My Sister The Nun Ch. 8 Final free porn video

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The telephone in the motel room began to ring in a muffled tone, and a red light started to flash. Robert lifted the receiver and a voice came on. "This is your nine o'clock wake up call."

Robert thanked the disembodied voice and hung up. Katie was still out, so Robert leaned over and kissed her. Her response was almost immediate. She put her arms around her brother and began to kiss him back with her eyes still closed. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and touched his.

"Robert ... kiss my titties, suck on them ... please."

He knew not to argue the point, so he placed his mouth on her nipple and began to suck. She in turn reached under the covers and took hold of his penis, stroking it slowly. When his cock began to get hard, she got on his lap and slipped his cock into her vagina. She then leaned forward and placed her nipple back into his mouth. Robert continued sucking while she moved front to back on top of him, her fluids beginning to flow.

Robert knew that they could leave the motel by eleven and be in Salt Lake before four am, but he really wanted to be out of there by ten. She was riding him for about forty minutes, and had two or three orgasms, however she apparently didn't want to stop, so Robert rolled her off and onto her stomach and got in behind her. He aimed as well as he could and shoved his cock into her damp little pussy. She flinched, and then moaned, as it felt wonderful to her.

He pulled on her pelvic bone and shoved harder and harder, penetrating her as deep as he could. Although she made no sounds, she would periodically gush out thick liquid, onto his penis helping everything to stay well lubricated. He knew at this point he was not about to cum so he would just continue for another half hour, hopefully until she was at least satisfied. When she "gushed" around the fifth time, she said,

"OK ... OK you win. I can't do this any longer, for a while anyway. You have burned me out."

"Are you ready to get up? I want to be out of here by ten."

"Ok Bobby, but I need a shower. Are you going to join me?"

"No ... you go ahead and I'll take one after you."

"Ooooooo ... all right." She groaned as if somebody had taken away her favorite toy, and then went into the bathroom.

While his sister was in the shower, he packed everything he could, and laid out some clothes for the both of them. After she came out, he went in.

"Robert do you need anything washed ... I'm really good at that."

"No sweetie, just get dressed and I'll wash myself."

"OK," she sighed.

Just like clockwork, he thought. Everything went fine and they had departed the motel by ten, en route to San Francisco. The drive was tedious, especially at night, however Katie was awake and sitting as close to her brother as she could without actually sitting in his lap. She then asked,

"Robert when we catch the train, how long will it be to San Francisco?"

"About eighteen hours, why?"

"That's a long time to go ......"

"Without sex?" he finished her sentence.

"Well ... yah!"

"Sweetie, everything will work out. You will see."

"Still that's a long time."

Robert leaned over and kissed her on the top of her head, and continued driving. After two hours he pulled into a gas station and refueled. Katie just sat in the car, pouting.

As they left the gas station, she asked,

"Bobby ... do you think we can stop along the way ... and maybe ... do it in the car?"

"No sweetie. We don't want to take a chance on being caught by the police, now do we?"

"I guess not, but eighteen hours Bobby ... That's a long time."

"You'll live."

'Yah ... I guess."

"Concentrate on something else, like what you want to do when we arrive in San Francisco."

"That's easy. The same thing I want to do right now."

"Where is my jacket Kitten?"

"Are you cold Bobby?"

"No ... but I need my jacket."

Katie reached into the back seat and grabbed Roberts jacket, then looked at him with anticipation.

"Pull your panties down, sweetie."


"Take your panties off and put them in your purse."

Not being one to argue, she lifted her dress hooked her thumbs in the top of her panties and pulled them down to her knees.

"All the way off sweetie."

She pulled them down and off her feet, then placed them in her purse as instructed. Robert then told her to get close to him and place his jacket on her lap. When she did that, he reached under her dress and began playing with her pussy.

After just five miles his middle finger was inside of her vagina and pumping her as fast as he could. This was heaven and much better than she could have done on her own. She moaned and began to cum, as his long finger continued to probe her depths.

"Oh Bobby ... you are so good to me. Do you think we can do this on the train?"

"I'm sure we can work something out."

"Thank you Bobby," she said as she came again.

After cuming about five or six times she curled up and went to sleep. It was two thirty in the morning when he pulled into Salt Lake City, at the train station.

"Baby wake up, and put your panties on. We are in the city and the Mormons, don't like it when girls run around without panties."

After she was all proper and back together, Robert pulled up in front of the station. A red cap came out and began unloading the baggage, then called on his handy talkie,

"Hertz? We have one of your vehicles out in front."

Robert handed the red cap his tickets and a ten-dollar bill. The man told Robert to take the tickets with him and he would take care of the luggage. He then said,

"Mr. And Mrs. English, if you go in the front doors, you will see a large red sign that reads "FIRST CLASS LOUNGE". Go in there and show them your tickets and they will get you anything you require. Just then the Hertz man came out rubbing his eyes. Robert gave him the keys to the car and the paperwork.

"Mr. English, do you want to fill the car with gas, or do you want me to do it and charge it to your card?"

"Thank you. You do it, I'm kind of tired." Robert handed him a five-dollar bill and the Hertz man drove the car away.

Katie and Robert went into the first class lounge and showed the clerk their reservations. He checked them through and said,

"There are complementary drinks and sandwiches in the refrigerator along with snacks and fruit. There are sleeping seats in the dark area over there. If you wish a nap, I will personally awaken you prior to the arrival of the California Zephyr."

They both picked up a can of juice and lay down in the seats. She looked at Robert with her bottom lip sticking out and said.

"Eighteen hours Bobby?"

Robert just smiled at his little sister-nun-nymphomaniac and said,

"Go to sleep."

What seemed like just a few minutes later, Robert and Katie were awakened by the clerk and told that the train would be there in ten minutes and would layover for thirty minutes before it departs. There was an electric cart to take them to the train. Katie felt like a Queen, as she had never been treated this well before. She was a happy girl. They were at trackside when the train rolled in, and the redcap who had taken their luggage, guided them onto the train and down a narrow hall to their stateroom.

"This is it Mr. and Mrs. English, first class. I believe you and your wife will be very comfortable. The porter will be in just a few minutes to make up the bed." Robert handed him another tip.

"Thank you again Mr. English." With that statement the red cap departed.

"Did he say bed? We have our own bed on the train Bobby?" Katie asked with a broad smile on her face.

Robert just smiled and sat back waiting. She sat on his lap and said,

"Bobby you are just a big tease. I thought we were just going to sit next to ..."

".... each other," he said finishing her sentence. "I know what you thought. For somebody who has been a nun for so long, you show very little faith."

A knock came on the cabin door, and the porter was told to come in. Quickly he set up the bed and put away their clothing. He pointed out the restroom, which included a shower, then after receiving a tip from Robert, he was on his way.

"What do you say Ms. English, would you like to go to bed?"

"Would I? Just let me put on my nighty."

Katie took a green nighty out of her overnight case and went into the bathroom. When she came out, she sat on Robert's lap and began kissing him on the neck, in his ear and all over his face.

"Two days ago Robert, I only remembered you as a little boy. Now you are the center of my universe. I love you so much, I don't know what to do."

"Get into bed and I'll be right with you."

Robert quickly stripped down to nothing and crawled into bed with Katie. The bed wasn't very large, so they were lying close together. Katie didn't mind a bit, deciding that things would work better if he were behind her. As the train began to move, they opened the window shade a little. It was completely dark outside as Katie reached around behind her and began to stroke Robert's penis.

She lifted her right leg and told him,

'Bobby ... push your cock in me, and fuck me a little ... please."

Robert took hold of her hip, moved in closer and slid his cock into her tight little pussy. She groaned as she felt the large member fill her vagina. She was happy every time she could involve Robert in her sexy scenarios and have access to any part of his body.

"Robert ... do you think it would be possible to fuck all the way to San Francisco?"

Robert grasped her hip with his right hand, and took hold of her hair with the other. When he shoved his cock into her and pulled her hair, she loved it and came right away. She was so happy they were going to be able to have sex for the next eighteen hours. As Katie had her legs squeezed together, it seemed even tighter than normal. She began working her "kegel" muscles again squeezing his cock.

Robert loved to fuck his sister as much as she wanted him to do it to her. They were the perfect couple. They loved each other because they were brother and sister, but also because they were perfect sex partners. He couldn't believe how good it felt to slide his cock into her gorgeous slippery pussy. The train was moving out of Salt Lake, with a gentle rocking movement that assisted in their lovemaking, and the more he pulled her hair, the more she came.

"Oh Robert fuck me harder, and pull my hair again. You are such a naughty boy, and I love being naughty with you."

He rolled her over on her stomach, and got on top of her, shoving his cock into her as hard as he could. She was going to say nothing, as she was now his love slave, ready for everything he was going to give her. Accepting everything he offered her.

When he leaned forward, and licked the back of her neck, she couldn't stand it and began to cream all over his cock. Telling her to turn over, she did as he asked and laid herself open to his assault. He jammed his cock into her hard and she hooked her legs around his, so he couldn't get away. As he fucked her harder and faster she held him close aware her was going to fill her vagina with his fluids.

He was moving fast and had a pained expression on his face. She knew he was ready, and squeezed her titties together, telling him to suck on them. He took a warm soft, yet firm mouthful of her titty, and sucked. She squealed and oozed out a tablespoon full of juice wetting his penis again.

As he was sucking her titties he felt the most wonderful feeling in his thighs. It was warm, and it tingled; then a slight pain hit the back of his neck. His breathing increased and he could hold off no longer. All of his cum began to shoot out the end of his cock, into his sister's pussy. She took a deep breath, her toes curled down and she grabbed his ass with both hands as she came again.

They lay there as the train moved down the tracks toward San Francisco. The steady rocking of the train was gently putting them to sleep. Robert then realized he was on top of her and moved off, taking her in his arms and holding her tight. She was very comfortable, and moved a leg over him. The liquid from her pussy was leaking on his thigh. She kissed him lightly on his lips and said,

"Eighteen hours!" then giggled and drifted off to sleep.

Robert was awakened when the train lurched and made a loud noise. He looked out the window as the sky was beginning to turn from black to a light blue. Watching the passing scenery, he saw the sun come up on a new day, a day that would begin to make his life really worth wile. His older, little sister lay in his arms sleeping, content and happy. He snuggled down into the covers and went to sleep.

A knock came at the door around eight-fifteen. The porter was advising them breakfast was now being served, and would continue until nine-thirty. He awakened Katie and whispered in her ear that they should get up for breakfast. She looked at him and smiled then kissed him on the lips. He got up and went into the bathroom to pee. She was right behind him, and then reached around and took hold of his cock.

"What are you doing baby?"

"I wanted to help you Robert, so I thought I could hold it for you while you peed. Girls never get to hold anything when they pee."

Robert thought, 'what the hell; if that's what she wants to do then why not let her.' It felt funny, peeing and not holding on to his cock. She was a good shot, however and aimed right for the pot. When he was done, she shook it and then took a warm washcloth and washed it carefully. After several minutes his penis began to get hard, and she had him sit down on the commode. She then knelt down in front of him and took his cock in her mouth. As she began to suck, Robert wondered at his fortune.

About five minutes of her special nurturing was all he could take and he told her he was about to cum. She nodded her head, which added pleasure to what she was doing. Robert stiffened his back and legs and began squirting his cum in her mouth.

"Mmmmmm," she said and swallowed it, "Now I'm hungry, let's go to breakfast."

As Robert was getting dressed, she came up behind him, put her arms around his neck and bit him on the ear.

"Oww. What was that for?"

"I just want you to know that I love you."

"Don't you have a less violent way of showing me?"

"Sure ... let's go back into the bathroom."

"No let's go to breakfast instead."

"Okay ... your loss."

They locked the stateroom and then he guided her down the narrow hallway toward the dining car. When they got there they had to wait for several minutes until a table was available. When they finally sat down, he handed her a menu. She said,

"I'll take one of everything. You really know how to stir up my appetite."

Robert began to write the items of food on a menu card for each of them.

"Baby?" he asked, "Do you want eggs?

She nodded her head.

"How do you want them?"

"Scrambled ... light."

"Bacon or sausage? And what kind of toast? Coffee or milk? Orange juice?"

"I'll have whatever you are going to have, Robert."

When they were waiting for the food, Katie reached across the table and took Robert's hands, looking him in the eyes.

"I love you, and I'll do anything for you, no matter what."

"The same goes for me too, Kitten. No mater what."

They ate breakfast and watched the scenery of western Utah, as the train headed for California. She talked about everything that happened to them in the last two days, and suddenly tears began to form in her eyes.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing Bobby. I'm just happy. Happier than I have ever been in my whole life."

"You make me happy also, Kitten."

"Thank you Robert. I will be thanking you every day for the rest of my life."

"That's not necessary, sweetie. I should be thanking you, because you saved me too."

"From what Robert?"

"Loneliness, boredom, a dull life and about a thousand other things I can't talk about in mixed company."

Katie smiled and her deep dimples excited Robert.

"Could we have a little wine, Robert?"

"Of course. What kind would you like?"

"Something light and fruity, but not too dry ... Okay?"

Robert ordered two bottles of White Zinfandel, and took them back to the stateroom. When he closed the door, she took the 'do not disturb' sign and hung it on the doorknob.

Robert opened a bottle, and poured them both a glass. They drank a little, and then Robert got down in front of her where she was sitting on the bed, and slid the bottom of her skirt up to her tummy, revealing a pair of Raspberry colored panties. He placed his hands on her knees and slowly pushed them apart, moving his head between her thighs, kissing them on the soft inside, just below the crotch of her panties.

As Robert licked her thighs, she moaned and ran her hands through his hair, pulling his face gently into her crotch. When Robert saw the dark Raspberry colored stain on her panties, he leaned forward and kissed it. She groaned and began to play with his ears as he brought her extreme pleasure.

He then took hold of the elastic and pulled her panties to the side, sliding his tongue up and down her slit. She was breathing hard when he took her clitoris between his lips and sucked on it. Two minutes later she began to dribble her juice out onto Robert's tongue.

He grabbed the top of her shiny panties, and pulled them down over her hips. She lifted her butt as he pulled. Taking the panties off her legs, he dropped them on the floor and placed his whole mouth over her clitoris and pussy lips. Sucking hard, she came again.

Closing her eyes she reveled in the feeling of her legs wide open and his head between them, his mouth sucking on all of her tender parts. After she squirted again, Robert stood up and removed all of his clothes, then turned her over on her stomach, shoving one of the pillows under her mid section.

He moved in behind her and placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy hole, then shoved and pulled on her hips at the same time. He began fucking her as hard as she wanted it, and continued on through at least four orgasms. Robert was about to cum when she screamed into a pillow, and splattered one more time hard against him.

Not pulling his cock from her pussy, he leaned in top of her, resting on his knees and elbows, moving his hips slightly. She hugged her pillow and moved her hips back into him, her pussy sucking on his deflating penis.

When it came time to have lunch, the porter awaked them. Robert thanked him, however declined stating they were going to catch up on some much needed sleep. As soon as he was gone, they lay in each other's arms totally naked kissing and touching. They played together all afternoon, and their play culminated in a wild no holds bared act of pure sex, fucking each other as hard and fast as they could.

When the dinner bell rang, they were up, showered dressed and ready. They were both starving. All through dinner, Katie smiled at him, her deep dimples accentuating her natural beauty. Robert was truly in love. They returned to the stateroom, and Katie said,

"Bobby, don't be angry, but I have something I have to tell you."

Fearing the worst Robert asked. "What?"

"Bobby my pussy is a little sore ... maybe we can wait until tomorrow? If you need me, I'll suck you?"

Robert began to laugh and said,

"You know Kitten, I'm a little sore myself. Maybe we should pace ourselves."

They both laughed and he poured out more wine. They held each other then finally laid down for another nap. The train pulled into the "Fisherman's Warf" station about ten thirty at night. As the porter had packed their clothing, and taken it off the train, Robert and Katie, got off. After eighteen hours on the train the aroma of the San Francisco bay, was a wonderful change. Katie had never seen an ocean in her entire life. The red cap, at Robert's request, hailed a taxi for them.

Robert helped her into the back seat while he assisted the driver with their baggage. Robert said,

"Mark Hopkins please."

"Yes sir."

"Where is the Mark Hopkins, Robert?"

"You will see little one."

Katie looked like someone who was watching a tennis match. She was trying to look in every direction at the same time and see everything.

It only took about ten minutes from the Warf to the top of the hill, where the hotel is located. As the taxi pulled into the circle driveway, a valet opened the door. Robert paid the taxi driver and slipped a bellman five dollar to get their bags. At the front desk, Robert signed the register as Mr. and Mrs. Robert English.

Katie was delirious and wasn't sure what would be next. As they went up the elevator to the ninth floor and the honeymoon suite, he told her they would be staying in San Francisco for three days, and the following day he was going to take her to Ghirardelli Square on a shopping tour, then lunch at Alioto's Restaurant on Fisherman's Warf, and later to Chinatown for dinner, if she wanted.

In the suite, they stood by the window and looked at the sights of the city by the Bay and contemplated their new life together. End.


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My Doctor Years Ago Was a Nun

I live in a small town in northern Arizona. When you are in a small town it's hard to keep doctors around for primary care. I now travel to a nearby large city, but twenty years ago when I was 45, for a short while I had the shortest doctor I had ever had. She was a nun, but obviously didn't wear the nun outfit when acting as a doctor. She introduced herself to me as sister Prudence. She told me which order she belonged to, but not being a religious guy that didn't stick with me at all.She...

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Chained Tortured NunChapter 4

Sister Dominic begged Jack and Joe to let her go. She pleaded with Sister Mary Katherine to tell them whatever they wanted. But nothing seemed to work. They were enjoying her sprawled like this, her ass hanging down there near the lantern, her ankles and wrists chafing and reddening from the constant rubbing of the rope. Jack bent down, turning the key once more and sending the slender yellow flame up against her left lower leg. She whimpered, jerking her body, trying to pull it away from...

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Chained Tortured NunChapter 6

"Now, you wanna talk?" Sister Mary Katherine blinked her eyes open, feeling as if she had just returned from another world. The current had knocked her temporarily out and for a moment the attractive nun thought she had died and was in hell. Surely, this would be her hell-bound forever to a table like this, tortured by sadistic demons, her flesh ripped from her body only to be grown again for more punishment. Her mind reeled at the possibility as she found herself staring in horror at...

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Flying Nun Decameron Minus 99

Introduction: Carlo sees an angel descending from the skies; upon alighting, the angel becomes a nun; Carlo tells the sister of the demon that besets him and she helps him fight it; another day, the nun returns and they do battle with his demon again; at last Carlo can take the battles no more and sends the nun off to find other demons. Know, then, that in the woods outside our city lived a poor man, Carlo, some fifty years of age, who eked out a bare existence farming the poor soil in a...

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PyxChapter 10 A Nun Walks Into A Hotel

The next morning, Vonda was working the front desk, and Pyx and I were finishing. breakfast. I was reading the local news, and Pyx was giggling at something in the funnies, when my cell phone rang. It was Vonda. "Alex, there's a nun down here who wants to speak with you. A Sister Theresa." I sat upright. "I understand. Hold her for five minutes, then escort her up. Code Green on the floor." "Will do, boss." Vonda hung up. A soft recorded voice came over a speaker in my room....

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Chained Tortured NunChapter 10

Sister Mary Katherine thought the world had exploded all about her and come to an end. Jack was beating her around the shoulders and back, tearing at her flesh, making her think there would be nothing left on her bones when he got through with her. Again and again he shouted the unchanging question, but she could never answer him, her words turning into shouts of agony and horrific pain. She jerked and jumped on the chains like a crazy puppet, her body torn by the hot agony of the biting...

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August 17, 2004 - I stood naked, hidden, watching intently as Maria Celeste Molloy, or sister Maria as she now preferred to be called, slowly disrobed, unaware of my evil intentions, unaware she would soon be thrashing under my hard unforgiving body, pierced by my throbbing cock. I had taken the young woman, soon to turn 22 years old, out to dinner in one of the nicer French restaurants in Cleveland and then escorted her back to my home where we had spent the rest of the evening reminiscing as...

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August 17, 2004 - I stood naked, hidden, watching intently as Maria Celeste Molloy, or sister Maria as she now preferred to be called, slowly disrobed, unaware of my evil intentions, unaware she would soon be thrashing under my hard unforgiving body, pierced by my throbbing cock. I had taken the young woman, soon to turn 22 years old, out to dinner in one of the nicer French restaurants in Cleveland and then escorted her back to my home where we had spent the rest of the evening reminiscing as...

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Naughty Nun

A nice quiet evening was interrupted by a church bell. It was the time for the evening prayer. Nuns gathered into the main building, where the late meeting was held. Sister Mary was slightly behind, convulsively looking for something.“Oh my God, where is my prayer-book? I couldn’t have left it somewhere.”To be late on the meeting meant to have rough rebuke from the prioress. She desperately tried to remember where she had left the damn book.“Can it be in the kitchen storage?”A panic attack...

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Chained Tortured NunChapter 5

It was dark, so very dark. Sister Mary Katharine had been removed from the workbench her cunt having been fingered and fucked by Joe before. Then she had been dragged, with her friend, and thrown into what she guessed was a small work room. The men were drinking and at times, when she pressed one ear against the wooden door, she could hear them laughing about what they had done to the nuns and what they would do in the future. At times they would hit the door, rattling the poor nun's brain...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 20 School Uniform

Visitors of many kinds came and went as the weeks went by. Some wanted to seduce a nun, others to humiliate a young wife; some to dally with what they called a French maid; one asked her to sing to him first; still others merely wanted to spend their passion into her body and leave as quickly as possible. Some visited only once, others soon became regulars. Often Molly was punished at the end of the visits for some error, real or imagined, and she came to realise that this was for their...

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The Sins of the Sleepwalking NunChapter 3

When the strange Gypsy father and son team of traveling fun seekers visited the convent the following month, they found the sleepwalking nun almost in the same place by the bus stop waiting for some innocent male nocturnal passerby to take advantage of her trance-like state to guide her into a satisfying carnal landing. They did a perfect encore of threesome copulation with a familiarity that thrilled the sleepwalking nun right down to the depths of her demanding feminine core. This time...

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Nun Sarah

sister Sarah sat in the confessional, her face covered in cum, which she was wiping off with a handkerchief. Now 49, she has been a nun for 25 years. She specialized in working with sexual deviants. She knew all people, especially non-priest men, were sexual beings. The church had a lot of rules about sex, but denying people's true nature denied their creator, God. This led to people doing bad things. Men would cheat by having canal pleasure with another woman's vagina, boys would partake...

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The nun

THE NUN As far back as sister Mary Angela could remember, she was never interested in sex. As a teenager she developed large breasts at a very young age and was curvy and beautiful. Despite the fact that she always dressed very conservatively. In her youth, boys and even some girls, treated her very nicely. She, however was never interested and as soon as she turned 18 she started her career as a woman of god. It’s all she ever wanted to do with her life. Many years later, in her early 40s she...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 27 Return of the Prodigal

The journey from the College of Correction and Redemption back to the Convent was again in a closed carriage under the cover of darkness. She was met at the door by the Reverend Mother herself and escorted straight to the infirmary. "You will stay here," the older woman ordered, "Until your child is born. Then, and only then, will you be allowed back into the company of decent nuns." "Reverend Mother..." Waving away Sister Lucia's attempts to ask questions, she continued, "As to...

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The Nun

Admittedly, I'm an alcoholic, though recovering now. In my early thirties my addiction to alcohol had reached its peak and I was on a slippery slide downhill. I had become a blackout drunk, unpleasant to be around, at best. Old friends shunned me and when I wasn't drunk, I was physically ill with the DTs. The only cure was to get drunk again. A merry-go-round of horror, familiar to any drunk who has survived long enough.I did odd jobs as infrequently as possible to pay for my habit. I lived...

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The Nun

I don’t remember my name; it was lost in history as I used so many aliases to protect my identity. I was born somewhere in Europe around a hundred years before Jesus Christ. I don’t know the date or who my parents were. I was told my mother died in childbirth and my father then left me on the doorstep of a neighbor. I lived there until I was kicked out due to my special gift, a gift that is both a curse and a blessing, for I am a Necromancer.How does it work, you may wonder? Well, there are two...

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Hells Nun

sister Veronica was always a good girl. She was born in 1982 in rural Pennsylvania to a farm family, and spent most of her youth learning the value of hard work. Veronica loved reading, mostly the bible, but other books too. She loved Mark Twain and Emily Bronte. She enjoyed swimming in the big lake behind the farm. When she went to high school she joined the swim team and found that she had a talent for it. But she eventually quit, the day she was taking a shower with her team mates and...

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CHAPTER SIX: DP EXPERIENCEUnbeknownst to any of us, my reputation was spreading through the jungle, one tribe to another. We would find out that tribes who isolated themselves from other tribes, like the one Anton and I visited, began sharing and it all started with what happened with me and the infant and my openness to share in the village like any other female of the tribe. It was that experience that drove me to wanting to have anal with Anton. I realized the potential of multiple partners...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 7 The College

Father Reilly considered what the attendance at the College of Correction and Redemption might involve. It did not sound promising — severe self-flagellation at the very least would be the 'Correction' part of the course, he imagined. He made his way to the address he had been given, and found there a gaunt early Victorian building which looked extremely forbidding from the outside. There was no indication on the door that this was the College, but he was in the right street and the number...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 30 Sister Immaculata

After the young nun left, Reverend Mother Lucia fell into a reverie as she remembered her time in the College of Correction and Redemption, her subsequent recovery in the Convent, and above all recalling how useful it had been when the old Mother Superior died four years earlier to be able to persuade His Eminence, the Archbishop, her 'Papa' when he had visited her at the College of Correction and Redemption, that she was the best person to take over, young though she was for that office....

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My Doctor was a Nun

(Part of this story is true, part of it is pure fantasy. If you have a problem with a story about a Catholic Nun being a doctor who examines a man and does things that don't break her vows, but which are surely a bit out there...then don't read this story. Thank you)In my small western town it's hard to get and keep doctors. Fortunately there are programs that bring doctors to small towns. I had a doctor for three years who was a nun. She never dressed in a habit. Her name was sister...

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My Sister the Nun ch 6

"We can talk about it tomorrow. I'm sorry but I'm going to bed." He crawled in between the cool covers, and fell asleep almost immediately. He felt her as she came to bed and crawled very close to him a little later. But then he was asleep again. Robert awoke to the bed shaking thinking that what he felt was an earthquake. He looked at Katie who had her back to him, and a hand between her legs rubbing herself violently. It didn't take very long until she was groaning, and then...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 12 Induction

Sister Lucia woke when one of the nondescript servant girls in a grey smock brought her some hot tea, and bread and cheese early the next morning. When the prisoner started to ask a question, the skivvy looked very frightened and almost ran from the room. However, she left a bundle behind which proved to contain a nun's habit, complete with Swiss wimple, though no under-clothing. Sister Lucia donned such clothes as there were quickly, and with some relief; then she sat and ate the bread and...

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CHAPTER FOUR: MIRACLEAfter that time I spent with Anton, it was as if something had shifted in the compound. There was a renewed sense of excitement and purposeful anticipation. I was given a crash course on various tribes, their needs and how the sisters had supported them. I learned that it had been some time since they made the long journeys into the jungle to visit the various tribes as the sisters got older and struggled with not only the energy for the difficult travel but their ability...

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Tales From the Leather Nun

With a soft whoosh, the screen in the confessional slid open. “I have sinned since my last confession of two days ago.” “Continue,” the faceless voice from the other side of the confessional screen intoned. “I have had impure thoughts -” there was a pause. “Of you.” The slightest sound of a person clearing their throat sounded like thunder in the silence. “And?” “Last night, I couldn’t help myself. I touched my sexual organ and became aroused.” I have sinned, there was the sound of regret...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 4 Coming Together

Within a week, Sister Lucia began to realise the enormity of the task. Marie had no knowledge whatever of the religious life, and little enough of the rudiments of her religion. The endless patience and good nature of the older girl meant that Marie was hopelessly besotted with her in a school-girl crush within a month. One evening they were discussing life as a nun and Sister Lucia pointed out that once having taken her final vows, a nun was committed for life to the convent. At this Marie...

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CHAPTER FIVE: ANAL“Anton … have you ever … I mean, have you … I mean, would you …”We were on our way back to the compound from a visit to one of the tribes close by to our small village. This village was only a half-day’s journey away and a mild illness was moving through the people. The medicines we had accumulated brought relief to them. Along the way back on the trail, I reached out to stop Anton. The two of us had taken our relationship to a level that the other sisters smiled at us as they...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 2 The Subjugation Of Father Francis

She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 9 Caught

It was close to midnight when Mother Superior was passing the dormitories and saw a figure walking along the corridor ahead of her. Fascinated, she watched as the woman went in to Sister Lucia's cell and shut the door. 'I wonder where Sister Lucia has been at this hour?' she mused, 'The facilities are the other way, so it musty have been to a dormitory.' She went back to her own cell, but continued to worry about the movement she had seen. Eventually she gave up trying to think of a...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 29 Vespers

Reverend Mother Lucia walked silently along the corridor towards the cell of Sister Marie; the two had remained lovers since Sister Lucia had returned from the College of Correction and Redemption, just after Marie had taken her vows eighteen years earlier. From the cell of Sister Elizabeth, a pretty young nun of nineteen whom Reverend Mother really found most attractive, came the unmistakable sound of a female orgasm, followed by an anxious voice exhorting silence. Throwing open the cell...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 25 Maidservant

It was almost a week after the visit from the man she thought of as 'the Man with Two Hands' before Sister Lucia had another call to become Molly. This time the sheer blouse and tiny skirt were laid out on the bed, with the apron and the silk stockings. She noticed that the silk drawers she loved to wear were not there, so she assumed she was not to wear them. Dutifully, Molly put on the sheer blouse, and the tiny skirt, tying the apron round her waist. The silk stockings felt lovely on...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 16 Choice

It was some days after that before she saw Monsignor Flavin again. When she did, it was in his study, where she stood before his desk again, feeling like a schoolgirl 'on the mat' before the headmistress. As she entered he had told her to keep her clothes on, and she felt quite bereft, that she was not to be punished was good, but did that mean they were not to pleasure each other? She knew it was sinful, despite his words in the confessional, but she had become accustomed to him making...

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With Nun It Was Fun In The Bus

Hi my name is Ravi age 21 5.9ft height sport build body. Little dark but good looking guy with 6.5″ and thick dick. Doing my engineering in mangalore karnataka. I am a great fan of ISS specially incest and teacher category. I always dreamt of having fun with mature aunts. And also with my favorite Hindi teacher. And finally it came true. This incident took place a few days back when i was traveling back to my home town during my holidays. This incident took place with a mature nun who was...

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Sister Therese Maries Star Pupil

Sister Therese Marie’s Star Pupil NOTE: This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is entirely coincidental. I am an ex-nun—Sister Therese Marie, Sister of the Society of Thomas Aquinas. I have Michael to thank for that “ex.” As you may have guessed, the Sisters of the Society of Thomas Aquinas are a teaching order. I was 23 years old and in the third year of my novitiate, less than a month away from taking my final vows. I was teaching eighth grade...

First Time
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Nun Fun

The old nun was lying on the floor when I walked into the room. Her legs were spread apart a bit, and her big white underpants were pulled down to her ankles. She was lying on her stomach and I cold see her squirm as I pushed myself behind her. I spread her legs apart with my body and felt her wet, warm crotch flesh press against my own naked cock meat.sister Loren gasped then as she felt my skin touch hers in the most intimate of places. She was not bad looking for being older, and something...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 2 The Subjugation Of Father Francis

It was a blazing hot summer day as Jessica trudged down the burning sidewalk, her thick wool habit making the journey much more arduous than it needed to be. That had been the story of her life since joining the Sisters of Guadalupe. It might as well have been the sisterhood's motto. "Harder than it has to be." But not for much longer. Their mission was no longer hers. Jessica was charting a new course and the first stop was a sex shop in downtown Austin. She had desperately wanted to...

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