Fantasy....pt2 free porn video

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You're waiting in the motel room in the position in which I've instructed you to await my arrival: on your knees with your ass and cunt up in the air exposed to whatever I have in mind, your head and shoulders down, pressed against the bed, your face turned to the side. Again, per my instructions, you've left the light on, but you yourself are blindfolded. I told you when to assume the position, but not when I would arrive. You've been in the position long enough now that your hips are beginning to ache, but your tight cunt is getting wetter and wetter in anticipation of my arrival; even with the discomfort you dare not disobey my instructions.

You hear a click, a key in the door and the slight swish of the door as it swings open. Footsteps, muffled by the cheap carpet, approach closer and you can feel my presence, knowing that it is your Master simply by the way in which we are tied to each other. Good slut, I whisper as you feel a hand, gentler than you'd have thought trace a path across your buttocks, forcing you to quiver slightly from finally being able to enjoy my touch. My hand slides down your thighs and then comes around to your tummy, over your breasts, around your neck, checking every part of your face. My fingers reach your lips and I don't have to tell you to part them to allow my fingers inside. I push in two to begin with, playing with your tongue then sliding deeper to test your gag reflex and you force yourself to concentrate so you don't let yourself down. A third finger joins the others to push you a little, but you manage to take them all. Impressive slut, I whisper again and withdraw my fingers. I move back to your ass to take my measure of your cunt and asshole the way I have the rest of your body.

My fingers are still slick with your saliva and I force two of them into your tight puckered shithole, making you gasp with the sudden filling intrusion. I hold them there inside you, enjoying the feeling of your asshole sucking on them. My other hand moves towards your cunt and spanks it hard, making you cry out as much from the unexpected force as the pain and pleasure the strikes affords you. Voice down slut, I tell you. I work the two fingers in your asshole out a little and then fuck them back into you at the same time as two fingers from my other hand slide effortlessly into your soaking cunt. I fuck both your holes in unison, swirling them around as I do it so that they feel each other through the membrane that separates your slut cunt from your slave asshole. You try not to whimper at this, afraid to give voice to your pleasure lest I punish you by making it stop, even though at the back of your mind you know there's no way that I will let you cum yet.

The fingers probing you do not let up and you can feel your orgasm building, confusing you because it feels like I'm going to make you cum and yet I haven't given you permission to do so. You want to cum don't you slut, I ask sneeringly as though reading your mind. Please Master, you gasp half into the bed. Not yet slut, I reply and the fingers invading the holes reserved solely for my pleasure slow down and slowly withdraw. You hear me walk away from the bed and return. Stay still slut, I instruct and you feel industrial tape being wrapped around your left ankle, which in turn is pulled slightly outward as I extend the tape to attach it and secure to the base of the bed. I repeat the process with your other ankle, exposing your holes even further. Your hands follow and then I run tape across your back to ensure that your shoulders and head remain flat again the bed. Finally, you feel me attaching two small piece of tape to each of your cunt lips, attaching the other ends to your thighs, permanently spreading your cunt apart for me.

Now you're ready slut, I inform you as you hear the door swish open again. You know immediately what that means, although you can't believe that I'd invite a third person the first time I use you, the first time that we've done anything other than exchange orders and photographs virtually. Part of you is disappointed, but part of you knows that you could have expected this. You think of complaining, but realise that will only make your situation worse and you only have to tense your muscles slightly to realise how tightly the tape has you bound to the bed, how utterly powerless you are to do anything other than submit to what I have decided to do to you.

You've presented it well, you hear a husky female voice tell me and you can almost feel her eyes surveying you, taking you all in, trussed up ready for whatever deviant purpose I devise. She's been a good slut so far, but I presumed nothing less, you hear me respond and you're both pleased and relieved that you've met my expectations. She'll still need spanking though and hard at that, I continue and your mind is again conflicted as you wonder why that should be, but feel yourself getting even more aroused at the thought of the pain you crave, answering your own question. I came prepared, the woman replies to me and you hear the rustling of something being pulled out of a bag. You wonder anxiously what the woman has brought and my low whistle does nothing to allay your apprehension. The woman asks me whether I would like the privilege of spanking you first and you're secretly pleased when you hear me reply in the affirmative.

There's a moment of silence and then the first blow lands hard against your ass, pain sweeping over you, but not as much as you expected. Only my hand, slut, I inform you, this is just a warm up. Again my hand crashes against your ass, harder this time, stinging you more, pushing you forward, only the tape keeping you in place. The slap is followed by more, harder and harder, quicker and quicker against your increasingly raw ass, building the pain each time, especially when the odd slap hits you lower, strikes at your increasingly gushing cunt. Somehow, throughout it all, you manage to prevent yourself from crying out even though your ass stings more than you could have believed and the blows upon it seem unrelenting. Eventually I stop, although only for a second to make you think it's over, before then suddenly spanking you hard again, which makes you gasp but again you manage to keep your control and prevent yourself from crying out. You hear the woman tell me that you're well trained, giving you another moment of satisfaction, pleased that you have impressed her and made a good impression for your Master at the same time. Not a sound from it, the woman continues, but we'll soon change that.

The warmth of my hand on your beaten ass is replaced by something cold, which feels almost pleasant until you work out that it is metal and studded at that. This is something beyond anything you'd envisaged or we'd discussed and you can't help yourself from shrieking out a no, to which you hear the woman laugh. Not that well controlled after all, slut, she spits at you and you can hear the venom in her voice, adding to your fear. Master, please, you begin to beg before I cut you off. Silence slut, my voice calm. Only five, you hear me instruct the woman, the authority in my voice unmistakable. And if there's any blood the consequences for you will be severe, I add to the woman and you're comforted knowing that she is only my tool and is not in control here herself. This will hurt, slut, my voice directed at you again, but we both know that with the pain comes pleasure. Give yourself over to it.

You brace yourself ready for a pain that you think will be beyond your imagination, but before it comes you feel something pressing against your mouth and open it willingly, realising that it is my hard cock. You feel its heat as it invades your entire mouth and you're pleased that I'm so hard, so turned on by using you for my pleasure. You try to swirl your tongue around it as I slide it slowly in and out of your mouth, fucking it like I will fuck your other holes. A small reward, slut, I whisper to you and leave the head of my cock on your tongue so that you can suck out my pre-cum. You wrap your tongue around the head, doing your best to please me, hoping maybe that you'll make me cum, give you that small victory. You even think you can feel the head of my cock expanding slightly as though I'm getting ready to fill your mouth with my hot load and increase your efforts, swiping your tongue all over it, dipping the point into my pisshole as though you're trying to fuck it in turn; but you know I cannot allow you to make me cum yet, that you haven't earned it and you're not surprised when my cock withdraws, although the slowness with which I do it gives you some satisfaction.

You're about to close your mouth when you feel my fingers forcing it open again and immediately comply, but this time finding something hard and round, which your tongue tells you is plastic, pushed inside. Your immediate reaction is to spit it back out, but I am holding it firmly in place and you can feel me slipping some rubber over your head to keep the ball gag in place. Don't want to scare the neighbours, my voice mischievous as I step away from the bed. I've only taken a pace back when the woman slams the metal studded paddle in your ass and cunt. The pain sears through you, making you feel like every nerve is on fire, a crippling heat, the epicentre of which is your ass. You can't help but scream, which only comes out as a muffled moan through the ball gag. You expect some respite before the second blow, but it comes quicker than you expect, seemingly doubling the pain stabbing through you. Your mind is incoherent even to yourself and your only thought is that at least there are only three to go and you wonder if you'll pass out before then.

Strikes three and four come in rapid succession, but whilst still searingly painful, seem to hurt less than before, as though the pain you're able to experience has now reached a peak and is beginning to be over-powered by your arousal. You're aware of how wet you are and the smell of your own cunt pervades the entire room. You're almost looking forward to the fifth blow and feel a sexual warmth shiver through you to compete with the pain of it when it lands, even though it's obvious the woman has tried to put more force into this final stroke that any of the others. Fuck, you think, one more of those and I might cum and you're almost disappointed that the ordeal is over. Give her another one, you hear me command and you can't help but groan at the idea of it. She spanks you hard again with the paddle and this time there is no denying it, the pain comes with a soaring pleasure of pure sex, the fire in every nerve joined by a tingle that signifies that you are going over the edge and your orgasm crashes through you hard, taking every tingle and combining them into one single feeling of ecstasy, your cunt feeling like it owns your entire body, dribbling so much cum that you feel it rolling down your thighs.

You're panting, trying hard to recover and regain your senses, when you feel my hand stroking your hair. Well done, slut, I whisper to you, removing the ball gag. She's absolutely fucking soaking, the woman informs me, her fingers clearly now inserted in your cunt. You'd better fuck her then, you hear my reply. More rustling around in a bag, during which time you feel my hard cock again at your lips, forcing them apart before sliding into your mouth. You feel almost too exhausted to do anything and now that your orgasm has subsided and the pain from the paddle has lessened, you're more aware of the constant aches that your forced position is inflicting upon you. You know it would be a bad idea not to give it as much effort as you can though and you carefully start to apply your tongue to my cock as it slowly slides in and out of your mouth, making you take the whole length until your nose touches the side of my pubis before withdrawing so that you're left only the head and my pisshole with which to play.

I've only been fucking your mouth a small while, when you feel something hard rubbing against your cunt and the woman's stocking covered thighs rubbing against yours. The plastic cock rubs up and down your splayed cunt lips, before you feel it beginning to push at your anus. You're startled by my gruff shout of no. Only I fuck her arse, you instruct her, fuck her slut cunt. The woman doesn't hesitate and you feel the full length of the plastic cock thrust into your slick cunt in one go. Now the woman and I begin to use you for our pleasure, alternating our thrusts into your holes, taking you completely between us. The frenetic way in which the woman fucks you betrays how much she's enjoying making you her bitch and you can tell by the hardness of my cock that I'm both enjoying the ministrations of your tongue as well as the sight of you being fucked by this strange woman. You can feel your orgasm beginning to build again, the lewdness of the situation in no small way adding to the sensations in your cunt and mouth. The woman is slamming her strap-on into your waiting cunt over and over again and my cock has increased its thrusting into your mouth; it feels like we're all heading towards the abyss together.

Inevitably though I begin to slow my pace and the woman does similarly with her plastic cock thrusting into your cunt, obviously taking her cue from me. Prepare her shithole for my cock, you hear me command and you feel the dildo slip out, replaced by her fingers, which start smearing your cunt cream around your asshole, two of them forcing themselves inside painfully and deliciously. Not your fingers, you hear me say wearily, use your tongue. There's only a moment's hesitation before you feel the slickness of the woman's tongue start to circle around your asshole, taking in every little bump before slowly sliding inside, worming its way into you as deep as it can go. The woman's chin is against your cunt and combined with her tongue in your asshole you start to feel the fire building again and even bound you try and grind your cunt and ass back against her until a light slap across your face and a growled command reminds you to be still.

I instruct you to stick your tongue out, swiping my hard cock back and forth along it when you do so, occasionally spanking your face with it; all the while the woman works your asshole over and over, widening it with her tongue, depositing more and more of her saliva in and around your shitter to make it ready for the assault of my cock. You're trying hard not to cum and just as you think you'll fail to control yourself, the woman abruptly stops and informs me that you're ready to be buggered.

You feel me move away from you and the woman's presence leave your behind, replaced by mine only moments later. It's obvious we're switching positions because you soon smell cunt other than your own close to your face. Your head is still turned to the side, so the woman d****s one thigh over your neck and the other falls on the bed wide of your crown, making her more able to mash her lightly furred cunt against your face, her prominent labia already kissing your lips. Lick her cunt well, slut, I command you as my cock presses against the tight ring of your sphincter, slipping it's full length inside your anal canal more easily than you would have believed possible before today; the woman has prepared you well and you're actually eager for the anal fucking you're about to receive, gasping into the woman's cunt with that first thrust. You don't want to disappoint either of us so you extend your tongue to her fleshy cunt lips, testing them, running your tongue up and down them, dipping it into her wet hole, tasting her sweet cum, before sliding it back up to her clit.

You can feel that she wants to cum fast because you want to cum fast. The sensation of being filled provided by my cock in your asshole is turning you on more and more and you can feel your orgasm building; my cock seems to thicken inside you and it's clear that I can't be far away either. I begin to piston my cock quicker and quicker into your shithole, slapping your ass cheeks as I do so, telling you both what hot sluts you are and how much I'm enjoying using you. The woman responds by grinding her cunt closer to your face and it's as much as you can do to keep your tongue on her clit, but you somehow manage it and maintain a rhythm back and forth across it in time with the cock thrusting into your entrails. Harder and harder I fuck your ass and you press your tongue harder against the woman’s clit in response as you lick it. My cock thickens again and I tell you both that I'm about to cum and that you'd better both do the same, no spoken threat being necessary. Fuck, here I cum, I shout as I shoot wad after wad of cum deep into your asshole, the thought and feeling of which is enough to set off your own orgasm and you feel it roll across you, not as intensely as the first one but still a sweet ecstasy. You're almost too gone to realise that the woman has also cum, spasming and smearing your face with her juice as she does so.

There's a momentary pause, a silence broken only by our combined deep breathing. My cock is still buried in your asshole, throbbing slightly. Do you need to pee, I ask the woman and she responds in the affirmative. Come over here and straddle her ass, you instruct her and the feeling of her cunt against your face disappears. I still haven't withdrawn my cock and you think she must be facing me, her cunt practically in my face, which makes you slightly envious. Are you ready to piss right now, I ask and again she responds with a yes. When I withdraw my cock from my slut's asshole it will gape and I want you to fill it with your piss, you hear me instruct the woman and you think to yourself that I really am the dirtiest man you have ever had the good fortune to meet. My cock slowly withdraws from your now loose asshole and you immediately hear the sound of the woman pissing and feel the warm liquid hit your anus and begin to flow inside you, filling you again, but this time making you feel bloated with the piss enema. The woman seems to piss forever and you can feel some of its warmth cascading down your back and thighs. Eventually the stream tapers off until she stops completely, at which point you sense her move from above you and climb off the bed.

You can leave now, you hear me tell her, my voice completely dismissive. Thank you sir, she responds and the only sounds you can hear for the next couple of minutes are those of her getting dressed, followed shortly by the sound of the door opening and closing. Her piss is still in your asshole, kept there by your position and your asshole, which is now beginning to regain its tightness. You feel me beginning to unfasten you, removing the tape surprisingly carefully. Eventually you're completely free and I help you to your feet, where you wobble a little unsteadily, afraid that the piss will begin to start gushing out of your asshole. I pull away the blindfold and you can finally see me in person, although you don't dare to look me directly in the eyes. You see me smile though, partly charming, partly malevolent. Come on slut, into the bathroom, I instruct you, I want to see you squirt that piss out of your asshole. We have a long night ahead of us.

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Donna was happy to be home from work. "Another day another fifty cents after taxes", she muttered under her breath." She took out her keys and began to open the outside door to her apartment building. As she opened the door, her neighbor in the wheelchair was coming home from wherever he spent his days. She decided to wait for him and to hold the door knowing it was difficult for him to pull it open.Donna waited for him to cruise up to the door and into the foyer. As they both stopped to...

First Time
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In the Sauna0

As you open the wood burner to start a fire you feel his hand on your shoulder. He's sitting on one of the benches beckoning you over. You quickly light the fire and pile logs on as it starts to roar. The room begins to warm as he takes your face in his hands and kisses you, gently at first and then, as you lean into his touch, firmly and with a taste of the passion you can see in his eyes. Looking down you can see his hard cock straining against the fabric of his swimming shorts and a tingle...

2 years ago
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Svegliarsi la mattina dopo tra le braccia di Achref

Svegliarsi la mattina dopo tra le braccia di Achref, ricevendo una cascata di baci di uomo innamorato, fu meraviglioso. Negli ambienti gay, si dice che gli uomini arabi siano in apparenza amanti piuttosto rudi, interessati solo a fottere un bel culo, ma che poi in privato si lascino andare a espressioni di incredibile dolcezza e tenerezza. Achref non faceva eccezione. Nei cinque anni in cui per lui ero stata prevalentemente, appunto, un culo da penetrare a piacimento, comunque mi aveva...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 633

This one is compliments of John A. Directions to Heaven Your smile for the day... A little boy was waiting for his mother to come out of the grocery store. As he waited, he was approached by a man who asked, “Son, can you tell me where the Post Office is?” The little boy replied, “Sure! Just go straight down this street a coupla blocks and turn to your right.” The man thanked the boy kindly and said, “I’m the new pastor in town. I’d like for you to come to church on Sunday ... I’ll show...

4 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part four the spanking and tickling scene

“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They're all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it at...

3 years ago
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My Landlord

I remember this well, even though it took place almost 40 years ago. It was the summer between my junior and senior years in college. I had not done well the last semester of my junior year, probably because I preferred partying to studying. That, combined with the fact that I would need a few extra hours to graduate on time, made it necessary that I attend summer classes. I had always lived in a fraternity house during the normal school year, but in the summer the house was closed down so I...

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Play Date

Diane, my wife, and I have developed a very liberal attitude about sex. After a couple of years of marriage she had lost most of her inhibitions and now enjoyed sex and showing off her body. Sometimes she was even willing to share herself for me. We had started with a longtime friend of mine who had always had an eye for her. She had protested but later admitted that she had secretly been hoping to do a threesome with Gary and me. We had converted one of the spare bedrooms into a playroom...

1 year ago
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A young man catches his girlfriend trying to sneak by him naked

The following is based on a true story. I have taken liberty with some of the facts, but the core of the story actually happened many years ago… I was 17 at the time, and I had been dating Becky (also 17) for about one month. We really liked each other a lot, but had not become any more “intimate” than a few feels through clothing, no flesh. I could tell, though, that she enjoyed it as much as I did, so soon enough I knew we could expect a little more. It was a Saturday night,...

4 years ago
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Good Samaritan

Cold, windy, raining make for a good day to stay home. I was doing just that when I saw this petite older looking woman struggle with the straps on one of her bags. She looks as if she just got off the bus. Rolled down the window being blown with cold rain. I asked her if she need a dry ride? She looked up from all of the layers she was under from head to toe and said yes. She put her two bags in the back. As she climbs up front of my suburban. She says to me real soft spoken "Yes Thank you...

2 years ago
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Fantasy of a first Bi encounter Part 3

So we’re both in need of a pee. Paul’s already on his way and I suggest that we go “together”. I can’t be sure what I mean by that and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t thought about what that might mean, maybe never. Either way, he pauses, looks at me and waits. I get off the bed and follow him. We don’t have far to walk but he’s still in his wife’s thong. I’m not really into men’s arses to look at, but interestingly, the disappearance of the thong between his cheeks does look good. I’m still wearing...

2 years ago
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tv whore sent to prison

I had been a Bad girl the police had called me prostituting myself on the street cornerI was sent to prison where I knew I was going to suffer and be in trouble as a feminine little slut I knew those big strong man we going to target me. It's hard to hide what you are with my totally smooth feminine body long hair and blow job lips.Inside I tried to keep myself to myself and hide who and what I was. I couldn't help itI was soon ridiculed, I was a loner, called every derogatory name under the...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Saga Of My Family And Me 8211 Part V

Hi Friends thank you much for your response to Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this story. I really appreciate your good words. Any ladies, bhabhis, aunties want to contact me please do so on Now read on for Part 5 While riding my bike to my Masi’s house, my mind was running over all the past three nights and I just couldn’t thank my stars for how lucky was I. The journey which was about 40 miles was speeding away rapidly as I thought about my fuck sessions with neeta Aunty, my mom, my Bhabhi & my Bua...

3 years ago
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74 Ghante Ki Chudai 8211 Part III

(Hi Friends, this is the third part of this scintillating true life tale. In the previous two episodes, you have read, how Bhabhi and I, celebrated my success in B.Tech. in a unique way, by fucking in the Kitchen, then in Bed room and then in the Bathroom…. Next-) When my Lund calmed down, I got up, lifted Bhabhi in my arms, and put her carefully in the ready bath tub. Bhabhi signaled me also to come inside. I stepped into it. She adjusted herself to make room for me. We lay facing each other....

3 years ago
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Flexible Morals Ch 01 and Prologue

Author’s note: This probably won’t be relevant in the future but I’m taking a break from Arms of the Ocean for a while because I can’t get it to work properly in my head and I need it to brew some more. In the meantime, I give you this, a story that I wrote a while before I began submitting things to Literotica. It takes place in the same universe but the names of races, locations and a few other things have all been changed (Mostly as a way of separating erotic from non-erotic in the event...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Bhabhi Took My Cock

It was mid night of Holi. It was not normal day. I was in bed but my mind was in some wonderland. My mind was hovering through all those happenings today in disguise of “Bura Na Mano Holi Hai” specially related to my cousin as I had crush on her since schooling days. One of sudden, I realised Bhabhi after gently knocking my door barged into my room. She was perplexed. I got up on my feet. I am habitual of going to bed only in undies and thought of my cousin had given me boner. But Bhabhi was...

2 years ago
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Timestop The Class Test

DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. I do not condone any of the things I write about! All characters are 18+. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely...

3 years ago
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Dees StoryChapter 5

That first night was almost perfect, Emily fitted in to our lovemaking as if she had always been a part of us, whilst Chris took advantage of her submissive nature and pulled out all the toys, taking control whilst Emily and I acted as her slaves, except for Emily that was all she wanted, I could here it in her voice every time she said, "yes Mistress." Chris and I enjoyed kinky sex, any sex, the flavour of the moment decided by our moods, often by Chris's mood, but that was mostly...

3 years ago
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Domestic Urge

I was cutting vegetables for that evening's stew when an overwhelming urge crept up on me. I was alone at home, the kids were in school and my husband was at work. It was hot outside, but not hot enough to turn on the air conditioning. "Why not?" I thought. I peeled off my faded black skinny jeans, the ones with a cute red flower print on the thighs. I always received pointed glances of longing while wearing them, and that was often the prelude to my urges. My sensible undies came with...

2 years ago
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Krishna The Goddess Became A Lesbian Slut 8211 Part 11

Dear friends Your dirty slut Krishna again.. Now its raining and the intense cold burns my pussy and ass. I am ,your whore is trying very hard to control myself because your mails are really making me a cheap rated whore. Yes I’m a whore who needs the dirtiest ways of mass drilling. One of my hottest fans send me a picture of his cum as gift and with gratitude I downloaded the pictures and licked it again and again till my saliva made my phone hang. Love you dear …i took your semen in my mouth....

1 year ago
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Poker Night Part 3

Poker Night: Part 3It has been a week since my last "poker night" with the boys, and 2 days since I got my package in the mail. I was really torn if I should keep doing this or not. My wife didn't suspect anything yet, but what if she did? Would she leave me? Would she take the house? So many ifs... but that didn't stop my we dreams at night. They wanted to fuck me, and I saw EXACTLY how they wanted to. I kept telling myself I wasn't gay, that this was just fun. But anal sex? Letting guys fuck...

2 years ago
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Jeremiah Has His Way

"Listen here, you piece of shit --" begins another day at the office. Not even eight a.m. and I've already been verbally assaulted twenty-some odd times. I suppose it comes with the territory of being a debt collector. I'm Eric Hughes, I'm 35 and this will be my third year on the job. I never really ended up finishing college, but luckily my beautiful wife Melissa pays most of the bills with the money she makes as an attorney. Don't ask how I landed her, I'm not really sure. We'd never been...

1 year ago
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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 10 Iron Fist

The stars rolled by the office window lazily as the Pinwheel’s torus spun. Chief of Security Moralez looked up at the readout that was scrolling past on his monitor, yawning as he nursed a styrofoam cup full of dark coffee. It was gritty, and it tasted like shit, but it was all that was left in the pot. His shift was almost over, and he was eager to get back home to his girlfriend. He gave the readout another glance, then set down his coffee on his console with one of his prosthetic hands,...

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It all started when I was fifteen years old. I came down sick with a seriously high fever. It took a week and setting in a lot of cold water baths and lots of drugs to get it down. It took me almost a year to get back to normal. I lived in a small Midwest town with my mother. Dad had died when I was ten, mom and I moved to where she could get work. As I healed and felt better I began to notice that I could influence some people to do things once in a while. Being the sixteen year old...

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Awakenings Ch 43

It was 4:20 when I turned onto our street. I pushed the button on my garage door opener and pulled into our driveway. As the door opened I saw that Jeanne's Honda was parked on her side of the garage. I smiled. She was home early. Excited, I parked my Escape and hurried into the house. Jeanne was in the kitchen. Beethoven's Sixth Symphony was playing on the stereo. Jeanne loved to listen to music while she cooked. The music was loud. Jeanne hadn't heard me come into the house. I paused for a...

2 years ago
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Best Sex Ever First Anal

I got the room and was waiting inside when he arrived. I was a little irritated. He was late and I have a rule about that and about getting the room too. I don’t do it. I texted him with the room number and told him he’d now broken several of them. I have rules – No sex without a condom, no cumming in my mouth, I don’t get the room and you have to be on time. I’ve broken most of those rules with this man. What is it about him? He knocked on the door and I answered, turned immediately around to...

4 years ago
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Apni Virgin Cousin Ko Jam Kar Choda Aur Uski Gaand Aur Choot Phad Dali

Hi…Mera naam ashu hai (not real name) mai jammu mai rehta hun aur meri height 5feet 6″ hai aur handsome hun hamary ghar mai hum 2 brothers and mum dad hai…Mai iss ka bohat purana reader hun infact 12th class se hi mai iss ki stories padhta aaya hun..Maine m.A complete kiya hai aur aaj b stories padhta hun…..So aapko zyda bore na karty kuay mai story pay aata hun…. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mera 1st year ka exam khatm hua tha aur mera result first class first tha mai bohat khush tha mere saray...

3 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 24

14:40 Friday, September 6th, 1991 139 Meadow Ln Novato, CA 94947 Kate was a little worried. Lenore hadn't given many details on the phone, so she fretted about what sort of vintner the mysterious French visitor might be. Dan knew her well enough to read her mood, kissing her as she stood in front of the closet, trying to decide what to wear. Half of her things, and most of Lenore's, were still in boxes in the back of the giant closet. The previous owners had built quite a house on the...

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Chaos Calls 01 The Learning VisitForeword

The image is Cove Mountain Trail tn4 by Brian Stansberry used with permission under Creative Commons Attribution. The manipulation, and adding of text is by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 1 December 2017 Edition About Al and Chaos The ‘Al’ in this story is Allyn Robyn Evans Adams. More is told about him in the story Finding Home, which is an action / adventure story with graphic sex scenes and it is not recommended for young...

2 years ago
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Camping with the boys part 1

We loaded up the car and me and my brother took our place in the back seat. My brother had planned to meet his friends once we got to the campsite. None of them knew about the plans I had in store. When we got to the campground we pitched our tents and my brother ran off to find his friends. My mom went for s'mores materials. That left me and daddy alone. We've been alone together before and just like before I walked up to him after mom left. I reached into pants and fondled his huge...

1 year ago
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Erotic Sex With My Dearest Moms

Hi I am arjun from bangalore ,i am a regular reader of this amazing site iss ,i am going to a true incident which change my sex life. I am a young boy I am 19 and I am a body builder well built and fair this incident happened when I was 18.My mom has two sisters one younger and one elder than her. These two were the ultimate babes on earth as a boy I didn’t have any lust on them , generally I used to masturbate seeing porn movies and would feel bad about me at times bit this incident truly...

3 years ago
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An incest birthday chapter 8

“You mom invited me, it is a family vacation isn’t it?” she said sarcastically. Even though she knew about us I was still a little uneasy around her for some reason. Rita pulled the covers over us to hide our nakedness, but it was still a little dark in the room so I doubt she would have seen us anyway. “It’s a little late to be shy, after what I just seen I’m tempted to hop right in and join you,” she laughed. “How is it you always end up in our room?” Rita asked. “How is it you never seem...

1 year ago
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My first night

Making love to a stranger First time I pick up a hitch hiker and it was a torrential downpour. She was soaking wet and shivering with cold. I offered her a lift and we checked in to a b and b for the night. She was glad to get into a warm shower. I hung her clothes to dry and popped my head in the bathroom to ask her if she wanted a bite to eat. That's when I saw her beautiful naked body rubbing against the shower door. What perfect breasts she had.She saw me staring at her and winked at me....

Sex With Stranger
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Demigod of WarChapter 82

Day 265/266: John tossed a pair of black-bladed, stiletto-style knives by the fire as he, Corporal Quick, Adam and Ben walked back into camp. “Sorry about that. Where were we?” Everyone’s eyes went to the weapons. “What happened?” About four different people asked him. “Mokul, the Dwarf assassin who tried to kill Veronyka, and got Hal came for me.” John explained. “Corporal Quick here took care of him for us. Thanks Quick.” The Odmaaran bowed. “It was a pleasure to avenge such a...

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