Kenny Part Two
- 1 year ago
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It had been an hour since I talked to Betty and I knew it would be another hour before she arrived. Suddenly the doorbell chimed. I went to the door. A young woman stood there. I thought for a minute it was Becky, because she certainly had a lot of the same features as my niece. She had the same burnished blonde hair, and the figures were almost identical "May I come in? You must be the man I have heard Becky calls her Uncle Kenny. I'm Becky's half sister, Pattie Peabody. She and I share the same father." Here was the surprise Betty warned me was coming.
"I guess you had better come in. Becky is pretty upset and maybe you can calm her down."
"I can imagine. I went through the same thing a few years ago. Did she see my father making love to her mother and her dad making love to my mother?"
"She did, but she didn't say they were making love. She used a different description of the actions."
"They do get into it, don't they?"
"You appear to be okay with this?"
"Not much I can do about it. They have gotten together every so often since they were in college. All four of them have active libidos. Oh, they have had some rough spots along the way. But they have been doing this for almost twenty years."
"How old are you, Pattie, is it? I don't really need to know, but you seem to be about the same age as Becky"
"That's an easy one to answer. My Mom got pregnant with me about six months before Becky was born."
"That's an odd statement. That would mean Pete got Betty pregnant, and then he got your mom pregnant while Betty was carrying Becky."
"That's how it worked. Uncle Pete's a randy person just like my Dad. Two things caused this to happen. First Uncle Pete was harassing the help here in this store and one of the clerks complained. But Uncle Pete was doing that to get even with Aunt Betty because he found out my dad was screwing her. Hey, she was safe and couldn't get pregnant because she already was. My dad is just as randy as Uncle Pete, maybe even more so.
"Uncle Pete caught Cameron, my father, and Aunt Betty together, and raised hell. Mom wasn't involved until my father did Aunt Betty, although he knew her. I've learned Aunt Betty was a world class slut while in high school and the same in college. Anyway, Aunt Betty was pregnant and she and Uncle Pete were fighting all the time over her screwing someone.
"To get even, Uncle Pete started after one of his clerks and the woman wanted some money from Uncle Pete to keep her from telling on him. This brought Becky's grandparents, Millie and Philo into it. First Philo got the harassment straightened out by paying the woman off. Somehow, he convinced the woman, it was 'a he said, she said' situation. He did give the woman some money if she would keep quiet.
"That finished, he talked with Aunt Betty and Uncle Pete about it. It seems it was all Aunt Betty's fault for screwing around on Uncle Pete and Uncle was just getting even with her by coming onto the clerk. When he found out about my father and Aunt Betty, Uncle Pete was going to throw everything away, by admitting that he had targeted the woman to get even for screwing a friend of theirs.
"Philo was then afraid the business would now be charged with harassment and a cover up, if it came out. This would cost him megabucks in court. And he would lose Pete, one of his best workers. Philo found out, that back while going to college, Dad had screwed Aunt Betty and they had been an item for awhile. Uncle Pete had dated my mom a few times, but nothing ever came of it. Uncle Pete thought that had stopped between Aunt Betty and Dad, but they had kept at it until Uncle Pete caught on.
"Philo then made some suggestions and set some rules. He told Uncle Pete he was fired from his job here in the home store. He was to leave town, and to take Aunt Betty with him.
"Actually, this put Philo on the spot for he had just purchased the store in Stapleton where my parents live, and he also had the store in Clearview. This would make his store's management seriously shorthanded. Aunt Betty went to her mother, Millie, and said all four were highly sexed and this would cramp their style. She needed more than Uncle Pete could give her. My parents are quite-well-to-do, but if Uncle Pete got fired, he wouldn't be able to get work in the same industry. Not only that, Aunt Betty was soon to have a baby.
"Philo didn't relent about firing Uncle Pete at first, but Millie worked on him and four days later he did. Philo talked to my Mom and asked her to get into the mix and keep Uncle Pete happy. Uncle Pete could screw Mom all he wanted, so he wouldn't be chasing after the help if he got horny. This was the way to even things up for Dad screwing Aunt Betty whenever she wanted. He gave Mom, Dad, Uncle Pete, and Aunt Betty the next week to get it settled. If they couldn't, Philo would go back to plan "A" and fire Uncle Pete. He said, "Get back to work and get on with your lives, just keep quiet about it.
"That is the week when Mom got pregnant with me. Dad has an office in Stapleton and work with a couple of men who trade stocks. Uncle Pete and Aunt Betty would come down a few days a month and the four of them would get it on. It has worked well as far as I can see." I stared at this young woman ... okay ... girl.
"How come you call Betty and Pete, Aunt and Uncle?"
"I can't call my biological father, Pete can I?"
"I guess not. So, Pete and Betty are on their way here?"
"Yeah, they are going to talk to Becky and explain this to her. I'm running interference for them."
Becky and Fran stepped into the kitchen. Fran spoke, "We heard it all, and I guess we can understand what is going on." Becky and Pattie stood staring at each other.
Pattie was the one to speak first, "Hi, Becky, you look a lot like me. I've seen pictures of you. I caught your dad and my mom screwing a couple of years ago much the same way like you did last night. At least I didn't have to see your mom with my Dad. That really would have grossed me out. He is so hairy. He is my father, though, and I love him. I also love Uncle Pete as much as I do my father."
That made Becky smile because that was what turned her off the most. "How long have you known about our parents?"
"I discovered them when I was fifteen. I learned everything at that time, just as you are going to learn everything today. The only bad thing about this is; I wanted so to meet you, but have been told it wasn't going to happen until we were adults. They said when I turned eighteen I could come and find you. It has just happened a few months earlier than expected."
Fran, the ultimate hostess, asked, "Pattie, would you like some breakfast?"
"I'd love some. I didn't get my coffee this morning. Mom called my grandmother – she's my mom's mother. She got me out of bed and told me to head for Benson, find Becky and fill her in before they got up here."
While Fran was getting Pattie's breakfast, I asked, "So what is the deal with your parents? Are they swingers or just swap partners?"
"I don't know as if there is a name for what they are. I do know when Becky graduates and about to move away to school, she was going to be told about what they do. The plan is for our parents to move into one big house together. It is being built right now, and it is beautiful. By Becky walking in on them last night, it has moved things along to what they were headed for eventually anyway.
"This plan has been in place for many years, set up by Aunt Betty's father. First he wanted to get Kenny married and well able to take over the store here. Then he and Millie could return to her roots where she has always wanted to live in Clearview. Uncle Pete and Aunt Betty were to have the store in Stapleton and all would move in together with Mom and Dad. Becky and I would be off to college and out of the way."
She paused, "Becky, you wouldn't want to go to the same college with me at the same time, would you? That would be a hoot, wouldn't it?"
I questioned, "You are saying this was my father's plan?"
"I think so. I've been a party to a lot of discussions, but I don't expect I know everything."
"So, when Pete and Betty moved to Stapleton, it was just to get together with your parents?"
"I guess. Uncle Pete did do what he was supposed to do to keep all the stores going. Of course, if you think back it usually included a long weekend so they could play.
"I heard Aunt Betty say she wished that Becky could come with them, but they didn't dare because she thought Becky might find out and she would find out what her mother was like. A lot of this was to keep Becky's Uncle Kenny from finding out about Aunt Betty too."
Pattie kept talking, "Society looks down on things like that. Don't think it was all good for me, either, because for years I would get trucked off to my mother's mother for that long weekend when they were doing their thing. Becky you'll meet my grandmother if we get to be friends."
"How come your Mom had a baby with Pete, do you know?"
"I do know why. My dad's little squigglers never learned to swim and Mom and Dad wanted a baby. Philo said he didn't see any problem, since with Aunt Betty being preggo it was obvious he could father a baby with Mom. So here I am." Pattie had a wide grin on her face.
I think I had to think about this as much as Becky did. I was eight years younger than my sister and I had been oblivious to what was going on. I was athletic and I did date a lot so my interests were outside the family. I went away to college and then I was at the store where my mother and father were now. I was there for three years. It couldn't have been too difficult to keep me in the dark. This was during the time I met Fran. I remembered now how I didn't think it fair that Dad would tell Pete to go to Stapleton, and I never had the chance to go with him.
Things were getting clearer now about the past. Becky took Pattie up to her room, leaving me and Fran having another coffee. "Fran, would you believe this?"
"You had no idea?"
"None at all."
"I suppose you'll be looking for a little extra from someone now that you know your sister is into a different lifestyle?"
"Not ever, Fran, and you?"
"Kenny, I waited for you for six years. I'm not going to throw it away. I had a lot of pain when I was dumped and abandoned the day you spoke to me the first time we met."
"Fran, I'll think about this, but I don't see where knowing about Sis and Pete is going to change our relationship in any way. Thank God I didn't find out when it was all happening. We have a store to operate and we won't be connecting with either my parents or my sister that much. These last few weeks show me that. With a few small changes in the way we operate now, we have increased our profit over what Dad did the same month last year and that was with Pete here, so I guess we're doing fine."
"Kenny, that's great. I'm not even going to mention this to my parents. Basically it isn't any of their business."
"I'll go further than that – it isn't any business of ours, either." I went to the foot of the stairs and listened. "I guess Becky has got over some of the shock of seeing her parents screwing. I hear the two girls laughing. Someday she'll know all about it."
"Oh, the screwing part she knows about. She's done some of that herself."
"Yes, really, and at least she lost her virginity while she was living with her parents. That was more than a year ago."
"How do you know this?"
"We've talked about it and I've been guiding her a little. I told her about losing mine when I was fourteen and what a mess I had made of my life. I explained what a wreck I was until you came along and saved me. I'll bet Becky wishes you were her parent rather than her uncle. I suspect that is why she came running back here last night, rather than confronting her parents."
"We'd know Becky and Pattie are sisters, wouldn't we? When I opened the door this morning I thought I was seeing Becky. Pattie seems to have her feet on the ground concerning her parents and with Pete and Betty. But then she has been aware of it for a couple of years.
"What do you think about your sister and Pete?"
"I think my sister is just what has been said about her. She's a slut. Pete, well he may turn out to be the best of the four or maybe it will be Pattie's mother. They'll be along here in another hour. I suppose we should get ready for them."
"How do you mean?"
"You know, get our minds straight of how we are going to handle this. I think I'm going to listen and not make any comments or ask any questions. I don't want to get involved at all."
"That sounds good to me. That's what I will do, too."
When Pete's vehicle turned into the driveway, I shouted up the stairs for Becky to come down because her parents were here. I looked again as another man and woman got out of the vehicle. "Pattie, I think your parents are here with Pete." The pair of girls came down the stairs walking side by side. They were almost twins in their size and shape. Today, Becky didn't have the confidence that she usually showed. She had taken a hit seeing her parents as saw them in last night.
I opened the door. My sister, Betty came in first, introducing the man beside her. "Kenny, this is my very good friend, Cameron Peabody. We have been friends for many years." They walked by me right into the house.
Pete slowly followed with his arm around a pretty lady. It wasn't a possessive hold, just a way to guide her.
By this time Betty and Cameron were across the room facing Becky. Pete spoke to me. "Helen, this is my brother-in-law, Kenny. Kenny, this is Helen Peabody, and mother of Pattie. Has Pattie explained her relationship to me?"
"That you are her biological father? Yes, she has. You and Helen must be proud."
They both spoke at once, "We are."
Pete added, "Cam claims Pattie's as his own child, and get's upset if it is brought up that he isn't her biological father."
"I understand. I'll tell Fran. She is intelligent and would know it, anyway. I'm more concerned about Becky. She was a mess when she got back here last night. The best move you made was to send Pattie up here first. The two sisters are getting along great. I'm impressed with Pattie. She took right over and calmed Becky down. I heard them upstairs laughing just before you drove in."
"Pattie has had two years to deal with our lifestyle since she learned of it, and she has easily come to grips with it. What about you and Fran, and how do you feel about Betty?"
"We are staying out of it. We won't be asking any questions or making any comments. We will have to make some general observations when Becky wants to discuss it, but we promise what we say, won't be against you."
"Kenny, I had the feeling that would be the way you would talk to her about us."
"Thanks, Pete. Come Helen, meet my wife."
I left Helen with Fran, and went to hear what my sister was saying to Becky. Pattie was standing with Cameron. He had a frown on his face. I took it he liked to be the center of attention, but was being ignored somewhat. Pattie grabbed me and brought me over to stand with Cameron. "Hey Dad, talk to Kenny, I'm thinking of making him my uncle."
"He is not your uncle and never will be."
"He's Becky's uncle." She could have added she was sister to Becky, but she backed off. I'll bet this hadn't been settled yet and I might end up being called Uncle Kenny by everyone except in front of Cameron.
I don't often take a dislike to a person, but so far I hadn't seen anything likeable about Cameron for several reasons. I made nice though. "Good trip up?"
"Yeah, unnecessary in my opinion, though. Pattie dealt with this okay when she discovered our lifestyle. There is no reason why Becky can't."
"I know Becky quite well and I think she will eventually. It was such a surprise, that's all. I am surprised myself. I had no idea my sister was living a different lifestyle than I knew about."
"Dad, you're going to be bragging again about how you and Aunt Betty got together. I don't want to hear it all again." Cameron just nodded and Pattie walked away.
Cameron continued just like he had not been interrupted. "Yeah, we met up in college. Betty just loves jocks. At the time, I'd go after anything – and I did. Betty didn't like it, but she never forgot me after we went our separate ways. Helen got to me and, well, I guess I thought I fell in love with her. By that time Betty had married Pete, but we had something neither of us could let go. Then Pete caught me and Betty getting it on, and things all went to hell for awhile. Pete, he got blackmailed harassing one of his clerks while he was getting even with Betty.
"Your old man was pissed. Pete had knocked Betty up and you know how horny a pregnant woman can be. That's how I got to her. Philo needed Pete to help run his three stores. You were too young and didn't know a damned thing about any of this. One day Philo came and dug his married daughter out of my house with a gun in his hand. As I said he was some pissed. He sat the four of us down and proposed a solution ... or else.
"I also wanted Betty because she was pregnant. I knew I couldn't make a baby and I wanted a kid to call my own. Philo figured it out, and put it together, so we all came out on top. Pete was promised the store, but he would have to wait years to get it. In the meantime, he had the chance, if she would agree, to plant a baby in my wife. He could get it on with her as much as I got it on with Betty.
"I haven't liked having to wait so long to have it all come together. Pattie is a sweet kid and I'm pretty proud of her. Becky, Betty's kid, discovering this a year sooner than we planned is tough, but she'll get in line. For me, it has been great having Betty where I can get to her anytime I want to and certainly for her too. It has been great these last couple of months having her living close by. Betty and Pete taking over the store on a permanent basis and is like me owning a candy store."
I wanted to ask this asshole how his wife felt all about this, but I had promised Fran I wouldn't get into it. Didn't matter for Cameron spoke up without stopping.
"Helen wanted a baby. I tried to get her to go with different guys and get pregnant, but she wouldn't. When Philo explained that to keep Pete from leaving, she agreed that she would use him. There's not much fire between them, but he did give her a baby and they still go to bed together. I don't know if they have sex. I never hear them and they never discuss it. They just shut Betty and me down when we talk about it."
"I would think it would be pretty difficult to talk to your husband when your husband is making love to some other woman."
"It doesn't bother me and it doesn't bother Betty; I guess you could say we are broad-minded."
I looked around, keeping my face neutral. I hope no one could read my mind though. I couldn't understand what my sister could see in a person like this. Pattie had walked around behind her father and sat down in a chair. She had heard everything her father had said. I did glance at her quickly when she turned away. There were tears slowly trickling down her face. She was embarrassed for him.
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Chapter 6 After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken’s life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches...
After Kenny fucked Peggy, she was never gonna let him go.She said you know this weekend is just a few days away. I said I knew and asked what she wanted to do. "She said I want to fuck Kenny all weekend. I laughed and said OK, call him. She said it's not that easy. His mom or dad keep answering the phone and Dave is away to college. She said I have no way to call him. I suggested we go down to his neighborhood and do a drive around to see if we can find him. She said that sounds like stalking....
After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken's life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches and kept...
Chapter 10 There was a seat for Mallory on the plane, but it was used for the bag of clothes they had bought for her. Mallory spent the whole flight on either Ken’s lap or on Marta’s. The little blonde had adopted ‘annie Matta’ with whole hearted love. The night before Mallory had slept on daddy’s chest and when he had to leave the room for any reason she whimpered like a little puppy. Ken was almost as bad, whenever Mallory was not in his lap he was looking at her, making sure she was...
"Oh, hi mom." "Don't you 'hi mom' me young man. When were you going to tell me about this? You called me last week and didn't say a goddamn thing about any of this." "I was going to have to tell you before the TV interview I guess. I didn't want to worry you mom. I was in no danger and I didn't do anything special." "What the fuck do you mean you were in no danger? They had guns Kenny, and the story said that you had a girlfriend. What about that?" "Oh mom, one of the guns...
A very bemused Kenny decided to do an evaluation of the area and the equipment that he would be responsible for. He had Marta make him a map of the boundaries of the property and went to check it out. The lodge was located on a well wooded and hilly area. Bulldozers had leveled areas skillfully to keep most of the trees intact and to allow the outlying cabins to have privacy amid the vegetation. There were several outbuildings that saw little use now. Most of what they had stored had been...
Chapter 12 ‘This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies, Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?’ Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. ‘Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor...
Chapter 8 Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. ‘Let’s go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way.’ Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. ‘Pardon me miss, may I help you?’ ‘I’m staying with Ken, every time I let him get away from me bad shit happens.’ Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows,...
A second patrol car arrived and soon they were taking statements from the three older women. Ken and Donny were loaded into the ambulance. Drake had not recovered consciousness yet and the EMT had to put in an IV with a saline drip. Consuela was adamant that she was going in with Ken, so Marcia agreed to take her. Marta was trying to convince the officers that they had no reason to take her pistol. She had not fired it and it was a legal weapon for defense. She was on the phone with her law...
Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. "Let's go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way." Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. "Pardon me miss, may I help you?" "I'm staying with Ken; every time I let him get away bad shit happens." Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows, "I...
"SHE DID WHAT!!?? Roared Ken. "Relax Ken, it's all under control. The man Walter hired called social services and the police. Belinda is in custody and Mallory is waiting for you to come and get her. I made reservations for us and the limo will be here in an hour. Please calm down, everything is being done that can be." Marta was stalking back and forth the whole time she was talking. Her agitation was evident by the wringing of her hands and her quick steps. This was Monday morning and...
There was a seat for Mallory on the plane, but it was used for the bag of clothes they had bought for her. Mallory spent the whole flight on either Ken's lap or on Marta's. The little blonde had adopted annie Matta with whole hearted love. The night before Mallory had slept on daddy's chest and when he had to leave the room for any reason she whimpered like a little puppy. Ken was almost as bad, whenever Mallory was not in his lap he was looking at her, making sure she was alright. The...
"This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies; Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?" Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. "Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor tomorrow....
"Thank you kind sir," Barb whispered into Ken's chest. "Thank me? I think you have things reversed, I should be thanking you." The two naked lovers were sitting on Barb's couch taking a break. She was curled up on Ken's lap with a blanket wrapped around them. "Maybe I should be thanking the sisters instead?" "Connie told me she let you know about that and I was very upset with her." "Why Ken? Are you ashamed to be sleeping with older women?" "What? No way Barb, I'm upset...
He was 14 years old, out of his mind and way over his head. It was the summer before Kenny was to enter High School as a freshman. He knew he was going to need lots of older, bigger, rougher buddies to help him in this first year in a new school. He’d heard about bullying that went on when Junior and Senior year boys ganged up on kids they thought easy prey. Most boys his age and slight build could expect pants-pulling-down in the school hallways. Or, if unlucky, they might find all their...
Rosa couldn’t believe that she was even in this predicament, she thought to herself as she urged her horse faster, her big tits jiggling with every gallop the horse took. The horse neighed in fear, its breath coming faster now as it was urged to run as fast as it could, not only for the safety of the rider on its back, but for fear of the wolves that were chasing them. She looked behind her to see how close the wolves were, and she counted three of them, they were less than half a mile away...
I hate Essex. I gotta admit it - Northumberland is not a great football school. We usually finish 6-and-6 or there'bout but we have finished 0-and-12 - more than once, sadly. We've had a couple really good players - like Uncle Charles - but we only ever made it to the state finals once an' even then we lost. Essex goes every god damn year. Our last game of the season this year is December 23rd and it's against Essex. We're hoping to finish this season 7-and-5; they're playing for...
White women are overrated. And they’re not my standard of beauty. Black women are my standard of beauty. There, I said it. And I mean it with every fibre of my being. This is coming from me, Samuel Xavier. A proud bisexual Black man who’s bedded women and men of all races before coming to this shocking conclusion. I just wanted to let the world know how I feel. Seriously. After years of switching back and forth between male and female lovers, I discovered that the person most capable of loving...
PINK LIPSTICK 3 by Throne Mike hesitated at the door. In that filmy nightie, with his modest breasts on display, and his face made up the way it was, he didn't want anyone to look at him. But he had no choice. If he disobeyed, his wife Tammy could make the changes in his body permanent. That possibility chilled him. He put his trembling hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly, then swung open the door. His eyes went wide. It was his boss from the...
I wrote this about 10 years ago, and just now pulled it out of the files and updated it to share. It's all true, as well as my failing memory can recall. Enjoy.Back about 1980, I was living in a large harbor city on the east coast. I was young, dumb, and full of cum, single and over 21. I was also a young pervert, living in the big city with money in my pocket for the first time in my life. There was lots to enjoy in those more sexually free days - adult bookstores, gloryholes, adult theaters,...
It was there I first saw Allison in her hurried state of confusion. I was sitting at a bistro style tall table eating my chicken nuggets when I saw her studying the floor and service index and getting on the elevator and then come down and jump on the other elevator in a red faced rush. In a few moments she was back on the second floor again seeming very flustered and fumbling with a cell phone. It was then I walked over to her and asked, "Do you have ATT phone service?" "No, and I...
Master began the discussion by laying out a foundation for our discussion. He wanted my mom to understand the goal was re-directing my bad behavior to better behavior. I would also pay back all of my debts to her and he would help my sister start a new life her time with him was over. He also explained that I’d be there permanently after the trial, and Chastity would eventually get to leave after two years. My mom took issue with the word slave and immediately became confrontational about...
Tim went round to see his friend, Amy one day. Amy knew he was coming, but she said she had just popped down to the shops and wouldn't be long, about fifteen minutes, she said. When he arrived, Amy's mum answered the door. Today being a warm day, she had a very short skirt on and a top with her tits bursting to get out.Tim had always admired Mrs Stevens' sexy body and wondered what she would be like in bed."Hello, Tim," she said. "Amy has just popped out to the shops, but won't be...
First TimeSunday You are going to LOVE this place!I hit send on the text and smile to myself, wishing that I could be there to see the look on your face when you receive it. I’ve included some pictures of the cottage, ones that I know will spark your imagination, including one of me lying on the bed, leaning up on my elbows, with my cleavage clearly visible under my v-neck t-shirt.To say I’m delighted with the property is an understatement. It’s always a gamble when you book these things online. But...
Straight SexTwo housekeepers, Alex Coal and Jayden Cole, are tidying a resort room and are well ahead of the game. That’s when Alex gets mischievous and suggests that they take a naughty break! Jayden is surprised by such boldness but is unable to resist, especially once Alex starts going down on her. But then they hear someone approaching the door: their boss! With Alex fully naked and between Jayden’s legs, there’s nowhere to run, so Jayden quickly throws a blanket over Alex. Their boss...
xmoviesforyouI felt like a fool after this, but never in my life have had such grat sex...She was 42, married, and I was 24.Being a coach I got to meet all the parents of my players. Most of the moms I wanted to fuck right off. But I was cordial, and never made it known. At the end of the season there was a get-together at one player's home just a couple blocks from my apt. I walked over there and was greeted at the door by the one of my player's dads. I went inside and mixed a little with the players, and...
OMG, with all the chat we had last night, you were stuck in my head. I had the hottest dream about u.We started off in your room kissing. It was very nice, soft tender, nibbling, licking, sucking each other’s lips and neck and ears. My hands were in your hair pulling you down to me, then all over your chest and arms and back, just running my fingertips lightly all over.. making you shiver and moan. Your big hands were all over my back and ass, pressing me tight against you.Your teeth on my...
Four things happened as soon as we got to the underage club thirty minutes away from the house, which was located near a Dairy Queen and a pharmacy. First, Seth actually took off his hat when I asked him to and left it in the truck, easily pushing back long straight strands of hair that seemed to rest neatly on his head, as if he'd actually taken the time to make it look that way in the mirror. Second, Seth told me not to bother locking his doors because nothing in his truck was more...
Vennoa yawned. Even the sun was still asleep. The party was back at the docks, looking for Wolgar’s ship. Luckily, the fishmongers hadn’t set up shop yet this early in the morning, so the air was crisp and salty, without the tangy feel of fish. In the distance, Vennoa could make out some ships approaching the dock. Probably the fishing boats were heading back with their haul for the day. Even if she detested the smell, she had to admit that Ehs had been right about the freshness of the...
Mr Real is having a meeting with all of the managers of his strip bars. Hazel is working as a hostess bringing appetizers and drinks to the men. Of course when a hot little white girl enters the room the men are checking her out and soon that old rascal Slim Poke slips his massive hole invader into stir the drink she delivers. What’s a girl to do but start sucking the wet stick clean. Next thing you know she is surrounded in black cock and sucking like a hoover vacuum. One after another...
xmoviesforyouFriday, May 13, 2005 I've heard that many people won't fly on Friday the 13ths, so it's a pity I didn't marry Julia and Carol a month ago today, because it might have saved me an expensive shopping trip. That's assuming superstition would win over the lure of Rodeo Drive, which is highly doubtful. I did have some bad luck today, Mackenzie was waiting for me to arrive at the school's parking lot. As soon as I got out of the car, she was on to me. "Mark, after you left I remembered...
Aside from pure physical attraction and our profession, Kristy and I had absolutely nothing in-common. To me, it made our relationship perfect. We could talk shop and fuck each other's brains out. One problem I ran into was her constant changing of the rules. After our three-way with Tessa, we added one another to Facebook and exchanged numbers. We'd hook up every so often on the low. Now you may be thinking it was wrong for me to bang the best friend of my fuck buddy, but what was my fuck...
Straight SexLisa Limpa was weary of the men at her job hitting on her. She didn't need the money. When one man goosed her, infuriated, she complained to the boss. It was a he said, she said situation so she quit on the spot. So much for sexual harassment laws. She cleaned out her desk and left in ten minutes leaving a multitude of calls unanswered. At home she cried about the injustice of it all. Lisa wanted to work but not at her previous place of employment. After the humiliation that she endured...
I was a quite a quite reserved teen, and my parents were always really trusting. I had never done anything to break the trust they stored in me; therefore when I was 18 my mum was always willing to leave me on my own when she went away for a few days. I had a long-term boyfriend but unfortunately, when it came to the bedroom, I must say - disappointment would be an understatement. I did however have a boy that I was extremely close to who use to come round when my boyfriend was busy, or mum was...
THE NEW NEIGHBORCHAPTER 3: MOVIE NIGHTMy alarm goes off. One day has ended and another begins. And I have to get up and go to work, ugghh. I look over at Miss Cat, laying on her side, eyes closed, dreaming, with her back arched and legs stretched. So I take a minute and listen to the song playing on my music alarm:We live on a mountainRight at the topThis beautiful viewFrom the top of the mountainEvery morning I walk towards the edgeAnd throw little things offLike car parts, bottles and...
Dan tried to concentrate on his babies but his mind was with Tina and her operation. Karen and Wendy enjoyed holding the newest members of their extended family remarking how James looks like Dan and Emily like Tina. Dan went to the door and peered down the hallway that led to the operating room, hoping the doctor would suddenly appear. “I can hardly wait to have our babies,” Wendy smiled. Fifteen minutes later they were replaced by Cathy and Lisa. “Daddy, holding your baby is giving me...
Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich mich mit einem kleinem Büro erfolgreich selbständig gemacht. Die Mandanten kamen und bescherten mir guten Umsatz. Damals hatte ich nur mit einer guten Seele angefallen, Ursula. Sie war eine erfahrene Büroleiterin und wusste besser als ich, wie die Sachen liefen. Sie ist wohl eine der wenigen Frauen zu der ich nie eine sexuelle Anziehungskraft verspürte. Als sie vor fünfzehn Jahren in Mutterschutz ging, habe ich sie schmerzlich vermisst. Als Mutterschaftsvertretun...
Chrissy agreed to go out for a drink after work. The girls who invited him Sophie, Jane and Maggie had been planning this evening for weeks ever since they discovered him porn surfing on his work computer. Being IT manager Sophie had been gathering evidence since Jane had caught sight of Chrissy’s screen before he had the chance to close the CBT page he had been perving over. In 2 weeks Sophie had witnessed Chrissy view all sorts of porn: big black cock, CBT, piss play, domination and gay bear...
My first gay blowjob was from a guy I had been messaging back and forth. I wasn't sure if it would happen but I was horny and I hadn't fucked my gf for a week or two. It's also harder to meet girls online so I figured i'd settle with a guy. I got lucky as I found one who was anxious to taste my cock. I was hard just thinking about it as I texted him back and forth. After only a day we decided we would meet up so he could get his hands on my cock. He texted me his address and told me when he...
I can walk into a room and everyone there suddenly wants to fuck me. That's what Cait's mom said, or something like that. And it's not like I actually believed her, that I had this special power and ability to turn people into raging nymphomaniacs. Like, there's Wolverine, Professor X, Mystique and then it's me, and you can call me... Aphrodisiac. No wait, there's them and then my uncle, Cupid, and then me, his not so faithful sidekick.With benefits.Imagine the final fight scene.No, it's not...
Trekkies - Would the Real Jeri Ryan Please Stand Up? Synopsis: Danni - changed by an MAU into an exact replica of Seven of Nine - faces what may turn out to be her ultimate challenge. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Trekkies - Would the Real Jeri Ryan Please Stand Up? She walked down the hall with a grace that screamed feminine charm. Her clothing seemed less closely fit than spray-painted on, and...
Mmmmm I can feel it now as Rocky still has my throat full of his gigantic huge cock as he caries me over to the bed his giant form toweres over the bed as he dropes down to his knees and slides his huge cock out of my mouth and lays me on my back on the bed he lays the gigantic long shaft overtop of my body sliding the shaft up over my stomach through my cleavage up till the head is resting on my lips ,im trembling with both fear and anticipation my tiny virgin pussy is spasming waiting for it...
When she told him on Friday that they were going skiing for the weekend, he just nodded his ok. He didn’t always do what his mother asked but he’d learned over the years to choose his battles. This wasn’t worth a confrontation. Although he didn’t understand why anyone would want to be outside in below freezing temperatures, he knew that the hot chocolate and the women at the lodge would be tasty. They left directly from the main office since she had packed what they would need before coming in....
IncestBy Darkride Chapter 4 - The Results When I asked my wife how everything went at Doc J's that day, she was pretty nonchalant in front of the kids. The kids were equally non committal, and both overly ready to retire for the evening. Once they were in bed, Jacqui told me about how Doc J had insisted on performing sexual disease checks on our dear children ("Yes hon, but it's just for the paperwork", I assured her), and even insisted on performing a pap smear on Ashley. That one did make my...
On one occasion a man she brought home from the bar was so fascinated with my wifes muff that he stopped to turn on the bedroom light and spent quite some time between her legs just complimenting, admiring and licking her juicy lips. As she came to bed she snuggled up to me wrapping her hand around my cock. My wife and Joe had shared the ride to work together on a couple occasions and the frequent sexual conversation between them lead to their meeting. His wife wouldn’t be home...
I got off work early on friday i wanted to surprise my wife with flowers that day, so i stoped at the supermarket and bought her a vase with spring flowers. So i pulled in to the drive way i noticed the delivery guys for our refrigerator had arrived i was excited because our refrigerator had broken but we had to special order it because of the size. So i pulled in to the garage and proceeeded to walk in the house but i didnt see no one in the kitchen, iwas concerned because my wifes car was in...
Two hours later, Pru and Maeve were crouched behind a rise not far from the camouflaged hostage camp. Ten experienced OSG scouts gathered around them. Pru briefed them. "We've all looked at the pictures from the scanner that's up there. You know where the targets are that we think are guards or lookouts. I need to know several things. One, how many guards, and where? Two, how often are they changed and what is the exact routine for changing the guard? Three, how do the guards get in and...