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Merhaba bu hikayeyi okuyan sevgili xhamster takipçileri. Son zamanlarda okuduğum hikayeler üzerine bende hikayelerimi paylaşmak istedim.
Efe ben.
Lakin ben tamamiı ile gerçek cinsel hayatımı paylaşıcam. Bu sebeptendir ki bazı isimleri ve olayları değiştirerek anlatmam gerek.
Lisede kızların peşinde koşan biri değildim. Bu sebepten midir bilemem ama kız arkadaşlarım hep güzel kızlar olmuştur. Voleybolcu, tiyatorocu vs. Ama son yılımda lise dördüncü sınıfta ufak kıpırdamalar olmaya başladı. Bazı kaşar diye hitap ettiğimiz kızlar yazmaya benimle ilgilenmeye başladı.
Dersanede ben iyi bi bölüm diye kasmaya çalışırken kendi lisemden başka bi Anadolu lisesinde okuyan ve dersanede tanıştığım bi kızla sürekli konuşur dertleşir olduk.
Özge (diye hitap edeceğim) arkadaşım sürekli mesaj atar ve yazar oldu. 1.60 boylarında düzgün fizikli ve en çok ilgimi çeken yukarı çıkık şekilde düzgün kalçalı bi kızdı. Birgün yine derslerden konuşurken içmek ve rahatlamak istediğini söyledi. Bu arada ben 1.85 boylarında atletik denilebilecek yapıda aleti 17 cm olan bi erkeğim. Seks konusunda en büyük avantajım abim sayesinde öğrendiklerimi escortların üzerinde uygulamış olmam ve geç boşalmamdır. Küstahlığa gerek yok çekici biriyim. Ailemin maddi durumu ise baya iyi.
Bende Özge'ye beraber içelim ama bizim ilçede kız arkadaşınla gidip içilecek biyer yok dedim.(İlçelerde yaşayanlar bilir. En büyük sıkıntı mekan eksikliğidir.) Ağzımdan birden ''Aslında bizim üst kat boş orda içebiliriz'' cümlesi çıktı. O da sanki bunu bekliyormuş gibi ''Nasıl giricem ki sizin apartmana'' dedi. Bu arada apartman sahibi babam ön tarafı caddeye arka tarafı ise ara sokağa bakıyor. Garajın ordan giriş var.
Ben garajın ordan alırım seni dedim. Sanki bunu bekliyormuş kaşar. Tamam o zaman dedi.
İlk defa bi hatunu içmeye üstelik bomboş biyere davet etmiştim. Bundan önce kendi ayarladığım kızlarla en fazla sürtünmeye kadar gidebildim. Ama Özge'yi sikeceğime emindim. Çünkü benle konuşurkenki bakışmaları halleri tavırları belli ediyordu.
Hafta sonu için sözleştik. Ve O cumartesi akşamı geldi çattı. Sikimi traş etmiş ve ne olur ne olmaz diye otuzbir çekmiştim. Duşa girip temizlenmiş. Parfümümü sıkmış saçlarımı yapmıştım. Kendimi fişek gibi hissediyordum. Daha önce dersaneden çıktıktan sonra evlere beraber gittiğimiz için evlerimizin yerlerini biliyorduk.
Saat geldiğinde mesaj attı yaklaştım diye. Aşağı inip arka kapının önünde beklemeye başladım. Köşeden dönüp yaklaştığını görünce sikim sertleşti. Pantolonumla kemerimin arasına sıkıştırdım sikimi.
Geldi ve direk girdi içeri. İçeri girince ''Hoşgeldin gel çıkalım dedim''. Ve asansöre bindik.

-Ö: Heyecan yaptım.
-Ben: Evet bende.
-Ö: Aldın mı biraları.
-Ben: Evet cips ve çerezde aldım.
-Ö: Oh be kafa dağıtalım biraz. Çalış Çalış nereye kadar.

Bu arada Özge asansördeki aynaya bakarak saçlarını düzeltiyordu. Sağına soluna bakıyordu. Bende bu arada çaktırmadan altındaki siyah tayttan kalçalarının görünüşüne bakıyordum. Gerçekten göz dolduyorlardı. Asansör gelmişti 4. kata ve indik anahtarla açtık kapıyı ve girdik. Sığınakta aldığım minder ve örtüyü serdikten sonra demlenmeye başladık.

Derslerden falan yarak kürek muhabbet ettikten sonra konu malum manitacılık mevzuna geldi. İşte bu anlatmaya başladı aşık olduğu futbolcu çocukla 3 yıl çıkmış ayrılmışlar falan. Ben bu arada boyum ondan uzun olduğu için göğüs çatalını falan dikizliyorum bunun. 'hadi ya' falan diye dinliyomuş gibi tepkiler veriyorum. Birden;

Ö: Senle konuşmak vakit geçirmek iyi geliyor. dedi ve omzuma yaslandı. Bende saçlarını okşamaya falan başladım. Sikimde iyi sert halini almaya başlamıştı.

-Ben: Dertleşmek iyi oluyor. İçmekte kafası dağılıyor insanın arada rahatlamak lazım dedim.
-Ö: Haklısın. dedi ve boynumla omzumun arasına koydu başını. Nefesi resmen koynumdan bütün vücudumu dolaşıyordu.
Bi hamle yapmak istiyordum ama kararsızdım acaba elimi bacağına atıp yavaş yavaş okşasam mı napsam diye düşünürken ilk hamle ondan geldi.
Boynuma ıslak, şehvetli ve adeta slow motion tadında bi öpücük kondurdu. Zaten artık sikim tamamıyla sertleşmiş kot pantolunumu yırtacak kadar kuvvetli baskı yapıyordu. Bende saçlarının arkasından tutup başını omzuma iyice bastırdım. Boynumu ufak öpmeye ve emmeye başladı. Elimi çenesine attım ve dudaklarını dudaklarıma doğru çektim. Birbirimizi adeta kemiriyorduk. Beni üstüne çekti.
Liseli stili ile bacaklarının arasında üzerimizde kıyafetlerle ona sürtünüyor ve dudaklarını yiyordum. Elimi göbeğine attım ve okşadıktan sonra tişörtünü çıkardım. Sütyeninin arasından göğüslerini, belini öpüp yalıyordum.
Birden yavaşladım.(Aklıma porno filmleri geldi.) Karnını göğüslerini yavaş ve hiddetli şekilde öpmeye ellerimle ellerini yukarıda birleştirip koltuk altına ufak öpücükler atmaya başladım.
Sütyenini çıkardı ve o güzel sert göğüslerini bana sundu. Uçlarını dudaklarımın arasına alıp öperken elini sikime attı ve üstüme çıkmak istercesine hareketlendi. Ona izin verdim. Üzerimi çıkardı ve kemerimi çözdü. Pantolonumu sıyırdı. Sonra kendi kotunu dudaklarımız birleşik birbrimizi somururken çıkardı. Altında siyah kilodu ve benim siyah boksırımla kaldı.
Üzerime çıktı sürtünmeye başladı. İnanılmaz bir zevk alıyordum. Hızlanmaya ve inlemeye başladı. Daha sonra dünyanın en etkili sözcüklerinden birini kulağıma fısıldadı. Bu sözcük bundan sonraki seks hayatımı etkileyecekti.

Kulağıma yaklaşıp: Sik beni! dedi.

Bundan sonraki seks hayatım hiç tahmin edemiyeceğim yerlere gidecektim. Ben boksırımı çıkarmak için hamle yaptım. Oda çıkaracakken ellerinden tuttum. Boksırımı çıkardıktan sonra onu altıma aldım ve bacaklarını ayaklarını öpe öpe kilodunu çıkardım. Üzerine uzandım. Hayatımın en tecrübesiz anlarından biriydi. Nasıl sokacağım hakkında en ufak bi fikrim yoktu. Biz erkekler her işi doğuştan bilirmişiz gibi davranırız ama aslında kontrol hiç bir zaman bizim elimizde olmamıştır.
Daha sonra ben henüz hareket etmeden sikimi eliyle tuttu. Ve o kutsal mahremine hizaladı. İşareti anlamıştım. yavaş yavaş bastırmaya başlamıştım. Daha sonra o ana kadar hiç aklıma gelmeyen bişey geldi.
Ya Bakireyse!!!! ama artık bunu düşünmek için çok geçti. O mahreme girmek üzereydim. Ve bianda girdim.
O kadar sıcaktı ki içi sanki sikimi alevlerin içine sokmuştum. İlk başta biraz hareketsiz kaldıktan sonra yavaş yavaş git gel yapmaya başladım. Kan gelmemişti. Demek ki bakire değildi. yavaş yavaş sikerken tempoyle hızlanmaya başladım. Ve ritmik bi şekilde 'şak şak şak' sesleri yükselmeye başladı o boş odada.
Benim zevktem gözlerim kararırken üzerine kapakladım Özgenin. O ise kısık ve inlemeli seslerle

-Ö: Ah evet! İşte bu istediğim bu
Ben: Rahatlıyor musun şimdi(daha doğrusu mırıldandım)
Ö: Evet rahatlıyorum! Ah! Ah! becer beni dedi.

İçimde bişeyler olmaya başladı. Karnım iç organlarım çekilmeye başladı. Boşalacağımı anladım içinden çıktım. Sikimi amının üzerüne koyarak git gel yapmaya devam ettim.
10-15 saniye sonra adeta bi volkan gibi patladım göbeğine.oda sarsılıyordu. Ama umurumda değildi. O kadar kasıldım ki boynunu kırarcasına sıkıyordum.
Bir süre üzerinde o şekilde kaldık. Konuşamıyordum. Daha önceleride ama girmiştim boşalmıştım. Hatta bi escortun içine bile boşalmıştım ama bu başka bişeydi. Yerden yükselmek gibiydi.
Daha sonra kızı boğmamak için üzerinden kalktım duvara yaslandım ve bir süre öyle kaldım.oda yanıma duvara yaslandı.Konuşmuyorduk.
Daha doğrusu konuşamıyorduk. Nefeslerimiz yumuşayıp sakinleşince birer sigara yaktık. Boynuma tekrar sokulup süperdi dedi ve öptü beni bende dudağına bi öpücük bıraktım.

Futbolcu çocuk Özge'yi ilişlilerinin son 1 senesi boyunca hemen hemen her hafta sikmiş. Son zamanlarda onun kaprisleri yüzünden ayrılmışlar. Ve oda benden hoşlanıyormuş.

Üniversite sınavına kadar düzenli aralıklarla çatı ve sığınak dahil olmak üzere Özge'yi birçok yerde siktim. Üniversite sınav sonuçları açıklandığında hayatıma bambaşka bi yöne doğru gidecekti. Özge Isparta'yı ben ise İZMİR 'i kazanmıştım. Yeni hayatım bambaşka olacaktı. İzmir 'in popüler özel üniversitelerinden birini kazanmıştım.


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Opposites Can Attract

It was Friday afternoon in early September and Josh Kretschmer was sitting at his desk working on a robot for one of his classes. This one had been giving him problems because the gearing wasn’t done right and he was tired of pissing with it; so, he was taking it apart to rebuild it with gears that he was in the process of 3-D printing. Josh was a third-year engineering student at Purdue University and one of the best robotic engineers the school had ever seen. In fact, he would be graduating...

3 years ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 12 Dragon Minor

After the sidhe left everything returned to normal. The guards and other guests seemed to delight in watching Flower as she began to sing more. The few times Song joined her the tavern was always full with people standing around the walls just to listen. Flower even taught me a song and they seemed to listen to me as well. Of course they delighted in watching Song hand her daughter to me to get her to calm down. It was a few months after the sidhe left that other news began. It started with...

2 years ago
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The Wheel of Change

The lights go on and illuminate the stage, which was dominated by a huge wheel in the middle of it. People were clapping from the off as a man walked through some curtains and onto the stage. "Welcome, everyone," he called into the audience. "I am your host John Changer and you are watching The Wheel of Change. The crowd cheered again and John waited for them to calm down. "I know, I know," he then said and turned to a camera. "Everyone is eager who will the contestants today. But first, let me...

Mind Control
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The Adventures of Sage Tumbleweed And the Secret Alien Agenda 1

 In Adventure One, we find our intrepid agent, Sage Tumbleweed, on the trail of the alien infiltrators plotting to exploit Earth’s resources. Galactic immigration was getting out of control. Not only that, but using humankind’s dimwitted senses against itself, the alien marauders' secret agenda included increasing the stupidity level on a global scale. Intending to hasten the devolution of the human species, the intruders' scheme to ensure rapid regression throughout every population group....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Its Donkey TimeChapter 4

The latecomer--and later cummer, as it were--hurried in, sweating and looking concerned. He was a big, brawny fellow in a flannel shirt, with an impressive swelling in his jeans. He stepped up next to Belinda and Tom. "Shit--have I missed it?" he growled. He scowled at the stage, his eyes narrowing when he saw that Maria was sprawled out, Unattended by donkey-cock. The creamy flow from her cunt paid tribute to the fact that the deed had already been done. "Goddammit!" he rasped, shaking...

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The SisterhoodChapter 21

Ron and Barbara spent almost three months of real-time in the cubes talking with Steve at leisure about physics. An hour or two at a time, of course. Barbara found herself willingly seduced by him. She downloaded herself into both cubes so that Ron would have a lover too when he visited. Cindy added herself to the fold of both cubes. She enjoyed Steve's conversation and intellect as much as Ron and Susan. She also very much enjoyed his lovemaking. The cubes had a profound effect upon the...

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KPop Fantasies

You are ‘Oppa’. Your girlfriend is the K-pop idol Sunny from Girls' Generation. You've been a couple for a week and have only kissed so far, and not even had an official date. On a Friday, you take Sunny out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. The date goes well and you end up kissing outside your apartment for a few minutes. You have trouble sleeping and end up lying in until noon the next day. There's a text waiting for you on your phone - from Sunny. "I can't wait to see you again soon~," it...

1 year ago
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My younger cousin and I

100% fiction! My younger cousin and I began hanging out when he was 18. He was kind of a douche but our lifestyle was similar. We would hang out often at his house. He was (and still is) an alpha male. I don't care for that type. If they aren't stroking their giant cocks, they're stroking their ego. He was always such a dick. I didn't care though. I wasn't fucking him. One night, we were hanging out and drinking together. I rarely drank. He often drank. I had a terrible headache. It surprised...

4 years ago
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I was now 25, and had a very good job and was earning handsomely. My Mom and Dad kept pressuring me to get married for the last two years and for some reason or another it just didn't happen. My mom got us a new maid from our village, her name was Shalini. She was very fair and beautiful and looked a lot like my mother and sister. She told us that she was abandoned by her mother after delivery and was brought up by her grandparents… Shalini was very shy and scared. She used to wake up in the...

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How I Fucked Manisha Hard 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers! I am going to narrate about myself. I am Anil (name changed for privacy) from Kathmandu, Nepal. I have a great body. I am 5 ft. 10 inches tall and have maintained a good structure. I have a thick tool of 7 inches long. Let me start the story right away. I am quite handsome and a lot of girls were attracted to me. This incident happened last year and I was 18 years old. Let me talk about the girl. She is slim, fair skin, tall and has assets that one would die to have for. I and...

4 years ago
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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40's but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

3 years ago
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The Legendary SlutWhore777

This is a story of how I encountered the Legendary SlutWhore777. It was a normal sunny day, the sky was blue and clear, the sun was sunshining. I was in the park, taking a nice walk by the pond, when I overheard two men talking about their encounter with SlutWhore777.SlutWhore777 was the filthiest sluttiest pig slut whore cunt around, rumours where that every single man in the area had been with her but no one knew what she looked like has she always wore her famous slutty mask. I decided one...

2 years ago
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If Only Part 2

OK, quick recap to our story before I go on:*went to bed after watching Weird Science on TV (glad to know someone else knows what it was), and you have to admit, some of us single guys and girls have always wanted to have a woman like that at one time or another*woke up next morning to find this beautiful redhead Irish girl waking me up*”accidentally” spilled water on the front of her nightgown ;)*watched her, in secret, shower and lusted to myself over her naked body*finally made up my mind...

3 years ago
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Me And Sherie Fifth And Final Chapter

I was so enamored, staring at my young cousin’s sex that I completely missed her naughty smile. Her legs fell further apart and she jokingly asked, ”Do you like what you're looking at?”I almost choked on a stupid answer, ”Uhm, I wasn't looking at you, Cuz.”She slipped her hand over her secret skin and smiled. ”Yes, you were,” she challenged, ”Don't lie.”I just swallowed hard. I knew I was busted perving. ”I, uh,” I stammered, ”I'm sorry, Cuz. I shouldn't have been staring.”She laughed and...

2 years ago
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Shaadi Mein Aunty Ko Patakar Uske Ghar Mein Choda 8211 Part 2

Hey friends, I am sam…..I am very happy to see your response and emails……Agar aap ko story pasand aaye toh mail me at ‘’ toh mai sidhaa story pe aata hun….. Story thodi c lambi hai bt jarur padna Maine shweta ko chodkar bhut achww….Yeh mera first experience thaa……Mai shweta ke ghar par tha and uskaa whats app dekh raha tha tabhi maine ek contact dekha usme…Contact name sanaya tha…Uski whats app picture kaafi achi thi….Maine shweta se puchaa yeh kon hai usne khaa yeh meri sister hai…Maine khaa...

2 years ago
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Rich Housewife Of Mumbai

Hello friends…. This is my second story on iss i am kd patel from mumbai. Doing modeling. Hught 6.3 with avrage body. I want to written this story in hindi. Kyuki har koi padh sake….. Ye bat 1 week pehle ki he…. Me modeling karta hu. Ek din mera event tha vahape kafi sare log aaye huve the sabhi bade gar k the… Unmese kafi sari ladkiya or bhabhi ya bhi thi…. Me ramp pe chal raha tha tab ek bhabhi ne muje dekha. After ramp walk vo muje back stage milne aayi… Mene dekha ki usne blue coloure ki t...

3 years ago
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Taken as a sissy whore

I had been feeling lonely during the last weeks; since my beloved hubby had flown on three consecutive business trips and we had not time to even get a good quickie. I was even tired of touching myself, or pushing some huge dildos up my horny cunt. I needed a real man’s cock before I would get mad.I made a contact in the net. The guy had posted some of his nice pics. He was black, in his early thirties, muscled and very handsome…After chatting during three nights; he proposed me to meet him to...

4 years ago
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Summer submission in naturist village

It was late-June, after 1 month without ejaculation, I went to the sm club in the libertine village of Cap d'Agde. Two dominatrix ordered me to undress in front of the bar, then they put a collar and a leash around my testicles, which were so full, heavy, that they were painful and hard.They started by walking me around the club, gently pulling me by the balls with the leash.I had a hard-on.Then they put me in a standing cage, with my sex pointing up between the bars.They blindfolded me and...

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In Wonderland Pt 3

'Tilly' spent the night at Chris Smith's house, waking to find it impossible to avoid Leila Smith, a friend, peer and beauty queen. She was not best pleased about the situation, but helped to protect Tilly's true identity in lending out a girls uniform, one purposefully as feminine as she owned. Chris was just about to give them a lift to school... I shuffled down the stairs, surprised I could move at all with the weight in my stomach. Leila was bouncy and excited as she followed her brother...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 33 Cindy and Jim Make a Video For Me

Introduction: This is the true story of the time my wife Cindy and her firefighter boyfriend gave me a special present. Sharing Cindy Chapter 33 Cindy and Jim Make a Video for Me If you have read the past two chapters, you are aware of my wife Cindy and her lover Jim. They had many memorable encounters while they were together and one of the best was the time that they made me a little video&hellip,&hellip,. Do you like this skirt? Cindy was asking me. I was busy staring at her legs and...

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Watching my wife

I’ll never forget the first time I watched another guy fuck my wife. Watching a man’s large cock slide into a woman’s willing cunt is one thing, but when it is your own wife that is being fucked that is absolutely stupendous! My wife, Sheila, then 42, had after much discussion been persuaded by me that I really wanted more than anything to watch her being fucked by another guy. She said she would only do it once and once only as she was quite sure I would go off the idea once faced with the...

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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 12

I woke up late on Friday and began my regular routine. I wiped the fog off the mirror in front of me so I could brush my teeth. Freshly showered and shaved, I put my hair back and got dressed. I donned a white and yellow summer dress and three inch chunky heeled white sandals. I left the house once again panty free. I knocked on my neighbor’s door and waited. He eventually answered, looking rather distraught. “Not happy to see me?” I asked, rather concerned. “Yeah, I am. I was going to give...

First Time
4 years ago
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Dost Ki Girlfriend Ke Saath Enjoy

Hii friends umeed hai aap sab log theek thaak honge. My name is mandeep I am basically from chandigarh. This is my third story on indian sex stories hope you all will like it. This story is about me and my friend’s girlfriend whose name is diksha (name changed) gori chitti ladki height bhi achii h boobs bhi theek thaak hai. Use dekhke kise ka bhi khada ho sakta hai because she is a sweet and innocent girl. She has pretty charming looks which always made me jealous with my friend. Now lets start...

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Runners MoonChapter 17

From as far back as Kaltag, days before, Josh had made clear plans what he was going to do as soon as he got across the finish line -- he was going to picket the dogs, crawl into the sleeping bag in the sled basket, and sleep around the clock. He hadn't had more than a couple of hours of sleep at a time since McGrath, where both he and Tiffany had taken their mandatory 24-hour layover. But, the excitment of the finish, and just knowing that he'd finished, had left his adreniline pumped up...

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Erotic Notion 14 The Ice Cube

     Passion is not hot, it is cold. In the languorous summer heat I sit caressing my limbs with lotion as bright bikinis run past and dive into the water. Sunglasses reflect the light but not the heat, I take a sip of iced tea and try holding a book above my head to block the sun’s glare. My arm quickly tires. I put down the book, close my eyes and inhale the chlorinated odors of the swimming pool. My consciousness swims in a bright orange darkness and relaxes to swimming pool sounds: bouncy...

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The true king of the hill part 2 Hanks lucky day

Introduction: Sorry for the delay but here is the much awaited second part to my king of the hill story I hope you enjoy. It was a hot day in Arlen Texas. A heat wave had hit the town and it seemed no body was immune to its merciless blaze. Even Hank Hill who had lived in Texas his whole life was sweating under the hot sun. The heat had pretty much cleared out Strickland propane for no one was caught dead in front of a grill when the mercury was rising the way it was. Hank sat at his desk...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Neighbour

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, thank you all for your feedbacks. I share this new experience with you all, hope you all enjoy it. It was around 7 pm, I got out from the cab and saw women opening the gate to my apartment, I rushed to see her face. She started climbing the stairs, I walked behind her quickly, then she turned and saw me. I smiled and said “hi” She replied “hi” Me: “do you live here? ” She: “yeah” Me: “oh, I moved here last week but haven’t seen you once” She:”oh, now we...

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