Foster care my new home
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Cassy started to sway to the music as soon as it started. I was about to follow her lead when the first hand came to rest on my calf and slid quickly up under my skirt. I would have stepped back. That would have been the natural reaction. But between the mind altering drug I’d been given and the fact that if I stepped back I’d run into the wall I could only stand there in shock as a strange man rubbed his fingertips over the crotch panel of my panties.
I stared at him, too stunned to know how to react for a moment until Cassy elbowed me and shot me a meaningful look. I began to dance woodenly, struggling to ignore the fingers moving clumsily over my pussy.
I didn’t realize at first that Cassy was already beginning to remove her clothing until she nudged me again. I looked at her, trying not to see the hands under her skirt. I saw that her blouse was already half unbuttoned.
An icy chill ran through me at the thought of what I was about to do. It was no longer just a concept. It was my reality now. I was about to undress in front of nearly a hundred black men!
I reached behind my back with badly shaking fingers and struggled to grip the tab on my zipper. My fingers felt numb. I seemed to have no control over them. I’m not certain I could have managed if Cassy hadn’t paused and reached behind my back to pull the zipper down.
I was still swaying woodenly, not really dancing in time to the music. But the men didn’t care. I had three hands groping me now, one on each thigh, their fingers meeting over my pussy and pressing against my flesh. The third hand belonged to someone to my left rear. He had reached up under my skirt and was squeezing the cheek of my ass. The bastard was pretty rough and I winced in pain each time his hand clamped down on me.
I saw Ty standing behind the men pressed up against the stage, watching with that cruel smile on his evil face. He had to know the man was hurting me. He obviously didn’t give a shit.
Even under the influence of that drug Ty gave me it was nearly impossible for me to let my dress fall free. I was wearing a bra that covered me more modestly than several of the bikinis I like to wear when I go to the pool. But looking out at all those lust crazed men staring at me, waiting for me to continue undressing for their entertainment, served to focus my thoughts on the salient point that my bra is an undergarment. It isn’t a bathing suit top. It’s my bra I’m about to uncover ... my underwear. Not that I’d have felt any more comfortable up here wearing the top half of a sexy bathing suit.
Cassy nudged me again. I knew what she was trying to communicate to me. But I was more influenced by the impatient look I saw on Ty’s face when I glanced back down at him. I didn’t see how anything could be made worse for me. I was about to undress in front of all these horny men and then, after being groped and probed for a while I would begin my career as a prostitute. I couldn’t go any lower than that. But even though I thought about trying to escape, my mind and my body wouldn’t let me.
I saw Cassy’s blouse on the floor behind us. But even as I noticed it down there it disappeared into the crowd, snatched away by someone in the audience for a souvenir. She was struggling with her skirt when I finally let the top of my dress fall free. The cheer from the crowd did nothing to improve my spirits.
I was vaguely aware through all this that the three hands under my skirt had been replaced by three different men’s hands. It hardly mattered by this point in my new career.
I heard Cassy yelling above the noise of the crowd and the loud music, reminding me to dance. Until she called my attention to it I didn’t even realize I’d stopped! I started swaying again, not really dancing. There wasn’t room for us to dance but the men didn’t really care.
I reached for the elastic waistband of my skirt but before I could work it down over my hips, two or three large hands grabbed it from below and jerked it down. The hands left my body long enough for me to step free and I saw my dress disappearing into the sweaty throng of drunken men that I was here to entertain.
I swayed mindlessly as I watch my dress vanish into the crowd. The hands returned to my lower body while I reached back as if in a daze and after fumbling with the catch for a moment I freed the clasp of my bra.
I felt tears begin to stream down my cheek as I lowered my arms and let the bra slide free. It, too, was grabbed by the crowd and disappeared.
I wondered how I was going to get home with no clothes. But it was more along the lines of idle curiosity than a real concern. I would be perfectly happy to go home in the nude if I could leave now.
I managed to get my panties halfway down before the hands went back into action. I watched a large, extremely dark skinned man in his sixties grab them and, after a brief struggle with a few of the men around him, stuff them into his pocket.
I’m naked now but for my shoes and the groping began in earnest. I didn’t get to keep my shoes, though. As fingers began to probe my bald, very dry vagina and then even more painfully work their way into my virgin anal opening, men lifted my legs one at a time and removed my shoes.
I’m not sure I can explain it. But for some reason, being barefoot made what’s happening to me somehow even more embarrassing. You might not think that being barefoot can make a person feel more naked. But it does.
Now that we’re both undressed, the taller men are closing in and reaching up to grab our breasts. The men are purposefully cruel. Their groping hands, more often than not, are quite painful as they clamp down on my breasts or pinch and pull my nipples. But that isn’t the reason for the tears. I’m aware of the humiliation and the pain. But it’s the mental anguish that drove me to tears. I can’t even imagine what I’ll be like, how I’ll be changed, if somehow I survive this horrible night.
They must have made us sway up there on that stage, our bodies on display and cruelly groped and prodded for an hour. Cassy and I were both sweating profusely by the time the music stopped and Ty came forward to claim us. He pulled Cassy off the stage, then me. He pulled us through the crowd in the direction of the same door the poor young woman who was tormented on the tiny stage before us disappeared through.
The groping is even worse now. Fingers prodded and invaded my body as though I were being passed from man to man all the way across the room. As if that wasn’t bad enough, my bare feet are scraping on the rough cement floor and I tried not to think about what the crap is that I’m stepping on.
The door Ty led us through led outside to what looked like a junkyard for old travel trailers more than anything else. There are a couple of small, dilapidated sheds back there, too. There are well worn paths leading from the door to all of the ancient trailers and the sheds.
As improbable as it seems, it appears as though most of those tiny trailers and even the sheds are occupied! The doors are open and there are dim lights burning inside them. Men can be seen moving around and looking into the doors as if they’re shopping. Some of the more popular trailers even have lines of men waiting outside of them!
I tried not to think about those trailers and what was going to happen to me there. Instead, I welcomed the fresh air, the relative quiet after being forced to endure that almost painfully loud music inside, and the absence of groping hands as I stood there for a moment gasping for air as if I’d been holding my breath the entire time I was inside that horrible club.
Ty looked around for a few seconds and then led us to the nearest, and what appeared to be the largest of the decrepit old trailers. It’s about twenty feet long, nearly twice the size of the other trailers spread around the large lot in a rough circle.
The door and the windows are open. Ty reached inside and turned a dim light on. He stood back and nodded for us to enter ahead of him. Even though the door and the windows are open it smells so bad I feel like gagging. I saw roaches scurrying around what little remained of the small kitchenette when we entered. The trailer is pretty much falling apart. It must be at least fifty years old, probably even older than that. The cheap paneling is stained and peeling. In places it’s missing altogether. The door to the small bathroom is missing, too.
There are half a dozen overflowing ashtrays scattered around the tiny front room and there are empty beer bottles everywhere I look. There are only two places to sit in the room. There’s a stool and there’s a cot in the very front of the trailer, just inside the door. It doesn’t appear that this ... this horrible devil’s den has ever been cleaned! There’s another cot in the back, just beyond the tiny bathroom.
I suppose, in light of what my life has become and the horrors to which I’ve already been subjected, it isn’t that important. But I looked around at the nastiest structure I’ve ever entered in my life and thought, “This is where I become a prostitute!”
I heard what I assumed were to be our first customers, or my first customers since Cassy has been here before and has already been forced to work as a prostitute. I turned to look through the open door and back toward the building. I’m shocked to see a large mob of men approaching through the dim light that shone from all the trailers.
A couple of the men in the front of the pack looked in through the door and said, “We ain’t all gonna fit in there. You wanna do this outside?”
Before Ty could answer, a man behind them suggested, “Let’s bring one of them picnic tables over here under the light. They can use that.”
Ty shrugged and then nodded. Moments later, Cassy and I were climbing up onto a rickety old table and moving into a sixty-nine while the men gathered around to watch.
Just as we were climbing up onto the table two bright lights were aimed at us, one from each end of the table. I thought at first that we were being illuminated so that the men could better see us debase ourselves for their viewing pleasure. But it was worse than that. The lights were coming from two large movie cameras. The bastards were recording this!
Cassie and I were both still covered with sweat, sweat that had begun to cool in the night air. Our bodies pressed together now and her warm, soft body felt pretty good. We went right to it, probing each other’s pussies with our tongues.
Once again I was shocked to discover how wet she is! But far more disturbing was the foul taste I encountered. I can taste the evidence of all those unwashed hands that probed her opening while we were on stage.
The primary taste I’m able to identify is tobacco residue. But there are other, equally foul tastes I thought it best not to analyze too closely.
I’m still not fond of eating pussy, though I’ll admit it isn’t as disgusting as I expected. I’m even less fond of the idea of eating my sister’s pussy. But most of all I hate doing it for the entertainment of a large group of horny perverts. I’m willing to keep going all night, though, considering the alternative. I can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like to lie down on that bare, badly stained mattress and let one strange black man after another rape me in any manner that strikes his fancy.
My sister distracted me from the scenario I’m trying not to imagine when her thighs closed down on my head and she shocked me by having an orgasm! How could she?! How could any woman have an orgasm under these conditions?!
But Cassy did. If the perverts gathered around making obscene comments are waiting for me to follow suit they’re going to have a damn long wait. The only thing I’m getting out of this is moisture from my sister’s tongue. At least when my first customer plunges his hard cock into me my pussy won’t be dry. Oh god! I hope he fucks my pussy! But I know from the comments I’ve heard my ears and my nostrils are about the only orifices in my body that won’t be fucked repeatedly tonight.
As if to prove the terrible thoughts rushing around in my head, as Cassy and I continue to perform oral sex on each other I can hear Ty standing nearby selling our services. Some men are paying for a specific sex act and getting it for what I thought was an insultingly low price. Most of the men seemed to be paying for an amount of time. They will be able to do anything they want to do us for fifteen, thirty, forty-five minutes or an hour.
I couldn’t keep track. I didn’t try. But the dickering went on and on. It sounds like we’re going to be getting raped all night long in that little trailer. I now understood the look of terror in Cassy’s eyes when we were leaving the house this evening. She’s been through this before. I’m still troubled by the fact that she just had an orgasm. But I’ve got to give her credit for surviving this without losing her mind. I’m not certain I’ll be able to do that.
I don’t know whether Ty finished selling us for the entire night or if the customers were just getting impatient. In any case, Cassy and I were finally separated and taken back inside. Cassy was escorted into the tiny box in the back that had once been the bedroom. The built-in bed that had once been there is gone, replaced with a sturdy cot just like the one on which I’m about to begin my new career as a prostitute.
One of the two cameramen followed her. The other stood nearby, still recording my reactions for god only knows who to enjoy later.
There’s no bedroom door. If there was one it probably disappeared years ago. Someone hung a curtain there but it remained open so all could witness my sister’s shame. We all watched as her first customer dropped his pants to his knees and climbed on top of her. She disappeared under the large man and we heard her grunts as he immediately started slamming his cock into her.
I turned to look down in disgust at the nasty mattress upon which I’m going to spend the night getting raped. It made my skin crawl. It’s so stained with various bodily fluids that it isn’t possible to tell what the original color had been. I wondered briefly how many other women have been raped on that mattress.
My first customer didn’t even seem to notice. Ignoring the camera pointed at us, he undressed from the waist down and sat on the side of the small bed. He spread his legs and pulled me closer. His hands explored my body for only seconds before he pushed me to my knees on the filthy floor in front of him and leaned back to watch.
I told myself that at least he’s clean. But even if body odor isn’t a problem he smells of cigarette smoke, beer, fresh sweat and almost overpowering cologne. I held my breath, bent down and with no teasing or preparation at all I took his cock into my mouth and started sucking. I just want to get it over with.
I suppose that’s short sighted. The men are lined up outside watching through the open door and waiting their turns. There will be no shortage of cocks assaulting my body tonight. But I don’t know how else to handle a situation like this.
I let my mind wander right up until I felt him tensing up. I sped up the motion of my hand on his cock shaft and prepared for a mouthful of that noxious, slimy fluid which is always the end result of this activity. It should have bothered me that a man with whom I have never exchanged so much as a single word is about to cum in my mouth. But in this situation I think I prefer it that way. I don’t imagine there’s anything I could say to him that wouldn’t make my life more difficult.
The tall, skinny old man came in my mouth and I swallowed quickly. I waited for him to tell me I can straighten up. But as it turns out, my first customer is one of those who paid for time and not just an orgasm. He lay back on the bed, smiling as I continued to hold his cock in my mouth.
He finally spoke to me for the first time. “It turns me the fuck on that I’m your first paying customer. I love fuckin’ hot little white girls. But I love it that much more because you obviously hate this so much. The fact that I’m the first man to pay to fuck you is icing on the cake. So get my cock hard again so I can do just that. My next load is going straight into that prissy little pink pussy, bitch.”
I started sucking on his soft cock again. As I worked to get his cock hard I heard the man who just fucked Cassy coming out from the back. I heard Cassy moving around. She got up and went into the tiny little bathroom between the back bedroom and the closet sized room in which I’m being raped.
She was still in there cleaning up, with the camera recording her shame, when my first paying customer tapped my head and ordered me up onto the mattress on my hands and knees. I suppose if I have to do this at all I prefer to do it that way. I’m not looking forward to stretching out on my back on that mattress.
I got into position. I hate being able to see Ty, the man who just fucked Cassy, the cameraman, and my first customer, all standing within an arm’s reach and smiling down at me. Even worse, I can hear the crowd outside the door. All those men who are no doubt growing hornier as they watch me getting fucked, knowing half of them will soon get a turn to stick their cocks inside of me, too.
The man who paid to fuck me first got up and climbed onto the cot behind me. He needed help to find my opening. But once I guided the head of his cock to my vaginal opening he slid it into me with surprising ease. In that moment I was grateful for the moisture placed there by my sister’s tongue as the man’s cock entered me. His cock isn’t uncomfortably large and thanks to the saliva providing lubrication it wasn’t a painful experience.
It was, however, unpleasant and mind altering. I’m a prostitute! I’m not certain if I’ll ever recover from this horrible evening, starting with the very first rapes by Ty at Cassy’s house.
Cassie came out of the bathroom and went back into her little bedroom. When she was ready, Joe came out of the room, went to the door and announced, “My wife is ready to fuck her next customer now.”
I heard the emotion in his voice and it was hard not to feel sorry for him. On the other hand, why the fuck didn’t he do something about this animal weeks ago?!
The man fucking me kept pumping away until Ty informed him he had five more minutes. Under his breath the man exclaimed, “Damn!”
Then he asked Ty, “You gonna bring this bitch back here tomorrow? This is some fine pussy!”
Ty grinned and replied, “Yeah. Probably. The money’s too good to let all that prime pussy just sit on their asses at home collecting dust.”
The man picked up the pace but first he said, “You hear that, bitch? I’m gonna fuck you again tomorrow night! I can’t wait ‘til your pimp breaks in that tight, cherry ass and I can get me some a that!”
Even in the middle of this horrible rape I was able to sigh in relief. I wasn’t aware access to my ass was being withheld from the men lined up to rape me for a small amount of money.
Then he started slamming into me so violently I had to put one hand up and brace myself against the wall to keep from having my head driven through the side of the trailer. Thankfully, he only lasted another minute or two before he growled like a wild animal and emptied his balls into me.
But he didn’t move when he was finished. He stayed right there with his cock buried deep in my pussy until Ty notified him his time was up. By the time he pulled out of me and stood up, Cassy was fucking her third customer of the night.
I was relieved to have that horrible experience finally come to an end. But I was so dazed by everything, by the half hour long rape to which I had no choice but to submit, by the strip show and groping that preceded it, by the fact that the man who just raped me had paid for the privilege and that I was now a prostitute; a woman who let’s men fuck her for money, that my mind was numb.
I remained kneeling on that filthy, gross smelling mattress while my first customer put his pants on. I’m crying quietly and trying not to wonder how many more men wil use my body tonight.
Ty finally slapped my ass and said, “Hey! Stupid! Get in there and clean your ass up. Nobody wants to fuck a ho with cum dripping out of her cunt!”
I started climbing slowly to my feet until he snarled, “You better move your ass! There’s men waiting to pay good money to fuck you. I didn’t bring you here to relax!”
I certainly don’t want to disappoint my customers. I stood up and with the cameraman following I went to the tiny bathroom in the middle of the trailer. I stopped in the doorway for a second and then gasped and stepped back in shock. I almost threw up when the odor hit me. I swallowed the bile rising in my throat and tried to ignore the chuckling of the cameraman as I stared aghast at the ungodly mess.
The sink is black from years of accumulated grime. But that’s nothing compared to the toilet and the floor around it! I’m not certain I could make myself go in there with shoes on, much less in my bare feet!
The small, plastic toilet and apparently every square inch of the floor around it are covered with what must have been an accumulation of dried urine which took years to accumulate.
I looked back at Ty. He’s watching me with that cruel smile on his face. He’s enjoying the hell out of this. But he won’t enjoy it for much longer. I know he’ll soon grow impatient and if I let that happen I’ll be made to suffer for it.
I gritted my teeth and stepped into the tiny little closet of a bathroom. It’s so small I could stand in the middle and touch all four walls easily. I turned and squatted over the toilet. There’s no toilet seat but I knew that if there had been I couldn’t have used it.
The cameraman squatted in the door and recorded everything as I emptied my bladder and then used a sheet from a roll of paper towels to wipe myself. I was about to drop the towel in the toilet when I noticed a trash can under the sink. That’s obviously where the whores who came before me put their used paper towels.
I disposed of the towel and dampened another to wipe my thighs and my pubic area clean. I stepped back out into the small passageway between the bed on which I’m entertaining customers and the doorway to the small bedroom where Cassy is working.
I leaned against the doorframe and used the paper towel to wipe the disgusting crud that’s stuck to me from the bathroom floor from the bottoms of my feet. While I was doing that I glanced into the bedroom. Cassy is on her back under another large black man, lying there with a vacant look in her eyes while he pounds away.
Joe is standing in the corner facing them. I guess he’s supposed to be watching but I doubt if he can actually see much with all the tears in his eyes. The cameraman is standing on the opposite side of the bed so he can record the men raping Cassy and still include Joe in the frame.
I tossed the paper towel I’d been using into the can under the sink and turned to see another man just finished undressing in preparation for fucking me. I realized as I walked back to the front of the little trailer that I’m no longer feeling the effects of the drug I’d been given. It doesn’t matter, though. I know I’m not getting out of here tonight until Cassy and I have drained the balls of all those men I see outside and Ty is ready to leave.
My next customer is young, about my age or maybe even younger. He’s also impatient. As soon as I was within reach he scooped me up and dropped me onto the mattress on my back. I was still shivering in disgust at having so much of my skin come into contact with that nasty mattress when he climbed up over me and, with my help, worked the head of his cock into my tender opening.
He paused for a second to look down at me. Then he slowly began to sink his hard cock into me. I hadn’t really paid any attention when I returned from the bathroom. As much as possible I avoided looking at anyone and everyone. But as his cock continued to slowly enter my body I suddenly realized he must be incredibly well hung.
His cock isn’t all that thick. Or at least I don’t think it is. I’m a bit numb from the pounding I just received and I can’t really say. It doesn’t seem to stretch me out like Ty’s cock did. It is, however, incredibly long. The head of his cock seemed to press against the opening to my cervix long before our pubic mounds met.
I grunted loudly at the strange and uncomfortable sensation. Nothing has ever touched me deep inside like that before. It doesn’t hurt. Not really. But it was uncomfortable for the first few minutes until somehow my body seemed to adjust. I hate to admit it, but before long, his long slow strokes were starting to feel quite pleasant. There was never any danger I’d have an orgasm. But if I have to submit to being raped I have to say I’d rather it be pleasant than painful.
I found myself thinking that if this was consensual sex on a clean bed and the two of us were alone somewhere I might have enjoyed having sex with this guy! But we aren’t alone and I don’t want to fuck this guy and I’m concerned with the diseases I’m reasonably certain I’m going to contract from fucking all these strange men and from being in contact with the nasty mattress upon which I’m being raped and from using that disgusting bathroom.
The night went on and on. The men quickly became like a single entity. They were all the man who’s raping me. I could no longer differentiate between them, in large part because I don’t want to. I didn’t look at them any more than I had to. I sucked their cocks when they demanded it of me and I swallowed their bitter cream. I lay on my back or got up on my hands and knees while they fucked me one right after the other with just a short minute or two in between them to clean my thighs and my increasingly sore pussy.
Some of them were cruel and enjoyed making it hurt. Others gave me the impression they might just as well be masturbating. They were just about as aware of me as I was of them. I was only a means to an end.
Some were old. Some were young. Some were clean. Most were not. It’s a hot night and all were sweaty. Some, though, came to me with the sour smell from days of accumulated sweat which made it all but impossible to breathe while they raped me.
Several times that night I was raped by two men at a time. But by the time the first twosome took me it just didn’t matter anymore. I didn’t even really become aware that I’d experienced my very first threesome until it was over and they were getting dressed while discussing the relative merits of my cocksucking skills versus my still tight pussy!
I ignored them. I squeezed by them and used the bathroom to clean up as best I could. I noticed that my mind, though now released from the effects of the drug, is becoming increasingly foggy. I can’t think. I have no concept of time. I was no longer even entirely certain what day it is. But I took that to be a good thing. I don’t want to be aware.
It was almost dawn when it finally ended. Ty had long since gone outside where it was slightly cooler and stretched out to take a nap on the picnic table where Cassy and I performed our opening sixty-nine act for the men.
At long last I returned from another trip to the bathroom to find, not another customer, but Ty, stretching and yawning and looking pretty proud of himself. Just like a big city pimp!
We waited until Cassy’s last customer finished up and left. She cleaned up quickly and when she came out of the bathroom, Ty said, “Let’s go home. It’s been a long, hard night.”
The poor dear!
We started around the building toward the parking lot when I finally remembered I’m naked. I exclaimed, “Wait! What about our clothes?!”
He just kept walking. Over his shoulder he said, “You won’t be wearing shit like that anymore. We’re gonna get you and your sister some slut clothes, something more appropriate for your new job. That reminds me. Don’t forget to call your boss on Monday and quit. You work for me now. You’ll be moving in with us, too.”
I almost collapsed to the damp grass and died right then. This is my life now?! I can’t! I can’t live like this! I won’t live like this! I’d much rather be dead.
Cassy came up behind me and took my arm. She got me moving again and I let myself be led around the building to the parking lot. There are a couple of other cars remaining there but no people. The other cars and the people are gone now. Cassy and Joe’s Mercury is all by itself at the far end of the parking lot.
I’m not concerned about the prospect of being seen. Not just because so many men have seen me naked that it hardly matters anymore. But because the sky is just starting to lighten in the east and it’s unlikely anyone will be driving by to see us crossing the parking lot in the nude.
I’m more concerned about stones and broken glass as I picked my way across the dirty, rutted lot in my bare feet.
Joe got in the driver’s seat and Cassy and I sat on either side of Ty in the backseat again. Ty dropped the DVDs he’d been given by the owner of club onto the front seat and sat back, obviously pretty fucking proud of himself. He didn’t play with our pussies this time, though. We’d been soiled by far too many men for him to want to touch us. Instead he placed our hands over his crotch and we began to lightly tease his half hard manhood with our fingertips.
The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part Six By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Synopsis: Orphaned at age 14, Angelo is a delicate boy, and after a miserable year living with his aunt and her family, he is placed in foster care with a woman who has always wanted a daughter. Angelo finds comfort in often living and dressing as Angela, a lovely 15 year old girl;...
Introduction: This is the forth chapter in my Foster Care series as our heroin continues to struggle to believe if this is a good home for her or not. Judge for yourself. Besides the homes with the neglectful foster parents that exist there is an even worse alternative, at least in my eyes, that thank God I only had to experience it once. That home is called a group home. A group home is run like a business with the adults coming on and off duty like in any job. A group home is where they can...
The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part Five By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Synopsis: Orphaned at age 14, Angelo is a delicate boy, and after a miserable year living with his aunt and her family, he is placed in foster care with a woman who has always wanted a daughter. Angelo finds comfort in often living and dressing as Angela, a lovely 15 year old...
The girl that seemed in charge in my group was a girl named Erika. Erika had beautiful black long hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was a natural beautiful olive color. It didn’t take me long to realize she was in charge because she told other girls what to do. Within moments of me being there she met me at my bed and gave me my new name. “So Blondie, what do you have there in your bag that belongs to me,” she asked. Now I was stunned by this question as I had just arrived so I...
The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part Three By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Summary of Parts I and II: Angelo was 14 when his mother died, leaving him with an aunt whose family taunted him mercilessly for his delicate, tender body and gentle nature. A year later, Child Protective Services rescued him, placing him in a foster home with a woman who...
Introduction: Chapter 2 in this saga. I can not remember a time where my biological mother was not using one drug or another. I remember being hungry a lot and learning how to get food from school and other kids and neighbors and even the trash sometimes. Sometimes I think I was more the adult then she was because not only did I manage food for myself but I usually managed to make sure she ate something too. I think part of this is why I was always very small for my age compared to other girls...
But it doesn’t take a kid long to figure out that the grass is certainly not greener. I think most people would think that being in a home with other children is a good thing. But let me tell you, especially if the kids are their own birth children it can be a nightmare. You as the foster kid are always the one who gets the blame and the punishment. Now foster parents do know that they can not leave a mark on you, but it doesn’t take them long to find punishment that hurts but doesn’t...
The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part One By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Chapter One: A New Home Mary Elizabeth Dayton was surprised to see her foster home placement worker on Monday afternoon. "You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow, Anna. What's up?" "Oh, Mrs. Dayton, this isn't a home inspection visit. We've completed that and...
The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part Four By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Synopsis: Orphaned at age 14, Angelo is a delicate boy, and after a miserable year living with his aunt and her family, he is placed in foster care with a woman who has always wanted a daughter. Angelo finds comfort in often living and dressing as Angela, a lovely 15 year old girl...
Miss Foster was my home room teacher in the seventh grade, and she also taught English. She was twenty seven years old and was unmarried, although I'm sure that she had received many proposals, because she was slender and beautiful. She had dark hair, and at school she always dressed conservatively. Still, one could see her bare calves and lower arms, which were so perfectly shaped that one could imagine, as I did, that she was perfect all over. She had modest breasts, and when she wore a...
But she was beginning to have her doubts about Jason Bennett. She had been doing everything she could to tempt him, but he never showed even the slightest interest. She never gave him a direct invitation of course; instead she did small things that could easily be explained as accidents, always mindful of the time, not wanting Margi to be around. She had found that the women of the house were always very quick to catch on to her if she risked her stunts in their presence. Margi ran her own...
The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part Two By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Synopsis: Orphaned at 14, Angelo is a sensitive, shy boy, and is placed with a foster mother who had wanted a girl. She accepts the boy into her household, quickly finding out that he feels comfortable sleeping in a girl's bedroom and wearing lovely, frilly outfits. Before...
Ms. Troy sighed heavily. Sarah had been brought to her four years ago. Her mother had died of a d**g overdose and her father was nowhere to be found. Even at that young age, Sarah had seemed very mature, making her seem older than her thirteen years. Ms. Troy had thought it would be very easy to place such a well-mannered girl, but Sarah had proved to be more of a problem than she had first expected. Every family she was placed with eventually called, asking that Sarah be taken away, with no...
Carl was not a bad guy and Maggie was also a good wife to Carl. They had just drifted apart. Maggie was a very busy CPA and Carl was a civil engineer. They were both very conservative and somewhat boring people and they both needed a change, as they had gone through the normal process of dating and marriage and raising a child, but there was never a spark in the romance department. There was not any cheating with other people involved with their breakup. They were going to sell the house,...
The British continued to harass us, pressing us back in our retreat. My company was usually doing rear-guard duty. One day, a week or so after my enjoyment of the girl in the barn, a pleasure my aching cock still recalled early in the morning, we swooped down on the supply train of a Redcoat regiment and were deep into pillage and plunder when a bunch of dragoons appeared out of nowhere, and we had to fight for our lives and then flee, every man for himself. They ran off our horses, and I...
To that small group of Disturbed people who have enjoyed my previous efforts and encouraged me, thank you. I’m sitting sullenly in the back seat of the car, trying to act like I don’t care. That’s my way of coping I guess. I let the world know I don’t care. Nothing they do to me has any effect on me. I’m worried, though. I’m being driven to my third foster home in less than three months and each one seems to be worse than the one before. My parents were arrested three months ago for a long...
Jason was sitting behind his desk in his large, corner window office. His construction company owned a large building in the middle of the city; his office was on the top floor, facing southwest. The rest of the top floor held a large drafting room for when he personally worked on the plans for a building, a conference room for dealing with clients, and a simple bedroom that held a small bed and a single bathroom, for times when he had to work overnight.He sat behind his mahogany desk,...
Tran looked adorable, kneeling in the middle of the rest stop bathroom. I had placed a pad on the hard tile floor for her knees; it was going to be a busy night, from the looks of things. I leaned against the wall, nonchalantly off to the side between the sinks and the urinals, watching the action in profile. I may have appeared disinterested, but I stayed alert, ready to protect my baby at a moment's notice. I was also collecting the money, of course: one hundred dollars a go. The first in...
Introduction: My first shot at this – It was really fun to write >,_<, This was the last Foster Home I was going to be at. It was terrifying and freeing all at the same time. After being in this system for so many years and bouncing from house to house it might be nice to not be anyones problem anymore. Today is my 18th birthday and although Im excited to be an adult its not so fun to have a big birthday when you dont have anyone to celebrate with&hellip,Linda my foster mom is at work and...
She wasn’t our real mother, or stepmother, but as a foster mother, she made us call her that. Any deviation, for example calling her mom, mommy, miss, or ma’am, was met with a swift reprisal. She was a strict disciplinarian, but never crossed the line and for a majority of the time, she treated us with love and respect. We were clothed, fed, taken to school, and enjoyed occasional vacations.I never could recall what happened to my parents or how I became a foster daughter to Mother. While I...
SpankingHi, I'm Thomas (Tom) Foster. And yeah, I am a foster host parent. I have lots of short stories to share, let me know if you're interested. Apparently my kind of stories are not allowed. Pity. ;) Here's one that is:Just to give you some idea of what I'm talking about. The other day I met up with a former foster-raised guy who is now in college. We talked about the "good ol' days" and all the things we did as a family together. My former wife was a huge fan of spoiling the c***d and not sparing...
This is 35th story penned under the name of Sultana Sinha (name changed). I am Alok 36 yrs old male from Patna. If you like, the story please say, so on my mail or . Hi, I am Latha Devi 27yrs old, happily married, one daughter and residing in Bangalore. My husband works in Dubai. At this moment, I am on my way to Railway Station to receive my foster parents who are my uncle (father’s brother) and aunt (his wife). While in taxi, my past life was flying before me like a flashback reel. Now I am...
IncestI love my sister. Cassy and I were never really that close because of the difference in our ages. Not as close as most sisters. Not at first anyway. I was a late and unexpected arrival. My sister was already eight years old when I was born. Until I arrived she was an only child. Cassy was always more of a mother figure, or at least a babysitter than a sister to me. It was a long time before I was anything but an added responsibility to her. We very seldom played together, or at least not...
Kevin was 9 when he entered his first group home. He was a bit chubby, not too short. He has brown short hair. He was your average boy. He liked playing sports, and getting dirty. Growing up in the south, that was all there really was to do for a boy. His prior situation, he was living with his grandparents in Alabama, but his grandfather passed, leaving his grandmother to care for Kevin alone. His real mother was states away, couldn't handle being a young mom and dropped him off with her...
I grew up in the foster system, but unlike so many stories, my life wasn't all that bad. I lucky in that the handful of families I was placed with were kind, generous and quite loving. The last family I was with was especially wonderful. They had a daughter that was a few years older than me, but we became as close as sisters very quickly. To this day we still consider each other sisters. In fact, I'm currently living with her and her husband. One thing my time in the foster system instilled in...
LesbianThe true feeling of sex is that of a deep intimacy, but above all of a deep complicity. -- James Dickey "Mike, I really need your help," Deanne started as soon as Mike picked up the phone. "What is it this time," he said. He could hear the relief in her voice, "Mike, you guys are the best. I have a sixteen-year-old who lost her entire family in a car wreck." "Jesus," he said. "Is she hurt?" "No. She was at practice and the family was coming to pick her up. A driver dialing a...
Mike woke up next to Caryn, contemplating how beautiful she looked. Now, in the bright morning sunlight, he was able to begin thinking rationally again. Oh my God, I've had sex with a 16-year-old girl. 'What the hell did I do?' he wondered. He looked at Caryn. She laid there, nude, the sun on her flawless skin, a slight smile on her face. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The panic receded, replaced by the intense love, affection, and passion he felt for her. He pulled...
Introduction: Two brothers find more than themselves when adopted by a new family. Hey guys. This is my first story, be kind. Any feedback will be appreciated. ________________________________________________________ This is important for later on in the story. Im putting it here now so it doesnt look like I just added it later on. This story takes place in a world very much the same as ours except males can get pregnant as well as females, but the pregnancy requires sperm as any pregnancy...
Introduction: The boys discover each other Next chapter. Please enjoy. Comments and feedback greatly appreciated _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not endorse or condone underage sex or teen pregnancy. This is a story meant for adults if it is illegal. please leave _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Characters as they are now: Sean – 15 – Discovered masturbation, taught...
Hello, Jack Foster. I am your genie. Instead of staying the bland, unknown loser you've always been, you can be any one of these five people. I can do it for you. Just tell me what you want. One condition: I don't want you to waste this opportunity. So you've got a month to get laid. Good luck!
FantasyMy name is Chris and I am now older, but I will be reffering to myself as a younger boy and telling you all my story in the form of a 'story'. I am not the best writer and will probably make lots of mistakes. Sorry about that. I was always a thicker boy. I wasn't that tall, but I had a slightly chubbiness about me as a little boy. I often did get picked on about my little gut or my butt. I had brown hair and brown eyes and a slight overbite. I loved playing catch or four sqaure with the...
Chapter II The next morning was Sunday and Crystal made her way down stairs while I was making breakfast. She gave me her normal little hug but never hinted at the events from the night before. I was impressed with her maturity and her ability to act as if nothing happened. She new the wife could be up at any moment and any cause for suspicion would jeopardize everything. The morning went on as usual. The wife worked on laundry as Crystal and I left for our weekly trip to the grocery....
Preface: My intention was to write more of my first story and ideas for that are still rattling around in my head. However a new friend on XNXX inspired me to start this story. Thanks Crystal. I hope you and others enjoy it. Chapter I Crystal isn't the first foster we have opened our home to, but she is the first to stay after turning 18. Being in her final year of high school it seemed logical to let her stay until she finished. Yes I admit she is a good looking girl, but I can...
Chapter I Crystal isn't the first foster we have opened our home to, but she is the first to stay after turning 18. Being in her final year of high school it seemed logical to let her stay until she finished. Yes I admit she is a good looking girl, but I can honestly say I never imagined anything would develop. The event that changed everything came one night after my wife and I returned late from a friend's house. The house was dark, Crystal was assumed to be asleep in her room. As...
“I hate you and you’re the worst person I know,” I cried out in fury at my foster sister, Samantha.She was my closest sibling and we were practically best friends. When we were both seventeen, I spent far more time with her or around her than anyone else. We were not blood, but we sure acted like it at times. With her being merely weeks older than I am, it tended to lead to disagreements between us. This anger and contempt I harbored against her wasn’t out of hate or rage but stemmed from...
SpankingSally lost her mom and dad at the age of five when they were in an accident and died. She has been in and out of foster homes for years. It got bad when she became a teen as homes for teens were hard to find till Sam and Jenny took her in. She had a bedroom right next to theirs and she could hear their wild sex every night. It made her pussy tingle to listen to them. She didn't know how Jenny got up and went to work after fucking Sam all night. Sam stayed home all day and took care of the...
Now coming to the part where it all changed. My foster parents worked alot, they went on a business trip and left me with Sam and Jack. Sam said no at first but later my dad convinced him. Now i went over to Sams, he was on his couch in an underwear drinking beer. I could see his pubes and a big bulge in her white underwear. After my parents left, Sam ordered me to massage his feet. Sam was extremely racist, he kept abusing me and asking me to leave the house or run away from his sons house....
Caryn was in the front when she heard the door opening. She rushed up to see what it was only to be confronted by a woman asking, "Who the hell are you?" "I'm Caryn." Pause. Then angrily, "Who are you?" "This is my house," the woman said loudly pushing past Caryn. The noise had brought Mike. He rounded the hall corner and stopped. "Cyndi, what the hell are you doing here?" "This is my house," she said. "You walked out," he said and Caryn could hear the hurt in those words....
Child Services finally picks me up. I’m not expecting much. This is the same offices that in two years will have two screw-ups that will be so bad it causes the complete overhaul of how our nation deals with child welfare cases. The first mistake was that a large group of children were taken out of their homes when there was no reason. If, for any reason, a child’s name came across their desk, the child was removed from the home. Most cases brought to child services are/were false alarms;...
“Did you just give a teenaged girl two credit cards with no limit?” Tina’s mom asked. “Yep. I know that Bambi won’t go insane, and there isn’t anything around here where she can do all that much damage. Plus, she is ready to get home after having been here longer than expected,” I answered. “How about some breakfast in town? I know this place you won’t believe,” I told them. Tina’s dad asked, “If your friend took your car, are we taking our minivan?” “No need. I have a car waiting for us...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
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