Photographer Ch. 12 free porn video

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Based on the feedback from my decision to end the Photographer series, I have decided to respond to my reader’s request and keep the series going. One reader suggested it was time to bring Greg and Annie’s parents up to date with what is happening in their children’s lives. When they went to the cottage for the summer, Annie had one more year of college and they were going to try to save enough money to send Greg to college after Annie graduated. Annie and Greg had been evasive about what they were doing this summer and had sent them letters from New York and Tuscany without explanation as to why they were in those places.

The story begins with Mrs. Blair visiting their parents at the cabin to bring them up to date. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had attended college with Mrs. Blair. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Blair had been in the same sorority. They had been very active in the party life at college, which is where Mr. and Mrs. Johnson met. He was in a fraternity that had many joint activities with her sorority. They were married during their senior year. Mrs. Blair married Dave, the boy she had gone all through school with prior to going to college. His parents owned many companies and were quite wealthy. She also came from a very wealthy family from Tuscany.

A few years after they were married Mrs. Blair went to visit the Johnson’s in their home. When she arrived she discovered that Mrs. Johnson was visiting her sister in another state. Mrs. Blair apologized for not calling ahead and was about to leave when Mr. Johnson said, ‘Why don’t we have dinner together tonight?’ Since her husband was also out of town it seemed like a good idea. Although they had never dated, one night during a sorority party dare, she had given him a blowjob. She had wanted more, but that wasn’t possible at the time.

As they sat in a dark restaurant finishing their second bottle of wine, they were both remembering that night. Mrs. Blair asked, ‘What do you remember most about our college years.’

Without hesitation he replied, ‘The night you took the dare at the sorority party.’

‘I remember that night also.’ Nothing more was said as they finished their wine and started the walk back to the Johnson home.

‘How about a nightcap? Mr. Johnson asked.

‘I really should be going home,’ she replied. He took her hand and led her into the house. The minute he closed the door, they came together and their lips met. They began stripping clothes from each other. They both knew they had something to finish.

He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. ‘I never got to return the favor.’ He positioned his head between her legs and started kissing her thighs. She pulled his head toward her pussy and his tongue explored before probing. Her body started to respond and she was thrusting against his tongue when a wave broke over her shaking her whole body. As that orgasm began to fade he moved up and entered her with the largest cock that had ever been in her body. They spent the night together making love several times and showered together before she left in the morning. The last thing she did before she left was to wash the linens and remake the bed.

Mrs. Blair smiled remembering that night as she drove to their cabin. They were both glad to see her. As Mr. Johnson was grilling the steaks and the women were fixing the salad, Mrs. Johnson said that earlier in the day she and her husband were talking about the night that Mrs. Blair and Mr. Johnson spent together when she was at her sister’s years ago.

It surprised Mrs. Blair so much that she almost cut her finger as she suddenly stopped chopping vegetables for the salad. ‘How long have you known about that night?’

‘From the next day when I arrived home. My husband has never done laundry in his life and I recognized the meticulous way you fold the corners of the sheets and the way you hang towels.’

‘You must have really been angry with me.’

‘Not at all. The only reason I went to my sister’s house was to get laid by her husband. She was out of town.’ She and I have shared our husbands over the years the same way you and I shared boyfriends in college.’ The two women hugged each other and started to laugh. ‘I have to go to a library meeting for a couple of hours after dinner. Don’t bother washing the sheets this time.’

Mr. Johnson walked back in and asked, ‘Are you setting me up again?’

‘Are you complaining?’

‘Not at all as long as Martha is ok with the idea.’

‘I would enjoy a trip down memory lane. How are those steaks coming? We wouldn’t want to make your wife late for her meeting.’

During dinner she brought them up to date with what was going on with her and how Greg and Annie had been an integral part of gathering unbelievable evidence to expedite her divorce. She also shared that she was paying for both of their college educations including graduate work. She told them how impressed the FBI had been with all the data Greg had collected and that the FBI had offered them both jobs.

The Johnson’s couldn’t believe that the FBI had paid them so much money for gathering the information.

‘I want to let them tell you about their college plans. They are going to continue to work on assignments for Attorney Barker.’ She decided to let Greg and Annie share anything they wanted to share about their love lives.

As soon as Mrs. Johnson left for her meeting, Mrs. Blair and Mr. Johnson were in each other’s arms.

‘Can that tongue of your’s still turn a woman on?’

‘I will let you be the judge of that,’ Mr. Blair said. It was like someone turned the clock back 25 years. The made love with all the passion they had experienced long ago. They showered together and were sitting in the den having a glass of brandy when Mrs. Johnson returned from her meeting.

Mrs. Blair slept in the guestroom that night thinking how good life is when you have true friends that know what you need. She returned home the next morning. The Johnsons closed the cabin for the season and returned home the following week.

Annie and Greg went to the church to meet with the pastor who suspected his wife of cheating on him to get expensive items. Greg had the pastor draw a rough layout of the rooms, so he would know what he needed in the way of cameras. He determined he would not have to buy any new equipment since he had recovered all the cameras from previous jobs.

The following day they spent all day setting up the cameras and told the pastor to call them when he was leaving town. That evening he and Annie were testing the computers to be sure they were connecting to all the cameras. They saw the pastor sitting in his office when the parsonage doorbell rang. To their amazement it was the Mayor’s wife. He greeted her with a kiss and they went in the den for a glass of wine. They were sitting side by side on the sofa and she had her hand on the pastor’s thigh.

Greg called Mrs. Blair and said, ‘Turn your computer on. I have a show you will enjoy.

Of course the pastor didn’t think the cameras would be turned on until tomorrow when he was leaving.

The mayor’s wife was definitely there with an agenda. ‘I am hoping that you are going to support my husband for reelection from the pulpit.’

‘I have tried in the past to keep politics out of the pulpit.’

Moving her hand up the pastor’s leg until her hand was resting on his cock, the Mayor’s wife asked, ‘What would it take for you to make an exception just one time?’ As he was thinking about it, she began to undo her blouse. She definitely had his attention. He didn’t say anything, he just watched as she pulled back her blouse to expose the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She took his hand and placed it inside her blouse. He didn’t put up any resistance as she moved forward to kiss him. Pulling back, she buttoned her blouse and said ‘We could have a good time together as long as you slip a positive comment in occasionally. People respect w
hat you have to say.’

As they stood at the door saying goodbye, she reached between his legs and said, ‘It appears I have gotten your attention.’

After she left, the pastor went to the shower and jerked off thinking about the offer he had just received. They had cut the feed to Mrs. Blair after the Mayor’s wife left, but Annie watched with great interest.

Annie said, ‘I am going to watch his sermons with a new appreciation.’

The pastor called the next morning to let them know that he was leaving for the conference, so they could go ahead and start the cameras.

As soon as the pastor’s wife returned home she starting making calls to the deacons. She made appointments to meet with one male deacon every two hours from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. As each one arrived, it was not sex that she had in mind, but rather blackmail to get what she wanted. She wanted the whole parsonage refurbished and all new furniture. She had managed to get something on each one of them.

The first two were both patrons of a strip club 50 miles from the city. One had been photographed picking up a prostitute in the red light district of the city. Two were having affairs with women in the church. The last deacon had a history of drug addiction and theft over 30 years ago.

She gave each of them a detailed list of what she expected. The total came to over $200,000. There was currently only $5,000 dollars in the budget for upgrades to the parsonage. She made it very clear that if anyone voted against the renovations, the pictures would start to appear. They all tried to convince her that it would be difficult to raise that much money.

She just laughed, waved the evidence in front of their faces and said, ‘The choice is yours. I am sure you can show yourself out.’

The rest of the time the pastor was gone, she did nothing out the ordinary. Annie said, ‘This is clearly the most boring of our assignments. They respected the pastor’s wife’s privacy and did not watch as long as she was the only person in the house.

‘What do we do with this information? Annie asked?

‘I don’t know. I guess we drop it back in Attorney Barker’s lap and let him decide what to do with it.’ They called Attorney Barker to let him know what had happened. They did not tell him about Annie enjoying watching the pastor jerk off.

When the pastor arrived at Attorney Barker’s office he was anxious to find out if his was wife was having some type of affair.

Attorney Barker told him, ‘Your wife had no sexual activity while you were gone. She invited some of the trustees to the parsonage to go over improvements she would like to have done and furnishings she would like replaced.’

Later that day one of the trustees met with the pastor to inform him that they would make another house available to them during the restoration of the parsonage.

The pastor said, ‘I thought there was only $5,000 available for parsonage repairs.’

The trustee responded, ‘Your wife convinced us we need to make major repairs.’ One month later the pastor and his wife moved back into a completely renovated house with all new furniture. The pastor never did find out what his wife had said to convince the trustees to do the renovation. She continued to want sex every night. He decided not to complain.

When he did not make any comments regarding the mayor for a whole month, the mayor’s wife appeared in his office. She opened her jacket revealing a see through blouse with nothing under it. ‘Aren’t you interested in seeing more?’

His only response was, ‘I have all that I can handle at home.’ She stormed out of his office.

His secretary came in and asked, ‘What did the mayor’s wife want.’

As he started to loosen his tie, he said, ‘Lock the door and come here. I will show you what she wanted.

When Mr. and Mrs. Johnson arrived home from the cabin, Greg and Annie were anxious to tell them all about their college plans.

Greg started by telling them that he would be staying at Mrs. Blair Malibu home and attending the nearby university. He planned to major in movie production and minor in criminal justice. He had visions of producing great stories about crime and justice. His summer of investigative work along with his FBI connections would give him a great start.

He took them for a ride in his new car to the airport where Annie was waiting beside a twin engine Cessna she had rented to share her news. The Johnson’s got in the plane and asked who was the pilot.

Annie took her place and said, ‘This is your captain speaking. Buckle up.’ Her dad was in the co-pilot’s seat and Greg and their mother were in the back seat. Her father was amazed as he watched his daughter run through the pre-check, contact the tower and taxi to the end of the runway. Her mother sat in the back and held her breath until they were airborne.

Annie said, ‘I learned to fly in Tuscany, where I will be studying art for a year at one of the best art schools in the world. I will be living in Mrs. Blair’s villa for the year. I will also be buying pieces of art for her all her companies. She wants to put the Tuscany theme on all her companies.’

Mrs. Johnson asked, ‘How many companies did Martha get in the divorce?’

‘Twenty three major companies. Counting the smaller subsidiaries she is president and CEO of fifty three companies.’

Mr. Johnson said, ‘We knew they were wealthy, but we never knew how wealthy.’

Greg responded, ‘That is in addition to all of her family businesses. Mr. Blair didn’t get any of those because they were in her name before they were married.

They all sat back and enjoyed a two hour sightseeing flight as Annie pointed things out from the air.

After they had landed and were standing on the tarmac, both parents said in unison, ‘We are so proud of both of you.’

Greg and Sylvia Lake went to airport to meet the salon managers and Tammy when the plane arrived from Florida. Greg took their pictures as they came down the steps and across the tarmac. Tammy ran to Greg and hugged him and he greeted her with a kiss. All the women were talking about how much they had learned especially from Tammy.

They were all scheduled to meet at one of the new salons the following morning for the picture that would be part of the new ads for the salons. The salons were scheduled to open the following Monday under the new name of Sylvia Lake Enterprises. Each of the women had been assigned to one of the Salons. The Salons were currently shut down with the date for opening under new management. All the signs would be installed this week. Each salon manager would be interviewing for staff the rest of this week. It will be totally up to them if they wanted to keep any of the existing staff.

Greg took Tammy to her home and carried her luggage in for her. On the way home, she told him that she had great news for him.

When they were sitting in her living room she said, ‘Sylvia wants to pay for me to go back to graduate school to get my doctorate in business.’

‘That’s wonderful. Have you decided what university you want to attend? Pepperdine University has one of the finest Business Schools in the country. That is where I am attending. We could live together in Mrs. Blair’s home. I will be staying there during college.’

The thought of being with Greg was what she wanted more than anything in the world. ‘How would Mrs. Blair feel about that?’

Greg picked up his phone and called Mrs. Blair. When she answered Greg asked, ‘How would you feel about Tammy staying with me in your home in Malibu if she went to Pepperdine for her doctorate in Business?’

‘I cannot think of anything that would make me happier than to know that two of my best friends were able to be together. Let me talk to her.’

‘Hello Mrs. Blair.’

‘I talked with Sylvia Blake today and I know how much she thinks of you. I would love for you to share my home with Greg. I will b
e there occasionally, but the house is very large and there is room for all.’

‘Thank you so much.’

She turned to Greg and asked, ‘Are you sure this is what you want to do?’

Greg asked, ‘Can we seal it with a kiss?’

‘Do we have to stop with a kiss?’ Tammy asked as she started discarding clothes as she walked to her bedroom. They both did a slow motion strip and were nude by the time they reached Tammy’s bedroom.

‘I missed you while I was in Florida, Tammy said.

‘How much?’ Tammy answered that question with a bear hug and a tongue that searched his mouth and then surrounded his cock. Greg then took his turn at expertise with his tongue. When there bodies came together, two lovers were lost in each other for the rest of the night.

As they were having breakfast the next morning they began the serious discussions about the possibility of living together in Malibu.

Tammy said, ‘I think we should have separate rooms.’


‘I have told you before that I do not want to cramp your style or your college experience. If we have our own rooms and you decide to entertain another woman for the evening, I do not have to move out. I also have found the joy of being with another woman at times. This way we keep from smothering each other and give each other total freedom.

‘You are a remarkable person.’

While Tammy was getting dressed in a business suit, Greg got his camera ready for the salon photo session. Sylvia appointed Tammy as the financial advisor of Sylvia Lake Enterprises and her picture would be in the promotional material.

When they arrived all the women were in matching skirts and monogrammed blazers. They all had great tans and exquisite hairstyles. Sylvia had flown Arlene in to direct the setting she wanted for the promotion campaign. They took a group picture and also individual pictures standing under the sign that would be on the salon they would be managing. Individual pictures were taken of Sylvia in her expensive silk suit and Tammy in her tailored business suit.

Sylvia had hired professional models for pictures in the tanning machines, massage tables, manicure / pedicure and hot tubs. Some of the employees from the previous management of the salons were photographed providing the services.

After the photography session, Arlene told Tammy about everything that Greg had done for her and her husband when she was being sexually harassed and attempted rape by Mr. Blair. She said, ‘They are truly our heroes for life. Without them Frank and I would be unemployed. Instead we have greatest jobs working for Mrs. Blair than we could have ever hope for.

Hooking her arm into Greg’s she said, ‘Yea, I think he is pretty special too.’ Arlene was flying back to New Jersey to catch up with Mrs. Blair’s tour of the New Jersey and New York companies. Greg and Tammy drove her to the airport. Annie was waiting at the airport to see Arlene off.

Annie said, ‘Tell Mrs. Blair I will see her in Tuscany in about a week. I want to spend some time with my parents before heading off to school.

As they were walking out of the airport Annie commented on how businesslike Tammy looked in her suit, dark stockings and heels.

‘I won’t look too businesslike in about an hour. I am taking your brother on another motorcycle picnic.’ This was news to Greg, but he didn’t let on or complain. He had another surprise in store for Tammy.

As they started out of the driveway, Greg asked Tammy to take him to the Harley dealership. ‘It is time for me to own a bike again’. When they got to the dealership, and chose the most expensive touring bike on the showroom floor. When the business manager got the paperwork together, he asked Greg how he wanted to finance the bike, Greg took out his checkbook and asked for the total amount.

Greg asked, ‘Can you have the bike tagged and ready for delivery by five this evening?’

The manager said it would be easier for them to deliver it in the morning. Greg started to put the check back in his pocket and the manager said, ‘It will be ready for pickup by 5:00.’

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Author's note: I apologize for any grammatical error. Inevitably the chapters will come out first in Portuguese. Thank you for reading this story. I was still watching my father's coffin went down in the cemitery. Beside me my mother and little sister wept inconsolably the last "moments" with this special family being. I could still hear the words he told me when I last visited him in the chemotherapy ward of the hospital: "Take care of your mother and sister, promise me that." I promised him...

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Naughty School Nurse Part Two

Naughty School Nurse - Part TwoBy billy69boyAfter the last school bell rang, I sat in my office wondering what might happen next. I had earlier spoken to one of my best friends about Nicole's situation, and she had agreed to help me evaluate Nicole and the issue of reporting her parents to the authorities due to their extreme treatment of her. Coach Gilchrist was more than just my friend. I must admit: we had several occasions where we had our own lesbian sexual trysts.I heard a tap at my...

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Portrait Photographer

In 1985 we decided we both wanted portrait photos of each other in our offices plus one of the two of us in our home, so we looked round for a professional photographer. A friend of ours recommended a photographer called Danny who had done some for them, on looking at them I had to agree as he had made her look like a film star not bad as in real life she was anything but, apparently he had also taken wedding photos at one of their friends nudist wedding and they were fantastic.A couple of...

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Trolling for Vengeance Chapter 1

Another story I wrote for Literotica. As always, I retain copyright. Please enjoy!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trolling for Vengance Ch. 1It all started one Saturday, when my husband was out playing golf with a friend. I decided that it would be a great opportunity to do some early spring cleaning. I went through the house like a white tornado, the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the rest of the downstairs. I took a short lunch break,...

4 years ago
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Dogging with My Mother InLaw

My wife, Loni, and I have been married for about twenty years. We have been swingers, done swapping, and most recently we have taken up dogging. We both love it! It started out when some swinger friends of ours suggested we try it with them. First my wife just jacked off some guys, then she let some guys cum on her chest. Then she went to blowjobs and swallowed. Then Loni fucked a guy and made him pull out and spew on her bush. Then she went for one guy fucking her and cumming inside. Then she...

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My Granddad Joseph Part I

100% fiction! My name is ElilKani and I'm 18yrs old. I'm of Indian nationality and am an only boy of two loving parents. My mom and dad married out of love and eloped, because they didn't have the consent of their families as my dad was Christian and my mom Hindu. We lived happily in a 2 bedroom apartment in Mumbai, we weren't wealthy but we were happy and I had a great, very sheltered school years. My dad was working in the Indian branch of Metal Box since he got his MA and by the time I was...

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AngelicaChapter 14 Ever Onward

Angel rolled over next to Jordan and opened her eyes. It was morning. Jordan stirred and woke up, looking at the clock. "Did you sleep well?" He asked and he pulled her close. Angel sighed, "Yes that pill you gave me did the trick." Jordan held her for awhile and decided not to put the moves on her, even though his body was telling him how much he wanted her. He didn't want sex to confuse the issue of how he felt inside about her and he wondered what he was getting himself into,...

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how i got my sex education

Well After our little session she started to explain what a women wants to feel you touch her. She said that her husband was out of town for at least a week and that she'd show me how to make love to a lady. The next day my schooling began a about 2:00pm when I showed up and knocked on her door she hollered the doors open to lock it and come into her bathroom when I entered she was in the tube soaking she told me get naked and take a wash cloth and soap up her back so I she said to do it gently...

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Am I Lesbian Or Desprerate For Sex Part Three

It had been an amazing day, outlined in part’s one and two of this story but I’ll attempt to give a brief summary of earlier events, before continuing onwards.At seventeen years of age, I was in my second year at my local college, studying A levels. Prior to my progression to college, I’d have described myself as a shy girl, with no sexual experience at all, other than masturbating with increasing regularity. As you’d expect, college introduced me to new friends. On my first day there, I met my...

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Nightriders BaneChapter 15

This town, like so many of the era, was simply a collection of people and buildings. There was no Mayor, Sheriff or any other formal form of government. There was, however, the town meeting for important decisions. Therefore, when the family came down to breakfast the next morning, a crowd of town's folk met them. Jean and Maeve were in the lead as the family descended the stairs. Jean spotted the group and noticed that all of the men were armed, and he also noticed that they, to a person...

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Tied up for lunch

You are bored! You watch the time endlessly tick one second at a time. You are wishing for excitement. Your eyes shut and your mind starts to wander down your body. Your hand follows your thoughts tracing itself down your scrubs gently caressing, as if a lover. As you reach your breasts, you have a sudden convulsion. Your muscles contract including your pussy. Your eyes spring open with shock.  ‘No,’ you think to yourself. ‘Not here.’ You go back to watching the clock. Another minute has...

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Bowling Night

This is the first story I have to my name which contains graphic sexuality, and the reason for this is I couldn't find another equally good way to tell this story without using it. So I hope you enjoy this story which has broadened my horizons as a writer. Bowling Night by Ray Kitten Scott Robins gradually stepped up to face the line. Each breath fought like a wild animal as he dragged it from his chest and sweat ran down the curve of his shoulders from the back of his...

3 years ago
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Not In Control

It had been a long hot dusty day of driving as we approached the hotel for an overnight stay on our journey home. Not having eaten all day we headed straight for the restaurant area and enjoyed a great meal, very few people were there so it seemed the hotel was in a quiet period at this time of the year.After dinner we went to our room, Frank went straight into the shower, and came out and flopped down on top of the bed while I showered, I came out to find him nearly asleep . But feeling a...

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Truth or Dare

Alex's Adventures in a Land of Wonder Truth or Dare © Nick B May 2007 I would never have thought that my mother would have taken me with her. I was sixteen for God's sake and I had better things to do. Actually, I didn't, but I could have found something and anything would have been better than going there. I'd got into trouble at school (not for the first time) earlier. It wasn't my fault, but the teachers... well you know how teachers are and Mum had gone ballistic. I was in...

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Three Way of Love

"C U Later!!" says the text message as Shane carefully walks to his Blue line train. Shane realizes that he has a lot to do before coming home that night. But, first he must catch that blue line train to his car at the Franconia-Springfield station. "Shit," he says as the train seems to be pulling off without him. He is not in the mood to let time pass him by. He has an important appointment tonight with his long time girlfriend Nicole. He had a lot to do in a short amount of time. As he is...

First Time
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Body Shifters Universe CLAIREChapter 2

I was in bed when I woke up. The sight of them, these two smiling teenage girls that were not teenagers, assured me that the madness had not been a dream. Perfect, naked taut and tight cheerleader physiques; yet these she -creatures could not be more than a few hours old. "We we worried about you Master!" Bemoaned one of the identical pair. "But we're here for you now, to take care of you, and fuck you." It sounded so sweet. In a twisted way. "Uhmm ... ah ... M-Master?" I...

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SaralindaChapter 14 Saralinda

I woke up groggy, and it took me a while to figure out that Moira was telling me we were sailing through the Hawaiian Islands, and I should get up and see because it was gorgeous. I sat up, and stared glassy-eyed out the window. Vague shapes that could be islands were slowly passing astern. I noticed a glass of orange juice on the bedside table. "Is this for me?" I thought I saw Moira nod, and I gratefully drank a good swig. It tasted kind of funny, but I was thirsty, and I drank it down...

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Three of a kind Part 2

Three of a kind - Part 2 Lizzie opened her eyes and told the youngster that having her feet massaged was almost as good as having sex. That brought a little laughter from both of them. Vivian felt Lizzie's heel pressing against her crotch causing a sexual tingle between her labia and she knew that she was getting wet. She was concerned that Lizzie might be able to detect her odor. Her sexual feelings and the thought that Lizzie might be aware of her arousal embarrassed her but she wanted the...

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Sister Bang Bang

As a tradesman I have met a lot of other guys in different professions so it is no surprise that whenever one of us needs work done around their home there is always a willing team ready to swap a favour for a favour. This happened recently when I did some plumbing work for a carpenter/builder buddy of mine. Having plumbed a new bathroom for his teenage daughters I came back with a request for some decking around my pool. Saturday morning was bright and sunny and you could feel the...

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Are You Mine

Unreal. Evangeline. Such an ethereal name, suiting her exterior, with her small body, porcelain skin, and platinum hair. She was…angelic. Such a good girl, getting the best grades in her class, and although she was quiet, she was always polite. The perfect, southern-belle little girl. Her family had gone on vacation, but because of scheduling issues on the plane, she came home on a different flight, only an hour before theirs. Except their flight had been laid over a few states away, and...

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Blackmailed MILFS

Both of them were youngish, in their late teens or early twenties, but looking younger, and wise beyond their years. She was pretty in a cute, innocent way, and dressed in tee shirt and jeans, worn under a denim jacket. He was kind of good looking, if a little tubby, and dressed in a chav like uniform of baseball cap, jeans and Lacoste polo & jacket. Both already veteran’s of this, they had the routine down pat, they knew that the best places were not bars or clubs, but cafes and coffee shops...

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Their First Time

"Goddamn Super Bowl Sunday... It always put a damper on business. Aw, well, at least I can catch up on my trashy romance novels," A certain blonde haired woman said to herself. She sat alone in front of a simple wooden counter; looking out over a small waiting room with a single slot machine, a few benches and an old television that played the 'biggest game of the year'. Cheryl still thumbed through her simple paperback, licking her nail painted thumb before shifting another page. She...

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It was 6am-we were in bed together, u were sleeping, I was getting really horny watching u sleep-u were naked, uncovered to the waist, u had a few marks on your tits and sides, and dried cum all over your face and lipsYour wrists were cuffed to the bed as u laid on your back-I pulled the sheet off your waist and body and looked at you, naked, brusied and marked up, not bad but still thereYour cunt was oozing cum, your cum, no male cum in it, all u did at the club last nite was suck off 4 guys...

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Dr HumpalotSex Thearapist

Dr Cathy Humpalot is a world famous sex doctor. She used hand on methods to help patients with their sexual problem. Know problem was too bad. No fetish was too kinky. Her methods on controversial and some say unsound but no one ever complain. She wrote several book on sex. She is a multi Billion dollar industry She is on top of her game. She is also known to have the greatest sexual skill in the entire world. Rumor has it she got her skill from some monk when her plans crash in the North Pole....

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Taste For Pink

“Really are you checking your phone again?” Asked Shelle as she looked at me from across the table.“So what if I am” I stuck my tongue out at her as I sighed. It had been over 3 days and still no call or text I guess thing really were over between us. Not that I was surprised. Me and Lewis seemed to break up pretty much every week but this one seemed to be the worst.“Really, Tammy I don’t know why you put up with that crap. He only does it to get under your skin. He breaks up with you every...

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Sushma Train Prayanamlo Ranku Puranam 8211 Part II Telugu

(సుష్మకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీపూస గుచ్చినట్టు వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. ఏది నిజంగా జరిగింది, ఏది కల్పితం అన్నది ఆమెనే డైరెక్ట్గా అడగండి. మీ అదృష్టం బాగుంటే ఆమె రిప్లై ఇవ్వడమే కాకుండా, మీతో chat కూడా చెయ్యవచ్చు. ఆమె మైల్ మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను అదిరి పడ్డాను, ఆమె తమ్ముడి లాగే. “అక్కా, ఏమంటున్నావు?” అని అడిగాడు, తేరుకున్నాక. ” నిజంరా. నేను గుడికి...

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The Phyllis Files Ch 01

Cold Case Files: The Case of the Executed Environmentalist. The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 59

While the girls were gathering their bags, I pulled Rondo aside. “Rondo, are you agreeable with what your baby sister wants?” “Josey, as soon as she hugged me, she whispered and told me she wanted you. I told her that you already have many women and many girls waiting in line. She told me she didn’t care, Emmylou told her she should be your woman, and she told me she wants to be your woman even if she has wait a year. If you think you can put up with her, go for it. I love her like a real...

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Venturing into new territory for me

I recently wrote a story about a couple of my dungeon visits which were true stories with more to come but I thought about other areas that I have experienced. One area was with a male who was introduced to me via the same website as I found others on. I read an ad for a male playmate required by another male. I contacted him and he wanted to introdue me to a friend of his called "Dogmaster". At the time I was using AOL and all of a sudden I had a live chat appear from "Dogmaster". Curious I...

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At my high school, sophomore year is when all the students had to take a mandatory health class. It was a lot of boring work, but the part everyone looked forward to was sex ed. I happened to have the good luck to be seated next to one of my big crushes, Colleen. She was the perfect girl for me, not insanely hot, but definitaly cute. She was probably 5' 8'' with long shoulder length brown hair. She had the most magnificent blue eyes that sparkled. Of course, I was more interested in...

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Bhai Behin Ki Chudaipart1

Men ye sex story apne dost ki bate hue suna raha hon jo mere paros men hi rahta he. Us ne bataya k ek din mere walden ghar par nahen the sirif meri 2 behnen ghar par the mere behnen buht hi sexy hen aur mere dil men khayal ayak meri nehnen buht forward hen aur blue print film aksar dekhti hen inko zaror sex ki khahish hoti hogi aj try kar leta hon behin ko chodne ki. Aur mene dedi ko kaha dei sar men dard ho raha he zara chae to bana k mere kamre le ao dedi ko mujh se buht pyar tha us suna k...

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Jazzs First Time Max Jazz 2nd ch

He slid on a pair of cargo shorts and a shirt before walking quietly down the hall to Jazz's room to see if she was still in bed, to his surprise she wasn't. It was typical for her to sleep in this late, which made it even more of a sup rise when he walked into the kitchen to find her making bacon and scrambled eggs for him. "Well good morning early bird, little early for you isn't it?" Max said as he sat down at the kitchen table. Jazz smiled as she sat his plate down in front...

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TripinChapter 6

I awoke early after my night with Misty and Benny. I took one look outside my window at the sunlight, but couldn't get myself motivated to get back on the road. Maybe I wanted a replay of the night before, or maybe I was just worn out from it. Either way, I rolled over and went back to sleep. It was almost noon, when I finally managed to close the door of the motel room behind me. With it, I also closed the door on Misty and Benny. I had no idea whether I would be welcome in their world for...

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An Interlude on Athelney

In the second week of the New Year of Our Lord, Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight, The Danes broke out from their winter camp at Gleawanceaster and once more assailed the Kingdom of Ælfred. The King was at Cippanhamm for Yuletide when the Danes descended out of the snow on the small Saxon host. Ælfred and his companions were taken utterly by surprise. They tried to stand at the river but were overwhelmed. The fighting was fierce and bloody and the waters of that unhappy stream ran red with the...

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