The Black Seas Ch. 20 free porn video

Tortuga, 1706
Tortuga was bustling with the sounds of music, shouts and fights. The pirate port carried on with its everyday routines except for today it had a visit paid to it by the infamous Blackbeard and his crew.
The giant black bearded pirate walked through the streets followed by a contingent of his men following close behind. The patrons of the pirate port consisting of both pirate and associates of pirates quickly stepped aside to allow the new comers birth.
The streets were lined with taverns and brothels. On many of the balconies of both businesses were patrons either drinking and carrying on loudly or fighting and tossing each other over the sides of the railing.
Blackbeard and his crew ignored the humans and their petty troubles. Their focus was ahead to the end of the block where the street split to the left and right leading to other establishments. Their destination had the best entertainment and woman in all of Tortuga.
The demon pirate and his crew of damned felt the need to defile whatever human woman they would acquire throughout the night. Blackbeard had grown tired of Mary Read after using her over the past few weeks. She remained chained in his cabin, however. He would need something to play with on those trips between ports after all.
Blackbeard wasn’t the only well known pirate to step foot into the port of Tortuga this night. Calico Jack Rackham followed in close pursuit of the demon captain in hopes of finding his sister easily.
Word had spread through the Caribbean about the sea battle between Blackbeard and Robert Maynard and its aftermath. Rumor had Mary Read placed aboard Blackbeard’s ship as his prisoner and it was highly anticipated Jack’s sister would be hastily in recovering her. Calico decided to use those turn of events to his advantage. By rescuing Mary Read, he hoped to draw Rusalka in and finally reunited with her.
So he waited to bring his ship into port under the cover of night. After docking some distance from the Queen Anne’s Revenge, he sent a group of men into the port to mingle and keep watch for the demon pirate. Meanwhile, Jack led a small group of men over to Blackbeard’s ship.
Jack along with five of his best men took a small boat across the moonlit inlet. He left Howell Davis, his first mate, to keep watch over the Radiant Discordand if Jack failed take the ship over as its captain.
Jack didn’t plan to fail.
The inlet was calm and quiet with the exception of the port’s rowdy patrons. They rowed slowly to prevent excess noise from rising and drawing unnecessary eyes down onto them. When the small craft was within five hundred yards of their destination Jack gave a hand signal to the men and they slowly slipped over the edge of the boat into the water.
They swam through the dark murky water to reach the ship. Using the anchor ropes then men hauled themselves up onto the deck. Jack and his men eased over the railing sticking close to the long shadows cast by the brightness of the moon.
The deck of the Queen Anne’s Revenge was empty of life except for the lone sentry in the crow’s nest. Jack signaled one of his men and he left following the shadows then scaled the mast up to the nest. He climbed smoothly as the cool breeze lifted from the water and over the deck. The sentry didn’t know of the other man’s presence until a hand wrapped around his head and a knife ran across his throat. By then it was too late.
The man released the sentry letting him drop into the nest and then took his place. Once Jack was satisfied everything was still good he gave the signal to the rest of the men. They split up toward various parts of the deck to take up posts while Jack went to Blackbeard’s cabin.
Jack blasted through the door with his sword held at the ready. Mary Read jumped slightly at the unexpected entry but recovered quickly and regarded Jack with a disgruntled look.
‘Who are ye?’ she questioned him before he finished scanning the cabin.
‘Calico Jack,’ he responded with equal tone. He was busy staring at her as she jingled her chains and looked back at him with a waiting look.
‘Well? Ye going to help me or not?’ she asked blankly.
Jack blinked a couple times clearing his mind. He was amazed at her beauty and hadn’t seen beauty equal to her than his sister.
‘Yeah sorry,’ he said at last.
He crossed the expanse of the cabin and with two quick strokes the chains fell loose of Mary’s wrists. He helped her to her feet. She briefly searched the cabin for her clothing and found them. She dressed hastily ignoring Jack as she did so.
When she was done she said, ‘I actually expected Rusalka to come for me.’
‘I’m sure she intends to but I was in the area and thought it would be nice to do so meself,’ he replied smartly.
‘Flattering,’ she said dryly. ‘Are we ready to leave?’
‘After ye,’ he said with a bow.
Mary Read strode past Jack and pushed through what remained of the broken door, stopped and quickly slide to the right behind the cover of the stairs leading to the quarter deck. Jack who was traveling on her heels nearly fell over when she cut over so quickly. He caught himself and slide in behind her.
He followed her gaze out to the main deck where his crew was in the mist of battle with a demon. Three of his men lay dead. The other two fought were fighting for their lives.
Jack withdrew his sword and jumped out from the cover. Mary grabbed his arm as he passed stopping him. ‘What are ye planning?’
Jack looked back at her incredulously. ‘I’m going to help me crew.’
‘Leave them be. We can use them as a distraction and escape ourselves,’ Mary informed him.
‘I’m not leaving them to a fate they have no control over,’ he protested and yanked his arm free.
As he started off again Mary grabbed his arm once more. ‘Those that stay behind get left behind Jack. Don’t ye be a fool and get yerself killed.’
A flash of anger came over Jack’s face causing a brief moment of surprise for Mary who inadvertently released her grip on his arm.
‘Ye may follow a different code than me Mary Read, but I carry about me a sort of honor. They risked their lives to save ye and I’ll risk mine fer theirs.’
He turned and rushed out onto the deck without another word. He ran straight at the demon as quickly and quietly as he could with his sword held high for a strike. Upon reaching the demon he brought his sword down aiming for its neck, but the demon turned at the last moment bringing his own sword around to parry Jack’s.
Ah, Calico Jack ye yellow bellied sea dog. The demon spat. So ye are behind this foolish attack.
‘Aye,’ he answered as he swung a low strike at the demon’s legs. The attack was blocked and countered. Jack ducked the swing and stepped back. ‘And who are that I have the pleasure of killing?’
The demon didn’t answer right away. The two crew of Jack’s rushed in attempting to strike the demon from behind. The demon spun around knocking both blades aside. With a kick he sent one of the men backward then brought his sword around in an arc at the other head. The man ducked and jabbed out at him.
The demon sidestepped the attack bringing his sword around to block a strike at him by Jack. The other man tried using Jack’s distraction and made another assault at the demon again but to no avail. Each attack by either man was blocked or avoided.
By this time the third crewman recovered and joined the fray. The demon quickly realized each of the men he faced knew the sword and he had already heard stories of Jack’s exceptional skill with a sword. He didn’t fret on the thoughts but knew one mistake could be the turning point in their favor.
‘As I have asked ye once before,’ Calico Jack stated in an attempt to play on the demons overconfidence. ‘What is yer name? So that I know who I be killing.’
Henry Morgan. The demon answered. And
it is ye that will be on the killing end of me blade.
The four of them danced. Their swords rang from metal striking metal. None of them gained an upper hand over the other. Meanwhile, Mary Read had slipped from her hiding spot and quietly made her way along the edge of the railing to the long boats. Being a higher demon than Morgan she had a fair chance to defeat him, but her concern was escape over fighting. Besides, she thought, let the humans be foolish enough to pick a fight.
She had just gotten the boat released and ready to lower into the water when Jack was thrown into the boat. His impact caused the boat to swing sideways and come crashing to the deck.
‘So ye decided to get the boat ready fer us,’ he said sarcastically. ‘Not planning on leaving without thanking me are ye?’
‘Why of course not,’ Mary Read said sweetly. ‘She would kill me if I left ye.’
Jack was puzzled for a brief moment and thought to ask Mary what she meant when one of the two crew men cried out in pain. Jack spun to see Morgan’s sword thrust deep into the man’s chest. The other crewman lay off to the side gripping his side. Blood slowly seeped from the wound but the man looked like he would otherwise survive.
Jack quickly turned back to Mary and said, ‘Get him on the boat, I’ll deal with our friend Morgan.’
Before Mary could protest Jack was already running at the demon with his sword tightly clutched in his hand. He reached Morgan just as the demon pulled his weapon free and turning to strike the other helpless man.
Morgan’s blade came down quickly toward the man. He put his arms up as if to block the strike, but Jack’s blade met Morgan’s before it ever reached the man.
‘Go!’ he yelled at the crewman. Then using all his strength he forced Morgan’s sword up and back. He followed up with sever strikes at the demon, all missing.
This forced a grin of the demon’s face. Ye are a fool to give yer life for them.
‘It’s what keeps me from being anything like ye,’ Jack bit back.
Morgan laughed as he struck out at Jack. He twisted allowing the sword the glide past his chest easily. Then stepping in Jack was well within the demon’s guard. Jack slammed into him, driving his sword through Morgan’s stomach.
Jack pushed with all his strength, forcing the demon back until he hit the mast. Both demon and man grunted from the impact. Morgan’s sword clanged as it fell from his grasp and hit the deck and rolled.
Jack stepped back away from Morgan leaving his sword stuck through the demon and the wood of the mast. Morgan struggled against the impalement to no avail.
‘Ye are the fool for matching blades with me,’ Jack said.
Shouts suddenly rose up to the main deck followed by the echoes of boots. Jack rushed over to collect Morgan’s sword with the intention to slay the demon.
He had just scooped it up when a group of the demon crew began filtering out onto the deck. Jack froze for a second thinking his course of action when Mary Read broke into his thoughts.
‘Come ye fool!’ she yelled. ‘Ye can have yer revenge some other time!’
Jack turned toward Morgan and held up the sword. ‘Nice sword, better than mine. Do ye mind if I keep it?’ he asked with a mocking smile.
Ye are dead human! Morgan snarled.
‘We all have to die sometime,’ Jack remarked. He turned and ran to the edge of the boat. Mary Read already had the boat lowered to the water and was beginning to row out. The injured crewman sat on the opposite side still clutching his side.
Jack turned to see Blackbeard’s crew rushing him. He spun back around, closed his eyes for a second then leapt.
He landed in the center of the boat and nearly fell out from the rocking had it not been for Mary grabbing his belt to hold him steady.
‘Thank ye,’ he said.
‘No, the thanks go to ye for not getting yerself killed,’ she said in turn. ‘Now where is yer ship?’
‘Over there,’ he said pointing. ‘We need to hurry before Blackbeard gets wind of us.’

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