It Started With A Cup Of CoffeeChapter 3 free porn video

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David Derrelli was the first to arrive at his store, though his employees came soon after him. It took no time for him to dole out the various tasks that he wanted accomplished before the store opened and had just sat down in his office when, Tracy, one of his newest employees knocked on the door. She didn't wait for him to invite her in. She just gave a little knock, opened the door and walked in saying, "It's early, and I thought you'd like a cup of coffee Mr. Derrelli."

He was about to double check everyone's hours and paychecks for the last few months. That was the task he'd given himself for that morning. He looked up into the smiling face of the young girl and accepted the coffee with a smile of his own. She, of course, wasn't the first employee who began her career at the store by sucking up to him. Such antics never got them anywhere, but he never told them that it wouldn't. He just figured that if they wanted to bring him coffee and run extra errands for him and such, that was their business. By the time they figured out that it wasn't going to get them anywhere, there would always be another new employee willing to kiss his ass and take their place.

"Thank you; that's nice of you," was all he said. It was just enough to be polite and just enough to encourage her to keep it up, yet nothing more.

The girl was dressed appropriately for her position in the store, though her dress was a just a bit too tight, and it was cut just a bit too low in the front. Still, it fit her figure well and didn't look sleazy. Besides, her job was to keep the clothes folded or hung in the right place while assisting the customers in that department, and she needed to look more the model type since most of the customers in her department were in her age group.

Tracy showed a lot of cleavage as she placed the coffee cup on his desk, and she knew she looked good with her long light brown hair framing her oval face and makeup. She made certain to make eye contact with him and flashed him a coy smile before leaving.

"At least this one's pretty to look at," he thought.

The day was grueling for everyone. It turned out that they were pretty busy that day, and even though everyone was tired, David insisted that they all stay after to continue with their cleaning and organizing. Everyone grumbled, but no one complained too loudly. David was known to be a no nonsense manager, and he had no qualms about firing anyone that gave him a hard time.

Everyone was upset though ... except for Tracy. She just flashed him her cute smile, cheerfully shrugged her shoulders and asked, "Well as long as we have to work late, is there anything I can get for you Mr. Derrelli ... you know, like soda or something?"

David grinned inwardly, but kept a professional look on his face and answered with a simple, "No." Then, almost as an afterthought, he added, "Thank you for asking though."

It was enough. Tracy happily turned about, and giving her pert ass just a little exaggerated wiggle, she walked back to her department.

The move wasn't missed by David, but he made no outward appearance of noticing it.

Bonnie already had a second cup of coffee that morning and didn't need to stop for any more, but the closer she got to the gas station, the more she thought about Greg. By the time she'd guided her car onto the exit ramp, she decided that she should probably stop and pick up some mint gum. "Just in case I have coffee breath," she told herself.

She told herself that she'd been thinking about the kind gentleman way too much and that she was only going to go in and buy the gum. "I'm not even going to look around to see if he's there."

"Well hello there!"

He was standing just inside the doorway, and she not only recognized his face, but would have recognized his voice as well. He also held out a cup of coffee to her.

"I was hoping you would come by. I'd hate to have to drink this myself! It would have been my third cup, and it would have been simply sacrilegious to waste it."

Bonnie didn't know what to say. Truth be known, she was actually stunned to see him just standing there holding a cup of coffee for her in his hands, and for a moment she wondered how ridiculous he looked. "A well dressed man who drives an expensive car, standing in a gas station waiting like that," she thought. "But then again, such a man probably doesn't care what other people think about him." Those were her first thoughts. Then she thought about how he thought enough about her to buy her the coffee and wait long enough to give it to her ... and they had only just briefly met before.

"I wonder if maybe he's thinking as much about me as I've been about him!" she thought. Then she began wondering why such a man would even be interested in just a plain, ordinary housewife anyway.

"Well, are you going to accept my offer, or make me stand here until the coffee gets cold?"

David would have said something like that out of sheer sarcasm, but Greg said it with sparkling eyes and a light laugh, and there wasn't even the slightest hint of sarcasm in it.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little preoccupied I guess. Thank you so much for the coffee. It was really nice of you."

"Oh, that's all right, no need to apologize. We all get like that now and again, and you are quite welcome."

Bonnie took the coffee asking, "Have you really been here waiting for me?" She instantly regretted asking the question. "What a stupid thing to ask!" she thought. "What else would he be doing here holding a cup of coffee for me!"

Greg didn't seem to notice the obvious and replied, "Actually, I was just waiting to ask you what time you take lunch, and if you would consider joining me?"

Bonnie couldn't suppress a smile, and Greg picked up on it immediately.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I usually take an hour for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00."

"Good, that'll work for me. I know where there's a fantastic little café on the north side. Where can I pick you up?"

Bonnie knew that it would be reckless to meet him like that. After all, she didn't know anything about this man. For all she knew, he might be some kind of serial killer! "How stupid can you be?" She could almost here David's voice shouting at her in her head. "I thought you had more sense than that when I married you!"

It was actually the last thought that made her agree, and in the next moment, she found herself telling Greg where she worked and that she would meet him at the bench just outside the front of the office building!

"Why did I agree to go to lunch with him," she mumbled, as she pulled out of the gas station. Even after she'd parked her car in the office garage, she was still wondering why she'd consented to him picking her up. "Well, what's done is done," she thought, and taking a deep breath, she stepped into the elevator that would take her up to the seventh floor where she worked. "Well, at least I have something to take my mind off from my work today!" she breathed.

Unfortunately, Cornelius called out to her before she even got five steps from the elevator.

This time, Bonnie didn't know which was worse, the work he piled on her, or him crowding her as if they were close friends ... or lovers. On at least two occasions, she could have sworn he was trying to look down her blouse. What irritated her the most though, was the way he said things like, "Be a good girl and..." or, "Thanks Honey, I knew you could do it."

By the time lunch came, she was almost a nervous wreck and had no idea what she was going to do. On the one hand, she desperately wished she could just slap the shit out of him, yet she really needed her job and had just gotten comfortable in it. Mr. Simmons may have been fair, but he was strictly a professional too, and she didn't want to chance making any waves with him!

She was so distraught, that she thought to forgo lunch altogether but wasn't sure how she could break her engagement with Greg.

"I'm certainly under no obligation to actually go with him," she told herself. "After all, it's only lunch, and we'd only loosely agreed upon having it together." Then shooting a dark look towards Cornelius' office, she breathed, "Besides, I'm under enough stress this morning already!"

Still, she did tell Greg that she'd go with him, and she suspected he could be a very good friend to have. "Perhaps I should at least meet him and explain that I can't go to lunch with him today. It would be the decent thing to do anyway."

That's what she told herself, but once she'd made up her mind to see him, she knew she would end up having lunch with him, and that gave her a thrill that almost scared her. This was big, and she knew it. Not since she was in high school had she felt so girlish about meeting a man, and she briefly wondered what she was doing and where it would all lead.

"Don't be silly!" she told herself. "You are a married woman with a loving husband and two kids!"

"Going to lunch?"

It was Little Junior. He'd only been with the agency for a few days, and already she hated the very sound of his voice! Oh what she would give to be able to slap the pimples right off his face!

"Yes Mr. Penton."

"Well come and see me as soon as you get back. I have some memos I want you to type up and a couple of phone calls to make."

"Yes Mr. Penton." It was all she trusted herself to say.

"Well, have a good lunch, but don't forget to see me as soon as you get back."

There was that look again. The one where he made sure that she knew he was looking her up and down. The one used by college boys when they wanted a girl to know that they were interested in them.

"Did he touch my ass?" She screamed the question in her mind. "It felt like he did. Still, it was only a light touch."

By the time the elevator reached the bottom floor, Bonnie had convinced herself that he probably just brushed by her and that the touch was unintentional. "But he's always so damned close!"

Greg was already waiting for her at the curb in front of the bench which was a good thing since she didn't know how much more stress she could handle. "It would have been just too much if I had to sit here and wait while wondering if he was actually going to show up or not," she thought.

Bonnie was surprised that he didn't wait for her to approach the car before getting out and opening the door for her. Actually, she was fairly stunned by the gesture. Dave hadn't bothered to open a door for her since shortly after they were married.

"Are you all right?"

She stopped short upon hearing the question.

"Why? Do I look alright? With her pocket book in her right hand, she involuntarily reached up with her left and touched her face as if she could feel anything that might be wrong with it.

Greg chuckled and said, "You look fine. You just seem a little flushed, that's all."

There was no way anyone could have taken offense by his laugh no matter how bad a mood they were in. With the look on his face and the way he sounded, it was easy to tell that he was as lighthearted as he was sincere.

"Oh; I'm sorry. I guess I'm not having a very good day today; that's all."

"Well now, why don't you just come along and tell me all about it."

The way he'd said it made her feel so much at ease that the next thing she knew, he was driving down the boulevard towards the north side of the city with her sitting there beside him. She didn't even remember getting into the car! Not only that, but she found herself just rattling on, telling him everything. She couldn't stop herself from talking until after he'd pulled into the parking lot of the little café.

Greg went around the car, opened the door for her and offered his hand to help her out without a word.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" she exclaimed, getting out of the car. "I don't know what came over me. I never carry on like that, not even to my friends, and I hardly even know you!"

Once again, Greg let out one of his light chuckles and said, "Don't worry about it. I've been told that I can have that effect on people sometimes. I'm just glad you had a chance to let it all out. It's not good for you to keep all that stress bottled up inside. It will make you old before your time, and you are much too pretty to let that happen!"

Bonnie was visibly relieved. She was afraid her little rant would have ended anything before it ever had a chance to start. In fact, she wouldn't have blamed him if he'd done a "u" turn right in the middle of the boulevard and took her back to her office building! She also liked hearing his compliment even though she didn't believe that she was nearly pretty enough to warrant it.

That was her first thought, and she almost brought her hands to her face with her next thought. "Exactly what is it that I am starting?" and that brought her back to reality.

The café turned out to be just a quaint little diner with a long counter for patrons to sit at and several open booths along the opposite wall. There was no one to seat them, so Greg led the way to a booth that was situated towards the center of the room. No out of the way corner booth, not that it would have afforded any privacy anyway since the whole place was well lit. He showed her to one side of the booth, and once she was seated, he seated himself across from her.

"He's keeping a respectful distance from me," she thought, and that helped put her even more at ease.

They had just begun looking at the menus that were already on the table when a waitress came by asking what they wanted to drink.

"I'd like some iced tea, no sugar, and since we don't have much time I'll have a couple of slices of light rye toast with a fried hard egg on the side."

"Good choice for a first get together," thought Bonnie. "Nothing messy, nothing to give you bad breath and no salad where green lettuce will be sticking to your teeth while you talk." Then looking at the waitress, she said, "I'll have the same, but I'd like Italian toast."

"Well, I think you should talk to Mr. Simmons about Little Junior," began Greg, once the waitress had left. "Not only has he been around for a long time, but he's a lawyer and knows all about sexual harassment."

"Do you really think I should? I mean, I really hadn't been working there that long, and I don't want to take a chance on being labeled a trouble maker."

"Well, I happen to know some people who know your Mr. Simmons quite well. In fact, I could probably take care of this for you, but it would be better if you did it yourself. Besides, if you let Little Junior there drive you from your job, he'll be just as hard on the next person that comes along, and you might be saving the agency from a serious lawsuit later on down the road."

"I hadn't thought of that."

"Well, it's always a lot easier to see things with outside eyes. You're an intelligent woman though. I'm sure you would have thought of it yourself eventually."

Bonnie wasn't so sure she would have, but what was important to her was that Greg thought she was smart! It had been a long time since anyone said they thought she was smart. That is, anyone besides her six year old! In fact, when she thought about it, it had been a long time since she even thought of herself as being smart!

"Why can't David see me in that light!" she thought. "All I get from him are insults and, "You're only a secretary," and such. Then looking up from the table, she said, "I don't know Greg."

"What don't you know? That you could sit down and talk about it to Mr. Simmons? Of course you can! Do you have any children?"

The question took her completely by surprise, and it caused a whole series of thoughts to quickly flash through her mind such as: "Why would he ask me that? Is that his way of trying to find out how tied down I am? Is he some kind of pervert that likes kids?" But before she could answer him, he said, "Because if you have to face all the trouble children can cause, then you can certainly face your Mr. Simmons!"

Bonnie suddenly felt foolish for thinking all of those things. "Besides, I'm wearing my wedding ring! Of course he knows I'm tied down!" and she laughed lightly before saying, "Two. I have two boys ten and six."

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Cupcake Delight

Lily McAllister hummed “Phantom of the Opera” as she zigzagged her way to the front of her bakery to begin her afternoon chores. It was Sunday, the only day she worked her bakery by herself. She loved the quiet solace that these Sunday afternoons brought her. Over a year earlier, she had moved here to hide and lick her wounds after a nasty divorce. She remembered those dark days when she didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed, recalling the fresh dose of evil that her ex had heaped upon...

Straight Sex
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The Sorcerers Cup

The Sorcerer's Cup: The Beginning By Bashful Sometime in the First Millennium... The Sorcerer moved slowly across the cold stone floor, his joints stiff and aching. He was glad the silversmith had finished the cup early, he felt that his time was growing to an end very soon. The Sorcerer wasn't ready to go yet, that was why he had ordered the fashioning of the cup setting on the table before him. His body was so old that even his own power and spells could not rejuvenate it...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 59 Jan 1946 Occupation Begins

Unlike President Obama, I would say that I support the long-standing bipartisan post-war belief that American global strength and leadership secures our national-security interests, and it also promotes order and stability in the world. And it gives us immense influence in the world and deters our adversaries and reassures our allies. Tom Cotton I would have to say that at the very beginning of occupation of Germany by the allies the only country that had planned it to last forever was the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 383 DCup Loses Something Very Precious to Her Hint Its Not Peter Harrison

Monday, July 2, 2007 (Continued) My three girls started moving inside. I bent down and scooped D-Cup up, holding her in front of me as I carried her. She was getting cold feet so they would've worked too slowly. I wanted to get started NOW! To distract her I said, "You're not officially my serving girl yet, not until I take your virginity. So just this once I'll carry you inside, but after this you'll have to carry me, okay?" It fell mostly flat with her. She wasn't in the mood for...

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the copper cup

The Copper CupBy CortezThis story follows Maria Jimenez's interrogation immediately after she has beenforced to watch her friend, Juanita, being tortured by Lieutenant Perez and thesinister Colonel Marcos. Juanita's story is told in 'The Electric Crab'.Colonel Marcos and his trusted lieutenant, Anna Perez, watched as Maria'sfriend, Juanita, was dragged from the torture chamber. The air in theunderground room was thick with the smell of sweat and agony, hot with the blazeof the spot lamps...

2 years ago
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Ethereal Cupid

I pulled open a door in the ether and stepped out onto Lakeside road. Well, stepped out and down and landed in a crumpled heap on the asphalt; always a risk over such a long distance. To be honest, opening an ethereal doorway, three feet above the ground, smack in the middle of the road you were aiming for, from over three thousand miles away, was pretty damn close. I picked myself up and dusted off my clothes. Habit. I couldn’t get dust on me in my ethereal form. As I stood in the road a...

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Cup of Cum

It was Steves turn to pick a game. “Hey”, he said, “lets have a cookie jerk, and the last one to cum has to eat it”. “No way”, many of us said…”and we don’t even have a cookie”. “Well let me see”, Steve said…”hey lets use the cup on my thermos…the loser must drink all the cum from that! Come on, it will be wild”. My hands began to tremble at the thought of all seven us pooling our cum into the thermos cup that Steve was swinging on his finger… Once we had a majority vote, we all had to play…and...

3 years ago
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Cupids Arrow

Cupid's Arrow By Mister Double-U Harold saw her walking down the hall and knew that it was love at first sight. She was tall, with long blond hair and a body that could stop a truck. 'The face of an angel.' he thought. He mustered up all his courage and approached her, just as her boyfriend rounded the corner. She looked at him with a smile that could melt butter. The boyfriend placed his arms around her and gave Harold a very nasty look. "Somethin' I can do for ya?" he asked....

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Cupids Revenge Charlie

Prelude The death dealer stood in the doorway, rocking back and forth on his feet. A hard man of no conscience, he mused once again what a great business selling drugs had become: you just had to get them hooked and they were forever customers ... until they died. And they always died. Lighting up a smelly black cheroot he thought he saw a ghost of movement on the rooftop across the street. Being in a chancy business he was always cautious, and blowing out the match, he backed deeper in the...

2 years ago
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It had become the best part of my day; every afternoon just before closing, fifteen minutes of time alone with her…But I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s go back a little. New job, new city, everything bright and shiny, waiting to be discovered. I had moved for work, and everything had fallen into place nicely.Late one afternoon in mid-autumn, as I made my way home, I walked past a café and felt like something sweet. It was quiet inside, no other customers but me, the last staff members leaving...

Straight Sex
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Couple makes BIM cumslut drink cup of sperm

Dan called and asked me to visit to meet this sexy woman. How could I resist?? Found his old Victorian house in a neighborhood surrounded by warehouses. Pulled into the drive and parked behind a 1952 MG TD. Nervous as I knocked on the door. Dan led me into the living room. This is M. I asked about name, and in a British accent she said like in a bond flick. Short platinum blond hair, wearing a pink ball cap. Bright green eyes, wearing a tube top bursting with boobies. Her top was mint green,...

1 year ago
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Little Arab Buttercup part three

My little Arab buttercup, Aisha, had been married to me for over a year now. I found work with a civilian contractor for the military. My technical and computer training in the army gave me the knowledge and experience they needed there in Silicon Valley. We were living about thirty minutes away from my job. Aisha preferred to be called Annie now. She was completely westernized in every way. She always spoke English, and had become fluent. She was so fluent that she had started writing in...

2 years ago
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Little Arab Buttercup part two

All had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...

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The Cup Of Milk On First Night

Hi, this is Krish from Chennai again. This story is my cousin’s, his first night story. His name is Sandeep and his newly wed wife is Gokila. It was an arranged marriage and the marriage had happened within a month from their first meeting, that they had rarely talked to each and had no clue what to expect out of that relationship. So, when they sent her in a red Saree with a cup of milk inside their first night room, he was all in anxiety. Describing Gokila, she was of a wheatish complexion,...

1 year ago
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Alexa Chapter 24 Recuperation

Alexa Chapter 24: Recuperation After the accident, rather than going to the apartment, Jenny brought me out to her father's house where she thought I would be able to recuperate better. I will admit it was much better than being in the apartment and I had spent enough time here that it felt like a second home. I felt like I was royalty since Jenny had everything she needed or wanted at her fingertips, but I still felt bad. She needed to continue with life and not be watching over...

4 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 15 Recuperation

Monday, September 26, 2022 Monday was a busy day. I bundled the kids off to school and then called Matucket State. While I didn’t go into details, I had to let her Department Vice-Chair know she was going to be away from work for a week or two. I didn’t know who to call at DARPA or the NSA, but Kelly didn’t talk to them daily anyway; she could handle that chore. Then I drove over to the hospital. By all accounts, I would be able to bring her home that day. First, though, she needed to be...

2 years ago
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Frustrated League Cup Liverpool Home perfect endin

Phoenix Ticker May 9 morning, Premier League last game of the 37th. Liverpool sits Anfield home 4 to 1 victory over Chelsea. This is the second time the two ultimate teams clash in four days. FIFA Cup final opponents Liverpool lost 1 to 2 missed the National Cup crown, while the game’s victory greatly ease the recent weakness of the Red Army, which temporarily exceed Fulham ranked eighth in the Premier League standings. FA frustrated FIFA 16 players turned gorgeous half after blasting the...

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World Cup

"Hello and welcome to this, the 50th World Cup finals we've all been waiting for. I'm your host, Garth Braithwaite. With me is former world championship referee Ted Sturgis and three-time world champion Cindy Chastain." "Thank you, Ted – honored to be here." "We've seen two weeks of fantastic effort from representatives from over 50 countries, but we're now down to the final four. The stadium here at Sao Paulo is packed with 100,000 chanting fans, joining the millions watching live...

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Adura blushed as she finally found her way in the door after work, cupping her chest gently with a slight wince, then gasping as she unbuttoned her blouse. Her breasts swelled against the soft pink bra holding them almost painfully, pushing the bottom of its cups away from her chest. She unsnapped it from behind her with a sigh, letting them free in the cool air of the house. She walked to the kitchen, the rest of her clothes falling in a line behind her. She stood in the kitchen, nude except...

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Dixie Cup Whore

So after highschool one of the nicknames I earned was the “Dixie Cup Whore,” and so many people ask I figured I’d write a story about it. Flashback to 2011, I was 18, and graduated from Wilson highschool. Toward the end of my senior year I was recruited to strip at a local club, so I spent the summer months dancing at Spanky’s East strip club. By that time I was already thick, I had 36DDs and a pretty fat ass and guys definitely knew it. I was already exclusively fucking black men too, I went...

2 years ago
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The Pale Blue Cup Cake

The pale blue cup cake - By Wankelschrauben Brian felt like celebrating, he had just bullied his sister to tears and his mother had just baked cup cakes for their birthday which fell just days apart. It was a cold day and he thought they'd be a good way to warm himself up. He head downstairs and saw the box of freshly frosted cup cakes on the table with a note attached to them that read "For Jessie and the girls! One Each BRIAN!!!" Jessie was Brian's little sister, she was having...

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I Was a World Cup Widow

FIFA World Cup. World Cup. Football. Soccer. No matter what it was called, it meant the same thing to me: no sex. We'd been married for a year, together for three, so I'd never experienced the World Cup during our time as a couple. I'd heard about it and knew it was a big soccer match; or football match if you lived outside the US. It was May thirtieth when he casually remarked, much as if he was discussing the weather and not his number one, recently rekindled obsession, "Oh, I forgot...

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big black cock and maried withe woman

The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...

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Big fun withe the young bartender

So we went at a nice hotel in town, just a night away for a dinner and some fun. Away from home and the routine. We Rented a suite on the 10th floor and intended to just relax away the day and night We checked out the bar and took a seat in a leather ensconsed booth which was very cozy and private. I got a couple of drinks from, and made some small talk with the bartender. A nice guy about 25 yrs. old. It was early, about 4pm and we had the place to ourselves As I sat in our booth I noticed him...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E19 Emma Withe 54 from Oakham

We fade in in the middle of a quiet street, in the low-rise central area of a small midlands town, with one and two story buildings around us. To one side, a long flat warehouse/factory type unit, stocking and fitting tyres for local drivers, to the other, the town’s train station. Looking like a traditional old station, but rebuilt fairly recently. There’s a small car park between us and the station, and it’s almost full. We watch as a car drives down the road toward us, then turns into the...

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A Slight Career Hiccup

A Slight Career Hiccup By Alice Dee Catullus 97 "It's just like taking a shit," he said. Suddenly I had a whole new bunch of really rather revolting images to go with his cheeky gap toothed grin and the homespun threadbare charm of his clothes. Now I had to be able to see him straining away at a big crap while I looked at him standing there in front of me bobbing up and down in his nervousness as he smiled vacuously at me. This was pretty bad. I mean. He was bad enough even if...

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Karate Master by Tom Cup

Copyright 2001 - 2004 by the Paratwa Partnership: A Colorado Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, except in the case of reviews, without written permission from the Paratwa Partnership, Inc, 354 Plateau Drive, Florissant, CO 80816 This is a fictional story involving youth/youth and adult/youth sexual relationships. If this type of material offends you, please do not read any further....

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 14 The Cup

Rebecca awoke alert and refreshed. She’d had uncommonly restful nights for the past two weeks, possibly related to the exhaustion she experienced, first through her research and second through the instruction she had been receiving from Mrs. Weed. The sun cracked through the fog that seemed present every morning in this part of Edinburgh, and streamed through her window. The amount of energy she felt this morning crackled up and down her spine. The gift she had received from the woman...

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A construction superintendant has a threesome wwith a fourteen year old girl and her boyfriend

As a construction supervisor I meet all sorts of subcontractors. Working on a Saturday is not uncommon and often the subs bring their teenage sons along to learn the trade. This was the case when I met Dillon. Now I am a straight male but even I have to admit this boy was cute. Small boned, brown wavy hair to his shoulders, blue eyes and an engaging smile. At lunch time Dillon found me in the construction trailer and asked if he could talk to me. “Sure,” I said pushing a chair towards him. He...

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Coquette and her cuckold Part 1with paragraphs

Part 1 I had already experienced a number of threesomes in the past with my wife, about four I think. They had always excited me, I’d always got harder and lasted longer than at any other time we had sex together. I never analysed it very much at the time, about why it turned me on so much. I just knew it was going to be one of the most arousing nights of sex I was likely to enjoy – apart from one time when Julie seemed to be interested only in the guy we were with and I felt very much...

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