Kenny Part Two
- 1 year ago
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Dad finished with the customer and turned toward us. "And who is this young lady?"
"Dad, this is Francie Reilly. Right now we are exploring a relationship. You'll hear all about it at dinner tonight."
"What's to hear about?"
"How, when, and where we met. While away on vacation I tracked her down after six years. I've become acquainted with her family and now she is here to become acquainted with mine. I'm hoping before too long you and Mom will take some time and travel to meet her folks."
"Sounds serious."
"It is. We'll explain tonight why we think it will work."
"Good, that will get your mother and sister off my back."
"How's that?"
"They are after me to talk to you about finding someone. Haven't you noticed how they are all the time fixing you up? You just go on not paying any attention."
"Oh, I've been paying attention. Dad, I met Fran six years ago when she was sixteen. She hasn't been out of my mind for any long stretch of time since. I find out she feels the same as me. Our being a couple isn't set in stone yet. That's why she is with me here. We have to find out if we have been living a dream and to see if the reality is as good as the dream. I think we have." Fran's arm came around me and pulled me a little closer.
"Mr. Burns, Kenny has said enough for now. Wait until tonight to hear the rest. It has to be told from when we first met and why I didn't forget him and he didn't forget me."
"Fair enough. Hey, let's head home. I'm the least important person around here. I can leave anytime. Your mother must be ready."
"She is. She's waiting on us."
Fran went right into the kitchen with Mom, (Millie) and I talked with Dad, (Philo) catching up on what had gone on while I was on vacation while visiting Fran and her family. Dad asked, "So you're planning on taking off for one more week?"
"That's right, and you have to remember I haven't always taken a vacation. I now have a reason, so I will be taking all I have coming."
"That's okay. Kenny, are you planning on leaving the business? I don't see how I can replace you."
"No, Dad, I'm not planning on it. A lot will be predicated on Fran finding a work, though."
"What's she trained for?"
"Not pinned down yet exactly, but she's smart and I think she would be a good prospect to take over when Mrs. Billings retires. She studied for a position involving human resources at the university."
"I'll have Pete do an interview. He would be the person working closest with her. What else do you know about her?"
"Not that much. That's why I need these two weeks with her and she needs to meet with you and Mom. Can you get away for three or four days to meet her folks?"
"I guess. Kenny, take all the time you need. We can cover for you and yes we can get away."
"Pete won't like it." There was a little of that rivalry showing in every family. Pete had his chance to get away from the home store twice a month. Dad never listened to me when I mentioned I should have the same consideration.
"Let me worry about Pete. He is always taking time off and I never say anything."
"I don't either. When he goes it is always something that has to do with Betty or Becky. I will want the same consideration when I start a family."
"Fair enough and you will have it." This made me feel really good. I often covered for Pete. Now he might have to do the same for me. I always claimed I was willing to do so, but then I had to rearrange my life sometimes and resented it.
Betty and Becky came at 5:30 and Pete showed up at 6:15 just as the food was put on the table. Mom announced that Fran had made the lasagna. Fran blushed, just commenting that it was traditional right out the package.
"Fran, I didn't know you could cook? I love lasagna."
"I remembered that you did. You took me out to a restaurant six years ago and you commented on liking it. Your Mom had the ingredients so I thought I would make it for you."
"You remembered from that long ago?"
"Kenny, I remembered everything you said and did six years ago."
Becky, my niece asked, "Fran, did you love Kenny then?"
"I must have, although, people would classify it more as puppy love. I don't remember thinking that way. We were only together three weeks, but he impressed me as being the kindest and nicest person I ever knew."
Mom spoke, "How come we didn't meet you back then?"
"Mom, this was when I was at the Clearview store right after I got out of college. I just didn't mention her when I came back here. Besides she was only sixteen and needed her parents."
"Didn't you want him to make love to you?"
Pete screamed, "Becky, that's none of your business."
Fran ignored Pete and answered, "Of course I wanted him to, but during our days together, and what he was saying to me, made me realize he would reject my advances and I didn't want that. I had just been dumped and didn't think I could handle another rejection. Besides what he was saying was making me realize what a child I was. His comments showed me I had been going in the wrong direction in my young life. Very subtle, he reset my life and got me on track. I just hoped he wouldn't forget me."
"Did you anticipate you would be together like you are tonight?"
"Absolutely not. Listen to me. Did you ever do something not knowing that it was something that would be more important than just a gesture? I did that and it turned out to be the most important thing in my life. I'll let Kenny tell you what it was."
Attention was on me. "Actually, it was two things that made me remember Fran. I had been urging her to return home and at the same time to not fall in love with me. I saw her as someone who was young and misguided. I considered myself as an adult and couldn't see where there was any gain in my becoming closer to her. I knew she was totally in my power and if I had wanted to trifle with her I could have. Basically I felt she was trouble, but then I had made a friendly overture, and couldn't just kick her out.
"I've come to the conclusion recently that something or someone else was pointing her in the right direction. Fran had one thing of value that I wasn't aware she had. I had been open with Fran and she knew where I kept my extra money. In her mind and with the urging by me to return to her family one morning, she asked for a kiss and said goodbye. I wasn't aware that she had made up her mind to follow my direction.
"I came home to my apartment that evening and found her gone. The kiss she had asked for really was a goodbye. That was six years ago and I didn't see her again until this last week."
Becky spoke, "Uncle Kenny, what were the two things you mentioned that made you remember her. Did you love her?"
"No, I don't think I loved her at that time. Fran left me a note, that was the first thing, and the second thing was the pair of earrings with it. They went together.
Mom asked, "What was in the note? Do you remember what it said?"
"Of course I remember. In fact I have it here with me. It is pretty frayed for I have taken it out and looked at it often. Would you like to have me read it?"
Fran jumped up. "You kept it all this time? Oh, I love you so much. Kenny, let me read it to your family, please?"
I carefully removed it from my wallet and handed it to her and watched as Fran unfolded and smoothed it out on the table. Tears were pouring from her eyes.
Kenny, I took a hundred dollars from your slush fund for a bus ticket and traveling money. My father paid $1,500 dollars for the earrings for my fourteenth birthday. That proves I'm not a thief. I thank you so much for rescuing me. You told me I fall for bad boys. I am here to say you are not a bad boy, but I fell for you anyway. Give the earrings to the woman you choose to live your life with and with my blessing.Love, Fran
Fran looked around the table. "I wanted Kenny to love me. Right after he left for work that morning I thought I would meet him at the door that evening wearing just my earrings and nothing else, but I knew deep down it wouldn't work in my favor. I wrote this note, took enough of his money to get me home. I found out that my family acted just like he said they would. That's the minute I began to grow up.
"Always in the back of my mind I was hoping someday Kenny would remember me. Even deeper in my mind I wanted Kenny to return the earrings to me and he would choose me to be the woman he wanted to make his life with. Through a coincidence by both having the same dream, I think it will happen."
Pete, my brother-in-law, said. "I don't believe in coincidences."
I rejected this. "Pete, believe this then. You know I went to university and joined a fraternity. I went to the Homecoming Day a year after Fran left. I went because I found out my frat brother lived in the same city as she. I met him at the frat house and asked if he knew Fran. He said he worked with her brother. During the next five years he played cupid between the two of us. I would ask how Fran was doing and often Tom would send me pictures of the brother and always a picture of Fran would be in it.
"As the years rolled by I knew I would return the earrings someday. The time didn't feel right to me until last Saturday, the day she graduated from college. I found out that day that Tom and Fran were cousins. The two were collaborating on what pictures and information I would receive."
"What about Fran's family when a strange man showed up to connect with their daughter?"
Fran answered this. "I told my mother all about my experiences when I ran away so she knew about Kenny as soon as I returned home. Then a year later when Kenny showed interest, the whole family knew about him. Kenny shared what went on in his life with my cousin, Tom. I'll tell you I had some sleepless nights when Kenny told Tom he moved in with a woman named Sarah. But then I had told Kenny in the note to give my earrings to someone who could make him happy. I did hurt for awhile until his connection with her ended."
Attention came to me again. "I really thought I loved Sarah for a time, but then I read the note from Fran again. I read between the lines. I may have been only a dream of Fran's, but I've had my dreams too."
"Have you asked Fran to marry you?"
"No, Becky, I haven't yet. We wanted to meet both our family's first. That's why I have asked Mom and Dad to go with me this next week to meet Fran's parents."
"This is so romantic, can I go with you?"
"Becky, I'd love to have you with me. I can tell you all about my family. I have a younger brother about your age. His name is Sam, and he's sixteen."
"Thank you Fran. Gram, can I go?"
"I guess so. They'll be room if we take Grampa's big car."
After the dinner I took Fran home with me and showed her the apartment where I lived. Her comment was, "Pretty neat and organized. Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
We spent the next three days getting Fran acquainted with the family and going over what the family business entailed. Monday morning Fran went into the store and interviewed for Mrs. Billings' position as Manager of Human Resources. Mrs. Billings was old enough to retire and very much wanted to, but my dad kept asking her to stay one more year. This year she declared she was leaving before Thanksgiving whether dad had a replacement or not. Fran was the only person who had appeared that could even remotely handle the job.
We talked about it that evening. "Kenny, I would love to have this position and working with you."
I looked at her and could see she was undecided about accepting. "There is a, "but" in there somewhere, I take it?"
"Yes, there is. I was with Mrs. Billings all afternoon. Mrs. Billings hinted at something, but never came out and said anything definitely." Mrs. Billings took me out onto the floor. She told me to watch the interaction between Pete and the female help. First of all Pete does the hiring and most of the female clerks are young and pretty. You must have noticed that?"
"I have, but what has that got to do with this?"
"Mrs. Billings hinted that Pete harasses the girls. I didn't notice when he interviewed me or by the way he looks at me so I didn't say anything to Mrs. Billings, but I did listen to what she said. I can see she doesn't like him much. You know one harassment suit could sink the whole business. I don't want to get into a mess like that."
"This is hard to believe about Pete. Maybe I haven't been paying attention."
"Don't blame yourself. I was just giving you a heads up of what could happen if he was harassing the help. Remember I was taught what to look for. I doubt your father and mother would have noticed either. Any one who harasses would naturally keep it from the family."
"Well, now that I know that it is a possibility, I'll make sure it is settled before you become officially head of that department."
"Kenny, you're the best. I was afraid you would get mad when I said something."
"But you said something anyway?"
"I did. I don't want the business I work for to get into trouble if I can prevent it. I don't want your Mom and Dad to get mad at me either."
"I'm glad you spoke up, but forget the store for now. Believe it or not there is love in the air."
Never one to let something slide, I talked to my mother the next morning. I hinted around just a little by making the comment about Pete's hiring practices. She surprised me. "You mean you want to know if Pete ever harasses the help. That's a dark secret that your father and I have under control. He had to pay off one person years ago. You were too young to be aware."
"Does Betty know about it?"
"Yes, of course, she does. We didn't tell you because at the time you weren't working in the store. Pete knows that if it happens again, then Betty is gone, Pete is gone, and he is without a job. Your dad is on top of this and he settled it years ago. We just won't tolerate it happening again. Why, did you think something like this could be possible?"
"Fran said Mrs. Billings hinted at it, so Fran wasn't surprised. She didn't want to work here if you and Dad knew about it and were ignoring it."
"Good for her. She must love you a lot to bring it up to you."
"She does love me, and I'm sure she will be satisfied with the way it is being handled."
Thursday morning we headed for Fran's parents. Fran would begin training with Mrs. Billings as soon as we returned next week. I had taken an hour to buy a ring because I intended to propose in front of her father and mother sometime before coming home. Did I keep it a secret front of Francie? No, I didn't, and she went with me to pick out the ring. I wanted her to have exactly what would make her happy. Also we hated to be apart for even that length of time, even for a few hours.
Becky, Fran and I, sat in the back seat of the car with Fran in the middle. Becky began questioning her about her brother, Sam. Now we knew why Becky asked to come.
"Becky, I've been away at school for four years so I don't know that much about him. I do know he is a bit shy or wants people to think he is. When I have been home for the holidays and we have a party or family gathering, he usually has a friend visiting. I must say, not all of them are boys. I noticed they all respect him, both girls and boys. I'm proud to say I'm glad I have him for a brother."
We arrived before noon and Phoebe had lunch waiting for us. Becky was disappointed that Sam wasn't there. He was off playing soccer with his buddies according to Rachel. "How far from here is it?"
"Go down the street and take a left. You'll see them playing as soon as you turn the corner. They'll be a lot of kids hanging out together. Tell him we'll be eating in forty-five minutes. How will you know him?"
Becky grinned, "I'll ask. Not many boys have a strange girl they don't know looking for them. Someone will tell me." I could just imagine that Sam's status would rise up damned high with his friends. Some of the girls, if there any there, might give Sam a second look if Becky did what she said she was going to do. Becky was as tall as Sam and she had on designer jeans and a tee-shirt and looked hot. Kids were so bold in today's world.
Mom was a little short giving Becky a warning. "Becky, you be good and behave like a young lady."
"I will Gram, I promise." Mom was shaking her head as we watched Becky hurrying down the street.
We now proceeded to get acquainted. Timothy, Tom, and Steve were working. I knew where the office was so I said I was going down there. Dad said he would go with me. Timothy welcomed me with open arms and glad I could make the trip. After introductions, he had us into his private office and set out a bottle. "Philo, how about a little nip? This is good stuff. A customer of mine sends me a bottle at Christmas time."
Dad looked at the bottle and commented that it was distilled in Ireland.
"Yeah, people aren't too positive I'm Irish, but I am. My Great-Grandpap dropped the "O" in O'Reilly, but we still go back to the Old Sod every five years or so. My grandmother is still alive. She'll be a hundred and one this November. I want Fran to see her one more time before she passes on."
I spoke up, "Fran was telling me about her. We have a tentative plan of having a honeymoon in the fall and will see her then."
"Good. Oh, you are planning a honeymoon in the fall?"
"Yes. I've taken these two weeks away from my work just to meet Fran. I do have responsibilities. Fran understands. She has a job offer and wants to begin as soon as possible. That enters into it."
"Then this bringing your dad here is almost making it official that you will wed?"
"There is no 'almost' about it. I'll be proposing at dinner tonight."
"That's good, son. That will make her mother happy. I hate it that she will be leaving us, but we've been expecting it since you showed up to claim her."
I did propose that evening. Fran was wearing her earrings when she sat down at the table. They were such an important part of our relationship we both felt this was appropriate.
Sam entertained Becky while we were there and they became friends. Mom and Dad enjoyed meeting my prospective in-laws and got on well with them. Timothy tried to sell Dad insurance to cover our business. Dad promised he would look into it when he needed to renew.
All in all, I think my dad and mom were pleased with the woman I had chosen and Fran's folks appeared to feel likewise about me. The question was raised one afternoon while just Mom, Kate, and Fran were talking with Phoebe. Phoebe asked when we planned to marry. It was decided that we would marry the last weekend in August and would take place here in the church that Fran belonged to.
Phoebe said, "Thank you for having the wedding here. You'll have to get me a list of your guests and what they require for rooms while attending. I have to say there was one period in my life when I wished I had all boys. But then Fran came home after she ran away. She was a totally changed person. We never knew why until she came to me and told me about Kenny
"I do believe Fran thought of him as God-like and maybe I do too. My estimation of him hasn't dropped any since meeting him. Now I'm glad I didn't give up on Fran. Oh, I'll admit Tim and I waited for Fran to revert to her old ways, but she never has."
"Mom, you didn't, did you?"
"Franny girl, think about it."
Fran's face went rose hued. "Well, maybe I caused you a bit of anxiety."
"More than a little, sweetheart. We are over that bridge now and you're about to be married to a fine young man. From all indications you will have a wonderful life together."
"I am going to, Mom, I just know it."
Fran went to work immediately in human resources the following week. Mrs. Billings enjoyed having another person in the office. Fran noticed every time my brother-in-law Pete came in the office, that Mrs. Billings cringed. We discussed it.
"Fran, Pete never comes into my office and never has cared much for Mrs. Billings. Maybe he'll like you. You're family."
"I may be family, but I can have my likes and dislikes too. Kenny, I really like my job, it is just what I've been trained for. You know, I think your brother-in-law is a pretty good guy. He is quiet and does just what your father tells him to do. I can see he loves Betty too, but I have seen some constraint between them. Your Dad still loves her though. Did she ever do anything to make him mad at her?"
KENNY Chapter 4 Ken was moving the last of his stuff into cabin 6 when his stomach reminded him that he had missed lunch while wandering the grounds and that supper was due any time. If he had had any money he would have run into town for Mickey D or something. He would need to keep some ramen or something in his cabin for times like these. There was some food left in his apartment and he would have that tomorrow night, but for now there was no hope but to go to dinner and maybe he could...
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A very bemused Kenny decided to do an evaluation of the area and the equipment that he would be responsible for. He had Marta make him a map of the boundaries of the property and went to check it out. The lodge was located on a well wooded and hilly area. Bulldozers had leveled areas skillfully to keep most of the trees intact and to allow the outlying cabins to have privacy amid the vegetation. There were several outbuildings that saw little use now. Most of what they had stored had been moved...
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Ken got out to the estate early the next morning; in fact, he was early enough to get a good breakfast from Selena before he was allowed to go out to the barn and start to work. It took him almost 3 hours before he was confident that he could get the old tractor running. Marta was lying out by the pool in a very small bikini when he found her. Damn; he thought, the girls at school didn't even wear something that tiny. That is a lot of good looking woman on display. "Pardon me Mrs. Horne,...
Ken was moving the last of his stuff into cabin 6 when his stomach reminded him that he had missed lunch while wandering the grounds and that supper was due any time. If he had had any money he would have run into town for Mickey D or something. He would need to keep some ramen or something in his cabin for times like these. There was some food left in his apartment and he would have that tomorrow night, but for now there was no hope but to go to dinner and maybe he could avoid having to talk...
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Chapter 6 After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken’s life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches...
After Kenny fucked Peggy, she was never gonna let him go.She said you know this weekend is just a few days away. I said I knew and asked what she wanted to do. "She said I want to fuck Kenny all weekend. I laughed and said OK, call him. She said it's not that easy. His mom or dad keep answering the phone and Dave is away to college. She said I have no way to call him. I suggested we go down to his neighborhood and do a drive around to see if we can find him. She said that sounds like stalking....
After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken's life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches and kept...
Chapter 10 There was a seat for Mallory on the plane, but it was used for the bag of clothes they had bought for her. Mallory spent the whole flight on either Ken’s lap or on Marta’s. The little blonde had adopted ‘annie Matta’ with whole hearted love. The night before Mallory had slept on daddy’s chest and when he had to leave the room for any reason she whimpered like a little puppy. Ken was almost as bad, whenever Mallory was not in his lap he was looking at her, making sure she was...
"Oh, hi mom." "Don't you 'hi mom' me young man. When were you going to tell me about this? You called me last week and didn't say a goddamn thing about any of this." "I was going to have to tell you before the TV interview I guess. I didn't want to worry you mom. I was in no danger and I didn't do anything special." "What the fuck do you mean you were in no danger? They had guns Kenny, and the story said that you had a girlfriend. What about that?" "Oh mom, one of the guns...
A very bemused Kenny decided to do an evaluation of the area and the equipment that he would be responsible for. He had Marta make him a map of the boundaries of the property and went to check it out. The lodge was located on a well wooded and hilly area. Bulldozers had leveled areas skillfully to keep most of the trees intact and to allow the outlying cabins to have privacy amid the vegetation. There were several outbuildings that saw little use now. Most of what they had stored had been...
Chapter 12 ‘This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies, Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?’ Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. ‘Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor...
Chapter 8 Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. ‘Let’s go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way.’ Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. ‘Pardon me miss, may I help you?’ ‘I’m staying with Ken, every time I let him get away from me bad shit happens.’ Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows,...
A second patrol car arrived and soon they were taking statements from the three older women. Ken and Donny were loaded into the ambulance. Drake had not recovered consciousness yet and the EMT had to put in an IV with a saline drip. Consuela was adamant that she was going in with Ken, so Marcia agreed to take her. Marta was trying to convince the officers that they had no reason to take her pistol. She had not fired it and it was a legal weapon for defense. She was on the phone with her law...
Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. "Let's go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way." Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. "Pardon me miss, may I help you?" "I'm staying with Ken; every time I let him get away bad shit happens." Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows, "I...
"SHE DID WHAT!!?? Roared Ken. "Relax Ken, it's all under control. The man Walter hired called social services and the police. Belinda is in custody and Mallory is waiting for you to come and get her. I made reservations for us and the limo will be here in an hour. Please calm down, everything is being done that can be." Marta was stalking back and forth the whole time she was talking. Her agitation was evident by the wringing of her hands and her quick steps. This was Monday morning and...
There was a seat for Mallory on the plane, but it was used for the bag of clothes they had bought for her. Mallory spent the whole flight on either Ken's lap or on Marta's. The little blonde had adopted annie Matta with whole hearted love. The night before Mallory had slept on daddy's chest and when he had to leave the room for any reason she whimpered like a little puppy. Ken was almost as bad, whenever Mallory was not in his lap he was looking at her, making sure she was alright. The...
"This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies; Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?" Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. "Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor tomorrow....
"Thank you kind sir," Barb whispered into Ken's chest. "Thank me? I think you have things reversed, I should be thanking you." The two naked lovers were sitting on Barb's couch taking a break. She was curled up on Ken's lap with a blanket wrapped around them. "Maybe I should be thanking the sisters instead?" "Connie told me she let you know about that and I was very upset with her." "Why Ken? Are you ashamed to be sleeping with older women?" "What? No way Barb, I'm upset...
He was 14 years old, out of his mind and way over his head. It was the summer before Kenny was to enter High School as a freshman. He knew he was going to need lots of older, bigger, rougher buddies to help him in this first year in a new school. He’d heard about bullying that went on when Junior and Senior year boys ganged up on kids they thought easy prey. Most boys his age and slight build could expect pants-pulling-down in the school hallways. Or, if unlucky, they might find all their...
Stephen Nervously I parked in front of the Blythe's large house. Jenny had been several times before and knew what to expect but I'd kept myself away from social occasions for obvious reasons. Two other cars were in the drive; one I recognised as Clarissa's and the other Jenny said, belonged to Howard's sister, Mary Chatwin and her husband Costain. "Her two twin twenty-year old daughters, Marika and Katrina, may well be with her. They're doing arts courses in Edinburgh so they're...
She walks in and the usual pleasantries are exchanged with my family. I'm not paying any attention to that. All I notice is how she looks in her dress, the light, soft cotton loosely hugging her hips and ass. My eyes have been fixed on her ever since she got out of her car and ran to me for that 'its been so long' hug. Long distance relationships aren't always easy, but usually the sex is amazing. The whole time I can't help but notice how easy it would be to lift up that dress and have my way...
Straight SexIntroduction: A story about a different society. This is about a different society. Travis was a 19 year-old college student from Ohio, at 62 with broad shoulders, and a thatch of dark hair on his head, blue eyes and monster cock, he felt he was a pretty good catch. Well he did, no one else seemed to, He often masturbated at home while studying, pissed off and alone. Usually when he was meant to be studying physics. On this night Travis was doing that very thing, he had his cock in one hand,...
"Absent, adj. Peculiarly exposed to the tooth of detraction; vilified; hopelessly in the wrong; superseded in the consideration and affection of another. To men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what form he wears? But woman's body is the woman. O, stay thou, my sweetheart, and do never go, but heed the warning words the sage hath said: a woman absent is a woman dead." Jogo Tyree Excerpt from "Cynic's Word Book" by Ambrose Bierce © 1906, Doubleday, Page and...
“Cum on my face Dave!” Katie hissed as she stared into the camera, “Please cum on my face!” The sexy wife’s mouth gaped open as she watched the online exhibitionist stroke his cock for her. She couldn’t believe what she was doing. Katie had just finished watching her husband jerk off in London while she used a dildo on herself as they both came together. As he said ‘goodnight’ she was messaged by Dave who had watched them together a few weeks ago. He begged for her to watch him and before...
I lay there, my life draining from me, from the four bullet holes in my torso looking up at my best friend in the world and wondering how a person gets to this point. 3 months earlier……. Juanita and I hit it off from the start. I had started at a new school with a small staff and did not really click with anyone within my first year and so it was a breath of fresh air the next year when Juanita started and we very quickly became friends. Juanita was good looking but not spectacular, it...
Fap Service? Well, I'm already liking the domain name! While Western cartoons typically don’t have this, Japanese cartoons and comics are famous for having fanservice scenes, where the audience will get a nice moment watching the bitches on the show take a shower, prance around in their underwear, and more.Even the shows that are popular with kids will have these types of scenes, with well-placed soap bubbles and strategic camera angles that give little Japanese boys their first 2-inch boners....
Hentai Porn SitesYou start in this world as a completely average dude (not really). I suppose if you looked at the title that might influence which path you want, but choose your primary stat for this game. This story is not yet finished and hopefully has not been published, but I don't really get how this website works so I'll just keep on working. Adders are highly encouraged to help keep the flow going and to help create side paths. This story is a game which will hopefully integrate stats to be similar to...
FantasyI grabbed my camera on the way out to the backyard. As I walked towards the three girls, I could see that they were just finishing drying themselves off. They all looked so young and vibrant with their freshly rubbed skin. “I’m back,” I said as I crossed the patio towards them. “Emma, thanks for finding those keys for me. I wasn’t sure if I’d left them here or not.” “Sure Uncle Jeff, no problem.” “Hey, before Madison has to go, how about I take a few pictures of the Three Amigos together?”...
It was with nothing but disgust that Susan regarded the musicians whose subtle and accomplished performance was so enrapturing most of the other guests. Susan was conscious that she was a fraud in so many ways and her presence at the recital a sham. It was the music she should be appreciating rather than the musicians. She should be somehow transported to the higher plane that Franz Schubert had prepared for listeners to his String Quartet No. 14 in D minor : otherwise known as Death and the...
Straight SexI am a 28 year old and live alone in my small house, and have just got a girl as a tenant for making up for my expenses. She lives on the first floor and me on the ground. She is not a head turner when you look at her first, but when you get a closer look, you ll find that Nidhi is damn attractive and sultry. Her black eyes, her thin yet delicious lips, her sexy feet, and her darkish and such smooth n sexy skin.The more you look at her, the more you would desire her on your bed, her soft hands...
The following morning my alarm clock went off at its usual time and I was halfway out of my warm bed before I realised that I had nowhere to go. Get up and maintain my daily routine or an extra hour in bed? No contest! I climbed back under my welcoming duvet, only to lie awake wondering what the future now held for me. Mid morning, I was not too sure when, as I'd decided to leave my watch off and revel in a place where time was immaterial, my mobile phone rang. It was Julie Thompson....
Michael sat nervously in the seat across the desk from Steward eyeing the Colonel and the men in the room. Mitch was seated next to him and Davis stood near the doorway with Steward’s two armed guards. There were four additional men in the office and each of them had their own body guard. He didn’t know the other men’s names since Steward referred to them by rank. He figured they were the officers who he had heard about. “Where’s Addison?” he whispered to Mitch. “She’s already at the...
It’s been a long time since I have here. This is an old story I had written a few years ago. I hope you’d appreciate it. I woke early that morning, well, not too early. As I stepped out of my bedroom, I saw my sister getting into the bathroom and dad sitting in the hall packing his office bag. He saw me and said, “Look who’s woken up. Good morning, Rishi.” “Good morning, dad,” I replied. He was done packing his bag. “Okay then, I’ll leave for the office now. Since you’re awake, why don’t you...
IncestThis is a combined story effort between Jake Rivers and me (DG Hear). Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: "Hey, Joe" and "Back Up, Buddy" Hey, Joe! is the story of a guy that wants his buddy's girl. Back Up, Buddy is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up,...
Sydney Sunshine was an exotic dancer and prostitute. She was young and beautiful. She was one of the headline dancers at the Red Zebra Club. She did lap dances on the side and for the right client she would prostitute herself.She made good money dancing. Sometimes she would have three lap dances scheduled for the night. They were three hundred dollars a dance. If they wanted a sexual experience, she would provide that too. Having sex with the dancers was expensive. A night with Sydney...
FetishThis writing is designed for entertainment. It is somewhat fictional but the beginning is the truth as I remember it from long ago. It is not the typical story line of a boy coming to terms with dressing. This is a story of a boy who is embarrassed by what is done to him. Synopsis: At age 6 Bobby still had an occasional wetting accident. His Father decided to cure him once and for all. Little did he realize that the cure was the cause of Bobbie's life style change at such a young...
I would like to narrate the experience of a friend of mine , which runs back to early 90’s and who was of my age and my co traveler during the daily ride from Borivili to Churchgate in the morning and in the reverse direction in the evening . One evening whilst returning from work and awaiting the arrival of a train which we normally travel by , my friend insisted that we board a particular compartment , which he identified after peeping into several compartments as we walked the stretch of the...
The Invasion - "What have you got there?" Luke asked his older brother John. "I just finished cleaning out grandpa's house that he left us in the Will. I found this large box tucked away in the attic marked "Top Secret." I did not go through it yet but it's filled with old disc drives, books, videos, reports and files of some sort." John stated with an obvious curiosity in his voice. "Wasn't Grandpa a General or something?" Luke questioned his older brother. "I...
By : Aadipr Hey friends, kese ho sab? Mein ek aur ghatana ko aapake samane pesh kar raha hun,pichali bar mene likha tha ki muje girls aur boys dono se sath sex kafi mazedar aur Entertaining lagata hai. To is bar mein apake sath mera ek aur experience share karana chahta hun.mera naam anuj hai,app muje pichali bar ki tarah hi kafi mail bhej sakate hai at par.. Ye baat pichale sal ki hai,jab shadion ka mausam chal raha tha, aur kafi sare invitation mile hue the…ab sab jagah to mere ded ja nahi...
I hang up the phone with my uncle and smile at my friend Salony. Uncle was going to come pick us up from school or rather junior college. It was Saturday and there was to be no homework for the whole weekend. Salony had made a comment about my uncle being a hot mal so I thought it would be nice to introduce her to uncle in person. I am Vardhini, 19. Salony is also 19. We went to the same high school and decided to go for 2 years to a JC to make some money for college in Europe. I am 5.6 115 lb....
Mermaid had no one in the official position of executive officer. There simply were not enough officers to go around for that designation. The closest that they had was Lieutenant Sugiyoto, the navigation and tracking officer, who filled the role if it was needed by virtue of being second in command. "Green light on all exterior doors, Brett," he said now, checking a panel on his display. "Thanks, Sugi," Brett said absently, looking at his own display board. He was now sitting in the...
"I nearly ran the last company I worked for! I've never been so insulted in my life! You'll hear from my lawyer!" The woman slammed the office door behind her, and glared at the others waiting in the foyer. "He's a sexist pervert! Get away while you still can!" She slammed the outside door and was gone. Everybody looked at each other. Three got up and left. Only four remained. Ms. Roberts didn't even think about leaving. She was desperate for a job, any job. This was her first...
Introduction: Second part to the Mandy and Me series ** This is a sequel to Mandy and Me: Part 1. This story was written in a first person POV to help the story make a bit more sense.** The following morning is a school day. Its already 9:00 am and Im stuck in second period with Mr. Rose. His historical lecture about the Civil War is boring me to death. All of his lectures bore me. Mr. Rose is the type who loves to shove irrelevant information down your throat, when all you want to do is hurry...
In a previous story I told how a group of my friends and I started sucking cock while on a campout. I have been remembering some of those times lately and thought I would share a couple other things. My friend Jim from the previous story lived close to me, so we spent a lot of time together. After the camping incident, we stated getting together after school that fall, at who ever's house was empty. My parent's didn't get home from work for about 1 hour after we got dropped of at the buss...
Hot new dominant wife, we both have boyfriends, my new title... cuckold, cum slut I am 30 years old, married 6 months ago and have only had sex with my wife twice, what ever did I do to deserve this. Let me explain my life before my wife and the position I am in now. I had been single for 30 years, having fun with my buddies and on occasion would run across a girl at our local watering hole have some recreational sex. Life was good, then one day while hanging out in the local pub...
For those that are used to my usual style and have offered such lovely words in their feedback, you may not like what follows. It is somewhat different in style and a departure from what I usually do. But hey, I personally need to write this, I just have to get it off my chest, it is a sort of confession if you will. If you really don’t like it, just stop reading, click away and I will return to my normal style soon enough.I have been asked what made me start writing what are essentially short...
LOCAL LEGEND Its amazing that in this century, and in a country of just over 220 million people, there are still parts of the country with few people in it, and some unexplained legends throughout the USA. I had been here on a one year visa, which would be invalid within 2 weeks. Id always wanted to see Texas so here I was. Driving a rental car that I had picked up in Houston, I drove through Texas. As it neared 4pm, I stopped for gas at a gas station just outside the town of...
Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aaj apne jiju ki story publish karne ja rahi hu. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono...
I don't have dreams very often. Well, if I do I don't remember them. There is one dream I remember quite vividly though, and it got me hot. Really, really hot. And wet. But no, I won't get ahead of myself. I'll start at the beginning. Late one night sleep had been avoiding me for a long time and I was getting frustrated with tossing and turning. I was in a state between awake and asleep when suddenly I heard a scratching sound, then a click and scrape. Was someone sliding my window open? My...
BDSMMy wife can go months without an orgasm, I keep my balls full, never know when she may want sex or four-play, some times she likes her cunt sucked off, I can just fill my pants full of cum without touching..I was bursting for a cum last month and she was not interested, my load was ready to blast out of me, it's ok for her to walk around the house in tee-shirt and knix, or just a tee-shirt that don't cover her bold cunt, could see right up her crack, she just stood there talking to me, my cock...
Before I became the late 30-something wife and mother I am now, I was like many teen girls of my generation. In fact, I was a bisexual teen girl, and enjoyed having sex with people of both sexes.On that day, I was like so many other teen girls in the late 1990s. Bisexual, constantly horny, and more than a little promiscuous. But hey, we thought we had it all figured out. TV shows and movies were telling us to go ahead and sleep with our friends, liking both boys and girls was normal. And we had...