Kenny Part Two
- 1 year ago
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Fran and Becky drove down to Stapleton Tuesday evening. I was driving down late on Wednesday. When I got there Pete was home and everyone was waiting on me to eat. The house smelled like there were pies and bread ready for dinner tomorrow.
After we had eaten, Pete announced that Helen and Pattie were coming to visit. Betty seemed okay with it. She came out with, "Kenny, Pete and I have made some decisions about our life going forward. I am going to divorce Pete, and Dad has agreed to let me move in with him until I can find a place to live. I know this may seem wrong, but I feel it is necessary. We have explained to Becky what our situation is and she feels like it is the best we can do, considering how Pete and I feel about each other."
"Just how do you feel about each other?"
"It's complicated. But we are letting it rest for now. Pete and I will continue to hold ownership of the store in both our names. As long as I'm not here to contribute, my portion of the profits will go down from fifty percent to twenty-five percent. Dad will be paying me wages to help him in Clearview. We will continue as equal partners in all things concerning Becky, and that is to see that she gets a good education."
"Will Becky be still staying with Fran and me?"
"Pete and I gave her a choice, and she would like to stay with you for now. Next summer she may move back with Pete and split her time with me. She will take every other weekend with one of us.
"Going forward. Pete is going to see what Cameron is going to do. Helen hasn't heard from him since he left, but she expects he will contact her soon. The two men working for him have been asking whether they still have their jobs or should they look for different employment. Helen can tell you about it when she gets here."
"Hey, you two are getting divorced. You are acting terribly calm about it, how come?"
Betty answered, "I told you it was complicated. Pete and I are down to being good friends. We haven't slept in the same bed for awhile. That came about when I realized he and Helen were more than sex partners. I envy him some, but I can live with it. Me, I caused all of this with Cameron, so there isn't any reason for both of us to be miserable. Now that I'm getting away from Cameron I can get on with my life and find some happiness of my own."
"Are you sure you are over Cameron?"
"If I want Becky's love, I had better be. I'm still a good looking woman. I'll wait awhile and then begin testing the waters for love again. Be assured it will be love I'm looking for, and not just sex. Little brother, you haven't criticized me openly, but I'm sure some part of your mind has. I cringe when I think of it."
"Don't worry about it, Sis. You're my sister and I almost have to love you. You have some uncertainty ahead of you. You can come to Franny and me at any time for help, or even a shoulder to cry on."
"Kenny, thanks, that means a lot."
Helen and Pattie came in. Pattie went right to Beckey, saying. "Hi Sis. How you doin'?" Then both girls laughed. She then addressed Betty saying she was glad to see her. She didn't say anything to Pete, just going to him for a hug. She then kissed him on the cheek. There was definitely love between the father and daughter.
She broke away and spoke, "Aunt Fran and Uncle Kenny, it is so good to see you again. Oh, it smells so wonderful. I'm hungry already. I can't wait until tomorrow."
Pete asked Helen if she had heard from Cameron, "Yes, I have. I've been talking to him all morning. He told me what he wants in the divorce ... Oh, by the way I should get papers from him next week about that. If he keeps to what we agreed today, I'll have them looked at and then sign them.
"It is no big secret, I guess. He wants to sell the new house we were building. He has a buyer lined up, and is someone who has been interested in it since we broke ground. Pete and Betty, you will be getting back what money you have contributed. I'm to get back half the cost that he and I put into it. He is claiming whatever profit above the cost when it is sold. He is sending a release for that." Helen sat back and waited for more questions.
Pete asked, "Is he coming back here at all?"
"He said not for awhile. He will be talking to Pattie once a week. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but he said the only person he loved was Pattie. He also said he didn't have any regrets over the association we four have had together for so many years, but it was time for him to move on. I'm happy it has ended too, and it certainly is time to move on."
Betty volunteered, "I feel the same way. No one is hurt too badly over the breakup."
I was watching Pete. He did didn't say anything, but he did look happy.
Betty again, "What is Cam doing about his business?"
"He offered it to me. I don't know if I want to combine it with my own or not. He'll be taking a lot of the capital out of it. I'd have to use considerable of my own money to replace the working capital so that any good sized trades could go through. I'm really doing quite well the way I am with my own day trading. I'll talk to the men who work for him. Maybe if they would put up some money, I'll consider working it on shares. I'll have an accountant look over how good they are and go from there."
I spoke up. "I could do that for you. Up until two months ago I was the accountant for all three of Philo's stores."
"I'll contact you next week if I decide to go that route."
"Thank you Helen, anything I can do to help."
"Uncle Kenny and Fran, I have permission from my father to ask if I can stay with you until I graduate next spring. I'm close to Mom but she works and Dad isn't here. I need someone to get close to. If I could move in with her, I could really get to know Becky."
I looked at Helen and glanced at Pete. Helen was nodding her head that it was fine with her. Pete looked totally surprised. I realized then that I thought Pattie was referring to Pete as her father, when it was Cameron she meant.
"My father said he would pay whatever you asked. Mom is fine with this too."
"Uncle Kenny, please. Pattie and I promise to help you in the store whenever you can use us."
"Betty, what do you think?"
"It's a good idea; that is if you don't mind?"
"Pete, you must have some say in this?"
"Not really, but you have done great with Becky. I'm sure you will do as well with Pattie. So if it is okay with Cam and Helen, I'm on board. She better not start until after the Christmas break. I can bring Helen up sometime before then to get her switched and find out if she will be in the same classes as Becky." We left it at that.
The girls went up to Becky's room. I talked with Pete telling him how much I expected to sell with the midnight opening of the store for Black Friday. Fran, Betty and Helen, were sitting around the kitchen table talking. I had no idea what they were discussing. When it got time to go to bed, Franny announced that she and I would be spending the night with Helen.
Not much was said on the way to Helen's house. When we got there, she showed us the room we would be sleeping in. I showered and went to bed and was asleep when Fran came to bed. She poked me and wanted to talk, but I was too sleepy to listen. I dragged out the next morning and was drinking coffee when the two left to finish cooking Thanksgiving Dinner at Pete and Betty's.
I arrived there just as my parents were driving in. I hadn't seen my mother for a couple of months. She was happy. "Kenny, I love being back in my home town. I've looked up all my own friends and we have coffee klatches and sometimes we go out to lunch. I'm really enjoying myself.
"You know Betty is going to be staying with us, don't you. She will be working with your father so she won't be interfering with my life. I never in the world thought she would get divorced, but she says that's what she wants. Do you know why?"
"Some of it, but you'll have to get it from Betty or Dad."
"He won't tell me anything."
"Bullshit Mom, You know every bit of what went on and have kept from me."
"Well I don't. I always liked Pete, and Philo says it has something to do with Pete and that harassment thing years and years ago. Oh well, I guess I'll find out someday.
"Mom, that isn't what I've been told." I felt sorry for my mother. I couldn't really say much to my father about hiding this from me all those years, but my mother wasn't going to think I still was in the dark. Maybe I should be mad at Mom instead of my father.
Mom was introduced to Helen and Pattie. I thought she was going to deny she knew who they were. Maybe she had never met them, but after glancing at me, she didn't attempt to. Pattie and Becky were side by side, and were wearing clothes much the same. It was obvious they were related.
"Oh, you look just like Becky." She stopped speaking, not knowing what to say next.
Betty knew what game Mom was playing. "Mom, there is a good reason why they should look alike and don't you pretend otherwise. She is Becky's half-sister. Pete's good friend, Cameron, asked Pete to donate sperm so his wife Helen, could have a baby when he found he couldn't sire one. Pattie is Helen's child and Pattie is something to be thankful for on this day. Now don't go embarrassing anyone by asking more questions."
I spoke to emphasize, "Mom, you'll be seeing Pattie quite often. Plans have been made for her to join Becky while finishing high school and live with Fran and me. Becky is so much fun; Fran and I are looking to have the fun doubled."
Betty spoke up, "Mom, come and help get dinner on the table. Talk to Helen while you are helping. The turkey is ready to come out of the oven and rest. I want pictures and then Dad is going to carve it."
Dad nudged me, "I had no idea what to say."
"Dad, you and I know this is pretty much is all Betty's fault. Some of it is yours, too and I'm thinking Mom was just as involved as you. You didn't let it all play out years ago when Betty was messing around on Pete. You had to keep Pete working for you in the store and you wanted to keep a husband for Betty. I will say I feared Betty was going to lose Becky when she first discovered what her mother was doing. If Becky wasn't as forgiving toward her mother, she might not be here today."
"Kenny, we just tried to keep it from bothering you."
"Well if I had known maybe I could have saved Becky from being so traumatized Saturday night. I suspect Betty has good intentions about changing. There is no doubt in my mind that my sister is a slut, but if she doesn't change some things, you will be having someone just like Cameron visiting Betty when she moves in with you and Mom. She is a pretty woman, but she is a slut and she acts like one."
"That's an awful thing to say about your sister."
"It is isn't it?" I looked Dad right in the eye and he could see I wasn't going to retract my statement. He shook his head and walked into the dining room. The table was arranged perfectly. Soon we were ready to eat. Dad carved the turkey after the pictures were taken of it.
As always, everyone ate too much. It took awhile but I caught Betty watching me.
As the table was being picked up she said, "Kenny, I want to talk to you. I caught some of what you said to Dad. I think you should explain."
"It would be best if I didn't. It isn't any of my business. You are the way you are. You are my sister and I love you. I most likely would say some things that would drive us apart."
"You'd say them to Dad, but not to my face? I think the damage is already done."
"In that case, I'll talk to you. Find us a private place. I'm going to be leaving soon. I want to get home and get a little rest. I'm opening the store at midnight. Fran and Becky are going to help so they will be going with me."
"Come up to my room, we'll talk there." I followed her. Becky had told us that she and Pete had separate beds. It appeared to be so.
"Speak up little brother."
"Sis, I've always been a little bit in awe of you. I've been married for three months now and there is a contrast between you and Fran. That's not bad, but it has made me think about you. I noticed the same contrast between you and Helen the few times I've seen you together."
"Spit it out, Kenny."
"Okay, I've only had a week to think about this. I believe you have been controlled by Cameron for the last eighteen years of so. I think you have a problem with low esteem because of him. Think back to you and Pete in the store all the while we worked together. Pete came up with the idea of furnishing uniforms to prevent the clerks from being too revealing to the public. Everyone wore one except you.
"You wear those low-cut peasant blouses and anyone can see more than half your breasts most of the time. Your lipstick is way too bright. Your skirts are too high and your slacks are too tight. Anyone who sees you gets the impression you are a slut. Up until last weekend I thought it was an act, but I've come to believe you really are.
"My worry is; you say you are going to change, but can you if you continue to look and act like a slut? That's all the type of men you are going to attract if you don't.
"Getting back to why I think your esteem is low, I can understand why. Cameron, a former boy friend showed up after you married Pete. You immediately jumped into bed with him and got caught by your husband. Pete goes out to get even and screws one of the clerks working for him. Dad and Mom step in and the harassment charge goes away. But to keep everyone happy, Dad basically gives your husband to another woman and this assures that you are still under Cameron's control.
"You are now returning to live with your parents when you are nearly forty. You aren't going to want to hang out with them. You'll soon be out looking for excitement and if you don't change, you will attract another man just like Cameron. This from the signals you give off. There, I've said it all."
Betty sat on the edge of the other bed. I was looking at her. Her eyes were cast down and I could see she was mulling over what I had said. "Kenny, I said last weekend I was seeing myself through Becky's eyes when she described me in bed with Cameron. I hated what I saw. I guess I hate what I'm seeing through your eyes too."
"Sis, I do love you."
"Kenny, I love you too. You've giving me a lot to think about. I'm glad you opened up to me. You know the one thing certain in this is; I'll never let Cameron into my life again. I knew all along it was wrong, but I didn't know how to change. This conversation with you has given me the impetus to make more changes." We went down stairs. Franny and Becky were ready to leave. Pattie was going with us. Helen said she would be up to get her on Sunday.
We had both cars here, so Fran rode with me, leaving the two girls in the car behind us. We reached home at six. I set the alarm for nine and I lay down. Fran was going to get me up then and I was going into the store to get ready to open at midnight. She was lying down and I would call and wake her at one. Hopefully we would be busy enough to stay awake until morning when the regular clerks came in. People were lining up by eleven. It looked like I was going to have a good sale.
The two girls had lain down shortly after I did and were sleeping when I left. I decided to call Becky at a quarter to Midnight. "Hey girls, do you want to go to work? It looks like we are going to busy. There must be twenty people at the door already."
"We're up and just leaving the house. Fran is coming with us." Becky had worked the cash register many times and it wasn't long before Pattie was doing almost as well. I had enough clerks to staff all of the departments. Fran was in house wares and I was in the basement where the large lawn and garden equipment was. Most everyone who were buying, knew what they wanted, so I didn't have to do much selling to make a sale. I had the elevator traveling up and down steadily with stock or busy putting reserved stock into layaway in the back.
It slowed down a little after four, but it picked up again before six. Becky went to MacDonalds and got breakfasts for the ten people who had manned the departments and cash registers. My assistant manager came in at seven bringing replacements with him. He and his wife had worked for Dad and I made him my assistant...
He asked how it went, "I'll be ordering about twice as much replacement stock as I expected to. This was a good move being open last night. I told the women to go home. I think Fran got the least sleep of any of us."
I stayed until nine and then I went home for a few hours. I went back to the store at five and closed it at nine. I stayed for an hour tabulating what we had taken in. Tomorrow I would come in and work on ordering more stock to replace my depleted inventory. It looked to be a great Christmas Season.
Helen drove up Sunday morning to get Pattie. Fran and I both liked her. She had been talking to Cameron. He missed Pattie terribly and said he would come to see her soon. It would be here during the Christmas vacation. He planned on winding up most of his affairs in Stapleton at that time. He had put their divorce papers in the mail and Helen would be receiving them Tuesday.
Helen said she wasn't moving in with Pete, but did spend a lot of time with him. They were in love, but were going to give their relationship some time. They were almost positive that they would marry after both divorces were final. Helen was leaning toward taking over Cameron's trading business, with the two former traders now working for her. Pattie wasn't at all interested in her mother's business, but Becky asked innumerable questions about it. Helen promised to lend her books on the subject.
My sister Betty, called and said she was actively looking for a place to live, someplace other than with Mom and Dad. Dad and Mom were telling her what to do and after her every minute because she had decided to divorce Pete. "As if I had a choice? Love has left us and there is no point in staying together any longer. I'm happy for Becky and Pattie that Pete and Helen are meant for each other. We should have done this fifteen years ago after the excitement died down about sleeping with someone other than our spouse."
I urged Becky to visit her mother the first weekend in December. I didn't know it, but she had arranged to have Pattie go with her. Betty called after they left for home and said she had a great time having them with her. They spent the weekend touring apartments and Betty had actually made the decision to rent one. She just had to get away from Mom and Dad.
The following weekend everyone gathered in Stapleton and we helped pack up Betty's things. Pete was generous and allowed her to take from their house what she needed to set up living in her new apartment. Betty was a changed woman already. She had shortened her hair and had some permanent styling done to it. She was dressed more conservatively then I had ever seen her.
I didn't comment, but Betty made sure I noticed. "Kenny, this is the new me. I've taken your observations on my looks to heart and I'll see who I can catch this way. If I can't catch a man like this, I can always go back to being a slut."
"You won't have to do that. I predict by Valentine's Day you will have captured the attention of some nice man."
"Kenny, hope you are right, but I'll give it longer than that."
My sales kept up better than Dad's did last year. He grumbled about it some. Pete had a good year too. Fran and I were getting ready for Pattie moving in during the vacation right after Christmas. The two were together whenever they could be. The day after Christmas, which was a Sunday, both girls were here. Someone punched the doorbell.
I opened the door to find Cameron Peabody standing there. "I called Helen and she said Pattie was here. Helen said she was coming up with Pattie's grades so she can start school next week."
I stuck out my hand. "Come in, Cameron. The girls are asleep on the couch. Fran is in the office working on end of year figures. Would you like a beer or a drink of some kind?"
"No, I'm fine. You don't mind me coming in?"
"Of course not, Pattie missed you for the Christmas festivities. We had Christmas Eve at Pete's and dinner there yesterday. You were missed."
"What about Becky, I'll bet she didn't miss me?"
"Believe it or not, she did for Pattie's sake. She understands Christmas without your father or mother being with you hurts. Betty wasn't with Becky for Christmas Eve so she can relate."
"How is Betty?"
"She is adapting very well. She has a nice new apartment. The family got her moved and Pete gave her what she needed to furnish it."
"I hope Betty isn't expecting anything from me. What we had was getting to be unpleasant."
"Betty is as pleased with the breakup as you appear to be."
"Good, if we meet sometime, we can be sociable. I don't ever want to return to what we had, though."
"I can assure you Betty feels the same way. Come in, we'll wake the girls."
‘Kenny? Kenny Jacobs, is that you?’ Ken looked over at the person who had seated herself beside him on the bench. His first impression was of nice well-tanned legs in open sandals and as his gaze moved up, he saw that the rest of her was just as nice. When he got to her face he saw the lines, slight wrinkles, and the hint of gray in the brown hair indicative of middle age, nothing severe, but noticeable. ‘I’m sorry ma’am, do I know you?’ ‘Kenny, it’s Marcia Friedman, I was your history...
KENNY Chapter 4 Ken was moving the last of his stuff into cabin 6 when his stomach reminded him that he had missed lunch while wandering the grounds and that supper was due any time. If he had had any money he would have run into town for Mickey D or something. He would need to keep some ramen or something in his cabin for times like these. There was some food left in his apartment and he would have that tomorrow night, but for now there was no hope but to go to dinner and maybe he could...
Ken got out to the estate early the next morning, in fact, he was early enough to get a good breakfast from Selena before he was allowed to go out to the barn and start to work. It took him almost 3 hours before he was confident that he could get the old tractor running. Marta was lying out by the pool in a very small bikini when he found her. Damn, he thought, the girls at school didn’t even wear something that tiny. That is a lot of good looking woman on display. ‘Pardon me Mrs. Horne,...
A very bemused Kenny decided to do an evaluation of the area and the equipment that he would be responsible for. He had Marta make him a map of the boundaries of the property and went to check it out. The lodge was located on a well wooded and hilly area. Bulldozers had leveled areas skillfully to keep most of the trees intact and to allow the outlying cabins to have privacy amid the vegetation. There were several outbuildings that saw little use now. Most of what they had stored had been moved...
It had been an hour since I talked to Betty and I knew it would be another hour before she arrived. Suddenly the doorbell chimed. I went to the door. A young woman stood there. I thought for a minute it was Becky, because she certainly had a lot of the same features as my niece. She had the same burnished blonde hair, and the figures were almost identical "May I come in? You must be the man I have heard Becky calls her Uncle Kenny. I'm Becky's half sister, Pattie Peabody. She and I share...
“Got a spare fiver?” “No.” “Go on. Just a fiver. I’ll make it worth your while.” “No.” “Please!” I had already walked on a couple of paces, but now I slowed and stopped. There was something about that “please”. It wasn’t what you might expect;- what I had heard before by young boys, and girls, of similar age, who, when they finally realise they are not going to get a penny out of you by accosting you in the street, hurl a mouthful of abuse and epithets at you. This “please” was different. It...
Erotic FictionFriday was a lonngg day. Ken had to give his statement four times. The last time he gave the statement was to a police stenographer and then he was questioned about each and every line in the written version. The police wanted to know how many times he had hit each felon, and they were really interested to find out where he had gotten hold of an official police baton. When he told them that he had obtained the baton when he was working as a security guard, they wanted to know where he had...
Ken got out to the estate early the next morning; in fact, he was early enough to get a good breakfast from Selena before he was allowed to go out to the barn and start to work. It took him almost 3 hours before he was confident that he could get the old tractor running. Marta was lying out by the pool in a very small bikini when he found her. Damn; he thought, the girls at school didn't even wear something that tiny. That is a lot of good looking woman on display. "Pardon me Mrs. Horne,...
Ken was moving the last of his stuff into cabin 6 when his stomach reminded him that he had missed lunch while wandering the grounds and that supper was due any time. If he had had any money he would have run into town for Mickey D or something. He would need to keep some ramen or something in his cabin for times like these. There was some food left in his apartment and he would have that tomorrow night, but for now there was no hope but to go to dinner and maybe he could avoid having to talk...
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The following weekend Kenny stopped by to see if he would be able to spend the night. He and his girlfriend had a fight. Peggy kissed him and said I would love that. He came in and Peggy asked me to go get some refreshments. I left them alone and went to buy beer, wine, and munchies. I returned and they had left all their clothes in the family room. I could hear the spa running in the next room and looked in to see Peggy sitting on the edge of the spa with Kenny between her legs buried balls...
Chapter 6 After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken’s life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches...
After Kenny fucked Peggy, she was never gonna let him go.She said you know this weekend is just a few days away. I said I knew and asked what she wanted to do. "She said I want to fuck Kenny all weekend. I laughed and said OK, call him. She said it's not that easy. His mom or dad keep answering the phone and Dave is away to college. She said I have no way to call him. I suggested we go down to his neighborhood and do a drive around to see if we can find him. She said that sounds like stalking....
After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken's life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches and kept...
Chapter 10 There was a seat for Mallory on the plane, but it was used for the bag of clothes they had bought for her. Mallory spent the whole flight on either Ken’s lap or on Marta’s. The little blonde had adopted ‘annie Matta’ with whole hearted love. The night before Mallory had slept on daddy’s chest and when he had to leave the room for any reason she whimpered like a little puppy. Ken was almost as bad, whenever Mallory was not in his lap he was looking at her, making sure she was...
"Oh, hi mom." "Don't you 'hi mom' me young man. When were you going to tell me about this? You called me last week and didn't say a goddamn thing about any of this." "I was going to have to tell you before the TV interview I guess. I didn't want to worry you mom. I was in no danger and I didn't do anything special." "What the fuck do you mean you were in no danger? They had guns Kenny, and the story said that you had a girlfriend. What about that?" "Oh mom, one of the guns...
A very bemused Kenny decided to do an evaluation of the area and the equipment that he would be responsible for. He had Marta make him a map of the boundaries of the property and went to check it out. The lodge was located on a well wooded and hilly area. Bulldozers had leveled areas skillfully to keep most of the trees intact and to allow the outlying cabins to have privacy amid the vegetation. There were several outbuildings that saw little use now. Most of what they had stored had been...
Chapter 12 ‘This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies, Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?’ Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. ‘Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor...
Chapter 8 Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. ‘Let’s go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way.’ Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. ‘Pardon me miss, may I help you?’ ‘I’m staying with Ken, every time I let him get away from me bad shit happens.’ Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows,...
A second patrol car arrived and soon they were taking statements from the three older women. Ken and Donny were loaded into the ambulance. Drake had not recovered consciousness yet and the EMT had to put in an IV with a saline drip. Consuela was adamant that she was going in with Ken, so Marcia agreed to take her. Marta was trying to convince the officers that they had no reason to take her pistol. She had not fired it and it was a legal weapon for defense. She was on the phone with her law...
Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. "Let's go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way." Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. "Pardon me miss, may I help you?" "I'm staying with Ken; every time I let him get away bad shit happens." Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows, "I...
"SHE DID WHAT!!?? Roared Ken. "Relax Ken, it's all under control. The man Walter hired called social services and the police. Belinda is in custody and Mallory is waiting for you to come and get her. I made reservations for us and the limo will be here in an hour. Please calm down, everything is being done that can be." Marta was stalking back and forth the whole time she was talking. Her agitation was evident by the wringing of her hands and her quick steps. This was Monday morning and...
There was a seat for Mallory on the plane, but it was used for the bag of clothes they had bought for her. Mallory spent the whole flight on either Ken's lap or on Marta's. The little blonde had adopted annie Matta with whole hearted love. The night before Mallory had slept on daddy's chest and when he had to leave the room for any reason she whimpered like a little puppy. Ken was almost as bad, whenever Mallory was not in his lap he was looking at her, making sure she was alright. The...
"This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies; Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?" Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. "Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor tomorrow....
"Thank you kind sir," Barb whispered into Ken's chest. "Thank me? I think you have things reversed, I should be thanking you." The two naked lovers were sitting on Barb's couch taking a break. She was curled up on Ken's lap with a blanket wrapped around them. "Maybe I should be thanking the sisters instead?" "Connie told me she let you know about that and I was very upset with her." "Why Ken? Are you ashamed to be sleeping with older women?" "What? No way Barb, I'm upset...
He was 14 years old, out of his mind and way over his head. It was the summer before Kenny was to enter High School as a freshman. He knew he was going to need lots of older, bigger, rougher buddies to help him in this first year in a new school. He’d heard about bullying that went on when Junior and Senior year boys ganged up on kids they thought easy prey. Most boys his age and slight build could expect pants-pulling-down in the school hallways. Or, if unlucky, they might find all their...
My name is Ashley, I’m twenty seven years old, and five years ago I got married. This story is about the dirty things I had done in my past. I couldn’t stop myself and continued doing these things even after my marriage. First time after the marriage, I came back to my house to spend some time with my family. I was meeting my family after a long time so everyone was really excited to see me. My mom gave me a warm welcome hug and my dad kissed me on my forehead. My best friend, Ross, was there,...
HardcoreIt was a swift and exacting punishment I was given that day. He walked into the hotel room, unzipped his pants and pushed me down on my knees presenting his well endowed cock to my face. He lifted up the head of his thick cock and pulled my mouth to it. As I felt it open up my lips, I caught a quick glimpse of his ball sack twitch with anticipation of what was to cum. His cock didn't take long to fill my mouth up and it grew longer and fuller with each stroke...massive 8 inch cock that ended...
Abby checked with her dad every other day. The question: do you know when we can come home? It was not because she didn’t like Sun Park. We all enjoyed Sun Park and its horny residents. Abby and Jenny start college soon after the first of the year and more importantly, wanted to be home for Christmas. After being in Sun Park for almost three weeks Abby got the answer she was looking for. We would all be back in San Diego on December 22. My ladies and I were invited to stay with the Mann’s...
Benjamin Brittain parked his car on the drive and entered the semi-detached suburban house he'd worked so hard to keep up over the last five years. The three bedroom house had been his pride and joy when he'd finally taken possession and he'd tried diligently since to make into the perfect family home. "Pam, I'm home," he called out as he pushed the front door closed behind him. His bellowed greeting was met by an unusual silence. Unusual considering that even if his wife was out of the...
A few friends have asked me for a story about one of my sexual experiences. One of my favorite nights happened a year ago. I was in a relationship that was no fun and I wanted to get out of it. I’d started a job working for a big company. It was one of my first proper job and everyone working there was older men. I was only 22, one of the only girls and I liked getting the attention of the big bosses. I wasn’t good at my job but I knew that a short dress and a bit of flirting would work. I...
Petite brunette Eden Sin is spending time at home from school. She is all alone with her step dad while mom is at work. She wants to sit and watch tv but he has other ideas. Eden cuddles her stuffed animal as her step daddy takes the seat next to her. At first it is all innocent, but the man of the house quickly reveals he wants more. Eden Sin is instructed to use her hands to make him feel good. She is used to this. It is clearly not the first time the pair has engaged in this taboo behavior....
xmoviesforyouAfter my cousin Mitzie came I rolled over and moved up the bed to lie beside her. Mitzie turned onto her side toward me and Put her arms around me. I pulled her close and just held her there for a long time. We must have dozed off because I woke up to find us alone on the bed. When I opened my eyes Mitzie was looking into my eyes and smiling. She leaned closer and kissed me on the lips. "I love you Johnny and have always wanted to do that. You made me feel so good..I didn't tell mom earlier but...
"Do not attempt to flee. Even if you succeed in doing so we can find you easily whenever we wish," Zira told the girl, who struggled for a moment more and then relaxed in defeat. "Your destiny lies with us and soon you, your sister, and your teacher must leave this planet with us. It is not possible for you to remain here any longer," Mev said to the girl. "But my mother is so sick, we can't leave here now," the girl protested. "We have knowledge of your mother. When we see her...
"Andy, what are you doing in my room, oh my god, MOTHER!" screamed Andy's twin sister. He tried to escape the wrath he knew was coming by dashing for the door, but Amy was faster, and Andy twisted his ankle around in the three inch heels he was wearing as he sprawled on the floor under her as she pinned him down. the broken heel barely hanging onto the rest of the shoe. Fearing that her son was once again caught by his sister pawing through her panty drawer, and knowing how badly...
‘To pluck a beautiful flower from the desert is an unpardonable sin.’ – Man Of Mountain, Shoshone Medicine Man My best friend Karla, lived with her dad, Hank, in a trailer until she was eighteen. Then she fixed up an empty trailer, one of those old chrome things with the rounded corners, and moved into it by herself. She used to get spooked in that trailer all by herself. She would call me on the phone and say, “Jan, come over and spend the night. You know I’ve got NetFlix; we’ll rent something...
SupernaturalA story that is part true and part fantasy. I recently found some photographs that reminded me that when I was in my early twenties I went on my first foreign holiday as a couple with my then boyfriend. We met a really nice couple.We were in the hotel bar having a post dinner drink when an older couple (we were mid 20s, they were late 40s I would say) approached us (I can’t remember their names so I’ll call them Jim and Pam). Anyway, they introduced themselves, said they’d noticed us by the...
The lights are off as I walk into the room and I edge my way to the bed, trying hard not to bang into anything. I remove my clothes quietly, as I hear your soft breathing I presume you have fallen asleep. I lift the cover and crawl into bed with you and notice you are on your side, so I edge gently to snuggle into your back. As I cuddle into you, I feel the shirt you have borrowed from me and your bare legs. I place my right arm over you and I feel your hand being placed on mine. We are spooned...
Chapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...
The whole thing started with a flu epidemic of all things, first mum, then dad then my sixteen year old brother fell ill, as for me I was the healthiest seventeen year old you could find, bugs bit me and they died, so I ended up as the nursemaid for the family. Luke was the one hit the worst, my brother had come down with the virus just as mum and dad were recovering and he got so bad we had to call the doctor out to him, after much poking and prodding the doctor mumbled something about...
Part 2: Living Arrangements "Hey! Come on! Hurry up!" The loud pounding on the wood door of his bathroom jostled Nathan out of his thoughts. "I... I need a minute!" he said, biting his lower lip. In actuality, he was already ready. At least physically. Mentally, he'd never be ready. He shifted his weight on the toilet seat, painfully aware of certain noises coming from underneath him. The rough, growling voice of Marcus flooded his ears again. "Come on! All we told you to do was...
We arrived at the cheer expo the next morning around 10 AM. There weren't many people there yet. One of the organizers checked our credentials and showed us around. The lady organizer was freaking hot. Her shorts were painted on and her tight ass was on full display. She also had the 'vacant' look going for her. I was almost rock hard. Her nametag said 'Bunny'. "So Bunny, have you ever done any acting?" Bunny gave me her best vacant smile. "No, Mr. Williams." "Would you like to...
Sarah's Diary Sarah's Diary - Sunday 30 May Early into college to get ready for meeting - part 3. Letter from R in my pigeonhole. A love letter! Must have written it last night after he found the photo of me by his bed. Sunday 30 May [Mike] Not many people about early Sundays. Nice little break from boredom to have Miss Franklin pop her head into the office to say 'thank you' for my bit of help on Friday. Nice little thing and the word is she's a bit of a star - not that you'd know...
Continue:I wiggled a bit, made it easier for my sexy wife to play with me, and focused on my dream again.---------------------------------------The young one still kept you in a tight grip while the old one started to play with your clit. Gently play, his fingers played, flickered, played with your lips, and did small pushes against your cunt.It did not take long before we all could hear soft moans from you. The moans grew stronger as his used one finger in your cunt while massaging your...
Her thick moist lips tightened around my shaft as I exploded deep in her mouth while I worked frantically over her clit with the tip of my tongue to...... Ah yes there it was, her trade mark gush of lady jizz, I took in as much as I could trying to follow the movements of her convulsing body so as not to waste a drop. “Time to get ready for school B” Trina smiled. What a way to greet the day, surely I was the luckiest man alive. Trina and I showered, dressed and drove to school together. At...
Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...
Incesta couple of years ago now, i started asking my wife to have sex with a another man, at first she would just say no,but after weeks and weeks of asking, and every time we had sex, i would tell my wife how i wanted this and how i was turned on by thinking of having sex with a man as i watched my wife said yes, but only with a guy who she liked and also that she got to know before they had sex,for weeks i look at swingers web sites, and one day i came across a guy who was in his 30's good looking...
Rural Oxfordshire. Early October. Millicent Neve stood on the large paved area outside her father’s old and rambling manor house, watching the sun come up. It was a cold but sunny day, a slight breeze from the north-east made it even colder, but there was a beautiful cloud free sky, and the view out over the estate was lovely. From the outside, and indeed from much of the inside of the mixed use estate, nothing looked out of place. However, two rooms in the house, the entire stable block,...
I've had a couple wild girl friends as I grew up. One was at nineteen years of age. I was working for an automotive paint supplier. After being a delivery driver for a year I was moved to mixologist. A fancy name for mixing paint. It was an interesting job and I enjoyed learning about different kinds of paint and metallic additives. One day I was called to the front counter to help a customer. Wiping my hands I came around the corner from my work area and saw a plain looking young woman. She...
We had to have a more effective point on our bolt for killing bears. It would not hurt to get the same kind of things for wild hogs, too. In fact, it dawned on me that we might be able to sell wild hog carcasses. There were no butcher shops to buy them, but I should be able to get a few copper pennies for a hog carcass from a family that could not kill their own. With that in mind, I had James Colbert order two more crossbows from the same supplier in England who had supplied the ones that...
The palace, Alice decided, had a fairy tale quality to it. Two towers topped with pointed roofs flying pennants stood upon either side of a palatial building made from gold veined marble. The windows were made of stained glass and the doors to the main entrance were quite impressively large. There was a fountain of a mermaid spewing water from her mouth and flowers (the non-talking kind, she noted with a sense of relief) and bushes shaped like a variety of beasts, some of which she recognized...
TabooSeduction. It’s a word with bawdy connotations these days—the Internet teeming with sites on how to get more women in bed, promising the would-be seducer varied fulfillments of a monotonous urge. It’s as if these men want to do the most animalistic thing they can without breaking the law. More women, it doesn’t matter where, it doesn’t matter how, and it really doesn’t matter who. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a flesh-and-blood man myself, I count porn among my entertainments (not the degrading kind,...
Now as I look back, what happened after that weekend, who said and did what, has faded with time and memory. Shortly after Lisa's demonstration of independence my Uncle returned and I promptly returned to my parent's home in Connecticut. My Uncle and I never did fully discuss the matter. When I visited him later, Lisa was gone and replaced by a young and sensually beautiful Chinese girl. He said simply "Lisa had desired to test the limits of her tether and then broke free." Later I...
Lovely teens at The Leak Bay, aka The Teen Bay! Is there any group of women in the world who have sex as much as teenage girls do? Probably not – all those hormones, alcohol and at times drugs are just the perfect combination to get teenage girls in the mood for some rough, satisfying sex, and since we live in a digital era where practically anything can be recorded at any time, it’s only right that these girls are recorded when they’re taking dick.Everyone in the world can appreciate some good...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesIf I had one of those I’d play with it all the time. I’d tease it and I’d pamper it. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for it. I’d use it every way I could think of. It’d be VERY MUCH worth it…I’d show it off. “Hey, look what I’ve got!” I’d use it to tease all the boys. I’d wear really short skirts and the highest high heels, and I’d swing my hips just so, as only a real woman can. I’d spend a lot of time sitting in places where the boys walked by. I might even whistle at them! I’d...
"Jason, baby, I love what you are doing, but I need your cock! I need you to shove that fat, beautiful cock deep in my pussy! Please fuck me, darling, fuck me hard and deep and make me feel every inch of that sweet cock!" she whimpered.Even though I could have kept eating her juicy pussy for hours yet, I stood up, my smiling face smeared with her juices and I pulled her a bit closer to the edge of the desk.The old desk was at just the right height for me–it placed her pussy in the perfect...
MILFAfter what I consider the most beautiful wedding ever, we went on our way to the elevator. We are headed to our suite, the one you have reserved for us. While waiting, you pull me toward you and kiss me gently. Looking at me you say, ‘I love you so much. It makes me incredibly happy that you are finally my wife.’ Those around us see me in my wedding dress and you in your tux, smile and offer us their congratulations. We kiss again in the elevator, as we hold hands, the events of our...