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I'm Laura Gooding I'm not looking forward to today. In fact, I am dreading it. Today is my first day at Calvin High School.

I have never minded starting at a new school. My father, John, was a Major in the Air Force, so I started many new schools in my lifetime. Most of the time I attended school on the base and the kids there were all Air Force brats as well, so there was never a problem making new friends.

Even when the base my father was stationed at was too small to have a school, I knew I'd only be there a short time, so I never really worried about it. I never really tried to make friends in those places because I knew in about a year I'd be moving on and I'd never see them again.

Now, my father had retired from the Air Force. He is now a civilian consultant in computer systems. According to him, he's making three times as much for doing the same job he did before. That's okay for him and mom, but it shook my entire world. As a freshman in high school, I'm looking at spending four years in the same place, with the same kids.

I finished putting on the little bit of makeup I usually wore. I don't use a lot, because it's bad for your skin. Besides, I think the cheerleader types who put it on with a trowel look desperate. I mean, if I were a boy, I'd wonder what they were trying to hide under there.

As I went into the kitchen, I was hoping mom wasn't going to make a big deal about this being my first day in high school. "Hi, Mom," I said, trying to sound cheerful.

I knew I was in trouble when she turned around. She had that "I'm so proud of my little girl" look on her face. Now, don't get me wrong, I love mom. She's one of the best mothers I've ever been around. But, for God's sake, I'm fourteen years old! I'm too old to be babied and I knew that with that expression on her face, that was exactly what was going to happen.

"How's my little girl this morning?" Mom asked. "Are you all ready for your first day in high school?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. It's no big deal, Mom. I've started lots of new schools."

"I know, Honey, but this is high school. My little girl is growing up."

I thought I'd shake her up a little so I said, "Yeah, I know, Mom. I've got tits and everything."

Mom wasn't very comfortable talking about body parts or sex or anything like that so I saw her blush before she answered. "Be nice, Laura. Try to act like a young lady."

That was one of the worst rebukes Mom was capable of. Sometimes I felt like I was the adult and she was the child. I mean, gee, if I were a boy I'd feel like Beaver Cleaver or Will Robinson.

I hugged Mom and said, "I'm sorry, Mom. I just don't want to make a big deal out of this. To be honest I'm a little worried about starting in a school where I know I'm going to be around for four years. What if no one likes me? What if I have to go four years with no friends?"

"Oh, Honey. Why wouldn't people like you? You're pretty and smart. I'm sure you're going to make lots of new friends."

"Being smart is part of the problem, Mom. The last two schools I was in, I was called braniac and teacher's pet because I got good grades and the teachers liked me. Some people acted like they wanted to be friends until they found out I was smart, then they just kind of drifted away."

"You had friends at your last school, Honey. What about Sandra Bentley?"

Yes, Sandy Bentley was my friend. Sort of. Sandy wore braces and thick glasses. She was also boy crazy. That's not uncommon for eighth grade girls, but boys were about all Sandy could talk about. I mean, I don't have anything against boys. It's just that I don't like spending all my time talking about how cute this boy is or how nice that boy's butt is.

I did hang around with Sandy a lot. I'd usually tune her out and think about something else when she started on one of her boy talks or when she started talking about who was going with whom. Most of the time she'd at least listen to me when I had something to say.

I didn't try to tell Mom about Sandy. I just finished my breakfast, kissed Mom goodbye, and headed off for school. Mom and Dad had picked Calvin High as the place they wanted me to finish high school. Then, they managed to find a house to buy that was only six blocks away from it. That meant that unless I somehow managed to get a car in a couple of years, I'd be walking to school for the next four years.

I'll have to admit the walk to school wasn't bad. I mean, it was a very nice early fall day. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the low seventies. I had no idea where to go when I got there, but I shouldn't have worried. There were signs everywhere saying "Freshmen", with arrows, pointing toward the gymnasium.

Inside, they had groups of chairs arranged under signs reading "A - F - 323", "G - L - 325", "M - R - 327", and "S - Z - 329". I sat down in the middle of the section marked "G - L - 325" and watched everyone else file in, looking lost.

After the first bell rang, there were probably still at least forty kids still milling around. A portly guy, introduced himself as Mr. Sanderson, the school principal. He asked everyone to take seats in the section that was appropriate for the first letter of their last name and maybe another twenty kids found seats.

Then he told the rest to stand behind the appropriate section if there weren't seats available. Finally everything settled down. "I want to welcome you all to Calvin High School. I think that Calvin High is one of the best schools in the state," Sanderson said with a big smile. He then went on, endlessly it seemed, to tell us the history of the school, the makeup of the student body, and an impressive list of rules and regulations.

Finally, he started to wind down. "Today is going to be an orientation day. Those of you who went to Calvin Elementary will already have classes assigned. When I dismiss you, those students who already have class assignments will go to the room number on the signs above you. There, you will be given your schedules. Your home room teachers will answer any questions you might have. Those of you who didn't attend Calvin Elementary last year should remain here when I dismiss the rest of you. Please go to the appropriate home room, or remain here if you are transferring in."

There were twelve of us left in our seats when everyone else had finally figured out they were supposed to leave. Mr. Sanderson introduced us to Mrs. Calzaggi, who is the school guidance counselor. The first thing she asked us was if we had transcripts from our previous schools. Only three of us had them, so she took our names and put them on a list. She then asked for the names of the students who didn't have them and them sent them to the principal's office to have them request transcripts.

One of the others who had their transcript was a boy I'd been watching for a while. He had set beside me while Sanderson had been making his speech and I couldn't help but notice he was really cute. We hadn't said anything to each other, but I had smiled at him when I saw him looking at me. He just kind of ducked his head as if he were embarrassed.

I found out later his name was Michael Harding. We ended up taking all of the same classes. Mrs. Calzaggi ended up putting me in Honors English, Algebra 1, Social Studies, American History, and Physical Education. I wasn't sure about the Honors English thing, but Mrs. Calzaggi insisted, saying my records indicated I should be able to handle it.

The rest of the day went fairly quickly. We got to meet all of our teachers and they handed out our books for all of the classes. After that, we went back to home room, and they gave us our locker assignments. I ended up dumping all of my books in my locker because I didn't want to haul them home, then back again tomorrow morning.

**** Tuesday

Okay, I knew it was going to happen. I just didn't know it was going to happen this soon. Honors English was my first class. This was a regular classroom with regular desks in rows running from front to back. It must be a school policy or something because all of my teachers had us seated in alphabetical order. That put Mike Harding in the seat right behind mine.

My second period class, American History, was different though. There were four long tables across the front of the room, with another four behind them and so on to the back of the room. This put Mike and me at the same table. After the teacher had us the way she wanted us, Mrs. Pounds left the room to take her attendance sheets to the office. Mike had glanced at me when he sat down, then quickly turned his head.

I smiled at him and said, "Hi, Mike."

He glanced at me again, turning completely read then mumbled, "Hi."

"What's the matter nerd boy?" I heard from behind me. "Ain'tcha never talked to a girl before?"

I whirled around and looked at the table behind us. There were four girls sitting there, smiling like they were really proud of themselves. I just stared at them until one of them said, in the same voice as before, "Whatcha lookin' at, Bitch?"

"I'm not sure," I said as calmly as I could manage. "I think it's probably the school slut though."

"Fuck you," she said, her face reddening with anger.

"I'm sure you'd like to, but I'm a lot more selective about who I fuck. A girl has to worry about disease, you know." The whole classroom giggled.

The girl jumped up so fast she knocked her chair over behind her. She was just starting around the table when Mrs. Pound came back into the room. "Hey!" Mrs. Pound shouted.

The girl stopped in her tracks. "What's going on here?" the teacher asked.

"Uh, something bit me on the leg, Ma'am," the girl said.

"Take your seat and be careful, young lady," Mrs. Pound said. "If you had hurt someone with that chair, you'd be in detention for the rest of the week."

The girl sat back down and the rest of the class went quietly. I noticed the girl on my left giving me a big smile, and I noticed Mike keep stealing glances at me. When the class was over, the girl who had smiled at me said, quietly, "Thank you for telling that bitch off. Her name is Sindi Shaefer. She hates everyone who isn't in her little clique. She made my life miserable last year."

"Well, she'll probably try to make my life miserable this year," I said. "I'm Laura Gooding," I said, holding out my hand.

She took my hand and said, "I'm Melissa Goldwin. It's nice to meet you, Laura."

We started out of the room and I saw Mike standing in the hall. As we started to pass him, he said, "I... I just wanted... wanted to thank you."

"That's okay, Mike. I hate people like her. I've spent the last several years having people call me nerd or geek or teacher's pet and I'm tired of it. I'm on my way to Algebra. Where are you guys going?"

"I'm going to Algebra, too," Missy said.

"So am I," Mike mumbled.

"Let's walk together then," I said. "If Sindi can have her clique, we can have one of our own."

Missy giggled and Mike turned red again.

Algebra was great! Mr. Kopec is smart and funny and he can explain things so that anyone can understand them. The best thing about the class though was that Sindi and her crew weren't there. The period passed quickly and then it was time for lunch.

Before we were even out of our seats, Missy asked, "Would you guys like to sit together at lunch?"

I agreed enthusiastically, and Mike nodded his agreement. After we went through the line, Missy found us a table. I ended up sitting on one side of the table. Missy sat across from me and Mike took the seat beside me. Missy was bubbling.

"I think you guys are a lot like me," Missy said. "I've always done well in school and the other kids have hated me for it. I've been teased and made fun of and I haven't had many friends."

"Yeah, I agree," I said. "If you add that to the fact that my dad was in the Air Force and we didn't stay in any one place that long you'll see that I haven't had a very easy time of it either. What about you, Mike?"

"Yeah, I've always been a nerd or a geek,"

"Not any more," I laughed. "Now, you're one of the three musketeers. One for all and all for one!"

Mike actually laughed and Missy giggled. "Where do you guys live?" I asked.

"I live on the corner of 22nd and Washington," Missy said. "It's not very far from school."

I looked over at Mike and he responded, "Between 22nd and 23rd on Jefferson."

"Well, I live right between you guys," I said. "I live between 21st and 22nd on Adams. We could all meet at my place and walk to school together."

"That would be great," Missy said. "What's your mom and dad like?"

"Well... Dad is a retired Air Force Major. He works for the government as a civilian consultant now. Mom is a housewife. Dad is a strong silent type. I love him but I've never been close to him. Mom is a lot younger than dad and has a more outgoing personality. What are your parents like, Mike?"

Mike was looking down at his plate as he said, "My dad died five years ago. Mom is nice, but I don't see much of her. She's some kind of executive in the company she works for and sometimes she works until eight or nine at night."

"My mom and dad both work," Missy said. "Mom only works part time, so she is almost always home when I get home from school. I think I'd go crazy if I had to be home alone until your mom comes home, Mike."

"Yeah, It took me a long time to get used to it," Mike said. "I spend a lot of time on the Internet and I do a lot of studying."

Lunch time was over, so we all headed off to our Social Studies class. What a waste of time. The teacher, Miss Garnette, was trying to teach us things I've known since first grade. Oh, well, I guess some of the kids didn't know what she was teaching if you could go by the blank looks on their faces. Sindi was in that class, too.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty much a waste as well. I mean, who needs a study hall anyway. I finished my homework in all of my classes before the class was even finished.

I like to play sports, but Phys Ed is boring. We did a lot of running and some exercises. Oh well.

Missy, Mike I and just seemed to gravitate together when classes were out. We started walking in the general direction of our homes. Mike even made a few comments without being asked a direct question. "Mike, you said you were on the Internet a lot. Do you ever go in any of the chat rooms?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," he brightened. "I'm on almost all of the messenger services."

"Cool. So am I. What's your screen name?"

Mike blushed brighter than I'd ever seen him blush before. "Well, uh, I'm, uh. I'm SexyNerd."

"Cool. Neat name. I'm AFBrat. Maybe I'll see you on line some time. I use Yahoo the most, but I also use MSN." What I didn't tell him was that I also used the screen name, Kitten1990.

Missy said she wasn't too much into the Internet, because her parents thought there was too much pornography on there. I told her that if she ever wanted to use my computer to go on the net, or to send and receive e-mails, she could.

When we were close to my house, I asked if they'd like to come in and meet my mother. Missy agreed immediately, but Mike said he'd better be getting home. From what he'd said earlier, I knew his mother wouldn't be there, but I let him off. I think he'd made a lot of progress in one day.

Mom was bubbling over when I brought Missy in. She fixed us some cookies and milk while Missy called her mother to let her know when she'd be home. Why do parents seem to derive such pleasure from embarrassing their children? Mom must have asked Missy thirty questions before I finally told her we were going up to my room to play on the computer.

We fooled around with the computer for a while, then went on line and chatted with Mike for a few minutes. Before long, Missy said she had to go home, so I went down to face mom.

"So, young lady. One day in school and you've made a friend already," Mom said with a grin.

"Two, actually, Mom. There is a guy named Mike Harding who hung out with us today."

"Oh," Mom laughed. "A boy friend, huh?"

"That's right, Mom. A boy, who is a friend. Not a boyfriend."

"We'll see," she said.

**** Wednesday

I have to admit, in some ways yesterday went a lot better than I thought it would. I actually did make a couple of new friends. I also made at least one enemy, so I guess it balances out.

I took my shower and was getting dressed when I happened to glance out my window. Mike was walking up and down the sidewalk, looking lost. Without thinking I opened my window and yelled, "Mike, I'll be down in about five minutes. Knock on the door and Mom will give you some orange juice."

Mike looked up at me and his mouth fell open. His eyes got really big and he started turning red. Oh, SHIT! I just realized I only had on my panties and bra. I quickly retreated and finished dressing. I ran down stairs and yelled to Mom that I was bringing a friend in.

When I got outside, Mike was standing there, looking like he didn't know if he should stay or run. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand. "Mike, I'm so sorry. I forgot I wasn't completely dressed."

"It's... It's... Okay, Laura. You're... You're beautiful."

"Thank you, Mike," I said, still holding his hand. "I know I'm not beautiful, but thank you for saying it."

"But, you are, Laura. You're... You're the pretiest girl I've ever seen."

"Thank you, Mike. Come on in and meet my Mom. I haven't eaten anything yet. We still have plenty of time."

I held on to his hand and gave him a tug. I think he was still in shock because he followed me without argument. I introduced him to Mom and she offered him some French Toast. He declined, but I poured him a glass of orange juice before I attacked my own breakfast.

Mike and Mom held a very nice conversation while I ate. Mike didn't show any of the hesitation he displayed when he was talking to me. I was wondering about that when Missy came in.

We all talked for a few minutes while I finished my breakfast, then took off for school. English was good again. Mike, Missy and I kept talking right up to the point where the teacher looked at us pointedly and started taking roll.

In our history class, Sindi ignored us and started picking on some boy at the table next to hers. "So, Adam," she said. "Are you going to be teacher's pet again this year?"

The boy didn't answer her, so she went on. "I don't think Mrs. Pound is going to be as easy to suck up to as our teacher was last year. I'm surprised you managed to wash all the brown off your nose before classes started this year."

I don't know why I did it. I guess I just hate seeing someone picked on. I know I've always been considered a nerd too, but being an Air Force brat, I learned to fight back. I turned around in my seat and said, "Sindi, even if Adam had a brown nose, as you said, it will wash off. The problem is, there's no way to wash the stupidity out of your brain."

One of her friends grabbed her as she started to get up. About that time, Mrs. Pound walked into the room. She gave Sindi a long look as she walked to the front of the room.

"I don't know what is going on here," Mrs. Pound said, "but, I want it to stop. When I came into the room yesterday, one of you had just knocked over her chair. Today, I came in and the same girl is struggling with another girl. You people are now in high school. Your antics may have been tolerated in middle school, but here they are inappropriate. If I see one more indication of trouble in this classroom, I will start asking questions. When I am satisfied with the answers I receive, someone will be punished. I hope I've made myself clear."

Mrs. Pound then picked up her textbook and told us to turn to page eighty-four. We read a couple of paragraphs and then discussed them. The rest of the class went well.

Adam Richards stopped us as we headed for algebra. "Laura, I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me in there. I'm usually not such a wimp, but Sindi has always been able to get my goat."

"That's okay, Adam. I guess I'm a little fiesty. I've had so many people pick on me over the years that I finally got tired of it and started fighting back. Try this, the next time she says anything to you, just flip her the bird, then ignore her if she says anything else. That'll get to her quicker than anything."

Adam laughed, then said, "I'll try that Laura. When she starts picking on me I get tongue tied. I never know what to say to her. Flipping her the bird will be easy."

The three muskateers sat together at lunch again. This time, I was sitting beside Mike with Missy across from me. We had just settled in when Adam came over and asked if he could join us. Of course we agreed, so he sat by Missy and we all started in on our institutional quisine. Missy and Adam had known each other for years and were soon talking animatedly.

"So, Laura, do you think you're going to be living here permanently?" Mike asked me. There was no stuttering and no hesitation in his question. I was impressed. Maybe seeing me in my undies this morning was good for him.

"I think so, Mike. Dad's working at the Air Force Base here. They bought a house and they've never done that before. They also told me I'd be spending the next four years in this school."

Mike smiled. "That's good. I'll bet it was hard moving around all of the time."

"It was in some ways, but in others it made me stronger. I heard the nerd comments just the same as you did, but after a while they just made me fight back. I got in trouble for it a few times, but eventually they quit bothering me."

"How'd you get in trouble?"

"Well, this one girl just wouldn't leave me alone. She was always calling me names and making nasty remarks. I could put up with that, but then one day, she slapped me around the back of my head. I lost it."

Mike was grinning, "What did you do?"

"I'm not really sure. When I came to myself, the teacher was trying to pull me off of her. I was sitting on top of her, I had my left hand wrapped up in her hair and I was hitting her in the face with my right. I was suspended for three days. Dad thought it was funny, but mom had a calf. She grounded me for two weeks."

Mike was laughing his ass off now, and Missy and Adam turned around to ask what was going on. They were so into each other they hadn't heard a word I said.

I was retelling the story for Missy and Adam when I felt someone behind me. For some reason I just knew it was Sindi. I was starting to turn around when she said, "Well, if it isn't the Nerd Queen and her court."

She then looked over at Adam and said, "Don't think you're going to get off that easy, Brown Nose."

Adam looked her right in the eye, then popped up the middle finger of his right hand and showed it to her. Sindi let out an audible gasp. Adam looked at me and I winked. Adam's smile went from ear to ear.

I think it was more the smile than the finger that did it. Sindi sputtered a time or two, then went ballistic. She started screaming insults at all four of us. Every head in the caffeteria turned to look at her.

I started to say something in return, but fortunately I saw Mrs. Pound heading toward us first. I put my finger to my lips to make sure the others didn't say anything and let Sindi continue.

Sindi was saying something about "Bitches and Sluts", when Mrs. Pound gently laid her hand on Sindi's shoulder. Sindi whirled around. I thought for a second she was going to hit the teacher, then I saw her shoulders slump as she realized she had screwed up.

"I want all five of you to follow me to the office right now," Mrs. Pound said in a no-nonsense voice. None of us said a word. We just got up and started to follow.

As we got into the hall, I whispered to Mike, "Let me do most of the talking. Pass it on."

Mike passed it on to Adam and Adam told Missy.

Mrs. Pound sat us all down in the waiting room and went in to see Mr. Sanderson. She came out in a few minutes and escorted all of us in.

"Mrs. Pound tells me there's something going on between the five of you. I want to know what it is," Mr. Sanderson said.

No one said a word.

Mr. Sanderson waited until the silence had become uncomfortable then asked, "Sindi, you were yelling at the rest of these students. Why were you yelling at them?"

Sindi squirmed for a minute then said, "Adam flipped me off."

"Is that true Adam?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Why did you do that?"

"She called me a brown noser?"

"Why did you call him a brown noser, Sindi?"

"Because he is. He always gets good grades and the teachers always treat him special."

"What about the rest of you?" Sanderson asked.

I glanced at the others and then said, "She has been calling all of us names including brown noser, teachers pet, geek, and nerd amoung other things. I don't know why for sure, because I only met her yesterday, but I suspect it is because we are all good students."

"Why do you think she would do that?"

"Well, she seems to think we get good grades because the teachers like us. She doesn't realize we get better grades because we work harder to get them or because we are more intelligent. Teachers usually like us because we are prepared for their classes."

"Have you ever thrown your intelligence in her face?" he asked.

I blushed. "Only when I told her it would be easier to wash the brown off Adam's nose than it would be to wash the stupidity out of her brain when she called Adam a brown noser in Mrs. Pound's class."

Mrs. Pound, who was standing behind Sindi, was trying to stiffle a giggle and Mr. Sanderson had a twinkle in his eye, but a very stern look on his face.

"Okay, this stops right now. Sindi, you are not to call anyone names from this point on. The rest of you, if Sindi does call you a name, don't think of a snappy comeback. Come to me. If I hear of any more name calling, Sindi will be punished. If I hear of any more comebacks, the rest of you will be punished as well. Now, get out of here."

We got. Sindi gave us a dirty look then scooted off by herself. We still had about twenty minutes of lunch left, so the rest of us went outside to get some fresh air. We were back inside before the bell rang and the rest of the day went well.

It turned out that Adam lived fairly close to the rest of us, so we all walked to my place together. I invited everyone in and surprisingly enough they all agreed. Mom was tickled to death and got out chips and sodas for all of us. We talked for almost an hour, then the rest of the group decided they'd better head for home.

I talked with mom for a little while, then decided to go up and play on the computer for a while. I checked my e-mails then went on line. I logged into Yahoo Messenger as Kitten1990 and looked for any of my on-line friends. Then I saw SexyNerd was on line, so I decided to say hello.

Hi SexyNerd. How are you doing?

I'm doing OK. I don't think I've talked with you before.

I had forgotten I hadn't given him this screen name. "Oh, well. I might as well have a little fun," I thought.

That's right. I saw your profile though, so I know we're about the same age. What high school do you go to?

Calvin. You?

I go to South. I'm a fourteen year old girl.

As you saw from my profile, I'm a fourteen year old guy. What my profile didn't say is that I'm cute. How about you?

What the hell is this? Two days ago he was too shy to talk to me. Now, he's flirting with me.

I've been told I'm cute. So, do you have a girlfriend?

Not really, I met this girl a couple of days ago that I really like, but I haven't been able to ask her out or anything.

Why's that?

Well, when I think of her as just a friend, I can talk to her just fine. When I start thinking I'd like to ask her to go on a date, I get all tongue tied.

Awh, and I was thinking you were a real flirt.

It's easy to flirt on-line.

Why don't you say something to her? Maybe she feels the same thing about you.

I'm afraid Laura just thinks of me as a friend. She is much too pretty and smart to be interested in someone like me.

I'll swear my heart stopped. I had no idea he was interested in me as more than a friend. How did I feel about him? I didn't know.

SexyNerd, my mother is calling me to dinner. I have to run. Maybe I'll see you on here tomorrow.

Okay Kitten. You have a good night.

Shit, damn, fuck, hell, son-of-a-bitch, now what the hell am I going to do? How did this happen? Okay, let's take stock here. Let's figure out how I feel about Mike. Okay, he's cute. His body hasn't matured yet, but he has good muscles for his age and a cute butt. He's tall, which is good. He has good (Should I say handsome?) facial features. He keeps his dirty-blonde hair in a nice style. His eyes, oh yes, his eyes. His eyes are a deep blue that look like you could fall in them and drown. He's smart, and when he isn't nervous, he's fun to talk with.

Same as Laura Videos

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Two day later, the heat wave continues and I get a text from Liz asking if Laura can use the garden for sunbathing. I think, pretty half naked girl in my garden? What’s to consider? I was going to be busy around the house and doing some errands so no problem. An hour later, Laura arrives, looking like she's going to the beach. Short shorts, vest top big beach bag full of who knows what. She sets herself down on a lounger, “this is so kind if you Jack" she says as she starts to unpack. Book,...

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There’s this chestnut that turns up in lots old movies and TV shows—which probably means it’s total racist bullshit—that primitive people won’t allow their photographs to be taken because the camera would steal their souls. The audience is supposed to laugh at how ignorant and superstitious the natives are. But I’m starting to think they’re on to something because I lost my soul to a photograph. When I went for the job interview, I didn’t expect much. On the one hand, I was overqualified. My...

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Laura By B.L.H. "Josh, stop playing with your toys for a few moments and come over here." a feminine voice boomed off in the distance. It was my mother. "You shouldn't be playing with toys when you're 17 years old anyways!" she demanded, "Now come here!" I lifted myself from the floor away from my G.I. Joe toys and waked into my kitchen where my mother stood. "Can you run next door real quick and get me some butter from the Smiths please?"...

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When I was a teenager in Brooklyn, Laura was my snooty next door neighbor. She didn’t like me very much but her younger brother Pete and I were best friends so I was always at his house or he was at mine. Peter and I were sixteen years old, Laura was about twenty, a student at community college and lived at home. Laura’s mother Anna loved me and always invited me to stay for dinner. Laura would say, ‘Why is he always here? Doesn’t he have a home to go to?’ One summer night Pete and I went to a...

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I don't know when I discovered my love for sexy lingerie, and I especially don't know when it developed into an addiction. I certainly hadn't been interested in the knickers of any of my family members, but my girlfriend Laura's had always excited me beyond belief.Laura was my first proper girlfriend, and I was so proud to have been going out with her for nearly a whole year - the sex was amazing and she loved wearing sexy, revealing lingerie so I was in heaven whenever she decided it was time...

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My girlfriend Laura and I were very open with each other, especially sexually. Of course we enjoyed “normal” sex, but we also weren't afraid to get a little kinky. When I told her I sometimes liked to be on the receiving end of anal sex, she quite happily fingered my ass with a well lubed fingers to loosen me up and then fucked my ass with one of her dildos while she sucked on my cock. She even surprised me one night during a canoeing trip with a strap-on, the orgasm was incredible and I was so...

1 year ago
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"Fuck, babe, you're so tight." Okay, so I hadn't picked the guy for his eloquence, but he had a nice thick cock and no issues with me calling the shots. That's what mattered. And my fans, they were enjoying. I would hear the clicking sounds of their comments and wanted to give them more. More than they have ever watched from me. I was becoming what they wanted. A lady ready for the camera. I flexed my muscles the way I'd been taught, and he swore again. "I work out," I said and flexed again. I...

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You walk past the door, hear the music and stop to see who is in the room. You slowly creek the door open just a little bit and stop mesmorised... You see her, the one you've always liked. She's dancing sexily to a music channel on the tv. You can see her hair swishing around her neck as the dances to the music. You decide to make your presence known by opening the door so it hits the cupboard behind it. She jumps a little in shock, but just smiles at you and keeps on dancing. That smile, those...

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Title: lovelylaura22Rating: NC17Summary: Not k**ding. I keep getting these emails in my spam folder from "lovelylaura22" with the subject "Looking For A F-Buddy??" Well, what if this was the real thing?Always Jan got these email messages in his "spam" folder. Always he immediately deleted them without a single thought.But as Laura's birthday got closer and closer, he imagined that one of them did contain the real thing, that it really was from the Laura Dianne Vandervoort that he was in so very...

2 years ago
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SMOMS IngridChapter 2

Over the next two years I kept Andrew from using me indiscriminately, by changing my morning routines. If I didn’t sleep in and busied myself outside, Andrew was too shy to bother me. Which meant, I went to bed earlier and exhausted. My marital sex life suffered, but I only jacked off my son six times over those two years. I’m not sure the trade-off was worth it. I wanted my husband’s love, but to get the hot sex I craved, I had to disrupt his work at home more frequently. He grew...

2 years ago
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SisLovesMe Alice Coxxx Kat Hunter Sisterly Love

Stepbro wanted to spy on his hot redheaded sisters tea party. Alice Coxxx and Kat hunter dressed up like hot teeny princesses while they played with dolls. This shit was too good for brother not to record. He even caught them licking each others pussies! He got so into it that he fell and got exposed. Later, he found himself asking Alice and Kat what the hell was up. These sisters had all sorts of excuses, but brother still swore he would tell mom. Alice and Kat were willing to do anything for...

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Clothing Collateral

Sarah was stoked at the house she got. She was fresh out of college, and was able to score a three-bedroom for 200. She was worried, however, that the real estate bubble might pop and leave her underwater. She asked the bank for an assumable mortgage, but they declined in light of her rather low down payment. In her desperation to avoid jingle mail, she blurted out a suggestion that would change her life forever. "How about I mortgage my clothes instead of the house," she suggested. "Uhhh, I...

5 years ago
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goodbye from me to you

Goodbye (from me to you)   I remember that 1st day when you mentioned dinner, I thought you were joking but you were no fibber, do you remember what followed ..? 'Wear a shorter skirt', I thought to myself... did I just flirt ?, as you walked back down the garden path, I said to Dave “she got great legs & ass”, the very next day you turned up at 'Rains, ‘short skirt, gorgeous legs an sexy smile’ went through my brains. I remember you sitting in the chair at my PC, singing baby...

Love Stories
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Coming Home

The sun was just coming over the waters of Casco Bay, the light filling the sky with its glowing blaze, as Amelia Thermopolis entered the city limits. She'd been driving all night, but in just a few more minutes she would reach her destination and a welcome rest. The midnight escape from New York City to Portland, Maine was as emotionally taxing as it was physically. Her parents on Long Island or her grandfather in Soho, they would all have welcomed her into their homes in the dead of...

2 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt4

In no hurry to rise on Thursday morning, when eventually I did, the storm of the previous day's malaise had been washed away by the kind of beautiful sunshine the girls would doubtless have given up their precious cherries for. Though I did like to think that two of them, at least, had enjoyed their time indoors with me. Talking of the girls, as I hobbled from the couch, it was hard not to notice that the bungalow was as quiet as a library. A scribbled note from Sophie on the kitchen side...

4 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 2Chapter 2

The sexual enlightenment of a mother, son and tutor Part-2 Aron and Daniel, Ellie and Daniel 02.12 Aron and Daniel, Sexual Guidance: 02.13 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, Deepthroat: 02.14 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, The Mating: 02.15 Ellie, Daniel, A Programmed Encounter: 02.16 Ellie, Daniel, oil massage, Masturbation: 02.17 Daniel, Ellie, Oral Orgasm: 02.18 Ellie, Daniel, The Mating: 02.12 Aron, Daniel, Sexual Guidance: Aron had prepared the room while Daniel slept. The harness was...

2 years ago
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ChampagneThe New Year's Eve evening was moving toward the new millennium asSarah, my female neighbor and I were talking about champagne. Wewere in her kitchen and she was putting out some more vegetables ontothe dip tray. She said that she had not drank much champagne in herlife, but she liked the way it bubbled in her mouth and the feelingin her throat as she swallowed it.I jokingly said, "She should have her husband pour someone her pussyand drink and lick it off sometime!"I must add I had...

Straight Sex
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Poor Duane

Duane seemed to be the almost perfect child, not giving his parents Joe and Marie any trouble other than the occasional unavoidable minor hiccup which boys have happen to them. Joe had a daughter Susan by a previous marriage and as soon as she was eighteen she left home to live her own life with no interference from her father or stepmother Marie. There was no specific reason her wanting to leave home but although she wanted for nothing, within reason, she could not hack the sterile loveless...

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High School Girls

High School Girls A Rings of the Oni Story by Jaana "Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, and their friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants them both nightmare and gift beyond price." *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! *** "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together,...

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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 7

Mission 21 Planet: Wyeth’s Glory Mission: Destroy the Renegades Lance: Sonic – Atlas Sulphur – Blackjack’s Nekomata – Vindicator Hacker – Panther This is an assassinate mission where we have been contracted to hunt down and kill a Pirate mech and any guards that the target may have protecting them. We are being dropped into the badlands on the planet and it is hot so we will have to watch our heat buildup. Once we were dropped, we started moving up into the hills looking for our target’s...

3 years ago
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Carlo Loses His Virginity With His Aunt Part Four

The summer was moving along. Carlo's parents were still on their month-long cruise.  Carlo had taboo sex with his Aunt Jackie and oral sex with his sister.  He wanted to have sex with his aunt again.  His brother Martin and his sister Kelly were at the beach with friends.  Carlo saw his aunt sunbathing in the nude outside by the pool.Carlo put on his bathing suit and went out to where Aunt Jackie was.  He had a semi-erection and wanted to get busy with his sexy and horny Aunt."Hey, sexy Auntie....

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Anne and MaryChapter 54 Anne

I was putting laundry away when Mary came into our room. "Got a minute?" "Always, for you. What's the matter? You've been looking down the last day or so." "I've been thinking about that trip to Fairplay. It was so wonderful, everything I would have dreamed of a year ago, if I hadn't known it was impossible." "From what you said about it, it must have been. How come you're feeling low? Backlash?" We sat down on the bed. The sunshine coming through the open window ended not...

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My House My Rules

Copyright© 2001-2005 Edited by Isaac Newton, circa 2005 A remarkable race are the Persians; They have such peculiar diversions. They make love the whole day In the usual way And save up the nights for perversions. I could smell the disgusting smell of tobacco in the air. That fucking bitch! Slamming the door behind me, I rapidly stomped through my home to where I knew the smell originated. Banging on the door, my temper near the breaking point, I shouted, "Open this fucking door...

3 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Part 5 Indigested BeautyTokyo Hangover

INDIGESTED BEAUTY Hot babe so pretty Swallowed but not digested Slimy you emerged I have seen all types of cases over the decades but non as bizarre as the following. The fact that the victim was young and pretty only made the case more memorable to me. One afternoon in 2009, my assistant (who I usually assigned to the male or older female cases) ran into my office telling me that we’ve got something never seen before. I went into the embalming room and saw a body lying on the lab...

2 years ago
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For as long as I can remember, the subject of i****t was a huge turn on for me. I am really just your average hard working 38 year old male. I have a great job, wonderful family, and a beautiful home in the San Francisco suburbs. Nobody would ever suspect I had this crazy little fetish, and of course I hid it well, especially from my wife. The thought of i****t in real life wasn't so much a turn on for me, but rather the fantasy aspect - the Taboo movies, the erotic stories I read online, the...

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best friend has anal sex with wife to be

Two months before my marriage to my wife my best friend fucked her ass. My wife one night while drunk told me the story of her and Donny having sex 15 years ago .She told me this story while we were talking about things we regretted doing in our lives. She said well, I have a story for you. But I don't regret it. Why, how was the sex we had on our honeymoon? It was awesome. Why? Did I promise you anal sex on the honeymoon? Yes and we had anal every night and not since. Why is that I asked?...

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i enjoyed neice getting exploited

Hi readers, my name is akash from mumbai. I am 28 yrs old and my sister is 22 yrs old. She is very bubbly n has a beautiful figure. Her breasts have grown out so well that anyone would want to rip her clothes n suck her melons. My feelings for her getting fucked by others started when i was 20 n she was 14. There was her male tuition teacher who was 30 n used to pull her near n make her sit on his lap n teach her. She used to not like his touch n always got nervous as he called her. One day i...

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Sex With Savita in Theater

Hi friends I am a great fan of ISS and I read the stories regularly from this site so I decided to write my story which happened with my girlfriend by name savita (name changed)in a theater in Mumbai,she was studying 12th and I was studying IT in the same college I was also a virgin and didn’t had sex with any girl before and I was getting attracted to her figure which is 36,28,36 whenever I see her I use to get erection I my pants so finally I decided to propose her and on feb14th I...

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At work in the ass

Irene was a pretty, dark-haired and petite. I remember how she called to show off her new job, I remember her pretty face shone and glowed dark green eyes. She was very tall and looked almost weightless. Irene said that she is now a separate room, and offered to search it, and I promised to call in the afternoon.When I came in, she asked me to lock the door: "The trouble is that my colleagues often come here without knocking, and I would prefer that we do not interfere."I sat in the chair next...

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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 19

"One last place," Heather announced, heading further out of town after yet another rack choked with chiffon and packed with petticoats. "This'll be the one. I feel it in my bones." She had to have the most optimistic bones in the universe. I gave my new cell another workout, calling Mom yet again with another status report and, ignoring Heather's protests, asking her to set another place at the table. "Thank you," Heather said reluctantly to the dinner invite. She had yet to call...

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The Mile High Club

The Mile High ClubBy Desired Pleasures ©2018Tiffany came to Las Vegas to tie up some affairs. She had left the k**s with her sister down in Hawaii. She was sitting all alone at the airport. As she looked around she caught a guy looking at her and she quickly turned away smiling. Tiffany comes from a small country town in on the Big Island of Hawaii so needless to say she was very shy. The announcement called for the boarding of her plane. As they boarded the plane, she noticed he was sitting...

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my gardner plowed me

My wife and daughter had left to spend a week with my mother-in-law in Brazil. So it was time to breakout my secret wardrobe. Having two women in the house made it easy to keep a sexy supply of clothes. Add a wig and some makeup, I'll soon be lookin pretty hot. I started by shaving my body and taking a long hot bath in some lovely smelling bath oils. Just the thought of dressing up was making me wet. I dried off and went to get dressed. Being in a wheelchair made it take a long time to get...

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Train se Bedroom Tak

Mera nam Piyush hai, 32/Howrah (West Bengal), working in MNC Company in another state, Mai 6 mahina me ek bar ghar aata hoo or mahina bhar rookhke phir chala jaata hoon. Jab bhi ghar aata hoon har bar koi na koi lady ko chudai karta hoon. Howrah / Kokata me kariban 25 houswewife ko chod chukka hoon aur wo meri chudai se bahoot satisfy bhi hooie hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai. Sath hi 100% Secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.Yadi...

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Rock Hard Sunday

After my lovely barely 30-year-old had picked out some bras to try on, we headed to the fitting room. Right before entering the first fitting room tucked inside a hallway, she asked me to browse a close-by rack for her size. The store was practically dead except for one department employee in the immediate area. After going through all the bras hanging there, I found one just under her size and put it to the side. As I went closer to the fitting room to sit down, I admired all the panties...

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Revenge and Blackmail

A couple of years ago I was away attending to commitments. One of those commitments was attending a symposium out of state. In case you don't know, a symposium is an excuse to drink massive amounts of alcohol while exchanging life experiences that gradually turn to sexual experiences as the night becomes older, the scotch bottle becomes emptier and inhibitions become non-existent.This night, we'd shut down the hotel bar and five of us went to my room where an un-opened bottle was waiting. We...

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My Vacation With Gabika 4

Chapter 4.Anne-Marie again. Her room mate, big bust Bohunka. Esmeralda introducing herself.Gabika sang in a church choir. Turned out she was a very religious Catholic. All for the best - I had enough trouble with my group now I had lost Eva. I didn't need old voices singing Dutch pop songs. We went down for breakfast together. On the elevator, we met Esmeralda and her sister whose name escapes me right now."So, you are the guy that puts on loud music at 6 o'clock in the morning? Nice music, by...

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MagicChapter 7

“You heard me the first time. I don’t stutter. I told you to clean the garage,” his mother said. Putting up his hands in protest, Sean said, “No human has entered that garage in ten years and returned. There are wild beasts that eat people dwelling in there.” “Stop exaggerating. Only one person got lost in there,” his mother said. Wide-eyed, Lily asked, “Who?” “Your oldest brother,” his mother said. “I only have one brother,” Lily said. “That wasn’t always the case,” his mother said...

3 years ago
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The Widow Ch 21

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-one Gail awakened snuggled spoon-fashion against John. His arm lay over her and one of his hands was wrapped around one of her breasts. His fingers were teasing the nipple into tingling rigidity. His penis, hot and stiff, was trying to probe between her luscious buttocks. A shudder of elation swept through. ‘You never stop being horny, do you?’ she murmured. ‘I guess not,’ John replied. He kissed her softly on the neck, then...

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Learning CurvesChapter 140

Phil felt someone sit down in the vacant seat beside him. He couldn’t see his friends and family from the runway of the small community airport. Jenvieve Borchard had told Phil that the price of renting a private plane for the trip was comparable to purchasing 13 round-trip first-class tickets. Phil had done the math and found she was correct. It was a bit more expensive but the convenience of being able to land the small plane closer to Heilman would more than make up for that. Now the...

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Final Day With Granny in Las Vegas

If you remember my last two stories were about Dawn the 66 year old granny I met on the plane to Vegas. We had made love now for two days in a row and I had experienced the pleasure of pleasing Dawn, my appreciative granny. We met in the afternoon for our third and final night in Vegas. Again, we went to dinner, played the slots and some blackjack and walked away with a few hundred dollars. Dawn was her usual self, she wore a dark blue pencil skirt with highlighted her slim figure and small...

4 years ago
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Sex In Car During Her Periods

Hi guys this is Ravi and Priya, we both are 30yrs old working in software and work in Singapore. Originally from Bangalore but working with Infosys on-site. We are not married but have been together for a long long time now. We are an exhibitionist couple and love to share our fantasies, our stories, our adventures with like minded couple online. We have shared a couple of pics on various sites and forums and we love to read peoples comments, their fantasies and their wild ideas. We have been...

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The Night In The Hotel With Stan Part 2

"I will, you lovely MILF, congrats, you won, I wanted to turn you down, but you're beyond dazzling, and I'd never stand a chance coming back out here. I knew it the second you left." "Enough chit chat, fuck me already." "Wait, you're on birth control, though, right?" "No, but I can get a morning-after pill if I need to tomorrow, you've made us drift past the point of no return here, so stick that schlong inside that pussy and make love to me." "Yes, Katrina," he muttered...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 383 DCup Loses Something Very Precious to Her Hint Its Not Peter Harrison

Monday, July 2, 2007 (Continued) My three girls started moving inside. I bent down and scooped D-Cup up, holding her in front of me as I carried her. She was getting cold feet so they would've worked too slowly. I wanted to get started NOW! To distract her I said, "You're not officially my serving girl yet, not until I take your virginity. So just this once I'll carry you inside, but after this you'll have to carry me, okay?" It fell mostly flat with her. She wasn't in the mood for...

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SaralindaChapter 38 Moira

"You ready?" I was in Joanne's room, though it hardly looked like the room I knew. Instead, it seemed like a rather barren guest room. All of her carefully gathered trinkets were gone, packed away and already sent to San Diego. Gone also were the wall hangings and the framed paintings and prints that had covered her walls. Gone, even, was her quilt, a gorgeous blue-toned handmade heirloom that had been her grandmother's. The suitcases, sitting ajar on the floor, made me sure that if I...

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Die Wette

Anmerkungen: 1 - Das ist meine erste Geschichte, die ich auf Deutsch schreibe. 2 - Obwohl ich sehr intensiv Deutsch lernte, und 3,5 Jahre in Deutschland lebte, ist Deutsch nicht meine Muttersprache. Ich mache Fehler wenn ich schreibe. So, bitte, sei verst?ndnisvoll. 3 - Es gibt Sex, aber meine Geschichten sind geschrieben, um zu erkunden, wie Leute auf eine Geschlechtsumwandlung reagieren. 4 - Diesmal geht es um Menschen, die besser werden wollen. 5 - Die Geschichte findet zur ...

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Tortured Tits

We’re finally here, I thought to myself as we pulled into the parking lot of an adult bookstore a few miles from our house. Samantha, my twenty-eight year old wife, had been asking questions about it for some time now. She wanted to know what was in there, who was in there, what went on in there, what might happen if we went in there. She had heard about glory holes, especially as they were used by the gay community for anonymous oral sex. But she also wondered what...

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The Day He Did It

"Come on, Judy, you know you want to. All those times that you said no, you really wanted to go ahead. Let's go the last step." "Richard, it's because I want to that I don't want to! Oh, I don't know, I'm not sure it makes sense to me either! It's just that I hate to trust someone like that until I'm really sure," she told him. "You mean that after all this time you don't trust me?" "Oh, oh, I guess I do, but... Oh, hold me!" He held her body against his while...

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A Second Chance Chapter 32

WEDNESDAY, May 25, 2016 Doug Northland rode his sister's bike in the dark. It was just before 5 a.m., and in an hour or so his sister would have to use his bike, with the big front newspaper carrier, to deliver the papers on his route. It took him over an hour to deliver the newspapers, and would take her at least a half hour more, based on the few times she had done the route for him in the past. Doug arrived at the bakery, and parked the bike at the rear. He could see a man...

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 43

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at Chloe and Rose were impressed with my decoration of the master bedroom. Both my girls rewarded me by letting me fuck them. Wow! Fucking a pregnant lady was always my fantasy. I was living my dream by fucking...

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Common Interests

This is a story brought about by friendship of a woman of my acquaintance. Though it is purely fictional, it was not conceived without reason or thoughts of the adventurous tale told of a bond that should never be; regardless of how much the glory of fulfillment might drive friends to seek it. It had been a year and more since I met her at work, her name, though I will change it to protect the innocence of her reputation will be known as Brenda. Mine, as usual is rarely the same twice in a...

3 years ago
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Lamb in the Woods

Jen and Molly went fearlessly into the forbidden. Maria lagged behind. The virtual world fed into her brain by her wireless jack glazed the plain hallway with a layer of live-band clips advertising concerts that would be simulcast over the ether. It reminded her of how Pa always complained that since jacks came along, people just sat in an empty box and pretended they were having fun. But Maria remembered what an empty box the home ship had been before she got her first jack, and was glad to...

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A Girl With A Secret

Chapter 1 Jessica lived in the same dorm as me and we took a few of the same classes. She was a little bit introverted but I was attracted to her. She wasn’t the most beautiful girl I had ever seen but she was attractive, she had brown hair cut to her shoulders, and a slender but slightly muscular build. We started doing more stuff together and although we often hung out with a common group of friends she seemed to be a little bit detached somehow. We hadn’t slept with each other and I didn’t...

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