Fam!ly Reunion - Chapter 1 free porn video

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Monday, August 18

As Tom opened the door to the chiropractic clinic and entered, he saw Sara Hensley standing at the receptionist's counter. She was wearing a well-tailored grey suit, jacket and skirt, and a white silk blouse. Her four-inch heels matched the colour of her suit. The skirt was short, definitely above the knees, but not scandalously short She looked great. She was holding some file folders in her hand and was talking to the receptionist, an attractive brunette who, Tom estimated, was close to Sara's age. Sara looked as good formally dressed as she had in her cropped T-shirt, shorts, and running shoes.

Three days earlier, Tom had been riding on the paved, multi-use path beside the Little River, one of two rivers that flowed through River City. It had been an absolutely gorgeous morning. The air was still cool, although it would get to 100 degrees later, according to that day's weather forecast. It was mid-August and August was always hot in River City.

Tom was alive and well, twenty-one years old and about to start his fourth year at River City U., majoring in history, his first love academically. His father, Daniel Reynolds, was a professor of mathematics at River City U. That didn't bother Tom at all. His dad and he had a good relationship. He had been raised by his father after his mother had abandoned them and run off with another man when he was only two years old. He had no memories of her.

Tom, like his father, kept himself fit and trim. They both worked out with weights. They were workout partners and they both used the twenty-three-mile-long multi-use path along the Little River on a regular basis, as well as doing high intensity interval training.

Tom was giving it his all, pedalling like a bat out of hell, which was not a particularly good idea that morning, at least, not where he was on the path. The path passed through one of the city parks at that point and the day before one of the big sprinklers for the soccer field had broken and washed a good bit of sand and gravel down onto it. The city workmen assigned to the park had stopped the flood and repaired the sprinkler but no one had cleared off the path yet. Tom was tearing around a tight curve when he hit the spot of sand and gravel. He went down quickly. The bicycle shooting out from under him and he went bouncing and tumbling off into the weeds and brush beside the trail.

That was when he met Sara Hensley. She had been out for her morning run and was coming from the opposite direction when she saw Tom go down. He was just beginning to pick himself up out of the weeds when she reached him.

"Wait! Don't move," she cautioned.

Tom looked up and saw the face of an angel. A perspiring angel, but an angel, nevertheless. She had fine, light blonde hair, no dark roots in evidence... natural? Her hair was cut short and very stylish. The angel had incredibly blue eyes, which seemed to sparkle even with concern on her face, a face with balanced even features. And her mouth - generous without being too generous and well-shaped full lips without that pouty "bee-stung" look. This woman was beautiful or, as Tom like to say, a babe and a half, a phrase he'd picked up from his father. He felt a strange attraction to her. Something about her seemed familiar yet he knew he'd never set eyes on her before now.

Tom himself was blonde, but a couple of shades darker than this woman's hair. And his eyes were very blue like hers. She almost looked old enough to be his mother. Immediately, he rejected that idea. First of all, he didn't want her to be his mother because, even in his dazed state of mind, he felt himself sexually attracted to her and that couldn't happen with his mother. Second, his mother had left him and his father and run away with another man when Tom was just a toddler. His father had destroyed all the photos he'd had of his wife, Tom's mother.

"Are you my guardian angel?" Tom blurted out before he realized he had put into voice what he was thinking.

Sara grinned, then laughed. "No young man, I'm not an angel."

‘Dimples,’ Tom thought. ‘And beautiful, even, white teeth. My God, I'm in love!’

Having been raised without a mother, Tom had a thing for older women. He was no fool. This woman, his angel, was no eighteen to twenty-year-old babe. She was a mature woman, probably in her early, or at the most, mid-thirties, and she was an honest-to-God damned good-looking woman and Tom was in lust, true, natural, horny male lust.

"Are you sure I haven't died and gone to heaven? Tom asked.

Sara laughed more heartily this time. Tom loved hearing the sound of her laughter.

"I think you're just a little dazed." Sara said.

Tom was fascinated with her elegant throat and small, beautiful ears. He wondered what it would be like to nuzzle her neck and ears and... His cock was waking up, starting to become erect, increasing the bulge in his lycra biking shorts.

"Seriously, young man, you took a nasty fall. Do you feel any broken bones?

With Sara's help, Tom stood up and carefully flexed and moved his torso, arms, and legs. "No. I think I'm okay, except for the 'road rash'." His left knee and elbow and part of his forearm, as well as some of his left side, were beginning to bleed around the embedded sand and grit. Tom had been riding without a shirt.

As Tom began picking and brushing out some of the bigger pieces of debris from his wounds, wincing slightly as he did, Sara took a good look at him. She liked what she saw. He was tall, definitely over six feet. Blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, a great smile. He had broad, well-muscled chest, shoulders and arms. Not hypertrophied like a body builder, more like a serious athlete. His slim waist and six-pack abs looked very nice to her, not to mention his strong thighs.

‘Sara,’ she told herself. ‘You ought to be ashamed. He's young enough to be your son.’

That thought gave an old mental scar a twinge. It had been twenty years ago when, after a major fight over her husband's infidelity and her declaration that she was going to divorce him, he had k!dnapped their son Robert, and disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again. Sara sighed and refocused on the present. The past was the past and there was nothing she could do about it.

Sara felt a warm feeling in her loins and realized that, while her mind had been analysing this young man, her body was reacting to his very masculine physical presence. She blushed and turned away from Tom, as though looking down the bike path.

"Well, listen... uh—" she started to say as she turned back to face Tom.

"Tom. Tom Reynolds... Mrs...?

Tom thought he'd seen a bit of a flush on his angel's face and a perturbed look in her eyes when she turned away from him. He also noticed, openly, when her back was to him, her shapely, tanned legs, firm ass in her snug-fitting shorts, and a slim waist with a flat stomach under her crop-top T-shirt. And her skin, where he could see it, had a lovely golden tan. When she turned back around to face him, he had a quick flash profile look at her and realized that she was nicely filling out her sports bra under her T-shirt.

"Oh not Mrs, Tom," Sara said with a smile. She had her little flair of sexual emotion under control now and was actually amused with herself. She decided that it was okay to be physically attracted to this young man.

"I'm Sara Hensley," she introduced herself and held out her hand for Tom to shake.

He took it in his and gave it a pleasant squeeze and shake. "Very nice to meet you, Ms Hensley." He had also noticed that her left hand didn't have a wedding ring on it.

Sara laughed again. "Oh, you can call me Sara. No reason to be formal." She looked directly into Tom's blue eyes and gave him a coy little smile.

Now it was Tom's turn to blush. His stomach quivered. ‘Is she coming on to me?’ he wondered. He also noticed that his cock was not only awake now, it was beginning to grow.

"Well, Sara, I think I'm going to be okay... and thanks for stopping to help me," Tom said. He turned towards his bike, lying in the gravel at the edge of the pavement, but the move was actually to hide the growing bulge in his shorts.

"Oh, you're quite welcome, Tom," Sara said. She smiled inwardly, figuring she had just scored a direct hit in the flirting game. "But if you have any problems in the next couple of days - sometimes a back or neck problem won't show up right away - then why don't you pay a visit to River View Chiropractic. I work there."

"Oh, so should I call you Dr Hensley, then?" Tom asked.

He had picked up his bike and had turned it and himself around so he was facing Sara again, the bike between them to try and hide the bulge in his shorts. He was enjoying the direct looks and smiles she was giving him.

"No, I'm the office manager. But we have four good doctors who can help you if you need it." She smiled to herself, she'd noticed that Tom was putting the bicycle seat between her and his crotch.

‘Okay,’ she thought, ‘I think he likes me.’

“Well, Sara, I might just do that if, as you say, I develop a pain or two in the next couple of days.”

Sara nodded. "Please do come in, Tom, if anything develops."

‘What a good-looking and nice young man. I wonder if he would even consider having sex with an older woman?’ Sara asked herself. She almost blushed again. But Sara knew that she was a good-looking, forty-one-year-old woman. She got hit on enough even by young men and, though she didn't think of herself as vain, she liked what she saw when she looked at herself naked in the mirror.

"Well, if you're sure you're okay, I've got to go or I'll be late for work."

Tom stuck out his hand. He just had to make physical contact again. "Okay, Ms Hensley. And thanks again."

"Sara, remember?" Sara said with a seductive smile. She took his hand and gave it a sensual squeeze.

"Yes, of course, Sara," Tom was trying to delay their parting for as long as possible. "But, really. Thank you for stopping. I do appreciate it."

"You're quite welcome, Tom. But I have run now, literally." She laughed, released his hand, turned and started running back up the path in the direction she had come from. She turned and ran backwards for a few steps. "Maybe I'll see you later, eh?" Sara flashed Tom a big smile. Then she turned and was gone around a curve.

"Bye, bye, Sara," Tom said out loud, but softly, to himself. "Maybe I'll see you sooner rather than later, you total hottie. I think I feel a pain coming on in my back." Tom reached down to give his somewhat tumescent cock a good squeeze, wondering what it would be like to fuck Sara.

His first sexual experience had been with an older woman. Since then he'd only had sex with girls near his age. Maybe it was time to experience an older woman again. It had seemed like she had been flirting with him, he was sure, well, he was hoping. ‘There's only one way to find out,’ he told himself.

* * *

Two days later, as he walked into River View Chiropractic, Tom was feeling no pain, except for a little muscle soreness from his fall and from the road rash, which was scabbing up nicely. He was hoping to see and talk with Sara again and hoping that he'd been right about her flirting with him and that she might want to do more than just flirt. He knew he was taking a chance, but what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And there she was, tall, cool, elegant, and beautiful. A sophisticated lady. Far different from the concerned, perspiring jogger he'd met two days ago.

Tom's courage almost failed him at that moment. But he took a deep breath and renewed his resolve to stumble through this as best he could. He put a big smile on his face and kept on walking towards the receptionist's counter.

"Why hello, Ms Hensley," he said.

Sara turned to see who it was and, upon recognizing Tom, gave him a brilliant smile. "Why hello yourself, Tom. And I told you to call me Sara."

Tom blushed and noticed that the receptionist was staring up at him. "You did. But you look so, so, uh, like a professional woman it didn't seem appropriate. That is, you know, having just met the one time."

Sara arched an eyebrow and gave Tom a mischievous smile. She turned to the receptionist. "Did he just say I looked like a pro?" She asked.

The receptionist, Debby, as it was written on her nametag, giggled and grinned. "I do believe he did, Sara."

Tom blushed furiously now and felt almost light-headed but continued gamely, choosing to ignore the implied sexual innuendo. "You said if I feel anything in my back to come and have it checked out. Well, I've developed a little kink in my back, so here I am."

Debby reached for a clipboard with a new patient information form on it. Sara took it from Debby. "This is the young man I was telling you about, who had that accident on his bike."

"Oh yes," Debby said knowingly.

"So, I'll handle this one, Debby," Sara said, giving her a sly wink.

"Of course, Sara," the receptionist responded with a smile and a stifled giggle. Sara had told her about the "young hunk" on the bike path and how she hoped he would come in, "So I can seduce him," Sara had told her.

Debby had feigned shock. She and Sara were close in age and both attractive women, as well as being single mothers. They went out together often to look at and, sometimes, pick up a "good" man, when they weren't in the middle of one of their serial monogamous relationships. As they often reminded each other, a hard man is good to find, as Mae West once said. Both women enjoyed sex for the pure pleasure of sex and neither of them were particularly looking for "Mr. Right," or marriage. If it happened, it happened. In the meantime, they were healthy, attractive women with healthy sexual appetites.

Sara, clipboard in hand, looked Tom directly in the eyes. She smiled sweetly. "Come this way," she said, then turned and walked across the foyer to an office door. Tom dutifully followed her, heart pounding, wondering if Sara had just tossed out another sexual innuendo. He hoped so.

Behind his back, Debby had her head down, a hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh out loud. "Right. 'come this way', youngster, or come any way you can. Good luck, Sara."

The door to Sara's office was open. She walked through the doorway and stood to one side to let Tom pass. "Take the seat there beside my desk, please," she told Tom. As she turned to close the door she saw Debby wink at her and give her a thumb's up. Sara grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at Debby before closing door.

Sara's outward demeanour was calm and collected, but her heart was thumping in her chest. She had never seduced a man this young, at least not since she was that young herself. Also, she had never seduced one in her office. She had an excellent rapport with all the doctors, but she would have to be discreet. So, she wondered, just where to begin? That, she wasn't sure of.

As Sara sat down behind her desk and brought her gaze up to meet Tom's, he solved her problem for her.

"Listen, Sara, I have a confession to make."

"Oh?" She wondered if Tom and she were on the same wavelength. She decided to chance it. "Let me guess, okay?" Her eyes sparkled.

"Sure, sure," Tom almost stuttered, taking in Sara's beauty, her eyes, her dimpled smile. God he loved dimples, or at least he did now.

"You don't have a back problem at all. You came here to see me again." Sara held her breath and prayed she was right.

Tom's eyes locked on to Sara's. He blushed. They both smiled. They both felt their own adrenalin rush and the pounding of their hearts that comes from bold seductive encounters.

"You nailed it, Sara," Tom said and thinking of how he'd love to "nail" her. "My back's fine. I came here hoping to see you again."

"I'm glad you did, Tom. I was hoping you would."

"I'm flattered, Sara, really flattered."

Sara gave a little laugh. "No, Tom, I'm flattered. You're a damned good-looking young man. You're charming and seem to be quite intelligent.

"Oh please, Sara." Tom was blushing again.

"Let me finish, Tom. I'm flattered because, well, because, don't you think I'm too old?"

"Oh hell no, Sara! You're a beautiful woman. Obviously fit and healthy. Your age doesn't matter to me." Actually, the fact that she was an older woman and that she was obviously coming on to him was a serious turn-on for Tom. She might be a "cougar" but he definitely didn't feel like her prey. "And did I mention intelligent, sophisticated, and, and beautiful?"

Sara laughed. "Okay, that's enough. I guess we're on the same page, so to speak, right?"

Tom nodded, but his next words surprised Sara as well as pleased her.

"I love it when you smile or laugh. I love your dimples and the joy that shines out of your eyes."

‘Wow,’ Sara thought. ‘This young man is not average by any means.’

"Why thank you, Tom. What a sweet thing to say." She paused, then let out a big breath. "We're moving along pretty fast here, don't you think?"

"Yes, but I like it. Don't you?"

"Yes I do, Tom." And she meant it. Her pussy was getting wet at the thought of making love to this young hunk.

"But maybe, just maybe, Sara, you might have some second thoughts about me. About me maybe being too young, maybe?" Tom hoped not because his cock was more than half hard just sitting here with Sara, basically setting up a sexual affair with her.

"Well, to be honest, when I first thought about it, which, by the way, was the day we met, I wondered one thing." Sara paused. "You, uh, you are a legal adult aren't you?

Tom laughed. "I'm twenty-one. Just turned. So I guess that's 'legal' enough, right?"

"Oh! Well, yeah," Sara said and grinned. "Actually, I was thinking legal for sex, eighteen. But since you're twenty-one, that's perfect. It will make it easier when we go to dinner and order drinks.

Tom felt like jumping up, dancing around, and shouting with joy. Sara was already thinking of having sex with him.

"But, Tom, I'm going to be perfectly frank with you about my age, something a woman isn't supposed to do. But it certainly looks like we are rushing headlong into a, well, a sexual affair... into bed. So I just want you to know that I'm forty-one years old. Twenty years older than you. Are you sure you want this old woman?”

Tom gave Sara a big grin. He wanted to get up again and do a victory dance now that the fact that he was going to have sex with this hot older woman had been stated openly. And his cock was now nearly completely hard.

"First of all, Sara, you're not old and you're a whole lot better looking that many women twenty years younger than you.”

Sara smiled. "Thank you," she said.

"When I first saw you," Tom continued, "I thought you were in your early thirties. Later, I revised that up to thirty-five. But I wouldn't have told you that for fear that I was correct or maybe had overshot your age a bit. So if you, or anyone else, had asked me, I would have said you were thirty, maybe thirty-one, maaa-bye thirty-two."

"Thank you, again, Tom Reynolds. You are most kind and quite gallant." Sara was beaming openly, enjoying this verbal foreplay.

In fact, she could feel that her pussy was engorged with blood and slippery with her vaginal lubrication. If it hadn't been the middle of the workday, if she and Tom were the last ones in the building and she was getting ready to lock up, she would have had him take her right there on her desk. She'd always fantasized a scenario like that but had never done it. Or maybe she would lead him back to one of the examination and treatment rooms and have him fuck her there. It was a thought. Maybe she would arrange it, later.

"Second," Tom said, "you have the body of a twenty-something woman, from what I saw of it the other day. In fact, I know a few, um, girls, who... well, let's just say, they could take lessons from you."

Sara clapped her hands and laughed out loud. "Oh my! Thank you so much, Sir Thomas the Gallant." She was, of course, quite flattered and quite pleased.

"You are most welcome, my Lady of the Angels," Tom replied with a big smile. He realized that by being truthful he was making serious points with Sara.

"So no, Sara," Tom went on seriously, "your being forty-one is not a problem at all. What I see is a beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated woman with whom I would very much like to make love to and have an affair."

Tom was shocked with himself for having put his thought so openly into words. He knew having an affair was where they were going, he just wasn't used to stating something like that so directly so soon. But, then, she had started it by asking him how old he was—old enough to be "legal" for sex.

Sara didn't have a problem with Tom's words at all. She leaned forward and put out her hands, which Tom automatically took in his. She squeezed his hands tightly, her heart was beating hard in her chest. "I like you, Tom Reynolds. I like the fact that you came here today looking for me. I like your honesty and boldness. And I surely do want to fuck you, too, as soon as possible."

Tom felt like his cock was going to burst through his pants when he heard Sara's words.

"Well, okay then," Tom said with a big grin. "Excuse me a minute," he said as he stood up. Tom reached down to his crotch and manipulated the hard bulge in his pants until his cock was straight up, then he sat back down. "I was getting kind of uncomfortable," he explained, looking directly into Sara's beautiful blue eyes. The lightest of lines crinkled at the corners of them as she smiled mischievously at him.

"I can understand that," Sara said. "I'm getting rather excited myself. In fact, my panties are just about soaked through." Now she gave Tom a big grin, making her dimples deep and making Tom's heart, and cock, throb.

"Oh my," was all Tom could manage.

"I'll be back in just a second," Sara said as she stood up behind her desk. Now she had butterflies in her stomach and her knees felt just a little rubbery. She'd just decided what she was going to do with this delicious young man, right here in her office.

Sara went out her door and walked over to the receptionist's desk. "Debby, I don't want to be disturbed for... at least twenty minutes. Okay?"

"Oh, you naughty girl," Debby said quietly. Then she smiled and winked.

Sara walked back to her office and closed the door, then quietly locked it. She walked around her desk, closed the vertical blinds, then sat down. "Tom, stand up and come around the desk, will you please?" Sara's heart was really thumping in her chest now. She'd never before done anything remotely like what she was about to do now.

Perplexed, Tom stood and came around the side of Sara's desk. She swivelled in her chair to face him.

"A little closer, please," Sara said in a breathy, near-whisper. Tom stepped closer. "Pull up your T-shirt, Tom."

He did as Sara asked then gasped as her right hand caressed his flat belly. Her hand felt cool and he wanted her to touch and caress him all over. Then he watched, fascinated, as Sara undid the button on his jeans and unzipped the fly. He wasn't wearing any underwear and Sara looked up into his eyes and smiled as she carefully pulled his jeans down a bit. His cock swung free, standing rigidly away from his body at just above ninety degrees. There was a big, clear drop of pre-cum just beginning to ooze out of his urethra. Tom took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

‘Oh my God,’ he thought, ‘Sara's going to suck my cock right here!’

‘Nice,’ Sara thought.

Tom's cock was straight and thick and, to her estimation, longer than average. In her experience, she'd seen bigger, but this was a nice cock, one that would please her, or could, if Tom was a good lover. She also liked the size and shape of his "little helmet". The ridges of it flared out nicely over the hard shaft and it, too, was swollen and full. Then she noticed the drop of pre-cum.

Sara dipped her head and used just the tip of her tongue to lick up that bit of his sexual fluids.

Tom gasped when Sara's tongue made contact with the head of his cock and licked up the drop of pre-cum. He gasped again as Sara slid her mouth smoothly down over his cock, taking him deep, deep into her mouth, before she began bobbing her head, her mouth—her oh so warm, oh so slick, oh so soft mouth—up and down on his cock.

Sara's heart was racing. ‘My God,’ she thought. ‘I'm giving Tom a blow job in my office... during business hours!’ But she was totally turned on and wasn't about to stop.

Sara pulled her mouth off Tom's cock. He shaved his pubic hair, including his balls. Sara held his hard cock up straight and leaned in to take first his right testicle in her mouth then the left one, then both. The hairless skin of Tom's scrotum was the softest skin she'd ever felt or had her mouth on. Sara spend several moments enjoying sucking on Tom's balls before she went back to sucking his cock.

Tom was amazed at what Sara had done. Only one other women in his sexual life had sucked on his balls. Tom felt his pleasure increasing by the second. He had what he thought was a fair amount of experience with sex and he usually could hold off coming for a while, using various techniques. But he almost always masturbated before going on a date where he was sure he had a better than good chance of getting laid. He hadn't masturbated today, yet, and now he was coming to orgasm fast. Of course, it was totally unexpected and totally exciting that Sara, such a beautiful mature woman, would do this in her office. The fact that their verbal foreplay had already primed him didn't help any.

"Mmm! Uh! Sara, Sara!" Tom gasped out.

Sara had her eyes closed, enjoying this wicked bit of fun in her office with this hot young hunk. She opened them and look up into his beautiful blue eyes and winked. She was pretty sure that he was trying to tell her that he was about to ejaculate into her mouth. That was fine with her. In fact, it was better than fine. She was truly looking forward to it.

Sara held the base of Tom's cock with her left hand as she continued to suck up and down on it. Her right hand reached under her skirt, which was hiked halfway up her thighs, and began rubbing her clitoris through her panties... panties that were soaked from her vaginal lubrication, she was so turned on.

‘I'll have to check the back of my skirt later,’ she told herself, ‘To see if there is a wet spot.’

Suddenly, Sara felt Tom's cock twitch and it seemed to get harder and thicker in her mouth. She heard him grunting and groaning, trying to be quiet and doing a pretty good job of it. And then she felt the first gush of his thick semen hit the back of her mouth. It hit f0rcefully, almost making her choke, and there was a lot of it. And then there was another gush, and another, and another. Sara frantically began swallowing and also rubbing and pinching her clit and then she was there, too, moaning with intense pleasure with Tom's cock still in her mouth. Finally, Tom's cock was empty. No more cum for Sara to swallow.

"Oh wow, Sara!" Tom sighed.

"Oh wow, indeed!" Sara said.

"Did you just get off, too?" Tom asked.

"Oh yeah!" Sara assured him.

"God, Sara, you're an amazing woman." Then Tom reached down to pull Sara to her feet. He looked her directly in the eyes, eyes he could get lost in. "But, as the Monty Python boys said in "The Meaning of Life," regarding how to initiate sex: "A kiss, boy. What's wrong with a kiss?"

Sara tilted her head back and laughed. She knew exactly what he was referring to. She was a Monty Python fan herself. Tom smiled and pulled Sara close to him and then surprised her as he placed his mouth over hers and kissed her long and sweetly, something that many men wouldn't do after coming in a woman's mouth.

"Blow jobs are great. In fact, that was probably the best BJ I've ever had, Sara. But don't most affairs begin with kisses?

Sara laughed again, and heartily. Then she put her hands behind Tom's head and kissed him just as wonderfully as he'd kissed her. "Yes, that's how most affairs start. You complaining, buster?"

"Oh hell no. But when do I get to return that favour?"

Sara looked at her watch. It was 11:45 a.m. The office closed down from noon to one so staff could have lunch. She bent over her desk and wrote something on a note pad and handed it to Tom. "This is my address. My daughter is up at the lake with her friends, won't be back until late this afternoon and, uh, well it really shouldn't take us that long to, uh, get better acquainted."

Tom grinned. "Not unless you need more than once, or twice, for us to get better acquainted."

"Well, I might, Tom. I might. We'll just have to see. I'll meet you at my house as soon as I can. But I shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes behind you."

Sara stepped up to Tom and put her hands behind his head again. He placed his hand on her hips and pulled her close. They kissed again.

"Mmm," Sara said as she pulled her lips slowly away from Tom's, "I could get used to that."

"I agree," Tom murmured as he kissed Sara once more.

Sara sighed as Tom broke the kiss. She smiled at him, suddenly giving him a serious look. "Okay, Tom, go. I'll see you in a few minutes."

Tom grinned as he casually stuffed his penis back into his pants and carefully zipped up. It had never gotten completely flaccid and, now, with all the kissing and then the sure knowledge that he was going to Sara's house to fuck her, it was already beginning to fill with blood again.

Sara was standing at the door and gave Tom a quick peck on the lips before opening it. Tom walked out of the office and headed for the front door without looking back and he definitely didn't want to look at the receptionist. He was sure that he would blush and that she would know, or suspect, what had gone on behind Sara's office door.

Sara walked over to Debby smiling.

"How did your, uh, private consultation go, Sara?" Debby teased, trying to pretend it was a professional question, then breaking out in a big grin.

There were no patients in the waiting room this close to lunchtime but Sara leaned over the reception desk and whispered to Debby anyway. "If you ever want to use my office to give some guy a BJ, just let me know."

Debby gasped, then cupped her hand over her mouth. "You didn't! Did you?"

Sara ran the tip of her tongue around her lips. "Of course not. That wouldn't be professional. And we both know that I'm a pro." Sara and Debby both broke out laughing.

Sara gave Debby a mischievous smile. "I might be late getting back from lunch, in case one of the docs ask."

Debby stared at Sara with an open mouth. "Uh, are you and, uh..."

"Tom," Sara said.

"Tom. Actually, I was going to say, that young hunk, going to... uh, well, you know."

"Yes, Debby, we are. Actually he's going to, as he put it, return the favour, so to speak, that I did for him in the office. And then, you know what?" Sara leaned in close again and whispered. "We're going to fuck."

Sara and Debby had exchange boyfriends, or rather, casual boy toys that one or the other would pick up from time-to-time. Neither one of them was shy about sex. They went out together on a regular basis and generally like the same men. On a couple of occasions, when the pickings were slim, they'd picked up one man and taken him to a motel and both of them would fuck him to exhaustion and, during the process, they would make love to each other, also.

They both liked men and hard cocks, but they were both bisexual. Sometimes, when the picking was real slim they would go to one or the other's house, if their ch!ld was having a sleeepover somewhere, just to have sex together. Sometimes they wouldn't even bother to go looking for a man. And it wasn't an exclusive relationship they had. They did have sex with other women when the occasion presented itself. It was just that since they worked together and often went out together and were both like-minded about sex with men and women, that it gave them more opportunity to act on their sexual desires.

"I don't suppose..." Debby began, giving Sara a questioning look.

"Absolutely not," Sara said emphatically. "At least, not until I've had time to break him in."

"Not even a threesome?"

Sara thought about it. "Well, maybe, but not until I've taken him for more than a test drive. We'll see. I mean, who knows. Maybe after today I won't want to see him again, or he me." Sara didn't think that very likely but she knew it could happen. Then Sara grinned wickedly. "What do you think Tom would do with the two of us if we began making love in front of him?"

"You know how the younger generation is, what with internet porn and all. He'd probably think he'd died and gone to Heaven. So does this mean...?"

"Maybe, Debby. Or maybe I'll like him so much I'll hog him all to myself."

"Okay, Sara," Debby pouted. "Go have fun while I eat my miserable sandwich and apple."

"Poor baby," Sara clucked. But both women were grinning.

Sara went back into her office to get her purse. As she came out, she locked the door, waved goodbye to Debby and walked out the front door. She felt an electric sense of excitement at going to meet this young man and making love with him.

* * *

There was a black Mustang parked at the curb in front of her house as Sara pulled her silver Lexus into her driveway. As she parked and got out of her car, she saw Tom getting out of the Mustang. They met on the front porch.

"Mustang, huh? Why doesn't that surprise me?" Sara remarked with a smile.

"Yeah, well, it's a 2002 model that I was finally able, with my dad's help, to buy last year. Before that I was driving an old beater of a pickup truck. But, Sara, you're driving a Lexus."

Both cars were in good shape, clean and shiny.

Sara laughed. "Yeah, well, I bought that used a couple of years ago. It's a 2001. Bought it from one of our patients who couldn't drive anymore. Low miles and excellent condition and he gave me a break on the price."

Sara turned to unlock the deadbolt on the front door and was surprised to find that her hand was trembling slightly. She had picked up her share of men. Had her share of first time experiences. But this was the first time she'd picked up such a young man and so brazenly in her office. Her pussy was still wet from giving him a blow job in her office. It had been one of the most exciting things she'd ever done, sexually.

Inside the door was a small foyer with a long, narrow table against one wall. After closing and locking the door, Sara put her purse and keys down on the table then turned to face Tom.

He smiled as he put his arms around her waist and pulled her up close. Sara tilted her face up to him as he bent his head down to kiss her. He started out slowly, more-or-less just kissing her lips a few times before probing them with the tip of his tongue. Then, when Sara opened her mouth to him, he moulded his lips to hers and his tongue began playing with hers. They both had their eyes closed and the kiss lasted a long time.

Tom was seriously enjoying kissing this older woman. He could smell her perfume, not too heavy, and it was lovely scent. He wondered if she, like the girls he'd had sex with, shaved her pussy. He would soon find out. He would soon be licking her pussy, tasting it, like he was tasting her tongue and mouth. His cock was growing hard.

Sara was enjoying the kiss as much as Tom was. She didn't want to jump right into it, but she was anticipating him "kissing" her pussy. Her heart was thudding in her chest. She gently pulled her lips away from his and nuzzled his neck and nibbled on his earlobe, making Tom gasp a little. He wasn't wearing any cologne that she could detect, but she liked the smell of his warm skin.

"Tom," Sara whispered.

"Yes?" Tom was now nibbling on the top of her ear, sending delightful chill bumps and shivers down her right side.

"If you're going to, uh, return the favour, as you said, then I need to give myself a little freshening up."

"Oh, I'm going to return the favour, Sara. No doubt about it."

Sara pulled her head back and gave Tom a grin. "Come on, then." She took his hand and turned to lead him down the hall to her bedroom.

When they got there, Tom pulled Sara around and planted another sweet kiss on her mouth.

Sara's desire was now tinged with urgency. She put her hands to his head and kissed him, hungrily, several times. She wanted Tom to lick her pussy and make her come and then she wanted him to fuck her and make her come again. And she also wanted to feel his young hard body on top of her, feel his pumping hips between her spread legs as he came in her pussy.

Sara pulled her mouth from Tom's. "Get undressed, baby, and get on the bed. I'll be right back." She kissed him one more time then turned and went into the master bath and closed the door.

Tom was ecstatic. He wanted to shout for joy. Sara was truly a babe-and-a-half, more attractive than the average attractive girl or women. That attractiveness wasn't always related to the good looks of the woman, but in Sara's case, she was a damned good-looking woman. But it was more than that. She had a very natural feminine sexuality, something the French called je ne sais quoi. Also, he felt a strong sense of attraction to her that he couldn't explain. He didn't want to analyse it though. He just wanted to make love with her and not just this once. He hoped that this would turn into a full-blown affair that would last for months, maybe years. Even if it eventually included her daughter.

Sara got undressed in the bathroom then quickly gave her pussy and ass a thorough washing. She looked herself over in the mirror as she dried between her legs and ass cheeks. Realistically, Sara saw a mature woman who didn't look her forty-one years. The image in the mirror show a pretty blue-eyed, blonde-haired woman with firm, medium large breasts and—right now—fat and erect nipples, her body had good muscle tone, her stomach was flat, she was tanned, and her pussy was completely hairless. Sara liked what she saw but she wasn't a teenager or a twenty-something girl. She hoped Tom would like what he saw, too.

Tom was lying back on the pillows against the headboard, stroking his hard cock, when Sara exited the bathroom. "Wow!"

"What?" Sara paused.

Tom shook his head. "Sara, you're gorgeous." His cock got harder than it had been, just from seeing this beautiful woman naked for the first time.

Sara blushed and gave Tom a dimpled smile. "Thank you," she said simply.

She crawled up onto the bed and ran a hand over his muscular thigh, then she took his lovely cock from him and squeezed it. She lowered her hand and gave his testicles a gentle squeeze. She loved how soft the skin of his scrotum was and leaned down to suck on his balls again as she had done in her office. Sara already knew that she wanted to be this young man's lover for a long time, if he was willing. There was something about him that attracted her like no other man had, even though he was a youngster.

Sara pulled her mouth from Tom's balls, slowly stroked his cock and smiled at him. "You're a very handsome man, you know that, Tom? And your body is, well, it's great. I'll bet you're a real lady-killer.” She moved her hand lightly over his "six-pack" stomach and up to his firm pectoral muscles, then she laid down beside him.

Tom turned to face her. He embraced her and smiled. "Yeah, well, I guess I do okay with the ladies. I mean, yeah, I get a lot of dates and stuff." He was almost embarrassed. "But my dad taught me that being a lady-killer, as you put it, isn't something I should strive for. I mean, he told me that at my age and, well," he looked down at himself, "he said that I could probably get laid a lot, and while that's not a bad thing, it's not the only thing and that, uh, that I should always have respect for women, women as women that is. And, I don't know, just not to think too much of myself. Or, as he put it not to get too full of myself."

Tom sat up, leaned in, and kissed Sara. She placed her hand behind his head and drayped a thigh over his hips, where the tip of his hard cock teasingly brushed against the inside of her thigh, almost against her pussy.

"Your father sounds like a wise man," Sara said when they broke the kiss.

"Yeah, well, he told me that he was, as he put it, an arrogant son of a bitch when he was my age and he lost a lot because of it."

Sara didn't want to talk anymore about Tom's father, who must be about her own age. She wanted to make love to this lovely young man who was so taken by her and who thought she was gorgeous. She took her hand away from his head and reached down to take hold of his hard cock and stroked it firmly several times.

"Mmm," Tom said, "but you know what? It's time for payback."

He gently pushed Sara on to her back, kissed her on the mouth; kissed, sucked and bit on each nipple; then moved on down to kiss and caress her stomach. Then he manoeuvred himself around and got between her legs and spread them wide, as he positioned himself kneeling over his knees. Holding her legs apart, he kissed and gently bit on the soft, creamy skin of her inner thighs, first one then the other, making Sara gasp. He nibbled and kissed his way back up to her pussy. Sara held her head up to watch him. Tom gave her direct eye contact and winked then he placed his mouth over her pussy, excited by her womanly scent and then, as his tongue dipped between her wet labia, excited by her womanly taste. He began licking and sucking and nibbling on Sara's pussy as if there was nothing else in the world he liked or wanted to do more than that.

Sara sighed and laid her head back down. "Oh Tom, that feels so good."

"Mmm," Tom answered and kept on pleasuring this beautiful woman with his mouth.

Soon, Sara was gasping and sighing and shifting her hips and pressing her pussy up against Tom's lovely, talented mouth. This went on for several minutes; no other sound but her noises and the wet sounds of Tom's mouth on Sara's wet pussy.

"Ahhh! Tom! That's it! That's it!" Sara suddenly cried out as she felt her orgasm rising. Her young lover's mouth, tongue, and teeth were feeling so good, so damned good. She was getting close, and right now Tom was concentrating on the sensitive flesh just below her clitoris.

At hearing Sara's exclamation, Tom decided to begin a frontal attack. His mouth and teeth descended on Sara's clitoris. He bit it and tugged on it and sucked on it.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Sara cried out and then her body was convulsing in orgasmic delight. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Yes, baby, yes!" She cried out again.

Tom held his mouth still over Sara's pussy, once he realized that she'd achieved orgasmic climax and just enjoyed feeling her body as she shivered and shuddered from the orgasm he'd just given her with his mouth. He felt a great sense of mental pleasure. Giving this hot, mature woman sexual delight with his mouth felt almost as good to him as the pleasure she'd given him from sucking his cock and swallowing his cum in her office less than an hour ago. His cock was now painfully hard.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Sara gasped as her orgasm faded away. Then she laughed.

"What?" Tom asked as he pushed himself up and sat back on his heels, wiping the wetness off his mouth and chin.

"That was great, Tom. A lot of men your age, hell, a lot of men period, aren't as good as you are. Let me guess. First, you had an older woman teach you how to pleasure a woman and, second, you really like going down on a woman.”

Tom grinned. "Right on both accounts, Sara," he said as he moved up over her body and kissed her fully and passionately on the mouth. Sara pressed up against him as she returned the kiss just as passionately. The head of his cock was now just nestled against her warm, wet labia.

When they finally broke the kiss, Sara looked Tom in the eyes, beautiful blue eyes that she loved looking into. "Tom, I'm going out on a limb here... but, I don't want this to be a one-time thing."

"I was hoping you felt that way, Sara. Because that's how I feel, too."

Sara grinned back at Tom. "Good. And, uh, I can feel that your cock is hard and ready... So what do you want to do?" Sara said as she rubbed her pussy up and down on the very swollen tip of Tom's very hard cock.

"Just this," Tom answered. He shifted his hips and brought his cock down through Sara's very wet pussy lips and, with a little of shifting of his hips, and hers, found his target and smoothly shoved his cock through her tight vaginal sphincter and deep up inside her.

"Oh, Tom!" Sara sighed as she felt her young lover's cock fill her up. She wrapped her arms and legs around Tom's hard, young body and let him fuck her long and hard, loving every second of it, loving every inch of his cock thrusting in and out of her wet pussy.

Several thoughts were running through her head. Terri would be mortified if she found out she had a lover nearly her age. Would Terri want him for herself? For both of them? But that thought actually only made what she was doing with Tom more exciting to her. What about Tom's parents? What would they think if they ever found out? Would they have to? But mostly, Sara was thinking about how great it felt to be fucked by this handsome young man.

‘My God!’ Tom thought, ‘This is fantastic! Sara is such a hot women and her pussy is as tight as any girl I've ever fucked, and just as wet, too.’

Tom didn't have a girlfriend at present. He knew intrinsically that eventually he would find on girl/young woman that he would like more than all the others; that they would get married, settle down, and raise a fam!ly. But that would be then. This was now.

And this, with Sara, was just pure carnal pleasure between two horny people who found each other sexually attractive. He knew he wouldn't marry Sara, didn't want to. Nor did he think that she would want to marry him. It was just fun for the two of them for right now. And he knew that there was nothing wrong with that. He was going to enjoy it as long as it lasted, however long that might be.

Then he thought about his father and Sara's daughter. What would they think? ‘Well, my dad would probably be just fine with it, but Sara's daughter? I don't know. Maybe we'll never meet. Maybe Sara and I will be able to keep this a secret.’

But he knew if their affair lasted long enough, both his father and her daughter would find out about it. He decided not to worry about it until it happened. Right now he just wanted to concentrate on how good it felt to be making love to this beautiful, sexy woman.

Nothing was said for minutes. The only sounds were heavy breathing from both Tom and Sara and some moans and little inarticulate sounds from Sara while she bit on Tom's ear and neck and thrust her hips up against his down thrusting cock.

Sara spoke out first. "Oh Tom! Tom! So good. It feels so good. I'm going to come, Tom." She paused almost holding her breath. "Yessssss! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Sara cried out as another wonderful orgasm swept over her.

She gripped Tom's body tighter. She bit into his shoulder. Her fingernails dug into the skin of his back. She pressed up against him even harder, taking his pounding cock as deep inside her clenching pussy as she could as she came with delightful, blissful pleasure.

Tom stopped fucking Sara and waited.

"Oh, Tom," Sara sighed.

She sought out his mouth, kissing him lovingly, affectionately for a long time.

"Hmm," Sara said with a smile as she pulled her lips from Tom's. "To tell the truth, Tom, I'm usually not this, uh, engaged this quickly with a new lover. But there's something about you that just pushes all the right buttons on me sexually."

"I feel the same way about you, Sara," Tom said before kissing her again.

"But you didn't come," Sara said.

"No. Why? Are you done?"

Sara laughed, and then moaned as Tom moved his hips around and back and forth, making his still quite hard cock rub her pussy so pleasantly inside. She took Tom's head in her hands and looked him directly in his beautiful blue eyes. "Oh no, lover, I'm not done."

Tom laughed, kissed Sara, then began fucking her again. And not stopping until he shot his load deep into her pussy.

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The Class Reunion

Saturday, May 28, 2005Heather couldn’t believe it had already been ten years.  Ten years since she’d sat in one of those classrooms. Ten years since she’d heard Mrs. Wagner’s warbling voice.  Ten years since she’d heard that bell ring for the last time. Ten years since she’d walked across that stage. Heather’s ten-year high school reunion was approaching rapidly, and she was surprised to find herself slightly nervous.  In this case, “approaching rapidly” meant a matter of minutes—less than an...

2 years ago
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Reunion slut

The thing that struck her most was the passage of time. Driving through town on a warm summer afternoon, wondering if she knew this person or that person. That's when it hit her- it had been 15 years since she had cruised these streets, laughing and carrying on and doing all the things that teenagers do.Of course, back then she didn't have a car, and didn't have the perspective of college, work, the outside world. Still, it struck her just how long it had been since her school days.The reunion...

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The Reunion

Although I had been sitting in front of the computer for hours trying to finish the last chapter of my next sword and sorcery fantasy novel, nothing seemed to be working. I knew someone needed to die in order to create a climatic finale; I just couldn't make up my mind which one it should be. Should I kill off the Elf or the Dwarf or perhaps even the leader of the little band of mercenaries who was the hero of the story? For whatever reason I just could not find a workable ending that my...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE ONE Nashiko Giancona had graduated from the high school five years ago, and...

5 years ago
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20 Year High School Reunion

I want to share a story that happened to me recently. My wife of 15 years Betsy and I planned to attend her 20-year high school reunion and were packing to leave for the trip. I had met Betsy in college and we hit it off right from the start. She was a cheerleader at the college, Blond hair, beautiful body and had been captain of the cheerleader squad at her high school. She is so hot that I still call her “Hot Stuff”. I did not know much about her past but was soon to find out more than I...

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lorie attends high school reunion

A few years after we were married, Lorrie received an invitation to her hometown school reunion. They were inviting all former students to come together for a celebration. She attended a small rural school located about 20 miles from where I grew up. Since I dated both Lorrie and a classmate of Lorrie's, Karen, while I was in high school and college, I knew a lot of her friends. So, we decided to attend the event.I knew that Lorrie wanted to see some of her girlfriends but I suspected that she...

4 years ago
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Crazy Class Reunion

I was going through some mail one afternoon when I came across an invitation. I opened it up to see what it was and noticed that it was an invitation for my 10-year high school class reunion. It was going to be held at a fancy hotel so that anyone who drank too much could book a room and spend the night. As I read it, I couldn't believe it had been 10 years since high school already. I sat on the couch and looked it over while thinking back to the old days. I wondered what had happened to some...

4 years ago
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The Reunion

THE REUNION ONE Alan Harris stared at his wife blankly. She looked so hot, even dressed plainly in slacks and a blouse. But she surely didn't actually expect him to do what she was asking. "I don't think I can," he told her nervously, a stammer almost appearing in his voice. "Listen, for the last twenty years I've heard all about your conquests and how great you used to be in the sack," she reminded him. Not that I ever saw any of that amazing prowess, she thought. It was...

3 years ago
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Reunion Nightmare

Reunion Nightmare by Cindy Johnson [email protected] Free Audio MP3 version available Positive reviews welcome ?? Oh God, no. Please tell me she didn't just bring this up in front of the entire family, and my wife. My stupid, drunk sister spilled our family secret, and now everyone is looking at me giggling. It was our semi-annual family reunion. The entire family comes to Chicago to meet every two years from all over the country. We usually have over 50 people attend the...

4 years ago
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Reunion The Group Revisited

Chapter 1 Ron and Janet Ellis had quietly put out the word 5 years after the first members of The Group had graduated from high school that there would be a 5-year reunion in their home on a Saturday evening in January. They figured with the cold weather and it not being a high school basketball game night, there would be little awareness that the first members of the Group were getting back together again to renew old relationships and to enjoy being with each other sexually once again. The...

3 years ago
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Class Reunion Backseat BeckyChapter 2

Neither Sandra nor Becky joined me in the limo for the relatively short trip to the production meeting, where I would formally sign the option rights contract, or so they all hoped. Fred was with me though and we shared a short private conference, the jist was that if any of Becky's proposed script changes were accepted that I would willingly walk away from the entire film project, and refuse to sign. Fred knows that I'm generally a pretty reasonable sort of fellow, and at least as...

4 years ago
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Promises And Secrets Reunion Part 1

Promises and Secrets: Reunion Part 1: An Unexpected Surprise. A Cross-dressing tale by Maria Ski *Ten years earlier* "I really would like..." my forefinger gently touched her cheek I lifted her chin and our lips touched... I held Tina in my embrace it felt right. She rested her head against mine. "What would you really like to do?" she whispered. "To kiss you again Tina," I replied. She stepped back holding my hands leading me to her bed. "You can kiss me again my...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE TWO Hayley Statten was restless and bored, wondering why she had come to...

2 years ago
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High School Reunion Lana Part One

I went to a fairly large, high school and was just one of those people that was just in the crowd. I did not play sports and was not in the popular crowd. I had girlfriends throughout school but was just not that much into the social scene. There were a few other girls that I would always notice in between classes, one special one, was named Lana. She was not super popular, but everyone knew her. She was an athlete and would wear short purple nylon shorts around the school. It would drive me...

3 years ago
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Reunion Party Hostess

Reunion Party Hostess Back when we were still in college Kelly and I knew a guy who worked for a catering company. They would stage different types of parties like holiday business parties, class reunions and such. This guy would be in charge of hiringus college k**s to work as waiters, busboys and bartenders. Kelly and I would often work as hostesses for some of theseparties. It was easy work and we always got paid in cash under the table. I want to tell you about the time we were...

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School Reunion

Robert Sherman had been undecided about attending the school reunion which was for former pupils that had left the school between forty-five and thirty-five years previously.He had left forty years previously and he had left under a bit of a cloud and with a sore backside.Three days before he was to leave the school he and Shirley Watts, they were both aged seventeen at the time, were caught in a very compromising position as his penis was in her mouth.They would both normally have been...

2 years ago
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The Reunion the Hotel Part II

So if you are reading this then you have either read The Hotel; or haven’t. If you have just ignore this. If not then go back and read it. We left off with my recounting of my experience with my cousin. After that we left for our respective homes and went about our lives. I never forgot what it was like to have slept with my cousin. I made her promise to keep in touch with me and we did. We talked quiet frequently. Most of the time it was about her and her boy friend but every now and...

3 years ago
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Class Reunion

This past weekend was our class reunion in my hometown. I was so excited to see my old friends that I haven't seen in years. I asked my husband if he'd like to come with me but he said that it was my reunion and that I should have a great time. My sister still lives in our hometown, so I decided to stay with her.On Friday morning I finished packing and headed off for my six-hour drive. One of the organizers set the whole reunion up on Facebook. It was great because we got to know who was...

5 years ago
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Fiftieth High School Reunion

Fiftieth High School Reunion When I received my Fiftieth High School Reunion packet I almost shredded it along with the other junk mail. I went to my tenth reunion and never went back. I realized that I didn’t like anyone that I had attended school with, I was the youngest member of my class, and I was a nerd. I didn’t know I was a nerd. Not until I saw the movie called Revenge of the Nerds. That was when my wife and finally realized that I was a nerd. I had been sixteen throughout...

3 years ago
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High School Class Reunion

The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started...

4 years ago
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Class Reunion My Two Lovers

I went to my high school’s 25th reunion expecting nothing. I was recently divorced and figured I might as well get out of the house, enjoy a trip, have a few laughs. And ended up at a table with two women that had, long ago, been a part of my teenage fantasy life. By the end of the weekend, adult reality turned out to be even more interesting than my adolescent fantasies.One of my old classmates was Beth, a girl I had dated a few times my senior year. I had some very fond memories of goodnight...

3 years ago
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Joans high school reunion part 2

The five of us, Tad, Tim, Ted and Joan and I were all grinning. Joan extricated herself from her three reunion classmates. She lay back splayed on the bed. Her body was flush. Her nipples jutted out from her red tits. Her cunt was leaking cum. She had a dreamy satiated look in her eyes. I climbed on the bed and pulled Joan's sticky body to me. We held each other gently and murmured words of everlasting love and lust. Tad, Ted and Tim got up slowly. They said they had to get back to their rooms....

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Mistress in Training II The Reunion

Samantha had been looking at the garment bag hanging on the closet door of her motel room all day. She was nervous, yet excited at what Paige, her college mistress, had picked out for her to wear to their Sorority Reunion. The night before had been amazing. Her body was still weak from the powerful orgasm she had while being used by Paige, and their friend, Allison’s 19 year old daughter, Alexis. Sam ordered room service for lunch and rested the activities that night. This night’s reunion was...

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A Class Reunion a work of fiction

I often wondered what it would be like to meet up today with one of my old neighborhood friends that I use to suck and fuck with when we were teens. I have a class reunion coming up and would love to see Mark again. How would that be for us to look at one another and remember what we use to do to each other. Could we bring it up and laugh about it, or would he be in denial and not want to acknowledge he had my cock in his mouth and ass. This story is going to be the happy ending story of how I...

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School Reunion Orgybypheonixstar82©I am a happily married man, I am 26 I think I am average looking, I have received compliments on my looks before, I am not some buff hot bodied person, I am average. I do however have a few strengths that I like to use, one is my blue eyes, I get a lot of compliments about the deep colour, the other is my ass, I don't get it but the woman like my ass, I think my strongest thing is my personality, I get along with anybody and am usually the life of a party. My...

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My High School Reunion

This past weekend was my class reunion in my hometown. I was so excited to see my old friends that I haven’t seen in years. I decide to stay with my sister while there. I asked my husband if he’d like to come with me but he said that it was my reunion and that I should have a great time. On Friday morning I finished packing and headed off for my six hour drive. One of the organizers set the whole reunion up on facebook. It was great because we got to know who was going to be there. I...

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High School Reunion

High School Reunion By Debra Darling Debra was the femme name of a fairly conservative cross dresser. She did, however, like to push the envelope on occasion as long as she could do it safely. The company she worked for was owned by a parent company based in Glendale, CA. Debra was visiting on company business and she chose to stay nearby at the Glendale Red Lion hotel. Her evenings were free and she was planning on attending a monthly gathering of drag queens in LA. No one was...

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In the early 1980's when Casino gambling ln Colorado had just started, my In-laws put together a big family reunion of my father-in-laws large family. They decided to have it in Cripple Creek Colorado at the Midnight Rose casino and Hotel complex. It was conveniently located close to where most of the people lived and air travel and transportation readily available. Since it was during the off-season the group was able to get a large number of rooms so everyone stayed in the same hotel. I...

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Daves Reunion

I was sitting in Bennigan's with my wife and my best friend Ben. Ben and I had been friends forever it seemed, at least from the sixth grade on. After we finished eating we sat there making small talk and Ben asked me if I was going to our classes twentieth reunion and I told him that I wasn't. "Hey bud, you really need to go, the things are a blast." "Why would I want to go and see those assholes? Most of them made my life miserable when I went to school with them." "That's the...

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