To Partheno Agoraki! ;) free porn video

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Δεκαπέντε ώρες ταξίδι με το καράβι δεν είναι εύκολο πράγμα. Αλλά δε μπορούσε να γίνει αλλιώς. Φοιτητής εγώ, ήμουν αναγκασμένος να το κάνω αρκετές φορές το χρόνο. Είχα συνηθίσει να κοιμάμαι για να περνάει η ώρα. Μερικές όμως φορές η ώρα περνούσε σχετικά ευχάριστα στο σαλόνι του καραβιού αν πετύχαινες ευχάριστους ανθρώπους. Πότε με συζήτηση, πότε με χαρτιά. Σε αυτό το ταξίδι είχαμε μαζευτεί 4-5 άτομο άγνωστα μεταξύ τους και η συζήτηση είχε ανοίξει για τα καλά. Το ταξίδι ευτυχώς ήταν πιο υποφερτό από άλλες φορές. Ένα μεσήλικο ζευγάρι, μια γυναίκα γύρω στα τριάντα της οποίας το μπούστο με είχε ερεθίσει, (ορμές εφήβου γαρ) και ένας κύριος γύρω στα πενήντα και εγώ αποτελούσαν αυτή την μικρή παρέα που συζητούσε περί ανεμών και υδάτων. Η ώρα περνούσε και ένας-ένας αποχωρούσαν για να πάνε στις καμπίνες τους για να κοιμηθούν. Στο τέλος απομείναμε εγώ και ο πενηντάρης κύριος. Η συζήτηση δεν άργησε να περιφέρεται γύρω από το εκπληκτικό και ευμεγέθες μπούστο της κυρίας που είχε αναχωρήσει. Σαν ντροπαλός εγώ αρκούσουν περισσότερο να συμφωνήσω με τα καθόλου φειδωλά σχόλια του κυρίου, το τρίτο ουίσκι που είχε παραγγείλει είχε σίγουρα συμβάλλει σε αυτό.

- Λοιπόν εσύ μικρέ καμιά γκομενίτσα έχεις.

Στα δεκαεννιά μου ήμουν παρθένος ακόμα, καθότι όπως ανέφερα παραπάνω ήμουν υπέρ το δέον ντροπαλός, αλλά η μαλάκια ήταν απαραίτητη εργασία καθημερινά, πότε σκεπτόμενος τα βυζάκια της Δέσποινας, πότε το κωλαράκι της Μαρίας. Φυσικά όμως μη θέλοντας να το αποκαλύψω, τη νύφη την πλήρωσε η συμφοιτήτριά μου η Αργυρώ που για τις επόμενες ώρες ταξιδιού θα ήταν η "γκομενίτσα" μου που μάλιστα κάναμε και τέσσερις φορές την εβδομάδα σεξ. Ενθουσιασμένος φάνηκε και ο κύριος που με αντάμειψε με ένα:

- Μπράβο… κι εγώ στην ηλικία σου γαμούσα καθημερινά όποιο κοριτσάκι έβρισκα μπροστά μου. Μακάρι να βρίσκαμε ένα κοριτσάκι να το γαμούσαμε στην καμπίνα μου και οι δύο. Έβλεπα δύο τρία να περνάνε και με κοιτούσαν παράξενα, σίγουρα θελαν να γαμηθούν.

Η φαντασία μου άρχισε να οργιάζει. Έβλεπα ήδη τον εαυτό μου στην καμπίνα του εν λόγω κυρίου να γαμάμε ταυτόχρονα την άτυχη τυχερή που θα περνούσε έξω από την καμπίνα του. Ήθελα επιτέλους να πάρει την θέση της παλάμης μου ένα μουνάκι. Οι εφηβικές μου ορμόνες είχαν χτυπήσει κόκκινο και ο πούτσος μου ορθωμένος κοιτούσε ταβάνι. Δεν άργησε να μου προτείνει να βάλουμε σε εφαρμογή το σχέδιο του. Καυλωμένος εγώ, τον ακολούθησα στην καμπίνα του.

- Ας κάνουμε πρώτα ένα μπάνιο πρότεινε να είμαστε καθαροί.

Μπαίνω εγώ πρώτος. Γδύθηκε μένοντας μπροστά μου τσίτσιδος.

- Δεν πιστεύω να ντρέπεσαι μικρέ. Άντρες είμαστε.

Φυσικά συμφώνησα μαζί του. Ύστερα από δέκα λεπτά βγήκε.

- Σειρά σου. Εγώ θα έχω το νου μου μπας και περάσει καμιά καυλωμένη να κάνουμε τη δουλειά μας.

Γδύθηκα κι εγώ τελείως και μπήκα μέσα. Ο πούτσος μου στεκόταν καμαρωτός-καμαρωτός καθώς το μυαλό μου σκεφτόταν παρόμοια σενάρια από τσόντες που είχα δει. Όση ώρα έκανα μπάνιο σκεφτόμουν να τραβήξω μαλακία να ξαλαφρώσω, άλλα συγκρατιόμουν με την ιδέα να τα δώσω όλα με την κοπέλα που θα ψαρεύαμε. Βγαίνοντας έξω παρατήρησα ότι ο κύριος ήταν ακόμα γυμνός καθισμένος στην κουκέτα. Ξεφύλλιζε ένα πορνοπεριοδικό ενώ με το ροζιασμένο χέρι του χάιδευε ελαφρά την ευμεγέθη και ανασηκωμένη πούτσα του. Ξαφνιάστηκα ομολογουμένως. Με κοίταξε με ένα χαμόγελο.

- Δεν έχει φίλε μου καμιά να τριγυρίζει, μάλλον η ώρα είναι περασμένη αλλά κοίτα εδώ, έχω ένα πορνοπεριοδικό και είπαμε να βολευτώ με αυτό. Έλα να πάρεις μάτι κι εσύ.

Γαμώτο σκέφτηκα, δε θα γαμήσω ούτε σήμερα. Το πορνοπεριοδικό ξαφνικά έγινε η καλύτερη επιλογή, παρά να την παίξω μόνος στην τουαλέτα.

- Κάτσε χτύπησε το χέρι του στο στρώμα δίπλα του. Ομολογώ ότι αισθανόμουν λίγο άβολα με ένα γυμνό άνδρα δίπλα μου.

- Πάρε μάτι και τράβα μαλακία να ευχαριστηθείς.

Έβλεπα στις σελίδες που φυλλομετρούσε γυναίκες που γαμιόντουσαν από έναν δυο ή τρεις άντρες, ενώ στο τέλος κατέληγαν με σπέρμα στο πρόσωπο και είχα ερεθιστεί αλλά ταυτόχρονα το μάτι μου έπεφτε στην μαλακία που τραβούσε ο κύριος και ντρεπόμουν να την παίξω. Ξαφνικά σε μία από τις σελίδες εμφανίστηκε ένας άντρας στα τέσσερα ενώ ένας άλλος είχε χώσει το εργαλείο του στην κωλοτρυπίδα του πρώτου ως τα αρχίδια. Πούστης σκέφτηκα αστραπιαία, αλλά παρατήρησα ότι το θέαμα που απεικονιζόταν στην γυαλιστερή σελίδα με ερέθιζε.

Η επόμενες σελίδες συνέχιζαν με γκέι πορνό, αλλά η στύση μου δεν έλεγε να πέσει. Αντιθέτως αυτή η γύμνια με ερέθιζε περισσότερο. Βέβαια ακόμα δεν τολμούσα να απλώσω το χέρι μου στον πούτσο μου. Ο κύριος με κοίταξε.

- Ντρέπεσαι ε; Κάτσε να βοηθήσω…

και άπλωσε την χερούκλα του στα γεννητικά μου όργανα. Τα χούφτωσε απαλά και άρχισε να τα μαλάζει. Άναυδος εγώ δεν έκανα καμία κίνηση αλλά από το μυαλό μου άρχισε να περνάει η σκέψη ότι ο εν λόγω κύριος δεν ήθελε να βρούμε γυναίκα να γαμήσουμε, αλλά γαμήσει εμένα. Η καύλα όμως και η αναμονή στο να αδειάσω τα αρχίδια μου δε με άφηναν να αντιδράσω.

Το άγγιγμα του με ερέθιζε ακόμα περισσότερο. Η αναπνοή μου έγινε γρηγορότερη σε λίγο θα έχυνα αλλά αυτός καταλαβαίνοντας το πίεσε με τα δάχτυλα του λίγο κάτω από το πουτσοκέφαλο συγκρατώντας το άσπρο ποτάμι που θα ξεχύνονταν.

- Μη χύσεις ακόμα μικρέ θα περάσουμε ωραία.

- Με συγχωρείτε δεν είμαι πούστης, δε μου αρέσουν οι άντρες…

απάντησα με κοφτή φωνή λαχανιασμένος ακόμα από τον παρολίγον οργασμό μου.

- Ούτε εγώ είμαι πούστης… απλά να ξεκαυλώσουμε δε θέλουμε; Έτσι δεν είναι;

Είτε από την καύλα της αναμονής, είτε από το ζούληγμα των χεριών του στα αρχίδια μου είτε από τις εικόνες του περιοδικού που με είχαν καυλώσει συγκατένευσα θετικά. Δε μου φαινόταν τόσο τρομερό τελικά. Άσε που η θέα του πούτσου του με καύλωνε. Έπιασε το χέρι μου και το έβαλε στο πούτσο του.

- Θα την παίξουμε ο ένας του άλλου.

Πρώτη φορά έπιανα πούτσο και μάλιστα τόσο μεγάλου άντρα. Ήταν σκληρός σαν πέτρα. Τον χάιδεψα λίγο από την βάση ως το κεφάλι και μετά άρχισα να τον κουνάω πάνω κάτω προσπαθώντας να μιμηθώ τις κινήσεις του δικού του χεριού.

- Αχ ωραία το κάνεις μικρέ συνέχισε να μαλακίζεις την πούτσα μου. ¨Έτσι, έχεις ταλέντο, και απ’ ότι κατάλαβα είσαι παρθένος, μην ανησυχείς μου αρέσουν τα παρθένα αγοράκια.

Για κάποιο περίεργο λόγο τα λόγια του με ερέθιζαν, είχα αναψοκοκκινίσει. Ξαφνικά σηκώθηκε ήρθε όρθιος μπροστά μου ενώ καθόμουν καθιστός με τα γεννητικά του όργανα σε απόσταση αναπνοής από το πρόσωπό μου.

- Άνοιξε λίγο το στόμα σου.

- Γιατί;

- Άνοιξε και θα δεις. Θέλω να με γλείψεις λίγο.

- Δεν το χω ξανακάνει, δεν ξέρω. Δε θέλω.

- Θα σ' αρέσει θα δεις.

Έπιασε το καυλί του και άρχισε απαλά να το τρίβει στα ρουθούνια μου και στα κλειστά μου χείλη. Η μυρωδιά του με μέθυσε. Τα χείλη μου άνοιξαν μόνο τους και η γλώσσα μου άρχισε να γεύεται το πουτσοκέφαλο του. Τι υπέροχη γεύση που είχε! Σιγά-σιγά άρχισα ενστικτωδώς να προσπαθώ να το βάλω όλο και πιο μέσα. Ήθελα να τον βάλω όσο πιο μέσα γίνεται. Κόντεψα να πνιγώ και αποτραβήχτηκα αφήνοντας τον καυλωμένο πούτσο του όλο σάλια.

- Αγοράκι μου είδες που σου αρέσει; Θέλεις να τον φας όλο ε; Έλα Παρ’ τον πάλι στο στόμα σου.

Άρχισα πάλι να τον γλείφω κι αυτός βογκώντας μου κουνούσε το κεφάλι πάνω κάτω με τα χέρια του. Είχα παραδοθεί πια. όταν χόρτασε τσιμπούκι με σήκωσε όρθιο με κόλλησε πάνω του και άρχισε επιδέξια με τα χέρια του να ζουλάει τα κωλομάγουλα μου, ενώ το δάχτυλό του χάιδευε την κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Σιγά-σιγά άρχισε να το βάζει μέσα.

- Πουτανάκι είσαι τελικά. Είδες που το γουστάρεις; Θα σε ξεπαρθενέψω εγώ σήμερα. Μου αρέσει να ξεπαρθενεύω νεανικά κωλαράκια. Μην τολμήσεις και χύσεις. Θα σε κάνω να χύσεις όταν σε γαμάω.

Πλέον το μυαλό μου από τρυφερά μουνάκια σκεφτόταν καμαρωτούς πούτσους να εισβάλουν μέσα μου. Ανυπομονούσα πλέον νιώσω το καυλί του στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Με έπιασε και με έβαλε στην κουκέτα στα τέσσερα.

- Τούρλωσε το κωλαράκι σου.

Υπάκουσα. Άνοιξε πάλι με τα δύο του χέρια τα κωλομάγουλα μου και αποκάλυψε την αγάμητη τρυπούλα μου. Άρχισε να την γλείφει. Βογκούσα πλέον. Έχωσε ένα δάχτυλο μέσα. Αισθάνθηκα περίεργα. Άρχισε να το κουνάει πάνω κάτω. Σιγά-σιγά έβαλε και δεύτερο και τρίτο. Εκεί άρχισα να πονάω. Σταμάτησε λίγο και μετά άρχισε πάλι να χαλαρώνει την παρθένα κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Για ένα δεκάλεπτο περίπου με γαμούσε με τα δάχτυλα του και χρησιμοποιώντας ένα λιπαντικό που ως δια μαγείας είχε εμφανιστεί. Ο πόνος πλέον είχε περάσει και ένιωθα μια απέραντη ηδονή. Με το κεφάλι στο στρώμα ψιθύριζα.

- Ναι μ' αρέσει, συνέχισε!

Είχα χαλαρώσει πλέον για τα καλά. Ήρθε από πίσω μου και ακούμπησε τον πούτσο του στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου τρίβοντας τον πάνω κάτω. Η ώρα είχε φτάσει. Τον ήθελα μέσα μου, να χώσει τον μαυριδερό πούτσο του όλο μέσα στον κώλο μου και να με γαμήσει σαν να μην υπάρχει αύριο.

Άρχισε επιτέλους να τον βυθίζει αργά-αργά. Πονούσα αλλά δε με ένοιαζε. Ένιωθα να εισχωρεί μέσα στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου κάτι που δε χωρούσε αλλά ταυτόχρονα έσπρωχνα και εγώ. Μπήκε σχεδόν όλος. Σταμάτησε και μετά άρχισε να με γαμάει αργά. Όταν κατάλαβε ότι δεν πονούσα πια, ο ρυθμός του έγινε πιο γρήγορος. Παραληρούσα. Όποτε ο πούτσος του έβρισκε τον προστάτη μου φώναζα ενώ ηλεκτρισμός διαπερνούσε όλο μου το κορμί. Που και που μου χαστούκιζε τα κωλομάγουλα.

- Τώρα αγοράκι μου θα σε κάνω να χύσεις. Θα χύσεις τόσο δυνατά όσο δεν έχεις χύσει ποτέ.

Με έπιασε από την μέση και άρχισε να με καρφώνει με όλη του τη δύναμη πάνω στον πούτσο του. Σίγουρα στις διπλανές καμπίνες είχαν ξυπνήσει από τις κραυγές μου. Λαχανιασμένος με ξέσκιζε φωνάζοντας ότι δεν έχει γαμήσει τέτοιο καυλιάρικο αγοράκι ποτέ με τόσο στενό κωλαράκι. Υποσχόταν να με γαμάει όλο το βράδυ. Και ξαφνικά ένιωσα το σπέρμα μου καυτό να πετάγεται με δύναμη πάνω στα σεντόνια της κουκέτας. Δε σταματούσα να χύνω τρέμοντας ολόκληρος. Έκατσε ακίνητος όση ώρα έχυνα. Όταν τέλειωσα ξάπλωσα μπρούμυτα λαχανιασμένος. Πήρε τα χύσια μου από τα σεντόνια και τα άλειψε στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου.

- Είδες αγοράκι μου που στα έλεγα. Τώρα θα χύσω κι εγώ.

Έβαλε την πούτσα του στα κωλομάγουλα μου και σφίγγοντας τα με τα χέρια του. Κουνιόταν πάνω κάτω λες και έκανε ισπανικό σε βυζιά. Ένιωσα το καυτό το σπέρμα να ξεχύνεται στην κωλοχαράδρα μου και στα αρχίδια μου. Έπεσε πάνω μου ξεθεωμένος και αυτός.

- Πάλι καλά που δεν βρήκαμε καμιά γυναίκα!

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Just Business

Jeff twirled the ice in his scotch and let out a long sigh. "She's cheating on you," the voice in his head said.After all that he had done for her over the past 6 months he just couldn't believe it. But now, as he thought about it, all the signs had been there. The lack of communication, the persistent mood swings, the excuses not to have sex. All of those things pointed to one excruciating fact: there was someone else. Jeff's worst fears had now become a reality. He was in Boston on business...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sappho Chapter 1

Sappho Chapter 1 I lurched into consciousness under a sea of flashing red alarms. As the hibernation pod rushed me back to life, my brain overcame its torpor at the emergency rate, which is to say, pretty slow. Awareness evolved gradually as the pumps replaced the thin preservative in my veins with blood; uncritical observation of the pretty, pretty lights above me became curiosity, then unease before finally resolving in horror as I realized the crisis in my ship. When the pod...

4 years ago
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Play BallChapter 02

Mo loves playing squash from the first moment he can run with a racquet in his hand. It’s the ’most perfect of games’ for him because he can run as hard as he likes and hit the ball as hard as he wants to in any direction, plus, best of all, he plays it with his mother and father. When playing it’s just Mo and Alice or Mo and Randy, and he has their full attention. With age comes better control and the application of the usual game rules. The rules place restrictions on where and when he can...

3 years ago
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Happy Halloween Party

Ah... sorry if this is a little garbled... sorry. Words are really not my thing, I'm more comfortable with numbers... have always liked numbers. They're solid, predictable... if you do it properly, the answer is always right. Wait... let me start again, from the beginning. My name, yes, my name. My name is David Martin. Not an uncommon name, probably a bunch of David Martins in the telephone book. I'm 28 years old now, my sandy hair starting to turn a little gray on the sides. I think it's...

2 years ago
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And Dresses for All

And Dresses for All... By Rosie "This one's from your mother-in-law," my mom says, handing me a neatly wrapped parcel. I kneel down to the Christmas tree and start unwrapping. Clothes, I think, as I feel the soft contents. Suddenly, I spot a flash of purple-toned floral print satin underneath the wrapped paper. As if struck by lightning, I stop. Panicking, I look at my wife. "You told her?" I whisper to her. Janice shrugs dismissingly, as if she had done nothing at all, but...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Kendra Spades Take My VCard

Virgin Kendra can’t understand why her boyfriend cheated on her, so she seeks out his best friend Justin for details. Justin tries to explain to Kendra that men need sex and until she starts having it she won’t fully comprehend how difficult it was for him to be without it for so long. Fed up with all the criticism for holding onto her virginity, Kendra offers up her v-card to Justin. At first, he resists, after all Kendra is his best friend’s girl – but it’s hard...

4 years ago
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My friends dad 9

A couple minutes later we both got dressed, but I had to tell her something. “Jeanette, seriously, we can't have sex again,” I said. “I hear you Callie. I see you really got issues with this and I'm sorry once again. I won't ask you to do that again, but it will be hard though. It was really just something I wanted to do with you honestly. You are a very sexy lady,” Jeanette replied. “Well thank you. But still we're done with sex,” I said. Then she gave me a hug. She understood, but of course...

2 years ago
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Fucking A Horny Corporate Wife After Party 8211 Pt 2

Nikita invited me to come on Friday to their place for a house party. I smiled and said with pleasure. She took my phone and saved her number. She made her way through the crowd. I reached my station after 10 minutes and got home. Friday is 4 days away. Why are there so many days in a week? Our conversations got naughtier and longer every day. On Thursday it went on till 1 in the night. Friday was finally here, the party was at 7 in the evening. I went out to meet some friends in the morning. I...

3 years ago
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Monster Cock

I went on a lot of trips this summer with the senior citizens groups and had a great time.I got laid on every trip either by one of the senior men or someone I met where we went.There is this guy Vince who is 80 years old,widower and in pretty good shape for his age.He is always making comments to me.When someone can here he just tells me how pretty I look or how nice my outfit is,things like that.But when he thinks he can get away with it he will tell me how hot I am or he will brush against...

4 years ago
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The Salon sluts part 1

It was almost noon as John returned to his office downtown. As he reflected on the events of the morning, his thoughts turned to Suzanne. He imagined her at his beck and call. He would enjoy this new challenge, as unlike his usual playthings, this one was married. Somehow, manipulating another man’s wife made it seem all the more stimulating.As he walked past Jennifer, he couldn’t help but stop and tease her about her appearance. John enjoyed watching her squirm, especially knowing that she...

2 years ago
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Penis Enlargement Treatment

I had been considering for some time looking into one of the various penis enlargement methods that are constantly advertised on TV, the radio and of course, the constant stream of email spam promising me three more inches in just days. My cock is only five inches long, so the advertisements are constant reminders of my inadequacy. I really want to experience the power of pushing a big, thick cock—MY big thick cock into a girl and watching her squirm and groan, trying greedily to accept every...

4 years ago
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Indian Gem

Indian GemSo I walked into our local newsagent to pick up a copy of my favourite wank mag "Titty Slags". The shop closes at 7:00pm and it was now 6:45pm which is the best time as the shop isn't busy and Mrs. Singh the owner is getting ready to close. I had just picked up my mag and was headed toward the back of the shop to pay when I see a new Indian girl sitting behind the counter. God, she was gorgeous. Wearing typical indian style clothing she had long, silky black hair that I could tell...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Bailey Brooke You Came Onto Me First

Hey sis, you’re looking really great today… Come on stop What’s wrong? I thought you liked what happened the other night? It was fun, but I think we were both in a bad place.. So you’re saying it was a mistake? No… But I think it was inapropriate and we probably shouldn’t do it again. It’s not like we’ll get caught! You know, you came onto me first, right? Can we just drop it? When my step-sister needs a shoulder to cry on and a dick to fill her...

3 years ago
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Sully Ch 01

A loosely autobiographical novel of my younger days and nights. Originally written 2001-2002 Chapter One I know, I know, they say you can’t go home again. But after all those years . . . there I was, in my hometown for a day or two with nothing much to do, it was mid-October of 1999 and snowing lightly, not sticking to the streets, but the grassy areas were already a pretty white. I’d heard Lynch’s Bar & Grill had reopened, so I dropped in. It wasn’t the run down beer joint I had frequented...

2 years ago
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Satisfying My Sister

I swear my cock felt like it weighed ten pounds. It lay fat and thick in my right hand, and I bounced it up and down as I stared at my luscious sister sunbathing in our backyard. Smack, smack, smack. She was getting ready to go to the beach next week with a bunch of her fellow seniors and determined to get rid of strap marks for her new Vickies’ bikini, a real reason for a hard-on. I stroked my blood-hot prick, played with the heavily ridged head and smiled as it rose and pointed at the...

3 years ago
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Tempting Teacher

Hi, dear readers this is your JJ with a sizzling hot teacher student combo. Well is a pure imagination which I always wanted to happen with me. Pretty unfortunate I suppose, let me try at least in my imagination I pray it happens the way I always wanted it. Educated in an Anglo Indian school very early I was dreaming about how it would be to be the respective class teachers which I am sure many male will agree with me in having such provoking thoughts. Come with me let’s take a dive in to the...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Dana Vespoli Brandi Love Malibu Barbie All Tied Up

Brandi is a ‘Barbie’, and enjoys wandering around her glorious dream house in various glamorous outfits. Her arch nemesis, Raquel, has been spying on her with binoculars. Raquel is jealous, and wants revenge. Brandi wakes up and discovers that she has been tied up and is wearing a hideous and embarrassing ensemble. Raquel is standing over her taking pictures, and is planning to publish the photos in a fashion blog. Barbie is horrified, but manages to negotiate with Raquel, who has...

2 years ago
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Thirty years in the same house, 34 years married. Henry and Bella had left the country only once in that time, a trip to Ontario and Niagara Falls in 2001. They went in July, before Arab terrorists declared war on the United States and devastated Lower Manhattan and a wedge of the Pentagon. It was time for another vacation, this time abroad, Henry thought: England, where he was born. “You know Dad was an airman,” he said, by way of starting the conversation. “He was stationed at RAF Menwith...

3 years ago
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First Anal with a MAN

OK, there are those who have already tossed me into the “Gay” category, saying that I can’t suck cock, without being “Gay”. Let’s remedy this, right off the bat. First, I LOATHE the term “Gay” to describe queers. I’m not now, never have been, or ever will be politically correct. For those of you I have already offended, tough. Accept the fact that you are homosexual, or queer. I do not consider myself “Bi”, or didn’t until this incident occurred about which this story is written. I’m straight....

4 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 4

Ron Merril left the Graduate Dean's office feeling a sharp disappointment. The portly Dean, his hands folded serenely over his ample paunch, had steadfastly refused to allow Ron to drop even one of his grueling courses. "After all, Mr. Merril, the requirements have been laid down, and any deviation from your planned work may delay you for an entire academic year." "... But, it's important to me," Ron argued. "I just don't have enough time for myself." "Ah, yes, but I suppose...

3 years ago
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Children of the Gods Part 1Chapter 9 Revelations

"Shove it." Mark yelled at the two. You want trouble, then you're about to find you have taken on a bigger load of trouble than you ever imagined. We'll give you way more than you can handle. Don't you dare try to threaten me or my mother or my fiancé. "She and I can cause more problems for you than you ever knew existed. If you try to take that program it will be all over the Internet by two o'clock this afternoon, open source to everybody who wants it. There is no way you can draft...

2 years ago
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The TravelerBinghamtonScrantonChapter 7

As they drove to the Hampton Inn Janice sat string out of the window. The only words she spoke were short answers to any question that he asked. Without telling her why, he pulled his truck around the rear of the hotel. He didn't want to take a chance on the Beame brothers trying to find his truck. As he came to a stop, Janice turned to him, "Look, why don't you just drop me off in Scranton. I'll call some friends and see if I can't bunk with them tonight." He turned the truck off,...

3 years ago
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Bush Fires

" ... just picking up a little milk, little eggs," I said into my phone. "Do you like cranberry juice?" "Cranberry juice?" Stacy laughed lightly and I smiled, walking down the familiar aisle and swinging my basket. "Yeah, I like it." "Good," I said. "When you come down this weekend..." Ka-chunk! The sound of a twelve gauge being racked is distinctive and after hearing it once, you'll recognize it anywhere. I was already dropping to the floor by the time the guy started yelling...

3 years ago
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Saturday Morning

I woke before the alarm clock sounded and turned it off without disturbing Joan. I love lying in bed beside her on a Saturday morning, savoring sensations of warmth and comfort that never seem so intense at any other time of day. I could spend whole mornings with her in my arms, hitting the snooze bar over and over, staying on the threshold of sleep, reveling in her heat and fragrance, savoring the best part of my life in nine-minute gulps. She, however, insists on staying unconscious till...

2 years ago
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Connie Spanked

Connie Spanked. Today I met up with a woman who I had been chatting to both by e-mail, text and MSN. Connie was in her mid 40’s and had a good figure, she had contacted me because I had placed an advert on Vivastreet saying that I was a Mature Guy who Spanked Wayward ladies. Connie explained to me how she was nervous but that she needed to be punished for the bad she had done when she was younger, she had let men touch her when she was far too young to allow this, she told me how had...

3 years ago
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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress

Amelia Marks stood staring out of the large window in her office. The lady with the dark-hair, neatly tied in a bun, smiled as she watched the late summer sunshine rising in the blue sky and begin to cover the new Sixth Form building and the extensive playing fields and sports pitches beyond that. The new Head Mistress at the exclusive, fee-paying Alannah Lawrence Girl’s College closed her eyes and stood day-dreaming for a few moments before she turned her attention back to what she needed to...

4 years ago
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Rock Paper Scissors

     First, let me describe myself. I’m a 45 yr old male, single, average build. I live in an apartment complex, where a swimming pool is the center attraction. I was lying on a lounge chair, minding my own business, when I noticed two 16 yr old girls arguing. They’re both in bikini bathing suits, and starting to fill them out nicely. There’s no one else around, so its kinda quiet, and I can just about make out what they’re saying. ‘I bet I can take more than you, I’m older and more mature’ ...

4 years ago
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Honey Heres Your Chance

“Honey, guess who called today?” “How the hell can I guess that?” “It was Josh, from college. He’s going to be in town and wants to see us.” Judy, my wife of four years since just after we graduated college, is a cute short haired brunette with an average body but a real appetite for sex. We still screw at least eight times a week. She initiates it as much as I do and can easily be multi-orgasmic. I met Judy when she was dating Josh. We were roommates even though he was a year ahead of me....

4 years ago
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Into Temptation

I love that picture of you in your pink underwear. It makes me wish that we were together, you modeling for me, stripping down, seducing me. I’d try and do the same for you, stripping to my gray cotton boxers, but you do it so much better. Your actions clearly excite me, as the outline of my bulging cock is clearly visible in my boxers. I love how you lift your breasts from your top, showing off each enlarged nipple in turn. It is beautiful to watch them in your hands, and how they sway when...

3 years ago
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Tracy has bad newsblackened to the core

My small cocked hubbies phone- Ring'''''Ring''''Ring..... 'Hello Mick here!' Tracy, the fat, lazy step daughter of Mick Hello Daddy,’it is your lovely step daughter Tracy here, Mick’...Mick,’ Hello what can I do for you? Tracy... 'Oh Daddy. I need your help please!' Mick,’ No you don't you have your own fiance now Mark to help you, not Dad!!!' Tracy... 'Oh, please don't be like that. I can't turn to Mark right now. He will not understand me!' Mick thought knowing what a lazy bitch she is,...

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Katie Jasmine and Lucy

However the event which this story follows is one which they had never practiced before. It all started 2 weeks previously. The girls were in Jasmines house chilling out as it was raining heavy outside. Katie and Lucy loved being in jasmines house, simply because they fancied her twin brother Carl. “Hey Jasmine is Carl in” they asked as they sat slumped on her big double bed. “I think he’s out with our parents” she replied “why? You want to see if you can get a piece of him”? They laughed...

2 years ago
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Can You See Me NowChapter 4

He wouldn't have known she sent her message, except for the fact that he'd forgotten to disable the chime. When it went off, he was in the middle of searching for a white pickup in a remote part of an unpronounceable province in Afghanistan. The pickup was loaded with terrorists who had killed a number of civilians in a revenge attack, and then mortared a U.S. patrol sent out to find them, before fleeing. The weather prevented helicopters from looking for them, but infra red didn't care if...

4 years ago
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The Mrs Serves

I could have taken my car, but just so as not to create a wrong impression to my boss, I opted for a taxi instead. It was a Saturday and I was dressed to the nines in casual wear. The boss had invited me over to his pad to watch a football game with him; he merely wanted to use it as a means of getting to know me more. He was that type of guy. He owns a construction outfit, and he’d upgraded me less than a fortnight ago to fill in one of the supervisory post, since the former guy who’d owned...

1 year ago
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Emmas SeductionChapter 5

It was Emma's birthday. She turned seventeen this day. We were celebrating on a Friday evening, after Erica arrived home from the college. The end of summer session was in a week. Thereafter we would have a two week break and begin the fall semester. Emma would be off to private school again. It had been an enlightening summer. Perhaps Emma was my natural daughter. Perhaps. I was becoming more certain of it. Erica's remembrance, and mine, of that party long ago seemed to indicate that her...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Daughter While Being Cuckolded by My Wife

It was traumatic for my wife and me when our daughter, Caitlin, left home for college, which is a two-hour drive away. We have been a very close family and my wife, Dana, and I had a hard time letting her go. Caitlin came home to visit as often as possible, and especially on holidays, and we visited her when we could. She was required to live in the dorm during her first year, so it was hard to spend quality time with her there. At the start of her sophomore year, she rented a small house with...

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BewitchedChapter 5

I got another job, and was gone on it for two weeks. This one involved another shipping issue, but sort of in reverse. Tan Gen owned a company named Anderson Imports that drop shipped shoes for dozens of internet shopping sites. The original site would take the order and send it to Anderson, who would ship the product directly to the customer. That part worked pretty well. They were shipping thousands of pairs a day, mostly on time and mostly the right order. It was the returns that were...

2 years ago
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Teacher Taking My Virginity

Hello Indian sex stories readers, I am Ron living in Mumbai , I am 22 & gonna tell you a story that was most amazing experience …… This is about my classes teacher Rita it was winter &cold outside I was single & used to masturbate a lot by watching all kinds of porn videos by all porn stars, lisa ann, jessica james, asa akira you name them & I have tribute to them ,i was shy on outside & horny & ability to satisfy was infinite on inside of me ,now about my teacher …. Mostly she lives alone as...

3 years ago
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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 1

by the Perv Otaku Based on "King Kong", Screen Play by James Creelman and Ruth Rose, from an idea conceived by Edgar Wallace and Marian C. Cooper And the ancestor said: "And lo, beauty looked upon the strength of the beast. And she stayed her feet from running. And from that day, she was as one enslaved." - Old Japanese Proverb ACT I The ship sat quietly at the dock as Easton approached. A single guard stood post at the gangway. "Hey, is this the film crew ship?" he asked. "The...

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Missing MagazinesChapter 3

All through the next day, I was virtually lost in my own paradise. My heart danced to a strange amorous tune buzzing in my mind and it kept reeling with rapture. It was very difficult for me to hide my perpetual state of arousal. As a result, I preferred to stay in the solitude of my room so that no one could notice the permanent bulge in front of my pants. It also gave me ample opportunity to relive the events of the last night. I jacked myself off thrice during the day, every time dreaming...

1 year ago
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The Bosss drunk girlfriend Jessica

It was a Christmas party my boss was a lush , drunk as hell as always at the party's he was off talking to some office workers about who knows what and his girlfriend was walking toward me. She is about 5 feet 3 and about 100 lbs and about 10 lbs of that being her tits she had a big rack for a small girl she had to be about 24 years old the boss was in his late 40's lucky bastard to get a fine young one like her. Lisa was her name I think or was it Jessica, Dam it think think. Hello she said do...

3 years ago
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2 Times a Virgin Part 3

Chapter 14 I said, "Why not?" I ordered a "Chivas and water" and he smiled and ordered the same. "The lady has class." He said. I smiled and nodded. We started talking and I had to be careful not to let him know. I didn't want a scene right there. But before long we were talking like old friends. He asked my name. "Natalie" was all I said. He smiled and said, "My first love was named Natalie." We chatted for a while more and he asked me up to his room. I decided that I was off the...

2 years ago
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Blame it on James Brown Part 1 of 2

Note to reader: This story has a slow build, so if you're looking for a quickie you may want to save it for later. Thanks. September 1975, Denver Daniel had a big decision to make. And he had to make it soon.He was sitting in a lecture hall, lost in a daydream while waiting for the professor to arrive so class could begin. Daniel was beginning his sophomore year as an engineering major, and the fall semester was only three days old. His dilemma, and the big decision that was weighing on his...

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Real Indian Sex Scandals

RealIndianSexScandals! Traditions in India are very forthcoming regarding sexual relations. However, that doesn’t mean the kinkiness of the hot exotic girls is contained. Real Indian Sex Scandals brings you leaked sex tapes featuring hot Indian girls practicing Kama Sutra and getting naughty with their boyfriends. Granted, some of the girls don’t reside in India, but they are Indian nonetheless. If the thought of spying on Indian girls fooling around naked, undressing, taking a shower and of...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 3

The holidays were coming and Hermione was miserable.Everything had started so well. The group sex at the Burrow has been the most wonderful experience of her life. The only thing that had remained was to give up her virginity to Ron or Harry and then the whole school year would belong to the four of them.That was where the trouble started. Both were so eager to be her first that neither would let the other have a shot at her. Every time she brought the subject up it started a fight.It would...

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