Kathleen Ch. 3 free porn video

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Several times in my life I have been fortunate enough to become the object of sexual attention from several women in fairly rapid succession. After several such series of encounters it finally occurred to me that when I had shown a lady an especially good time, she would gossip about her experiences with her friends and they would in turn take it upon themselves to determine the truth of her claims. Thus I would be passed from bed to bed until I had exhausted the women in that particular circle of acquaintances, or, perhaps more honestly, they had exhausted me.

Therefore I was not particularly surprised when, after my second encounter with Kathleen, she mentioned she had a friend whom she thought might need some tax advice and suggested we meet for lunch so she could introduce us.

Kathleen had explained to me earlier that Jennifer was a friend and client who had recently purchased several investment properties through her. Somewhat shorter than Kathleen but an equally Rubenesque beauty in her early thirties, Jennifer was the kind of large but well-presented younger woman I have often noticed with interest. She wore her straight shoulder-length black hair parted in the middle framing a beautifully delicate face enhanced by a clear pale complexion. After Kathleen had made our introduction and the maitre d’ had seated us, I found it difficult not to stare at the contrast of alabaster skin against ebony hair accented by large jade-green eyes sitting across from me. Her stunning face and large body had me wondering of I might be able to interest her in more than tax advice.

During my last tryst with Kathleen she had tactfully let me know that, while she was delighted with the fun we had together, she was not in the market for a committed relationship and, while she looked forward to continuing to meet for recreational sex, she intended to pursue other interests with the understanding that I was free do the same. Thus, having agreed to her declaration of freedom, I did not feel uncomfortable at the thought of a tumble with her friend, which possibility did not seem too remote, judging from the warmth of Jennifer’s quick smile, ready laughter and occasional touches during our meal.

Sitting side by side across the table from me, the two ladies, one with short blond hair, the other’s long and jet black, offered a delightful contrast in styles of beauty. Encased in a moderately tight sweater, Jennifer’s breasts, while not quite as large as Kathleen’s, sat surprisingly high on her chest, jutting out with firm impudence. While her décolleté was less pronounced as she had less flesh to display, the bold thrust of her succulent charms promised a firmness to the touch that I was eager to experience.

As the meal progressed, Kathleen steered the conversation in a ribald direction, first with a joke about President Clinton’s penchant for specially cured cigars, than by making several allusions to our last meeting, and ending with a vivid description of our imaginative use of whipped cream. Jennifer seem to be quite comfortable with Kathleen’s intimate description of our romp, laughing delightedly as the story grew more bawdy. When the tale was finally told, Jennifer related one of her own involving herself and two collage football players in a hot tub with a pint of Hagen Das. By the time she had finished her graphic description of the delights of having coffee ice cream eaten from her vagina, I was struggling to discretely shift my rapidly growing cock into a more comfortable position. Her grin as I tried to hide my movements told me she was fully aware of the effect her story had had on me.

As I sat there in embarrassment at having been caught, Kathleen burst out in giggles, triggering a fit of laughter from Jennifer as my face reddened. Finally feeling sorry for me, Kathleen said, ‘You poor dear, we have a confession to make. Remember our talk last time about having other interests? Well, Jennifer here is one of my other interests. She and I have been playmates since she bought her first condo through me about five years ago. We’re not exactly lovers, just best friends who share an occasional evening in bed together after having discovered how much pleasure two women can give each other. When I told her about how great a lover you are and about your penchant for large women, she insisted that I introduce you in the hope that maybe, if you’re willing, we might be able to share your attentions, perhaps even together if you’d like.’ As I sat in stunned silence, mouth agape, both of the beauties across from me broke out in additional fits of laughter.

I had always considered myself fairly sophisticated sexually and had in fact had occasion to sample the pleasures of two women together but outside of my fantasies, I had never imagined the possibility of enjoying two such delightfully large, beautiful, and uninhibited women at once. I could only sputter at the prospect.

Kathleen again came to my rescue. ‘What’s the matter, sweetie, afraid you’re not up to it?’ she teased, flashing her sexiest grin.

‘Well, it not that exactly,’ I managed to stutter, ‘although the two of you together are probably more than a match for any man. It’s just that I’m overwhelmed at the offer. I don’t think I’ve ever been so delightfully propositioned before, and definitely not by two such beautiful and charming women at once.’

‘See, what did I tell you?’ Kathleen said, turning to Jennifer. ‘Isn’t he just the most articulate gentleman you’ve ever met? Just wait till you find out what else he can do with his tongue,’ she added, flashing a lewd grin.

Jennifer giggled again as Kathleen turned back to me. ‘Well, what do you say? You’d better make up your mind soon or we just might decide to see what kind of trouble we can get into without you.’

‘Damn, I’d have to be both dead and gay to decline an offer like that.’

‘I take it that means ‘yes.’ I trust you’re free for the next few hours.’ Then, without waiting for my answer, ‘Come on, Jennifer, lets go powder our noses while James here figures out how to stand up without tipping over the table. We’ll be back in a minute, sweetie. Don’t go away.’

As the two soon-to-be objects of my affections stood and left the table I had occasion for the first time to observe Jennifer from the rear. Watching her broad cheeks and large soft thighs move within the confines of her tight skirt only served to increase the stress on my zipper. I had to get my thoughts in hand or I feared I might never be allowed in the restaurant again. Fortunately the waiter arrived with the bill which diverted my attention enough for things to settle down a bit so that when the two ladies returned, I was able to stand without drawing attention to my condition.

Glancing at my crotch as I stood, Jennifer grinned then placed her arm in mine, rubbing her firm breast against my elbow as we left the restaurant, causing me to think that she had probably learned the trick from Kathleen who had teased me the same way on our prior lunch date. I also noticed that a couple of buttons on her sweater seemed to have popped free, apparently while she and Kathleen were in the ladies room.

When we arrived at the parking lot, Kathleen suggested we take her car, a large Mercedes, as there wasn’t room for three in my Porsche, adding that Jennifer and I might like to sit in back to get better acquainted.

Opening the rear door, I handed Jennifer into the soft leather where she paused for a moment for me to peer down her sweater before slowly swinging her legs in one at a time causing her tight skirt to ride up her thighs to give me a flash of red silk panties before she drew her other foot in – another move I recognized from Kathleen’s bag of tricks. I was beginning to think that these two were so far ahead of me that I didn’t stand a chance. ‘Oh. well,’ I decided, ‘there are worse fates that being fucked to death by five hundred pounds of women.’


Shutting her door, I walked ar
ound, opened the opposite one and slid in beside Jennifer who had scooted over into the center of the seat so that our thighs pressed together fully as I sat back from closing the door. Not sure how things would progress during our short drive to Kathleen’s beach-front house in Lanikai, I stretched my arm over the back of the seat above Jennifer’s shoulders, the aroma of her heady perfume filling my senses. As Kathleen prattled on about how much she loved her new car, Jennifer placed her manicured hand high on the inside of my thigh with her little finger casually resting against the shaft of my semi-rigid cock which tented the material of my pants. Turning her body so her breast was pressed against my side, she raised her face to look into my eyes in obvious invitation to a kiss. Her mouth opened as our lips met and her tongue slipped into my mouth to wriggle against mine. My arm slipped from the seat back to encircle her soft shoulders drawing her body tighter against mine as our kiss continued. Her hand shifted up to cup my now fully rigid penis, moving up and down the length of my shaft causing my hips to spasm with excitement. I brought my free hand up to caress the trusting breasts I had been ogling for the past hour. Slipping two more buttons free of their holes gave me access to fully explore the contours of her bra-covered mounds. I slipped a finger beneath the red satin to flick a turgid nipple, evoking her moan of approval.

Finally she broke our kiss to lay her head on my chest looking down to watch her hand slowly stroking my hard cock. When she started to fumble for the tab of my zipper, I grasped her hand and whispered in her ear, ‘Why don’t we wait. If you let him out now, we may never get him back in his cage again.’ Giggling, she moved her hand back down to cup and slowly masturbate my quivering cock which by now had caused a wet spot on my fly, the lubricant having soaked through both my shorts and pants.

Glancing up, I noticed that Kathleen had adjusted her mirror to watch our little passion play. ‘I though you two might enjoy getting to know each other,’ she said with a grin when she saw me notice her. ‘Don’t get too carried away now, we’re almost there.’

Looking out the car window for the first time since leaving the restaurant, I saw we were approaching Kathleen’s house. As she pulled up to park at her front door, I realized that Jennifer had not noticed our arrival and was still raptly stroking my swollen member. She seemed to return from her lust-induced hypnosis when I gently pried her hand from the front of my pants and opened the car door. After stepping out, I turned and reached in to help her from the car. Noticing her glazed stare and gaping sweater, I wondered that if she were that far gone from a short back-seat make out session, what would she be like after a full afternoon of serious sex?

I looked around as we walked up to the house and was glad that Kathleen had an enclosed yard as neither Jennifer nor I were in any condition to be seen by the neighbors. Kathleen followed behind giggling as I walked beside Jennifer, my arm around her ample waist to steady her so she could walk into the house.

—=== 000 ===—

The few steps into the house and down the hall into the master suite seemed to revive our brunette friend so that when Kathleen entered the bedroom behind us, Jennifer walked over to her, slid one arm around her neck and the other up under the front of her skirt, and, pressing her full body against Kathleen’s even larger one, kissed her as passionately as she had me only moments before. Kathleen responded by reaching her hands around and under Jennifer’s skirt and pulling it up to display the bulging white balloons of her hips bisected by the red string of her thong. Lifting her mouth from Jennifer’s probing kiss, she looked over at me. ‘Want some?’ she offered, grinning.

I stepped up to the proffered derrière, nestled the bulging shaft of my hard cock along the split between Jennifer’s full cheeks and reached around to bury my hands between the four massive breasts. As I leaned forward over Jennifer’s shoulder to meet Kathleen’s offered mouth and stabbing tongue Jennifer began to hunch her butt back against my stiffness. I noticed the movement of her arm reaching between Kathleen’s thighs and realized she must have found her goal when Kathleen stiffened then moaned into my mouth.

‘Enough of this foreplay! Lets fuck!’ Kathleen exclaimed, pulling away from our combined stimulation on both sets of her lips. ‘Would you care to have a seat, sir, while I get our young friend here prepared for your pleasure?’

‘My, what a gracious hostess,’ I replied settling into a large wing backed chair to watch the show.

The two beautifully large bodies moved together again as lips, breasts and abdomens met in sensuous caress before parting slightly when Kathleen’s fleshy fingers came between them to free the remaining buttons of Jennifer’s sweater. Easing it back off her shoulders to drop to the carpet, the red-tipped fingers moved between her lover’s jutting mounds to release the straining hooks and free the luscious globes of flesh, whisking away the red bra to bare them to my eyes for the first time. Taking a breast in each hand, Kathleen bent her head to first lick than suck the puffy nipples protruding from Jennifer’s unusually large dark aureoles.

Reaching up to cradle Kathleen’s cheeks in her palms, Jennifer raised the blond head to mash her open mouth against the wet lips, then moved her hands down to free the straining buttons of Kathleen’s blouse, not bothering to remove it before freeing the mammoth breasts from their oversized bra. Obviously wanting to return the favor of Kathleen’s earlier caress, Jennifer lifted an enormous breast between her two hands and began to chew on the turgid nipple as Kathleen cupped the back of her head, forcing Jennifer’s face deep into the soft flesh. Gasping for air, Jennifer finally pulled her head away from the smothering softness and turned her back to Kathleen in mute invitation to release the zipper and button at the back of her skirt.

Grinning at me and wiggling her hips in sexy invitation, Jennifer eased her tight skirt over her hips and down her full thighs allowing it to puddle at her feet as she stood in almost naked glory. Clad only in elastic-topped stockings and heels with her red thong peeking out from under her full round tummy, she stood watching me as Kathleen moved in behind her to reach around and lift a still-wet breast in each hand, offering them for my inspection.

Grinning at my gaping stare, Jennifer stepped free of Kathleen’s fondling and moved over to stand in front of my chair, legs apart and hands on hips. ‘Take out your cock!’ she demanded, obviously enjoying the role of a slut in heat.

As I lowered my zipper and struggled to free my iron bar from a tangle of wet underwear, she knelt between my knees. When I finally managed to maneuver my dripping cock out through my fly, she reached out, wrapped her manicured fingers around the base, and began to slowly work the skin up and down the blood-swollen shaft.

‘Kathleen was right. You do have a beautiful cock,’ she said, licking her lips as her large green eyes stared into mine.

By this time Kathleen had shed the remainder of her clothing and, fully nude except for stockings and garter belt, walked over to stand beside my chair watching her friend’s short red-tipped fingers slowly masturbate my leaking purple organ. Braking eye contact with Jennifer, I reached out to slide my hand between Kathleen’s large round thighs above her stockings and began slowly caressing her soft skin gradually moving higher toward the sparse blond fleece, already dripping with her obvious arousal. When she spread her legs to allow me fuller access to her charms, I turned my palm up and began to lightly rub the tip of my middle finger along her swollen lips. Deciding I had teased her enough, I began to work my finger between the wet red labia and into her body. She bent at the
waist and dangled her massive breasts in my face as I struggled to capture a swollen nub to nurse on.

With my head buried in Kathleen’s flesh, I had momentarily forgotten about my other playmate until I felt a wet heat engulf the head of my cock and realized that Jennifer had apparently tired of being ignored and was trying to get my attention. Even competing with the distraction of a pair of twenty-pound breasts, she was succeeding admirably.

Fast approaching my limits, both in terms of resistance to Jennifer’s talented mouth and my own oxygen supply, I gently but firmly wrested myself free of the two attacking sex addicts, suggesting we might find it more comfortable if we moved to the bed.

Apparently too dazed by lust to speak, both women pulled away and turned toward the king-sized playpen in the center of the room. Walking to the head of the bed, Kathleen grasped a corner of the quilted spread and in a single flourish worthy of a matador, whisked it off and onto the floor at the foot of the of the bed, then crawled onto the mattress and posed on hands an knees, presenting her massive derriere with her blond-tufted fig peeking out from beneath her wrinkled rose, the entire tableau framed in garter belt and stockings.

As she approached the broad sheeted expanse of the bed, Jennifer bent over and slid her red thong panties down her full thighs giving me a teasing glance at her brunette bush before climbing up and kneeling beside Kathleen to present her charms on full display, her soft hip touching Kathleen’s.

Buttons flying around the room like bullets, I ripped off my shirt, dropped my pants and shorts then approached the two proffered pussies. Leading the way, my purpled-headed club arrived at the bed before I did. As I approached, I thrust my dripping phallus between the two touching hips, the enveloping softness feeling almost as if I were entering a vagina. I reached out a hand on either side to caress the soft flesh, gradually working my way closer to the wet cores of these incredible women. As my fingers entered and began to manipulate the dripping flesh, the two sets of hips began moving together, massaging my organ entrapped between them.

I realized I couldn’t take much more of such treatment without having an accident, so I reluctantly withdrew my leaking cock from between the two wriggling derrières and moved to my left to stand with my aching phallus poised directly at Jennifer’s swollen pussy lips. Placing my palms on the whiteness of her bulging cheeks, my fingers sank into the soft pillows as I pulled her body back and onto my cock. The ease with which I slid into her hot tight sheath until I was halted by her cervix was ample indication of her arousal, her moans only adding to the proof of her excitement. Hoping to last at least a few minutes, I began slowly thrusting into her velvet core.

When Kathleen realized from my moans how close I was and that I probably wouldn’t last to take care of her own needs, she rose from the bed to stand beside me. She knelt down to move her hand under her friend’s tummy to finger her clitoris while using her other hand to cup my scrotum.

‘God, that’s so hot,’ she hissed as her fingers gently fondled my balls. ‘I love watching your hard cock fucking into her tight pussy. Look how her lips cling to your shaft when you pull out. I want to see you fill her up with your hot jizz. Come on, shoot it deep in her pussy.’

What little endurance I had when I first entered Jennifer’s body had almost dissolved when Kathleen first touched my sack and her words were more than I could resist. I felt Jennifer’s full body start to quiver as I pulled her broad hips tightly against my groin and lunged one final time into her then slumped over her back, shuddering as I emptied myself into her. Then, still connected, we collapsed sideways onto the bed to lay panting in a delightful state of post-coital bliss.

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Part 5 ndash Her Divorce ndash True Story

To continue the story, after my future wife moved in with me she discovered that she could make me cum hard and fast when she shared stories of her past sexual adventures. And if you have not read the first parts, she learned she liked sex early. Sex with guys, gals, black guys and multiple guys.So to continue, her first husband graduated from college without knowing she was fucking her work boss, fellow workers, and a few of his college teammates. So he got a job and they moved to the Texas...

3 years ago
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Fun Next Door

You were a nineteen-year old freshman in college, and despite the fact that college could either save you future, or destroy it, you couldn't bring yourself to concentrate on your classes. After all, you had three sexy girls living right next door! Victoria is a forty-year old busty MILF, you sometimes wondered if she was a former porn model. She had permenately tanned skin that hid her freckles which were only barely visible. A shock of long red hair trailed down her back, the tips of which...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife ChristinaChapter 3 Chris The Wild Years

They say that everyone has a specific person who is meant just for them, the yin to your yang, your perfect life partner. The only catch is that you have to find each other. If it happens the two of you are supposed to recognize each other immediately, partner up and then live happily ever after. Not so! I've found my yin, the guy meant to be my life partner and he won't have anything to do with me. Well, that's not really true. We spend a lot of time together, quality time at that, but...

1 year ago
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Paying off your husbands debt

I was recently contacted by an Indian lady...part of a couple....who enjoyed fantasy role play. As I enjoy writing, I penned this scenario for her while waiting around on cam one day. My cock was solid, throughout! If you would like me to write a fantasy for you...then feel free to message me :)I am imagining that your I did some work for your husband, and he now owes me money that he could not pay! I am angry and upset, and need immediate recompense, and I can see his shame at not being able...

4 years ago
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Getting Started Cucking ndash Summer Patio Fun

That summer I worked a couple of jobs to get some money together for school. Annie, on the other hand, lived the life of luxury at home. One of her favorite activities was good old fashioned sunbathing. She’d don a black bikini that was a little too tight for her curvy figure. Then she’d coat herself with sunscreen and bask in the warmth until she felt like going back inside.A few days after our first cuck experiment, I had an afternoon off from one of my job. So I joined her on the patio for...

3 years ago
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Being a Saturday Slut

Happy being a Saturday slut, just got back from suk'n and taking daddy's cock, ass pussy feel'n great with two loads of daddy's cum deep inside. Daddy lives on the other side of the valley so I have a fifteen minute drive all the way thinking how I want to service daddy. I walk in to his place and he is naked waiting for me I couldn't wait so I got down and started licking his wonderful cock making him moan and taking my head in his hands forcing me down on his cock til my nose is buried in his...

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Nancys Alluring Ass

It's been a long time now since high school. You'd think I would just let some things go but then I recently heard from an old friend and we exchanged emails which was a lot of fun. Of course, eventually, we got around to the girls we dated and he asked If I ever say my main squeeze from back then, Nancy. Unfortunately, the answer is no but I still think about her from time to time.I thought about Nancy and her gorgeous "surfer girl" looks. You know, the straight blond hair, tanned complexion...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 176 Strange

It was weird to leave Indiana on Christmas Eve to celebrate the holidays in Seattle. I wouldn't have any of my friends or girlfriends around, the whole vacation. It was going to be flat-out miserable. And all for Betts. I had a feeling that even Mom and Dad would rather be spending the holiday with Anna. I'd even suggested that we take our Kokomo girlfriends with us, but Mom frowned at me. "Not a word to Betts. We do not need a hysterical daughter for the holiday," Mom warned...

2 years ago
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Coming to America Part 1 by BigBad

"Look at this!" Claire squealed. "I can't believe this!"Andy enjoyed it when Claire opened the mail. Along with the love and lust letters, and proposals of marriage, there were panties, nighties, stockings, garters, dresses, shoes, jewelry, dildos, oils and perfumes, and flowers. He didn't pay much attention until she repeated. "Andy! Come over Hon! You gotta hear this! She started to read:"Dear Claire and Andy,I've been following your Diary for some time and have enjoyed your joy in...

4 years ago
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a slut and a nerd

It was 11 a.m. and every one was having fun, playing, talking, eating and just staring at me and other girls in the bikinis. Almost all the boys and girls of my class were on this trip to this island and we all were having great time. I couldn’t find some people on the beach with us, I guess they would be making out somewhere behind the trees. Adam wanted to fuck me too while I was thinking to tell him that I no longer wanted to have his dick in my ass. Adam was the guy with whom I was going...

3 years ago
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Satans BrideChapter 28

The next morning Mioki watched, saddened and remorseful, as she saw the young wife, Marie, enter a waiting taxi and drive off as Jacques pleaded unsuccessfully with her to stay. In the days which followed, Darius's demands grew in audacity and depravity, but Mioki never faltered, never failed to please him no matter how outrageous the request. One night at dinner, Mioki sat toying with her food. "Deep in thought?" asked her husband. "I was just wondering about Cathy. You said she would...

3 years ago
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Weekend Capture

Part 1: You come in the door, all the lights are out but you already expected that because your family is gone for the weekend. you still have on your cheerleading outfit since you were in such a rush to get home to the house being all yours. you walk through the front hall leaving your bag at the front door and walk to the kitchen to get a drink. You don't turn any lights on, after all you grew up here, you know your way around. As you enter the kitchen you get a mild chill like something is...

1 year ago
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Deal of the Century

I am a manager of a high end appliance store in Toronto. On Wednesday nights we are open later than usual, to 7pm. Usually if it is dead I will send home the rest of the staff by 6:30. On this particular night it was very slow so by 6:20 the last of my employees left for the night. I was just finishing some paperwork up when the phone rang. It was 6:55. Now normally I never answer the phone 5 minutes before closing time, but for some reason I picked it up. It was a customer wanting me to...

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The Wife Next Door ch 2

Pim loved a lot of foreplay and she taught me how to control my orgasm and release. She would suck on my cock and take me exactly to the edge of no return. Then she would press down with her thumb to block my release and stop the fellatio until I could regain control. She would do this again and again until I could really establish control. She would put my cock in her tight pussy and contract her muscles and take me up to the point of no return, to the point of release, but somehow she...

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The Haunting of Palmer MansionChapter 7

“So, you two are spending the night?” Julie looked over the dining table at Brad and Penelope. “Yeah ... we’ll go to church with you tomorrow ... so...” Brad talked while chewing some steak. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, sweetie.” Julie took a sip of wine. “It’s not polite.” “Sorry.” Brad took a minute to swallow the food in his mouth and then looked at his eighteen-year-old, little brother. “So, has freakazoid here been to the doctor about his mutated dangler?” “Goodness.”...

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My brother had to go work out of town for a couple weeks, so he asked as did his wife Patti if I’d come stay there to keep her company, and such. Being more than ready to get away from my dreary ordinary life, and away from my husband, and let that family of his go take care of him. I packed and my sister in law Patti was right there to pick me up, and went to their home which is a couple towns away from where my husband and I live. Got there and unpacked and in their guest room. My...

2 years ago
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Desicions decisions 2

He walked towards the big blue building and saw some people eating outside and in the foyer. He stepped into the theatre and looked around a little looking for her. " Excuse me" a woman who was in her early 30's with short blonde hair asked. " Are you okay? You look lost." " Oh I'm just looking for my friend Jacinta." Charlie said nervously. " Year 11?" the woman asked. " Uhhh I don't know." Charlie admitted surprised. " What about a last name?" She asked. " I don’t know...

3 years ago
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The rise of the ponygirl transportation system in the world

The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the World The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the WorldBy Sarah The following is a story based on predictions of global oil producers and what a loss in oil would mean to the future of transportation in the world.? It is not the only solution, but it could be one possible scenario.? This is still just a work of fiction, but it would be interesting to see if it comes to pass. Prologue ??????????? Scientists and world leaders...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 10 This is Thursday so we must be in Narnia

Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Notes of Meeting, Thursday, 12/2; 11:48am, Nurse Cassandra, Dan Freeman Dr K: I came as soon as I could get away. What’s the problem? Dan: Bec seems to have gone on a little trip. Dr K: I don’t know what that means. Is she not in her room? Dan: She’s there, but she thinks she’s in Narnia, being held captive in a cell by the White Witch of...

4 years ago
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Heartshaped Box

Chris yawned and moved to the next section of shelving. A big truck had made for a long night, leaving him and the rest of the night stock crew facing up the store after opening. “Never ending, man,” his friend Alan grumbled from the other side of the aisle. “Feels like it.” “At least the scenery ain’t bad.” After turning around to see where Alan was looking, Chris followed his gaze to see Amy – one of the cashiers – working her register. She was hot, but she was also married to a trucker who...

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The day I get a step brother Part 11

Today me and my dad are moving in with his new girlfriend Katie. I had a sister but my mom took her and I got my dad. My dad's name is Jeff. A couple of days ago I found out I'll be having a seventeen year old brother named Keegan. I'm kind of glad. After we got done putting are stuff in he took his charger and I drove my challenger. I wouldn't say we're rich but just to say my dad owns a big business. When we got there I grabbed my purse and hopped out. They had a huge house! Bigger...

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My Wife Roses Birthday Surprise

Today was My Wife's birthday, and I had to go out and pick Rose's present up this morning. Rose was awake chatting on the Internet all night when I left. While I was out getting her present she stayed home and was online all day. Rose was sitting down naked at the computer and surfing the web. She then went to a search engine and typed in k9 for dogs, as she had been talking about getting another pet. She thought she could do some research. She clicked on a couple of links until she came upon...

1 year ago
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For this relief much thanks

The five of us had gathered in the small classroom to do our homework together. It was French translation and we decided that five average brains were better than one average brain. Everything started seriously and we had completed nearly half a page when Dave’s right hand disappeared below the desk and he started fidgeting. “Sorry, but I’ve got a hard-on!” he said with a smile. “Let’s see!” challenged Paul. Dave stood up and revealed the bulge in his trousers. That was enough to get my prick...

3 years ago
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Thick Long and Gentle

He was gentle and it's a good thing. His cock was huge, bigger than any cock I'd ever met, and I'd met quite a few before his. I did my best to suck it but I could barely get his head in my mouth. I guess you'd call my work "licking and kissing" instead of sucking. But jesus I enjoyed it. I'd still be doing it if he'd let me. Long, thick and uncut. His skin was sweet and soft. He had so much wonderful precum that I could only imagine what a load would be like. I would have loved to have tasted...

1 year ago
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AssParade AJ Applegate Strong Armed That Pussy

AJ Applegate is at home on the cellphone with her bf talking about a robbery that happened by her house. AJ Applegate is intrigued after she hears the owner got tied up before getting robbed. He comes up with the plan to sneak into her house after she said she finds it kinda hot. Meanwhile she dances over to the kitchen while she listens to music, this chick shows off her great big ass here. She shakes, bounces, and twerks all over with that big ass before her bf breaks in. After getting inside...

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Paradigm Shift Ch 0203

Chapter 2 Her Blissful state of mind vanished the next day as she left her apartment, walked down three flights of stairs (the elevator was still out of order), and hailed a cab. It was Monday, and she hated her job. She didn’t have much choice in the matter, though. Occupations were assigned once someone graduated from Conformitory School, based on various testing results, gauging everything from typing speed to lifting to grace and creativity. She remembered scoring well on her grace and...

2 years ago
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Jennifers JourneyChapter 1

January 5 My name is Jennifer Applegate, but I prefer Jen or Jenny. I'm fourteen years old (yes, I know, I skipped a grade) and I'm a sophomore at Washington High School. I am the only daughter of Bill and Mary Applegate. We moved here this winter from Seattle because my dad was transferred here in his job. I love to read, and I used to ride horses back where we lived before, but it doesn't look like I'll have much chance of that here. I'm not terrifically athletic, but I do enjoying...

4 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 56

In the morning, after a hearty breakfast of easy over eggs, bacon, biscuit and gravy, home fries, three pancakes with Amish butter ... mine with salt and pepper and Grace with Michigan maple syrup ... coffee, milk and orange juice, we burped politely, paid and took the hotel bus to the airport. We were both ready for some close flying. We circled out over the lake and back to Portage. We discovered that the 100 foot line was double. There was a reef two miles offshore so we flew them both...

3 years ago
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Being With Jackie Part 3

We woke to the sounds of a plow again, but this time it was pushing slush off the road.  I checked the time, and it was about one am, so I sat up to see the road conditions.  The street looked wet, with no sleet or ice coverage.  Jackie whispered, "What's it look like out there?"I whispered back, "The road is just wet now, so the temperature must have risen through the night.  How far away do you live?"Jackie spoke with a normal voice now saying, "I'm only about three miles away, and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Welcome Home

It was a cool, overcast evening. I cracked the window to let the crisp air blow in over my face. It gave my arms a chill but felt good blowing across my wet, silky skin. I’d just stepped out of a hot shower, the water from my hair dripping down my back and my breasts. I walked over to the bed that sat against the large brick wall. I grasped a bottle of vanilla scented lotion and sat on the edge of the bed, hot tea waiting for me on the nightstand. He always knew exactly when I needed tea. It...

Love Stories
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Private Rae Lil Black Asian Beauty

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Rae Lil Black, a super sexual Japanese girl who brings her tattooed body and beautiful natural tits to Private Specials, Deeper is Better ready to surprise her lucky roommate Alberto Blanco. Watch then as this exotic Asian delight gets to work with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before she offers up that beautiful body and pussy for an intimate and intense fuck as she rides, grinds, and gets pounded all the way until a cum filled creampie, Private...

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The Club opening bash

Tea lights floated on one end of the pool while the other was lit with lights underwater. A net separated the two halves and the reflection of the candles on the other half shimmered like sun rays dancing on the ocean. Small lanterns festooned the entire mansion's property. The marble foyer and other rooms were all decorated with masked faces, which was the theme of the party. As I stood back to take in the scene, I hoped Hrithik would be happy with what I had done to decorate the mansion and...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 56

“I’m a little sleepy,” I said. “I was in line at Best Buy at 4:00 in the morning so I could get some really great bargains.” “You did not,” said Sandy, in challenging disbelief. “Of course not. Nobody in my family has ever looked for a bargain in their lives.” We went to the King of Prussia Mall, so many choices. “You’re doing a good job on your makeup,” I told her. “I know. Guys have started noticing me.” The way she said it seemed to have extra meaning. “Anybody special?” I asked.

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