Bison5 Fucks My Wife free porn video

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It was any ordinary Friday morning I was sat in the kitchen daydreaming about watching my wife get fucked by another man. It is something me and my wife had joked about many times but never really seriously considered it. For some reason I decided to put it to my wife now.

“ You know we were talking the other day about our fantasies and I brought up the idea of watching you with another man? I know we were a little drunk but would you be up for it”?

“I’m not sure I know we joked about it at the time but I didn’t know you were serious, why do you ask”?

“Well I have been talking to this guy online called Richard and he has seen your pics and is well up for it”

“What do you mean he has seen my pics”

“Well I shared some of the pics of you dressed as a dirty schoolgirl to see what people’s reaction would be”

“You did what? I can’t believe you did that, those were supposed to be private” I’m not surprised he’s up for it if he seen those. I am so pissed at you right now but I’ve got to get to work we’ll talk about this later.

Charlotte walked out slamming the door behind her. I felt guilty about betraying her trust with the pictures, but I was hoping that after a day of thinking about it she might come home from work feeling more positive about it. I messaged Richard whilst at work to let him know I’d put the question to my wife about letting him fuck her but that her instant reaction wasn’t great. The day felt like a long one, waiting for work to finish so I could get a chance to apologise to Charlotte and talk things through. When I got home, Charlotte was in the kitchen cooking. As I walked in she stared at me and said “I’m still not talking to you” She gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the evening. It wasn’t until we were in bed later that she broke her silence.

“So what exactly did this Richard guy say about my pics?” Charlotte asked in a moody tone

“Oh nothing really” I said.

“No tell me what he said about them”

“Well he said you had great tits and an amazing arse”

“Did he now, well you can let him know that he probably won’t be seeing either my tits or my arse”

After that Charlotte turned over in bed and went to sleep.
The next day was Saturday and we didn’t see much of each other during the day as I had to work and Charlotte had been out shopping with friends followed by a few drinks. When I got home Charlotte was there and was a little tipsy, not drunk but happy tipsy.

“There you are she said” as I walked in

“I have had some time to think today about your little fantasy”

“Oh right” I said, surprised to hear her bring it up.

“Yeah if your sure that’s what you want me to do then I might be willing to go through it. As long as I call the shots and we do it on my terms.

“ok sure definitely whatever you say, you’re in control” I said trying to hide the excitement in my voice and the massive erection that was growing in my boxers at the thought I might get to see another man fuck my wife. My emotions started to sway from excitement to nervousness. What if this was a big mistake, what if she enjoyed it a bit too much. But my excitement levels and arousal were taking priority in my thought process at the moment so I was blocking that from my mind.

“So what made you change your mind?” I questioned.

“Well I was never fully against the idea you know me always willing to try something new. I was just angry you had shared my pics without me knowing. I also checked out the profile of this Richard guy and he looks pretty good, nice cock too she said with a cheeky smile.

“So when you say on your terms what do you mean exactly?”

“Well I want to be in complete control of everything I’m not going to do something I’m not comfortable with. At the same time if I do something you don’t like you don’t get to dictate what I can and can’t do.

Ok I’m fine with that whatever you say.

“Ok if your sure honey just don’t want you regretting things half way through”

I won’t it’s fine. I’ll have to message Richard to tell him the news and start arranging things”

Ok honey let me know when it’s going to be we are free next weekend if you can arrange something for then.

I spent the next few days exchanging messages with Richard trying to pin down when this was going to happen and to lay down a few ground rules. We finally arranged a suitable time on the following weekend. We planned to meet in the local pub so that we were on neutral ground where everybody could get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere before heading back to our house to move things on. But only if everybody was happy. We carried on messaging Richard over the course of the week and the excitement for the weekend grew as it drew closer and closer. I got home from work on Thursday night expecting to find my wife in the front room watching TV but she wasn’t there. I could hear music coming from upstairs in the bedroom. I started to climb the stairs when my wife called out.

“Dont come in yet. I’ll let you know when you can come in”

I waited outside for about 10 minutes before she shouted.

“Ok you can come in now”

As I entered Charlotte was stood at the end of the bed in a brand new lingerie set. She looked incredible. She wore a black satin push up bra with matching black satin panties and suspenders belt with black nylon stockings and a new pair of black high heel knee high boots. She had straightened her long black hair and done her make up with bright red lips and matching nail varnish. She looked so unbelievably sexy my cock was throbbing in my trousers. I moved over to her to kiss her. But she stopped me.

“No no this is my new underwear for Saturday” Charlotte said with a smile

What do you mean I said.

“Well I want to look my best so I bought some new sexy lingerie for Richard to fuck me in. It’ll be such a turn on for him if he’s the first to fuck me in it”

I felt a bit hurt but for some reason this made my cock even harder the thought of Richard not only getting to fuck Charlotte but being the first to fuck her in such stunning underwear.

“ok no problem” I said disappointingly I did agree to do this on your terms”

Saturday finally came around we had arranged to meet in pub a bit further a field from our house to reduce the risk of bumping in to anybody we might know to avoid having to explain who Richard was. Charlotte was upstairs getting ready.

“im not sure what wear. I want to look sexy but not to slutty”

“Why don’t you go for a nice business suit that’s very sexy and not slutty at all.”
Hmm maybe”

I went downstairs to wait for her to make her mind up. Half an hour later she came down. She was wearing her fitted pinstripe suit jacket with a very short matching pencil skirt with stockings suspenders and heels. Under the jacket she was wearing a tight fitted shirt unbuttoned just enough to show her ample cleavage and a slight glimpse of her black underwear. She looked unbelievable and my cock was rock hard thinking about fucking her in it. My excitement levels grew as we waited for the taxi to take us up to the pub we were meeting in. As the taxi pulled up Charlotte turned to e and said.

“So your sure this is what you want because once we’re in the taxi there’s no turning back”

Yes definitely” I said in a lustful tone. I was so horny with desire and excitement I felt a little light headed.

Ok well the taxi is here so to late to turn back now” she said with a smile. We kissed as we left the house and Charlotte whispered in my ear.

“I hope you enjoy the show”

It was a 10 minute journey up to the pub we had chosen. I kept catching the taxi driver checking out my wife in his rear view mirror so she undid another button on her shirt just to reveal a little more cleavage.

Yours such a tease I whispered to her.

“That’s why you love me she laughed”

When we arrived at the pub Richard was already there waiting at the bar with some pre-ordered drinks. As Charlotte walked in I could see his face light up as he looked her up and down. I think he was surprised to see she looked even better in the flesh than she did in pictures.

“Hi im Charlotte nice to meet you” My wife said with a kiss to his cheek.

“Wow nice to meet you to Charlotte you look incredible”

We sat down with some drinks and began to chat Charlotte was a great flirt so she hit it off with Richard easily. I was worried things might have been a bit awkward but not at all. We had quite a few drinks to lift everybody’s mood. As the afternoon moved on Richard and Charlottes flirting also became more intense. Everything was going brilliantly.

“Shall we move this party back to our place” I said as we finished our third drink

“Definitely” my wife said with a smile.

Richard popped to the toilet while we waited for the taxi.

“It’s going well” Charlotte smiled “Your still ok with this”

“Oh yeah I can’t wait” My cock was so hard in my boxers it was aching. Im sure Richards was the same.
In the taxi back to ours I sat in the front while Charlotte and Richard sat in the back together still flirting and touching. Charlotte has one hand on Richards groin massaging his hard cock through his trousers just out of the driver eyeline.
When we got back we went in to the kitchen and cracked open some champagne.

“Think I’ll just slip upstairs and change in to something more comfortable while you two chat”
Charlotte took her champagne and disappeared.

“So, what do you think Richard? Are you up for this”

“Oh yes” Richard said enthusiastically “your wife is amazing even better than the pictures let on you are one lucky man. You sure you’re ok with this”

“I’m sure you just carry on and I’ll enjoy the show.

Me and Richard chatted for about half an hour before Charlotte reappeared. She had changed in to my absolute favourite outfit of hers the schoolgirl. She had a tight white shirt which hugged her breasts and waist, a tight black leather mini skirt which clung to her arse so tightly you could see her suspenders underneath poking through the material. She was also wearing her brand new black satin lingerie her stockings and knee-high leather boots. Her new lingerie made her tits look even better the usual. Pushing them up and giving an impressive cleavage which her tight shirt was straining to contain.
With out saying anything Charlotte walked over to Richard and they began kissing. Richard put down his champagne and slid his hand down Charlotte back onto her arse squeezing and caressing her firm arse cheek through the material of her leather skirt. When she came up for air she moved one of the dining room chairs in to the middle of the living room and sat Richard on the chair. You could visibly see the huge bulge in his trousers. Charlotte stood in front of Richard and bent over keeping her legs perfectly straight causing her leather skirt to ride up a little giving Richard an amazing view of my wife’s long slender stocking covered legs and exposing her black satin panties and suspenders. She stood back up turned to Richard and said.

“What do you think of my new lingerie, I bought it just for you” Charlotte said in a slutty tone

“Oh yes I love it I cant wait to see more of it” Richard whispered.

Charlotte sat in Richards lap with her back to him and began to grind her arse and leather skirt against his crotch. Richard reached around and started to grope my wifes tits through her shirt.

“Oh wow they are firm” he whispered in Charlottes ear.

“Thankyou feels like that cock of yours might be ready to make an appearance”

Charlotte slid on to her knees in front of Richard and undid the belt on his trousers she reached in to his boxers and his cock popped out and stood fully erect. Richards cock looked big at least 8 inches a fat girth with a nice straight veiny shaft and purple tip. Charlotte stroked it up and down gently.

“Oh wow “she exclaimed “that’s definitely bigger than the pictures.

I positioned myself on the sofa close by to get a good view of what was inevitably next. My wife was about to suck another mans cock. My heart was racing with a mixture of jealousy and extreme arousal, my cock was throbbing in my trousers and my head was spinning. Charlotte wrapped her hand around the thick base of Richards cock and gently flicked the tip with her tongue whilst looking up at him. She teased the tip like this for about thirty seconds before she put her mouth round the top of his cock and slowly slid it in to her mouth her lips caressed the shaft of Richards cock to about halfway before she slowly slid it back out again leaving a trail of her lip gloss along his shaft.

“Oh god that feels good” Richard groaned as he tilted his head back and enjoyed the sensation of my wifes hot mouth sliding back and fourth over his fat cock.

The sight of Richards fat cock sliding in and out of Charlottes mouth was amazing id never felt so turned on and jealous at the same time in my life. To see another mans cock in your wifes mouth is certainly an experience.
Charlotte continued to suck Richards cock. She slowly started easing more and more of his cock into her mouth before she was taking the whole 8 inches to the back of her throat. Richards cock was glistening with her saliva, and pre cum was starting to ooze from his tip. Charlotte carried on sucking getting faster and faster one hand wrapped around his base wanking him off at the same time.

“oh fuck your so hot” Richard groaned as Charlotte stopped sucking. His cock now fully rock hard with a huge throbbing purple tip.

I looked at Richards cock it did look far bigger than mine and Charlotte was only a slim girl with a tight pussy. I was worried that his might feel much bigger than mine inside her.

“I think we need to move this upstairs” Charlotte said.

Charlotte grabbed Richards hand and we all went upstairs. Richard and charlotte kissed passionately as we entered the bedroom. Richard running his hands up the back of Charlottes legs pulling her skirt up a little to grab the bear flesh of her arse. I sat in the corner of the room as Charlotte lay on her back on the bed opened her legs and bent her knees before pulling her satin panties to the side.

“ I want you to lick me” Charlotte moaned.

Richard got on his knees at the end of the bed and put his head between her legs he slid his fingers under her panties and pulled them aside to reveal her freshly shaved pussy. Richard began to explore her cunt with his tongue. She moaned gently as he worked his magic. Richard carried on licking and flicking her clit for about 5 mins without barely coming up for air. My wifes moans were growing louder and more intense. Then Charlotte suddenly moved and got up of the bed. She stripped Richard of all his clothes and pushed him back on to the bed. His huge cock stood proud pointing right at the ceiling. I knew Charlotte was about to ride his cock. The excitement was so great I nearly came right there and then. I pulled my rock hard cock out of my trousers ready to wank myself off.
Before climbing on to the bed Charlotte slid her soaking satin panties off and kicked them away. She positioned her knees either side of Richards waist. We hadn’t discussed about wearing a condom but I guess my wife had already decided she didn’t want one. I had stated that I didn’t really want Richard to cum inside her so I hope Charlotte was going to stick to this rule. She grabbed the base of his fat cock and lined the tip up with her pussy entrance. I felt a little sick as I watched Richards 8 inch cock penetrate my wife. His cock pushed her wet pussy lips open with ease as she slowly lowered herself on to him, his cock stretching her as it disappeared inside her.

“Oh god your so tight” Richard groaned as he felt my wife’s hot wet pussy around his bare shaft for the first time. He ran his hands up her thighs on to her leather skirt which was now up round her waist.

“hmmm your big cock feels so good inside me” Charlotte said with a big smile on her face.

Charlotte unbuttoned another button on her shirt to reveal her bra she leaned forward and pushed her heaving cleavage in to Richards face before moving down and kissing him. She then sits up right and leans back and begins to slide Richards cock in and out of her hot cunt. Starting off slowly before building the pace until she’s riding his cock hard. I move behind Charlotte to get a good view of Richards cock sliding in and out of her pussy as she bounces up and down on it. Her pussy stretches out to swallow Richards cock whole each time. His cock is now glistening in Charlottes pussy juices. They are both groaning and moaning loudly as they fuck. Richard starts to massages Charlottes tits through her satin bra at the same time. They are so overcome by lust I think that they have completely forgotten I’m here. Charlotte pulls Richards long cock out of her pussy and lies on her back next to him before opening her legs wide again hitching her leather skirt up.

“I want your fat cock back inside me and i want you to fuck me hard” she groans.

Richard climbs on top of my wife lines his cock up with her open pussy and plunges it back inside her.

“Oh god that feels so good” she moans.

Richard lay down on top of her and begins to fuck her gently at first, they kiss passionately as Richard increases his rhythm sliding his cock all the way out before ramming all 8 inches back inside her repeatedly. He nuzzles his face deep into her tits as he pounds my wife’s tight cunt.

Oh fuck you feel so good oh god fuck me harder, harder. Charlotte screams.

“Oh god yeah your so tight your pussy feels so good oh god you’re such a whore. Richard whispered to my wife in between the passionate kissing.

Watching them fuck each other so hard and watching Richards cock ramming in and out of my wife’s sexy slender body nearly drives me over the edge. I so need to cum now but don’t want to cum before they are finished, but Richard seems to be lasting so long. I had pictured him lasting only a few minutes once they started fucking, but he seems to be giving my wife huge amounts of pleasure. Richard pulls his cock out again and positions Charlotte on all fours. He gets behind her grabs her round the waist feeling her sexy leather skirt in is hands and quickly rams his cock back inside her stretched soaking pussy. Richard begins to fuck her as hard as he can from behind. His balls slapping against her arse everytime he rams his dick in to her. Her tits swing back and forth as she takes the fucking of her life.

“Oh shit Richard, Richard fuck me, fuck me oh god your going to make me cum oh god oh god”

I stand up in front of her and push my cock in to her mouth she begins to suck as hard as she can. Her hot mouth felt incredible round my cock. My wife looked like such a whore with a complete stranger fucking her hard from behind and her husbands cock in her mouth at the same time. I was so horny I couldn’t hold it any longer I let out a loud groan as I shot a huge load in to my wife’s mouth. She gagged as my spunk hit the back of her throat. I pulled out to let the last couple of jets of cum blast in to her face. I stepped away having spent my load, but Richard and Charlotte were still at it. Charlotte's groans grew louder and faster as her orgasm began to grow.

“Oh shit im going to cum” cried Charlotte.

Richard continued to fuck her as hard as he could.

“Oh god cum inside me Richard I want you to cum inside me”

Just then Richard and Charlotte screamed as they both came at the same time. Richard rammed his cock as far as he could in to my wife as he emptied his huge load deep inside her. Richard kept groaning as spurt after spurt of his hot seed filled my wife’s pussy. As he pulled out Charlotte fell on to the bed as huge amounts of Richards cum ran out of her pussy. She lay there in silence in her post orgasmic bliss.

I felt very jealous and a bit angry that Charlotte had let Richard cum inside her after we agreed he wouldn’t. I also hadn’t anticipated Richard giving my wife such a good fucking. I felt like I may have started something I couldn’t stop. Something told me this wouldn’t be the only time Richard fucked my wife.

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We needed to move due to Elaine's job as a reception class teacher and rented a flat in Birmingham city centre. It was not the best block of flats or the best area, but as we had to move quickly it was all that was available. Elaine started work the following week. I had bumped into a couple of the people living in neighbouring flats and I got chatting with a 60 something guy from the flat below named Lenny. He was unemployed divorced and seemed lonely. I started to pop into his place for...

4 years ago
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Husband fucks our friends pregnant wife

Our Friends Pregnant Wife * (a woman's husband finds her unattractive when she's pregnant but a good friend of his thinks entirely differently.)Rachael struggled to get up off the couch."Let me get that for you," Jason said as he jumped up quickly."Don't be silly," Rachael laughed. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm an invalid.""I know," Jason offered. "It's just that... well, I want some too and I know where the cups are. I can get both of us some.""Your so nice Jason," she smiled as...

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A black stranger fucks my sweeet wife

That afternoon I could get off work early so I thought I could hurry home and surprise Anita by inviting her going a night out. It was a nice day, a bit warm; so I was in a good mood.I pulled into the driveway and barely noticed the car parked alongside my wife’s car. It was just a friend of her I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside, opening the front door slowly.I gently set my keys down and made my way through the dimly lit house. As I got closer to the bedroom I...

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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Fifteen minutes later, Cassy was getting tired of waiting. She wondered what was up. Puzzled. Then Daddy came in, followed by Mommy. Cassy suddenly remembered that yesterday was the day she was the Boss, not today. But, she thought to herself, I’m gonna get a hundred bucks every time they want to fuck me. Cassy didn’t really need the money, or even especially wanted the money since she was happy to get fucked by Mommy or Daddy whenever they wanted, it was so fun. But… she just...

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What Mom Knows Fucks Her in White

Introduction: Three weddings in Vegas and some very submissive brides. What Mom Knows Fucks Her in White Summary: Three weddings in Vegas and some very submissive brides. Note 1: Thanks to MAB7991 and goamz86 for editing this chapter. Note 2: This is part six of a continuing incest series (although it is much more complex than simply an incest story). I highly recommend you read the first five parts as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information…but here is a...

3 years ago
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Hot Black Guy Fucks Pretty Wife

As Emma, his wife of four years walked by wearing shorts and a thin pullover top, Ryan looked up from the sofa and gave a barely audible whistle causing Emma to look back and smile. After giving birth to a daughters Emma had put on a few pounds and wasn’t as thin as she was five years ago when they first met, but Emma had the looks and that something special that would still turn men’s heads. It kind of stroked his ego when other men, especially younger better-looking men, thought Emma was hot...

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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Mom

Summary: Nana is seduced and dommed by daughter and grandson. Note 1: Thanks to Robert, Wayne and goamz86. Note 2: This is part 7 of a continuing incest series (although it is much more complex than a simple incest story). I highly recommend you read the first six parts as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information...but here is a very brief primer of the series so far: In WHAT MOM DOESN'T KNOW WILL FUCK HER 18-year-old Curtis goes to a Halloween party...

4 years ago
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Cersei the Photo Shoot HOTWIFE

You've just finished kneeling in front of Charles, sucking and licking his monster cock while Jamie snapped pictures of you performing...but the thought in the back of your mind has always been about how this thick, long cock will feel in your're torn between thoughts of your own pleasure and being unfaithful to Jamie...he's told you time and time again, it's not being unfaithful, you've been given permission from him...but still...then you see Charles's cock again, standing rigid...

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How to Find a Bull for Your Hotwife

Want to find a bull who will make your cuckolding fantasies come true?Cuckolding couples might think it’s easy to find a guy who’s happy to sleep with a hotwife. While it’s true that many men will be into a cuckold arrangement in theory, making the right connection can be a bit trickier than it sounds. But no need to make things complicated.Before the Bull Hunting Begins Get clear on your cuckolding desires:Make sure both cuck and hotwife are on the same page before moving any closer...

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The Beginning of a Hotwife

Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...

4 years ago
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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Ass

WHAT MOM KNOWS FUCKS HER ASS Summary: Mother offers 18-year-old son her last remaining hole. Note 1: This is part three of a continuing incest series. I highly recommend you read the first two parts (What Mom Doesn’t Know Will Fuck Her and What Mom Knows Fucks Her Again) as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information. Note 2: Thanks to the many people who voted, commented and made suggestions for this series. Note 3: Thanks to Goamz86 for reading an early...

2 years ago
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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Again

What Mom Knows Fucks Her Again Summary: The day after: son fucks Mom again and then her friend in hot threesome.Note 1: This is a sequel to the story What Mom Doesn’t Know Will Fuck Her. Although this story can stand on its own, I highly recommend you read Part One before reading this one....Note 2: A great big hug of gratitude goes to Estragon for his editing.Note 3: Another ‘thank you’ goes to all who voted for part one and requested a sequel to a story I never intended to have a sequel. I...

1 year ago
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My butler and gardener fucks really good MaidServant Sex Stories

I had been married in a loveless bond for 12 years. My husband is a businessman and there is never any scarcity of luxury and material things at home. But our marriage lacked the most important elements- passion and love. My husband never could satisfy me and I had accepted my fate. Being an elite lady, affair was out of question. I was pretty much trapped in my home when Judith came in my life like a breeze of fresh air and passion. Judith is our new butler. Young, agile and handsome- he...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes

My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...

3 years ago
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sister Fucks Her 4 brothers Patr 3

sister Fucks her 4 brothers, Part 3.This is my first lesbian story, believe it or not, but the “sister Fucks her 4 brothers series will continue on from this one. I hope you enjoy it and look out for part 4Cheers.Two nights after Judy got the fucking she needed from all four of her brothers she was invited to dinner by Mal’s wife Cathy.She loved Cathy and they had a lot in common. For one thing they are the same age and she saw Cathy as a very attractive woman. Every time the family get...

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The SgtMaj fucks two Marines

The Sergeant Major fucks two MarinesBy Buck JonesNo matter what video you are watching or what toy you are playing with, it is your imagination that takes you down into the batehole and to the finale with your sperm shooting out in all its glory. Or your insides ripped to shreds by that new and usually larger instrument of inserted pleasure. The road to the point of satisfaction can be a long one or one that develops quickly and leads to an almost instantaneous gratification. And the attack of...

1 year ago
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My Boy Fucks

Hi. My name is Erin. I'm in my final semester of high school. I'm kind of a perverted girl for my age – and kind of proud of it too. But i don't have much sex experience yet. I've had sexual intercourse with only three boys. This story is a simple chronicle of those fucks.Boyfuck #1 was at a high school party. The type of party that happens when the unsuspecting parents leave town for the weekend and their otherwise trustworthy son takes advantage of the opportunity and invites half of the...

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Shes finally a hotwife

First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...

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Chapter 1 8211 Shalini My First Hotwife

Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...

4 years ago
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14 ndash Dutiful Wifey

14 – Dutiful WifeyAfter my day’s adventures, I really felt that I should pay attention to my husband, Liam. I did love him even though I misbehaved from time to time. I wasn’t in the mood, mentally or physically, for sex, but I was going to play the role of a “good wifey”.I greeted my dear husband at the door when he got home from work with his favorite cocktail. Wearing his favorite sheer pink baby doll nightie and some low heels with fluffy pop-poms on the toes, he was favorably impressed, to...

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Reunion with my sexy wifee

So my wife is away with work at the minute and I have not seen her for over six weeks, as any of you who read this will know, it is driving me nuts and making me fucking horny!! As a result I have bought an outfit for her to wear when I see her next week and below is outlined how I hope the evening goes when we hook up. The question is should I send her my fantasy or not – everytime I try to send her stuff like this she just thinks I’m a perv, which I am especially when it comes to her. There...

3 years ago
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Jilnar Jardaly Just Loves Surprise Fucks

جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly Just Loves Surprise FucksJust call me Chopper.I had an experience with that sexy Arabic newsreader slut Jilnar Jardaly you losers would not fucking believe!I'm here in Dubai, from the States on contract work. The pay's good but the real reason me and my work buddies are over here is because we love fucking those hot Arabic chicks! So what? You think us all-American, working men come over here for the fucking culture? Haha! Get real!It was almost midnight and I was...

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The Ghost of Fucks That Never Were

I open my eyes. My cell-phone’s alarm is crowing me good morning with a cockerel sound-effect it’s never emitted before. 9am on a Saturday. Normal wake-up time. Room’s normal too – so’s the light, the temperature… But something – I can’t identify what – isn’t. Something about today is other.It might be the girl perched on my bed’s end – the pretty bikini girl in denim cut-offs, with the cherry-lipstick smile, who wasn’t there last night. She flicks her tumbledown brunette locks aside to look at...

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Kevin Fucks his Mother

No, we can't do this With just the towel wrapped around him, he exits the steamy bathroom. On his way to his bedroom, he hears his mother calling him. "Kevin, come give me a hand here." she shouts from her bedroom. What does the old woman want now, I want to get dressed he thinks to himself, getting a little irritated. He likes to get dressed immediately after his morning shower, before he does anything else. But as he has to walk pass her bedroom on the way to his, he might as well see what...

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whole fam ily fucks

The incident which is happened when I finished my xii standard during the summer holiday. We lived in the Bangalore . My family consists of 4 members dad(Raghav,48) mom(Radha 45) sister(priya24) and me(Raghul18) . My father working in the MNC company and having the flat in the apartment . My mother was the house wife . My sister pursuing the final year M.B.A .Next me waiting for xii std result and going to join in the college . We have 3 bedroom in the flat me and sister have separate room and...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 114 Hot Tub Party Two Identical Fucks

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) I'd painted myself into a little corner by claiming the moral high ground. What I was about to start doing could hardly be done from that position, so I needed to get off it. I'd worked out what to say next ("Let's fuck!" What it lacked in subtlety, it made up for by lacking in subtlety). Unfortunately, just as I was about to leap off the moral high ground, I realized that I'd lost the mood, and all the scrutiny I was under now was definitely not...

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Licking her cunt while another man fucks her

it seems so weirdbecause i've never wanted to have sex with a manor have my wife cheat on me but i keep thinking about licking her clit while some big cock fucks her pussyand my my tongue keeps going lower, licking his big cock while he fucks my wife, my tongue in between his cock and her clit, my hands probably holding his balls, his cum leaking out of her pussy into my hasnt always been like this. its never been like this.she's small and beautiful and faithful.i mean, that's what I...

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71 yo huge dick grandpa fucks me

In 2016 there was a time in my life when I just wasn't horny at all, I didn't have sex for over 4 months. Grandpas and grandmas would ask me for sex and I would just reject them. I am usually very horny and have sex daily but at this time I just wasn't... There was a 70 year old grandpa that I met at the bar in 2015, he told me that he wanted to fuck me, but I couldn't have sex with him at this time because my grandpa was staying at my house for a couple days, he was just vising me. We couldn't...

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Muslim man fucks and converts Hindu woman

Hi, I am Arpita Shiva and later became Arpita Rahman. I am pretty sexy as my large boobs are 38D. I am 5 foot 5 inch. Let's share my 100% real sex story of how i became converted muslim by muslim cocks. It started 3 years ago and still going on. So let's start from beginning. I was a conservative Brahman Hindu lady. I lived in a village but when i reached 22, I went to city for some works as i were from middel class family. I tried to find rentable house nearby the city but the rent was too...

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I knew Andy from high school, too, but he was mostly Tony’s friend. After he moved in, I got to know him better and we got along nicely. He was good looking, relatively neat, and the three of us did well as roommates, so it was a good situation for all of us. Andy was also pretty flirty and funny, and he paid a lot of attention to my large, natural 36E boobs, which I got a kick out of….and we horsed around a lot, which sometimes led to the occasional squeezed tit and grabbed crotch. It was...

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Mom fucks stranger son provokes

One fine day in the evening around 6.30 pm, I was arriving from college on the way I went t o tea shop. I had a sip of tea. I saw a couple there by. The girl was tempting. My eyes stuck to her. The couple went inside a park. I followed them. They went and sat in a corner and they started romancing each other. There were many couples inside the park. Some were talking, some were caressing each other, some kissing and hugging and so…I was just roaming inside the park watching the couples. The...

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Three Fucks

Three FucksNot much else to do during the Covid doldrums except think about some old times. Here are three episodes where I picked up a guy and then either took him to my home or went to his for a fuck.The first, as I recall was during a Saturday home football game at the local university. Once the game started the rest of campus became relatively inactive. I was around, though, so I sought out one of the on-campus tearooms expecting it to be totally empty, but it wasn’t. One stall was occupied...

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Had several sweet fucks by the husband of my own sister

100% fiction! I am Deepika, a middle-age but still young looking married lady of 59. Fifty years back when I was in a co-education school I was in deep love with a very handsome and brilliantly studious magnificent polite boy, Sumit, who was 3 months younger to me in age. It was my deep rooted infatuation and strong will that I will marry him in my life. Although I never expressed my wishes to Sumit, but possibly he knew my emotional attraction for him and maintained a very sweet relation with...


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