- 2 years ago
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As Annie watched Andino walk to his car, she wished they had set a definite date to get together again before she and Greg had to go back to the states to finalize the documentation Attorney Barker needs to make Mrs. Blair’s divorce go through without a hitch. Actually, there might not be a reason for her to have to go back immediately. Greg was the one with all the evidence. Today had been one of the best days of her life and she didn’t want it to end. Andino waved to her as he got in his car to leave. She turned and went in to find out if Greg was home yet.
Greg was busy printing a copy of the pictures he had taken of Caterina. Annie walked up and looked at the pictures that were laid on the table. ‘Wow! She is really beautiful.’ The nude pictures really looked like total works of art with the positioning, body language and background created by the beach rocks.
‘I’m putting together a DVD to take with us tonight. I hope her husband is up to seeing his wife’s pictures taken by another man. So what did the you mean about being 5000 ft above the ground?’
‘Andino is giving me flying lessons. I had my first lesson today. How would you feel about me staying here for a few weeks instead of going back home right a way? I would love to get a few lessons before school starts. You wouldn’t believe how easy it is to take off. Landing is going to take a little longer.’
‘Is it just the flying lessons you want to stay for?’
‘Swimming in the nude with a handsome pilot is not bad either.’
‘Photographing a nude flight hostess wasn’t bad either. She and her husband have a great cabana on a secluded beach. Would you stay by yourself in this condo or have you been offered room and board.’
‘I assume I will stay here. His wife might not mind sharing him for a day or two, but may not be ready for a live in mistress’
‘I talked with attorney Barker and outlined what we have in mind for Thursday night to cinch the deal to get Mrs. Blair her divorce. I am planning to fly home on Saturday with Mrs. Barker. It is really convenient their plane has a couple bedrooms. We can get plenty of rest.’
‘Yea, right! Speaking of Mrs. Barker, Is she still planning to arrive tomorrow?’
Greg responded, ‘Yes, in fact she is looking forward to watching us in action as we complete the surveillance on Mr. Blair. She said attorney Barker has the papers drawn up and has a court date for the end of next week. He has arranged a meeting with Mr. Blair for next Tuesday. I get to watch the meeting on a TV in the next room. I will make a copy for you, so you can watch him squirm.’
Annie handed Greg the memory card from the plane’s camera. ‘Wow! Greg said as he looked at the pictures of the condos. This is great resolution. He made the pictures into a slide show that was fantastic. He also printed a 16 X 20 of the Blair’s Villa.
It was soon time to get ready to go to Caterina’s for dinner. Caterina had said to dress casually for the evening. Greg was driving this time, so the seats automatically adjusted for he and Annie. They told the voice the address and the voice started giving them the turn-by-turn directions. The voice’s final instruction was to turn in between the stone gateposts. The driveway wound through a vineyard and came to stop in front of a large stone building. Caterina came through a large heavy wood door in the front of the building. As they wound their way up the driveway, Annie realized they had taken a picture of vineyard from the air.
‘Welcome to our home.’ She hugged them each and said, ‘Come meet my husband.’ They climbed two flights of stairs and stepped into a beautiful open floor plan with high ceiling, lots of windows and beautiful wood floors. They heard footsteps coming toward them and turned to see Andino. Caterina and Andino watched Greg and Annie’s reaction. It went from shock to joy.
Annie said ‘You two are…..’
‘Yes we are,’ they both said as they stood with arms around each other.’
‘Why didn’t you tell us that on the plane?’ Greg asked.
‘Would you have been as willing to satisfy me and let me satisfy you if you knew my husband was on the other side of the door?’
‘Probably not.’ Greg responded.
Greg said, ‘This is a fascinating building. What is it?’
Andino said, ‘It was my great grandfather’s winery. We still have a great wine cellar. When they went to more modern ways of processing the grapes, the building stood empty for many years. My father decided it would make a great home. He had his offices on the second floor. We use it now as space for our hobbies. I build model airplanes and fly them in competition and Caterina has an art studio there. The first floor is a miniature museum of our family’s history in the wine business.
As they were talking Giuseppe came into the room, greeted Annie, Andino and Caterina. ‘You must be Greg,’ he said extending his hand in greeting. ‘I just came to let you know that the appetizers are ready on the balcony.’
Caterina kissed Giuseppe on the cheek and said, ‘You are the best.’
When they arrived at the balcony, they found a huge bowl of black and green olives with red Chile peppers in olive oil. Other meats and cheeses surrounded a platter of prosciutto & melon. The loaf of bed had obviously just come out of the oven. A bottle of Brunello wine was opened with four glasses.
Andino and Annie talked about setting up a 6 hour flying lesson for the next day. Caterina and Greg looked at all the pictures he had taken, during the day. Andino was impressed with the pictures of his wife.
The dinner was without a question, the very best spaghetti they had ever eaten. The meal was topped of with a Ricotta and Chocolate Cake and espresso.
Following dinner they watched the two videos of Caterina and the pictures taken from the airplane.
Andino and Annie when into his study to talk about the flight-training schedule and for him to give her the books she would need for ground study. They spent almost an hour mapping out a plan based around his flight schedule and how long she would be in Italy.
Caterina invited Greg to go for an evening stroll through the vineyard. They walked for over an hour and only covered a small portion of the vineyard. She described the process of pruning and harvesting the grapes. She said, ‘These grapes make some of the finest and most expensive wines in the world. The current wine in our wine cellar is worth hundreds of thousand Euros. We supply the heads of states and other government officials with wine directly from our cellar when they entertain foreign dignitaries, such as your president or the Queen of England. The Pope only drinks wine from this vineyard.’
They came to what looked like a small cottage. ‘Let me show you our guesthouse.’ It looked like just a cottage from the outside, but inside it looked like an expensive hotel suite complete with a Jacuzzi for two. ‘Would you like to relax your muscles?’ Caterina asked as she started the water running in the Jacuzzi.
Greg watched her strip and get into the tub before he started to undress. Once she was settled in, she watched Greg remove his clothing, He got in the Jacuzzi beside her and they both just relaxed and let the jets do the work.
Greg put his arm over Caterina’s shoulder and began to massage her breast. She moved over closer to him and wrapped her hand around his cock. She started to pump her hand and before long brought him to a climax. His cum shot out into the water and swirled around and was mixed in by the jets. They both laughed as they watched the little whirlpools. He turned to her and ran his hand up her leg until he reached his goal. He wasted no time getting his finger into her body. He used first one finger and then two pumping in and out as his thumb did its job on her clit. She began to moan and then as her orgasm built she began to scream. The harder her body shook, the more she screamed. She collapsed back against the
tub and they just lay there as the jets swirled the water around them.
Meanwhile back at the house, Annie and Andino were flying without a plane as he plunged in and out of her body. They came together and collapsed together and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
When Greg and Caterina returned to the house, they found Andino and Annie asleep in each other’s arm.
‘How about if I go home with you, since my bed is occupied?’ He didn’t give her any argument and when they reached his villa, she asked, ‘I want you to fuck me until I scream.’
As soon as they stepped inside, he picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bedroom. He placed her on the bed and began undressing her, kissing bare skin as clothing was removed. He took off his clothing and began by burying his face in her pussy. When she started to scream, he moved up on her body and drove his cock into her awaiting pussy. There was a lot of screaming before they fell asleep in each other’s arms. They slept like babies until after sunrise.
When they woke up, they smelled bacon cooking and assumed Giuseppe was in the kitchen. When they walked down the steps, they discovered it was Annie at the frying pan and Andino was having a cup of coffee.
Following breakfast, Annie and Andino left for the airport. The plan was to have 3 two-hour lessons with about an hour between each lesson. Caterina was scheduled for an overnight flight later in the day. As Greg was cleaning up the kitchen, Caterina came up behind him and reached around under his robe.
‘This thing is always ready for action, isn’t it? She asked as she wrapped her hand around his cock. He turned around and she got down on her knees in front of him and said, ‘This is really what I wanted to do on the plane.’ She proceeded to give him a fine blowjob. She swallowed his cum, as fast as it flowed from him. When she finished, he picked her up and carried her to the dining room table. Placing her on the table, he pulled up a chair and pulled her forward for his own dessert. As she began to yell, he just hammered harder with his tongue. Before she left, they showered together.
As Greg was making final preparations for the surveillance of Mr. Blair’s Villa that evening, the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, Mrs. Barker was standing there in a beautiful business suit. They greeted each other with a passionate kiss.
‘Can I watch the action as you take Dave Blair down tonight?’ Mrs. Barker asked.
Greg took her into the room where he had all the equipment set up. He turned on the monitors for the interior and exterior screens. They watched the maid cleaning the rooms and getting them all set up for the evening. The gardener was trimming bushes, watering the flowers and mowing the lawn. Shortly after the help left, a limo pulled up with Mr. Blair and his two customers.
The prostitutes were scheduled to arrive at 8:00. However, Greg had paid them double not to show up. He explained to Mrs. Barker that he had removed all record of the three prostitutes from Mrs. Darling’s cell phone and the database on her computer. At 8:30, Mr. Blair called Mrs. Darling demanding to know why the prostitutes had not arrived. When she tried to call them, she realized she could not find any record of the women. She called three other women and promised them triple the regular fee to get to the Blair villa immediately. She didn’t want to lose Mr. Blair’s business. Greg showed Mrs. Barker the total amount of money Mr. Blair had spent with Mrs. Darling during the year.
As soon as the prostitutes arrived, they began by putting on a striptease act. Each woman tried to outdo the one who had preceded her. Once they were all nude, they started doing lap dances for the three men.
Greg had tapped Mrs. Darling’s phone calls and knew the name and address of each of the prostitutes. He checked the background of each of the women and found that 2 of the women had outstanding warrants for their arrest. One was a murder charge and the other was a bank robbery. He used his untraceable phone to alert the police to the location of the orgy. Within minutes, the outdoor cameras showed police cars surrounding the property. Once the police were in place surrounding the house, they used a battering ram to break in the front door. The women tried to escape through the back door but ran right into the police behind the house.
The men were all trying to get their cocks back into their pants as the police grabbed them and handcuffed them and led them out to the waiting police cars. The female officers in their new high heels, waited with the women while they got dressed. One of the prostitutes looked at a very attractive policewoman and said she had the body to make a lot of money as a prostitute. One of the other policewomen laughed and said ‘You should see her in the shower.’ They handcuffed the women and led them to the police cars.
Greg said, ‘I bet the police would love to have these tapes.’
‘You are amazing!’ Mrs. Barker said as she started to remove her business suit.
As Greg looked at her standing there he said, ‘You are pretty amazing too!’ Her body looked as good a twenty some year old woman. She was wearing matching panties and bra. He reached for his camera and she struck a variety of poses. Then he massaged her tits until the nipples pushed against the bra. Stepping back, he to more pictures. Then he put down the camera and removed his own clothing. Mrs. Barker pushed him back onto the sofa and knelt before him. She ran her fingernails up and down his legs before reaching out for his cock. Once she had a hold of it, she started to use her teeth to gently bite the head of his cock. She used the other hand to massage his bag and occasionally dig a nail slightly into the sack, just enough to make him squirm. She then laughed and said, ‘I love being in control.’
‘So you think you are in control huh?’ Greg reached out and grabbed her spinning her around so that she was lying on the sofa. He held her hands with one hand while he removed her underpants with the other hand. He put her legs over his shoulders and burying his face into pussy, he began to suck her clit into his mouth. ‘Do you want me to bite this?’ he asked.
‘Can I have another chance to suck your cock?’ They traded places and she began to lick his cock on all sides. When she put it in her mouth, she deep throated it almost immediately. Massaging his balls made him come quicker than he expected, especially since he had already dumped two loads into Caterina earlier in the day.
From where he was sitting, Greg could see the monitors. Most of the police cars had left, but the cars with Mr. Blair and the two customers were still in the driveway. Then they noticed that all the male police officers had left. The three remaining female officers brought the men back into the house still in handcuffs. The made them sit in the same chairs where the prostitutes were giving them lap dances.
They used the same CD that the prostitutes had used to do a strip tease in front of the men. These officers all had great bodies. They took off everything except the garter belts, black stockings and the stiletto shoes.
‘Now it is time to deal!’ the one who was obviously the leader said. We can take you downtown and book you for a variety of charges or you can each come up with U.S. dollars in the amount of $10,000 each. Mr. Blair immediately said he would pay the full amount for all three of them. He could not afford to lose these customers.
Once the financial transactions were completed the leader said, ‘You just paid for 3 of the best hookers in all of Italy. They removed the handcuffs and led each of the men to a different bedroom for a night they would not forget. Greg had cameras on all three of the bedrooms. He called Mrs. Blair and had her hook into a live feed from the bedroom with her husband. He also called Amy from Attorney Barker’s office to let her know about the full range of activity for the evening. Everything fro
m all the interior and exterior cameras had been captured. Once all the men had gone to sleep, the policewomen dressed in their uniforms and left in the last three police cars. All the men were stretched out nude on the beds.
This concluded the package of information for Attorney Barker to present to Mr. Blair. The divorce should be a slam-dunk at this point.
Now it was time to turn his attention back to Mrs. Barker, who was more than ready to spend a night of lovemaking with this young hunk. The nice thing is that it is with the full blessing of her husband, since he would be incapacitated for the next few months and wanted his wife to be happy. The screwed until they were both exhausted and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Annie and Andino had spent over 6 hours in the air during the day. Andino said Annie was the quickest learner of any pilot he had ever taught to fly. During their hour between each two-hour lesson, they reviewed all the procedures she had learned during the lesson and prepped for the next lesson. At the end of the day, they were both exhausted fell into bed together. Since Caterina was on an overnight, they had the winery house to themselves. About midnight they both woke up revived and ready for a sex marathon.
Andino had a 6:00 a.m. flight, so Annie went back to the villa and found Greg reviewing the recordings of Mr. Blair’s activity. As she walked through the living room she saw a woman’s clothing.
‘So, who goes with the clothing, little bro?’
‘Those would be my clothes,’ Mrs. Barker said, as she walked into the room dressed in a robe. Annie ran over and embraced her, telling her how glad she was to see her.
‘Your brother has done remarkable work. My husband said he had never seen the creativity that Greg has used to document this case.’
‘How do the two of you like Tuscany?’ Mrs. Barker asked.
Annie answered first by telling Mrs. Barker about her flying lessons. She told her how much they loved the restaurants, shopping opportunities and the beaches. She also told her she had decided to stay for a few weeks and get her pilot’s license as soon as possible.
Mrs. Barker asked, ‘Would you like to stay in my villa until Mrs. Blair’s villa is available. Mrs. Blair told me that you would be staying there during your year of study at the local university.’
‘That would be great!’ Annie replied.
‘Why don’t we move your things over today, since Greg and I will be flying back tomorrow? That will also give us a chance to get to know each other. Greg, I will send the driver back to take all of your equipment to the plane.’
After the women left, Greg checked out what was going on at the Blair residence. The two customers were furious that Mr. Blair had almost gotten them arrested, but agreed that the policewomen ‘out of uniform’ made it all worthwhile. After the customers left, Mr. Blair called Mrs. Darling and raised hell with her. She tried to explain that she did not know what happened to the first three prostitutes, but promised to continue to provide him with quality escorts wherever he was. She also provided a corporate jet to take him back home from Italy with two of her best escorts at no costs to him. Greg looked up the details of the plane and was able to get to the airport and pay the pilot $2500 to rig the plane with two video cameras. Greg would have to wait till he got the recordings to see the action. His equipment was not strong enough to capture the equipment he had at 30,000 ft. The Barker’s plane was scheduled to land 2 hours before the chartered jet, so he would be there to meet the pilot. He also would film Mr. Blair, as he exit’s the plane.
Mrs. Blair was staying with the Barker’s and would not be at home when Mr. Blair arrived. The following day he would meet her attorney and receive the shock of his life.
When Mrs. Barker and Annie arrived at the Barker’s villa, Mrs. Barker showed her around the huge property. Like many other villas it was nestled in wine country with a lovely view of the water. They strolled down to their private beach and Annie just stood there imagining what it would be like to live there all the time.
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Disclaimer: This story contains scenes primarily of interest to adults, and is intended solely for adults. If you are underage, or reading adult-oriented literature offends you, or if doing so is illegal in your jurisdiction, please go read something else. The following story is Copyright 1999 by Elaine Blankenship and Brian Matthews. All Rights Reserved. May be archived on Fictionmania, Nifty, Sapphire's, TSA and atERos by consent. Do not post to any mailing lists or to the...
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As I lay there, I knew I was in pretty deep shit. The end was close, soon I would be dead. Here in the maximum security wing of the mental institute I was in, the security was surprisingly relax. Of course, they did think I was heavily sedated. The joke was on them, He wasn't affected by medication, and He still controlled my body. To my mother's credit, and my sister's, they both testified at my trial that I wasn't myself, that I obviously had a serious mental breakdown. Hence, the...
Mark gently closed the door behind him, and set his keys down on the small table next to the door. He stretched his long, muscular body as he moved into the small apartment. His crystal blue eyes scanned the room as he hung his jacket in a closet next to the kitchen. As he moved across the spacious living room, he saw Helena emerge from the bathroom wrapped in a large fluffy towel. She stopped when her emerald eyes caught a glimpse of him and they quickly narrowed in anger. Mark sighed and...
PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...
“The artist lives to have stories to tell and to learn to tell them well.” —Criss Jami, Killosophy “I KNOW IT’S SHORT NOTICE,” John said. Yeah, if it had been any shorter, he’d have caught us all naked. Fortunately, he called before interrupting our party. I still wasn’t sure how secure anyone’s clothing was. He’d arrived ten minutes after the call. “I’ve been filming through the whole start of semester. I’ve got tape of the posters in the hall on time-lapse. The school is going to...
It was first noticed during one of our history's most turbulent times. World war two was in full swing. The male birth rate doubled, initially seen as a blessing, More manpower for the war. At the end of the war, the birth rate was the same. Over sixty years the male population grew to twice that of the female population. Over those years discontent had risen. The displaced men with little chance of getting married, or having a family. They felt doomed to be alone. They demanded answers, They...
The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations." - David Friedman I sat in wait. The fist that the ... well he has a penis but calling him a man is a stretch. Idiot? Yeah, I like idiot. The fist that the idiot was throwing at me was moving so slow, I was running the risk of losing my vigilance. Finally, it got within range and I grabbed it with my hand, and twisted his arm around to his back with such...
Well I couldn't resist going back the next night because she was so sexy and she left the sliding glass door open again. She was watching TV wearing her see through top and no panties and she looked like she had passed out and by the way the empty bottle of tequila was tipped over, I could tell it was time for me to get a closer look. I snuck in through the kitchen and with the soft glow of the TV, I could see how beautiful she was. She was laying on her back with her legs slightly apart and...
VoyeurIntroduction: So Rachel finally tells Will about Mark, Maggie comes to visit, Blanes conditon is revealed, and the good reverend and his assistant do more evil things….its getting good!! Will we dont have time to do this! Brook yelled, as Will insisted on having sex. We have thirty minutes, Brook. Weve done it in less time than that! Look. Maria had to go out for groceries, Maggie will be here in thirty minutes, I mean, really want to, since our last time was so ruddily interrupted, but we...
Laurie stirred groggily as the morning light streamed in through the window blinds. It was New Year’s morning and as she slowly gathered her thoughts she suddenly realized that she was in her bedroom, but couldn’t remember how she’d gotten home from the party the night before. As Laurie sat up she winced at the throbbing in her head and from the ache throughout her body, it was like she’d been in a boxing match and lost the fight. Then as Laurie pulled the blanket back...
My first sexual experience with a girl occurred when I was 15 years old. Of course I had done some basic stuff with girlfriends, but nothing that is worth writing about. At this age I remember constantly thinking about girls and how to get into their pants. Unfortunately most of the girls I knew at that time were not so willing to take off their clothes as quickly as us guys would have hoped for. Fortunately for me I lucky enough to find myself someone that was ready to do some experimenting....
Introduction: Ive noticed the trend where I post stories that I intend to continue but then lose interest after posting. Ill try and get some continuations up here soon. This is my first BDSM focused story, so if anyone has some pointers or suggestions, Id love to hear them. Also the age of the main character is meant to be ambiguous, make it whatever you feel comfortable with. Change the recess scene to Co-ed gym class if that makes more sense. Ayla woke up to the feeling of a buzzing on her...
"I feel a bit of a fraud," I said looking out at the crowd of people that had turned up. "After all I'm not really leaving. Well not to go far." "No, I know," said Freddie, "but it's good to have an excuse to get everyone together and let them have some fun. Look, it's your leaving party, enjoy it." We'd borrowed Brad's castle for the event. Brad was back in Kushtia full time now and Freddie had arranged to look after the property for him in his absence. We'd brought stock...
He arrived around 8:30 that night and the whole neighborhood practically rattled as he pulled into my driveway. His old Chevy is straight piped and super duper loud. I opened the door for him and he nearly tripped when he saw what i was wearing. Which in case you were curious, was a sheer white tank with my most form fitting briefs. He had of course seen me in my underwear before. But that was when we were younger, not now since I’ve filled out quite a bit obviously. He walked in and i...
As I stood there in the dark, bound tightly to the posts at the end of Robert's bed, I think I was close to yelling my safe word to Robert and Suzy who were sleeping in the bed I was bound to. I really didn't want to use that word, but I was thinking about it as I stood there spread out in the shape of a big X. It was almost midnight and that marked the end of the first day of my weekend here at the mansion. It had been a very busy day. I'd been through so much that it felt like a week instead...
BDSMPREVIOUSLY ON CROWD SOURCED SISSY: In part 1, a man met a sissy exhibitionist while on a trip to New York. She has a website (something like OnlyFans) where her admirers request that she perform kinky acts and tip her for posting videos of her completing these tasks. In part 2, the man decides to become a sissy as well. He travels to New York with visions of sissy in his head, but the anonymous Master who is controlling his fate has other plans for our poor sissy. Crowd Sourced...
Dear ISS readers, this is my first story, I am bala here. This happened in the college days when I was 23 years. I had a colleague mate called Lakshmi. I was staying in a rented room on the upstairs of a house which is was alone in a corner of the colony. Generally I am good going had a good name in the colony. This Lakshmi comes from the same place tot him college since we have to go in the same bus the relationship was just Hi/ Bye. In one day there was a heavy rain and we landed up in our...
By : Rajeshmane24 Dear all, I’m ready for pune womens at . Now go through story, to all readers. I enjoy reading your stories. I want share my experience with you all. Friend’s my name Rajesh. I am from Pune. I am 24years old and I stand 6 tall. Recently I had sex with a beautiful, young woman, who is a tenant of ours. I live in 1st floor. A young couple married for 8 months live in ground floor. The women who live in the ground floor are very beautiful, lovely, sexy, and gorgeous. Her name is...
As the boy puts his hands under her ass and slides his tongue along her wet lips I commence licking and sucking her nipples. I have a full-on, thick, nine-inch erection as my lady soaks up sexual pleasure from two males. I can’t see our toy boy’s cock, but I know from seeing him in the gym he is almost as big as me. I also know he is bisexual. A week ago, when I first told Sarah about him she was determined to have him. She has a thing about younger bisexual men. “Make it happen, soon,”...
Main kuchh month pahle meri dur ki mausi jee k ghar kuchh din gya.Wo hariyana mein rahti hai.Unke privar mein jyada log nahin hain.Uske saas sasur to expire ho gaye.Kai saal pahle mausa jee bhi expire ho gaye.Unki bas do betiyan hain.Monika 19 aur ravina 18year ki.Dono bilkul ek jaisi hain.Dono ne college join kiya hain hai aur chandigarh mein hostle mein padhti hain. Mausi bahut hi badhiya hai.Kafi zameen hai aur bahut bada ghar hai.Mousi ki age 38 k aas paas hai.Ghar mein akrli hi rahti...
Hello bhabhio mere pyari hawas ke ranio apko or jawan jawani ke jost se bhar poooor ladkiyo apko mera pyaaaar bhara pigaam main vikas apke pass apni third story post karne ja raha hu jo ke mujhe pichle 2 story se mile mail or bhabio ke bharpoor massages un un sabki secret sex hai to mere is story ko phadne ke baad agar koi bhabhi ya jawan ladkiya ya hawas ke khoz rakhne walio ko vikas ka paigaam mere email id hai hai in delhi/ncr to mujhe kise bhi service ke liye tayar hu ek baar mauka deke...
Ich bin die alkoholabhängige und dadurch entsprechend fettleibige, stinkend ungepflegte Wirtin einer heruntergekommenen Kaschemme, die ich vor zwei Jahren von meinem ebenso versoffenen wie fetten Onkel Toni geerbt habe. In häufigen Alkoholexzessen kommt es hier mit den Stammgästen immer wieder zu den schmutzigsten Praktiken bei zügellos versautem Sex, so daß ich mit meinen 56 Jahren in in diesem Job kaum noch völlig nüchtern werde. Meinen jahrelangen Alkohol- und Tabakkonsum sieht man mir...
I'm going to re-post a series of stories I wrote under an old profile - the next chapter is on the way - so keep checking backPart 2A CONTINUATION OF Caught in my sisters underwear.We must have been asleep for about an hour on the sofa when I felt Jane slowly stroking my arm, "Dan, wake up baby," she whispered.I looked up at her and smiled, here I was lying next to my hot sister, both of us still in our matching thongs and bras. Her's baby pink, mine sunshine yellow, my cock was hard against...
I’m not a supermodel by any means, my figure isn’t great, I’m shockingly clumsy but what I am is smart, smart and clever and intelligent. Oh, and young. Well relatively anyway. I’m Lauren; I’m 23, a student at one of the top universities in the country. I’ve excelled all my life, everything I do turns to gold, except for men. I’m shocking when it comes to men. In my earlier life I loved a man dearly and he fucked me over. Some of you will know about this already. Loving Scott has been new...
Not long after the student house party, another phone call from Danielle set a new scenario in motion.“Hey stud, you up for watching her get gangbanged?” As usual from Dani, no preamble.“Yeah, where, and when?” As usual from me, no hesitation.“I’ve asked around, found us a dogging spot. For some reason, Wednesdays are best. Dress her slutty, pick me up about 9.00 and we’ll arrive after it gets dark. Park up and watch her take loads of dirty stranger cock like the cheap little milf whore she is....
My hubby returned from his business trip the Friday afternoon, he came staight home. Walking through the front door greeting me with a kiss. We chatted a lil before heading off together to pick our daughter up from crèche. It was still freshly in my mind that I had cheated on him with the neighbors son Nick. I was in debate if I should tell him, but was scared to what the consequences will be. We arrived at the crèche and I decide I wasn't going to mention anything in front of our daughter. My...
I work as an accountant and I was attending a conference for tax preparers. I was standing by the entrance when I could not believe my eyes. I could swear the woman who had just walked through the door was Deanna, a former co-worker and a friend of mine. I remember the last time I saw her it was at her going away party. She had taken a job out of state. The party was winding down, myself and Deanna wound up the last ones still in the club. The juke box was still playing....
Straight SexPrelude: Sorrow DIAMOND Sorrow’s gate was held by crumbling stone pillars, and adorned with statues whose features had been worn away by millennia of wind and rain. Only the hollows of their eyes, and the impressions of their mouths remained on their withered faces, giving them an expression of perpetual horror. “I suppose I can’t change your mind, can I?” Arbitrus asked beside me. “Nope.” I answered. “If you don’t come back, Julia will kill me.” “Yup.” Arbitrus sighed, pulled out...
"It's OK mummy, Gina says this probably isn't i****t".Over the weekend Debbie my teenage step-daughter had found that with care she could now insert the short bulbous end of the Feeldoe into her vagina ready for sex with her mother without the need for tights to stop it falling out.Apparently they had tried a variety of fuck positions, but found that their favourite was the plain old missionary, with Angela underneath.Mum adored the feel of Debbie's hot skin against hers as the Feeldoe did it's...
Joan's Room by Darla Raspberry Chapter 1 A New Beginning Ring!...Ring!... I awoke from a deep sleep. Sam's arms and legs were draped over me possessively. He was dead to the world. I carefully extricated myself and reached over for the phone to answer it. The red numerals emitted by my alarm clock told me it was now 1:50 AM. Something must be wrong! "Hello?" I said with a raspy voice into the phone....
I was angrily racing around the house packing all my clothes! I had no life here and I was going to file for a divorce as soon as I could but right now I was going to get all my things together and get the heck out of Dodge! Al was due home from work at 5pm sharp and to avoid any confrontation I wanted to get all my personal things out of the house by then. It would be a lot easier on both of us if I just left! Al had just become too abusive to put up with any longer! I'm sure there are many...