Hooked Up Neighbor For My Wife
- 3 years ago
- 40
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"I-I-I-I'm Hooked on a feeling... I'm high on believing... that I'm in love with you..." I sang along with the radio as I wheeled the old Volkswagen Transporter into the highway rest area. I turned off the headlights as I slowed, there was a full moon out and the area was street lighted, so I could see and my parking lights would allow others to see me. I didn't want to disturb anyone who might be trying to sleep. Sleep was on my agenda as well, but first I needed the men's room. I'd been holding it for a while, and the johns at the last fuel stop had been closed. Between the pressure on my bladder and the fog of having been up for twenty-one hours this stop was mandatory.
I saw her standing inside the building as I parked the old micro-bus. She was looking up at the wall map, her back to the floor-to-ceiling glass front wall, a green military-style duffel beside her on the floor. A pair of loose, short-style coveralls over a tube top on her slim body was allowing lots of bare leg, mid-riff and shoulders for view. I liked what I saw.
I watched her as I locked up the van, a nip to the early October air reminding me that I needed to get through the Rockies before the first snowfall. There was something about her arms as she stood there but, tired as I was, I had covered half the distance to the glass doors before I realized what was going on. Her left arm was inside of her coveralls, and from the slight movements of her elbow, she was either rubbing or scratching at her crotch. Rubbing I thought, though I couldn't be sure at this angle. Her right arm was also under her coveralls, but higher and I couldn't see that it was moving. I kept watching as I approached the door and saw a twitch seem to start in one shoulder as her elbow movement became momentarily more pronounced. Then I was at the door and as it opened her hands suddenly jerked free of whatever they had been doing.
She seemed to be intently studying the map as I approached and raised her right hand as if tracing a route with her finger. But, I had already seen the dampness on the fingers of her left hand. As I came abreast we glanced at one another, her eyes seemed somewhat glazed. I smiled.
"You know I could probably help you with that if you were interested," I said, and mentally kicked myself for such a stupid line. But mother nature reasserted my reason for stopping and I was freed from the embarrassment of further conversation as I entered the men's room. The stalls were mostly trashed, of course, only the handicapped stall seemed clean enough for use. I used it.
I think it was about five minutes later, the worst was passed, I had already flushed once and the air was clearing when there came a light rapping on the stall door. Announcing that it was in use, I was surprised when the rapping came again and was followed by the appearance of a hand, over the top of the door, holding a pair of light blue frilly panties that exactly matched the polish on the nails. I remembered the young woman from the foyer then and unlocked the door, even though that was probably a stupid thing to do. It 'was' her though and she pushed open the door entering the stall, nude. She was dragging her duffel with her right hand and carrying her clothes in her left as she seemed to pause, showing off before me. I thought she was manna from heaven at that moment.
Tall, lithe of form with reddish blonde curly hair and widest brown eyes. Her narrow form was high breasted with flaring hips and a lighter, finer thatch of pubic hair than I would have anticipated. Long slimly tapered legs ended at long toed feet with nails the same color as her fingernails and her panties. The only mark I saw anywhere was an appendectomy scar. Without a word she closed and locked the stall door pushing her duffel against it. Hanging her coveralls from the door mounted hook, she pushed the tube top and panties into one of it's pockets, then looked quickly at me and the stall itself.
Handicapped stalls are somewhat larger than the standard men's room stall and have hand rails mounted on the walls to either side for the assistance of those with physical problems. The toilet seats are also somewhat higher and wider than normal for greater comfort.
She sniffed the air once and made a small face but shrugged her shoulders and smiled as she leaned close kissing me lightly, once, closed mouth. Nudging my right leg with her hand I shifted my position around to the left as she placed her left foot on the seat beside my leg. Using her right hand on the dividing wall for support, she raised her right leg and placed the foot on the hand rail, sliding it past me as she crouched and stretched, adjusting her position above and before me.
Reaching between her legs, I placed my left hand under her buttocks, partly to assist in her support, but mostly so I could further guide and position her to my liking. My right hand I placed across her upper thigh and abdomen as my thumb found the apex of her labia and pressed, beginning a pronounced circular movement. Her mouth opened and her eyes closed as she made the first sound I'd heard her utter, a low growling sound deep in her throat.
"What? No foreplay? No endearments? No candle-light dinner?" I joked.
"Shut up and eat," and she wrapped the fingers of her left hand in my short hair, pulling my head forward for emphasis. "And I hope you prove worth the discomfort of this position."
I looked at her treasure for the first time then. I mean really looked at it since I'd earlier been more interested in her movements as she positioned and supported herself within the stall, partly for her safety but mostly for mine. Considering the offer being made, I had really given very little thought to the comfort factors of her position and was not going to follow that issue and have her change her mind.
I had been home to Michigan for my baby brother's wedding. I'd flown home, and during my stay there had bought the old van I was driving. It had been too good a deal to pass up. A little sanding at some rust, some dent repair here and there and I had what I expected to be a lasting and reliable vehicle. The repairs and repainting had taken longer than anticipated though, and I now found myself with only three days to drive to the west coast.
But the offer before me now was foremost on my mind, especially since I'd not had sex for almost two months, I was horny enough to have fucked my ex-girlfriend again, though the dose of the clap she'd given me was the end of that relationship.
Her pubic hair, as I'd earlier noted, was much finer and sparser than I would have expected in a woman in her twenties. Long fine red-gold hairs that appeared almost groomed as they curved between her legs and over her pubis. I found that she had parted and opened with her position and moving my thumb aside I found myself with a fine view of her cleft. Her urethra was the first thing I took note of, the tip of a whitish tube protruding marginally from the surrounding flesh. Her Vagina was next, a partially opened tunnel which seemed to curve back, away from me and up into her recesses as it closed with depth. Then I saw her clitoris, or rather just the barest tip of it where it was peeking from beneath the V of it's protective hood, just below where my thumb had been playing.
I leaned forward then, opening my mouth. My right thumb returned to it's earlier position and ministrations, my left thumb slid forwards and began playing against the opening of her vagina, slowly sinking deeper into the warmth of her as it became moistened with her lubricating fluids. My mouth and tongue I used to cover my own right thumb and her upper valley as I explored a line from her urethra to her clitoris, repeating the movements over and over again, feeling the jolt that passed through her each time my tongue or teeth came into contact with either of those sensitive protrusions. Once my left thumb was fully buried within her I did not fuck her with it, but rather moved it in circular motions within her vagina as I sped up my oral ministrations.
She must have really been horny as it was only a matter of minutes before she was nothing but a quivering, jerking mass of flesh trying to bury itself deeper within my mouth. Her hand in my hair was now a fist that threatened to bald me as she held on for dear life and balance. I didn't care, wouldn't have cared if she had, at that moment. God, I love the taste of pussy.
I don't know how long that really lasted, I lose all sense of time during such moments, but I am sure that long minutes passed, at the least, with us locked in that position before she used her grip on my hair to pull me away from her.
I had to help her down and for long seconds, after she'd regained the floor, she leaned against the wall for support as her eyes cleared and her breathing became more normal. She simply gazed at me, a rather ridiculous looking grin on her lips as she recovered herself.
At some rime during our shenanigans, I'd finished my business and I used the toilet paper to clean myself then reached behind me to flush without rising. As I shifted, my hardened cock sprang into view from where it had been trapped between my thighs. She was looking at it when I turned to face her once more.
"Fair is fair," she said with a slightly contralto voice and stepped forward to position me to her liking. She had me slide forward on the seat and pushed on my shoulders until my back rested against the exposed steel plumbing of the stool. This had me as close to stretched out as I could get under the circumstances and allowed my cock to stand more erect. It also allowed more of it to rise above my thighs and she used a piece of toilet paper to rub and dab at it before she straddled my thighs.
She put spit on her fingers and spread the saliva over the head of my cock before guiding it to her entrance and slowly sliding down it's length. Once seated, she wriggled her hips and I spread my thighs slightly, allowing a little more inside until she was satisfied she had all she was going to get. She stopped moving then and took her own nipples into her hands, mine were holding the rails to either side, supporting me in this awkward position. She closed her eyes then and in a few moments I felt the first twinges of movement within her vagina.
Her muscles were contracting and relaxing, a little awkwardly at first, but quickly increasing in surety as they manipulated themselves against the invading cock they surrounded. First came an all over pressure, a squeezing and tightening that soon relaxed to be replaced by a more delicate squeezing, like a ring, only at the base of my cock. this slowly moved upwards, over most of my length, as if trying to stretch me deeper within in a sucking, pulling motion. Over and over these movements repeated, first the squeeze, then the pull as she remained perfectly still and milked me where I sat.
I didn't last long, no more than a minute or two, but the eruption that followed and the tightening of the muscles in my legs and abdomen lifted both of us from the seat. How I managed to keep my legs bent and my feet beneath me, how I kept my hold on the rails when my arms wanted to relax even as my legs tightened, is a minor unknown miracle in itself.
When I was empty and my relaxing muscles once again allowed me to settle back onto the cold plastic beneath me, she stood up and away from me. Even as I sank back to the seat below I was withdrawing from her and she stepped away. Gathering her clothing it was but the matter of a moment or two and she was covered once more. Pulling her bag away from the door and opening it, she looked out into the room beyond before turning to me once more.
"Thanks, you have no idea how much I needed that."
"Nor you I, but you are welcome." Then she was gone, dragging her duffel behind her.
I took long minutes at the sinks, washing my hands and face, rinsing my mouth, before standing over the hot air hand dryers. When I emerged from the men's room, she was exiting the ladies and we smiled at one another.
"Yeah, which way are you headed?"
"I'm heading west as soon as I reach Moline and Interstate Eighty."
"So am I, can I get a ride?"
"You are more than welcome, but I won't be leaving for a couple of hours. I've been up or driving for most of a day and need to catch a nap and recharge before I go on. There's room in the van if you want to sleep as well."
"I'd love to, but I'm in a bit of a hurry. If I'm still here when you wake up, I'll take you up on your offer, I can sleep while you drive."
Returning to my van I lowered the rear seats so they formed a bed and crawled in. From the back seat I retreived a large Teddy Bear I'd bought specifically for the van. He was my travel pillow and companion, someone to talk at if I became over-tired while driving. I was quickly out like a light.
It was almost five-thirty when a bunch of noisy travelers, parking next to my van, woke me up. At first I wished they had parked further away, yet I rose and moved to the driver's seat. I looked for the girl as I poured coffee from the thermos into my travel mug, but she was nowhere to be seen. Must have gotten a ride already, 'Damn! I liked that girl, she was kinky." I hoped to get past Moline before the morning rush hour started and snarled traffic.
The coffee was barely lukewarm... Oh well, I'd get more once I was past town.
Chapter 2It was at a greasy little truck stop outside Waverly, Nebraska that I saw her again. I recognized the loose ringlets of her curly reddish-blonde hair immediately when I walked into the place. There had only been two trucks sitting outside when I'd pulled in, while the Truck Stop across the street was packed... not the best recommendation for a restaurant, but they were advertising the cheapest gas prices and the lack of crowding should mean faster service, so I chose this one. I was driving into the setting sun and it was blinding me, So I thought I'd gas up and get something to eat while the sun set.
She was in a booth with what I took to be the driver of one of the trucks when I arrived, chatting amiably over a slice of pie. I decided not to disturb them, besides, I didn't really know her, not even her name - we'd shared an experience at a rest area in Illinois, but beyond that neither of us knew the other.
She glanced over as the waitress brought me a menu and it seemed her smile broadened as she nodded at me, but she immediately turned back to her companion and their discussion, so I wasn't sure. A quick burger and fries, a glass of juice, and a refill for my thermos and I went to the Cash Register to check out as the sky beyond the lighted gas pumps finally darkened. Handing my bill and money to the woman there, I glanced at the collection of small signs on the bulletin board behind her. It was the usual assortment of church picnic announcements, for sale ads, auto repair and towing service offers. But among them I saw a gem, "Shower available - ask cashier'. I asked, paid my five dollars for using it, and accepted the key she handed me before turning for the door.
The young woman from the rest area was standing by the door, her duffel on the ground beside her. She was still wearing the same Coveralls and tube top combination she'd had on last night. "Is that offer of a ride still good? Are you still heading west?"
"Yes on both counts." I picked up her duffel and she held the door for me as we exited. "But before we leave, I'm going to take a shower." I waggled the key at her, "Care to join me?"
"Oh yum! A shower sounds wonderful, but all of my shower things are buried at the bottom of my bag."
"Got a change of clothes near the top?" She nodded. "I have some extra towels and shower goodies in the van, including an unused toothbrush if you need it. You're welcome to use them if you like."
"Oh, I like. I really like! I've been on the road for almost three days, mostly waiting between rides, and my poor body thinks I've forgotten what soap is."
Locking her bag in the van I dug out an extra towel and wash cloth then grabbed my shaving kit and we walked around the end of the building to a door marked 'Shower'. Considering the generally run-down condition of the restaurant and the rest of the place, the shower was a pleasant surprise. It was immaculate, an ante room with a wall to wall bench against the back wall, the front wall held two new looking porcelain sinks mounted below a wall to wall mirror. The shower room itself was somewhat smaller, maybe five foot square with a central drain, there was a shower head in each of three walls, each with individual controls. The floors and walls of both rooms were covered in stone tile, and everything was so clean it gleamed.
The door had a very efficient looking pin bolt lock and she locked it behind us as I stepped to the sinks and opened my toiletries bag. I began laying things out on the small shelf beneath the mirror as my companion looked around the rooms and whistled softly. When our eyes met in the mirror before me she nodded, an approving expression of her face, then she glanced at the items I'd laid out on the shelf before me and moved closer. Touching my injector razor and the small can of Edge shaving gel she asked if she could use them to shave her legs as we showered. I was reluctant, but relented asking only that she remind me to inject a new blade when she was finished.
I passed her a new. still wrapped toothbrush but she pulled her own from a back pocket. She did use my toothpaste though as I began lathering my face for a quick shave. She stripped and entered the shower turning on all three shower heads and adjusting their temperature as she brushed her teeth. She washed her lower body then and stepped to the shower entry where she lathered and shaved her legs as I brushed my own teeth. Both done, I took a cap full of mouthwash and passed the bottle to her before stepping into the shower. She had them a tad hotter than I generally liked, but I figured I'd live as I spat the mouthwash onto the drain and reached for my soap and wash rag. She stopped me and took them from my hands.
Kneeling before me in the spray she began with my feet and washed my body from bottom to top. being gentle when necessary and rougher when the territory she traversed could take it. Before washing my hands, she sucked each of my fingers individually, and did the same with each of my nipples. When she had reached my shoulders I used the cloth and soap to wash my own face as I passed her an unmarked bottle and said "shampoo". Once I was rinsed, it was her turn and I followed her example in returning the favor, beginning at her feet and working my way upwards until I reached her shoulders. Passing her the cloth I began on my own hair as she scrubbed at her face. Both clean, she moved easily into my arms and we stood under the spray and began necking.
Pushing me back against the wall she lowered herself to her knees before me and took me into her mouth. She sucked at me for a few minutes as she slowly fucked her mouth over about half of my length. Pulling her head back for a second she said, "Warn me." then returned to her self appointed chore, sucking, kissing and licking at my cock and balls with pleasure as she reached up one hand and began jacking me as well.
Soon enough I was warning her and she quickly moved aside as she jacked me faster and I began spurting onto the floor, my semen being carried towards the drain in the flowing water. She washed her hands again and embraced me anew as she said, "I do love the taste of a cock and the feel of it in my mouth, but only when I know it's clean. Will you fuck me now? I'm horny as hell."
"I'd love to, shall we go out to the bench?" I hadn't softened in the least so when, at my question, she opted for the top position I settled myself on my back on the bench. She lowered herself over me without pre-lubrication, it wasn't necessary... she was hot and wet enough that I slid in easily and was fully buried with only a couple of strokes. There was no milking this time, as I reached for her breasts she began bouncing in place, driving herself downwards and sliding her clitoris forward through my pubic hair with every plunge. She lowered herself onto my chest and we kissed, first on the mouth, hungrily with tongues dueling wildly as we each wrapped our hands in the other's hair and tried for control. Then we shifted, kissing one another's cheeks, jaw, ears before settling into nuzzles and kisses on each other's necks and shoulders and my hands returned to her breasts. Our movements were becoming more frantic as I began thrusting up to meet each of her downward plunges and her weight forced me back down to the bench, with each contact.
We didn't come together, though we weren't far apart either as I was the first to empty my load. Before I was done though I felt the muscles of her pussy beginning to grasp and pull at my draining cock as she joined me in crossing the edge.
We lay together for long minutes, relaxing and simply holding one another as we came down from the place our orgasms had carried us to. It was she who moved first. pushing herself into a sitting position, her hands on my chest, feeling my still hard cock, still within her, shift deeper inside as she straightened over it. "Oh, wow! It's nice to find a man that stays hard, but shouldn't we be getting on the road? I need a couple of minutes for another quick shower after that, and a bathroom, but I do need to be traveling. Like I told you in Illinois, I'm in a bit of a hurry."
In the shower once more we were all business as we cleaned ourselves quickly and began to rinse.
"It's Devlin," I said.
"Devlin. My names Devlin. If we are going to travel together we should know each other's names."
"Michelle," she said with a smile, sticking out her hand for a shake. "Nice to meet you Devlin."
I shook her hand and we both laughed as we turned off the showers and reached for our towels. A quick stop in the restaurant to return the key and use their bathrooms and we were driving out of the lot. Michelle fiddling with the radio soon had the cab filled with the sounds of B.J. Thomas singing "Hooked on a Feeling"
Michelle yawned widely as I entered the highway and pointed the old van westward once more. "Tired?"
"Yeah, guess I am. Haven't slept at all since I saw you at that rest area. My last ride smelled bad and kept trying to touch me if he thought I was asleep, he gave me the creeps!. That's why I approached you when I saw you in the restaurant."
I pointed to the curtains separating the front and back of the old van, "Seats are all folded down into a bed back there. Not the most comfortable place to sleep, but there's a blanket and a big Teddy Bear you can use as a pillow."
"Teddy Bear?" She inquired with a grin.
"Yeah," I grinned back. "He's my travel pillow and I talk to him if I'm on the road for a while and get tired. it helps me to stay awake and drive longer. If you want to introduce yourself, his name's Ted."
She crawled into the back and I lowered the radio volume so she could sleep. She shifted about a bit as she settled in and must have been laying with her head right behind my seat as I heard her say "Hello, Ted. I'm Michelle. Can I rest my head on your tummy for a while?"
'Lucky Bear, ' I thought and smiled as I drove on into the darkening night.
Chapter 3The old van was trying to run apeshit on the downslope and I found myself lightly riding the brake as we drove down the mountains on I-80 towards Salt Lake City. It was snowing heavily and I was fiddling with the radio dial as I drove, trying to find a station that would last more than fifteen minutes in these mountains. I was about to give up when one suddenly came in strong and clear, advertising Prell shampoo, 'So thick... So Rich... Drop a pearl in Prell and watch it float to the bottom'.
"Yeah right!! I needed music or something to help me stay awake, and I get commercials," I muttered to myself. Trying not to talk too loudly and awaken Michelle sleeping in the back. I had picked her up hitchhiking in Wyoming, actually the second time I'd seen her on this trip, and she'd been so exhausted she'd crawled into the back to sleep as soon as we were on the road. After the hours I'd been driving, I was the one who was exhausted now.
The commercial ended and the station identified itself as Salt Lake City's home of Rock and Roll. Good! Maybe it would last a while. Soon the mellow tones of B.J. Thomas and "Hooked on a Feeling" were filling the van as I drove. It must have been the fifteenth time I'd heard that song in the last two days, but it was in the top ten and it 'was' music.
"I-I-I-I'm finally believin'... This song is deceivin'... It's just fuckin' with me!" I softly sang, twisting the lyrics of the song to relieve the tension I felt driving through the thickly falling snow.
The curtain I'd put up behind the driver's seats, separating the van into a front and back section, parted and Michelle stuck her head through the gap.
"G'Morning," she said. "It's getting too cold back here to sleep."
"Sorry, I guess I should have opened the curtains when the weather changed, but the heater in this old thing is having trouble just keeping the front seats warm and the windows clear."
She slid to her knees between the seats and closed the curtains behind her as she peered out the windshield. The van was buffeted by a stray wind gust and she placed one hand on my thigh asking, "Can you see all right? All I see is swirling snow."
"I can see, mostly. Look to the right a bit and down, you can make out the ridge of the road edge through the snow. There's that, an occasional cliff face and other things like signs and road markers that let me know I'm staying where I belong on the road." I looked at her and smiled as I placed a hand over hers on my leg. "You'll find a box in front of the passenger's seat with a thermos of coffee in it. Could you fill my travel mug for me? You can use the thermos cup if you like, it's clean, though you'll have to drink it black. The last place I filled it was out of cream and sugar packets."
"Black is fine, though I'm more hungry that thirsty right now."
"It'll help warm you a bit, at least, bring the blanket forward if you get chilly."
"Only if you'll get in it with me," she quipped as she slid into the passenger's seat and leaned forward to examine the box.
"After we stop, maybe. There's a bag of cookies, a couple of Slim Jims and a tub of Cottage Cheese in that box, oh and some pepper packets, as well as the coffee. Might be a Cola left too, but it will be warm. If you want the cottage cheese, there's a box of plastic forks."
"Cookies sound good. Where are we? How long has the weather been bad?"
She handed me my travel mug and I took a sip of the still hot coffee. "Oh, thank god! I hadn't put that box so far away originally, but it slid over in a curve a while back and never came into reach again. The weather changed almost as soon as we got past the big ridge back in Wyoming. It's the highest pass on the road west, and is kind of a dividing line in the eastern Rockies. It's a natural weather divider as well, this time of year it holds much of the nastier weather on the western faces. Once I was through the pass, the weather got nasty and has been getting nastier with every mile since. That was close to two hour ago, and for the last hour I've been doing only thirty-five miles an hour."
"So why didn't you stop, or at least wake me, I could have kept you company."
"Can't stop yet." I said, looking across at her then quickly back to the road ahead. "Radio reception has been sporadic, but each time I found a station they were talking about the closing of an exit and all highway access for someplace we'd just passed. I was too afraid if we left the highway we wouldn't be allowed back on. We'd be stuck until the storm passed and they cleared the roads again. Once we reach the lower portions, around Salt Lake City, we should be fine though."
"So where are we exactly?"
"Don't know if it will mean anything to you, but we should be coming up an a highway split any time now. Interstate Eighty will turn south and Eighty-Four will go north. Once past that, we drive a winding route for another fifty or sixty miles descending into Salt Lake. Beyond that, is the lake itself and the Salt Flats. A long, straight, level run to just this side of the Nevada Border. I Figure another hour and a half to Salt Lake. We'll gas up and get something to eat there before pushing on again."
"Any chance we'll have time for a little sex in Salt Lake? I woke up horny, too."
"Maybe, what did you have in mind?"
"I wish we had time to get a room with a bed. After what we've already done, I'd love to see what you are capable of with a comfortable bed and no reason to hurry. Realistically though, we can get twenty or thirty minutes of rough and tumble in the back of your van"
"When do you have to be in California, Michelle?"
"Before midnight, tomorrow."
"Little over a day and a half then. Sorry, no time for a room. If we split the driving and run straight through, we can probably make it in fifteen or sixteen hours. If we stop to play a couple of times, add a few hours."
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I have been a member of xhamster.com for years. Uploaded pictures and videos and had a few good nasty conversations with some women but mostly with other guys.Looking to do some cock sucking. And a few that were real nasty and wanted to fuck and be fucked. I thought about giving it a try. But deep inside I did not think I would really go through with it. There was one guy I talked with a lot. We were into a lot of the same stuff. He was always wanting to get to gather and get nasty. But I...
Look on kik for another cock to suck. Go upstairs and meet BarrelsLoaded. Yes or no, cocksucker? I need this load released NOW! So although I had a drunk girlfriend sleeping in my bed with my cum leaking out of her pussy, I headed out of my dorm room to do what she had just done to me... suck some cock... or in my case some big black cock. On my way. Good cocksucker... room 441. Hurry up. I didn't want to get there in one minute, making it obvious I lived in the same building....
“You should go as a sexy nurse,” one of my co-workers told me.“Yeah, and get fired,” I replied.We were chatting about our company Halloween-themed costume party. I had worked at Moore Construction for about a year- a small company of about 100 employees; mostly hormone-driven guys who wanted nothing more than to take a company secretary home.Sammy was my co-heart in crime and she always had my back. We both worked in the accounting department, so we knew just about everyone in the company, from...
OccupationsCoincidentally, I had been worrying about today, my first day being a senior in high school. Last year, I had taken both of my entry exams and passed them with flying colors and gained every credit I needed to graduate. I only went to school to socialize and meet new people. My friends say they love my humor and it always brings a smile to everyone. I’m addicted to making people happy. My boyfriend, Antonio, had moved away since about 3 months ago. He was graduated himself, and he was well...
I went back to school proud. I wasnt a virgin anymore, and my friends were all going to be so proud that I had finally gotten some instead of staying at home playing with my pussy. I walked up to school on the sidewalk, because the rain would have caught me in its muddy clutches of doom. I had dressed up that day in a black lacey top that flowed out on both sides like a poncho. I wore tight fitting jeans that made my ass shapely and sexy. To top it off, I had the sexiest pair of black cage...
___________________________BACK TO THE PRESENT_______________________________ So here I am, at home writing my tales of sexual endeavors, and nothing I have within my sexual reaches is good enough&hellip, Within my ottoman, I currently have two vibrators, one butt plug, a set of nipple vibrators, and a bottle of KY lubricant. Sometimes I would come home and go to town on myself so hard, I would barely be able to stand the next day. I love porn. Porn is like my life. I spent my time as a...
TAYLOR! Reality hit me as soon as my flashback had ended. Aaron was calling me out to the front of the school. I typically made friends with everyone in high school, but my favorite crowd was the mixture of outcasts. The outcasts and the misfits had a sense of humor no other group could match, and this excited me. Since Aaron was new to the school, I introduced him to my many deranged friends. Aaron, this here is Sam. They shook hands. Sam had always wanted to get a piece of ass, but the...
Are you ok? Aron said. Yeah Im fine. Ive just been thinking about things lately&hellip, dont worry about it. He pulled away, and tucked himself into his own world. He set himself against the wall of the school, at a slant. Looking out to the horizon, the wind tossed his hair awry. He closed his eyes and let the air flow through him. His eyes half opening, he grew a sly smirk on his face. Whats going on? He turned to me, and stepping closer and closer to me, backed me up against the wall. There...
Introduction: This is the beginning of my sexual journey through my senior year of high school. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I walked to school today just as I did every other day. I felt the moisture of last nights rain permeate my skin. Today was a cool, overcast sort of day. The rain had always been a good omen for me, so I assumed today was going to be an outstanding day. Coincidentally, I had been worrying about today, my first day being a senior in high school. Last year, I...
My first time sucking a cock was when I was 18 and in the Air Force stationed at Hensley Field in Grand Prairie, Texas. I was out on the town and horny, which means that since the drinking age in Texas is twenty one, I’d been to a movie at the Up-Town Theater. I was heading back to base, which since they have no bus service, I was hitch hiking. The local citizens had a fondness for young service men far from home so it was always easy to catch a ride if you’re in uniform As usually I didn’t...
Gay MaleTHE NEXT DAYI drove slowly towards my date with fate, breathing heavily in an attempt to keep my emotions in check.I'd got myself off several times last night to thoughts of sucking Antony's thick cock again—and the fantasies didn't stop there. I'd cum loudest when I'd imagined him fucking me doggy style.But in the end I had decided that, as exhilarating as the experience had been, it had to stop there. Despite the near breakdown of my marriage, cheating on Bobby didn't go down easily with me....
I shook my head and checked my phone... checking out the kik forum. There were three different black cock pictures from this morning... each with questions. Although all from over half an hour ago: Anyone want chocolate for breakfast? Cocksucker needed now! Come get a creamy protein shake for breakfast. Shit! I shouldn't have looked on kik. My cock hardened. My mouth watered. And as I heard the shower start running, I responded: Anyone looking for a white cum deposit for a morning wake-up call?...
"Well, dear. Have you thought about screwing a black guy?""Yes, I thought about it a few times. I just wondered if you were serious. I could if you gave your ok. I just wonder how we would pick someone. It's not like you can put an ad in the paper.""I know this guy at work. He is really a nice guy. Well educated and seems to have it all together. I'm pretty sure he's single. I seem to remember his wife died a few years back.""OK, if you want me to do it I'm game. Set it up. Maybe invite him to...
I was 38 years old and I was separated from my wife and lived alone. I was looking online at some dating sites and found one that was free and was pleased to see a "men looking for men" section. I have been bisexual all my life and I was very interested in getting back together with a man for some good nasty man to man fucking and sucking. It had been a long time since I had fun with another male and I was very horny and needing some release. I created a profile and it wasn't long before I got...
Hey guys. Amal (name changed) here, back with my 4th real sex story happened in my hometown cochin. I got many responses from readers for my previous story, especially many from the female readers to know the second part of my previous story ‘weekend hookup with young mallu divorcee’. Thus had a keyboard-keyboard session with almost all of my female readers. So definitely one of the readers is the heroine of this story. As usual, I was going through my mail and was replying to the responses I...
Vegas: Night one.Went to Vegas to visit a friend who was a high end escourt... long story short, I wanted to try it, just to say I did it. She itroduced me to a young sexy guy who was at a convetntion for business...Young good looking guy, brought me to the very nice hotel room, was being nice and kissing me and shoving his tongue down my throat and I could taste his warm spit. (which I loved) Before I knew it he grabbed my hair bent me over and started eating out my ass, sliding his tongue...
I had enough! I never wanted him to have sex with her in my absence all the times. I decided it’s time to stop all this! I hired a taxi and straight way left for Pune. Ranveer was still in my house. He was in my house for the past 24 hours and already had sex with her thrice! I knew when I reach home, he would still be there because my wife told him that I would be back only on Monday! He wanted to have her as much as he can, until I returned. I wanted to catch him red handed, rebuke him,...
Next day early morning I saw Kritika woke up at 6 AM and was surprised to see nude Ranveer lying in her bed with morning erection. His cock was fully erected. Kritika was bemused to see this view! She went closer to him to have better view but this awakened Ranveer. He looked at Kritika and smiled at her. He said she is looking the most beautiful girl in the world and pasted a kiss on her cheeks. Kritika gave him a smiley look. Sensing that something is wrong, Ranveer looked at his erected cock...
Next early morning Ranveer got up and left. He did not kiss my wife. I sighed a relief. My wife got up around 8 am. She laid in bed for half an hour. She looked relax. I was surprised to see that she did not have tears in her eyes. With heavy heart I took Volvo for Pune. When I reached home, my wife welcomed me with a smile and a kiss on my cheek! This happened after a long time! I also kissed her and said I missed her. She said she also missed me. I watched her whole afternoon and could see a...
A few years ago I worked on a music shop, we sold cd's, dvd's and some toys (nothing sexual, toys from the movies, lord of the rings castles and stuff). The shop was in a medium-sized mall so it didn't had many people in it.One of the nights, I was working alone until closing time, which was around 11pm, when two gipsy ladies enter the shop.I went to meet them said hello may I help, the usual.they in their 40's a blonde one which I don't remember very well, and one with very dark straight hair,...
On my drive that morning to meet Enzo, the only thing going through my head was all that had occurred over the last few days and how out of control it had gotten. The first time was a mistake, the second and third time were even bigger mistakes. Pulling into the parking lot, Enzo was already waiting for me. Seeing him waiting, my legs u*********sly started to squirm in my car seat and for a moment, I thought I could feel my pussy getting moist. Seeing me, Enzo waved for me to stop and hopped...
That night, I laid alone in bed thinking of what I had done and how easy it was for them to take me. My husband was the furthest from my mind.Day 4: ThursdayThe following day, much to my dismay, I found myself driving to the beach to meet Enzo and Marc.I arrived in the parking area, both of them were already there waiting for me. Enzo approached me as I got out of my car and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and his one hand on the cheek of my ass. As we made our way to the water, Enzo kept...
My very first experience occurred shortly after being married in 1986. I first met my future husband, Don in 1983. I was s*******n at the time and he had been recently posted to Germany with the military. Ironically, I met him at the same beach where my story unfolds.I was a virgin when I met him, and he was the only man I had ever been with. We were married in 1986 and life was good. My first experience with black cock occurred when I had just turned twenty-two. I was still young,...
Background — Phishing From birth your skills and natural inclinations help shape the person you will become. To put it mildly, I was born with some very unusual skills. Some would call it mind control, but it started off in a much more subtle way: if I wanted you to do something, you'd want to do it as well. Over the years I've extended and refined my skills. It started with people, gradually expanded to objects, then time would slow down, and eventually whole dimensions would be created for...
Feelings We all have feelings. No matter who we are or what we do or how we live, we have feelings. I would like to explore some of my feelings and, possibly, some of your feelings as well. For example: When a GG enters a Beauty Salon, she may have feelings of entitlement, smugness, anticipation of happiness, adulation and relaxation. When a Cross Dresser enters the same Beauty Salon, he may have feelings of anxiety, uncertainness, and, surely, feelings of hopefulness and...
After initial inhibitions and hiccups, my small daily routine help leads to a beautiful relationship with my aunt which we still endure. This story takes place towards the end of my high school. Currently at 38 residing along the IT highway in Chennai, happily married with kids, I still endure this incident in my life with was a start to my sexual life. Still leading a great sexual life with few more incidents in life that i would be sharing in this forum soon. Pls do comment on raj_sr81 at...
IndianOld Feelings Jack slowly woke up, sunlight filled the bedroom. He looked over to the other side of the bed and was temporarily confused because it was empty. "Library," he groaned. His wife Debbie had wanted to find something part time to occupy herself. She wasn't happy that she was going to work every other Saturday, but she liked the idea of working at the library so she bit the bullet and took the job. Three days each week from 7:30 until 4:30. Jack was sort of happy with the...
This story takes place towards the end of my high school. I was over eighteen and ripe with energy that I didn’t know where it came from; energy that kept me restless and got me into trouble more than once. There were five members in our household: my uncle, his wife, my grandmother, my younger aunt, and myself. My younger aunt was the smallest of my mother’s siblings and was still waiting to be married. But this story is not about her; it is about my uncle’s wife. My uncle’s wife didn’t...
Sammi knelt on the bed, naked with her knees spread wide. There was a vibrating dildo in her cunt dragging her inexorably towards an orgasm she was frantic to avoid. Her hair was braided, pulled back, and tied to an anal hook, which forced her head up and made her arch her back. Meanwhile, Marta tortured and teased her tits while Sir looked on.Sammi was desperately trying not to cum, despite feeling a desperate need to cum because she was trying to prove herself worthy to be Marta’s sex...
TeenSUCH INCREDIBLE FEELINGS SUCH INCREDIBLE FEELINGSI'm not sure how old I was when I began to have the thoughts- I always knew that I had desires that were a little bit different to normal, but I thought to myself that they must be natural because otherwise I wouldn't have them..? I knew that wanting to be hit was definitely not what most girls wanted, but the feelings I had were so strong within me I knew I could not resist them, even if they were a little weird.?? I remember the first...
This INTIMATE INQUIRY interrogates into the first feelings and erotic experiences of female friendsIt will be the first of a few further intimate investigations into the development of dreams in real love lifeI will start to ask for first erotic experiences, looking back from where you are now, much more maturedI remember one answer in particular from an earlier Sexual Survey I conducted into my friends' love lifeI will give the details in my first comment to this erotic experiment, which is...
There were four in our household: my father’s mother, my father’s brother, my father’s brother’s wife, and myself, due to the location of my college, one of the top-ranked in the city. In a Hindi-speaking household, of course I would fondly call my father’s mother as “Dad,” but as the sound is much like “Daddy” in American English, our family being English-knowing, she was “Grandmother.” When Auntie called me to her room, I thought it might to be to check my tie before I left for school....
It was a lonely time for me once Linda left the city. As I said in my last letter, our relationship lasted longer then we both expected. That was due to our willingness to share with others. Keeping an open mind and socialising with other like minded ladies, had a lot to do with our lasting relationship. Now it was over, time to move on. I enjoyed and patronised the club more than ever, it was somewhere to go to for companionship any night I felt like it. I liked the card nights, and that was...
IncestWhy does it happen? Everyone has been hit with that quick hard feeling of being turned on instantly from the unexpected. Some call it taboo others say fetish. As people we try to understand why and where does it come from. Once you learn of the feeling of strong sexual emotion as people we explore them. Here are a few new sexual feelings i've descovered While being with my fiance of eight years. It was our freshmen year of high school and my man and I where the...
Hey everyone… This story is about my mom and me. I have been studying in hostel since class 1 so as a result I only get to spend only 2 to 3 months at home.. I have always been my momma’s boy and have always helped her and never got my sexual intensions towards her. Although she is very sexy. I do not know about her breast size etc but they are quite big. The best part about her is that she is very cute… Other than my mom, my dad and I live in d house… Mom used to take a lot of care of me…...
IncestHookingMy husband sat me down at the dining table. He had a serious look on his face as he placed his hand over mine. Pausing briefly he then looked me directly in the eye and blurted out."Will you be an escort girl for a client I'm trying to close a deal with?"Staring at him with disbelief I ran the sentence over in my recent memory to ensure I'd heard him correctly. The request was still rattling inside my head. Will I be an escort? Trying not to look too shocked I responded in an almost glib...
At the time of experiences with Catherine I did not understand what was happening fully. Although as I mentioned I'd been a bully in school and thought I was very outspoken, in reality I was obviously very insecure, in fact perhaps a bit introverted. At least when I met new people, or was in a new environment I didn't say much and kept my thoughts to myself until I became more familiar with the people to start venturing my opinions. The following Wednesday afternoon I was off work from 2 PM...
LesbianSusan was ... different. Of course everyone thinks they are different, but Susan really was ‘different’. Susan had feelings. Yes, yes, yes, I know everyone has feelings, but Susan had... ‘feelings’. And they really were different. Susan’s mother had a normal pregnancy as far as she could remember, nothing particularly memorable happened anyway, and after the usual period of time had elapsed Susan popped into the world. Red, wrinkly and squalling, all as normal. After a bit of a clean up the...
I couldn't follow him. I don't know why. But when he said one word, "farewell," it was like I was chained from head to foot. I still am. Kenshin... ! (Tae is kneeling besides Kaoru, who refuses to look at her.) Tae: I understand your feelings, but Kaoru, brooding forever won't solve anything. Cheer up. Oh, I know! I'll give these to you. (holding up two nishiki-e) Mr. Tsunan's Ibahachi. And the real Nakajina Nobori's Hijikata Toshizou, my treasure! Kaoru: No thanks. (Tae turns to...
What a Wonderful, Wintry Feeling! When I'd asked him what he wanted for Christmas he had only one answer. "You," he’d said. So I decided that was what I'd do. I'd give him a part of me. As the snow fell outsideI had him get ready and when I entered the bedroom he was already prone on the bed,laying on the drawn back sheets, his uncut erection already drawing my attention. I went into the bathroom to get ready. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Not too bad...
I see her and she looks up to me as I look down at her. For a second it is as if motion slowed down and then she falls forward into my chest and gives me a long hug. We both know, or I know the passion I have for her. Still thinking how it cannot be possible that this amount of beauty can look at me, stare at me with words of how handsome I am. I don't believe it, but I know how beautiful, pretty, how hot she is. Her face is sexy. Her whole body and aura breaths sex, exhaling lust though I feel...
This is perhaps one of the hottest hook up I have had with a guy. I was extremely horny early morning after me and my mate were just both sucked by a stocky masculine gay guy a week ago. I was craving to play more as my mate and our visitor ended up playing in the other room. I casually send a "hi" message to this guy from another dating site. He is a young muscular guy with a picture flexing his biceps on his profile. I send a nude photo of myself with a very hard cock just to tease. I did not...
I had the pleasure of taking up in Destin, FL. I actually ended up working in the bar and restaurant. So I will be sharing some of my great times in the 90's . One evening I was closing the bar at a restaurant I worked at and it was the beginning of a the summer. In came a couple regulars that would come in when in town, this time they had 3 collage age girls with them, I soon foun said they wanted to thank med out that one was there daughter and the other two were college friends. They asked...
Hi friends and fans, it’s been a long time since I posted my sex story, as it goes I got my share of fun’s and hook ups but as my partners were not comfortable about their experiences been shared, I didn’t share it, but this experience I am sharing with my partner, she is 100 percent comfortable in sharing our experience, I am Sriram 27 years old now, looking for more and more fun’s and hook up’s and one night stands, whatever you call it, just ping me at my address, ramsri4226 at Gmail dot...
Feel free to mail me at for any queries. I was fueled towards my pathway to bisexuality by my experience with a cross-dressing gay prostitute. I hooked up occasionally online with other gays. This story is about one of my experiences. I found a guy online, we started chatting and soon exchanged numbers. We continued to chat over whatsapp in the following week. His name was dhruv. We got acquainted well and started sex chatting, occasionally he would send me pics of him naked in sexy...
Gay MaleHi all. I have just begun for the first time. I am a businessman. Married since last two years. Two main characters in stories. First – My wife Sneha. (Bold, beautiful 34-28-36) Second – My cousin Viraj. (Fair, handsome) The story was described by my cousin to me. It begins in Paris. We three me, my wife & my cousin were on holiday trip to Europe. We were in Paris. We allotted two rooms one was for both of us & second for my cousin. We just check in that day. All of us were tired. I and my...
I was inspired to learn the French language as I was completely inclined towards the arts and literature of the European countries. My parents had insisted on taking private French language coaching so that I could focus without any distractions. My French teacher Adam was a young, hot and tall French guy. He was lean as per his height but somehow his features made him look very mature and sexy. I had started developing a crush on him from the beginning of our tutoring sessions due to his...
Real HookupWhen I'd asked him what he wanted for Christmas he had only one answer. "You," he'd said. So I decided that was what I'd do. I'd give him a part of me. As the snow fell outside I had him get ready and when I entered the bedroom he was already prone on the bed, laying on the drawn back sheets, his uncut erection already drawing my attention. I went into the bathroom to get ready. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Not too bad looking for an 83 year old...
I have always believed that sex is a token of love, a feeling of completeness and oneness. Agree that it is also a need for the body, but when you have sex with some one you dearly love then it is a completely different experience as compared to any lust-full relations. At that time love overtakes lust and sex is just a way of expressing this love. When you are in the arms of your loved one, then there is no better feeling than that. Hi. I am raja from Mumbai. but my friends call me lovely name...