Kitty Is In The Wrong Place. free porn video

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Kitty was in the wrong place. She was given directions and mixed them all up. She was supposed to meet Helen at the bar and they were to have a nice drink and chat. Helen told her that she would be late and she should wait for her. She promised that she would not stand her up as she had done to Helen last week. As she walked into the bar she noticed it was not the kind of place she was used to. It was dark and loud. She found a table along the wall and sat down to wait for Helen. She had dressed to impress Helen. A lovely light pink dress with a low neck line. The hem came to just above the knee and matching pink shoes. The waitress was on her phone when she walked in. "She's here now. Yes I will get pictures. I'll call you when it's done." The waitress came to her and looked her up and down. Looking at Kitty like a meal to a starving woman. " My name is Barb. What can I get for you sweetie?" She leans in close to Kitty. "I'm meeting a friend here. I'll wait for her please?" The waitress move her face close to Kitty. "Baby you can order for both of you now. Then she won't have to wait. Besides Sue doesn't like people sitting and not drinking." Kitty looked over at the bartender, Sue. She was a tall girl with a nice body. She was dressed in a tank top and Kitty could see the tattoo's on her arms. She looked at Kitty and it sent a shiver down her spine. " I will order two white wines please." Her voice quivering. The Barb walked to the bar and Kitty caught herself watching her walk away. She looked down and turned red. Not wanting the Waitress to see her looking. Sue saw her though. "She looks out of place Barb. Does she know where she is?" barb looked back at Kitty. " No, I don't think she does. But she will soon. She said she is waiting for someone. She will figure it out soon. Timid little thing. Maybe she needs a night out of herself?" Sue looks at Kitty. " You going to try for her with her friend coming?" " I don't think her friend is coming here. I would not send her into a place like this alone. It's like throwing stake to a lion. Mix me a special would you." Sue reached under the bar and took out a little bottle of clear liquid and pored it into the wine glass. " Thanks Sue." barb walked back to the table and places the special in front of Kitty. " Here you are. I hope you enjoy it. " I'll wait for my friend, thank you." Barb leaned in close to Kitty. " You will drink it now missy. I don't carry them so they sit and get warm." Kitty was shocked at the way Barb was speaking to her but put the glass to her lips and started drinking. " That's better Missy." Then with a smile she turned and went to the bar. Kitty watch as she spoke to a few girls and as she did they all looked at her.
Where can you be thought Kitty. I have been here for an hour. In that hour Kitty noticed that she did not see a single man in the bar. As it got later she didn't see many people at all. Sue, Barb and about five other girls. Barb had come over and given her another drink. She felt strange when she spoke to Barb. Like she was in cotton. A large woman came over to her. " Let's dance Missy." And took her hand pulling her to her feet. " I'm waiting for someone." The woman pulled her close. " I wasn't asking Missy. You like that name? Missy. That's who you are now. Got It!" She pulled her to the dance floor and started slow dancing with her. Kitty felt her hands all over her body. On her legs and ass. Pulling her up by her cheeks. " Missy you have a nice ass. Firm and tight. I like that in a girl. Call me Pat." Kitty didn't know what to do. This big woman was dancing her towards the back of the bar. She tried to pull away but she was so strong. " Kiss me Missy." and she leaned in. Kitty pulled back away from pat's mouth. She saw a flash of anger in Pat's eyes. The big woman slapped her across the face. " Missy you kiss me and do whatever me and the other girls want if you know what's good for you. And she leaned in again. Kitty let her kiss her. Pat pushed her up against the wall and ran her hands up to her breasts. "Mmm' The large woman moaned into Kitty's mouth. She felt Pat reach under her dress and into her panties. Pat took hold of them and pulled. They ripped right off." Oh god what is happening here. Am I to be ****d by a woman?" Kitty thought. Pat brought the panties to her face and in hailed the scent. She then stuffed them into Kitty's mouth. "Shush Missy. Don't want to get the other girls here to fast now. I want some time with you first." With that Pat pushed two thick fingers in Kitty's pussy. Pat's fingers were pushing up into Kitty and her pussy was responding to the Pat's hands. Kitty see's another girl coming over to them and tries to get away from Pat. Pull back and away she breaks free from the large woman and moves to the hallway only to be grabbed by the hair by the new girl." Where are you going cunt? Pat you had your chance to do things nice. Now we do things my way. You come with me." She pushes Kitty into the ladies room and into a back stall. The stall is bigger than most and has some hooks in the wall to high to hang your coat on. Pat is in the stall with them and watches as this new woman pulls Kitty's hands together and wraps her belt around them. " What are you doing?" Kitty asked " You don't need to do this I will leave. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry." "Don't make it too tight Bell." Pat says." Remember last time. Besides I think it would be fun to watch her get away." Bell pulls Kitty's hand up high above and over one of the hooks on the wall. Her feet barely touching the floor. Bell stands back and looks up and down Kitty's body. Kitty is still dressed but feels as if she is naked the way bell and Pat are looking at her. " Now Missy you had your chance with me to give it up to me willingly but Bell here, She can't wait for you to be nice. We want you to get down on your knees and suck our cunts till we fill your mouth with cum. Will you do that for us?" Kitty looks around the room for escape and Bell slaps her face hard. " That's a no I think. Pat I need to encourage her a little." Bell reaches out to Kitty and pulls her dress down and off the small woman hanging on the wall. She drops in on the dirty piss covered floor and reaches for her panties. Tearing them off she stuffs them in Kitty's mouth. commenting that they were wet. " Suck on your cunt juice Missy. I'm going to start convincing you." She grabs Kitty and turns her around to face the dirty wall. The wall is cold and Kitty's nipples get hard from it. Standing on her toes like this makes her soft round ass stick out. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. Kitty's ass is spanked over and over. " Are you ready? Are you ready? ARE YOU?" Bell kept spanking the smaller girl till she gave in. "Yes, Okay I will. YES!" Kitty yelled. Bell reached up and pulled her hands off the hook and pushed her to her knees. Pat was already pulling down her pants and panties. Pat tilted her hips forward pushing her pussy out toward the girl. Bell grabbed Kitty's hair and pushed her face into Pat's exposed pussy. "Lick her good Missy or it's back in the hook. I may put you up there anyway." Kitty slowly stuck out her tongue and started to lick on Pat's pussy. Light strokes on her lips. Gently. Softly. "What are you doing? Have you never lick a cunt before?" Pat grabbed the back of Kitty's head and mashed her face into get open pussy. "Get your tongue in there and EAT IT SLUT!!!" Kitty felt her mouth forced open and her nose pushed into Pat's hairy mound. Bell in the meantime had taken off her pants and shirt. Pulling the belt from her pants she doubled it over in her hand. She brought it down on Kitty's ass. "You heard her slut. Get in there. Make her happy bitch." As she spoke the belt kept coming down on the poor girls ass making her cheeks hot and red. And strangely her pussy wet. She licked at Pat's pussy harder And found her swollen clit. In her mouth it felt like a little cock and she wanted to suck it. To make it harder. She felt Pat stiffen between and start to cum. "Aaaa Bell she is doing it. Our little slut slave is making me Cummmm." Pat leaned back against the wall and rested. Kitty stayed on her knees on the dirty floor.
"Take this Pat while I untie her hands. She not trying to run anymore. She Is ours now. Aren’t you slave slut? " Kitty nodes her head and lowered her eyes to the floor. Bell faced the wall away from Kitty and bent over." Slave slut I like my asshole licked. Now you crawl over here and spread my ass cheeks and lick it good. I want to feel your tongue in there deep." Kitty crawled to the big woman and places her small hands on the woman's ass and pulled her cheeks apart. Her dark asshole opened and Kitty started to lick making it as wet as she could. Pat stood behind her with the belt in her hand. It was no longer doubled over but she had wrapped it around her hand and left about a foot hanging lose. " Get in there slave or I will strap your ass and back till you do." Kitty started to push her tongue into Bell's ass as far as it would go. Tongue fucking Bell's ass as fast as she could. "Is she doing aright Bell? Is the slave doing a good job?" Pat asked. " Not as good as she will Pat. encourage her a little. I think she needs that belt to help her get in there deeper." Pat swung the belt down on Kitty's ass. SMACK. Kitty cried out as the belt struck her ass. "More Pat she goes in deed when you hit her. I love when she yells in my asshole." SMACK,SMACK,SMACK Pat spanks the poor slave girl. Smiling the whole time. " That's it slave Missy. Now you're getting it. Yes. Nice and deep. YESSS" Bell pulls away from Kitty and sits on the toilet. "Come here girl. Come here and eat this cunt!" Kitty crawls to Bell and puts her face in between her spread legs and starts to lick her wet pussy. CRACK. The belt hits her ass and for some unknown reason she raises her ass up higher and moans into Bell pussy. She can't understand yet but she is getting this over whelming need to serve this woman.
" What is happening to me. The belt… I need the belt. I want the belt." She thinks to herself. "Is this where I belong. On the dirty piss covered bathroom floor naked servicing a bull dyke and her friends?"
As she asks herself this question she slows down her licking and is rewarded with a belt to her back. Kitty thinks that is she makes Bell cum it will be over and she can try to figure out what is happening to her. And why is she so wet and turned on. Kitty starts to lick Bell from asshole to clit in long hard strokes. With each slap from Pat she redoubles her effort. It is working. Bell is getting wetter and wetter. The juice coming from the big woman is more that poor Kitty can take and it spills down her face. Seeing the slave girls face all wet from her pussy makes Bell cum hard and mash her pussy into the smaller girl. "Take it you slut. Take all my cum you little whore. So good. So GOOD!!"
Bell pushes Kitty away and Pat grabs her and reties her hands. "Oh why?' Kitty asks. " We are not done with you yet Missy. We have other girls that need your special attention Slave Missy." She hangs Kitty back on the wall and pinches her nipple hard making Kitty cry out. Bell steps up and shoves the dirty panties from the floor back into her mouth. "Shut your slut mouth till it's on a cunt Missy! You still don't understand. You belong to us now. We will do anything we want to you and you will let us or pay the consequences." Bell steps between Kitty's legs and spreads them apart. She brings her hand to the girls pussy and rubs it. The girl is wet. Very wet. Bell want to try something and slaps the girls pussy hard three times. Kitty moans. " I think we have a good one Pat. Little Missy here is a pain slut." pat pinches Kitty's nipple again and Kitty moans more and pushes her chest out to the woman. Both women keep up their pinching and slapping of poor Kitty's breasts and pussy. Kitty feels a orgasm coming on and tells her self "NO. Don't cum. Don’t let them see you cum…" But she can't stop it and she cums hard pushing out her breasts and spreading her legs wider. She wants the torture. The pain. The humiliation of cuming as she is abused for the enjoyment of Pat and Bell.
They were not the only ones that wanted to play with Kitty. Barb came in with a glass in her hand. "Missy your friend never showed up. I think you should drink this." Barb was not surprised that Kitty was hung on the wall naked. She had seen this before and enjoyed the game. She held the glass up to Kitty's lips and helped her drink. " No sipping Missy. Drink it all down in one shot." Barb pours the wine into Kitty's mouth and some spills down her face and breasts. Pat smacks her ass. "Stupid girl. We got a little pain slut here Barb. She likes it rough." Barb sets the glass down and licks the wine off Kitty. "I have more for you Missy. I have some nice whiskey for you. Do you like whiskey Missy?" Kitty shakes her head no. " Oh too bad. Pat I'm going to get my bag of toys" Barb leaves and comes back with a large leather bag. She reaches inside and pulls out two nipple clamps. She takes Kitty's left nipple in her mouth and sucks it hard. Biting a little till she gets a moan from the hanging girl. Once the nipple is hard and full of blood she puts the clip on it. Kitty moans and pushes her chest out from the wall. Barb does the same to the right nipple. "Now this won't do at all." Barb says as she runs her fingers though Kitty's neatly trimmed bush. "No I need you smooth for this next part. Bell, do you have your friend with you?" Bell pulls out a straight razor from her pants and hands it to Barb. She opens it and checks to see if it is sharp. Barb gets a rag and turns on the hot water in the sink. She wets the rag and wets Kitty's pussy and soaps it up. "Pat, Bell hold her legs open for me. Missy. Don't move or I may cut your clit off. Barb slides the razor down over Kitty's mound and over her pussy lips. Soon her pussy is clean and smooth. " Nice. All better. Do you want that drink now Missy?" Kitty says no to the girl and Barb smiles. She takes a big drink of the whiskey and quickly puts her open mouth on Kitty's pussy. The whiskey burns the newly shaved skin and swells her clit. The pain is delicious. And Kitty wants more. Barb goes back into her bag and gets a pussy pump. She places it on Kitty's pussy and pumps it a few times to make a seal. " What's going to happen now is that I am going to fill your clit with blood and make you want to cum. But we won't let you till you make us all cum. We will keep you right on the edge but not push you over. You will beg and plead. We beat and spank and pinch. You will be tied to the wall and floor. You will be used in all manner of ways. And only then will we let you cum. Now who's my good slave?" And she squeezes the pump a few more times. " I am." Kitty says. The next hours were a blur for Kitty. One girl would be done with her and the next would be sent in. All manner of torment was inflicted on Kitty. After Barb pumped her pussy she put a clip on her clit that would not let the blood out. It stayed insanely hard.
She was taken off the wall and made to lick Barb for a while. Then Barb strapped on a dildo and pushed it deep in Kitty's ass. It was think and long and dry! "Did you r friend leave you here for us Missy? Is she out with her friends laughing and telling them how she sent this little girl into a pit to get used and fucked?" Barb was thrusting into Kitty's ass harder with each word. "Fucking slut. Whore. Suck slut." The words meant nothing to Kitty. She had no idea why she was being treated this way. She only knew she didn't want it to stop. Her ass opened to Barb and she moaned with each thrust. She felt the clip on her clit each time the dildo bottomed out in her ass. She heard, as well as felt Barb cum hard. "That was nice bitch." And slapped her ass hard. She unstrapped the dildo and left it in her ass. Pulled the straps around and ties them on front so it wouldn't come out. She pulled Kitty up and hung her on the wall for the next girl. " I'll be right back with your drink Missy." The Bartender Sue came in next. She fingered Kitty's pussy as she stood next to her and whispered in her ear. " Such a little whore. Our slut. You want to cum don't you? Would you like me to help you cum?" Kitty Moaned. "Yes Please. Please My clit is so hard and dripping. Please!! I'll do what you want I don't care but please…" Sue smiled. "Not yet cunt." She took her off the wall and pushed her down on the floor. "Take off my pants." Kitty pulled the tight leggings down Sue's long legs and reveled her pussy and huge clit. "Suck that clit like a little cock Whore. Suck it good and maybe you will get yours sucked." Sue pulled Kitty's face tight to her. Pulling the girls hair and hurting her. Sue liked that it hurt. Sue liked rubbing her pussy in this weak little girls pretty face. Looking down at her. Girls like this had looked down on Sue her whole life and this girl would pay for it all. Thinking this Sue came and flooded Kitty's mouth. "Keep sucking whore! Put your mouth on it and suck!!!!!" Sue pulled up her pants and pulled the girl to her feet. Kitty was hopeful that Sue would help her. But that was not going to happen. She found herself back on the wall ass out and without a word Sue left. Barb came in and gave her another drink. The drinks were doing something to Kitty. She was so horny despite the treatment she was getting. Another girl came in. Kitty did not get her name. She took a paddle out of Barb's bag and rubbed it over Kitty's ass. " You kissed my girl friend Bitch. I know you did. It's going to cost you. I don't like little whores like you kissing my girl." The paddle came down hard on Kitty's ass. " I don't know your girl and I didn't do anything with her." Kitty cried. SMACK the paddle came down again. The dildo in Kitty's ass was in the way. The girl pulled it out and brought it to Kitty's face. " Open your mouth slut!" Kitty opened and the dildo was put in sideways. "Bite down and hold this cock in your mouth. If it falls we start over." and she went back to spanking Kitty's ass. " We were together twelve weeks and you took her away from me! Your getting a swat for every time we fucked. Twenty four!!!" Kitty realized that she was not who the girl was mad at but she was going to get the punishment for it. Swat after swat came down on her and the dildo stayed in place for fear that this unknown girl would stay true to her word and start over. When the last one landed (the hardest one) she turned Kitty around on the hook. She pulled the dildo out of her mouth and dropped it on the floor. She pulled kitty's face to her and kissed her hard on the mouth and left. Barb came in and gave her a drink. Pat and Bell came in and took her off the wall and retied her. She was on her knees. Arms tied together and sticking strait out from her back and secured to the wall. This caused Kitty's chest to stick out and her legs to spread. Bell slapped Kitty's face. " You're going to love this Missy." And she and Pat walked out turning off the lights. Kitty did not know how long she sat in the dark. Her arms were on fire and her knees hurt as well. Suddenly that lights came on and two drunk girls came in. They went into the first stall. " Those bitches were lying. She's not here." Kitty made noise hoping that the girls might help her." The sluts back here. Look at her. Waiting for us. Pat and Bell said you were the clean up girl here." With that she sat on the toilet and pissed out all her drinks for the night. She got up and pushed her dripping pussy in Kitty's face. "Lick it slut!" Kitty did and the girl moved away and the next one moved in and did the same. They laugh and pulled Kitty's face up to look at them. "The sign on the door says that you’re here to clean all comers. No matter you say. So enjoy you sick bitch. The bar is filling up. You're going to be licking a lot of pussy clean tonight." Girl after girl came in and used Kitty as toilet paper. Some wanted to be licked. Others just wiped their wet pussy's on her face and hair. Her breast were pinched and slapped. Her clit, still in the clip was fondled and stroked. But she was not allowed to cum.

Pat and Bell came in and took her off the wall. The helped her clean up. "Your almost done here Missy." Bell said. "But you can't go home like this. We have some new clothes for you and all you have to do is walk out and get them.." Kitty hands were cuffed in behind her. Pat and Bell walked Kitty out into the bar and were met with applause from the bar. Kitty looked around and saw a new dress on a hanger at the far side of the bar. Before she could go to it she was stopped by Bell. " Not so fast Missy." She passed between Kitty's legs and over the handcuffs dropping it on the floor. Kitty saw that the rope went all the way to the new dress. It was thin rope like clothes line and had been knotted every six inches along it's whole length. " All you have to do is walk over there and get the dress. Pat reached down and put the rope right between her pussy lips. " Yes Missy. You will slide your cunt down the rope all the way to the other side pulling each knot over your sweet, wet, thick clit. I told you we would let you cum and that's how you are going to do it. And we all get to watch. Watch you walk though the bar. Look at every pussy you ate. Every fuck you got. Look at the girls who beat you and fucked you. Pissed in your mouth and face. Who hung you on the wall and fingered your cunt and didn't let you cum. But you will now. Each knot will rub your clit till you cum over and over. WALK SLUT!" Pat slapped her on the ass to get her started. Bell pulled hard on the rope and the crowd cheered. Kitty started to move her feet forward to the first knot. As the first knot was pulled though her pussy lips and over her clit she felt a shiver run though her body. Barb mover close to Kitty and said. "You were so good tonight Missy." She pulled up on the rope. "Let me help you." She moved is side to side making it go deeper into Kitty's pussy. Kitty moaned and the crowd cheered. Kitty looked into the face of the girl with the paddle who beat Kitty so badly. The girl reached out and pinched her nipples and pulled her along the rope to the next knot. "Ouch. Please let me go." Kitty cried. " We will Missy Slut. After you show us how hard you can cum on the rope walk." She twisted and pulled Kitty's nipples then let them go. Knot after knot. Girl after girl touching and stroking. Slapping and pinching. Someone pushed a small vibrator in her ass and stroked her clit making it wetter if that was possible and moved her to the next knot. The rope was pulled up making Kitty have to walk on her tip toes as she got closer to the dress and hopefully an end to her torment. The knots were doing their job. Kitty was going to cum. And soon. Her pussy was dripping on the floor and her clit was engorged to the point one more knot would set her off and she still had ten to go. As she pulled the knot over her clit, it happened. She started to cum. Sue the bartender was whispering in her ear. " Your such a little pain slut. Look at you sliding your cunt on a rope trying to cum. In front of all the girls that used you. Beat you. Fucked you. Spit in your face and mouth. Pissed on you as you were tied to a dirty bathroom wall. Made to lick cunts and asses clean and make them cum. You made them all cum. You’re a good little slut. Perfect Bar Slave. Maybe we should keep you Missy. Keep you here and use you all the time." Kitty looked into Sue's eye and sue smiled and pulled up on the rope. That was it. Kitty came. And came. AND CAME! She was unsure if it was the rope or the words. The pressure on her clit or the thought of being the bar slave forever. As she came she walk on rubber legs to the end of the rope waves of pleasure washing over her as she pulled each knot through her wet pussy. When she got to the dress she was still cuming. In order to get the dress she had to turn and face the bar room and let them all see what a slut she was. Cuming on a rope pulled tight into her cunt. Cuming remembering every degrading thing that they had done to her. Cuming knowing aroused it had made her. As she turned the rope pulled up tight and came again. when she grabbed the dress Bell and Pat walked up to her and took the rope and handcuffs off her. Pat kissed her hard on the mouth and unlike the first kiss. Kitty kissed her back.
Barb was on the phone. "It's done. She is just as you said she would be. I don't know how you can tell the Sub's in one conversation. Ok I'll give her the phone." Barb walked up to Kitty and handed her the phone. Kitty looked at the phone then at Barb. " It's for you Missy." Kitty put the phone to her ear. " Nobody stands me up Kitty. Nobody." It was Helen." I sent you there to learn that. Did you? Did you learn to obey me Kitty?" Kitty shivered. " Yes Helen I have learned. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Put your new dress on. there is a car out front for you. It will bring you here to me and we will talk about manners and keeping your word. Or would you like to stay with my friends?" Kitty pulled the dress over her head and the crowd moaned sadly. " I am on my way Miss. I am on my way." "Bring the phone slut. I want to see everything you did." Kitty looked at the phone and saw that there were over 200 pictures on it. Something about that made her smile……..

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KittyChapter 21 Trouble in paradise

I was taking an inventory of the few remaining items from the Perryman estate when Berry tracked me down. He apologized for the sudden way he'd told me that there was no job for me, explaining that he'd only recently decided to stay in town. I took that to mean 'recently' was after Phyllis left for college, and when Claire became available. "That was callous of me. I know you'd been planning to take over as soon as the reenactments season came to an end. I should have come to you the...

1 year ago
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Kitty Kapers A Well Seasoned Woman

It was date night. That is what Kitty and Peter call the nights when all else was put aside and the only thing on the agenda was enjoying each other and lots of fun sex. Kitty was ready for a hot night with her man. She had spent part of the day tempting and teasing one of her online lovers and got herself quite worked up. Mid-afternoon, while preparing a salad for supper, the carrot she was going to use was so firm and so long, Kitty couldn’t resist working it into her pussy for a few minutes...

3 years ago
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Kitty Kapers A Well Seasoned Woman

It was date night. That is what Kitty and Peter call the nights when all else was put aside and the only thing on the agenda was enjoying each other and lots of fun sex. Kitty was ready for a hot night with her man. She had spent part of the day tempting and teasing one of her online lovers and got herself quite worked up. Mid-afternoon, while preparing a salad for supper, the carrot she was going to use was so firm and so long, Kitty couldn’t resist working it into her pussy for a few minutes...

Oral Sex
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KittyChapter 13 Mrs Bristow

I relaxed the first week after graduation, helped Jane get the children's activities under control, and gave the clinic a through cleaning. When I returned to work at the café, I made it known that my intention was to make a career out of my chosen profession. Ben said he'd been waiting for me to decide to join the staff full time, and made me an assistant manager, with a salary that seemed outrageously generous at the time. That same week, I received two more wage increases. My mom...

3 years ago
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Kitty on the Beach

I felt a new sense of dread as the plane door closed and I buckled my belt. I actually thought I was going to be sick for an instant, but it was all in my imagination. There was no longer any escape, I was really on my way to spend New Year’s with my family. It’s not that I hate them, I actually have a lot of good memories growing up with them, along with some very bad ones. It’s just that they don’t understand me, they never had, and by now I don’t expect them to but that doesn’t remove the...

3 years ago
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Kitty Girls newest peeing adventures

This story, inspired by the Kitty Girl series of Sprite is completely a work of fiction. Though it would be darn hot, if you ask me. It was a peaceful spring evening. Laura andRachel spent most of the day cleaning up the house which rendered them bothpretty tired, but now everything was neat and tidy, and the light breeze from the open windows brought warm scents of spring. They already had dinner and now Laura was sitting in her favorite armchair, quietly reading a book, sipping a glass of...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Peppermint Stick A Xmas tale

Twas two weeks before Christmas and out in the manager, Rachel was hatching plans of a sexual nature. Her panties were hung on a hook and forgotten, all the better to show off her bare bottom. Visions of orgasms danced in her head as she eyed all the toys spread out on her bed… Hi again, it’s me. Kitty Girl. It’s been a while since I’ve shared my real life exploits. Yes, there is my ongoing adventure with the girls of KINK but it’s a fantasy. No, I’m talking about sharing another honest to...

3 years ago
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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part II

IVI could have stayed like that forever, naked, two of the most amazing women I’ve ever known spoiling me with their attention. I was in no hurry to explore what other delights the party held, or even cover myself up. It’s hard to retain even the pretense of modesty once you’ve climaxed in front of an audience. Eventually, however, it became obvious that Kay was growing restless, her touch growing distracted. I withheld my sigh, unable to see her eyes behind her oversized sunglasses, wondering...

2 years ago
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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 3

Part 3Kitty must have run because not fifteen minutes later there came a knock on his door. Rick stopped his pacing and took a deep breath. He went to his door and spying through the peephole he saw her. Her hair was down and windswept. She’d worn the clothes she’d had on yesterday just as he’d told her. Rick smiled and opened the door. She stood there, her eyes downcast, her hands clasped in front of her. ‘Hello Kitty.’ He said to her. She looked up at him and replied. ‘Hello Mr Connors.’ She...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK II

I am wondering if a should admit that I am not wearing pants as I write this, or panties for that matter… or that I have slipped my favorite vibrator in and have it set on low. Or that I spent close to six hours last night making my Mistress, or Officer Laura if you prefer, cum… Perhaps I’ll keep those details to myself and just get on with my story… So… you’d think that would be it, wouldn’t you… two kinky girls dressed as cops come to my door, cuff me, humiliate me in the middle of the street...

3 years ago
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Kitty Kissers Collaboration

This project is a collaboration between many different writers in different roles. I thank everyone who helped bring this story to life. They are Lheriss, Kiama, ShadowKitty252, KesselWessel and me, Sam Moose. The crowd roared wildly as the electric atmosphere practically set sparks about the stadium. America's newest girl band, the Kitty Kissers were soon to ascend onto the stage. Thirty thousand wild fans packed the stands for the imminent performance; young girls and quite a few...

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KittyChapter 14 Mr Perryman Mrs Bristow and Claire

Kitty took me into her office and gave me a hard time. "You know I live vicariously through your stories. You've been stringing me along for the past month with tidbits about you and Claire, how she let you play with her boobs, and how you got her wet. Every time I asked about Tina, you would say, 'I've got it under control.' Now I find out that you've been holding out on me." She was either mad as hell, or she was putting on a good show. I became concerned the customers would...

1 year ago
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Kitty Marie

Marie and her Special Mom, Anna, were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings and the very height of grand luxury.One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains, Marie was awoken by Anna giving her a gentle kiss and saying, “Good morning, little one. I’ve arranged a special surprise for you today, so pack a bag, with enough for overnight, and we’ll head up to the top deck.”Marie blinked her eyes slowly, and looked up...

2 years ago
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Kitty Ko Pehli Baar Chodkar Seal Thodi Choda

Main Ashiq phir ek sachi kaha lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye . Yeh unn logon ke liye hai jo munn hi munn sab sochte hain par samaj ke darr se kuch kar nahi paate aur unki cousins aur aunts padosiyon ya ajnaabiyon se chud jaati hain . Yeh kahani bikul sachi hai , yeh kahani bahut se doston ki hi kshani hogi aur iss kahani ko padne ke baad woh pachtainge ki unhone kya kho diya apni life main . Aurat ka shareer jab jawaan hoge lagta hai toh ussko apne badan ke badlaav samajh nahi aate aur masti...

1 year ago
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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part I

I"Hey, baby girl, feel like going out Friday?"It was an innocent enough question, and yet something in the tone of her voice alerted me to some sort of sinister design. I shifted in my chair, taking my reading glasses off and putting down my half read copy of Super Girl. Pushing my hair behind one ear, I eyed Kay over the top of her lap top screen, suspicion in my eyes."Dinner?" I asked, watching her mouth, noticing how the hint of a smile teased at the corners of her lips up as she regarded...

1 year ago
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KittyChapter 23 A turn for the better

The Town Government classes I'd taken at college did little to prepare me for my work in Perryville. It became clear to me that my professors, while well versed in parliamentary procedure, budgets, and public service, lacked practical experience. Actually managing a town was foreign to them. How Berry could cope with the political backstabbing was beyond me. At twenty-six, he'd become an all-knowing, crowd-pleasing, public administrator. He may have benefited from Mr. Perryman's tutelage,...

2 years ago
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Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. KITTY By Wyrdey It is late at night when you first hear the knock on your door. You were just on your way to bed and are annoyed. Who could it possibly be at this hour? Before the door is even half-open, you feel a powerful push from the other side that almost knocks you over. The bearded giant of a man now standing in your hallway looks you up and down appraisingly as he...

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Tom heard the courier van’s exhaust as it reversed into the driveway. “That’ll be the new electric hedge trimmer I ordered yesterday on-line,” he called back as he headed for the front door. His wife Kitty was curled up asleep on a rug on the floor under the kitchen table.The cheery young van driver placed the package on the door mat and offered a touch-screen tablet, over which Tom waved an index finger by way of signature. “Mind if I use your toilet, mate?”Tom stepped aside, gesturing to the...

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Kittys Roommate

Let me just start by saying that before my final year in school, I had never even really thought about being girly or sissy shemale. I mean, I might have thought about it but just like something that might have gone through my head, not something I really considered doing. I was doing just fine with chicks (less and less with passing days) and cocks (more and more with passing days).I was about 5'6’’, with head full of jet black hair, deep dark eyes...oh yeah, I'was slim and petite…always. So...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl

I wasn’t wearing much. A semi-sheer pink top that hugged my upper body and left little doubt of the state of my nipples and a pair of matching panties that smelled of desire. A pair of brown kitten ears attached to a matching head band poked from the top of my blonde tresses and a pink collar, decorated with rhinestones circled my neck, a heart shaped tag engraved with the words "kitty" on one side and "property of Kay" on the other.I felt perfectly content, as I knelt at her feet, my cheek...

3 years ago
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KittyChapter 11 The town takes new form

The first two weeks of summer vacation went by without incident. I stopped by the pool every afternoon to help Jane with the closing, but we didn't take advantage of having the key to the house the way I'd planned. Jane was patient with me. She must have known I was having trouble ridding my mind of the image of her with Berry, responding to his touches, urging him to 'put it in.' By the same token, it didn't seem to bother her that I'd been intimate with Janet, the girl that had...

1 year ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK I

The doorbell rang. I glanced up at the clock in surprise. 10:12 pm. A bit late for trick-or-treaters. Thankfully, I had some left over candy still in the plastic pumpkin and I was still dressed in my costume. Tonight, I’d decided to be a little daring, and had dressed up as Kitty Girl… well, perhaps Kitty Slut would be a more apt description of my ensemble. I had my ears on, and I’d taken the time to blacken my nose with make-up and draw whiskers on my cheeks. Oh, and of course I had my collar...

3 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK IV

I have to say that these are getting easier to write, or atleast that I’m been receiving more than enough inspiration from my Mistress to continue for a good long while. In truth, I can’t claim to be the sole author of this chapter. There’s a scene with a lollipop that needs to be credited to Mistress Laura. I should, in fact, list her as a co-writer for this chapter. Truly, you have no concept of how creative she can be, or how dirty her imagination. I am blessed to have experienced it first...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK IV

I have to say that these are getting easier to write, or atleast that I’m been receiving more than enough inspiration from my Mistress to continue for a good long while. In truth, I can’t claim to be the sole author of this chapter. There’s a scene with a lollipop that needs to be credited to Mistress Laura. I should, in fact, list her as a co-writer for this chapter. Truly, you have no concept of how creative she can be, or how dirty her imagination. I am blessed to have experienced it first...

1 year ago
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Kitty and Lola

Hello once again everyone! It is the continuation of my Revenge on Bullies series. Sit back and enjoy! Wow! I can’t believe myself. I exacted revenge on all my four bullies and then had the biggest desire of my life; marrying my mother and sister. My mom, was already a few weeks pregnant with her own grandchild. I was living a great life with my two wives at home. I have sex every day with both women and am just waiting to impregnate my sister. I went on a second honeymoon with my sister. We...

4 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK III

“I think she’d look good in that, Laura.” I’d been lost somewhere between sexual bliss and frustration, having just been made to cum in front of a roomful of guys by two girls dressed as sexy cops and yet, somehow, I was left wanting, eager to fulfill their every whim, even if it meant being gang-banged, something Officer Laura, my new owner, had just hinted a after stroking my pussy into a raging fire and leaving me hanging. Despite my taste for pussy rather than cock, if it meant I’d get to...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK III

“I think she’d look good in that, Laura.” I’d been lost somewhere between sexual bliss and frustration, having just been made to cum in front of a roomful of guys by two girls dressed as sexy cops and yet, somehow, I was left wanting, eager to fulfill their every whim, even if it meant being gang-banged, something Officer Laura, my new owner, had just hinted a after stroking my pussy into a raging fire and leaving me hanging. Despite my taste for pussy rather than cock, if it meant I’d get to...

1 year ago
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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 03

I should have locked the door, but did not think to. My neighbor came walking in after taking Utah to the airport right before our Sunday night staple, ‘Iron Chef America.’ I didn’t look at him, I couldn’t. He sat next to me and put his arm around me as if nothing were wrong. After he kissed my cheek I pushed him away. ‘I need some time alone,’ I said to him void of emotion. ‘Why?’ ‘Just go.’ ‘Alright,’ he said sheepishly and stood up. He stood there for what felt like minutes before...

2 years ago
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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 2

Part 2 Rick Connors watched Kitty walk out of his office on shaky legs. He sat on the edge of his desk, one leg crossed over the other and this arms folded over his chest. He very nearly caved in, nearly lost his resolve to torture her as she had tortured him all term, nearly called her back into his office. Dear god he wanted her, her tight young body sent his blood racing through his veins, the smell of her, he shivered, the ‘taste’ of her! Sweet Jesus it was enough to send any man crazy. He...

2 years ago
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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 02

So the dish of the day my neighbor blathered endlessly about after he came home from work was that this friend was coming in town for a weekend before leaving to fly into his next destination for business. We’ll call his friend ‘Utah’. Utah is where his friend got transferred to for work and where he was trying to get transferred out of. ‘Utah’ was flying in on a Friday in two weeks. I was asked if I could let Utah in for him to his place, better, could I pick him up at the airport. Sure. I...

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Kitty works for her paycheque

Kitty shut her eyes, she could do this. A bead of sweat slowly trickled down in between her breasts. She was desperate. She needed the money or she would be out on the streets. All her options were now gone, she had tried everything. The music started. It was time. The thumping beat was enticing, it ran through Kitty. The music comforted her and buzzed through her at the same time. The lights were low as she stepped out in front of the crowd. The music pumped up and the lights started as...

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KittyChapter 12 Senior year

To my relief, Janet and Berry didn't come home at the end of the summer. Janet wrote that they were planning to come for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and that they were both looking forward to seeing us again. As we were entering our senior year, a number of changes were taking place. In addition to two new ninth graders needing rides to school, Mr. Perryman had convinced a couple to reopen the only remaining motel in town. But those were minor compared to the biggest change. Ben had hired a...

3 years ago
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Kitty Girls newest peeing adventures

This story, inspired by the Kitty Girl series of Sprite is completely a work of fiction. Though it would be darn hot, if you ask me. It was a peaceful spring evening. Laura andRachel spent most of the day cleaning up the house which rendered them bothpretty tired, but now everything was neat and tidy, and the light breeze from the open windows brought warm scents of spring. They already had dinner and now Laura was sitting in her favorite armchair, quietly reading a book, sipping a glass of...

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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part III

VI"Remember what you are, Kitten."Her words were clear as her soft lips were pressed against my ear, making me shiver with need. I nodded at the reminder, grateful for it. It would be easy to forget my true nature here and get lost in all the lust that surrounded me. I found myself staring at the ceiling, willing to into focus, my gaze traveling between it, Kay’s mischievous eyes, and Cindy’s slight smirk. Jenny was still with us cradling my foot in her hands as she sucked my big toe into her...

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Kitty Wants To Play

I wait patiently by the door for you. I am wearing the special outfit that you have requested me to wear. It is a black bra and panty set that came with a matching garter belt and nylon stockings. I am also wearing the matching black Louboutin heels that you bought for me. I make sure that my feet are underneath my bottom and that my hands are clasped in my lap. My eyes are glued to the floor in front of me. I won't dare raise them without your permission because if I do then that will only...

3 years ago
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KittyChapter 9 First times

We celebrated Christmas on Thursday, and I knew that Kitty had 'made the first move' as soon as Mr. Perryman walked into the café on Friday morning. There was a spring to his step that had never been there before, and he was unusually friendly to everyone. He even spoke to me. I didn't see Kitty until Sunday when she came to the café. It was evident that she had lots to tell me as we walked to my house. She was wearing the silk scarf I'd given her and a red coat, which I had not seen...

1 year ago
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"Hi, uhh... is that John?" "Yep. Who's that?" "Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty." "Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys." "Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember." "I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?" "You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?" "Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?" "Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK V

It didn’t take long for me to become disoriented. Even if I’d been familiar with the house, blindfolded as I was, I’d have become lost very quickly. Without my sight, though, I had no idea of my surroundings. All I knew is that Laura still had the other end of my leash and Ally was behind me, running her hand over my ass, reminding me of my status as a sexual plaything. She wasn’t the only one who took liberties touching me, I should add. I’m not sure if they were encouraging it or not, but...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK I

The doorbell rang. I glanced up at the clock in surprise. 10:12 pm. A bit late for trick-or-treaters. Thankfully, I had some left over candy still in the plastic pumpkin and I was still dressed in my costume. Tonight, I’d decided to be a little daring, and had dressed up as Kitty Girl… well, perhaps Kitty Slut would be a more apt description of my ensemble. I had my ears on, and I’d taken the time to blacken my nose with make-up and draw whiskers on my cheeks. Oh, and of course I had my collar...

2 years ago
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Kitty Lives Happly Ever After

I've never been one for stealing. I buy everything I need and the things I can't afford I don't have. One of my personal mottos or sayings or whatever. "I'm too honest for my own good." Yet one night while I was dropping some items to a friend. I drove down an old dark, alley that housed a mini mall's rear access doors. As I was driving past an open door I saw a box with items spilling out of it. I have no clue why, but I needed those items! Nothing mattered more to me then grabbing that...

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KittyChapter 18 Phyllis

Claire took up residence in a private room, sharing an apartment with three other seniors. I helped her with her luggage before settling in the same room I'd occupied for three years. My new roommate was an archeology major. He talked enthusiastically about a dig he'd been on. His descriptions of sleeping under the stars, bathing in a cold stream, and moving dirt with a small tool didn't interest me, but what I picked up on was his infatuation with the group leader. According to Gary, she...

3 years ago
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KittyChapter 4 The heat of summer

"We've got to help them," Janet said when we talked the next day. "I thought that was what we were doing last night when we let them watch us." She giggled. "You enjoyed having them watch us, didn't you?" "Why do you say that?" She was silent for a few seconds. "I could tell by the way you were ... fucking me." I pictured her blushing. "I think you liked it, too." After a short pause, Janet returned to her original thought. "That's not the area they need help on. Berry...

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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 06

The next two weeks were chaotic. I did not have a day off. Not that I am complaining, it is hard to make it as a professional photographer in a big city. I’m quite grateful for the work, but it wasn’t just work. It was my friend’s assistant in the gallery that quit right before a big show that I helped jump in to make happen and also another friend was in need after a bad break-up. Life stuff, it happens, so I did not get to dole a ton of attention to my neighbor. It was nice, although I cannot...

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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 01

I’m a 5’7′ single female, with porcelain skin and hazel eyes. I have long, bright red hair and several colorful, but discrete tattoos. I have been described as being cute more times than I can count, so that is what I will use to describe myself for overall attractiveness. I have beautiful full breasts, an hourglass figure, and have been complimented many times on what a fabulous ass I have. Height/weight proportionate. Professional, looking for…..looking for… I guess this story is more about...

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I have worked on for a few years now. If you are of a sexually relaxed nature, as I am, it is more than fantastic, both for financial reasons, and for fun. After all I do not think any girl who was not at least a bit of a pervert would be prepared to do it. I am more than a bit of a pervert. I am a lot!It would not be lying to say that I have lost count of the amount of men I have had, the amount of women too come to that. My favourite kind of men are usually older, married guys, I do get off...

2 years ago
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Kitty Party With Two 308217s

Hi all…. Thanks for your reviews… I could make my growing clients or experiences only because of your good reviews, feedback and experiences. Drop in your comments and interests @ Back with a story after a month… It was one week back that i got mail from one lady called sangeetha aged 40 and she read my kitty party story and showed her interest of enjoying the same. We shared our details and planned it at her place. Not sure of how many women to entertain i just reached the place well dressed...

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