Prejudice Ch. 01 free porn video

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The following is historical fiction. None of the characters are real. The events portrayed could have happened and many like them did.


In the spring of 1939, Nikolai Rostov’s parents called upon Anna Fedorova’s parents. Anna was sent to her room while the older adults talked.

‘Do you think the next Five-Year Plan will include an expansion of the factory,’ Pyotr Rostov asked.

‘They’ll have to expand it if they increase our quota like they did last time,’ Anatole Federov replied.

After some more meaningless small talk, Pyotr Rostov got to the point. ‘My Nikolai would like to marry your Anna.’

Anatole Federov needed to consider this offer carefully. He and Natalya had been married over ten years when Anna was conceived. The unexpected joy had delighted them both even though no brother or sister was ever added to the family. Anna was very special to them and marriage was not to be taken lightly. Nevertheless, the Federovs were no longer young. Anatole was in his mid fifties and Natalya was past fifty.

Nikolai was a twenty-two year old clerk in the same factory Pyotr and Anatole worked. The same one where nineteen-year-old Anna had started working after leaving school last year. Nikolai had already been promoted once. When the old manager of his section had retired, he had made suggestions about reorganizing some of the work and improving the accuracy of the clerks. If he joined the Party, he would be promoted again, without doubt. Natalya carried on with more conversation while Anatole thought about the offer. Finally, the Federovs agreed.

After the Rostovs left, Anna was summoned from her room and told of the agreement. She was ecstatic. She was in love with Niki. She had felt that he was close to asking for her hand and she had given him every encouragement, even letting him put his hand inside her camisole the last two times they had necked. The last time he had tried to run his hand under her skirt, but she had stopped him. Instead, she had let him feel between her legs on top of her skirt.

The next morning, Sunday, her mother sent her to the store to get a chicken for supper. The Rostovs would be back that night with Nikolai and the two families would celebrate with good food and plenty of vodka.

Anna was so happy. Nothing could go wrong that day. As she was walking along, she came to a group of little kids playing football in the street. Anna jumped in the middle of the game laughing as she kicked the ball away from them. She saw a little three-year old girl standing to one side of the street. Suddenly she heard a clatter and looked around. A horse and milk wagon was careening wildly down the street with a man chasing the wagon.

Anna saw immediately that the runaway would trample the little girl. She lunged toward her hoping to grab the girl out of the way before the tyke was struck. She knew if she weren’t fast enough she might be trampled, too. She grabbed the little one and leaped to the sidewalk. As she did, she felt her skirt brush against the wheel of the flying wagon.

The little girl started to cry from fright. Anna started to shake from the adrenalin that rushed through her. People ran towards the pair from all directions.

‘Did you see how she pulled the girl out of the way,’ said one.

‘You risked your own life,’ said another.

Soon it was all over the neighborhood. Anna was praised for her courage. She was amazed at the fuss. How could she have not grabbed the girl out of the way? The little one was so innocent. Anna loved children and now with her pending marriage, she would have some of her own.


Niki and Anna settled on a July wedding date. In late May Anna went shopping for a wedding dress. She was looking for a nice dress, but of course, had to weigh the style against the use she could get later. She finally selected a white one that buttoned up under her chin.

‘Really, you could at least have a little fashion in your wedding.’ Anna jerked her head up from looking in the mirror to see who was talking.

‘Elena!’ she exclaimed.

The brunette returned her greeting. ‘Anna, I heard you were getting married to Niki Rostov. Is that true?’

Anna regarded the other girl. Elena Biebler had been in her class last year. As the daughter of a high party official, she hadn’t had to get a job. Instead she’d gone off to the University in Kiev. Anna had heard she’d returned for the summer, but she hadn’t run into her before now. ‘Yes, we’re getting married on 10 July,’ Anna bubbled.

‘Well, you need something more stylish than that.’ She moved closer to Anna. ‘Something that shows Niki what he’s going to get that night.’ The taller girl had moved very close to Anna now. When she reached up and quickly squeezed one of Anna’s bounteous breasts, no one else in the store could see.

‘Elena, quit that!’ Anna jumped back, giggling at the gesture and blushing at the thought of Niki grabbing her.

‘Here, let me help you find a dress that at least brings fashion up to the 1930’s, none of your provincial ideas and peasant modesty for that day. Isn’t that right, Helene,’ Elena said to the shop girl. ‘We can’t let Anna be a provincial peasant on her wedding day, can we?’

Anna turned crimson as the shop girl, Helene, looked pityingly at her. It was true, Anna thought. Elena had always been the fashionable one in their class. The boys had hung around her even if she was very slender. Slender was not the word Anna used most of the time. Elena was downright skinny. If she turned sideways you could hardly tell her from a boy. From the back you could see her narrow hips and almost flat rear. Sideways, it wasn’t much better. She probably wore a padded bra to achieve what little effect she did. There was something about her personality though. She could manipulate the males, females too. Just like all the other Jews, her mother had said more than once. However, Anna had always thought the manipulation was more sexual. Elena had an air of the female predator that hunted when she wanted. ‘Try this one on.’ Elena thrust a cream-white dress at her.

Anna went to the changing room. The color looked good against her skin. The collar was slightly scooped and the bodice fit closely, thrusting up her bust line. She went out to show Elena.

Elena agreed. ‘That does look good on you. Let’s try another one. Go back and get out of that one and I’ll bring you another.’

Anna had just pulled the first dress over her head and was standing in bra and panties when she heard a knock on the door. She unlocked it and thrust her arm and head out to get the next dress. Instead, Elena pushed right on into the small area.

‘This is the one.’ Elena pushed a dress at her.

Anna was surprised. She and Elena had been nude together before when changing for gym or swimming, but this was different. Anna began to take the dress off the hanger.

‘Wait a second,’ Elena commanded. Anna froze.

Elena stood in front of Anna and slipped a hand under her bra strap, feeling the plain cotton material. She ran her hand up a little and then back down. Anna could feel the smooth fingernails against her skin. Then the taller woman looked down at Anna’s panties. They were the older style, fuller cut with loose, open legs.

Anna watched as a thin white hand dropped down and slid into the leg opening. Again, she felt the fingernails and back of the fingers slide across her skin. The fingertips stopped when they touched the crinkly hairs. A thumb came into view and rubbed the material.

‘Your underwear is so old-fashioned. My mother doesn’t even wear this anymore. Don’t you have anything sexier?’ The fingertips withdrew.

Anna colored slightly. This was her best underwear. ‘No, this is like all my others.’ She only had the one bra plus four camisoles and three more panties.

‘What sizes do you wear?’

’60 and 90-C.’

‘Don’t try the dress on, yet. I’ll
be right back.’

Shortly Elena returned. ‘Put this on,’ she directed, handing a bra to Anna. Self-consciously Anna turned her back while she made the switch.

‘Turn around and let me see. Stand up straight. You bourgeois, provincial girls need to be told everything!’ Elena checked the straps and slid one hand down inside the top of the cups where a nipple wrinkled to attention. She used the other hand to bounce one boob up and down a little. ‘I think this will do perfectly.’

Anna turned around and looked at the lacy material that now supported her. It was the most beautiful bra she had ever seen. ‘Elena, I can’t afford this.’

‘You only get married once. It’s my gift to Niki. Here are the panties to go with it.’

The panties were exquisite, lacy things also. Elastic around the legs would make Anna look sleek and should pull everything snug between her legs, giving Niki a very sexy sight, as long as they stayed on. She blushed again at the thought. Anna quickly moved to try the dress on.

She walked out to the three-way mirror between the dressing rooms. The sight in the mirror was wonderful. The top button on the dress was right between her breasts. The cut of the neckline and the design of the new bra exposed the inner slopes of those breasts.

Elena walked up behind her and ran her fingers into Anna’s hair. Leaning close she whispered in her ear. ‘With your hair up you’ll go from provincial bourgeois to a Leningrad lady.’ She twisted the loose hair into a chignon on top of Anna’s head.

Anna gasped at the sight. She would be beautiful that day.

But she was also ashamed. Elena’s berating of her provincial status hurt her feelings. She knew she didn’t have the innate style and taste that Elena did, but the constant repetition in public was humiliating.


July 10 dawned bright and sunny. ‘Happy is the bride on whom the sun shines.’ Her mother spoke the aphorism when Anna left for her hair appointment. Niki was supposed to come for her at noon. ‘Supposed’ was the operative word. They both knew that he had to run a gauntlet of their friends before he could get to her.

First were the riddles. ‘A beggar’s brother died, but the man who died had no brother. How could this be?’

‘The beggar was a woman,’ replied Niki.

‘What month has twenty-eight days?’

‘All of them.’

‘What flowers does Anna always wear?’

‘Two lips.’

Then Niki had to ‘prove’ he was physically worthy. He was commanded to sprint to the end of the block and back. When he returned, he was told to pick up each girl who was there in turn. One of Anna’s cousins was the lightest so she was first, then the next heavier one. The fifth and last was probably eighty or ninety kilos. Finally, he was allowed to enter the apartment house to get Anna. He knew it was not over yet.

He knocked on the apartment door and was greeted by Anna’s father. ‘I’ve come to marry Anna.’

‘She’s a good strong girl, isn’t she?’

‘Yes. I’d give anything for her.’ (The traditional response.)

‘Well then, you must pay.’

‘How about this?’ Niki offered a bottle of vodka.

‘I’ll send her out.’ A blushing, giggling girl soon appeared, but it was not Anna.

‘What’s this?’ Niki feigned indignation although everyone knew what was going on. ‘Where is the most beautiful girl in the world? Where’s my Anna?’

‘You haven’t paid enough for a girl as good as Anna!’

‘Look, I’ll give everyone some money.’ He handed out a ruble to each one of their friends and also to each of the Federovs.

‘Now you’ve proven worthy,’ exclaimed Anna’s father.

Anna was let out of her bedroom and she rushed to hug Niki. Soon they left for the Registry Office accompanied by the Best Man and the Maid of Honor. There they went through the ceremony, exchanging rings and kisses and filling out the sheaf of papers to be officially married. Finally, the four young people headed out to the hall where the party was being held.

A fiddler had been engaged. He’d play a few dances and then a romantic ballad. Sometimes a folk tune would get everyone singing along. Of course there was vodka a plenty. Every so often one of their friends would call out ‘Kiss, Kiss’ and Anna and Niki would wrap each other up and afterwards take a shot of vodka. Anna would have just a little, but Niki took a gulp each time.

After a couple of hours Anna was beginning to worry about Niki getting drunk and going to sleep. She definitely didn’t want him going to sleep early tonight. Her mother had talked to her some since she had become engaged. Last night they had talked for several hours about marriage.

Natalya had told Anna a little about her wedding night. Anatole had been gentle, but the first time had hurt. Over the first few weeks of their marriage, they had learned how to please each other. Without saying so, Natalya let Anna know that she enjoyed sex even if every time she didn’t get a great thrill, she got one often enough to keep coming back.

Finally, Niki and Anna left the party. Niki had arranged a room at the Gorky, the best hotel in town. They would eat an early dinner and then go upstairs.

Niki ordered a bottle of wine with dinner. Anna thought it tasted good. By the end of dinner, she was feeling very relaxed. She knew she was drunk, but she didn’t care. She was married to Niki and he was going to take care of her.

After a light dessert of fresh fruit, Niki led her up to the room. Suddenly Anna felt very shy. She was excited about what was to come, but she was slightly worried. Maybe Niki wouldn’t like the way she looked when she was naked. She might do something wrong when they were having sex and Niki would laugh at her. All sorts of doubts ran through her mind.

He held the door open as she walked in and then quietly closed it behind them. He took her in his arms and kissed her gently. The last time they had made out he had been very physical, but now he was gentle, almost like he was shy.

As he kissed her a second time, he began to unbutton her dress. He wasn’t rushing. A button or two would open and then his fingers would wander to caress her breasts or stroke her neck. Another button popped open and his fingers wandered to her hip and back. So it went until all the buttons were open. The bra and panty set that Elena had given her was mostly exposed.

Niki kissed her again. This time he brushed the dress off her shoulders onto her arms. When they broke apart, he held the dress so that she could step out of it. He tossed it over the back of a chair and turned to her. Taking her hand he spun her around slowly, taking in the beauty before him. ‘Anna, I dreamed of this night for months, even before my parents visited yours. You are so beautiful and desirable.’

She felt so wet between her legs. She reached up and unpinned her hair. It fell in a dark gold cascade around her shoulders. She loved his reaction, but wanted more and wanted it faster. ‘Niki, I want you now and forever.’

He dropped her hand and began to take off his clothes. She had felt his muscles under his shirt when they made out, but she had never even seen him without a shirt. Now she watched avidly as he pulled his shirt off. His stomach appeared first. It was solid and slim. Next his chest slid into view. It had some dark hair over the full muscles that she had cuddled against before. As he turned to throw his shirt beside her dress, she almost swooned looking at the bulges on his arms and the broad shoulders tapering to his narrow hips.

He kept his back to her as he dropped his pants. As he straightened up once more, she appreciated the strong legs. He nervously flexed his arms and back. She could feel her panties sticking to her pussy as she watched her husband get undressed. She could barely keep herself from jumping to him and grabbing his body. His socks were quickly discarded. Then he skinned down his shorts.

When he turned around, An
na’s eyes immediately latched on to his prick standing hard and proud. She almost lunged at him and they locked in another kiss. Niki unhooked her bra during the kiss. She moved her arms to let it fall to the floor. He gently tweaked a nipple and then caressed the flesh around it. He trailed little kisses down her neck, across her chest, and finally arrived at a pink nub, standing tall and proud.

She felt the wet warmth of his mouth over her breast. First his tongue swirled around her areola. Then it nibbled her nipple gently. He sucked a little then batted the nipple harder. Little sparks seemed to jump from her skin each time he changed technique. After a minute or two he stood upright and led her to the bed. He tugged her panties to the floor.

They rolled together kissing in the middle of the bed as she ran her hands up and down his back. His hands dropped below her waist and squeezed and tugged and stroked. She felt the muscles flex under his skin. She didn’t think she could get more excited and still be alive.

He disentangled himself and rolled her to her stomach. When he grasped her hips and tugged, she raised up on her knees with her head still on the pillow. She felt his cock at her entrance. He thrust in once. When he thrust a second time, she felt pressure inside and he stopped and pulled back. He pushed forward again. This time she felt a tearing and a sharp pain. Like being splashed with cold water, the pleasure she was feeling disappeared. His hips mashed against hers. He stayed still for a short while and then pulled back some. There was a little rubbing when he moved forward this time, but no more sharp pain.

As he settled into a rhythm, the pain disappeared and a pleasant sensation spread through her belly. She began to match his rhythm, pushing back as he pushed forward. Her excitement was building when he sped up and then thrust hard inside her. She felt his cock spasm and then he slumped over her back. They both rolled to one side and he flopped out of her.

‘I liked that,’ she murmured rubbing her cheek against the arm under her head.

‘I didn’t just like it, I thought it was wonderful,’ he responded. He wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. They lay still for a while and then he began to kiss the back of her neck. His hand wandered up from her waist back to her breasts. ‘You are so beautiful,’ he whispered to her.

She could feel his maleness stiffen against her legs. She twisted slightly so they could kiss again. His hand wandered from one nipple to the other and back. It dipped down to circle her belly button. She giggled. He caressed the underside of her breasts. Those wonderful fingers glided down across her stomach and then lower to her juncture between her legs.

His fingers were slick inside her, but the sensations made her feel good. The fingers withdrew and moved upward again. But they stopped at the top of her furrow where that little bump was. His finger circled feathery light around her bump. She moaned out loud. She had never felt anything like that before. He kept doing it. Her hips pumped back and forth. She couldn’t control them: it just felt so good to do it while he was circling her bump. Her leg lifted and slid back over the top of his. His cock was at her entrance and then slid inside.

‘Oooohh, Niki! My god! Oh god! Yesss.’ He wasn’t moving, but her hip spasms kept her moving over him. In a few minutes she felt a flame race out from her hips to all parts of her body. She made a sound somewhere between a giggle and a full laugh as her insides clamped down on him. He had never heard such delightful sex sounds before.

When she stopped moving he rolled her body up on her knees and pounded into her. She had recovered enough to sense when he spurted inside her again. This time they both fell asleep.

When she woke, it was light outside. She was facing away from him. She rolled around and found he was looking at her. ‘What are you doing,’ she asked.

‘I was looking at your back while you slept.’

‘Why did you want to do that?’

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When beautiful, chaste bride to be Lyra Law leaves the house to pick up wedding invitations her visiting step cousin Chloe Cherry can’t keep her slutty ass off of her fiance’s Steve Holmes huge, hard dick. Lyra returns to find Chloe tied up and freshly fucked. Watch to see what happens…. Two blonde creamy skinned cuties get tied up tight and fucked into submission with flogging, deep throat blow jobs, pussy fucking, hard core anal and more! Lyra and her slutty cousin just...

3 years ago
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Glorias Second Wedding

CHAPTER 1 Rugged looking but usually smiling, Charlie (Buck) Buxton resigned his position as CEO of Denver-based Robinson Kitchen Appliances, LLC as agreed in the takeover by Universal Kitchen Appliances Corporation. The predatory corporation had its own person to install as CEO and that resulted in the 34-year old leaving at the end of that month with just under $3 million placed in his bank account. The usual termination payments were boosted hugely by a golden handshake funded by the...

2 years ago
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The Whore Did The Whole Town 8211 Part IV

Now I was naked on the bed with Ramesh standing at the edge of the bed and looking at me from head to toe. He started to unbutton his shirt and then his trousers. While doing so he said: Arey madam lund hi chahiye tha toh itni door kyu aayi? Mujhe pehle hi bol diya hota. Mein ghar ke pass hi intezaam kar deta.Once he was stripped he came on the bed and sat on his knees in front of my open legs and spread them further with his hand. He stood there for a minute and caressed my pussy, my legs, my...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 77

Present – Ben and Jens and the rest – The next morning Of course Jens and I spent last night together in my room, much to the chagrin of Liz and Bernie in the next room. They kept banging on the wall all night long and complaining about the noise. Jens banged on the wall and complained right back, “Hey I had to put up with this from you two so just shut up and enjoy the show.” There reply was to run up the television which was fine with me. It was sure good as hell being back with my wife!...

3 years ago
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GoldChapter 24

Roy was staying in the hanger. Art had said he didn't think it was even safe to cross the river at the ford and that we should expect a flood at anytime now. Roy offered to take a flight up the river, but Art vetoed this idea. He was afraid we may have some bad guys living up that way and there is no need to advertise our presence. I had to agree with him, besides, even if we knew what the river was doing, there was nothing we could do about it. Saturday: This morning we received a call...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 05

Introduction: For years, Paul was secretly in love with his childhood friend Karen. Now Karen is dead. Following the funeral, Paul accepts an invitation from Karens close friend, Marcy, for a night of uninhibited, no-strings-attached comfort sex in Marcys motel room. Complicating matters is their mutual guilt over a previous brief affair the pair had shortly after Karen first fell ill, and the fact that (unbeknownst to Paul) Marcy is now 4 weeks pregnant as a result of that affair. Chapter 5 –...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 10 Oral Delights

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Ten: Oral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I was so glad that Ruri wanted to lose her virginity. I had been patient with her. She was a prickly girl, embarrassed by her emotions and desires, prone to lash out with attacks to protect her emotions. The Japanese called it tsundere. However, her cute, innocence made my heart beat so fast. My creation was ready to be taken...

2 years ago
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The Lounge Singer

You caught my eye while you were onstage singing. A couple songs into the set, I was fairly certain you winked. I wasn't sure if you were looking at me or not, but it sure felt like it. Just the thought that the wink was for me made me feel flushed all over, and even in a short black cocktail dress, I felt overdressed for the temperature of the room.As your set wound down and you crooned the last lines of "One For My Baby," I knew I wasn't going to be able to live with myself if I didn't at...

Love Stories
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 45

Jiggs McDonald, NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster speaking in Ontario, says... "I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto. I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance. That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call...

2 years ago
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Shes Special Ch 03

Even though Sean’s team lost their first game, the kids had a blast. Katherine still couldn’t help but wish that Jake would have shown up for Sean. Luckily, Sean hadn’t noticed his father’s absence, or maybe he just chose to ignore his absence. Either way, she still couldn’t get over the fact that Jake had decided to just walk away from Sean. Didn’t he realize that when they were together, they were miserable? Katherine still remembered all of the fighting, hurt, and betrayal their relationship...

2 years ago
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From Sub to Dom My Cthulhu risen

For those that have seen our videos, you will now Kutwijf is a perfect Asian Fuck Toy. 160 cm and 55Kg, open minded, submissive and devoted to her husband. But things had become a bit boring, she would fuck on demand, kitchen, bed, even in public, but after 10 minutes and a few positions, she would tell me to hurry up. Most times I would just wank and get it over with. Other times I would wank several times per day and not be able to cum. Then there were the late night porn sessions into the...

3 years ago
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Marci the Inbetween

My name is Marci. I have been seeing a really great guy named Jerry for two years. I stay over at his place on occasion, mostly when his step daughter is at her mother's in Washington. Jerry’s step daughter is twelve years younger than I am, and Jerry is eleven years older, so I am very much in between the two of them. Actually that’s the point of the story. Claire had told her step Dad that she liked girls, and Jerry had made an attempt at humour by answering her with, “me too!” That didn’t...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock May Thai Monster Cock Massage

Freddy Gong has been fucking to many girls and he’s very sore. His friend orders him a massage. Somehow a beautiful massage therapist comes to help Freddy out. Knowing Freddy, there was no way he couldn’t get hard ftom seeing Mai Thai’s sexy body and perfect ass while she caressed his chest. She was alarmed by the tower like object appearing from under his towel and had to know what it was. She checked it out and witnessed the monster cock first hand. She obviously sucked his...

1 year ago
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First time with a guy

I'd been friends with Dave since we were about 10 years old and when it became clear in our teens that he was more interested in cock than pussy nothing changed. We still hung out together and did all the things that friends do. Except he had boyfriends and I had girlfriends. We went to different colleges but ended up in New York after graduation and resumed our friendship.We were out for a movie one night and decided to go for a few beers after. Normally we ended up in my local bar but this...

4 years ago
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SaraChapter 3

Mark arrived home to find his mother heading out the door. She was walking to her car, still dressed in her work outfit and moving in a brisk pace. "Mark, there you are." His mother said as she threw her purse into the car and across the seat. "What's up, Mom?" Mark asked. "I'm was supposed to have met your father over twenty minutes ago for dinner, so I'm running late." She said, busily starting the car. "Oh." "Now listen, I left some money on the kitchen table for you and...

1 year ago
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Retirement Home Family Ties Part 1

The Retirement Home-Family Ties Part1 A note to clarify this for any readers that read my earlier renditions of The Retirement Home, and the stories about some of the subjects that came there to live. In this chapter, you will get far more detail that I was not able to provide in earlier editions, but it will go a long way to explain what some of those residents experienced as they fit into this unique retirement facility- I hope you enjoy this and as always, am open to any comment,...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Surprise Doctors Visit

When I received my letter of acceptance to medical school I almost fainted. I was so happy. I knew I would get in, I had great grades, my MCAT's were exceptional, but there is always the chance that I'd be declined. In retrospect, three years into it, I was so naïve, about more than just the amount of work that medical school would be. Sure, I knew I would have to study all of the time; and basically give up any chance of a life or meeting that someone special. Just when I thought I was doomed...

1 year ago
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Suspended Mouth and Pussy Fuckers Part Two

Mouth and Pussy Fuckers Part Two I quickly go to work as Tony cums all over your face, leaving his hot juices on and in your mouth and hair as I tie your arms to the wooden supports and your body to the tee piece, spreading your legs wide and securing them so you cannot move. I then attach the cabling and the electric hoist which lifts and holds you horizontally, about a metre off the surface of the bed. You are totally available now and unable to do anything except take the pleasure about to...

2 years ago
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Friendly CouplesChapter 2

Ashamed of herself, Janet whimpered quietly as the white convertible sped along the freeway. Now I've ruined our friendship, she thought bitterly. How could I have led him so far? I only wanted to make Greg jealous and now I'll hurt Martin. How selfish could I have been to have thought I could use him like that? Deep in self accusation Janet failed to notice the bright lights of the exit turnoff. Martin had driven off the freeway far from either of their homes. He knew exactly where he was...

1 year ago
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Student Turns Into a Teacher

Sort of continuation:)In my last story I met my man. After our little sexual encounter me and Chip became a couple. We had been seeing each other for the past 2 years now and we have gotten even closer. During the week we would work at our respective jobs in our respective towns. On the weekends I was all his. From sunshine to sunset we would make passionate love for hours upon hours. One weekend I drove out to see him. H e said we were going to be doing something different than what we usually...

2 years ago
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My Reawakening

It was a long time since I had been to Sydney and even a longer time since my misspent youth had taken me on a journey descending into the world of all night underground dancing clubs, flying on eccies, dancing, touching and being wild. I am not gay but curious and as a young jilted 23 year old girl I took safety with the gay men and women of the dance scene with their beautiful bodies and energy to dance all night to powerful house music.At 44 my body is still a pert size 8-10 of an 18 year...

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Back to DavesPT 2

Dave stood up from the sofa, allowing me to swap places with him.I sat with my legs apart, with my painfully hard cock pointing to the ceiling, as Dave kneeled between them. He shuffled forward slightly and smeared the last drops of cum from his cock onto the head of mine, then in one single smooth and wet movement, sucked the length of my shaft into his willing mouth.I gasped as I felt the back of his throat prevent any further progress, but he bobbed his head back and forth, saliva flowing...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter and Arya Queen of The Elves

Arya worked at her love’s breaches, her nimble fingers making short work of the button and zipper. He was not so patient with her clothing. She felt her pants tear free under his strength and decided to follow his example. His undergarments were shredded by her grasp. She didn’t even notice her panties disappear as she pushed the gorgeous male back onto his bed. He was in his true form, possessing the same Princeling-like physique as he had after the gift from the dragons at his first...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Angel Youngs She8217s More Stacked Than Her Mom

Angel Youngs is frustrated as she goes over her math homework with her stepdad, Donnie Rock. Why does she have to learn something she’s never going to use, anyway? Especially if she can just continue living with Donnie and her mom, Crystal Taylor?? Of course, Donnie doesn’t think this is gonna happen, but it seems like his mind may be on more than just studying as he sneaks lustful glances at Angel’s chest. When Angel catches him, she is amazed and amused, though then gets a...

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Andrewrsquos Angel

Andrew always grew up feeling more then just a little different from the rest of the boys. He never felt sexually attracted to girl’s bodies but instead felt attraction for their clothes. He knew he was straight because he never liked guys so he just assumed he was straight. This began his seventh grade year and followed him into his senior year of high school. He started off by reading sissy literotica and watching sissy hypnosis. He then began experimenting by trying on his sister’s...

4 years ago
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Mai Aisa Kyu Hu Ek Teen Age Ladke Ka Aurat Hone Ka Safar

Hi friend ye story meri real life hey mai apko bataungi ki ek ladka aurat kaise bana.Story me khud ko ladki ki tara present karungi kyu ke me khudko ek ladke hi manti hu. Mai apko bataungi ek upper middle class ka hoshayar ladka ek jawa marad ka gf kaise bana gf se aurat or uske bad randi kutiya kaise bani.Jo abb kutiya ke tera har lund ko apne gand me samana chati hey. Mera naam sonu hey maa baap ne mera naam sameer rakha tha.Lekin ajj may mardo me sonu ke naam se hi jani jati hu.Ye naam muzhe...

2 years ago
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Thief Gone Rogue 2

Chapter Two Sensations overwhelmed the new Jacob as he explored the skin on his arms. The bed was where he was, still naked, enjoying the feel of cool air and a textured comforter. It wasn't until he rolled over that he had noticed just how cold it was. In a much too feminine voice he giggled and wrapped his slender arms around himself enjoying the softness of his own body. Even his new hair held his attention for several minutes, it was long, soft and raven black, much different...

3 years ago
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when I became a whore

When I wanted to earn money with my body, I walked into a bar and immediately the bar manager asked me to come to him to talk, he k**napped me, there were several men present.they lie on a bed, they removed my dress and my panties and tied me on the bed. deleted

1 year ago
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Booloo tube, aka! Boo loo can be described as a giant messy orgy of porn videos. It is a no-bullshit aggregator of videos from major porn sites such as XHamster, RC Porno, and many more, allowing you to cast a big net in what you’re searching for. If you can’t find it here, you probably won’t find it anywhere, that is…unless you are looking for some illegal or truly weird, weird shit.Now a giant orgy of videos sounds good, but as you may be aware, there are different kinds of orgies....

Porn Aggregators
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Mom InLaw the MILF

Carol’s mom had moved in with her then Lover, and now husband. Bill lives in a very nice house, about an hour outside of the city, with a huge yard, and really not to many neighbors near him. Now these two have known each other for years, even before Carol’s dad died. They were all nudists and swingers, and after about a year, Susan and Bill started dating. Bill is around 52 now, and Susan is 50, and by looking at her, you would think she is maybe 40. She is about 5’ 4, 120 lbs, with auburn...

2 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 54

The trios had skipped the evening's social festivities – even after Pernice and Jorgarn had visited the laundress to even out their hair. Leyota, Bralan, Astid and Saneth had put in a standing reservation for the two men to visit every 14 days so they could remain well groomed until one or more of the four women could get accustomed to working things. Now, back inside their chambers, Leyota sat down on Jorgarn's lap and kissed him fiercely. She had seen little of her husband in the past 15...

1 year ago
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Bigger Is Not Always the Best Way to Go

The story of how a shy fourteen year old boy loses his virginity. Growing up in a small city in northeastern New Jersey may not sound idyllic to you, but to me it was like heaven on earth. In the summer of 1964, life was simpler, especially for a fourteen year old boy. My name is Jack. My days were filled with sports. We would play baseball all morning, go home for lunch, then, come back and continue into the early afternoon until it got too hot. Afterward, we would sit at one of the picnic...

4 years ago
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New Friends

Part One The sky had darkened and the temperature had dropped a good ten degrees, all in the space of forty minutes. A loud crack of thunder and a vivid pulse of lightning heralded the arrival of rain. Heavy rain, each droplet full and heavy slamming into the pavement, quickly changing the pale grey slabs to a dark glistening black. I stood in the doorway of my salon watching the gutters flood and small rivers start to flow across the piazza. Shoppers were covering their heads with bags and...

1 year ago
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Coming Out In Bangkok

Chapter 1: I was lucky to save enough from my first year’s salary to take a holiday in Bangkok after my girl friend and I had finally split up. There had been something wrong with our relationship for some time but I couldn’t put my finger on what was the root of the trouble. We just drifted apart. I just had a feeling that I wasn’t the marrying kind of guy. Bangkok was a great place to visit. I was getting over the culture shock and I was enjoying the city on my own during the daytimes. The...

3 years ago
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my new friends

I lived at these apts and met this Guy who was about 2 years older than Me , We used to hang play video games and stuff , , so one day after playing some video games , He said Hey Mel would You like to look at some porno , no ones home . So after a while my cock was hard . Jim was rubbing the front of his pants . He said You horny ? He said its ok to jerk off , I was a bit nervous , but Jim stood up an lowered his shorts an under wear . He said come on Mel , so I took off my pants an...

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