Preconceptions Ch. 03 free porn video

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Darryl Turner was stunned at what he saw going on in his sister’s bedroom. He had just spent a lovely afternoon reconnecting with his sister over lunch and then really connecting with her during sex. Sex he knew that he would want again. Jisel had proven to be an incredible fuck, wild and erotic with a playful sensuality. To date, only two women had proven to be her superiors. One was their mother Deandra or ‘DeeDee’ as she now liked to be called. The other was his gorgeous, sexy pixie of a wife, his delightful Barby.

The same Barby who was now riding Jisel’s husband Frank in a reverse-Cowgirl position. She was fucking the daylights out of Frank and had a delighted look on her face as her smooth, educated little cunt took Frank’s cock deep inside of her. Barby was insatiable in bed and could likely outfuck any man, but Jisel’s earlier appraisal of her husband had not been an exaggeration. Her husband was indeed hung like a horse. That didn’t matter, what she had done with DeeDee and himself had been between the three of them. Frank was cheating on Jisel and Darryl wasn’t quite sure what Barby was doing and what it meant to their relationship. He still wasn’t used to the way Barby lived her life and by what rules.

Even though he knew that he should be jealous and angry, Darryl found it hard to summon up those emotions. Barby in the midst of a fuck always looked so beautiful. They had talked about putting a large mirror in their bedroom because he loved to watch her fucking. Her supple, petite body was so beautiful to watch as she moved in the dances of passion. Today her hair was in a pigtail and her lovely face was involved in the moment. Her breasts were still high and firm and she writhed up and down. She was wearing pretty pink heels and the remnants of her lingerie were in a tidy pile on a nearby chair. Her body slammed down on Frank’s cock and she groaned. At that moment, her eyes opened and she saw her husband and sister-in-law watching them.

‘Hi honey,’ Barby sighed and then began pumping her body up and down on Frank’s cock. ‘Why don’t you two strip and join us here? Once I’m done with Frank, I’ll still have lots of energy for my hubby — or his sister — or both,’ she giggled.

Barby’s offer didn’t shock him. By now, he knew his young wife was up for anything. Still, a few things had to be settled before anything further could happen. He couldn’t be upset with her over fucking another man, not when he had fucked his mother and now, his sister. But Barby had no right to involve Frank and she was being a bit brazen in assuming Jisel would want any part of this. ‘Barby,’ he said in a calm, collected tone. ‘You are fucking my sister’s husband.’

‘I know that, silly,’ Barby giggled. ‘I’m also fucking my daddy.’

For the very first time in his life, Darryl thought he might faint. He felt Jisel’s arms behind him, holding him up. ‘I think we should let them finish, you and I will go downstairs and make coffee,’ Jisel said to her brother. ‘We’ll all talk in a little bit.’

Darryl nodded and turned his head back towards his wife and brother-in-law. They seemed oblivious to his presence and Barby was panting as her … her father? … fucked her from behind.

His sister took his hand and led him downstairs to the kitchen. She looked at him with concern, it was obvious that all of this was troubling him. He looked shaken and his face was ashen. Jisel sighed and began to make the coffee.

‘How much did you know?’ Darryl asked her in a voice that sounded scared and confused. Jisel’s heart went out to her brother. She had looked out for him all of their lives and this was no different, although she hoped when he heard the full story he would feel a lot better.

‘I think we should wait until they get here and we’ll explain everything,’ Jisel said as the coffee began brewing. It was almost a cue, Frank and Barby entered the kitchen at that moment. Barby had thrown on a robe to cover herself, although it seemed unnecessary. Everyone knew what the robe covered up. The strawberry-blonde sat on her husband’s lap and kissed him gently.

‘I guess we have some explaining to do,’ Barby smiled, hugging her husband. ‘Don’t be angry sweetie, everyone had your best interests at heart.’ Jisel and Frank nodded.

‘It’s all … so much,’ Darryl sputtered. ‘Okay — my brother-in-law is also my father-in-law? My sister is my wife’s stepmom? How can this be? Frank’s last name is Richards, yours is Hill. Well, it used to be,’ Darryl buried his face in his hands.

His wife’s face smiled at him and he got lost in her eyes again. He knew that he would forgive her anything and that he still loved her fiercely. He just wondered what had been going on, what kind of conspiracy had he been unaware of?

‘I guess everyone should explain, right?’ Barby nodded to the others, who smiled and looked back at her. ‘We should start from the beginning and that’s me. I don’t have my daddy’s last name because he never married my mom and they don’t get along. Which is dumb because my mother’s a gorgeous redhead and daddy is a hunk … oops, I’m getting off-track. I have my mother’s last name, which is Hill.’

‘I only saw my daughter a handful of times as she was growing up,’ Frank said as he poured himself coffee. ‘Meredith — her mother — lives in North Carolina. We talked on the phone and exchanged cards and letters, so when she told me she was coming here to attend university, I was thrilled. I offered to let her stay with us, but she told me she had things all arranged with a roommate and everything, so that was fine.’

‘I knew about Frank’s daughter and was happy they had re-connected,’ Jisel told her younger brother. ‘I believe family is important. So does mom and we were both sad that you hadn’t found anyone yet. You needed someone special and you didn’t have anyone.’

‘That’s where I came into the picture with a small bit of serendipity,’ Barby giggled, messing her husband’s dark hair.

‘Frank wanted us all to get to know each other, so we started meeting for lunch a few times a week, sometimes just Barby and I and other times, all three of us,’ Jisel smiled. ‘I adored my new step-daughter and she liked me. When she told me she had a new crush, I asked her all about it. The more she talked about this man, the more familiar he sounded,’ she chuckled. ‘When she described you to a `T’, I asked her a few questions and it confirmed my suspicions. Barby had a crush on my younger brother. I went home and talked it over with Frank. At first, he was against our meddling in your personal life.’

‘I told them that you were entitled to live your own life and not to meddle,’ Frank grumbled as he poured himself another coffee.

‘I’m extremely glad that you changed your mind,’ Darryl laughed. ‘What convinced you?’

Jisel raised her hand. ‘That would be us,’ she smiled. ‘I promised my darling husband that if you and Barby ended up together that the four of us could enjoy some very interesting times together. Frank had already confessed to me over a few martinis that he was sexually attracted to his daughter. I had no problem with that because I was sexually attracted to my younger brother, so we made a deal. It’s all worked out for the best, hasn’t it?’

Darryl nodded and knew he couldn’t argue with any of it. It felt a bit odd at first, to know his relationship with his pretty young wife had been engineered by Barby with the cooperation of his older sister. In the long run though, it mattered little. He would have ended up with Barby anyway, she had him mesmerized from the second he noticed her. She had cast a spell over him and day by day, she kept moving him forward and taking him to places he could only have imagined before. ‘It’s all worked out for the best,’ he smiled, kissing his wife’s beaming face. ‘Was mom in on it too?’

Barby giggled and Jisel shook her head. ‘No, that was an unexpected surprise for us,’ she chuckled naughtily.

Jisel didn’t understand the re
ference and had a puzzled expression on her face. She looked at her sister-in-law and then her brother and all of a sudden, the reality hit her. ‘Oh my God, my brother is a motherfucker too!’ Jisel howled and began to laugh.

‘He wasn’t alone,’ Barby sighed. ‘Mmm, making it with DeeDee was a wonderful experience!’


‘That’s what Barby calls mom,’ Darryl explained. ‘She seems to like it and it suits her. Well, it suits her now — you’ll see.’

‘I think my mind is now officially blown,’ Jisel laughed. She pointed at her stepdaughter / sister-in-law. ‘You, you little minx, have surpassed all of our expectations. Since you’ve now made it with everyone in my family except for me, can I safely assume that it’s finally my turn to hit the sheets with you?’

Barby got off of her husband’s lap and went over to Jisel. She wrapped her arms around Jisel’s waist and pulled her close. ‘I think that’s a safe assumption,’ she smiled as she kissed the sexy blonde warmly. Jisel was in an entirely new world. The desire to be with another woman had lurked below the surface for years and she had almost, almost made a pass at Brandy one time. Fearful of discovery by her mother or brother, she had pulled away. Now, in full view of her husband and brother, she was kissing this beautiful, sexy, vital young woman and it made her senses go swimming.

Having Barby’s sweet, gentle kisses mingle with her own was unlike any experience Jisel had ever known. She could feel her body heat up and it was such a sensation that she couldn’t find the words to describe it. Today had been a day of firsts, a rendezvous with her beloved baby brother and now his wife — and it was still early. With the men watching their every move, Barby led Jisel back to the bedroom where she had been fucking her father. ‘I’m going to take you to the moon,’ Barby told her in that soft, husky voice of hers. Jisel had fantasized about her sister-in-law ever since meeting her and as Barby dropped the robe to the floor, Jisel realized something new. Every naughty fantasy she’d had about the younger girl was about to be surpassed.

Darryl watched his beautiful, young wife interact with his sister and thought that Jisel might just have met her match. Barby was almost insatiable in bed and as she got Jisel out of the clothes she was wearing and revealed the black lingerie Darryl had seen earlier, Barby sighed. ‘I love your lingerie, Jisel,’ she purred. ‘It looks so good on you, I love a woman in lingerie.’

‘We’ll go shopping,’ Jisel promised. ‘I’ll buy you some sexy items, we’ll drain your Daddy’s credit card.’

‘DeeDee too?’

Until that moment, the full implications of her new world had not yet hit the 28-year old blonde. Things had changed far more drastically than she had anticipated. ‘Sure,’ she nodded at the strawberry-blonde. ‘Mom can come along with us.’

‘You should call her DeeDee,’ Barby smiled and bent down to lick one of Jisel’s nipples. ‘It really gets her horny.’

‘Wow,’ Jisel breathed heavily. ‘I can’t believe I’m considering having sex with my own mother, it’s all so wild and kinky.’

‘You’ve had sex with my husband and he’s your brother,’ Barby chuckled. ‘I fucked my daddy and it was so, so good, well worth the wait,’ she told Jisel. ‘We’re just a very loving and naughty family with desires outside the norm. Why worry? We’re loving and happy and we’re going to fuck whenever we want.’ Barby ended her statement by kissing Jisel and pulling her into the rumpled bed. ‘I almost gave in to my desires and fucked you the very first day I met you,’ she said with a naughty smile. ‘I sure as hell married into a sexy family.’

Jisel found words wouldn’t form in her mouth and it felt as if it had been stuffed with cotton. Her stepdaughter / sister-in-law’s mouth was now feasting on her, bringing forth new desires and making her chill with pleasure. She could feel the men watching them and knowing she was doing something so daring in front of her husband — with his daughter — with her brother watching too — Jisel felt the thrill of a new chapter in her life beginning.

‘God, you’re a fucking naughty, sexy little bitch!’ Jisel moaned as Barby’s mouth sucked one coral-pink nipple.

‘Thanks. I was just thinking the same thing – Mom,’ Barby added as a tease. Her body began to move sensually as she pleasured her father’s wife, her husband’s sister. She could feel Darryl watching her every move and knew he wasn’t judging her at all. He was just taking in the eroticism of her play with Jisel and wondering what she’d do next.

Barby answered that unspoken question by going between her Jisel’s thighs and licking her pussy with ferocity. Jisel shrieked at the new feelings, a woman had never done that. She had thought about it several times and the reality was so much better. Electric shocks traveled through her body as the sweet young girl did whatever it took to keep her feeling so marvelous!

‘They seem to be hitting it off nicely,’ Darryl chuckled to his brother-in-law. It still seemed a bit odd that Frank had helped arrange his relationship with his own daughter. It was one of those things a person had to wrap his head around and adjust to. ‘So, what was it like — having sex with your own daughter?’

‘She can outfuck her mother, that’s for sure,’ Frank sighed. ‘Which is no small compliment because Meredith and I didn’t break up over the sex. She’s dynamite in the sack. You’re a lucky bastard, getting to fuck my little girl every night.’

‘More than that,’ Darryl laughed. ‘She’d have me spending all day in bed if I could, she’s insatiable. Hey, I know what my sister’s like now. You sure as hell have nothing to complain about,’ he told Frank.

‘Hey, you two,’ Jisel called out from the bed. ‘What are you yammering on about?’

‘Our gorgeous and insatiable wives,’ Frank answered.

‘Typical men,’ Barby groused. ‘Standing over there, watching us and talking when they should be in here with us, fucking. Okay, you two idiots — get out of your clothes! You have two very naked women in here who need some fucking. 4 isn’t quite an orgy but it sure as hell is a lot of fun,’ she laughed.

The two men looked at each other and laughed and got out of their clothes. Frank smiled as his beautiful daughter who was still wrapped in Jisel’s arms. ‘All right baby,’ he said to her ‘This seems to be your show. Who goes where?’

Barby scrunched up her face as she thought, her husband thought even that little motion was adorably sexy. ‘Okay daddy, I’ve got it,’ she grinned. ‘We’re all going to treat this gorgeous slut here to an unforgettable experience. She’s doing to ride your cock and I want you to really fuck her daddy, make her feel it. Bitch, it’s time for you to enjoy seeing my daddy licking my cunt, so I’m going to ride his face. I’m dying to see if he’s as good as I think he is. Darryl sweetie, your sister’s gonna give you a blowjob and then we’re going to mix it up. What are you all standing around for? Let’s get fucking!’

Everyone in the room followed orders and did as they were told. Jisel felt so lewd and depraved, taking orders from the younger girl. As she mounted her husband, she honestly didn’t care. His cock slid in where it had been hundreds, maybe thousands, of times. Jisel loved to fuck and it was the main reason she had married the much-older Frank — he was a stallion. Her body began to ride him, not too fast, because she needed to be stable to suck the large cock that was nearing her mouth.

Darryl grinned over at his sexy young bride who was eagerly riding her father’s licking tongue. Would he ever get used to her and her wild, unpredictable actions? He doubted it very much. As Jisel’s tongue began whirling around his cock, he honestly hoped he didn’t. Life had been a flurry of happy surprises since marrying the young coed.

Frank was doing his best to concentrate on pleasing the two women. Never, not in a million, not in a trillion years, would he have envisioned anythi
ng this wild happening. He could make out his wife blowing her brother and his tongue swabbed over his daughter’s pussy. He had eaten her before they fucked earlier on, but only briefly — she had been too eager to start. Barby was sweet and what a wildcat. Few men were lucky enough to experience someone like her and now, he’d had two wildcats in his bed!

Jisel was still trying to come to terms with all of this, even though she was partially responsible for its inception. She and Barby were close and their bodies pressed together, she loved seeing Barby’s blue-green eyes watching as Jisel sucked her husband, Jisel’s brother. Darryl had a lot of stamina, a lesser man would have crumpled to the ground under her oral assault.

Barby watched with a euphoric bliss as her family copulated together. She was thrilled that she had been able to bring them all together like this and it was only the beginning. She leaned closer to Jisel and nuzzled the gorgeous blonde’s neck. ‘We’re going to change things up,’ she told Jisel. ‘Follow my lead.’

‘Any time,’ Jisel breathed. The little nymph had cast an erotic spell over everyone in the room.

‘Daddy, I want you to fuck me and give me all of your cum, really fill me up,’ Barby insisted. ‘Darryl darling, you do the same to your sister and then, we two bitches will eat each other’s pussies clean. I’ve always wanted to do that, are you up for it Jisel?’

‘Oh God, yes,’ Jisel panted, overwhelmed with lust. The petite strawberry-blonde could have suggested they have sex in a snowbank and Jisel might have gone along with it. Both women got on all fours, wiggling their rumps at the men. When the men slid their turgid cocks into both snug cunts, the women howled and both begged for more. To a casual observer, it might have looked as if Frank and Darryl were trying to outdo each other. Not at all, they wanted to make their women cum and then watch Barby’s next lewd act.

Darryl loved fucking his sister, she had a nice, natural rhythm when she fucked. He pumped her full of his cock and observed as she and his wife kissed and murmured lewd words to each other. It was all so unimaginable and so fresh and new. He felt his sister’s pussy contract and he knew that for now, he was done. He let go and saw that Frank wasn’t far behind. The two men did what they could and fell away from their women.

‘Follow my lead,’ Barby instructed Jisel. Jisel nodded as that was all she had been doing so far. Still, everything had gone beyond her wildest dreams, so why stop now? She allowed herself to hover over her sister-in-law and lowered her face to the sweet, pink cunt as Barby’s lips surrounded hers. In a mutual, hot session of sixty-nine, the girls lapped the creamy spunk from each other’s horny pussies. The men just watched in amazement, stunned at the fully unleashed, erotic potential of the two beauties.

‘God, what an amazing, sexy little whore you are!’ Jisel breathed between licks. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this!’

‘Are you enjoying it?’ Barby teased as she came up for air.

‘Stupid fucking question, bitch,’ Jisel laughed and went back for more pussy. She looked over at Frank, who had an almost-stunned expression on his handsome face. Darryl didn’t seem to be as perplexed, as if he was adjusting to Barby’s kinky nature and had made his peace with it. As that thought faded from her mind, so did all others. Another orgasm overtook her and her brain lost coherent thought for a few minutes.

If Jisel thought they were done, she didn’t know Barby well enough. Barby’s body was slick from perspiration, her lovely hair matted to her head and still, she looked sexy. She kissed Jisel and Jisel tasted her own spend for the first time. It was nice. The two women looked at each other and smiled.

‘Do you think you can handle a little bit more?’ Barby asked.

‘Another stupid fucking question,’ Jisel giggled. ‘What did you have in mind?’

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Good Neighborly Living By: Londebaaz Chohan This new couple; John and Lilly moved next to my house about 2 months ago. First there was a bit hesitancy but soon the ice melted and we were good friends. John had just graduated from college and married his class mate from college and I was about 3 semesters behind in graduating from the very same school they had graduated from. They were happy to know that instead of wasting my lottery win money; I paid my college dues and tuition fees in advance...

3 years ago
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Accident Prone

AUGUST 20, 2011 It started the day Rachel Fleming almost blinded herself with drain cleaner. This was just after Michael's 18trh birthday, a Saturday afternoon, and he happened to be in the kitchen only by chance. A minute earlier or later, and Rachel would have suffered serious chemical burns, if not been disfigured. She was a klutz, almost painfully uncoordinated, and Michael had spent a good deal of his teenage years watching out for her. Especially over the last 14 months when there was...

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New PleasuresChapter 8

"Church," I replied seriously. Rhea laughed. "No where are you going?" she asked persistently, not hiding any of her teenage body. "Church." "No, you're not. The last time you were in church was my Christening and you pissed all over one of the gravestones. Mum and Dad were very embarrassed, they keep reminding you." I smiled. "Given that I was two you can't really blame me. I am off to Church." "You're not. Who are you going to see. Is it Abi? Or Sarah? Or..." "God?" I...

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Earths CoreChapter 27 The Unseen

As Zax was waiting for Sister Iaura to wake up, whilst in the meantime reckoning how to treat Niel, someplace else, on the opposite side of the planet and beneath the blue sky, happened to share the same inaudibility but with ambiance much less peaceful. ... Stelero Mars, Archbishop Silternjan, Cardinal Northstar, in addition to all fourth level Martial Mortal members of the church and several of the third level Martial Mortals, were seated on long backrest wooden chairs around a rectangle...

4 years ago
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Positive Turnaround Only For Amit

Many a times,I thought of expressing the sensitive true to life experience hidden within me for so many years.Of late I have come to a conclusion to let the world know all that I did for the benefit of my brilliant friend.He was getting derailed,diverted and ruined but with my efforts I could realign him to best of mode which makes him to remain obliged to me for ever. No doubt I was a very good student in school.Throughout my schooling I was in first or second position in results.My teachers...

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The Event The Search for MichaelChapter 4

"Traffic Control, Helsinki, come in, please?" Mischa radioed. "This is Soviet military flight at 68 degrees 11 North by 26 degrees 1 West magnetic at 210 high. Advise overfly, over." He held up the ear of his headset to indicate he was receiving nothing but static. "I have a big fat bomb and I'm going to drop it on your president, Finland," said, Mischa through the mike, grinning. "What did you say, Mischa?" Svetlana asked him, from the second seat. "I said, 'have a nice day',"...

4 years ago
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The Deck Hand The Beginning

I had just finished my junior year in college and was looking forward to relaxing for a week at home after finals week. I had always maintained a job at the local hardware store during the summer months to earn money for school. I usually was able to pick up some part-time work as well from their customers spreading mulch, painting, cleaning gutters, etc. Unfortunately for my hardware store, one of the larger chain stores had opened up just outside of town, and their business was way down.My...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 1 Freyas Falcon Coat

5004, OTT Outside the bitter cold winds of Longnight howled around the thick Duro-Crete walls of the Burg; but here in my mother’s drawing room it was warm and cozy. The soak-stones glowed warm with Tyranno Oil fire in the oven. I always thought her room was just a bit warmer than all the other rooms and halls. Here in her chambers the gray and drab Duro-Crete walls were mostly covered with velvet curtains and antique tapestries depicting the first settlers, the gods, scenes of great clan...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Family 8211 Part I

Hi goes aj me apko apni life k mutalik btana chahonga mera name Ali hy aur me pakistan k city Lahore se hu meri age 22 hy meri body average hy height 5.8 inch hy aur me college jata hu ab me apni kahani ki tarf ata hu. ISS club ko mene boht pehlese joi kia hoa hy lakin yahn meri ye first story hy I hope ap logo ko pasnd ayegi agar pasnd ayi to reply zarur kriyega. Mera ghar kafi bada hy 3 story hy nechy 3 room oper 2 room hein us se oper 1 room hy nechy hum aur meri tayi aur taya rehte thy oper...

1 year ago
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HobyBuchanon Brooke Johnson Loses At Pool And Gets Pounded Rough

Brooke Johnson came in from tanning outside and told me I suck at pool. I bet her if she deosn’t make the next shot I can give it to her rough. She misses and I grab her by the neck and start kissing her. I slap her titties and face and start fingering her pussy. I put her on her knees and fuck her face rough. I bend over and she eats my ass. I put my whole hand in her pussy and bend her over and begin pounding her cunt. I flip her over and pound her fuck hole even harder. I flip her over...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 19

Elizabeth, Gail and John wandered into the kitchen. There they found Tracy, Jenny, Mandy and Heather embroiled in a massive effort to select a location for, and then store, an entire kitchen's worth of tools, equipment, supplies and food. Amy and Janice were ensconced on stools at the breakfast bar, drinking soda and watching the women with glee. Much of the work was to cross-purposes. One woman would choose a home for, say, the dinner plates only to have another object to the use of that...

2 years ago
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Arizona heat Jennys Story Part 2

My mind raced. “Oh my God!” I thought, “Is she thinking what I think she’s thinking?” The mental image of Kate sucking on my breasts sent a detonation of arousal throughout my body. “Easy girl,” I said to myself, trying to contain the flood of libidinal energy, “this is a medical emergency, not a scene from one of Tom’s porno magazines!” I silently shook my head “no” and realized that I was holding my breath and trembling. A few awkward seconds passed, as Kate seemed to gather her courage. She...

3 years ago
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Psst I Dont Love My SisterChapter 2

Being a hopeless loser is not for everybody. If you are someone who finds happiness in being surrounded by friends, being a hopeless loser is not for you. I understand that I am different from other people. While I am not able to understand why a rich person would want to work, I can understand, in principle, why a rich person would not wish to sit at home all day playing video games. Some people find their happiness from being around others. I am not one of those people. After convincing my...

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Anthonys Cock Attacks

So much time had passed, yet! so little had happened. i remembered everything liked it had happened today. i can still see his big dark brown eyes, his hard jaw-line, the lemon scented smell of his body, the feel of his strong arms arouund me, the taste of his huge tongue deep inside my mouth, but most of all, i remembered the sight of his big fat hard glistening black cock, which can add up to about 11". Belonging to a young studd Anthony's (tony) as we called him. he was somewhat of a bully,...

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HootersChapter 3

Hoot and the Colonel had been returned to their quarters to freshen up, eat a bite, and relax for a while, when a knock sounded at the door. Answering the door, they found Child, with a goofy smile on his face, humming-not a tune really, just humming. His eyes appeared glazed and they had never seen quite that shade of skin tone before. The Colonel said, "Child, are you all right?" There was no change in Child's appearance or demeanor as he entered. It was if he didn't even hear or see...

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Meri Pehli Sex Guru

Dosto mai is bat ki aap se shart laga sakta hu ki aap apne sathi ke sath bahut achcha sex samay bita sakte ho agar aap me 2 khubiya hai, pehli aap apni ichcha ke anusar apne ejaculation par control kar sake, dusari apni sathi ki sex jarurato ke anusar uske sath sex kar sake.. Mene kai sex sambandho ke bad is bat ko jana aur apse share kar raha hu kyuki inhi guno ko apne andar badane ke karan aaj me apni kisi bhi sex partner ko khush rakh pata hu.. Dosto meri age is samay 38 ki ho rahi hai aur...

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18th Birthday

My 18th birthday fell in the middle of the week so I just had plans for a small sleep-over at a friend's house. Andrea and Jenny picked me up and we smoked a few joints on the way back to Andrea's house. After eating pizza and watching A Clockwork Orange, Jenny decided she wanted to sleep at home and left. Andrea and I headed up to her room to smoke more pot and hang out for the night. We put on some tunes and Andy started working on some art projects while I raided her closet for something to...

2 years ago
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The Girl on the Couch

I awoke suddenly. The girl who has been quietly sleep-spooning with me on the couch was stirring. In my half awake state I couldn’t quite make out what feeling I was experiencing, but I certainly liked it. As I blinked my eyes adjusted to the dark. I finally made out that she was now facing me, and rubbing my cock. I moaned softly, trying not to wake anyone else in the room. My best friend and her husband were sleeping on a couch no less than ten feet away from me. There were other party...

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Just fucked my VP of HR story and pics

SEPT 27 2016 Just busted a huge nut up in my 52yo VP of HR. I've always just wanted to see how that pussy was. A gallery with some pics of her are on my page please view them. Here's what happened.We are in Chicago the next 4 days interviewing candidates for the Chicago office. She and I ended up at lunch to discuss a few interviews and share our notes. Halfway through lunch she gets a text or email on her phone and is clearly pissed after reading it. I see her whole demeanor has changed...

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Love o My Neighbor

I am Ravi married since 17 years and my kids are in hostel and we are living alone with my wife. We are living in apartment and there are 4 home in each floor. We have one neighbor couple Rahul 32 years and Kinjal 27years.. My daughter is very fond of Kinjal and she used to spent lots of time with them. They did not have kids even after marriage of 5 years. We were good neighbors and used to have good time together on weekends and on festival times. Once during vacation my wife went to her...

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A Perfect Roleplay

Driving home, I thought about the ‘surprise’ my wife would have in store for me. It was my 40th birthday, so maybe an expensive gift along with the well-known ‘surprise’ cake, or some roleplay, perhaps. Then I got a tell-tale text message from the sweet wife, “Jaanu, come soon. We’ll have dinner together.” I smiled to myself. The SMS could mean that she probably ordered food and invited some friends. I parked and wiped my face with a wet tissue. Then I braced myself for ‘Happy birthday’ shouts...

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CatamountChapter 4

The darkness slowly receded and the oddly familiar jumble of conduits and beams coalesced into something real. Ross wondered briefly what it could be, and then it hit him. He was seeing the ceiling above his bunk aboard the Eudoxus. "What the hell?" he said aloud — well tried to say. It sounded more like 'uhangghh?' He groaned at the effort and sat up, fumbling in the dark for the squeeze bottle he usually kept on the table next to the bunk. His hand found it while his eyes were still...

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Typical South Dakota early June weather as on the Saturday we launched the boat the day was sunny and hot a good day for fishing and though the fish were slow to cooperate we were fairly successful, but by late afternoon the weather was breaking up with wicked looking storm clouds building and one mighty storm on its way. We stayed overnight at a motel cum casino with lightning, thunder and torrential rain and a tornado doing some structural damage in nearby Chamberlain. Sunday morning was...

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Resident Evil Mutation Chronicles chapter 1

Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail and she stood in dark combat fatigue in front of the team of 20 men and women who would be with her on the mission. Among them was S.T.A.R.S recruit Alexander Reaper. He had just joined the Racoon city police department when the incident that left the city destroyed due to the mass infection of the T-Virus had occurred. He had been lucky to escape the city before it had been nuked. Now he was helping to fight back against Umbrella corporation by...

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Family ReunionChapter 10

Carrie was hopeful that she was making the right impression. She had worn the most matronly clothes she owned, a conservative deep blue two piece suit. As she stood at the head of the table, she tried to surmise the effects of the speech she had just made. The members of her family sat quietly enough, and she felt that she had won them over. At the beginning of the lunch in the spacious private dining-room of the big house, both her son and daughter had declared their intentions of leaving...

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Its Good To Be King

Your name is Ethan, a 21 year old college student at the university. Your 6'3" about 185 lbs with a decent build due to your football days in high school. Your best friend is Michelle, buddy since you guys were 10 and you have both decided to be roommates this semester to cut on expenses, and hey, it's not like anything has ever happened between you guys. Michelle is about 5'5", athletic type build, and a basketball player on the college team. She has shoulder length brown hair, green eyes,...

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CastawayChapter 50

Cam didn't get to stay long, of course, only four days. She got hold of Marilyn while we were in the air—government pilots don't worry about cell phones messing up their instruments, which has always been silly, the way commercial ones do—and found she was scheduled to do a Boheme in South America. After that she'd go over to Europe for Don Carlo and Faust, and then on to New York for an extended stay at the Met. But it seemed that I had bookings too, or at least offers, when I phoned...

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By Homealone_447 Edited by Silverman Danika arrived at the entrance of one of the caves that spread across the hills of Montana. She was an amateur geologist and knew that there were plenty of pictographs inside the caves of the area. She had walked all day and it was getting dark. This was her last chance to find something before heading back to the cabin she rented for the weekend. “I am here! Hope to find something in this one.” Much to her disappointment, she couldn’t find any...

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She needed the money Chapter 20

Joy looked wide-eyed as Ann put on the strap-on dildo. She felt a mixture of lust and absolute fear. Not for one second did she believe she could take 12” of dildo but, regardless, she got onto the bed on hands and knees. “Please Ann be careful. That is too big” she whimpered as she felt Ann climb on the bed behind her. Ann didn’t say a word. Instead she lined up and dildo to Joy’s pussy and slid the first couple of inches into Joy’s love tunnel. Joy gasped as she felt the dildo begin to open...

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Marys sexual awakening ll

Beth took Mary's hands and said follow me. Taking her to the bedroom Beth ordered, take those things off. But, Mary started to say. Get rid of them, Beth said sternly. Mary stood in front of Beth. Hands shaking she pulled off her vest, and started unbuttoning her blouse. Looking up Mary asked, what did I do wrong. Beth just watched silently. Stepping out of her pants, Mary hung her head, feeling ashamed standing in only her lingerie. Turning her around Beth said, look at your self. Mary looked...

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Satisfying A Sex Starved Neighbor

Hi, my name is Rohit and I am from Vizag now staying in Hyderabad.I am a regular reader of iss. Today I want to share my own story which happened last week with my sex starved neighbour. After that encounter with my aunty I started to get really horny everyday. But as I moved to Hyderabad I was unable to get any pleasure.Many people contacted me after reading my previous story. Because of my busy work schedule I was unable to get laid with any of those who contacted me. Yes yes I know, I wasted...

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The Loft

Our family had just moved into a new home. To put it mildly, this was a fixer-upper.Lucky for us, our parents were pretty handy and had done a lot of the repairs and cosmetic fixes on our old place. Even still, this was not going to get fixed in a week or even a month.We had contractors come in and essentially gut the space with the exception of the bathrooms, the kitchen, one bedroom and the loft space upstairs. Mom and Dad took the bedroom. That left me and my sister to share the loft space...

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Mishrain ki chudai

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Mai Ek sarkari daftar me kam karta hun aur Bombay me akela...

1 year ago
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The Seduction of Aisha

It was a warm summer afternoon and Aisha was out and about soliciting donations for the new mosque that was recently built in the area. She had immigrated to America from Bangladesh only a few months earlier to attend a local college and was eager to share her Muslim faith in the community.Having led a very sheltered life, Aisha was a bit wary of Americans after all that she heard from her family, especially white males. She had heard that they were perverted and always looking to take...

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The Infidelity ClubChapter 8

VIVIAN The woman was late. Vivian fidgeted in the semi circular booth as she toyed with her Margarita, the salty rim of the glass accentuating the taste of the mixed drink. She had agreed to chair the city park committee as a favor to Terry. He, in turn, had first been asked and being deluged with projects at the moment still felt an obligation to help so he had asked Vivian if she would stand in as chair. An introvert at heart, Vivian had been hesitant, for the committee was at times...

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DIDHI 8211 my Wife8217s Sister

The weather was bloody foul. The sky was filing up without a break with dark thunder and rain clouds. The wind was gale force. At 3 in the afternoon, the ocean city of Puri was near pitch dark. I had to switch on the lights as I was in a rush to finish off some urgent work before I could send it by email. As I was emailing my report, I got a call on my cell. “Yes Didhi” I answered. Didhi was inherent. I had to calm her down and it took some time. Eventually, when she did I asked what the...

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JamesDeen Vivienne Wynter Doesn8217t Waste Any Time

Vivienne Wynter wastes no time. The camera turns on and so does Vivienne. This Kim Kardashian look-a-like, is on her knees begging for James Deen’s cock within moments. She completely fucks up James’ usual “getting to know” the amateur models routine. Vivienne doesn’t give a fuck. She applied here to fuck James, not to talk to him. This girl is build for porn. After sucking cock for a bit, she strips naked. Flashing the camera her big tits and tight shaved pussy....

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Sun Bathing Ex

So a few years ago my Ex was staying at my house to get away from her abusive former partner.I'd booked a week off work and the weather had actually been splendid for once, I'd bought some beers and we sat out in the yard drinking them, both of us in shorts and t shirts. As the sun came into the yard, the Ex had gone inside and put on a yellow bikini she'd bought and laid out to catch some rays, we finished the beers and I said I'd go and buy some more, as I was in the house I also stuck my...

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