An Amiss WishChapter 10 free porn video

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Wednesday arrived, and with it, a return to work. While at the office, I got a call from the mortgage company letting me know that the closing on the house was confirmed for Friday. I called Ellie to tell her, and ask her to pass the message on to everyone. “Any word on Jane?” I asked.

“None yet, but Linda is the one she’d call. Do you think she’s in trouble already” asked Ellie.

“I don’t know. And when I try to reach out with the link, all I find is that dead end.”

“Me, too,” she said. Then, with candor, she said, “I don’t quite know how to feel about that.”

“I don’t either, but I think we need to give her a second chance for your mom’s sake. It will torment her to have sent Jane out like that, and likely to find guys that are abusive, not a real dom who deeply cares about his sub.”

“I know, I know. I just worry that what Mom did won’t take away her cruelty.”

“Perhaps we can teach her love, care, and respect for others? I have a feeling your mom will be working with her a lot, probably without the special milk, but in plain counseling,” I said. “I will do whatever I can. I’m afraid my anger colored your mom’s normally careful choices.”

“She was pretty pissed off herself, you know, Daddy,”

“Yes, well, I think we owe it to both Jane and your mom.”

“Okay, Daddy, I’m willing. I just worry.”

“Me, too, but we do the best we can.”

We hung up, and I worked the rest of the day. When I got home, preparations were being made for the big evening. Jen was making finger sandwiches and fruit, vegetable, cheese, and nut trays. The beverage of the evening was apparently going to be breast milk from the source. Jen was looking forward to it, obviously! Ellie told me that her mother had given Jen a cocktail of herbs that would kick her milk production into overdrive so everyone would get enough. I grinned and shook my head.

I walked into the kitchen to find Sera milking Jen. “It is definitely working!” she said. Jen was panting and mewling at this point.

“Are you going to be ready for tonight?” I asked her.

She nodded an emphatic YES!

“I mean, yesterday...” I pressed.

Sera giggled, and showed me a tube of desensitization cream. “She’ll be just fine! We won’t have a repeat of yesterday!”

I raised my eyebrows, and said, “Ah! I see!”

I went back out and found the dining room table moved, and Maryanne and Trish spreading sleeping bags, pillows, and quilts out on the floor. I asked Trish how her bruises were, and she showed me that her breasts were completely bruise-free as was her clitoris. “This is amazing!” she said. “Usually it takes days, even a week for them to clear up! I guess whatever makes us young is accelerating healing, too!”

“I’m very glad,” I said. “Those bruises really worried me. Jen seems fine, too.”

Deb and Linda walked in, and Linda said, “We saw Miri and Lynn just pulling up outside, and Judy called a few minutes ago. She found Jane going into a less-than-reputable bar. She’s bringing her now.”

“How would you like to handle this?” I asked Deb.

“Give me some time with her,” she said. “I’ll try to remove the memory block about you. She should still be a submissive after I’m done, but if I manage it right, she should remember the links as only dreams. I really hope I don’t mess this up again!”

“You’ll do fine, I’m sure,” I said. “Just make sure to use the regular family programming with her.”

“I will,” she said. “I’ve done that enough that I could do it in my sleep. I’m also going to point her toward being particularly subservient to Jen. This is what I should have done yesterday.”

“You’ll make it right,” I said confidently.

Miri and Lynn came in with their arms full of gift-wrapped things. Lynn took a look at the floor and said, “Oh, my!” Then the smile bloomed on her face like a sped-up sunrise. Miri giggled and said, “You knew this was coming!”

Lynn answered, “Yes, but seeing is believing!”

Everyone laughed at that. I told her, “We’ve all been there. None of us could really believe it until it actually happened to us! This is about love, and joy, pleasure, and family. You’ll see.”

The two went around to hug everyone, and asked, “What can we do to help?”

“Well, you can go relax in the hot tub,” I said. “We’ve got some things to take care of before we get started. Jane is coming back, and she and Deb are going to have a talk and get some things straightened out, a problem our anger created. Some of us will be out in a while to bubble with you, okay?”

They nodded, removed their clothes and put them near the wall, and went out to get in the tub. Sera and Ellie went with them.

Just as they went, there was a knock at the door. It was Judy and Jane. “Come in,” I said.

As they came in, Jane looked at me. They walked into the living room, and Jane, still examining me, asked, “Have we met before? Do I know you? You look ... you seem familiar.”

“We have met before, but you may not remember me. It has been a long time, back at the camp we both went to as kids.”

“Oh,” she said, and nodded, still trying to place me.

“Why are there so many naked women about?” she asked, looking at the several ladies still preparing the room, bringing out the food, and so on.

“These are my ladies,” I said. “They are the mothers of my children. This is my family.”

“Oh!” Jane said, blushing. “Oh, I want...”

“You want to have a child, too, don’t you? Well, you will have to go talk with Deb. Thank you, Judy, for bringing Jane, here. We do appreciate it!”

Deb appeared, holding a cup. “Follow Deb, now, Jane,” I told her firmly.

Jane looked from me to Deb, then slowly followed her into the guest bedroom.

As the door closed, Judy cocked an eyebrow at me. “Linda told me what happened yesterday, and said there was a mistake that Deb had to set right. What is going on?”

I explained what Jane had done, and Judy bristled, ready to go in and arrest Jane. “Wait, let me finish,” I asked her. “The link broke with Jane, and we thought it would be best if Jane wouldn’t remember us. Deb ... hypnotized Jane into forgetting us, and then found out that Jane still needed to have my baby, and would try to find a ‘me’ she didn’t know to make her pregnant. Jane flipped from domme to submissive, and would try to find ‘me’ in particularly dominating guys, and we were afraid that she would wind up with abusers, having baby after baby with the wrong guys, and probably get hurt or worse in doing so.”

“Jesus. No wonder.”

“Yes. Deb is going to try to restore her memory of me, and do some psychological work with her over time so that she can work through some of her anger at being teased and bullied in school, which was apparently the root of her fear and anger and need to punish. Deb told me that acting like a dominant male with her now would ... I don’t know, ping on her radar, I guess. Attract her interest. We didn’t expect her to find me familiar. Maybe she was in less danger than we thought. I don’t know. But at least we can restore her memory of me. Then she can make her decisions.”

“Wow. Interesting problems you guys have!” remarked Judy.

“Tell me about it!” I said. “I just wanted to have a child with my wife! Absolutely none of this was expected, or desired, or even dreamed of!”

Judy waved to Linda, who came over to hug her. “So, are you going to stay for the celebration?” asked Linda.

“Can I?” Judy asked.

“Certainly!” Linda replied. “We’re welcoming the last two family members, and I guess we’ll see what happens with Jane. But it’s going to be a party and an orgy! Drinks are straight from Jen’s titties...”

“Oh, God! How can I pass that up?” laughed Judy, blushing.

“You can’t, and you know it! You keep a big red happy button there!” Linda chortled. “Besides, you gotta meet the newbies! They’re Dave’s old grade school teachers! He says they look exactly like they did when he first met them. They’re very schoolteachery’ from a Christian school but without the usual judginess. Come on, I’ll introduce you! Leave your clothes over there with theirs.”

Linda took Judy into the back once she stripped, intent on making the introductions. I looked toward the guest room door and waited.

After a few minutes, I heard a strange sound from the room, and went to the door to hear it better. It was crying. I opened the door to find Jane in tears, huddled in Deb’s arms. I went in and quietly shut the door behind me.

Deb looked up at me and nodded toward the bed next to her. I sat down, and Jane looked at me.

“Dave ... oh, Dave ... I’m so sorry!” Jane sobbed.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I’ve been such an evil bitch! I was worse than anyone ever was to me! I hurt people and I enjoyed it! Over and over again! Oh, God!”

“This is the Jane you remember, Dave,” Deb said. “I helped her remember you from when she was a teenager, and the whole dam broke. She remembers everything, but as the teenager who was buried under all that anger and hatred and fear. The real her, not the sadistic shell she became.”

“Oh, Dave! I’ve destroyed people’s lives! People have committed suicide because of me! I deserve to die, or worse, much worse! Oh, God, what can I do?”

“Well ... you can start with Jen. You can apologize, and try to make things right with her. Then you can try to make things as right as you can with the others you’ve hurt, person by person. Carefully. Very carefully, so that you don’t do more damage. Try to live in a way that gives instead of takes, builds instead of destroys, heals instead of harms. You think?”

“I’ve done so many bad things!”

“Look, you take it step by step, break it down into achievable goals. When you can’t fix something, you do something else good where you can.”

“Oh, Dave, you’re being so much nicer than I deserve!”

“No, I’m not. That isn’t being nice. I’m telling you to do the hardest things, the most painful things. To take responsibility for your actions.”

“I ... I will,” Jane said. “Do you think I can be forgiven? Do you forgive me?”

“Only those you have hurt can forgive you. You can forgive you for the harms you have done to yourself by making those bad choices, but part of that is trying to make it as right as possible again. It doesn’t work if you don’t follow through, and that is something many people never learn. You have to deliberately change who you are, how and why you act, and how you think. Some people you will never be able to help directly without doing even more damage, and those people you will have to help indirectly, anonymously, and without ever hearing the words that they forgive you, if they ever can or do. I can only forgive you for the pain you caused me by hurting Jen and causing the rest if the family pain and anger for that hurt. I will forgive you when you make it right with Jen and the family. Each of them will have to do their own forgiving. You will have to talk to each of them about it.”

“Dave ... I still need to have your baby ... what am I going to do? Is that still possible?”

“It is possible. Make a start with the family, and we’ll see. If you really change, and try your best to make what amends you can, I think you might make a good mother, setting a good example for a child.”

Deb seemed to approve of the tack I was taking with Jane. I was glad at least that she was feeling better.

I said to Deb, “Why don’t you go out and let people know what’s happened here?” She nodded, stood, and left the room.

“What do you remember about the family?” I asked Jane. She flinched, and I qualified, “Beyond what you did.”

“They’re all having your babies...” she started.

“We’re all having children, the women are pregnant and will bear and deliver them, but each child will have a mother, and me as a father, and lots of family members to help raise them and teach them,” I corrected her. “What else?”

“It’s about love,” she said. “I don’t think I really understood that before ... I mean, I thought it was weak and pathetic. I was wrong. I’d forgotten love, real love. I’d pushed the memories of Mom and Dad and my grandparents and you and my teachers and friends away because I was so angry and bitter. I was wrong. I feel so stupid!”

“What else?”

“Helping each other. I mean, not just with doing things, but for important things. Like after what I did yesterday, I bet everyone was there for Jen. Helped her. Got angry at me for her.”

“Yes, but that anger wound up causing even more problems. Being there and loving her was more important. Did you know it was Jen who was worried about you and what might happen to you?”

“No. Oh, God! Really? She is such a good person!” said Jane.

“She hasn’t always been,” I said. “She helped break up my marriage to Deb long ago. But she changed. You can change, too.”

“I’ve got to talk to her!”

“In a minute or two. Wait,” I said. “My point is, you can change how you act, what you think, and even how you feel. It takes work. It’s hard work, paying attention to everything you do, think, or feel, evaluating its goodness and correcting yourself when you start to go wrong, preferably before it gets outside of your head and into the world to affect others. It gets easier as you get in the habit.”

“There’s a lot of sex and pleasure, too,” Jane said.

“I’d say that’s a benefit of being in the family. A privilege.”

“Can I go talk to Jen, now? I really feel bad!”

“Let’s go,” I said.

We walked out into the living room, and everyone was waiting. Jane went to Jen, got down on her knees, and said, “Jen, I am so sorry for what I did yesterday. I knew you wanted ... no, needed me to stop, and I didn’t. I enjoyed that I was hurting you. I ... was trying to get even with people I haven’t seen for years, and I took it out on you, and on others, too many others. I hope that you’ll allow me to try to make amends. The me I was yesterday would never ... allow someone that grace. I don’t deserve it, but I hope you will. I am truly, deeply sorry!”

Jen took a moment to study Jane’s face, and then bent down and pulled Jane up, then solemnly hugged her and nodded. Jane hugged her back, tears streaming down her face.

Jane turned to everyone else, and said, “I apologize for the hurt, anger and distress that what I did to Jen caused all of you. I have been a terrible, selfish bitch for a very long time, but I ... I understand just how terrible I’ve been, now. I promise I will do my best to be a much better and more considerate person from now on. I hope you will allow me to make it up to you, as well.”

The group also took a moment to study Jane, then Sera said, “I do.” She was followed by Maryanne, Trish, and Linda, then Janice and Deb. Ellie took another moment, and said, “If you do it again, I will have a very big problem with you, and that will be a very big problem for you. Do you understand?”

“I do,” said Jane. “Dave told me yesterday I was lucky you had left. I will do my very best to not hurt anyone again, I promise.”

“Okay. As long as you understand that,” said Ellie.

Judy said, “Just so you know, you could be charged with rape for what you did. Never, ever, ignore it when someone says ‘stop’ or ‘no’. Do you understand? You are lucky she isn’t pressing charges. At the very least, you would lose your law license. The very least. I’m astonished it hasn’t happened yet. It still might.”

Jane blanched, and nodded, quite frightened. Then she nodded to herself, as if to say, ‘If it happens, I will deserve it.‘ She held her hand to her face in shame for a full minute.

Then Jane looked to Miri and Lynn, who said “We only felt how people felt about it, and a bit of what Jen felt, so we weren’t ... are you okay, dear?”

“I didn’t feel ... what you felt! What hap ... why... ?” stammered Jane.

“The link got broken when you did what you did,” I said, as gently as I could.

Jane looked stunned, then crushed, and she collapsed to the floor in silent tears. “Oh ... oh, no... !”

Miri said, “I’m so sorry, dear!”

“I did this,” she said. “I could have felt so much love, and I cut myself off from it. I would only have missed the sex, before, but now...”

I walked forward to her and helped her up. “I am sorry about that ... now. You never know. Miracles can happen. Maybe someday it may happen for you again. I want to tell you that I forgive you for the pain and anger I felt. The family seems to have accepted your apologies. If you want to try again to be a part of the family, I think we will accept you. This you.”

There were murmurs of agreement around the circle of family members.

“Now,” I said, “we’re really here to welcome Miri and Lynn to the family! Jen has made all kinds of finger foods to enjoy, and since we no longer have enough chairs for everyone, we’re eating on the floor. I’d like to take a moment to give thanks, for everything!”

There was a moment of silence and each of us gave thanks in our own way. Then everyone sat down and the trays of food were laid out and passed around. Jen, our “milk dispenser” sat in the middle and people would suckle at her breasts as needed, often two at a time. Jen had an egg vibrator inside her pussy and the numbing cream on her button, and had several deep vaginal orgasms during the meal.

Dinner was quite sensual, with everyone feeding each other with a great deal of finger-sucking and licking. As people’s hunger was sated, the sucking and licking moved beyond fingers to other body parts.

Miri and Lynn became the foci, of course. Ellie kissed her way up from Miri’s toes up to her pussy as Deb moved behind her, supporting Miri’s back while kissing and sucking on her neck, cupping her breasts so that Sera and Maryanne could kiss and nibble at them. Maryanne would occasionally stop and blow on Miri’s nipples, and Miri would groan and pull Maryanne’s head toward her breast, directing her lips back to her nipple. Miri was moaning and undulating in pleasure from all the sources of wonderful stimulation. She wrapped her legs around Ellie’s shoulders as she reached her sex, pulling Ellie’s face to where she desperately needed it.

I was mirroring Ellie’s actions with Lynn, while Sera was behind Lynn mirroring Deb’s. Sera and Janice were at Lynn’s breasts. Trish moved behind Deb, legs wide, and reached around her to finger and stroke Deb’s wet pussy and button. After watching Trish a moment, Jane did the same for Sera.

Jen moved over to Judy, and after the two had a whispered conversation and after Judy had suckled at Jen’s breasts, they began to scissor together. Jen grabbed my ankle while Judy reached over to grab Trish’s. The circuit was completed, and the next thing anyone knew, we were all immersed in amazing sexual sensations.

This was an incredibly powerful experience -- it was all of the family, with the single exception of Jane, that were present in the link, and all of our sensations. As the only male, it was an enormous amount of feminine sensation, emotion, and need. From a scattering in the network an idea, a desire, rapidly spread, like flame racing along the surface of a puddle of gasoline until it was an inferno of desire -- FUCK! FUCK NOW!

It was a summons, a demand, a command. My body moved to answer it, almost without my volition. I moved up, and mounted Lynn, thrusting deep into her tight warm velvet need. The entirety of the family focused on that, participated in it. I felt the women’s attention on my cock inside her/them, while at the same time we all felt her pussy’s embracing grip upon it.

Lynn’s deep brown eyes were wide, a look of shock and wonder on her face, her mouth in an “O” that moved into a smile that was combined with a look of concentration, pleasure, and lust. She nodded and said, “Yes!”, a word that also came from all the other women at the same time. I knew, without looking, that every other woman’s face had the same look I was seeing on Lynn’s. From Lynn I knew that my own face had the very same look on it.

The thrust into her, and its pleasure. The feeling of being filled, steadily, and the pleasure of the two together. The feeling of completeness buried deep inside her/me/us.

As I thrust slowly, slightly increasing the pace as we needed, besides the sensations and feelings I also felt the network of links, including the “dead end.” That end was seeking to connect where it should, but was having trouble, like it was undecided about something, if that is the right word, or couldn’t find the right connection it needed. The network was growing stronger as we made love.

It was, in fact, lovemaking rather than just sex -- the love in the network was palpable, and the sex and the pleasure were an inseparable part of it. I realized I was making love with every woman I loved, would ever love, and the feeling was like making a love to a goddess. I felt if I closed my eyes I would see all of my ladies looking up at me as I filled them with my love, as channeled through my cock. They were all in Lynn, looking up at me through her eyes, gripping my cock with their amazing velvet sunshine sex. We were moving faster now, as the wave of climax drew back from the shore, sucking itself in for the hot wet release. This was the sexual equivalent of a tidal wave, I realized. Their focus went inward, in, in as I thrust harder and faster and deeper ... and it was deeper!

Oh. Oh... ! I was inside them! Not just physically, but emotionally, spiritually, in our very souls, maybe. Here comes the wave, we could feel it rolling in, growing larger and larger, the moans and cries perfectly synchronized, unanimous, and Here. It. Was...

The feeling was like what happened with Ellie at Thanksgiving, only magnified exponentially. The network of linkages surged and reinforced and ... split? Grew? The shock of two new minds and bodies and hearts pulled into the union was a minor detail in the giant, orchestral chord of ecstatic, joyful pleasure of a truly ... massive ... orgasm. It felt like I was Man pumping life and liquid sunshine into Woman. The feeling of so many women cumming, and of calling the seed into the depths, being filled with that seed and wanting it, wanting its Life inside them, was beyond words, beyond ecstacy, and was a pleasure so massive it was everything.

Someone, thankfully, let go somewhere, and the feeling of all oneness faded to manageable proportions. Thank God! I suspect if that hadn’t happened we would have permanently fused into a single mind, the Family Mind. Trying to think hurt. Feeling and experiencing were all I could do for a long, long minute.

I realized I was sprawled atop Lynn, utterly spent. I heard a woman’s voice say, “Oh my God! Ohmigod! I felt it!” It was Judy. With a shock, I realized it wasn’t that I recognized the voice, it was that I felt Judy’s surprise. She was linked with the family now, and she was happy about this, what she had thought was an impossible fantasy.

Also fully present was Jane, who was giving a prayer of thanks for the mercy of restoration of her connection to the family. Her gratitude was, frankly, humbling. In her prayer she was swearing she would treasure each member of the family, and to work to right all of the harm she had done in her life.

I was feeling this without Ellie’s touch, though I did have to focus on feeling them.

Same as An Amiss Wish
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The wife and I decided to have a couple of days in a different town to experience their Christmas atmosphere, we’d been out and about and had just eaten in the hotel’s restaurant and had been in our room a couple of hours when she decided she was tired. She turned the light out and was asleep in minutes, I couldn’t sleep and got up, she stirred and I said “I’m going for a drink at the bar”, “OK” she answered.The bar was quite full and on the comfy seating was a large woman, at least 20 stone,...

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The Lust Island

"I want to find my parents." John Cartel turned 18 today. He was raised by his aunt, May Cartel. They lived peacefully together in a small town. In the birthday party, she asked him what his wish was, and that's John's answer. His words shocked her so much, therefor after a long while, everything May could say was a simple word: "Why?" "I want to know them. And let them know me." "Didn't I tell you very long ago that your father abandoned you?" "Yes, but you didn't tell me the reason, right?...

4 years ago
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Akeli Meeta Ko Pool Mein Choda 8211 Part 9

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye kahani hai.Geeta apne peeher chali gai.Uski judwan bahan meeta ki panch din tak chudai ki kahani hai.Ye story number 9 hai..Koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contect kare… Hum dono bahut khush the.Itne bade ghar mein sirf main aur hot meeta dono nange hi rahte.Sara din jo jee mein aata wo sab karte…Sath khate sath khelte sath masti krte.Mera jab jee krta main meeta ko pakad...

2 years ago
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Loving Life 2

Hi again. Yep I'm back. Sorry about that but I had to clean up down there, sometimes I just can't control myself and thinking of my first time really made me feel so very naughty. God I couldn't believe how I went down on Chip like that, it was like some one else was controlling me. Don't get me wrong I really loved the way he felt in me. It was just perfect the way he held my head as I took him in. Oh sorry I all ready told you about that earlier didn't I? God I do go on and on don't...

3 years ago
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Arena Fights

Arena Fights Please note that the following fiction is intended for ADULT ONLY entertainment. Do not read further if you are easily offended by extreme themes, or your local community codes do not permit such suggestive material. This fiction is intended for your use only. Any further dissemination of it must first require the author?s permission. Thank you. Faibhar   Arena Fights  The band?s booming drums and blaring trumpets shook even the groggiest awake; unnecessary because it...

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Chandigarh Mein Asha Ki Yaadgaar Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mujhe kuch important kaam se achanak Saturday ko Chandigarh jana tha. Maine apni wife Asha ko apne sath chalne ko poocha. Pehle to usne mana kiya. Par kisi friend ne usse bataya ki sector 16-17 mein shopping ke kafi option hai. To woh jane ko kafi excited ho gayi. Usne apne director Rajveer Sir ko chutti ke liye phone kiya, to usne use mana kar diya. Asha ne bola, “Woh bol raha hai ki is Sunday ko mujhe overtime karna hai. Uske friend ke yahan party hai, aur bola, is party mein overtime ke sath...

4 years ago
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My Dad Loves Me

Hello Friends Mai Iss Ki Regular reader Hu Sorry For ma Mistakes, My Name is Palak Living In Jabalpur Mera Figure hai 34-28-32 mai sex 18 ki umar se kar rai hu jab se mere dood aana start hue hai sex ki shuruwaat maine mere boyfriend se ki thi maine aaj tak 5 boyfriends the abhi 1 hai maine sab ke saath baut jada hi sex kia hai par iss baar kuch aisa hua ki meri kismat palat gai mere ghar mein 3 log hai mai mom n dad. Mom kaafi fashion mein believe karti hai toh abhi b jeans ,skirt, bra-saree,...

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Shampoo Bottle

I decided to take a shower lastnite and as I walked into the bathroom, I dropped my shorts to the floor and removed my tight little tanktop, exposing my C-cup breasts. I turned the shower to full blast hot as I began to remove my panties, letting them drop to the floor. Steam immediately filled the room and fogged the mirrors, my body becoming hot as well. I stepped into my shower and allowed the hot water to trickle down my chest and feeling the water bead and drop from my breasts. I leaned up...

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Just a Piece of Ass

Disclaimer. This is set in England, with English dialogue so if 'F words' offend you, don't read it.None of the Characters or corporations are based on real people, or corporations, any similarities are unintentional.Just A Piece of Ass.It was just a blue door beside a book shop, anonymous, blue, drab, I knocked and an ageing concierge greeted me, "Yes?" she asked as she blocked the way forward up the drab stairway with peeling brown wall paper and worn green stair carpet."Maggie? I phoned...

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Amazons Part 2

Tarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next?Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs.As soon as Tarzan had injected his huge load in to the small warrior, Queen Laya was already rising from her throne and removing her halter top as she did so to reveal her large, firm pendulous breasts. Her skirt came off a while...

3 years ago
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Who would have thunk it

Who would have thunk it? Me, Thomas Avery Jenkins, the well-known ladies-man, a cocksucker. How did that happen?I was born into one of the finer Irish families in Boston, whose wealth had been depleted during the great depression of the 1930s. After leaving the military following WWII, my father began an earnest drive to restore the family’s wealth.Even though, he was no longer wealthy, he had great connections and he took every advantage. The country was on an economic rebound following the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Romance With My Cousin

Hi guys this is my first story. I have gone through almost all stories on ISS and I Just love them. I’m Sanju 20 years old, fair in complexion, young tall energetic guy, slim and my height 6 feet from Bangalore and my gun size is 6 inches. Now coming to the story I had completed my p.u got distinction. I scored 96 % in my pu and got a medical seat by getting a good rank in k-cet. My family was really happy and I was out of earth. I had struggled a lot coping up with my hostel food. As it was...

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Becoming Emily Part IIII

My heart raced when I heard the knock at the door. I checked myself in the mirror again and found myself hoping that he would like the outfit I had picked out. I chose a deep blue corset type top that was covered in sheer black lace. It really hugged my body and made my tits look even bigger. The matching g-string was pulled tight against my hairless mound and all but disappeared into my round ass. The black fishnet stockings encased my legs from the upper thigh down to my toes which were now...

2 years ago
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Back to SalomeChapter 8

Tag: The end of an era ... and another new beginning. One Year Later Snoop Dogg purposely fumbled with the envelope. “What kinda glue they usin’ here? This thing is tighter than Madi Valentine’s pussy. Ya know what I’m sayin’?” That got a big laugh from the crowd. He finally ripped open the envelope. “Huh?” Snoop seemed confused. He then turned it around. “Wait a minute.” Then turned it around again, making the audience laugh. “I think I got it now ... okay, here it is, the AVN Award...

3 years ago
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My Name was Andy

My name was Andynow it's Amy. This is my story.When I was twelve, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. Istill don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that myinterest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or animbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was aperson born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is ... I'mglad it happened.The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took the form ofcomparing women when they...

4 years ago
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Impregnating my Unsuspecting Sister

So let me start with me. My name is Scott. I’m 25 years old, average build, blonde hair and work too much. I had recently moved back in with my parents as I had broken up with my girlfriend. So I was now living with mum, dad and my much younger 13 year old sister. My sister’s names is Lauren, she is very tiny for her age, at only 4”6’ tall she looked more about 11 or 12 maybe. She has long blonde hair, blue eyes, tiny a cup’s, but let’s be fair since she is only 13 and just really hitting...

2 years ago
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A Party Gone Wrong

"Clara, you're going like that??" Clara shakes her head. "For fuck's sake, Sarah. You insisted I come along to this stupid party of yours. It will be boring, alienating, and I won't know anyone there. The least you could do is let me dress however's comfortable!" Sarah was someone who had never struggled to be fashionable and popular, dressed now as always head-to-toe in beautiful clothes and immaculate makeup. Clara is in foundation a couple shades too light, and clothes entirely black and...

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The Librarian Part 71

Carter separated from his passionate kiss with Daniel, and gently pushed him into a sitting position on the bench. He took the pistol and held it in front of him. “What's this all about?” he sternly asked. Daniel was ashamed, but said, “it's all done, Carter, it's all done. Everyone is better off without me; mom, Peter, and even you.” He leaned down and put his face into his hands. It was genuine pain, not some dramatic gesture meant to draw attention to himself. Carter thought...

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The continuing saga of Bruce sucking cock

Here is my story as a cocksucker, beginning in 2014 with my friend Jack. Somehow one of our discussions involved sucking another man's cock. Jack said he wouldn't mind trying, which surprised me. It didn't take long before I was on my knees sucking his hard little cock. He seemed happy - he made a lot of happy sounds anyway. I enjoyed it. I ended up sucking him two more times in 2014. He also sucked me, but I think I scared him when I tried to stick my cock down his throat! (smile) Anyway,...

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WizardChapter 3

Back at the factory uncle Frank brought me up to date with the current workload. During my absence we had taken on three new employees so the first job was to introduce myself to them and to catch up with the old employees. The first two men were new Australians, even with their broken English we seemed to connect; the third chap Brian Moore, seemed a bit distant. "Do we have a problem Brian?" "Yeah, just because you're the boss's nephew don't think you can push me around, you're...

3 years ago
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Ring Master First RingChapter 6

"OK May, I'll take the ride home. Then maybe we should sit and talk about this 'bond' you talk about and maybe we can straighten out you calling me Lord and June call me Master. With that we had stopped and I turned to get into a car. WRONG, the biggest fucking limo I had ever seen was sitting at the curb. Holding the door for us was another gorgeous woman, this one is as exotic an any Asian I'd ever seen before. "What the fuck, Over!" I turned slowly back to look at May. "Would you...

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A new development

Dave and I have hit a new shift in our relationship. I love Dave. He is a great, loving, attentive guy and has been a fabulous lover. He was the first man I ever loved and I have taken this ride through the lifestyle with him. Since we got together we have always agreed that sex and love are not the same thing and we have had an open relationship as a result. You can see by our pics that we enjoy having sex and watching each other have sex with other people. Relatively recently my lust for...

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GayChapter 31

The movie started with a boy and a girl of similar age, neighbours and best friends, growing up together in a small East European country. Just before they reached their teens, the boy’s family had to move away because of his father’s job. Then the girl lost her parents and her home when a gas main exploded. The pair lost touch when the girl was shunted around between orphanages and foster homes. Several years later, when the pair were in their early twenties, they both ended up working in...

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Mutual Masturbation

This actually happened about ten-years ago. I’ve been to Key West a number of times, and as many people who have been there know, it’s a sexually-charged city. If you go there horny, you’ll just get hornier. It's probably because there are a lot of sexually-charged people that visit there. Last time I was vacationing the Southernmost island with my girlfriend, we fucked just about every chance we had while we were down there. I fucked her from behind on the Hard Rock balcony with dozens of...

First Time
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The dumb euro50 whore 2

This is the story of my 2nd encounter with the dumb €50 whore.There are 3 main types of prostitutes in the Netherlands. Window prostitution, these are mainly young girls imported from South America or Eastern Europe. These are professional whores. I don't like them. Then there is the 2nd kind: Internet whoring. These are amateurs who need an extra income and are trying to avoid bad customers and awkward regulations. These are fine, I like most of them. Some of them keep whoring to a rather ripe...

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AllureChapter 3

Despite the frequency and the thorough enjoyment of my times in bed with Mel, I somehow managed to have other girls in my life. I called Sarah the night following Mel’s first time joining my friends and me at our lunch table. “It’s Joe,” I told her once her mother handed the phone off to her. “Really?” she practically shouted. “Give me a minute to go to my room.” “Okay.” “Hello,” I heard a minute later, a bit breathless. A click sounded. “How did you get my number?” “Mel.” “Of course....

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Her Husbands Ex

Although Ken had never introduced her to his ex-wife nor even discussed her very much at all, his wife knew a great deal about Sonya. In fact, Caitlin knew much more about her husband’s ex than she really should have done. In a sense, Ken was as much to blame as Caitlin’s curiosity and jealousy. He was the one with the woeful understanding of data security. Had it never crossed his mind that his wife of two years’ marriage and a total of three years’ acquaintance might want to know more about...

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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 2 Coffee On The Quay

Freddie took a slow amble into the port of Agoras. He followed the dusty road that wound from the east of the island. It took him down from his villa, across the small valley where he'd first seen the girls and then staggered around the final bay into the clutter of white painted houses that was the island's only real town. It was a quiet walk for the most part. It was early in the year. Later there might be the occasional tourist revving their way past on one of the barely functional...

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OVERBOARDChapter 43 Rob is Home While Kay is Away

Rob's turn: I set the phone down and stared at it in disbelief. Did Kay just tell me what happened or just what she thinks happened? No, it has to be what happened because she said it was in front of her. If the H.R. director himself came in to fire Wayne and did it in front of everyone else, the company is taking what he did seriously, very seriously. There has to be more to this story than she told me, maybe more than she knows. I reached for my phone to call Jim Pietro. I started...

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This is fiction:- I went to a party one night in Glasgow, with one of my friends, Jennifer. This was just to get out of the dorms at Uni more than anything else. When we got there it was quite lively, a lot of good-looking guy and girls and a few older people that I didn’t know. I asked Jen who they were and what were people that age doing at a party for mostly Uni students. She told me that this wasn’t a normal night but it was a Sub & Doms party, for the older masters and mistresses...

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Alice Chapter One

Chapter One The Secret Garden Alice skipped down the white gravel path, enjoying the bright spring morning. Everything was so green and smelled fresh. The flowers were in bloom and filled the air with a sweet fragrance. It was the day before her fourteenth birthday, and tomorrow the whole estate would be full of people celebrating. The servants were already busy, erecting the wooden poles upon which would be strung lights and pennants, whilst the kitchen worked round the clock. Today,...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 16 The Grass Is Always Greener

There was no possible way to reason with the guy, nor did he take hints. Simon was like a stupid dog that needed a lot of training. After closing the door a few more times in his face, and a few others telling him to just go home already, Carter had had to open the door wide and try to have a conversation with the guy. “Do you have any idea how this looks? The neighbors will see your car parked in the driveway!” he pointed the finger at Simon. “It’s not the first time I come to your house,”...

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More whore

After the fall of communism, I returned to the villa in restitution after his uncle, was pretty devastated, it was necessary to invest in it and devise a what purpose it renovovať.Ja I had a place to live, work, and I had so I may be. At that time I met with her classmates Maros and he was praised that he also returned some lands predal.Bol in the right package, but said that the rush. Rather, the money invested in a company. I did it too I have praised the building in which to invest Soap....

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My Wife 8211 Part 12 Hots For BIL8217s Wife

Suresh was looking down. His eyes couldn’t believe what he saw. He could see Arun and Kavita standing near a cab with a third person. What shook him even further was that he saw Kavita kissing the third guy while Arun stood near them. He couldn’t see the face of the third guy. It was a long and passionate kiss. He saw Kavita was in a nighty and the other man fondled her boobs as he kissed her. When they separated, the other man turned around to get in the cab. Suresh then saw that the third...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 306

... And ... that's a hint. Just what are the two of you up to?" "Well..." Margaret reached to grab Kathy's hand for a second. "Come on. Spill it. It's bound to be a Christmas present for your man, right? So what's it going to be?" Kathy and Jill passed a look before Kathy turned to Margaret. "This really can't get back to Bill. And ... there's little chance it will work out, anyway, but..." Bill's two wives quickly brought Margaret up to date about the woman who had been so...

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Girlfriend Want Fuck

Hi readers this is my first story I am submitting. My intention about writing this story is to explain about my experiences with my girl friend and how she acted to get the things done that she wanted. Coming to her she is 5feet and fair, her structure is average but her fairness makes them perfect. Her boobs are very small; her ass is the sexiest part. Then coming to story, I met her before 6 years in college, she use to talk with me often. One day I reached college early, she is alone in...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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A Better Me Through Genetics

Introduction: What happens when a lab assistant falls into the hands of a morally bankrupt geneticist? Maybe something like this. ***Okay, this is a departure for me. It is a whole new genre and I hope you all dont mind. I am doing this by request. Hopefully it meets with your approval. Thank you Mr. F for sharing this idea with me and acting as a sounding board while we hashed it out. There is an intro to this story, but it was necessary for future chapters, if they are desired. Please rate...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 21

The funeral for Emily Amelia Hardwick was held in the Cathedral the week following Kathy and Bill's return from their honeymoon. They had heard about Emily very briefly from April when she came out for their wedding. At the wake Mary was the next of kin receiving condolences. While they were there, April introduced them to a young couple, Jim Vance and Kerry Casey. Jim looked at Bill and recoiled. Then he looked at Kathy and said, "My God! May ... Please may I do your portrait? Never in my...

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Time for School Ch 12

Chapter 12 – Breakup Note: All characters in this story involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older * I narrowed my eyes in confusion, realizing that Ms. Adanna was as frozen in time as anything else around me. I didn’t want for that to happen and so I was very confused – and a little scared. I began to worry that perhaps my powers were short-circuiting again somehow. I reached for the doorknob — it was impossible to move. ‘What the hell?’ I wondered aloud, trying to will...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 158 Hiding in Plain Sight

It seems we are hanging out here for a few days until we can head to where we are handing Ariel off. The man in the machine has been right on with Ariel’s need to have sex frequently. I went to sleep with my dick buried inside her. We slept over three hours before we both woke up needing to go pee. When she came back she was ready to go again. Well her mind and hormones were. Her vagina wasn’t. I had barely gotten worked up to a nice rhythm when she came and then hissed out in pain. I...

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Housemaid in my 50 Part 5

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 5 CHAPTER 13 I was kicked out of the master bedroom! That was the end result of what Pam called this morning ?a slight rearrangement of our living conditions'. I was working for five hours and still I had a lot to do. The instructions were to remove all my clothes and other personal belongings from the master bedroom and install myself to the guest room that had a small adjoining shower/WC facility....

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Antheas Baby

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The bathroom

Please note : this story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! When I was little, I always wanted to see my brothers penises. I wanted to be a boy, but I couldn’t, because I had a vagina. I used to hide in the bathroom cupboards for hours, hoping that I would get a peek at either of them peeing. I never had any luck. (I didn’t know that the boys always used the downstairs bathroom, and I was hiding in the one upstairs.) One day, I decided to give up, and just as I was leaving...


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