Hooked On Black Bareback free porn video

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Heres a story about a girl, who took a bite of the forbidden fruit; the Black kind of fruit

Amy is a small cute blonde. She is 26 years old. She works as a paralegal at a very successful law firm. She is just five feet tall. She had nice pert B cup breasts, a narrow waist and just the right width to her ass. She is just petite. She doesn't have any c***dren. The decided to wait and they just never got around to it. She can't take the pill so she and her husband use condoms.

She is happily married to John. He is the General Manager of a large department store. He is 30 years old. He works long hours and often comes home late in the evening. He is usually mentally exhausted when he gets home. He just wants to eat, sit in front of the TV and enjoy a couple of beers. As a result of this their sex life has dropped off considerably. They try to have sex once a week, but lately it's down to once or twice a month. She never thinks of cheating on him. She loves him very much. He is the only man she ever slept with.

Donald is a large black man. He is 6 ft 2 in tall and weighs 210. He stays fit. He works at a supermarket as the produce manager. He makes enough to live pretty well on. His favorite pastime is fucking married white woman. He is especially attracted to small blondes.

Every Friday night is girls night out. Amy and three of her friends at work go to their favorite night club and have a couple of drinks. The dance a few dances and go home. A different one each time is designated driver.

Friday night rolls around and the girls are excited to be going out again. The girls all go home and the designated driver goes around and picks them all up. The go to their favorite night club and take a table. Donald is sitting off to the side watching the door. He sees them walk in and he spots Amy. His cock stirs.

'There's a hot looking one. I'll see what I can do with her.'

He waits till they finish their first drink. The cocktail waitress brings them a second round and he makes his move. He walks up to their table and looks at Amy.

"Good evening, ladies. They're playing my favorite song and I don't have a dance partner. May I have this dance?"

He holds his hand out to Amy. She smiles and takes his hand. They move to the dance floor. The chat and dance. He feeds her his usual bullshit story and she believes every word. Later he asks her to dance again. She accepts.

"Why don't you sit at my table. We can chat better. No one will interrupt us there. She doesn't see any reason not to. She can see her girlfriends from it. He orders drinks for both of them. They dance a few times and have a couple of drinks.

"Please forgive me for asking you this. I mean no disrespect, but have you ever been with a black man."

She is shocked. She looks at him for a minute.

"Oh my. What a question. I'll be truthful with you. The only man I've slept with is my husband."

"The reason I asked is I hear about a lot of women want to have their husbands watch them with a black man."

"Really? I can't imagine why they would want to do that."

"I think it's the forbidden fruit thing. They know they shouldn't but they can't resist the temptation."

"Have you ever thought about it. I don't mean having you husband watch. I mean just having sex."

"Maybe once or twice. When I see a white woman with a black man I envision them together."

"I'd like to introduce you to that. I'll bet you would like it once you tried it. The thrill of seeing your white skin on some black skin."

"I don't know. That would be cheating on my husband. I don't want to hurt him. He is a good man."

"I understand. I wouldn't like to break up your marriage. It's just something to try one time. Just for the fun of it."

"I don't know. It sounds like a bad idea."

"I see you and your friends in here every Friday. Think about it this week and we can talk next time."

"OK. I'll think about it but I can't make any promises. It's very flattering to know someone wants you. That always makes a girl feel good.

They dance a few more time and she goes back and sits with her friends.

"Amy, you going to get blacked? I think that guy likes you. Did you get his number?"

"Don't be silly. We just talked and danced. He was a perfect gentleman all the time."

"Too bad. I hear they have big cocks and once you go black you never go back."

"That's probably just a myth. I don't think someone took a survey."

They finish their drinks and get up and leave. She is thinking about what Donald and her talked about.

"Hi honey. I'm home."

"Did you girls have a good time?"

"Yep. We always have a good time. Sometimes I wish you could dance. I'd like to take you there."

"I wish I could too. I have been blessed with with two left feet. It must be some genetic thing."

"I'm going to shower and change. I'll be right back."

She gets in the shower and lathers up. Donald pops into her mind. She wonders what it would be like if his hands were washing her right now. She closes her eyes and imagines his hands washing her body. She feels a little tingle in her pussy. Her hand moves down and she touches her clit. She stops herself.

'What am I doing. I can't be thinking like this. I can't have sex with another man. I love John."

She quickly rinses off and drys herself. She puts on her t shirt and panties and goes to join John. They watch TV for a while and go to bed.

She wakes the next morning. She hears the TV in the living room. She stretches and yawns. John has left the TV in the bedroom on. She sees a man and woman on a news channel. He is black and she is white. She is a beautiful blonde. Donald pops into her mind. She wonders if the two on TV are having sex. She closes her eyes and imagines them naked. She sees her on top, riding him. He pussy tingles. She moves her hand down and touches her clit. She gently rubs it. She imagines it's Donald's finger touching her. Her pussy gets wet and she starts breathing hard. She spreads her legs wide and works faster.

'Yes. Yes, Donald. Make me cum. Rub my pussy. Make me cum on your finger. Yes. Yes."

She cries out and cums. It's way more intense then her usual.

'Oh god. What have I done. I just came thinking about him. What is wrong with me. I have to stop this. It's so wrong.'

She goes in the bathroom and dries off her pussy and legs. She can't believe how wet she got. She gets dressed and goes to the living room.

"Good morning, honey. Want some breakfast?"

"Sure, how about some bacon and eggs."

"You got it. Coming right up."

She serves him on a TV tray and goes to clean the kitchen. John's phone rings. It's his buddy Gary.

"Hey, babe. Gary invited me to come over and watch the game. I think I'll go. I'll be a two or three hours."

"OK, honey. That will give me time to clean house without you being in the way. Have fun."

She finishes cleaning. It will be another hour and a half before John comes home. She has been thinking of Donald every now and then. She decides to check what's out there on the internet. She turns on her laptop and enters interracial sex in her search engine. She is amazed at how many sites pop up. She clicks on the first one. Ten pages of videos are on this site. She looks at the thumbnails and picks one. She watches as the woman sucks on a huge cock. She wonders how she gets it all in her mouth. The girls gets on the guy and rides him. It finishes with him cumming on her face. She didn't realize but her hand is in her pants and she is wet.

'Oh god. She took that huge cock in her mouth and her pussy. It didn't seem to hurt her."

She watches a few others. They are all pretty much the same. She deletes her browser history and closes her laptop.

'I have to stop thinking about this. If I don't I'm going to fuck Donald. I can't get it out of my mind.'

That night she takes her shower and gets in bed. She scoots over next to John and takes his cock in her hand. She slowly starts jacking him. She gets a condom out of the night stand and rolls in on his cock.

"mmmm, baby. Was there something you wanted."

"Yes. You. I've been thinking about you all day. I'm ready for you."

He reaches down and pets her pussy. She is soaked. She climbs on his and takes his hard 6 inches in her. She starts stroking on him.

"Oh baby. You're hot tonight. Go for it, baby. Make me shoot my cum."

Donald pops into her mind. She imagines it's his cock in her. She moans and speeds up.

"Yes. Yes. Cum in me. Give me your hot cum. Yes. Yes."

She squeezes his cock and he cums hard. She cries out as she cums with him. She rolls off and takes the condom off. She throws it in the waste basket.

Guilt washes over. She can't believe how hard she came thinking about Donald. She hugs John and finally falls asleep.

All week she is thinking about Donald. She has trouble concentrating at work. She can't get him out of her mind. Friday rolls around and by now she has decided to go with him. She can't resist the temptation.

They walk in and take a table. She looks around and sees Donald off to the side. He smiles at her. She returns his smile. He waits for a while and asks her to dance.

"Hi Amy. May I have this dance."

She takes his hand. They dance a few times and she goes and sits with him. He friends are watching her. They wonder what's up with them.

Finally, she asks her.

"Did you think about what we talked about last week."

She hesitates.

"Yes. I did. I've decided I want to be with you one time. I'm just curious about it."

"That's great. I was hoping you would say yes."

"I want to be discrete about this. I don't want everyone knowing. I'll leave with my friends and then come back. You can meet me in the parking lot and we can go to your place.

"That sounds good. I don't want to cause you any trouble."

He enters his number in her phone. She puts in the name 'Donna'.

The goes back with her friends. They have a couple of more drinks and dances and they leave. Mary is the designated driver. She is Amy's best friend. Mary drops all the others off.

"Mary. Stop here. I need your help. I'm going with Donald tonight. I need you to cover for me."

"Oh my god, Amy. Are you sure about this. What if John finds out. It could ruin your marriage."

"I know. I want you to call John and tell him I drank to much and I passed out on your sofa. Tell him you'll bring me home in the morning. I'll have Donald bring me to your house later."

"Of course I'll cover for you. I hope you know what you're doing."

"It's just going to be this one time. I won't do it again."

She drives her back to the club. Amy calls Donald and he comes out. She gets out of the car and goes with him. Mary calls John and tells him their lie.

She gets in the car with Donald. He turns and looks at her.

"Are you sure about this. I want you to come of your own free will. No reservations about it. If you change your mind at any time just say the word and I'll take you home."

"I'm sure. I'm just a little nervous. I've never done this before."

"Just sit there and relax. We'll go and make some sweet love and you can go home."

"That sounds good. I'll like that."

The walk into his apartment. It looks much nicer than she expected. It not some stinky bachelor pad.

"Have a seat there on the sofa. Can I get you something to drink?"

"No, thank you. I've had enough for tonight."

He sits beside her.

"You look a little nervous. Let's do this."

He opens a little box on the coffee table and pulls out a joint. He lights it and passes it to her.

"It's been a long time since I smoked any of this."

"It's pretty good stuff. It should relax you. You're way too tense."

She takes a couple of hits and feels it hit her. She calms down. She looks at him and smiles. He puts his arm around her shoulder, leans down and kisses her. She puts both arms around him and returns his kiss. The hold it a little while and she opens her mouth and gives him her tongue. He sucks on her tongue and lips. She gasps and holds on tighter. Her breathing increases. He reaches and cups her breast. She gasps again and presses it against his hand. Her pussy starts getting wet.

"mmmm. You're a great kisser. I want some more of that. They kiss again and he unbuttons her blouse. He takes it off her shoulder and drops it on the floor. He reaches behind her and unhooks her bra. She pulls it off and adds it to the pile.

"Wow. You have beautiful breasts. So full and high. I love your big nipples."

He leans down and sucks on one. She moans as he tweaks the other. She lays back against the couch and lets him have his way with her. Her pussy is really wet now. She feels her pussy muscles twitch.

"Oh yes. Your lips feel so good. Don't stop."

He switches back and forth, bringing both nipples up like strawberries. She is moaning and helping him.

"Come with me. We'll do better on my bed."

She gets up and follows him. He stands by the bed and they kiss again. She presses her naked breasts to him. She unbuttons his shirt and takes it off. She rubs her hands over his bare chest. She sees her white hands on his black skin. She shivers as she sees her wedding ring sparkle. She feels pussy juice soak into her panties.

He reaches behind her and unfastens her skirt. He pulls it down and fall around her feet. He holds her ass cheeks and pulls her to him. She moans and pushes against him. She feels his bulge against her stomach.

'Oh god, his cock must be huge. I hope I can take it all.'

He pulls her panties down and she steps out of them. He steps back and looks at her. She is naked and ready for him.

"Nice. You're very beautiful. Take my pants off and see what's going in you tonight."

She opens his pants and they fall. He steps out of them and she pulls at his boxers. His huge cock flops out and she gasps.

"Oh god. You're huge. I've never seen one that big. Take it easy with me. I'm not used to anything that big."

"Don't worry baby. You can get on top and take it slow. I don't want to hurt you. Just take it slow and easy."

He lays on the bed and she joins him. She lays beside him and takes his cock in her hand. She sees her white hand holding his black cock and a thrill runs through her body. Her pussy drips juice. She leans over and kisses. it. His cock throbs in her hand. She holds it with both hands and sees her wedding ring sparkle again. She pushes thoughts of John to the back of her mind.

Donald rolls her on her back and starts kissing her breasts again. He kisses his way down to her pussy. He admires her neatly trimmed blonde bush. He sees her pink pussy lips showing through. He moves between her legs. She pulls her knees up and spreads for him. She thinks about his mouth on her pussy. A little pussy juice runs down her ass crack. He runs his hands down the inside of her thighs. She opens them wider for him.

"Please. Don't tease me. Eat me and make me cum. Please."

He licks her from her asshole to her clit. She cries out and humps up. He sucks on her pussy lips and her moans get louder.

"Oh god. That is so good. Don't stop. More. More."

He sticks two finger in her and finger fucks her. He pushes up, meeting his strokes. He touches her clit with his tongue and she cries out and cums.

"Yes. Yes. Cumming on your tongue. Oh god, yes."

He curls his finger up and finds her G spot. She moans and humps up to his fingers.

"Get ready for a big cum, baby. Hang on."

He rubs her G spot and sucks hard no her clit. It hits her hard and spreads all through her body. She screams and cums. He keeps sucking and she cums again. Her screams echo through the house. He lets her come down.

"Oh my god. That was the best cum I've had in years. Wow."

"More to come, baby. I'm just getting started."

He rolls on his back and pulls her on top. She feels his huge cock between her legs.

"Take it baby. Slide it up in your hot white pussy. Watch my big black cock slide up in you."

She shivers at the thrill he is telling her about. She gets on her knees and takes his cock in her hand. She sees her white hand on it.

"Yes. Big black cock. Big and hard for me."

She move her pussy in line to take it. She rubs it on her pussy lips. It hits her clit and she cries out.

"Take it baby. Don't tease me. I want my hard black cock in you."

"Do you have a condom. I don''t want a baby."

"I don't have any. If you want, I'll pull out and cum on you."

"OK, do you promise.

"What ever you want. Just tell me."

She slides the head in. she feels it stretching her lips out.

"Yes. Big cock. Making me bigger. Stretching me out. So big and hard. Big black hard cock for me. Yes. Yes."

She slowly takes it up in her. It fills her like never before. She pushes down and his cock finds new territory. No on has been in her that far.

"Yes. Do deep in me. No one has been in me that far. So good. So deep and good."

She feels it against her cervix. No one has ever touched it before. She gasps with delight. She pulls back out and takes him up in her again. He thrusts up just as she comes down. His cock hits her cervix and she cries out and cums.

"Oh god. You hit my cervix. Your big cock hit my cervix and it made me cum so hard. Big black cock in my cervix. Yes. Yes."

He pulls her down and grinds her clit on his bone. It's time to make her beg for his cum. He plans on filling her with it. He grinds hard on her clit and she cums and screams. He holds her on it and makes her cum and cum.

"Is that good, baby. Is cumming on a black cock good. Tell me how good it is."

"Oh god yes. Make me cum more. Your hot black cock is so good. Make me cum more and more."

"I want to cum with you. Let's cum together."

"No, you have to pull out. I'll get a baby. I'm in my fertile time. Please don't cum in me."

'You can't cum unless I do too. I want you to cum with me. Tell me to cum with you."

"Oh god. You torture me. I want to cum more. Make me cum some more. Please. Please."

"You can cum if you take mine. I'm going to cum in you. Tell me you want my cum. Tell me where you want it."

"Oh god. Please. Let me cum. I'll do anything. Just let me cum."

"Tell me to cum in you. Tell me. Make me cum in you. Squeeze my cock and make it squirt in your cervix. Take my cum."

"Oh yes. Give me your cum. Cum in me. Squirt it in my cervix. I don't care. Just cum and make me cum with you."

"Are you sure. Tell me again. Where do you want my cum. Tell me."

"In my pussy. Shoot it in my pussy. Give me your hot black cum. Make it go in my cervix. I don't care. Cum hard in me."

She squeezes his cock hard and holds it against her cervix. It's lined up to take it straight in. She milks his cock hard. His cock flares and his cum hits her. She screams and holds him deep in her. Her cum is overwhelming and she blacks out. He keeps pumping his cum in her. She comes around and groans. He is still cumming in her. Her pussy muscles are milking his cum right into her cervix. She cries out and cums again.

"Oh my god. So fucking good. Your black cock is amazing. I never came that hard ever. So good. Big black and so good."

"Stay right there and we can go again. I have more cum for you. Lots more hog black cum."

"Yes. I want more. It's so good when is hits my cervix. So fucking good. I can't say not to you. You're too much man for me to deny. I want more and more of your hot black cum."

She keep gently squeezing his cock. She wants it hard again. She wants more hot cum in her. She isn't thinking of John or getting a baby. She just wants to fuck him some more.

She feels it filling with blood. She keeps squeezing it gently.

"Yes, baby. It's getting hard again for you. Keep working on it. I have some more cum for you."

She feels it swell and touch her cervix. She starts stroking on it. She strokes and grinds it on he clit. She feels her orgasm coming on. She speeds up, humping him faster and faster.

"Cum in me again, baby. Give me more. More hot black cum."
He strokes up in her. She hangs on and meets his strokes. She feels it swelling again and lines it up with her cervix. He holds him in her and squeezes him. His cock flares and he squirts more cum in her. She screams and cums again.

"Take it baby. Take my hot black seed. Take it in your hot pussy."

"Oh god. Give it to me. Give me your black cum. Plant your seed in me."

She rolls off and hugs him.

"I'm so glad I met you. This is the best fuck I ever had. Thank you for fucking me. It's the best."

"You're one hot babe. I love the way you fucked me. If you ever want to go again, just call me. I'll fuck you any time you want."

"I can't do this again. I love my husband. I don't want to hurt him. This was so good for one time."

"Ok, baby. It's your call. Get yourself cleaned up and I'll take you home."

She goes in the bathroom and takes a quick shower. She gets dressed and he drives her to Mary's house. They kiss goodbye and he drives off. He knows she will call him. She is hooked on black.

She knocks and Mary lets her in.

"Are you ok, Amy. You look like you've been fucked hard."

"I was really fucked hard. He made me cum so many times. It was amazing. His cock must have been ten inches long. It was the best I ever had."

"Did you use a condom? I know you aren't on the pill. You didn't let him cum in you, did you?"

"Yes. I took his cum in me twice. I just couldn't make him pull out. The thrill of him being black and the risk of getting pregnant was too much to resist."

"Oh god. I hope you don't get knocked up. That would ruin your marriage. I know how much you love John."

"I think I'll be ok. Time will tell. It's so strange. I couldn't resist. So strange."

"Sit her and calm down. I want to make sure you're ok. You look really wired."

"It will take a while. I've never had such a wonderful experience. It was just amazing."

"Are you going to be able to get over it. You said it was just for one time."

"Yeah, I'll be ok. I just need some sleep and I'll be ok."

"Come on. I have a king size bed. Plenty of room for both of us."

They go to bed and fall asleep. Amy dreams of Donald's big black cock making her cum.

Mary takes her home the next day.

"Hi babe. You ok? Got a little hangover? Maybe a little hair of the dog will help."

"Hi honey, I'm OK. I just had a little too much to drink. I sure won't do that again. Really dumb."

"Over the next few days, Amy can't get Donald out of her mind. She thinks of the wonderful orgasms she had with him. She thinks of his big black cock in her pussy. She thinks of his hot black cum squirting in her cervix.

She picks up her cell phone. She selects contacts. She touches 'Donna'. She hesitates and taps call.

The end.

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Riding Bareback

I was much more sexually mature than the children around me. I can remember jacking off a lot back in the 5th grade when everyone else in my class was just awakening to what sexual feelings were all about. My first sexual experience was in the 5th grade, actually the summer before. Both my older brothers were away at summer camp and my single-parent mother decided to enroll me in a summer program for kids sponsored by the city. The program was held on the school grounds close to our house...

2 years ago
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Hooked On Black Cock

My name is Mary. I have a white husband, but am black owned. I eagerly allow any black man my master chooses to use my body to please himself. It doesn't matter that they all cum inside me because I'm already pregnant with my master's black baby.Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm pretty good looking, 35 years old, 5 foot 7 inches, 130 pounds, natural dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and enhanced 36 C breasts. I have very fair skin, which makes an erotic contrast when wrapped around very...

1 year ago
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Hooked On BBC Blacken

In many ways I'm just your average married woman, albeit one with a high sex-drive. Sex with my husband had always been good, at least until his business began to fail. Those were dark days. Bobby turned to drink then, and occasionally became physically abusive. Along with that, sex waned until it was completely non-existent, at least between the two of us. It seemed, however, that my husband could always find one woman or another when the need took him.I had always been faithful to Bobby...

2 years ago
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Hooked On Black Cock Pt1 Gay

Look on kik for another cock to suck. Go upstairs and meet BarrelsLoaded. Yes or no, cocksucker? I need this load released NOW! So although I had a drunk girlfriend sleeping in my bed with my cum leaking out of her pussy, I headed out of my dorm room to do what she had just done to me... suck some cock... or in my case some big black cock. On my way. Good cocksucker... room 441. Hurry up. I didn't want to get there in one minute, making it obvious I lived in the same building....

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WellEndowed Blackman Wanted Blacken

A few months ago my wife and I placed an online ad for a "well-endowed black man." Of course we were inundated with replies, but eventually decided to meet a few in person at a local bar. The first few were real duds. We thanked them for meeting us and parted ways. We were about to give up on our adventure, when we met Jaymes. He's been our fantasy come alive.It's Tuesday night around 7:00 and Laura and I are in bed reading getting ready to go to sleep, when our doorbell rings. We look at each...

1 year ago
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Hooked on BBC PT2 Blacken

THE NEXT DAYI drove slowly towards my date with fate, breathing heavily in an attempt to keep my emotions in check.I'd got myself off several times last night to thoughts of sucking Antony's thick cock again—and the fantasies didn't stop there. I'd cum loudest when I'd imagined him fucking me doggy style.But in the end I had decided that, as exhilarating as the experience had been, it had to stop there. Despite the near breakdown of my marriage, cheating on Bobby didn't go down easily with me....

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A Visit From Blackjack

Hi! After seeing the bits on cliches in TG fiction on the Fictionmania Hyperboard, I decided a story was needed that played a bit with them. Blackjack was created by the late great Osamu Tezuka;all you need to know about him for the story is included. It's okay to post this on sites that don't charge readers. A VISIT FROM BLACKJACK by Scott K. Jamison (Blackjack created by Osamu Tezuka. North American rights held by Viz Comics, and no infringement is...

2 years ago
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Hooked Up Neighbor For My Wife

My name is Ranveer and I am 25 years old. I am happily married to a beautiful girl for the past 3 years. My wife Kritika is 6 years younger to me. She got fair complex, big eyes, long face with long hair and fairly good height of 5.6. I work for a MNC as chief executive engineer which involves lots of travelling. We live in Pune and I usually travel to Mumbai every month for my work. My wife is house wife. When I am not around she passes her time by watching movies and reading books. She is a...

3 years ago
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Hooked On Black Cock

"Well, dear. Have you thought about screwing a black guy?""Yes, I thought about it a few times. I just wondered if you were serious. I could if you gave your ok. I just wonder how we would pick someone. It's not like you can put an ad in the paper.""I know this guy at work. He is really a nice guy. Well educated and seems to have it all together. I'm pretty sure he's single. I seem to remember his wife died a few years back.""OK, if you want me to do it I'm game. Set it up. Maybe invite him to...

4 years ago
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Hooked On Black Cock Pt2 Gay

I shook my head and checked my phone... checking out the kik forum. There were three different black cock pictures from this morning... each with questions. Although all from over half an hour ago: Anyone want chocolate for breakfast? Cocksucker needed now! Come get a creamy protein shake for breakfast. Shit! I shouldn't have looked on kik. My cock hardened. My mouth watered. And as I heard the shower start running, I responded: Anyone looking for a white cum deposit for a morning wake-up call?...

2 years ago
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Hooked Up Neighbor For My Wife 8211 Part 1

My name is Ranveer and I am 25 years old. I am happily married to a beautiful girl for the past 3 years. My wife Kritika is 6 years younger to me. She got fair complex, big eyes, long face with long hair and fairly good height of 5.6. I work for a MNC as chief executive engineer which involves lots of travelling. We live in Pune and I usually travel to Mumbai every month for my work. My wife is house wife. When I am not around she passes her time by watching movies and reading books. She is a...

3 years ago
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Always Bet on Black to Win Blacken

My name is Eddie and something has happened in my life recently that I have to write about. Let me tell you about my situation. I am a 32 year old white male, who is married to a very sexy woman, named Liz. Liz, who is 28 years old, and I have been married for five years. We met when we were teenagers and dated on and off, until our marriage. Liz is easily the most attractive woman I've ever been with and I love her very much.Liz has always been my dream girl. My wife has long brunette hair,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into Sucking Black Cock PT2 Gay

In case you didn't read my first story I will bring you up to date quickly.I would consider myself a happily married heterosexual although I have always been bi curious. My wife and I have foreign students studying English to stay from time to time to make a bit of extra money. One summer a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla came to stay for 3 months and a week later a French guy called Jamal also came to stay.To cut a long story short Carla caught me on her bed masturbating and...

2 years ago
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The Blacksmith

The BlacksmithThe divorce had been final for almost a year.? Maria and the business were long gone, it was her concept and hard work anyway.? I kept the 2 acres in Connecticut and the beach house in Laguna, both already paid for, and more than enough money to enjoy them both.? I wanted out and she wanted more.? We were both very different people now, I had taught Maria business, and she taught me the intimacy of sex.? She showed me ways to enjoy sex my rigid Connecticut upbringing never dreamed...

1 year ago
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Special Black Delivery Blacken

My husband Brian is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Brian loves to watch me...

4 years ago
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Special Delivery of Big Black Cock Blacken

My husband Neil is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Neil loves to watch me...

1 year ago
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OMG Yes I always wanted a Black Cock Blacken

It had been almost two years since my ex-husband announced he wanted a divorce. His announcement was a shock to say the least and his admission that he was moving in with his secretary was a punch in the gut. Before that day I thought I was living a happy, almost perfect life. I was married to a successful businessman, we had two wonderful, healthy c***dren and I was content with being a stay-at-home mother & his trophy wife. Although I am in my early 40's, I am still considered very...

2 years ago
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Black Neighbor helps her out Blacken

It has been almost four months since Amber has slept with anyone other than her husband, the pale blonde slutwife moved three months ago for her husband's career leaving all her old playmates. When they first moved in she considered starting a family but Kyle, her husband, didn't feel ready to stop their exploring, he suggested they wait until they were well settled in the new place and then they'd discuss it. In those three months Amber started to follow her fertility chart just in case but...

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Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...

4 years ago
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First Taste of Black Cock Pt2 Wife Blacken

Tell me about Diana.” Diana is a beautiful and well-built woman, and even at the age of forty-eight she looks much younger. So I told Jefferson, “Well, I think she’s a beauty, even though I haven’t been able to fuck her much lately. She’s five feet and six inches tall, weighs one hundred and twenty-five pounds, and has naturally-blonde hair and green eyes. Her breasts are large and shapely, I think 36Ds, and her ass is full and shapely. I heard you telling Sammy what you want to do with her,...

1 year ago
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Hooked on a Feeling

Chapter 1 "I-I-I-I'm Hooked on a feeling... I'm high on believing... that I'm in love with you..." I sang along with the radio as I wheeled the old Volkswagen Transporter into the highway rest area. I turned off the headlights as I slowed, there was a full moon out and the area was street lighted, so I could see and my parking lights would allow others to see me. I didn't want to disturb anyone who might be trying to sleep. Sleep was on my agenda as well, but first I needed the men's...

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Black Dildo to the Real Deal Blacken

I would like to start out that as a 40 year old male, I have always had a fairly perverse mind while my wife is more on the prudish side. Over the years I have slowly gotten my wife to go from only making love in the dark and missionary style to introducing toys and talking about fantasies. Our sex life has gotten better and my mind has gotten more perverted the further we have come. A few years back, I was walking into the locker room at the gym I belong to and a black guy was changing. He was...

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A Day at Blacks Beach

The weather was perfect for a late summer day in San Diego. The sky was cobalt blue with billowy white puffy clouds, it was calm and the warm sun was shining down on Tony as he set up his beach chair near the back of the beach, next to the high cliffs that kept Black's so private. He didn’t get to San Diego often but whenever he did, he always tried to get to Black’s Beach if the weather was nice.Tony looked around and surveyed the smattering of other nude beachgoers. He liked to be near the...

College Sex
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A Day at Blacks Beach

The weather was perfect for a late summer day in San Diego. The sky was cobalt blue with billowy white puffy clouds, it was calm and the warm sun was shining down on Tony as he set up his beach chair near the back of the beach, next to the high cliffs that kept Black's so private. He didn’t get to San Diego often but whenever he did, he always tried to get to Black’s Beach if the weather was nice.Tony looked around and surveyed the smattering of other nude beachgoers. He liked to be near the...

College Sex
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My Blacks Beach Baring

I met Alan my last year in college. He was getting his MBA and we were introduced by a girlfriend of mine who I'd gone to high school with. What got me interested in him, even before we met, was that Alice had told me he was the best guy in bed she'd ever had. And Alice was a very popular young woman. So, when she introduced us at a party, I just knew I had to see if she was right. Now, that sounds pretty bold, maybe even a bit slutty. Well, that's not quite right, actually, I'm pretty shy when...

4 years ago
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Mr Blacks Summer Movies

?? ? ? ? Everyone knows that Summertime is when the big movie blockbusters come out. Well, it is no different for Mr. Black and his underground film operation. It's just that whereas the major films take a year to make, Mr. Black's often take only a day.? ?? ? ? ?Dressed in tan slacks of a light breathable material, a black short sleeve pullover of cashmere, Italian loafers with no socks, and a simple platinum watch, Mr. Black walked down the hall of his studio toward the first sound stage....

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Mr Blacks Private School

Mr. Black at His Private School by dale10 Southeast Asia is the perfect place to start a private boys' school.Its easy to get government permission to start a school because these countries want their people educated. Familes want their sons to succeed in the world. Boys are often shipped off to schools for years at a time. Many of the schools control every aspect of a boy's life, the perfect situation for a pervert like Mr. Black Whenever Mr. Black needed a break from his porno industry;...

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Turned into a Black Cock Slut Blacken

Until a couple of years ago my wife, Amy, and I both worked for the police. More specifically, she was with the vice squad and I worked in fraud. So each day we would go in together, team up with our respective partners and do our days work until it was time to go home - same as most jobs, just not your usual employer.From time to time, if a big bust was going down, we both understood that the other would have to go incognito and may be away for sometimes days and other times weeks until the...

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GF Fuck my Black Roommate Blacken

Lightning flashed across the dark sky as Steve lifted his travel bag from the open trunk of Crystal's Taurus. He opened the door for her and said, "I see my new roomie is home. It will be raining cats and dogs by the time you get back to the Campus. You might as well come in for a drink or two, meet Jack, and we can watch TV or whatever until the storm passes. Thunder rolled ominously. Steve took Crystal's hand and led her to up to the door of his apartment. He set the bag down and began...

4 years ago
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All the Black Cum you can Eat Blacken

It was a day like any other. I was sitting in my office, masturbating to porn on my computer when I hear "What are you watching?" I turned around and saw my beautiful wife staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad, upset, or anything in between. She walked up to me and looked over my shoulder at the computer monitor at what I was watching. "What's cuckold?" I was so afraid of what my wife would think of me. I knew she could Google it, so I just told her. "It's like when a wife fucks other...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Black BF PT3 Blacken

Kimberly waited over a week for him to visit again. Every day she anticipated it, she even made sure to be dressed for it, but to no avail. Jordan kept her dangling on a string. She finally had to do something. One night when Taylor was showering, she grabbed her phone and got Jordan's number. The next day she called and left a message. Nothing.She called again the next day.Nothing.She called again the next day, this time she left a very dirty message, desperate to get what she wanted, not even...

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My Daughters Black BF PT1 Blacken

The young black man hammered Kimberly's pink white pussy with the powerful punishing strokes of his monster sized dick.Kimberly thrashed violently as her BBW body blasted from one orgasm to the next. Her naked body was covered in sweat as the black man pounded her harder and harder. "FUCKKKKK MEEEEEEEE," she screamed, "FUCK MEEEEEEEE." Her watermelon size titties with their large stiff nipples bounced painfully as she dwelled on the edge of ecstasy. The fact that this 21 year old black man...

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I hired a Black Pool Boy Blacken

I have been married to a great woman for 25 years now. Katie is my high school sweetheart and we spent 7 years together before we got married. She teaches 12th grade at the local high school and I am a self employed contractor.Katie looks very good for a 48 year old woman. Dark hair and eyes, 5'-1" tall, 130 pounds, full 34B cup boobs with the right amount of sag, voluptuous curves and just the right amount of age lines. She tries to stay fit and does regular cardio workouts. That also helps...

3 years ago
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Always Bet on Black Blacken

I pulled up to Aaron's apartment complex after dark but stayed in my car for several minutes. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' I thought. My phone buzzed, Aaron was texting me, "Did you find the Apartment ok?"I snatched up the phone and punched the keys like they owed me money, "Yea I just don't know what number.""13." His response was immediate.I sighed and checked my hair in the rear view mirror one more time. I occupied myself with weather my hair looked better in front of or behind my...

2 years ago
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Real Black Friday Blacken

Hi my name is Brandi, I was married just 9 months ago to a man who I thought was perfect. I grew up in New York and had friends of many races but had never dated outside my own. My husband was a small town southern boy with all the charm in the world. We went to college together and dated for the last two years. Just a month after graduation we were married. We moved to his hometown where he went into the family business.We had our own apartment but every Sunday it was dinner at his family's...

1 year ago
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Black Neighbor helps her out PT2 Blacken

Amber's head spun as she woke the next day, she was slightly hung over but had a clear recollection of the night before. She was disappointed and disgusted with herself noticing a large pool of Henry's dried cum on the couch beneath her, as she stood up more seeped from her aching pussy. After cleaning herself up she messaged her husband telling him she had been with someone, they were always honest with each other which is why she was hoping he wouldn't ask about who it was."Did you have a...

2 years ago
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God I love Big Black Cock Blacken

It all started one day at the mall after leaving my friends. I was running late so I used the parking garage, which was not done by the cool k**s. After leaving my friends to go home I was m*****ed in the garage.My friends and I didn't bother to change from our cheerleading uniforms before going either. Besides, we enjoyed teasing all the boys when we walked around in those tiny red skirts and tight tops. The male population all ogled our very feminine frames. Being only eighteen, at 5'8" with...

1 year ago
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Only Black Cock will Do Blacken

As I drove my k**s to school in the morning, I was so horny as my husband now watch's porn and jerks his tiny cock off and leaves it up to me to take care of myself thank god for vibrators. I noticed how ugly my yard was compared to my neighbors. As I drove home, I noticed two black males (wearing jeans, t-shirts, and work boots) doing some gardening around a local gas station. I pulled into the station and parked over by their truck. I made sure I looked as well as I could and stepped out of...

3 years ago
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Moms Black BF Fucks Me Blacken

After my mother divorced she took up with a black man. I was shocked to be honest. My Mom was always so conservative and all of a sudden there is this black man at our house. His name was Jess and right from the first, I could see him looking me over. I thought I would tell my mother about my concerns, but she would never listen to me. She was getting black cock and she loved it.Jess stayed over one night and then the next morning my Mom said she needed to go out and do a little shopping. I...

2 years ago
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Black Neighbor helps her out PT3 Blacken

It was barely dawn when Amber awoke, she didn't feel quite as sore this time. In her morning clarity she reasoned her situation, the only safe way would be not to see him anymore. Her pussy ached at the thought, she had to call her husband. It was early and he was still getting ready, putting her on speaker phone Kyle patiently waited for her to bring up Henry while they exchanged pleasantries and she asked about his trip."I was with Henry again." She spoke nervously."Is everything ok?" He...

3 years ago
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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p2

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Somewhere. The smell was sharp, cutting through to her brain and waking her up quickly. Carol jerked up and felt the soft blindfold around her eyes leaving her in the dark. Feeling the metal around her wrists, she realised she was handcuffed in a chair, and bare-foot, too. Still clothed but bare-foot. Her belt was gone. “What the hell--” she started to say then heard the voice. A deep and masculine male voice. “Bitch is awake.” the voice...

2 years ago
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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p3

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City Police Department. Holding Cells. Night. “I don’t know what happened to you,” Mike Pernell said, gripping Patty Heinrich’s hair as he thrust his hips towards her face and enjoyed the gagging sounds. “But I fucking like it.” The black police officer closed his eyes and moaned as he pushed his thick cock further past the white woman’s lips. His cock was in her throat. He felt her hands grip his ass cheeks and pull as his balls were...

1 year ago
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The Princess and the Blacksmith

The Princess and the BlacksmithOnce upon a time, in a castle on a mountain surrounded by forests there lived a beautiful young girl called Princess Lilla who everyone fell in love with until they met her and realised what a spoiled, vicious tongued, vindictive, vile little madam she really was.Her father loved her and would do anything for her because she was completely impossible if he didn't, and her mother left years ago because she couldn't stand the constant tantrums.Meanwhile at the edge...

2 years ago
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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p1

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City. Lade and Ninth Street. Night Except for the dark blue tunic that flapped open, she was naked and her skin pale in the moonlight. Her nipples were perky in the cold night air and her recently shaved crotch still buzzed with the feeling of nakedness that her pussy lips now enjoyed. The white woman held herself up as she made her way along the wall. The cold didn’t bother her. The concrete under her naked feet didn’t bother her. Only...

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