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Merhaba bu hikayeyi okuyan sevgili xhamster takipçileri. Son zamanlarda okuduğum hikayeler üzerine bende hikayelerimi paylaşmak istedim.
Efe ben.
Lakin ben tamamiı ile gerçek cinsel hayatımı paylaşıcam. Bu sebeptendir ki bazı isimleri ve olayları değiştirerek anlatmam gerek.
Lisede kızların peşinde koşan biri değildim. Bu sebepten midir bilemem ama kız arkadaşlarım hep güzel kızlar olmuştur. Voleybolcu, tiyatorocu vs. Ama son yılımda lise dördüncü sınıfta ufak kıpırdamalar olmaya başladı. Bazı kaşar diye hitap ettiğimiz kızlar yazmaya benimle ilgilenmeye başladı.
Dersanede ben iyi bi bölüm diye kasmaya çalışırken kendi lisemden başka bi Anadolu lisesinde okuyan ve dersanede tanıştığım bi kızla sürekli konuşur dertleşir olduk.
Özge (diye hitap edeceğim) arkadaşım sürekli mesaj atar ve yazar oldu. 1.60 boylarında düzgün fizikli ve en çok ilgimi çeken yukarı çıkık şekilde düzgün kalçalı bi kızdı. Birgün yine derslerden konuşurken içmek ve rahatlamak istediğini söyledi. Bu arada ben 1.85 boylarında atletik denilebilecek yapıda aleti 17 cm olan bi erkeğim. Seks konusunda en büyük avantajım abim sayesinde öğrendiklerimi escortların üzerinde uygulamış olmam ve geç boşalmamdır. Küstahlığa gerek yok çekici biriyim. Ailemin maddi durumu ise baya iyi.
Bende Özge'ye beraber içelim ama bizim ilçede kız arkadaşınla gidip içilecek biyer yok dedim.(İlçelerde yaşayanlar bilir. En büyük sıkıntı mekan eksikliğidir.) Ağzımdan birden ''Aslında bizim üst kat boş orda içebiliriz'' cümlesi çıktı. O da sanki bunu bekliyormuş gibi ''Nasıl giricem ki sizin apartmana'' dedi. Bu arada apartman sahibi babam ön tarafı caddeye arka tarafı ise ara sokağa bakıyor. Garajın ordan giriş var.
Ben garajın ordan alırım seni dedim. Sanki bunu bekliyormuş kaşar. Tamam o zaman dedi.
İlk defa bi hatunu içmeye üstelik bomboş biyere davet etmiştim. Bundan önce kendi ayarladığım kızlarla en fazla sürtünmeye kadar gidebildim. Ama Özge'yi sikeceğime emindim. Çünkü benle konuşurkenki bakışmaları halleri tavırları belli ediyordu.
Hafta sonu için sözleştik. Ve O cumartesi akşamı geldi çattı. Sikimi traş etmiş ve ne olur ne olmaz diye otuzbir çekmiştim. Duşa girip temizlenmiş. Parfümümü sıkmış saçlarımı yapmıştım. Kendimi fişek gibi hissediyordum. Daha önce dersaneden çıktıktan sonra evlere beraber gittiğimiz için evlerimizin yerlerini biliyorduk.
Saat geldiğinde mesaj attı yaklaştım diye. Aşağı inip arka kapının önünde beklemeye başladım. Köşeden dönüp yaklaştığını görünce sikim sertleşti. Pantolonumla kemerimin arasına sıkıştırdım sikimi.
Geldi ve direk girdi içeri. İçeri girince ''Hoşgeldin gel çıkalım dedim''. Ve asansöre bindik.

-Ö: Heyecan yaptım.
-Ben: Evet bende.
-Ö: Aldın mı biraları.
-Ben: Evet cips ve çerezde aldım.
-Ö: Oh be kafa dağıtalım biraz. Çalış Çalış nereye kadar.

Bu arada Özge asansördeki aynaya bakarak saçlarını düzeltiyordu. Sağına soluna bakıyordu. Bende bu arada çaktırmadan altındaki siyah tayttan kalçalarının görünüşüne bakıyordum. Gerçekten göz dolduyorlardı. Asansör gelmişti 4. kata ve indik anahtarla açtık kapıyı ve girdik. Sığınakta aldığım minder ve örtüyü serdikten sonra demlenmeye başladık.

Derslerden falan yarak kürek muhabbet ettikten sonra konu malum manitacılık mevzuna geldi. İşte bu anlatmaya başladı aşık olduğu futbolcu çocukla 3 yıl çıkmış ayrılmışlar falan. Ben bu arada boyum ondan uzun olduğu için göğüs çatalını falan dikizliyorum bunun. 'hadi ya' falan diye dinliyomuş gibi tepkiler veriyorum. Birden;

Ö: Senle konuşmak vakit geçirmek iyi geliyor. dedi ve omzuma yaslandı. Bende saçlarını okşamaya falan başladım. Sikimde iyi sert halini almaya başlamıştı.

-Ben: Dertleşmek iyi oluyor. İçmekte kafası dağılıyor insanın arada rahatlamak lazım dedim.
-Ö: Haklısın. dedi ve boynumla omzumun arasına koydu başını. Nefesi resmen koynumdan bütün vücudumu dolaşıyordu.
Bi hamle yapmak istiyordum ama kararsızdım acaba elimi bacağına atıp yavaş yavaş okşasam mı napsam diye düşünürken ilk hamle ondan geldi.
Boynuma ıslak, şehvetli ve adeta slow motion tadında bi öpücük kondurdu. Zaten artık sikim tamamıyla sertleşmiş kot pantolunumu yırtacak kadar kuvvetli baskı yapıyordu. Bende saçlarının arkasından tutup başını omzuma iyice bastırdım. Boynumu ufak öpmeye ve emmeye başladı. Elimi çenesine attım ve dudaklarını dudaklarıma doğru çektim. Birbirimizi adeta kemiriyorduk. Beni üstüne çekti.
Liseli stili ile bacaklarının arasında üzerimizde kıyafetlerle ona sürtünüyor ve dudaklarını yiyordum. Elimi göbeğine attım ve okşadıktan sonra tişörtünü çıkardım. Sütyeninin arasından göğüslerini, belini öpüp yalıyordum.
Birden yavaşladım.(Aklıma porno filmleri geldi.) Karnını göğüslerini yavaş ve hiddetli şekilde öpmeye ellerimle ellerini yukarıda birleştirip koltuk altına ufak öpücükler atmaya başladım.
Sütyenini çıkardı ve o güzel sert göğüslerini bana sundu. Uçlarını dudaklarımın arasına alıp öperken elini sikime attı ve üstüme çıkmak istercesine hareketlendi. Ona izin verdim. Üzerimi çıkardı ve kemerimi çözdü. Pantolonumu sıyırdı. Sonra kendi kotunu dudaklarımız birleşik birbrimizi somururken çıkardı. Altında siyah kilodu ve benim siyah boksırımla kaldı.
Üzerime çıktı sürtünmeye başladı. İnanılmaz bir zevk alıyordum. Hızlanmaya ve inlemeye başladı. Daha sonra dünyanın en etkili sözcüklerinden birini kulağıma fısıldadı. Bu sözcük bundan sonraki seks hayatımı etkileyecekti.

Kulağıma yaklaşıp: Sik beni! dedi.

Bundan sonraki seks hayatım hiç tahmin edemiyeceğim yerlere gidecektim. Ben boksırımı çıkarmak için hamle yaptım. Oda çıkaracakken ellerinden tuttum. Boksırımı çıkardıktan sonra onu altıma aldım ve bacaklarını ayaklarını öpe öpe kilodunu çıkardım. Üzerine uzandım. Hayatımın en tecrübesiz anlarından biriydi. Nasıl sokacağım hakkında en ufak bi fikrim yoktu. Biz erkekler her işi doğuştan bilirmişiz gibi davranırız ama aslında kontrol hiç bir zaman bizim elimizde olmamıştır.
Daha sonra ben henüz hareket etmeden sikimi eliyle tuttu. Ve o kutsal mahremine hizaladı. İşareti anlamıştım. yavaş yavaş bastırmaya başlamıştım. Daha sonra o ana kadar hiç aklıma gelmeyen bişey geldi.
Ya Bakireyse!!!! ama artık bunu düşünmek için çok geçti. O mahreme girmek üzereydim. Ve bianda girdim.
O kadar sıcaktı ki içi sanki sikimi alevlerin içine sokmuştum. İlk başta biraz hareketsiz kaldıktan sonra yavaş yavaş git gel yapmaya başladım. Kan gelmemişti. Demek ki bakire değildi. yavaş yavaş sikerken tempoyle hızlanmaya başladım. Ve ritmik bi şekilde 'şak şak şak' sesleri yükselmeye başladı o boş odada.
Benim zevktem gözlerim kararırken üzerine kapakladım Özgenin. O ise kısık ve inlemeli seslerle

-Ö: Ah evet! İşte bu istediğim bu
Ben: Rahatlıyor musun şimdi(daha doğrusu mırıldandım)
Ö: Evet rahatlıyorum! Ah! Ah! becer beni dedi.

İçimde bişeyler olmaya başladı. Karnım iç organlarım çekilmeye başladı. Boşalacağımı anladım içinden çıktım. Sikimi amının üzerüne koyarak git gel yapmaya devam ettim.
10-15 saniye sonra adeta bi volkan gibi patladım göbeğine.oda sarsılıyordu. Ama umurumda değildi. O kadar kasıldım ki boynunu kırarcasına sıkıyordum.
Bir süre üzerinde o şekilde kaldık. Konuşamıyordum. Daha önceleride ama girmiştim boşalmıştım. Hatta bi escortun içine bile boşalmıştım ama bu başka bişeydi. Yerden yükselmek gibiydi.
Daha sonra kızı boğmamak için üzerinden kalktım duvara yaslandım ve bir süre öyle kaldım.oda yanıma duvara yaslandı.Konuşmuyorduk.
Daha doğrusu konuşamıyorduk. Nefeslerimiz yumuşayıp sakinleşince birer sigara yaktık. Boynuma tekrar sokulup süperdi dedi ve öptü beni bende dudağına bi öpücük bıraktım.

Futbolcu çocuk Özge'yi ilişlilerinin son 1 senesi boyunca hemen hemen her hafta sikmiş. Son zamanlarda onun kaprisleri yüzünden ayrılmışlar. Ve oda benden hoşlanıyormuş.

Üniversite sınavına kadar düzenli aralıklarla çatı ve sığınak dahil olmak üzere Özge'yi birçok yerde siktim. Üniversite sınav sonuçları açıklandığında hayatıma bambaşka bi yöne doğru gidecekti. Özge Isparta'yı ben ise İZMİR 'i kazanmıştım. Yeni hayatım bambaşka olacaktı. İzmir 'in popüler özel üniversitelerinden birini kazanmıştım.


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Auntyin Kaama Thaagam

Hello friends, indru kathaiyil puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum auntyai eppadi usar seithu matter seithen enbathai indru ungaludan pagirugiren. Enathu tamil kama kathaiyai pathivu seithatharku migavum nandriyai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Praveen, engal veetin arugil oru pruthithaaga kata patu irukum veetil kudi vanthu irunthargal. Muthalil angu oru sexiyaana aunty irupathai naan parka villai, andru enaku kalluri irunthathu. Veetu kudi irupirku naan sela villai, en veetin arugil thaan avargal...

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The Discovery Of Myself 8211 Part 1

Hello Friends, My name is Ameesha, better known as Anne within my circles. I am 34 years of age. I have had a successful career till date working as an HR in a reputed firm. Since college I have faced a lot of admiration from the opposite sex. Have had encounters with friends and seniors but nothing lasted long. I had a long standing one with a professor but he was married which I knew so I decided to call it quits. I used him in college most of my expenses were looked after by him as I used to...

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22 March 2009Chapter 2

A woman came in looking to buy a new bra. Dan was instructed to stand just a little to the side and behind Lacey. She placed her hand behind and again stroked his cock. The woman wasn’t sure how the bra might look on her and Lacey suggested she try it on and get a man’s opinion, motioning to Dan. She agreed, smiling shyly at Dan and took several bras to the change room. Lacey had Dan stand by a clothing rack nearest to the change room and could see in the mirror’s reflection, the head of his...

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mother in laws awakening

I was married at 19 years of age and little did we know that at the wedding my father in law had already developed skin cancer and was dying.Within the year we had buried him, leaving my mother in law, Joan, alone in her large house.My wife had just given birth to our first c***d and this gave us the opprtunityto invite Joan over to help out giving her something to occupy her mind and I found myself doing all the household chores for her to keep the her house ship shape. This included taking...

2 years ago
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Moni used again and loves it

True story A few years after we were married we took a road trip down to Phoenix , We were both young and carefree having been married for such a short time. We arrived in Phoenix late at night as Marc decided to not stop and get here quicker . We were both tired and also a little lost. We drove around looking for a place to stay but couldn't find any vacancies in the area we were. The guy at the last motel told us to try a place and gave us the address. We drove out looking for the place and...

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My sexy wife on a sailing boat

On Friday early afternoon I got home from my office and could not find Anita anywhere. Our house was empty…It was strange, since she had not texted me or called me to say where she would be. I went into the kitchen and found a handwritten note on the fridge. It said she was camping with some friends; I was welcome to come up but I could not stay the night there with them…I thought about it. If I go, I would be watching my wife being fucked, but if I stay at home, I would be alone; so I decided...

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JulesJordan Amia Miley Amia Miley Is Such A Tease In POV

Sexy brunette Amia Miley makes you feel like you’re fucking her in this hardcore POV scene. Amia’s got it all going on, athletic hard body, ass for days, perfect perky tits, and pouty lips that can’t wait to have a cock shoved in between them. She shows off that body in tight purple lingerie as she teases Manuel out by the pool. Manuel has a hard time controlling himself around such a hot chick as he convinces her to take off all her lingerie and show off that sexy body of...

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A Private Meeting

It was a stinking hot day in the middle of December. Decorations were set up everywhere bringing a Christmas feel throughout the office. Josie placed her Chris Cringle gift under the plastic tree. Inside the wrapping paper of her gift was a cheap toaster from Big W. She did not care, as she was not too fond of Christmas. It was only because her work forced everyone to give a gift to another work college, that she had bought it. She had been working since nine and being an eight hour shift, she...

Quickie Sex
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A Perfect CrimeChapter 13

Over the next few weeks we got together as much as the ship's schedule would allow. Every time they were in port they stayed at the villa, the three younger girls having the times of their lives as the made full use of the pool and deck to keep their beautiful bodies in shape and nicely tanned. The three of them would spend most of the day laying around completely and unselfconsciously naked, provocatively lathering each other's smooth bodies with the required sun-protection creams and...

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My Step Mom

This is a true story that was told to me by my friend Greg. I will tell it to you just as he told it to me.I had never been attracted to my mother. At the age of thirteen I jacked off every chance I got. I had an older sister who kind of did a "I will show you mine if you show me yours" deal a couple of times but I never really got to explore my sister's goodies. I would sneak porn mags from my friends and had to imagine about the girls I saw at the pool.I lived with my mom and sister in a very...

2 years ago
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JapanHDV Kai Miharu Gets her ass fucked in the black magic hospital

Kai Miharu is stuck in the black magic ward hospital with the perverted nurses and doctors. This is the strangest place ever for her. She seems to be in a nightmare or maybe it is a dream. The doctors in this place all seem to have some sexual way to do a check up on patients. They also all seem to be very interested in having the patients suck on their cocks. This can not be normal so it is either a dream or the strangest hospital in Japan. Kai is getting a check up today from one doctor who...

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Tera meets her online Master

Tera knew that she had been bad Part One Tera knew that she had been bad.? Her Master had given her simple instructions that would have worked well within her life and also provided him pleasure, but she chose to ignore them.? For two weeks she had been reading his writings and had increasingly realized that her own life was not as satisfying as she thought.? She had stopped wearing panties at work and found her hands frequently straying beneath her desk to touch her sensitive nether lips...

4 years ago
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Curse Of The BambinoChapter 7

Wednesday, October Fifteenth Game Six I woke up Wednesday morning. I was a little disoriented, not used to waking up in someone else's bed with my arms around said someone else-but I got my bearings quickly. I shot a glance at the clock. 6 AM. Callie said she was setting the alarm for 6:30. Why did I wake up? Then, I realized why. The girl who was wrapped in my arms was crying. "Callie?" She sniffled. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry." "It's OK. What's wrong?" "Nothing....

2 years ago
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Peeping Mom

Peeping MomI looked up and I saw a pair of feet under the heavy curtain at the door. 'Oops!" I thought to myself that I forgot to shut the door. I hoped the owner of the feet would go away. To my surprised it did not happen."What is going on?" My wife asked in a not too happy tone as I stopped. She was under me and could not see the door."Nothing." I lied not to alarm her.She pushed her groan up and her soft and silky pussy muscles tightly gripped around my rod and she let me know in no...

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It is not a Sin

A word from the Author: I left the state, political affiliation of the Rep vague on purpose so it does not take away from the main message of the story. I made the interstate a mythical one, even number ones runs east to west and if they have three digits they are a bypass into an urban area not in a rural area. *********** Whenever a person tried to brand themselves to others, they were really trying to convince people their opinion of who they are as a fact. This statement held...

4 years ago
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Aarons Animals

Aaron's Animals Judy: Aaron Hansen was under the dinner table, his head forcefully burrowing intoher crotch. Judy closed her eyes and stretched her thighs so high and wideapart that they ached. She wanted to make sure that his wonderful mouth hadfull access to her dripping snatch. Her hands held his hair in a death grippulling him in deeper while his tongue danced over her engorged clit. Her assbounced loudly up and down on the seat. Aaron replayed the fantasy in his head several times during...

2 years ago
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on the beach

We all got the warning about the beach being a dangerous place at night when on holidays in Miamibut i didnt really care about itbeing around 6 feet and able to handle myself if something woud happenmy friends were sleeping and i wanted to smoke a cigarette walkign on the beach near the hoteli was sat on the beach relaxingi never ear the footstepsall i felt was 2 big hands on my head turning around wondering what was it''shhhhh boy ''looking at the fat tall black guy cock going in my...

4 years ago
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caught in the act turned out to be great

Hi I remember one hot Summer, walking across some fields by where I live. As I approached a wooded area I noticed a man urinating or pretending too. He made no attempt to hide his cock from my view and I just wandered if he would be a goer.As I walked passed I said nice looking cock you have there, he turned and faced me and it was semi hard. Thanks he replied. I said would you like me to suck it, half expecting a rebuke. He said I don't mind at all. I got down on my knees and took his...

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Serena meets a vampire

Given I look very human I blend in with the rest of you, therefore you wouldn't know that I'm a witch by looking at me. I eat, drink, and sleep - and when I fly I’m a passenger in a plane and not on a broom. Incidentally, I'm nearly two hundred years old. Relax! I don't look that old. In fact, I physically turned fifteen years old last July. Confused? I'd be. Now, where should I start? I guess everything stems from a Halloween Party that I attended eleven years ago. I...

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My Slutty Teen Slave Part 2

I awoke the next day, smiling. I opened my eyes to see Jessica, still sleeping, curled up against my side. Light filled the room, forming a bright outline on the closed curtains. I pulled off the purple cover, setting my bare feet on the carpeted floor. Turning back, I saw her sleeping, cum dried on her face. I walked over to my bag, pulling out some clothes to wear. Dressing in sweatpants and a T-shirt, I rose to my feet. The digital clock Jessica’s desk read 8:26. I left to explore the...

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GraduallyChapter 2

Despite the best of intentions, the late hour, beer, and previous activities caught up with them. George had returned from the bathroom, having removed the sundress and her bra, and walked to the bed naked, blushing a little. Oliver, just as naked as George, had turned to see her walking towards him, and they embraced enthusiastically, he complimenting her on having gorgeous breasts, and she making the most of any skin contact. She made him turn over though, as she said she would, so she...

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Life of Jamie

To Readers: Feel free to add a chapter if you want, I don't really deny anything from being published. The more content there is means the more readers there are and ideas that can be formed into new story chapters or entire arcs. And if you ask me, the more Jamie gets fucked over and fucked in general, the better. So enjoy and thank you for reading, now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Forum Page (Update & Polls):...

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My husband and I

I know all of my husbands fetishes, all the different types of women he likes to look at, and love when we get pictures of eachother nude. We both enjoy watching porn together and exploring everything sexual together. He is quite experienced in all aspects of sex and all areas it includes. I love hearing his past stories of sexual adventures and plans we have for creating more. I used to think sex was over rated and now see all that i had been missing before i met my husband. I love how...

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Ellen eine Milf fuumlr alles und jeden

Das ist Ellen, eine reife unersättliche Milf.Diese notgeile Sau braucht ständig einen Schwanz, der sie nimmt, benutzt, anpisst.Wenn man Kumpels mit Druck hat, kein Problem sie spreizt auch für mehrere Kerle die Schenkel.Egal ob Outdoor, im Bett, in einer Disco, am Strand... wenn du einen Fick brauchst, kann man sie überall durchnehmen, am liebsten vor vielen Zuschauern.

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 51

“Look at those mangy hides. Don’t touch them with your hands. Cut a piece of that blanket off and wrap your hand before you drag them over to the fire on the beaver dam,” Eli told his brothers as they looked down at the nearly starved, disease infested animals with hairless splotches of dry scaly skin exposed. Returning from the first trip to drag the dead dogs to the fire, Isaac came back with Eli’s bloody hatchet in his hand. “I owe you, Brother.” “Because you are my brother, you’ll...

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Unknown Threesome Experience With Girls At Night

Hi everyone, im back after a long gap, for those people who don’t know me, I am Praveen 26 years from Bangalore. Readers if you wish read all my previous stories, please visit this link below So lets get started. This is such an saga took over around 2 years back, her name was ramya, she was a friend of my cousin, I had met her in one of my relative function, bubbly girl with little extra curves. After the function got over we cousins of same group had plan to go for a booze party that’s was...

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Aditi Ka Affair Shashank Ke Sath 8211 Part 2

Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek sex story. Iss part mein main aapko bataunga ki Aditi aur Shashank ne ek dusre ke sath kya kya kiya. Uss din Aditi ke iss decision ko sunkar main andar se tut gaya. Mere Aditi ko time nahi diya. Iski wajah se hi Shashank Aditi ko emotionally weak karke apne sath extramarital affair shuru karwane mein successful ho gaya. Fir Shashank ne Aditi ke chehre ko apne dono hatho se pakda aur apne hoth ko uske hoth par rakhkar...

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Try it now

My wife and I have been married for almost a year now, although we have lived together for almost 5. Our sex life from the very beginning has always been awesome and she has always been a little hottie. Although she has enjoyed Variations or Forum with me on numerous times for masturbation or fore play, she has never really opened up any fantasies with me until we got married. Risqué, for us was mutual masturbation or a quick flash at a Kid Rock concert. Once we were married, things...

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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 07a

The story starts on a cold autumn day, I had been swimming as usual. I parked my car outside my house and as I opened my car door I noticed the side door on Ian Steads van slide open. I had nothing to do with the Steads, they lived a few houses up the street from me, they were a father and son who had their own plastering business. The vans had the company name emblazoned on the side 'Stead & Son plasterers'. Under this logo on of the vans it said Ian Stead on one van and on the other van...

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Never growing tired of her

This true story is about my ongoing love affair my own wife. By way of explanation, we spend long periods apart for professional reasons, and always have done since we were married. To add to the everlasting novelty of our love making, I have never seen her naked in full light or undress in that indifferent way that married couples do in front of one another once the honeymoon is over. Similarly, she has always allocated me personal privacy. We never discussed the matter. It just happened that...

Wife Lovers

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