Throat Training Gay free porn video

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I've got something here that you need to take care of." I lifted my head and looked over my shoulder at Sven sitting back on his haunches behind me. My eyes immediately zeroed in on his massive cock, now fully erect and bobbing menacingly as it pointed up at about a 45 degree angle from his muscular body. I could see a long strand of pre-cum drooling from the tip all the way down to the sheets. I could feel myself salivating with need already and my tongue ran out and ran around my lips u*********sly. I pushed myself up to my hands and knees and started to move hypnotically towards that gorgeous throbbing 11" cock of his.

"That's my good boy, I've got a couple more good loads for you before I'm done with you tonight." I felt a shudder of desire go through me as I wondered how he was going to use me next. With my eyes magnetically drawn to that glistening web of silky precum dangling before me, I extended my tongue as I got closer and closer...

"Easy there, k**," Sven said with a warning tone to his voice, just as I was about to stick my tongue into that drooling strand of seed. After he'd brought me to a screeching orgasm by massaging my prostate with his thumb, I'd turned over to see his long majestic cock drooling pre-cum; badly in need of my sucking lips. I looked up at him imploringly, anxious to get more of his succulent cum into my mouth. "Just flip over and lie down on your back, I feel like doing a little face-painting." I'd never heard that expression before, but I figured it out pretty quick. I rolled over onto my back and moved down a little bit until my head was positioned between his spread knees, my face right below that distending strand of silky pre-cum.

"That's it, perfect," he said softly as he reached into the jar of Vaseline and scooped up a generous handful. I watched him wrap his big mitt around that thrusting long cock of his and start stroking it. The warm slick corridor of his hand soon had that tremendous cock glistening with a shimmering coating of the slippery gel. As he stroked that beautiful hard cock, he moved it around so the silky strand of pre-cum was drizzling all over my face.

"Mmmmmm," I mewed in pleasure as the soft warm fluid started to cover my face.

"You like that, eh k**?" he asked as he continued to pump out a continuous flow of the silky goo all over me.

"Oh gosh, yes. I love it," I said softly as I looked up at that shimmering web connecting the enflamed tip of his cock to my face.

"Yeah, I can see that," he said as he started to stroke more vigorously at his throbbing erection. "Would you like a little more?"

"Oh yes, please," I said as I watched his hand move more rapidly along the glistening shaft of his rigid erection.

"Yeah, I think it's time to give that pretty little face of yours a full paint job," he said as he raised himself off his haunches onto his knees and pointed the tip of his enflamed cock downwards. I looked up at the drooling pre-cum oozing from the gaping red eye down onto my face and eagerly licked my lips in anticipation of what I knew was going to happen. His hand had taken on a smooth insistent motion and I could see from the engorged red crown that he was ready to shoot.

"OH FUCK k**......HERE YOU GO," he said with a groan and then I watched a milky-white gob fill the end of his piss-slit for just a split second before the first thick ropey strand jettisoned forth. It almost felt painful as it smashed forcefully into my cheek and spread out over my skin.

"Yes," I said with a little hiss as the second rope shot forward as he directed it over my nose and onto my other cheek. I could feel the warm masculine fluid clinging comfortingly to my skin as he continued to unload all over my face. A large gob filled up one eye socket as I instinctively closed my eye. Through the other eye, I watched as he moved the spitting knob of his cock all around my face. I felt the silky fluid continue to rain down upon me as he absolutely flooded my young skin with his warm creamy semen. His stroking hand moved the ejaculating knob all around as he continued to deposit his milky seed over as much of my face as he could.

"Oh yeah, I think you got it all," he finally said as I watched through my one good eye as he took a last slow firm stroke from the base all the way to the tip and flicked the last drop down onto my lips. "Stay just like that, k**; I want to take a couple of pictures of this." I lay still with the comforting feeling of his thick cum coating my face. There was so much, I could literally feel the weight of it. I loved the feeling of his milky semen upon my skin, it made me feel so special that Sven had chosen me to do this to.

As I lay there blissfully relishing in contentment, I watched as he reached into the bucket of warm water, pulled out the facecloth and cleaned the Vaseline off both his cock and his hands. He then grabbed a digital camera from his desk and leaned over me. As he turned on his camera and looked down at me, I could feel a couple of strands of his pearly seed start to run down the sides of my face into my hair and down my chin onto my neck.

"CLICK!.....CLICK!" I listened to the sounds of the camera as he moved all around my prone form and took picture after picture. He stood on the bed with his feet on either side of me and took some pictures like that before dropping back to his knees and moving in for some real close-ups.

"Yeah, my friend Hugh is gonna like these," he said as he straddled my chest and let his thick flaccid cock rest on my lips. "And just a couple more to show him who's cock is responsible for this masterpiece.....or should I say masturbation piece." He took another five or six shots with his cock lying on my face and then set the camera down on the bedside table.

"You look really good like that, k**," he said as he sat on the bed beside me and looked down at his handiwork. I watched through my one good eye as he reached forward with his big hand and started sliding his fingers through the thick goo covering my face. "Yeah, it looks like I covered most of it, let's just make sure we get this good stuff everywhere for you." I felt his fingers slide into my overflowing eye-socket and scoop up the heavy gob he'd deposited there. It felt absolutely luxurious as he took his cum-coated fingers and started to spread the silky cream all around my face. I felt his fingers run over my forehead and slide through the slippery cum as he covered every last square inch that he hadn't covered with his initial blast. I was able to open my second eye now and watched him look down at me approvingly as his fingers slid all around my cheeks, nose, chin, lips, hairline......absolutely everywhere as he smoothed the warm silky cream all over my face.

"Who's Hugh?" I asked as he removed his hand from my glistening face. I stumbled over the words and it almost sounded like I'd said his name twice in a row.

"Who's Hugh?" he repeated with a big smile on his face. "Say that three times fast." We both chuckled when he said that after my bumbling attempt to ask who he was. "Hugh's friend of mine from the marines. We haven't seen each other in a while but stay in touch via e-mail. Yeah.....Hugh's gonna enjoy seeing those pictures of your pretty little face with my cum all over it. Maybe you and I'll pay old Hugh a visit sometime. I think you'll like him." He paused for a second as he turned off his camera and put it back on his desk.

"We can talk more about that later," he said as he got back up onto his knees beside me. I looked at that majestic cock hanging heavily down towards me as his big rugged body loomed over me. "We'll just leave all that cum on your face for awhile and let it soak in. Right now, I want to feel that little tongue of yours working on my ass." He lifted his leg and swung it over my cum-covered face until he was straddling me, his body facing away from me, the succulent globes of his big round ass-cheeks right over my face. I knew what was expected of me and I extended my tongue as far out of my mouth as I could. He lowered himself down until my tongue slid right into his deep dark crack.

"Mmmmm," I let out a little moan of contentment as he gently sat right down on my face, not hard enough to hurt me, but just enough to let me know that he was in control of the situation and I was his to do with as he pleased. As he rolled his wide hips slightly, I feathered my tongue right up into his moist masculine crevice.

"Yeah, that's it," he said as he started to slide his hips back and forth as the tip of my tongue caressed the hot moist flesh deep between his big round cheeks. I loved the intensely masculine flavor of him. It wasn't dirty at all, just the clean hot taste of this big man's rugged body. With his hips rocking slowly forwards and backwards, I took long loving swipes all along the full length of his hot hidden groove. For the next few minutes, I swabbed that deep hot crack as he continued to slide it back and forth along my protruding tongue. The gobs of cum that he'd deposited on my face were rubbing off on his own flesh as he rolled his bum around on my face. My searching tongue was quick to lap up the sticky warm semen off his skin. Finally satisfied with my efforts, he stopped with the tip of my tongue poised against his tight pink pucker.

"Now, let me feel that tongue of yours work on my hole," he said as he wriggled his bum downwards. With his rugged body covering my face, I slowly licked the tip of my tongue teasingly around his wrinkled bum-hole. It felt sinfully wicked to be licking at his most private area, but I loved it. I licked at the hot flesh surrounding his tight pink hole and then brought my lips up and sucked at the hot opening as my lips adhered around it in a wet searing kiss.

"You like that, eh k**?" he asked as he rolled his hips against my pursed lips.

"Mmmhhhmmm," I purred in response as I pressed the pointed tip of my tongue right against his pink rosebud. Intent on getting it as deep inside him as I could; I wormed my tongue upwards against his constricted sphincter. I felt his body relax and all of sudden, my tongue made headway as it slid into him. As my tongue was enveloped by his tight gripping hole, I could feel how incredibly hot and moist the membranes lining his chute were.

"Oh yeah, that's the way," he said with a sigh as he settled right down on my probing tongue. I thrust it even further upwards until I felt the tight ring of his anus closing down around the base of my tongue. With it buried inside him, I swirled it around in slow agonizing circles as I tried to bring him as much pleasure as I could.

"Oh Jesus, that's good," he groaned as he rolled his bum down against my circling tongue. I reached up with my hands and grabbed the sides of his hips and tried to pull him even harder against my face as I continued the slow pleasuring torture as my hot little tongue serviced his succulent hole.

For the next half hour or so, he rode my face as I continued to slavishly worship his ass by licking, sucking and probing deep inside his hot moist hole. He'd occasionally lift himself off my thrusting tongue and then instruct me to take those long wet swipes along the full length of his crack; and then when he'd have enough of that, he'd sit right back down and let me slip my tongue deep inside him again. It was incredibly hot and sweaty beneath him, but I loved every minute of it. Finally, I felt him swing his leg across my body as he lifted himself off me; and as he did, the cool air bathed my glistening face refreshingly. I looked up at his big rugged body looming over me and could see that his cock had once again come back to full erection, the enflamed head dripping pre-cum onto the sheets next to me.

"You look a little bit worn out there, k**," he said as he looked down at me with a wanton leer on his face, "maybe you'd enjoy a nice deep massage." I could only think how good it would feel to have his big manly hands on my body.

"Sure," I replied excitedly, "if you think so, sir."

"Yeah, I think a nice deep larynx massage would make us both feel a hell of a lot better," he said as he reached over and grabbed a pillow. He had mentioned that term before and I still wasn't sure what he meant. I seemed to remember from health class that the larynx was a fancy name for your windpipe.

"Wh....what do you need me to do, sir?" I asked as he brought the pillow towards me.

"Just lift your head up.....that's it. I'm just gonna slide this pillow under your shoulders. Good....good. Now just let your head hang back over the pillow. Good boy.....that's perfect. Now your neck is stretched out in a nice straight line....perfect for being massaged." It felt kind of funny to be lying there with my head tipped so far back, but I could feel what he meant. With my head in this position, my neck was in long smooth line with the rest of my body. Kind of looking at him upside down, I saw Sven move behind my head and I looked up at that magnificent erection of his poised mere inches above my face, a glistening strand of pre-cum falling onto my upturned chin.

"Yeah, that's real nice," he said as he reached forward and I felt his calloused fingertips slide over the smooth skin of my neck. It felt so comforting as I lay there peacefully while he traced his fingers tenderly back and forth along my neck, from my jaw-line, all the way down to my shoulders.

"That's a beautiful neck you've got there, k**," he said and I was thrilled by his words of praise; his two big hands warmly caressing my neck. "Now it's time to give that larynx of yours the nice deep massage that it deserves. Just relax your jaw and let your mouth hang open as far it can." I saw him raise himself up onto his knees behind me and realized he was going to stick his thick rigid cock down my throat. A shudder of fear went through me but I was also placing my faith in Sven. He had said he would never do anything to hurt me, and I believed him to the depths of my very soul. I knew he wanted to do this and I hoped I would be able to please him. I was more worried about possibly disappointing and upsetting him by not being able to do it than about own discomfort.

"Uh.....I.....I," I stammered as I looked up at him as he started to press down on the top of his stallion-like cock.

"What is it, k**?"

"I....I'm just afraid I won't be able to this the way you want me to. If I do it wrong, I...I don't mean to," I said with a sincere note of trepidation in my voice.

"You'll be fine, k**," he said with that warm calming tone in his voice again. "Just relax when I tell you to, and I promise you, this is another thing you're gonna end up loving. I can tell, you were made for this sort of thing." Once again, his soothing words made a world of difference. I could feel the initial anxiety seem to just wash out of my body and I looked up at his big masculine body longingly.

"Okay, I think I'm ready," I said as I eagerly opened my mouth as far as I could get it. As my lips stretched open, I could feel traces of his drying cum still clinging to my face from when he'd pasted his load all over it earlier. It still felt warm and gooey; I loved it.

"Now put your mouth into a pretty little "O" for me like you did earlier." I pursed my soft full lips into the shape he'd asked for and looked up at him anxiously.

"Oh yeah, that mouth of yours is the sweetest target I've seen in a long time," he said as he pushed down on his long stiff cock until the engorged tip was pointing right at my open mouth. "Now, let's just get you used to the head again." He leaned forwards and slipped the broad crimson crown right into my mouth. Once the whole knob was inside my mouth, I instinctively closed my lips around it and felt it rub against my tongue. It felt different since with my head in this position, my tongue was pressed against the top of his cock instead of the underside. He hunched slowly back and forth an inch or so at a time as I worked up a mouthful of saliva and used my tongue to completely bathe the big red knob with my spit.

"That's it, get it good and wet. It'll slide right down easier that way," he said as he leaned forward a little bit more so the tip of his cock was pressing against the soft sensitive tissues at the opening to my throat. With my lips stretched wide open and clamped tightly around his velvety-smooth shaft, he held still with the hot flared crown poised right against the tender membranes.

"You're doin' great, k**," he said softly. "Now I'm gonna start to loosen up that throat of yours. I'll just take it nice and easy. Now, take a nice deep breath and as you let it out slowly, really concentrate on relaxing the muscles in your throat. Okay?" He looked down at me and I could see a look of pure wanton lust in his piercing blue eyes. Barely able to move my head, I simply hummed in agreement against his rock-hard manhood.

He backed off just a fraction and I breathed deeply through my nose. I then let it out slowly and tried to concentrate on relaxing my throat. He leaned forward and I felt the wide flared head start to press against the virginal opening of my throat. I tried to relax and felt his cock start to move inwards.

"Uuunggghhh," my instinctive gag reflex took over and my throat closed and automatically expelled the intruder. He backed off entirely and pulled his cock right out of my mouth, a glistening web of my spit connecting his engorged cock-head to my lips. I coughed and sputtered for a second before composing myself.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry!" I apologized profusely; thoroughly embarrassed at my behavior.

"That's okay, k**," he said with a note of calm understanding in his voice. As I looked up at him, I could see that although he was trying to make me calm and relaxed, the intense look of lustful urgency on has face was readily apparent. I could see that he really wanted my throat....badly. "Now let's just try that again." He pushed down on the top of his cock until the spit-covered knob slid easily back between my lips. He leaned forwards until he was once again poised at the entrance to my throat.

"Okay, now really concentrate on relaxing that pretty little throat of yours as much as you can. You do want to make me happy, don't you?" I nodded in agreement and took a slow deep breath. "Good," he said as I started to let it out. "One......two......three...." On three, he started to press it against the opening to my throat once more. I willed myself to relax and when I felt the initial twitch of my instinctive reflex, I suppressed it and felt him start to slide further inwards.

"Oh yeah, that's it," his soothing voice said from above me as I felt my throat stretching to accommodate his hard thick cock. He slowly moved forward until I felt the hard thick ridge of his corona pop right into my throat. He stopped for a few seconds and let me get accustomed to the amazing feel of that massive knob filling my throat. For some reason, I instinctively swallowed and I could feel the massaging tremors course through my throat right into the silky smooth membranes of his cock-head.

"Oh fuck, that's beautiful," he said with a groan and then I felt him withdraw. He moved back until the huge knob was back in the warm moist confines of my sucking mouth.

"You did it, k**!" he said with a huge smile on his face. I could hear the sincerity of praise ringing in his voice as he looked down at my full pouting lips wrapped snugly around his gorgeous manhood.

"That was absolutely fantastic, just like I thought it would be." As I listened to him speak, a proud feeling of accomplishment came over me. As he looked down at me with a big smile on his face, I could feel myself welling up with emotion under his kind words. "Do you think you'd like to see if you can take more?" Once again, I could see the wickedly sinful look of desire in his eyes and I knew I was willing to do anything this beautiful man asked me to do.

"Mmmmhhhmmm," I hummed in agreement against his rigid cock once more.

"Good," he said as he leaned forwards once more. "Yeah, keep your head way back like that.....that's it....keep that neck nice and breathe nice and easy....just relax...relax......" His soft lilting voice helped me to control my instincts once more and his broad flared crown seemed to slip into my throat easier this time. He pressed forward and I felt that tremendous knob stretching and filling the opening of my throat until I felt the ropelike ridge slip in again.

"Oh yeah, that's just relax....just gonna feed you a little more....." he said softly as he slowly but insistently moved further into me. I could feel my throat stretching more and more as the huge knob slid deeply into me. The feeling was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. It felt incredibly hot as it moved further into me, so hard and yet so velvety soft at the same time. I was totally under this man's control and my throat had become a willing receptacle for his lust-driven needs. As inch by hard rigid inch went deeper and deeper into me, I felt more and more enraptured by this big rugged man as he took full control over my body. I knew deep in my heart, this is what I was meant to do, to serve a man like Sven.

He stopped moving forward and then quickly withdrew until his cock-head had once more cleared the opening to my throat. I breathed deeply through my nose and felt the wonderful sensation of the fresh cool air entering my lungs and bathing the raw lining of my throat.

"That was great, k**. You're doing fantastic. You've only got about three or four more inches to go." He paused as he looked down at my upturned face and I could see the intense look of arousal on his face. I knew I'd do anything I could to please him. "How about we see if you can take the rest?"

"Mmmhhhmmm," I quickly hummed in agreement against the huge knob filling my mouth.

"Good." He leaned forwards and supported himself on his strong muscular arms as he placed his hands on each side of my body in a push-up type position. "Now let's see if we can get this all the way into you," he said as he started to flex his hips forward. I took a quick breath just before the huge knob pressed against the soft tender membranes at the back of my mouth and then slid into the opening of my throat. I felt my windpipe stretch to accommodate that invading monster and then luxuriated in the strange full feeling I was getting as he drove it further into me.

"This is about where we were last time," he said as he stopped with about two-thirds of his cock inside me. "Let's see if we can bury these last few inches." He slowly started to flex forward and I felt the sweet warm friction on my tightly stretched lips as he insistently drove the remaining inches of his rigid cock into me.

"Oh fuck, yeah," he said with a low groan as I felt the deepest part of my throat stretch and stretch as his massive engorged knob went deeper and deeper. He drove it slowly into me until I felt his groin press up against my face and the soft silky skin of his sack came to rest against my eyes. I had done it! I had his whole 11" cock filling my throat! A tremendous feeling of accomplishment washed over me as I knew that this was what Sven wanted from me. I felt so needed and wanted that I was almost overwhelmed with emotion as he pressed his muscular shaven groin flush up against my face.

"Jesus, k**, you've got it all," he said and I could hear the pleased feeling of satisfaction in his voice. He started to slowly draw backwards and I felt the thrilling sensation of his thick rope-like corona rubbing against the tender tissues lining my throat. "Now, I'm just gonna slip it slowly all the way in and out a few times. I want you to concentrate on getting your breathing in rhythm as it goes back and forth, okay?"

"Mmmmhhhmm," I hummed in agreement again as his cock temporarily cleared the opening to my windpipe.

"Good, now breathe in.....that's it....oh fuck....your throat is so fucking hot and tight," he said with a sigh as he slid his cock slowly all the way in to the hilt again. It felt amazing to have his whole big body pressing down on my little one while all 11" of his rock-hard cock was snugly enveloped within my gripping throat. Once he touched bottom, he slowly withdrew until I could take another breath. As soon as he heard me inhale, he flexed his hips forward again. I found that now I was able to suppress my gag reflex easily and after a couple more leisurely strokes, I was able to breathe in unison with his fucking motion.

"Oh yeah, now you've got it," he said as he raised himself up on his strong arms and looked down at his cock buried all the way into my sweating face. He rolled his hips slightly and I felt his stiff cock absolutely filling my soft tender throat.

"Swallow," he said firmly as he held still with his cock all the way inside me. I swallowed as best as I could and felt the massaging ripples of my throat muscles sending delightful tremors along the full length of his buried cock. "Oh fuck......that's amazing. Do it again." I swallowed again and as he basked in the stimulating sensations flowing from my throat into his beautiful cock, I reached up and put my hands on his round firm bum. I pulled him down harder against my face; letting him know that my throat was his to do with as he pleased. Knowing I was pleasing him also increased my own level of desire; and as I concentrated on the delicious full feeling that his long hard cock was making in my throat, I felt my own cock quickly coming back to full erection.

"Oh fuck.....can't get enough, eh k**?" he said as he looked down at my stiffening cock. At the same time my cock was getting harder, my hands continued to pull him down as I tried to get every last millimeter of his cock-shaft into my mouth. As he ground his crotch right down against me, I felt my cock surge and could feel a sluggish drop of pre-cum ooze from the tip and start to slide down the shaft. As my cock throbbed and stiffened with need, I felt like I was in heaven. My lips were adhered to the velvety soft skin of his gnarled shaft and my throat was totally packed with his 11" of rock-hard cock. I had quickly taken to having his cock stretching my virginal throat already and wanted more. I hoped this would be the first time of many that I'd be able to pleasure him this way.

"Well, since you like it so much, let's just give that throat of yours a little workout." I felt him adjust himself back into his push-up position at the same time as he started to flex his hips backwards. As his cock cleared my throat, I took a quick gulp of air just before he flexed forwards and thrust his rigid cock forcefully into me.

"Mmmmmm," I purred with satisfaction as I felt that huge cock start to plunder my needy throat. As soon as his balls slapped up against my forehead, he quickly withdrew and then thrust it into me again. I was moaning and purring constantly now as he vigorously started to really fuck my throat. He was really punching it into me now as his hips got into a fast jack-hammering rhythm as he slid the full length of his cock in and out of my throat. I kept gripping his bum and could feel the delightful tensing of his muscular glutes as he slammed his steel-hard erection into me.

"Oh fuck, k**, that throat of yours is incredible," he said as he stopped with it buried all the way inside me and then repeatedly punched the last inch or two back and forth.

"Mmmmmm," I mewed against the velvety smooth shaft as I felt my cock start to get that tingly feeling again. Geez....I couldn't believe how aroused I was becoming by being impaled on his long hard cock.

"You want it good and hard, k**?" he asked as he lifted himself up slightly and looked down at me; rolling his hips teasingly with his cock buried full length inside me

"Mmmhhhmm," I moaned against his cock and swallowed enthusiastically to let him know that was how I wanted it.

"Good, that's the way I hoped you'd like it," he said as he turned himself back forwards and adjusted himself in that push-up position again. He slowly withdrew until the massive knob was once more just pressing against the soft membranes at the opening to my throat.

"" he was bumping the broad flared head against the opening to my throat with each number. "THREE!" On three he powerfully flexed his hips forward and slammed the full length of that incredible hard cock all the way into me.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM," I let out a low groan of pleasure against his driving cock as I felt it fill my throat deliciously. His hips were pistoning back and forth as he powerfully fucked his rigid erection in and out of the very depths of my throat. He was vigorously long-dicking me by taking full length strokes as he pulled his engorged knob back into my mouth and then powering it all the way down until his groin was pressed flush up against my face. His big swollen balls kept slapping up against my flushed face as he continued to fuck my throat hard and deep; and I was loving every sweaty second of it. As he continued to drive it into me, I felt another pulse in my cock and knew I was close to another orgasm already. With his weapon-like cock stretching my full pouting lips almost to the breaking point, I felt his shaft get just a little bit stiffer and his balls draw up in their protective sack. I knew he was about to cum.

"OH FUCK, k**......HERE IT COMES!" he said loudly as he quickly flexed his hips backward until his enflamed knob cleared my throat. I clamped my lips down behind the ridge-like corona just as the first thick rope jettisoned forth into my mouth. A massive gush of his warm semen filled my mouth as he started to unload. I gulped and felt the smooth silky fluid glide down my throat as gob after gob of his milky cream flooded my watering mouth. I felt little rivulets of his precious seed leak out the corners of my mouth and trickle down my cheeks. Another forceful blast pasted itself right against the opening to my throat and that was all it took.

"MMMMMMHHHHHH," I let out a high-pitched squeal against his spitting cock as I felt the exhilarating feeling of my own orgasm wash over me. I felt my cock pulsate and twitch and then my lower body was spasming and convulsing with pleasure as my cock spat out a long silvery ribbon of cum. I felt it splash down upon my chest and stomach as I continued to shoot off at the same time Sven was flooding my mouth. My cock shot four or five times but Sven just kept going as he unloaded wad after thick creamy wad of his potent semen into my sucking mouth. My whole body was thrumming like a plucked guitar string as the toe-curling sensations of my orgasm coursed through me. I felt the last shivering shudder wash over me and then I just lay there peacefully sucking as his cock deposited the final few wads of his luscious cream into my mouth.

"Oh fuck, I guess you liked that just as much as I did. I knew you'd want me to cum in your mouth and not waste it by shooting it right into your stomach," he said as he reached down and rubbed my own cum into the skin of my hairless chest. "You still got some cum in your mouth, k**?"

"Mmmmmhhhmmm," I mewed softly like a kitten with saucer of warm cream.

"Let me help put that where it belongs," he said as he leaned forward and started to push his still hard cock back into my throat. Using his cock like a snowplow, he pushed the warm pool of cum in my mouth right down my throat towards my waiting stomach. He took about three or four full length strokes and then lifted himself totally off me, his dripping cock hovering over my gasping mouth.

"You did great, k**," he said as he reached down and used both hands to spread some of his overflowing cum from my cheeks down to my strained neck. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna be making good use of that sweet throat of yours a lot from now on." It felt wonderful to lay there in post-orgasmic bliss while Sven smoothed his silky cum into my supple skin with his big manly hands.

"How's your throat? A little sore?" he asked as he continued to stroke my tender neck.

"'s okay," I said quickly to let him know I was alright. It did feel a little raw from the fierce fucking he'd just given it, but I wanted him to know I was willing to do it again right now, if he wanted.

"Good," he said as he crawled up towards the head of the bed and pushed my little body to the side. He arranged the pile of pillows against the headboard and then sat back against the headboard and drew his legs up. "I want one more slow leisurely blow-job before I'm done with you tonight. Now get where you belong." His voice had that firm yet comforting tone to it that I had come to love so much already. I quickly rolled over and scrambled onto my belly and moved between his spread thighs as I eagerly obeyed his command. His cock had barely lost any of its hardness and I reached forward and circled my hand around it and drew the dripping head down towards my waiting lips.

"Mmmmmmm," I purred with contentment as I felt the now familiar big mushroom head slip between my lips.

"That's it, just take your time and worship that cock," he said as I watched him settle back in against the stacked up pillows. I slavishly serviced that gorgeous cock of his for the next hour or so. He told me exactly how he wanted me to suck it and I followed his directions implicitly. A few times I could tell I had him right on the edge of orgasm; then he would instruct me to stop for a minute or so as he composed himself and suppressed the urge to cum. He had me work on his cock ever so slowly and I was shivering in anticipation of the massive load of cum he was priming for me. He had me kiss, lick and suck every square of his groin and hot pink hole until I was almost crying out with need for his cum. As he stopped me from taking him over the edge one more time, I let out a little squeal of anguish at being denied his creamy semen.

"Jesus, k**, you want it bad, don't you?" he said with a teasing smile on his face as he rolled his hips so his cock stirred all around inside my sucking mouth.

"Mmmmhhhmmm," I moaned into his rigid beautiful cock as I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Okay, I think you deserve one more big load of medicine to help you sleep tonight," he said as he took my head in his big hands and started to pump it up and down on his throbbing erection. I let him control my head and kept sucking and licking at his pulsating cock until I felt it twitch just as his overflowing balls gave me one more load.

"OH YEAH.......HERE YOU GO," he said as he continued to pump my head up and down as his cock started to ejaculate. I sucked hard and was rewarded with another creamy mouthful of medicine as he shot wad after wad of his pearly semen into my vacuuming mouth. I swallowed and swallowed as another massive load made its way to that nice warm spot in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't believe after all the times he'd already cum today, how much he still had to give me. I eagerly lapped up every last drop as the throbbing knob spewed it all out onto my eager waiting tongue. Finally, his cock stopped shooting and I softly nursed at the last few drops of dogwater oozing from the hot red eye at the tip of his cock.

"That was good, k**. You did real good today," he said as he let go of my head and let his hands drop to his sides. "Now you better get to bed." I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was dismissing me so I softly slipped my lips off his cock and sat up on the side of the bed; stray ribbons of his cum still clinging to my face.

"Thank you sir," I said as I looked at him with loving eyes. "Thanks for everything."

"That's okay, k**. Just be ready when I want your mouth back on my cock, okay?"

"Yes, sir!" I said anxiously, wondering how long it would be before he would want me to suck him off again.

"Good. Now just leave that cum on your face. It'll do you good," he said as he looked over the silvery gobs of his semen still clinging to my glistening face. I got up and started towards the door. I turned back and looked at his gorgeous masculine form lying invitingly on his bed.

"Sir....could I....could I kiss it just one more time?" I asked as my eyes flicked down to his slowly deflating cock. I just stood there as he surprisingly got up from the bed and stood before me, his big rugged form towering over me. He took his meaty hands and put them on my shoulders and pushed downwards. I instantly dropped to my knees with my face right in front of his weighty cock. He took his hand and wrapped it around the base of his cock and I watched as he took a slow firm stroke from the base all the way up until his hand was right beneath the crimson head. A milky drop of his warm seed had appeared at the gaping red eye and I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Here's one more final treat for you," he said as he lifted his cock and dropped it between my parted lips. I closed my lips against the spongy membranes and softly sucked as my tongue slid into his piss-slit and captured that tasty morsel of cum. He let me suck for another minute or so and then pushed me off his cock.

"Go to bed, k**," he said firmly but with a comforting smile. "I want you well-rested for what I have in store for you tomorrow." He moved back to his bed and as I stood and left the room, he turned off the light on his bedside table and the whole bunkhouse was plunged into darkness.

I made my way back to my own bed and pulled the sheet over my naked body as I lay there and thought about what an incredible day it had been. I counted back and smiled with pleasure as I realized that I had seven loads of Sven's cum either in me or on me today. I reached my hands up to the sticky ribbons of semen still clinging to my face. As I soothingly rubbed it into my skin and then licked my fingers clean, I drifted off into a contented sleep with a soft blissful smile on my face.........wondering what tomorrow would bring.....

Same as Throat Training Gay Videos

2 years ago
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Cock Sucker in Training Gay

A short story about my cocksuckers first deep throat session.I was sitting on the sofa, flicking through TV channels when you walked in. I was wearing t-shirt and gym shorts, with nothing on underneath. This was my weekend with you and that is how you expected me to dress.You walked swiftly towards me "Ready for your lesson? Sit on the floor Brian, with your back against the sofa."I hadn't been cocksucker for long but I already knew not to question an order. I scooted off and sat on the floor...

2 years ago
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Friend Trains Me Part 2 Gay

I tossed and turned trying to sleep. I couldn't get the images out of my head - me, kneeling naked, sucking on a friend's cock. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't given any serious thought of sex with another man. Now here I was trying to come to grips with how I found myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend and consider, still consider, myself a straight guy. Yet a few nights ago, I found myself surfing the web and came across a slew of free porn sites.It's nothing I hadn't...

4 years ago
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Every Man Is A Little Bit Gay

gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male ‘They’re doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go,’ Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper. ‘The last thing you need is cookery classes,’ I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I’ve ever met, that’s one of the many reasons I married her. ‘I don’t need to learn how to boil an egg but they’re offering an advanced course on...

2 years ago
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Every Man Is A Little Bit Gay

gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male"They're doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go," Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper."The last thing you need is cookery classes," I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I've ever met; that's one of the many reasons I married her."I don't need to learn how to boil an egg but they're offering an advanced course on...

4 years ago
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Are you gay

Are you gay?For the record, I’m not. If I was, I’m not sure that I would admit it, but I like to think I would.Who knows?The point is, I’m not, but I get accused of being gay all the time.Most of it is either just jealousy from weak-minded guys, or wishful thinking from gay dudes, but it does come up.The funniest example so far is this email I got the other day.What’s really funny to me is when guys say that they KNOW I’m gay.Now, I’ve met some gay dudes that were in the closet, and I actually...

3 years ago
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If We Were Gay

I live about forty miles from the East Coast prep school my sixteen-year-old nephew attends, and the school’s winter break coincided with our family reunion. I was happy to offer him a ride, thus saving him a long bus journey.My nephew Chad is a handsome, cheery lad. He has blond hair which he keeps cut short, a slender build and stands about five-eight. He has a girlfriend who is the same age and very pretty. When we are together, he’s always asking advice about how to get in her panties, and...

3 years ago
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Friend Trains Me Part 5 Gay

Blackmail -- it's a harsh and underhanded thing. Even more underhanded when it's a friend whose doing it. The last few weeks have been filled by the news of David Letterman who was the subject of a blackmail plot by one of his own show's producers -- or at least that is the allegation. Letterman came clean as far as we know and announced to the world the caper and exposed this scheme.Looking back a few months ago, I could have done the same. A friend I have known since high school had helped me...

3 years ago
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Friend Trains Me Part 3 Gay

As I sat at my desk Monday morning, I was replaying the events of the past weekend in my head, When I left work on Friday, I had a weekend planned of basketball and beer with a buddy. By Sunday, I had gone down on him sucking my first dick and he had fucked my ass. To make matters worse, he had taped the whole thing without my knowledge and had posted it to an amateur adult site making money for himself. We made a bet that I wouldn't get hard stripping in front of him, however, if I did I had...

3 years ago
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Maybe you just are just a Little Gay

I was desperate and horny, and with my best friend Todd deciding to take the "straight road," I didn't see much hope of getting laid in the near future. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not dancing far outside of the closet myself. I haven't gotten around to having one of those wrenching "Hi mom, I'm gay" moments yet, and I'm not sure I will, but I am gay.Todd's gay too if he'd just lighten up about it, but he's always been more conservative, with his short dark hair and his fast track career. He...

4 years ago
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The Realisation That I Was Gay

For many years, the thought had crossed my mind about being gay. I had thought about it whilst playing with myself but could never get the courage up to try it. That added to the fact that I just didn’t find most men attractive. Very occasionally I would see a guy and think, maybe?I had dressed up in lingerie for a long time and had only once put some makeup on. The fear of being caught was just too much. I had also tried swallowing, but I hadn’t liked it and thought that I never would. For...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Straight No More Youre a faggot Gay

I've read a lot of stories about a straight man turned gay. In most of them, it's obvious that the 'straight' guy was always gay in the first place. But that's not my story. Mine is about the fact that I was convinced I was straight. 100% straight. Until my friend intentionally turned me into a cocksucking faggot. Over the course of a few years. And he admitted to purposely orchestrating every step of this story.It all started when I was 25 years old. I was enjoying my youth. I fucked a lot of...

2 years ago
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Iam Not Gay You Are Gay

The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...

3 years ago
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You're not fooling anyone: Right now you're pretending to be a straight "man" but you're not fooling anyone... all you're doing is pretending and most people you know arent mean enough to call you out on your gay-ness... If you come out of the closet you have a greater chance of looking like less of an idiot because at least people wont have to pretend not to know your a fudge packed, bent over cock lover! Right now you're just looking weak and stupid and again, everyone already knows anyway -...

2 years ago
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Husband Turned Gay

this is a story i've loved for a long time, from Vicki Tern, about a cheating husband, and how the wife has him find that he isn't really a womanizer after all, but a deep seated desire to prefer being a bottom for more manly men....i would wish that my wife would do this for me....and let me be open about my desire to be with men too... I suppose it was wicked of me, what I did to him. But he did so deserve it, and it was such fun setting him up, and I was sofurious that I didn't care about...

1 year ago
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I was a CockSucker Now Gay

"Cum in my mouth. Yeah, shoot your load in my mouth. Let me swallow your cum" I repeated to myself as I jerked my cock rhythmically. The movie on the screen showed a guy sucking cock and swallowing cum. I had edged my 6" cock multiple times and was sitting at my computer table muttering to myself in bliss when I looked up. Jake, a guy from my office, was standing in the doorway of my bedroom with his phone held in front of him."You really like that gay blowjob shit, huh." Jake asked, nodding at...

3 years ago
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I Accepted the Challenge Im NOT GAY

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

4 years ago
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I am now 100 gay

I was determined. This weekend it would happen. I would loose my gay virginity and complete manhood. The hard way. Tonight would change everything.Until now I've never had sex with a man and I didn't consider myself as homosexual either. But I was always fascinated to anal sex. The thought of "Why would someone let herself/himself get fucked in the ass, when there's no actual pleasure of possibility to orgasm in it?" Also the thought of giving up your body for someone else's pleasure was...

3 years ago
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I Think I am Gay

I certainly didn't feel any different, I just did what gay guys do, suck cock. Of a random guy they solicited off Craigslist, chiding myself for the thought. But it was one of many stereotypes that I found I wanted to fulfill. These thoughts mixed with memories of all the nuances of that first encounter: the surprising fullness of his cock in my mouth, or how hard he felt when I had my hand wrapped around him, or where my tongue was when his cum started shooting out. I had been good enough to...

4 years ago
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Little did I know or suspect when arriving in LA for the very first time ever a year ago last May, that within a few short weeks I would be changed from a totally straight skirt chaser into a cock craving faggot with a brand new developed appetite for what most people consider totally bizarre!It all started late one Wednesday afternoon just a few hours after checking into some temporary run down hotel just off the Hollywood strip! Yes my Consultant job transfer from Boston to Tincel town had...

2 years ago
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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Friend Trains Me Part 4 Gay

For a couple of weeks, a friend of mine since High School has been blackmailing me into having gay sex with him. Actually, I've been the one sucking cock and getting my ass fucked. He came over to my apartment about three weeks ago and was helping me fix my computer while we took in some of the NCAA tournament basketball games. He identified the virus on my computer but he also found some gay porn sites that I had viewed. I had never had sex with another man before. Nor had I really ever...

4 years ago
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My BF isnt Gay or Anything Gay

His eyes were wide with terror and now a new feeling was coming over him... a feeling of excitement. The man was now pulling the full length out of him. Moments ago, he had been stuffed and stretched and filled with so much cock he thought his insides would burst. But they didn't, and as the man held his massive cock in place, Jamie could feel his ass stretch to accommodate the intruder. Pain slowly turned to an odd pleasure.He yelped uncontrollably when the man made the first painful thrust....

3 years ago
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My Hobby Turning Straight Men Gay

Matt, whose anal cherry I had just taken, said, "I can't believe we just did that. I thought I was straight.""I knew you weren't," I replied, as I returned from the washroom. The irony was crazy as he was a really loud-mouthed, in your face linebacker on the field, but now in my arms he was a tame, insecure man wanting to be cuddled and loved."What do you mean?" He asked, looking offended."I just knew," I shrugged."How?" He questioned, clearly worried others would know he was a cocksucker."How...

3 years ago
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No seriously, I really did. I spent my whole life prior to college never once considering another guy. Oh sure I noticed how big a guy was or conversely how small, but that was it. I pursued and scored a few women in high school and well, while I'm not a lady killer by any stretch of the imagination, I did ok. But then came college, and then it all changed.OUR QUARTERBACK IS GAY???Bubba was on the couch, watching Family Feud while Adam Jones, our starting quarterback, sucked his cock.Bubba,...

3 years ago
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Owned By Black Daddy Gay

Eric: One more time, 18 year old guy here looking to have a conversation with a normal human being!!Two responses...Cock4Cox: I can be a totally normal human being while you fuck my face with your 18 year old cock!Eric: *Cock4Cox has been ignored*Patrick: That seems like a pretty tall order on the internet, lol.Eric: I'm beginning to understand that, holy crap!Patrick: This place can be quite interesting most of the time, and occasionally someone normal pops up with a message like yours. I bet...

4 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay

Hi all, I’m Mark, a 20 year old guy and I want to share my story of how a girlfriend turned me bi and probably gay.So it all started at the beginning of the summer break, four years ago. I was done with school, had no retakes and since a long time, free to do whatever I wanted.My parents left for France like they do every year, but for the first time they left me home. As I stated that I had nothing to do here, and preferred to stay home with my friends. Which, after long debates and a lot of...

2 years ago
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Training Rose

                                                       Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...

2 years ago
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Looking at Gay Porn Busted Gay

Looking back over the last few months, I never would have imagined myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend I have been seeing since college. I have a good paying job in spite of the recession we have all been dealing with over the last year. And I consider myself better than average when it comes to my social life. While I've dated quite a few women over the years, I've pretty much been going steady with Sandy since we both graduated from Duke a few years ago.Sandy is a...

1 year ago
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Come 6 Times No Way The Bet Gay

"The most I've ever come in a single night is four times," Dylan said, doubting his friend's claim."I'm telling you I made him come six times in a three-hour period in one night." Anton said again. "I'd get him over here to tell you, but he says he's a straight boy like you, so he wouldn't appreciate me outing him with open discussion of our night together.""So he was straight too?" Dylan laughed. "Now I'm really having a hard time believing you. Straight guys just can't get it up for gay guys,...

2 years ago
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The Night I Found Out For Sure I Was Gay

I just figured out I’m gay. I’ve been dating a lot of women, but I just don’t feel it with them. I mean sometimes I feel I might even be bisexual, but lately I’m feeling I really want to be with man. When I look at guys I get very excited. I love when a man has a muscular frame. I find it really sexy and exciting if a guy has defined abs. I haven’t told any of my family or even my friends that I think I’m gay. But, I’m pretty sure I am. I decided to check things out and actually go to a gay...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Stroke of White Luck Gay

Malcolm sat on the subway car, angry about his life. He was in his late 30s and still worked a grill at a restaurant. He had to take orders from some stupid white k** every day. He hated being ordered around by white people.Malcolm's also gay. He's had very little luck with men lately, though, He's 5'10, 230lbs the one thing that helps him is his huge black dick.In the past, he enjoyed the discreet encounters he'd have with white guys. He always enjoyed when a white man - especially "straight"...

1 year ago
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Kyle bets Nick can turn him Gay

"It's time to wake up now."With just those six words, I regained the ability to open my eyes. Regained? I guess that's not the right word. I'd only just dozed off—nothing more."Well, how do you feel?" The hypnotist grinned at me. I didn't see why he was grinning, though. He was a friend of mine. His name was Kyle and he liked to think he was a master when it came to hypnosis. I guess in a sense he was. I did get into a trance, after all—well, I did if that's what you call falling asleep from...

1 year ago
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Black Mans Pussy Gay

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

3 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 19 Being gay

Matt Parker couldn't wait to get back home, after school, that Monday morning. He arrived as soon as possible and, when he did, he quickly said: "Jack, we need to talk." "What? Why?" "Upstairs, bro." As Jack was going upstairs, Matt told everybody: "No one interrupt us." Lucy asked: "What's the problem, son?" "No problem. I just have to talk to him. Everything's okay, it's just a little thing. Late I'll talk to you." Lucy was a little worried. But hell, they were...

2 years ago
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Fellatrix Training

Fellatrix Trainingby [email protected] slender blond teen recounts the story of being trained as a fellatrix.The training is supervised by her mother and some of it is very roughwith bondage and discipline. This story was inspired by a passage in"School of Sluts" by ric.I am a trained slut, well practiced in giving pleasure to boys and menusing my cunt, mouth and ass. My mother is an excellent slut andsupervised my training. I love sex and enjoyed most my slut training,but I have the...

4 years ago
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Deal or NO Deal Switch Teams Gay

"I caught Mark cheating on me again. That bastard!" "Wow...sorry sis. What are you going to do?" asked Frank."I don't know. I need to teach him a lesson." "Why don't you just break up with him," Jerry wondered. "Oh I'm going to break up with him alright. But before I do...I'm going to get him back. This is the third time I've caught him." "What you need is the gay maker," Frank said. "Dude...that's pretty rash," Jerry said. "This guy is fucking it up for the rest. He's pissing off all the women...

2 years ago
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Faggot Fuck me Gay

This faggot deserved all the public humiliation he endured at our hands. I mean the guy dressed constantly in pink, his wrist was so bent he wouldn't be able to catch a basketball if his life depended on it and his voice was so high-pitched we all figured he had a cunt. I'd picked on him as far back as I could remember; he was just a weird, skinny, uncoordinated loser who didn't remotely fit into a southern Texas town where football was the true gospel. And his parents hadn't helped any either...

1 year ago
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First time going gay

I was in my late twenties, and had a huge circle of friends, mostly male. Everyone was straight, many of the guys having girlfriends or wives. It was a social group too; lots of barbeques, parties and get-togethers; we'd basically use any excuse we could to be together. Sports were a big part of our group; everyone loved the 'Vikes'. I cared about most of the people in our group and I truly enjoyed our time together. I was one of the quieter members of the gang though I wasn't shy. I dated...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 5 The Training Continues with Janets Surprise

Characters Introduced: Janie, 20 5'2 Blond hair blue eyes 34C Alex, 15 5'4 Blond hair blue eyes 36C Carly, 13 5'0 Blond hair blue eyes 32C Carol, 31 5'8 Brown hair hazel eyes 38D Ken, 36 6'5, Carol's husband Black Male 14” 4” wide Elfie, 13 5'0 Black hair and eyes 32B, classmate of Carly's and daughter of manager of Italian Restaurant that Ben and Becky frequent Antonio, 43 6'0 8” long cock average width Elfie's father. The training continues: From chapter...

2 years ago
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Training of Shauna the Pet

WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.   IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.   DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006:  This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....

2 years ago
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Married official CockSucker I am not gay

What the hell am I doing? A couple hours ago I was just going out for a drink and now I am driving in my car following a guy to his house. I am a married man, 57 years old and as straight as they come. My hands are sweating, I can feel my heart pounding and I am as scared and nervous as I have ever been. It is like the first time I felt up my date when I was 16 years old in high school. Excited, yet scared to death.I have been married for 30 years to a gorgeous woman and we have a great sex...

1 year ago
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Training a Rich Bitch Part 1

serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now, three years later, Natalie had obtained a user contract with a local private kennel to act as an animal obedience instructor. During the intervening years, Natalie had gone to the excellent little library that Dewberry Place boasted and had read extensively both on...

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Training a Rich Bitch Part 1

Introduction: Natalie is an ambitious young dog trainer with a taste for the finer things in life Natalie was a dog trainer living in Dewberry Place, a wealthy suburb, while she and her widowed mother lived in a trailer park at the edge of town with all the other help that serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now,...

3 years ago
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Cross-training Belladonna "Are you ready, pet?" "Yes, mistress," George Bloom responded as Celene knocked upon the iron door. George heard the loud clink of the old fashion knocker upon the door as he pulled at the hem of his short skirt. He anxiously waited for the door to open, hopeful that he would not be noticed by those passing by on the street below the staircase leading to the porch he was standing upon. George had never been to a Dom-sub party like the one that his...

2 years ago
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Nothing Gay Right Gay

For Phoenix and Damon, it was just another day playing video games. Phoenix had golden honey straight hair, a rich deep tan, and sapphire blue eyes. Damon was the opposite he night black curly hair, skin as white as fresh snow, and brown eyes like mud. Both were in college and both did Parkour in their free time. Today they were playing on Phoenix's Xbox one. Phoenix was thinking about some of the hottest girls in school and things that would do with him."Hey what's the most recent piece of...

1 year ago
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Wife Talks him into getting FUCKED Gay

When Sally met her husband three years ago, a year before they got married, she discovered his stash of porn DVDs. He blushed and was embarrassed and started to make apologies, but Sally smiled and told him not to worry. She had the same 'secret.' Sally also loved porn and had loads of porn sites bookmarked on her computer. They laughed and realized they shared this common interest. Men often assume women either aren't very interested in porn, or will be made uncomfortable if their guys show...

4 years ago
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I think my son is gay

"Christopher, are you gay?" came the voice from the doorway.The eightteen-year-old sat silently on his bed, too shocked to answer the question his father was asking. He could feel his face starting to blush."Answer me, son, are you gay? Or maybe you're just curious? I'm not mad, I just want to know."Stuart Sloan was not angry at his son. To the contrary, he was rather aroused by the idea that his son might be a faggot who would let a man shove his penis up his tight little ass. Like many...

3 years ago
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Sorrows And Lust Of An Indian Gay

By : Aditya_top I am a 26 year old Indian guy. I am 5,7” tall good looking but slightly fat. I am bisexual but sometimes I feel like I am pure gay. I’m not very certain about my sexuality. I am here to narrate my story in front of you all. Life was not so happy for me since childhood. Yet having lots of care and love for family still i was alone ever. I always thought that nobody understand me. That feeling stands till now. My first gay sex experience happened was I was 18 years old. At that...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Training of Masters Girl

Book ISYNOPSIS : Master Jonathan decides that it is time for His slave girl to become a pain slut.  Her journey into the world of pain begins with unique training sessions conducted by multiple sadistic Masters, each man using her body to inflict His perversions and predilections for pain.  The pain administered to her body is beyond anything she has experienced or could imagine.  But in the end and after several days of excruciating training sessions, she learns that pain can be an...

4 years ago
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A Boys Bra Training

A Boy's Bra Training And Discipline by Marlissa How did it happen? Gosh, it was four years ago. Well I could start by saying that I knew it would be him. As soon as he walked into my summer school class, I just knew he would be the one. Dino Fazio thought he was God's gift to women, including me, his remedial English teacher. Not that he was offering himself over. He made it clear that Meg Hardy didn't pass muster. "What was that Mr. Fazio?" I was beet red at the...

1 year ago
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Chapter 21 The new training class and Chapter 22 Training New Slaves

The new class of training will have 12 weeks of training because it’s a large class 40 girl and 10 boys. The training will be starting in two weeks right now they are being seen by the doctor I will be observing looking for some new dom’s or dommes. I have one of the subs bring two of the girls in, so I can talk to them. The first one in her name is Julia 18 she is a manly looking girl, so I know she is gay the other girl looks shell shocked Beth 16 is her name I think. I begin by asking them...

1 year ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...

1 year ago
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He doesnt know hes gay

When I was a college freshman, I got to be friends with a guy down the hall who came from a place near my hometown. Although it was a big state school, it turned out we had one late-afternoon class together, and about the third week we started going out afterward for beers before heading back to the dorm. Dan and I didn’t have a lot in common -- he had been a pretty good athlete in high school, I was more the studious type; he was religious as a kid, I never set foot in a churchl -- but we...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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No way was he Gay PT3 Gay

Forty-five minutes later I was alone on my computer doing research.I read a lot of articles that shocked me... again.Titles like:Straight Men are a Lot More Bisexual Than You think; What is the Psychological Need to Suck a Man's Cock and Does Sucking Cock Make Me Gay?The key things I learned included:1. More men fantasize about sucking cock than I could have possibly imagined.2. For many men, it's an outlet for a secret submissive side. It's nothing more than the need to serve that causes a...

3 years ago
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Wife Gets Me a Special Massage Gay

It was Scott's birthday and I had surprises in mind for him. Last night my husband and I had arrived at this luxurious desert spa near Miami and I had a whole day of treats planned for him today. First we'd have a special caviar breakfast and take a quick swim, and then, for later in the afternoon, I had arranged for a masseur to come up to the room. I had requested a specific special masseur, and not another or a masseuse, because that masseur, I hoped, was going to be a big part of the very...

3 years ago
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Quiz Are You Gay

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are.STAGE 1=======1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n)2. When you watch straight...

2 years ago
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turning gay

I've always been straight. I have always been attracted to females, and never to guys. I have had many girlfriends over the years. however, I'm realizing that I'm slowly turning gay.I think my path to being gay started on the internet. I posted pics of my cock on newbienudes many years ago. I was only on there to see amateur women. the only responses I got on my pics were from gay guys who wanted to suck my cock. that's when I realized that I could also look at amateur guys there. I've always...

2 years ago
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Submissive Wives Academy of Training

SUBMISSIVE WIVES ACADEMY OF TRAINING Chapter One -- JanThey drove around the third of three old warehouse buildings near the docks, following the directions that they had printed out.  At the end of the third building an old truck blocked the alley between buildings.  Jan’s husband, Dave pulled the car to a stop and a spotlight blinded their vision.        ?Card, please!? a voice said over a loudspeaker.  Dave flashed the card they had received with the directions.  About five seconds later a...

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