The ErotiChronicles of 2016 A D Ch 01
- 2 years ago
- 44
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Archie stared at the clock on the classroom wall as he watched the seconds tick by, every movement of the longer hand moving in short, painful beats, marking each moment of his time wasted, yet he continued to pointlessly distract himself from his work by watching, waiting for the hand to create a perfect circle until-
8:01PM. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.
The classroom was packed with computers lining along the sides of two of the room’s walls, completely devoid of human interaction with the exception or Archie, who sat at the front of the room – the lecturer’s desk, which sat before the start of a large window that took up half of the front wall, partly an architectural design, but mostly a convenience for those he helped to teach where sunlight wasn’t a common occurrence to them.
He stayed behind to finish off some work that he had been tasked, Archie wasn’t exactly new to the trade, but his employment as a junior tutor meant that he had to watch alongside one of the main lecturers who taught at the campus.
Back then, he was mistaken to be a student himself, and caught the attention of quite a few people as he walked through the corridors, but it seemed lately that people had just gotten used to his style – the bright hair and bright eyes, his way of talking and the style of his clothes, which usually consisted of a similarly bright shirt with a waistcoat, trousers and shoes to match. The ‘big deal’, one of the other part-timers noted during the early stages. But Archie thought little of it, more that it would make him stand out a little more in his work.
But of all the days – ‘Michaela’s birthday,’ he thought – of all the days he had to be asked to stay behind and go through student coursework, the lecturer decided it had to be this one. Archie stared miserably at a pile of papers on the desk. It wasn’t the fact that it was thin, or reasonably small, and could easily be dealt with – it was, simply, that it HAD been dealt with, and if he looked away he would be staring at the significantly bigger and thicker pile on his other side. He groaned every time he did, and leant back in his chair with a pathetic flail of his arms at either side, imitating some sort of sea-mammal stranded on the beach with no hope in sight unless it was thrown back.
He lay like that for a short while, staring up at the ceiling, he pondered how he ever got to be so lazy. Here was a chance for him to work his way up in the job he’d tried so hard for to begin with, and all he could think about was finding a way to get home – and with good reason, too, for he knew too well that Michaela would be upset with him even after he’d called her to let her know he wasn’t coming home for the usual time. Her response showed great displeasure, and Archie sighed once more as he rattled his brain for ways to make it up to her.
Then, from out of nowhere, there came a knocking. Archie bolted upright and looked towards the door at the back of the room – a girl stood there, a small smirk creeping across her face. ‘Damnit, she must have thought I was asleep!’ Archie pondered. He wasn’t too shocked – in fact, he was actually quite pleased to see another human still in the building. But still, it perplexed him, for the girl at the door was in fact one of the students in the class he helped to teach. ‘You’re here late, Erin.’
‘I was in the library,’ She replied. ‘But I was kind of hoping you or Mark would still be around.’
Erin was roughly a few years younger than Archie, which meant that she had a more relaxed tone when the two of them spoke. Her face was slightly rounded, but she was very pretty, and her somewhat plump body complimented her equally so.
She was, however, one of the first whose eye Archie caught, though he hadn’t realised it until a few months in, he noticed on a few occasions that she’d give him a quick glance, usually followed by a longer one if he noticed, her small mouth teasing a grin as he would quickly turn back to the rest of the class, trying to hide his embarrassment.
It was never just the two of them alone, however. Never was there an opportunity, nor a need for the two to be in each other’s presence without the rest of the class and Mark, the main lecturer, being there also. Archie had to shift a little in his seat – he knew it would be dangerous if the young lady tried anything more than what, unfavourably, had worked before…but it also wasn’t tactful to ask her to leave. He was looking to become a junior tutor, after all – it was only right that he help the students where he could.
‘Well, you couldn’t have timed it better I guess.’ Archie smiled politely. ‘I’ll probably get more done this way than by staring at all of this coursework.’ Erin giggled, and Archie followed with a soft chuckle, feeling a little more comfortable as he rose from his chair. ‘Might as well come in, then – see what I can do.’
‘Yeah, that was the hope.’ She entered the classroom and closed the door behind her – her remark produced yet another smirk, and Archie continued to smile awkwardly. He wondered if the majority of her facial expressions consisted of smirking – that, and boredom whenever she was in class. He often wondered why she bothered to come in most days – she didn’t normally seem the slightest bit interested in what Mark had to say when it came to the course.
Erin placed her bag onto one of the desk and turned, sitting against it with an innocent smile back to the unsure male, who remained in place until he shook himself free of the apparent hold she’d already started having on him. ‘S-So, uh, what do you need help with?’
‘Well,’ she started. ‘Mark mentioned something about one of the methods to work out our cash flow forecasts, but he said…something, about Excel which I didn’t understand a fucking word of.’ Her as-it-is attitude caught Archie by surprise a little, and whilst he maintained his overall composure he couldn’t help but crack a small grin from the corner of his mouth. ‘So, yeah, I was just hoping one of you could show me the method again.’
‘Sure, that shouldn’t be a problem.’ The male smiled at her as he moved back to the front desk, taking the mouse in hand as he cycled through some folders on the screen, before pulling up the study template they had been using earlier in the day. ‘Juuuust need to put it up on there, now.’ He glanced up as he said it – the projector hung securely from the ceiling and faced the left wall, which was the only section of the room that was vacant enough to allow projected images onto it. He walked back towards the door and raised his finger to a set of switches on the wall beside it.
Time seemed to slow down in that instant, as Archie’s finger pressed against the cold plastic switch for the projector, his eyes glanced over the door and recognised that the small knob below the door handle had been switched to the ‘locked’ position. ‘Did she do that?’ He thought, and the soft whirring of the projector rang out.
No sooner had Archie flipped the switch when he felt a presence close behind him – it took shape, as far as he could see, of an outstretched arm, whose hand quickly palmed the coupled light switches for the room, drowning them in darkness.
The young male stood still for a few moments, unsure whether moving would be safe, but the phantom arm withdrew from his side and he slowly turned back towards the front of the room. With only the dim lamp-light peeking in through the blinds from outside, Archie looked around quickly in panic. It didn’t take him long to make out a shadowy presence to his right, but he had little time to think before the being made its way up to him. As they came face-to-face, he recognised Erin, and released a short exhalation of relief. ‘Why did you turn the light-‘ Her finger pressed against his mouth.
‘Shhhh.’ She whispered softly, her body pressing against him.
Archie’s b
ody softly shivered – his mind was clear on the ‘very small, very important point’ that he was already in a relationship, but his body tried to betray him as he felt her against him, she wore a loose, black shirt, which could easily have been a man’s styled into women’s dress wear, and black skinny jeans and boots to match, but in the darkness, all Archie could focus on was the weighty force of her breasts as they pressed into his chest. They felt as big as they had looked, whenever he found he had glanced too long at her during one of the classes. Her thick hips pressed close against his, and were swaying slowly from left to right. ‘You come off as being so sweet, but you’re just another prick, aren’t you?’ Her words were soft, and unflattering, but her movements never faltered. Archie grit his teeth behind his lips, casting a glare to her masked by the darkness.
‘Y-You need to stop, I’m-‘
‘Taken?’ She replied. ‘Yeah, I know. But you’re not stopping me, are you?’
Archie was helpless, and as he tried to push her away she was already making her way backwards from him, her hands caressing down along his arms and over his hands like two serpents. She moved away to the left of him, and as the light from the projector spread itself over the wall Erin placed herself in front of it, facing him – the top few buttons of her shirt had come undone, and her eyes shot a luring stare at Archie as she breathed in, causing her chest to rise up and push forward, her cleavage on show for him more in the thin veil of pale light screen.
The young, now slightly horny male caressed his fingers through his hair as he shuddered with terrified excitement. He wanted to just leave – upturn the lock and escape, go home or as far away from Erin as he could, but his body continued to betray him. Slowly, his legs dragged him forward and closer towards her until their bodies locked close together again.
‘See? I told you.’ Erin spoke a little normally now, but her words were still as taunting and sultry to the snowy-haired being close to her. ‘Such a bastard, wanting this,’ Her hands took his and placed them on her hips, which rolled back and forth into him. Her lips were dangerously close to his face as she continued. ‘I bet you’ve wanted this for a long time.’
Archie’s glare continued, but he couldn’t deny the part of him that had spied her on a few occasions around the campus – catching glances at her, and admiring her bust and similar assets. He responded quietly. ‘Do you get, mmn, some kind of a kick out of, nnngh- out of belittling the people you flirt with?’
Erin grinned, nipping at his lower lip quickly. ‘Only the ones who deserve it.’ She pushed him away slightly, taunting him back as his eyes, shimmering in the pale light, met hers whilst his hands connected to her thick ass. Lustfully, he grabbed it, drawing her closer against him and even teasing a quiet moan from her lips. She smirked. ‘Bad boy.’
Their lips locked in front of the projector, his tongue found hers, and the two wrestled them together as hands caressed over every part of each other. Archie focused on her ass the most – it felt so big in his hands, and he grabbed every inch of it he could as he listened to the student moan against him. At one point, breaking free of her own supposed character, Erin grabbed his wandering hands and forced them onto her breasts, squeezing them as they in turn squeezed her, moans slipping free more frequently as he slid a hand under her shirt – she hadn’t been wearing a bra, and Archie’s hand began to tease one of her nipples, a full firm grasp on one of her big breasts.
‘God-fucking-damnit,’ He muttered breathlessly. ‘What a pair you’ve got here.’
She laughed a little, panting through the sensations. ‘You like them? Naughty boy,’ She whimpered quickly as his fingers tugged lightly at her nipples. ‘Bet you’d love to fuck them.’
Archie’s yellow eyes met her in a stand-off as he continued molesting her breasts beneath her shirt. ‘Is that what you want?’ Archie felt a surge of lust swimming through his whole body – a sensation that, despite his current circumstances, he hadn’t felt in such a long time. He continued at her. ‘Do you want me to fuck your big tits?’
Erin moaned a little more in a pause, before pushing him off of her and disconnecting his digits from her bust, her fingertips wrapped into his trousers and wormed their way over the zipper, sliding it down quickly. ‘No. I don’t let just anyone fuck these bad boys.’ She briefly moved onto her tip-toes, a free hand taking Archie’s face and smothering it into her cleavage, which he moaned softly into as he rubbed his face between, Erin pushed him off again, and moved to her knees. ‘All you deserve is some torture.’ She winked up at him and pulled his erect cock from out of his trousers. Slowly, tauntingly, her fingers worked each thick inch, until suddenly her luscious lips wrapped around his member.
A hand wrapped into her hair as the lust-filled prey moaned out, biting his lip soon after as he tried to manage his volume, he fucked her mouth as she sucked hard and released small sounds as she sucked, driving Archie crazy. They gained a steady rhythm and soon his precum was coating her tongue, but at the taste of it the young woman quickly pulled off. Archie groaned with pleasurable pain as he watched her. ‘A-Are you kidding me?! I’m so fucking close!’
‘So what?’ Erin replied, wiping her mouth with a twisted smirk as she did up the buttons on her shirt, she walked towards the window as she did, parting the blinds slightly as she looked out. The campus grounds were empty, and the nearby car park consisted of only a few vehicles now. Erin’s eyes trailed up the long driveway between. ‘Guess my ride’s running a little late.’ She said casually, showing little interest in their exchange.
Before she could move away, she felt her hands pinned against the window, separating between blinds – Archie had pressed himself in close behind her, and his exposed cock pressed against her covered ass, his hips moving back and forth as he grinded against her. Erin’s head turned to face him with off-guard panting. ‘Do you mind?’
‘A little.’ He replied, grinding harder as their fingers locked together, his cock throbbing against her covered ass cheeks. ‘You’ve made me stupidly hard and I’m just supposed to get over it without finishing?’ Their moans greeted each other in the darkness as they cautiously looked out of the window where they could.
‘That was, mmn, kind of the plan.’ Erin found herself moving herself a little back onto him.
‘Nngh, and how exactly, mmn, was that going to w-work, nngh, for when you’re next here?’
‘I won’t be here.’
Archie paused, blinking with confusion as he pulled away from her. ‘What do you mean?’
Erin turned and adjusted her shirt slightly, moving towards her bag as she spoke. ‘I mean, fuck this boring shit, I’m out.’
Archie couldn’t believe his ears – he moved over to her quickly and took her wrist into his hand. ‘But why-‘
Her hand quickly connected with his face, and he staggered slightly backward from the force. Holding his cheek in his hand, he looked back to her as the student raised an eyebrow to him. ‘This was just a little fun before I left. Thanks for indulging me.’ She winked and kissed her fingers before blowing him a kiss, turning on her heels, she walked towards the door, unlocked it and switched on the lights to the room before exiting.
As the heavy room lights quickly filled the room once more, Archie squinted and suddenly rushed his remaining erection back into his trousers. Quickly, he glanced between his crotch and the door – he did this several times, gritting his teeth and trying desperately to hide his embarrassment. He turned, and looked back to the larger of the two piles on his desk.
From within the corridor that spaced out the computer rooms, a muffled scream of irritation echoed in a wave down the length,
the sound of a desk chair, thrown at the door of the room it rang from, followed by silence.
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I'm an adventurist for sure. A horn-dog, a slut, a monger, a serial masturbationist. . .an all-around perv you could say. And I'm okay with that. In fact, I like it and hope I never get so old that my dick goes soft and my libido fades. That would suck.I am not, however, a good diarist. I think about all my encounters and wish I had kept some kind of record. Something to re-kindle the memory of this escapade or that. But I don't.Until now.London rapped on my hotel room door with...
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Hello everyone – a mostly true story that just happened!!!Today my Bi- friend Chris arrived back from a few months in Malaysia. He said he had been reading my stories and wanted to be part of them. So we decided to act one out and he would a Sissy (well I always thought he was one anyway!!)Firstly I fitted him with a pair of Niplettes which he wore all day. He loved the way his nipples doubled in size. When I took them off and rubbed oil on them he started fondling mine through my silky blouse....
" Hello there!" A voice shouted behind me as I strolled hand in hand with my husband, Simon, on Blackpool's Central Pier, I turned, a man in his mid 40s,around 6ft tall with thinning dark hair slimly built, he spoke again, "Hi, pardon me but aren't you A.J. from Tumblr? I love your blog," I felt myself redden slightly, a reaction I always tended to undergo whenever somebody recognised me from my online blog posts, " Yes I am, how are you?" I offered him my hand which he shook vigourously, "...
first time – anal – oral – shemale – dominant shemale – submissive male – rimjobBook Expo America. Here we go, again. Will it be the same thing again?Fly in, get the baggage, take a smelly cab to the hotel. Meet my Sales Director, Victoria (who goes by V), in the bar."We've got to set up the booth, Jack. But first, let's have a drink or two!" She winked. V has been my boss for five years. She rode the team hard for sales numbers, but she was fair. We had up years and down years, she knew there...
This story goes with my video: out walking my dog last week her ball got lost in the hedge. When I reached I to retrieve it my hand brushed against some stinging nettles. My fingers tingled for ages and as I continued my walk it brought back memories of about 8 years ago when I read a few accounts of guys using stinging nettles on their cocks and I had tried it. At that time I lived in a first...
The Time To Strike It seems like a strange thing to look forward to, but when the news came down that we as a union might strike, I got very excited about what I could do with the time off. Some of the events that happened I could never have dreamed of, but I am so happy that they did happen that I felt the need to write my story. A little background on me. I live in the Albany, NY area. I am a 30 something year old male named Bob, who for the most parts is known to be one of the...
Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn SitesI’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...
The Fappening‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
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BDSMMotherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...