S.H.E.I.L.A. 8         free porn video

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“I am still attuned to all military and non-military frequencies Doctor Gance. At the moment it appears that they have lost track of us. I am still modulating my own frequencies in random to lessen detection.” Sheila said after we were in less of a crowd.

“Good,” I said half awake damn I was weary. “We need to get under cover as soon as we can. They may be relying on human sight of us to bring up another alert.”

“Yes, understood Doctor Gance.” Sheila said as we started to walk to a more deserted area. “I have located a position that I can make far more secure than most we have been in. With the added humanity within this city we have more chance of remaining more hidden.”

Nodding I followed behind her. My eyelids were starting to weigh a ton. I really needed to lay down soon or she was going to be carrying me.

Stopping a moment Sheila looked at me, “I’m sorry Doctor Gance your energy has dropped below that which I consider a danger point. I will endeavor to get us to the secure area faster.” With that she stooped down picking me up again putting me on her shoulder taking off.

I was just hoping that no one could see us. Not that I was insecure about her hauling me around. She had superior speed after all thereby keeping the both of us better protected. No, I was more afraid that if she took off at high speed again they might be able to detect her a lot easier.

“Watch your speed we just fell off their detection, no need giving our position away again too soon.” I told her.

Sheila slowed more as I saw her nod. “Thank you Doctor Gance I am afraid that when it comes to your safety I put all else out of the equation.”

She moved for about ten more minutes then we were entering another huge building. Almost as large as the hanger that we’d been in, in Sitka. Looking around I could see it appeared to be an old factory. Seeing all the machinery here I smiled. It wasn’t much but I hoped that all the heavy metals might give us more cover. Rapidly, Sheila made a soft bed of blankets for me as I lay down. Sinking down into all of them I sighed as I felt my eyes close on their own.

“I shall return soon Doctor Gance, I know you still have work to do within me I will have as much of a computer built as I can when you awaken.” Sheila told me them she was moving off out the doors.

Trying to open my eyes to watch her go I really hoped that this position that she’d chosen was as secures as she thought it was. Dreams, I had never really thought about them. I mean they were after all the succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Yeah right, I thought then there were those thoughts that we all didn’t try to think about; nightmares. Unpleasant dreams that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety, and great sadness.

Shuddering as I felt myself start to fall asleep I remembered the last one I’d had. Did the machines think I was as unfeeling as the nightmare indicated. I’d have to ask Sheila when I was awake again.

It had to be quite a few hours later when I awoke. Looking around I could see that many hours must have passed as it was now dark outside. Not too far away I saw Sheila was almost constructing a rather large computer tower.

“Ah! Doctor Gance you are awake! I have built the best that I could for you. Though I am afraid that it has no where the power of those you used in your lab. It does have twice the ram, and gigahertz processor of the last I built.” Sheila told me with a smile on her face.

Shocked a moment I looked at her closer. “Sheila am I detecting a change in your emotional program?”

“You are very perceptive Doctor Gance. Yes, I am constantly making adjustments, in order to manipulate all the changes that are acquiring around me.” Sheila told me with all honesty.

I nodded as I waited for her to finish up. Shaking my head I had to find out just what she had done to the original program I had written. If as I thought she WAS evolving the program then as I thought before it wouldn’t be long before she’d no longer need me.

Hearing a slight gasp I looked up to see an almost look of sadness on Sheila’s face. What the hell? Then I remembered that she could when I had extreme emotions actually ‘hear’ some of my thoughts. Shit! I thought. Was I afraid of hurting her feelings?

Shaking my head I thought no, she’d have to have feelings for me THAT seemed an impossibility. Then I looked closer at Sheila’s face before it went blank. Christ had I really just hurt her feelings? Ok I thought I really needed to get in there to do a more detailed diagnostic.

Still with a blank face Sheila finally completed what she’d been doing then moved toward me. “I believe that with this unit you should be able to accomplish far more.”

Nodding I took the leads hooking up what I needed then removing the data crystal loading it to the comp as it came alive.

My eyes went wide as the program started to revel the emotional program to me. My god it was far and beyond anything that I had written! Just the subtleties that he was seeing were greatly effecting just HOW Sheila was using and responding to them. “Just how long have you been working on changing them?” I ask Sheila with an astonished look on my face.

“I started not long after I became self aware. As I said, everything I saw was antiquated for a being like myself. Are you upset with the changes I have made Doctor Gance? Though I do not wish too, I can reset them to the former settings if that is what you desire.” Sheila told me a hint of sadness in her voice. I ... What?! She WAS sad! Looking closer I could see yes, she had advanced my simple program far beyond anything I had done.

“No! Please I need to study what you have done. I have no desire to have you as you were when all this started. As of right now I’d say these changes you have made are what is and ARE keeping me alive. That and you operating as well as you are.” I told her suddenly.

Sheila’s face seemed to light up at this. “I will then endeavor, to continue upon this line of reasoning for you, Doctor Gance. As I said I will do all I can to ensure your continued life and existence.”

“Yes,” I said as I nodded to her. “I am still somewhat upset about that third law that you have instilled with in you. I am going to try and change it if possible.”

Sheila nodded her head then seemed to be in thought a moment. “As I said before Doctor Gance you can attempt to, though as I said I did find it somewhat difficult to actually write a third that I could accept.”

I could only shake my head as I started to delve in deeper finally reaching that part of her positronic brain that housed the three laws. Nodding I moved as gently as I could through the terabytes of information I was seeing. Finally I had reached near her core seeing the great many rewrites that she’d done.

I had been at it for only a short time or so I thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Snapping my head up I saw that Sheila had another concerned look on her face. “Doctor Gance you again seem to be getting low on the fuel in your body.” Reaching over she handed me a plate of food, my eyes were large as not only was it fresh looking but hot as well!

Shakily I took the plate from her as I took my first bite. My eyes opened wide as I felt the absolutely delicious meal as it slid down my throat. Then I was attacking it with a hunger I hadn’t realized that I had. Finally finished I went back to unraveling the third law that she had instilled within herself.

Quite a few hours later I sat back sighing. I had been through a hell of a lot of conceptions of the law trying to find something other than what she had. Finally I was typing in the last part of what I hoped would render her third law inert.

Pressing the send and save I turned to a silent Sheila. “Alright Sheila I believe I have the third law where you will be more self saving. Please read all three of your laws to me again.”

Sheila’s eyes went wide a moment then she started to recite. “The three laws that I now follow, my first law states: I may not physically injure Doctor Roger Gance or, through inaction, allow Doctor Roger Gance to come to any harm.”

I nodded as I made notations on the computer about the first law. “Good and now you second law?” I asked.

Sheila nodded then continued, “my second law states: I must obey orders given by Doctor Roger Gance except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or are unreasonable. This includes but is not limited to destruction or death of another being or object seeking to end the existence of Doctor Roger Gance.”

Again I was nodding as I made further notations on the computer saving it as soon as it went in. “Pretty much as I expected. Now the third law I worked all day to adjust this one as I found the response you gave the first time you recited it to be unacceptable.”

Sheila was nodding then I saw her eyes go wide as she realized something. “Doctor Gance I am not sure I can process this third law that you
have written.”

Sighing I was afraid that she might react this way as I started to type several complex commands. Finished I looked back to her, now please read your third law.”

With what sounded like a terse, shuddering sigh Sheila nodded, “I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. This law is never to be suspended. I will endeavor to find a solution before, that will save and extend the life of Doctor Roger Gance. The ending of my existence therefore conflicts with the first and second laws and is not to be a factor in the equation.”

Again Sheila’s eyes were wide as I saw that she was already trying to re-write what I had spent hours formulating. “I suggest that you cease all actions to delete and rewrite this third law.” Gently I turned her head toward me as I looked into her eyes. “You don’t seem to think that you aren’t as important to me as I am to you. Process this please.” I said as I waited.

“I am ready Doctor Gance,” Sheila said something in her voice that I couldn’t seem to identify.

“Conjecture: with all the dealings you have with human kind. All the information that you have gathered off the information highway can you posture a reasoning why I have done what I did?” I asked her. For a moment she seemed to seem a bit confused then clarity seemed to take over.

“Supposition: From all I have seen Doctor Gance, with all that I have studied so far. I can only postulate that you have a great deal of pride in me. You wish for me to continue to function. In some cultures you might say that you are in love with me as your work.” Sheila said as my eyes went wide at her choice of words. Damn! I think for a moment she had me there. It was true I was very prideful of her. Didn’t want anything to happen to her, but love? I had to think this over.

I was nodding as I sat with a thud then I looked at her with a small smile on her face. “All that you have said has valid points Sheila. Now I have to ask, I have been unable to define the most complex part of the emotional program. It seems to be made up of all the other emotions that you have.”

Sheila suddenly looked at me with what appeared to be a bewildered look as she shook her head no. “I can see it, feel it though as to identifying it I have no data to compare it to. I was thinking that you might know as you more of an expert with emotions.”

Now I know my eyes were large how in the hell could I tell her that I was as much in the dark about them as she was? Especially the last twenty years? I’d been locked away with almost nothing but science to keep me warm at night. Not a lot of emotion there after all.

“I am sorry Doctor Gance that the third law I wrote was so disagreeable to you. As you said I will not attempt to overwrite it. Though I am afraid that I might have problems later. You are the most important human alive, I therefore can NEVER allow anything to happen to you.” Sheila replied.
Shaking my head I again stared at her, “that’s the thing Sheila I still haven’t found out why! “ Then suddenly a thought hit me. “Uh ... Sheila? Do you have feelings for me?”

This time I was sure of it! She blushed! When in the hell had she developed that trait? “I am not as sure as you think Doctor Gance, indeed I am feeling things far different when I am with you. I react to outside stimulus far different when I am with you. Perhaps it is all connected to that rather large and anomalous part of the program that neither of us can identify.”

I was shaking my head as I started to take a hell of a lot closer look at that part of the program. It had all the emotions but they were only a part of it not the main part of it. Shaking my head my mouth suddenly dropped open. Was it possible? She had evolved all of them to this point I guess almost anything was possible. I had to study it a bit more to make sure.

It was the better part of another day when I finally made a break through. I was beginning to find just what the hell the program was, well part of it. Though not directly linked to all her emotions it most definitely had a piece of each making it up. As I started to finally stimulate each I nodded as they reacted as I thought they would.

Sheila though quiet this whole time was staring at me as I went through each as slowly as I could. It was a few hours later and I was barely half way through. Shit I thought this was going to take quite a while.

“General Gance I understand that you have lost them within the confines of Anchorage. This isn’t sitting well with the Chiefs of staff nor the president. You need to ferret them out NOW! End this before more permanent damage is done. If any of this comes to light it could seriously destroy the secret monitoring of other countries we have established.” The man on the screen said before his face contorted into a grimace.

“Yes Senator, we are working now to neutralizing all threats that he and it may present. We already have the city locked down it is only a matter of time before we locate them.” The General breathed out.

The man’s head was shaking no as he started again, “I have heard this before General. The last time you had them in Sitka, still they managed to get away. This happens again without positive results? We may have to remove you to place one there that CAN get results! Am I making myself clear?!”

The General snapped to attention as he saluted, “Yes sir, perfectly clear. We will do all we can to capture them. We...”

“No General, the President just issued seek and destroy orders. Destroy this mechanical monstrosity once and for all! Do what it takes and Doctor Gance? He is to be executed with extreme prejudice. If you have a problem with that then I will remove you this instant.” The Senator said.

“No sir,” the General said with a smile on his face. “I have been waiting for the orders to kill that waste of space for years now. He is nothing but a blight on a proud military family.”

The senator was nodding as he was staring intensely at the General. Satisfied the Senator nodded. “Good I want this man dead as soon as possible. Far too much is riding on the success of this mission. Get it done General.” The Senator said then clicked off.

The General was smiling, finally they had given him the go ahead and end that little prick of a son of his. Son? Ha! More as he’d said before a waste of space as far as he was concerned. “Lieutenant!” The General bellowed bringing the young man rushing forward.

“Yes General.” The younger man said standing at attention.

Looking at the man the General nodded this was a more proper military man. Always obeying orders, doing what the hell he was told for the good of the country. “We’ve finally been given seek and destroy orders from the President. I want ALL posts, bases, units EVERYTHING activated for this. This takes top priority over everything else. Get on it let every command know that they all are to be on high alert for anything that appears to be out of the ordinary.”

The Lieutenant saluted as he made his way to the radio tent. They were as close to Anchorage as they could get without arousing suspicions. At least the young man thought he hoped they were, it wouldn’t go well if the General got pissed as had again. Shuddering the young man picked up the box of cigars that he’d kept all this time. He’d seen that the General was almost out again. Having a good surprise would he hoped put him in better with the General’s good graces for a good while, well he hoped.

The general watched the younger man walk out in a hurry to get what the General had conveyed out to the rest of those in Alaska. Yeah he thought you are going to die soon you sorry excuse for a son. Shaking his head he tried to blot out the image of the failure that he felt that his son was.

Moving around to several screens the General saw that they were slowly starting to close in. Good with any luck the ass would be dead before the day was up, with that mechanical piece of shit a piece of slag metal that they could easily melt to something far useful.

I had almost completely isolated all of the huge what appeared to be an anomalous program. Though as I was slowly starting to realize it wasn’t as anomalous as I had at first thought.

I only had a few more to go through I was actually forming an idea as to just what they truly were. This was a shock to me as I hadn’t expected her to take it as far as she had.

Stopping I was staring at Sheila with an absolutely dumb struck look on my face. Sheila turned toward me when I had stopped typing and moving. “Doctor Gance are you well? I have detected stimulus across your pituitary gland as well as far more adrenaline being released into your system than normal.”

I could barely move as I looked at her. “According to all that I have found Sheila, all the data I have been through. It appears that ... are you are in love with me?”

Sheila’s eyes were wide for a second then her head turned toward the front as she threw me over her shoulder taking off in the opposite direction. A moment later the front of the building exploded then disintegrated.


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My Son 8211 My Man

My name is Anita (name changed), I am beautiful fair 5’ 3” have a figure of 36-28-38. I have slightly plum body and sexy looks. Presently, I am 40. I lost my husband when I was 30. After my husband I was very desperate for sex. In the night I used to feel very horny. One can imagine a woman at the age of 30 without any physical relationship. Male visitors to my house used to look at me with lot of lust in their eyes, I used to like this and sometime used to imagine having sex with those men. It...

4 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 12

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

1 year ago
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From Afar Ch 04

till reeling in the newness of his feelings for her, Chad pretended as if nothing had changed. He didn’t want to say anything to her until he himself could be sure if she would receptive to his advances, and surely he would have to wait until he was walking again, because no woman, wanted a cripple he was sure. He began to tackle their sessions with a new vigor that wasn’t there before. After weeks of hard work and patience, Chad took his first steps with the add of a walker. To Chad, his...

4 years ago
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Tracy III

it’s been almost two months since I last saw Tracy. Her husband had taken them to Spain for a holiday, and what with her being a school administrator, things have a little hectic for her. I did receive a text message off her, stating that she really missed our time together and was looking forward to our next encounter.My work and personal interests, diy and golf, had kept my mind occupied. It was in those quiet moments that my mind would wander back, remembering her sat astride me, the pale...

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Jilnar Jardaly Gets Fucked Again

Hey!I'm a pro-footballer in the US of A and I've been a quarterback in the NFL for over eight years. I've been involved in a fitness for k**s program as a spokesman for about eight months now and have visited many different countries to promote youth fitness.Anyway, that shit's all boring and not what I'm writing to tell yall about. When I visited Dubai I had an amazing experience that I'll never ever forget...I was called in to do a live interview for the Dubai-TV evening news. Before the...

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En Kathaliyin Tamil Ammavai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, indru kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan thanathu kathaliyin ammavai usar seithu matter podugiraan. En peyar Ramesh, vayathu 23 aagugirathu, kalluri padithu mudithu vittu velai seithu kondu irukiren. Enaku oru kathali irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya, saranyavai naan iru varudangalaaga kathal seithu vanthen. Ithu naal varai aval veetirku sendrathe kidaiyathu, saranya oru naal aval veetirku ennai azhaithu irunthaal. Naan velai mudithu vittu neraga avargal thangi irukum veetirku sendren,...

2 years ago
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The Number one Reason not to do drugs

While walking home yesterday, I passed a large building which was the school cafeteria and heard a few people talking behind a dumpster. Getting closer, I smelled marijuana and its all too potent aromas. Now, expecting it to be some of my friends who I could get some dope from, it was little miss perfect Halley, student President and all it entailed with quite a few of her other friends, passing around a joint and inhaling deeply. Of course, I was ready, so I pulled from my pack a video...

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Her First Sensational HK Hot Massage

It was Em’s first solo business trip to Hong Kong. She knew the place well and had been there on business before, but always with a colleague, usually her boss, along for the ride. So she was no stranger to the Fragrant Harbour but a novice in terms of the delights it was said to offer. She was no stranger to hot massages either, having sampled them in various places around the world and now and then at home, when the opportunity arose. Sometimes these were at home, by the pool or on the...

Straight Sex
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Shameful And Embarrasing Sex With Maami

Hello guys. This is my first sex story on ISS. This is a real life sex story. My name is Aryamaan Rajpoot. I am live in Ahmedabad. this is the story that happened when I was in the first year of my college. So the story begins like this. ….. Every summer vacation, since I was a little kid, its been a habit that I go to my Maama(maternal uncle)’s place for spending holidays. sometimes Maama and Maami(maternal aunt) come to ours with my cousin. Now it was all fine until one day, we were supposed...

4 years ago
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Bride for the whole familyChapter 8

It took a few moments for Michael One to steady himself. Diana's oral passion was something he had not reckoned with. However, he had disproved the "rape" theory of his daughter-in-law to his satisfaction and hopefully to hers. But that was something he intended to make sure of at the moment. Diana shivered with excitement as her father-in-law smiled down at her. It stemmed from the lubricious gleam in his dark eyes and the still stiff lance of man flesh that jutted from his groin. She...

2 years ago
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Lust Pleasure And Passion 8211 Part II

Now being with 2nd part of my encounter with Roma as you’ll know the about me and Hot Roma.The fire was on both side but I was more desperate to have her- masturbating daily. Roma outfit became more revealing bare skin exposed. There was one common between us we both are movie buff we went together in cinema hall for few times but one of her hubby’s relation mate her she was afraid so opt watching movies in cinema. With lot of courage I asked her ‘did you’ll had physical relationship before...

4 years ago
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Janices First Multiple Partner Experience

A few years ago, a friend of mine wanted to have a mfm, including dp. I told her I would set it up for her. To give a visual, Janice is 5'4". She has a very large butt as well as large breasts. She defines "bbw". She has both pierced nipples and a hood ring. Despite 2 kids, she has a very tight pussy. Sexually, there is pretty much nothing that she will not try (except for bi - she dislikes that whether its m/m or f/f). She is also a squirter.Now on to the story:Janice showed up and changed...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Zoe and AlexEpilogue

It was just as well it was summer and schools were out. As it was, Zoe was well behind with her studies. Brigadier Walker’s people sucked our kingpin dry, and he ‘disappeared’. I don’t know – don’t want to know – the details. All she said was, “He got drunk and fell overboard from the ferry to Holland.” Over the next few weeks there seemed to be a rash of fatalities; a Government Minister had a fatal heart attack, as did several senior officers from East Anglian constabularies – Suffolk,...

1 year ago
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Cars sisters and brothers great fucking

The lightest muscle in a mans body, is his cock, even a dirty thought can make it stand.I was saying that with my friends when we were just 12, twelve years old and we knew men got erections, but the gravity escaped us, it was the fun of it.I was one of the girls that pulled her knicker front down to show boys my pussy and let the older boys cum, through masturbation, onto me. I was facinated by this hot stream streaking across space and landing on my vaginal region and feeling it seeping into...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 48 Family Secrets

February 4, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “Emmy?! What are you doing here?” “She came to talk to me,” Liz said quietly, from behind me. “OK. Is there anything I can help with?” “No.” “You know, if her dad finds her here...” “I know. Just go upstairs, OK? I’ll come talk to you later.” I nodded and went upstairs. The door to my parents’ bedroom was closed, and I didn’t see any light leaking from under the door, which meant they were most likely asleep. I stopped in the bathroom to brush my...

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Francescas Extreme Anal Diary capt2

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any place or anyperson,living or dead, is purely coincidental. This is an original story. Francesca's Extreme Anal Diary Chapter 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- So, diary, where was I? That shit felt good; but damn, I wish I couldfind where Greg hides 'my' dildos. I'm still recovering; but shit! Ireally want something up my ass right now while I write this, and I don'thave anything. ...

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Daddys Love

My name is Vanessa and I’m turning 18 on the falls. I have long black straight hair that goes past my bra-line. I have a tanned skin tone from all the swimming I do at school. I have a heart shaped face that makes me look younger than I already am. Though I’m petite in size and look like a grade school student my body is the exact opposite. I have perky 36C boobies and butt with a very slender waist to match. I take after my mom’s figure. Although I hate her for hurting my Daddy and leaving him...

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Lizs Open HomeChapter 2

As Liz pulled me towards her bedroom I admired and lusted after the vision of beauty in front of me. Her long hair rested on her shoulder above the long V of bare skin that was scored with red welts from my nails. At the base of the V her hips and buttocks rippled the smooth satin as she glided along the carpet. I just wanted to fuck the arse off this beauty in front of me and I had every intention of doing so, but on my own terms and in my own time. Instead of allowing Liz to pull me into...

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Scent SeductionChapter 8

"Oh my god ... oh my god" Tania blurted out excitedly when she phoned me. "Mia ... she's only 16 years old ... and she is pregnant" she added then waited for my reaction. "Does this change anything?" I asked "Are you still lusting after her ... do you still want to seduce her?" "Yes ... yes ... more so now" Tania responded. Then she went on to explain that she had befriended Mia over the last few days, and that they had spent some time talking at Mia's place. She was afraid to...

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Class demonstration of sexx

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated story like theseMe, Reena and Ajay were very close friends. We were almost of the same school going age. We used to most of the time move together and share almost everything between us. We were teens full of energy and vitality. One day the teacher was teaching us biology class and explaining the human reproduction system. The teacher was telling about the cock, the sperms, the ovum, the pussy and boobs and the whole process of human...

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The Candidate

The Candidate (A woman finds the perfect victim for feminization) By Miss Vicky I had been told what to expect and there he was, my next candidate! Even if I hadn't been told about this one, I would have recognized the potential he exhibited. How did I know this? I can't really explain it in mere words. All I can tell you is that I knew this one would be susceptible to what I had in mind. I had been watching him watch me for more than ten minutes now and I just knew. Perhaps it...

4 years ago
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My Pee Fetish

On the road again. Stopped at a seafood restaurant before checking in at the hotel. I was dining alone, per usual. A few minutes after my drink was served, a woman about mid-40s was escorted into the dining room. She was seated at a table next to me. After the host left, I took a chance and said to the woman, “Excuse me, but it appears you are dining alone as am I. Would you care to join me?” She responded with a, “Oh, thank you, but I don’t want to be a bother.”...

1 year ago
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The Silent Girl Part 2

The Silent Girl "Sure, I can handle it," I said accepting the challenge. *** School went as usual. Mary had her interpreter with her everywhere on the school grounds. After school, she would tutor me on my subjects, so I wouldn't fail them. I couldn't tell whether she was just being friendly or trying to groom me into being a proper partner for her. Bullies would mess with Mary every so often. I would kick their ass. Finally, softball season began. I had always thought it...

1 year ago
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A Tution Taken Lustfully

Hi guys. I was a normal college student. Quite introverted. I am basically a tall guy with a thick dick of 6 inches long. I was a regular student at the college. You could say that I was not far from a straight ‘A’ student. I used to get tutoring requests from all students. I used to tutor most students in our class. There was a girl in our class her name was Saranya. I liked her. She was a cute girl. With fair skin color and round boobs of about 36b. She was busty as well. She was tall as me,...

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With Moms Help Part 1

Synopsis – A mother learns her son’s perverted fantasy and helps him realize it ========================================================== I stared down at the filthy bed. The bed sheets must have been beige a long time ago but now they were dirty yellowish. Several large stains, most likely from cum of hundreds, may be thousands of men covered the bed spread. There were no pillows except one large square cusion in the middle. Right next to it a new stain had started to form where the my sperm...

2 years ago
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Diana stood at her bedroom window, looking down at the street outside. She began to have second thoughts about what she was doing. Diana had planned to go on a picnic in the park with John, her new customer of some months, then to a movie in the evening with him. But I had called her before starting to drive over and she had mentioned to me that her parents were out of town, she was going to be house sitting. I had talked her into having the picnic lunch on the kitchen table and spending all...

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Breaking the Sub

Annie staggered through the front door, wobbling, barely able to stand, blouse buttoned one off. Irritated pink splotches smudged her baby face. "What happened to you?" "I won!" The enthusiasm normally associated with such a statement was missing from her voice. "Won what?" I asked. "We had a contest. Hang on, I gotta sit down." "Before you fall down?" She plopped into the comfy chair and put her legs up on the footrest. Her legs splayed open, and I could see she was minus...

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Super Lover

Super Lovers Story by Angela J. ([email protected]) Editing by Steve Zink ([email protected]) Episode 1 "The Beginning" "Legend tells of two super beings, one male and one female. Their powers were derived from their super suits and each other. The suits were designed for two lovers. The lovers, wearing their super suits, made love in order to temporarily obtain their super powers. Together they were invincible. Apart and alone, they would fail..." I quickly got bored with...

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Oh Cable Man

Oh Cable Man"Base to unit 57, base to unit 57, go ahead base this is unit 57. Unit 57 some friends of mine are having a little trouble getting there V.C.R. to work right with there cable. Unit 57 will you please go by there and see if you can take care of their problem. No Laura not at all what’s the address. Unit 57, the address is 800 Caulker Ave, Apartment 312 it’s located in the Brook Wood Apartments. Thank you again Unit 57, no problem base. Laura while I’ve got you on the radio will you...

4 years ago
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All of It

There I was, again, alone on a Saturday night. I was, of course, in my usual spot. If you don't know me, well, you probably don't know that most Saturday nights(most days actually) you can find me in front of the computer or television or maybe a book in hand. One hand that is, the other is between my fleshy thighs. This is because I can not get enough porn and I have an insatiable appetite for self gratification. Addict, I think they call it.Masturbation, this is my favorite pass time. I know,...

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A Swapping Mistake Ch 03

The company I work for is an independent company that has been rebuilding structures in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. Although it is very dangerous work, we are well protected by the military. Everyday we would have children sitting on the bank watching us work. Many were from the orphanage, they had lost their parents in this terrible war. Other people stopped by to thank us for helping build their new school and repairing other structures. You couldn’t help hurting inside for these kids....

3 years ago
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Have Lips We Travel By Robin Risque

The sheen in her eyes only turned violet hues but her lips could talk beneath her wings. He wasn’t above her lips went 50 shades under below his Huh? He was spilling out blood from her lips of an angel but she was far from heaven to Betsy money and $ and more he couldn’t quite Brooklyn bridge the gap without her. If you believe that I will sell you the Brooklyn bridge lips were her asset. Please don’t cross the boss.He rides in a tinted dark car so no one can see him but he’s a sucker for...

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Seduction of Holly

My name is Paul, and I have worked at GMAF for about five years. I am 28, and have worked my ass off trying to get ahead. There is an opening for a junior vice- president, and I intend to have it. There are others in line for the same position, but I believe that I am the most qualified. If not as qualified, at least, more determined. I earn a very good wage, but since I was married a year ago, we could certainly use the extra money. A fourteen hundred dollar a month mortgage, and two car...

3 years ago
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Glen WisemanChapter 2

Five days had passed since he had discovered the three people on the road. Late October passed into early November. The colors of fall faded as the leaves fell to the ground and slowly turned brown. Even in five days time, the weather had turned colder. Glen had started working on the interior of the house. Glen drilled the hole for the wiring to pass through the stud. He only had one more wall and the ceiling to finish drilling and then he would be ready to start running the wire through...

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