Kenny BurnsChapter 4 free porn video

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Fran and Becky drove down to Stapleton Tuesday evening. I was driving down late on Wednesday. When I got there Pete was home and everyone was waiting on me to eat. The house smelled like there were pies and bread ready for dinner tomorrow.

After we had eaten, Pete announced that Helen and Pattie were coming to visit. Betty seemed okay with it. She came out with, "Kenny, Pete and I have made some decisions about our life going forward. I am going to divorce Pete, and Dad has agreed to let me move in with him until I can find a place to live. I know this may seem wrong, but I feel it is necessary. We have explained to Becky what our situation is and she feels like it is the best we can do, considering how Pete and I feel about each other."

"Just how do you feel about each other?"

"It's complicated. But we are letting it rest for now. Pete and I will continue to hold ownership of the store in both our names. As long as I'm not here to contribute, my portion of the profits will go down from fifty percent to twenty-five percent. Dad will be paying me wages to help him in Clearview. We will continue as equal partners in all things concerning Becky, and that is to see that she gets a good education."

"Will Becky be still staying with Fran and me?"

"Pete and I gave her a choice, and she would like to stay with you for now. Next summer she may move back with Pete and split her time with me. She will take every other weekend with one of us.

"Going forward. Pete is going to see what Cameron is going to do. Helen hasn't heard from him since he left, but she expects he will contact her soon. The two men working for him have been asking whether they still have their jobs or should they look for different employment. Helen can tell you about it when she gets here."

"Hey, you two are getting divorced. You are acting terribly calm about it, how come?"

Betty answered, "I told you it was complicated. Pete and I are down to being good friends. We haven't slept in the same bed for awhile. That came about when I realized he and Helen were more than sex partners. I envy him some, but I can live with it. Me, I caused all of this with Cameron, so there isn't any reason for both of us to be miserable. Now that I'm getting away from Cameron I can get on with my life and find some happiness of my own."

"Are you sure you are over Cameron?"

"If I want Becky's love, I had better be. I'm still a good looking woman. I'll wait awhile and then begin testing the waters for love again. Be assured it will be love I'm looking for, and not just sex. Little brother, you haven't criticized me openly, but I'm sure some part of your mind has. I cringe when I think of it."

"Don't worry about it, Sis. You're my sister and I almost have to love you. You have some uncertainty ahead of you. You can come to Franny and me at any time for help, or even a shoulder to cry on."

"Kenny, thanks, that means a lot."

Helen and Pattie came in. Pattie went right to Beckey, saying. "Hi Sis. How you doin'?" Then both girls laughed. She then addressed Betty saying she was glad to see her. She didn't say anything to Pete, just going to him for a hug. She then kissed him on the cheek. There was definitely love between the father and daughter.

She broke away and spoke, "Aunt Fran and Uncle Kenny, it is so good to see you again. Oh, it smells so wonderful. I'm hungry already. I can't wait until tomorrow."

Pete asked Helen if she had heard from Cameron, "Yes, I have. I've been talking to him all morning. He told me what he wants in the divorce ... Oh, by the way I should get papers from him next week about that. If he keeps to what we agreed today, I'll have them looked at and then sign them.

"It is no big secret, I guess. He wants to sell the new house we were building. He has a buyer lined up, and is someone who has been interested in it since we broke ground. Pete and Betty, you will be getting back what money you have contributed. I'm to get back half the cost that he and I put into it. He is claiming whatever profit above the cost when it is sold. He is sending a release for that." Helen sat back and waited for more questions.

Pete asked, "Is he coming back here at all?"

"He said not for awhile. He will be talking to Pattie once a week. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but he said the only person he loved was Pattie. He also said he didn't have any regrets over the association we four have had together for so many years, but it was time for him to move on. I'm happy it has ended too, and it certainly is time to move on."

Betty volunteered, "I feel the same way. No one is hurt too badly over the breakup."

I was watching Pete. He did didn't say anything, but he did look happy.

Betty again, "What is Cam doing about his business?"

"He offered it to me. I don't know if I want to combine it with my own or not. He'll be taking a lot of the capital out of it. I'd have to use considerable of my own money to replace the working capital so that any good sized trades could go through. I'm really doing quite well the way I am with my own day trading. I'll talk to the men who work for him. Maybe if they would put up some money, I'll consider working it on shares. I'll have an accountant look over how good they are and go from there."

I spoke up. "I could do that for you. Up until two months ago I was the accountant for all three of Philo's stores."

"I'll contact you next week if I decide to go that route."

"Thank you Helen, anything I can do to help."

"Uncle Kenny and Fran, I have permission from my father to ask if I can stay with you until I graduate next spring. I'm close to Mom but she works and Dad isn't here. I need someone to get close to. If I could move in with her, I could really get to know Becky."

I looked at Helen and glanced at Pete. Helen was nodding her head that it was fine with her. Pete looked totally surprised. I realized then that I thought Pattie was referring to Pete as her father, when it was Cameron she meant.

"My father said he would pay whatever you asked. Mom is fine with this too."

"Uncle Kenny, please. Pattie and I promise to help you in the store whenever you can use us."

"Betty, what do you think?"

"It's a good idea; that is if you don't mind?"

"Pete, you must have some say in this?"

"Not really, but you have done great with Becky. I'm sure you will do as well with Pattie. So if it is okay with Cam and Helen, I'm on board. She better not start until after the Christmas break. I can bring Helen up sometime before then to get her switched and find out if she will be in the same classes as Becky." We left it at that.

The girls went up to Becky's room. I talked with Pete telling him how much I expected to sell with the midnight opening of the store for Black Friday. Fran, Betty and Helen, were sitting around the kitchen table talking. I had no idea what they were discussing. When it got time to go to bed, Franny announced that she and I would be spending the night with Helen.

Not much was said on the way to Helen's house. When we got there, she showed us the room we would be sleeping in. I showered and went to bed and was asleep when Fran came to bed. She poked me and wanted to talk, but I was too sleepy to listen. I dragged out the next morning and was drinking coffee when the two left to finish cooking Thanksgiving Dinner at Pete and Betty's.

I arrived there just as my parents were driving in. I hadn't seen my mother for a couple of months. She was happy. "Kenny, I love being back in my home town. I've looked up all my own friends and we have coffee klatches and sometimes we go out to lunch. I'm really enjoying myself.

"You know Betty is going to be staying with us, don't you. She will be working with your father so she won't be interfering with my life. I never in the world thought she would get divorced, but she says that's what she wants. Do you know why?"

"Some of it, but you'll have to get it from Betty or Dad."

"He won't tell me anything."

"Bullshit Mom, You know every bit of what went on and have kept from me."

"Well I don't. I always liked Pete, and Philo says it has something to do with Pete and that harassment thing years and years ago. Oh well, I guess I'll find out someday.

"Mom, that isn't what I've been told." I felt sorry for my mother. I couldn't really say much to my father about hiding this from me all those years, but my mother wasn't going to think I still was in the dark. Maybe I should be mad at Mom instead of my father.

Mom was introduced to Helen and Pattie. I thought she was going to deny she knew who they were. Maybe she had never met them, but after glancing at me, she didn't attempt to. Pattie and Becky were side by side, and were wearing clothes much the same. It was obvious they were related.

"Oh, you look just like Becky." She stopped speaking, not knowing what to say next.

Betty knew what game Mom was playing. "Mom, there is a good reason why they should look alike and don't you pretend otherwise. She is Becky's half-sister. Pete's good friend, Cameron, asked Pete to donate sperm so his wife Helen, could have a baby when he found he couldn't sire one. Pattie is Helen's child and Pattie is something to be thankful for on this day. Now don't go embarrassing anyone by asking more questions."

I spoke to emphasize, "Mom, you'll be seeing Pattie quite often. Plans have been made for her to join Becky while finishing high school and live with Fran and me. Becky is so much fun; Fran and I are looking to have the fun doubled."

Betty spoke up, "Mom, come and help get dinner on the table. Talk to Helen while you are helping. The turkey is ready to come out of the oven and rest. I want pictures and then Dad is going to carve it."

Dad nudged me, "I had no idea what to say."

"Dad, you and I know this is pretty much is all Betty's fault. Some of it is yours, too and I'm thinking Mom was just as involved as you. You didn't let it all play out years ago when Betty was messing around on Pete. You had to keep Pete working for you in the store and you wanted to keep a husband for Betty. I will say I feared Betty was going to lose Becky when she first discovered what her mother was doing. If Becky wasn't as forgiving toward her mother, she might not be here today."

"Kenny, we just tried to keep it from bothering you."

"Well if I had known maybe I could have saved Becky from being so traumatized Saturday night. I suspect Betty has good intentions about changing. There is no doubt in my mind that my sister is a slut, but if she doesn't change some things, you will be having someone just like Cameron visiting Betty when she moves in with you and Mom. She is a pretty woman, but she is a slut and she acts like one."

"That's an awful thing to say about your sister."

"It is isn't it?" I looked Dad right in the eye and he could see I wasn't going to retract my statement. He shook his head and walked into the dining room. The table was arranged perfectly. Soon we were ready to eat. Dad carved the turkey after the pictures were taken of it.

As always, everyone ate too much. It took awhile but I caught Betty watching me.

As the table was being picked up she said, "Kenny, I want to talk to you. I caught some of what you said to Dad. I think you should explain."

"It would be best if I didn't. It isn't any of my business. You are the way you are. You are my sister and I love you. I most likely would say some things that would drive us apart."

"You'd say them to Dad, but not to my face? I think the damage is already done."

"In that case, I'll talk to you. Find us a private place. I'm going to be leaving soon. I want to get home and get a little rest. I'm opening the store at midnight. Fran and Becky are going to help so they will be going with me."

"Come up to my room, we'll talk there." I followed her. Becky had told us that she and Pete had separate beds. It appeared to be so.

"Speak up little brother."

"Sis, I've always been a little bit in awe of you. I've been married for three months now and there is a contrast between you and Fran. That's not bad, but it has made me think about you. I noticed the same contrast between you and Helen the few times I've seen you together."

"Spit it out, Kenny."

"Okay, I've only had a week to think about this. I believe you have been controlled by Cameron for the last eighteen years of so. I think you have a problem with low esteem because of him. Think back to you and Pete in the store all the while we worked together. Pete came up with the idea of furnishing uniforms to prevent the clerks from being too revealing to the public. Everyone wore one except you.

"You wear those low-cut peasant blouses and anyone can see more than half your breasts most of the time. Your lipstick is way too bright. Your skirts are too high and your slacks are too tight. Anyone who sees you gets the impression you are a slut. Up until last weekend I thought it was an act, but I've come to believe you really are.

"My worry is; you say you are going to change, but can you if you continue to look and act like a slut? That's all the type of men you are going to attract if you don't.

"Getting back to why I think your esteem is low, I can understand why. Cameron, a former boy friend showed up after you married Pete. You immediately jumped into bed with him and got caught by your husband. Pete goes out to get even and screws one of the clerks working for him. Dad and Mom step in and the harassment charge goes away. But to keep everyone happy, Dad basically gives your husband to another woman and this assures that you are still under Cameron's control.

"You are now returning to live with your parents when you are nearly forty. You aren't going to want to hang out with them. You'll soon be out looking for excitement and if you don't change, you will attract another man just like Cameron. This from the signals you give off. There, I've said it all."

Betty sat on the edge of the other bed. I was looking at her. Her eyes were cast down and I could see she was mulling over what I had said. "Kenny, I said last weekend I was seeing myself through Becky's eyes when she described me in bed with Cameron. I hated what I saw. I guess I hate what I'm seeing through your eyes too."

"Sis, I do love you."

"Kenny, I love you too. You've giving me a lot to think about. I'm glad you opened up to me. You know the one thing certain in this is; I'll never let Cameron into my life again. I knew all along it was wrong, but I didn't know how to change. This conversation with you has given me the impetus to make more changes." We went down stairs. Franny and Becky were ready to leave. Pattie was going with us. Helen said she would be up to get her on Sunday.

We had both cars here, so Fran rode with me, leaving the two girls in the car behind us. We reached home at six. I set the alarm for nine and I lay down. Fran was going to get me up then and I was going into the store to get ready to open at midnight. She was lying down and I would call and wake her at one. Hopefully we would be busy enough to stay awake until morning when the regular clerks came in. People were lining up by eleven. It looked like I was going to have a good sale.

The two girls had lain down shortly after I did and were sleeping when I left. I decided to call Becky at a quarter to Midnight. "Hey girls, do you want to go to work? It looks like we are going to busy. There must be twenty people at the door already."

"We're up and just leaving the house. Fran is coming with us." Becky had worked the cash register many times and it wasn't long before Pattie was doing almost as well. I had enough clerks to staff all of the departments. Fran was in house wares and I was in the basement where the large lawn and garden equipment was. Most everyone who were buying, knew what they wanted, so I didn't have to do much selling to make a sale. I had the elevator traveling up and down steadily with stock or busy putting reserved stock into layaway in the back.

It slowed down a little after four, but it picked up again before six. Becky went to MacDonalds and got breakfasts for the ten people who had manned the departments and cash registers. My assistant manager came in at seven bringing replacements with him. He and his wife had worked for Dad and I made him my assistant...

He asked how it went, "I'll be ordering about twice as much replacement stock as I expected to. This was a good move being open last night. I told the women to go home. I think Fran got the least sleep of any of us."

I stayed until nine and then I went home for a few hours. I went back to the store at five and closed it at nine. I stayed for an hour tabulating what we had taken in. Tomorrow I would come in and work on ordering more stock to replace my depleted inventory. It looked to be a great Christmas Season.

Helen drove up Sunday morning to get Pattie. Fran and I both liked her. She had been talking to Cameron. He missed Pattie terribly and said he would come to see her soon. It would be here during the Christmas vacation. He planned on winding up most of his affairs in Stapleton at that time. He had put their divorce papers in the mail and Helen would be receiving them Tuesday.

Helen said she wasn't moving in with Pete, but did spend a lot of time with him. They were in love, but were going to give their relationship some time. They were almost positive that they would marry after both divorces were final. Helen was leaning toward taking over Cameron's trading business, with the two former traders now working for her. Pattie wasn't at all interested in her mother's business, but Becky asked innumerable questions about it. Helen promised to lend her books on the subject.

My sister Betty, called and said she was actively looking for a place to live, someplace other than with Mom and Dad. Dad and Mom were telling her what to do and after her every minute because she had decided to divorce Pete. "As if I had a choice? Love has left us and there is no point in staying together any longer. I'm happy for Becky and Pattie that Pete and Helen are meant for each other. We should have done this fifteen years ago after the excitement died down about sleeping with someone other than our spouse."

I urged Becky to visit her mother the first weekend in December. I didn't know it, but she had arranged to have Pattie go with her. Betty called after they left for home and said she had a great time having them with her. They spent the weekend touring apartments and Betty had actually made the decision to rent one. She just had to get away from Mom and Dad.

The following weekend everyone gathered in Stapleton and we helped pack up Betty's things. Pete was generous and allowed her to take from their house what she needed to set up living in her new apartment. Betty was a changed woman already. She had shortened her hair and had some permanent styling done to it. She was dressed more conservatively then I had ever seen her.

I didn't comment, but Betty made sure I noticed. "Kenny, this is the new me. I've taken your observations on my looks to heart and I'll see who I can catch this way. If I can't catch a man like this, I can always go back to being a slut."

"You won't have to do that. I predict by Valentine's Day you will have captured the attention of some nice man."

"Kenny, hope you are right, but I'll give it longer than that."

My sales kept up better than Dad's did last year. He grumbled about it some. Pete had a good year too. Fran and I were getting ready for Pattie moving in during the vacation right after Christmas. The two were together whenever they could be. The day after Christmas, which was a Sunday, both girls were here. Someone punched the doorbell.

I opened the door to find Cameron Peabody standing there. "I called Helen and she said Pattie was here. Helen said she was coming up with Pattie's grades so she can start school next week."

I stuck out my hand. "Come in, Cameron. The girls are asleep on the couch. Fran is in the office working on end of year figures. Would you like a beer or a drink of some kind?"

"No, I'm fine. You don't mind me coming in?"

"Of course not, Pattie missed you for the Christmas festivities. We had Christmas Eve at Pete's and dinner there yesterday. You were missed."

"What about Becky, I'll bet she didn't miss me?"

"Believe it or not, she did for Pattie's sake. She understands Christmas without your father or mother being with you hurts. Betty wasn't with Becky for Christmas Eve so she can relate."

"How is Betty?"

"She is adapting very well. She has a nice new apartment. The family got her moved and Pete gave her what she needed to furnish it."

"I hope Betty isn't expecting anything from me. What we had was getting to be unpleasant."

"Betty is as pleased with the breakup as you appear to be."

"Good, if we meet sometime, we can be sociable. I don't ever want to return to what we had, though."

"I can assure you Betty feels the same way. Come in, we'll wake the girls."

Same as Kenny Burns
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KennyChapter 8

Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. "Let's go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way." Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. "Pardon me miss, may I help you?" "I'm staying with Ken; every time I let him get away bad shit happens." Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows, "I...

2 years ago
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KennyChapter 9

"SHE DID WHAT!!?? Roared Ken. "Relax Ken, it's all under control. The man Walter hired called social services and the police. Belinda is in custody and Mallory is waiting for you to come and get her. I made reservations for us and the limo will be here in an hour. Please calm down, everything is being done that can be." Marta was stalking back and forth the whole time she was talking. Her agitation was evident by the wringing of her hands and her quick steps. This was Monday morning and...

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KennyChapter 10

There was a seat for Mallory on the plane, but it was used for the bag of clothes they had bought for her. Mallory spent the whole flight on either Ken's lap or on Marta's. The little blonde had adopted annie Matta with whole hearted love. The night before Mallory had slept on daddy's chest and when he had to leave the room for any reason she whimpered like a little puppy. Ken was almost as bad, whenever Mallory was not in his lap he was looking at her, making sure she was alright. The...

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KennyChapter 12

"This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies; Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?" Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. "Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor tomorrow....

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KennyChapter 13

"Thank you kind sir," Barb whispered into Ken's chest. "Thank me? I think you have things reversed, I should be thanking you." The two naked lovers were sitting on Barb's couch taking a break. She was curled up on Ken's lap with a blanket wrapped around them. "Maybe I should be thanking the sisters instead?" "Connie told me she let you know about that and I was very upset with her." "Why Ken? Are you ashamed to be sleeping with older women?" "What? No way Barb, I'm upset...

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Kennys Club Initiation

He was 14 years old, out of his mind and way over his head. It was the summer before Kenny was to enter High School as a freshman. He knew he was going to need lots of older, bigger, rougher buddies to help him in this first year in a new school. He’d heard about bullying that went on when Junior and Senior year boys ganged up on kids they thought easy prey. Most boys his age and slight build could expect pants-pulling-down in the school hallways. Or, if unlucky, they might find all their...

4 years ago
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Birthday Erotica

You ever had one of those days? I had received a grade of 53 on one of my papers, (also somehow managing to spell the professors name incorrectly), had a house guest from hell who would not leave, the possibility of getting mono from my roommate, (who had such a bad case that he had to go to the hospital) and had the Head Resident Advisor track me done because said house guest did not leave when they were supposed to, and confirm with me that they were indeed gone. Then, the next day, I...

3 years ago
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Anniversaries Are Special

Anniversaries have always been special to me. It’s a time to look back not only on the day that you are celebrating, but all the days since then. It’s been 20 years since my husband and I were married, but I remember it like it was yesterday. It was right in that church just across the street. We didn’t want a huge wedding, but we did want a fun one, so we elected to fly a few of our closest friends and family to New Orleans and have our wedding during Mardi Gras. What a perfect place for a...

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Pats Hobby

I have one hell of a weird wife. I know, I know, most men will say the same thing, that their wives are weird to some degree, but how many have wives who like to give hand jobs? I don't mean that she likes to give them to me - I mean she likes to give them to just about anybody. She says when she has a guys cock in her hand she feels a sense of power and control that turns her on and I must admit that when we make love following one of her encounters she fucks like a woman possessed. My wife,...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Marilyn Johnson PileDriven Gaping

Freaky backdoor babe Marilyn Johnson teases in skimpy porn-wear, eager for an epic ass reaming. Marilyn fingers her meaty twat and spreads open her sphincter, stretching her sweet holes through a sultry tease. The young blonde lies spread-eagled on the couch, wielding a massive dildo to shamelessly sodomize herself for director Pat Myne. Veteran XXX stud Michael Stefano shares a passionate kiss with Marilyn and then fucks her throat. Messy blowjob action evolves into nasty, hard-ass anal...

3 years ago
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Mr Collins

I barely could stand one more class. I was too anxious. Tonight will be my night. The night when I will finally lose my virginity. Sadly it won’t be with my boyfriend as I don’t have one but with a complete stranger. It sucks a bit, to lose it cheaply like a whore but I decided to do it. I’ve waited too long and I really I’m becoming desperate. “Hi.” Said Laura as she sat down next to me. “Finally! It’s almost the end of the day.” “Sorry. I was…busy.” “Again…” “Sorry.” She was acting a...

2 years ago
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Just a Game Ch 02

‘Dude, you are not on your game tonight.’ ‘Sorry. I never even saw that sniper.’ ‘It’s cool. You’re fortunate enough to be playing with me and I’m good enough for both of us.’ ‘You better keep your ego in check or I’ll shoot you myself.’ ‘Yeah, yeah.’ Gabe tried to focus on the game, but he was having hard time. His eyes kept dropping to the bite mark on his hand where a purple bruise was already appearing behind the teeth marks. Every time he saw it he thought about that beautiful moment...

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A Costume Affair

My husband’s thirtieth birthday was approaching, and it was my job to organize his party. His birthday just happened to be on a Saturday this year, and better it also landed on a Comic Convention. My husband is pretty nerdy despite his strong athletic build and I must confess I am also seriously nerdy despite my sexy curvy body and attractive looks. When I met him, he was so surprised when I told him how into science, fiction, fantasy and even gaming I was. A lot of his friends were shocked and...

4 years ago
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Daughters friend

When my daughter was in her early teens she had lots of friends come over to swimm in our pool. There was one girl Nikki who was very petite and gorgeous looking. Her breasts were just starting to develop and her body taking shape. Nikki was always friendly to me, more than the other girls who came over.I often used to swim in the pool on hot days while she was there. One day while I was in the pool I adjusted my cock so it was pointing up to my navel in my skimpy trunks. I got out of the pool...

2 years ago
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The Little Brother Alternative Part 1

Sophia moaned underneath him, her pussy grinding against his hard cock. Bryce Callahan wanted more though, always more. His finger traced a line from the cleft of her crotch around her hips and came to rest against the rosebud of her asshole. He pushed, applying pressure to the tight entrance while his body never ceased its rhythmic movements into and out of her twenty-one-year-old body. Sophia’s eyes widened, and she made a groan of dismay. Bryce ignored that protest and continued to move his...

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the simpsons0

"Late Night with McBain" and he didn't want to go to school. When he walked downstairs, he noticed a bulge in his pants. He had had these before, but never in the morning, only when he watched those shows on Fox. He arranged his green pajamas so that they covered him adequately, and went downstairs to fake to his mom. When he got downstairs, he saw his father running around because he was yet again late for work. He had just enough time to grab the last donut *Damn* and run out...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Maid

Dear all, As I am a reader of ISS and I love to read the stories and enjoyed most of them. Now I start with my story , I was 35 years old and Nimmi was our first maid servant as she was abused by her husband and she started living with her sister, she was only 23 that time and no children. She does not want to be burden on her sister so she decided to work. As my wife is, teacher and we need domestic help so somehow we come to know about her and as her sister was living very close so we did...

4 years ago
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Ruthie Throws an Orgy Ch 01

For background on this story, see ‘Ruthie Calls on Me’ and ‘We Swank It Up with Pamela’. Ruthie’s ship has come in. Not literally, of course, but she has inherited the fortune her miserly parents stashed away throughout their lifetimes. Both well into their seventies and in poor health already, they contracted pneumonia after trying to reduce expenses by not heating their house during the coldest part of the year, and they died because they refused to spend any money on medical treatment. They...

1 year ago
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Fucking Two Whore At The Time

one fine day I saw a woman who had posted an ad for a masseuse. I applied with my picture and got a call the very next morning. Her name was Sheila. She told me that she wanted “company” and also a good massage. Her husband was out of the country and she was alone at home. I could not go that day because of job constraints, but I made it to her place on a Saturday with all the oils needed for a proper massage. She was a 36-year-old woman with a nice figure. She was a little fat at her hips and...

3 years ago
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My stepdaddys fantasy

I laid down in the sun, while in my bikini, in the backyard. My stepdad came out too, and his eyes went to me. “You are beautiful, Jane,” he let me know. “Thank you, but am I showing off too much?” I wondered. His eyes never departed from me, and he clearly thought it was too much. It was all over his face. No father, or stepfather likes seeing his daughter in a bikini, but it was clear he liked the sight. His brown eyes were starring at me, as he was a blonde, at six foot. "It's sexy, but you...

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Teasing Daddy 2nd And Final Chapter

I grind myself down on him as he thrusts up into me.Candy's hot golden piss gushes into his mouth and he swallows eagerly, his cock seeming to stretch the walls of my cunt to the limit."God you're a fucking horny bitch," he gasps as Candy stands up and turns round to present her gorgeous little bum hole for his tongue.I grip my breasts as I ride him, gripping, squeezing and pulling them, my nipples ache with desire. I lift each one up to my mouth and suck at the deliciously swollen buds.Candy...

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SisLovesMe Vina Sky Skip My Class Take My Ass

Usually Asian students do pretty well in school, and Vina Sky is no exception. She has a reputation for always making top grades. But today she finds herself in trouble. She decided to skip class and now she does not understand any of her homework. Lucky for her, her stepbro is a certified brainiac. He is great at math and shows her how to do the work she is getting stuck on. But before he hands over the homework, he tells Vina that she has to help him with something. He needs to get his rocks...

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Mme Moreau

Sythmour High School is located in an upscale Texas suburb. Student enrollment is just under sixteen hundred and over ninety percent of their graduates go on to college. Troy Flynn was headed to Notre Dame on a football scholarship. He was Sythmour's star quarterback. Mrs. Moreau was his French teacher.Mrs. Moreau had finished her fourth year of teaching at Sythmour following graduation from Smith College in Massachusetts. Her students call her Mme. Moreau. She married her high school...

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There is Always Mother

NINA'S SURPRISE VISITORNina had kicked off her shoes and made herself a martini. She had been out shopping all day and she had the house to herself. Her daughter Suzie was gone for the weekend with some girlfriends. Nina wondered if any of Suzie's friends fooled around with girls and whether Suzie would have the opportunity to experience another lesbian encounter. She had just flopped on the couch looking forward to some relaxing time with her drink when she heard the doorbell."Shit, who could...

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Doctors Visit

This again is a true story.My boyfriend had just gone back to Florida and I went to the doctor's office for a check up. Unfortunately, my regular doctor was not on duty so I went to see the doctor on duty.During my check up, she wanted to check my pussy (which I found strange and having had lots of sex recently, I was a bit hesitant). Anyway, I agreed since I was already at the doctor's office and was asked to go behind the screen, remove my clothes and lay on the examination table.She came...

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City Girl 4

Chapter 4 - The Basement The party meandered on until 10.30, when people started to make their "goodbyes" and I found some people who were leaving, I had not met during the evening. Some of Cindy's friends, Sylvia and her partner,the owners of a model agency; Martha, who had a catering business and had provided all the evening's food; Jesse, another boutique owner and a few more. I greeted some of them as they left and said I was sure Cindy would tell me more about them...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Move From Asha

This happened a four months ago. We have one manufacturing at Nagpur. As I am the head for India and as part of employee engagement we used to have our family day function at each location. I had requested my assistant Asha to go to Nagpur and help the team a week before so that we have 100% participation from employees and their family. While discussing this I got a call from Nagpur factory that employee involvement is not at all there and that he is confused. Local HR is busy with day to day...

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Teenager First Experience

It was the last day of our school and the farewell party is going on with lot of emotions…  We are about to leave which is when I saw a girl at the gate waiting on her bike.. She’s damn cute and then in no time found she was elder sister (Harini) of a junior of mine… It was the first day of my college and realized me and Harini are going to be in the same class..  I said hi to which she reluctantly smiled at me as many are already staring at her… Let me tell you all how Harini looked..  She was...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 6

The dream was fuzzy, like looking thru a misty morning haze. I stood at the foot of my bed and watched my sister, Peggy and Lilly sit up, each of them eyeing me guardedly. 'Ike, what's going on?' Lilly asked me. I stood there unmoving, simply watching. 'Ike, honey? Say something, please?' Peggy begged me. I couldn't speak. I wanted to, very badly, but I couldn't make my mouth open. I wanted to tell them that everything was fine and that I loved them, even though I knew nothing was...

1 year ago
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Surprising my wife and daughter3

On my plate that evening, when I came in from the grill with the chicken, was a little blue pill.  Heather just smiled at me and said, “Consider it an appetizer for us all!”  I was not certain where it came from since I did not have a prescription, but after the afternoon, I was glad to have some assistance for what I anticipated. I went to the bath to wash up and rinse off some of the smoke real quickly and met Alex as she was just stepping out of the shower.  Prior to that afternoon I would...

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The Unexpected VisitorChapter 5 Batteries and Blushes

"But I put my faith in tomorrow I believe we're not alone I believe in Beatles I believe my little soul has grown And I'm still so afraid Yes, I'm still so afraid" - Afraid (David Bowie) As we were heading home from the Exhibition, we were both in a great mood but there was something bothering Sandra. I knew what it was as I felt it too. We had left Jessica all alone in the apartment while we were out having fun. As we were almost home, I remember my promise to Jessica and told...

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Padosan Bhabhi Ko Madhosh Kiya

Hello everyone..Mera naam sumit hai aur main deli ka rehnewala hu..Seedha kahani par aate hain..Ye mere aur mere pados wali bhabhi ke baare main hai jo ki bahut hi sunder hain..Unka figure 36-34-36 hoga..Boobs toh pakka 36 hain kyunki maine kai baar unke bra dekhi hai par gaand ka andaaz laga raha hun .. Ek dum gora rang .. Haseen aankhein aur soft si skin. Bhabhi aksar saari main hi hua karti thin aur unke cleavage kaaf deep dikhta tha unke blouse se..Mujhe nahn pata tha ki bhabhi bhi sex ki...

1 year ago
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My Motherrsquos Friend III 3rd Timersquos The Charm

The next day (she’d said to come back tomorrow) didn’t happen, nor did it happen the day after that. The weekend came with no opportunities for Deb and I to get together. I was pent up and frustrated and my cock was sore from beating off. The weekend was busy, so that took my mind off of Deb for a little bit, but at night I’d lay there thinking about her. This was well before the Internet revolution, so the only affordable porn I had access to was from the bargain section at the XXX...

2 years ago
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In Retrospect It Was a Fun Date

She couldn’t move.That wasn’t exactly true. With some effort, she could wiggle her wrists and ankles, but she had to be careful to stay balanced on her five-inch heels. She could also sway her hips from side to side. Her head was barely mobile. She could look either left or right, but lifting her head was impossible. She also couldn’t straighten up. She was bent over a well-padded sawhorse. Around her neck was a leather collar, which had a chain attached to it. The chain connected to an...

4 years ago
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The Count and the Bride

I let the cool water of the shower cascade down my rock-hard body after a gruelling workout in the gym. My muscles were tired, but I felt pumped up and ready to take on the world as another unemployed artist in one of the East Coast cities.I was proud of my 6’2” athletic physique, my 18” biceps, my six-pack abs, my glutei – buttocks – but most of all, my thick nine-inch cock. My hairless tanned and unblemished skin, my long blond hair and blue eyes had many women swoon over me but got me...

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Dream Come True With Naresh

Hi ISS Readers, this is Harish from Chennai. I am 24 yrs, 5.6′ height, 8′ inch tool, handsome and having six packs which helps me for sex encounter with my neighbors, girls and with my friends. I belong to Kerala and I am working in Chennai. I live here in a rented house. I am a biggest fan of ISS. Now I’m going to narrate one of my experiences with my colleague named Naresh. That was the time he joined our office. He is black, well built guy and his face looks very cute. I was always...

Gay Male
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The More the BetterChapter 3

There. I said it. I made an offer of sex to my brother. Okay, maybe that's not your thing but I don't intend to settle down with him and raise a houseful of kids. I just want a fuck and he's right here, right here in the same house, even in the next room. Think of the possibilities. "We'd have to keep it a secret. We're not supposed to do stuff like that." "No shit, Danny. Of course. We won't tell our parents we're fucking each other. That seems pretty obvious. Does this help?" I...

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MC125 Ch 12

Chapter 12 Samantha shut the door to her house and collapsed on it. The emergency board meeting was exhausting. A day trader had dumped nearly a third of their competitor’s, GenenCorp, stock and the biotech market was in an upheaval. ‘Idiot,’ Samantha grumbled. GenenCorp itself took a major dive, much to Samantha’s delight, but everyone else was affected as well because of the uncertainty it caused. Some investors thought it was the beginning of a trend so they pulled out. Others immediately...

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