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He heard the soft whisper next to his ear and brushed at his cheek, swatting the annoyance away so that he could continue sleeping. It was early, his internal alarm hadn't gone off yet and he was tired. Too much work, too little sleep and no personal life had finally caught up with him and he was due for the crash.

He rolled over, grabbing his pillow and cuddling it close to his chest, groaning quietly as his body relaxed again towards sleep.

It came again, tiny, hesitant but insistent. A murmur in a smoky soft whisper.

A grimace and a sigh and he rolled once more, opening his eyes in the still dark room. He searched it quickly, noting each piece of furniture before realizing he must have been dreaming and settling down again. Sleep took him quickly this time and he followed its dizzy ride through the grayness of slumber and into dreams.

Her hand was soft, fingers long with beautifully shaped nails painted a delicate pink. She caressed his chest, stroking over his smooth skin with a whispered sigh. She pressed her small, slender body against his back, her nipples grazing against his skin with a whisper of their own. The heat of his muscled thighs rested next to her slender ones, drawing her in as she curled herself around him.

He shifted in his sleep, muttering a name from his dreams. "Lydia," he breathed.

She smiled, a quick gamine grin in a piquant face that was more cute than beautiful. Her eyes sparkled in mischievous delight, their blue depths showing her pleasure at being so remembered, even if it was only in dreams.

"Yes, Jack," she murmured, "it's me. It's Lydia."

A brief smile touched his lips and was gone just as quickly. His hand moved, twitching on top of the pillow he held almost as if it were a woman he was caressing. His fingers rasped across the smoothness of cotton, in his dreams becoming the soft living warmth of female flesh. Her flesh. His Lydia's.

She felt his body tense under hers and moved closer, her hand sweeping across his forehead, smoothing skin wrinkled in thought, easing his mind as she wished she could see into his dreams.

The grass was smooth and long under her naked body, the scent rich with earth and things growing. She could hear the ocean beating its presence known in the background as the waves swelled and rolled over the tiny strip of beach in front of the house their parents had rented for the summer.

She was bored. The beach was empty of any of the normal tourists, being too far north to attract the summer going crowds. Her parents had left her alone with her brother today, 20 year old Jack, her senior only by two years. He was a permanent pain, a pest for whenever she tried to get away with anything, even the least minor infraction. He scared away her dates, playing the big brother act to the point that she was still a virgin at 18.

And a frustrated one at that. Her sighs sounded sexy to her own ears as she let the heat of the sun bake her slim naked figure. Her hands roved over her skin, slipping over taut nipples in her smallish but perfectly formed breasts and moaning at the sensation of heat and longing that pulled from her groin.

She was teasing herself, her in this small glade of grass, far enough from the house that her brother couldn't see her. Her hands played and touched, caressed and stroked smooth tan skin but never finding their way between her thighs which were open, the lips of her tight little pussy, swollen with need, wet with want.

Her breath came in gasping pants as she forced herself to wait, knowing it would be oh so much sweeter when she finally touched herself.

The tips of her fingers grazed softly down over the soft inward curve of her waist, tickled across the small slope of her belly, leaving a delicious wake of heated sensation behind. Her breath caught as it approached the swelling of her down covered mound and the she exhaled sharply as her fingers parted the soft wispy curls, tracing patterns on the sensitive skin.

She closed her eyes and let her mind drift as her fingers slipped lower, finding their way into hot, wet sin. Her favorite fantasy caught her, and she moaned as the fingers gently strumming against her enlarged clit became a soft tongue that lapped at her moisture, stabbed at her virginal channel, tickled her feminine lips. In her mind, she looked down at the dark haired man between her thighs, saw him staring back up at her with eyes that were as vivid a blue as the cloudless summer sky overhead.

They crinkled at the corners, those eyes, and she knew he was smiling at her even as he sought to drive her mad with need. He liked that, watching desire flow through her, seeing the need that he brought to her. His fingers pushed gently inside, first one and then another, slowly pumping into her as he worked harder at her soft folds, wanting to push her over the edge.

Lydia cried out softly, her head tipping back, the pleasure she sought so avidly seeming just beyond her reach. Her fingers on one hand tweaked and pulled nipples hardened to find points, the other pulsed into her, creating a rhythm that she answered with the dance of her hips against the grass.

She was so caught in her own fantasy, she didn't hear the rustles of leaves or the shushing of branches brushing against clothing that would have alerted her to another's presence. She didn't see him drop to his knees between her spread thighs, his eyes, such a deep, clear blue so like her own, fixated upon the working of her hand.

When his mouth moved over her thigh, licking a trail upwards, moving her hand in the process, she didn't notice, too lost in the fantasy of the moment. Her fingers tangled in rich, dark hair, her hips arched as she sought to bring him closer as he took his first long taste of her.

His tongue explored her sweetly blossoming folds, his hands gently pushing her thighs further apart. He had problems keeping his eyes from the dark ecstasy he could see upon her face as she moaned and writhed beneath his talented mouth.

Lydia's thighs wrapped around his head, squeezing tightly when he latched onto her distended clit, his tongue lashing it gently, his teeth nipping. Her hips bucked and her fingers dug into the ground beneath her as her body convulsed with the mindless ecstasy she had never known she could feel.

Before her body could settle, before the tingles and surges of aftershocks could end, he slid up her naked body, pinning her under his clothed one. His mouth sought hers, pushing his tongue almost desperately past her soft lips and into the dark passions inside.

Lydia stiffened, realizing for the first time that she wasn't alone. She tried to push his tongue out with her own, instead tangling and rubbing in ways that made a fresh surge of longing flood her thighs. Her hands, that had been fisted and pushing against his chest, spread out, the long slender fingers moving upwards to caress the skin of his nape and into his hair. She moaned into his mouth, her eyes closing on a surge of joyous pleasure as he cupped her breast with one slightly calloused hand, his thumb rubbing across her nipple.

He left her mouth, looking down at the soft, slight globe he held and she opened her eyes to get a first look at the man who was showing her such new excitement.

"Jack?" she asked in confused shock.

He looked up at her, desire tightening his mouth, his eyes dark with it. His skin was flushed with want, his face, all angles and plains, looked harsh with it. "Did you think I didn't know what you did out here, Lydia? I've watched you come here and strip off your swimsuit. I've seen you touch yourself since the first week we got here. You've been driving me nuts with all those little sighs and moans, the way your hips shake when you come. Anyone could walk out here and see you like this. Is that what you wanted? Some horny ass guy coming out here and seeing you acting like a tramp in heat?"

"No, Jack. I... I couldn't do this in the house. Mom and dad would hear." She squirmed under his caressing hand. "Please, Jack, please let me up."

His hand tightened on her breast, his fingers found and rolled one firm tip until it seem to pout and beg for his mouth. She jerked under him and then held still as if afraid he wouldn't stop what he was doing, or maybe that he would stop and she would be left with that aching need still left between her thighs.

"I don't think so, sis. I think that I'm going to give you what you've been asking for." He covered her mouth with his again, allowing his tongue to plunder virgin depths. When he pulled back, her lips followed his, making him laugh. "Take my shirt off of me," he whispered in her ear as his tongue flicked along her earlobe.

Lydia's hands were shaking when she reached for he buttons on the front of his shirt. She fumbled the first one, taking twice as long as she should have to get the small disk through it's hole. But Jack refused to help her, raising himself up just enough for her to reach the buttons. His mouth was busy, his lips caressing the tender skin of her neck, his teeth nipping and then gently biting when she didn't move fast enough to suit him.

He pulled her up as he sat up and straddled her, making her push the shirt off his shoulders then placing her trembling hands on the smooth warm skin of his chest. "Touch me," he ordered, the command ending in a small groan as she slid her warm hands, one still slightly damp from her own juices, across his chest, stopping to exam his flat nipples and making the small tips hard under her flicking nails.

"Kiss me," he demanded.

"H... how?" she asked.

Instead of answering her, he cupped the back of her head with his hand and pulled her forward, feeling the heat of her luscious, wet lips touching his skin. She trailed small kisses across his chest, until he moved her to his nipple.

"Use your tongue, Lydia."

Her small tongue flicked out against his nipple, laving the tender tip with trembling, uncertain caresses. Her hands continued to explore his well muscled upper torso, delighting in the feel of his hot skin under her palms. He took them in his own, bringing them to the fastening of his jeans.

He lifted her face, finding her mouth and kissing her until she could barely think. With his lips still touching hers, he whispered, "take off my pants, Lydia, baby."

He felt her fingers fumbling against his stomach, the softness of her skin brushing against the sensitive flesh of his stomach. It tickled and he sucked in his stomach, letting her fingers reach deeper until one brushed with the lightest of movements against the head of his cock.

Lydia stopped moving, letting her fingers rest on top of the satiny soft skin. She could feel the heat of him, the slight dampness against the tips of her fingers. She stared up into his eyes and saw his narrow, felt him twitch under her hands.

"Take them off, Lydia." His breathing was going ragged. Her hands shook as she finally managed the silver button then reached for the tab of his zipper. He felt the give of his jeans, granting much needed room to his throbbing hardness that was begging to feel her touch once more. She started to pull down his jeans, stopping because he was kneeling over her. He moved to lay down on his back, lifting his hips to help her shimmy the tight fabric down his thighs. He kicked off his shoes and she tugged the legs of his jeans down, finally freeing him to lay there in just his boxers. His cock created a tent in the front, the material stretched tight, drawing Lydia's eyes to the unexpected sight.

She'd baby sat, changed diapers, gave baths. She'd even once saw her father when he was getting out of the shower, but he'd looked nothing like this. She wanted to pull his boxers off and touch him, take him in her hand and finally find out what one felt like.

"Jack," she breathed, her voice barely discernable in her need. "I... I don't know what to do."

Jack closed his eyes against the sight of her kneeling above him, her slight body flushed rosy with her desire, trembling with her need. He'd thought she'd been about to tell her they couldn't do this, that it was wrong. As if he hadn't had that argument with himself for the past two years, since she'd turned sixteen and he'd first noticed her smile, her eyes, the way she could dance across a room and bring joy to every face there. Her figure was slight, making her seem younger than her years. But her eyes told a different story.

Those eyes, the same sparkling blue as his own, held mystery and depth that he could only guess at. She was gentle and kind, caring and loving, even when he was at his worst with her. Which he did often, and on purpose. He couldn't stand the thought of other boys touching her, of them mauling her petite body, taking her virginity in the back seat of some car. Hurting her.

He hated the thought of them kissing her, or holding her hand. He could see her pulling at the bit, straining to be free, and while he hated himself for doing it, he hadn't been able to change how he felt, staying home and going to a college close enough to commute so that he could keep the boys away. Lydia was his, and now she was going to be made to know it.

He reached down and pulled aside the flap in his boxers, letting his cock free of it's imprisoning fabric. It stood, hard and proud, straining upwards from his reclined form. Jack took it in his hand, stroking slowly as he watched Lydia's eyes. They never left his hand, watching every move, every up and down motion. When her tongue swept out, moistening lips gone dry with want, he thought he'd come right then and there. She was so sexy, kneeling there, staring at him.

"Come here," he growled, reaching out his hand for her. He pulled her down on top of him, finding her lips with his, his hand taking hers and wrapping it around his length. She hesitated at first and he showed her, biting gently at her lips when she pleased him.

"Your mouth, baby girl," he muttered, his breath catching at the soft coolness of her hand around his cock. "I want to feel your mouth on me." He positioned her over him so that he could reach her and helped guide his hungry cock into her waiting mouth. She took it slow, a little at a time, getting used to the feeling of his weight against her tongue, the salty tang of his taste, the musky scent of his skin. She tried to remember what she'd seen on TV or talked about with her friends, using her tongue on him, taking him as deep as she could.

And when he groaned her name, reaching out for her hips, she felt a rush of sweet victory that she was pleasing him, accompanied by a stirring of need to be touched her self. His hands closed over her slender thighs, bringing her around until she was over him, straddling his head. His tongue darted out and for the second time in just a few moments, he was tasting the sweetness of his little sister's most intimate juices.

She squirmed above him, sensitive from the orgasm she'd just had and he gripped the soft cheeks of her bottom, holding her still so that he could ravage and pillage to his heart's content. She moaned and shook above him, her mouth still holding as much of his cock as she could handle when she came for a second time to the tender stabbings of his tongue.

Jack moved her off of him, turning her so she rode astride his hips, his hard cock, gleaming with saliva from her mouth, thrusting up between her thighs. She stared down at him, her breasts heaving, her eyes confused, uncertain as to what he was asking of her.

"You're going to learn to ride, baby. I want to watch you fuck me." He stroked his hands over her tender breasts, twisting her nipples delicately before continuing downward to her hips. Her small hipbones thrust against the almost translucent skin, tender and gentle. He cupped his hands around her bottom, pulling her forward and up until his cock nestled between her thighs, probing for the entrance to her virginal channel.

"Put it in you, Lydia."

She did as she was told, her hands clumsily trying to line him up. He pulled her down and she felt herself stretch around the thickness of the head of his cock. She moaned and closed her eyes, concentrating on what was happening to her, what she had wanted to happen to her for so long.

Jack nudged up into her in smooth short strokes, using the spending of her pleasure to ease his way. He felt the barrier, nudged against it and watched her flinch and try to raise up from him. His eyes narrowed as he saw his tiny, slightly build sister, his cock wedged between her thighs, looking huge next to her. He felt the thrill of knowing he would be her first, and if he had his way, her only. But to do that, it had to be good for her, and this part had to be done fast despite her misgivings.

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Auntie Ariel

Waves of shimmering heat bounced up from the slate border surrounding the swimming pool as Ariel sat up. Her skin, already a deep bronze was glistening with sweat as she glanced down at her watch. It was three-thirty on a hot, still Saturday afternoon. It portended to be Another Lazy, Wasted Saturday Afternoon as her boyfriend, Jack had already left for the day. Oh, well, she thought to herself, it's time to go in and have a toke. Maybe that'll give me a little lift so I can make it through...

3 years ago
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True story of a christian wife

Mimi put her hand between her legs and gently caressed herself, softly moaning with both relief and exquisite bliss, her pussy lips becoming firm and moist. Chatting to Mu on her laptop had become the essential part of her day. She had tried to resist it. She had succeeded on the odd occasion, a whole day without being trained and pushed towards the Arabic sex that she had dreamed of, yearned for and caressed herself to her own sexual bliss and orgasm for as long as she could remember. But it...

1 year ago
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Just A Kiss

It was a cold, gray January day in 1955. Fighting the chill, Tammy pulled her coat tighter. She was only five feet tall, but had just recently turned eighteen. Her shoulder length brown hair pulled back into a ponytail only added to how cute she was, and her bright blue eyes accentuated that even more.Despite her sexy curvy figure, Tammy had gone unnoticed by the guys her own age, who were obsessed with what you’d call model types. That didn’t bother her much because she knew when she would go...

2 years ago
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My First Time

I can remember it like it was yesterday, even though it’s been close to eight years ago. The summer between my junior and senior years of high school. A time when a boy my age has one thing on his mind. Sex!I had been close friends with the girl next door since we were in diapers. Her name was Emily. She and I were in many ways best friends. Our part of the neighborhood was mostly older folks, so we were the only kids on the block. Growing up it helped that she was a bit of a tomboy. I guess...

First Time
3 years ago
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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 9 Daversquos Kind of Luck

Dave found a large crowd milling about the food court’s sandwich shop. Few of whom appeared to be customers. Most were just men of varying ages vying for the cute salesgirl’s notice. The poor Asian looked like she would die from the excess male attention. Her slanted eyes downcast with embarrassment as she continued to fend off sexual advance after advance. Dave didn’t have much time to assess the situation. No sooner did he forced his way through the outer crowd of onlookers than Kurt...

3 years ago
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Stranger in the Woods

It was another ordinary weekend where I had performed the mundane tasks of grocery shopping, taken in a meal at a fast food restaurant and now it was time to drive the forty minutes or so back home. It was late afternoon, but it was also winter and already the light was diminishing. As I drove back homewards, I came across the secluded toilet block and forested area I had previously had a lovely time with an older stranger a few months prior. I couldn't resist checking if anyone was around for...

4 years ago
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Committing Revenge

I have this ability, you see, to control and alter people’s minds. It sounds like an awesome and terrifying power and it is. Especially when I have it. I didn’t gain control over my power until I turned eighteen. Before that, I was just your below-average guy. I was short and wimpy. I could never get a tan because my skin would burn after five minutes in the sun. My family couldn’t afford contacts so I was stuck with these big, thick dorky glasses. I’m even below average in penis size. You...

2 years ago
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A Lustful Reunion

All the characters in this story are fictional. The story is fictional based on imagination, eroticism and a little speculation. Hope you enjoy it! Thank you, the author. * Friday, April 4, 2006 ‘Scoundrels are better in bed, Rebecca,’ Gary said to me. ‘And, you are not a scoundrel,’ I replied. But, I knew it was true based on womanizing traits who were indeed sexy scoundrels, of a sort. ‘Anyway, how would you know whose better, Gary? You’ve been out of circulation for too long. But, tell...

1 year ago
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The Salt and Pepper Hunt Club

I am a married white male in my fifties, and I've been a fan of cuckold, creampie and bisexual stories for many years, ever since my wife lost all interest in sex. I have also written many stories on those topics, and I guess that is just my way of getting a little sexual release without taking the risks of trying to meet with another woman or man.One thing that I've noticed is that many of the stories and fantasies involve white couples seeking black men with big cocks to fuck their wives, and...

3 years ago
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A Pizza Delivery To Remember

This is a work of fiction…. ‘Julia, your order’s up’, yelled Phil, ‘if you wanna buy it, you can go home now. It’s slow and the store is in good shape to close.’ That was the best thing she had heard all evening. Business was slow, and tips were almost non existent. This was her fourth week back delivering pizza part time, and it was the roughest week yet for tips. She only did three week nights, including Friday. Unless this last delivery gave her a $30 tip, she wasn’t going to make as much...

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 153 Fixes

Warren and Sophie had pulled Ryan into the snack bar. "Why do you want to see Jess?" Sophie asked him. "To tell her I'm sorry. Guys, I fucked up. I should've never let her leave." "What about Courtney?" Warren asked. Ryan laughed bitterly. "I walked out on Courtney yesterday. Right in the middle of practice. Got sick of listening to her, and got sick of asking myself what the hell I was doing putting up with her bullshit when Jess was a thousand miles away." He got a look of...

3 years ago
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The Model Part 4

"Meet us in room 34A at 9:00 tonight . James has the key. Make sure to wear something sexy. xoxo- Alana" I had been anticipating this since the night before. I didn't know what was in store for me, but I wanted it. I tied my hair up in a long bouncy ponytail and wore another set of fishnets and garters with a lacy red thong. I kept my look simple with a white button up top with no bra, exposing just the right amount of cleavage, and a tight black mini skirt. I spritzed on a sensual perfume and...

2 years ago
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Like Mother Like Son 8

Edited by Victor G. 16 year old Darren (Nancy) Peterson and his mom pay a visit to Dr. Girardi, a psychiatrist who specializes in transgender issues. Afterwards, Nancy has dinner alone with her father and asks his advice. ************** Chapter 8 ************* When I woke up Tuesday morning, it felt like Christmas had arrived early. I still had to go to school and football practice, but not until later in the day. This morning was devoted all to Nancy, and I couldn't wait. I still...

4 years ago
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Katie And The Koral Chapter 3

I came to slowly.I could hear Darius speaking, the sounds meant nothing initially, like a background drone, then sudden clarity.".....at the new bitches place.  Things got rough and I'm going to need your help sooner than planned. Get round here now Roger and bring Jamal. You'll need to get the full gear - and don't forget the serum. This is going to be a long job, so make it two vials, it's in the fridge. See you in twenty."I opened my eyes.  I must have been carried upstairs to our...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 11

The next morning, when Rose and Mary came down to the kitchen to start breakfast, Jefferson already had a warm fire built in the cookstove. As they filled the big coffee pot with coffee and water, they heard a noise on the back porch. Jefferson stepped to the back door to see the two nannies and the two kids on the porch, with the billy standing in the yard, looking up at them. Corinne and Lorene were next down the stairs, carrying the two babies, since they had taken it upon themselves to...

4 years ago
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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 9

RED I opened my eyes with a huge goofy smile. My head was throbbing with happy drugs, and I felt the tingling, buzzing feeling at the stump of my left arm had moved, maybe, three inches further down than it had been. I turned my head to the side and saw that yeah. Yeah. The stump was a bit longer. Bones and muscles, growing out from the severed nothingness. A haze of nanites, buzzing in the air, making it fuzzy and shimmery. I swore I could see the skin growing, the bone growing, the veins...

1 year ago
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Best Served Cold Chapter 13 Goodbye and Hello

We talked the next morning, about our future, and about sex. It seemed more comfortable somehow after our night of fantasy.It had been three years since Michael moved on. Ever since the time Michael left us it was understood that Linda might take advantage of an opportunity to seduce a man she couldn't resist - that rare man who "gets" her and she considers "worthy" of her body. There had been only two of them, nearly a year apart - a very, very young artist she described as "wiser than his...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Little Sister

Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...

1 year ago
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The Sexperience

Hi guys I’m new…is the incident that took place nearly 2yrwen I was just 19 before when I was traveling to Gujarat to meet my parents who have gone there to look after their parents. So booked a ticket of bus n that to sleeper bus, I booked one whole double seat cabin which has space of double bed, n when I reached d stop saw my seat there was no one so I climbed up n locked d cabin, after about an hour d conductor came n told me that this old man would like to share d cabin with me n will pay...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Shower gifts

"Mom," Brenda yelled from just inside the front door while struggling under a load of wedding shower gifts, "you gotta come and see all of the cool things the girls gave me!!!" Her mother, still wiping her hands after washing the lunch dishes, caught a falling box that tumbled from her daughter's arms and replied, "My goodness Bren, you made quite a haul today didn't you!?!" "Uh huh," Brenda replied excitedly, "and you're just not going to believe it, but almost everyone there gave me expensive...

1 year ago
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Body Heat

Body Heat Susan seemed small, almost toy-like, lying naked in the center of the king-sized bed. The attractive, blue-eyed brunette, in her mid-thirties, was slightly less than five foot two in height, with firm breasts, a trim waistline, and considering her short statue a pair of long legs and nicely rounded knees. Opening her eyes, she focused them on the ceiling with its collage of muted colors from the sun’s first rays of daybreak. She ran her fingers through her mated perspiration-stained...

2 years ago
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Darth Demus Star WarsPart 4

As the blast door slid open with an audible hiss Obi Wan saw Demus at the far side of the hangar bay. Ships and planetary transports were spread out on either side of the hangar. Igniting his lightsaber Obi Wan entered removing his Jedi robe and tossing it aside. Looking at the Dark Lord he couldn't help but see James' face but it was different somehow. While James' features had possessed a certain gentleness and peace Demus' features reflected none of these things. Even as Demus...

2 years ago
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hindi adult joke

**Larki aa rahi hay ya ja rahi hay** Girl to boy: Tum larkay kisi larki mei sub se pehlay kia daikhte ho ? Boy: Yeh tou depend karta hai k larki aa rahi hay ya ja rahi hai … **Boy:chalo kisi sunsaan /viraan jagah chaltey hain!** Boy:chalo kisi sunsaan /viraan jagah chaltey hain! Girl:tum aisi-waisi harkat to nahi karoge? Boy:bilkul nahi! Girl:to phir rehne do… **Itnay saray bachay aik sath** Teacher: Bacho batao k billi 1 sath itnay saray bachay kaisay paida karti hay? Kid: Miss agar aap road...

3 years ago
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My Best Studies Ever part 2

“Benjamin…” she calls to me once again, coming down the hall to my bedroom. Samantha is all but insatiable when it comes to sex; judging from the tone of her voice, she wants another go at it, assuming I just don’t up and expire with a wild smile on my face. Her cell phone rings again, the last time it was our friend Tabatha who was to come over and had to cancel at the last minute; work related matters of course. “Hello…oh, hi…” I hear her speaking, “you can make it…and they…your...

3 years ago
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College Sex Chronicles II 19th Birthday Party Ga

Part 2 - My 19th birthday "party"! For my 19th birthday, near the beginning of my sophomore year at college, my fuck buddy Randy decided to throw a party for me. He told me in advance that it wasn't going to be a traditional birthday party, and requested I dress as sexily as possible. So I put on a black satin corset that exposed my breasts, laced up the front, my breasts heaving out of it. It contrasted greatly with my pale skin. My pussy was shaved bald, my belly flat, my nipples hard. I...

1 year ago
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Finally Tasted And Fucked Virgin Pussy

Hi, I am Aryan 23 freelancer from Bangalore. This is my recent latest encounter with a virgin girl. I always wanted to have sex with a tight virgin. All my previous encounters were with non-virgin females. This one was tight and amazing. This story is about me and Shru (name changed) having shared the most elegant moments together. Please read it only if you are horny as fuck. It had been already 100 days we (me and Shru) were together. The constant physical attraction towards each other had...

4 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 12

"Giant" recovered "Shriek" to her Boat Bay from R1 and flew U91, U92 and U 93 onto her davits. She slowly passed "Grendel" and "Gorgon" where U91 was flown by "Grendel's" crew into her Boat Bay and similarly U92 into "Gorgon" The opportunity had been taken to gain experience in close handling of these small craft by the ships' crews. The U90 series had an upgraded power plant with a small satellite craft attached which could be held by a tractor from the mother craft; the SC...

3 years ago
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Look what I found

- A GAY JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY -As per usual my summer holidays were spent with my grandparents on the island. I had just turned 17 and was finding out about sex. I had made sweet love to a couple of girls in the past few years. And before that, I had even experimented with some of my mates. The sex with them was sneaky and mostly done outdoors. The first time I got properly butt-fucked was at the local swimming pool. The lifeguard had been ogling me all afternoon. His muscular body, and the way...

2 years ago
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Lucky StoneChapter 4

It was about 6:00 pm and Dad was cleaning the kitchen and starting dinner. He asked me to take out the rubbish bins and make sure the gates were locked. As I headed out the back I heard Sue coming done the stairs. I ducked into the laundry until she went into the kitchen and then snuck back to the door to see what was happening. Sue was wearing a long t-shirt and I could tell she had no panties on. She walked up behind dad and gave him a hug as well as giving his cock a squeeze before...

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