Hiccups free porn video

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Hiccups by Susan Brown. Once upon a long time ago lived a young spotty boy. His home was deep, deep in the wood. He had had a short but very traumatic life, having seen his Grandma being eaten by a flea infested wolf. If this wasn't enough, he had been evicted from a lovely cottage, which had been overrun by porridge eating bears. To add to his misery, he had a bit of a complex about 3 little pigs, 7 dwarfs and a strange encounter with a giant who lived on top of a huge beanstalk. The net result of this was that he had developed a nasty case of the hiccups. His Father, who just happened to be a woodcutter with a thing about carving puppets with long noses, decided to take the young boy to see the magician known to all in the woods as Merlin. Merlin, on being confronted with the hiccuping youth, stroked his long white beard, considered the matter at great length, dusted off a few ancient magical books and then said a few magic words. There was a puff, a whiz and a bang and the smell of burning toads To anyone rash enough to be within 50 metres of the area, the stink was really quite strong. However, whatever Merlin tried, it didn't help the poor boy, who was still hiccuping like there was no tomorrow. After the smoke had dispersed, The old magician said, 'It's no good. Magic won't work in this case because it's all in the mind. What he needs to do is see a shrink.' The old woodcutter couldn't afford a shrink, as they charged thirty groats an hour, so he led his poor son away and took him to see the wise old owl, who had one redeeming feature, he was free. Deep, Deep in the woods, lived the wise old owl in question. On being confronted with the poor lad, the owl said, 'there are two sure ways to get rid of hiccups. The first is to hold your breath for ten minutes.' 'But he'll die!' said the woodcutter, concerned about losing his only son and the potential breadwinner of the future. 'Yes, yes, but at least he won't have the hiccups! The second way is to be shocked by something so terrible that it will frighten the hiccups away.' With that the owl flew away further into the woods to finish off the tasty mouse that he had kept for his supper, leaving the sad woodcutter to lead the poor lad home. He hiccuped all the way. The poor woodcutter tried shocking him, he tried shouting at him. He even tried blowing raspberries at him, but to no avail as he was still hiccuping at 5 per minute. As they came up to the pond at the end of lane leading up to their cottage, they heard a 'ribit'and then another 'ribit'. They both looked at the pond and in the middle, on a big lily pad sat a large green frog, looking dolefully at them with big sad eyes. 'Oh hic, what a sad looking frog, hic, hic,' said the boy as it swam over to them. The frog stood dripping in front of them and seemed to purse it's green, slimy and wart covered lips. 'I bet it's really a princess that's hic, been put under a hic, nasty spell by some smelly old witch. If I hic, kiss her, she might turn into a hic, lovely princess and marry me and I'll hic, live happily and richly, ever after.' 'Don't touch it. It's probably got mad frog disease or something.' said the alarmed woodcutter. But the educationally challenged youth, like most teenagers, thought he knew it all and he scooped up the frog, hiccuped 3 times and then gave the frog a full frontal kiss. There was a pop and a bang, plenty of coloured smoke and then in front of them stood the most ugly duck you could ever see. It wasn't a swan, it was a duck that you would not want to meet at night in a dark wood. Apart from being incredibly ugly, it stood 6 feet tall, had bad breath, knocked knees and body odour. Suddenly, there was another green and slimy pop and bang. The woodcutter hid his eyes behind his trembling hands. He heard a high pitched scream. With trepidation, he looked up and saw that his one and only son, the apple of his eyes, the boy who was going to continue in the family business was now a girl! The duck quacked with alarm and flew heavily off in the direction of Ye Olde Wishing well, in the vain hope of being changed back into a frog. The old man fainted with shock and the boy who was now a girl swooned (as girls are prone to do in this sort of situation). The girl was awoken rudely by his (her) father. 'Hubert, Hubert. Wake up. Oh woe is me. My son is now a girl. What am I to do?' The girl opened her eyes. She looked up at her fathers' warty old face. 'What happened? Where am I? What am I?' said the girl in an anxious yet high pitched voice. 'You have been turned into a girl?' 'You cannot be serious!' She struggled to sit up, feeling the strange and heavy sensation from her chest. She looked down and saw the fabric of her jerkin was straining against her bosom. She crawled over to the edge of the pond and looked at her reflection. What she saw made her gasp. She was a young girl A pretty girl, with long blond hair, blue eyes and a button nose. She stood up shakily, leaning on an old tree for support. She felt the weight of her chest as she stood there. But she also felt as if something was missing. What was it? Hubert felt her body. A thrill ran through her now nubile body as her hands strayed onto a nipple. Her hands travelled downward towards her nether regions. She gasped as she could feel, not her little willy, but a gap were it should have been nestling happily between her legs. 'Ooooh.' Hubert was a bit backward where matters of a sexual nature were concerned. Quite frankly, dear reader, he had never felt anything quite like it in his short, if quirky life. As he fondled himself, he felt a quiver through himself that defied belief. Her (as we must now call the gender-changed teenager) body arched and she screamed with ecstasy. Never before had the youngster experienced such an intense feeling. Her body was racked with pleasure for what seemed an eternity. Finally it was over and she lay down panting with exhaustion. 'Hubert, are you all right?' Hubert opened her eyes and said, 'gosh father, I feel a bit queer. At least my hiccups have stopped!' Her father sat down beside her and said, 'Never mind the damned hiccups, It must have been a magic spell. We have to go to the wise owl again. We need to change you back to a boy. I need you to work with me. You are no good to me the way you are now. For Gods sake stop touching yourself there!' With that the woodcutter and the girl went deep, deep into the wood again to find the wise old owl. The girl marvelled at the sway of her hips and the fact that she could feel her titties against the roughness of her still male clothing. Her hair was blowing in her face and she struggled to keep it out of her eyes. They eventually found the wise old owl finishing off a vole who had strayed too far from the safety of its home. 'What do you want now.' Said the owl spitting out a small bone with annoyance. 'Oh wise owl, one who knows all and..' 'Cut the crap, what do you want? I haven't all day.' 'My son kissed the lips of a frog who turned into a big ugly duck. There was then a puff of smoke and then he changed into this, this girl!' The owl twisted his head around and looked Hubert up and down. 'Well, what do expect when you kiss frogs in enchanted woods?' 'How can I change her back to my Hubert, oh wise one.' 'You can't. it's a one way thing. The Wicked Witch of the West caused all this. You know the one. She caused Snow White to eat that dodgy apple. Serves her right for living in sin with seven weird and afflicted dwarfs. Anyway, you had better change her name to something more feminine. Hubert won't do, you know. Anyway I'm off I need to have some pudding and I can hear something rustling in the undergrowth over there.' With that the owl flew away to frighten the life out of more little woodland creatures. The Woodcutter and Hubert turned for home, stopping off on the way at Ye Olde Charity Shoppe for some more maidenly clothes for Hubert. She took off her old smelly boys clothes in the changing tent. As Hubert pulled on her woollen vest and pantaloons, she looked at her young virginly body with pert titties and mysterious crack between her legs. She had never seen a naked girl before and it was a bit of a shock to see the difference between what she used to be and what she was now. She wanted to explore her femininity further but her father called impatiently for her to be quick. They needed to be home before dark or the goblins, bandits or worse still, tax collectors might catch them. Hubert pulled on her long green woollen dress and leather sandals. She then put on her maidens scarf to keep her wild blond hair in check and went out to her father. 'Quick girl there is no time to be lost. The Sun is nearly down!' They rushed down the cobbled street of the small hamlet and at the far end they could see the light from the lantern in the window of the crooked house in which they lived. Suddenly, they heard the clatter of hooves on the cobbles and before you could say whothehellisthat, they were both knocked off their feet. Hubert banged her head, saw stars and then fell into a deep dark blackness. She awoke to find herself on the back of a cart with several wailing men, women and children. Her father was nowhere to be seen. She looked up and saw that they were travelling on a dirt road on the outskirts of a walled town. There were shops aplenty. Butchers, bakers, candlestick makers, all manner of wares were being sold. The din was great, so great that she was not able to think clearly. All manner of people, richly and not so richly clothed, walked and rode the dusty road. It looked like market day. They passed over a drawbridge through a huge arch with massive studded doors and into a large square. There were market stalls everywhere but Hubert only had eyes for the centre of the square. On a raised platform stood a man shouting loudly. 'Get your new slaves here! Bargains galore. Need a serf? We have plenty. Want a maid? We have the best stock in the district. All have been washed at least once a month and fed on only the best gruel. Come and get a bargain before they are all gone.' The cart, in which Hubert and the others were being carried, arrived at the platform. Hubert realised with a sinking heart that he was going to be sold into slavery. The others already knew this and that was why they had been wailing all the time. Hubert and the others were roughly taken off the cart and were put into a queue awaiting the time when they were to be sold. Hubert felt as if she was in a nightmare. Everything seemed to be going wrong. She liked her new body, true enough, it felt orgasmicly gorgeous, sensuous and downright horny, even if she did not know the meaning of what these adult terms were yet. She knew in the heart that nestled under her pert titties, that she was going to loose what freedom she had and that she would be forced into slavery, working her slender fingers to the bone. Suddenly Hubert was thrust up some wooden steps and onto the platform. 'What is your name?' hissed the man in her ear. 'Hubert.' 'Don't be funny with me girl.' 'But it is!' 'Oh God, another simple one,' he whispered. 'Keep your mouth shut or you will be whipped.' 'My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, what do you bid for this young pretty wench. Her name is erm. Katrina and she is the pick of the bunch. Strong of wind and limb. Compliant and a very willing worker. She is thin, so she will not want much feeding; a bargain at any price. What say you, 20 groats?' 'I'll give you 10.' said a gruff voice from the back. Any more bids for this bargain buy?' '11.' '12.' 'Going, going.' A ladies voice spoke up at the final instant, '15 groats.' 'Sold,' Hubert, I mean Katrina looked up and straight into the eyes of her new mistress. 'Oh God what an awful old lady,' thought Katrina. She was dressed in the finery of a Lady. She wore silks and satins and jewellery dripped off her. But what Katrina saw was the cruel mouth and eyes that were like black coals. 'I want to go home!' wailed Katrina as she was pushed down the steps to the carriage of her new stern and severe mistress. The curtains were drawn, so at least she was shielded from the eyes of the horrible woman within. All she got for complaining was a clip round the ear from a manservant. 'She can go on the top,' said the manservant, bundling Katrina up onto the roof of the coach. All at once the coach and four moved off at a cracking pace. Katrina hung on for dear life as the horses were whipped up to a frenzy. She was knocked and bruised and bashed about. Her dress was up around her ears and even she, a very new girl indeed, could tell that it was not very ladylike to be in this position. However, while the coach was moving so much under her, Katrina had to forget her modesty and spend her energy in trying not to fall off. After what seemed an hour, but was realistically on a few minutes, the coach pulled up in a small courtyard. A man in the clothes of a butler, butled out of the impressive front door and helped the Lady out of the carriage. The Lady looked up at the bedraggled, disorderly and thoroughly shaken Katrina with a frown and said to the butler, 'clean her up and send her to me in the drawing room in fifteen minutes.' 'Yes, Milady.' The Lady swept into the house as Katrina was bundled off the roof of the carriage and taken to an entrance at the back of the big house. Before she knew it, her clothes were taken from her and she was plunged into a hot tub. Her hair was scrubbed and her face was scrubbed. In fact everything was scrubbed cleaner than ever before. Katrina had never been as clean as this in her life or even Huberts life. To tell you the truth, dear reader, it was a fact that in those dark times, washing was considered to be a bit of a luxury. It was very unusual for your average surf and his family to wash more than once a year and that was only if you had too much pig manure sticking to you. The long and the short of it was that in less time it takes to tell, Katrina was very red and very clean. She was given a clean brown woollen vest and pants to put on (it made her itch). Following this, a black dress of a rough material that went down to the floor was put on her. Her hair was then roughly dried and brushed and a scullery cap was put on it whilst it was still damp. Clogs were put on her feet and she was rushed out of the room, up two flights of stairs and into a huge room, the largest she had ever seen. Sitting in a large winged chair near a roaring fire was the Lady. Standing next to the Lady were two girls a bit older than Katrina. But oh what girls. They were ugly, so ugly that Katrina winced. They had warts on their faces, large noses and big feet protruded from under their long gowns. They were dressed in fine silky clothes, like the Lady, but to be frank and honest they looked as if they were trying to be mutton dressed as lamb but the lambs had given up the ghost and reverted back to mutton. In short, dear reader, they lacked prettiness. Cinderella was put in front of the Lady who looked her up and down with some distaste. One of the hags.. I mean girls said, 'Oh Mama, what have you bought her for, she's ugly and horrible. In fact she looks a lot like Cinderella.' 'Oh Anastasia, do be quiet, Mama knows best.' 'Don't tell me to be quiet, Drizella. Mama, tell her not to be horrid to me.' The Lady looked up at her girls and smiled. 'Now, my dears you know that if you argue, you will give me one of my headaches. Now this girl is called, erm, Katrina. She will take the place of Cinderella, who as you know, died suddenly.' 'Mama!' squealed Drizella, 'I didn't push her off the battlements, I swear, she just sort of dropped.' Anastasia giggled and whispered, 'with a little help.' 'Be quiet girls, you know that walls have ears. Now Katrina, you have been pulled out of the gutter where you belong and out of the goodness of my heart I have bought you to live with us. Unfortunately, due to an accident my stepdaughter Cinderella was tragically killed.' The Lady sighed and wiped the corner of her eye with a fragrant lace hanky. After a few sighs the Lady continued, 'I feel keenly the loss of my stepdaughter and my two girls here,' she waved regally at the simpering ugly sisters, 'also feel the same way. Now listen very carefully. You have a passing resemblance to Cinderella and because of this and to remind me of my dear sweet stepdaughter, I have decided to adopt you into our happy family. From now and henceforth you shall be known as Cinderella. If ever you are asked, you will always have been Cinderella and I am your stepmother. You should know that your father died tragically, shortly after he married me and adopted my dear sweet daughters Anastasia and Drizella.' Katrina or Cinderella had listened to this with some confusion. She was a simple girl. Changing her sex had not improved her mental capacity, but even she could smell something fishy about all this. 'Erm.' She said. 'Yes child, speak up, you are one of the family now.' 'Erm, how did your husband die?' The Lady coughed delicately, smiled hideously and said, 'Oh, it was something he ate.' Cinderella shivered. What had she let herself into? Not that she had much choice. Ever since she kissed the warty lips of that yucky frog, things had been out of her control. She almost missed what her new stepmother said next. 'Pay attention Cinderella. Now that you are my beloved step-daughter, you must help everyone wherever possible. It is very expensive paying staff and running this place and jewellery doesn't grow on trees you know. You cannot comprehend the amount of groats it takes to keep your stepsisters and me in the luxury that we so richly deserve.' Cinderella didn't like the sound of this and her eyes grew wider and wider as she heard what duties that she was expected to do for her new family. 'You will get up in the morning at 5 O'clock sharp and clean out the grates. You will then clean the floors and dust the furniture. Once this is done, you must help cook to make our breakfasts and bring them up to our rooms. Once that is done, dear Cinderella you can have your breakfast. But you must be quick as we all need help getting dressed and ready for the day. Do you understand, child?' 'Yes Ma'am.' 'Call me Step Mama. You are family now.' Cinderella should have kept her mouth shut, but it appeared that her mouth was not connected totally to her brain. 'Erm Step Mama.' 'Yes child, speak up.' 'Will I be getting some nice clothes like my stepsisters?' Cinderella's new family hooted with laughter. It was a full 3 minutes before they had wiped their eyes of tears. 'No Cinderella. I cannot afford to pay for additional clothes and jewellery for you as well as us. Anyway, you will not need any fine things as you will be to busy working your fingers to the bone.' The awful old lady pulled a cord next to her and the butler crept in almost immediately. 'Oh Smithers, take Cinderella to her room and then show her the duties that she will need to perform.' 'Yes, Milady.' Cinderella followed the butler out. Her new family ignored her as she left. They were too busy planning where they would go that day and what they would do to get suitable husbands for themselves. Many days passed. It was like a nightmare for poor Cinders. She worked from morning to night. Her family treated her like a slave. 'Do this.' 'Do that.' 'Wash my clothes.' 'Do my hair.' 'Where is my breakfast, you lazy girl.' The days were like a horrid blur. There was only two good thing about her terrible situation. Firstly, she made friends with the birds and the mice that scurried here and there. She had a kind and warm heart and she fed them what small titbits she could spare from her pathetic meals. The little creatures loved her for her kindness and her gentle, if strange ways. Secondly, when she finally went to bed, she was able to explore the hidden depths of her new, somewhat nubile body. Every night, she stripped herself of her smelly clothes and lay naked beneath the rough sheets and fondled herself in various and diverse places until shudderingly, after peeking ecstasy, she fell into a fitful sleep. She got used to being a girl, quite quickly. Her old days of being Hubert faded into the background. Cinderella sometimes wondered what her old father the woodcutter was doing, but in her heart of hearts she knew that he was only interested in her as a boy who could work at being a woodcutter and take over the family business when he became to feeble to work. She loved the feel of her body, though it was grubby from constant work. Her smooth skin was a revelation and the orgasms that she had after her frequent fondling sessions under the bedcovers were beyond belief. Of course, dear reader, being somewhat backward in matters sexual, she did not know that she was having orgasmic experiences, she just thought it was one of those mysterious girly things that men are not privy to. One day, about 3 months after her capture and enslavement into her new 'family', Cinderella was cleaning the brass knob on the huge oak front door, when a special messenger arrived from the palace. He carried an envelope for the mistress of the house. Cinderella took the envelope to her stepmother. Anastasia and Drizella were there too and squealed with delight when their mother read the invitation ; that by royal to all eligible maidens were to attend a ball. 'Step Mama.' Said Cinderella timidly. 'Yes, yes, what is it!' 'Erm I think I am invited too, as it says that every eligible maiden is to attend, by royal command,' Both stepsisters laughed at the idea of Cinderella going to the posh ball, dressed as she was in apron and tatty clothes. However the sly step mother just smiled and said, 'Of course you can go as long as you finish all your work in time and get a suitable dress.' Of course, what with helping her family get dressed and ready and working at her other chores, Cinderella was not able to make a dress suitable for the occasion. As Cinders watched the carriage take her stepmother and sisters to the ball, she just ran up to her room and cried her soft heart out. Suddenly she heard a poof from behind. Fearful that it might be a frog or a large duck or something else materialising, Cinderella hid her eyes in terror. 'Fear not sweet Cinders, you shall go to the ball,' said a matronly voice. Cinders looked up and saw a kindly lady dressed in grey standing about two foot from the ground. She had an unearthly glow about her and gossamer wings sprouted from her back. 'Who are you?' said Cinderella, who by now was not easily shocked at seeing weird things. 'I am your fairy godmother. I have seen the raw deal that you have had here and I think you deserve a little bit of fun. Now say nothing dear. Just go downstairs, get a pumpkin and gather up a few of your strange rodent friends and we will see if we can get you to the ball.' In a daze Cinderella did as she was told and in two shakes of a donkeys tail, they were in the courtyard. It was beginning to get dark and the stars shone brightly, but enough of the artistic peripherals, as this story has a word limit. The FGM waved her wand and the pumpkin turned into a carriage. The mice were metemorphathingied into horses. Bruno, her faithful dog who I haven't had time to mention before, was changed into a footman. A cat was dragged off the street spitting blood and fur and changed into an elegant, if somewhat puzzled coachman. The FGM then turned to Cinderella, who at that moment looked as if she had been dragged through a hedge backwards. To be frank not a pretty sight. A wave of her wand and a few Disney copyrighted spells later and Cinderella felt herself change. Firstly her old and tatty clothes evaporated leaving her naked and blushing deeply. Then she felt as if all the dirt and grime that had accumulated on her body lift away, leaving her as fresh as a daisy. Everyone ogled at her somewhat gorgeous naked form, but not for long because in an instant or perhaps a trice, she felt a tingle and suddenly she was clothed again but not as before. She looked down and saw that she was wearing a beautiful long white satin gown. Her arms were encased in long gloves. She could feel the smooth satin fabric of her undergarments as her bosom heaved delicately under her pretty gown. Her feet were encased in glass slippers. Why glass? Who knows. Anyway, Cinders hair was curled and beribboned and she looked like a princess. Judging by the whistles and catcalls coming from the coach, it looks as if she was going to make a big impression at the royal ball. 'Now Cinderella, stop fondling yourself, its not ladylike and listen very carefully, you must leave the ball by midnight, for you will turn back into what you were previously when the clock strikes twelve. Your mice and other animals will go back to their original forms and your coach will once again be a pumpkin. Do you understand?' 'Yes, I understand. Oh thank you kind fairy for doing this for me.' 'That's OK, it's my job.' In less time than it takes to tell, Cinderella was travelling in the coach towards the Great Royal Ball. As she sat in her satin and lace finery, she marvelled at how she looked and felt. Before now she was dressed as a mere scullery maid and did not fully appreciate what it was like to be dressed as a lady. The FGM had made her feminine and to be frank, drop dead gorgeous. Very soon, the coach pulled up at the palace and a lecherous and salivating footman assisted Cinderella from the coach. She went up the palace steps and marvelled at the strange feeling of the silky fabric of her gown flowing against her alabaster skin. Hair long hair felt heavy yet soft against her neck. All in all she felt a million miles away from the snotty nosed boy who father was a woodcutter. She felt and looked beautiful, but is also true to say that she was scared almost out of her wits. As Cinderella entered the palace and went up to the doorway of the gaily-lit ballroom, she saw that the ball had already started. She stood in the doorway agape as she saw the ladies, gentlemen, courtiers and other important hangers on, in there finery, standing in a long row facing and awaiting introduction to the prince. The prince himself was bored. He had seen so many faces, some of them plain, some of them mildly interesting, most of them hideous. Like the two pimply girls in front of him now, what were their names? Anastasia and Drizella. God they were awful, he had pigs in the sty that looked more appetising than these two. He made a polite comment about the weather and stifled a yawn and was about to move on when he looked up at the great clock above the entrance to the ballroom. 'Two hours to go,' he thought, 'I can't stand much more of this, I could murder a flagon of ale.' Just then his eyes fell on the beautiful girl in white standing hesitantly in the doorway. What a vision of loveliness. She made everyone else in the room look ordinary. Wonderful face, gorgeous body and a shy smile that melted the prince's heart. Cinderella was about to turn around and leave. This wasn't for her. It was stupid coming here anyway. No one could possibly be interested in someone like her. Their eyes met across the crowded room. He flashed a fifty-megawatt smile that put the chandeliers to shame. The room went quiet as the Prince forgot everyone else and walked purposefully over to where Cinderella was standing. It was lust at first site for both of them. Cinderella almost wet herself with desire and he felt so horny that his Manhood nearly broke free from the confines of his jodhpurs. He held her hands and said simply, 'Will you dance?' 'I don't know how.' 'Fear not sweet one, I will show you.' With that she sighed and was taken to the middle of the floor for the first dance. The orchestra played and they danced the night away. Apart from treading on his feet several times, Cinderella soon learned to dance and be led by the handsome strong prince. The time went quickly and the modesty and the chastity of the lady forbids me to say what they discussed in any detail, but be assured, dear reader that it was very proper and quaintly charming. They were in love. The first love for both of them. True the Prince had wenched, like most Prince's do several times a week (twice on a Saturday). But it wasn't the deep intense passionate love that he now had, after such a small space of time, with this lovely, wonderful girl. For her part, Cinderella was literally swept off her feet. The fact that she was once a boy did not enter her pretty head. She frankly fancied this strong virile man so much that she nearly swooned in his arms. She wanted very much to get more closely acquainted with the Prince and was just about to ask him a pointed question about the bulge in his jodhpurs, when she heard the clock strike. She looked up in horror. It was midnight. She had to leave. With a sob, she tore herself from the arms of her prince and ran out of the ballroom, without uttering another word. The prince was too stunned at her behaviour to say anything to stop her. In a trice she was gone. The prince ran out of the ballroom and down the steps as the clock struck twelve, he saw in the distance a coach and four hurrying with all speed through the drawbridge out into the night. He sadly turned back and walked up the steps of the palace. Suddenly, his eyes caught site of something shiny on the steps. The prince stooped down to pick up the delicate glass slipper that had fallen off of Cinders tiny feet in her flight from the palace. The Grand Duke came over and said, 'Can I do anything to help, Sire.' 'Yes Duke, this tiny slipper belongs to the girl that will become my wife. Ensure that every maiden in the land, without exception, tries it on. If it fits exactly, then I will have found her.' Meanwhile, you may be wondering what had happened to our heroin. Cinderella had just managed to get out of the grounds of the palace when she was back in her ragged clothes. The coach turned into a pumpkin again and the animals reverted to there former selves. She sadly returned home. Cinderella knew that she would never dance with her handsome prince again and cried the tears of pain at the loss of her loved one. The very next morning, the Grand Duke started the search for the lost mysterious lady. He tried many thousands of feet, they were either too large or too small, with and without bunions and calluses, smelly or happily not so smelly. Eventually after a week, he arrived at the house where Cinderella lived. He looked at the names on the list and nearly didn't bother. He remembered Anastasia and Drizella and shuddered at the thought of meeting those two hags and their cow of a mother. But duty was duty and he found himself trying to force the shoes on them. 'Oooh look mother, it fits!' said Anastasia who managed to get her big toe in, but not much else. 'I am afraid not closely enough, let me try erm Drizella.' Drizella, huffed and puffed and nearly pulled the house down in her attempt to cram her misshapen foot into the delicate glass slipper, but of course it was no good. The Grand Duke crossed them both off his by now dwindling list. He bade the ladies good bye when once again glanced at the list. 'Wait a moment I have another name here, Cinderella. Where is she?' 'Oh she is just a scullery maid.' Said the wicked stepmother maliciously. 'My orders are for all maidens, without exception to try on the slipper.' With bad grace, Cinderella was called. She sat on the stall in her filthy rags and placed her foot in the slipper. Of course you know dear reader that it fitted her perfectly! Bells were rung throughout the kingdom. A public holiday was pronounced on the day of the marriage. Cinderella walked down the isle in a full white wedding gown on the arm of her real father, the woodcutter. Cinderella's train was 50 feet long and held up by 20 bridesmaids and pages and she looked like a fairytale princess. The woodcutter, of course, mentioned nothing about Cinderella once being Hubert. He may have been poor, but he wasn't stupid. As she stood at the alter looking through her fine veil into the eyes of her husband to be, Cinderella marvelled at the adventures and hardships that had occurred leading up to this happiest of moments. She was once a boy and now she was the luckiest woman in the world, wearing the finest of clothes and feeling the loveliest woman alive. Cinderella looked forward to her wedding night with apprehension and excitement. She had been told by one of the ladies in waiting the relevant facts of the bedchamber and she could not wait to take her delicately laced nickers off to see for herself. She wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she was sure that it was going to be a night to remember. When the bishop pronounced them man and wife, she lifted her veil and kissed her prince to the cheers of one and all. The wedding banquet was a splendid affair and the centrepiece was a duck. In fact the largest duck ever to be seen in the kingdom. It was served by 3 new maids, who just happened to be Cinderella's former stepmother and sisters. She might be pretty, but she was pretty vindictive as well. On the wedding night, Cinderella awaited her new husband in the huge four poster bed. Her ladies in waiting had prepared her. It was still strange that she had others washing, dressing and doing other things that she had to do for herself all of her relatively short life. 'I could get used to this.' thought the now pampered princess. She lay on the bed wearing a long white satin nightgown, some perfume, ribbons in her hair and nothing else. Being a virgin, she was, by tradition and custom, nervous. What would it be like? Will it hurt? Was his manhood big? If so will it fit in the hole OK? All these questions helped make Cinderella so nervous that she began to think that being a girl might not be all plane sailing after all. Just then the prince came in from his dressing room, wearing only his nightshirt. He took one look at the princess in the bed, smiled and said. 'Are you ready for me, my love?' 'Oh yes, darling, I cannot wait another moment.' He climbed into bed beside her and folded her into his strong muscular arms. Within seconds, their naked bodies were pressed against each other in a passionate embrace. Cinderella's eyes widened as she found that the princess manhood was indeed kingly in its dimensions. Moments later she felt his hot throbbing lance enter her and take her virginity. It was a wonderful moment that she would remember for the rest of her long and happy life because dear reader as is the custom with fairy tales, they both lived happily ever after. THE END Copyright 2000 by Susan Brown. If this message is a story and you would like to archive it elsewhere, please ask the author first, unless noted otherwise in their story.

Same as Hiccups Videos

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First time sucking cock

This story is fiction. I have never had an experience with another man, but I suppose I’ve had the fantasy for a while now, so this is how I always imagined it going down. Enjoy…After a long, hard Thursday night workout at the gym, I was feeling very exhausted but also satisfied with my effort. There was hardly anyone left in the place since it was getting quite late. I stumbled into the change room with my legs still burning from the squats. I sat down on the bench to undress, which I usually...

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Crossing The Street 3

She pulled me forward and I followed as she led me, trembling with anticipation, around the chair. As I rounded the corner something caught my eye on the seat of the chair. I looked down to see a realistic dildo jutting up from its suction cup base. I mean, I knew it was a dildo, not that I own one. It was fat and pink and long and I knew it wasn't real, but my body didn't care. My already dripping cunt pulsed at the sight of the toy. Silent and eager, my eye measured the size and my brain...

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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Mom

Summary: Nana is seduced and dommed by daughter and grandson. Note 1: Thanks to Robert, Wayne and goamz86. Note 2: This is part 7 of a continuing incest series (although it is much more complex than a simple incest story). I highly recommend you read the first six parts as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information...but here is a very brief primer of the series so far: In WHAT MOM DOESN'T KNOW WILL FUCK HER 18-year-old Curtis goes to a Halloween party...

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Rochester cherry pop

When I was 16 got up the nerve to buy a gay adult fiction novel . After reading it from cover to cover I started writing to a few guy from the ads in the back. A couple of men in prison and one humble accountant from Rochester. In our correspondence the whole story of my married uncle being my first and snatching my cherry hole to fuck both got him all hot and pissed off at the same time.Determined to show me first hand that the experience was so poorly executed he would be my first in a way...

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Haunted by the PastChapter 7

Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend's husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles ... as long as Diana got to watch! There was no way she could ever do that ... Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to...

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The Perfect Night

Driving in my car I felt free. No one was there to judge me. No one was there to bicker at me. I was level headed, and free of stress. I felt the breeze go through my hair as the top of my convertible rolled back. I smelled in the Autumn air and turned on the radio. Smooth Jazz played on the radio and I could relax. Finally. After three years of bitching, one could only take so much. Yes I'll admit I was at fault to some things. I mean I did look at others, but I didn't touch. Unlike him. I had...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 381

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 529

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Jenny part 3

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older woman

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Screwing Nicki

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Lusty Surprise Part II

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One in a MillionEpilogue

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Kellie and Brad Ch 03

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Sulphurette Part II

The thumping of the club's music could be heard as soon as he turned the corner of the block. He'd been here many times with his girlfriend—now ex-girlfriend—but it had been a while. A flash of his ID to the bouncer, and he was pushing his way past the heavy, velvet curtains into the main floor of the club.The club was once part of some kind of factory building. It was all open brick, metal girders, and support beams. The bulk of the room was dedicated to a sunken dance floor: more of a pit,...

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My Sister the Nun Ch 8 final

The telephone in the motel room began to ring in a muffled tone, and a red light started to flash. Robert lifted the receiver and a voice came on. "This is your nine o'clock wake up call." Robert thanked the disembodied voice and hung up. Katie was still out, so Robert leaned over and kissed her. Her response was almost immediate. She put her arms around her brother and began to kiss him back with her eyes still closed. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and touched his. "Robert...

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A Trip With Bua To Shimla

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Boating Fun 3

It was now August and Vick and I were your normal dating couple. We saw each other as much as possible during the week and every weekend for sure. The sex between us was amazing. I never dated a woman who loved sex the way she did. Luckily, be 21 at the time, I was always ready for it too, and could go many times with her in a single day. Wish that was the case now, but age catches up with you in all departments. The week before her friend, Carrie, was throwing her party, I surprised Vicky...

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The unforgettable Time at the Orgy Club

This wasn't a new venture to go down to the secret club where men and women, like-minded could come to fuel their passion and secret desires, but there was one night that Kate would never forget...************************************************************************************************* Kate had undressed only one short hour ago, and already she needed abreak. She waited until the man kneeling behind her spurted his thick cum into her cunt and pulled out. Several other men and...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 79

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The Lady In Red

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2010 is going my way so far

We had a hot night last night and again this morning. After dinner and a couple of glasses of wine, we took a nice bath together. After relaxing for a while, and after watching her shave her sexy long legs and beautiful pussy, she put my stiff cock into her warm and inviting pussy and started riding it up and down. Water started splashing everywhere right away, so after some adjustments, she said the words that I love to hear… ‘do you want to stick in my ass?’ Well, you know the answer to that!...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 45

The questions went on for hours; the sun had long since set outside before any of them let up. They went on so long that I had to ask for something to eat; I hadn't had anything since breakfast, which was a distant memory by then. They brought it to me, too, a sandwich one of them found someplace. I'd long since been uncuffed, and I wolfed it down with the water they kept providing me. A lot of the questioning had to do with the Liberator, which most of them had never heard of. They simply...

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Sensual sex with young hot bhabhi Naina 36C

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How I discovered masturbation

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My First Time With A Gay Mature Man

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Gay Male
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Jodi and Aunt Leah Chapter Two

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She wanted to be banged on the bed

Em finished up early and went back to her hotel. It was that sort of town, that kind of trip, and it had been that kind of day. She sat in the chair in the corner of her room and tried to forget the furniture. Its style attempted Four Seasons but ended up being Hotel Pack. In fact, she thought sourly, very nearly Motel Pack. She didn’t like small cities. She was a Big Town girl. She needed to be where there was plenty to do and a lot of places to do it in. This was not that place. She pulled...

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CuckoldSessions Gianna Grey 09262021

Gianna and her husband Jordan have long wanted to take a trip to Hawaii and Jordan has just been waiting for that long promised bonus at work that never seems to come through. Gianna, frustrated with his inability to speak up for himself, realizes a Woman has got to do what a Woman has to do to get to Hawaii. She decides to surprise her husband at work all dressed up with a mind to solve this problem. When Jordan’s boss walks in and sees Gianna and dressed for action he is quick to...

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aunty fuck

Soon enough she came back into the bathroom and lifted her nightie over her head exposing her bushy armpits. I checked to see if my room was locked as my flaccid dick jumped to attention straightening out in front of me. I slowly peeled the foreskin and moved my hands up and down my raging dick. She looked at her immense armpit hair and ran her hands through the mass of hair in her unshaven pits. I was shocked was she contemplating shaving off her armpit locks. I nearly cried out in anguish,...

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Tried Seducing My Elder Sister 8211 Anitha

Hi, this is Santhosh, aged 24 yrs from Bengaluru native from Vellore. We live in a rented house with a hall, a kitchen, and a bedroom, I am staying with my elder sister Anitha aged 26, my mom and my younger sister Kavitha aged 22 as my father has expired. This is my real sex story. This is my first sex story, lengthy, hoping to be approved, Coming to the sex story which is from my teenage lust. I studied in a govt school where our friends of four use to bunk our afternoon class in a week to see...

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Deep South Growing UpChapter 11

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Raziya Fucked By Arun

Hello to all readers of Indian sex stories. I am Arun from Kerala.. Currently working for the govt of Kerala.. I am fair tall and athletic..This is a sex story that happened in 2016 Jan…. I left my home around 5 in the morning… The coldness made me so horny.. So I just caught a bus to the capital of Kerala… Thiruvathapuram … I was enroute to the kerala university in palayam for my grace marks for NSS (national service scheme)… My work got over by 12 and I was ready to catch my bus back home… I...

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Llevo pocos años de casada, soy una mujer joven y según me dicen atractiva en rostro y cuerpo. Mi esposo fue el único novio que tuve, del visto bueno de las 2 familias, por cierto muy conservadoras.                                               Un día me tocó ir a otro salón de belleza del que usualmente yo acudía. Habían sólo mujeres, pero todas mayores que yo, de 55 años en adelante. Entre ellas todas se conocían incluyendo la propietaria. De repente resultaron hablando de sitios donde...

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First Male Touch

From the sofa across the room, his voice was soft in the darkness. ‘Have you ever done it with another man?’ In truth I had not, and I told him so. ‘Would you mind if I shared your bed? This sofa sucks.’ My heart was pounding and my voice a croak as I answered. ‘I don’t know, maybe that’s not such a good idea.’  Michael was a guest in my dumpy hotel room, by the harbor in Vancouver BC, as his hostel near Gastown was having some real problems. This was 1972, or ’73. It was a one night thing,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e6 Maria

Series 5, Episode 6: Maria Sinclair (55) We open with an image of the United Kingdom – from high, high up ... The whole country in one shot. Then a very cartoonish, top heavy pouting caricature of our beloved Charley appears, floating in the sky with us ... She points down toward the country below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” She giggles, then turns and dives toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping to sea...

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Sucking the BBC

Julia woke up that morning singing and danced her way through the house. She sang loudly in the shower and then to her three kids as she woke them. She sang as she cooked and even made the kids pancakes with happy faces on them. Her happiness had everyone in the house asking if she was okay. Julia was just fine and was more than okay. Julia had gotten the kids off to school and ran a few errands as quickly as she could that morning. She had to get home to her John. They had planned to spend...

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SouthboundChapter 13 Meet the Family

We were seated three abreast on the Alaska Air flight to Vancouver. Tina was in the window seat while Fiona occupied the middle and I was on the aisle. I had become aware that Fiona was nervous and had been hanging onto my arm the whole flight. "Are you uncomfortable flying?" I asked. "No ... not at all. I'm worried about meeting your family. I wonder how they're going to feel about me replacing Carla and you marrying a foreigner." "A foreigner!" I laughed. "They are going to love...

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Bahaghara Aagaru Mamu Jhia Bhauni Ku Gehili

Samita Amitya ra mamu jhia bhauni.Dekhibaku jetiki sundara ta sarira gathana madhya setiki manalobha.Dudha duita gol gol hoi emiti mansala hoithae je dekhile rushi madhya jata chhindai deba aau pudii cake pari fuli kala kala baal re bharpur hoithae Taaku dekhi kie dharya dhariba.Puni ta picha duita mansala hoi jepari thal thal karuthae Taaku dhari muhare ghasi ghasi jibh ku purei chatibaku mana na laagiba kemiti. Bhabuthae Aau ta bhagyaku dine samita gadhoilabele bagicha patu samita ku bathroom...

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Rosy Cheeks

Susan and I were watching one of the many college football bowl games that were televised during the holidays. We are a married couple who, unlike some couples, both like to watch football, especially toward the end of the season. It was an afternoon game, we were both off work for the holidays, and we were feeling very relaxed. By the second quarter, Susan had slid over on the couch close to me, and my arm was around her shoulder. She nudged closer and put her head over on my chest. She...

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Wife Fulfill8217s Husband Fantasy 8211 Part II

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An Afternoon Shopping

Sarah stood in the kitchen tapping her foot on the floor and trying not to scream. The target of her anger was her loving, faithful (well that's probably out the window now) husband of seventeen years who was in the garage getting the car ready while she thumbed through the day's mail. The envelope that had caught her attention was one that was about the size of a greeting card and had no return address and her name, and only her name, scribbled on the front. Curious, she had opened it and...

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Whos Vanilla Now Ch 03

Kylie the room service maid with the sweet sex service sideline had left, but Rachel was far from finished her oral attentions to my revived cock. Alone again, I enjoyed the tongue bathing. Rachel closed her mouth around the cock head and flicked the underside with just the tip of her tongue. She paused, pulling back to lick a drop of precum off the tip of the head, savouring it on her lips. This was followed by a tender kiss on one side of my shaft just below the head, which lead to Rachel...

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ST Im Straight Part 3

I'm Straight. (Interracial oral anal) Part 3If you are u******e to read this, don't. Know your local laws, don't readthis if it is i*****l. This is a story - not real-life. Safe sex is notused in this story, but you should use it in your life.* This is how part 2 ended * This all came to me as he continued on spasm after spasm of his cumpumping into me, I freely, wantonly urged more and more out of him draininghim soaking and sopping him up. And when Trey...

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My Very Nice Niece

My Very Nice NieceThe bedroom door creaked open slowly. Julie, my teen niece stood there in her dress. Her white cotton blouse, normally fastened meticulously to the neck, was now open showing the uplift of her lively breasts which had grown adequately since I'd last seen her to a nice tight stretch across her chest. Her short grey skirt was cut well above her knee showing a nice spread of long teenage leg.'I thought you'd like some coffee, uncle.' she said smiling with the tray in her hands....

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Toms Revenge

It took me some time before I could make it happen, but I had promised myself that one day I would get back at the bitch and that night the stars aligned themselves just right. Laurie looked good, but then she always did. Five foot four, blond hair and 145 pounds distributed to make her 36C/25/37 body truly mouth watering. At thirty-seven she looked more like she was in her late twenties and I could see all of the male eyes in the place linger on her. I hadn't known that this would be the...

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Confessions of a teenaged nympho 1

So my 2011 New Years Eve consisted of going to a fucked up basement house party full of mostly teens younger than me. I swear, I must've been the oldest person there by the end of the night. Don't even ask me how I ended up there -- basically my 28 year old cousin told me about it and I misunderstood, thinking he would be there. He wasn't.The majority of my evening was spent in the bathroom with drunk teens who were throwing up all over the place.I was trying to find pictures that I know were...

3 years ago
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The Day My Life Ended and Began Ch 01

FORWARD…………………… The day my life ended and began was May 26 2004. I had taken a job working on a farm between semesters at college. My family was disappointed, to say the least, that they’d not be seeing me until the Thanksgiving break. But I couldn’t have been happier. I came from a farming community in central Illinois, so the logical choice for my major was Ag. Business Management. Hoping to one day have my own farm/ranch, I worked very hard to make that dream a reality. Almost...

2 years ago
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SpaceChapter 21

"I need supplementary help. We now may have some. It is a risk but they are also linked. I would suggest that we are forming a clan. At this time there is great genetic diversity which will help us in later years." "The king and I see it as your security being compromised." "What do you think of the way we fought and cleaned up later?" "Did you consider the fact that others may be assisting Tony Caputo and go to his last known location?" "I did. They would find a burnt out...

4 years ago
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Fucking The Electricity Board Aunt

Hi I’m Mathen. I have read many stories in iss and I wish to tell my experience. It happened in my 18. I’m living in a place little like village in Trichy. Let’s come to the story. One fine I was preparing for some internal examination as my parents were out of station I was left alone in home. I use to masturbate once in a day watching porn movies as I have a lot with me. As I was alone, I was watching some porn stuff in my mobile. Meanwhile I was rubbing my penis. Due to regular masturbation...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy

This is my first attempt at a story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to email me about anything: feedback requests or just to chat. When I was 16, in spite of my shyness and not being in anyway incredibly attractive, I somehow landed myself a girlfriend 2 years older than me. I was quite short for a boy then, around 5’7 and very slim having not yet developed much muscle. I had shoulder length brown hair and bright green eyes and I simply couldn’t believe my luck in...

3 years ago
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A Night Like Any OtherChapter 8

When she closed the office on Thursday, it was the end of her apartment manager chore. Well it was the end until the next Tuesday anyway, April thought. She had to shift her mind set into a new gear for her regular job at the clinic. Three straight twelve hour shifts beginning the next evening at 7pm. That thought filled her with a mild dread. Nobody liked those killer shifts. As she walked back to her apartment she was acutely aware that she still hadn't bought groceries, so it appeared...

4 years ago
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Careful what you wish for Im regretting it

CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR...I don't know whether to be happy or pissed about this, but if anything I'm really confused now, what was supposed to be a romantic getaway turned into either a nightmare or a dream come true... My wife and I had been married since teens. Although she was a little more "experienced" than I (only having one other girl) we had been true to each other for 20+ years... I would often ridicule her about numerous different fantasies only to be shot down by a prude "get real...

4 years ago
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Our first MFM Party

Our First Fuck PartyFor reasons I can not explain, I had the strong desire to watch my wife have sex with another man & to join them in 3 way action. I'm not gay & have no desire to inner act with a man, I just felt 2 men could give a woman much more pleasure than one.I am also a voyeur & love to watch people having sex, so watching the woman I love being pleasured was a big turn on for me. Every thought I had of some man doing my wife gave me a raging hardon. I never had a...

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