BAYİYE DADANMIŞTI free porn video

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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var, Şehremini’de oturuyoruz.

Sizlere yazmaya karar verdiğim olay ise, son on gün içinde sanki etap etap gelişti ve ben aklımda olmayan tatlı bir açmazın içine giriverdim. Şimdi yazacaklarımda eksik gedik olursa, kusura bakmayın...

O genellikle son zamanlarda saat beş gibi benim bayiye gelip beş dakika kadar vitrine bakıyor ve gidiyordu. Bu böyle bir iki kez olunca, dışarda olduğum o saatlerden birinde yine geldi. Vitrine baktı baktı ve tam gidecekken ona “Küçük hanım bir şey mi bakıyorsunuz? Çünkü bir kaç gündür bakıp bakıp gidiyorsunuz” dedim. Gidecek gibi oldu ve ben tekrar üsteleyince “Kitap bakmıştım kitap!” dedi. Ona ne gibi bir kitap aradığını sorunca, bana “Moda, erotik” falan gibi bir şeyler söyledi. İşta o anda jetonum düştü ve onun porno dergi aradığını anladım. Genellikle biz bayiler, onları müşterilerine el altından verirdik ve onları bayide pek tutmazdık. Ayrıca bu dergiler iyi de para ettiğinden onları zengin çocukları alırdı. Ama ilk kez şurup gibi bir kız benden porno dergi istiyordu. Ona nasıl davranacağımı kestirememiştim ama “Aaaa, öyle mi, daha önce nerden alıyordunuz?” dedim. Kız, onyedi veya onsekiz yaşlarında balık etinde ve kumral bir tipti. Ayrıca, giyimi kuşamı da öyle ahım şahım değildi. İçimde “Vah, vah!... Bir arkadaşında gördü veya gösterdiler; kız da herhalde alıp otuzbir çekiyordur” diye düşünmeye başladım. Çünkü o bir erkekle beraber olup sikiş yapacak gibi gelmedi bana... Ama dünyanın bin türlü hali vardı ve o delik de olabilirdi. Eh, İstanbul çocuğuyduk ve bu yollarda az zaman tüketmemiştik... Tabii delikse icabına bakardık. O gün ona fazla açık saçık olmayan bir iki dergi verdim ve iyi kötü sevinerek gitti. Onun en kısa zamanda tekrar geleceğini biliyordum. Çünkü, bu işe kafasını takan erkek olsun, kız olsun; mutlaka ve mutlaka, sonunda ya siker ya da sikilirdi. Bu kız da sonunda sikilecekti elbette!.. Ama sikecek ben olursam iyi olacaktı.

Derken bir iki gelmedi. Bir sonraki gece bayiyi toplarken, açık olan kapıdan “Merhaba” diye bir ses duydum ve onu gülümserken gördüm. Tabii ki sevindim. Ona “İki gündür yoktun. Ben de sana yeri gelen dergilerden ayırmıştım” dedim. Birden gözlerinin içinin güldüğünü fark ettim ve sıcak bir sesle “Nerede oturuyorsun. Gördüğün gibi ben yavaş yavaş kapatıyorum. İstersen seni götürürüm” dedim. Tabii cümlemin içinde “Götürürüm” lafını boşuna kullanmadım. Evine falan demedim. Bakalım “Seni götürürüm” lafındaki espriyi anlayacak mıydı? Ne demek istediğimi anladı. Bu beni çok sevindirdi. Sıra, laflarımla onu işleyip, bir yerlere götürerek sikmeye gelmişti. Dergilerde vesile olurdu.
Bayiyi kapadım ve onunla birlikte Vatan caddesine doğru yürümeye başladım. Bana adının Banu olduğunu ve İstanbul’da askerde olan ağabeyinin evinde yengesiyle birlikte kaldığını söyledi. Esas sorununun ise, yengesinden kaynaklandığını ve yengesinin eve erkek aldığını açıkladı. Kendisi ise bu işten nefret ettiğini belirtti. Belirtti ama kendisi de en az tanımadığım yengesi kadar sekse düşkündü.
Onunla yürüyü yürüye ta Aksaray’a kadar gelmiştik ve saat de gece dokuz gibi olmuştu. Ona “Karnın aç mı?” dedim. “Evet” gibilerinden başını salladı. Doğruca bir lokantaya girdik ve döner yiyip, ayranlarımızı içtik. Ardından da ona “Seninle yalnız kalacağımız bir yere gidelim, ne dersin?” dedim. Hiç sesini çıkarmadı. Karılar ve kızlar bir konuda ses çıkarmadıkları zaman o iş olmuş demekti. Elimi uzattım yavaşça ve elini tuttum. Hiç tepki vermedi ama benim sikim kazık gibi oluverdi.

Aksaray’da sahile yakın ucuz bir otel bulduk ve içeriye girdik. Odaya kapanır kapanmaz ona yumulmaya karar verdim. Değilmi ki buraya kadar daha yeni tanıştığı bir erkekle geliyordu, sonuca katlanmalıydı. Ellerimi yavaşça boynuna, bıyıklı dudaklarımı dudaklarına getirdim ve onu öpmeye başladım. Kazık gibi olan sikim ise neredeyse sandalye ayağı gibi olmuştu. Bir iki dakika daha öpüştükten sonra onun elini sikimin üstüne getirip getirip değdirttim. Ama her seferinde o elini çekiyordu. Sonunda ona “Bir daha benim sikim gibi bir siki nerde bulacaksın. Onu sımsıkı tut ki zevkine varasın” dedim. Bu arada ben de boş durmuyor, neresi denk gelirse onu öpüp yalamamı sürdürüyordum. Sonunda üstündekileri çıkartmaya başladım. Balık etinde bıngıl bıngıl memeler meydana çıkınca kendimi kaybettim ve doğruca dudaklarımı onun meme uçlarına götürdüm. Banu işte o sırada Kesik kesik “Ohh” “Ohhh!” yapmaya başladı. Bir ara iki memesini de ellerime alarak “Bunlar bana mısın diyen hiç bir karı da ve kız da yok. Sen çok tatlısın” dedim. Ancak ondan bir ses gelmedi ama yarağımda olan eli yarrağımı sıkmaya başladı. Beş dakika kadar sonra onu sadece donuyla bıraktım ve ben de her şey dahil çıkardım. Sikimi gören Banu’nun bir an için korktuğunu fark ettim. Ona “Korkma, onu içine alınca bütün dertlerini unutup, benimle birlikte zevk bulutlarının üzerinde uçacaksın” dedim. Ayrıca “İstersen, dergilerdeki gibi yaparız” dedim. Zevk çukuruna doğru gitmekte olan Banu’dan bir ses çıkmadı, sadece gözlerime baktı.

Onu kedi gibi domaltarak, küçücük götünün deliğinin üstünde benim alametin kafasını gezdirmeye başladım. İşte bu sırada o deli gibi küçücük ama taş gibi götünü ileri geri oynatmaya başladı. Bende de artık sabır kalmamıştı. Çünkü yarrağım kalkmış, duygularım ayaklanmış, önümde de taş gibi bir göt olmuş... Yapılacak şey belliydi. İki elimi atarak onu belinden sardım ve kendime doğru çekerken, sikimin kafasını da götünün deliğine bastırmaya başladım. Ne mümkündü. Sikimin kafası bu delikten geçmeyecekti. Ona “Meraklanma canın yanmayacak. Biraz daha öne doğru eğil” dedim. Dediğimi yaptı ve öne doğru eğildi. İşte o anda bende carrtttt! diye yarrağımın kafasını onun göt deliğinden içeriye sokmayı başardım. Ancak, tam olarak girmemişti ki, sikim ilerlemedi. Bir daha yüklenince Plofffsstttt! diye bir ses çıktı ve sikimin kafasını onun götünün deliğini genişleterek içeri kaydı. Kayar kaymaz bir kez daha yüklendim ve bu arada ondan “Yandım, yavaşşşş!” diye bir ses yükseldi. Yavaşça sikimi geri çekip, bu kez yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım. Bundan memnun kalmıştı ve “Yavaş yavaş, n’olur yavaaşşş!” demeye başladı. Ama zevk aldığı kesindi. Ben de onun üzerine yavaş yavaş benim yavruyu onun daracık götüne sokup sokup çıkartmaya başladım. Benim kadar o da zevk almaya başlamıştı ve sürekli olarak bi kez de “Dibime kadar, dibime kadar” diyor, bir yandan da “Ohhhhh!” “Ohhhhhh!” çekiyordu. Fıstığın götünü sikiyor olmak beni kesmedi ve birden bire memelerine asıldım ve onları morartana kadar sıktım sıktım durdum. Canı acıyordu ama aldığı zevk yüzünden fazla ses etmiyordu. Sonunda ikimiz birden titremeye ve kasılmaya başlamıştık. Bunu anlayınca bir iki sert pomba daha yaptıktan sonra, tüm gücümle sonuna kadar kökledim ve onu ciyak ciyak bağırtırken içine ılık ılık attırmaya başladım. Bu arada onu da tutmak imkansızdı ve sonunda o da titreyerek boşalmaya başladı.

Bir saat kadar daha orda kaldık ve onu Kocamustafapaşa’ya ağabeyinin evinin yakınına getirdim ve bıraktım.
Bundan sonraki mektubumlarında ise onun amını nasıl siktiğimi sizlere yazacağım.
Benim tek korkum benim karı... Uyanık karı benim birini becerdiğimi duyarsa, beni duman eder duman...
Kalın sağlıcakla...


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More Sister In Law Fun

I love going to my wife’s brother’s place. His wife is a lot like my ex-wife physically. Very coarse, short black hair, 36C tits, good firm ass. And a very, very hairy pussy.Years ago my wife actually told me “you should try feeling ##### pussy, it’s what you’re used to.I was like what? And she said she’s seen her in the bath and she’s very bushy just what you like. Interesting, since my wife is shaved, but it put the thought of playing with bush again into my head.My sister in law has always...

2 years ago
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How I became my fathers cum slave Part Two

I had been wondering why my brother hadn’t tied my legs down but then I realized why. When he let go of me, I stayed lying down and just stared at my father. He climbed onto the bed and picked up my foot, licking my toes. I couldn’t help but giggle and try to pull my foot away. “Stop it that tickles!” This only made him start sucking on my big toe while his free hand lightly started to trace up and down my leg. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to get me to relax and just let him...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 12

The stone daggers were raised and the Magates shuffled towards me, blocking out more and more of the light from outside as they came. The only thing I could do was back up - deeper into the cave, and further away from safety. I felt exhausted through the effects of my fear and the lack of sleep. I also now realised that it was partly down to the fact that I hadn't been able to maintain my stores of energy. There had been no ley lines to draw on as I flew over Scania and my single blast had...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Pamela Morrison He Has A Crush On My Feet

Jake and I have been in the same class for two years. He’s always very helpful and shy, which I find kind of cute. One day he walked me home and I invited him in to study together while my parents were at work. He opened his laptop and we started working on the project. A few minutes later he excused himself and went to the bathroom. While he was in there I looked at his laptop and as I closed a window, his notebook popped up with yesterday’s notes. OMG it was about me! He wrote how he...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 617

You can thank smokeyjoe for this one... This is British Humour, you may have to read it twice... :) This one is old, a time when to go for No .2s in an English public toilet costed a penny. The cubical door had a coin operated lock that the penny opened. A man went to see his doctor, “Doc, I’m constipated, I haven’t been in nearly a week.” So the doctor examined him, gave him some laxatives and sent him on his way. Two days later, the guy is back, still nothing. So the doc gives him...

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Ek Raat Saali Ki Jam Kar Chudai Aur Use Abhi Tak Pata Nahi

Meri saali humaare saath 1 saal se reh rahi h.Meri biwi maal h par saali usse mast maal h.Uske boobs thode chhote hain par gaand gazab h.Main hamesha se use pasand karta tha par jabse wo saath aake rehne lagi uske chaal chalan aur kapde dekh use chhodne ka mann karne laga.   Wo har subah dodne jaati yoga pants pehen kar.Waapis aate hue uski pant itni gili ho jaati ki uske gaand ke saath hi uski chuth ka shape dekh paata hun.Uska night gown itna chhotha rehta h ki kabhi wo bina dekhe jhuk jaye...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 16 Casual Sex

JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Unnnnnh! Ohhhhhh! Unnnnnh!" The hot brunette before me had been whining and whimpering constantly for the past fifteen minutes. I held myself balls deep inside the tight, clenching pussy. With my hands gripping her slender hips, I ground my pelvic bone against her asscheeks and pivoted my cock inside her, stretching out her vaginal walls. Her head hung down between her shoulder blades in this doggy-style position, her silky brown hair cascading down to the...

3 years ago
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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 04

Author’s Note: Chapter Four isn’t really a ‘Chapter’ at all: it’s a separate story that picks up just a little down the road in our characters’ lives. If the previous chapter had told you that they lived ‘happily ever after,’ then this tale would pick up somewhere between ‘Happily’ and ‘Ever.’ ***** My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I’ve ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp,...

2 years ago
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The Long Cold Streak A Vampire Tale

This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any person or organization is purely coincidental. Part one: I had no idea that the game I pitched against the Phillies would be the last game of my career. The Phillies game was my second start of the season. I had done okay in my first start, gave up seven hits scattered over seven innings and three runs while striking out four and only walking two. I lost, but I managed to keep us in the game. It wasn’t my fault that nobody was hitting...

4 years ago
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Watching Sister In Action

Hi people! I’m going to share with you the experience I had a while ago. I’m Gautam (24yrs) , & my sister Sakshi is (22yrs). So my sister is a student of engineering. She’s fair in complexion , of average height. My sister unlike other girls had no boyfriend, or so I thought. But my whole perception changed when this incident occurred. I have a lot of friends, but only 3-4 close buddies. My friends visited my home almost daily. My parents are always out due to work, so I & my sister have our...

3 years ago
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That Girl Chapter 2

I sprung out of bed and quickly went through my morning routine. Downstairs, after finishing a delicious breakfast made by Maria, I was about to leave and I said, “Aunt Jennifer, I’m going to a friend’s house for a while.” “When are you coming back?” She asked after coming to the door. I shrugged. “After lunch or something,” “Okay good because we’re going to go out to eat for dinner okay?” “Okay,” I nodded and began to open the door. “By the way,” she stopped me. “Are you going...

2 years ago
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It had been nearly a week already since Brandi was grounded for coming in extremely late. David barely saw her except for brief moments when she was heading to class or entering her house. Her parents had her under strict rules especially since Brandi never really accounted for where she was at till 8am. What was she supposed to say? 'I was next door with David fucking my way out of a DUI charge?' The thought made her laugh, but the memory made her wet. Saturday rolled around and David went...

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Slut MommieChapter 8

I put the phone up and placed my back against the wall breathing nervously and thinking of what to do. I could only imagine what perverted things Frank wanted me to do for him and his friends... yes, his friends too! My god, I would be a total slut! How many friends would he bring? Two? Three? Ten? Did it make a difference anymore? Would they fuck my pussy? My ass? My mouth? Maybe all three of my openings at the same time? I couldn't breathe thinking about it! I dreamed of doing that with...

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Sisters swap husbands MF

My wife, Di, and I were having her sister and husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get riled up about anything. Di and I were really easy going as well and naturally it was not a surprise that the four of us got along as well as we did.Mary was only three years older then Di and at forty-one was in...

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When I Met Kyle

[Chapter 1] Most of the boys at my school either already have a girlfriend (or boyfriend), aren’t that attractive, or are extremely shy around other guys when they’re naked (as I’ve observed in the locker rooms before and after gym class.) I just wish I could find a good lover to spend the rest of my high school years with. And I found that lover in 17-year-old Kyle Thompson. My name is Jerry Lewis. I am 17 years old as well. And this is the story about how Kyle and I met, and became...

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The Lunch Date

You are at a restaurant in a booth waiting for me to arrive. I am excited....I am wearing a very average business skirt, blouse, and heels, with the exception of thigh high stockings and no panties just as you instructed. I am already wet with anticipation. I enter the restaurant and the Maitre'd escorts me to your table. I'm about to sit across but shaking your head you pat your outer thigh. I slide in the booth and look at you with fire dancing in my eyes. You have a smug, almost arrogant...

3 years ago
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BLOOD DIAMONDS Chapters 11 15

Chapter 11Several Years Ago... East Of The Mississippi...I got the first job I applied for. A locksmith ran a small shop near campus and he needed someone to watch the store while he was out doing lock smithy things. I handled walk-in sales and ordering stock. I'd never get rich but it wasn't a very hard job either. I liked it and I needed the work while I got settled and planned my next move.Money wasn't really tight yet, but I'd underestimated how much it took to basically set up an entire...

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Jenns First Love chapter 5

As anxious as we were to consummate our relationship, between practices, workout sessions, games and studying we just couldn’t find the time to make it work until the day Uncle Tim called me into his office.“Jenn, I need you to do me a favor,” he asked."Sure, Uncle Tim. What do you need?”“You know we have that tournament coming up the week after Christmas in Denver, right?" Not waiting for a response he continued, “Well Donna is not going to be able to make the trip, so I need to ask you to...

Love Stories
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Full ComplianceChapter 7

“And here we are, the coronation of the first Emperor of Earth, Victor-Alexander I. His Imperial Majesty has reorganized Earth as the Imperium or Empire. The new Emperor has decided to hold his coronation in the Quirinal Palace in Rome, former official residence of the House of Savoy and its dynasty of Kings of Italy. Rome has been selected as the de jure capital of the Imperium, a fitting choice to say the least. “The Imperial Senate will also be based in Rome, of course, with some one...

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The Bet Chapter 37

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 37 (Sunday - week 6) In his dreams he was wearing his silly baby dress, sucking on his pacifier, and holding a baby bottle in one hand as he went into someone's house. His friends were all there - his male friends. They had all come to play poker. There was a highchair at the poker table. He skipped from the door to the highchair and climbed up into it as all his friends laughed at him. Someone put the tray in place for him. "Fank you, he...

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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 5

Doll, using her dainty left hand, gently stroked the length of my prick and on reaching it's zenith, spied a droplet of my seed appear at the tip. I pursed my lips and waited tensely to see what would transpire. I say this because women tend to react differently to the actions of a man's prick. While almost all but the most jaded are somewhat fascinated by this wondrous instrument, they go about handling one differently. That Dolly was no stranger to a man's pride and joy was evident from...

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He Controlled I Loved It

It’s Friday night, the girls and I decide to meet straight after work and head down to the local bar. As it’s been a long week we don't bother to go home and change, we just go as we are. We’re all dressed smartly but I like to feel a little sexy at the end of the week so my short black skirt and black heels go well with my bright pink shirt. Hidden underneath is my pink lace bra, matching pink bikini panties and black seamed stockings.We stand at the bar laughing and chatting and drinking the...

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The Dark

Waking up suddenly from the dream as you start falling.. Suddenly realizing that I am not falling any more. Catching my breath and my eyes start to adjust Though they don't and it's still pitch black. And there is a faint hum in the back ground and I realize I'm still in the hotel room as the soft covers and smith sheets covering my naked body The silkiness rubs agaisnt me and my cock begins to grow. My hand reaches out and feels for you. My hand touching your bare smooth skin.My other hand...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Sheena Ryder Sadie Pop No Navy For My Baby

Sheena Ryder was not the most excited when her stepson told her he was going to join the navy. She decided to use her daughter Sadie Pop to try and get him to stay. In their first attempt Sadie met with her stepbro in his bed and admitted her crush on him. She played with his cock a bit but that did not seem to do the trick. It was Sheena’s turn to see if she could save her son. She was going to use her BJ skills to try and get him to stay, and just in case it did not work she would also be...

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The Hottest Senior

“Hey Zack.” His two friends were surprised to see who was addressing him because she was one of the hottest girls in school and Zack, only weeks before had asked her to the Homecoming dance, was rejected due to Kayla already having a boyfriend who was taking her. “Uh, what’s up Kayla?” She paused when she saw that his buddies made no move to leave them alone. “What were you guys talking about?” Kayla asked seemingly trying to include the two who were just standing there a little...

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Breaking Article 134 Ch 06

The cabin was empty and silent when I woke. Rolling onto my back, I stared at the ceiling and sighed. Vaguely, I recalled waking earlier to the feel of his hard driving cock pistoning in and out of my pussy, then a low groan when he came. The sun was shining brightly, so it was well into morning, and I could hear the lake lapping at the dock. I was a sticky mess of cum, a swim would do me good. Leaving the ruined peignoir on the bed, I sauntered from the cabin, casually making my way to the...

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Pious Pakistani Slut

It was late October and I was invited to a party by one of my relatives. I had just returned to the uk after spending an extended time in the Caribbean, and I was just feeling out the scene as I had gone through a bad breakup months earlier.I must mention socially I’m a wall flower and it takes some time for me to warm up to people but when I do........Anyway as I surveyed the going’s and comings, my eyes caught a glimpse of Ms. Pious(not her name). I was immediately caught by her smile and...

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