Tuve Suerte free porn video

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Era el ultimo dia de trabajo y estabamos celebrando la fiesta de fin de año en el trabajo, no habian muchas mujeres pero si habian muchas cervezas y mucho ron, comenzamos a tomar y a celebrar a eso de la 1 de la tarde y terminamos como a las 8:30 o 9:00, al salir ya estaba bien borracho y al despedirme de las pocas mujeres que habian pude manosearle el culo a unas cuantas y ninguna me dijo nada, ya estarian borrachas, solo con eso ya estaba bien exitado, queria agarrar tetas, culos o que me mamaran el guevo o que me hicieran la paja, al llegar a la casa no quise entrar de inmediato ya que queria tocar a alguien y por donde vivo hay muchas casas y al final de la calle hay muchos edificios por lo que por esa calle pasan muchas personas que van llegando de sus trabajos a sus casas o apartamentos y pense que muchas empresas tendrian su fiesta de fin de año y una que otra mujer podria pasar borracha o un poco amigable o aun si estubiese sobria, como era de noche y no habia mucha gente no iva a perder esa oportunidad de tocar un buen culo o unas tetas, y eso hice espere en la esquina de la cuadra de mi casa y debo admitir que estaba un poco asustado ya que la delincuencia ya es algo comun en venezuela, pero la necesidad de agarrar cosas ricas sobrepasaba el miedo a que me robaran, pase como 10 minutos caminando de alla para aca esperando a una presa perfecta, pasaron varias personas, unos hombres, unas maduras y algunos grupos de chamos, a los grupitos y a los homres los dejaba pasar sin darle mucha importancia pero cuando pasaban las maduras les preguntaba si querian mamarme el guevo, que yo les pagaba lo que quisieran mientras me agarraba el guevo o lo tenia afuera mostrandoselo, unas volteaban, me veian y seguian caminando, otra volteo y al verme el guevo me dijo...

* "anda a donde las putas a que te bajen eso" y yo le dije...

- "prefiero que me lo baje usted" - "chupamelo rapidito" y ella me dijo...

* "haste la paja" y se fue

y la ultima madura que paso, al preguntarle que si me lo queria chupar que yo le pagaba, me vio el guevo en la mano y sonrio,a esta madura la segui por una cuadra hablandole y preguntandole si me lo queria mamar, me exito mucho ya que era negra, gorda y tetona, tenia muchas ganas de agarrarle las tetotas que tenia, pero a la final siguio caminando sin voltear y se fue cuando regresaba a la esquina de la casa veo que viene caminando una nena bien caderona, mas bajita que yo y en vestido escribiendo por el tlf, lo primero que pense es que le podian robar el tlf y ella sin miedo a que la robaran o no le importaria, luego pense que si no le importaba tener el tlf asi seguro estaba ebria (como yo) hablando con el novio y estaba concentrada en lo que estaba escribiendo y no en quien se le acercaba ni nada, cuando me paso por al lado se alejo un poco de mi y yo tambien me aleje un poco de ella para que se confiara y cuando paso voltie a verle el culo y tenia un culo bien grande y demaciado divino, eso era todo lo que necesitaba para ir tras de ella, enseguida me regrese caminando lento y cuando llegamos a la otra esquina donde el poste de luz esta dañado y la esquina esta oscura, con un solo movimiento le meti la mano bajo el vestido, le puse la mano entre las nalgas y le aprete una nalga bien duro dos veces, la perra tenia un hilo y le senti todo el culo, ella se volteo y me dijo...

* "que te pasa mamaguevo?" y yo solo le dije...

- "es que me gusta tu culo mami" "no quieres que te coja?"

cruzo la calle corriendo y comenzo a caminar rapido volteando a ver si todabia la estaba siguiendo, en este momento sentia que debia irme a la casa ya que habia agarrado un culo muy bueno y aunque no fue gran cosa era lo suficiente como para llegar y hacerme la paja, pero decidi quedarme caminando y esperando a otra nena un rato mas y menos mal que lo hice, al rato de agarrare el culo a la nena paso una madura como de 46 años, era flaca un poco mas bajita que yo pero se veia que tenia tetas grandes pero caidas y solo pense en llegarle por atras y agarrarle esas tetas, y eso hice, despues que paso frente a mi la segui hasta el punto oscuro de la cuadra, camine rapido y la agarre por detras y le aprete las dos tetas varias veces sin soltarla como 2 o 3 segundos (que se sintio como si fuese mucho mas tiempo) cuando la solte la muy perra se rio y me dijo ...

* "epa muchacho, me asustaste" ... mientras se ponia la mano en el pecho y se reia

cuando hacia eso yo ya me estaba alejando por si se m*****aba o gritaba pero al ver que solo se reia y no se m*****o ni nada yo le dije.

- "es que estoy bien exitado, ya lo tengo parado y quiero que me mamen el guevo"

le dije esto mientras me agarraba y me apretaba el guevo, y ella me dijo...

* "bueno ven y cuadramos"

cuando me dijo esto me regrese y al estar cerca de ella le agarre la teta con una mano y comenso a reir otra vez (en ese momento pense que nadie se cojia a esa vieja y le gustaba y exitaba que la tocaran o le dijeran esas cosas) y le dije...

- "me lo vas a mamar mami?" ella me pregunta...

* "cuanto me vas a dar?"...

- "bueno depende de como me lo mames te doy 100mil Bsf" todo esto mientras todabia le estaba agarrando la teta

ella se quedo como pensando y me dijo "bueno vamos", cuando estabamos bajando por un callejon oscuro ella me pregunta...

* "y eso que le andas agarrando las tetas a toda la que pasa?"

- "es que ando bien exitado y lo tengo super parado, tocalo para que veas" me agarro bien rico el guevo, me dijo...

* "uff si esta bien rico vale, y lo tienes bien grande, ya te lo voy a mamar papi"

cuando me lo agarro yo le agarre el culo pero no tenia mucho ya que era una vieja
(no como el que habia agarrado antes de la nena caderona) y le pregunto...

- "y eso que aceptaste?"

* "es que te ves bien bueno y me gusto como me agarraste las tetas"

- "ah ok pero no cualquier mujer se va con un tipo asi a mamarle el guevo en la calle solo por que le agarren las tetas, solo se m*****an me gritan y se van, eres puta?"

le pregunte sin ningun tipo de verguenza y ni me importo si se m*****ara, me dijo...

* "no soy puta, pero trabajo en un hotel cambiando las sabanas y limpiando, y siempre escucho a los que van a cojerse a las putas y aveces los tipos me piden una almohada o condondes y salen desnudos con el guevo parado y hoy me mostraron uno que me gusto y desde que lo vi ando exitada", y yo le digo...

- "ah ok entonces estoy de suerte que te agarre exitada" y le vuelvo a agarrar la teta.

cuando nos paramos en otra esquina para ver si no pasaba nadie, venian unos chamos y nos paramos a esperar a que pasaran pero los muy cabrones caminaban muy lento, y mientras esperabamos a que pasaran ella me pregunta...

* "tienes condones?"

- "no, no tengo, pero me lo chupas asi, guevo pelao"

* "esta bien", yo pense le vaina y le digo...

- "si tengo condones, pero son para cojer, para una mamada de guevo me lo puedes mamar asi sin condon, pero si quieres que te coja si me lo pongo y te cojo con el condon"

* "pero me vas a cojer aqui en la calle?"

- "si, a donde mas vamos a ir? yo no tengo otro lugar a donde ir a cojerte"

* "bueno yo te lo mamo y despues vemos, si no pasa nadie me lo metes, pero me tienes que dar mas dinero si me quieres cojer"

- "esta bien"

mientras todabia esperabamos que pasaran los cabrones ella me pregunta...

* "tu eres de esta zona?"

- "si, por que?"

* "yo tengo 20 años pasando por aqui y nunca te he visto" "yo vivo por aqui cerca"

- "yo tampoco te habia visto a ti y por eso te agarre las tetas, por que no me parecias conocida"

* " jajajaja ah ok esta bien"

los chamos pasaron, caminamos media cuadra y antes de llegar me saque el guevo, al llegar a otro lugar oscuro
le digo...

- "mira como lo tengo", me lo vio, me lo agarro y haciendome la paja me dice...

* "pero en donde te lo mamo?"

- "aqui mismo, ya no esta pasando nadie"

* "seguro? no quiero que me vean mamandote el guevo"

- "si vale, dale, mamalo rapido que nadie viene"

le dije esto mientras le ponia la mano en el hombro y la empujaba hacia abajo para que se arrodillara, una vez que se arrodillo la agarre de la cabeza, me agarre el guevo y se lo meti en la boca, enseguida comenzo a chuparmelo y me chupaba la cabeza muy rico, a cada rato me decia que no queria que la vieran mamando guevo y que si me faltaba mucho para acabar y yo le decia que si me faltaba mucho y que si seguia preguntandome me iva a tardar mas (en este momento con tanta preguntadera ya estaba medio m*****o y estaba pensando en irme corriendo sin pagarle mientras se levantaba y se guardaba las tetas) pero ella misma me dijo...

* "ya me duelen las rodillas, saca el condon y metemelo"

se levanto y se guardo las tetas, vi la oportunidad de cojerla y luego seguir con el plan

saque el condon del bolso, se lo di a ella y le dije "ponmelo", me lo puso y yo la agarre de la cintura, le di la vuelta, la doble de la cadera, la apoye contra la pared y con mis dedos le fui abriendo la cuca metiendole los dedos, primero uno y despues dos, cuando ya estaba bien mojada me dijo "dale, metelo" se lo meti duro y cuando comence a moverme le saque las tetas y se las aprete, nunca paso nadie ni se acerco nadie a nosotros y me la pude cojer a todo gusto en una esquina oscura en plena calle, en un momento cuando me la estaba cojiendo ella se relajo y comenzo a gemir y a decir que cojia rico y que le diera duro, decia cosas como "meteme el guevo", "que guevo tan rico", "cojeme", seguimos asi un rato y le acabe bien rico agarrandole las tetas, justo en el momento que le saque el guevo se guardo las tetas y se volteo hacia mi, me miraba fijamente con cara de seria y yo sabia que queria que ya le diera el dinero pero yo me hice el loco como que no entendi y estaba tratando de quitarme el condon, hacia como que no me salia y me lo estaba quitando con cuidado, cuando ella vio que yo me relaje y estaba haciendo todo
calmado ella tambien se calmo y se acomodo las tetas tranquilamente, saco un papel de su cartera y se limpio la cuca (ya que desde que le acabe no se habia subido la pantaleta ni el ni el pantalon) se agacho y limpio, en ese momento yo saque mi pañuelo y me estaba limpando el guevo y cuando vi que ella comezo a orinar, de un solo movimiendo me jale el pantalon hacia afuera, me guarde el guevo y comence a caminar sin subirme el cierre, di como tres pasos largos antes de que ella se diera cuenta y cuando se dio cuenta me pregunto...

* "epa y mi dinero?" y yo le dije...

- "no tengo efectivo" (ya que en venezuela no se consigue dinero en efectivo) y me dijo...

* "coño ni 50 me vas a dar?"

- "no tengo nada de efectivo" y la perra me dijo ...

* "ya sabes que te van a agarrar en la esquina"

y mientras me alejaba me estaba riendo y solo pensaba que si se ponia a buscarme no me iva a encontrar ya que primero: todo estaba oscuro y ella nisiquiera me habia visto bien la cara, segundo: ninguno de los dos nos habiamos visto antes y segun ella tenia 20 años pasando por alli y nunca me habia visto (seguro pasaran 20 años mas sin verme xD) tercero: yo no hago esas cosas cerca de mi casa, ni le agarro las tetas a nadie y me las cojo en una esquina y por ultimo: de todo lo que hablamos no me dijo nada que me hiciera pensar que me habia reconocido de alguna parte o me pregunto donde vivia, o tan siquiera me vio la camisa donde tenia el nombre y logo de la empresa donde trabajo, asi que esa puta se llevo una buena cojida navideña, yo cumpli muchas cosas que queria hacer de mi lista de atrevimientos y todos quedamos felices jajajaja

comenten que les parecio mi historia y diganme si quizas hubese hecho alguna otra cosa mas aprobechando la oportunidad


1- tocarle el culo a unas compañeras de trabajo

2- tocarle el culo a una nena culona en vestido (debajo del vestido)

3- mostrarle el guevo a mujeres en a calle

4- apretarle las tetas grandes a una madura y tomarme mi tiempo haciendolo

5- invitar a una madura que conoci en la calle a cojer y que acepte

6- cojer en la calle

7- cojerme a una puta y no pagarle

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My wife (at the time) and I were out at a bar one night listening to a band play that we liked. As we enjoyed the music my wife got fidgety. I asked her what was wrong. She told me that a woman was staring at her. She told me where to look. I looked and saw a blond woman in a summer dress. She blew a kiss at me. I told my wife to ignore her. She was just being a tease. After about 45 minutes I left to get fresh drinks, the bar was packed. As I was waiting, I felt a hand on my arm, it was the...

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What I learned in College

Steve dropped onto the bed in the small room that was going to be his home for the next four years. He looked around the small dorm room and saw two beds, two desks and two large piles of suitcases and boxes. They had a in room refrigerator, a couple of computers, and that was about it. Steve started to think about hooking up the internet, and getting his clothes unpacked. Just then Dave, his best friend from High School, and his roommate, came into the room and said, “All right I got rid of...

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First time to be fucked by brother and fuck a wom

I was about 14 at that time. And my brother's 18.At that age,I still didn't know a lot about sex,I just knew how to satisfied myself by masturbating and how looks like when man fucks a girl. Because I was worried my brother will caught me masturbate,so I usually do that when he's not home. But one day,I found a new way to masturbate from my friend,that is,put a cylindrical pillow under my cock and lie prone on a soft bed ,then rub it hardly. So I try it excitedly after I came back from school...

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FSD Episode 7 When the Masters Away

Episode 7 - "When the Master's away, the subs' will play!"The Mistress has been walking you down the street to the notorious tavern known as the Frog and Whistle (you know, the big tavern on the corner of 4th and Maple? Right next door to the Trople D and the Pleasure Dungeon), collar tight on your throat and leash in Her hand. Before you reach the tavern, She orders you to remove your loin cloth."Yes Mistress." You obey immediately removing the loin cloth, but its cold out, so your scrotum...

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A First My Friends sister

So began the most memorable summer of my life. Jeanie and I had fallen for each other. It was quick and passionate, and it would forever change the way I felt about love, friendship and destiny - for better and for worse. The roller coaster ride had begun, and so would come the highs and lows, the thrills and chills, that came along with it.It began with the high of being drawn to Jeanie. Though we knew it could be problematic, neither of us could quell the unquenchable desire we had for one...

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Creating My Hot Wife 15

Scott was/is a lawyer and a very good lawyer. When I needed something done, Scott always had the answers and our professional involvement soon blossomed into an unusual friendship. It was unique in that...”who ever gets a standing invitation to spend the night at his lawyer’s home anytime you’re in town?” Well... their beautiful guest bedroom with its private bath, mini kitchenette, walk-in closet and keyed exit to their lavish screened pool and spa area became my home away from home. I loved...

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My Bestfriends Boyfriend

Introduction: This the story of Chloe and how she slept with her bestfreinds boyfriend… This is the story of Chloe…I posted this before in the forums and now Im reposting it here cause Im finally getting around to making a continuation to this story….Hope you guys enjoy… I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all...

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My New Anal Beads

A few years back I was at the adult toy store looking for something new to add to my ever growing toy collection. I soon found myself admiring the anal beads, at this time I had never done anal before. After looking over many different models, I happily chose a real beauty with 10 beads, and also picked up some anal lube too. I fantasized all the way home about how my first experience would be, just me, the lube and the beads. I got home then went online to search for information about how to...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Chloe DarkEyed Damsel Chloe Gets Fucked Like the Dog She Is

Dark-haired beauty Chloe is ready for some serious action today. She’s dressed in her latex outfit, complete with dog collar, that leaves her colossal knockers exposed, and she’s trying out the whip that will soon send the naughty girl into heights of ecstasy. Her boyfriend Kristof is sure surprised when he gets home, but he gets into the spirit of the occasion by grabbing her by the leash and walking her around like a dog. After a nice blowjob, Kristof starts in on her snatch with...

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Fighting AIDS

Fighting AIDS Fighting AIDS- 1 -Synopsis: Sometime in the future Rhodesia takes its old name back and starts the fight against AIDS andpoverty by the use of extreme chastity.1. PrologueIn 2020 the old president Mugabe did die from heart failure despite his governments effort in keeping himalive by brain-transplant etc.The United Nation created a new government. The life expectancy has been about 40 years for nearly twodecades. The new prime minister knew that he have to select the best...

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My Slut Wife

My wife, Abby, is a major slut. I do not mean that in a bad way. The woman loves cock and always has. Ever since she hit puberty she has wanted and taken alot of cock. The stories she has told me, threesomes, foursomes, orgies, gangbangs, dogging, you name the woman has done it. And she is the most beautiful woman, long natural blonde hair, big brown eyes, perfect face. A petite little body with "B" cup tits and a great ass. I mean she is built for pleasure, a body that you can just fuck away...

4 years ago
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Relative Confusion

I am reposting this story as I have been wanting to rewrite parts of it for some time. My heartfelt thanks as ever to evanslily for her superb editing skills and advice. Night and Day, Cole Porter. 1932. ****** ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, pray silence for the Father of the Bride,’ the toastmaster called out. Feeling the knot of fear tighten in his stomach, Martin rose to speak. He glanced up and down the table, the linen tablecloth rather less pristine than it had been now the remains of the...

4 years ago
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Jawaan vidhi got fucked in train

Train mei classy sister ko gain walon ne choda meri did bahut mast hein. She is 23 aur unki abhi tak shaadi nahi hui. Yeh baat kareeb 6 mahine purani hei. First let me tell u a bit about my sexy hot vidhi . Meri did weise to bahut bholi bhali aur seedhi hein, par unka figure kassam se. She is 5,6 37,28,36….abhi se poori grown up woman lagti hein. School mei jab meri class ke kuch larke meri vidhi pe comments mar dete the to mujhe bahut gussa ata tha. Meine kabhi apni did ke baare mei aisi...

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Master pops his mommywhores anal cherry

It's been a few days since my sweet sub turned me from his mommy-dom into his personal fucktoy. He has really enjoyed his new role as my Master, as he has used my mouth and pussy several times already, he has made me crawl on the floor and beg for him to fuck my face. He has shot his cum on or in me several times per day.I'm in deep sleep in our bed, exhausted from the days activities, sleeping naked as my new Master has told me to do. Suddenly I feel something. I don't wake up fully, not...

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Waking up to a new Life 5

Waking up to a New Life. Ch 5. By Matthew. I woke to the sound of nanny wishing me a good morning, while asking if I had a lovely sleep. Turning to face her, I suddenly realized the restraints were no longer holding my wrists secure, the earplugs no longer attached to my ears. But for some unknown reason I was still being tormented by that woman's voice reaffirming "I'm an effeminate sissy and always have been," Offering a warm smile I found myself asking, "Can I have a cuddle please...

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Roberta and Patricks Next Bet The Ending

….A jack!! That gave me a full house, beating Patrick’s straight! A whoop of triumph left my lips. What an incredible rush! I mean, it’s sweet to win, but when victory drops into your hands after escaping from the clutches of almost certain defeat it has the saccharine scent of honey and the unbearably, indescribably delicious taste of a preposterously decedent dessert. Although I’d won in February, this was so much better than that first adventure, and it was a rush I knew I would just had to...

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Susans Teacher Evaluation

My name is Susan, and I am a fifty-four-year-old teacher. My husband works away from home all week and over the past year has not been interested in sex at all. I was beginning to think it was me – was I getting dowdy as I matured? I thought about that a lot and then decided to do something about it.I began to wear clothes that showed me off a little better, and let my hair grow longer. Pretty soon I started to notice the male teachers and students looking at me more… their gazes lingering on...

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Dr McPhearsons Assistant

Dr McPherson's Assistant Dr McPherson was getting old. He had a thriving practice in Harley Street patronised by the very first echelon of society where he was known for his discretion and his sympathetic and accommodating attitude. The sons and daughters of the nobility would be sent to him to treat some of the more unfortunate results of the errors of youth and he was well known for doing so with none of the prudery or piousness associated with the middle classes. He held a firm belief that...

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Private Mary Rock Teen Hungry For Ass

The stunning Mary Rock has come to Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 5 and this young hungry teen is keen to attract the attention of her man Nikolas for some real fun. Watch this beauty strip down to show off her incredible body and then get started with an amazing deepthroat blowjob before heading down further for some rimming and ass licking. Then enjoy Mary in action as she offers up her pussy and ass for some hard fucking and a good session of anal that will finish up with a cum filled...

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Fucked GFrsquos M0ther at Last

Fucked GF’s M0ther at Last.Samantha is a more voluptuous version of my GF; Vicky. Sam is 42, redhead, 39DD, an ass to match and flat abs. All this stacked on two sculptured long legs. Her almond shaped freckled face is beyond pretty! Vicky has just turned 20, 36CC and is eager for my services at every opportunity. Her eagerness is matched only by my horny 22 year old body. Vicky is a great fuck but I would risk everything to screw her m0ther.Samantha is divorced and is never short of suiters...

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Cassies Fall

Cassie licked her lips, took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door before her confidence failed her. She had decided last night before going to sleep that this trip was necessary, but upon waking this morning and facing actually having to go through with it, she had found herself not wanting to do it. All through breakfast and her usual morning routine, she had wavered back and forth, finally managing to talk herself out of it. Then, having gotten dressed and headed for the gym like...

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The Crimson King Ch 09

Her voice sent him hurtling into the vortex, shredding his last bit of self-control and he swabbed a soft throbbing circle of her sweet flesh and slowly, surely bit down. The purity of her blood took his breath away, just as it had before, but this was much sweeter. His lips covered the wound and he drank deeply, reliving her life memories and reveling in her triumphs. The anguish he’d felt over taking her was quickly washed away, replaced by an exhilarating feeling of possession. Sammi felt...

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Seducing A Married Man Named Charlie

Introduction: Story Written By http://www.reddit.com/user/lustyand20 … Edited by me. This is the story of the first time I tried to seduce someone. Im an intern in a small office with a mostly older staff. Id been working there part time for about a year, when they filled the new office manager position with an outside hire. Charlie was 40ish, bearded, bespectacled and a little heavy around the middle, but I wanted him so badly from the moment I was introduced to him. I cant tell you why, but...

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March of the Southern BellesChapter Five

"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Five" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Brunch was delightful, although I nibbled at my avocado and sprouts sandwich more out of distaste rather than any manifest desire to display appropriately dainty table manners. It was such a pleasure to eat in such exquisite surroundings--the sterling silverware absolutely gleamed, and I'd never eaten off of such beautiful china. Lisa giggled and pointed to the lipstick I'd left on the rim...

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House Owner Paiyan Ennai Sex Seithaan

Hi friends, indru Tamil kathaiyil ilamaiyaana house owner paiyan ennai eppadi sex seithaan enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Velama, vayathu 36 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal avargal ippozhuthu periya magal kalluri padithukondu irukiraal. En siriya magan school padithukondu irukiraan, en kanavan kaai kari kadai vaithu irukiraar. Veetil pana kastam irupathaal naan veetu velaiku selalam endru mudivu seithu irunthen, en ooril oru panakaarar veetirku...

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Another Naughty Mummy

"Do you like my shorts Jimmy?" "They're lovely mummy" he sits down on the floor and watches me as I start to sway sexily in time to the music. "They're tight aren't they darling?" He giggles, "You've not got any knickers on mummy" "How do you know that?" I pretend to be surprised. "He can see my cunt, my little angel's looking at his mummy's cunt!" "'Cos I can see your, er, your, thingy" "My thingy?" He giggles and my heart melts, "God he's so fucking...

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Fantasy Date

As his computer booted up, Dave went to grab a beer from the fridge. By the time he got back, it was ready, and he clicked on to the internet. He had been single for over a year, after his last girlfriend had walked out on him after three years together. She said he didn't understand her, and she didn't like the fact that Dave was a fan of big boobs, something Sarah and her 32As couldn't cater for. He trawled through his usual dating sites, to find all of them depressingly scarce of...

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Unlucky girl gets interrogated by factory guards

That Thursday evening Tove got back from work later than she usually did. And it was not just due to a lot of traffic on her way back home. She had been in an awful lot of meetings. Nothing had worked out.  The day started off with a review of the project she had just finished. At nine she had still been oozing confidence and thought the review would be a breeze. She had hoped to get promoted another three steps in the mars hierarchy and get the job in strategic marketing she had always...

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Isle Of Strict Women

ISLE OF STRICT WOMEN -- Chapter 17 by Throne Charlie walked into the big dayroom, being careful to take small steps. His girl's shoes, bright green and shiny, with matching plastic bows and two inch stacked heels, glinted in the light from the chandelier. He had on a party dress that would have looked sweet on a pre-teen. It was in two shades of yellow, and his tights mixed both green and yellow, to bring the whole outfit together. He blushed as the women sitting on the couch,...

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Caught by my Teacher

It was hot as hell in the old school library. I was sitting in one of the study rooms in the back of the building on a hard wooden chair. My tanned thighs were sticking to the wood and my tank top was nearly soaked through with sweat. All of a sudden, I had a rush of arousal. I tried to ignore it by turning up my music and attempting to focus on my history paper. It was only a few hours before the paper was due and I only had about half of it done. After a while, I realized I was getting...

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