Cupcake free porn video

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Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Donot continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material,this is a pure fantasy.

Note_2: As some of you guest, English is not mynative tongue. So if anyone wants to help me: be my guess.

Note_3: for those of you who gave me less then 1.5stars? please remind me; what stories you wrote?




Chapter 1 ? remembering the past.


One and a half years passed since she took thewager, and cupcake's life turned into a nightmare. Other then the modificationin her look, the former mother and CEO was more of a blonde sex doll then awoman. Earlier today she was told by Mistress Laura about today's film, and nowafter an abuse; the bound blonde knelt with her mouth was buried in Jim's ass.As cupcake's tongue worked, she could see from the side of her eyes hermistresses taped it.


With humiliation cupcake closed her eyes andremembered the 1st week after she became a slave.




Mistress Monica forced her to clean ALL of her bankaccounts, and quit her job. When the poor woman finished with those tasks,Monica returned with the money in a James bond beg to Monica's house. In the house,she saw Monica working on some papers. At 1st Cupcake wanted to runaway. However, she remembered the pictures and tape from her rape, and she couldnot move.


Knowing what was expected from her, and so sheremoved her cloths to reveille her hairless pussy, and pierced; nipples,bellybutton, clit and pussy lips. Next she went to where a picture of Monicawas, dropped to her knees and got to her praying position. Once at position,Cupcake chocked down her tears as she said: "my mistress, this whore is givingherself to you body and soul. Please accept me." Then cupcake stretched herhands and dropped down until she kissed the floor. When her lips touched thefloor, cupcake raised her freshly tattooed ass.


At that point, came closer to her. Once she couldsmell cupcake's sweat her mistress told her: "did you get my money, whore?" asshe placed her hands over


"Yes mistress." Monica said as she moved cupcake'sass, while the humiliated mother cried.


"Do you love me more then your husband?" Monicaasked amused. Since her enslavement, this was the beginning of her daily sessionwith her once proud whore.


"I love you my mistress. Please allow me to serveyou as the depraved whore that I am." Monica said as cupcake began to move herass sexily form side to side just like she was trained to.


Cupcake just knew what will be next. 


"I see that you got the makeup that I told you.This is nice. I love too see that. How much did it cost you?" Monica asked withevil smile. The makeup that Monica talked about was the tattoos over her cheeks.The 1st was over cupcake's left ass cheek which said: 'property ofMistress Monica.' The others tattoo said: 'Don't touch without permission.'


"It cost me one hour of fuck. Thank you for callingthose nice guys before I came over. This big black cocks?" Monica said as shewas interrupted by the pool of tears, and Jim who squealed loudly.


"Don't move slut. If you will then I would abuseyou. Understood."


"YES? (Sob?) MISTRESS?." Cupcake screamed beforeshe kissed the floor again. As cupcake waited for her mistress, she heard manythose evil mistress's abusing her son. At a time cupcake wanted to lift her headand see what the time was. However, her fear from the abuse that she wouldreceive by Monica's hands. In fact, the only reason for her current position wasthe threat of her owner's whips, clamps, pins, etc.


She met them.


She feared them.


She would do ANYTHING so that she won't be abusedby them.


Suddenly, cupcake felt Monica's hands, and heard:"so where were we? Lois?"


"I wanted to thank you for the big, black cocksthat used my ass (cupcake's mouth), my cunt (cupcake's pussy), and my mouth? itwas such a treat for me. But please mistress, call me; whore, tramp, bimbo,slut, etc. I am nothing more then a dirty whore. Please mistress? Lois is dead."Monica said smiling as she saw cupcake violently shaking her bleached whitehair; NO.


"Very well my dear. But 1st I want youto beg that I'll use your ass." Monica said as she saw heard cupcake sniffle.Whenever they were in session, cupcake had to make loud noises so that Monicawill learn how to improve herself.


"Please mistress; use my big ass. After the newsilicone injections, my ass will be perfect for a fuck. Please mistress. Nextyou'll be able to fuck my hairless cunt. Before you would use my tongue." Monicacontinued cupcake's humiliation.


"How can you have a tongue in your ass, whore?"Monica asked, trying to sound shocked.


"I'm a freak mistress?" Monica replied smiling asshe slapped cupcake's ass. At that point cupcake got on all four to face Monica.When she did, cupcake looked at Mistress Monica, who pulled her hair through thehole of an open pink face rubber hood. Next Monica placed a hood over her slave's neck as she said: "it is timethat Lois will die, and that my toy, cupcake will be free. That is why I decideabout a plan. The 1st part is getting you and Jimmy to move into mybedroom. Since I woke, I used your credit cards to the limit. Now you understandwhy I told you to clean your bank accounts; once the month will be over, youwill have nowhere to go. Starting from this moment, your ass is mine. From nowon when not in use; you and Jim will live at separate cages down in thebasement.


Now, the 2nd part is to deal with yourhusband. Now that I own you, I'm going to have a?."




Suddenly, a sharp sting forced her to the present.Her mouth was still inside Jim's ass. However, now Jim was getting away from heras his mistress, Laura, pulled the leash that was attached to his collar.Suddenly, as the helpless, naked 18 year old talked with the evil mistresses;cupcake saw how Laura began to clap her hands while Jim began to dance. However,it was not a regular dance as he only moved his waist to dance his little dick.Once he stopped, Monica gave him three Viagra pills before Laura dragged him outof the room, and closed the door.


Meanwhile, Monica took cupcake to the washing roomwhere she threw her into the bath, and washed her. However, once Monica finishedshe did not take cupcake out of the bath. For a few minutes cupcake lay in thebath before her mistress returned with a 13 inch strap on dildo, and fucked herin the bath, while the helpless blonde begged for mercy.


5 hours later cupcake was sleeping in her cage thatwas placed at the darkest part of the dungeon. Her only light was an old lamp,while her son had all the light. The reason for that was that Laura filmed herslave 24/7/12.


Suddenly, she was awoken by loud noises. Veryquietly she looked from her cage, and saw Jim (who wore pink corset) with thatevil brat, Mistress Laura. As always Jim's makeup was perfect, and after theLaser surgery he only had hairs where it was needed by his mistress. Unlikecupcake who spent most of her days naked, or in some outfit; Jim was forced towear Laura's old dresses as well as a cheap makeup for school. Over the lastthree years Laura changed him so much, that she was able to create the illusionthat the former football hero was nothing more then a whore. Cupcake knew thather son was now spending his days in the girls' toilet room instead in school.Monica explained that since his mother ran away, he was changed.


Once in the cage, Jim waited until Laura wasupstairs, and said: "mom; are you there?"


"Yes honey, I'm here. Finely mommy is here. How areyou holding up?" Cupcake replied. Over the last 72 hours she was not there asher mistress took her to the cabin that she used to own at lake side. Therecupcake was gang-banged by Mistress Laura, her lesbian friends and their femaleslaves.


"She wants to turn me into a transvestite mommy. Togive me a taste of my future as a bisexual whore, she arranged for me to be gangbanged by her friends. Those friends also include some people that I laughedabout. I tried to resist her, but she and her evil friends ignored me." Jim saidas he saw his hand doing her way to his "pencil" as Laura called it.  However, Jim knew that cupcake was onlydumb next her mistress.


"Why are you calling me 'mommy' Jim? I thought thatI'm nothing more then a cheap whore. After all, I just licked your ass afterMistress Monica raped me. And then I had the pleasure of spending an hour in thebath. Guess who raped my wrinkled ass!" cupcake said furious as her face came tothe light.


"Mistress Monica?" Jim said as he saw his motherlooking at him.


"That's right. Mistress Monica. Then after I wastaken out; Mistress Monica wanted to speak with Mistress Lois. So again Idropped on all four like a bitch. Got to my position, and listened as MistressMonica talked about me with her colleague. Just think how much fun it was tohear what a good little whore her bitch is? then I was forced to satisfy mymistress. So again Jim: Why are you calling me 'mommy' Jim? I thought that I'mnothing more then a cheap whore." Cupcake said as pulled her head to thedarkness.


"I thought about what I told you in the past? andI'm sorry. You suffered more then me both physically and psychologically. I onthe other hand got to save my dignity. Please forgive me. I lost site of what isimportant to me? you. Please mom? please get me back?" Jim said as he looked atthe cage.


For a few minutes Jim looked at his watch, andtried to hear his mother. However, he could not hear her. Suddenly he heard herasking: "new watch?"


"Yes." Jim replied not wanting to upset her.


"Why do you need a watch?" cupcake's voice came tohis ears. However, it was without any emotions? almost mechanical.


"Mistress Laura wants me to have a schedule ofhumiliation." Jim replied? to his mother's delight.


"What do you mean?" cupcake asked.


"You'll see. Do you forgive me?" Jim asked lookingat her cage.


"We'll see. Go to sleep. Tomorrow will be anotherday." Cupcake said as she wanted to sleep.


*The end of chapter 1.*




Chapter 2 ? cupcake's pimp.


It was very late when Cupcake was finely able toreturn home after spending the last few days at the local whorehouse. She stilldressed in her pink 9" leather boots, and the pink leather catsuit with matchingpurse full of money. When she got to the local bus stop, she looked around, andwhen she saw that she was alone, she unzipped the zipper that was over her sorepussy. Then she swallowed and played with herself until she got one orgasm afterthe other, and tried not to cum.


When the bus came; cupcake was barely walking andthe bus driver had to help her to go up. When she got to her seat, she saw thebus driver looking at her. Ho god, she forgot to zip her front.


'Mistress Monica will be so proud when I will tellher that story. Maybe she would not humiliate me to much today? please, I don'twant it. G-d, I know that I didn't talk to you for three years? please allow meto have just one day without humiliation, pain or a meeting with Mistress Lois?please?' cupcake began to pray as the bus began to move.


By the end of the ride, cupcake's heart sank as shecould see her doom. When she came down from the bus, cupcake walked very slowlytrying to think. Suddenly, as cupcake walked through the park she heard a noise.Cupcake, who did not want to be fucked, quickly hid in the bushes and looked. Itdidn't take long before she saw Jim being dragged by his mistress, Laura, whohad her finger in his choker. Jim was barefoot and naked while Laura wore blackboots 5" white stiletto heals, brown leather pants and white t-shirt. Jim on theother hand was naked and barefoot with a gym bag on his shoulder.


As cupcake looked, she became convinced that Jimgained a few pounds.


Finally they stopped next to her bushes, andcupcake heard Laura telling Jim: "now this is an isolated area. I think that wewill have fun right now. Mom wanted us out of the house so that she will be ableto have some fun with that her pet. She should be home in an hour or so. Do youthink that cupcake will be home in time my dear "boyfriend?" tell me thetruth!"


"Yes mistress. This slave believe that cupcake willbe home at time, mistress." Jim answered as he was trained.


"How about a wager, slave? If you win, then I willallow you to be a boy for an entire weekend. However, if you loose? and you willagree to part 2 of the plan. What do you say?" Laura said as she took the bagbefore she viciously kicked Jim in the balls, and dropped him to his knees witha scream.


"Yes? (Sob?) mistress?. (Sob? sniffle? sob? sob?sob?) Th-this? (Paint?) slave will? (Moan?) do what? (Sob?) you want?" Jimreplied looking at his mistress's crouch.


"Excellent; if she would arrive early, then I wouldloose. Now fetch!" Laura said as she threw the bag away. Poor Jim at that pointimmediately ran on all four after the bag. When he arrived to the bag, Jim tookit by his mouth and brought it to his mistress.


"Bark? (Sob?) bark?" was all Jim said looking atthe floor, and wishing to be under it.


"Good boy. Now stand up!" Laura said and Jim did.Once her slave stood, Laura ordered him to play with himself. As Jim followedhis mistress's orders, the later reached down and brought a toy that cupcakeknew all to well. The toy was a long, thick remote controlled vibrator withstraps. Cupcake had a same one. Mistress Monica used it to humiliate cupcake.Usually it went into her ass, and was used to summon her whenever her mistress'sneeded something? or that her mistress fucked her. Jim was no exception and thatthing was in his ass secured by the straps which were locked.


"Now that I have you under control?" cupcakecouldn't hear what Laura said to Jim, because she crawled away. Then beforeleaving the park, she looked back, and saw Jim on his knees with his mouth athis mistress's crouch.


The rest of the way to her mistress's home wentwithout any surprises. Unless counting her pimp who informed her that she willspend the next month with her. Then the evil women took cupcake with him. Thiswas her luck: out of the whorehouse and into the street. Luckily for her, afterall the operations she was no longer a human, and seemed quite young.


*The end of chapter 2.*




Chapter 3 ? the colonel and the lieutenant.


Cupcake's month with her pimp was one gang-bangafter the other. When the month was over, cupcake received new cloths whichincluded pink: 7" pumps, fishnet stockings, laced garter belt, micro miniskirtand tube top. Her makeup was pink as well, and her hair was tangled. However, ashumiliating as it was for her, cupcake only thought was: 'this is the end? I'mgoing back to my cage now... No more gang bangs for me?" again and again.


Once dressed, cupcake's pimp told her: "I will seeyou soon my dear." Before she gave her a gum.


"Yes Mistress Carol." Cupcake replied trying not tosmile. Last time that she did, cupcake received the worst spanking yet by thehands of her mistress.


"Go home? girl. I will call your owner, and tellher that you are on the way." Carol said smiling as she looked at cupcake.


"Like, thank you mistress." Cupcake said with astupid smile spread across her face. Then she placed the gum in her mouth andwalked away. On the way back, cupcake saw Walter with one of her clients.However, she didn't have time to waste and so she walked to her owner's home. Onthe way home, cupcake went through Laura's school, and there she saw someonebeing fucked doggy style at the parking lot as he sucked someone on the otherhand. However, she was not sure that it was him.


When cupcake arrived home, she got naked before shedid her ritual. Once finished, cupcake declared: "MISTRESS I'M HOME? (Sob?) comeand use me." Before she reached into her position and waited. However, no onecame. Cupcake, who was confused, stood up, and that was when she saw two typesof uniforms. The 1st one was white, and the other was green.


There were other clothing articles all over thestairs, and it looked as if they were torn from their owners' bodies. Suddenly,she could hear muffled sounds from the upstairs area. However, she knewperfectly that the upper floor belonged to Monica and Laura. Cupcake also knewthat without permission she is not allowed to get up. For the next few hours,cupcake cleaned the lower door until the door opened, and there were Laura andwhat used to be Jim. Poor Jim was dressed in: sport shoes, thong panties and abra. Other then that Jim looked like a drag queen on drugs. Then she saw hismouth, and understood that the person from the parking lot was her son.


Without saying a word Laura dragged Jim upstairs,and it didn't take long before Laura screamed at Jim, before a door was slammed.Again cupcake was left alone, so after she finished cleaning, she knelt on thefloor, and prayed again. Suddenly, she heard bells and when she looked, she sawJim walking like a whore. The bells were attached by a chain to his nipplerings. There was only one problem though: when cupcake was bad, Mistress Monicaused to attach the ring at the middle of the tongue, to her nose ring by achain. Laura did the same.


At that point, cupcake hugged with Jim for a fewseconds. Unfortunately, Monica returned home and stopped it. Then as Jim went tothe kitchen, cupcake set with her back to the wall. Once her ass touched thefloor she opened her legs and began to play with her clit with one hand, whilethe other played with the opposite nipple. As Monica watched proudly, cupcakeopened her mouth and got her tongue in and out like a bitch in heat. At thatpoint cupcake noticed that her mistress took two syringes before her mistresssaid: "now I need to check how Colonel Whore and Lieutenant Fifi are doing.While I do, I want you to continue on. If you'll cum then that's okay. However,you will clean it with your tongue. When I will return, then we will see what todo." With that cupcake looked as her mistress got up the stairs.


As cupcake played with herself she saw Jim with alittle apron walking up the stairs.


Cupcake did not have a clue as for how long it was,but when she saw Monica; she was very happy. As cupcake continued to play withherself, Monica helped her to stand.


Once cupcake stood; her owner and mistress, Monica,told her: "continue to play! I'm going to take you to my room now where I willmake you feel like a slave. I have two new dolls from J. A. G. to play with.They came two weeks ago to investigate me, and "decided" to remain as my slave.Now I own colonel whore and lieutenant Fifi. They would never be free again.Since they arrived, I experimented with this new drug, and today was the lastinjection. Now let's go? almost forget: you are not allowed to cum until furthernotice."


As they went up the stairs cupcake was to busy, anddidn't notice at the modified bras and panties that decorated the picture ofMonica's late husband? a former marine man. Ever since he died, Monica spentmost of her time in fighting to know why. As a result her husband name wasdragged to the mud. The army sent the two lawyers too threat her, and she usedthem to get revenge.


As they passed Laura's room Monica opened the door,and led cupcake in. at the room Laura doing her homework while Jim was on thefloor hogtied. As she looked at Jim, cupcake was three things that made her feelsorry for him.


The 1st thing was that her son was onhis way to become her daughter.


The 2nd was that Jim had a tattoo oneach of his ass cheeks. On the left one was: "Property of Mistress Laura." Whileon the right was: "I'll have sex with boys and girls." She already knew aboutthe tattoo that he had on his shoulder so she ignored it.


The 3rd thing was that Jim said againand again as a buzzing sound came from his red ass: "My mistress is my goddess.I belong to Mistress Laura. My name is thing. I'm a bisexual whore. I've nolonger control over my brain, and need to be ordered by my mistress. I'm onlygood for getting money. I had a chance to be free and live with my useless dad.Viagra is my friend. My mistress owns Viagra. I need to be good whore. I needViagra."


Suddenly, cupcake heard Laura saying: "I have goodnews thing. I finished your homework. Tell me; how was Ms. James's test?"


"I got an F mistress." Jim replied with pride.




"Mistress, thing did get some help? mistress.Mistress: thing's former friend, James, passed slave a note with the answers?mistress. Mistress; thing didn't use it? mistress. Honest mistress; you knowthat thing only thinks about sex? mistress. Please mistress, thing was fuckedbefore, and after the test? mistress. Mistress; Please forgive thing mistress?"Jim begged as Laura looked at him.


"James? The same one that took your place after youbecame my whore? I'm going to kill him. We had a deal; I will remove you, and hewill take your place? just wait for tomorrow. Now, as far as you go: because youcame clean I have a problem with your punishment. So I will ignore it this time?unless you will say something stupid." Laura said with an evil grin.


"Laura, look who is here." Monica said with a smilebefore Jim was able to reply. Then as the helpless slave and his mistresslooked, they saw cupcake helplessly shaking and squirming as she resisted theurge to cum without permission.


"Ho cupcake. Come in my dear. Why are you shaking?"Laura asked with a smile, hoping to get the answer that she wanted.


"I-i-i-i? (Moan?) n-need t-t-to cum? (Pant?)Mistress Laura? (Moan?) p-pl-plea-pleas-Please allow m? (Moan?) me? (sob?) to?"cupcake said before experiencing another orgasm.


"What do you want me to allow you?" Laura said asshe stood up, and came to cupcake while Monica set on the bed.


"To? (moan? pant? sob? moan?) cum? please." Cupcakesaid before Laura who was now 2 inches away gave her a passionatekiss on the lips. As they kissed, cupcake allowed the evil teen to play with herfree nipple, and use her tongue inside the blonde's mouth. In a few minutescupcake melted, and her shakes became stronger.


Once they broke the kiss, cupcake was extremelyfrustrated, and tried to stop Laura for no avail. She was to tiered and weakafter all of the fighting and orgasm that she went through the last few hours.Then Laura led cupcake until she stood over Jim, and said after placing one ofJim's old boxers over his head: "cum slut!"


Cupcake looked at mistress Monica confused.However, when Monica nodded; cupcake came screaming for over five minutes. Whenfinished, cupcake fell from her feet and landed on her ass next to thescreaming, panicking Jim who worried for his mother. Monica allowed cupcake torest for two minutes, before cupcake stood up and returned to play withherself.


Then as they went, Monica supported cupcake untilthey reached her room, which seemed as the longest rode cupcake took so far.


Inside the room, cupcake saw two leather clad womensuspended from the ceiling. The 1st woman wore tight army greenleather: boots, catsuit, gloves and a leather discipline helmet with hosesrunning out of her nose. The woman's hands and legs were attached to a pole thatwas connected to a chain from the ceiling. The 2nd woman wore thesame outfit, accept that hers was white and most of her body was in a leathersack. Furthermore, unlike the other woman, this one was suspended from twopoints. The 1st was the ring on her helmet, and the other was thering at the end of the sack. The thing that made it uncomfortable is that herface faced the floor, and her back arched to the limit. Unknown to cupcake, bothwomen were: gagged, blindfolded and had plugs in their ears.


"CW is the green plaything, and LF is the white. Ithought of turning LF to my RGS, while CW will have a new job as a whore. Whatdo you think cupcake? Take your time, and don't even dare to cum yet. We'regoing to break the record." Monica said as she helped the zombie-like cupcake tothe bad.


"Pl-please? (Pant? moan? pant? moan? pant?) cup?(Moan?) cake? (Pant?) is dumb? (Pant?) ho g-d? (Pant?) let? (Pant? pant? pant?)me? (Pant?) cum? (Pant? moan? pant?) plea-please." Was all cupcake was able tosay as she lay on the bad flat on her back.


"Good whore. Keep playing with yourself!" Monicaordered with a smile.


"Y-yes? (Pant?) m-mist? (Pant?) mistress?" cupcakesaid before Monica rolled her to her stomach. For the next few minutes, allcupcake cared for was her burning pussy.


"Now let's have fun my dirty little whore. Lookwhat I have for you." Monica said with a smile.


"N-no? (Pant?) it? is too big." Cupcake said as shesaw her mistress with the new strap on dildo.


"This little thing? Don't be ridiculers whore: youalready sucked bigger. Now beg for it!" Monica said with an evil smile. At thatpoint cupcake was so horny that she begged Monica who set on a chair, and justlooked at her watch while taping her whore. For the next 10 minutes, thedesperate cupcake did everything in her power to convince her amused mistress.At the end cupcake ran out of arguments, so she shook her ass. At that pointMonica looked into cupcake's desperate eyes, and agreed that it was time, so shewore her Zorro mask and fucked her slave's ass while the later continued to playwith her clit and nipple.


*The end of chapter 3.*




Chapter 4 ? before theparty.




Cupcake stood behind Mistress Monica, who set withher eyes closed on a leather chair, and gave her a massage. The woman was sotensed, that cupcake felt as if she was forced to work on iron. It took herquite a while until Mistress Monica's mussels were relaxed and easy to workwith. As the smells of the oils filled the air, cupcake's mind had images fromthe torment that she had one month ago. Since then when she was not in use,cupcake spent her free time playing with her body. In front of the chair, kneltFifi who sucked Monica's feet. Since she was captured, Fifi turned into thewalking stereotype of blondes. At 1st her IQ began to drop until shecould no longer think at all. At that point, Monica "fixed" her brain so thatthe blonde would only think about pleasing her mistress. As a formerpsychiatric, Monica used her knowledge to get control over Fifi McTits as shewas known. Eventually, Fifi was declared as an incompetent, and Monica becameher legal guardian. Once Fifi belonged to Monica, the later changed her untilher body, mind and name were the same.


When Fifi McTit's transformation was complete,Monica began to use HER instead of Jim, at the movies. In time Fifi learned thehouse chores and became the maid? what left to cupcake the role of Monica's toy,and body slave. Fifi's former friend, whore, went through the sametransformation. The only difference was that she remembered who she was, andcould not resist Monica, who gave her three weeks ago to cupcake's former pimpas a slave. Without a will of her own: whore would be forced to do the mostdepraved things when her mistress won't use her.


Suddenly, just as Monica relaxed Laura stormed intothe room with thing while screaming at the humiliated, naked thing: "THING, YOUDIRTY WHORE. HOW DARE YOU TELLING MY FRIEND, VIRUS, THAT AWFUL RUMOR? TONIGHTWHEN SHE WOULD ARRIVE HERE, YOU WILL APPOLOGIZE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"


"Mistress? (Sob?) yes mistress." Jim repliedhumiliated as he began to strip.


Before Laura was able to say a word, Monica askedher daughter: "what's the matter hon?"


"This son of a bitch? he told Virus that I'm goingto steal her new slave. I'm not a bisexual mom. I only have two slaves, and I donot want her slave. I have two slaves: thing and cocksucker. Now mom, unlikething who goes to school; cocksucker spend is time kneeling in locked insidebooth #3 which have holes for him to suck cocks. The owners of the club promisedme that no one will see him again. We visited him a few days ago, and looked atthe monitors as he sucked one cock after the other? the only reason why thingtold Virus that evil rumor is that thing is jealous. Right cunt?" Laura said asshe took thing's panties while the later removed his shoes.


"Yes mistress." Jim said humiliated before sheplaced the panties over thing's head.


"Now if you would excuse us: thing and I have a fewthings to discuss." Laura said as she grabbed thing's pencil and dragged himupstairs.






The party was about to begin, and Monica wasdressed with: black 5" boots, black sleeveless catsuit, black skirt and elbowlength opera gloves. Over her shoulders, Monica wore a black rubber jacket. Overher neck she had a gold chain with a small golden cross. Her make-up wasperfect, and her hair was amazing. As she checked her mail, Monica was veryhappy to see that ALL of her friends will arrive to her party.


*The end of chapter 4.*




The end of the story.




Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Donot continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material,this is a pure fantasy.

Note_2: As some of you guest, English is not mynative tongue. So if anyone wants to help me: be my guess.

Note_3: for those of you who gave me less then 1.5stars? please remind me; what stories you wrote?




Chapter 1 ? remembering the past.


One and a half years passed since she took thewager, and cupcake's life turned into a nightmare. Other then the modificationin her look, the former mother and CEO was more of a blonde sex doll then awoman. Earlier today she was told by Mistress Laura about today's film, and nowafter an abuse; the bound blonde knelt with her mouth was buried in Jim's ass.As cupcake's tongue worked, she could see from the side of her eyes hermistresses taped it.


With humiliation cupcake closed her eyes andremembered the 1st week after she became a slave.




Mistress Monica forced her to clean ALL of her bankaccounts, and quit her job. When the poor woman finished with those tasks,Monica returned with the money in a James bond beg to Monica's house. In the house,she saw Monica working on some papers. At 1st Cupcake wanted to runaway. However, she remembered the pictures and tape from her rape, and she couldnot move.


Knowing what was expected from her, and so sheremoved her cloths to reveille her hairless pussy, and pierced; nipples,bellybutton, clit and pussy lips. Next she went to where a picture of Monicawas, dropped to her knees and got to her praying position. Once at position,Cupcake chocked down her tears as she said: "my mistress, this whore is givingherself to you body and soul. Please accept me." Then cupcake stretched herhands and dropped down until she kissed the floor. When her lips touched thefloor, cupcake raised her freshly tattooed ass.


At that point, came closer to her. Once she couldsmell cupcake's sweat her mistress told her: "did you get my money, whore?" asshe placed her hands over


"Yes mistress." Monica said as she moved cupcake'sass, while the humiliated mother cried.


"Do you love me more then your husband?" Monicaasked amused. Since her enslavement, this was the beginning of her daily sessionwith her once proud whore.


"I love you my mistress. Please allow me to serveyou as the depraved whore that I am." Monica said as cupcake began to move herass sexily form side to side just like she was trained to.


Cupcake just knew what will be next. 


"I see that you got the makeup that I told you.This is nice. I love too see that. How much did it cost you?" Monica asked withevil smile. The makeup that Monica talked about was the tattoos over her cheeks.The 1st was over cupcake's left ass cheek which said: 'property ofMistress Monica.' The others tattoo said: 'Don't touch without permission.'


"It cost me one hour of fuck. Thank you for callingthose nice guys before I came over. This big black cocks?" Monica said as shewas interrupted by the pool of tears, and Jim who squealed loudly.


"Don't move slut. If you will then I would abuseyou. Understood."


"YES? (Sob?) MISTRESS?." Cupcake screamed beforeshe kissed the floor again. As cupcake waited for her mistress, she heard manythose evil mistress's abusing her son. At a time cupcake wanted to lift her headand see what the time was. However, her fear from the abuse that she wouldreceive by Monica's hands. In fact, the only reason for her current position wasthe threat of her owner's whips, clamps, pins, etc.


She met them.


She feared them.


She would do ANYTHING so that she won't be abusedby them.


Suddenly, cupcake felt Monica's hands, and heard:"so where were we? Lois?"


"I wanted to thank you for the big, black cocksthat used my ass (cupcake's mouth), my cunt (cupcake's pussy), and my mouth? itwas such a treat for me. But please mistress, call me; whore, tramp, bimbo,slut, etc. I am nothing more then a dirty whore. Please mistress? Lois is dead."Monica said smiling as she saw cupcake violently shaking her bleached whitehair; NO.


"Very well my dear. But 1st I want youto beg that I'll use your ass." Monica said as she saw heard cupcake sniffle.Whenever they were in session, cupcake had to make loud noises so that Monicawill learn how to improve herself.


"Please mistress; use my big ass. After the newsilicone injections, my ass will be perfect for a fuck. Please mistress. Nextyou'll be able to fuck my hairless cunt. Before you would use my tongue." Monicacontinued cupcake's humiliation.


"How can you have a tongue in your ass, whore?"Monica asked, trying to sound shocked.


"I'm a freak mistress?" Monica replied smiling asshe slapped cupcake's ass. At that point cupcake got on all four to face Monica.When she did, cupcake looked at Mistress Monica, who pulled her hair through thehole of an open pink face rubber hood. Next Monica placed a hood over her slave's neck as she said: "it is timethat Lois will die, and that my toy, cupcake will be free. That is why I decideabout a plan. The 1st part is getting you and Jimmy to move into mybedroom. Since I woke, I used your credit cards to the limit. Now you understandwhy I told you to clean your bank accounts; once the month will be over, youwill have nowhere to go. Starting from this moment, your ass is mine. From nowon when not in use; you and Jim will live at separate cages down in thebasement.


Now, the 2nd part is to deal with yourhusband. Now that I own you, I'm going to have a?."




Suddenly, a sharp sting forced her to the present.Her mouth was still inside Jim's ass. However, now Jim was getting away from heras his mistress, Laura, pulled the leash that was attached to his collar.Suddenly, as the helpless, naked 18 year old talked with the evil mistresses;cupcake saw how Laura began to clap her hands while Jim began to dance. However,it was not a regular dance as he only moved his waist to dance his little dick.Once he stopped, Monica gave him three Viagra pills before Laura dragged him outof the room, and closed the door.


Meanwhile, Monica took cupcake to the washing roomwhere she threw her into the bath, and washed her. However, once Monica finishedshe did not take cupcake out of the bath. For a few minutes cupcake lay in thebath before her mistress returned with a 13 inch strap on dildo, and fucked herin the bath, while the helpless blonde begged for mercy.


5 hours later cupcake was sleeping in her cage thatwas placed at the darkest part of the dungeon. Her only light was an old lamp,while her son had all the light. The reason for that was that Laura filmed herslave 24/7/12.


Suddenly, she was awoken by loud noises. Veryquietly she looked from her cage, and saw Jim (who wore pink corset) with thatevil brat, Mistress Laura. As always Jim's makeup was perfect, and after theLaser surgery he only had hairs where it was needed by his mistress. Unlikecupcake who spent most of her days naked, or in some outfit; Jim was forced towear Laura's old dresses as well as a cheap makeup for school. Over the lastthree years Laura changed him so much, that she was able to create the illusionthat the former football hero was nothing more then a whore. Cupcake knew thather son was now spending his days in the girls' toilet room instead in school.Monica explained that since his mother ran away, he was changed.


Once in the cage, Jim waited until Laura wasupstairs, and said: "mom; are you there?"


"Yes honey, I'm here. Finely mommy is here. How areyou holding up?" Cupcake replied. Over the last 72 hours she was not there asher mistress took her to the cabin that she used to own at lake side. Therecupcake was gang-banged by Mistress Laura, her lesbian friends and their femaleslaves.


"She wants to turn me into a transvestite mommy. Togive me a taste of my future as a bisexual whore, she arranged for me to be gangbanged by her friends. Those friends also include some people that I laughedabout. I tried to resist her, but she and her evil friends ignored me." Jim saidas he saw his hand doing her way to his "pencil" as Laura called it.  However, Jim knew that cupcake was onlydumb next her mistress.


"Why are you calling me 'mommy' Jim? I thought thatI'm nothing more then a cheap whore. After all, I just licked your ass afterMistress Monica raped me. And then I had the pleasure of spending an hour in thebath. Guess who raped my wrinkled ass!" cupcake said furious as her face came tothe light.


"Mistress Monica?" Jim said as he saw his motherlooking at him.


"That's right. Mistress Monica. Then after I wastaken out; Mistress Monica wanted to speak with Mistress Lois. So again Idropped on all four like a bitch. Got to my position, and listened as MistressMonica talked about me with her colleague. Just think how much fun it was tohear what a good little whore her bitch is? then I was forced to satisfy mymistress. So again Jim: Why are you calling me 'mommy' Jim? I thought that I'mnothing more then a cheap whore." Cupcake said as pulled her head to thedarkness.


"I thought about what I told you in the past? andI'm sorry. You suffered more then me both physically and psychologically. I onthe other hand got to save my dignity. Please forgive me. I lost site of what isimportant to me? you. Please mom? please get me back?" Jim said as he looked atthe cage.


For a few minutes Jim looked at his watch, andtried to hear his mother. However, he could not hear her. Suddenly he heard herasking: "new watch?"


"Yes." Jim replied not wanting to upset her.


"Why do you need a watch?" cupcake's voice came tohis ears. However, it was without any emotions? almost mechanical.


"Mistress Laura wants me to have a schedule ofhumiliation." Jim replied? to his mother's delight.


"What do you mean?" cupcake asked.


"You'll see. Do you forgive me?" Jim asked lookingat her cage.


"We'll see. Go to sleep. Tomorrow will be anotherday." Cupcake said as she wanted to sleep.


*The end of chapter 1.*




Chapter 2 ? cupcake's pimp.


It was very late when Cupcake was finely able toreturn home after spending the last few days at the local whorehouse. She stilldressed in her pink 9" leather boots, and the pink leather catsuit with matchingpurse full of money. When she got to the local bus stop, she looked around, andwhen she saw that she was alone, she unzipped the zipper that was over her sorepussy. Then she swallowed and played with herself until she got one orgasm afterthe other, and tried not to cum.


When the bus came; cupcake was barely walking andthe bus driver had to help her to go up. When she got to her seat, she saw thebus driver looking at her. Ho god, she forgot to zip her front.


'Mistress Monica will be so proud when I will tellher that story. Maybe she would not humiliate me to much today? please, I don'twant it. G-d, I know that I didn't talk to you for three years? please allow meto have just one day without humiliation, pain or a meeting with Mistress Lois?please?' cupcake began to pray as the bus began to move.


By the end of the ride, cupcake's heart sank as shecould see her doom. When she came down from the bus, cupcake walked very slowlytrying to think. Suddenly, as cupcake walked through the park she heard a noise.Cupcake, who did not want to be fucked, quickly hid in the bushes and looked. Itdidn't take long before she saw Jim being dragged by his mistress, Laura, whohad her finger in his choker. Jim was barefoot and naked while Laura wore blackboots 5" white stiletto heals, brown leather pants and white t-shirt. Jim on theother hand was naked and barefoot with a gym bag on his shoulder.


As cupcake looked, she became convinced that Jimgained a few pounds.


Finally they stopped next to her bushes, andcupcake heard Laura telling Jim: "now this is an isolated area. I think that wewill have fun right now. Mom wanted us out of the house so that she will be ableto have some fun with that her pet. She should be home in an hour or so. Do youthink that cupcake will be home in time my dear "boyfriend?" tell me thetruth!"


"Yes mistress. This slave believe that cupcake willbe home at time, mistress." Jim answered as he was trained.


"How about a wager, slave? If you win, then I willallow you to be a boy for an entire weekend. However, if you loose? and you willagree to part 2 of the plan. What do you say?" Laura said as she took the bagbefore she viciously kicked Jim in the balls, and dropped him to his knees witha scream.


"Yes? (Sob?) mistress?. (Sob? sniffle? sob? sob?sob?) Th-this? (Paint?) slave will? (Moan?) do what? (Sob?) you want?" Jimreplied looking at his mistress's crouch.


"Excellent; if she would arrive early, then I wouldloose. Now fetch!" Laura said as she threw the bag away. Poor Jim at that pointimmediately ran on all four after the bag. When he arrived to the bag, Jim tookit by his mouth and brought it to his mistress.


"Bark? (Sob?) bark?" was all Jim said looking atthe floor, and wishing to be under it.


"Good boy. Now stand up!" Laura said and Jim did.Once her slave stood, Laura ordered him to play with himself. As Jim followedhis mistress's orders, the later reached down and brought a toy that cupcakeknew all to well. The toy was a long, thick remote controlled vibrator withstraps. Cupcake had a same one. Mistress Monica used it to humiliate cupcake.Usually it went into her ass, and was used to summon her whenever her mistress'sneeded something? or that her mistress fucked her. Jim was no exception and thatthing was in his ass secured by the straps which were locked.


"Now that I have you under control?" cupcakecouldn't hear what Laura said to Jim, because she crawled away. Then beforeleaving the park, she looked back, and saw Jim on his knees with his mouth athis mistress's crouch.


The rest of the way to her mistress's home wentwithout any surprises. Unless counting her pimp who informed her that she willspend the next month with her. Then the evil women took cupcake with him. Thiswas her luck: out of the whorehouse and into the street. Luckily for her, afterall the operations she was no longer a human, and seemed quite young.


*The end of chapter 2.*




Chapter 3 ? the colonel and the lieutenant.


Cupcake's month with her pimp was one gang-bangafter the other. When the month was over, cupcake received new cloths whichincluded pink: 7" pumps, fishnet stockings, laced garter belt, micro miniskirtand tube top. Her makeup was pink as well, and her hair was tangled. However, ashumiliating as it was for her, cupcake only thought was: 'this is the end? I'mgoing back to my cage now... No more gang bangs for me?" again and again.


Once dressed, cupcake's pimp told her: "I will seeyou soon my dear." Before she gave her a gum.


"Yes Mistress Carol." Cupcake replied trying not tosmile. Last time that she did, cupcake received the worst spanking yet by thehands of her mistress.


"Go home? girl. I will call your owner, and tellher that you are on the way." Carol said smiling as she looked at cupcake.


"Like, thank you mistress." Cupcake said with astupid smile spread across her face. Then she placed the gum in her mouth andwalked away. On the way back, cupcake saw Walter with one of her clients.However, she didn't have time to waste and so she walked to her owner's home. Onthe way home, cupcake went through Laura's school, and there she saw someonebeing fucked doggy style at the parking lot as he sucked someone on the otherhand. However, she was not sure that it was him.


When cupcake arrived home, she got naked before shedid her ritual. Once finished, cupcake declared: "MISTRESS I'M HOME? (Sob?) comeand use me." Before she reached into her position and waited. However, no onecame. Cupcake, who was confused, stood up, and that was when she saw two typesof uniforms. The 1st one was white, and the other was green.


There were other clothing articles all over thestairs, and it looked as if they were torn from their owners' bodies. Suddenly,she could hear muffled sounds from the upstairs area. However, she knewperfectly that the upper floor belonged to Monica and Laura. Cupcake also knewthat without permission she is not allowed to get up. For the next few hours,cupcake cleaned the lower door until the door opened, and there were Laura andwhat used to be Jim. Poor Jim was dressed in: sport shoes, thong panties and abra. Other then that Jim looked like a drag queen on drugs. Then she saw hismouth, and understood that the person from the parking lot was her son.


Without saying a word Laura dragged Jim upstairs,and it didn't take long before Laura screamed at Jim, before a door was slammed.Again cupcake was left alone, so after she finished cleaning, she knelt on thefloor, and prayed again. Suddenly, she heard bells and when she looked, she sawJim walking like a whore. The bells were attached by a chain to his nipplerings. There was only one problem though: when cupcake was bad, Mistress Monicaused to attach the ring at the middle of the tongue, to her nose ring by achain. Laura did the same.


At that point, cupcake hugged with Jim for a fewseconds. Unfortunately, Monica returned home and stopped it. Then as Jim went tothe kitchen, cupcake set with her back to the wall. Once her ass touched thefloor she opened her legs and began to play with her clit with one hand, whilethe other played with the opposite nipple. As Monica watched proudly, cupcakeopened her mouth and got her tongue in and out like a bitch in heat. At thatpoint cupcake noticed that her mistress took two syringes before her mistresssaid: "now I need to check how Colonel Whore and Lieutenant Fifi are doing.While I do, I want you to continue on. If you'll cum then that's okay. However,you will clean it with your tongue. When I will return, then we will see what todo." With that cupcake looked as her mistress got up the stairs.


As cupcake played with herself she saw Jim with alittle apron walking up the stairs.


Cupcake did not have a clue as for how long it was,but when she saw Monica; she was very happy. As cupcake continued to play withherself, Monica helped her to stand.


Once cupcake stood; her owner and mistress, Monica,told her: "continue to play! I'm going to take you to my room now where I willmake you feel like a slave. I have two new dolls from J. A. G. to play with.They came two weeks ago to investigate me, and "decided" to remain as my slave.Now I own colonel whore and lieutenant Fifi. They would never be free again.Since they arrived, I experimented with this new drug, and today was the lastinjection. Now let's go? almost forget: you are not allowed to cum until furthernotice."


As they went up the stairs cupcake was to busy, anddidn't notice at the modified bras and panties that decorated the picture ofMonica's late husband? a former marine man. Ever since he died, Monica spentmost of her time in fighting to know why. As a result her husband name wasdragged to the mud. The army sent the two lawyers too threat her, and she usedthem to get revenge.


As they passed Laura's room Monica opened the door,and led cupcake in. at the room Laura doing her homework while Jim was on thefloor hogtied. As she looked at Jim, cupcake was three things that made her feelsorry for him.


The 1st thing was that her son was onhis way to become her daughter.


The 2nd was that Jim had a tattoo oneach of his ass cheeks. On the left one was: "Property of Mistress Laura." Whileon the right was: "I'll have sex with boys and girls." She already knew aboutthe tattoo that he had on his shoulder so she ignored it.


The 3rd thing was that Jim said againand again as a buzzing sound came from his red ass: "My mistress is my goddess.I belong to Mistress Laura. My name is thing. I'm a bisexual whore. I've nolonger control over my brain, and need to be ordered by my mistress. I'm onlygood for getting money. I had a chance to be free and live with my useless dad.Viagra is my friend. My mistress owns Viagra. I need to be good whore. I needViagra."


Suddenly, cupcake heard Laura saying: "I have goodnews thing. I finished your homework. Tell me; how was Ms. James's test?"


"I got an F mistress." Jim replied with pride.




"Mistress, thing did get some help? mistress.Mistress: thing's former friend, James, passed slave a note with the answers?mistress. Mistress; thing didn't use it? mistress. Honest mistress; you knowthat thing only thinks about sex? mistress. Please mistress, thing was fuckedbefore, and after the test? mistress. Mistress; Please forgive thing mistress?"Jim begged as Laura looked at him.


"James? The same one that took your place after youbecame my whore? I'm going to kill him. We had a deal; I will remove you, and hewill take your place? just wait for tomorrow. Now, as far as you go: because youcame clean I have a problem with your punishment. So I will ignore it this time?unless you will say something stupid." Laura said with an evil grin.


"Laura, look who is here." Monica said with a smilebefore Jim was able to reply. Then as the helpless slave and his mistresslooked, they saw cupcake helplessly shaking and squirming as she resisted theurge to cum without permission.


"Ho cupcake. Come in my dear. Why are you shaking?"Laura asked with a smile, hoping to get the answer that she wanted.


"I-i-i-i? (Moan?) n-need t-t-to cum? (Pant?)Mistress Laura? (Moan?) p-pl-plea-pleas-Please allow m? (Moan?) me? (sob?) to?"cupcake said before experiencing another orgasm.


"What do you want me to allow you?" Laura said asshe stood up, and came to cupcake while Monica set on the bed.


"To? (moan? pant? sob? moan?) cum? please." Cupcakesaid before Laura who was now 2 inches away gave her a passionatekiss on the lips. As they kissed, cupcake allowed the evil teen to play with herfree nipple, and use her tongue inside the blonde's mouth. In a few minutescupcake melted, and her shakes became stronger.


Once they broke the kiss, cupcake was extremelyfrustrated, and tried to stop Laura for no avail. She was to tiered and weakafter all of the fighting and orgasm that she went through the last few hours.Then Laura led cupcake until she stood over Jim, and said after placing one ofJim's old boxers over his head: "cum slut!"


Cupcake looked at mistress Monica confused.However, when Monica nodded; cupcake came screaming for over five minutes. Whenfinished, cupcake fell from her feet and landed on her ass next to thescreaming, panicking Jim who worried for his mother. Monica allowed cupcake torest for two minutes, before cupcake stood up and returned to play withherself.


Then as they went, Monica supported cupcake untilthey reached her room, which seemed as the longest rode cupcake took so far.


Inside the room, cupcake saw two leather clad womensuspended from the ceiling. The 1st woman wore tight army greenleather: boots, catsuit, gloves and a leather discipline helmet with hosesrunning out of her nose. The woman's hands and legs were attached to a pole thatwas connected to a chain from the ceiling. The 2nd woman wore thesame outfit, accept that hers was white and most of her body was in a leathersack. Furthermore, unlike the other woman, this one was suspended from twopoints. The 1st was the ring on her helmet, and the other was thering at the end of the sack. The thing that made it uncomfortable is that herface faced the floor, and her back arched to the limit. Unknown to cupcake, bothwomen were: gagged, blindfolded and had plugs in their ears.


"CW is the green plaything, and LF is the white. Ithought of turning LF to my RGS, while CW will have a new job as a whore. Whatdo you think cupcake? Take your time, and don't even dare to cum yet. We'regoing to break the record." Monica said as she helped the zombie-like cupcake tothe bad.


"Pl-please? (Pant? moan? pant? moan? pant?) cup?(Moan?) cake? (Pant?) is dumb? (Pant?) ho g-d? (Pant?) let? (Pant? pant? pant?)me? (Pant?) cum? (Pant? moan? pant?) plea-please." Was all cupcake was able tosay as she lay on the bad flat on her back.


"Good whore. Keep playing with yourself!" Monicaordered with a smile.


"Y-yes? (Pant?) m-mist? (Pant?) mistress?" cupcakesaid before Monica rolled her to her stomach. For the next few minutes, allcupcake cared for was her burning pussy.


"Now let's have fun my dirty little whore. Lookwhat I have for you." Monica said with a smile.


"N-no? (Pant?) it? is too big." Cupcake said as shesaw her mistress with the new strap on dildo.


"This little thing? Don't be ridiculers whore: youalready sucked bigger. Now beg for it!" Monica said with an evil smile. At thatpoint cupcake was so horny that she begged Monica who set on a chair, and justlooked at her watch while taping her whore. For the next 10 minutes, thedesperate cupcake did everything in her power to convince her amused mistress.At the end cupcake ran out of arguments, so she shook her ass. At that pointMonica looked into cupcake's desperate eyes, and agreed that it was time, so shewore her Zorro mask and fucked her slave's ass while the later continued to playwith her clit and nipple.


*The end of chapter 3.*




Chapter 4 ? before theparty.




Cupcake stood behind Mistress Monica, who set withher eyes closed on a leather chair, and gave her a massage. The woman was sotensed, that cupcake felt as if she was forced to work on iron. It took herquite a while until Mistress Monica's mussels were relaxed and easy to workwith. As the smells of the oils filled the air, cupcake's mind had images fromthe torment that she had one month ago. Since then when she was not in use,cupcake spent her free time playing with her body. In front of the chair, kneltFifi who sucked Monica's feet. Since she was captured, Fifi turned into thewalking stereotype of blondes. At 1st her IQ began to drop until shecould no longer think at all. At that point, Monica "fixed" her brain so thatthe blonde would only think about pleasing her mistress. As a formerpsychiatric, Monica used her knowledge to get control over Fifi McTits as shewas known. Eventually, Fifi was declared as an incompetent, and Monica becameher legal guardian. Once Fifi belonged to Monica, the later changed her untilher body, mind and name were the same.


When Fifi McTit's transformation was complete,Monica began to use HER instead of Jim, at the movies. In time Fifi learned thehouse chores and became the maid? what left to cupcake the role of Monica's toy,and body slave. Fifi's former friend, whore, went through the sametransformation. The only difference was that she remembered who she was, andcould not resist Monica, who gave her three weeks ago to cupcake's former pimpas a slave. Without a will of her own: whore would be forced to do the mostdepraved things when her mistress won't use her.


Suddenly, just as Monica relaxed Laura stormed intothe room with thing while screaming at the humiliated, naked thing: "THING, YOUDIRTY WHORE. HOW DARE YOU TELLING MY FRIEND, VIRUS, THAT AWFUL RUMOR? TONIGHTWHEN SHE WOULD ARRIVE HERE, YOU WILL APPOLOGIZE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"


"Mistress? (Sob?) yes mistress." Jim repliedhumiliated as he began to strip.


Before Laura was able to say a word, Monica askedher daughter: "what's the matter hon?"


"This son of a bitch? he told Virus that I'm goingto steal her new slave. I'm not a bisexual mom. I only have two slaves, and I donot want her slave. I have two slaves: thing and cocksucker. Now mom, unlikething who goes to school; cocksucker spend is time kneeling in locked insidebooth #3 which have holes for him to suck cocks. The owners of the club promisedme that no one will see him again. We visited him a few days ago, and looked atthe monitors as he sucked one cock after the other? the only reason why thingtold Virus that evil rumor is that thing is jealous. Right cunt?" Laura said asshe took thing's panties while the later removed his shoes.


"Yes mistress." Jim said humiliated before sheplaced the panties over thing's head.


"Now if you would excuse us: thing and I have a fewthings to discuss." Laura said as she grabbed thing's pencil and dragged himupstairs.






The party was about to begin, and Monica wasdressed with: black 5" boots, black sleeveless catsuit, black skirt and elbowlength opera gloves. Over her shoulders, Monica wore a black rubber jacket. Overher neck she had a gold chain with a small golden cross. Her make-up wasperfect, and her hair was amazing. As she checked her mail, Monica was veryhappy to see that ALL of her friends will arrive to her party.


*The end of chapter 4.*




The end of the story.



Same as Cupcake Videos

1 year ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 52

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Derrick was pacing the deck as Tempro scanned Shelly for what had to be at least the fortieth time. What was taking so damn long Derrick thought? Tempro had the most advanced medical center in this time....

2 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 2

I looked over at the four who’d rode in with Benson. “Looks like I’m your boss now, boys. Let’s walk over to the saloon and have a beer. Then you can tell me all about what I just acquired.” “Fuck you!,” said the obvious leader. “Just ‘cause you kilt the boss don’t mean shit to me.” “You were his foreman?” The man nodded and spit. “Well then, I guess you just quit. You figure out what wages you got coming, and I’ll pay you off here and now.” I looked over at the other three. “That goes...

3 years ago
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E130 Just Married

The next few weeks fly by.  Donald asks Joseph to be his best man and witness, which Joseph, honored that Donald would think of him for this role, tells him, of course, he will.  The minister, talking to Donald, offers that his wife, an accomplished pianist, could provide some music for the event.  Knowing her talent and grateful for the suggestion, Donald humbly accepts the offer.Then there are Karen and Julie.  Emma and Donald agree that it would be rude and cruel not to invite them.  So they...

Love Stories
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Living Next Door to Heaven 264 Matched Pair

The party, the drumming, and the dancing lasted well into the night. The friends who had come from far away were the first to leave, and we were glad there was enough open parking in the new development that they could get their cars out. The parents of the tribe had a little more difficulty, but as soon as the other guests were out, we started lining up their cars in the drive with the keys in them. We finally got things loosened up enough that when people got tired and decided to leave,...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 21 The ARO

Working in the recruiting office was certainly different from anything else I'd ever done in the army, but I enjoyed the work, and was pleasantly surprised by the calibre of those youngsters, male and female, who came in for information on a career in the army. If you believe the national newspapers – but who with half a brain does? – all teenagers are dope fiends, sex maniacs and thugs. Of course, some are all those, but the vast majority of the teenagers and young people who I met were...

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The Aromas Of Youth 3 Young And Delicious

IAfter the bare-chest episode which Mandy probably thought had shocked her mother, I wasn’t sure if she would go through with our Saturday afternoon arrangement. She thought she held all the cards, unaware that while she played the role of bashful, hesitant virgin, all was not lost in my world because I had begun a sordid – yes, that’s the word – relationship with the far more accommodating Mrs Hubert.I phoned her on the Friday to check that we were still on for it and she gave me a quiet and...

Straight Sex
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Dhoodh Wali Aunty

Main jub chota tha to paros me jayakarta tha, mai us ko chachi bota tha, uske doodoo buhat bare bare the aur bilouz ke do battan khola rakhti thee. Under bresser bhi nahi pahntithi. Wo herwaqt muhhe apne dodos ko dikhati rahti this. Us ke do chote bache the, ek 3 saal ka tha and dosra 1 saal ka. Who don ko dodo pila thi thee, aur wo jub bhai dodo pliati mere kharib aajati and dodo doodho ko khol ker apne dono bchon ke muh me dal deti. Uske belkul sufaid dood the. And pinkish nipples. Mai aksar...

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The One

WARNING: THIS IS REALLY GRAPHIC. IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY ANY MEANS, THEN TURN BACK NOW. VIOLATERS WILL BE SHOT. SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN. THANK YOU, AND HAVE A NICE DAY.“Chris! PLEASE?”“NO!”“But…”“Sam! You know damn well I HATE that movie! I told you a million times before it came out that I didn’t want to see it.”“But…..”“Just go with Cathy!”“You know what she did LAST TIME???”“No. What?”“She made out with the soda machine. COME ON! I’ll make it up to you.”“HOW?”“um….”“Exactly.”I stood...

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Cyber Leaks! I know you horny fucks are desperate to get your hands on nudes of your favorite e-girls, thots, and amateur sluts. I get it. Those bitches know how to sell some pussy like nobody else out there. This whole scene of subscription-based porn has changed the entire scene. It’s the latest and greatest shit to hit the market. Or maybe that’s VR porn. I don’t fucking know. I’m just saying that this content is new, exciting, and fap-worthy. I’m sure you cucks can at least agree with me on...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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A meeting in Leather Part 18

"Excitement at Carl's Leather Club."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: Erik-Jan and I ate a simple dinner with his family around 5 o'clock at their home. They spoke about the beautiful and wise words I had used to the angry neighbor that morning. And received compliments about how enormously mature that had came across to them. They were...

1 year ago
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Another Springtime Ch 10

Chapter 10: Break In & Total Surrender It was a considerable shock when, after just a short jaunt our shopping for a few things, we arrived back at the apartment Wednesday afternoon to find traffic clogging the little side street, then the security gate knocked flat like it had been run down by a tank, and people all over the place gawking and milling around. I think I was a little slow to react, but suddenly I caught the drift… something was not right. I told Christine to get out of sight...

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It’s quite true what they say…You don’t know how you willreact in a given situation until you find yourself in it. I can attest to the fact that this is the case based upon my own recent experience. The question becomes how to tell you what happened without sounding like the biggest sleaze on the planet. I guess all I can do is lay it out there for you and let you think whatever you like. A little background might be helpful. I am 55 years old and have two grown sons, both living out of state...

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Naughty Girlfriend Amy Sucks Black Guys Cock

Amy was out with her friends in the nightclub, d***k and dancing very sexy on the dance floor shaking her booty most of the night. Amy was looking stunning tonight also. She was wearing a light blue colour dress. The dress was backless with a short, lose fitting, skirt that ended well above her knees it was very small for a skirt. The top of the dress split into two pieces just above her navel. That formed a large ‘V’ which somewhat loosely covered her small breasts. Thin straps that were tied...

2 years ago
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Hitchiker 1 revised

"Can we ask you a favor?" It was the blond who spoke. She was obviously the leader of this little duo. I looked her up and down with a slight smile on my face. She was wearing a short skirt that came up mid-thigh and gave me a peek at two long sexy legs. I couldn't help myself but wonder what it would be like to rub my hand up those delicious thighs to find what she was hiding between. "How can I help you ladies," I said. My eyes shifted over to the tiny brunette next to her. She...

4 years ago
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Well thanks to the wonderful world of facebook I was able to reconnect with an old friend I went to school with, she was living in Puerto Rico, and she invited me down to visit, It wa several months before I could make it but eventiually did, she had a beautiful place not far from thew ocean, we spent the first few days together, sight seeing and getting very well reaquainted, but on the third day she had to go to work, I told her I wanted to work on my tan but was hoping to avoid any tan...

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Willing Fraternity Prostitute

I’m twenty-seven and in grad school. This semester I’m working as a TA in order to get a few extra credits. I’m married, but I still get the attention of many of the male students, which is why I wasn’t surprised when one of my student frat boys invited me to a frat party. Of course I declined because what business would I have at a frat party? It’s not that I would actually care, but I’d feel especially out of place at a black frat house. Harold was very persistent and told me it wasn’t really...

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Accidental Transformations

The Masons were a naïve, Christian, American family. David and Esther had met while attending middle school, grew up together, but never had a chance to fully explore their sexuality before getting married and having children. They always just stuck to what they knew. The extent of their sexual exploits consisted of missionary and the occasional hand job. They ended up having three children, before deciding against having anymore. David though was an inventor and a bit of a tinkerer. And today...

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MommysGirl Reagan Foxx Maya Woulfe Alexis Tae Making Your Own Magic

Alexis Tae has come over to visit her best friend, Maya Woulfe, who excitedly shows her a book on spellcasting she found in the attic. Maya and Alexis flip through the book and decide to try some body-enhancement spells on each other. Maya wants to make her ass bouncier, while Alexis wants to have bigger boobs. They strip naked in order to see the effects faster, secretly checking each other out as they do. Maya casts a spell on Alexis’ boobs, after which they playfully examine them to...

1 year ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 4 Changes

Mark came downstairs and walked outside. He had the folder with all the papers from his lawyer's office tucked under his arm. He walked the two miles from his house to the large enclosed mall where in the past he had spent so many hours alone. The pizza by the slice stand smelled good as ever. The owner of the stand, a handicapped woman greeted him with her friendly, "Hey Mark." She gave him his usual order, two slices and a soft drink. "Hi, Lisa. Your new arms work okay?" More than...

3 years ago
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The SaviorsChapter 20 Home again

"Are you alright Suzie?" Kathy asked in a concerned voice. "Yes thanks to you," Suzie replied, "I do need to take a shower though to wash all this dried blood off." She looked at Troy and saw that his back was covered with her dried blood also. "You should join me Troy. I'll wash your back if you wash mine. Come-on love and join me in the shower." She walked into the next room pulling her clothes of as she went. These she dropped in the laundry chute and stepped into the shower...

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Sexz on the Farm part 4

Just before Halloween, Hippie Girl decided I needed to have sex with other people to broaden my sexual perspective. The two of us had been going strong in bed for several months. I learned later that she just wanted to seduce a new girl in school and didn’t want me to be jealous. So she linked me to Brenada, a tall, brunette with beautiful brown eyes, a fantastic ass, and perfectly shaped 36 C boobs. Brenda looked a lot older than a fifteen year old but she wasn’t. It all began in...

1 year ago
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Crazy Summer Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter One - There Goes the Summer I could not believe my bad luck. Not only had my girlfriend dumped me right before my summer holidays, my mother had just informed me that I had to go up north for the whole summer to stay with my aunt. What a complete fuck up. I hadn't been that upset when Marcy told me that she didn't want to see me anymore. She was fun to be with but wouldn't let me do more than cop a feel of her small breasts. I got over it...

1 year ago
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My sister Ashley Chapter 1

Then there is my sister Ashley, she is about 6’1” and about 180lbs (I’m guessing because she has never really told me), however all that weight is pure muscle, it’s the middle of the hockey season and she is in peak physical condition. She has brown eyes and blonde hair as well, but she streaked it with brown highlights. Now on the contrary, my sister is hot hot hot she has large round breasts that she hates because they interfere with her hockey and plus any weight that she actually gains goes...

1 year ago
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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 8 July Dependence Day

"I feel like such an idiot. I can manage just fine, you know," Mitch groused as Tory helped him out of her car and led him into his house. "First off, it wasn't your fault, so you have no reason to feel like an idiot" Tory soothed. "You didn't cause that accident. But, you can't 'manage just fine' otherwise the hospital wouldn't have insisted that someone stay with you during your recuperation. Besides," Tory continued, after ushering Mitch into his house and settling him in a...

3 years ago
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Carlas Interview Part 2

“Now,” said Michelle, “I suppose we’d better take a good look at you”.She guided Carla by the hand and made her stand in front of the desk, while Andrew moved to sit on a sofa. Michelle instructed Carla to take off her skirt. She obliged, letting it drop to the floor and stepping out of it. She was now wearing nothing but a pair of lacy black panties, black stockings and black high-heeled shoes. Michelle glanced at Andrew and smiled. They were both pleased with what they saw. Carla felt exposed...

1 year ago
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Maria Has a Visit

My husband had left for work and I stayed in bed till after 10am. I hadn’t slept well, my mind had been in overdrive with Manfred’s visit. One minute I was calling him a dirty old pervert and slapping his face, then the next I was lewdly spreading my sex for him as he took pictures and slyly rubbed his cock! I eventually got up and had a light breakfast. Following breakfast I took a long hot bath, I waxed my pussy, it was totally bald, not even a landing strip. My clit was already engorged,...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Sissy part 1

Author's Note: Thanks to those who have reached out to me with story ideas. It's been difficult to get any writing done these past few months, but hopefully my head is finally back in writing mode. I hope you enjoy this nasty little fantasy. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas--either here in the comments or directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque Lockdown Sissy- part 1 I made a resolution to become a better sissy in 2020. It's something that has...

3 years ago
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Dating Darkness Part I

As she walked home along the shortcut, a dirt path between two derelict blocks of flats she heard footsteps behind her. She turned quickly on her docs kicking up dust, no-one there. Picking up pace she hurried along the path, her shadow in front of her from the full moon tonight. Again she heard the footsteps matching her pace; she stopped, they stopped. Turning around still she seen no-one. “Get a grip if yourself Laura!” she said out loud as she shook her head and carried on walking...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Athena Faris Rachael Cavalli Kylie Rocket Jamie Michelle A Family That8217s Stuck Together Stays Together

Rachael Cavalli lost her ring somewhere between the couch cushions, and asks her stepdaughter Athena Faris to help her find it. As they poke amongst the nooks and crannies of the couch, Rachael’s hand gets stuck. When Athena tries to assist Rachael, she gets her own hand caught too, so now they’re BOTH stuck while bent over on the couch, as their panties are peeking out from under their short skirts! Uh-oh, now what? Luckily, Rachael can reach her cellphone, but they don’t...

4 years ago
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Slut E at the swingers clubpart 2

As she stared into the woman's eyes she was suddenly grabbed by the arm and led to the dance floor by her master. Her skirt was still pulled up around her waist which exposed her glistening, wet pussy lips to everyone.Her master put her in the middle of the dance floor and when he motioned to the other dancers, they all left. They were alone now, with everyone in the room watching them.He forcefully spun around so she had her back to him and he started slowly rubbing his crotch against her ass....

3 years ago
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Precum in quiet room

The most amazing day ever!!!!!I've been so bored in work that I decided to find a quiet place to sit and see what was happening on the hamster,time was going by with me enjoying looking at those horny photos,vids and story's that I did not realise how horny I had became , I was so hard that I was struggling to keep my hard member in my throusers , I thought Sod it I'm all alone it was hot aswell so I released the b**st, I've never seen it so hard and the amount of precum that had oozed out had...

3 years ago
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Playboy in rawalpindi 2

Salaam dostoo kasay hoo app saab.mari pali khani tu app saab nah hi pari ho gi bhout sa loogo nah reply b kya orr costomer b saab ka thanks ka app saab nah mari story ko pasand kya.tu abb chaltay hai ekk new story ki taraf. ya baat ajj sa 9 deen palay ki hai main nah appna id open kya tu uss main ekk larki nah muj ko offline messege kya howa tha ka muj sa baat karo mainay uss ko appnay online honay ka time bataya orr pher agalay deen uss sa baat hoei uss nah mari story pari thi orr...

3 years ago
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The Best Night of My Life

The Best Night of My Life I suspect that my Mom must have dreamed of being a movie actor when she was a young girl, and was disappointed that she never made it beyond appearing in a couple of plays at her high school, and that's why she worked so hard to get me into modeling and acting. I don't really remember them but she must have entered me in a number of "Beautiful Baby" contests as she has several framed certificates showing that I placed Second, or Third or received an Honorable...

4 years ago
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Errand of Mercy

"Will you really do it?" I asked my brother Jack. "Will you really help me to commit suicide?" "If that's what you really want, then yes; I'll get you the stuff, and I'll stay here with you 'til the end." Jack whispered. 'Here' is Savannah, Georgia, just like any other place, 'cept maybe hotter and more humid. What led up to this decision to end it all? It all started last Spring, when I was a senior in high school looking forward to a modeling career. I was offered an...

10 months ago
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I got the juiciest 20year old to satisfy my needs

Hello I am Jessica and this is the story of my life. You can judge me all you want for the affair but nothing is above that satisfy my needs- physical and emotional. Let’s start from where it all started- my brittle marital life. I have been married to Kenneth for twelve years but childless. Over the years, this has become the reason behind the distance between us. Today its irreparable. When I found out Kenneth is having an affair, it was the last straw. I looked for ways to get out of this...

Extra Marital Affair
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Mrs Beach

Beach must have been the sexiest woman I'd ever seen. She taught my English class, but she was very strict. As I was 18 now, I was almost ready to leave school. This was my last year. I was still in school at the age of 18 because I'd been held back a year when I was younger. My final exams were coming up and it was a hard time for me, being under so much pressure to revise and study all the time.I sat in my science class, I just wanted to get out so bad. My next class was English. Now, for...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 233

Characters that appear in this chapter. Matt – Alpha. New Denver SAC for the FBI. Courtney – Matt's wife who thinks the Matthews may be aliens. Jeff – The Prime. Diana – Jeff's wife and Clan Queen. Arlene – Queen, wife. Diana and Jeff's daughter. Helen – Genius wife and teacher. Kayla – Jeff's wife who first worked for the FBI, but then went to work for the General, and now she is Jeff's last line of defense. Selina – Six-year-old genius. Art – Alpha. Young FBI agent from...

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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 28

"Nick? Which one is the parallel? Us ... or them?" Ed was perplexed. "What do you mean? It has to be them." Now it was Professor Andropolis. "Why would you say that?" Now Ed was worried. "Because we've always been here." This was definitely Andropolis, the physics professor now. Ed was stricken ... and looked it. "Ed ... Mr. Huntly ... what's the matter?" "In 2018, the world as I know it will come to an end." "As you know it?" Nickolas, meaning in Greek, victory of the...

2 years ago
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For the love of mother in law part 1

FOR LOVE OF MOTHER-IN-LAW By Mistress Satorisexy Entire copy rights belongs to Mistress Satorisexy ROLES: John -husband Sweetha- wife Catherine- mother-in-law *********************** "Hi honey, I am home." "Hi John." Sweetha kisses him on on lips. "How is your work sweetie?" "It was fine. What is bothering you, sweetie, you seem to be sad." "Hon do you like my mom?" "Yes, I love her a lot.she is like...

4 years ago
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moonbeams training anal fantasy

This story was written as an assignment for my former Mentor, a wonderful Dom in Florida named Jack. i met Him online when i began exploring BDSM 5 years ago, before I met Master Falcon. Jack would give me writing assignments with specific topics as a way to help me learn about various aspects of BDSM. He would critique my writing as a way to help me learn from what i had written. This story was written to help me explore anal sex....

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Date Night

He’s doing it again! CeeCee thought, before saying aloud, “Is something wrong?”“Huh?”CeeCee rolled her eyes, repeating the question as she pointed towards her companion’s knife, still tapping away at the side of his wineglass.   “Look, if I’m boring you, just say so.”“No, I was just...” His voice trailed off under her glare.  “I’m sorry, I was being rude.  My mind was just preoccupied, is all.”   He flashed a grin that would have made most women’s panties melt on the spot, before returning his...

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The Nosy neighbor

 My wife and I had been married for over 3 years. I thought we were happily married but, as I found out about two months ago, on a thursday afternoon, I was wrong. I walked in my house, heard some noise, walked down to the basement and saw my wife riding my cousin's cock like a woman possessed. I was really turned on for half a second before going into rage and beating the shit out of my cousin. All of our assets are in my name, I won't screw her but I told her to get the fuck out of the house...

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Unleashing the OtherChapter 5

I was in the middle of slamming Michelle's ass when the door knocked yet again. Jim had Becky bent over as well, but he was buried inside her cunt. Lisa was only too happy to answer the door, probably thinking that no one would actually go inside right then. She wore a bathrobe for the moment, but that parted when she let go of the cloth belt. Her delectable pussy, which Jim and I had both fucked earlier in the hour, was quite exposed to the person at the other end. "Ah, Ms. Wilkins....

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 132

Kal, Ikuno, and Gerda rose up out of the mountain trail just a handful of paces from the edge of Aradelle’s forest. Kal stepped away and bent over to catch his breath as soon as the rock holding his and Gerda’s hands together receded. He glared over at Ikuno who was smirking at him; she seemed to be having no trouble at all with this new method of getting around. He honestly wasn’t sure if he was ever going to grow accustomed to traveling through solid rock in such a manner.As they stepped off...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Photographic Opportunity

There was a very real sense in which Katie could be considered special. Not only was she a very attractive girl at 22, with long, thick blond hair, big gravity-defying 38D breasts, a narrow waist and an ass that a stripper would be envious of, but she possessed another asset that was rare enough to catch people off-guard. Like some people in the past, Katie's mom had taken part in a project that involved the use of an experimental gender-determination drug, with unexpected side effects in...

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The Venus Metamorphosis

The Venus Metamorphosis by Bill Hart inspired by "Modified Magazine Cover #75" on Jenny North's website "Damn!" swore Frank Fenton as he stared down at the gas gauge. Impossibly, the needle rested well below the line underscoring the big red "E". His car was out of gas, but having driven less than a hundred miles since he'd last filled the tank, he should have still had better than a half a tank of gas. "Given the high cost of gas these days and all those strangers at Jerry's...

1 year ago
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A Different Story

My name is MC. The various people I talk about are very good friends of mine. Two of my closest friends, LY and GA, I will speak about more than anyone. Remember we were very corrupt people at these times. All of these ages are 18 but in reality we were 18 when we started and I still do it every chance I get. First stories relate to a younger and later instances are of more recent events. It started as truth or dare with Derek, Taylor, Lee, and Grant. "I dare you to get naked and rub your balls...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Mommy 8211 Part II

I am Raju and I’m 22 years guy lives with my mother Rekha. My Father had passed away when I was just 9 years. My mom is very beautiful lady although and she is 42 years in age but she looks like 32 years only. She is 5.2 tall, extra fair complexions and her figure is 42-32-36. She looks dam sexy in sari low at navel and off sleeves blouse with deep cut in neck and after watching mom making sex with Ajay. I also want to fuck my mom and I use to dreams about fucking mom in the night and watch mom...

2 years ago
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Holiday Cyber Play

Kevin and I played one my favorite games over the holiday. I get him to contact a person I do not know and have them control a sex scene remotely while watching us through the web cam. I hope it makes you as wet as it made me!! Please comment on my brothers site, since I still do not trust putting any of my personal stuff online… yet. xoxoxo KayPlease let me know if this gets you off like it does me!! My pussy is sooo...

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The Transformation of Sarah

The doorbell startles me from my thoughts. I get up and walk to the window, wondering who could be at the door. I look down to the apartment building door below my window and see no one. Peering further out the window I finally see who it is, and even though I do not know him, my heart drops to the floor and the icy rush of adrenalin dumps into my stomach. My thoughts immediately turn from the camping trip I was supposed to leave on in a couple of hours, to what I had done the...

2 years ago
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Helps If Their Cute

I like it when a cute guy winks at me..I like it when his cock is wrapped around my tongue...Just the other day I was doing usual grocery shopping and what pulls up behind me, but a handsome looking cock...I looked at him like I wanted him right there...His cock looked pretty big, as I could see he already had a hard on for me...As he walked around looking at vegetables and fruits his ass was beautiful in his tight white leather jeans..I mean this guy was fucking hot...He noticed my staring...

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Internet Passions

You sit down in front of your computer, which has already logged into your favorite chat. Sipping on a soda, you read the unending lines of men hoping to get laid (cyber, of course) and the women constantly scoffing them. Suddenly, you get an IM from a (supposedly) female chatter. pearlygirly: hey, stud. nice pic virwildman: thanx. :D Curiosity overcomes you and you decide to check her profile to see if she has a pic. It comes up in less than a second and you almost choke. In the picture box is...

2 years ago
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ldquoHow do you know if you have never triedrdquo

“How do you know if you have never tried?” James asked me. I laughed it off, not knowing how serious he actually was. I knew or at least suspected that James was Gay, but didn’t know if was hitting on me, or maybe I did but didn’t want to admit it and liked it. Somehow we found ourselves alone. I should have left, but didn’t. I think James took that as a sign to take it to the next step. “You’ve never been with a guy?” he asked. “No” I said, “I’m not Gay.” I had often dreamed of it and was...

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Twos a CrowdChapter 5

Where I wonder if I married two women or only half of one. Why can't I sleep — again? Hadn't my plan promised me it would all be over by now? After more than two years it should be, shouldn't it? My idea had been fool proof. She would show me what a dirty, cheap whore she really was and that would cure me forever — and her too. Like an insecticide it would kill all the damn germs that still infested my soul. I'd be clean and happy. At long last I would be ready to move on. And now look...

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Cruel intentions Pt 1

Sarah led the perfect life smart, good looking, and pretty much perfect, From the age of 9 or 10 it was clear she was going to be gifted, When she turned 16 her mother entered her into modelling contests and she was excelling straight away, At school she was one of the smartest attending. Her grades were high mostly because she was very smart but partly because she would charm all the teachers she mostly had male teachers and all it took was a little seducing and she would have no trouble...

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