Angel's Loan (pat 1) free porn video

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Ken was beginning to feel desperate. He needed a short-term loan for a business venture which could more than double his investment. He had tried all the banks, the loan companies, and even some of his friends in hopes of gaining the money that he needed to complete his plans. All without any luck. No one felt that the investment opportunity was worth the risks. He felt broken, down and out. Nowhere to turn. Where could he get the money he so desperately needed? An acquaintance told him of a guy downtown who could give loans like the type that was needed. But it would be rather costly if he did do it. At this point and time, it was either I take what he could get or forget the whole investment all together. Ken got the name and number from his friend who said, as he handed him the slip of paper which contained the information, “I’m telling you, this guy does not come cheap. Some of his loans can be out of this world and cost nearly as much as well.” Ken stuffed the note into his jacket pocket, thinking that this would be a “last chance option” and could at least be kept for future references.

Another week went by. Still no luck finding the money that Ken needed to complete the investments. His thoughts turned toward his friend’s advice and the number written on the little slip of paper which had been placed somewhere. Where was it? Oh yeah, the jacket that he had been wearing that night that his friend had told me about his source. Finding the jacket in the closet a quick search through the pockets produced the crumbled paper which the name and phone number had been written. Ken carefully unfolded the crinkled paper and studied the name and phone number on it. It said “Jamal” followed by the phone number. A thought ran quickly through his head reminding him of his friend saying that this would not be a cheap loan. He thought about it for a moment and then thought about how bad the money was needed, or at least how bad he thought he needed the money, and then picked up the phone.

Ken dialed the number as it was written and sure enough, Jamal answered and identified himself. From the voice on the phone one could tell that a black man who was very straight to the point was speaking. His voice was commanding and firm. He stated that the believed that he could help Ken out but that they would have to meet in person before anything could be done. They agreed to meet at a local restaurant at a certain time that evening.

A strange chill run down Ken’s back as the voice commanded, “I expect you to bring your wife to our meeting.”
Ken shrugged off the chill thinking the reason was so that everyone would understood the agreements and could all start off on the same playing field.

“My wife Angel and I will be there.” Ken ;agreed hesitantly knowing that every other means of obtaining this loan had already been attempted and knowing that this may be the only chance at getting a loan.

Ken dressed in his usual business suit and told his wife to dress in one of her sexiest outfits she could find hoping that it may just influence Jamal’s decision one way or the other. Ken had chosen his grey business suit while his wife, Angel, wore a bright yellow jumpsuit. As he stood in front of the mirror Ken thought to himself: “I must say we were both looking might sharp tonight. This should knock ‘em dead.” They got into the taxi when it arrived and headed to the meeting.

Angel was a petite woman, standing at about five foot three and about 115 pounds soaking wet. She watched herself in the mirror while she brushed her long brunette hair. She watched as her breasts would tighten against the fabric of her blouse and adjusted her bra accordingly. She stood in front of the mirror making sure everything was just perfect. She was hoping her husband could get the loan that he needed and said “I’d do anything it takes to help him get this loan.” She laughed as she realized she had just said this out loud for no one else to hear. She stood gazing in the mirror thinking to herself about her life with Ken. Sex was great, when it would happen. Ken was obsessed with work and making money.

“If only he would take the time to enjoy this body of mine.” She thought to herself as she made one final adjustment and a quick pat of her flat belly and she was ready to tackle her job and help get this loan.

As the pair arrived at the designated restaurant they were escorted in by the hostess and taken back to a corner table where our host awaited us. Ken found himself and his young wife now standing in front of a large bald black man wearing a white linen suit seated at the table with an even larger black man standing behind him. The man behind him was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and tie. From the appearance of his suit and the well-positioned bulge on the side, one could swear that this large man might have a gun under his left arm. Ken quickly introduced himself and then his wife, Angel, to the black man seated at the table. The two stood in front of the table as if waiting for instructions.

“Please have a seat, both of you. You may call me Jamal if you would like.” He stated as he waved his hand towards our chairs. Ken noticed that this man’s eyes never left his wife as she gracefully sat in her designated chair. “Hmmm. I like a woman that obeys on command.” He said softly as she sat down in her chair.

“Now, tell me what I can do for you.” He said as he still watched my wife in her yellow jumpsuit.

Over dinner Ken explained how much and why he needed the money and what the payoff would be after completing all the transactions. He built up defenses as best as he could give the time allotted. During the conversation, Ken again noticed that this man continued to check out his wife. He had been looking her up and down like someone in a butcher’s shop looking at a piece of beef. Putting that aside Ken continued with his sales pitch explaining why the money would be a good investment.

Jamal put his fork and knife down beside his plate and dabbed at the corners of his mouth with his napkin. He spoke softly but directly. “I believe I have a deal for you, if you seriously want this loan.” Jamal said. Ken could see that Jamal continued to look directly at his wife’s ample tanned breasts as they were revealed from within the yellow suit.
Jamal continued. “The terms of the loan are simple. I will give you your money in cash for which you will return the money plus fifty percent interest within six months.”

“Fifty percent interest!” Ken exclaimed. “That is robbery!”

“Fine, if you do not want my terms for my money then you may go.” He replied as he waved his hands for me to go.

“It’s just that, fifty percent on top of what I borrow is pretty steep. And then to have to have it paid back in six months.” Ken begged.
Angel sat astonished yet speechless at the offer that had been made. She glanced at Ken for his reaction then looked back at her hands in her lap. She had no or very little interest in the business ends of what her husband did. Only supported him as he instructed her to do. But she could tell by the sound of his voice that this was not something that would be considered a good deal.

“Can we not make a more acceptable arrangement?” He pleaded. “Something a little more reasonable?”

Jamal sat there motionless as Ken continued to plead for a better deal on the money that he needed. Once again Ken saw that Jamal’s eyes never seemed to leave his wife. Finally, Jamal looked away from his wife and focused his attention directly on Ken.
“If you are serious about needing this money, I just may have a way to sweeten the pot for you.” He said. “Of course, both you and your wife must agree to all my terms before you will get one cent. I like you two, and I think I can help you both out. I feel that my new terms will be more than fair giving us both something we want and need. I want you to listen to my offer and my terms and if you still wish to obtain the loan I will give it to you right now.”

“I will reduce the interest rate on this loan and this loan only thirty percent. I will continue to let you repay the loan plus the twenty percent interest in full within the six-month period”

“Yes!” Ken exclaimed. “That is a much better deal! This is a deal I can live with!”

“Ah but wait. There are more conditions that I have not revealed yet, that you must hear before you accept my offer.” He added.

“What? What is it?” Ken quickly asked.

“Simple. If the loan is not repaid on time then I will have both of your legs broken.” Jamal stated.

“What?” He exclaimed! “That is an outrage! There is no way….”

“Ok. So, if I do not break your legs how will I know if I will get my money?” Jamal said watching intensely, his eyes piercing right through Ken.

“There must be someway?” Ken pleaded.

“Ah, a deal is what you want. I have a deal for you that I think you will find acceptable. Your wife must come as part of the deal. I want her for the rest of the evening.”

“No, I couldn’t. No, as much as I need the money, she’ll never go…

“I suggest you take a few moments, and think about how much you want this load. You may take my offer or you may leave. It makes no difference to me. The choice is yours.”

Angel reached over and touched Ken on his hand. She shyly nodded her approval.

He looked at his wife who looked back at him shaking his head no. “No honey, No! You know I cannot do this to you. I just cannot do this. You cannot do this to me. It is not worth it. Please honey…” he pleaded.

“If this will get you your loan you want then it is worth it. I’ll be alright. Its only for a couple of hours anyway. Let me do this for you, sweetheart.” Angel said softly.

“Honey, look, I cannot get this loan anywhere else. And it is only for a few hours. What could possibly be wrong with the deal?”
Addressing Jamal Ken asked, “what will you do?”

“I will do whatever I please to do. These are the conditions of the loan. Take it or leave it. A few measly hours with your wife and the loan you desire is yours in cash. At the rate of twenty percent interest payable in six months. Or you may take my first offer at the loan and fifty percent interest in the same amount of time and you keep your wife to yourself. Or you may not take the loan at all and walk away from your dreams.”

“Angel, this is a lot of money we are talking about. Thirty percent less interest. And only for a few hours of your time. And who knows. You might even be shown a good time.” He again told her making sure she was in approval.

Looking back at Jamal and before his wife could beg and plead even more, Ken told him, “The loan is acceptable. I will take you on your offer. Uh, what time do I get my wife back?

“it is now eight p.m. You may have her back before morning.” Jamal replied with a smile.

“Agreed” Ken quickly answered as his wife continued to try to protest.

“Fine.” He answered. “LeRoy here will escort your wife to my car. He will also see to it that your wife is returned to you promptly, unharmed. I cannot promise that she will not return to you with a much bigger smile on that beautiful face.”
“Oh, OK.” Ken replied meekly and watched as LeRoy moved from behind Jamal and offered his large hand out to take Angel’s hand to assist her up from the table.

“You will be OK Angel. Everything will be fine. Jamal has assured me that no harm will come to you. Just go, enjoy yourself and think about how much money we have saved and how much we will make from this investment.”

Angel stood up taking LeRoy’s big hand that he had offered and began to escort the young wife out the back door, Jamal added, “There is one stipulation that I failed to tell you. If you do not return the money plus the agreed upon interest within the six-month period, then I will come for your wife. I will take your wife and I will use her as I see fit until the money has been paid in full.”

“You have my word that this will be paid back, and paid on time. There will be no need for anything like that.” Ken quickly responded. And thought to himself, “And no reason to tell Angel about this now, after all, I will have it paid back anyway.”

“Then the deal is set as is.” Jamal stated frankly. “You are to receive the sum of money that you asked for, to be paid back fully with twenty percent interest within six months. I will have your wife as a companion for the next four hours. She will be returned to your home at midnight tonight. And as a reminder, if you do not pay back the loan and interest within the six months I will send LeRoy here to collect your wife and bring her to me. I will then fully own your wife to do whatever and whenever I desire until such time that this transaction has been completed and the money paid back in full.” He then began to count out the cash in hundred dollar bills and lay it out in front on the table. “Take this money and we have a deal which cannot be altered. You know and understand all the terms of our agreement?”

Ken replied, “Yes.” As he gathered up the money he placed in front of him.

“Our business here is done for now, at least until six months from now. You may leave as you came in tonight. I wish you well.” Jamal then got up straightened his suit and turned to leave via the back door that LeRoy had taken my wife through.

Ken began to say thanks when Jamal turned towards him and replied. “Our business is done now. I will see you again in six months. I bid you farewell.” He exited out the back door leaving Ken alone counting his money.

Jamal stepped out the back door and walked to his limo. Angel was already sitting in the back seat and LeRoy was standing ready to open the back door for Jamal. He slid into the back seat and LeRoy closed the door behind him.

“So, my dear. What shall we do tonight?” Jamal asked the young wife.

Angel slid to the far side of the limo as if to get as far away from Jamal as she could.

“Come now, my dear. There is no need to pull away from me. I assure you that you will not be harmed in anyway. Nor will you be made to do anything that you do not want to do.” Jamal said calmly as he placed his big hand on her thigh. “You do look extremely lovely tonight. You are a very beautiful woman. Come sit closer to me.”

Reluctantly Angel inched closer to the big man sitting next to her. Jamal put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. “There, there, as I said. Nothing will happen to you tonight if you do not want it to happen. Now, shall we go and do a little partying?”
Jamal had LeRoy drive the limo around town for a while he talked with Angel. As they talked Angel could feel herself relax more and more with this dark man. She no longer felt like she would be subjected to her fears of being ****d or beaten. He took her to the best clubs in town where they shared drinks and dancing. The hours seem to pass by quickly. Jamal looked at his watch and informed LeRoy to bring the car around as it was time to be getting Angel back to her house as promised. Jamal and Angel walked hand in hand to the car where Jamal assisted her into the back seat. She moved closer to him as he got in beside her. Laying her head on his broad shoulder she laid her hand on his chest, sighed a sigh of relief and said.

“Thank you for the wonderful evening, Jamal. You are such a gentleman.”

“You are welcome Angel. Never doubt that you are a very beautiful woman. If you ever need anything at all, give me a call.” He replied as he handed her one of his cards.

Upon arriving at her driveway, he woke up the dozing woman by lifting her head and kissing her deeply. She could feel his tongue probing into her mouth. She could taste his breath and the faint taste of the drinks that they had shared. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

“Thanks again for the evening Jamal. I really enjoyed myself.” She said as LeRoy opened the door for her.

"LeRoy, see to it that this fine lady gets into her house OK.” Jamal commanded.

LeRoy walked to the door with Angel and waited until she entered the house, then returned to the driver’s seat of the limo. Angel watched from the door as her new-found friend drove slowly down the street.
Ken came and greeted her as she entered the house. “What happened, Angel? What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?” Ken had so many questions.

“He didn’t hurt me. He was a gentleman all night. We went dancing and had a few drinks is all. Nothing else happened.” She replied.

“Nothing happened? That’s good news. I was worried. He didn’t try anything at all? Ken probed.

“Not a thing. He did give me a kiss as we pulled in front of the house. A good night kiss I guess. Nothing more than that. He was such a wonderful gentleman.” She answered.

The two then went to the bedroom, undressed and got into bed. Ken dreaming of his new investment possibilities which he planned on getting going in the morning and Angel thinking of her evening with Jamal. As she drifted off to sleep she thought of Jamal, the way he smelled, the way he tasted as he kissed her. A smile came to her lips as she drifted off to sleep. She dreamed of dancing with a large black man in a white linen suit.


Ken had taken the money and invested it as he had planned. Business seemed good. Profits were up. There should be no problem paying back the loan as promised. Life was good for Ken and Angel. Ken could have paid back the entire loan at any time during the first few months after the acceptance of the loan. However, he continued to invest heavily in his business venture with the profits and his regular pay checks. He had failed to set back enough money to repay the loan before the due date. And now the time was nearing and the loan had to be repaid. The continual re-investing of money had made Ken short for the repay.

“Angel, I need you to do something for me. It’s very important. Kind of a life or death situation.” He said to his wife while lying in bed reading the reports one evening.

“What is it Ken?” She asked.

“I need you to go and speak with Jamal about getting an extension on that loan that is due next month. It seems that since I put more money into the business I may come up a little short next month when the loan is due in full.”

“Ken, I can’t do that. I barely even know the man. Why can’t you do it. I am sure he will help you out.”

“No, I can’t ask him for an extension. You are friends with him. At least you looked friendly enough when you were out with him. Please dear. I am not asking this lightly. I just need more time to get everything together.”

“I-I just… just can’t. It wouldn’t be right for me to go to him.” Angel said sternly. “You have got to talk to him. “

“No babe. You just don’t understand. It’s got to be you to talk to him. You see I didn’t tell you all the deals of the loan.” Ken informed her. “You see, if I do not have the loan paid in full by the 25th of next month then he will come for you. You’re beautiful. He sees that and would do anything you ask of him. He’d do it for you, don’t you understand?”

“What do you mean? He will come for me? Who? What on earth do you mean?

Ken looked away from his wife and spoke softly as if he was hoping she could or would not hear what he had to say. “Part of the loan deal was that if I did not have it paid back in full within the six months then Jamal would come for you and own you until I could pay it back. He said he would get to take you and do whatever he wanted with you.”

“You what? How could you agree to something like that!? She cried. “You basically used me. You’re an asshole!” She screamed and slapped him hard across the face.

“That’s, that’s just not right. It’s not fair! I had nothing to do with that loan. You already used me like a bargaining chip, making me go out with that man! And now this?” She slapped her husband hard across the face once again as she screamed at him.
Ken rubbed his cheek where she had slapped him. “I know, baby, I know. I shouldn’t have done it. But look at where it has gotten us today. Where would we be if I hadn’t gotten that loan. Would you still be driving that new Caddy that I bought you two months ago with money made from this transaction? Look honey, I am only asking that you go and speak on my behalf and ask for a month or two extensions. Please baby, go talk to him. I’m afraid of what will happen if it is not paid or the extension granted.”

“Oh God Ken. What did I do to deserve this?” Angel asked as tears began to flow down her cheeks.
“I guess it wouldn’t do any harm for me to at least go ask him for you. But how will I find him? Should I call him or will you?” Angel remembered the number that he had given her. She had stashed it into one of the pockets of her purse. She pulled out the number saying, “Never mind, I have his number that he gave me.”

“God I love you baby. You won’t regret doing this. Set up the meeting. Tell him that you need to see him about something important.” Ken replied. “I’m sorry about getting you involved in this like this. I’m trusting you to do the right thing and get me out of this. Love you honey.”


Angel took the phone number which Jamal had given her and set up a meeting with him. LeRoy picked Angel up in the limo once again and drove her to a large house somewhere out in the hills. As LeRoy opened the door for Angel he informed her that Jamal would be by the pool out back. She was just to meet with him there. Angel found Jamal lounging by the pool wearing only a swim suit. His freshly oiled skin glistening in the sun. The muscles in his arms and chest rippled and bounced as he sipped from his umbrella shaded cocktail. With all the muscles glistening in the sun and his shaved head she could only think of how much he reminded her of the actor Terry Crews.

“Oh my, what a man!” She thought to herself as she shyly approached where he was reclining.

“So, my Angel returns! You are looking very lovely as usual, m’dear.” Jamal pleasantly greeted Angel. “So, he sends his wife here with the money to pay back his loan? What a strange man.”

“Hello Jamal. It is very nice to see you again.” Angel said as she took the seat across from him. “And I have not come here to pay back the loan now. At least not now anyway.”

“Oh? You must forgive my manners m’dear. It is not often that I have the company of such a fine-looking lady like you in my presence.
Here, lets have a cocktail and we can discuss just what it is you need from me today. This might just help you relax a little. You look so tense.” Jamal poured a drink from a pitcher of clear liquid swimming with ice and lemons. He handed her the drink and moved in behind her and began to massage her shoulders.

Angel resisted at first but the drink was strong, as well as his fingers, and the massaging began to feel wonderful. She felt herself relaxing ass Jamal massaged and she sipped her drink. She swore to herself that she could sometimes feel his cock brushing against her neck and back as he rubbed her shoulders.

So, what can I do for you today Angel?” Jamal asked as he continue the massage.


“Don’t go calling me sir. That is my father. We know each other too well. Call me Jamal.”

“You see, Jamal, I have come on behalf of my husband to ask you if you would grant an extension on the loan for a month or two.”

“An extension?” Jamal exclaimed. “I do not grant extensions to the loans that I provide. A deal is a deal.”

“Please Jamal. Just once. Can’t you make an exception?” Angel pleaded.

“Why on earth would I grant him any kind of extension? Are you aware of the conditions of his loan agreement? Did he tell you what would happen if the loan was not repaid on time, Angel?

“Yes, he just told me of it the other day, sir.” Angel replied shyly.

“So, you see the dilemma, here don’t you? Why would I grant him an extension? If the loan is not paid by the 25th of next month, then I get you in return until it is paid. It is a fantastic deal. I can hardly wait until next month. Frankly, With the way you are looking, I am hoping he doesn’t pay it back.”

“Please Jamal. All he needs is another month or two. You see he has invested more of his money and he says he will be a little short when the loan is due. He just needs a little more time.” Angel pleaded.

“I am not inclined to change any of my loan provisions. That is just not good business. Loans should be paid back as promised or pay the consequences.”

“Oh Jamal, please. Anything. Please. I’ll do anything if you grant this extension. Do it for me Jamal, and not for him. You once told me that I f I needed anything to just call you. Well, here I am, begging you to help me now, Jamal.” Angel said wiping away her tears.
Jamal leaned back in his chair and rubbed his head for a minute as if thinking. He sat up in his recliner wearing an evil looking smile. He looked directly at Angel and stated. “Well, Angel. For you I just might make an exception. I just might be able to grant an extension if you could do one thing for me.”

“Oh, Jamal. That would be wonderful. I’d do anything if you help us out.” Angel said sitting closer to the edge of her seat. “Anything you ask Jamal.”

“I do like the way that you say that m’dear. You sound so desperate. And desperate women make wonderful lovers.”
Angel grimaced at the sound of Jamal’s words. Desperate women make wonderful lovers? Oh God, what is she getting into? She looked down at Jamal’s crotch and thought for a moment that she had seen something moving around in his shorts. She found it hard to pull her eyes away from watching for more movement.

“And I know that we can help each other out. Your husband with this need of a loan extension and me with a little problem that I have been having lately.”

“Sure thing Jamal. Whatever you say. I’ll do anything you ask. Just give him more time.”

“You love this man don’t you Angel?” Jamal asked. “You are so willing to give anything to save this man. Guess that is one thing that I may never understand with women. Why they are so willing to sacrifice for their men?”

Angel fiddled with her hands nervously in her lap awaiting to be told what it was she was to do to gain the extension for her husband. She lowered her head and eyes and again found herself looking at what Jamal had between his legs.

“My terms are simple as usual. Although perhaps a little unorthodox for a condition of a loan.” He said softly.

She looked up at him not sure if she really wanted to hear his conditions or not. But she had come this far and sat quietly as he continued with the rest of his conditions.

“I will need you to return here twice a month for each month that the extension is granted for. You will be picked up at your residence on Friday evening at 6 p.m. by LeRoy and brought to me. You will remain with me for the entire weekend at which time you will be returned to your home by 6 p.m. on Sunday. This will occur every other weekend as long as the extension is in place. While you are with me you will do everything exactly as I say, you will act as I say and you will dress as I say. While you are here you will want for nothing as I will provide all for you. Sex will be both exciting and as often as I tell you to. So, put away all that shyness and get used to the idea of sex with a black man. Are these terms acceptable for you, Angel? Do you love your husband enough to do this for him?”

She nodded her head meekly in acceptance.

Jamal said firmly. “I cannot hear you. You must say that you agree out loud so that I may hear.”

“Yes, Jamal. I agree to your conditions.”

“You do understand that you will be doing exactly as I instruct you? That you will be doing everything that I want? When I want it and however I want it? No matter what it takes?”

Angel replied proudly. “Yes, Jamal. I will do whatever you want from me if you give my husband this extension.”

“Your husband will have his extension then. He will receive one-month grace period for each of your bi-weekly visit. This will continue if you make your visits or until you tell me that you wish to cease the visits at which time the loan will be due in full. Once it is paid in full, then the terms of this loan would be completed. If again this is not paid in full, then I have you on a more permanent basis. Is this acceptable? Do you understand Angel?” Jamal added taking Angel’s small delicate hands in his.

“Yes Sir, Jamal. I understand.” Angel replied.

“Do you wish to take this to your husband first for his approval before we seal the new deal? Jamal asked.

“No, that will not be necessary. He said to do whatever it took to get and extension. This seems more than fair given the situation.” Angel said.

“As you wish my dear. As you wish. It will now be just a matter of ratifying our agreement and sealing the deal.” Angel reached out to shake his hand to seal the deal.

“Oh No, m’dear. That is not how you will be ratifying our new deal now will it? Jamal stated.

“Wha…?” Angel began to ask.

“You see; since I am making exceptions for you on your husband’s behalf I believe you can seal our deal by helping me out with another little problem that I have.” Jamal stated as he stood up rubbing his cock through his swim suit. “And it sure isn’t a handshake, I will tell you that. You will seal our deal and show your commitment to me by sucking on this.”

“Oh Jamal, No, I couldn’t…” she tried to protest. But her eyes were already drawn to the growing bulge in his shorts.

“Oh, you will, Angel, you will do as I say if you want this extension granted.” Jamal commanded as he pushed down his shorts to his knees freeing the largest black cock she had ever seen from its textile prison. “Now, get on your knees and suck it.”
Angel was astonished at Jamal’s cock. Even soft it was nearly as big as Ken’s when hard, but much thicker in its soft state. It swung free from the shorts as a black cobra dancing to the sound of the swami’s flute. Angel knew that she wanted to taste the black meat already beginning to grow in front of her, but she attempted to protest.

“But someone will see.” She was trying to make excuses to herself. “I don’t think….”

“I said get on your knees and suck this cock.” Jamal commanded.

Angel watched the long dark cock as it throbbed and swelled. She thought to herself that there was no way that she could be doing this. Her husband would kill her if he knew. She had never taken a cock like this in her mouth, or anywhere for that matter. She had only taken her husband’s cock in her mouth. And it was not nearly this big. She was afraid. Yet intrigued. Ken often tried to get her to suck on his cock, which she would do reluctantly. But she would not swallow. She always managed to get it out of her mouth just in time and let it cum on her chest. But here this beautiful large throbbing cock was now pointing nearly at her. The big man was commanding her to suck his cock. She again tried to make excuses as to why she couldn’t do it but found herself mesmerized by the shear appearance of it. She felt herself mesmerized by the cock in front of her and she felt like as if she was floating towards the protruding cock in front of her. She wanted him in her mouth.

Somehow, she found herself down on her knees looking at the cock straight on. She didn’t remember moving at all, only that now the cock was looking her right in the eyes. She reached out her hand and touched it ever so lightly feeling it jump to her touch. She wrapped her small hand around the shaft and stroked it. She could feel it hardening with the blood filling inside. It felt so big in her hand. She was sure that she would never get it into her mouth. Leaning forward a little more she gently touched her lips to it kissing the head. She ran her tongue around the tip in little circles.

“I said suck it!” He said sternly.

She licked her lips and parted her lips slightly. Jamal pushed forward with his hips. The head of his cock pressed in between her lips and entered her mouth. Allowing the head of the massive cock to enter her mouth her tongue swirled around the head and shaft. She found that the taste of Jamal’s cock was not so bad. In fact, she felt herself wanting more as the cock continued to press forward between her lips. She sucked and licked at the head of his cock taking in as much as she could. Jamal pressed on the back of her head forcing more of his cock into her mouth. She began sucking earnestly trying not to choke on this cock hitting the back of her throat. As she began to relax a little she found that she could take in more of his now fully hard cock and began to lick and suck like she never had before. One of her hands found his balls and squeezed gently at them while Jamal continued to fuck her throat. Pressing her head deeper onto his cock as his hips forced more into her throat. It was all she could do from choking on the intruding penis deep in her mouth.

Jamal’s pace quickened. He pressed and pushed faster never allowing Angel’s mouth to come off over the head of his cock. She felt his hand on the back of her head give one last push driving the cock deeper into her wet mouth than it ever had been before. Jamal’s head rolled backwards and she heard him let out a grunt or a growl, she has yet to figure out which it was. He pushed her head down and held her in place. She felt his cock grow even larger and pulsate while he began to fill her mouth with his load. She felt the first spurt of his cum hit the back of her throat. She tasted the hot salty fluid which had now completely filling her mouth. She was trying to pull away but his big hand held her head tightly to the cock. She swallowed fast as she could but with her mouth already filled with his juice she found she couldn’t swallow fast enough. Cum was now seeping out of the corners of her mouth as he continued pushing her head down on his cock, his hips thrusting forward as she gulped. He held her head over his cock until she finally felt the spasms and shooting stop filling her mouth. His cock began to soften and Angel took over sucking. She closed her eyes and sucked as much into her mouth aa she could and drew her mouth back over the shaft. Tasting every drop of his hot cum which was now just a slight ooze from the tip. His hips finally stopped thrusting into her as she grasped his cock and milked the last few droplets of cum from his cock. As she finally removed her mouth from the cock she saw a tiny drop of his white cum glistening on the tip. She took it with her tongue and pulled it back into her mouth.

Jamal stepped back and pulled up his shorts.

“You now have the extension that you asked for.” He said.

Angel, still on her knees, looked at Jamal in wonderment. “Had I done OK?” She thought to herself. “Am I a slut for doing this? Did I do it right?” So many thoughts so many unanswered questions running through her head as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand cleaning the saliva and spilt cum from her red lips. She watched Jamal as he sat back down in his recliner, taking a drink from his cocktail glass.

“Do you want me to go now, Jamal?” She asked.

“You did wonderful m’dear. I will send LeRoy for you on Friday evening as we discussed. Will every two weeks beginning Friday work out for you? I want to ensure that during the time you spend with me you are not on your period.”

“Yes, this Friday will be fine.” Angel replied.

“OK. I will see you on Friday then. I will be ready for you. LeRoy will see you out to the limo.”

Angel stood up and made sure that her clothes and hair were not array preparing herself in order to leave. As she stood up and turned to leave she found LeRoy standing not more than twenty feet away from where she just sucked off Jamal.

“How long had he been there? Did he see me do that? Did he watch? Did he like it?” Again, so many questions running through her mind.

As Angel and LeRoy were walking to the limo Angel turned to look at Jamal one more time.

Jamal laughed and said. “Oh and Angel, you let that husband of yours know that I will be enjoying this extension that I have given him and to tell him to take his time paying back the money.”

The drive home was quiet. LeRoy did not speak nor even look at Angel who was riding in the back of the limo. Angel tried to speak to LeRoy but he just continued to look ahead and drive the car.

“Did you watch me with Jamal, LeRoy?” She asked. “Did you see me? Did you like what you saw?”

LeRoy said nothing, he did not even look at her. He just continued to drive towards her home. Angel sat back in the seat and just settled into watching the road pass by through the window. Thinking of what had just transpired. She could still taste Jamal in her mouth and found herself thinking about his black cock sliding in her mouth once again. She felt a strange sense of accomplishment. She had gone to him to ask for an extension on her husband’s loan and had gotten it for him. She wondered what lay ahead in the future for her on Friday. A strange warm wetness began to form between her legs. She couldn’t believe it. She was actually turned on by what she had just done. But what was she going to tell Ken? Would he be upset? She closed her eyes but her mind continued to return to the mouth fucking she had just received.

Ken anxiously met her at the door as the limo pulled up at the house.

“Did you get it? Did you get the extension? Ken asked.

“Yes, I got you an extension.” Angel answered.

“Yes!” Ken exclaimed as he began a little dance like move in celebration. “Yes! I knew you could do it!” He grabbed his wife, picked her up and swung her around. “Oh baby you are wonderful!”

“But, Ken, there were some conditions…” She tried to explain.

“Yeah. Yeah. Always something.” He said waving his hand in the air. “How long did you get? Never mind. We got the extension anyway. I think it is time to celebrate! Let’s crack open that bottle of wine and make a toast to my lovely wife getting me the extension! Now I can take the time and use some of the money to make us even more money!” Ken went to the wine rack and picked out a bottle of wine and started to open it.

“Asshole.” Angel thought to herself. “He doesn’t even care what I have to do or what I had to do to get him this damn extension!” It was then and there that she decided to herself that she was not going to tell him what she had to do to get him his precious extension.
Ken poured two glasses of wine and said. “Here you go baby. Come sit with me on the couch with me and let’s celebrate our good fortune!

The two sipped their wine while Ken began working up plans for the new investments he was going to be able to make with the loan extension.

“Ken, we need to talk about this extension.”

“Sure baby. Just not now. I have to figure out how I can make some more money.”

“Ken, I have to spend two weekends a month with Jamal until the money has been paid back. It is part of the extension agreement.” She tried to explain.

“Yeah, baby. Do whatever you need to do. Just let me work out some of the details.” He replied without even looking up from his papers and figures.

Angel sat quietly sipping on her wine while her husband worked feverishly on figuring out what to do with his new investment money. Finally, Angel had enough and went off to bed. She felt tipsy from the wine and stumbled some from its effects. She undressed and got into bed. As she lay in bed she reached down between her legs and felt the dampness of her pussy. She knew she was horny but also knew that her husband would not be to bed for a while yet. And did she really want to be with him tonight? She thought no. She would rather just take the matter into her own hands and think about today and what was to happen come Friday. Angel drifted off to sleep masturbating and thinking about sucking Jamal’s large pulsating cock.

End of part 1. To be continued.

Same as Angel's loan (pat 1) Videos

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 4 Shobha Ka Bank Loan Approval

Hello friends, aasha karta hoon ki aap sab besabri se meri kahani ka intezaar kar rahe hai. Is besabri ke liye dhanyawaad. Aaj ki kahana aap sabki favourite Shobha ki hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pahle season 1 se padna shuru kare. Taaki aapko sabhi characters ko pehchaan le. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id Seoaon II – PART 4: Shobha Ka Bank Loan Approval Narrated by Shobha. Hello dosto,...

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The Loan Shark 2

"Mrs Sukoff be at the Ritz Carlton Hotel room 3205 at 3pm" said the text message.3pm I stood outside the door about to knock on the door when my cell phone beeped. Another message."You are late. Strip in the hallway"Nervously I removed the white silk blouse and the tight black leather skirt. My hair was bright red ( Courtesy of Mr Goldsmith) pulled back in a ponytail. I stood in the black 6" heel stilettos naked. Knocking on the door praying that no one sees me. "Enter"I open the door and walk...

3 years ago
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The Loan Shark

I stood outside Mr Goldsmith's office dressed in my professional clothes waiting. The mature blonde at reception had spoken on the intercom advising that Mrs Sukoff had arrived. That was 40 minutes ago I was getting impatient. The receptionist came out of Mr Goldsmith's office doing up the top buttons of her blouse as she said I could go in. A droplet of white liquid dribbled out the side of her mouth and down her chin. Mr Goldsmith was on his cell phone talking to a real estate agent, I think,...

3 years ago
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Moni on loan

Moni on loanMoni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend on Loan Part Four The Dessert

Girlfriend on LoanPart FourThe DessertCumming inside someone else’s girlfriend has that extra little sense of naughtiness that makes it feel that little more dirty so it’s even better than normal and she certainly isn’t complaining, her hot body sprawled out on the bed, I can see her ribcage rise and fall like a pair of bellows as I gently pull by shaft from her hot wet embrace. “Oh no! Stay!" Such a tight fit that I feel it twang as my head pops out from her wet lips like her vagina doesn’t...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend on Loan Part Three The Main Course

Written as a gift for an xHamster memberGirlfriend on LoanPart ThreeThe Main CourseTruth be told I’ve always been like this, I’ve always loved to tease and it’s not like I didn’t warn her. I’m like a cat, a Cheshire Cat, I like to play with my food before I devour it, if I choose to devour it. Sometimes I like to tease my prey just for the fun of it. I can't help it, I was born that way, it’s instinct. It is very cruel but afterwards I am always forgiven for how can you stay mad at me with my...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend on Loan Part Two The Appetizer

Girlfriend on LoanPart TwoThe AppetizerI decide to have another look at her pictures, my gosh she is beautiful, there is no way I can refuse, what’s more she is an anal virgin. Perhaps if I ask them nicely enough they will let me do the honour of taking her anal virginity, why else would he mention it? Besides being on extended leave and having such an undeniable invitation I have both the time and the inclination to make this a reality and go through with this. After all it seems only polite...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend on Loan

Girlfriend on LoanI’m finally given leave to go home for a while. I return home and sit at my desk, I was away for six months this time but managed to sneak off for a little action over valentines day. During my absence I barely even got to lay eyes upon a woman. A few females perhaps in the loosest sense of the word! but no real women. More over I’ve not had the time to release my frustrations inside one even if I wanted to. My point being that I have not had the opportunity to have my way...

1 year ago
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Moni on loan

Moni on loan Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to...

2 years ago
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Biwi Ne Kiya Loan Ka Bhugtan 8211 Part III

Teen kisht ho chuki thi. Is teen ko chukane mein hi mujhe itni musibat aur zillat uthani padi, pata nahin baaki mein ka hoga yeh sochte hue leti thi. Kusch din tak koi SMS nahin ayi, char din baad holi hai, ab shayad ek hafte baad he SMS ayega. Sochte sochte lete hue so gayi. Subha uthi, naha dhoke pati ke liye chay banaya and nashta bhi, sunday tha to late usthi thi. Kareeb das baje apni dost ko phone karne ke liye phone uthaya to dekha, mein galat soch rahi thi, SMS aya hua tha SMS mein likha...

3 years ago
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Biwi Ne Kiya Loan Ka Bhugtan 8211 Part II

By: Criticalmass Yeh story part 2 hai, pehle Biwi ne kiya loan ka bhugtan padh lein to situation samajh payenge. Subha Amit ke nikalne ke baad SMS aya “Aapki pehli Kisht jama ho gayi hai, Agli kisht ke liye aapko jaldi hi contact kiya jayega. Maine padhke SMS delete kar diya, aur tayar hoke office chali gayi. Har din subha SMS ka wait sa karne lagi thi, kai din tak SMS nahin aaya. Phir achanak ek din SMS aya. Likha tha “Parso aur tarson aapki duty aapke office ke Jaipur branch office main hai...

2 years ago
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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 8

Tommy was sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table when we entered the room. He looked us over, glared at me, and then ordered us to line up in front of him on the other side of the coffee table. He probably thought that what he was about to do, or make us do, would be very traumatic. He wasn't aware of the changes that have already taken place in our lives because of him. I hope he doesn't find out, either. I don't doubt for a minute that if he thought this wasn't all...

2 years ago
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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 12

We went downstairs and I taught Piper how to make a perfect pitcher of Long Island ice tea. It isn't hard with the recipe I got from a good friend years ago. The doorbell rang while we were working. Craig let our guests in and escorted them to the kitchen. I made introductions. Our neighbors were a bit reserved in the company of the kids. They didn't expect anything of a sexual nature to take place with our kids around so I think they were mildly disappointed that the kids were going to...

1 year ago
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York Peppermint Pattie

Before we get started with this one, I would like to thank all of you who take the time to contact me about my stories. I would like to say though, those of you who are looking for happy endings in my stories, you're probably not going to find one! Extreme humiliation, feminization and punishment is what my subjects will suffer through after being caught or tricked! If this is not what you're looking for in a story, please take your less than desireable reviews and move on to another...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Aunt Pat

John began pounding his cock faster and faster into his Aunt Pat. Her tight little ass wagged back and forth as they fucked doggie style. Pat's teeth gritted, as she moaned and tossed her short auburn hair from side to side. Her large breasts heaved every time John's cock slammed home. Pat screamed "Fuck me! Oh god yes, fuck me, John. Fuck your dirty little Aunt's pussy!" John couldn't take it anymore, and pulled his dick out as he shot his cum over his Aunt's ass..... John shot up, out of...

4 years ago
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Sharing My Gorgeous Wife Pattie

My name is Pattie, and my husband and I have been married for five years. My husband treats me like a princess. He buys me all sorts of clothes and loves to dress me up. Every day he picks out my outfits. He especially loves to pick out my intimate items that I wear. He’s most fascinated with my panties. He loves the fabrics and wonders how they’ll look on my pussy. The man is in love with my beautiful, bald pussy. Often, my husband Bobby loves to shave my pussy. He loves for me to be bald and...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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WanderingPart 5 Pattie

"Don't move. Stay right where you are," I whispered. She complied as I felt her muscles relax and her body slump against my chest. We were silent. There was no need for conversation. We had both exclaimed our delight over the past half hour and swam in the pleasure of our shared passion. We had expressed our fulfillment at the completion of a blissful union. We lay there in the dark, the gentle rocking of the boat adding to our peaceful recovery. I pulled the comforter over us to ward...

2 years ago
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The following Friday I received a note from Patrice saying he was in town and asking whether I was free to take lunch with him. I was travelling home in two days’ time, so I arranged to meet him at the Grande on Saturday afternoon. When I arrived at the hotel restaurant at half past one he was already waiting. Having met him only once before—and that in a darkened house where everyone was naked—it took me a moment to recognise the tanned, well-groomed and exquisitely dressed young man in the...


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