Dealing With A Cheat: A ‘How To’ Guide. free porn video

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The last thing I expected to find when I came home early from work that day was the tangled mass of naked limbs writhing on my bed. For several minutes I stood in the doorway trying to decipher which arm or leg belonged to which body. I’d finished work early that day and had come straight home wishing to surprise Rose my current partner, girlfriend and part time submissive. The strange a****l noises that greeted me from upstairs as I opened the front door stopped me from calling out my usual cheery greeting and for some time I simply stood in the hallway trying to make sense of it. Eventually I came to the only possible conclusion and slowly and quietly climbed the stairs. What I saw when I looked into the bedroom was much as I had envisioned it. Rose and another, unknown, woman, both of them naked, were tangled together and giving off strange moans and squeals.

I coughed, loudly. The woman at the bottom of the heap stopped at once and struggled to see past an obscuring leg. Finally her puzzled looking face emerged looking in my direction. I must admit to finding amusing the slow change from puzzlement to horror in her expression but I managed to keep my face set in a stern expression. The second woman seemed to sense that something was amiss and she lifted her head up from where it had been nestled between Rose’s thighs.

“Oh shit!” she shouted, suddenly fully aware of the situation.

She rolled off to the side of the bed away from me looking just a little frightened. There was a joint scrambling for the blanket that lay crumpled at the foot of the bed and an attempt made to cover themselves.

“Christine, its not what you think,” pleaded Rose.

“And what the fuck do you think I think?” I demanded.

I very rarely swear and Rose knows only too well that I reserve those moments when I do for very serious times. If my presence in the doorway had not already warned her then my use of the ‘f’ word set her alarm bells ringing immediately. I stepped toward the bed and grabbed the hem of the blanket and pulled it off them. They made little resistance and both cowered in a pale group staring at me.

“And who is this slut?” I asked Rose.

“She’s Syl ... errr I mean Sylvia, Miss,” Rose managed to stammer back to me.

“And how long has this been going on? Don’t lie to me.”

“This is the first time I promise, Miss.”

I flung the blanket into the corner of the room and stepped back to examine them both. For a few minutes I let them suffer from a silent stare.

“Get off the bed both of you. Stand up ... NOW!”

There was a hurried scrambling as they both climbed off the bed and stood side by side. Rose hung her head, one arm by her side, the other lifted as she tried to wipe a tear from her eye. Sylvia, her new plaything, was trying to hide her breasts and pussy with her hands and was desperately avoiding my eyes.

“Hands behind your heads,” I ordered them.

Rose immediately took up the familiar position but Sylvia seemed frozen to the spot. I stepped forward and took her chin in my hand and lifted up her face so that she was forced to look at me.

“Are you deaf you little cunt? I said hands behind your head .... NOW!”

Her hands quickly went behind her head and I released my grip and stepped back to examine her. My first impression was that she was young, possibly about 20. She had shoulder length blonde hair, the type of colour which I believe is called ‘dirty blonde’. She was a little below average height and skinny, almost unnaturally so. She still had the pert breasts that the young are so lucky to possess and what remained of her pubic hair was neatly trimmed into a small triangle.

“Step forward one pace.” I ordered her.

She took a tentative step forward and I walked to one side and then behind her. She had a small but colourful tattoo of a butterfly on her left buttock and she flinched when I touched it gently. Other than that I could see no others. I continued my slow tour of the two girls finally coming to stand in front of Rose. Her gaze dropped to the floor in shame and I waited for her to speak.

“Miss, I’m so sorry, please don’t be angry.”

“I think I have every right to be angry,” I hissed at her. I lifted her chin forcing her to look at me, “and where the fuck is your collar and why aren’t you wearing it?”

“Its downstairs, Miss, I took it off when I went to the pub.”

I slapped her hard across her face which brought a squeal, not from Rose but from the girl standing next to her.

“Get out,” I spat at Rose, “go downstairs and put it back on and wait for me there.”

Rose almost ran to the door and out of the bedroom. I could hear the slap, slap of her bare feet on the polished wooden stairs. I was left with her slut friend who started to move after Rose.

“I should be going as well,” she tried nervously.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her back. “You are going nowhere, slut. Stand still!”

“You have no right to keep me here.”

I took a deep breath. “This is my home and my rules, you little slut. I also have sole rights to that cunt you were so busy diving into when I came home. Do I make myself clear?”

For emphasis I gave her a sharp slap, not as hard as the one I had given to Rose but enough to make her cry out.

“But you can’t ...”

I raised my hand again as if to repeat the slap and she fell silent.

“So, let me get this straight, you pick up my girlfriend in the pub and decide to have an afternoon of naughty fun with her. Without so much as asking if she was single.”

“If you let me go I promise never to come back, and my friends will be looking for me.”

“You think life is that easy? Oh no, little bitch, we all have to pay for our wrongful deeds. Why should Rose be the only one to be punished?”

I walked behind her once more and opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet before turning to look at her.

“Hands behind your back ... now!”

Slowly and a little shakily her hand came from behind her head and appeared behind her. Deftly and with a skill born of many years of practice I clipped her wrists together with a pair of handcuffs. She immediately spun round to face me, a look of confusion and anger on her face.

“Let me go you crazy ...”

I slapped her again, a little harder this time and I saw the pain flash across her face. I reached out and grabbed her right nipple and squeezed.

“Ow, fuck ...”

“Do I now have your complete attention?”

I pulled the nipple upwards forcing her onto her toes. She nodded vigourously and I let her down slowly.

“Good. Now a few questions which I expect to be answered truthfully. Why did you visit the pub today?”

I applied a little extra pressure on her nipple and she gasped before replying, “I just wanted a quiet drink, honest.”

I relaxed my hold slightly. “How did you get here?”

I squeezed again. “I came in my car,” she managed to reply through gritted teeth.

“And these imaginary friends, where are they?”

Suddenly she looked frightened but another squeeze forced an answer from her. “I came here on my own,” her voice barely above a whisper.

“And when are you expected home?”

This time I took hold of her other nipple as well and squeezed both.

“I live on my own,” she finally confessed.

I released her nipples and she gasped with relief. I turned and rooted through the drawer once more and took out a black leather collar which I kept there for emergencies such as this. She looked puzzled as I fastened round her neck, locking it in place with a small padlock. I then clipped a leash to the collar. I clipped the key next to the one for the handcuffs to a cord that hung round my neck and let them drop out of sight inside my blouse.

“You can have those when I have finished with you. Now, follow me.”

I walked to the bedroom door and tugged on the lead forcing her to follow me out and down the stairs. I led her into the living room where Rose was patiently waiting, on her knees with her hands still behind her head. A flash of amazement crossed her face as she saw the cuffed, collared and very subdued Sylvia following me. I pointed to the floor next to Rose.

“Kneel there,” I told her and she obediently did so. She had changed in the last short while from the angry and rebellious to the quiet and submissive. I settled myself into my chair opposite them. I let a silence hang in the room.

“I’m sure all three of us realise that this afternoon’s behaviour cannot go unpunished. What that will entail I have yet to decide and I will sleep on it. Until then we will speak no more of it.”

I directed my gaze and Rose, “I assume you have been too busy to think about preparing dinner?”

She hung her head and nodded.

“I thought as much. You will have to raid the freezer then. I’m sure you can also find something for our new guest. Now, run along and get busy, I for one am starving.”

Rose got to her feet and scurried into the kitchen. I glanced at Sylvia before picking up a book from the occasional table next to my chair and, finding my place, began to read it. The only sound was the whirr of the microwave and the constant twittering of the birds in the woods outside the window.

Dinner was memorable only for its awkward silence. I am not even sure what it was we ate. Probably a repeat of a meal or meals that we had had in the previous weeks. I had re-cuffed Sylvia’s hand in front of her and I did notice one thing, that she ate all of hers at an almost reckless speed. I had been right about her needing a good meal.

After dinner I set Rose to changing the bedding on our bed and making up the bed in the spare room. I directed Sylvia to clean up after our meal and then the rest of the evening was spent with them both kneeling quietly while I watched a little TV. Eventually I stood up and motioned them both to get up. I re-fastened Sylvia’s hand behind her and then led her upstairs by her leash with Rose following behind. In the spare room I pulled back the covers on the bed and told her to lie down. I unclipped her leash and replaced it with a chain that was securely fixed to the bedpost. I wished her goodnight, switched off the light and closed the door. Rose followed me into our bedroom where she folded back the covers and started to climb into bed.

“Where do you think you’re going, slut? You’re on the floor tonight.”

I found a blanket and gave it to her. She reluctantly lay down on the floor, curled herself into a ball and tried to pull the blanket over herself. I undressed and climbed into bed to start thinking about tomorrow. I drifted off to sleep clutching the two small keys that hung on the cord around my neck.


When I woke the next morning the sun was already quite high and streaming through the open window. I could already feel its warmth on my shoulder that had slipped from under the covers. I peeked over the edge of the bed to find a neatly folded blanket and no sign of Rose. From the distance I could hear faint kitchen noises and hoped that a coffee would soon appear. I wondered how our guest had slept chained as she was to the bed. Softly I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs and Rose appeared in the doorway carrying a cup of coffee. I pointed to the bedside cabinet and she carefully placed it on top taking extra care not to spill any. I looked at her but she avoided my eyes.

“Breakfast in half an hour,” I told her, “and then we will go for a walk.”

“Yes, Miss,” she mumbled and left the room.

I sat up in bed and picked up my coffee. The elegant cup and saucer was one of my best. Rose was obviously trying to make a good impression. I sipped slowly and began to flesh out the vague ideas I had had last night for a suitable way to deal with the situation.

When I had finished I got up and had a nice shower before dressing. Today would be hot according to the forecast so I chose an almost sheer silk blouse in pale green with a darker green lightweight skirt. As we were going to be walking somewhat off the beaten track I chose a pair of thick socks and found my walking shoes at the bottom of my wardrobe. I looked around for the clothing that the two girls had so easily discarded yesterday and found them in two neatly folded piles on the dresser. A quick glance told me that none of them were suitable for what I had in mind so I looked in Rose’s wardrobe for something more fit for purpose. I selected a couple of simple shift-style dresses, one in khaki and the other in a very dark cream, and laid them on the bed. Sylvia’s shoes were totally unsuitable for a country walk with their 4” heels so I also laid out two pairs of flip-flops. They would both have to put up with those and struggle as best they could. I wasn’t, after all, planning a nice gentle afternoon picnic.

Having sorted out myself and something for the two girls to wear I went into the spare room. Sylvia was lying on her back and her eyes widened when she saw me.

“Listen ... about yesterday,” she started to say.

“Shut up,” I said to her sharply.

She shrank away from me as I reached over and unlocked the chained attached to her collar. I picked up the leash from the small table and clipped it on instead. A quick tug upwards was enough to bring her to her feet without any command. Sensing no danger of her making a run for it I also released her from the handcuffs and I led her downstairs to the kitchen. She was much more subdued that yesterday and I could sense that she was beginning to accept her position and role. I sat down at the table and pointed to the chair next to me. Rose came quickly to fill both our cups and she grabbed hers and started gulping it down eagerly. There was toasted home-made bread and jam laid out so I silently picked a couple of slices and began to spread butter on it. Sylvia looked at me quizzically.

“Go ahead, eat,” I said suppressing the urge to smile as she quickly grabbed some toast and mimicked me prepare her own breakfast.

“You too, Rose,” I said pointing to the third chair.

Rose sat down and also started tucking in to the toast. We ate in silence with both girls looking shame-faced and more than a little worried as well they might be. I think they were hoping that they might be let off lightly but it was becoming slowly clear to them that this wasn’t my intent. When I finished eating I sat back and looked at them one by one.

“We are going for a walk in the woods today, all three of us. But first you need to get cleaned up, you both still stink from yesterday.” I picked up the end of the leash and held it out. “Rose, take your smelly friend upstairs to the bathroom. You both need a good shower. Make sure you do a thorough job. After which you will find two dresses and shoes laid out on my bed. Put them on and then return here. Oh, and bring my walking boots with you, they’re on the floor by the bed.”

With a mumbled “yes, Miss,” Rose took the leash and she led Sylvia out of the kitchen and up the stairs. When I heard the sound of splashing water I went to my special cupboard in the study and took out a few choice items and put them in a small rucksack before returning to the kitchen. I opened a drawer and added another couple of bits and pieces I thought might come in useful before pouring a third cup of coffee and resuming my seat. I waited patiently until finally the two girls came down. Sylvia was seemingly content to be led by Rose who also carried my boots. I pointed to the floor and they both immediately knelt on the hard flagstones. I put out a foot and Rose scuttled forward on her knees and helped me on with my boots lacing them with a practised air. She then went back to her position. I stood up and held out my hand and Rose passed me the leash.

“The expedition is ready,” I said theatrically, “let the adventure begin,” and I tugged on the leash as a signal that Sylvia should stand. She did so quickly followed by Rose. We left by the back door and went through the garden to the back gate which let on to a rutted farm track. I led the way with Sylvia stumbling behind me and Rose bringing up the rear. A few yards along there was a stile with a clear footpath leading into the woods that covered the steep hillside. I climbed over followed by Sylvia who nearly lost one of her flip-flops in the process. Rose, more used to our little excursions, quickly followed. We walked along the path for maybe a mile before a familiar holly tree appeared. The main path went on past it but by carefully stepping around it a vague path could be seen. Probably originally a deer track we had somehow discovered it on a previous walk and it had since become a favourite part of our walks. It was almost invisible from the main path and led into unvisited parts of the wood. With a lot of ‘ow’ and ‘ouch’ and some encouraging tugs on the leash Sylvia managed to fight her way past the holly tree. We set off up the steep path in single file. Poor Sylvia struggled to keep up and a few times I had to wait while she retrieved one of her flip-flops. She was looking sweaty and a little distressed before we finally reached the clearing that I had been aiming for.

It really was an enchanted place with a carpet of yellow flower in the dappled sunshine. We were circled by large oaks and beeches and in one corner two pollarded willows. They were one of the main reasons for us coming here. Two willow trees, originally quite large had, several years ago, been cut down almost to ground level. Their lives had continued in the form of a forest of willow withies growing up from the base. A long ago fallen beech made a convenient seat which I used gratefully. I pointed to an area of grass just in front of me and both girls dropped to their knees, grateful for the rest.

For a while I sat in a patch of sunlight that came through the canopy of leaves. I closed my eyes and felt warm and content. I was interrupted by a rustling sound and when I opened my eyes Sylvia was moving around trying to make herself more comfortable.

“Stop fidgeting, bitch,” I snapped at her and she quickly became still again. I looked from one to the other slowly.

“Time to deal with you two,” I said calmly. I rummaged in my back and found a pair of secateurs that I had brought along especially for the occasion. I motioned for Rose to stand up and handed them to her. I pointed to one of the pollarded willows.

“Go and cut me half a dozen good branches. You know what I’m looking for.”

She took the secateurs and walked slowly over. Looking though the various offerings she slowly made her selections before returning to me. She handed over both the secateurs and the withies to me before resuming her position. I selected each withy in turn and examined it. Rose had chosen carefully and, more importantly, correctly. Each branch was about four feet long and about the thickness of my thumb at its base, tapering to nothing with a healthy growth of new leaves near the tip. I flexed them each experimentally and they made a satisfying swishing noise through the air. I laid them next to each other along the log at my side before turning my attention once more to the two girls silently kneeling in front of me.

“Time to get started,” I said, “I will start with you Rose and you, little cunt, will watch and wait your turn. I’m sure you both thought you could get away with it yesterday but you were both wrong and now you must both suffer the consequences.”

I paused to let that sink in before continuing. “Rose, stand up.” With a look of fear she did so. “Now, strip and assume the correct position over this trunk.”

Slowly and already with the hint of a tear in her eye, she shrugged off her simple dress and let it fall around her feet. She stepped up to the trunk and bent herself over it and spread her legs wide. Her leg muscles twitched with anticipation her body seemed to shimmer in the dappled sunlight. I picked up the first of the withies and swished it loudly just behind her and she flinched. The leaves on the tip fluttered as they passed through the air. I turned to one side and looked at Sylvia.

“I think ten strokes will suffice. Please note her position. You will be expected to copy it in the near future.” When she looked in shame at the ground I spoke to her sternly, “Watch Rose, not the dead leaves, bitch and contemplate your future.”

I swished the flexible withy one more time and then gently laid the end on Rose’s bottom. It quivered at the light touch and I let it rest there for a moment before bringing back my arm and swinging it hard. The sudden noise was loud in the clearing and even the birds seemed silent. A second blow elicited a small cry from Rose. A discarded leaf clung to the sweat on the small of her back. A third strike shed more leaves. The fourth brought out a gasp of pain. A fifth produced another yelp. I paused and stroked my hand over her bottom. Welts were beginning to show and I could feel the ripples under my fingers. I turned to Sylvia.

“Stand up, bitch, and come over here,” I commanded.

Nervously she slowly stood up and walked the few steps towards us. I grabbed her wrist and forced her hand onto the warm and smarting flesh.

“Feel it, bitch. This is your doing.” She sobbed quietly and then fought against me as I forced her hand between Rose’s legs. I knew what she would find there and I knew it would surprise her. I could tell by the change of expression that I was right as her fingers came into contact with a very wet and aroused pussy.

“Yes, she is in pain but she is also aroused. Put your fingers inside her and feel how wet she is, how excited this has made her.”

I watched with quiet delight as Rose convulsed when she was penetrated. I pulled Sylvia’s hand away to the accompaniment of a quiet groan of disappointment from Rose. I picked up a fresh branch and put it in her hand and she looked at it with a puzzled expression.

“You will finish the punishment. There are five more to go. Do it properly, with good strikes. Any I consider soft will be added to yours. Do I make myself clear?”

She silently nodded and I stepped back to allow her to move to the side. She nervously held the branch and tentatively wafted it through the air a couple of times. Then, with no warning, she struck. She surprised me with the force of her first blow. I had expected her to be more gentle and that I would have to encourage her but there was no need. A second blow brought out a satisfying yelp from Rose. Sylvia looked at me as if asking if she was doing it properly and I nodded my approval. Two more blows and I sensed that now she too was getting turned on.

“Pause. One more to go. Make it your best, bitch.”

As if emboldened she raised the switch and struck hard at the target. Rose wailed and then started to sob quietly. Sylvia dropped the branch to the ground and softly stroked the bruised bottom before her. I thought I heard the quietest “sorry”. I stepped forward and inspected Rose’s bottom. It was criss-crossed by red stripes that I knew from experience would take a few days to disappear. Sylvia had done a good job and her work was as good if not better than mine. I slid my hand between Rose’s thighs and felt her wet pussy. I could see that she was already leaking down her thighs. I stepped back. Now that she had been punished she deserved a reward.

“You may stand up now, Rose.”

Slowly she did so and her hands instinctively went behind her to feel her scarred bottom.

“Turn around, Rose, and kneel with your back against the trunk.”

She seemed at first not to understand but despite that she obediently knelt and leant back against the fallen tree trunk. Satisfied I turned to Sylvia.

“Your turn now, bitch. Strip!”

Bowing to the inevitable and with shaking hands she slowly pulled her borrowed dress over her head and let it fall to the ground. It was with no surprise that I saw immediately that her pussy lips shone with moisture.

“Go and bend over the trunk, bitch. One foot either side of Rose and spread wide.”

She shuffled forward and awkwardly got into position. Her pussy was pressed inevitably into Rose’s face and I had a brief glimpse of a smile beginning to spread before her face was hidden from view. I knew that Rose would not be able to resist the temptation and I waited for a while for the effects began to show themselves. Small groans of pleasure began to come from the far side of the trunk where Sylvia’s head hung. I quietly picked up a new withy and tried it out with a few hard swishes through the air. Sylvia went suddenly quiet while Rose re-doubled her efforts. I stroked the leafy end over Sylvia’s backside and she wriggled slightly, fighting the urge to stand up and move away. Rose’s hands immediately came round and grabbed her legs just above the knee holding her firmly in place. I struck my first blow followed at once by the second. There was a strange noise, a mix of a yelp and a moan, as the combination of the pain of the withy and the pleasure of Rose’s tongue sent mixed messages. I struck three more times and then paused. As the pain slowly eased the pleasure of Rose’s attention began to take over and the moans grew louder. I stroked the welted skin and then slipped my hand between her legs. She was soaking as I slid two fingers into her eager pussy.

“Oh fuck....” came the tremulous voice.

I withdrew my fingers. I had a task to complete. For a while I allowed them to carry on and the moans grew louder. I could sense she was close but I couldn’t allow it quite yet. I struck for a sixth and seventh time. The moaning stopped and there was a sharp intake of breath. Strikes eight and nine followed quickly. The complex feelings she was experiencing caused Sylvia to grind her pussy into Rose’s face who responded eagerly. Time for me to finish. I struck the final blow, stood back and then sat on a tree stump. The final strike seemed to push her over the edge and a string of expletives preceded her orgasm. Her body twitch violently before slowly calming down. She lay across the trunk gasping for breath. Rose had slid out from under her and I beckoned her towards me. She scrabbled across on her knees and I pulled her up and sat her on my lap. When I kissed her I could detect the different but familiar taste of pussy on her lips. We both looked at Sylvia as she slumped across the trunk her welted bottom pointing at us. Little by little her breathing slowed to normal.

I called over to her, “come here to us, Sylvia,” using her name for the first time.

She pushed herself upright and turned around. Her eyes tried to focus and she saw the blurred image of me with Rose on my knee across the clearing. I pushed Rose’s legs apart exposing her wet but still unsatisfied pussy.

“Crawl over here and say thank you to your friend.”

She dropped to her knees and crawled across the carpet of flowers, dead leaves and broken twigs with her eyes fixed on her prize. She glanced up at me and I nodded my permission.

“Make her cum. She deserves it.”

I held Rose in my arms as her orgasm slowly built before exploding into the world. I had to hold her tightly to stop her falling off my lap. When she had quietened down she hid her face in the nape of my neck and nuzzled my ear.

“Thank you, Miss, and I’m so sorry for yesterday.”

“That is now forgiven my dear. You have both had the punishment and the reward you deserved and I have had the pleasure of reddening two of the most delightful bottoms.”

I smiled down at Sylvia, her lips and chin shiny with Rose’s juices. She shyly looked at the ground.

“I’m sure neither of you will repeat it. At least not without my express permission. But now we should go. I expect something special for dinner tonight. Both of you get dressed.”

They stood up, both still conscious of the tenderness of their bottoms, and retrieved their dresses and put them on while I re-packed my bag. The withies I left where they were perched atop the tree trunk or battered and discarded on the woodland floor. I didn’t think anyone else knew of this place but if they did then they could speculate to their heart’s content as to why they were there. If not they could be useful for me in the future.

Then Sylvia did a most surprising thing. She approached me holdout the leash like an offering. I was about to say it was no longer necessary when I sensed something in her eyes. I took the leash and clipped it to her collar and a look of relief and pleasure came across her face.

“Home,” I said, “home and dinner. Rose, lead the way.”

In single file we re-traced our steps along the indistinct path until we came to the main track. Soon we were home where I made the two girls strip once more and then sat at the kitchen table as they busied themselves preparing dinner. I made them both sit down to eat which neither was keen to do but did so at my stern look.

We all slept in the same bed that night and they took turns serving my needs and those of each other. Sylvia came back many times after that until she was transferred many miles away with her job. Rose and I were sad to see her go. We heard through mutual friends that she was now happy with a new Mistress so we wished her well and returned to our quiet life. We occasionally visited the clearing in the woods and used up the supply of ready-cut withies but it was somehow never quite the same.

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The Next Morning After The All Night Cheat

After sleeping for at least eight hours, I calmly opened my eyes and saw him there. "Holy shit, John, what are you doing?" I whispered."What am I doing?" he laughed softly. "What happened last night? Did you two hook up?" he whispered, getting close to me. "I haven't seen her tits in years, and yours look a lot sexier next to hers," he muttered, before kissing me. "Seriously, what's going on here? Did you two drink too much and just wind up sleeping together naked. Did you two have...

3 years ago
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An Hour Long Cheat

"Well, you two seem to be clicking," he pointed out, getting out of the car. "You two planned almost our whole wedding by yourselves, and now you are getting a massage from her too. I certainly did picture you two killing each other.""Why, John?" I pondered, closing the gap between us. "It isn't like I stole you from her. You were divorced for over a year before we met," I reminded him before taking his hands in mine. 'Although, you did leave a beyond sexy hussy,' I thought, kissing him.We went...

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Slut craves to cheat

Catherine, Steven and Benjamin.Catherines Version.For the last three years my Husband Steven and I have partaken in the local swinging scene.I have enjoyed a variety of erect cocks during this time and one or two, I must say, were exceptional, very large and very hard. Steven is in possession of a fine hard 8” cock which always pleases the ladies we swing with, and undoubtedly pleases me.Their husbands don’t seem to be too disappointed when I open my shaved pussy for them to slide their hard...

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She Will Cheat

You know what everyone loves? Porn networks. People especially love it when porn networks get all confusing and redirect you 100 times over before you get to the smut you paid for. That’s exactly what you get with SheWillCheat. I am being sarcastic. I hate this. This website is giving me butt cancer. How can a website that’s filled to the brim with Valentina Nappi level videos make me upset? Bad design. Seriously. This website’s content can only be summarized as 10/10 mainstream porn but you...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FIVE Raquel Fuentes was taking little satisfaction from the fact that the...

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Cheat On Me Cheat On You

Amanda’s Bar was slowly filling up, as was usual on Fridays. It was a good place to start the weekend. The drinks were both good and affordable, and the music was quiet enough that you could held a conversation without shouting. And, though nobody knew exactly how or why it had happened, the regular crowd was made up mostly of lesbians with the odd gay couple thrown in. It had become something like our second living room."Anne! Could you stop staring at the slut’s bum and look at me while I...

4 years ago
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Cheaters Never Prosper Revenge on cheating wife i

Revenge on cheating wife is sweetI was very pleased with myself as I drove from the Long Term Parking Garage at the airport and headed home. I was two days early. I had tried to let Grace, my wife, know but the phone was busy every time I tried to call. She must have been on-line. She spent a lot of time on the computer.I tried to reach her on the cell phone again and again as I made the almost two hour drive home. Busy, busy, busy. As I entered town I did a double take on a car I saw parked in...

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Did My Girlfriend Cheat On Me

Did my girlfriend cheat on me?Last week, I woke up to choking and slurping sounds, mixed with some sports commentary from our TV in the living room. My head was throbbing, my eyes hurt, and my throat felt dry from the dehydration caused by the few too many beers and shots I had the night before when we were celebrating my birthday.It took me a few moments before I realized where I was and what was going on. Turning around in my bed, I realized my girlfriend had been missing. She probably...

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Would Susan Cheat

Would my spouse of 15 years succumb to temptation? This is a true story of what happened with my spouse, Susan who I have been married to for over 15 years. Susan and I met in college and married when I was 25 and she was 22. Susan was, and still is a very attractive blonde. Actually I should say, dirty blonde. She has big brown eyes and can look innocent as hell. She is 5’4” and 121 lb, so she has managed to stay in pretty decent shape. Last year, after 14 years of marriage, things were...

Cheating Wife
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I Helped Him Cheat then Cheated With Him part 2

I finally pulled Ben's truck into his driveway. He was eye fucking me the whole way, and I was eye fucking him back. His big cock was the only thing on my mind. I was running red lights and yield signs the whole way, thinking about what his big black cock would feel like inside me.I could feel his dark eyes on my little body and couldn't wait for his big hands to feel my body and experience my pussy. I was going to fuck his brains out. I was going to fuck him so good, he would beg me to fuck...

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Ive cheated on every single ExGF who was a part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee One caught me cheating

I'm a tall, dominant, hot, fit dude with a pornstar sized cock (proof on my Fetlife) living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I moved from SoCal (West Hollywood LA area) where every other chic had a nice rack, perfect cleavage and at least a full C cup tits. NorCal was the opposite, it's like finding a damn unicorn here, most chics have As or Bs, rarely even see Cs and when you do, they are obese (I'm not into overweight women either). It was so easy for me to get laid with hot women with bigger...

3 years ago
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Wife Forced To Cheat 2

FORCED TO CHEAT CHAPTER: 2 This is continuation of Forced to Cheat. All characters are fictional and should not be taken seriously. This is for pure entertainment purpose. Sharron climbed back into her car and headed for home. Her pussy ached like never before. I can’t believe that I just sucked a stranger’s cock, she thought to herself. Sharron now had a bitter taste of cum in her mouth and a terrible ache in her pussy that needed to be satisfied. As she was headed for home she thought...

4 years ago
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Wife Forced To Cheat 2

FORCED TO CHEAT CHAPTER: 2 This is continuation of Forced to Cheat. All characters are fictional and should not be taken seriously. This is for pure entertainment purpose. Sharron climbed back into her car and headed for home. Her pussy ached like never before. I can’t believe that I just sucked a stranger’s cock, she thought to herself. Sharron now had a bitter taste of cum in her mouth and a terrible ache in her pussy that needed to be satisfied. As she was headed for home she thought about...

Group Sex
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I Am Satisfied Thought My Wife Is A Cheat

I AM SATISFIED THOUGH MY WIFE IS A CHEAT I am Banti Kumar, a resident of Himachal Pradesh. I am a fan of ISS. Today I am going to describe a real story. You believe it or not, it is true. I got married in the year 2005 to Santidevi. She was beautiful & sexy. We have one daughter and one son. We had a very peaceful and satisfactory sex life. I like to fuck. Hence, I fuck minimum thrice in a week. My wife liked to be fucked. It means we were a fuck loving couple. I was tired of one type of sex...

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I cheated for my sexual desires but I dont regret Cheating Sex Stories

I have been married for 8 years now. We live in a quiet neighbourhood in Panaji in Goa. Our only child is off to hostel and it is just me and Salima at home all day. I am Sunny- a guy of 40 now. I own a small bar and restaurant in Panaji close to our home. Business is doing well. In short, our life is perfect. Everything we can ask for is in place and I could not have asked for a better life. But I cannot deny I often crave more. Life seems boring and mundane at times and all I want is to break...

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I helped him cheat then cheated with him part 3

I led Ben to the bathroom, both of our naked bodies glistening with sweat and our sex juices."I really enjoy this view," Ben said.I gave him a sexy smirk. I really enjoyed my view when I looked back at him. His tall muscular body, his abs, and especially his monstrous dick waving back and forth with each step he took. When we reached the bathroom, I turned to face Ben. He put his arms around me and we kissed. Our tongues swirled around each others. It was a passionate kiss that started to make...

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I cheated on my loving wife and I dont regret it Cheating Sex Stories

I am married for almost eight years now. I am Robert, a lawyer in Oklahoma. My marriage to Olivia has been the definition of perfect conjugal life. One kid, a dog, a home in a noteworthy neighborhood, busy social and professional life, a loving wife and sex that doesn’t get boring even after all these times. I have it all. It is not like I never fantasized other women before but acting upon it has always been off the table. I could not even think of it. I love her so much and so does she, but I...

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Martha Finally Cheats Too Often

She’s not as smart as she thinks – my ending to LaffWithMe’s Martha Finally Cheats URL: LaffWithMe’s story is pretty simple. A story of a thirty eight year old happily married wife (20 years) and mother of two. Wife hears about big cock, wife feels big cock, wife sees big cock, wife becomes a slut for big cock. Continues to fuck hubby, even though she says she can’t even feel him, for months. The end. Another real Laffer. The End? I don’t...

4 years ago
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Gay Deciding To Cheat Caught In The Act

Please please remember to comment & like if youenjoyed this story, or the three previous ones :)As always, the people and situations are real &true to memory.This will be the last story for the "Deciding ToCheat" series. New theme coming soon!-----------------------------------------------I've been cheating for four months now. After the night with Aaron and Matt, I decided that I was no longer in love with my boyfriend. I had also decided not to persue the fact my boyfriend had been...

3 years ago
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Gay Deciding To Cheat The Intro

First story I've ever written... be nice ;)-------------------------------------------After a year of being with my partner, things had come to an all time boring low.The sex was still ok, but I worked long night hours and he was always doing morning shifts as a baker. We were in that ever-obvious couples rutt. He was 25, I was 22.One night, after sucking on his 7 inch uncut cock for a mere 3 minutes before he blasteda load of cum down my throat and declared he was ready for bed, I'd decided I...

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Top Reasons Why Men Cheat

There are quite a few reasons that could contribute to why men get involved with other women. Mainly, the sexual attraction, companionship, and curiosity pull men closer to those that they will have an affair with. TV shoes, advertisements, movies, and novels also contribute to the excitement of the lust for more women. While women tend to cheat on their boyfriends, fiancés, or husbands for reasons such as intimacy, sex, and money, men have a few different reasons.Most of the time men wind up...

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How to Wash a Girl Guide

How to Wash a Girl Guide Jo comes into the kitchen, her sandalsundone, and as she walks they slap against the stone floor, the buckles ringinglike little bells. She is in her Girl Guide uniform — brown shorts,yellow shirt, and a blue neck-scarf tucked inside her collar. 'Ooh, biscuits!' is the first thingshe says. She makes straight for the chocolate bourbons and crams one intoher mouth. Then she pours herself a mug of tea from the pot. 'That'll be cold,' says her sister,Helena, sitting at...

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Never Cheat at Truth or Dare Chapter 2

Volunteering for two hundred spanks! I could now be sure that I was ape-shit crazy, and when a giggling Jen confirmed that thought, I realised that I had spoken it out loud. “How are we going to do it?” asked a chipper Mandy from across the room, where she was just locking away my diary. “Over the knee?” “However you like,” Liz answered with a grin, “though having her on all fours on the bed does have its appeals. I want to see her tits bounce, even if they are little more than a handful.” Her...

2 years ago
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Moms a Cheat

Today was the 30th of October, one day before Halloween. People had dressed in costumes around college as it was friday and they wanted to celebrate a little early. Walking down the halls I've seen outfits that normally shouldn't be sexy but with todays imagination and creativeness anything can be sexy. From a college girl wearing a skin tight cat costume to my college teacher wearing a nun outfit that outlined her perfect curves. Im not sure if it was because I have a high sex drive but...

3 years ago
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A First Time For A Cheat

You would never had thought how much temptation lurks around at a farm in the middle of nowhere. Paul and I had moved into the small estate at the outskirts of Hunter Village to escape temptation, to rid ourselves of city life with all the good-looking men and even, once or twice, equally good-looking women, who came onto me and whose allure and open flirtation I never could resist. I was a cheat, and I couldn’t help it. The small compliments people gave me just pushed a button inside me, and...

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Never Bet a Women You wont Cheat Blacken

Toni called being very apologetic, asking if I minded watching our little girl while she attended a party thrown by a friend of Gingers. I told her it was no problem, not to worry, and to have a good time. Wanting to make sure she would be safe, I asked if she or someone else was going to drive. Though Toni was very conservative with her actions, she didn't drink very often and when she did, it always made her tipsy. She informed me that Ginger was driving and she was riding with her. She also...

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She Didnt Want to Cheat

I had several women that I used to chat with on AOL back in the day, and had a job that required me to travel extensively. From time to time I would meet one of my chat friends while on the road. Debbie (might not be her real name... then again, it just might be) lived in the Detroit area. Canton, Michigan to be exact. She was somewhat younger than me, and happily married. We chatted about all sorts of naughty things and created a real friendship online.Eventually, I had to travel to Ann Arbor...

2 years ago
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My Wife Would Never Cheat on Me Blacke

Toni called being very apologetic, asking if I minded watching our little girl while she attended a party thrown by a friend of Gingers. I told her it was no problem, not to worry, and to have a good time. Wanting to make sure she would be safe, I asked if she or someone else was going to drive. Though Toni was very conservative with her actions, she didn't drink very often and when she did, it always made her tipsy. She informed me that Ginger was driving and she was riding with her. She also...

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Did I Cheat On My Husband 8211 Part 3

The next morning, I woke up, saw him beside me. He was still in deep sleep. It was 6 AM at the clock. I got up from the bed. All my clothes were spreading haphazardly on the floor. I took those from the floor and kept on the rack. I went to the washroom and took a bath. I dried my naked body with the white towel and wrapped myself in it. I got out of the washroom, saw Pravin lying naked on the bed. I took his pajama from the floor and kept it on the bed beside him. I sat on the chair in front...

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first time cheating and piss play witha drunk latina

First off im 27 year old male married this is my first time cheating/pissplay/latina girl/ i was at my job i work at a hotel i was just getting done its 4am there was this collage party thing they were hosting im in fire stairway and im walking down the steeps.i hear moaning and laughing i turn the corroner theres this drunk latina girl had to be no more than 20 she was about 5-8 dark hair darkeyes lightskin skinny maby 130lbs atleast c cup tits nice round ass and a thick hairy pussy...

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When I was a teenager in a small town in the mid-1970s, lesbianism was something you had heard of in a theoretical kind of way, but there were no openly ‘gay’ (the word was just changing its meaning then) women that one knew of, never mind girls. So I knew what I was – for I definitely wasn’t interested in boys, and had been masturbating to pictures and fantasies of female film starlets and pop singers – but there was no outlet, no way to meet like-minded people. Sadly, the internet was...

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Cheat On Me Cheat On You

Amanda’s Bar was slowly filling up, as was usual on Fridays. It was a good place to start the weekend. The drinks were both good and affordable, and the music was quiet enough that you could held a conversation without shouting. And, though nobody knew exactly how or why it had happened, the regular crowd was made up mostly of lesbians with the odd gay couple thrown in. It had become something like our second living room. ‘Anne! Could you stop staring at the slut’s bum and look at me while I...

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Halloween Cheat

Halloween Cheat Hi, my name is Lori and this is a story about a Halloween party I attended recently. I am a 35 year old housewife from Nashville with two children and a wonderful husband. I am a fitness nut, which has allowed me to keep my figure, even after two pregnancies. My C cup breasts have remained perky with large upturned nipples that have gotten even longer since breastfeeding my two children. My nipples are so large that they can clearly be seen through my padded bras. I often notice...

2 years ago
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Did I Cheat On My Husband 8211 Part 1

That day was very special as well as very important for me. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity because it could be the turning point of my career. So I have to give my best in every way, not only my presentation but also my outlook. As like every day, I had a fight with my husband for some minor issues. He was a very frustrated guy, had no job then. Maybe his male ego hurt him every time as he had to live under his wife’s salary. He lost his job some time ago, that’s why I had to take the...

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A NoGood Cheat

Please don't read this story if you are under 18 or if transexualism offends you. This is a true story. It has some sex, but is also sort of autobiographical. Of course, I've changed the names and stuff... A No-Good Cheat By Maria Transvestite Let me explain myself to you. I am 32, and a transvestite. Not all of the time, but on a couple days of the week I like to get dolled-up and go out for a good time. Sometimes I go to gay bars, drag shows and fun places....

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Dont cheat on a witch

Don't Cheat on a witch. Warning: This is a dark story with no happy endings, after all why should fictitious characters be so lucky. Enjoy the read! "Please Erica call down!" Jeff yelled as he ran through the living room, trying his best to avoid the blasts coming from Erica's wand. "Fuck you!" Erica screamed as her latest volley of spells missed Jeff my inches. "You slept with Monica and you expect me to calm down!?" Jeff, now taking refuge in the main hallway of the house,...

4 years ago
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Halloween Cheat

Halloween Cheat Hi, my name is Lori and this is a story about a Halloween party I attended recently. I am a 35 year old housewife from Nashville with two children and a wonderful husband. I am a fitness nut, which has allowed me to keep my figure, even after two pregnancies. My C cup breasts have remained perky with large upturned nipples that have gotten even longer since breastfeeding my two children. My nipples are so large that they can clearly be seen through my padded bras. I often notice...

Wife Lovers
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My Wifes Cheat

My Wife’s Cheat . I am Pradipta living in Bhubanneswar, Orrisa. I am working under MNC as a software engineer and my wife Sarita is a housewife staying in a flat there. On last month after the examination of our children was over. I and my wife Sarita planned a weekend trip with two of my friends and their wives to a resort out of Puri without our children. We discussed about the programme with these two friends and both were agreed for it. And accordingly we booked 3 A/C rooms at Holiday...

1 year ago
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If Jordan Wants to Cheat Let HerChapter 1

I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business, finishing up my mid-term in Biology. I had been surprised at how easy it had been. I had breezed right through it. I had just finished up the last question when I caught sight of Jordan, who was sitting in the row beside me. She was obviously trying to copy from my paper. Without thinking I snatched up my paper and in a loud whisper I exclaimed, "Hey!" I had whispered a little too loud, apparently. Mr. Carson looked up sharply. He got to...

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Une si jolie guide

Parti quelques jours en Dordogne avec Alain nous décidons de visiter Château et grottes. A l'office du tourisme, nous trouvons une promenade sympa à faire. La visite d’anciennes mines. Pour cette visite, nous enfilons de vieilles fringues pour ne pas risquer de les bousiller. Autant dire que je ne ressemble à rien. Nous arrivons au lieu du rendez-vous. Il y a une une mère et son fils et une famille avec trois ados. Il ne nous restait plus qu’à attendre notre guide. Une jolie fille arrive et...

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A Smart Set Of Cheaters

Another Friday evening and though I was late getting home, my wife Victoria was even later. I didn't like her going out after work with her friends but what can a man do? Every couple does need a life apart from their spouse and Vicky was very good about not only letting me know when she was going out but she also told me where they were going and made sure she got home early. She was usually no later than 8 p.m.This afternoon I had been out on a job inspection and got a text message from...

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Dealing with the local bully part 2

He had come from a particularly rough family with lots of 'connections' in the manchester area. To be fair his surname alone had given him the big man reputation, you just didnt fuck with the Hayes', that said Ryan was pretty much all mouth with very little to back it up, he had a couple of lads, Winston and George, that always seemed to be around him, they did any of the dirty business or looked after Ryan when his mouth bit off more than he could chew. They got to take the main spoils of...

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When She Cheats

Husband watches wife cheating with a big cock.Weekday mornings are hectic at our house--my spouse and I are getting ready for work. Patty takes the bus to town and leaves the house a half-an-hour earlier than me. She is always running late and in a rush everyday. This particular morning, after Patty hurried and left for the stop, I noticed, she forgot her bus pass. Me being a good husband--I jumped into my car to bring her pass. I hoped to make it to her stop, before the bus's arrival.I was...

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The Cheater gets Cheated

I get tired of sitting at home on nights when we can’t see each other. I know you have obligations, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still have fun. And fun will have me. We text at night, telling each other sweet nothings and talking about dreams. I know you are locked in your bedroom cage for the night. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be out and about.I get off the daybed and pick out something skimpy. I have been overly aggravated lately. You have been distracted and if I hear any more about your...

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Dealing with boys 3

Dealing with boys - A log 3 Jack is now 11 and Finley 7. Jack has been bullied at school for being too feminine. It has set him back a long way in his development, and he has rejected anything girly for a while. But I have tried to slowly build him back up. After watching the Disney on ice show, he has started figure skating and has been included in the girls' group at the skating rink. Jack's skating friends think he is a girl and have invited him to a birthday party. Finley has...

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Dealing with boys 4

Dealing with boys. A log 4 My two sons Jack (11) and Finley (7) have been introduced to girly attire for over a year. Jack has friends at the skating rink that believe he is a girl. And he is soon joining a birthday party in a dress. That is quite new to him, and we need to prepare him for it. He is joining our private training program wearing narrow skirts to get the right moves. I have taken him to the clothing shop and made him relax while selecting clothes. Finley is so...

2 years ago
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Dealing With PreEjaculation

Dealing With Pre-EjaculationI won’t clutter this piece trying to explain why a couple that has been married for thirty years find themselves seldom having relations. When we did have sex, I would initiate it. By then, I was so horny and excited that I’d ejaculate after only a couple minutes of intercourse. Of course my wife, not having achieved orgasm, understandably became frustrated.I have managed a solution for my pre-ejaculation while also providing my wife with the orgasms she deserves. It...

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Anal Fisting Guide

HOW TO FIST OR PLAY LARGE, ANALLYI get asked quite often how to “stretch” or train oneself to take larger toys and fists. I normally say the boiled down, simplified version of… “It is just a matter of relaxation, muscle control, plenty of lube, along with time and determination, and caution to do it right, at your body’s own pace.” This is the unabridged and detailed description that I have compiled from several sources over the years, so that I could have it in one place.Putting things in your...

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The Vicar of St Dunstans Guide

To be obvious: this isn’t a story, but a guide to the series. Since the series covers 24 episodes, I thought this list would help in keeping track of the major characters, especially their descriptions and basic history. It may not be comprehensive guide, but I hope it’s helpful. If there’s something that should be here and isn’t, please let me know, I would be happy to improve this guide to serve its purpose better even though the series is concluded. I’ve learned in the course of my life...

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Times change, but some things should go on forever. In its day Uncle Al and Screw Magazine were the best source of information for the city. There were other underground papers but none got to the nitty gritty like that little tabloid. At a cost of two bucks it was a wealth of information on the sub-rosa life of the city. Some time in the past I discovered and became fascinated by Transexuals and Shemales. Looked at the few 8MM loops that were available, bought some of the color XXX...

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