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Background — Phishing

From birth your skills and natural inclinations help shape the person you will become. To put it mildly, I was born with some very unusual skills. Some would call it mind control, but it started off in a much more subtle way: if I wanted you to do something, you'd want to do it as well. Over the years I've extended and refined my skills. It started with people, gradually expanded to objects, then time would slow down, and eventually whole dimensions would be created for my fantasies to come true.

Phishing: Not consciously selecting a fantasy but letting your subconscious choose for you. For most it's as rudimentary as closing your eyes, stroking yourself, and waiting for your mind to bring forth the perfect situation to get off. For me phishing is more like my gift playing match maker: subconsciously I have a fantasy I'd like to try and subconsciously you have a fantasy aching to be fulfilled.

I've never claimed to be a nice or kind person, but I've found my adventures to be significantly more satisfying if everyone involved wants the fantasy to come true, even if they only want it in the darkest corner of their soul and would never admit it under any other circumstances. I tend to avoid the people that are afraid and of their innermost desires. However, there are plenty of others who lick their lips in anticipation, hoping I'll help make one of their most secret fantasies a reality.

The following is the story of how I first got interested in piercing and is one of my most memorable phishing adventures.

It started like any other phishing trip. I'd been watching a special report on the dangers of body piercing when I felt my heart beat slowing down and the room gradually fading. Instinctively I closed my eyes as it's always easier if I couldn't see the transition.

Moments later I'm assaulted by the pungent smell of disinfectant. Opening my eyes the bright lights cause me to blink several times and I find myself in what is obviously a well stocked piercing studio. There's no door, but it would be years before I realized how much easier the transitions were if I created a central staging area where I could simply opened a door to any fantasy I desired.

Surveying the room I noticed that the wall in front of me was lined with jewelry display cases. Additionally, pictures of genital and nipple piercings adorned the walls and there was a fully adjustable medical examination type chair anchored to the middle of the room. I walked over to the chair and ran my hand along the soft leather, noticing an array of straps and stirrups just begged to be used. Beside the chair was a tray with all the supplies I'd need including three very large needles.

Replacing the cover I closed my eyes again and this time I heard movement. One of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen was now sitting completely naked in the chair. Caught in the middle of her own fantasy, her eyes were shut as she slowly caressed her thighs and chest. Her legs were pressed tight together so I couldn't see everything she has to offer, but my cock twitched in anticipation as she sensuously licking her lips with pierced tongue.

Smiling to myself I knew this is going to be a very fun night. Sometimes my gift amazes even me; this woman was perfect! Small breasts, well toned stomach, diamond studded belly button ring ... I'd always been attracted to athletic women and it was clear from her sculpted legs that she took good care of her body.

Oblivious to my attention her hands become more insistent as she spreads her legs and begins to lightly stroke her pussy. She'd trimmed the top to be an inverted triangle and I was captivated as her barely visible inner lips began to bloom with arousal.

Slowly her hand traveled up her chest to caress each breast before latching onto a nipple. Without hesitation she pinched and a stifled moan escapes her lips. As I watch she began tracing lazy circles around her clit while pinching and twisting her nipple hard enough that it started to turn and angry purple color. I could tell that she was quickly approaching and orgasm, but my erection has become almost painful and glancing to the tray I couldn't wait to get started.

"You know, we could just pierce them."

Startled, her eyes fly open and as she gasped in surprise. Her face seems to mirror the turmoil that must be going through her mind as her expression flashed between a look of 'Who the hell are you?' and 'How the hell did we get here?'

Subconsciously my gift took over and seamlessly incorporated me into her fantasy. Within seconds she visibly relaxed and, blushing at being caught pleasuring herself, dropped her hands to her sides. Taking over for her own hands, I gently massaged feeling back into her recently abused nipples.

"Hmmm," she moaned in appreciation while letting her eyes slowly explore my body.

I could feel her eyes burning into me and glancing at one of the mirrors that lined the walls I had to approve of her choice. You see, this is just as much her fantasy as mine. While I strongly preferred being tall and toned, little things like eye/hair color never really mattered to me so long as I had a good time. Judging by the flush blooming on her chest I'd say she liked the view.

With a small sigh she arched her back slightly pushing more of her breasts into my talented hands.

Using my gift I briefly skimmed the surface of her mind to ensure this is what she truly wanted. 'This is so surreal ... There I was, dreaming about a hot stud when suddenly he's right here taking over.' With a giggle she corrected herself, 'So maybe the slightly nerdy guy before isn't quite a hot stud, but he already has me dripping wet just from playing with my nipples. Imagine what he could do with his cock!'

Noting the direction of her thoughts, I flexed my erection and watched as a look of desire filled her eyes.

"So, do you want to do it?"

"Do what?" she asked with an audible gulp as her eyes hesitantly rose to meet mine.

"Pierce them, we have all the tools," I explained, gently squeezing a nipple with one hand and gesturing to the studio surrounding us.

For the first time, she let her eyes wander around the room taking in all of the pictures and various piercing paraphernalia. Squirming around in the chair, her flush of arousal only deepened as she considered my offer.

Again I used my gift to delve into her thoughts. Apparently, she'd wanted pierced nipples for quite a while. In fact, she'd actually gone to a piercing studio twice to get it done, yet had chickened out and instead ended up with a pierced belly button and tongue. She'd been worried about how much it would hurt, but it was actually the thought of a stranger piercing such an intimate area that made her back down.

Getting up without a reply she walked along the walls inspecting the pictures up close. After a few circuits she stops to study one of the pictures and a shudder went through her body. Peering around her I noticed it's one of the larger prints with a woman posed seductively on a stool, rings through both nipples and the sparkling promise of more from between her legs.

Turning towards me, that sparkle was mirrored in her eyes.

"Okay, but I get to pick the jewelry."

Sauntering over to the display case I couldn't help but notice the little extra sway to her step. Bending at the hips she examined the merchandise while I did the same.

"You are a naughty girl."

Looking coyly over her shoulder, she winked. "You know you like it. Now tell me what you'd recommend."

"Well, you can't go wrong with a captive bead ring," I replied while pointing and heading over to meet her at the last display case.

"Sounds good, but I've always had trouble with jewelry. Do you have anything for sensitive skin?"

"I know your nipples are sensitive, but just about any ring should do."

"That's not what I meant and you know it," she huffed while smacking my arm.

"Well, it looks like they have quite a selection of titanium rings. The titanium retains its shape so they'll be a little harder to put in place, but as an earth metal it won't stimulate any allergies and is less likely to be rejected. Plus they come in some really cool colors."

"Hmm, how about the gold colored titanium rings with blue balls?"

"You just wanted to say 'blue balls' didn't you?"

With a smile and a meaningful glance towards my slightly purplish nut sack, she struck a pose that clearly offered to relieve my tension.

"Careful, don't start something you can't finish."

"Trust me, I never do," she replied while sensuously licking her lips. "Besides, blue is my favorite color."

I nearly chocked when she reached over and gently stroked my still throbbing erection.

" Yes, well blue will be fine," I stammered, vainly trying to maintain control of the situation.

As if startled out of her own fantasy and back into mine, she quickly removed her hand and took several calming breaths.

When it seemed that her full attention was back on piercings I continued, "I'd also recommend a larger gauge. It will hurt more initially, but you'll be able to play with them rougher later."

"That makes sense. So, 14 gauge?"

When I shook my head, she visibly gulped before timidly asking, "12 gauge?"

"How about 10 gauge?"

When she nervously nodded I grab three rings and we head back to the center of the room. Hopping up into the chair I notice she immediately began to relax and take deep calming breaths.

"I see you've done this before."

She again nodded and I decided to see just how far I could take this fantasy.

"Now, you know this is going to hurt and if you jerk we may have to start all over."

Using one of the very large needles I pointed to the array of this leather straps on the chair. "Maybe we should use the straps?"

While my cock was now painfully erect, a small part of me worried that I might be pushing things too far. Using my gift I again checked her surface thoughts. 'Hmm, I've always wanted to be bound. Piercing my nipples is one of my darkest fantasies, but being strapped down while a man has his way with me is my favorite!'

"If you think it's necessary," she hedged, careful not to sound too enthusiastic.

Moving in front of the chair I reached towards her but instead of grabbing the straps I pulled out the stirrups. She stifled a moan when I firmly grasped her leg, placed it in the stirrup and strapped it into place.

"Since when did piercing my nipples require me to be fully exposed?" she huffed, vainly tried to keep knees together and obviously struggling not to appear too eager.

"I told you not to start something you couldn't finish and this guy is getting a little lonely," I replied, gesturing towards my erection.

"Besides, it would probably be a very good thing if you were distracted when I pierce these."

"True," she moaned as I lightly tweaked her nipples and made no attempt to resist when I strapped her thighs in place.

Now fully exposed, I expected more of a struggle and decided to use my gift to see how far she wanted me to take this. 'I feel so deliciously naughty! I wonder how it would feel to have that wonderfully thick cock completely filling me... '

Pulling back, I was amazed at the intensity of her desires. I was now even more eager to begin and quickly attached the straps around her shoulders and wrists. Finally, I attached a strap around her waist that would allow her to arch her back but prevented her ass from leaving the chair.

"Want to watch?" I asked indicating the last strap that would keep her head tilted back and have her looking at the ceiling tiles the whole time.

"Please, can I?"

"Of course" I replied while reaching up to adjust her head rest.

Stepping between her legs I slowly traced my hands down her thighs.

"Hey!" she gasped struggling against the restraints, "That's not fair."

"You know it will be better if you're distracted," I replied with a wink as I used my cock to tease her now dripping slit.


"Do you want me to stop?" I asked, pulling just far enough away that she could still feel the warmth of my presence without us actually touching.

"No!" she practically screamed.

This time without any prompting my gift shared her surface thoughts with me. 'Are you nuts? Here I am, completely strapped down while this gorgeous man is teasing me with his cock. The little bastard didn't let me finish earlier and I'm certainly not going to stop him now. Then again, I probably shouldn't sound too eager... '

After hearing her thoughts I couldn't help but smile as in a timid voice she offered, "Maybe a little warning next time? I've never done something like this before."

By this point she was more than wet enough, but the angle was all wrong. Slowly, I lowered the chair back and raised her knees until I found the best alignment. Finally I reached up and re-adjusted the head rest so that she could watch without straining her neck.

"Hmm, that feels better," she purred.

I was now able to easily slide my cock the entire length of her slit. I'd never really been much of a romantic, but it didn't hurt to be nice. This fantasy is actually turning out to be a lot of fun, yet I worried about being able to keep it this light hearted once I started with the piercings.

Even though I'd never done this before, looking over the supplies on the tray I instinctively know exactly what to do. Obviously my gift was filling in again and I was thankful to know enough that I didn't have to worry about messing up. Plus, it's not like she could get an infection or suffer any permanent damage. If things didn't go well she'd never know if I used my gift to move the ring and heal the mistake. However, I've always been a perfectionist and that just felt like cheating.

Wanting to keep the experience slightly realistic, I reached for the bottle of disinfectant. For some reason I've always enjoyed the smell of disinfectant and the coolness of it on the skin. As I began swabbing her breasts I made sure to use its tingly coolness to stimulate her nipples as much as possible.

"That's cold!" she squealed and again my gift made her surface thoughts known to me. 'This may be crazy but I can't tell if I'm shivering more from the cold or from anticipation. I mean, I still can't believe I'm actually doing this. He's got that wonderful cock all over me and my nipples have never felt so good.'

"That feels nice," she shuddered, closing her eyes to better enjoy the sensations.

"Oh?" The cleaning finished I grabbed hold of her left nipple and tried to gather my thoughts. I was still surprised at how she was practically begging to be pierced. Hmm, begging to be pierced, now that could be fun...

"Do you like it?" I asked while lightly running my cock along her, slit carefully avoiding her clit and pulling on her nipple. She was straining against the straps, trusting towards me in a vain attempt to get more contact.

"That feels go so good," she moaned as a slightly desperate look bloomed across her face and I continued to avoid directly stimulating her clit. Every time I dipped lower she attempted to roll her hips and force me to enter her, but so far I'd resisted the temptation.

Regardless of how much I knew she wanted it, I still worried about hurting her. As I watched her squirm my gift told me it was time to proceed and, steeling my resolve, I picked up the first needle.

Knowing she was distracted by my cock I asked, "Do you want me to put it in?"

"Yes!" she begged.

With that I tightened my grip on her nipple and I force the needle through.

Her eyes flash in pain, but all she could do was crane her neck to see the needle now protruding from her nipple. She never cried out, but did whimper when I slowly insert the jewelry.

"You actually did it," she gasped. This time her surface thoughts were in complete anarchy, but the strongest was 'Wow, I can't believe he actually went through with it!'

"Of course I did, do you like it?" I asked while picking up a small mirror from the tray.

"It looks awesome!" she gushed, peering at the mirror and craning her head from side to side trying to see it from every angle at once. For some reason she just couldn't keep from smiling as she leaned her head back and enjoyed the adrenalin rush coursing its way through her system.

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Jan and I made love and then as Jan slept I thought about everything that had been happening. In the last several months, sex had gone from being an infrequent even with minor impact on my life to being the most important thing in my life. I wasn't sure that this was a good thing but I was having too much fun to want it to stop. When this started all I wanted to do was to generate a little more sexual excitement in my marriage. I went from infrequent sex with my wife to having sex with my...

4 years ago
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A motel to remember

_______________________________________________ It's amazing really, how I, who always looked on love as something beautiful and tender and sweet, should be drawn into something so degrading and awful. Anyhow, to tell you how it all came about, I'll go right back to the beginning. I was happily married, and still am for that matter, but liked to explore porno sites on the net; and not only to explore them but to also talk to the sexy men who frequented those wicked sites. Of course I...

2 years ago
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Hello Again

Traffic was light for a Friday night and getting to the restaurant was easy from my hotel. The business meetings had been long and as the day went on I found myself thinking more about tonight than what was being discussed. I arrived shortly before 7, which must be the magic hour for lovers and others to get together and meet over wine and good food. I watched as the tables filled and waiters scurried about delivering and retrieving items, trying to make good impressions that might bring great...

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Hard to Get

I love teasing guys and playing hard to get. OK, it's a cruel, but I can't help it. I was born a natural flirt, with big green eyes, a tight little body, and luscious brown locks. In high school, I was always known as "that girl." It's a compliment, even though it doesn't sound like one. I never worried about being tossed into the trashcan as a freshmen, or getting soup dumped over my head. I'm a flirt, but guys and girls can't help but like me no matter what. But I learned my lesson...

Straight Sex
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Sea Girls Part Three

Sea Girls. Part Three. It was on the following Thursday evening that we all gathered together in the lounge and that included the first year students, to hear how us second year ones had got on with our exams. This was what we, Rosie and I, missed out the previous year for we had gone to bed early with it being our last night before the holiday. By the time Mr. Thompson, the senior teacher got his notes together, Rosie and I were sucking on each other’s cocks, making pigs of ourselves in...

2 years ago
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Molested By a Tailor

This happened first time when i was 12. I used to go this tailor's shop to stitch my school uniforms every year. But it was in the 7th grade that he started doing these dirty things to me. When he was taking my measurements, his hand accidentally(i think so) pressed against my crotch region. I felt somewhat embarrassed, but unintentionally i got erect. It was my mistake, i know, but i just couldn't do a thing because it was an autonomous reaction. His hand again hit on my crotch while...

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Chrissie and TomChapter 11

Chrissie half woke in the wee small hours, reached for Tom and whimpered when her hand found empty space. Surfacing a little further, she remembered Tom saying he was going; she clasped her hands together in front of her face ... and prayed, feeling as she did so the ring on her finger; comforted, she dropped off to sleep again, fingers of her right hand on the ring. At about the same time, Tom was piloting a barge with about six hundred tons of aggregate on board down the Colne from...

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My mature next door neighbour

This is a true story and still happens till this day but i havent been lucky enough yet....my next door neighbour is in her 50's lovely curvy figure a real mature woman she lost loads of weight as she used to be quite big when she was in her 40's had 2 k**s all grown up had a few boyfriends just got rid of one now... she would always call me too look after her computer and stuff because she wasn't very good with technology one day i came across her old photos in my email as you do when sorting...

3 years ago
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Angelas Party

Jill heard them honking the horn and almost opened the door. She stopped, turned as if she was about to go back into her room, stopped, turned back to the door, stopped, turned, stopped…finally she took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped outside. Her hands tried to cover herself but there was too much skin to cover so she let her hand drop. “Holy fuckin’ shit.” Cliff said from inside the car. “Dude, I have to agree with you here.” Roger replied not taking his eyes off Jill. Jill...

1 year ago
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BTVS Dawns Wish Part 2

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Dawn's Wish Part 2 Closing time was by far Anya's favourite part of the day. She tried not to say that allowed too often as it made Xander all pouty, but as much as she loved spending time with him, especially when they were having sex, closing time only came five times a week. She saw Xander and had sex with him a lot more than that, so Anya didn't understand why she should be frowned upon for savouring this precious time above anything else. After all this was the...

1 year ago
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Two Minute PenaltiesOvertime

The rest of the week was hot. As in pushing ninety degrees. Didn't it snow just a week ago? Welcome to Colorado, I grumbled. Saturday it finally started to cool down and I wondered whether I might need a coat that night. Then I remembered—my coat was still in Sandy's car. While she and I had carpooled to the post-game party on Wednesday, I'd let Steve take me home. We'd spent several delightful minutes kissing goodnight, but concerns about work the next day had discouraged anything...

2 years ago
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Inmate Succumbs After Seven Years

In the seven years that Damon Winslow had been locked up for home invasion, he had never once had sex with a guy. He was not gay was not about to start just cause he was in the slammer for 10 years. The twenty-eight year-old light brown prisoner swiped the screen of his contraband phone. He was looking at ass pictures of his ex. After getting a hard on, he decided to jack off his fat meatiness. After shooting a decent sized load, he drifted off to sl**p. The five-foot-eleven brotha was up just...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 12

School was school. Not much different from every other day. The main reason I didn't talk about it at Jill's house is because it's nothing special to me. I'm one of those kids that everybody hates. I hear it or read it once and I remember it forever. Pretty much anything from the rules of grammar to dates to scientific principles. I don't have logarithms memorized but I can place the elements in order and come pretty close to their atomic numbers. Not quite a photographic memory. If...

1 year ago
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Cumming up Trumps Part 2

Manning arrived and stepped out of the limousine. She had got changed. She was wearing white adidas trainers, cream coloured shorts, a white Hollister polo shirt which showed her white bra and a white adidas cap. For some reason she was wearing another pair of Oakley shades, white this time. Trump had never seen anyone look like this, it was a bold look that was for sure, but it was one that Manning pulled off with effortless ease. Manning was walked to the door by the secret service detail,...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 968

This one is compliments of Joe S The Boss The different parts of the body were hanging out, just talking about stuff, and the Brain said, “You know, I should be the Boss of this outfit since I do all the thinking!” The Hands immediately disagreed. “We do all the work! Not only that, y’all would get mighty hungry if we didn’t shovel food in your mouth! We should be the Boss!” The Legs spoke up. “Heck with all that! We carry the load! We want to be the Boss!” The Asshole said, “I’ll SHOW...

3 years ago
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Threes A Crowd

A couple years back my marriage got a bit turned upside down. Long story short, my wife was bored at home and wanted to try seeing other men outside our marriage. I didn't like the idea at first, but after some discussion and negotiation, we made a deal that she could see other man, but only if at some point I would get to participate. Another factor of the deal was that she would indulge my deepest fetish by wearing whatever clothing or costume I desired for the event.Fast forward just a...

4 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 108

Dear Brianna, Yes we have a dome or covered garden inside our residential dome. Actually the township where we live is in a dome so large that it has weather. At least a little rain falls all the time from the 'ceiling' or sky. Unless you're close to the 'edge' or wall you could hardly tell that we're inside. I asked the AI and it was polite enough to tell me that the main dome is approximately 6000 meters in diameter. We've actually put in sort of specially formed sections of some...

3 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 27

Kalie was barely five three if that. One glance would tell anyone she was as Neanderthal as she could get, but her features were not nearly as coarse as those of the men. If she wasn't pretty in the face there ain't a cow in Saltillo. Even though she was short she had a lot of female hidden in her rudimentary clothes. There were two big titties swaying under some animal's former hide and though she was wearing some type of skirt it was short and as she moved around I got a peak at heaven...

1 year ago
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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 9

12/24/2012 11:00:00 PM The Last Day 11:16:21 p.m. The diner couldn’t be referred to as “family friendly” because there was a distinguishable code. Those that were from too far outside their bounds found no welcome, no business, and no contentment there. A regular would never bring a child to Last Chance. The conversation was often too ribald for that. It didn’t matter if it was 3:00 p.m. or 3:00 a.m., conversation might turn to adult topics. One famous night, an unfortunate streetwalker...

4 years ago
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And so it begins

My wife and I had been married about 6 months when I found out she wasn’t the sweet little thing that I thought. We went to a friend of mine’s New Years party. I was surprised at how she was dressed, a mini skirt slit up to her butt and a slinky tank that showed there was no bra underneath.. Hell, I didn’t even know she owned cloths like that. When we got to the party I headed to the kitchen to get us drinks. When I got back I found her sitting on the couch next to some guy who had his hand...

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Cheryl's back ached. She did not know why she continued to work now that she was almost eight months pregnant. Cheryl and were excited about her first pregnancy. Although encouraged Cheryl to stop working, she just could leave the law firm where she worked. Cheryl felt she was doing okay until this past month.Now with her stomach so large, Cheryl's back constantly ached and her feet were always swollen. Now Cheryl just wanted the pregnancy to be over. In the beginning it was fun with all the...

2 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 21 Another Widow

"There is a woman in town," the old lady said with a tiny smile, "oh, you are going to enjoy this, a woman who has been recently widowed. She has been a fine source of information about the British navy and about Tory enterprises." I nodded waiting for the ax to fall. "I want you to go see her and do whatever she wants; comfort her." "Yes'm," I said, thinking I had better bathe and shave, assuming I was being sent to comfort some mature ladyfriend or dusty crone. Several hours...

4 years ago
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My Hot Brinda Aunty 8211 Part II

Hi, this is my second part of my incident for new readers please refer to my first part only then you can understand and enjoy www.indiansexstories2.net/my-hot-brinda-aunty-2/2010/06/ It was morning 6 am when I woke up with my penis semi erect and still deep inside her vagina. We were hugging each other tight and her boobs were crushed between us. I was amazed looking at her melons which had turned deep red thanks to all the work I did the previous night. I just kept looking at this sleeping...

2 years ago
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Frying Pan to Fire

Neil was a redneck...a kick ass redneck! He made John Rocker look like John Rockerfeller! I don't need to use slurs, here, so I'll give you an allegory that depicts Neil to the core (and, the kind of people he hung out around). He's 24, knows EXACTLY how everything in the world is supposed to run, and never met a minority he didn't hate! He's driving along a two lane, blacktop, doin' about 65. Every time he sees a black on the side of the road, he runs the truck at them and gets a...

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Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 12

Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 12 Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a bimbo whore. In this chapter, Brian tricks Brianna into making an important admission on tape, but he still has problems trying to break free of the sordid life in which his sister trapped him. He risks...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 6 Marco

When Dave arrived at the patio on Saturday morning to cook brunch for the Circle and guests, he found Nancy already there with the Weather Channel playing around the clock on the large television set in the core. The various meteorologists were having their own little on-screen orgasms regarding the progress of Hurricane Marco in the Atlantic as it headed westward. They speculated about where it would go, how bad it would be, whether it would or wouldn’t strengthen or lose its punch, and what...

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Anita the Collector Part 1

The name’s Bristol. Bertie Bristol. I’m a private dick. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “He just slipped that dick in there for a cheap laugh.” Well, if you’ve got a better place I can slip it in just let me know. I’ve had some strange cases in my time, but the strangest of them all was the spate of disappearances of attractive young men on the tropical island of Bazooma. They all went missing in Strangways Valley, an area that soon became known as the Bazooma Triangle. Really...

Straight Sex
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Rest Room Reaction

Copyright© 1994-09-14 Rajah Dodger I was heading down the hall toward the men's room when I heard a squeaking noise coming from the women's room. I thought this was odd, since I didn't think anyone else was working this late. I think the lateness of the hour got to me, as otherwise I'd never have considered opening the women's room door. It was a good thing this place oils its hinges well. What with it being after 10 pm, the bathroom only had about a quarter of its lights on. I heard a...

1 year ago
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In a crowded Bus in Delhi

I am a working woman, 32 years old & have been married for about 8 Years now I am working for a reputed travel agency in India and enjoy my work quite a lot. I am considered ambitious, attractive and have a well maintained figure of 38-27-35 of which I am obviously proud of. I am a quite broadminded & independent & have quite a few admirers at work. One evening I had to work a little late at work and as a result missed the staffs pick up bus to return home. Also no autorickshaws were available...


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