Collateral Ch. 4 free porn video

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Summary: Jake meets one of Klaus's closest friends.

It was almost dinnertime when he finally woke up. He had to remember to say an honest ‘thank you’ to that Agnes lady. His room was comfortable, and sleep had taken him fast, once he had hit the pillows. The bedroom was a tad smaller than Klaus’s, but it carried the same warm, cozy feeling. As opposed to the golden tones in the other’s bedroom, different hues of blue seemed to be dominant in this one.

It was strange how he had always thought of blue to be a cold color, and now he was thinking exactly the opposite. It most probably had to do with how a particular pair of baby blues could burn with inner fire when looking at him. He shook his head. It was not healthy for him to fantasize about Klaus. He had no intention to lose his brother’s trust, and his reputation along with it, just for a fleeting moment of passion. Although he was sure it was not going to be just a moment, and it was not going to be fleeting if it was going to happen.

Klaus had simply said that he was not going to force himself on Jake. Nonetheless, that was something he secretly desired. If it was going to be against his will, he was not going to be considered guilty, right? With a groan, he pushed himself up from the bed. What was he thinking? Just a word that he was taking it up the ass and everyone he knew was going to despise him. Even worse. Even if he could say in his defense that he hadn’t wanted it.

His stomach grumbled loudly, and he remembered he had eaten nothing for long hours now. The idea that Klaus had sent him to sleep on an empty belly like he was a c***d or something hit him. Damn, was the man’s intention to starve him?

He washed his face and brushed his teeth. His bathroom had everything he needed. He combed his hair and looked critically in the mirror. The problem was that he didn’t seem man enough. Diaz was right. He was still soft around the edges, regardless of how many muscles he had put on lately, under his brother’s supervision. The problem was that he didn’t fuck, as Diaz had put it plainly.

After a few failed attempts with girls that had only led to lame sex, he had just given up. He had tried to defend himself, saying that “the girls didn’t want him“. His brother had just stared at him in contempt. “You’re handsome enough,” Diaz had pointed out, grabbing his neck and squeezing hard. “Only that you’re behaving too much like a pussy around women. Women want men, not boys.” That was what Diaz had said on more than one occasion.
However he had stubbornly kept everything to himself. He hated getting involved with some random girl just to please his older brother. Plus, the girls had no fault he was how he was; making them feel bad didn’t have to be on his plate.
Hesitantly, he opened the door to the bedroom and went out. The house seemed to be quite lively at that hour if the noises coming from downstairs were any indication. He took the stairs down and looked around. Agnes patted his shoulder gently. “Mister Metzger is in the dining room. He expects you to join him,” the old lady gestured towards the room in question and then went about her business.

Her German accent was even stronger, Jake thought. On Klaus’s tongue, English sounded just a bit rough. Agnes seemed almost like a machine, although her eyes were warm.

He eventually dared enter the room indicated by the old lady. Apparently, Klaus had company, another blond man who looked to be of the same descent as the owner of the house. The couple seemed engaged in conversation, and Jake took advantage that they had not yet noticed him.

The guest looked strong and tall, but even taller and bulkier than Klaus. He had darker blond hair, and Jake could not see his eyes from where he was standing. He was not the embodiment of elegance like Klaus was. Rough short stubble made him look masculine, and his hair was a bit longer, as well. The opened shirt showed how relaxed the man was. Klaus himself no longer wore a suit, but he still looked as if taken straight out of the box.

He coughed a little to draw attention. After all, he needed something to eat, and fast. Two pairs of blue eyes turned to stare at him.

“Well,” the guest spoke, visibly amused, “is this your new toy?”

Klaus, on the other hand, kept his eyes glued to Jake, without saying anything for a couple of seconds.

“Jake, this is Hans, a friend of mine,” he eventually spoke. “Come closer and take a seat.”

Toy! He was a fucking toy! He knew he was rude for not saying anything and for pulling a chair far away from the two, but did it anyway.

“Closer,” Klaus said calmly, and he rose with a huff, only to move two chairs closer, but still not right next to the two men.

“Closer,” the blond beckoned him again, without changing his tone or looking even a tiny bit annoyed at Jake’s resistance to complying.

Eventually, he sat next to Klaus. The man looked at him for a few seconds, with an unreadable expression in his beautiful blue eyes.

“Are you hungry?” he asked politely.

“Of course I am,” Jake snapped, wanting badly to avoid sounding like a c***d. Nonetheless, it was clear from Hans’s amused expression that he was failing to do so.

“You were sleeping so soundly that I decided to let you be. We were just waiting for you to wake up.”

“I woke up on my own. What were you going to do? Starve until tomorrow if I didn’t?” Jake mumbled.

“I would have sent Agnes to wake you up,” Klaus explained in the same even tone. “Or I would have come, but that could have meant waking you up in more ways than one.”

There was no smile, no emotion on Klaus’s face as he spoke like that. Jake wished he would not feel pins and needles everywhere as the man continued to stare at him.

“He’s a feisty one,” Hans commented.

“I am right here,” Jake hissed. He decided that very instant he hated this Hans guy. Not only because he was so annoying, but also because he was too gorgeous and stood too close to Klaus for Jake to like it. Maybe Hans was Klaus’s lover or something. Anyway, it was not his business if they were intimate or not.

“So?” Hans challenged him with his eyes.

“So maybe it’s rude to talk about somebody who is just inches away from you like he’s not present,” Jake answered in kind.

Hans laughed and turned towards Klaus. “I think I get the appeal now. He’s not that much on the outside, but he does look to have a mind of his own. Are you sure this is what you want?”

Jake felt his cheeks getting warmer. The guest was simply continuing to ignore him. Plus, what the hell was he talking about? What had Klaus told him? Couldn’t he keep a secret? Especially one that was not his own?

“One thing I am certain of, Hans, is that you should stop bothering Jake. He is new here, and he still needs plenty of time to adjust,” Klaus came to his defense.

The conversation stopped there, as a young maid came through the door, pushing a tray of food. Enticing smells hit Jake’s nostrils, making him forget for a moment, about Klaus’s annoying friend. He was ready to dig in.

The other two did him a service and ate in complete silence. Jake chose to stare stubbornly at his plate and did not care about making eye contact with any of the two.

When the meal was over, Klaus invited his guests to follow him on the balcony just outside the room to relax.
Jake sat on a reclining chair, again feeling acutely out of place. The two blonds wore casual clothes, but everything about them spelled rich. Jake was pretty sure he was sticking out like a sore thumb, in his 5-dollar t-shirt and washed out jeans.

“Do you want to spend the night?” Klaus offered, and Hans stared at his host a bit surprised. Then he stole a quick glance in Jake’s direction.

“Oh, don’t tell me … He’s not broken in yet?” he asked a bit derisively, and Jake crossed his arms over his chest. “If you needed a hand, it would be my pleasure to help you get him … adjusted.”

“There is no need for you to bother. And I was asking only if you cared about sleeping here, seeing that you must be pretty tired from your trip,” Klaus spoke, and Jake noticed with satisfaction how the other’s face fell upon hearing the not so well veiled refusal.

“I am not that tired,” Hans cooed, leaning towards Klaus and touching his arm.

Jake rose from his chair. “I’ll go to my room,” he said determinedly.

“Sit,” Klaus said shortly, and Jake sat down quickly.

He immediately cursed under his breath. What the fuck? Was he a dog now or something? But he could not just take it back and stand up again.

Klaus seemed a bit tense, which was odd. Jake noticed how Klaus was staring at Hans’s hand, still resting on his forearm, with a small frown. Eventually, Hans seemed to take the hint and withdrew his hand.

“As you wish,” he waved his hand as if he didn’t care that much for Klaus’s whims. “I will take on your offer then, and sleep under your roof. Is the blue room free, as always?”

“I’ll have Agnes prepare another room for you. That is where Jake stays right now.”

Jake could barely refrain a bout of satisfaction seeing Hans’s jaw tensing as if the man was about to take a bite of something, or preferably someone. Apparently, the guest was not so high in Klaus’s good graces. On the other hand, Jake seemed to be, and that was something the young brunet could not comprehend. He had nothing on this Hans dude.

The guy was tall, beautiful, perfect, just like Klaus. But, maybe Klaus was not enjoying so much fucking another version of himself. Maybe he was just getting tired of vanilla cake and wanted a bit of milk and chocolate, Jake smirked at the thought.

“Why are you smiling?” Hans stared at him, looking very much affronted as if he could read Jake’s mind.

“None of your business,” Jake shrugged and relaxed in his chair. It was not like him to get in verbal confrontations, as he had no idea how to deal with them. But he felt as if he was at war with Hans, for no other reason than Klaus. Wait, did he want Klaus? Of course, he wanted Klaus; but he couldn’t have him because it was too dangerous for him to come forward and say it like it was.

“I think it’s been a long day for all of us,” Klaus concluded. “Hans, come with me, and I will let Agnes know you are spending the night. Jake, wait for me in your room. Don’t wander around the place.”

Jake rose and walked away. It was not as if he WANTED to take orders from the haughty blond, but, for the moment, he had nothing better to do anyway. As the door to the balcony closed behind him, he missed the tense conversation held in German between the other two.


“It is not like you to act so jealously,” Klaus said with a frown.

“I was hoping to get together with you again. I would not have bothered to make this detour otherwise. And I’m not jealous. I’m just annoyed that you are willing to play with a new toy, while I’m here. Especially since this new toy does not seem to behave that well.”

“Hans,” Klaus’s voice grew a bit colder. “You are making my situation difficult by telling him to his face he is nothing but a toy.”

“Isn’t it the truth?” Hans asked with a shrug. “And he is not your usual type.”

“My usual type? What is that supposed to mean? Please enlighten me,” Klaus fiddled with his glass of wine.

“You know, high class, sophisticated. What are you doing with a piece of street trash like this one?”

“I’m tired of high class and sophisticated. They’re nothing but a bore,” Klaus spoke while slowly sipping his drink. “Plus, I’ve never had a virgin,” he added matter-of-factly.

“A virgin? This one? Please,” Hans snorted. “He has probably had more butt sex than you and me together. You should seriously take him to the vet and have him checked,” the guest said sourly.

“And what exactly makes you say that? Except for the fact that he didn’t look impressed with your attempts to put him down.”

Hans took the offense well. “He has a mouth on him, apparently.”

“So? He’s from a poor neighborhood; I don’t expect him to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, hence the language.”

“Then tell me what makes you think he’s a virgin,” Hans said in response.

“Let’s just say I had the pleasure to enjoy a solo performance from his part … to one point, when I had to take over and experience firsthand how affected he was to be touched by another man.”

“Don’t force him if he’s not gay,” Hans said with a small frown. “It’s not like you to do that. I know very well you have never been crazy about bi guys, either.”

Klaus seemed to ponder for a bit. “Then how do you call a guy you catch masturbating while smelling your t-shirt?”
Hans laughed softly. “For real? He’s just in denial, that’s all?”

“I do understand him, you know. I met his brother.”

“Older brother, I assume,” Hans fiddled with his glass.

“Yes. He’s leading one of the gangs I’m trying to pacify to get things done around here. He’s the embodiment of all things macho. Jake seems very shy around him. I bet he cannot just go tell his brother something like that.”

“I suppose that would not go down well.”

“Plus, doing something forbidden like hooking up with a guy, in a neighborhood where everyone knows everyone … well, I think you get the picture now. Unless he sodomized himself with whatever he thought he could use as a dildo, I venture to say those are uncharted territories,” Klaus allowed himself a joke.

“You know, the offer is still standing,” Hans looked at his friend, his eyes at half-mast.

“And I still have to decline. I’m afraid I’m not that much of a hypocrite to use you as a substitute when I desire another.”

“True that,” Hans admitted. “You’re the type that always gets involved body and soul in everything you do. Although I’ve always pegged you for the restrained type in your relationships.”

“Really? In what sense?” Klaus seemed genuinely surprised.

“In the sense that you don’t get attached, even if you focus on a single person. I must admit that after we hooked up the first time, I was surprised to feel flattered and insulted at the same time by your interest.”

“Hans, I can assure you …”

“Don’t bother, Klaus. It is just how you are. You are … cold, I think. Not between the sheets. I used to have the bruises to prove it,” Hans chuckled softly. “But there is a wall between you and your lovers, always. In the beginning, I thought it was just me, but I have seen you treating everyone with the same passion and indifference at the same time.”

Klaus remained silent, seemingly examining the contents of his glass.

“So, after you break him in, what’s next?” Hans asked.

Klaus just shrugged. “I will not stay here forever.”

“Of course, there is always some new business somewhere that needs your skilled hand to get going. I think you’re addicted to beginnings, nothing more.”

“I frankly think I’m too young to settle down if this is what you are asking of me.”

“You’re doing this for what, 10-12 years?”

“11, to be precise,” Klaus admitted.

“Aren’t you growing tired?”

“Aren’t you?” the host answered with another question. “You’re traveling a lot.”

“I would have settled down for you. And let’s face it, Klaus, I am not going through lovers with the speed of light, the way you do it. At least, whenever I meet someone new, I am thinking whether or not they are worth the trouble to be considered ‘the one’.”

“The one?” a superior smile crept on Klaus’s well-defined lips. “There is no such thing. When the time comes, I will settle for someone. If I choose so, I will shape him up into becoming this ideal you are talking about.”

Hans shook his head. “That is not how it works, Klaus.”

“I’ve never thought you would be the romantic type, my friend,” Klaus laughed.

“Me neither. It must be the wine talking,” Hans took another sip from his glass. “Well, I will let you play and go looking for Agnes.”

“I’d like to accompany you,” Klaus rose from his chair.

“There is no need. I will just ask Agnes for directions,” Hans refused. “Good night, Klaus, and I mean it,” he added with a small smile.

For a couple of minutes, Klaus remained unmoving, staring over the perfect landscape, without actually seeing anything.


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When I was a high school senior I had a horn on for a friend of mine but when I expressed my desire to him he turned me down and told me he was not interested in m2m sex with me and leave him alone. Then through a strange set of circumstances we became roommates with a couple of other guys in a four bedroom house, I was 19.One night our roommates went home for the weekend and we were alone, I had just crawled into bed when the door to my room opened and I saw the figure of a woman through the...

2 years ago
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Senior Diary

Introduction The summer I turned 17, I started keeping a diary as a writing exercise. The first couple months were rather mundane, but things took a dramatic turn right after Labor Day. I recently came across the diary when we were settling my mother?s estate. The following is extracted from that diary, edited for readabilty, and only slightly embellished. I?ll follow up with more entries if folks like it. Tuesday, September 7 BIG doings today!!! I still can?t really believe it?and the best...

4 years ago
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Vanessas 2003 Summer Vacation

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

2 years ago
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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. A re-issue of the first of the stories in this series.I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the X, Hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (Andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a very smack-able arse and a joy in light Bdsm. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me,...

1 year ago
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Joys of having an oral fixation

It all has to do with power, the supply and demand of the awesome power of a mouth. Ability to bring a man so close, and yet leave him so far away with simple techniques. The swirling of the tongue, while sliding all the way down on the shaft, tightening and loosing the grip of my lips, enough to drive the head of his cock into tinges of pleasure. The pulsing hardness between my lips, my teeth ever so lightly getting a taste. My tongue presses hard into the foreskin...or lack there of, tasting...

3 years ago
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Sargodha Fun In Hostel 8211 Part I

Hello dear ISS Reader. I hopes every one of you will be fine. I am From Pakistan and currently reside in the hostel in Sargodha city. My Name is Yourlover (name changed, the purpose u know). My age is 21,average body, height is 5 ft 11 inches and good looking. Now I am doing Bsc from a well known college in Sargodha city. My email id is ”” Everybody is allowed to contact with me. Share your problems with me. May be I am helpful to you, so you are welcome! I am a kind hearted person but sex is...

2 years ago
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The Simpsons Movie0

After an hour with three-quarters of the supplies left, Lisa, Bart and Maggie were lying stationary on their mother. Lisa said in pain; ``Mom, my belly is stuffed and painful and I can’t get up.’’ Marge rubbed Bart and Lisa’s swollen bellies. Marge said; ``Kids, just lie down and rest. We’ll be home soon.’’ Bart said; ``I don’t think Maggie will rest, mom. She wants to explode herself.’’ Bart and Lisa watched big-belly Maggie sucking more breast milk from her mother. As they arrived home...

3 years ago
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Boarding School Encounter 03 Tabitha Molested by Henriettas Pussy Tentacles

Chapter Three: Tabitha Molested by Henrietta's Pussy Tentacles By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Tabitha screamed. I screamed. My heart hammered in absolute shock. Our small bedroom in the Kensington Boarding School swam around me. This was impossible. This could not be happening. Out of all the strange, life-changing things that happened today, this was too much. I had four purple tentacles sprouting out of my pussy and wrapped about Tabitha's head and flaming hair. The appendages...

3 years ago
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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

1 year ago
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Angelina Jolie Dominates Nicki Minaj the Anal Whor

Nicki Minaj entered her hotel room and quickly undressed, ready for a warm relaxing shower after her long flight. She knew she had to clean herself well because of how dirty she planned to get later...With her tight, fit, yet exceptionally curvy caramel body now completely naked, she entered the steamy shower and began to shave her pretty pussy and sexy legs. She had to completely smooth for tonight. The water slid down her curves and dripped on the floor after she was done cleansing her...

3 years ago
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Who Is Ch 02

So was all of this just to ‘get back at daddy’? No! I was not bitter about what they did or how they treated me… I was just sad. At the time I felt as though my family hated me and anyone that I tried to form lasting relationships with treated me like shit. So you don’t regret that those things happened to you? Not at all. Those experiences made me who I am today. I am grateful for everything my family has ever done for me. I loved them then and I still love them now. Yeah? And who are you...

2 years ago
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Gay Surprise

I believe everyone's sexual orientation can be plotted on a continuum from nearly 100% hetro (I know most would claim 100%, but I doubt it) to nearly 100% LBGT (that's the current term - look it up). The point is I consider myself pretty straight - my male asshole is still a virgin - but you never know...Here's my story as an urban grad school student in Richmond, VA. I'm driving home after classes, when I see a cute redhead girl in a short skirt hitch-hiking, looking for a ride in the...

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I spend a lot of the evening home alone, and I was reading when the neighbor came knocking at my door. Liz looked bad, like she had been crying her eyes out. I didn’t like seeing her like this, and I asked her what was wrong? She told me that she and her boyfriend had yelled and screamed at each other in a big argument, and that she walked out. Liz may have been the lady next door, but she is a definite knockout when it comes to looks and her body. Her breasts are big and firm, and she has...

2 years ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around Ms Musgrave Gets Her Revenge Part One

Claire Musgrave had never forgotten that Thursday afternoon near to the end of her time in Year Thirteen at school. She thought about it often. How embarrassing it had been. How unfair it had been. How painful it had been. Claire had been Deputy Head Girl to her best friend, Jessica Weaver, and had never expected that she would be punished for bad behaviour. But the then eighteen-year-old had been.She had been caught in possession of an almost empty bottle of vodka and, despite her protests...

1 year ago
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Part 1, Prelude Eugene, Oregon, a farmhouse just outside town January 1999 I was sixteen and my world was still intact. I sat in my room and read a book when I heard strange noises from my parent's bedroom. I dismissed them for a while, but ultimately went upstairs to check. Sneaking through the house, I made my way to the door of the guestroom. I knew there as a peephole in wall where once a water pipe had crossed to my parent's bedroom. Looking through, I immediately noticed an orange-red...

4 years ago
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Their Holiday Bonus

As she drove to work that morning, she reflected on how her life had changed since she had gone to work for her Master. Before that they had a day in the week where He used to visit her home and spend the whole day devoted to their mutual pleasure, but over the last 2 years these had nigh on disappeared, as their relationship evolved into a more 24/7 working/playing lifestyle. She had forgotten what her stomach felt like as she drove to meet her Master, could she still take a whole day at His...

3 years ago
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PippaChapter 7

Two in the morning, Saturday the tenth of August, and about fifty miles off the coast at Hartlepool, Pippa and CC went below at the end of their watch. As before, CC let Pippa go first in the head. He fully intended, when she'd done, to use it himself then go to his own cabin. Not that he didn't like Pippa, or that he didn't like sleeping with her ... but rather that he was a little old-fashioned, and an old-fashioned gentleman, and didn't want to let Pippa drift into something deeper and...

3 years ago
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College Secretary

Alex and his wife had a pretty standard, maybe stagnant sex life until recently. Alex was writer, who worked out of our home, and his wife worked as an English professor at a local university. Kristine brought home and young couple for dinner, which she did now and then. Most were wanna-be writers who wanted to meet him or some over-confident young writer that needed to hear how tough it would be to be a writer. After dinner, they sat at the table and drank coffee thanking...

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Dianas Story

(copyright, March, 2002) 1 – Me My name is Diana Roberts. I am 48 years old. I live in a large metropolitan area in Canada. I am married but no longer living with my husband, and I have two sons, Robby, who is 23 and who is currently attending medical school here in the city we live in, and Toby who is a year and a bit younger and whom I haven’t seen in a while. My husband’s name is Bob and we had been married for over 20 years when Bob decided he no longer wanted to live with me. He...

2 years ago
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Sex with Anita

Anita was not my real sister, Anita was our neighbor. She is good in nature and easily makes the good relation with peoples. Anita was introduced to my family by one of the other neighbor. Anita doesn’t have any brother. Our family terms with her get better and better with time and she started considering my mother as her mother and me as a brother. We ha a good friendship and she started tying Rakhi to me. I am attracted toward her from very beginning ….well… now this is the time to tell about...

4 years ago
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Helping Melissa Score

You had liked my friend Kristin since you met her. And today you wanted her bad. You didn't have her number, so you asked me to help you get you two together. I agreed and arranged the three of us to see a movie at my place. The whole night Kristin flirts with the both of us. After the movie, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, winking at you while I leave. You move next to Kristin, both your arm and hers are draped over the back of the sofa. "So, Kristin, you and Cal get along pretty...

3 years ago
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Glab Rmid AmabChapter 8

The rest of Carlotta’s shift passed in a blur. She spent most of it hopping around the kitchen as Jason barked commands at her, so aroused by his masculine presence that she literally found her juices literally onto the floor. When Jason noticed, he made her lick it up. That only served to create a fresh wave of juices, which further caused issue when he unloaded inside her once more. “Wait here,” he said thoughtfully, and came back a few minutes later with a pair of warm panties. Carlotta...

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Joanie and Johnnaked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday Morning Joanie Predictably, John showed this morning to pick me up for school, him in a T-shirt and shorts, and me in a tank top and shorts. God, he walked in the door and my nipples popped right up in greeting. "Those high beams for me?" he asked. I kissed him and said, "Of course, Sweetie. You see anyone else in the room? By the way, it looks like Little John is glad to see me, as well." He said, "Little John is ALWAYS glad to see you, especially without clothes." "How...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 7

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. I took a bath, had my lunch late and slept like a log as I was tired. Padma Aunty and Priya took a bath and went down. I didn’t...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 17 Renewal

July 1978 I woke early as normal on Wednesday, swam my laps, showered, and ate breakfast. Stephanie and Vickie were up just before I left. Vickie gave me a big smile and Stephanie just shook her head. I got my bike from the garage and pedaled to the deli. As soon as I walked in, Andreas called me to his office. This only happened when something was changing. “Steve, we’re going to start opening an hour earlier. And I will have more things for you to do. Do you have a friend who would like a...

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You started your day like any other. Wake up, jack off in the shower, eat breakfast with the family, then go upstairs to enjoy some hypnoerotica online before work. Except, this time, there was an email. You click on the bookmark for your email page, head tilted as you look at the title. 'Your Life Changes Today'? Sounds like spam... but a quick glance at the address shows it's your friend X from the forum. He always liked showing you any new porn he found, even though you started talking a...

Mind Control
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What kind of Sex Doll Tech do you look for in a synthetic girlfriend? Personally, I’d probably argue that the most important technological factors are the ones that make her special to you, whether that’s high-end electronics that offer realistic moans or just a big ass that makes your dick all hard and drippy. Just like with real women, the fake broads come in all different shapes, sizes and colors, with different models appealing to different dudes. Some guys want a TPE version of their...

Sex Doll Shops
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Double crossed by my wife still happy

If you read the first part of this story you already know how I was tricked into allowing my beautiful wife to have sex with a black man. Well last Friday evening when I came in from work I was greeted by my wife , she was wearing a pair of dressy shorts , they had a two inch cuff on the legs. The cuff was the entire leg actually. Her legs where covered in suntan colored pantyhose. She was wearing a white button up blouse that was tucked in the waist band of the shorts. A thin belt added to the...

1 year ago
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Remote control

"How was that, baby," Vern asked his wife, Pam as he rolled of her rolled off of her after an almost one hour fuck-a-thon!?! "Oh, honey," she cooed softly while stretching her sleek body, "it was really wonderful, I came at least a hundred times!!!" "Good," he said with a laugh while leaning over and kissing her on the cheek, "cuz if you need anymore you're outta luck, I'm one dead puppy!!!" A few minutes later the only sound you could hear was Vern's soft even snoring as he drifted off to...

Group Sex
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A Mixing of Colors Part 1

It had been almost two years since my ex-husband announced he wanted a divorce. His announcement was a shock to say the least and his admission that he was moving in with his secretary was a punch in the gut. Before that day I thought I was living a happy, almost perfect life. I was married to a successful businessman, we had two wonderful, healthy youngsters and I was content with being a stay-at-home mother & his trophy wife. Although I am in my early 40’s, I am still considered very...

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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 14

"What a nice surprise," said her mother. "We weren't expecting you until tomorrow." Cecelia's hands went to the bulge that clearly showed through the T shirt she was wearing. The jeans she had on were the last pair she could still wear, and they had to be pushed low to be comfortable. "Where is your suitcase, darling?" asked her mother. Cecelia wanted to shake her head to clear it. She was sure her mother must have seen by now. She looked at her father, who was staring straight at...

2 years ago
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Maid Management

Philip was running out of time, he knew that he needed to be dressed and ready to greet his wife, Vanessa at 6pm, it was 5-15 and he was still 10 minutes from home. Finally his car drew into the drive and he rushed into their large house and up to the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went. He shaved his face and checked his body was hairless. Moving quickly down the hall to the bedroom, he was surprised to find a lock on the door so that he couldn't get in, but then he remembered that...

3 years ago
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Aunty tries to resist me

Aunty tries to resist meMy aunt Mamatha divorced my uncle when I was 16 years old and my parents sent me to stay with her . I am now 17 and just graduated from high school. Everything seems to go well and normal until one time I noticed my aunt standing outside the bathroom spying on me while I masturbate with her panties. It’s funny because I spy on her when she masturbates in her bed at night, too. I have always wanted to take my uncle’s place in my aunt’s bed ever since she left him because...

1 year ago
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Getting There Ch 07

Gemma ran up to Ryan’s bedroom, and sat on the floor with her back against the door. She pulled out her phone and called Rachel. ‘The little bitch.’ She replied after hearing Gemma describe the afternoon’s events. ‘That venomous little snake.’ Gemma giggled as Rachel did her best to distract her best friend, although she was fully aware that Sophie’s constant bitchiness was beginning to wear Gemma down. ‘Now get back out there and don’t for a second listen to a word she says. Okay?’ Rachel...

3 years ago
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Vaticans Best EscortsChapter 5 VBE Hospice International

"What if every hotel room came with a teenage girl instead of a Gideon's Bible?" That was the question Evie posed to me one dark night as we wandered the streets of Manhattan. We'd started out with a couple clubs and somehow ended up doing a lesbian strip scene in the Four Season's piano bar. After that things got a little fuzzy, but I definitely remember the question. It came while we were standing on W57th Street, offering drive-by blow jobs and skirts up, panties down, over the...

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