To Partheno Agoraki! ;) free porn video

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Δεκαπέντε ώρες ταξίδι με το καράβι δεν είναι εύκολο πράγμα. Αλλά δε μπορούσε να γίνει αλλιώς. Φοιτητής εγώ, ήμουν αναγκασμένος να το κάνω αρκετές φορές το χρόνο. Είχα συνηθίσει να κοιμάμαι για να περνάει η ώρα. Μερικές όμως φορές η ώρα περνούσε σχετικά ευχάριστα στο σαλόνι του καραβιού αν πετύχαινες ευχάριστους ανθρώπους. Πότε με συζήτηση, πότε με χαρτιά. Σε αυτό το ταξίδι είχαμε μαζευτεί 4-5 άτομο άγνωστα μεταξύ τους και η συζήτηση είχε ανοίξει για τα καλά. Το ταξίδι ευτυχώς ήταν πιο υποφερτό από άλλες φορές. Ένα μεσήλικο ζευγάρι, μια γυναίκα γύρω στα τριάντα της οποίας το μπούστο με είχε ερεθίσει, (ορμές εφήβου γαρ) και ένας κύριος γύρω στα πενήντα και εγώ αποτελούσαν αυτή την μικρή παρέα που συζητούσε περί ανεμών και υδάτων. Η ώρα περνούσε και ένας-ένας αποχωρούσαν για να πάνε στις καμπίνες τους για να κοιμηθούν. Στο τέλος απομείναμε εγώ και ο πενηντάρης κύριος. Η συζήτηση δεν άργησε να περιφέρεται γύρω από το εκπληκτικό και ευμεγέθες μπούστο της κυρίας που είχε αναχωρήσει. Σαν ντροπαλός εγώ αρκούσουν περισσότερο να συμφωνήσω με τα καθόλου φειδωλά σχόλια του κυρίου, το τρίτο ουίσκι που είχε παραγγείλει είχε σίγουρα συμβάλλει σε αυτό.

- Λοιπόν εσύ μικρέ καμιά γκομενίτσα έχεις.

Στα δεκαεννιά μου ήμουν παρθένος ακόμα, καθότι όπως ανέφερα παραπάνω ήμουν υπέρ το δέον ντροπαλός, αλλά η μαλάκια ήταν απαραίτητη εργασία καθημερινά, πότε σκεπτόμενος τα βυζάκια της Δέσποινας, πότε το κωλαράκι της Μαρίας. Φυσικά όμως μη θέλοντας να το αποκαλύψω, τη νύφη την πλήρωσε η συμφοιτήτριά μου η Αργυρώ που για τις επόμενες ώρες ταξιδιού θα ήταν η "γκομενίτσα" μου που μάλιστα κάναμε και τέσσερις φορές την εβδομάδα σεξ. Ενθουσιασμένος φάνηκε και ο κύριος που με αντάμειψε με ένα:

- Μπράβο… κι εγώ στην ηλικία σου γαμούσα καθημερινά όποιο κοριτσάκι έβρισκα μπροστά μου. Μακάρι να βρίσκαμε ένα κοριτσάκι να το γαμούσαμε στην καμπίνα μου και οι δύο. Έβλεπα δύο τρία να περνάνε και με κοιτούσαν παράξενα, σίγουρα θελαν να γαμηθούν.

Η φαντασία μου άρχισε να οργιάζει. Έβλεπα ήδη τον εαυτό μου στην καμπίνα του εν λόγω κυρίου να γαμάμε ταυτόχρονα την άτυχη τυχερή που θα περνούσε έξω από την καμπίνα του. Ήθελα επιτέλους να πάρει την θέση της παλάμης μου ένα μουνάκι. Οι εφηβικές μου ορμόνες είχαν χτυπήσει κόκκινο και ο πούτσος μου ορθωμένος κοιτούσε ταβάνι. Δεν άργησε να μου προτείνει να βάλουμε σε εφαρμογή το σχέδιο του. Καυλωμένος εγώ, τον ακολούθησα στην καμπίνα του.

- Ας κάνουμε πρώτα ένα μπάνιο πρότεινε να είμαστε καθαροί.

Μπαίνω εγώ πρώτος. Γδύθηκε μένοντας μπροστά μου τσίτσιδος.

- Δεν πιστεύω να ντρέπεσαι μικρέ. Άντρες είμαστε.

Φυσικά συμφώνησα μαζί του. Ύστερα από δέκα λεπτά βγήκε.

- Σειρά σου. Εγώ θα έχω το νου μου μπας και περάσει καμιά καυλωμένη να κάνουμε τη δουλειά μας.

Γδύθηκα κι εγώ τελείως και μπήκα μέσα. Ο πούτσος μου στεκόταν καμαρωτός-καμαρωτός καθώς το μυαλό μου σκεφτόταν παρόμοια σενάρια από τσόντες που είχα δει. Όση ώρα έκανα μπάνιο σκεφτόμουν να τραβήξω μαλακία να ξαλαφρώσω, άλλα συγκρατιόμουν με την ιδέα να τα δώσω όλα με την κοπέλα που θα ψαρεύαμε. Βγαίνοντας έξω παρατήρησα ότι ο κύριος ήταν ακόμα γυμνός καθισμένος στην κουκέτα. Ξεφύλλιζε ένα πορνοπεριοδικό ενώ με το ροζιασμένο χέρι του χάιδευε ελαφρά την ευμεγέθη και ανασηκωμένη πούτσα του. Ξαφνιάστηκα ομολογουμένως. Με κοίταξε με ένα χαμόγελο.

- Δεν έχει φίλε μου καμιά να τριγυρίζει, μάλλον η ώρα είναι περασμένη αλλά κοίτα εδώ, έχω ένα πορνοπεριοδικό και είπαμε να βολευτώ με αυτό. Έλα να πάρεις μάτι κι εσύ.

Γαμώτο σκέφτηκα, δε θα γαμήσω ούτε σήμερα. Το πορνοπεριοδικό ξαφνικά έγινε η καλύτερη επιλογή, παρά να την παίξω μόνος στην τουαλέτα.

- Κάτσε χτύπησε το χέρι του στο στρώμα δίπλα του. Ομολογώ ότι αισθανόμουν λίγο άβολα με ένα γυμνό άνδρα δίπλα μου.

- Πάρε μάτι και τράβα μαλακία να ευχαριστηθείς.

Έβλεπα στις σελίδες που φυλλομετρούσε γυναίκες που γαμιόντουσαν από έναν δυο ή τρεις άντρες, ενώ στο τέλος κατέληγαν με σπέρμα στο πρόσωπο και είχα ερεθιστεί αλλά ταυτόχρονα το μάτι μου έπεφτε στην μαλακία που τραβούσε ο κύριος και ντρεπόμουν να την παίξω. Ξαφνικά σε μία από τις σελίδες εμφανίστηκε ένας άντρας στα τέσσερα ενώ ένας άλλος είχε χώσει το εργαλείο του στην κωλοτρυπίδα του πρώτου ως τα αρχίδια. Πούστης σκέφτηκα αστραπιαία, αλλά παρατήρησα ότι το θέαμα που απεικονιζόταν στην γυαλιστερή σελίδα με ερέθιζε.

Η επόμενες σελίδες συνέχιζαν με γκέι πορνό, αλλά η στύση μου δεν έλεγε να πέσει. Αντιθέτως αυτή η γύμνια με ερέθιζε περισσότερο. Βέβαια ακόμα δεν τολμούσα να απλώσω το χέρι μου στον πούτσο μου. Ο κύριος με κοίταξε.

- Ντρέπεσαι ε; Κάτσε να βοηθήσω…

και άπλωσε την χερούκλα του στα γεννητικά μου όργανα. Τα χούφτωσε απαλά και άρχισε να τα μαλάζει. Άναυδος εγώ δεν έκανα καμία κίνηση αλλά από το μυαλό μου άρχισε να περνάει η σκέψη ότι ο εν λόγω κύριος δεν ήθελε να βρούμε γυναίκα να γαμήσουμε, αλλά γαμήσει εμένα. Η καύλα όμως και η αναμονή στο να αδειάσω τα αρχίδια μου δε με άφηναν να αντιδράσω.

Το άγγιγμα του με ερέθιζε ακόμα περισσότερο. Η αναπνοή μου έγινε γρηγορότερη σε λίγο θα έχυνα αλλά αυτός καταλαβαίνοντας το πίεσε με τα δάχτυλα του λίγο κάτω από το πουτσοκέφαλο συγκρατώντας το άσπρο ποτάμι που θα ξεχύνονταν.

- Μη χύσεις ακόμα μικρέ θα περάσουμε ωραία.

- Με συγχωρείτε δεν είμαι πούστης, δε μου αρέσουν οι άντρες…

απάντησα με κοφτή φωνή λαχανιασμένος ακόμα από τον παρολίγον οργασμό μου.

- Ούτε εγώ είμαι πούστης… απλά να ξεκαυλώσουμε δε θέλουμε; Έτσι δεν είναι;

Είτε από την καύλα της αναμονής, είτε από το ζούληγμα των χεριών του στα αρχίδια μου είτε από τις εικόνες του περιοδικού που με είχαν καυλώσει συγκατένευσα θετικά. Δε μου φαινόταν τόσο τρομερό τελικά. Άσε που η θέα του πούτσου του με καύλωνε. Έπιασε το χέρι μου και το έβαλε στο πούτσο του.

- Θα την παίξουμε ο ένας του άλλου.

Πρώτη φορά έπιανα πούτσο και μάλιστα τόσο μεγάλου άντρα. Ήταν σκληρός σαν πέτρα. Τον χάιδεψα λίγο από την βάση ως το κεφάλι και μετά άρχισα να τον κουνάω πάνω κάτω προσπαθώντας να μιμηθώ τις κινήσεις του δικού του χεριού.

- Αχ ωραία το κάνεις μικρέ συνέχισε να μαλακίζεις την πούτσα μου. ¨Έτσι, έχεις ταλέντο, και απ’ ότι κατάλαβα είσαι παρθένος, μην ανησυχείς μου αρέσουν τα παρθένα αγοράκια.

Για κάποιο περίεργο λόγο τα λόγια του με ερέθιζαν, είχα αναψοκοκκινίσει. Ξαφνικά σηκώθηκε ήρθε όρθιος μπροστά μου ενώ καθόμουν καθιστός με τα γεννητικά του όργανα σε απόσταση αναπνοής από το πρόσωπό μου.

- Άνοιξε λίγο το στόμα σου.

- Γιατί;

- Άνοιξε και θα δεις. Θέλω να με γλείψεις λίγο.

- Δεν το χω ξανακάνει, δεν ξέρω. Δε θέλω.

- Θα σ' αρέσει θα δεις.

Έπιασε το καυλί του και άρχισε απαλά να το τρίβει στα ρουθούνια μου και στα κλειστά μου χείλη. Η μυρωδιά του με μέθυσε. Τα χείλη μου άνοιξαν μόνο τους και η γλώσσα μου άρχισε να γεύεται το πουτσοκέφαλο του. Τι υπέροχη γεύση που είχε! Σιγά-σιγά άρχισα ενστικτωδώς να προσπαθώ να το βάλω όλο και πιο μέσα. Ήθελα να τον βάλω όσο πιο μέσα γίνεται. Κόντεψα να πνιγώ και αποτραβήχτηκα αφήνοντας τον καυλωμένο πούτσο του όλο σάλια.

- Αγοράκι μου είδες που σου αρέσει; Θέλεις να τον φας όλο ε; Έλα Παρ’ τον πάλι στο στόμα σου.

Άρχισα πάλι να τον γλείφω κι αυτός βογκώντας μου κουνούσε το κεφάλι πάνω κάτω με τα χέρια του. Είχα παραδοθεί πια. όταν χόρτασε τσιμπούκι με σήκωσε όρθιο με κόλλησε πάνω του και άρχισε επιδέξια με τα χέρια του να ζουλάει τα κωλομάγουλα μου, ενώ το δάχτυλό του χάιδευε την κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Σιγά-σιγά άρχισε να το βάζει μέσα.

- Πουτανάκι είσαι τελικά. Είδες που το γουστάρεις; Θα σε ξεπαρθενέψω εγώ σήμερα. Μου αρέσει να ξεπαρθενεύω νεανικά κωλαράκια. Μην τολμήσεις και χύσεις. Θα σε κάνω να χύσεις όταν σε γαμάω.

Πλέον το μυαλό μου από τρυφερά μουνάκια σκεφτόταν καμαρωτούς πούτσους να εισβάλουν μέσα μου. Ανυπομονούσα πλέον νιώσω το καυλί του στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Με έπιασε και με έβαλε στην κουκέτα στα τέσσερα.

- Τούρλωσε το κωλαράκι σου.

Υπάκουσα. Άνοιξε πάλι με τα δύο του χέρια τα κωλομάγουλα μου και αποκάλυψε την αγάμητη τρυπούλα μου. Άρχισε να την γλείφει. Βογκούσα πλέον. Έχωσε ένα δάχτυλο μέσα. Αισθάνθηκα περίεργα. Άρχισε να το κουνάει πάνω κάτω. Σιγά-σιγά έβαλε και δεύτερο και τρίτο. Εκεί άρχισα να πονάω. Σταμάτησε λίγο και μετά άρχισε πάλι να χαλαρώνει την παρθένα κωλοτρυπίδα μου. Για ένα δεκάλεπτο περίπου με γαμούσε με τα δάχτυλα του και χρησιμοποιώντας ένα λιπαντικό που ως δια μαγείας είχε εμφανιστεί. Ο πόνος πλέον είχε περάσει και ένιωθα μια απέραντη ηδονή. Με το κεφάλι στο στρώμα ψιθύριζα.

- Ναι μ' αρέσει, συνέχισε!

Είχα χαλαρώσει πλέον για τα καλά. Ήρθε από πίσω μου και ακούμπησε τον πούτσο του στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου τρίβοντας τον πάνω κάτω. Η ώρα είχε φτάσει. Τον ήθελα μέσα μου, να χώσει τον μαυριδερό πούτσο του όλο μέσα στον κώλο μου και να με γαμήσει σαν να μην υπάρχει αύριο.

Άρχισε επιτέλους να τον βυθίζει αργά-αργά. Πονούσα αλλά δε με ένοιαζε. Ένιωθα να εισχωρεί μέσα στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου κάτι που δε χωρούσε αλλά ταυτόχρονα έσπρωχνα και εγώ. Μπήκε σχεδόν όλος. Σταμάτησε και μετά άρχισε να με γαμάει αργά. Όταν κατάλαβε ότι δεν πονούσα πια, ο ρυθμός του έγινε πιο γρήγορος. Παραληρούσα. Όποτε ο πούτσος του έβρισκε τον προστάτη μου φώναζα ενώ ηλεκτρισμός διαπερνούσε όλο μου το κορμί. Που και που μου χαστούκιζε τα κωλομάγουλα.

- Τώρα αγοράκι μου θα σε κάνω να χύσεις. Θα χύσεις τόσο δυνατά όσο δεν έχεις χύσει ποτέ.

Με έπιασε από την μέση και άρχισε να με καρφώνει με όλη του τη δύναμη πάνω στον πούτσο του. Σίγουρα στις διπλανές καμπίνες είχαν ξυπνήσει από τις κραυγές μου. Λαχανιασμένος με ξέσκιζε φωνάζοντας ότι δεν έχει γαμήσει τέτοιο καυλιάρικο αγοράκι ποτέ με τόσο στενό κωλαράκι. Υποσχόταν να με γαμάει όλο το βράδυ. Και ξαφνικά ένιωσα το σπέρμα μου καυτό να πετάγεται με δύναμη πάνω στα σεντόνια της κουκέτας. Δε σταματούσα να χύνω τρέμοντας ολόκληρος. Έκατσε ακίνητος όση ώρα έχυνα. Όταν τέλειωσα ξάπλωσα μπρούμυτα λαχανιασμένος. Πήρε τα χύσια μου από τα σεντόνια και τα άλειψε στην κωλοτρυπίδα μου.

- Είδες αγοράκι μου που στα έλεγα. Τώρα θα χύσω κι εγώ.

Έβαλε την πούτσα του στα κωλομάγουλα μου και σφίγγοντας τα με τα χέρια του. Κουνιόταν πάνω κάτω λες και έκανε ισπανικό σε βυζιά. Ένιωσα το καυτό το σπέρμα να ξεχύνεται στην κωλοχαράδρα μου και στα αρχίδια μου. Έπεσε πάνω μου ξεθεωμένος και αυτός.

- Πάλι καλά που δεν βρήκαμε καμιά γυναίκα!

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It was now a couple of months since Omo had been commissioned to seduce the wife of a chap who wanted his wife re-educated in the ways of sex. As he ponded that event he wondered if that woman was now the fucking and sucking cunt that she was after he had introduced her to the pleasures of his cock. "I have the fellow's number", he muttered. "I will give him a ring, Warren was his name. I would like to know if she is still spreading 'em or sucking as she was when I handed her...

4 years ago
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Descent Into Darkness

For over a thousand years, the growth of urbanization and industrialization has all but destroyed many forests around the world.  The more humans advanced, the more they destroyed the world around them.  Many woodland type creatures have either been trapped inside preserved wildlife areas or gone extinct as a result. Unfortunately, though, there are creatures mostly unseen by human eyes who are also dying out as they lose their homes.  These creatures, of course, are fairies.  Governed by...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sucking off my Residence Assistant

The day I met him was a big day. It was the day I moved out of my parents' house and into my college dorm. The first week at school was only freshman, so that we could adjust to college life before the upperclassmen moved in. Having always been interested in older guys, I assumed it would be a dull week in terms of meeting hot guys. That day we had to attend a mandatory "alcohol awareness seminar." The girl in the room across the hall and I walked to the campus center and found seats in the...

Oral Sex
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StrandedChapter 5

The young, shirtless man with the longish dark hair and very tan skin was fascinating to watch. He wasn't that much taller than her brother, who was on the shorter side of average for his age at 175 centimeters, but he was definitely wider—especially at the shoulders. And his skill with an axe was amazing. It did not take him long at all to drop one of the larger trees with the white peely bark and black diamond shaped patches on it. And when he did drop it, he made it miss all the other...

2 years ago
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Sharing the Magic of Loving

Some things are hard to describe in mere words like how I really feel for my baby and how being deeply in love draws out all those prohibitive inhibitions. It is not just kissing and being kissed, it is what those deep passionate kisses release inside. It is so wonderful to feel all those wonderful sensations which were hardly realized until shared with the most intimate experience given to a partner so cherished and loved. When my baby and I are together we enjoy all those wonderful things...

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Hawley BattleChapter 18

“Hawley, I told my niece, Staci about you, last night at her bridal shower. She was so intrigued by my description of you, and the details of how you have helped me and so many other girls and women, that before I left the shower - she asked her married twin Laci - to meet with us.” “What did they have to say about me, Angela. I hope they weren’t trying to make you change your mind about moving here with us.” “Oh - No Way. Both of them want to meet you, Hawley. I really think Staci is...

2 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 15

Peter awoke with a terrible need to use the bathroom. There was absolutely no schedule in his life of late. I didn’t help that he was unable to sleep through the night for some reason. It might have to do with two women in the bed with him moaning all night. He had at least slept well the night before. He went to bed early and even Trish fell instantly asleep. Neither of them seemed to have missed their goodnight kisses. They took turns in the bathroom that morning beginning with Peter....

1 year ago
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Justice for Becky

Note : This story is completely fictional! Have you ever had the impression that some people thought you were their personal bank? I don't mean that person who borrows a dollar to buy coffee then pay you back a few days later. I mean the persom who borrows several hundred dollars from you and never pays you back! Well if you have then maybe you can relate to what happened to me last week. My daughter-in-law has been a part of our family for three years now. I have never been crazy about her....

3 years ago
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Petes Wife

My best friend in school was Pete, he was a year behind me but we were inseparable. I had dated Pete’s sister briefly but that didn’t last as she couldn’t handle me spending more time hanging with her brother than her.About six months after I finished high school I joined the Air Force; university would have been a waste of time for me. I wasn’t ready and was looking to learn some marketable skills and travel some before settling down. I had just finished basic training and was stationed with...

Wife Lovers
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Morning LightChapter 15

The auditorium was packed on Friday night. The graduating class included over 800 kids. Hundreds of parents streamed into the auditorium rushing for the front seats. Jennifer found a seat in the back near the entrance, trying to be an inconspicuous as possible. Since she really didn't know too many people, she felt that she was pretty safe. However, she was still uncomfortable being in such a crowd of people. It was unfortunate, but also good news, that Jimmy's father couldn't make the...

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Supergirl in Bondage

This story will feature multiple threads featuring Supergirl getting tied up, and fucked. Sometimes she may be a willing participant, others not so much. Reader submissions are welcome. It had all gone to their plan, well almost. Kara Danvers, A.K.A. Kara Zor-El, A.K.A Supergirl with help from her friends had stopped the Obsidian device, and shut down Lex Luthor's satellites ensuring the twisted genius couldn't use them again. All that remained as Lex himself. The plan was for Kara to surrender...

2 years ago
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Maybe Not So Traditional

My wife and I enjoy a somewhat traditional style of marriage. While I enjoy her counsel, I make all of the decisions in our marriage. When we started dating I had made the joke that we’d get along fine as long as she called me “Master”. She has called me that ever since. Over the years she has submitted to my every whim without any question or hesitation. I, in turn, make sure that she wants for nothing and is very well taken care of.Early in our relationship, my wife admitted to finding some...

4 years ago
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Ms Brohas

I have always loved the teacher and every time I saw her I just knew she was the one. Every day during 7th hour I have her for World Civ. class. I look forward to staring at her perfect ass and supple tits they werent that big but her ass more than covered for it. I walked into class one day and saw her standing by her desk, today she was wearing leggings that perfectly hugged every curve and she was also wearing a blouse with the top 3 buttons undone so you could see down her shirt and see her...

4 years ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 08

Introduction: Heres hoping this chapters better. One moment, Arla and Maya were watching their planet burn, and the next, they were sat in a large bath together, with two other girls with wings around them. One of the girls had pure white robes on, whilst the other had light blue trims on it. Whats going on? Arla asked. We have been ordered to bathe you, in order to prepare you for the Lord, Said one of the girls, who looked slightly older than the other. I dont understand, where are we? Maya...

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She would never

We would talk about it all the time, my cousin Caitlin and I, but it's not like we were ever going to actually do it. It was just this thing we did, this secret we had. Just stories we told each other to turn us on. We would talk about what we could do and what he would do. We would talk about how big it was and how big did we think it could get.I loved hearing her talk about it, since, unlike me, she had actually seen it, and when she described it she would get all wide eyed and she would ask...

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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 04 The two Mistresses story

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of nonconsensual sex including rape, slavery, incest, and bestiality. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the...

3 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition 5

( Complicated ) Skylar stayed in touch with me every day via text messages, and I also talked to Leslie and Andy. It had been two weeks since meeting Skylar at the mall, and I hadn’t met up with him since. My birth control was also in full effect now, but I haven’t gone to see Andy either. Every time he asked, I came up with something that I was busy with, like work or running errands. I felt like if I went over to his place, then I would have to tell him about Skylar. Of course, I wanted to...

2 years ago
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Foul Language

Author’s Caution: This story contains the frequent use of graphic anglo-saxonisms. I won’t apologize for that since it’s the essence of the story. However, if you are among the faint of heart or you find these words offensive to you, I suggest you find another story. * Chapter One: Mr. Happy ‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’ I yelled at the meter girl. ‘What does it look like? I’m writing you a ticket for overtime parking.’ she replied calmly without looking up from her pad. ...

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You Are a Meany Chapter 16

The video calls back home leading up to Luke's Christmas visit did more than preserve his connection with his family. That time together strengthened the connection. His mom, dad and sister asking to be updated about previous topics showed how much they were invested in his life. Luke hanging on their words did the same to them. These months had so much to share. There was Dirt, another new kid in town. Luke befriended him on the first day of freshman orientation. Fred and Alice's son...

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My First Gay Experience True Story

I am a happily married man in my early 40’s. Straight looking and acting. I was never into the gay scene at all, in fact as a teen I had a bit of resentment towards gay people. I have been married for over 12 years and enjoy and healthy sex life but for the past two years or my curiosity started increasing. I began to watch shemale porn at first whilst telling my self this is not gay! As time passed I switched over to gay hardcore. I would have the best orgasms watching guys suck each other...

4 years ago
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The Recruiter

I met this older man, about fifty or so, on an oil company recruiting field trip for graduate students. He was a recruiter and I was a prospective hire. I thought that he was cute…not exactly hot, just cute. He had the most amazing eyes, a dark blue-green, I had never seen eyes quite like them before. He was about six feet tall, medium-build, with dark hair, black-framed rectangular glasses, slightly nerdy, but oh so cute! Unfortunately, I spotted a wedding band, but I could not help but be...

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Her brothers friend part 1

Emily sat on her bed and glanced around mthe room to make sure no one was looking. It was a pretty good room if she had to say so herself. When you'd walk into her room, to your left were three white pearl shelves filled with books, accesories and shoes. She had a huge king sized bed and her own bathroom and lived in south California on the edge of an amazing beach. It was a friday night and her parents had gone for vacation to Hawaii and her older brother was talking care of her. Good thing it...

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My Very Sensual Massage

I arrived at the massage parlour eager in anticipation. I did not realise it then, but what lay ahead of me was going to be more than I had anticipated.I rang the front doorbell and a very neatly dressed woman opened the door. “Good evening. I am Grace, the receptionist. How can I help you this evening?”“I would like to have a massage, please.”“And you are…”“Oh… Angel.”“Yes, you have certainly come to the right place. Just follow me.” The receptionist led me to a small sitting room where she...

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Dad8217s Friends 8211 Part III

After a year my dad had to return India for few months work. I also joined him and mom stayed behind. I was 19 by then. My boobs had grown at 38 at such small age. Much thanks to dear uncles Anand and Rajiv. While at US also, they used to phone fuck me a lot making me cum many times. The news about my return was celebration. My clothes had got smaller and smaller after being at US. I used to wear openly at home also. Anand and Rajiv were to visit us that weekend and would be seeing me after a...

3 years ago
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Birthday Party To Threesome With Busty Hot Colleagues

Hi guys, I am Ram. I am just 23 years old and working in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. I am a quiet person but only my close friends know my inner demons. I drink and smoke occasionally. Enough about me, let us get to the story. This is a true incident happened two months before on my birthday week. This is my first story, so pardon me for my mistakes. It will be quite a big one, so please have patience. I am working as a graphic designer in...

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The Rendezvous

The dimly lit room was difficult to see in when I opened the door. Thin streams of light filtered in through the windows from in between heavy d****s. The evening light was soft and had a warm glow to it. I could barely make out your silhouette on the bed under the sheets. The soft rise and fall of the sheets meant you were sleeping. I could also hear your heavy breathing.I close the door softly behind me, so as not to wake you, and start taking off my clothes. The anticipation already...

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Sarah and I Part 4 final

I awoke the next morning, naked and to an empty bed, for some reason I went straight into panic mode and sat up, searching for Sarah. I couldn't see her but I heard her voice from outside the room. From what I could tell she was on the phone to someone, I sat up a little further and tried to make out what she was saying..."Oh my god, he is fantastic ... yeah I know right ... 8 ... uh huh ... long time (she giggles) ... totally ... you should definitely try him mom ..."My jaw hit the floor; did...

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Sonia By Margaret Jeanette Sam Henning was taking his evening walk. He always walked after supper. It was his way of avoiding arguments that seemed to be more common with his wife Trudy lately. He liked to roll with the waves, not inclined to be quarrelsome or make any kind of trouble. He knew he was a bit of a wimp but he was satisfied, knowing that he was avoiding a confrontation with anyone. He was four blocks from home and passing Sandy Livingston's house just as she was...

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Crazy Fucking Day With My Girlfriend

Hello, friends & Indian Sex Stories readers, this is Rahul. Who don’t know me for those, I am Rahul, 26years old from Noida, Uttar Pradesh. I am here with another sex story. Thank you for your comments & compliments, please follow my stories and share your comments & compliments to my id Any girls, ladies & aunties who are interested in secret relation or sex chat can contact to my id After a huge response from my first sex story, I am really excited to write my next sex story. I hope readers...

1 year ago
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Cheating with hubbys best friend

John started to show Les pictures of our recent holiday in Spain. Most of the pictures were topless poses of me on the beach wearing only a thong bikini bottom. In the late 1990's my now Ex husband, John and myself used to go out every Saturday night to listen to a blues band in the Rotterdam Bar in Belfast. John's best friend Les used to go with us and we all took turns at driving, which meant that the driver would refrain from drinking alcahol that night. The night went as normal. We sat with...

Cheating Wife
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Railing A Married MILF In Dallas

Hello Everyone. This is the continuation of my previous story of a married MILF. This experience of mine received an overwhelming response from married ladies residing in the USA. It seems to have struck a chord with many married women. They are deprived of the pleasures of sex in their marriage and afraid to experiment due to social norms. I am a firm believer in not succumbing to the restrictions of social norms. Anyway, let me continue my experience with Aditi. If you have not read the...

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Six Times A DayPart 4 Beat It

Susan and Suzanne continued their usual morning workout tradition on Tuesday morning. However, Suzanne had added an exciting new component: before, after, or sometimes even during their exercise session, they would talk about their sexual dreams from the night before, as well as detail any arousing experiences during the previous day that the other might have missed. Susan was generally very honest in her accounts, although sometimes there were dreams or parts of dreams that she was just...

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My Chastity Story Part 1

It all started because I jerk off too much.  Every night, I would retreat to the basement after my wife, Kate, would go to bed early.  Both of us are in our mid-forties.  I often asked for sex, but my wife complained that I was never any good at it.  She always said that we only do what I wanted, which usually involved long blowjobs with followed by a nice, slow handjob.  She seemed bored by the routine.  After a time, she would just sit there while I jerked off.  If I was lucky, I would get to...

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Swim Coach chapter 3

My date with Richard, quite predictably, turned out to be a nightmare. We had started off at the local A&W which went well despite long periods of awkward silences. He then took me to the movies, choosing a horror film in an attempt to get me to cling to him. It actually worked until he started ‘clinging’ back and I wigged out and left the theatre after being groped one too many times. There were a few tears as I left the movie, but to his credit Richard caught up to me and calmed me down,...

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Orgasmic Sex With Son And Ass Bang

Hello i m Meeta, 47 years old working lady. I’m from a small town in West Bengal, few kms from Kolkata. I’m posted there. I live there with my family. My figure is 40d-32-38 so i m quite big and curvy with fair color, huge breasts, big pot shaped belly and round curvy lifted bubble ass. Because of these features men and boys always hit on me or stare at me with lusty eyes. I’m sexy and i wear both modern wear as well as traditional wear. I’m just writing this incident to write about my sexual...

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The ImamChapter 17

RASHIDA AND HER FATHER 14th of Jumaada al-THanny 1417 (October 27, 1996) Rashida’s mother wrote her the same day and insisted she contact her father who worked at the complex. Rashida never replied. The Meccan streets shortened into cuts and slants as she walked closer to the Kaa’bah one evening. A northerly wind chilled the city. The shops sold pots and pans, silk garments, novelties, and religious trinkets. Food stands roasted lamb and chicken logs on spits. She passed veiled women...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 68

Adam and Sarah had decided shower sex was highly overrated. Adam's ass didn't like the hard porcelain tub and neither did Sarah's knees. Plus the tub wasn't wide enough for them to be comfortable. So they took their efforts back to the bedroom. Sarah was surprised at how easily Adam lifted her up. She wasn't a pixie like Allie or Shelly or a string bean like Karlie. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him feverishly during their trip across the hallway. Adam spread out a...

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529 T and the lad pt4

529 T and the lad Part 4So, she looked deep into T`s eyes, then said, “I must soon have him you know that don’t you? Tears formed in the woman`s eyes, she remembered school, and how this woman , then just a girl, had taken everything she had ever really treasured, and here she was again about to take her son, her lover, and there was little she could do or he wanted the bitch so. H stood and said to Rodney, “You make up your minds while I go to the john”, and with that she swept out in...

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The Big Sleep

It was not your typical day in Los Angeles in 1940. It was raining. In fact it has just started to rain heavily, and private detective Phillip Marlowe (played by Humphrey Bogart) is trying to figure a way to stake out a store downtown. He sees a bookstore across the street, and enters. He’s standing in the window staring out across the street, rain dripping from his hat. The store attendant, a tall brunette, hair swept back, conservatively dressed, bookish looking woman (played by Dorothy...

Straight Sex
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Uriels Ring of DominationChapter 10

I arrived home and was overcome with the need for my sister, told her "go to your room, strip naked and await me" and she smiled and fled. I looked at the other girls and offered "things have changed, I will will sleep with 2 women per night, three nights per week, each woman gets three nights, the seventh night shall be my sister-lover; they smiled happy to obey me. Walked to my bedroom and my beautiful, busty, sexy sister was there naked, standing and awaiting me. She whispered "I...

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Camp Love 2

It must have been even before sun rise that i felt myself getting hard again...i felt a warm hand playing with my cock and i shook my sleep away to focus on what was driving my nuts wild...i froze when i saw my cuz fiddling with my cock and it was then that i remembered the glorious nite that had passed. I was relieved that it wasnt a dream and i had had the great fortune of making love to two hot young heart throbs...i smiled at my cuz and gave her a kiss...she blushed and gave me a big...

1 year ago
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Young and Built

This story begans when I am in my teens (18) still in highs school and I can remember looking and enjoying other boys dicks, and all thru life I always wanted to try it, I was close one time with a friend of mine he was older in his 60's and I was in my 30's we were having a few drinks and we went to the rest room at the same time and he just said come on pee here I don't care and he stood on one side and I stood on the other side of the toilet. I kept looking at his dick and finally he said...

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City Lights Pt 2

After that first night with Rebecca, we started to meet whenever each of us felt like it. I mean we had a similar taste in sex, or in other words, we liked how the other satisfied our desires. I was also glad that she was intelligent enough to accept that this relationship won't grow into something else, for we both had different ideas about life. So, with that settled, things were quite alright, we met fairly often, most of the time at the beach and ended up in her parents' bungalow, but...

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Craig HillChapter 19

On Monday morning Mark confirmed his leave with General Anthony and then started to arrange the German trip. He had to clear it with the Corps Commander's staff first and then contacted the divisional commanders' ADCs to check that their generals were happy. By mid-afternoon everyone had agreed enthusiastically. All the commanders from the corps commander down knew and loved Frances. Mark guessed also that they were not averse to casting an eye over the Collins's reputedly beautiful...

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Strangers to LoveChapter 3

Leanna woke later in the afternoon, refreshed and worried. She wondered where James was and more importantly, she wondered what she should do. It really would help to have him here to help get the place ready to sell - if she could. She hated the thought of moving away from this place. It had been home, refuge and sanctuary. After her mother had died and no one could find her father, her Grandfather had been a last, and some said poor, resort. At first he had been at a loss as to what to do...

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