Türbanlı Annemle Seks Hikayemiz-1 free porn video

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Merhabalar size yıllardır anneme karşı beslediğim gizli duygularımı ve anılarımı anlatmak istiyorum. Ben 25 yaşında bir normal yurdum insanı bir gencim. Öyle diğer hikayelerdeki gibi yok şeyim 30 cm yok şöyle yakışıklıyım gibi sözler beklemeyin benden. Sıradan bir Türkiye erkeği işte.

Babam 48 yaşında annem 45 evin tek çocuğuyum. Babam işçi olarak çalışıyor ve bilen bilir üç vardiya da çalışmak onu zaten bizden kopardı diyebilirim. Yemekten yemeğe görüşür gibiyiz. İşte olduğu zamanların kalanını da kahvede değerlendirir. Benim için varsa yoksa herşey annem. ancak o da maddi şartlarımızdan dolayı bir firmada temizlikçi olarak çalışıyor.

Anneme olan ilgim çocukluk yıllarıma dayanır. Oldum olası şişman olgun bayanlara karşı ilgim vardır. Annemde 45 yaşında oldukça dolgun bir kadın kocaman kalçaları kocaman memeleri tesettürlü olmasına rağmen pardösüsünden dahi rahatça belli olur. Hele birde giydiği kombin benim istediğim gibiyse onu izledikçe zevkten kendimden geçerim. Hangi kombin diyeceksiniz biliyorum. Öyle çok şatafatlı şeyler beklemeyin ailemden, anlayacağınız gibi maddi durumumuz iyi değil. Annemin siyah parlak bir eteği var, kalçalarına doğru sıkı baldırlarından itibaren aşağıya doğru uzanan bir etek bu etekle ne giyse hemen lavaboya koşar 31 çekerim ama bir de beyaz bluzunu giyip te o dolgun kocaman memeleri de ortaya çıktı mı sikim külotumun içinde boşalacak kadar olur. Lavaboya zar zor yetişirim anlayacağınız.

Aslında annemi çok arzulamama rağmen aklımdan hiç onu altıma alıp çatır çatır sikmek falan geçmez, neden bilmiyorum ensest duygusu olanlar hep öyle şeyler arzular ama benim anneme aşırı bir ilgim olsa bile aklımdan hiç onu sikmek gibi bir fikir geçmez. Ama onun birisi ile sikişmesini de izlemek istemiyor değilim hani.

Annem zaten zar zor iş görülen mutfakta uğraşırken arkasından geçerken kalçalarına sürtmek, hafifçe kalçalarına dokunmak en büyük zevklerimden. Fırsatını yakaladım mı annemi ellemeyi bir şekilde beceririm. Ona dokunmak şişman dolgun kalçalarını ellemek ve sikimi ona dayamak müthiş duygular uyandırır bende. Annem de ona olan bu ilgimi biliyor gibi sanki. Neden diyecekseniz bazen bu elleme işlerini abartırım az bir duraksar ama ses çıkarmaz. Ya Anadolu insanı işte bir kavga gürültü çıkmasını istemiyor yada azcık onun da kanında orospuluk var.

Babamın gece 12 sabah 8 vardiyasında olduğu bir gün annem işten geldiğinde babam da evden kahveye doğru yol almaya hazırlanıyordu. “Hayırdır çıkıyormusun bey” “he ya, az da kahvede servisi beklerim hadi eyvallah” diyerek çıktı gitti annem. ben o sırada evin salonunda oturmuş tv izliyordum. Pardösüsünü çıkarırken bile “of öldüm bittim” gibi laflarla söyleniyordu. İçeriye yanıma geldiğinde hala ahlamaları oflamaları devam ediyordu. “hayırdır anne” “çok yoruldum oğlum offf” diyerek oturdu kanepeye. Oturmasına oturdu ama beni de kendinden geçirdi. Gri parlak eteğinden taşan kalçaları ve sen bana sığmıyorsun diyen bluzundan taşan memeleriyle yanıma oturunca benim ufaklık hareketlenmeye başladı. Tv izliyor gibi yaparken bir yandan da onu süzüyordum baştan aşağıya. Karışık renkli başörtüsü dolgun yüz hatlarına o kadar yakışıyordu ki eşarbın içindeki pembe desenler bile dudaklarının dolgunluğunu hatırlatıyordu insana. Az iç çekmiyordum hani al okşa dese anında saldırırdım vücuduna. “Yemek yedin mi oğlum” “Yok anne babam yedi sadece ben seni bekledim” “Tamam hazırlayayım ben birşeyler de yiyeyim çok acıktım çünkü, bir de yorgunluktan yığılıp kalacam karnım bari doysun” sırf ona sarılmak memelerini hissetmek için “anam benim çok mu yoruldun” diyerek ona sarıldım. Amacımı bilmeyen annem de bana sarılarak karşılık verdi. Uzun uzun sarıldım ona. Vücudunun dolgun hatlarını hissede hisse de sarıldım. En sonunda “Yeter oğlum artık dur mutfağa gideyim de hazırlayayım şu yemeği” “Tamam annem” deyip birde yanağı ile dudağı arasına sevinmiş gibi öpücük kondurdum.

Annem mutfağa gitti bir şeylerle uğraşıyordu. Aslında mutfağa gidip bir şeyler almak bahanesiyle ona sürtmenin tam sırasıydı. İstediğim fırsatı da annem kendiliğinden yarattı zaten, “Oğlum gelsene bi şuraya” “Ne oldu anne” “Tabaklara ulaşamadım bi yardım et bana” mutfağa gidip “Hangisini istiyorsun” hemen uğraştığı yerdeki dolap kapağını işaret ederek “İşte şu en üstten bir alttaki rafta olan” arkasına geçip ona yüklenerek tabaklara ulaşıyor gibi bol bol sikimi yumuşacık kocaman götüne sürttüm. Hissetmemiştir diyemeyeceğim çünkü ben bunu yaparken onun hafifçe dudağını ısırdığını da fark etmiştim. Sikimi dolgun götünün tam arasına denk getirerek zor ulaşıyor gibi annemin götünü hissede hissede tabakları aldım. “İşte buyur sultanım var mı başka emriniz” “Sultanmış bak şu halime külkedisi gibiyim” “Sen benim gönlümün sultanısın” diyerek yanağına bir öpücük kondurdum “hadi ordan” sende diyerek güldü annem. “zevzeklik etme de otur şuraya yiyelim yemeğimizi” “tamam anne bir lavaboya gidip geleyim” diyerek koşar adım gittim. Amacım el yüz yıkamak değildi anlayacağınız gibi. Hemen sikimi acele ile çıkarıp 31 çekerek rahatladım. Toparlanıp elimi yıkayıp annemin yanına döndüm. Yemeğimizi yedik. Sonra ben tv izlemeye geçtim annemde mutfağı toplamakla uğraştı.

Salona geldiğinde üzerini değiştirmiş altında uzun bir etek üzerinde de bol bir bluz vardı. Kanepeye oturdu öylece tv izlemeye daldı. Bazen acı çekiyormuş gibi ah ve of diye inliyordu en son “off” dediğinde “ana neyin var” “oğlum çok yoruldum bugün kırılıyor vücudum şu bacaklarım çıkıyor” dedi. “İstersen krem sürüp ovayım biraz” “fena da olmaz haaa”” tamam o zaman uzan sen şöyle kanepeye” diyerek kalkıp Nivea kremi alarak geri geldim. Annem eteğini biraz sıyırmış vaziyette kanepeye uzanmıştı. Bacaklarından başladım yavaş yavaş kendi zevkimi çıkara çıkara dolgun bacaklarını ovalıyordum annemin. Sonra eteğinin altına doğru elimi kaydıra kaydıra baldırlarına doğru masajımı ilerlettim. Göz ucuyla da annemi izliyordum o gözlerini kapatmış rahatlamaya uğraşıyordu. Çok güzel tam istediğim fırsattı, bende zevkini çıkara çıkara bacak ve baldırlarını okşamaya devam ettim. Tabi bu okşamalarım anneme göre masajdı bana göre ise annemi okşamak. Elim yukarılara çıktıkça eteği de kocaman kalçalarının ucuna kadar sıyrılmış siyah külotu görünüyordu. Kalçalarını kapatmak bir yana o külotun içine nasıl sığıyordu annem anlam veremiyorum. Kalçalarının kenarına kadar arttırdığım masaj alanında nihayetinde kalçalarına da dokunmaya başlamıştım. Ohhhh sikim artık pantolonumu iyice zorlamaya başlamıştı. Elimle kalçalarının baldırı ile birleştiği yeri uzun uzun ovuyordum. “Nasıl iyi geldi mi bari ana” “hı hı az daha ov oğlum” “tamam anacığım” ellerim benim bir tanesi belim kadar olan baldırlarını boydan boya okşarken birden annemin dudaklarını ısırdığı dikkatimi çekti. Son bir cesaretimi toplayarak nerdeyse külotunun içine elimi de sokacak gibi yaparak baldırını ve kocaman kalçalarının bir kısmını sıvazlayıp bacak arasına doğru elimi indirdim ve amcığının kenarına da dokunarak bacaklarına doğru geri geldim. Baktım annemde ses yok aynı şeyi birkaç defa daha yaptım son hareketimde ağzından istemsiz olarak “ımhhh” sesi çıktı. Aslında tam zamanıydı etli amcığını okşamanın ama cesaret edemedim, korkumdan aşağıya doğru inip bacaklarına masaj yapmaya başladım. “Tamam yeter artık dedi annem” son defa elimi yukarılara doğru götürürken azıcık açılmış bacak arasında siyah külotunun ıslandığını fark ettiğimde içim içime sığmıyordu. Sanırım ben anneme masaj yaparken o da boşalmıştı. Annem eteğini düzeltip toparlanıp oturdu. Otururken belini tutuyordu. Hemen atıldım “Anacığım istersen beline de yapayım masaj” “Bilmem ki ağrıyor ama canımda uyumak istedi” “Sen bilirsin” “Aslında hadi yap, yap ta rahatça uyuyayım bari” “Tamam anacığım istersen sen yatağa uzan orda yapalım burada rahat edemezsin” “Doğru söylüyorsun orda sende rahat olursun” annem odaya gitti hazır olduğunda beni çağırdı. Annem yatakta altında eteği üzerinde sadece sütyeni ile yatıyordu “Anacığım şu şeyi de çıkarsaydın da rahat rahat ovsaydım şimdi krem olur o” annem ses etmeden ellerini geriye atıp sütyenin kopçalarını açtı ve kenara doğru indirdi onları. Offff ne muhteşem manzara, göğüslerinin yanlardan kaçan kısmı ile şu çıtırım diyen zayıf sıska kızlara en az 4 er tane göğüs yapılırdı be. Hemen iştahla bacağının üzerine oturup elimi kremleyerek anneme masaja başladım. ellerim boynuna doğru giderken o kalçalarına abanmak ince eteğinin üzerinden sikimi tam götünün arasına dayamak müthiş bir zevkti. Ben masaja devam ettikçe ve özellikle üzerine abandıkça annemden “ımhhh” diye ses geliyordu hafifçe. Ben bunun bir rahatlama sesi olduğunu biliyordum ama salağa yatıp “Anacım sert mi ovdum” dedim “Yok yok böyle iyi devam et” dedi. Bende yine devam ettim. Bir ara az yukarı doğru kalkıp kalçalarına biraz daha yaklaştığımda annemin de bacaklarını azıcık araladığını farkettim. O da istiyordu ama ikimizinde bunu dile getirmeye cesareti yoktu. Artık kabarmış sikim annemin verdiği aralığa girip çıkıyor pantolon etek üstü anneme dayıyordum. Yarım saat öyle ovaladım annemi ve ben de tam boşalma noktasına geldim. Az daha üstelesem eminim külotumu kirletecektim. Annemin “Sağol oğlum yeter bu kadar çok iyi geldi” sözü ile bu akşam ki zevkimin de bittiğini anladım. Olsun hayalimdeki kadını saatlerdir masaj numarası ile okşuyordum. “Hadi iyi geceler anacığım” diyerek kapıya doğru yöneldim annem de “iyi geceler oğlum” dedi ve hızla kendi odama geçtim.

Hemen soyunup yatağıma yattım ve o anları hayal ederek sikimi okşamaya başladım. Bir iki okşamadan sonra öyle şiddetli attırdım ki ilk döllerim yatağın dayandığı duvara kadar fışkırdı. Sonra gözlerimi kapayıp annemin amını ve götünü çıplak olarak okşadığımı hayal ederek bir posta daha 31 çektim. Hayallerimin kadını annemi düşüne düşüne uyuya kalmışım. Sabah kalktığımda annem işe gitmiş babamda eve gelmişti. Hemen hazırlanıp bende işe gittim. İçimden en çok arzuladığım şey birgün cesaretimi toplayıp o kocaman değirmen taşı gibi kalçaları ve karpuz gibi memeleri doya doya okşayabilmek. Hele bir de etli tombul amcığını da okşayabilirsem sanırım dünyalara o keyfi değişmem devam edeceğim.

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First Virgin In My Life

Hi Friends, My name is Sunny Naik from vasco (Goa) this is my first story. I am 25 Yrs. I am working in a company. My height is 6 feet and weight is 75 kg. I am very fond of lovely girls, newly married women and the bhabhis in short I like the females.Ok now I am coming to main story. This story belongs to that girl with whom I come to know that what sex is. Her name is Asha, that time I was 20 years old, reading in 2nd year of my college and was living with my parents with my younger sister....

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Only 21 once

I will share a story about what happened to me two years ago for my 21st birthday!“Tess, you’re officially an adult. You little slut!” Jordan said to me, she always teased me for my innocence. I turned 21 two days ago, and my friends were taking me out to drink this weekend. I tossed my fake ID in the shredder and put on a beautiful Sheath Blue dress I had. It screamed, ‘I am a professional business woman, leave me alone.’ Jordan didn’t seem to agree with my taste of outfit when I got to her...

3 years ago
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Fucked my step mom

Hey this is Amit Sinha from Dehradun I m 18 years old. I first met my step mum when i was 7 years old, when my parents broke up she moved in with my dad. I’ve always had a close relationship with her as i have known her most of my life. I am 18 years old now and she is 47. Despite her age she has an incredible body, occasionally at the dinner table she would bend over and I couldn’t help but look over at those round hips. Four years ago she had a baby with my dad. My dad and she once said they...

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WildOnCam Sonny McKinley Lets You See How Much She Loves Cock LIVE

What would you say if Sonny McKinley asked you if she could eat your ass? Would you let her do it? Would you let her do it LIVE on camera? James Bang is like “fuck yeah” and Sonny goes at it; but not before she lets you all know how much she loves fucking and sucking cock. James smacks that juicy bubble butt and gives her shaved little pussy a pounding and then gets to messing up her makeup letting Sonny get all sloppy on that cock taking it all down and all over her face. You know...

2 years ago
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Laura The Beginning part one

During class, Laura could often hear James talking to himself, muttering under his breath about how he wanted her if she wanted him or not. James’s parents were going away for a few days to visit there relatives in Ireland, The thought of been alone for several days made James wonder about what he could do while he was alone, but he quickly got bored as he realised it would be the same old plain, of sitting in front at of the computer, starting at the screen that he would have filled with...

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The Bet

"Looking forward to coming second today?" Susan smirked.Susan and I were rivals in maths and we were getting our end of year exam results today. We'd been walking to and from school together through the bush block ever since our parents had decided it was safe if we didn't go alone. There was a secluded spot off the track where we used to share bags of mixed lollies but now school was all but over and we were both seventeen, it had graduated to a spot to try out a bit of kissing and...

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cumming of age

My father died when I was only six he was killed while on duty while he was in Afghanistan . My mother(Chris) took it really hard at first crying all the time and just sitting alone all day while I(Nancy) was in school . Then about a year later something happened it was like a switch was turned on she started to go out and even bring home strange men so many in fact it felt like a parade marching through our home . I used to listen at her door just to make sure she was OK not much I could do...

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Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the 'swishhh' of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....

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The Cat and the Willow

The Cat and the Willow By grrl9 www.grrl9.deviantart.com) Chapter I. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was fuck. This was good for two reasons, one: because it relieved the stress of the world, and two: because it gave me a few extra dollars. I'm not a prostitute. Those whores stay on the street because they're not smart enough to be in the big leagues like I am. So when I got home and was ready to start...

4 years ago
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Amandas Journey Day 2 Part 4

Amanda's Journey Part 4 Chapter 1 "Wake up Princess," I hear Jennifer say softly as she nuzzles the back of my neck. I slowly open my eyes, to a bright, sunny day. I attempt to roll over, only to find myself still bound in silk scarves. Jennifer props herself up on an elbow, and starts running her nails up and down my triceps. My body shivers in delight, and I feel my nipples harden, as the goosebumps pop up on my arms. Did last night really happen? It must have, I'm...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Slut In College Toilet

Hi this is sexy Raver from Mumbai. Here is a girl named Chandni in my college. She is cute, short heighted and she have heavy boobs and ass as compared to her body. She is really fair as milk in complexion. And she is really slutty. She herself started sexting with me on whatsapp. She wanted to get fucked by me asap. Because she can’t control her urge to take my big cock inside her that she once felt over my pants while sitting in the library. So as story goes on mind you guys its 100% real...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 14 Prisoners

Time passed without meaning. Faces, lights, walls... A jumble of images, sometimes accompanied by sounds, but for the most part I didn't listen. I was kept drugged for an unknown period of time, never allowed to come out of my daze while they repeatedly tried to use their brainwashing methods and drugs on me without any success. The inoculation commands prevented me from comprehending any physical stimulus while I was in an unnatural conscious state, and they had worked even while my brain...

4 years ago
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Serious RelationshipsChapter 8

The next morning, after they woke up, Megan admonished the two girls for the video that they had watched. But they sighed in relief when they knew that she had no idea of what else went on last night. "I'm really sorry mom," Kae repeated to her mother. "It's... it's just that we were kinda curious, that's all. It's not like anything happened." "Regardless," Megan interrupted. "You're much too young to be watching such things. Now, I want you to promise me that you'll never do...

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Bus Journey

I have read a lot of stories on this site. Some are beautiful and some are fantastic. I am mentioning my very own experience during recent journey to Burdawan. Before that, let me tell u the bus journeys will be so erotic during monsoon/winter seasons. Aunties/girls can be touched/squeezed whole of their body and without others noticing it. It will be quite exciting to do it in public. I never missed a chance of squeezing buttocks and breasts of any lady irrespective of age and religion. I...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 11 The Truth Will Set You Free

April 22, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How can they do that?!” Maria Cristina demanded, completely outraged. “The same way they could murder the Branch Davidians,” I replied. “After burning 76 people to death, including women and children, I’d say kidnapping a child at gunpoint and forcing him to return to a totalitarian country is nothing.” “That woman is pure evil,” Elyse said. “I don’t call her ‘Janet Sterno’ for nothing,” I said. “America should really reconsider its policy towards...

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Seduced Buddys Mom For Kitchen Sex

I felt Mrs. Ellison trembling as I held her against the kitchen island with my body, my erection pressing into her tummy through my jeans as I probed underneath the elastic of her sensible panties. Her breathing came and went in surges. I felt her uncropped pubic hair, curly and thick, the pubes of a woman who was not getting any sexual attention. Her sundress was unbuttoned down the front, falling to the left and right to reveal her cotton bra, disheveled from me groping her. Now, my hand was...

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Oliver BrownChapter 4

The sixth year student sat down at the table across from Oliver right after he had taken a bite of his sandwich. Oliver chewed and swallowed, chasing it down with some milk. He looked up at the student and asked, "What can I do for you?" "I was curious about something." Oliver examined the young lady carefully. She had a very nice glow and almost no black spots over her heart. He said, "Ask away. I'll answer if I can." She looked around as several other students joined her....

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Marthas Job RequirementsChapter 2

They both left their respective houses together and walked to the office together, Martha being the office manager and the only one in the office when Mark's father was out with clients. When Mark goes back to school she will be working in the office alone during his classes, but he will be back to help her when he does not have a classes. Martha took control as soon as she removed her sweater and put it on the hook in her office she divided up the work that had to be done today and told...

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She has been maintaining good body

Hi everybody.I am Roy from Gujarat India;doing my 2nd year engineering.I like the stories published here because of their desi touch,especially incest stories.I have been thinking for quite sometime to publish one story but i thought that that it had to be real only.My wait was finally over last week as i got one real incident to share with you.It’s my favorite subject too,incest. Personally,i wasn’t aware of incest .I came across it in some site and immeadiatly was attracted to it.I started to...

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Introduction to Lust

My wife and I have been swinging for nearly ten years. My wife has always openly lusted for bigger or better eye candy. Events early in our marriage had led to joking about considering an open relationship after fourteen years. Joking and considering gave way to meeting and teasing and a few pleasant experiences - for her. Too often I have pointed out that a woman on the internet has a thousand guys to choose from, while a guy on the internet has to compete with thousands. I suggested swinging...

First Time
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Summer of 89Chapter 4 Straight Up

June was a good month. I spent time with Janet learning her body and, for that matter, learning mine. We never had a lot of time time together, but we talked some in passing, and spent time drinking lemonade. We took showers together to squeeze out a bit more time. Today I know our lovemaking was unrefined, but we were eager and passionate in each other's arms. I learned to please her well, and the things she taught me have served me in good stead the rest of my life. I went by Mrs. King's...

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Alien aion

John felt like a long drive would help to clear his head. He had a particularly stressful week and now found himself alone for the first time in many years. His f****y had decided to take an extended weekend trip to visit the in-laws. He stayed behind to work. ‘Work’ he thought, ‘it was always his work that ruled his life and kept him from having fun’. He tried to relax as he drove into the mountains hopeful the beautiful scenery would help boost his spirits. He knew this train of thought was...

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Dinner Was Great

Dinner was great. The wine was wonderful. The company was exceptional. I'd known Dave for years. We were both amateur radio nuts, and used each other for regular Morse code practice, but until tonight we'd never met. My company had sent me out of town for work, and I was able to arrange an extra night away. Dave insisted I stay at his house. I had to admit to some curiosity, and accepted without thinking about it too much. Dave was ten years older than me. I knew this quite accurately,...

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College Boy In Prison

COLLEGE BOY IN PRISON by Throne Everything had been going great for Sammy. He was starting college, with courses in art and poetry, and still hadn't decided what his major would be. His jet-setting parents lived on the opposite coast and honestly didn't have much to do with him except to pay his bills. So he had stayed briefly with his Uncle John, a tall dignified man, until the first semester began at the nearby college. While he was on campus he met a guy his own age, Ray, who...

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Game of Life Ch 0102

Game Of Life By Denham Forrest Copyright© 2008 by Denham Forrest, The Wanderer This story started out life sometime ago as one of The Wanderer’s short Nemesis tales, but as he wrote, he claims that the tale took on a life of its own. Thanks go to a reader and friend from down in the antipodes somewhere, for the basic plot device that was used in the early stages of the tale. It’s been well been over a year since he first pitched the idea to DF and but it took him some time to come up with –...

1 year ago
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The Wild Wild West Ch 1

Finally, the end of the year and the much anticipated summer vacation. I finally graduated high school. I thought this day would never come. But it has and now here I am. My best friend Kimmie was going to go stay at here dad’s in Texas this summer and invited me to come along with her. I never have been to Texas, or anywhere for that matter. So we made our plans to go. Kimmie’s parents have been divorced for about 8 years. That’s when she moved here to Ohio. Her dad owns a ranch in El Paso,...

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The Supermarket Trip

The Supermarket Trip?A summer dress can hide a lot of things, Raquel hoped this one covered her and kept a little secret safe underneath.  Her nipples rubbed against the light material sending shivers through her body as she moved towards the entrance of the supermarket.?Raquel was wearing a floaty summer dress which showed off her figure nicely and meant a number of men had already double taked as she walked past.  Some of this was also down to the 6 inch heels she was wearing and having some...

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Hole in the wall

I was in a shopping mall yesterday and had to go to the loo. I was sitting there when I realised that there was a little hole in the wall dividing my cubicle from the next door one. I bent forward and peeked through it. I could see some movement and realised that the guy next door was having a wank. It made me quite hard. I watched for a bit and then the hole darkened. It dawned on me that he was probably peeking at me. After a few minuted he finished and left. I left too and washed my...

4 years ago
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Kajal On Office Tour 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends, I am back with my further part of execution. This is Kajal from India. Little bit about myself. I am sexy and hot married woman of 26 years age who loves to enjoy a lot. I love to wear sexy and hot clothes. I love to tease men. I am working as a personal secretary in export-import Company. I am 5.8ft tall, sexy long legs, very fair look, long hair, dark eyes and sexy figure of 34-26-36 with Cup size “C”. So, once the lunch was finished, we moved back to conference room where we...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 9

[Jessica] Early July In an unrecognized form of self-punishment, Jessica resisted the urge to call Julia after she moved out. In fact, she resisted for almost a week, until the day the case documents arrived at the lawyer's office. During that week, Jessica hardly left her room. Her landlady was a kindly woman with strong mothering instincts. Like almost everyone, she felt the urge to help Jessica, and after a few days, she had the whole story. Jessica found it surprisingly therapeutic to...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed bitch becomes a sextoy

The windows of the motel office were dusty and fly-specked. The neon sign was off and there were weeds growing through the cracks in the asphalt of the parking lot, nearly deserted now in the late afternoon sun. There were only a few cars here, a big van, a Volvo, and a Taurus wagon. Janel had her choice of parking spaces. She parked behind the van where she wouldn’t be seen. She had come straight from work so she still wore her smart business suit, the one that turned heads at the office, and...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 64 CiCis Departure

Thoughts The time waiting for Bill stretched onwards with no sign of him. He is already substantially overdue based on his previous turnarounds, and no sign of him yet. I've begun speculating on reasons for this. The first thought is that something has delayed him from returning to us this time, although I must admit that this is weak. Even if he's sitting in some foreign jurisdiction's prison system, which can happen even with what we call the World Government, he could surely get a...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 21

We didn’t have to wait long before we heard a knock, and before anyone could say a word, there was a tall, slender young woman bursting into the room. She looked at Jenny Beth, and without even a look at her daughters, Lisa or me, she ran to her. “Sher, where is Jenny Beth? Jean called and told me she had somehow been miraculously cured and she’s been transformed into a totally new woman.” “Pat ... slow down and listen carefully, I-am-Jenny-Beth! AND YES, I have been blessed with a most...

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BlacksOnBlondes Maddy May 12272022

Maddy has been alone for four months now since her husband went on deployment. It will be another six months till he is home and this girl is hankering for some cock. So when she finds out an old friend of theirs is in town she immediately invites him over for a visit. Little does Jax know this girl has nothing but a booty call on her mind. Her asshole needs a good fucking as nothing makes this girl cum like an anal orgasm. It’s the rush that gets her tweenie shaking and her spokewheel...


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