True Account Of My Prison Fuck free porn video

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I couldnt believe it was stupid enough to fall for it, because it wasnt going to be a real offer… was it?
I was stood there outside the prison on a road round the corner on a cold wintery night, waiting to be let down.
Was I shaking because it was cold and I was just wearing a short mini dress to show off the stockings, suspenders, and thong, with high heels and large hoop earings, with my long hair swept down and round to one side….or was it because I had a slight chance that maybe, just maybe it was actually true, and was about to happen?!

My last text to say I was there as planned had been ignored, so I should have know it wasnt going to happen. Maybe it was just as well? Why would I agree to do that just to prove my worth (or lack of) and to prove im genuine?!
It was now 11:10pm, so I turned to go home…

Just as I was walking away back to where my car was parked, a van slowly rolled up behind me, and I heard a word that made me freeze on the spot… this wasnt any van, this wasnt a random word, this night wasnt going to be a fake set up….

As soon as the man said “scum” as planned, I just did the only thing I thought I should, as I agreed online when arranging to be there, I froze and didnt turn round.
As I heard a person get out and some more van doors open, I felt a hand grab my wrist from behind, and I shut my eyes… again, just as I had agreed to.

Still, even as the van turned round with me in the back, now blind folded and sat alone with only my ears to know whats going on, I felt that this wasnt going to be what I had agreed to.
Still a big part of me felt that something was going to be different or change at the last minute, there are always excuses and reasons why.

I felt the van stop and muffled voices talking…. what were they saying? I couldnt make it out.
The van pulled away again, making me grab at my seat for balance, my heart beating harder than before.
Again the van stopped temporarily, but I couldnt hear any voices this time. Someone had got out the van, and I think back in again, but again we pulled away.
As the van came to another final stop, this time, the engine turned off.

I heard the doors opened and a someone whisper in the distance, again I couldnt make out what was said.
The smell was different here. I could tell the van was inside somewhere, the sound had changed around me.
I was led out the van still blindfolded, this time the grip around my arm felt a lot stronger than before.

“This is your final chance to change your mind….” I heard whispered really quietly in my ear…. “are you scum, or not?”

I nodded and quietly said yes.

I heard the rustling of keys and the sound of a big heavy gate as I was pulled forward.
Thats when I first realised… this was real, this was going to happen… this was now too late.

“Take off your heels until we get there, we need to be silent!” I heard the voice say.
Still blindfolded, I removed my heels and they were taken from me, I think from the guy who was still pulling me through many heavy sounding gates that had a recognisable loud ‘clunk and click’ as they were opened and shut.

I seemed to walk and stop and walk and stop for ages, and I kept nearly stumbling where I couldnt see where I was walking.
I felt so vulnerable, more so than ever before.
Occasionally I would hear a mumble or a whisper, but purposefully I obviously wasnt meant to hear what was being said.

Everywhere around me seemed to be silent, and yet at the same time… echo.
The man who was leading me seemed to have steps that were both next to me, and yet echo around as I was led on.

There was a final rustling noise, and another final knowing ‘click’ and I went through a smaller doorway, when I realised this was my destination, as planned.

So many thoughts and questions, and I think maybe even some worries started to fill my head, but I knew I had gone too far now, and I knew I had to prove myself, being as he/they had clearly been genuine with what they wanted someone to do for them.

“Dont remove your blindfold until I am gone, but when I am, put your heels back on and take off your dress…. youre not going to need that tonight!”

I heard the door click shut behind me and I waited for a moment to make sure I was alone, before I removed my blind fold.

I dont know why, but I was surprised to see exactly what I thought I would.
I suppose part of me thought a lot of what we saw in films or on documentaries was dramatised just to make Prison look worse than it is, but there it was around me even in the darkness, exactly like you think of it… the plain walls, the the bare floor, the almost pointless window high up in one of the walls.
And so quiet…. why was I surprised about how quiet it was..? What did I expect?

I took off my dress so was now in lingerie and high heels, and sat on the bare bed.
My eyes darting about the room taking it all in, I could hear more than one pair of foot steps shuffling at the door way.
As the door opened, only one person came in, but as I looked up I could see he had his face completely covered with a balaclava.
Again, with the distinctive uniform, I felt my body tingle as he told me to stand up, and he pulled the mattress on the bed to the floor.
“Lay down, I have the first guy outside ready to come in once youre ready” he said in a low tone.
As I laid down flat on the mattress, the officer lifted my legs so that were now apart, more showing, more vulnerable, more in an offering position.
“Ive started easy on you!” he said as he walked out the room, and then reappeared with someone.
I didnt look, I just stared up at the ceiling, not knowing how to react and act or what to do next.
As I heard the guard leave the room and the click of the door, I could hear shuffling beside me as the mans breathing changed and he removed his jogging bottoms…

“Look away” he whispered as his naked body laid on top of mine.
As i turned my head to the side and faced the wall, I could feel his hard cock pressing against me as he made me raise my legs to allow him entry into me.
With no foreplay or anything he spat on to his hand and rubbed his spit against my hole.
As he forced his way into me, his body pushing against mine, my head facing the wall and his hand holding it so I didnt turn back… I tried to catch my breath as i felt his cock tear through me, forcing me to take it, and his foreskin allowing him to get deeply inside.

Every thrust from the first was deep, and forced, and powerful.
His balls were pounding against my cheeks as he very quickly was building up to a climax.
It was like he hadnt wanked in weeks, he was so quickly getting closer and closer.
I could just about see his hand and arm covered in sleeve tattoos, barely an ounce of skin visable.
As my eyes filled with water, trying to contain the feeling of what was happening to me, it was obvious this was a response that suited him.

Less than 5 minutes after starting to fuck me, I could feel him pulsate inside me as his grunting turned to name calling and groans as he pushed as deep as he could and fired as hard as he could inside me.

Thinking he was ready to pull out and leave, I felt him starting to gain rythm again.
Once again he was fucking me, the same feeling of fire tearing through me as he once again was pushing down on my head and forcing his rock hard cock deep in and out, in and out, in and out.

This time was long, much longer, and much more forced in the sense he just simply wanted to cum again no matter what.
There was a slight tap at the door, and yet he didnt stop.
As a few minutes past, another tap and again he ignored it, just fucking and fucking and fucking… determined he was going to cum again!
Finally the masked guard entered the room and just as he went to pull the man off me, it was as if it was exactly what he was waiting for, to be caught and pulled away, and he cum, deep, hard and aggressively.
As the guard threw his clothes at him, I kept looking away.
As the water from my eyes stopped now that the forcefulness was over, all I could remember is what I was told online when agreeing to terms:
“Its all or nothing. If you change your mind half way through the men that want to fuck, the others will speak out and grass. Its all or nothing. All, or nothing!”

I knew this was just the start, and I knew now there was only one way forward.
As the guard led the man out the room as he still tried to put his top on, I heard the door click shut.

As I laid there waiting, in the dark, my hole throbbing and leaking… unaware of what would be happening next.

A lot of time seemed to pass this time, maybe it was just me, but it did seem like a longer wait than the first time.
Eventually I heard the key turn in the lock
The guard came in…
“On all fours for this one scum, and you better hold on to that mattress tight… this one makes the last look like small boy!”
My heart skipped a beat as I heard his words and did as I was told.
I turned over and got on to all fours, and waited.
I heard the door shut..

I could barely hear the shuffling as again someone undressed, but this time further over in the corner.
It was as if they didnt want to be anywhere near me? I could hear him as he wanked from a distance.. and I wondered if maybe the guard was just winding me up with what he said.
As I stayed there on all fours and wondering how long it would be before the guy would just cum as he wanked alone, everything changed.
Suddenly I felt a hand firmly grip the my neck from behind.
As my head pulled backwards, the hand repositioned itself further round to be holding my throat.

I panicked and struggled as I felt the breath escaping from me, and I was scared, very scared.
Purposefully nothing more happened as the air escaped from me, he didnt touch me until my struggling slowed down, unable to continue the fight against his firm hold.
My thoughts were now distant, my eyes starting to close.

As I opened my eyes, I quickly realised I had passed out.
Before a split second had passed I realised he hadnt finished.
His cock was inside and his fucking was frantic.
Him clearly excited by the fact I had passed out by his actions, this was obviously what he needed to enjoy himself.
I felt if I moved or if I struggled again I would face the same actions, the same feeling, the same breathlessness so I didnt, I laid there, pretending I was still out and unaware.

As he fucked harder, and the noise of my hole squelching more and more, I could hear him repeating the same word each time he pushed deep into me…
As he cum I could feel every last bit of it spray inside me.
Im sure I felt my hold tightened round his cock as I heard him cumming deep and hard.
Did I just enjoy what he did? Why did my hole tighten round his cock? What just happened with me?

As he pulled out I felt some of his cum dribble from my hole.
I was still pretending to be out cold as I felt his fingers pushing his cum back inside me.
He walked over to the door and tapped gently on it.
I could hear him putting his bottoms and top back on as the guard came in and checked I was coming to.
As he led the man back out the door leaving me to have a moment, I felt a part of me excited as to what will happen next.
More of me was scared.
But part of me was excited.
I had never done what just happened and for some reason he made my hole start to orgasm.
I was sore, of course I was sore, but I didnt care.
As my hole throbbed from how hard it had been used by these two guys, I waited for the next guy to arrive and show me what else I can learn from them.

The pattern continued like that as time went on during the night…
‘Click’... a guy brought in, my sore hole getting wetter and wetter as each guy with their own unique preference in fucking took their ownership of the moment, all wanting me to regret and not enjoy.

This time the guard entered and for a moment I thought that maybe it was all over, all finished, time to get dressed, because he was alone.
“You need to put this back on for now” he said as he handed back over the blindfold I had been made to wear previously.
As I put the blindfold back over my eyes I could feel him standing even closer to me.
“I wonder how wet you are so far?”
I felt his hand run up the inside of my thigh, slowly, carefully, teasingly, as his fingers then reached my well used hole.
“Ooh, you filthy slut… you really are soaking arent you, scum!”
I could feel his finger sliding easily inside me, with a slight squelching as some of the cum was pushed around inside, to make room for his inspection.
“Theres one more thing you need to wear for your next fucking…“
I felt a piece of cloth or something like that going round my mouth, and him tying it round behind my head.
My heart started beating fast again, this was worrying me… ‘why would I need to be gagged and blindfolded’?

The guard left the room and I lay there, once again my mind wandering through hundreds of thoughts, from the horny right through to the frantic panicking, all in the split of a second.

My ears were once again desperately trying to work out who was in the room.
Something was confusing me this time.
Before I could make out a rustle, a location, something that I could make sense out of.
But not this time.
Was he in the corner of the room, was he next to me, could I hear him moving, was he undressing?
A hand grabbed one of my ankles, and started to pull my legs further apart as another hand grabbed my other ankle to steady it.
I flinched and jumped as I felt a third hand feel its way up and grope its way to my throat.
It took a few moments for my brain to register that this was why I couldnt make out the noises… there were two guys this time, proving that time was going to be different.

“Shall we tell her?” One of the voices said menacingly.
He continued…. “Its too late for her now to not let us!”
The second voice then started, just as menacingly but deeper, stronger, determined…
“Want to know why we’re in this shit hole?”
I had now started to shake slightly… did I really want to hear details?
I shook my head.
He chuckled slightly and continued… “Awww are you worried about what you might hear?!”
As he moved over me, to position himself between my legs that his mate was holding apart for him, I could feel just how muscular he was.
A perfect match to his voice, his body was stern, solid, strong.
He carried on… “Suits us just fine… we dont have to tell you…. we dont have to say a word!”
Again his hand was now round my throat, my breath once again catching as his strong fingers found their position.
As my throat made a noise in the darkness from his grip, this was obviously exactly what he wanted.
His powerful body pushing down against mine, helping to pin me to the floor while he mate continued to hold my legs further apart.
His cock was now rock solid, throbbing with excitement against the inside of my thighs, clearly gagging to enter me.
“Show her all shes good for Dan” said the first voice, “Make her wish she had never opened that slutty hole!”

Once again as the searing pain from his thrust tore threw me, catching my breath was even more of struggle than before, because this time his grip on my throat was strong.
He obviously didnt want me to pass out, he obviously wanted me to be aware of just how in control he was.
His mate supported him as he thrusted harder and stronger, deeper and deeper.
“Fuck yeh, dirty fucking slut”

As they swapped over, so the first voice could take his turn inside me, the powerful body instead took my wrists and hold them down stretched out either side of, exposing me.
This body on me now was far less powerful, slimmer, more slight of build, but his cock was long, so long.
My legs started shaking with each thrust as his cock seemed to delve deeper than all the others before it.

Taking turns in me, swapping back and forth, I didnt think they would ever stop.
Slamming me harder and harder, the grunts, the groans, the name calling, the pressure against me… I just didnt know how it would ever stop.
When finally the slimmer guy let his load flow inside me, I could sense from his mates powerful grip tightening that he too was ready to give me what he felt I needed.
As they swapped for the final time and his strong muscular body was once again powerfully pinning me down whilst slamming tight inside me, I could now hear and feel his breath against my face, as eventually… finally… with massive muscle spasms with each shot he gave, his spurts of cum emptied inside me.
“What do you say?” The deep voice whispered in my ear.
I didnt know what to say… what did he mean?
“Typical woman mate!” The first voice replied… “Shown her place and still ungrateful”
The deep voice continued… “Say it… say thank you”

I mumbled the best I could, but even if I wasnt gagged, I dont think anything would have come out.
I was in too much pain, I felt too bruised, I felt too sore, and every muscle in me was aching.
Even though they had now let their grip of me go, it was as if I could still feel every hand from the night still taking their hold of me.

“When I get out of here… I’ll find you.”

A shiver ran through my body as I heard the door open and the two men left the room.

I was laying there for ages.
Every muscle in my body ached.
Every now and then I tried to open my eyes, but as the pain from my abuse swept through me, my eyes were too teary to see anything in the darkness.

Sounds from what seemed far away echoed quietly in the otherwise silent surroundings.

The silence.
I hadnt noticed that until now.
Surely my screams and crying must have roared through prison, when it sat so silently as it did now?

Whoever it was made their way over to me, after shutting the door behind them.
My ears could pick up the sound of jangling keys, so it had to be guard.

“Youre doing so well” the voice said, almost in a loving way, as I felt him kneel down beside me, and then his hand scoop up underneath and gently raise my head upwards.
Again I tried to open my eyes.
It was so dark but I could make out the guard wasnt a threat, in fact the opposite, the guard was looking at me reassuringly.
He tried to smile at me, to show me everything was going to be ok.

“Here, slowly sip this” he said as he brought a plastic cup to my mouth with flavoured water in.
“Gently… gently… thats it”

As I lay there, sipping the water, my whole body throbbed.
Beaten, strangled, chocked, fucked, used, and abused.
My mind was flooded with screams of agony one minute, and floods of orgasm the next.
I knew I had agreed to this.
All or nothing.
Everyone, or no one.
But maybe for once I had bitten off more than I could chew?

Reassuringly the guards firm hand holding me up and his caring and affirming voice made the thoughts all die down to a whisper.
Slowly my mind stopped racing so fast.
Slowly my worries and my fears died down, and the silence around us echoed once again.

“Just relax sexy girl. Just…. relax”
As my eyes once again started to shut, this time I didnt want to fight them.
His hand slowly lowered my head to the floor again, as I felt my body become light, so light, almost floating.
I tried to speak, but my mouth no longer seemed connected to my thoughts.
My thoughts were almost now completely silent.
“Shhh, dont talk. Just breath slowly…..
Dont fight it…”

His voice was now in a tunnel. A tunnel that quickly seemed to put miles between us, before suddenly, everything was gone.

I could feel the ground below me was rumbling.
As my thoughts were clearing, I tried to make out why the room was moving.
“Deep breaths…” a male voice said.
The ground wasnt moving… I was moving, in a car or something?!
Trying to open my eyes, I realised that I had a blindfold on.
“Plans had to change slightly, but I’m sure you’ll like that they did” the voice continued.

It was definitely a van, the floor around me was solid and cold and as we turned corners I could feel myself sliding.

“Whats happening, are you dropping me off?” I said in a very broken and hoarse voice.
I heard a chuckle come from the other side of the van to where the voice was coming from.
“Youre definitely being dropped off” he laughed.
The first voice continued… “Its ok, like I said, im sure youll like it… just relax”.

When the van had finished its journey, I was taken still blindfolded out the back of the van.
The air was slightly damp and absolutely silent.
A slight breeze brushed past me.
“What have I done, whats going on?” I asked.
“Just keep walking” the voice said as I was encouraged along.

“Here is where we agreed” the other voice said I was brought to a stop. “We’re not going to remove your blindfold just yet, but we are going to get back in the van…. DONT take it off yourself! Someone will be here any second to do that for you” he continued.
I felt a hand brush my head and hair gently and away they walked.
I stood there in silence, part of me worried, part of me complying, and part me of wondering whether to ignore what he said and take it off.
I am sure only seconds past but it felt like ages.
Where was I? My mind was trying to work out from the sounds and the smells.
Just as my thoughts had convinced me I had been left and no one was coming, and I should remove the blindfold, I heard a gate bolt click undone.


“Leave it girl!” said the voice in a strong afro caribbean dialect.
A strong firm grip took hold of my arm and lead me sideways through what my mind was now working out to be a gate.
This must be some sort of alley?
I was obviously now being taken through a back garden, grass and concrete under my feet until I eventually was taken up a step and inside.
I could hear lots of murmurings and mutterings, and it was obvious I was being stared at.

“Here she is man!” the man announced to what I could tell was a room of men.
I was clearly in a house now. I was obviously at some kind of gathering?
“I didnt know anything about this… I didnt know…” I started saying before I was cut off by the same voice.
“Its all been planned girl, now shut it! On your knees, slut!”

Just bending down was sore, every part of my body ached through use.
My heart was beating harder, not knowing who these people where, how many there were, where I was, what was going to happen, or why this had been arranged without me knowing.
My knees were on carpet, but they may as well have been on glass.
Every last part of me felt bruised.

As I was made to suck on a cock I could hear the sound of either a chair or a table being moved about behind me.
As different cocks were being forced towards my mouth, I was getting a better sense that there were quite a few guys here, and I was obviously the means for it.

I was lifted up and backwards, and laid on my front across a table, my head just on the edge and my arms pulled out straight so I was a T shape.
As my wrists were tied to the table legs my ankles too were tied to the other two table legs, pulling them apart and exposing me.

“Do I have to have the blindfold on, its hurting my head” I lied, wishing I could get a better grasp at who was here with me.

“Shut ya mouth girl, tis your job to take what ya given now innit!” The man said.

The room went quiet as I heard people shuffling into place.

My mind was flowing through one moment of the night to the next.
As I felt each cock thrust itself deep into my hole, and my body treated as nothing more than a worthless piece of meat for fucking, and as my body cried out for it to stop, for it to be over, my thoughts just ran.
Images of the night started to flash before me…
Waiting on the road near the prison, and feeling I was let down.
Suddenly being snatched and then the van ride in.
The inmates abusing and r****g me, forcing me and hurting me, cuming in me and breeding me.
And then this, the unexpected part of the journey, the gang of guys all fucking and purposefully egging each other on to do their worst, and all splashing their cum in my hole.

To most this would seem like a dream come true.
I thought it would be too.
But here I was, an absolute mess and just praying that soon it will end.
Knowing I chose to take part, but also feeling like I was tricked into most of it.
‘The night must be nearly over’ I kept thinking to myself.
‘Im nearly there, ill be home soon!”

One by one they grunted and they groaned, they fucked and they pounded, they encouraged and they name called.
All with similar sounding accents, I was clearly being gang banged by what my ears were telling me were all african caribbean guys.

Treated as nothing, fucked as a whore, cum in as a breeding vessel, beaten and torn.

The night was over.
Finally I was back at my car.
Sitting down was painful, my stockings were in pieces, my dress was torn, my make up was everywhere.
With all my might I turned the key to start the car.
My body ached and groaned as I pushed the pedals and turned the wheel to make my way home.
As I pulled up at junctions, turning my neck to see what was coming was difficult.
I could see dawn was breaking in the distance, and that the day was just beginning.
I made it home, parked the car, and limped my way in doors, just before it was properly bright enough for anyway to see how bad I looked.

I ran a hot bath and took off the clothes that were now not worth anything than rags.
I placed them into a carrier bag, tied it up, and placed them in the bin.

As I slid into the bubbly, hot water of the bath, every part of my body stung.
My eyes were still sensitive from the forced blindness, so I closed them and let the water start soothing my muscles.

The longer I laid there, the better I felt.
All the time I convinced myself, it had to be done.
‘It was the only way.
It had to be done.’
I cleaned my face, I soaked my body, and I was taking in the last of the heat from the water.

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WARNING: this story includes woman-to-woman coercion, violence, rape and murder, with an inter-racial theme of black-on-white dominance. It is entirely fantasy, and is not meant to suggest that anyone behaves like this in reality. IF THESE THEMES ARE LIKELY TO OFFEND YOU, PLEASE READ NO FURTHER. You frighten me. You frighten me from the moment I first see you, as the guard shoves me from behind and I stumble forwards into the prison cell. The guard is like you, a muscular and...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 22 In prison

We stood in front of the Major's desk like errant school children. There were no chairs so we knew we were in trouble and he was clearly not in a good mood. The summons came a few days after a holiday, a holiday that we'd spent in the children's community homes. We'd written a piece on them and were impressed with the welfare and care the children received and the standard of their schooling. Two boys had been chastised while we were there but we didn't consider the punishment excessive...

2 years ago
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I'm sure many of you have seen a number of movies or television programs based on prison life behind bars. Having recently spent some 29 months in an undisclosed New England State Pen, I'll now share with you first hand, some of the wildest and most unbelievable sexual experiences one could ever imagine. While still on parole now, I will change my name here and not mention the state facility involved. Other than to substitute a few names for some of the real ones involved, all of what I'm...

2 years ago
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Santa Margarita Prison for Women

SANTA MARGARITA WOMEN PRISON  To A. ? thanks for the initial inspiration and for a continuous, unflagging support. PART 1       Before the crack of dawn, prisoner Nadia Serna was awakened by the engines? roar in the prison courtyard. She knew instantly what was going on and what to do. Without thinking, she dropped to the floor and rolled under the bed, just in time to hear the front door being broken down. Suddenly, the building was filled by excited shouts and thumping of boots on tiled...

3 years ago
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Timmys Prison Cavity Search Ch 03

Johnny led Timmy through "D"-tier. "D"-tier was a section of the prison claimed, owned and run by a dangerous black prison gang known as The Spooks. Sane white boys stayed away from it if they had a choice. Timmy didn't. Johnny used to have a choice once upon a time, but then he crossed race lines and made a couple of deals he thought would be scores. They weren't; in fact the deals had blown up in his face and now Johnny was indebted to The Spooks; plus no white gangs, or any other gangs for...

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Future Prison

A pervert controlled In the year 2050, the world has changed. Women are now in control, men have been reduced to second class citizens, we are all slaves and must obey women totally. We have a dress code, we must keep our bodies’ shaven and smooth from the neck to the ankles we are only allowed to dress in very short mini-skirts, no top and no underwear. Women have the right to order any man they cross in the street to lift up his skirt and wank in front of them...

2 years ago
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Jerry In Prison Part 2 The Temple of Torture

Though it was a fairly short walk, it seemed to go on forever, and with each step Jerry took, his anxiety shot up several levels. To him, it felt like he was being led to the gallows. And even now, he foolishly wished he was; right now, death felt like a blessing compared to what he was about to be subjected to. Other prisoners watched as Jerry was led to his doom. Some of them had pitying, sympathetic looks on their faces, while others snickered behind their hands. Finally, they reached a...

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Tabathas Prison

Tabatha’s Prison Chapter INathan Baxter, who ran Greenville County Women’s Prison, was proud of his record.  In his thirties, he had risen to captain in the Imperial Guard and had been assigned this small single-block prison to run.  Under his tenure, almost every woman that had been released from Greenville Gaol had described it as the single worst experience of their lives, something that Baxter was proud of and the IG was impressed with. Greenville County Women’s Prison was a building almost...

3 years ago
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Chris Cavanagh The Prison Rape Diaries

I guess the main thing I hated about prison was being away from my family. I missed my happy-go-lucky dad, my cool and psychotic kid brother, and my little diva of a sister. But hey, they wrote me letters damn near every week, and visited as often as they could, so it’s not like I’d lost contact with them. But it wasn’t the same as seeing them on a regular basis, ya know? Drinking beers and barbecuing on the grill with the family, smoking up and putting on the gloves and throwing hands with...

1 year ago
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little asian boy in prison

1Hello, everyone. My name is Ling. I am an owned Asian boi-wife belonging to a dominant White master. I was locked up in a prison when I was a 18 year old virgin Asian boy. Through two years of rigorous training and discipline at the hands of several other prisoners, I became a complete sex slave. I was stripped off of my humanity, my identity and I was never allowed to be called a boy again. They had all my body hair laser removed, put me on female hormones to develop breasts, and had my...

2 years ago
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Little Asian Boy in Prison

1 Hello, everyone. I am a 19 year old submissive Asian boy. I am currently the owned Asian boi-wife belonging to a dominant White master.? I was locked up in a federal prison when I was just an innocent 18 year old virgin Asian boy. Through two years of rigorous training and discipline at the hands of several other prisoners, I became a complete sex slave. I was stripped off of my humanity, my identity and I was never allowed to be called a boy again. They had all my body hair laser removed,...

1 year ago
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Timmys Prison Cavity Search Ch 02

Timmy was too embarrassed to come out of his cell. He wasn't just embarrassed; he was afraid, afraid of what might become of him now. He couldn't believe what he had done. It didn't matter that he had no choice. He should have fought. Every convict in the prison had to have heard how he had given head to a big black convict by now. Shit there was an entire room full of hardcore convicts who had literally watched. Sure that female corrections officer had, had him by the balls - literally, but he...

3 years ago
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Prison Woman

Kevin, a young homosexual living as a ladyboy, is at the mall, and is surprised to see the man who raped him in prison, shopping with his obese wife. Being raped and turned out as a jailhouse whore by this man, ruined Kevin’s marriage, and turned him into a twisted high heels wearing, cocksucker. In prison, Kevin had been forced to dress, and behave as if he were a woman by this man, who also prostituted him to the other inmates. Prison staff had informed Kevin’s Filipina wife about what her...

2 years ago
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Jill Kelly Goes to Prison

Authors note: I was only planning on posting two chapters to thisstory, but I've been asked to fill in the time between the two, so I will. This chapter picks up right after the First chapter. I call it, "Jilljoins the club." Jill Kelly Goes to Prison CH. 2 (Jill joins the club) By Deputy Duffy Tired and on the brink of exhaustion, Jill pulled into the drivewayof her Connecticut home. It had been a long drive from Vermont, which cappedoff an even longer day. She drew herself a hot bath...

3 years ago
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Prison Hormones

Most Convicts enjoy... secretly or otherwise... the occasional bitch... who gets sent to Colefax... or any other jailhouse... prison... or incarceration facility... who arrives already on hormones... halfway through her own sex change... or just before the final cut anyway... as you overhear the lewd commentary... and casual conversation... about sex... and what Most Men only talk about anyway... "hail... iffen uhh white bitch gonna go tuh awl dat trubble... jest tuh bee uhh bitch... den...

2 years ago
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Jerry In Prison Part 1 Warden Polinski

About seven months ago, Jerry and four of his buddies, drugged out and drunk, had driven up to a convenience store/gas station. Through his buzz, Jerry knew that he was about to do wrong, but he could not control himself for being so fucked up. The five men put on ski masks and bandannas, grabbed guns, and burst into the store, shooting bullets into the air to make everyone inside get down. One of the men had gone right up to the cashier and demanded money. Little did the robbers know that a...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 6 Prison Escape

I glanced up as the commander stepped into the room and everyone quieted. He looked at me, “Morpheus, take Swift, Taylor, Samson, Adams and Michaels. They had a prison escape on Devlin.” I nodded and stood, “How many?” He shook his head, “Nine.” I grabbed my bag and started towards the lifts. The other marshals followed me as I dropped to dispersing. We had a four hour wait in the starport before boarding a shuttle up to the cargo transport that was headed to Devlin. There were only a few...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Femdom Stories The Japanese Prison Camp

Part 1 The Prison CampThe Japanese Lieutenant looked down at her prisoner. She was happy to see her stretched out, naked on the ground. Arms and legs all secured tightly to the wooden pegs which were standing erect from where they had been knocked deeply into the sand that lay beneath. ?You slut!? She screamed. ?You think you make fun of Lieutenant Nashiba and get away with? You think Lieutenant Nashiba a easy touch, you do? You must learn some manner, girl. I teach you manner now so you know...

2 years ago
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A Prison Story Part 1

CHAPTER 1 - The New Punk By JIMMY SEAY 27 year old Brian Butler was a fit muscular man. While his face was considered ruggedly handsome by some, his body was what had gotten him his choice of women on the streets. At 5 foot 8 inches, the 180 pounder was a cut and chiseled mass of beefy rippling muscle. He had broad shoulders, strong arms, meaty pecs, a ripped washboard 29 inch waist, big strong legs, and a butt that could fill out any pair of pants known to man. Women had been...

1 year ago
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Prison Props

He's making you... with frequent Pimp beatings... slightly cross one eye... or both eyes... always... while you're attempting to address... speak to... or even respond to a question or remark from certain Men... the crossed eye(s)... makes you look slightly stupid... somewhat clueless... and decidedly... intellectually disenfranchised... even bimboish... which makes it even easier for Men... to lean in... much sooner... and more quickly... and take advantage of you... you're forced to...

3 years ago
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Prison Wager

"Convict!" the guard yelled into Tom's cell. Tom looked up from his bunk at the large prison guard looking down at him through the bars of his jail cell. Tom Waters is in prison for embezzlement. He answered with respect. "Yes, Mr. Roberts." "I see your wife was here for a visit." Tom nodded his head. "Yes, Mary was here." The large guard replied. "I know because we like seeing her cute little ass as she strolled out to that shit box of a car that she now drives. That's a shame....

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Letter from Prison

Dear family. This is my first letter from prison. They said that they would mail it and I could write anything. I hope you receive this letter. I will be blunt and honest with you. You know why I am here so we'll not talk about that. It's been three years and I've had plenty of time to reflect. You need to know what it's like over here. Not that you can do anything about it. I doubt you'll ever read this letter. They won't mail it bit I will write it anyway.I am locked in a 6 foot by 6 foot...

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Fucked in Prison PT2 Gay

I sometimes struggle to remember why I married Melvin in the first place, since I had my pick ofnumerous athletic and handsome men. It was probably his outgoing personality and intelligence thatoriginally drew me to him in college, but he is not now, and never has been a man’s man. But I hadthe feeling that he would be successful and able to provide me with the finer things in life. We were doing very well, with a beautiful home on the Hudson River, when he fucked up and gotcaught bribing a...

2 years ago
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Prison Bitch

*********************************************************************** Note to Readers, this story contains racial stereotyping. If you do not like this do not leave a comment saying so...JUST DON'T READ IT *********************************************************************** Of course I dodge my taxes everyone does, it's the American way. Of course all the big businesses dodge taxes in fact with their high paid lawyers it's doubtful most pay any taxes at all! So I failed to...

2 years ago
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Prison Raid

I joined the army when I was seventeen. Han had a basic course and a few advanced courses but all officers had to go to Genta. When I came back it was three months later and as a second lieutenant in a combat team. Two years and I was a captain in the Han rangers. My company was more a large platoon and I was the only officer. With the new advance into Clar, fighting was fierce and we were getting more and more hidden bases behind our lines. When we got the recon report of a company of Rus...

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Prison Cum Control

It is almost time for Travis Kellys second punishment session with Dr. Gerard. He had a difficult two days with the chastity device. Although it took some getting used to, he had little trouble voiding his bladder while squatting on the toilet. It was embarrassing but doable. However the erections were another story. Unbeknownst to him, he has been loaded up with various sexual stimulant d**gs. They are designed to not only boost his sperm count and increase his production of cum, but they...

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Prison Cum Control

It is almost time for Travis Kellys second punishment session with Dr. Gerard. He had a difficult two days with the chastity device. Although it took some getting used to, he had little trouble voiding his bladder while squatting on the toilet. It was embarrassing but doable. However the erections were another story. Unbeknownst to him, he has been loaded up with various sexual stimulant d**gs. They are designed to not only boost his sperm count and increase his production of cum, but they also...

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Prison School Ch 01

Chapter 1 – Week1 – Monday Morning - Arrival and OrientationARRIVALThe four boys were getting pretty restless after the three hour long ride from the state penitentiary to the prison school, as it was called. The state had contracted with the training school to take minimum security inmates that had at least  one year to serve and train them under an apprenticeship program to become employable and certified skilled construction workers.They were all fitted with special bracelets that were not...

Gay Male
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Prison Story

Life can be sweet until you fuck up. Life was going great for Michael Brand. He was living the high life. He had beautiful girls following him around. Nice cars and a cool house. He wore fancy sneakers and all the cool hoodies any guy would want. He loved designer clothes and living the high life. Michael had the greatest parties. Everybody who was anybody went to them.Michael was a drug dealer. He'd been selling drugs since he was eighteen. He made friends with somebody who was in the mob....

Gay Male
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I am a Prison Bitch Now Gay

Life can be sweet until you fuck up. Life was going great for Michael Brand. He was living the high life. He had beautiful girls following him around. Nice cars and a cool house. He wore fancy sneakers and all the cool hoodies any guy would want. He loved designer clothes and living the high life. Michael had the greatest parties. Everybody who was anybody went to them.Michael was a d**g dealer. He'd been selling d**gs since he was eighteen. He made friends with somebody who was in the mob....

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A Wife a Prison Officer

1st attempt comments welcome Firstly let me say I was a normal housewife, Happily married and had not a clue my Husband of 5 years was anything other than what I then percieved as being normal. To cut a long story short I found some internet sites he had been browsing and several floppy discs of images I should have found shocking but strangely didnt. These were images of females being brutal to males, Not your glamour girl types either just normal females stacking a few pounds...

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Prison Camp

This is the first chapter of a very long story, with connection to a North Africanprison camp. In this first chapter we follow half a day in an inmates life.She has been there for a long time, and through her we get a impression ofa modern prison system for foreigners in this region.    The story of Linda and Lajla Hard labour The whistle sounds and 311991 lets herself drop hard down on her knees, puttingdown the heavy sledgehammer carefully at her side. She knows that toolsare much more...

3 years ago
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Prison Love

I never expected prison to be like it was. Sure, I had heard all the stories about **** in prison, and the gay guys, but I never, ever believed it. I would always laugh, and punch them. But then, I got into real trouble. It was the day I took a chair and threw it, and it shattered, blinding a person by hitting him in the eyes. I got three weeks in prison and then 40 hours community service. I was very stressed.So, I was practically being dragged down the dark, murky hallway of the prison cell,...

3 years ago
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Prison Love

I never expected prison to be like it was. Sure, I had heard all the stories about **** in prison, and the gay guys, but I never, ever believed it. I would always laugh, and punch them. But then, I got into real trouble. It was the day I took a chair and threw it, and it shattered, blinding a person by hitting him in the eyes. I got three weeks in prison and then 40 hours community service. I was very stressed.So, I was practically being dragged down the dark, murky hallway of the prison cell,...

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Prison Prey

Nathan was a pretty gay boy who loved attending to college. School life had been far too stuffy for him and being a bright student, he was far happier being left to his own devices. Unfortunately, his life was about to change dramatically, due to a very cruel twist of fate. The college had been plague by drug problems in recent times and everyone one in authority, was sick and tired of all the hassles. Unbeknown to Nathan, during one of the regular raids someone had offloaded their stash into...

Gay Male
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Turning Gay in Prison

Just after my 19th birthday in the winter of 1993 I found myself in trouble with the law.I was arrested for selling dope and stealing a car with a friend. I was released on bail and two months later I was in front of a judge for sentencing, my lawyer and the crown attorney agreed to a 90 day jail sentence and probation, but the female judge had a different idea, she sentenced me to 30 MONTHS in prison I almost puked on the spot!I had been to jail before but only for very short time, 90 days...

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New to Prison Lesson 1 Gay

James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college k**. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...

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Prison Bitch 1

James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college k**. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...

4 years ago
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Prison Bitch

James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college kid. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt1

I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...

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A Lonely Night On Prison Duty

HMP Wormwood Scrubs (Her Majesty's Pleasure) 1145 Hours, Dee's Night Shift.It was a lonely night for Dee. She was on prison duty tonight and she knew why. She had rejected the advances of her overweight, slimy boss, David, who would not take no for an answer, and when he was told otherwise, knew how to make her come around: night shift in the men’s quarters of the prison.She was beautiful, her long, red hair hung around her shoulders and neck like a burning flame. Her piercing hazel eyes bore...

Love Stories
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Prison Break

It was stiflingly hot day. Ken and Jill had spent it at the beach where they'd met fifteen years ago. Back then, Ken had proudly shown off his trim figure with tight swimming trunks. These days he kept his burgeoning beer gut covered with a pale summer shirt. But the day beach had taught him one thing—his wife looked as good in a bikini now as when she was a teenager. Maybe even better. He sat in bed, propped up against the headboard, naked from the waist up with the bed sheets folded back to...

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Accountancy Is Fun

It all came about through accountancy, that seemingly innocuous trade. The trade was not as innocuous as everyone tended to assume. It was a lake of shark-infested financial waters. If there is one way to hide your theft, your financial misdeeds, it is by persuading the business' digital account books to show that nothing is missing. That is one of the joys of being an accountant: you can hide things within the figures; hide anything you want. The figures do not lie; they merely disguise the...

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Prison Pimped BBC Gay

It was around 9 pm on a Friday only two weeks past New Years in 2001. I had been in prison over 4 years with eleven months to go. After my release I would have served 5 years and 45 days. During my incarceration I had seen men stabbed, beaten, killed, pimped out and gang ****d. You learned to keep your mouth shut. Snitches did not live long. I did not belong to any of the prison gangs or groups. Being a white inmate without affiliation, I knew I lived on borrowed time since the beginning. I had...

3 years ago
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Prison Story

Life can be sweet until you fuck up. Life was going great for Michael Brand. He was living the high life. He had beautiful girls following him around. Nice cars and a cool house. He wore fancy sneakers and all the cool hoodies any guy would want. He loved designer clothes and living the high life. Michael had the greatest parties. Everybody who was anybody went to them. Michael was a drug dealer. He’d been selling drugs since he was eighteen. He made friends with somebody who was in the mob....

1 year ago
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Wife protects you from bull in prison

Author's note: Hey reader, this is my first story. Hope you like it, if you have any feedback, let me know! For now, enjoy! "Smack, smack, smack", the sound of crotches slapping each other in prison surrounds you. The most beautiful woman shouts, “Fuck my white pussy”, she moans as she grinds all the way to the shaft of the black gang leader. She gets thrown with her stomach flat on the bed. She spreads her legs and you see her beautiful wet pussy. The big black brute takes place behind her...

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Pretty Pinky Life Of A Sissy In Prison

Two inmates walk from the cellblock to where a correctional officer sits at a desk. The C.O. is a middle aged black guy. One of the inmates is a buff black guy; the other is a small slightly built young, Caucasian. The black inmate is dressed in standard prison garb. He has the Caucasian by the upper arm - the way a man walks a woman - and is walking him to where the C.O. sits. The Caucasian has on brown work boots with dark socks rolled just above the tops. He has a towel tied around him,...

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