Türbanlı Annemle Seks Hikayemiz-1 free porn video

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Merhabalar size yıllardır anneme karşı beslediğim gizli duygularımı ve anılarımı anlatmak istiyorum. Ben 25 yaşında bir normal yurdum insanı bir gencim. Öyle diğer hikayelerdeki gibi yok şeyim 30 cm yok şöyle yakışıklıyım gibi sözler beklemeyin benden. Sıradan bir Türkiye erkeği işte.

Babam 48 yaşında annem 45 evin tek çocuğuyum. Babam işçi olarak çalışıyor ve bilen bilir üç vardiya da çalışmak onu zaten bizden kopardı diyebilirim. Yemekten yemeğe görüşür gibiyiz. İşte olduğu zamanların kalanını da kahvede değerlendirir. Benim için varsa yoksa herşey annem. ancak o da maddi şartlarımızdan dolayı bir firmada temizlikçi olarak çalışıyor.

Anneme olan ilgim çocukluk yıllarıma dayanır. Oldum olası şişman olgun bayanlara karşı ilgim vardır. Annemde 45 yaşında oldukça dolgun bir kadın kocaman kalçaları kocaman memeleri tesettürlü olmasına rağmen pardösüsünden dahi rahatça belli olur. Hele birde giydiği kombin benim istediğim gibiyse onu izledikçe zevkten kendimden geçerim. Hangi kombin diyeceksiniz biliyorum. Öyle çok şatafatlı şeyler beklemeyin ailemden, anlayacağınız gibi maddi durumumuz iyi değil. Annemin siyah parlak bir eteği var, kalçalarına doğru sıkı baldırlarından itibaren aşağıya doğru uzanan bir etek bu etekle ne giyse hemen lavaboya koşar 31 çekerim ama bir de beyaz bluzunu giyip te o dolgun kocaman memeleri de ortaya çıktı mı sikim külotumun içinde boşalacak kadar olur. Lavaboya zar zor yetişirim anlayacağınız.

Aslında annemi çok arzulamama rağmen aklımdan hiç onu altıma alıp çatır çatır sikmek falan geçmez, neden bilmiyorum ensest duygusu olanlar hep öyle şeyler arzular ama benim anneme aşırı bir ilgim olsa bile aklımdan hiç onu sikmek gibi bir fikir geçmez. Ama onun birisi ile sikişmesini de izlemek istemiyor değilim hani.

Annem zaten zar zor iş görülen mutfakta uğraşırken arkasından geçerken kalçalarına sürtmek, hafifçe kalçalarına dokunmak en büyük zevklerimden. Fırsatını yakaladım mı annemi ellemeyi bir şekilde beceririm. Ona dokunmak şişman dolgun kalçalarını ellemek ve sikimi ona dayamak müthiş duygular uyandırır bende. Annem de ona olan bu ilgimi biliyor gibi sanki. Neden diyecekseniz bazen bu elleme işlerini abartırım az bir duraksar ama ses çıkarmaz. Ya Anadolu insanı işte bir kavga gürültü çıkmasını istemiyor yada azcık onun da kanında orospuluk var.

Babamın gece 12 sabah 8 vardiyasında olduğu bir gün annem işten geldiğinde babam da evden kahveye doğru yol almaya hazırlanıyordu. “Hayırdır çıkıyormusun bey” “he ya, az da kahvede servisi beklerim hadi eyvallah” diyerek çıktı gitti annem. ben o sırada evin salonunda oturmuş tv izliyordum. Pardösüsünü çıkarırken bile “of öldüm bittim” gibi laflarla söyleniyordu. İçeriye yanıma geldiğinde hala ahlamaları oflamaları devam ediyordu. “hayırdır anne” “çok yoruldum oğlum offf” diyerek oturdu kanepeye. Oturmasına oturdu ama beni de kendinden geçirdi. Gri parlak eteğinden taşan kalçaları ve sen bana sığmıyorsun diyen bluzundan taşan memeleriyle yanıma oturunca benim ufaklık hareketlenmeye başladı. Tv izliyor gibi yaparken bir yandan da onu süzüyordum baştan aşağıya. Karışık renkli başörtüsü dolgun yüz hatlarına o kadar yakışıyordu ki eşarbın içindeki pembe desenler bile dudaklarının dolgunluğunu hatırlatıyordu insana. Az iç çekmiyordum hani al okşa dese anında saldırırdım vücuduna. “Yemek yedin mi oğlum” “Yok anne babam yedi sadece ben seni bekledim” “Tamam hazırlayayım ben birşeyler de yiyeyim çok acıktım çünkü, bir de yorgunluktan yığılıp kalacam karnım bari doysun” sırf ona sarılmak memelerini hissetmek için “anam benim çok mu yoruldun” diyerek ona sarıldım. Amacımı bilmeyen annem de bana sarılarak karşılık verdi. Uzun uzun sarıldım ona. Vücudunun dolgun hatlarını hissede hisse de sarıldım. En sonunda “Yeter oğlum artık dur mutfağa gideyim de hazırlayayım şu yemeği” “Tamam annem” deyip birde yanağı ile dudağı arasına sevinmiş gibi öpücük kondurdum.

Annem mutfağa gitti bir şeylerle uğraşıyordu. Aslında mutfağa gidip bir şeyler almak bahanesiyle ona sürtmenin tam sırasıydı. İstediğim fırsatı da annem kendiliğinden yarattı zaten, “Oğlum gelsene bi şuraya” “Ne oldu anne” “Tabaklara ulaşamadım bi yardım et bana” mutfağa gidip “Hangisini istiyorsun” hemen uğraştığı yerdeki dolap kapağını işaret ederek “İşte şu en üstten bir alttaki rafta olan” arkasına geçip ona yüklenerek tabaklara ulaşıyor gibi bol bol sikimi yumuşacık kocaman götüne sürttüm. Hissetmemiştir diyemeyeceğim çünkü ben bunu yaparken onun hafifçe dudağını ısırdığını da fark etmiştim. Sikimi dolgun götünün tam arasına denk getirerek zor ulaşıyor gibi annemin götünü hissede hissede tabakları aldım. “İşte buyur sultanım var mı başka emriniz” “Sultanmış bak şu halime külkedisi gibiyim” “Sen benim gönlümün sultanısın” diyerek yanağına bir öpücük kondurdum “hadi ordan” sende diyerek güldü annem. “zevzeklik etme de otur şuraya yiyelim yemeğimizi” “tamam anne bir lavaboya gidip geleyim” diyerek koşar adım gittim. Amacım el yüz yıkamak değildi anlayacağınız gibi. Hemen sikimi acele ile çıkarıp 31 çekerek rahatladım. Toparlanıp elimi yıkayıp annemin yanına döndüm. Yemeğimizi yedik. Sonra ben tv izlemeye geçtim annemde mutfağı toplamakla uğraştı.

Salona geldiğinde üzerini değiştirmiş altında uzun bir etek üzerinde de bol bir bluz vardı. Kanepeye oturdu öylece tv izlemeye daldı. Bazen acı çekiyormuş gibi ah ve of diye inliyordu en son “off” dediğinde “ana neyin var” “oğlum çok yoruldum bugün kırılıyor vücudum şu bacaklarım çıkıyor” dedi. “İstersen krem sürüp ovayım biraz” “fena da olmaz haaa”” tamam o zaman uzan sen şöyle kanepeye” diyerek kalkıp Nivea kremi alarak geri geldim. Annem eteğini biraz sıyırmış vaziyette kanepeye uzanmıştı. Bacaklarından başladım yavaş yavaş kendi zevkimi çıkara çıkara dolgun bacaklarını ovalıyordum annemin. Sonra eteğinin altına doğru elimi kaydıra kaydıra baldırlarına doğru masajımı ilerlettim. Göz ucuyla da annemi izliyordum o gözlerini kapatmış rahatlamaya uğraşıyordu. Çok güzel tam istediğim fırsattı, bende zevkini çıkara çıkara bacak ve baldırlarını okşamaya devam ettim. Tabi bu okşamalarım anneme göre masajdı bana göre ise annemi okşamak. Elim yukarılara çıktıkça eteği de kocaman kalçalarının ucuna kadar sıyrılmış siyah külotu görünüyordu. Kalçalarını kapatmak bir yana o külotun içine nasıl sığıyordu annem anlam veremiyorum. Kalçalarının kenarına kadar arttırdığım masaj alanında nihayetinde kalçalarına da dokunmaya başlamıştım. Ohhhh sikim artık pantolonumu iyice zorlamaya başlamıştı. Elimle kalçalarının baldırı ile birleştiği yeri uzun uzun ovuyordum. “Nasıl iyi geldi mi bari ana” “hı hı az daha ov oğlum” “tamam anacığım” ellerim benim bir tanesi belim kadar olan baldırlarını boydan boya okşarken birden annemin dudaklarını ısırdığı dikkatimi çekti. Son bir cesaretimi toplayarak nerdeyse külotunun içine elimi de sokacak gibi yaparak baldırını ve kocaman kalçalarının bir kısmını sıvazlayıp bacak arasına doğru elimi indirdim ve amcığının kenarına da dokunarak bacaklarına doğru geri geldim. Baktım annemde ses yok aynı şeyi birkaç defa daha yaptım son hareketimde ağzından istemsiz olarak “ımhhh” sesi çıktı. Aslında tam zamanıydı etli amcığını okşamanın ama cesaret edemedim, korkumdan aşağıya doğru inip bacaklarına masaj yapmaya başladım. “Tamam yeter artık dedi annem” son defa elimi yukarılara doğru götürürken azıcık açılmış bacak arasında siyah külotunun ıslandığını fark ettiğimde içim içime sığmıyordu. Sanırım ben anneme masaj yaparken o da boşalmıştı. Annem eteğini düzeltip toparlanıp oturdu. Otururken belini tutuyordu. Hemen atıldım “Anacığım istersen beline de yapayım masaj” “Bilmem ki ağrıyor ama canımda uyumak istedi” “Sen bilirsin” “Aslında hadi yap, yap ta rahatça uyuyayım bari” “Tamam anacığım istersen sen yatağa uzan orda yapalım burada rahat edemezsin” “Doğru söylüyorsun orda sende rahat olursun” annem odaya gitti hazır olduğunda beni çağırdı. Annem yatakta altında eteği üzerinde sadece sütyeni ile yatıyordu “Anacığım şu şeyi de çıkarsaydın da rahat rahat ovsaydım şimdi krem olur o” annem ses etmeden ellerini geriye atıp sütyenin kopçalarını açtı ve kenara doğru indirdi onları. Offff ne muhteşem manzara, göğüslerinin yanlardan kaçan kısmı ile şu çıtırım diyen zayıf sıska kızlara en az 4 er tane göğüs yapılırdı be. Hemen iştahla bacağının üzerine oturup elimi kremleyerek anneme masaja başladım. ellerim boynuna doğru giderken o kalçalarına abanmak ince eteğinin üzerinden sikimi tam götünün arasına dayamak müthiş bir zevkti. Ben masaja devam ettikçe ve özellikle üzerine abandıkça annemden “ımhhh” diye ses geliyordu hafifçe. Ben bunun bir rahatlama sesi olduğunu biliyordum ama salağa yatıp “Anacım sert mi ovdum” dedim “Yok yok böyle iyi devam et” dedi. Bende yine devam ettim. Bir ara az yukarı doğru kalkıp kalçalarına biraz daha yaklaştığımda annemin de bacaklarını azıcık araladığını farkettim. O da istiyordu ama ikimizinde bunu dile getirmeye cesareti yoktu. Artık kabarmış sikim annemin verdiği aralığa girip çıkıyor pantolon etek üstü anneme dayıyordum. Yarım saat öyle ovaladım annemi ve ben de tam boşalma noktasına geldim. Az daha üstelesem eminim külotumu kirletecektim. Annemin “Sağol oğlum yeter bu kadar çok iyi geldi” sözü ile bu akşam ki zevkimin de bittiğini anladım. Olsun hayalimdeki kadını saatlerdir masaj numarası ile okşuyordum. “Hadi iyi geceler anacığım” diyerek kapıya doğru yöneldim annem de “iyi geceler oğlum” dedi ve hızla kendi odama geçtim.

Hemen soyunup yatağıma yattım ve o anları hayal ederek sikimi okşamaya başladım. Bir iki okşamadan sonra öyle şiddetli attırdım ki ilk döllerim yatağın dayandığı duvara kadar fışkırdı. Sonra gözlerimi kapayıp annemin amını ve götünü çıplak olarak okşadığımı hayal ederek bir posta daha 31 çektim. Hayallerimin kadını annemi düşüne düşüne uyuya kalmışım. Sabah kalktığımda annem işe gitmiş babamda eve gelmişti. Hemen hazırlanıp bende işe gittim. İçimden en çok arzuladığım şey birgün cesaretimi toplayıp o kocaman değirmen taşı gibi kalçaları ve karpuz gibi memeleri doya doya okşayabilmek. Hele bir de etli tombul amcığını da okşayabilirsem sanırım dünyalara o keyfi değişmem devam edeceğim.

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Made Yoga Teacher My Sex Slave

Hi, guys, my name is Rohit, I work as a real estate agent in Ahmedabad . My height is 6ft and have an athletic build. My age is 23. Coming to the story … It was the month of march. I was sitting in the office and doing some work. When a couple ( ankeeta the yoga teacher and punit her husband ) entered in. They were from bangalore and wanted to rent a flat here as rent in bangalore was too high and cost education for thier daughter was also high in bangalore. They considered ahemdabad a good...

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The Night Dad Made Me a Woman

The Night Dad Made Me a WomanIn your teen years, hormones start flowing and causing changes in your body and your mind. We all know that boys become preoccupied with sex and think more with the head between their legs than the one on their shoulders, but many people don’t know that girls can also become preoccupied with sex. That was the case with my twin sister Marty, (short for Martha) and me. How am I? I’m Mags, short for Margaret. Our mom died when we were quite young and to be honest Marty...

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The Training of Brooke

The Training of Brooke?Thank you.?Men are so dumb. They see a pretty girl walking around with loose tits under their dress and just go all gaga. They opened doors and bought you drinks or meals in a flash if you just smiled at them and pretend not to notice themstaring at your big breasts.But still Brooke had to admit it was fun to go about town with no undies or bra and enjoy the feeling of power that it gave her to take advantage of all that blood leaving their brain and rushing south so she...

3 years ago
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A Man of the Night

Eline sits alone in the quiet of a farm cottage surrounded by fields. The lights are dimmed low while music seduces her as she listens to the rise and fall of the piano. Lying back on the sofa, she rests in a nightdress. The lace frames the swell of her breasts while the silk skims her curves. She sips at the wine in her hand, enjoying the taste of the fruit on her tongue. She rolls the liquid around her mouth. She savours the aroma while tilting back her head. Putting the cold of the glass to...

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The BossPart 3

The following Wednesday, Michele decided to pay a visit to theEvans Agency to see how "smelly twat" was faring under her newmistress. As part of the sales agreement, Joyce Evans had promisedto bring Maryanne back to her former office one day a week, butMichele was itching to see her in her new environment. For years Maryanne and Joyce had battled over clients. The EvansAgency was the "enemy" and Joyce Evans was "that bitch". Now theEvans Agency was Maryanne's new home and "that bitch" had...

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Naked On the Road A true Story

It was about the middle of summer when I first went to bed with Bob. He was my husband’s flight instructor. This was the year that I wore my very first real mini skirt. The first one actually made the national news. The first one was somewhere in the south, Atlanta, I think. They were not being worn anywhere else except in California by me. When my husband saw the newspaper article about it, he showed it to me and told me I should wear one when we went to the bars and into town. Since I was...

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Its the Real Thing Gay

One of my ex girlfriends had a real thing about the whole man on man thing, and others have echoed this to a lesser degree. This got me thinking. Us guys love the idea of lesbianism, lipstick or otherwise, and I'm sure a lot of the time it happens it's just girls doing it to please men. With my belief in complete role reversal then I should be willing to do the same for women.That brings us to the beginning of this particular tale. I advertised for a dominant man to make me his bitch. It was as...

1 year ago
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Booty Payment Plan

When my buddy bailed on me at the last moment to attend the Orioles game, I decided to go on alone. I was running about 20 minutes behind schedule but figured that I could still catch the 3 inning if traffic and parking wasn’t too bad. Just my luck as the stadium lots all had full signs posted. I started looking in the housing areas adjacent to the lots around the stadium for curbside spots when I spotted hispanic guy holding a homemade sign offering inexpensive parking in his alley entrance...

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Even though Babs had promised to tell Katie all about our little ‘Adventure,’ in the end it had seemed to come to nought. I’d been both distracted and busy and it had been a week or so since I’d been back to my usual Café haunt and when I did so it had been to find that Katie had also moved on.My gentle inquiry was met by the information that she had moved in with her new boyfriend and they were now living in an apartment in a town close by. Such is life and it appeared that Katie was gone and...

Straight Sex
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Rumspringa A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Ours had always been a very religious household. I guess Mom was really the key to that. Dad always said the strength of faith always comes from the women. But he was the elder in our church, and he seemed fully committed. Me, not so much. I just never felt right. It seemed to me that faith in God and following a Christian path is supposed to settle all your internal problems, but it never seemed to do it for me. It was not...

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Dont Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 1

Tuesday 14th May 2019I’d done a lot of thinking these last two days. A helluva lot of thinking. I’d been presented with Hobson’s choice, a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. And here I was, still not totally sure which way I’d go. Parked down the street, watching the happy smile of a woman I loved as she enjoyed the sights and sounds of offspring playing. I’d chosen to park a little way away as I really still wasn’t sure what I was going to tell this woman.In some ways, I should...

Wife Lovers
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Bound and Teased

This is my first published story. I have been writing for almost a year and reading for longer. This particular scene came from a very inspiring chat with a fellow Lushie. It's got light bondage, some temperature play and teasing. Enjoy!! You and I are sharing a joke on the couch after having a nice meal. I take a sip of the wine and you pick up your glass and hold it up for a toast, “To good friends and good times!” We clink our glasses, drink the contents down, place them down with vigor as...

Straight Sex
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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 23

Getting back into the Warehouse around 11.30 pm, Jon met Jim as he was returning from the Clubhouse. “Were the girls ok when you took them home?” Jim asked. “Yea they were fine when I left.” Jon responded, which was true after spending 90 minutes in bed with them. He had left them cuddled together, after making sure both of them had more orgasms than they needed in that short space of time. “How were things here?” “Quite quiet to be honest, a lot of people went their way back to the rooms...

2 years ago
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Since nothing was coming of her the master had other ideas running through his head. How much cock a very full and ready to burst rissa could take. Several black bulls had also had the masters treatment before and were now waiting for a turn at the fanastic ass and shaved pussy that they where subjected to . 4 well hung black men ,all with huge cocks were chained to the wall across from the viewing area. Some had raging hard ons ,some didnt. The 2 bulls with their medical grade Viagra that had...

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Terms Revealed

Terms Revealedby W2beh ([email protected])This is a follow-up to the story of our first adventure, ‘Testing the Limits’ posted in directory 34. My wife informs me she has to sleep with the stud in order to satisfy the terms of her agreement for his earlier cooperation. I require some convincing, and her methods ensure my eventual agreement. (MMF, exh, bd, bi, mast, oral, reluc)The very first time we had the house to ourselves, my wife had me sit down with her to watch the video she had made of...

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Kaise Mai Ek Female Ne Mujhe Apna Gulam Banaya

Hello friends mera naam Pat hai mai Mumbai ka rehnewala hu. Mai jo ye story likhne ja raha hu woh meri hai kaise mujhe females ka gulam baane ka shauk tha aur kaise puri hue mere baare mai baata hu Meri Umar 29 hai 5’6″ height hai, 74 kg weight hai, average built hai hairy body dark complexion hai. Mujhe phele se hi females ka gulam banane ka shauk tha, unke pairo ke talwe chatna, unki gand ko chatna, chut chatna, jo Woh kahegi waise karna, unka kutta banke rehna bahut pasand tha, iske upar...

3 years ago
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Let it Slide

Let it Slide an ability that allows whoever wields it to have all their actions be justifiable. No one will disagree with a request. All one needs to do is ask. Your character will be the wielder or if you decide it can be used against your person. You wake up on the side of the street. You don't know really where you all and all you have is the clothes on your back. In your wallet which you find in your back pocket has $100 and a name card that reads Brennan. The card also says that you are 5'...

Mind Control
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Biker Gang Captive

This is a story I wrote several years ago for a men’s adventure magazine, but it folded before it got off the ground. No sex, but it has adventure and romance, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, feedback is encouraged. Thanks! * ‘Goddamn it, we don’t have time for this!’ The lieutenant’s big fist slammed down on the desk, slopping the lukewarm coffee over the lip of the styrofoam cup. Nick rubbed his temples, the pounding ache of his hangover a spike through his head. The glare of the...

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My Cousin8217s Wedding Day

Hiya all! I got a good response for my previous story ‘Office Colleague Wants Me’. But while I have 5000+ likes on that story, hardly 5/6 people mailed/messaged me. But everyone was positive about it. It’s kinda discouraging, though that so fewer people messaged/mailed. So I decided that this here is gonna be my last story on ISS. You all can reach out to me on . This incident is from July 2018. I was due to visit India in October 2018. My cousin- Amy had her wedding planned for November. But...

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A Chance Encounter

Steve was wandering aimlessly through the aisles of the store, not looking for anything in particular. As he was walking down the snack aisle, eyeing a box of Oreos someone else turned the corner. Steve looked up and saw a nice looking girl, who somehow looked familiar. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about her face was ringing a bell. She didn’t really notice that anyone was in the aisle and was busy filling her shopping cart. She had to get snacks for the kid’s lunches...

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My buddy and wife

My wife Anita is thick but not fat with big tits and nice ass long brown hair my buddy Mike is a biker about 6 foot and very muscular with a thick mustache and goatee and lots of tattoos we go to Mike's house a lot to swim and hang out Mike always watches Anita I see him checking her out all the time especially in the pool , anyway one day Mike asked if I was a jealous guy I said not even close he then ask so if someone was flirting with Anita I wouldn't get upset I explained that I talked with...

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JulesJordan Becky Bandini Slutty Big Tit MILF Becky Bandini Rides Manuel Until He Blows His Load

MILF babe Becky Bandini is waiting in sexy lingerie for Manuel to get home and ravage her. Unable to contain her excitement, Becky makes her way downstairs to greet Manuel when he arrives wearing purple lace lingerie with black stockings and high heels. She teases him with her perfect tits as she pulls the lace aside and jiggles her jugs before turning around to show him her g-string. Becky makes her way over to the couch where she rubs her horny pussy and pinches her nipples as she waits for...

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My best friend8217s mom

This incidence happened when i was 17 years old, a fresher in college. I used to take my best friend to college every day. One day, while waiting for him near his house, he called me inside. On getting in, he requested me to stay with his mom for 2 days since he was going out of town. I knew that his father stayed in some different town for service. I had no problem. However, i told auntie to seek permission from my mom. In the evening, my friend came to my house and sought permission for me to...

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The CulDeSac

My name is Peter; I'm single, I'm 6ft 1inch tall and weigh 210lbs. I live in a cul-de-sac, which suits me because I do not intend to go anywhere else. It used to be a sad street in a sad part of town, but the circle of life took another turn and suddenly the world was a much brighter place and life was really worth living. One side of the street used to consist of a wall, behind which lay a disused canal. The council have removed that wall; renovated the canal path, and erected a wrought...

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Happy to Be Used Pt 3

I replayed the weekend events literally every moment of my life for the next three days. I could not stop thinking about everything I had done and everything that had been done to me. I had planned a visit to the glory hole for so long I could not believe it had happened.And all those thoughts were, of course, drowned in the sea of memories of what had actually transpired. My plan had become entirely unplanned and it was better than anything I could have imagined. A truly remarkable day I would...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel The Beginning

Hotel Hermaphrodite Adult fiction by [email protected]. If you're too young to be reading fiction of a sexual nature, you should stop now. This story has themes of Hermaphrodites, TG, come production, enemas, toys, surgery, transformation, and trickery. I was born with a small penis. That is a fact. How small? Small enough that I got the nickname "shorty" from the first girl I was intimate with. Small enough to consider anything that would help my condition. I got an email...

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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Scheduled Delivery

After work, I dashed home for a quick shower and change. Just before six o’clock, I was on her doorstep with a take-out bag and a six-pack. A thunderstorm had cooled the afternoon, and she was wearing a silky blouse loose over another pair of baggy cotton trousers. The TV was on in a corner of the living room.We looked at each other a little awkwardly, and I leaned down to peck her cheek. This was feeling like a first date.“Star Trek,” I said. “Voyager is my favorite.”She took the bag from my...

Straight Sex
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The Trail West Ch 06

If you’ve hung in with the story until now, thank you. If you’re just getting started, welcome. I suggest you read Chapters 1-5. They will give you a better understanding of the characters and situations. There are no graphic sex scenes in this story. As usual constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my tale and please enjoy. ********************** Josh and Red came to the base of a large gently sloping hill, they’d been following...

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A young male office worker is turned into a sex slave by six sadistic women

I have always been rather shy around girls. Don’t get me wrong. I am one hundred percent straight, even though some of the things I have been forced to do recently might seem to deny that. I was a good student in high school and an even better one in college. I liked sports, but really excelled at mental activities. So it’s not surprising that I landed a really nice job for an upscale marketing firm. Because I was quiet and as I say, shy with girls, I never had much sex. Here I was...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 18 Let the Competition Begin

Yankee Swap, Chapter 18: Let the Competition Begin Kim called Connie on the way home, and fortunately she did not pick up. "Connie, I know you are excited about all this, but I need to pack and do some other things, so please don't show up until after lunch. I've got too many things to get done. I think we should leave for Boston around two. I know that will get us into rush hour a little, but they will all be going north on the Tobin bridge while we are going south, so it will be...

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My toys

I never was into toys. My first was a gag present after my first c***d was born. A black vibrator - nothing special. It was fun occasionally, but no big deal.Playing on here really made me think I wanted to try something else. I bought a dildo online (was pretty scared someone else would get the mail). It was more fun. It felt more real - at least in helping out some fantasies. I played with it for a while, sometimes while talking to people here.One day online I met someone who said she could...

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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 22

Marie was almost glad when she saw that Jane was about to speak. She thought that Jane would not remember what had happened because of having been drugged by Brad, but she was wrong. Jane began to tell her mom what she had experienced. “I know that Brad spiked my drink. I could feel myself being drugged, but I couldn’t do anything about it” was how Jane started the conversation. Jane continued to tell Marie how she had been aware of what was happening to her. “I knew what Brad had done to...

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LoveHerFeet Sophia Leone Getting To Know Your Neighbor

My boyfriend and I moved to a new apartment. One day, while coming home from shopping, I met this nice french guy who lives a few doors down. As I walked to my door, I realized I locked myself out. My boyfriend was in a meeting at the time so I knew he wouldn’t pick up if I called him for help. Even if he did, there was nothing he could do until he got home. So instead of waiting by the door, I decided to knock on the French guy’s door. He was very nice and invited me in. We sat on his...

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Orgy idea

This an idea I had based on a dream. First you sign up for the orgy then you are sent details of the next meeting giving you a time slot to arrive. On arriving you are met by the hostess who is the only person to know the identity of the people invited, she then guides you to a cubical where you can wash and undress, in the cubical is a tube of clear liquid with instructions to rub the clear liquid on your hands, feet and cock if male and your hands, feet, pussy, tits and lips if female. The...

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