Kenny Ch. 12-13 free porn video

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Chapter 12

‘This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies, Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?’

Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. ‘Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor tomorrow. Barb here is going to help me with some physical therapy then.’

Robin turned to Barb. She asked her and Connie about what had happened and what they had each been feeling, how scared they were and what they thought of Ken’s actions.

‘What do think would have happened if Ken hadn’t been there Barb?’

‘Well, it would probably have turned into a hostage situation when the police showed up. The police don’t have a very good record when it comes to hostages Robin. I’m sure that Ken saved two or more people from injury or death. I know that he saved the man who was shot. Five or ten minutes later and he would have bled out. Ken got the doctor to him just in time.’

‘But he killed a man too Barb, don’t you think that is wrong?’

‘Sure, it’s too bad that he died, but it was his own fault, not Ken’s. I was in the exam room with Ken, I was about to look at his arm, when Drake came in and knocked me to the floor. I heard what he was saying and I saw the scalpel in his hand. He was going to hurt Ken as much as he could and then go after me. I was just realizing that I was in big trouble when Ken spun around and Drake fell. Ken only hit him once, and there is no way he expected to kill the man with a bedpan. It was an accident. If Ken had grabbed the knife and stabbed Drake in the chest, then that would have been murder, but in this case it was just an accidental death.’

Robin turned to Connie then and asked, ‘Would you agree with this Consuela? Was Ken just acting in everyone’s best interest?’

‘Why are you treating him this way Ms. Flowers? You act like he was trying to get famous or something. Drake followed me home and then called his friends to the hospital, Ken did nothing without just cause.’

‘What about when he saved you the first time a couple of months ago? Did he need to hurt those men as badly as he did?’

‘There were three men who intended to rape my employers and me and my mother. He stopped them and once they were down he didn’t do anything else.’

‘Two concussions and a broken jaw is not just stopping those men Consuela.’

‘One against three, what else would you have him do Ms. Flowers? They had ropes and gags to use on us. They even had a key to the house. Ken couldn’t take any chances.’

‘Then what about this, Ms. Gomez?’ A screen lit up behind Robin Flowers showing a parking lot at night. ‘A friend at the San Francisco airport sent me this yesterday. A young man was complaining about being attacked Saturday. When airport security looked at the tape this is what they saw.’ The scene on the screen went into motion and showed a slim man wearing a hoody running away from a woman with a white purse in his hand. The woman was gesturing but not attempting to follow the man. A chubby woman pushing a baby stroller appeared into the scene on the left and suddenly she kicked a trash can into the path of the purse-napper. The man skipped sideways then tried to run past a man and woman who were following the chubby woman. Suddenly the crook was on the ground and the walking man was picking up the purse. He then trotted over to the woman it was stolen from and moved away. The whole scene only lasted 30 seconds and left the audience silent.

‘Do you deny that you were there and that Ken Jacobs hit that young man? Let’s see that in slow motion.’ Robin turned to the screen again and the portion of the video where Ken stepped in and leveled the running crook. He was seen to drop the duffle bag he was carrying and step to the side as he swung his arm at the runner.

Ken stood up then, he had been largely ignored and had decided that enough was enough. ‘What do you expect me do Ms. Flowers? You there, the cameraman, would you have stood by and let the crook escape? The damn fool is just lucky he didn’t try to go after my mom, she would have crippled him. Mom grew up on the docks and you don’t want to mess with her.’

The cameraman looked at Robin Flowers first, then he answered, ‘No, I probably would have had to do something, but there is no way I would have been able to clothesline the man the way you did.’

‘Maybe not, but you would have done something. Come on girls, I think this interview is over.’

Robin Flowers jumped up, ‘Wait a minute, we’re not done yet.’

‘Yes we are, c’mon Connie. Barb, how would you like to meet my mother and daughter?’

Ken took Connie’s arm and the three headed out of the studio.

‘If you leave you won’t have any control over what we say about you, you’ll be yesterday’s news.’

‘Why thank you Ms. Flowers, that’s the best thing you could have said to me. As far as having no control, you have done everything but call me a publicity seeking thug with me sitting beside you, how will us walking out make any difference?’

Barb giggled and looked up at Ken, ‘Your mom sounds like fun, let’s go.’

And just like that, Ken’s moment of fame was over. The station never ran the aborted interview, and interest in Ken dropped when the hotel heiress forgot to wear her panties to an opening (pun intended).

Barb and Rosemary got along together very well, but the emergency room nurse was surprisingly uncomfortable with Mallory. Ken would have thought that a nurse would be good with kids.

Connie and she were alone for a moment and Connie asked, ‘What gives with you and Mallory Barb?’

‘I don’t know Connie, I can’t seem to connect with her. I usually don’t have any trouble with kids, as your little guy shows.’ Stefan had crawled all over Barb when she sat down on the couch. ‘Maybe it’s because I see how Ken looks at her and I know that I could never compete. You I can fight, but he loves that little girl completely.’

‘Oh Barbara, it’s not a competition hon. You’re not trying to take away his love from Mallory, or even from Rose. What you need to do is to add yourself as someone for him to love. Mallory has captured a large chunk of his heart, but there is plenty left for the rest of us. If you try to insinuate yourself between him and Mallory, you will lose. Ken could never replace Stefan with me, but he sure could stand beside him.’ Connie was looking at Ken on his knees with Mallory building something with blocks.

Later Ken and Rose were sitting in his cabin watching Mallory sleep. The TV was on for background, but neither of them had any idea what was on it.

‘So fess up son, why haven’t you told me anything the last couple of years? Have I been that piss poor a mother that you had to hide from me?’

‘Its not that mom, I was just so ashamed. I know that I have never lived up to your and dad’s expectations, and I didn’t want to disappoint you any further. When Belinda turned out to be such a witch and I knew that Mallory wasn’t really mine, I didn’t want to get your hopes up and then smash them down.’

‘Yep, a piss poor mom. How could you think that your father and I were ever anything but damn proud of you? We were worried that you didn’t date, but we were always proud of you son. I had a long talk with those sisters who adopted you.’ Ken started blushing, ‘Yes, they told me about that too. I’m glad that they took an interest in your education, I sure couldn’t have done that for you. My biggest question for you is what made you think that your father and I were fuckin’ idiots?’

Ken looked at his mother with a shocked expression.

‘We lived out here for 6 years and we damn well know a lot of people and have kept in touch wi
th some of them. We have known since that bitch conned you into marrying her just what has been going on. Your father has kept me from interfering like I wanted to, but when the fucking skank ditched you like she did I just about shit a brick. It took a while to locate her in Idaho so my temper cooled down or I was going to have that slut’s guts for garters. When the private detective called the police on her he saved her too. The waitress she left my granddaughter with is a friend of mine and was keeping me up to date on Belinda’s activities. Belinda didn’t know that Shanna was totally trustworthy, hell the fucking bitch didn’t even know her. If the damned courts try to give Mallory back to the bitch they are going to have to find her first. The biker gang that frequents that bar would make her disappear if I asked them to.

‘You have been working your ass off trying to do the right thing and I have been bleeding for you son. Now that you have things going good again I guess that I can relax. The thing you need to know you dumb shit, is that I have a reach that can jam a boot up your ass if you don’t take care of that little girl. I know that you aren’t her cum donor, but she has your name and I can see how much you love her.’

‘I’m amazed mom. I guess inside I knew better than to try and hide anything from you. I’m glad that you didn’t step in when you could have, ’cause then I would never have gotten this chance with Marta and Marcia.’

‘I know son, and you wouldn’t have met Connie either. When are you going to show her some lovin’? You know she wants it, her pussy drools whenever you are in the room, and I know you can recognize that smell now.’

‘Mom! I’m sure you’re wrong about that. Connie is thankful to me for saving her from rape is all. As soon as she comes to her senses she’ll be out looking for someone again.’

‘Bullshit buddy boy. She may have been thinking thank you at first, but when you showed up at the hospital with that fucking spear looking like Schwarzenegger in his prime her panties flooded and the little slit started thinking about more kids.’

‘Well if that’s the case, why is she pushing me off on Barb?’

‘Damned if I know, but I will be talking to her about it. If I had to guess, I’d say that she knows that miss hot pants nursie just wants a roll in the hay and will probably drop you afterwards. Then she can roll your sad dick into her cooze and comfort you. Hell, I drove your dad to three different fucking whores before he asked me out. Once he sampled the free shit he never went back.’

‘Gee thanks mom. I really needed to know that. I always thought that you intimidated him into marrying you.’

‘Are you shitting me boy? Look at me, I have never been a beauty queen and I was always glad to get whatever I could. Your dad is a big stud and he ain’t threatened by me in any way. He is in control in our marriage and has always been, and I sure as hell like it that way. He doesn’t say much, but when he does I fuckin’ listen. Now get your ass to bed, we’ll talk more tomorrow.’

Rose was sleeping on the recliner in Ken’s cabin. She was comfortable there and had been sleeping in one at home as well. Sometimes she had trouble breathing when supine and the slight elevation of her head provided by the recliner helped. Ken had volunteered his bed, but she had refused. One plus was that this way Mallory could crawl up on ‘gamma Ros’ in the morning to wake her up. Rose was in heaven.

Rose did have the conversation with Connie and warned her that her plans may not work out as she hoped. ‘If all else fails girl, show up at his door naked and drippin’ cunt cream, he’s not likely to turn that down. Whatever you do, don’t get into a knock down cat fight with miss nursie, Ken won’t give a shit about either of you then. I’m amazed at how much violence he has been forced into lately. At most schools he would have to demonstrate at least once that he wasn’t to be fucked with. Usually he would pick the biggest bully and beat the shit out of him. It rarely took more than one or two punches before they learned to leave him the fuck alone. He looks damned good now, but the little shit has always been strong. He takes after his dad and my dad that way.’

Rose had one final indignity to bestow before she left for home on Friday. Mallory had her first appointment with the pediatrician Thursday. It was the same man who took care of Stefan, and Marta trusted him. Rose gave him a little incentive though, she described just what would happen to him if her granddaughter came to harm because of him. He knew without a doubt that when she was done he would be able to wear his testicles as earrings.

Ken finally left his mother at the airport and he and Mallory returned home. He had a date with Barb tonight. Dinner and a movie was what he had planned. Connie was going to baby-sit.

Ken was unsure about the wisdom of dating Barb at all, he just felt that it had no future. What the hell though, he would have the chance to spend some time with a lovely woman. There was no down side to that.

Everything was going as planned. Ken picked Barb up at her apartment and drove them to dinner. As they were having an after dinner drink, Barb wine and Ken 7up, Ken asked her what type of movies she liked.

‘To hell with a movie Ken. What I want you to do next is to take me home and fuck my brains out. I’ve had enough foreplay for five dates and I want the real thing. Think you are up for that?’


Chapter 13

‘Thank you kind sir,’ Barb whispered into Ken’s chest.

‘Thank me? I think you have things reversed, I should be thanking you.’

The two naked lovers were sitting on Barb’s couch taking a break. She was curled up on Ken’s lap with a blanket wrapped around them.

‘Maybe I should be thanking the sisters instead?’

‘Connie told me she let you know about that and I was very upset with her.’

‘Why Ken? Are you ashamed to be sleeping with older women?’

‘What? No way Barb, I’m upset that Connie would risk Marta and Marcia’s reputations that way. The last thing I want is for either of them to be hurt. I was a total wreck when they found me, I was close to driving off a cliff or running in front of a truck. My ex had told me that I was a lousy lover, and what with all of her experience, I believed her. The sisters helped me to see that Belinda was the one at fault, not me.’

‘I didn’t mean any disrespect Ken. I really am thankful to them. You are a fantastic lover and I feel great right about now.’

‘Thank you, but I have to ask, is tonight a one time thing, or are you hoping for more Barb?’

‘I would like to see you again Ken, but at the same time I don’t see myself as settling down just yet. I’m doing all right here for now, but I want to transfer to a bigger hospital where I can get into a supervisory position. I do like you a lot Ken, and you certainly flipped all my switches, but I think you need someone permanent, like Connie.’

‘I understand Barb, I expected nothing less. You and everyone else are wrong about Connie though. We don’t have anything going.’

‘Well what did she say about your lovemaking?’

‘We haven’t had sex Barb.’

‘Why the hell not? I know Connie wants to, don’t you like her?’

‘I like her okay, but I’m not good enough for her Barb. I’m not really good enough for you either, but somehow I knew that you weren’t serious. I’m afraid that Connie might be.’

‘Damn right she is serious, that girl needs a good man, and you look to be the best choice for her Ken. Think about it, everyone can see that you two are right for each other, and sometimes the majority can be correct. You and she should try to forge a relationship, you would do well together.

‘That’s enough about her, do you think you are up to another time Ken? I don’t think that Connie is going to let me have another chance at you and I would like to get all I can while I can.’

‘That depends Barb, can
I taste your sweet essence for a bit first?’

‘You want to lick me again? I am certainly not going to turn that down cowboy.’

Ken stood up and carried the fully aroused Barbara back to her bed. Later she did not even have enough energy to see him out. She kissed him goodbye from her bed. ‘If things don’t work out with Connie, I will be around for a few months yet Ken, and I meant what I said about seeing you again.’

‘Goodbye Barb…you’re going to call Connie as soon as I am gone, aren’t you?’

‘If you don’t leave quickly, it will be while you are still here.’

‘I get the hint, ‘bye.’

He and Connie had already decided that unless he got home very early, he would leave Mallory to sleep with Stefan until the morning rather than wake her.

Ken entered his cabin and prepared for bed. He was almost asleep when he heard a knock at his door. He opened it to see a totally nude Consuela on his stoop. He stood there with his jaw heading toward the ground staring at the dark skinned Latin whose beauty was fully revealed to him for the first time.

‘Are you going to invite me in Ken? Rose suggested this method of getting your attention, and after talking to Barb I decided not to wait any longer.’

Ken closed his mouth and then started to get just a little irritated. ‘Mom suggested this huh? Well did you ever consider just talking to me? I was beginning to think that we might start dating, and then you pushed me off on Barb, so I figured you didn’t want me. Now it is 3 am and you show up like this when you have been talking to Barb and you know damn well that I can’t do anything about it. Your succubus friend drained me completely. I am sick and tired of everyone trying to run my love life for me so now I am going to take charge. Go back to your own bed Connie, and later today ask your mother if she will baby sit for us tonight. If she is willing to do that, then I will take you out on a proper date and we will talk all evening to see if we are compatible. If it looks like we are, then we can come back here and I will make love to you and make you scream in ecstasy. Is that understood?’

‘You don’t want me?’ Connie asked in a small voice.

‘I didn’t say that,’ Ken said. He then leaned forward and lightly kissed Connie on the lips, ‘I want to do this the right way dear, and this is not it. Now go back to bed and think about what you want from a husband and lover and tonight you can determine whether or not I am it. I am going to get some sleep and I will see you at breakfast. Goodnight Connie.’

Ken stepped back and closed the door. Connie stood for a moment, and then grabbed robe she had dropped to the side, put it on, and slowly started to walk back to her own cabin. This was not what she had expected to happen, but she thought that maybe she liked it. She knew that she liked Ken’s firm manner much more than she did the meek guy she had known for so long. She had been too nervous to have been ‘drippin’ cunt cream’ as Rose had suggested, but now there was a tingle in her loins as she walked home.

Saturday night they talked all through dinner, and then they went dancing again. This time they didn’t share with anyone and spent the time between songs talking some more. Finally it was time to go home.

Sunday afternoon Connie approached Marta as the older woman was relaxing by the pool. The Neilson twins were visiting again and beginning to be a regular feature.

‘Hello Marta, may I talk to you for a bit?’

‘Of course you can Connie, what’s on your mind dear?’

‘Well first off, you and Marcia seem to be quite taken with Wilbur and Walter. Are you getting serious with them?’

‘Yes dear, I think that we are. They are living in an overpriced condo in Pacific Grove right now but we are thinking of turning part of the house into another master suite for Walter and Marcia to use. The problem the boys had when they were married before is that the women tried to keep them apart. They were jealous of the time the brothers spent together and that just didn’t work. Walter and Wilbur are extremely close, even for twins, and can’t stand to be separated. Marcia and I don’t see a problem with that and think that we can all live together and be one happy family. We could build a new place to live, but I really love it here and I don’t want to move.’

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My Halfbrother Is A Nudist

I need to let you know that when the events that I am going to relate to you took place, I was a very naïve high school virgin. I've never had a boyfriend and I've never been kissed. I don't even know what a boy looks like. I mean a naked boy. Oh sure I'd seen pictures in Health Ed and even seen daddy's hairy butt. But that's not the same as seeing a real naked boy. It all started the summer I turned fifteen. Both my parents worked. I didn't have to go to summer school and I was home...

3 years ago
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My husband is a soldier

BackgroundMy husband is a soldier, and he's one month into his third deployment, Iraq twice, and now Afghanistan. Before he left for this last tour he shared something with me that didn't make me very happy, but I guess the more we discussed it the more it did kind of make sense to me. He knows I'm very needy when it comes to sex, and so is he. That was one of the things that attracted us to each other before we were married. We were fucking like bunnies on our first date, and I loved the...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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The Photo Session

Ken had made a date with his librarian in two weeks. He had so many ideas, and each idea would send him off into daydreams of pleasure. Light bondage, heavy bondage, how could he control her, would she let him control her. He knew that whatever he decided that he’d have to be clever. He had in the past worked as a photographer, for friends, family and neighbors, and would still help the occasional relative who was stuck without a photographer as their wedding day approached. He also had...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Honeymoon with my cousin 2

We then finished our dinner and sat out inthe porch. I hope my lil b*o won't mind much ,ijust came here in hurry ,he ( her dad) was so excited about second honeymoon that he did'nt even allow me to pack so i brought just this much, she said.Its ok ,I said.Matt,do u have a girlfriend ?Its weekend and i was supoose to party with my friends , ichanged the topic. lets have some fun at home itself she came towards me sat on lap and said follw me dear.By this time i got her signal,we headed towrds...

3 years ago
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Imagine that

Imagine that..I got home earlier than I expected from my meeting, I find your not home yet so I strip and get in the pool. As I float around in the pool, I can’t help but think about earlier this morning as I was getting ready to leave for my meeting. We had showered together, I had washed your hair and dried you, then I had sat you up on the vanity to dry your hair, after drying your hair you spread your legs, I entered you slowly, I began to brush your hair standing there deep inside you. ...

1 year ago
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once last time with her

"My sweet Lord," I heard her whisper under her breath, as I framed her face with my hand, and gently turned her to look me in the eye. "Shh," I hushed, my face inches from hers, "don't speak." I curled my lips over hers, my bottom lip gliding into her mouth. I settled in closer, my other hand sliding down her arm to lace our fingers together. I closed my eyes as she kissed me back hesitantly, exhaling in a note that made me weak. Her other hand slipped around my head, and she tilted to deepen...

4 years ago
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Two gay teens find each other

I met him at school. I think we could both sense there was something different about each other and maybe even a little bit of an attraction. We became fast friends and even started hanging out after school and at his house. Since he was older, he was able to be at home a lot on his own. Hanging out in his room made my imagination run wild. I had never been with a boy before but was curious and for sure open to it. I never spoke about it, never let on about my willingness, but I felt a sexual...

3 years ago
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SamuelChapter 3

Feeling refreshed from a good night's sleep, Samuel woke when his alarm clock rang at six in the morning. He got out of bed and began his normal morning routine. While the coffee was brewing, he performed his morning exercise regime that included fifty sit-ups, push-ups, deep knee bends, toe touches, and other exercises. It was a typical prison cell exercise program that didn't require equipment of any kind. Once he had finished his exercises, he drank a cup of coffee. Seated at the table,...

2 years ago
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She Waits for No One

She rose from his bed on trembling legs and took a few shaky steps towards the bathroom. It was late afternoon and he’d left her in a highly aroused state, to the point where she was begging him, pleading with him to take her, use her, promising to do unspeakable things for him if he’d only give her the release her body craved. It was such sweet torture and her body ached with need, the need to please and be pleased, but he had something else in mind and left, closing the door behind him,...

2 years ago
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Sister8217s Friend Harika

Hi, every one of Indian sex stories dot net this is a real incident and some fantasy added story between me and my sister’s friend “Harika” it’s her real name.If I got a chance to fuck any women I like to do in this way.Before entering into a story about me, myself Sriram, a good looking guy of 24 age with 5’10 height,75 weight with a 6-inch tool from Hyderabad I respect women and I love sex, any interesting women can contact me to “”. Let start the story in Telugu E incident one year back...

2 years ago
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Eden on the RailsChapter 5

"No. We are testing the strengths of various cables that are on sale. Most cables are designed for pressure strains, and not protection against physical attack, so we may have to go for armoured cables, which are much dearer; however, we need so much cabling that we should be able to strike a good deal on the purchase. We anticipate at least four cables between fence posts, and then cross links of the same quality, welded in place, with the wire mesh added on the inside." John was...

1 year ago
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Chance encounter

Hi folks, I am an avid reader of ISS site and like all the stories published on this site. My favorites are concering housewives. I too had some encounters with them and I am about to share the first one of them with all readers. My name is Ravi R and aged 45 years old from Namma Bangalore. I stay in South part of the city and now settled here for the last 3 years. Well there r so many things which happens in one’s life that there is hardly any time to visit the internet and see few things....

1 year ago
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a babysitters game

dylan was cute and nice for 11 yr old so i did not mind sitting him it ment giving up my sluty teen sat night with my mates. so i got my self ready to go sitting and fuck it i said i would dress up so i put on my knee boots tight top pink thong and bra and lycra tanned tights. i arived around 730 and soon the parents went out and i got bored i asked dylan wat he wanted to do he saiad any thing. so the night went on ane he layed on my lap my skirt rooled up and he was rubbing my leg i said...

4 years ago
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Leaning on Each Other Chapter 5

Cassandra and Adam got home from the mayor's house and the charity ball. It was after midnight, but neither of them were ready for sleep. Adam was thinking about the events of the past few weeks - his new relationship with his mother that now included frequent fucking, the expanded relationship with his art teacher, Jennifer, that now included periodic fucking, and tonight, screwing Elizabeth in front of her husband, the mayor. And yet, his mother had not had sex with anyone but him, other than...

2 years ago
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Chapter 15 Tiff And Tat Lovers Spats Trophy Ring Thanks Now Goodbye

Enrico, being married, could only see me on the sly, which suited me.Enrico worked all over Silicon Valley, fixing equipment. He told me who was hiring and paying more. I left Nortec and flipped companies with a raise.Before cell phones, we tried CB radio communication. My handle was Cobra and his Supini. The problem with CB was it broadcast to the crowd. We set up a meeting at a coffee shop by CB and a few more males than Enrico showed up. If we’d had CB broadcast a meeting at a motel, it...

1 year ago
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Jeff and his daughter Part III

Part IIIThe first images pop up on the screen as Caitlyn climbs on Jeff's cock.“Ohhh fuck!” he groaned as his tool slides easily into the sexy brunette. “Mmmm, I love it.” Caitlyn moans as her pink tunnel is filled.“There she is Jeff. She's got a lot of potential to be as big a whore as Caitlyn and Jessica here” I proclaim. Referring to the women on the screen on her hands and knees with her head in a mans crotch, her ass and pussy exposed.“Nice looking pussy.” He said, getting a getting...

1 year ago
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The Fires of Lust

Sitting alone in the booth, Mickey was having lunch and reading the newspaper. Mickey was a quiet man, well read and confident in himself. He owned a small but profitable company. You could say that Mickey met life on his own terms. He owned a home and lived comfortably.It was hard to say that Mickey had a routine, but he did enjoy his lunchtime, sitting quietly and reading. He was keen on politics and world events. He held disdain for people who he felt lacked concern about world and national...

1 year ago
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Dominant wife

"Harold, get in here right now, I haven't got all day," Miranda Davis snapped as she sat in front of her dressing table while preparing to go out for the evening with several of her female friends, "do you hear me, you insignificant piece of crap, I said get your ass in here!!!" Harold Davis hurriedly put down the load of dirty clothes he was carrying to the laundry room and entered his wife's dressing room with his head hung low and a worried look on his face as his wife of twenty two years...

4 years ago
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Grace Notes Part 2 of 2

Grace was confused. She felt bad that Chili had to leave but she understood. It was unexpected, but she’d liked having him around. She liked his looks, the way he talked, and then the way he kissed her. And the way he’d eaten her and fucked her. She’d liked the feel of his body and of course the feel of his cock; in her hands, in her mouth, in her pussy. Even up her ass. But ‘I’m engaged for God’s sake for what seems like forever’ she thought. ‘What the hell am I doing? God, my life is so...

2 years ago
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BBC Want Ad

This is a true story. My wife, Patty, and I are both white. Unlike a lot of stories I've read where the husband claims his wife is a knockout beauty, my 5'3" wife is an older woman, still very cute, but with less than perfect body. In her mid-fifties, Patty's figure has gotten a bit thicker with age. Her melon-sized tits now sag slightly and her well-rounded ass is a bit too big. She has wide curvy hips and her thighs are fleshy soft. She once joked, "Her body is built for comfort, not speed,...

1 year ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 27

The family sexual exchanges had become quite enormous after the years that had passed since Sue and Tim had first fucked and Chuck had seduced Cindy that first time. Fortunately the family was able to keep their inter-fucking and incestuous relationships a secret -- totally amazing in today's world that someone didn't blab about "who was fucking who" and letting the family's deep sexual secrets out. And once they'd have gotten out, there'd have been no getting them back, for sure. Tim...

2 years ago
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DominiqueChapter 9

Memories of sultry summers scudded though my mind like hot afternoon clouds. Dim recollections of wafting mosquito netting fought with the smell of sun showers for my attention. Without opening my eyes, I knew the side of my face was stuck to the training table. The dull ache of my ass felt a million miles away. In fact, it felt good. "Mmmmm," I murmured, as it throbbed in time with my heart. The egg inside me was quiet now, in harmony with the rest of the room. Rousing myself, I blinked...

1 year ago
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River 35

Chapter 35 ? Grand Openings So far: Word about the gold rush is on, and big companies wanting a piece of the action were surprised and upset when they couldn't convince the band to give up a share, in return for ruining the environment and rerouting the river. And Mark was taught an interesting lesson. ----- ------- ----- The months of September and October brought changes to St. Mary's. In the last week of September, the Ojibwe Co-operative had its grand opening. The store had been open for ...

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Pleasant Slut

I knew it as soon as I saw her. The way her pants cupped her ass. The shirts she wore that made her tits heave. Even the way she walked and smiled. Sara was the new girl at my office, and she was going to be on my cock. I couldn't help it. Every time I saw her, I got hard. Her first day at the office, we all took notice. After a week, most of the guys had tagged her as a "good girl" that is above sex and perversion, but I could see in her eyes that she was just like the rest of us. I guessed...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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The Makeup Counter

The Makeup Counter by Peggy Sue I walked up to the makeup counter. You had been walking slightly behind me, but now you pushed ahead and turned to face me. You smiled at me sweetly and then your smile twisted a little. I could tell it made you a little uncomfortable but then your hand went to your pussy and I knew you were enjoying yourself too. You brought a lipstick out of your pocket and examined the name on the bottom. As you opened it, your smile deepened. I gasped as I saw...

3 years ago
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Bartender Heaven

I was at my local pub last Friday night, enjoying a pint of beer after work, winding down the day after a very stressful work week. The bartender, Jessica was an absolute knock out. She was 25 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes, curvy body, an amazing ass, and big natural tits. Jessica always dressed sexy and often wore very low cut shirts, revealing her amazing cleavage. I always tipped her well and constantly flirted with her. She often flirted back, but I knew she had a big muscle head...

2 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 13

Monday 18th March 2019, late afternoonAt least this time when I turned the corner into our avenue Jill’s was the only car in the driveway. If she’d been absent or still ‘entertaining’ Callan I could have reversed course and avoided a difficult conversation, but my heart spoke the truth. A wave of warm happiness washed through my body as I realized that Jill, like me, knew we needed to talk. And talk without the distractions and background noise of Malcolm or Callan.“Hello,” was all I said as I...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries XII

During these weeks I saw less and less of Ryan. He'd show up from time to time to run another ad or to spend the night with me, but it wasn't like it used to be. I was tied up a lot of the time in our bed; usually dressed in lingerie and sometimes simply naked. He'd bind my arms over my head on the bed and do cocaine from different parts of my body. Then he'd lift my legs, exposing my cunt and fuck me. Often after he was done using me he'd leave. I stopped asking where he was going...

4 years ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 15 IRS Investigation

Ring ... Ring Ring ... Ring “Damn phone. No one should be calling us at 4:00 AM in the morning unless it is an emergency. Have you seen the phone Tara?” “It’s where it always is Jon, on the nightstand on my side of the bed. “Hello Tara speaking.” “I need to talk with Jon Reppa immediately!” “Here Jon, he wants to talk with you.” “Who is it?” “I don’t know, he didn’t say.” “This is Jon.” “Jon, this is George Lyle. Sorry about the time, but I didn’t think this should wait. “This...

3 years ago
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At The Club

I was at the bar one Friday night after a long, long week at work. It was one of these weeks where at the end you tell yourself you need a drink. I was still new to this town and haven't been out that much so I went to a bar near where I live in case I decided to drink myself into a stupor. I got there about 7 and went right up to the bar to order my drink.Once I got my drink I took the bar in. It was more of a club then a bar, the type that late at night would be filled with drunken idiots...

2 years ago
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Slutting at the Club

This story was written by a friend. It is her recount of her night at the club.In anticipation a friend’s birthday party she and I decided to go shopping for an outfit that would be suitable for the club on Friday. I wanted to wear something bold but I was unable to find anything. Then I stumbled upon the plus size section of a boutique. I picked up a 3x plus sized shirt and held it against me. I could tell it would fall from my shoulders and would be long enough for me to wear as a very short...

1 year ago
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TheUpperFloor Aiden Starr Joseline Kelly Kira Noir Chaotic Cock Slut Steals All the Dick at the Summer Swinger Orgy

The Upper Floor is back to training eager anal whores in service to hard cocks, entertainment, and filthy fun. Aiden Starr and Stefanos have Kira Noir on hand to deliver a perfect example of submissive behavior. Kira is gorgeous, well mannered, knows her rules, always asks permission to cum, and will wait her turn for a ride on some dick. But her new trainee, Joseline Kelly, is another matter.Joseline’s back for her second time on The Upper Floor and she has only gotten wilder, hornier,...

1 year ago
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The Married Woman I met Online cont

After meeting up with Keri the first time, she was texting me constantly; at least 20 times a day. Although it was a huge turn on getting a blow job from a married woman in her car, I still wasn’t that interested. I figured I’d keep in touch in case I was in need of an emergency booty call, plus it was fun texting her dirty messages. I came to learn that Keri and her husband hadn’t sex in years and even when they were having sex, he would pre-maturely ejaculate. In fact, Keri said he had never...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Journey formatting corrected

Neha stood in front of the mirror, staring at her petite 5'2 frame, straightening her blue blouse, before moving to the shorts she had paired with them. Noticing a slight blemish on the right leg, she turned to change it, before stopping herself. It was an educational trip after all, that too with her elder sister and her friend. Dropping the plan to change her shorts, she began to apply sunscreen to her face, preparing for the hot sun that beat down outside. As she applied the cream...

2 years ago
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Bedside Luxury

Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers. "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets. Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again. Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright. This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room. She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here. Another surprise was that she was sitting in this...

2 years ago
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Jungle Girls Ch 02

Chapter 2: In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle The other members of the expedition were back in their camp, recording all the various events of the day in their own way. John suddenly came back in the large tent. They were surprised, they were sure he was dead. ‘Hello, everyone. Thank you for waiting for me.’ he said sarcastically. ‘Ah yes, well, how’d everything go?’ Steve asked. At that point, John told them all exactly what had happened, making sure not to leave anything out. (Perhaps, in...

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