.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked angrily.

"Saving your life, doofus."

"Kinda defeats the point of suicide."

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad, can it?"

I looked back at her with an icy glare, and she looked down guiltily.

"You really hate me that much?" she mumbled.

"After what you did, do I have reason not to?"

"I'm sorry, Kev, I just got carried away. You were being so nice to me, and it felt really good for a change."


I looked back at her again, and tears were welling up in her eyes again.

Pftt, as if I was falling that trick again!

Even if she did look like an adorable little snow angel in the pale moonlight-


I turned my gaze forward again, and this time she wrapped the blanket about us both, before wrapping her arms around me again.

She nuzzled her face into the nook between my shoulder and neck, before continuing:

"I really am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Because... I dunno..."

She fidgeted a bit, and I grumbled in retaliation.

"Because- you never talk to me anymore."


"And it's not fair."

"What isn't?"

"That you- uhm, have this thing for little sisters, yet you still hate me."

"I'm sorry, come again- what?!"

"I went through your stuff. That's how I saw the tentacle things-?"

"I hate you."

"-and I thought, damn, you need help."

"I seriously hate you."

"-but then I came across something that I thought at first was even worst. Little sister porn comics? And why is it always Japanese?"

"Did I mention that I hate you?"

She giggled.

"At first I thought 'hell yeah, I'm gonna get you good this time!' But then something else happened."


I waited for a bit, and I felt her tense up, as if she was trying to talk about something really difficult.

I wriggled free of Allie's hug, and turned to face her, the blanket still d****d over us both.

"The little sister in your favorite comic- didn't she remind you of me at all?"


She was studying me nervously.

"I read it over and over, and I kept thinking. Apart from the sex stuff- this was just like you and me. At first I was really grossed out, but then I got kinda angry- I mean, I'm your real little sister, why they hell did you hate me so much when this was what you liked?"

I looked at her in shock, and suddenly it occurred to me:

The cute side-ponytail, the oversized t-shirt hanging loosely on one shoulder, even the pose she'd struck that morning-

It wasn't just a coincidence; she was imitating the little sister from my favorite manga.

How could she know?

And why would she even-?

"What makes you think I even like that book that much Allie?"

"Oh come on, you bought all twelve volumes, and the pages were so worn I'm sure you must have read them all a hundred times at least. And the page with that pose? I mean the book practically falls open on that page."

Well fuck...

I folded my arms defiantly.

"So what if I liked it? It doesn't mean anything."

"Did you like her?"

Same as My Perfect Playmate; My Little Sis Videos

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Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter One

 I’m in the airport waiting for her. Oh, how I've been waiting to see her. I've known her for only a few short months and just online, but finally we’re going to meet. We met on Lush, in one of the chat rooms. Since then we've been flirting and hitting it off for a while, and wanted to finally take it to the next level.  Her name is Paula and she’s Scottish. She’s a wee bit younger than me, but that doesn't bother either of us. She’s coming all the way to America, just to meet me. She’s never...

4 years ago
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Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter Three

It’s been months since I’ve seen my Scottish playmate. I had the best time with her when I spent two weeks in Scotland. She showed me as much as she could when I was there. It was wonderful. I miss her and I’m ready to see what else we can get into. This time we’ve agreed to both travel. We’ve each been to our home countries and now want to go on holiday together. We talk endlessly where we want to go. She suggests a place called Maldives, but I never even heard of it, let alone know where it...

2 years ago
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Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter Two

I haven’t been able to keep my Scottish playmate out of my mind since I saw her last. It’s been a few months since she came to see me. It was everything I wanted and more. Though we still talk online, and tease each other greatly, it’s not the same. I’m about to surprise her. She doesn’t know I booked a ticket and have come to Scotland to see her. I’m in my hotel that I booked for just the night, and plan on showing up at her place in a few hours. We’ve talked about meeting again, but we...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Madames new Playmate

Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame’s house. The drive to her new Domme’s place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug...

2 years ago
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Vacation Playmate Mg cons

Vacation Playmate By SpectreOfHell ‘So,’ Nick said as he studied the little girl sitting across from him. ‘What do you want to do?’ She shrugged, which was all that he had expected from her. He rolled his eyes, which she couldn’t see because her eyes were fixed firmly on the floor, and tried once again to figure out how he’d gotten stuck with babysitting duty. It certainly wasn’t what he’d planned to be doing on his vacation. Nick was forty years old, and this was the first vacation he’d...

4 years ago
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Pussy Playmate

It was a cold and rainy night in April and she was tucked as far back into the deep doorway of the older, brick office building as she could get, trying to get out of the wind and rain. It was Friday night and the building was closed for the weekend. Despite people's desire to enjoy themselves on Friday night and forget the toils of the week, it was a bad night to look for customers. In reality, business hadn't been "good" in some time. Between the wet, miserable thirty five degree weather, and...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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A Drabble Playmate

A few weeks ago, there was exchange which appeared on the Hyperboard which resulted in someone making the suggestion that a rather well known story reviewer try her hand at writing a drabble. Having never attempted one myself, my interest was piqued. The next day I had five. What follows is one of them. Playmate A Drabble by Deane Christopher Standing on the porch, Suzie, the precious five year old who had just moved into the neighborhood, hopefully intoned, "Mrs. Johnson,...

3 years ago
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Vacation Playmate Mg cons

Vacation PlaymateBy SpectreOfHell"So," Nick said as he studied the little girl sitting across from him. "What do you want to do?"She shrugged, which was all that he had expected from her. He rolled his eyes, which she couldn't see because her eyes were fixed firmly on the floor, and tried once again to figure out how he'd gotten stuck with babysitting duty. It certainly wasn't what he'd planned to be doing on his vacation.Nick was forty years old, and this was the first vacation he'd had in...

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My PlaymateChapter 2 The Centerfold

"How does it feel to fuck a Playmate?" "Feels good," I groaned, then pulled back and thrust forward slowly once again, savoring every little sensation as each ridge of my cock slid inside of Courtney's welcoming tunnel. And yet each feeling was bittersweet. My mind was caught in this dichotomy between pleasure and pain. I looked down into Courtney's eyes, radiant in their individual beauty. And I also noticed the trickle of tears seeping out and down her cheek. I teetered on the edge...

4 years ago
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My PlaymateChapter 3 Moving On

Saturday morning was just like my mood. Bright and sunny, but with a cloudless sky that somehow felt empty and cold. For the first time, I could clearly see that a future did indeed exist for me. Today was the first day of the rest of my life. Very cliché, but very true in this case. I'd been given a blank slate. I could start fresh. Think of every catchphrase that would apply and throw it at me. I was free. And yet that newfound freedom had come with a price. Courtney was gone. And her...

2 years ago
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My Post Graduation With My Sis

Hi friends! I would like to share my sex experience which happened a year back. It was my first attempt and my name is Rahul now studying m.b.a. I’m bit slow in English so please excuse me if there any mistakes. I always think having sex other than husband/wife is wrong. So I never worried about having incest relationship with my sis. Now let me tell u abt my family. My family consists of 4 members. Me and my sis age 25 now and my mother and father. As I said before this incident took place an...

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This is a true story. I am not serial gigolo, so mail directed to those ends will be universally disregarded. I have to add - this is not exactly a stroke story. Let’s just say that in a lot of instances, I was in the right place at the right time with the right people. As it is, I was amazed at the details of my life I remembered – although as I remembered chronologically, more details came to the fore. © Hellraser 2014 If you followed my other looong story of growing up, there are some side...

3 years ago
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Waterskiing With Sis

When I was a young teenager, 16 years old, my family had a ski boat, which we used on many summer weekends and evenings. We lived close enough to a reservoir that we would often go water skiing for a couple of hours when Dad got home from work in the evening. It was during one of these short, evening ski trips that the experience I'm about to tell you about happened.While I was part of a big family, Mom, Dad and five kids, two of my siblings were much older and were off to college by the time I...

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My Younger Sis

I am from Gujarat and fan of this site since long and I came to know about this site through a friend of mine and after that, I was thinking about my younger sister. I am going to narrate what happened next and please forgive me if any grammatical mistake. You can give me feedback or suggestions on I was surfing porn in a cyber cafe and saw my friend in the cyber cafe who seems reading something in the monitor. I quickly ran towards him and saw that he was reading sex story about mom and son....

4 years ago
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The Virginity Of My Sweet Sis

Hi readers it is happening for the first time I am going to share my real experience with you. I am a male from Lahore, Pakistan. I am 24 y with an average dick of 6 inch. I this happened to me and my cousin sis Shakila who was 15 at that time while I was 21 Let me tell about my sis Shakila she is having a slim body with 28 tits and round gaand She lives in a village. Our family does not have much good relations but just to make some tasks in our agricultural land I visited my village in 2005...

3 years ago
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My First Time With My Sis

This took place a number yrs ago on my sis's 18th birthday (i was 23) it was your average 18yr old girls party and party games aswell,After all the invited family members left the Mom had left for the night.. and the only people left in the house was, My sis, her Bf Luke, Amy,Tod,Myself and my Gf Amanda. We decided to play Some drinking games then after we all were good and drunk my sis siad time to play TorD, My sis said her party her rules then she said "i dare everyone to get naked"...

5 years ago
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“What are you doing Sonny?”“What does it look like.... I’m getting in the shower with you Sis.”“Well get the hell out of here!”" Your husband has gone to work. and that’s no way to treat a house guest...... come on Sis we use to take baths together.”“Shit that was twenty years ago.... And it stopped because Mom saw you were getting a boner.. Just like you got now.”“Here Sis don’t you need someone to wash your back? ...... Now doesn’t that feel good?”“Well..... Yes.. but don’t go lower... STOP...

2 years ago
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Home Alone With Sis

Our parents were on a one-week cruise Mom earned at work. It was for two people only so they decided to make a second honeymoon out of it. The k**s had to stay home. I was the youngest, having just turned eighteen that spring. It was my last summer in high school. Mom and Dad wanted me to enjoy it. My brother joined the Marines when he graduated two years ago. My sister, Susan, was going to start her senior year in college. She offered to stay home and be sure that I stayed out of trouble. Just...

3 years ago
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Brother cocks his injured sis

"Billy...your sister's hurt honey," were Mom's first words when I picked up the phone."What's wrong? What happened?" I demanded, the hard-on throbbing in my hand completely forgotten. "She fell...broke her leg, and her ankle...she just called from the hospital.""So she's okay...crikee, I thought for a second you meant...hell, what'd she say?""She was doped up...she didn't make a lot of sense...I've just left work...I'll call""Can I help...I can come with you," I interrupted."I'm calling from...

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Can i fuck my sis

Hi readers i’m back with my story remember me i’m the one who wrote the “child games with sis” so i told u until our mother found out us playing naked games and beat the shit out of us.So after tht my sister backed off a lot we never discussed it again and we used to be normal bro and sis as we didn’t have any feelings as it was happened at our childhood now me and my sis had a common room we had our beds attached in our room so tht we can discuss things abt our studies so it happened to be...

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Instant Messenger BroSis

This story is unlike any other stories you have ever read. This is an actual role that me and my boyfriend have done. I have cleaned it up a bit, so there are fewer spelling mistakes. Please do not leave comments on bad grammar and spelling. This is a real instant messenger conversation. Just in case you don't know, lol = laugh out loud. When there is a set of two paranthesis, likes this ((word)), it's me and him breaking out of the role. I hope you enjoy the story because it is really good and...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Horny Sis

Hi this is wolverine from baroda, obviously name changed because of safety. This is my 1st story on iss so bear with my mistakes. I am following iss since last 2 years. I love incest stories. This happened 2 months ago. It may be bit of long story, so have some patient and get ready for blasting orgasm. Let me tell you about myself, I am really horny guy, I check out all the girls expects aged ladies from family. I am cricket player so you would have idea about my stamina. My high is 5’7” and...

4 years ago
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Sex in train with hot sis

Hi this is Sonia this is my second story I am submitting on iss but dear its not a real story I have read it some book liked it very much so I am sharing with u all.. Hi my name is raja we used to live in ahmdabad with my mom sis and dad I was two yrs older to my sis when my sis came to teen age I begun to admire her body she had nice round curvy ass and loll legs( I knew as my sis always loved to wear mini skirts) and had not too big but nice small tities I used to admire her while she moved...

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first time with younger sis

Introduction: I did my sis till i came in… one very cold winter night me and my 13 year old sister Brittany were walking around smoking and talking about how long her winter was till she had to go back to school. It was midafternoon when we were outside and me and my sister were geting very cold so me and her raced home and while we were running my sister Brittany sliped on some ice and hit her head on the hard frozen cement so i pick her up and take her inside and bring her something to put on...

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sex with sis

By: sanjay Hello dosto ye meri dusri story hai. Maine pehle story mai bataya tha ki kaise maine apni mom ko choda tha. Ye stori meri or meri bahan ki hai jo hostel mai rehti thi wo mujhse 3 saal badi hai. Uska fig 34 28 36 hai. Wo bahut sundar hai. Use dekh kar kisi ka bhi mann usse chodne ka kar sakta hai. Ye baat aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai. Jab wo holidays mai ghar ai hui thi. Uske boobs or gand ko dekh kar mera mann usse chodne ka kiya. Un dino meri mom mere bacche ki maa banne wali thi...

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first time with younger sis

Me and my sister were home alone because mom and dad were at work and i was babysiting my sister till they got home around 7pm so after me and her ate she left up stairs and got are 10 year old sister Nickie after her nap so all 3 of use were sitting down watching some tv till i looked over and i saw Brittany fixing her bra then her boob fell out of her t shirt and that gave me a hard on so i ran up stair and waited till my boner debonertized so i was waiting in the hallway and my sister...

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Oh Sis

Oh-Sis by Heidi --------------------------- Henry walked by his sister's room. She was doing her nails while the radio was playing in the background. It was a song he rather liked. "Mind if I come in and listen to your new CD?" "Sure, Henry, isn't it just a cool song!" Mary was in grade 12 and was quite a beautiful young lady. Henry was 4 years younger, a typical teenager - T-shirt and shorts and a mop of unkempt hair. He was almost as tall as Mary but more skinny,...

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Fuckin elder sis

When I was 20 yrs old I went to my sisters place for summer holidays. Though I too live in Mumbai it was a good change since I would spend time with my sis who was 18 yrs. Older to me.Her hubby was working in the gulf & she did not have any kids, I used to sleep on the same bed as hers.My sis used to wear revealing clothes that used to make me horny & I would masturbate atleast 3 times n a day.The colony my sis lived had female scavengers that would come to wash the toilets every morning this...

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Morning with sis

After having been thoroughly dominated by my wicked hot sister the day before, I woke up the next morning dazed & confused and horny as hell! I was about to want myself when Sis entered my bedroom and ordered me to get out of bed! She told me to shower & shave and meet her on the back porch. I dutifully complied. What does Sis have in mind for me now I thought! I went out to the porch and bowed before my sister/mistress who lay topless on a lounge chair! Her small firm round breasts glistened...

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Hot Sunny Day Wid My Hot Sis

Hey frnds this is Harshit Singhania frm Kolkata with my first story which happened a week back with my super-hot sis. Let me describe you about my sis first she is jst 18 yrs fucking hot girl with 36b boobs 32 waist n 34 ass. Now abt me i am 24 years 5.11 height, average body with 6 inches dick .Hum dono tab se njoy krte aa rhe hai jab uske boobs grow krna start hue the licking kissing pressing fingering ye sab krte the hum bt sex ka mauka nai mila tha kabhi. Phir wo din aa hi gya jab humne jam...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Harem 13 Fisting Big Sis

Chapter Thirteen: Fisting Big Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Vicky Samuels “Movie time!” giggled my daughter Lee, her small tits bouncing as she plopped herself on Zoey's lap. My eldest niece, twenty, had a flush face from being finally fucked by Clint. She hugged my daughter, adjusting nicely to our new family dynamic. Clint had replaced his father as the man of the house. I missed Clinton, but it was nice to have a strong man to serve again. My sister, Cheryl, was happy after...

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Me And My Slutty Younger Sis

Hi, this tushar from kalyan Mumbai. This is the story about me and my younger sis. I am basically from karnataka and settled in mumbai…I will narrate this story in hindi because us mein maza hi kutch alag hai. Mein mumbai mein akela raheta hoon. As I am mech engg working with one of d mnc. I am good looking and 6 feet height, athletic body and hv 7″ tool can satisfy any girl r women. Abhi story pe aata hoon. Mere family mein 6 log hai dad mom bro elder sis & younger sis. Hum log sath mein sote...

4 years ago
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Watch Me Wank Sis

I’m home from college for the summer. My how you’ve grown, sis, in the year i’ve been away. 18 now, and your body is filling out nicely. Late at night, I sit at the computer in the den, browsing through Literotica. I pull up a something by asian_princess, and feel my cock growing in my pants while I read the hot story. My cock has grown too big for my jeans, so I slowly and quietly unzip them. I don’t want to wake my parents or little sister. Slipping my hand in my boxers, I gently rub my...

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Slippery Sis

“You must have had a fun date tonight,” I quipped as I drove to full insertion on the first stroke. Her pussy had the familiar silky slickness of fresh semen. “Yup. One of my favorite guys. Big cummer and stays hard for a second go. Hope you can get some traction,” she replied with a big grin. It was a routine we had developed during the past six months since Sis had gotten on contraception. When she turned sixteen, the age of consent here, we had gone beyond playing “doctor” but short of...

2 years ago
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When Bro meets Sis

I pulled my pants down and slipped my finger down to my slit and began to massage it and rub my clit. It didn’t take long for me to cum as I was really sexed up. I believed I was home alone and I moaned out loud from the satisfaction and sensation of a good orgasm. I was pretty wet so I wiped my wetness with my pants and dropped them onto the floor beside my bed. I decided to go commando afterwards and left my pants off. After this I went down to the back yard and played on the...

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Punk Slut Sis

"I'm not sure," I shrugged, "It sounds cool and everything but..." "Not scared are you?!" "No!" "Then come on then! Come ooon!" Jenny whined, grabbing my arm, "I hate going there alone, it sucks. I can't go with that twat of a boyfriend anymore 'cos he's not my boyfriend anymore since he met that fucking cunt he's now banging." "So you're dragging me there so you don't look like a sad recently-dumped singelton," I grinned. "You motherfucker," sniggered...

3 years ago
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moving on to sis

l was now 18 and a half and it was two years since me and my mum had begun a sexual relationship, l'd filled out to quite a good looking tall, thin, but muscular man and so had my cock. The sex l had quite regularly with my mum had just got better as time went on. Sometimes we would stay in bed all day and night, trying different things, things that were new to her to, as she had a pretty much straight wam bam sex life with my dad when he was alive. Sometimes we would hire porn films, then try...

1 year ago
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Road Trip With Sis

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is a story of my Sis Chelsey and I experiances on our cross country trip. It all started when I recieved a phone call from my dad in California telling me he was getting remarried for the 3rd time. He asked me if my sister and I would be interested in flying out west to be in his wedding. I said I would love to, (not really but a free trip to Cali, why not). I told him I'd call Chelsey my sis to see if she could go for sure since she was getting...

1 year ago
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My hot chick sis

hi i'm david and i always liked my sis who is 17, shoulder length dirty hair, blue eyes, 5'7, perfect breasts about 34c, perfect ass and long legs. i myself is 16. on friday night on our parents went out on their anniversary to a fancy restaurant leaving me and my sis at home. guys go crazy about her and everyone knows it. at around 7:30 i was in my bed reading a magazine when my sis came in and said that we're gona hav pizza for dinner. When i looked up i saw she was in a tshirt about 2 sizes...

3 years ago
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It all started with my sis catching me jacking into a pair of her panties. She had a cell pic of me before i knew she was there, and having threatened to show it to mom/dad I really had no choice but to ask what she needed to ensure her silence. She started with an over the knee spanking on my bare ass. Well, she's a girl and younger than me, how bad could that be, right? She neglected to mention she intended to use a hairbrush. She didn't stop until i was sobbing and blubbering like a little...

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In a bus with mom sis

In India On vacations we used to go to the village on such days we travelled by train due to the heavy rush, but that day we missed the train and we had to go by bus My mom pulled me and sis inside as the bus moved unfortunate for her that day there was a procession which had just ended and all the men were climbing into the first bus going to go so the women had moved away but we unknowingly and since it was becoming late grabbed the first one Even the women’s seat were taken and when she...

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Cum On Sis

Sis looked at the white fluid that I had deposited in her pussy, “Did you just cum in me?”“I’m sorry, Sis,” I cringed, “I couldn’t help it.”“It’s a damn good thing I’m on the pill,” she said, calmer than I expected.My eyes roamed her body, stopping between her spread legs. I saw the cum dripping from her tight pussy. She rubbed her finger up and down the slick mess that I had made in her sex. My cock still stood, hard and throbbing. She looked at me with a naughty smirk, “Do you want a sloppy...

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Camping With My Stepsis

"Okay, we got the tent all up now," she said, before peeking over my shoulder. "Our parents are still trying to get their's up now," she added, before grabbing my hands. "So, we worked together, would you like to kiss to celebrate, Paul?""No, Mary, they might be busy, but they're still just right there, like fifty feet away," he whined, peeking at them."Oh, come on, they're not even paying attention to us. I could get down on my knees and give you head right now, and they'd have no idea," she...

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Buds Sis

“Hey Bud, what’s goin on?” Bud, as I called him, has been my next-door neighbor and buddy for sixteen years. Bud looked disgusted, “You know my Sis moved back home two weeks ago cause she separated from her husband. She’s been complaining about being horny. I can believe that cause she was screwing lots of guys before she hitched up.” I asked, “So why doesn’t she go date now?” He replied, “Cause her lawyer and counselor said she shouldn’t until the divorce is done.” His sister I always...

2 years ago
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Mah Lil Sis

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since Ah have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. It were the middle of the night and Ah was having a realistic dream about a girl ridin mah pecker. Ah slowly realized it weren’t a dream and opened mah eyes and it was mah little sister who had turned sixteen just that day. She were a bouncin away with her titties floppin...

4 years ago
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Incestuous HaremChapter 13 Fisting Big Sis

Vicky Samuels “Movie time!” giggled my daughter Lee, her small tits bouncing as she plopped herself on Zoey’s lap. My eldest niece, eighteen, had a flush face from being finally fucked by Clint. She hugged my daughter, adjusting nicely to our new family dynamic. Clint had replaced his father as the man of the house. I missed Clinton, but it was nice to have a strong man to serve again. My sister, Cheryl, was happy after six months of grief. Losing our Master and her husband had hit her...

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Gfs sis

This story is about my ex gf's sister. My ex gf was the 'young malay milf'. The main cause of my unfortunate break up was becoz of her BITCH sister. Really a bitch. Her mouth needs some dicking all the way up to her fucking brain. So this was what i saw on that particular day.One fine day, my (then) gf went home looking tired and stressful. Yeah who doesn't right? But that evening it was rather different kind of stress that i could sense. I welcomed her at the door. Gave a kiss on her cheek and...

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Loving Mom and Sis

Here I am, 16 years of age, a year before I am on my own with no I idea of what I am going to do. Mom says college, but, there is no way that would be possible financially. She says that she has raised me and my younger sister alone and that she would finish the job. My sister Sonia, 14, is herself reaching her point of maturity. As her brother I never did think she was all that hot, but lately looking more closely I am seeing things that I never realized about her before. I had seen her one...

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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 2 Sis

INTRO: This is Book 2 of the story of the life of Jimmy Taylor and his family. In Book 1 our now 19 year old hero seduced his mother while his father was away on one of his frequent trips to Australia – a trip he made at least three times per year. Over 340 of you voted for the first book – THANKS! Book 1 ended with the return home of Jimmy's father. And the almost immediate realization by both Jimmy and his mother that they wouldn't be able to honor the pledge they'd made to stop their...

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Cum On Sis

Sis had just slammed her door, mad that I came all over her. I stood there with my dick in my hand just staring at that door.  “Fucking tease,” I mumbled.Her panties still crumpled in her shorts on the floor. I dropped my cock and bent to retrieve them. It’s not like I had never done it before. Many a night I masturbated as I pressed my sister's panties to my nose. Tonight would be no different.“You fucking pervert,” Sis hissed.She had opened the door to toss her cummy blouse into the hamper....

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Cum On Sis

“Damn it, Sis,” I yelled as my nineteen-year-old sister walked into the bathroom without knocking. It was a Jack and Jill bathroom with a door leading to her bedroom and one opening into mine.  I had covered my privates with a towel.”Fuck, Terry, ” she laughed, ”I used to help Mom change your diaper. Get over yourself.”The bathroom was small, just a toilet, a small shower, and a vanity. She pushed her panties and shorts to the floor and sat on the toilet. I heard the tinkle of her piss...

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Qurantined with My Mom and Sisters 3 Caught in Bed with Little Sis

Chapter Three: Caught in Bed with Little Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Jamie squeaked in fright as our mother loomed over us. She was naked, having slipped in for her morning fuck only to find my little sister in bed with me. I had taken Jamie's cherry last night when she had blackmailed me into eating her pussy. “I can't believe you, Rick!” Mom hissed, her large boobs swaying as she put her hands on her hips. “You preyed on your...

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Crystal ClearChapter 5 LA More Playmates and Reports from Europe

Crystal's laughter was contagious, even over the telephone; "Ellen told me you two destroyed her, and you should know she's more in love with you now – times ten – than she was before you and Nadia did your night of debauchery with her. She's also developed a huge crush on Nadia. I wish I'd been there!" I chuckled, "Well, Nadia was full of surprises, I must admit; the girl in insatiable – even I had trouble keeping her sexually happy. As for Ellen's feelings, I am trying not to...

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