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We had moved away to California in our early 20's and Luke had settled into a steady job for a national company, getting fairly regular promotions, but nothing for a year or two and he was starting to get frustrated about this. Anyway, about a year ago Luke came home one night and said we had been invited by his MD, Chris to a home warming party at his new house to celebrate his recent divorce from his fifth wife! I had met Chris many times before and he had even been to a swimming party at our place. Six foot two, blond and well built and admired by all the women, hence the number of wives and although I thought he was very attractive, I had been put off by his arrogance and the way he always maneuvered himself to be near me and make suggestive comments whenever we were out of Luke's earshot. Given our background I was shocked by his talk and never said a word to Luke who used to tease me that Chris fancied me and how jealous he was that I was married to Luke.

" I want you to wear that short summer dress when we go to Chris's tonight" Luke announced the day of the party

"No way am I wearing that so he can see me in it". Luke was aware that I didn't like Chris but thought it was because of the way he was with women generally rather than things he had said to me. "I don't want HIM looking at me in the same way he is with every other woman he meets"

"Look, I need to keep in with Chris if I'm ever going to get promotion and it's always the executives with the pretty wives who get on".

I was sort of flattered by this as I had kept myself in good shape at 5 foot six, 116 pounds and a 36C bust and I was not so naïve to realise that men looked at me and fancied me.

As if he was reading my mind Luke said "You know how Chris fancies you. We've both seen it and I need you to just be nice to him tonight"

"No way" I replied "He may be good looking but I don't like his attitude to women and I'm not wearing that dress just so he can lech over me as well"

"Listen, I need this promotion and you'll damn well wear that dress whether you want to or not and what's more, for arguing with me, you will make yourself look more attractive to Chris by not wearing a bra"

Given our upbringing, I knew I couldn't go against Luke's wishes, so at seven that night I arrived at Chris's new mansion in my white summer holiday dress which finished six inches above the knee, with my firm breasts moving freely under the sheer fabric. Luke and I were not talking at this stage and my anger at him intensified as the cold air hardened my nipples making them visible through my dress.

Chris met us at the door, looking as handsome as ever, but I felt the familiar revulsion as he stared at my nipples and let his eyes wander up and down my body.

"Glad you two could make it, especially you Helen. Luke's a lucky man having been married 20 years to someone like you. I mean, look at me. Only 38 and just got rid of wife number 5, having said that, if I'd met someone who looked as hot as you I guess I'd still have been married to you as well" As we passed I felt Chris move his hand against my thigh and although it was only brief, I turned round and glared at him. He just smiled at me and looked at my nipples again.

"Go and help yourselves to a drink and I be with you again later when I met all my other guests."

Did I need a drink! I managed to get away from Luke who I was still mad with and was soon surrounded by other work colleagues and unusually for me I was pouring alcohol down my neck. After six cocktails the room was starting to spin when Luke came over to me.

"Look Honey, I'm sorry about making you wear the dress but the evening is going really well and you do look a million bucks. Chris says he wants to show us round the house. It really is something you know; twelve bedrooms all with ensuite. Come on, let's go with him now then we can go home."

My head was spinning more than ever as we went over to Chris who, in my drunken state looked very handsome despite his attitude. It must have been the drink because I actually found myself flirting with him as we chatted. Just as we were to go round the house someone called Luke away to talk to him about a project they were working on. "It' OK Helen, you go with Chris and I'll see you back here soon."

Chris showed me around the 6 downstairs rooms before we went up the stairs. He was having to support me as I couldn't walk straight and was giggling and leaning against him as we went into bedroom number 1 which was palatial. As the door closed Chris swung me round and kissed me full on the lips and surprisingly I responded as he was so passionate in the way he did it. After a minute I felt his hand slide down to my thigh and up my dress, parting my legs as he did so and I just let him. A finger moved inside my panties and touched my clitoris and I felt a surge of arousal. Luke had never done that and I liked the feeling.

Chris moved us over to a chest of drawers and hitched my bottom onto the edge as I looked down to see that his penis was out. Luke's was about 4 inches which I thought was normal until I saw Chris's 7 inches. I didn't think it would go in me! Chris pushed me so I was lying down on the drawers and pulled the gusset of my panties to one side as he pushed it in. It felt very big and nice and after about a minute he ejaculated up my vagina.

Suddenly I realised what I had let him do to me and I struggled up, pulled my panties on properly and pushed him away. There was no way Luke could ever find out about this and when I went to find him I told him I wanted to go as I felt sick because of the drink, which he accepted. As we drove home I felt Chris's sperm soaking into my panties and I went straight to the bathroom pretending to be sick and flushing them down the toilet so he would never find out.

I thought that was the end of the affair. My drunken moment of weakness. I made sure we kept away from Chris and things had quietened down between us - I mean, how could I complain about Luke making me wear that dress after what I had done. Then the phone went.

"Helen. It's Chris here and I think we ought to meet"

"No way" I replied "Don't think I ever want to see you again after what happened the other week"

"I don't think you are in a position to argue with me Helen" Something in his voice was threatening but I said "We'll see about that!" and put the phone down.

It rang again immediately. "Helen. See if you have had any new e mail recently" and I turned the computer on to see the message 'You have new mail' flash up on the screen.

As I opened the message I was shocked to see a dozen pictures of me on my back on Chris's chest of drawers with his penis in me.

"Where did these come from?" I demanded

"Never mind that. I expect you here at 3pm next Monday. I know Luke is away on business that day because I arranged it"

" And what if I don't?" I replied

"Then your pictures will be sent to Luke and the rest of this division. Luke will have to resign of course. Be here at 3. Oh, and by the way, make sure you give that pretty little pussy of yours a trim before you come. Find out what a Brazilian is and get one!"

What could I do. I had no choice but to go. I found out about Brazilians from the internet and got one done at the local beauticians, telling Luke that it would be easier for when I wore a bikini on vacation. He seemed to accept this without question.

Next Monday I drove to Chris's not knowing what to expect. He was charming when he came to the door and led me inside.

"I'll get straight to the point Helen. I am going to fuck your tight little cunt whenever I want otherwise Luke gets told what a whore his pretty little wife is. Not only that, but I have a few friends who will have you as well. Be a good girl and I'll see that Luke gets that promotion he's been after"

"No way......." I began

"Shut up or I'll call Luke now. I really don't think you are in a position to argue do you?" he grinned "So let's get you upstairs now and see if you're as good as the last time you were here"

I went up to the bedroom in a daze. Was this really happening to me?

Chris sat on the edge of the bed "Take your clothes off Helen please" so I started to strip for him until I was just in my bra and panties. "Take those off as well" he ordered. I slowly removed them and stood totally naked in front of him.

"Don't move from there" he said and left the room. Within a minute he returned but was not alone. "Take a good look guys at Helen. She will let you do whatever you want to her, won't you Helen?"

There were three of them, all mid thirties and not bad looking. They came over to me and ran their hands over my body. My nipples hardened at their touch which prompted one of them to start to kiss my breasts and As this happened I watched the other two start to undress and move towards me.

"Suck my cock now" one of them said and I slowly dropped to my knees as he moved it to me. It was about 7 inches like Chris's and I took it into my mouth, licking the end which felt hard and smooth and quite nice. Chris had taken his clothes off and told the men to move me onto the bed and hold my legs apart. I started to struggle but they held me firmly as Chris took a video of me lying there as the man I had been sucking climbed onto me and put his cock in. It was much bigger than Luke's and despite my situation it felt nice and then he came in me and was immediately replaced by Chris who did it very quickly and I felt my clitoris tingle. He came as well and was followed by the next 2 men. The last one had the biggest cock of all - it must have been 8 inches and as he started to ejaculate I felt myself starting to come as well. I had never had an orgasm during sex before and it overwhelmed me in wave after wave of pleasure.

The men made me get on all fours and took me from behind before lying me on my back and fucking and licking me to orgasm again. Then they left and Chris told me to shower and meet him downstairs in 20 minutes.

"You did very well today Helen and I think you enjoyed it also" He was right. Despite my guilty feeling about Luke, I had no idea that sex was meant to be such pleasure.

"Be here again the first Monday of next month or else Luke gets the photos and a nice video of his wife acting like a slut. OK?"

I nodded and left.

Later that week Luke came home and told me of his promotion to Vice President , a new car and twenty thousand bucks a year raise. Chris had been as good as his word.

Despite the circumstances, as the month went by I began to look forward to the date of my next visit to Chris's and when it came around he took me to another of his bedrooms and introduced me to 5 of his friends. They were a similar age to the last ones and the same size except for one who had the same length cock as the others, but much thicker and despite my feeling that I was doing all this against my will, he gave me 3 good orgasms. Each of who fucked me three times in different positions. I sucked two of them until they came in my mouth and one of them, the smallest, I'm pleased to say, pushed his cock into my arse and came up it. I couldn't believe the pleasure this gave me! I had five orgasms in all and amazed myself by encouraging them to fuck me more. I had started to become a real slut as I realised what I had been missing these last twenty years.

Luke's cock was small and he was a lousy lover. Seven inches was average and over the next 7 months I had every shape and size, including one of ten inches, in any and every hole in my body and I loved it. Luke didn't even notice when I had completely shaved my cunt and he had his monthly fuck with me. It hardly felt as if he had entered me at all after all the cocks I had had in the last months!

I had been asking Chris to find me more, bigger men to fuck and he had duly obliged, filming every encounter from every angle possible as I fucked and sucked my way through scores of men. I had even taken to masturbating every other day to quell my sex drive.

Then one day I got a big shock. Luke had gone to play golf with a couple of buddies and I went into his office for some paper. As I looked into his attaché case I noticed a load of DVD's with post-it notes attached. I read the first one ' Helen with Rob, Stuart and Sam from Atlanta Division (All white). Your promotion is confirmed' and then the next 'Helen with Tom, Dan, Louis, Joe and Pete (All white)- Washington Division (The first time she takes it anally!)'

I put one and then another into the DVD player. Every one was graphic footage of me being fucked and it became clear from the notes that I had been fucking members of Chris's companys other offices. The notes all had different messages telling Luke how I had performed and it was quite obvious that he was a willing party to my seduction and subsequent fucking activities.

I was mad. Luke had tricked me into getting fucked by Chris and knew that I was to be a fuck toy in return for his promotion. I knew how to get even. If he wanted his wife to be a slut then that was exactly what he was going to get!

Luke didn't like black Americans. He never had and he had always kept me away from them. When I thought about it, not one man I had fucked was anything but white. Chris was in on this too and had respected Luke's wishes that I remained a 'whites only' whore.

One thing my sexual awakening had done was to make me curious about porn on the internet and I had learned that the rumours about blacks having bigger cocks was true. I would get my revenge by fucking black men and set about making some contacts through a swingers site. I got a good reply and photo (with cock shot of course) from a good looking guy called Vincent. I told him what I wanted - "As many of the biggest black friends you can get together - minimum size 9 inches to spend a whole day and night fucking me Vincent. Also, you must film everything" I picked a date when I knew Luke was away on business and organised a large hotel suite with an emperor bed. I bought some really slutty clothes and shaved my cunt completely. As I drove to the rendezvous I felt my cunt wet into my panties.

I met Vincent in the lobby and was concerned when he was alone.

"Don't worry" he said "My friends are on their way. I just promised them that I would get here first to see if you were genuine, which you obviously are."

Vincent was a looker. Six foot six inches of manliness and very, very handsome. We went to the room and he poured us a drink "To get the atmosphere right" he said.

"You've got the camera" I asked and he nodded that it was all taken care of

Then his friends started to arrive. They were all nice looking and not one of them was less than six foot. I didn't like small men and Vincent had picked some stunners. I started to get concerned though as more and more men entered the room and I whispered "God Vincent. How many men have you organized to come here today?"

"Thirty three" he replied looking for my reaction "Although that may grow as I asked them to bring their friends"

Sensing my hesitation he nodded to those near to him and they surrounded me and began to remove my clothes and as I looked round the room every man was taking off his clothes. Four of them carried me to the bed and laid me on my back, then two of them held my ankles and raised my feet so that my legs were pointing at the ceiling. They then pulled my legs apart to reveal my sopping wet cunt which Vincent filled with KY lubricant.

"You're going to need this Babe with what you're going to get tonight" and as I looked round the room I saw what he meant. Every cock was between 9 and 10 inches long and incredibly thick, and then I saw it. Near the far wall was a monster cock, bigger than the biggest dildo I had seen. It was 13 inches long and literally hung to the knees of its owner. The circumcised head alone was 4 inches - as big as Luke's whole dick, and was 3 inches wide, getting thicker towards the base. His balls were huge and together with his cock, hung like a bulls between his muscular thighs. It's owner was six foot seven at least.

Then it started. The first cock speared my cunt and fucked its load into me in two minutes and was quickly replaced as another put his 10 inches into my mouth. I was in ecstasy as these two real men fucked me at both ends . As soon as they fired their hot spunk in me others took their place and others who couldn't wait masturbated over my face and tits. I felt their cum spurt all over and into my body as one after another shot his load.

Their hands were everywhere, feeling and squeezing my breasts and pulling my nipples so that they stood out hard from my body. As men were fucking me, others were rubbing my clitoris and pushing fingers in my cunt and more than one of them pushed a finger up my bottom.

My legs were still held apart and in the air when something changed. I had already been fucked by at least 60 men when the group parted and the man with the bull cock came to the edge of the bed.

"Turn her over" he commanded and they lifted me and placed me on my knees in the middle of the bed. They had clearly done this before as two held me by my wrists and pulled me forward so that my arse was in the air pointing towards bull cock. "Now wider" he ordered, and two more grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs wider until I could feel the lips of my cunt part. "Vincent. Make sure she's ready " he said and Vincent squeezed the whole tube of lubricant into my spunk soaked cunt and then I felt it.

My labia felt as if they were being stretched beyond belief and I looked back under my body to see the 4 inch head slowly work its way into my cunt, stretching it unbelievably . I came just at the thought of what was to follow as two of the men started to pull my arse cheeks apart in order to open my cunt up more, and then the head was in! Bull cock started to slide the first 8 inches of his meat in and out with slow rhythmic strokes as I once again climaxed. Vincent moved to my head and put his big cock in my mouth and fucked it 'til he came and I swallowed all his spunk. When he withdrew I felt Bull cock hit the top of my vagina and looking back, saw 11 inches were already in me. I was speared by his monstrous cock!

Laying me down onto the bed, he began to now fuck me hard and I felt every inch of his cock moving in and out of my dilated labia, dragging my clitoris in and out with it, until he exploded up my cervix with spurt after spurt of spunk. I came at the same time as his huge cock twitched and swelled as he came. When he finally withdrew my pussy stayed opened up wide. The guys then started to fuck me with two in my cunt at a time. They fucked me time and time again. They fucked my ass, cunt and mouth at the same time, until I had sperm dribbling from every hole in my body.

Vincent later told me that 42 men had turned up and that I had been fucked at least 108 times by his friends and that I was the only lady to have taken the bull cock all the way. He handed me a DVD copy of the day and we agreed that we must meet again sometime soon.

Later at home I put the DVD in Luke's case with a post-it note on in my handwriting saying 'Helen with Art, Vincent, Mike, Tyrone, John.......plus 58 other names. So far he has said nothing but he has gone out of his way to pamper me! I wonder why?

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Wifes a drunken slut

Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...

3 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown part 10 Monica has some unwelcome news

The spring semester droned on. Monica found keeping up her self-confident persona a bit difficult. The sex with Houlihan was amazing and frightening at the same time. He’d finally satisfied her, bringing her to orgasm, the first she’d ever had with a man. But it was her first and last time. He’d made it clear that since she’d lied to him about having any more stripping parties, then doing the one in late December, was unforgiveable. Always, he held the threat of not getting into Georgetown over...

1 year ago
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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Midgets Like to Pork Too

My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...

2 years ago
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wifes revelation 4 and regressing

Introduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating to epic levels (this parts alittle longer than the rest.) The inevitable Jack strolls out of the airport with his luggage in tow behind him heading to the car rental counters thinking about his trip and what his detective has for him. After some time he heads for the expressway towards town not knowing where he is actually going. He has not been able to reach his detective as to where he is although Jack did arrive a day sooner than expected....

2 years ago
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Bridget The Story of a trained Slave

Bridget - The Story of a Trained Slave by Lewis Chappelle with assistance from ?Alli?Chapter One -   Parts 1 - 5Part # 1Bridget could not remember much about her early life. She did know a little about her former master and mistress, an older German couple, who got her from her parents before she even started her first menstrual period. The couple trained her to be a good slave but, had done nothing to educate the young girl, who was now practically illiterate. She did not have aspirations or...

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HotWife Cuckold Contract

"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...

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Hotwife Captions

Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...

Reddit NSFW List
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Bridget The Transformation

Bridget - The Transformation Chapter One written by ?Alli? based on a concept by Lewis Chappelle Carefully, Bridget arranged the implements on the floor: the flogger, the cat o' nine, the cane, the leather belt, the large paddle - they joined the others in a neat, straight line across the floor. Everything had to be perfect when Adam, her Master, came home. Bridget worked quickly and smoothly, almost humming as she readied herself and the room. Her Master, the love of her life, traveled...

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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

4 years ago
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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and Bridget Regan as Professor Regan

Bridget cried out and thrust her pelvis up against the mouth of her favorite student as she came. His mouth had been servicing her bits for the last half hour the teacher estimated. Time held very little meaning for a woman when she had a gorgeous young man eating her pussy. Harry’s tongue continued to stroke through her juicy folds while she arched her pelvis and grasped the back of his head with her left hand. Harry grinned mentally while his favorite professor shuddered and moaned...

2 years ago
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Wife Gets Even

Bill?" It was June again. "Yes" I replied "Now it is time for you to prepare for tonight." She continued. "First off if you truly love me and wish me to consent for you to remain my husband you better follow through with my next demands. Do you understand and agree to do as your told?" June asked. "Yes I understand and I'll comply" I meekly replied. "You are forbidden from masturbating until I tell you otherwise!" She ordered sternly. "I know you must have whacked off on my video already. I...

2 years ago
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BridgetChapter 2

When I went to see Bridget yesterday I was actually worried she might know what I was thinking by the expression on my face. I was still high on the fantasy sex I had with her the night before, as well as the orgasm she gave me, without her knowledge, of course. I thought she might take one look at me and know about my lusty play, of which she was the star attraction. Thankfully, if she did sense anything like that in my demeanor, she didn't seem to mind. She greeted me more joyfully than...

2 years ago
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When I started my job about five years ago, I was initially working first shift. I would be over at about 3:30-4.00 pm every day, and it was predictable. On occasion I'd get asked to stay over and pull a double shift. I didn't mind it. The money was good, I liked the work I do, and I loved the environment. After about three years, my supervisor asked if I'd be open to changing shifts and modifying my schedule. I wasn't too keen on working second shift, but I agreed to change on occasion. I...

Office Sex
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My House Mate Bridget

When I was younger, I needed a place to stay after my first house mate Dave decided to get married, and Bridget a good friend I had known since school said I could crash at hers.She had a house in a nice neighbourhood that she had inherited from her parents, after they had died a few years earlier in a car crash, and was more than happy to let me rent a room."Are you sure?" I asked as I carried my boxes in the front door on that first day."Yes, of course dumbass, or I wouldn't have offered!"...

3 years ago
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Wife Swapper Revenge

Wife Swappers Revenge by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Ideas The poker game had long since died out, nothing left on the table but potato chip crumbs and the smell of stale cigars and beer in the air. Nothing left that is, if you didn't count Jake and me. We had raided the pantry for whiskey a full two hours ago and could only be described as drunk. Very drunk. An hour ago we sung sloppy tunes like some stereo-typical depiction of an Irish souse. And only half an hour...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Discovered by Bridget

I realize that this is not one of my best stories, but I had a couple of free hours a few days ago and decided to write a quick story. I am still working on the next chapters for "My life in a Cage" and "Dana's Revenge". I apologize for how long it is between postings but it takes me quite a while to write those stories. Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have shown me. Discovered by Bridget By Tweak My name is John and I am a 32 year...

2 years ago
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Bridget Grows Up

Bridget stood there, looking down at the engine. She had to laugh, {well it's still there ... that's what I know about cars!... } She had been on the way home and her car just stopped. She was reaching for her cell phone when a car pulled up. "Hi, thought I recognized you. Troubles?" She vaguely recognized the young man, he had helped her with her groceries one day. He joined her and they both stared at the engine, the boy wiggled some wires and tried to restart it, no luck. "Well that's...

1 year ago
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Wifey as house entertainment gets real

Just the wifey and I tonight. She was getting ready. We argue a little over shoes, she doesn't like heels more than a couple inches tall. I say she looks hotter in high heels. She cuts the crotch out of some black panties that wrap tightly around her ass. Her ass is large and round, it's hard to miss. Her belly is much smaller having lost some weight. with a few adjustments,we get the new crotchless panties to open perfectly around her pussy lips. I go down for a quick taste. She says "ah ah...

3 years ago
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How a disgusting midget stole my beautiful young wife

Introduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART I Im going to be completely honest and tell the whole story, even though Im ashamed to admit any of it… It started about a year and a half ago, when Kelly and I had been living in our new house for only a few months. Everything was pretty great up until that point. Wed bought the place because we were thinking it was time to settle down and maybe have some kids. Kelly, by the way, was my wife. She was a...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

1 year ago
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Bridget Part 2

I'd just started working with Bridget about six months earlier when I'd gone to third shift. She's a bit on the bigger side compared to girls I'd done stuff with, and I knew a bit older. For the last couple of years, I'd been doing stuff with my stepdaughter's friends in the sixteen-eighteen range, and I'd done stuff with a couple others that I knew who liked to flirt, fuck around and have fun.Working with Bridget was fun to start with. Very outgoing, friendly, almost crude, extremely blunt,...

Office Sex
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Bridget Part 3

Bridget and I had been flirting since the day she started at work. With a personality like hers, it wasn't hard to like her. Very outspoken, almost too loud at times, sarcastic, funny, off the wall, and dirtier than most girls I'd ever worked with. We hadn't been working together that long which made it even more fun. She simply said what she felt like saying, if it offended someone, she would smile, smirk, and go "whoops. Did I say that out loud?" and everyone would laugh.What I did not...

4 years ago
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Hotwife Lifestyle

Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...

3 years ago
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Wife Gets Even

Six months after May and I had our brush with disaster my wife sprung a lulu on me. The intervening months had been unbelievable. Despite my catching my devoted wife in the midst of a tryst with my erstwhile best friend Ralph, we were truly a happier couple. We really did love one another more deeply and completely than we had before though I had not thought it possible at the time. And to my immense and complete surprise I actually trusted her more implicitly than I had before. Don't ask...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Eleven Spank You For My Degree Professor Stevens

Zofeya Caldwell sat at Fiona’s dining table and nervously sipped at her glass of iced water, not taking her bright blue eyes from the older woman. It had been just over a week since she had completed her Law degree at the University and, now, here she was, about to keep her part of the bargain. The twenty-one-year-old bit her lip gently as she looked at her Law tutor who was sitting opposite her, the forty-year-old woman staring at her, elbows on the expensive dining table before her, hands...

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Loss Prevention

Loss Prevention By Alyssa Davis 8/96 The Help Wanted ad said, "Retail security position open at Macy's Department Store. Experience necessary." Tommy was ready for a change and this job interested him, so he proceeded to the personnel department, now referred to as Human Resources, at Macy's where he filled out an application and was immediately scheduled for an interview with Louise Clark, the manager of the Loss Prevention Department. "Hello Ms. Clark, I'm Tommy Andrews. I'm...

2 years ago
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BridgetChapter 3

I gave Bridget one of my personal email addresses a few days ago ... one that I use in the private online world. But not laurenmom. I don't know that I'll ever want her in my online story and sex talk world. In any case, she sent me a message the same day. Even her emails are ultra adorable. And, she shared something that has me intrigued as hell. She told me that she has two tattoos. Tattoos are something I can generally take or leave. But the thought of her having ink adorning that sweet...

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BridgetChapter 4

Damn! Nearly 2 weeks has gone by since I've had time to update my tale of Sweet Bridget. Some things have developed. Here goes... She and I have had a couple of dates, which is how I'm referring to our outings, since I posted about this a couple of weeks ago. We've become social network friends and we're emailing pretty much daily. I'm also stopping in the store to see her as I always have. Here's something fun, that's been quite titillating for me. I haven't really touched my sweet...

1 year ago
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Wife Gets Even

Wife Gets Even A husband takes advantage of his wife over a bet he wins but the wife gets a chance to turn the tables on him and he pays for it dearly. My wife and I get together with our neighbors to play cards to play cards about once a month. We generally have a good time but there are no stakes involved. For a poker player like me who is accustomed to gambling for large amounts of money playing just for fun is a little, well...boring. One night about a month ago, I tried to make...

2 years ago
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BridgetChapter 5

I'm not sure how I want to (or don't want to) continue with the story/journal part of this tale of me and my almost girlfriend, Bridget. I've woven parts of my real life through much of what I've written in my online life, but this is pretty much the first time I've actually just shared the real thing as it was happening. But for now I'll continue sharing this way, because it helps me think it through. And, as I just shared with one of my good online pals, if the shoe were on the other...

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Wifey catches me sucking cock

I am bisexual, married man in my early 50s. When I met my wife, I had a regular guy and we’d exchange blow jobs every week or two.. I told her about it and said my sexual adventures are part of the relationship. She accepted it and after a couple years she and I and my guy had a couple threesomes that I’ve written about elsewhere. But several years ago, we moved away and I didn’t have a regular guy. When I did find one, wifey was resistant to it.So he and I met on the wide, once every 2 to 3...

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wifes panties full

this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...

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