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To Pay a Loan by Jennifer Adams It all started when I was living in Cleveland with my new wife. I was working as an account manager for a small company in one of the suburbs. I had gotten into the habit of spoiling Lori, my wife. At least as much as I could on what I made. At first, it wasn't too hard to give her what she wanted. Her wants and needs were simple. She mostly shopped at discount and bargain stores. So when she wanted something, I just went and bought it. She didn't even ask for all that much while she patiently waited for my employment and financial situation to improve. I had told her that I was only working where I was to get a couple years experience so I could move on and earn more money. Finally, after a couple of years of marriage, I guess she got tired of waiting and I noticed that she started shopping at "better" stores. Then she started asking me when I was going to start looking for another job. I had explained that I had sent out resumes but hadn't heard anything back as of yet. She would wrinkle her nose up and walk away. As time went on, her tastes continued to raise as my pay and job prospects remained the same. I was becoming increasingly more concerned as our expenses were beginning to exceed our income...well, my income. She had told me right from the start that she was a traditional girl and would remain at home and take care of the house and I would be the breadwinner. So I had even taken a second job to try and keep up with what was going out each month. That had such little effect, that I quit less than two weeks after starting. I ended up having to skip the rent for two months in a row and I now had the landlord on my ass for the rent or we would be evicted. I couldn't come up with the money, I mean, our credit cards were maxed out. I didn't have enough income to qualify for another loan so I didn't pay it. A couple of weeks later, I received a summons to appear in court. Things were starting to look pretty bad. Lori also told me that if we did get evicted, she was leaving me. A week before I was due to go to court, I got an answer on one of my resumes. This company was offering eight thousand dollars more a year than I was making at the time. I set up an interview and over the next couple of days I went through a couple of interviews and a physical and was hired the day before I had to go to court about the rent. I figured that this was great. I would just ask for a little more time and then paying the rent would be a breeze. My problems were solved. I quit my job before I went to court the following day. I went into court and discovered that my plans were in vain. I was given three days to pay or the our apartment would be locked up and our stuff would end up on the curb. I left court a little stunned, but I still wasn't too worried. I did have an ace in the hole. Now that I would be making enough to pay out a little more money, I could now use it. I knew a guy that loaned money for emergencies. He was a shark, but desperate times called for desperate measures. I left the courthouse and went to see him. "So, let me get this straight. You want to borrow forty-five hundred dollars and pay me back a little each month?" Tommy said. I knew him through my cousin Frank. Frank had borrowed some money a couple of years ago and paid him back without any problem. "Yeah, Tommy. If that isn't any trouble?" I asked. "Well, I don't usually like loaning that much money until people build a little credit with me. I am a business man, I don't like having any hassle collecting my money. Since you are Frank's cousin and we have had a great business relationship, I will loan it to you this time, Lou." "Thanks Tommy," I said gratefully. "Don't thank me yet. You haven't heard the terms," he said cautiously. "Anything. I am about to be tossed out on my ass and they won't even give me two weeks," I told him. "Well, here are the terms of the loan. $4,500 at 10% interest per month and figuring in the time involved and..." As he talked he was punching keys on an adding machine. Finally he said, "... it will bring it to thirty payments of six hundred dollars due on the first of each month. If you can't make the whole six hundred, you will have to at least pay the interest which is four hundred fifty dollars. Miss a whole month and the loan agreement is void and I will collect my money anyway I see fit. Agreed?" I thought about it a moment. I wasn't too sure I liked the terms, but what choice did I have. My whole life was about to fall apart. Everything hinged on getting this money. I took a deep breath and said, "Agreed." He held out his hand and I took it. "Congratulations we are in business together. See? I'm not such a bad guy, I still do business with a hand shake." With that, he smiled and looked like a predator preparing to devour a mouse. After shaking my hand. He reached into a desk drawer and took out some money and counted out $4,500 and handed it to me and said, "See you in a month, Louie m'boy." "See you in a month, Mr. Tonti, and thanks again," I said. "Call me Tommy." "Okay, Tommy." I almost ran out of there. -0-0-0- The next morning I took the money to the courthouse and paid my rent. On the following Monday I went to my new job and the doors were locked. I walked all the way around the building and all the doors were locked. I went to a pay phone and called the number I had called to set up the interview. I got a recording saying that no one would be in until Monday. I went back to the building and tried the doors again and they were still locked. As I was turning around to leave. I saw a man and a woman walking up to the doors. I said, "Excuse me? Can you tell me why the doors are still locked? I am supposed to start working here today." The man looked at me with a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry, we were bought out by a competitor on Friday and they closed us down. They're talking about moving some of use around with in their company, but I wouldn't count on much. I doubt they'll do anything with new hires. Sorry." I went back to my former employer and begged for my job back. He refused saying that I hadn't left a notice so he would not extend a re- hire to me. I was screwed. Slowly, I headed home. Now I didn't know what I was going to do. I had no way of paying Tommy back now. Instead of going home, I went to see Tommy to see if there was anything I could do about my new inability to pay. That turned out to be a useless gesture. He told me that he didn't care how I got the money as long as I had at least $450 on the first. He wished me luck and told me not to do anything stupid like trying to leave town. For the next couple of weeks, I fretted as my deadline grew closer and closer and I was still without a job. What's worse, Lori was really giving me a hard time about quitting my other job saying that at least it was better than nothing. Thankfully, she didn't know that I borrowed money from Tommy, or else I would be still hearing about that as well. Finally, two days before I was due to pay Tommy my first installment, I skipped town. I just started going west. All I could do was hope that he never found me or I was a dead man. I know that I probably should have taken Lori with me, but I figured it would be easier to hide and move if I were by myself. Besides, she was getting to be a real pain and in a lot of ways, she was mostly responsible for my current situation. If she hadn't gotten to be such a spend thrift, I wouldn't have found myself needing to do business with Tommy in the first place. I guess now, looking back on it, I would have been better off if I would have just lost the apartment and Lori. Oh well, what's done is done I guess. I moved across the mid-west taking odd jobs here and there so there would be no record of me. I was careful not to stay in one place too long for fear that Tommy had someone following me and they may only be a few moves behind me. It was nearly seventeen months later when I came back to my hotel room and found a strange man waiting for me. I turned to run, but he pulled a gun. Facing my own mortality caused me to freeze. I guess it really didn't matter at this point since Tommy would most likely kill me anyway. "You are a slippery one. Aren't you?" he said. I just looked at him. "Well for five grand, it was worth the chase," he said and then I saw his arm swing back as flash. Next I felt a thump on the back of my head and that was all I felt for a while. -0-0-0- I woke up some time later, tied up in the trunk of a car. I tried to yell, but I was also gagged. I could feel the movement of the car and knew he was taking me back to face Tommy. There I would probably suffer a long, slow and painful death to serve as an example. When the trunk finally opened. I only caught a brief glance at the city, and recognized it as being outside of Tommy's place, then I felt another thump on the back of my head and was out again. As my consciousness gave way to darkness, my last thought was that those goose eggs he was giving me were going to make it hard for me to wear a hat for a long time. The next time I came to, I was sitting on the sofa in Tommy's office. My wrists and ankles still hurt form the ropes that had bound me and my jaw hurt from the gag. Tommy noticed I was awake, probably because he had been watching me. "Well, well. If it isn't Lou Kapouro. How you doin' Lou? Long time no see. Too long don't you agree?" I nodded. "Yes Tommy, too long." "Call me Mr. Tonti. I reserve the use of my first name for my business associates," he said with a sneer. This was not good, not good at all. "Sure Mr. Tonti," I said softly. "Now let's see. You skipped out on me owing forty-five hundred dollars, you've been gone for seventeen without making a payment, at ten percent of the amount owing per month. Meaning that as your interest wasn't paid it was added to the principle and ten percent of that was added to balance. Right now, you owe me twenty-five thousand twenty-two dollars. Then we have to add in the five thousand dollar reward that was paid to Mr. Jarvis for travel accommodations. That brings the total to thirty thousand twenty-two dollars. Tell you what, I'll just round off the twenty-two dollars and make it an even thirty thousand." He paused. Then he asked, "You wouldn't by any chance have that on you, would you?" I shook my head to indicate that I didn't. "I can't hear you. Would you speak up, please?" I did have to say that I found his politeness a little unnerving. I had a pretty good idea why he was being so pleasant. It was because he knew that I would be dead in a matter of minutes and I would be out of his hair. "Uh, no To... I mean, Mr. Tonti. I don't have it, any of it," I stumbled through saying. I thought I was going to wet my pants, I was so scared. "Well let's see, what could we do about all this debt you've incurred. If you had a job, you could pay it. Couldn't you?" he asked. "Yes, Mr. Tonti. I could pay it back," I said nervously, not sure where this was going. "But you don't have a job. Is that correct?" he pointed out. "No sir, I don't." "Hmmm, let's see. If you don't have a job, you can't pay me... If I were to kill you, it would erase your debt from your end, but I would still be without the money you owe me... Hmm, What to do... What to do..." He rubbed his chin, as though deep in thought, and paced back and forth. His guard and I both watched him as he paced. Finally, he said, "I've got it! I know just how we can solve this little problem. You can stay alive and get a job and I can get my money back. Are you willing to work and pay me back?" "Oh yes, Mr. Tonti. I'd do anything to pay this back to you," I said, trying to suck up. Obviously, paying him back was better than being dead. He turned to his guard and said, "Marcus, would show Professor Hardgrove in please?" The guard left the room. "You may once again, call me Tommy since you are once again going to be doing business with me. I'm sure that this will work out perfectly." I wanted to ask him what he had in mind, but I didn't have time. Marcus re-entered the office with the professor in tow. Tommy turned to the professor and said, "Here you are professor." He gestured in my direction. "Here is your subject." He turned to me while the professor moved in my direction. "Of course, this will add a little to your balance, but since you will now be able to pay it off, there shouldn't be any problem." The professor took a hypodermic needle out of his pocked and removed the cap. Before I could protest, he shoved the needle into my arm and pushed the plunger. Then he turned to Tommy and asked, "Fifteen thousand off my balance like we agreed?" "Certainly," was Tommy's reply. He then asked the professor. "So? How long will this take?" "About forty-eight hours," came the reply. "Great!" Tommy exclaimed. "Have a nice day, Professor," Then he looked at me. Good news, for your fifteen thousand dollars, we can have you out working in two days. You should thank the Professor." I weakly said, "Thank you Professor Hardgrove." He looked thoughtfully at me and said, "I don't know if I would thank me if I were you." With that said, he turned and left. His last statement left me with a strong sense of foreboding. Tommy said to me, "I have a room down the hall where you can stay for a couple of days. Let's see it is seven o'clock on Monday... Forty-eight hours will be seven on Wednesday, but I don't conduct business after five so I guess I'll see you again on Thursday... Say ten o'clock?" I just nodded. Then he turned and said, "Marcus, will you take Mr. Kapouro down the hall to his room?" Marcus took me by the arm and led me to a small room with a bed in it. Just off that room was another small room with a toilet, shower and sink in it. After we got in the room, Marcus said, "Give me all your clothes." I gave him a horrified look and he said, "It's just a little assurance that you won't leave since you have nothing to wear." Reluctantly, I removed my clothes and handed them to him. He reached in my shirt pocket and tossed me my cigarettes and lighter. "Just remember, if you light the place on fire, no one but Tommy and I know you are in here and we won't remember, if you get my meaning?" I nodded that I understood. Light a fire and I would burn to death. Definitely not high on my list of things to do. Marcus walked out the door and I heard a key in the lock and heard the tumbler turn to lock the door. I was locked in here. Now I fully understood what he meant. I would be like a rat in a trap. I just sat on the bed and lit a smoke. In one corner there was a television so I clicked it on. There wasn't really anything on, but it was better than just staring at the wall. I had to admit, Tommy was better than I had thought he would be. I could only wonder what he had in mind and what that injection had to do with it. I guess I would find out soon enough. I felt a little nauseated so I laid down and watched the TV. Later that evening, Marcus opened the door and tossed me a small bag and said, "Trash can's in the corner." I nodded that I understood him. Then he left and locked the door. I opened the bag and found a burger, fries, a bottle of pop and a pack of smokes. I hadn't eaten since before I was abducted so I all but shoved the whole thing in my mouth. I ate the fries and drank the cola and then threw everything, except the smokes in the trash. I was watching Leno, when I began to feel a little light headed and dizzy. I also felt queasy. Then I felt a slight tingling in my spine... well, it was more like an itching feeling kind of like when your bones are healing after a break. I got up and started rubbing my back against the molding that felt better on my back but did little for my stomach. I stepped away from the molding and looked at it as I made my way to the bathroom. I could see a slight mark on the it from where my back rubbed against it. It was from the oils in my skin. As I leaned over the toilet to loose my dinner, I almost lost my balance and fell headlong into it. I caught my self on the tank and stood like that for several minutes. Finally the nausea went away and luckily, I was able to keep my dinner. As I made my way back to the bed, I noticed that the mark on the molding seemed to have moved a little higher. That was silly, I reckoned. If it moved it would have traveled down not up. I shrugged it off and went back to watching the tube. A short time later I discovered that my hair was falling out. I gave a little tug and it came out in a big clump. I got more than a little frightened, but there was no point in yelling, I was pretty sure I was the only person in the building. All I could do is watch as clumps of hair fell off my head. Then I noticed that the hair on my head wasn't the only hair under attack. The hair on my arms, legs, chest, crotch and face seemed to be suffering the same fate. I quickly stood up to brush the hair off the bed since sleeping in it was sure to prove uncomfortable. Assuming that I would be able to sleep after what had just happened. As I jumped up I produced a rather large cloud of disembodied hair. I was reminded of the Peanuts character, Pig-Pen, and how he always seemed to be walking around in a cloud of dust. Bushing the hair off the bed proved to be difficult at best. The movement of brushing caused even more of my hair to fall out and onto the bed. By the time I did actually start getting somewhere with clearing the bed, I was pretty much denude of hair from head to toe. I figured that since I was losing my hair and would probably continue to do so until it was gone, the best thing to do was help it along. I couldn't figure out what Tommy thought would be better if I were completely bald but I didn't seem to have much of a choice in the matter anyway. The shower seemed to be the best course of action in helping loss of my hair. After the shower, I did feel better, if not a little cold. I was glad that they had at least left me a towel and washcloth. There was also soap and shampoo and even conditioner. A lot of good the last two would do me. Now, that I didn't have to worry about losing my hair while brushing, I made short work of clearing the bed. While I was doing that, I was struck by another wave of nausea and a itching in my hips. When it finally subsided I looked at them to see if they looked any different. They didn't, but my waist looked a little slimmer. Even with my gut hanging out in front of me. I had finally had enough and decided to go to bed. It didn't take long for me to go to sleep. It was anything but restful. I tossed and turned all night. I could tell in the morning by the way the bed clothes were all over the place, mostly on the floor. I woke with a great need to defecate and urinate. I almost didn't make it to the toilet. After I had finally relieved myself, I headed back to the bed to sit and have a smoke. As I walked, I felt a difference in the way my body moved, but I couldn't put a finger on what was causing it. It felt as though my sense of balance was off. I stopped and looked at myself critically for a moment. For one thing, I was a lot thinner. I looked pretty silly without bodyhair but other than that, I didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I called out and asked, "Yes?" I heard Marcus holler through the door, "Open the door." I opened it and he handed me a paper sack and a styrofoam cup with the logo of a fast food place on them. "Cream and sugar is in the bag," he said and pulled the door closed, I heard the tumbler turn in the lock. I was a little afraid to eat with the waves of nausea, but I figured it would be better than dry heaves anyway. As I ate my breakfast, a thought occurred to me. Marcus looked a lot taller than he did the day before. Was he somehow getting taller? No, I realized that it must have something to do with that injection. I seemed to be getting smaller. I got up and rubbed my back on the molding the way I had the night before. I turned around and looked. Sure enough, there was about four or five inches difference between the two marks. I was getting smaller. Thought about what this might mean as I finished my breakfast, but I couldn't come up with an answer. The only obvious answer was that Tommy was turning me into something, but what? After breakfast, the nausea returned and ran to the bathroom to lose my last meal, but once again, I didn't loose it. I figured the best thing to do next was to check myself out in the mirror. I did know that my stomach had all but disappeared in the night. I had prepared myself to see my bald head and body. I wasn't prepared for what I did see. From what I could see standing on the toilet to look in the mirror. My hips had flared out and my waist looked a lot slimmer. My face even looked a little different, but I couldn't place why other than having smooth hairless skin. As I studied my body in the mirror. I realized that from the neck down I looked like a young girl with a penis. Maybe I needed to bulk back up a bit. It was a good thing that I was a little over weight or I would have looked real silly trying to pass myself off as a man. I went back into the other room and settled for the monotony of day time television. After all, what choice did I have. Throughout the day, I continued to get flashes of nausea and I would scrutinize myself afterwards. It was slowly becoming apparent what Tommy intended me to be. First, I noticed that everything in the room seemed taller when I came back in from the bathroom so I rubbed my back on the molding again and it look a bit shorter. The next time, my hips flared a little more. A little while later, the hair on my head began to grow back and nearly drove me insane with all the itching it caused. When it was finished, I had shoulder length reddish brown hair. I thought I would look ridiculous with that hair color, but a look in the mirror showed me a glimpse in my future. Now I looked even more like a young girl, but my face still looked a little too old and manly. It wasn't long after that, another wave hit me and my legs seemed to change shape right before my eyes. When Marcus brought my dinner, he just leered at me and smiled. I ate and went back to watching television. By the time Leno came on, I was starting to look pretty girlish, although I tried to deny it to myself. I woke to a knock on the door. I got up and I felt strange as I walked over to get my breakfast. Once again Marcus seemed to be gawking at me and an even bigger smile crossed his face. He left and closed the door. It wasn't until I sat my breakfast down that I noticed what Marcus had been staring at. I had two little bumps on my chest. My nipples were puffy and under them were two little mounds. I checked my crotch and luckily my dick was still there, but it did look a little smaller. Okay, it looked a lot smaller. I raced to the bathroom and after relieving myself I checked in the mirror. It seemed as though the remainder of my stomach had moved up to my chest and I now looked for all the world like a young girl of maybe twelve or fourteen. There was only one thing that broke that illusion and that was my shriveled manhood. When I got back to my breakfast and opened it up, I discovered that there were actually two orders there. I was going to try calling for Marcus, but then realized that I was hungry enough to eat it all. Maybe they were planning on skipping my lunch or something. I sat on the bed and ate as though I hadn't eaten in a month. Looking in the mirror earlier proved that I looked as though that were the case. Shortly after I had finished my breakfast, I felt that now familiar wave of nausea, but it didn't seem as strong this time. The changes were obvious. My chest swelled. It looked like someone had cut a grapefruit in half and stuck each half under my nipples. I felt them and they were firm and a little hard. They were also tender and I quickly pulled my hands away from my now sore chest. There was no longer any way to deny it. I was now sporting boobs on my chest. I just recovered from realizing that I now had boobs when I was hit with another wave of nausea. It to passed quickly. I felt my dick shrivel a little more along with my balls. I looked and they were now the size of a young boy's organs. There was now very little doubt in my mind as to what Tommy planned to turn me into. I wiggled to the bathroom and my breasts jiggled, but only slightly. In the mirror, I found that my face had a slightly more mature look on it. Now I was beginning to look like a young woman instead of a young girl. I wanted to kill Tommy. If he had been there, I would have. I paced angrily around the room yelling until I was struck with another wave of nausea. After it passed, I felt a tightening in my throat, and when I continued my tirade, I sounded like a petulant child. This broke off the fit in a hurry. I just sat on the bed and fumed. The nausea continued through out the morning. By the time my lunch of three burgers and three fries with three milkshakes arrived, my breasts were the size of half melons and my penis was all but non-existent, and my voice was even higher. I ate my lunch and tried to calm down. They must have known that I was angry because, Marcus just opened the door and tossed the bags on the floor and closed it quickly. After my lunch, the nausea continued and I watched as my penis disappeared between two lips that were forming in it's place. I watched my breasts swell even more, until they looked like small watermelons. My voice continued to elevate until I sounded down right silly when I talked. After that, the dizziness was followed by feelings of movement in my lower stomach. I figured that I now getting the rest of the package, uterus, ovaries and vagina. By the time my dinner arrived, the nausea had stopped. I figured I was done changing. Not that I wanted to change anymore than I already had. Marcus opened the door and just looked at me for a few minutes. "What?!" I shouted with my new little girl sounding voice. "Unbelievable," he said slowly. "Here is your supper. Are you feeling a little better now?" "Not really," I replied. I softened the edge in my voice. After all, Marcus didn't do anything to cause this. "I guess you wouldn't. It must be rough to be turned into a chic," he said. I only nodded. I took my food, but Marcus didn't leave: instead, he asked, "May I come in a minute?" I was a bit reluctant since, not only was I now smaller and weaker than him and I also had a vagina now, but I felt terribly embarrassed at having him see me like this. I thought a moment and realized that whatever Tommy had planned, he would kill Marcus if he damaged his prize, namely me. I think Marcus knew it too. I also could use a friend and that seemed to be Marcus' intention. I took a chance and said yes. While trying to cover myself with my full hands. He walked over and got a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around my shoulders. He sat on the bed while I ate. He just watched me for a couple of minutes and I was too hungry to care. Finally he said, "So, what's it like?" "What? Being down and out enough to have to borrow money from Tommy? Have to run and hide and be hunted like an animal? Or to get caught and turned into a woman against you will?" I said with anger dripping from my words. "The last part. I mean, what's it like to be turned into a chic?" he asked. If he noticed my anger, he didn't show it. "I don't know, it's weird I guess. I don't like it. I can tell you that much," I said letting the edge out of my voice. "I suppose you wouldn't. I just wondered what it was like. Ya' know, is the grass greener on the other side. Curiosity, I guess," he said, a little sheepishly. "Well, it's a little too soon to tell that. I hope I won't have enough time to find out, but somehow I doubt that will be the case," I replied. "You know, Tommy isn't really a bad guy. I know that you're pretty peeved, but really. Most guys would have just killed you. He's giving you a chance to pay your debt to him," Marcus said. "Yeah, I'll be paying for the rest of my life." "No, Tommy's not like that. As soon as you've paid him off. That'll be the end of it," he replied. When I finished eating, he asked me to stand up and remove the blanket so he could measure me. He explained that someone was going to be getting me clothing and they needed to know what my measurements were so they could get the right sizes. Reluctantly, I stood up and shrugged the blanket off and tried to cover my new breasts and my hairless crotch at the same time. He looked at me and said, "You have got to get over this shyness. I have a feeling that there will be plenty of people seeing what you look like naked. Unless I miss my guess." I forced myself to drop my arms while he fished a cloth tape measure out of his pocket. "What is that supposed to mean?" "Well, think about it. Tommy just wants his money. There might be a little humiliation involved as payback for your running before your first payment and embarrassing him, but like he keeps saying, he is a businessman. He only wants his money. Now, you have been turned into a woman and a rather sexy one at that. He said he had a job for you to earn back the money, or perhaps it was earn on your back," he said ruefully. "You mean you think that I am supposed to be a hooker?!" I said in shock. For some reason, it hadn't occurred to me that would be my new profession. "I hate to be the barer of bad tidings, but I'm afraid so. Tommy tried to do that with another guy and he killed himself after he turned into a chic," Marcus added. "Well, I am not going to be a hooker!" I shouted. "I don't see where you have any choice in the matter. It's that or die. I think," he said. I could see by the look on his face that he was serious. I thought for several seconds about my options. I could try to escape, but to where? I had no identity. No one would know who I was and I would probably end up in the hands of some pimp anyway and then what would Tommy do when he caught me. Or worse what would he do to Marcus for letting me escape. No, that wasn't an option. I could kill myself, I didn't even give that much consideration, I was too much of a coward for that. On a bright note, at least my body appeared to be more youthful. "I guess you're right. What other choice do I have." Marcus finished measuring me and he said, "None I would say. Look for what it's worth, I know this must really suck, but you should make the most of it and don't let it break you down. At least this way you will be able to pay Tommy back and get out from under that mess." "I guess you're right, but this wouldn't have been my first choice," I said as I waved my hands to gesture to my body. "Nor would it have been mine," he said, with a slight smile that bore the hint of joy that it was me and not him. "No matter what happens tomorrow or the rest of your life. Good luck. I'll bring your clothes in the morning remember to be ready by ten." He picked up the pad he had written my measurements on and left. I awoke to the sound of Marcus knocking on the door once again. I had finally gotten a good in night's sleep even if it was somewhat short. I had spent a lot of time worrying about what I would be required to do with my new body. Then I had a little trouble getting comfortable and finally figured out that I would have to sleep on my back with these melons on my chest. Marcus handed me two bags and a styrofoam cup of coffee. He said that someone would be coming in to help me get dressed in few minutes. I checked the bags he handed me. One bag contained my breakfast. The other bag held my clothes. I went ahead and ate first. Then I removed the contents of the second bag. I took out a bra and matching panties. There was also a pair of pantyhose in black and a short black skirt and a red shirt. At the bottom of the bag were a pair of high heels and several containers of make up. Again, they weren't my first choice, but after nearly three days of running around naked, any clothes were a welcomed change. I had just finished laying the clothes on the bed, when the door opened and blonde haired woman came in. "Hi, I'm Kelly and I'm here to get you dressed and then I'll be showing you the ropes." She looked at the bed and said, "Great, you're all ready to get started. Go take a shower and be sure to use the shampoo and conditioner." She looked at my legs and said, "You're lucky. It doesn't look like you'll be needing to shave." I showered and toweled off. Kelly came into the bathroom and showed me how to use the feminine talc I had noticed a couple of days ago. Then we went out and she showed me how to put a bra on and adjust my breasts in the cups I looked at the tag and it said 36D. I pulled the panties up my legs and then she had me sit down while she painted my toenails bright red, giving me pointers and telling me how to do it as she went. Then she painted my fingernails. After they were dry, she told me how to put the pantyhose on and then the skirt. The blouse, as I was informed, went on like a T-shirt but it was cut low on top and high on the bottom to bare my naval. She helped me into the black strapped high heeled sandals and then she helped me put a necklace and matching bracelet and anklet on and then took me back into the bathroom to do my make up. As she applied it, she told me what she was doing and why. Finally, she fixed my hair and handed me a small purse that she had scooped the make up into and we walked out of my home for the last few days. As we walked down the hall, she showed me how to put my foot down swivel my hips so as to walk properly and seductively in the high heels. This really made my rear wiggle and it even caused my encased breasts to jiggle. I felt humiliated and cheap somehow. I knew that I was dressed like a hooker and that was most likely my new profession. We finally got to Tommy's office and Kelly knocked and walked away. I was going to have to face them alone. I would be in Tommy's office with at least him and Marcus and probably others and Kelly walked away leaving me to fend for myself. I thought she was going to at least accompany me in the door. Before I could ponder this further, Marcus opened the door and flashed me a friendly smile. That was the little lift I needed. At least I had one friendly face in the room. How friendly I was not sure at the moment, but his friendly gesture last night was better than nothing. Tommy looked at me and his face lit up like a Christmas tree and he said, "Well, well Miss Kapouro you turned out nicely. Why don't you have a seat?" he asked, but it wasn't a question. There was another man seated at the chair next to Tommy's desk. As I walked across the floor to the couch I could feel all of their eyes on my body. I sat down none too gently and looked up at Tommy, who was standing in the middle of the room. "Miss Kapouro, you might want to sit in a more ladylike fashion in the future." It was then that I realized that I was sitting like a man with my legs spread and all three of them had a perfect view down my minuscule skirt. "I believe you should cross your legs at the knees," Tommy added. I followed his suggestion. "Now, Miss Kapouro, I think we should discuss your immediate future. First, allow me to apologize for not telling you what the injection was supposed to do. I thought it might have negatively influenced you decision," Tommy started, but I interjected, "You thought it would negatively influence my decision? Why would that influence my decision? You only turned me into a woman so you could pimp me out as a whore! Why should that have any bearing?" I said with more than a little sarcasm. "Miss Kapouro! You misunderstand me. I am a businessman and my business is loaning money to people in need such as you yourself were many months ago. I just loan and collect money. Now you agreed that if there was a way for you to work and pay me back that you would do so. I found you suitable employment so you could do just that. You should be grateful. With other lenders you would be dancing in cement shoes at the bottom of the Cuyahoga River, but where would that get us? Now, your inconvenience is also to help ensure that you disappear on me again as well as serving you with the means to repay your debt." "If you're not going to turn me out, than how do you intend for me to repay you?" I asked. "Well that is where Mr. Sly comes in. You see, you will work for Mr. Sly and he will pay me a percentage of your earnings to rent you. I will apply your rent to your principle. I will tell you how that will work. Your current debt to me is $45,000 because you had to assume the debt of the Professor who helped you gain your new shape. I believe the current rate is forty dollars for a roll. Is that right, Mr. Sly?" The man seated by the desk nodded and Tommy went on. "Okay, Mr. Sly will take twenty-five of that for your food and lodging and for arranging your customers. The other fifteen dollars will be applied to your balance. Now don't forget there is still a ten percent interest fee on the principle per month. Let's see, 4500 divided by 15 equals 300 and divide that by 30 days in an average month and you will need to service a minimum of ten customers per day, now Mr. Sly can provide that many and more if you can work that well. I guess you will have to get good at meeting your customer's needs and Mr. Sly says that his girls do a lot of repeat business so if you are good you will build a clientele of at least that many customers per day. Now, you have fourteen days to get acclimated to your new job before I expect you to pay interest so I suggest you use that time wisely." I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. I mulled everything over and realized that whether I liked it or not, my best bet was to just play along. "Now, Mr. Sly and his associates will train you and they will do their best to educate you on the best ways to serve your new customers. So if you fail, it will be entirely your fault." He started to turn away from me and then turned back to look me square in the eye and said, "Miss Kupouro, this is your last chance to pay be before I clear your debt from your end and write it off as a loss. Do you understand?" Yeah I understood all right. Screw this up and I'm toast. "Yes, Tommy I understand." I thought for a moment and added, "Thank you for helping me find a way to pay you back." "Very good, I think this arrangement will work out nicely. I understand that you are probably not very pleased with me at the moment, but in the end you will see that this is really for the best. It won't take you nearly as long as you might think to pay me off and then you are free to do what ever you like. Why don't you go with Mr. Sly and try to have a nice day. Have you thought of a new name? Louise perhaps? I think you should at least for the time being." With that, he waved his hand to dismiss Sly and I. Marcus opened the door for us. When we got into Sly's car I looked around at the interior of his red shiny Caddy with fur on the dash and steering wheel and his collection of chains hanging from the mirror. If there had been any doubt in my mind that Sly was not a pimp, they were surely evaporated in his car. As we pulled out on to the street. Sly spoke to me for the first time. "You can call me Sly. I am really not such a bad guy. Kelly and I will be the only two people other than Tommy and Marcus who know that you used to be a guy. That fact will make this difficult, but not impossible. I will be a little tolerant of that fact for the next few days, but don't push it. The best advice I can give you is this. No matter what you were before, you are now a whore at least for the time being. Fighting this fact is not only useless, but will get you killed in the end. I think you will find that it's not so bad once you get over the hang up of being a guy in a bitch's body. Many of my girls really enjoy it and a lot of the women that Tommy has sent over have stayed on after their debts were paid. They like the money they make. Now I only have two rules. One, I expect you to obey me at all times and two, give your customers the best time you can and don't mistreat them. Any infraction to the rules will be dealt with severely. Tonight, I will put you with Kim and she will teach you how to dress and move like one of my bitches. You will obey her as you would me." "Okay, Sly," I said quietly in my extremely high voice. "Good girl. I think you are going to get along just fine. Tomorrow night, I will work with you on pleasing your customers and if that works out well, I'll let you party with a couple of my friends. My hope is to have you out working by the end of the week. Do you think we can do that?" he asked. "Yes Sly I'll do my best," I replied. "So, tell me, what are your thoughts on all of this?" "Well, I can honestly say I hate the sound of my own voice. I miss my prick and hate these gelatinous globes on my chest. I am scared shitless of having to have sex with men. I do not want to have anything to do with any of this and I wish I had never hear of Tommy Tonti. I also realize that I am stuck like this and I have no where else to go. I figure the best thing for me is to learn how to sell my body and earn enough money to repay Tommy so I can get my male body back and get as far away from this nightmare as I can," I said. "Hmmm. I can certainly understand that. I just wanted to know what I have to work with. Look I know what you've probably heard about pimps and what you probably think of me. For me it is a business and you girls are my co-workers just like at a burger joint, only we all make a hell of a lot more money. I will do my best for you as long as you do your best for me. Does that sound like a deal?" he said, still talking in soft friendly tones. "I guess it's a deal. It isn't like I have much choice in the matter," I said grimly. "Well actually you do have a choice. You can either be the best whore you can be and things will go smoothly, or you can fight it every step of the way and make it very hard. If you make too hard for me, I will just wash my hands of you and you will be Tommy's problem and he already told you what would happen then." "I will cooperate." "Good Girl. Lets see what we can do together." He pulled into a driveway and got out. I followed him into the house. He said, "This is where you will be staying. I have already given you a room and some clothes. Not too much, but enough to start. Kelly is waiting for you. She is waiting for you in your new room. It's upstairs the last room on the left. I'll check in on you later." He turned and walked out the door. Nervously, I walked up the stairs and down the hall. My new room wasn't much bigger than a closet, but it was a little better than some of the places I had stayed while I was on the run. Kelly greeted me and began helping me to learn how to dress and carry myself like a whore. Kelly showed me how to put on a garter belt and stockings; she said that I shouldn't wear a bra or panties to work and it took too much time to remove them. The faster a guy could get to my cunt the faster I could get him off and move on to the next john. Underwear was a waste of time while working. By the time Sly came back to check on me, I could do my own make up and dress myself. Kelly also showed me around the house, the kitchen, basement with washer and dryer. It was sparsely furnished, but nicely so. There was a big screen TV and VCR. She explained that we didn't work here and she was off tonight to train the new girl. She also said that the other girls would be home later around two or three in the morning. She told me that we all had to be at the Sly's club by four in the afternoon. Sly would set up our johns for us and doing twelve to fifteen johns a night wasn't hard to do. I told her that I was afraid and had never had sex with a man before. She responded by saying that she would help me explore my body and led back up to my room. She did just what she had said and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. It was a little strange at first when she put her finger inside me, but it didn't take long for it to start feeling pretty good. The following night, true to his word, Sly took me to his place where he showed me my new role in sex. I was more than a little surprised that he was very kind, gentle and patient. I didn't think a pimp would be so caring. He explained that he wanted me to be a good moneymaker since my earnings would directly benefit him. If he frightened me off the first time, it would cause me to do poorly which would lead him to sending me back to Tommy and what ever happened to me from there would include him. I did really have a hard time with putting a dick in my mouth and also with swallowing. Intercourse was a snap. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the feelings. He also explained that I needed to get a little more involved since my customers would be paying for it, I needed to give them the best experience possible. He also explained that my sexual satisfaction was meaningless in the equation. I nodded that I understood. I had paid for sex once or twice before. The next night Sly did have some of his friends over and had me practice on them. In fact, that went on for several nights and I was finally able to get passed some of my hang ups. Not to say that it didn't still humiliate me, I was just able to get passed it and perform the tasks I needed to. A couple of days before my interest was to be reinstated, Sly took me to the club and I started working. The first night I was able to do eight guys. I was a little worried until Kelly gave me a few pointers on how to speed things up. The next night I was able to do ten guys. At least I would be able to make my interest payment if I could do that every night. Then I realized that Tommy had been talking about averages. I needed to average ten guys a night over the course of a month. As time rambled on, I found that I had nights where I did as many as twenty or more guys and other nights where I did less than five and of course, the club was closed on Mondays. Kelly explained that business was so slow on Mondays that it cost Sly money to open the club so he didn't. That was when we girls would clean the house and do our shopping. Sly gave Kelly money and we would shop on what he gave her. He even gave each of us a bonus if we served over a hundred clients in a week. That was money for new clothes and make up. As the end of the first month drew to a close, I had averaged about twelve guys a night, so that dropped my principle down to about forty- three thousand and my minimum john average to eight a night. This wasn't too bad. The way I figured it, if I could keep doing at least twelve hundred a month I would only be stuck like this for three years at the most. The next month was even better. Just like Sly had told me, I went up to about fourteen guys a night and since I was only paying eight guys in interest that worked out to quite a chuck off my principle. I was now down to forty thousand dollars. Shit! This was an even better average. If I could keep this up, I would be done with this whole mess in less than a year. The third month was when the bottom fell out. I walked into Tommy's office and immediately heard feminine laughter. I looked to the source and saw, none other than my wife, Lori. "Wow Lou, you look... cheap and whorish. I like it. I think it looks good on you. You dirty bastard! Or should I say dirty bitch!" She broke into more peals of laughter. Tommy motioned me to sit on the couch not far from where Lori was sitting. "Well Lucy-" It was the new name I had chosen. "There seems to have been a little development here. Mrs. Kapouro wanted to drag you into court and divorce you. She wanted to expose this whole thing. That would have put you in a less than desirable position with your customers meaning that you wouldn't be able to earn enough money to live up to your end of our agreement. So, I talked her into losing the lawyer and I worked out an arrangement that is in the best interest to all involved. $5,000 of your earnings per month will go to her for the terms of our agreement and your marriage will be dissolved. She keeps what is left of the marital assets since you left her with them in first place. So, beginning this month I will paying her five thousand before your principle payment is made. Let's made a total of ninety-six hundred dollars. Four thousand-twenty is mine for interest and five thousand goes to Mrs. Kapouro. That leaves you with five hundred and eighty dollars to go towards your principle." My eyes shot open and I felt like I couldn't breath. For a moment I thought I was going to pass out. Tommy looked at me and said, "Oh don't look so glum, Lucy. Sly informs me that next couple of months is very good for your business so you should be able to make it up. Besides, if Lori breaths a word of this to anyone, I will protect your cover and you will be free of her payments. Fair enough." I glanced at Lori and she had gone white as a sheet. I think there was little doubt as to how Tommy would protect my cover. "Good luck ladies, to both of you and Lucy, I'll see you next month." He turned around and went back to his desk to indicate that the meeting was over. Lori and I walked out into the hallway and she reached up and pinched my nipple hard and said, "Well slut, don't work too hard. Then how hard can it be to work on your back. That is rich, my husband the whore. Ha, ha, ha," She laughed as she walked down the hallway to the door. I gave her a moment to leave and walked to the door to wait for Sly to pick me up. "Tough break kid," I heard from behind me. I turned to see Marcus. "Hi Marcus. Yeah, especially since she was directly involved with getting me into this mess in the first place." He didn't say anything for several minutes and then he said, "You know? You really surprised me." "How's that?" I asked. "I figured you for one of two things. This would either drive you insane or kill you. I mean being turned into a woman and then forced to be a hooker. I don't know if I could do it." "Well that is the key to survival, my friend, adaptability. They say that in nature only the strong survive. Well that's not true. Only those who can adapt survive. Those who are neither strong minded enough, nor strong willed enough to adapt will die. Take a dog that looses a leg. I have seen once or twice they manage to get along. I have even seen stray dogs with three legs and they manage to eat enough to survive, adaptability. I have adapted to what I have been given. It is not my first choice, but then again I don't think that the dogs I just mentioned chose to loose a leg. They learn to live with it and so have I," I pointed out. "Whoa, I'm impressed. I thought you were an accountant or something not a biologist." "No, right now I'm a whore and definitely not a biologist, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is, I have to sell my body, or more precisely, rent my body to men for sexual release in order to pay a debt I incurred. Taking that loan was probably the worst decision of my life." Again he was silent for several minutes and then asked. "Do you have a few minutes?" I turned to look at him and he was waving forty bucks. I just took his hand and led him to the room I had stayed in. He closed the door and locked it behind us. I helped him undress and then he helped me undress and I showed him a good time. Maybe even better than I usually do for my customers. Marcus proved to be a stereotypical black man, in that his penis was as huge as the rest of him, perhaps even a little out of proportion. I have to admit I enjoyed it. I suppose I should have been angry that he offered to bed me for a little bit of money, but then again, I was only a whore. He even made sure that I enjoyed it. When we were finished, we got up and got dressed and he handed me the forty bucks. I took it, looked at it and handed it back to him. "This one's on me," I said with a smile then I added. "You've been as close to a friend as I can expect at the moment. This is my way for saying thanks, man." He pulled me to him and kissed my cheek. "You are one the best people I have known. Keep your chin up. Things will get better." I looked at a moment and said, "Well, they can't really get too much worse and if they do, I won't have to worry about it." I gave him a wry smile and he returned it. He walked me back to the door and said good- bye and that his break was over. He walked back down the hall to Tommy's office and I turned back to look out the door for Sly. It wasn't too much longer before I saw Sly's trademark Caddy pull into the lot. I sashayed out the door. I thought about how adept I had become in high heels and mini skirts and even with my body. I opened the door and sat on the seat and swung my legs in as natural as any woman who had been doing it all her life, and I closed the door. Sly turned to me and said, "So? How was Marcus?" "Fine," I said, wondering why he would ask about Marcus and not Tommy. Then he said, "So? Did you get the usually forty or was it a freebie?" Now I understood. I said, "It was a freebie." He seemed to think for a moment and then said, "Marcus is a good guy, I guess he deserves a freebie every once in a while. Did you treat him good?" "Yes," I replied. Still wondering a little about how he knew. He said, "I was by a little earlier and when you didn't come out, I went in looking for you and heard you and Marcus slappin' skin in one of the rooms, so I went and took care of some other business to give you a little time." He took off to give me a little time with Marcus? Maybe he was different than the image I had of him. "Thanks Sly. He has been so nice to me since this whole thing began, I just wanted to show him how much I appreciated it." He just nodded and continued driving. He dropped me off at the house. It was Monday so I was off tonight. I went to my room and got my laundry together. Sly had been right, the next month I had averaged eighteen guys a day. When the interest and Lori's money had been deducted, it left me with about eighteen hundred dollars toward my principle. I had now been a whore for about four and a half months. I hoped it would all end soon, but I knew that at the rate things were going it would be a long, long time before I had anything other than the business end of a penis between my legs. Not that it was all bad. I did have some great times with the other girls and I did talk to Marcus from time to time. Sly was about as pleasant as a boss could be, I guess. In some ways it was even better than any other job I had ever had. I mean, I did get some pleasure out my encounters and it was flattering to have men waiting their turn with me rather than choosing another girl. I guess that is the way with life, you have to pull out the best in every situation or you will just be plain miserable. By the fifth month, things were starting to get pretty good as far as my earnings were concerned. I was able to pay over three thousand on my principle. I was still over thirty thousand, but the number was shrinking. I was finding something that was a little disheartening. I began to realize that I seemed to be getting addicted to sex with men. Well, there wasn't much I could do about it, anyway. It wasn't until my seventh month as a whore that I finally got the principle down under thirty thousand. I was more than a little pleased, but I still had a long way to go. It ended up taking me nearly a year and a half to finally pay Tommy all the money that I owed him. During that time, Lori made a ton and a half of money at my expense. I hope she choked on it. The day of my last payment, I sashayed into Tommy's office in a gold micro mini skirt and a matching tank top. My braless boobs were jiggling all over the place. I had gotten so used to dressing like this, it seemed natural to me now. I sat on the couch once again. This time, Lori wasn't there. Tommy congratulated me on completing the program and finishing our business arrangement. He told me that the last he had heard from Lori, when he informed her that the money would stop, she had said that she was leaving the state and changing her name. Then Tommy informed me that if he caught me looking for her, there would be dire consequences. That was part of the agreement. I asked Tommy when I could have my body restored and he said that as soon as I came up with the fifteen thousand it would take to pay the professor to do it. I rolled my eyes. He also added that it might be a good idea to make a little money to get started on. After all, he had pointed out, it might take me a little while to get another job as a man. I had to admit he had a point and I had lived with being a whore all this time, a little longer wouldn't kill me. So, I went back to work with Sly for a couple more months and Tommy acted as my bank and held my money for me until I had saved up about fifty thousand, which didn't take too long considering that I made twenty on each john. All told, I had been a female whore for a year and nine months. Tommy even let me stay in the same room while my body returned to normal. Kelly had told me that she would give me trip around the world for free when I returned to being a man. Sly told me that I was a good girl one of his best and if I changed my mind he would always have a place for me. I thanked him and said no I didn't think I would change my mind. Marcus visited me while I earned my money to change back and also while I was changing back. I was so happy when my body hair started growing back in and then my boobs shrunk and my pecs reshaped under them. I did regret loosing my hair again and then when my belly swelled and dropped over where my belt would go, just as it had done when I first came here. There were definitely things I would miss about the last several months. I got so excited when my clitoris enlarged to the point of being a penis once again that I wet myself. Marcus laughed. When it was all over, I shook hands with Marcus and he pointed me to see Tommy while he cleaned the room up. Tommy gave me my fifty thousand and shook my hand. "No hard feelings I hope?" he asked. "No. There were at first, but after a while I thought about it and it was a much more pleasant option," I replied. He smiled. "It truly was a pleasure doing business with you." "I did have one question for you, though." "What is that?" he asked. "Well, I would have thought that you have had sex with me when I was a woman?" "Oh, that. Well, I am married and happily so. I would never betray Mrs. Tonti's trust like that. Well, have a nice life. Come back and see me again if you need any finical help. I always extend loans to those who have paid me back." "Well, I hope to never have to do that again," I said wryly. "I'll bet," was all he said. I walked out into the world a new man with a new out look. Marcus didn't say good-bye. I think he wanted to remember me as a woman. The first thing I did was go to Sly's club and I talked to Kelly. They didn't recognize me at first, but then again why would they? True to her word, she took me in back for a trip around the world. Things went along pretty well, but while we were in the middle of intercourse, I just stopped. I just couldn't finish with her. Somehow, it didn't seem right. I finished up by using my mouth on her and using my hand on myself. After that, I left town and I found a job with a small company in a small town. Tommy gave me a reference as though I had worked for him the last several months. I invested my fifty thousand in a couple of different companies. Then six months after regaining my manhood, I realized that I was just muddling through life. I began to miss the time I had spent as a whore. I mean it was dirty and humiliating, but there was also a lot of fun too. I wasn't just existing. For several months I tried to shake the feeling that I should go back to working for Sly but in the end, I went back to Tommy. Since all my money was tied up in investments I arranged to borrow the now twenty thousand I would need to pay the professor. He was still trying to get his methods approved by the government and I'm sure that my money was going a long way to paying what he owed Tommy. I thought I was happy when my manhood returned, but I was ecstatic when it went away again. The professor informed me that this would be my last change since any genetic altering after this would get too risky. Three times was about the limit. That fine by me. I had no intentions of ever being a man again, ever. This time, I got the whole package. Meaning that I could now get pregnant and have babies. Tommy is so nice to me. He got me an identity and Marcus looked like his lost puppy had come back to him when he saw that I was Lucy once again. Shortly after I returned to being Lucy, I took two weeks off work from Sly's, and Marcus and I had a nice honeymoon in Hawaii. It is amazing how much the johns like my big swollen belly and I am making a lot of money. I am investing most of it with Tommy and it pays hefty dividends. I also gave Sly my notice that I am leaving after the baby is born. I just don't think its right for a child to know that their mother is a slut for a living. I think Marcus will be a great father and Tommy is currently working on my replacement. Which means more money for me. This turned out to be a pretty good deal after all. The End

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Girlfriend on Loan

Girlfriend on LoanI’m finally given leave to go home for a while. I return home and sit at my desk, I was away for six months this time but managed to sneak off for a little action over valentines day. During my absence I barely even got to lay eyes upon a woman. A few females perhaps in the loosest sense of the word! but no real women. More over I’ve not had the time to release my frustrations inside one even if I wanted to. My point being that I have not had the opportunity to have my way...

2 years ago
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Moni on loan

Moni on loan Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to...

2 years ago
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Payton Preslee 250 498000

What is it about Polish bitches that make them so sexy? At least part of it is the resiliency required to grow up in the Eastern block. Life isn't easy for everyone, but that same resiliency makes them immune to hard fucking. You could drop your cock from the Empire State Building, and that bitch would still take it like a champ. Polish pussy is built out of adamantium.From Eyeliner to Guy RiderPayton Preslee is one of those Polish bitches. Born in Poland, she moved to the united states at only...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Payal Ko Phasa Kar Thoka

Hi friends mera naam ashok hai mai 36 saal ka hu aur ajj jo kahani apke samne rakh raha hu usske sath usska proof bhi rakhna cahh raha hu. Isske koi khas reason bhi hai.Sabse pahle mujhe ummed hai ki meri sona bhi ye story padhegi aur mujse ek baar plz contact jarroor karegi.Friends mai appko apni sona ki kuch picture mail per share karunga per sirf unnko jo mere ya sona ke family se koi related na ho.Aur sona plz ye mai tumhe blackmail karne ko nai balki tumse ek baar contact karne ke liye...

2 years ago
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Payal Ka Body Massage Aur Sex

Hello dosto, Toh story ka next part payal ka massage aur foreplay ke bad .Humne mobile no exchange kiya.Aur payal chale gaya.Mai uska call ka wait karne laga. 02 din ke bad friday ka din ta dophar 2.30 baje payal ka call aaya.Puchne lagi kaha ho kaise hio? Normal baate chal rah ta. Payal: raj mere body bahut pain kar raha hai.Kya tum ghar aa sakte ho. Mai: haa aa sakte ho lekin kal saturday hai aur mera week off hai.Lekin Payal: lekin kya? Mai: tumre pati ? Payal:uske fikra mat karo.Mere pati 9...

4 years ago
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Payal Aunty The Rich Hot Boobs Shit 8211 Part 1

Hey guys Vicky is here again with his 7” beefy big fat cock to fuck women’s juicy ass and stunning pussies. Hope you guys are enjoying with your bitches and bottles. Those who are new here I suggest them to read my previous stories too. As you all know that in my last episode how wildly I fucked mom’s friends on mom’s birthday party and made them crazy for my rod. That morning when they all were going back to their homes one of those whores Payal anti took my number from mom’s cell and told me...

4 years ago
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Payal Ki Pyas

Hi this is Rishab from Guwahati . I am 26 years old and I work in a MNC. Lets come to the story.Yeh ghatna ek saal purani hain. Mere apartment mein 4 th floor mein mere flat ke side mein ek family raheta tha. Family mein 3 mrmbers the. Husband wife aur uski beti Payal ( name changed). Husband sales manager tha aur woh max tour pe hi raheta tha aur uski wife ek nurse thi. Payal 20 years ki thi aur woh first year mein padhti thi. Payal hamesh revealing dress pahenti thi..Payal bohot hi sexy...

2 years ago
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Payal Ka Body Massage

Hello friends, I am rajan .Aap sab ne mere story padhi likes aur comments ke liye thanks.Aur jinko mere story pasand nahi aaye unko bhi thanks mai mere life ke kuch aur story share aap logo se share karunge jo aap logo ko jarur pasand aayege.Dosto aap sab mere bari mae acche se janti hai.Main kaise shadi suda girlfriend anju ko choda aur uske behan sanju ko bhi choda.Dono ke sath sex karne ke bad dono bahut kush te.Ek baat sach hai aurat ka sabse bad sukh saririk sukh hai agar aap kise aurat ya...

4 years ago
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Payal Maami And Neha Maami

Hello guys, I am Vishal. I have been a regular visitor of ISS since I was in school. Now I am 25 working for a reputed MNC in Bangalore. Please send your feedbacks at I am very good looking guy with average dick size of 6.5 inches any aunts or gals who wanna maintain a secret relationship please mail me. I will be waiting for it. Let’s move to the story without further delay. This story is about 2 of my aunts. One aunt’s name is payal and other aunt’s name is neha. Both are my maami (mother’s...

2 years ago
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Payne and Purging

‘I hurt myself today- To see if I still feel- I focus on the pain- The only thing that’s real- The needle tears a hole- The old familiar sting- Try to kill it all away- But I remember everything- What have I become?- My sweetest friend- Everyone I know- Goes away in the end- And you could have it all- My empire of dirt- I will bring you down- I will make you hurt’ –Johnny Cash, ‘Hurt’ On days when I’m tired, truly tired – when fatigue seems to weep from my aching bones and I have neither the...

3 years ago
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Payal Na Shanu Ko Apna Pati Da Diya

Hi it’s Vijay from bangalore This is my second story after getting good response on my first story Sex with my younger brother’s wife. I would love to share one more experience with you. Let me describe the characters in the story my self 25 well built 5.8 75kg My wife Payal 24 ‘5.5 34 30 36 Shanu bhabhi 28 5.7 34 28 32 They both love sex Jab ma office sa ghar lotta Meri wife aur shanu bhabhi bat kar rahi thi mera Anna sa Achanak chup ho Gayi mena un logo ko hi boll ka andar chala gaya phir...

2 years ago
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Payal Ki Sachai

Payal aur mein class 8 se 12, ek hi school aur ek hi class mein the. Padhai mein bahut achhi thi. Uska sabse distinct feature thi uski height. Wo 5 ft ki hi thi aur usse zyada nahi badhi. Sab use “Bachi” ke ke chidhate the. Lekin she was very cute. Uske gaal pe dimples aate the jab smile karti thi. Bahut chulbuli thi aur hamesha bahut excited raha karti thi. Meri aur uski jaan pehchaan thi. Hum koi bahut zyada ghane dost nahe the. Mann hi mann mujhe bahut pasand thi par main kaafi shy aur...

3 years ago
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Payal Ke Bhabhi Ka Body Massage Aur Sex

Hello dosto .This is rajan how ru all.How ur doing well.Aap sab log ko thanks apne mere story padhi aur like kiya .Jinho ne mail unko bhi thanks.Aise support karte rahe .Mai aur real story ap se share karunga. Toh dost jo muje nahi janti unko liye mere pehle story te shadi suda girlfriend anju ke sath sex aur uske bad anju ke behna sanju ko choda .Aur payal ek housewife ka body massage karke uss uske ghar mea kiya sex ke barme.Payal ke friend anjali ko bhi bahut choda.Sare story apko iss par...

2 years ago
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Payton and I

This is a true story about my first time with a girl named Payton. Payton and I were both eighteen at the time. She was about 5'7'' with the bluest eyes and most amazing blonde hair. After days of stressing over it, I finally asked her to a movie. She said yes. Upon arriving at the movie, I bought everything and we quickly settled in. We, of course, chose the back row as it had the best view and was the most private. Half way into the movie she layed her head on me and I wrapped my arm around...

First Time
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Payal Ki Chudai

Hi Dosto Rocky Again with 7 inch Mota Lund from Delhi In my colony was this gorgeous sexy girl named Payal. She had just turned 18. She had such a slim but curvy figure Her tits were large say about 36 in size and had nice round hips the kind you wanna grab and hold on to when thrusting into such a delightful desi girl. Her ass was so peachy and round, my was it nice. She generally wore a kurta with a chuniya. The kurta being low cut at the front showing enough cleavage through the opaque...

2 years ago
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A Bad Loan

***Editor's Note: I hope you enjoy this submission. Feel free to add any chapters you desire, or feel like the story should head. If you would rather have me write a chapter for you, feel free to send me a message with any ideas, plot twists, and so on, and I'll do my best to make it happen! .... Comments, Likes and Bookmarks are always inspiring! ...Once again ... ENJOY! *** Brenda was cleaning up around the house, keeping herself busy as her new husband, Mitch sat in front of the television,...

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Moni on loan

Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...

2 years ago
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How I Return My Loan

Hi to all ISS readers. I am Rishi 25m Kanpur (U.P.). This is my real story how much I pay for my problem. This is my first story please reply do u like it or not . I am waiting for ur reply. There is so many mistake so please don’t mind 4 years back I met with a heavy loss in my business so I take some money form a money lender (he is my land lord also) on 10% per month but I am unable to pay interest. After 4or 5 months he died in a road accident his age is near about 60 in his family his wife...

5 years ago
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Janet in TrainingChapter 4 Slave Girl on Loan

Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on...

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Dogwoman Susan Sloan

Dogwoman Susan SloanBy susan sloan (the main doggy character in the story)PART 1A rich, middle-aged businessman’s submissive young second wife is methodically transformed into a pet dog by her husband’s teenage son, with the full knowledge and consent of the dominant boy’s dad.She is trained and permanently dehumanized by the sadistic boy, her stepson, who subsequently takes full and legal ownership of her on her husband’s untimely death.This is her story.? [email protected] sloan,...

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Payal Ko Itna Seduce Kiya Ki 8211 Part 2

Hi all, Jignesh from Rajkot. Back again to complete my story. If any one want to contact me you may contact at Please read first part so you can enjoy. Coming to the sex story.. Jaise ki maine bataya ki penty k upar se hi maine lick kiya to uspe payal aaahhaa a karte huve paani nikal diya. Uske baad thodi der usko mai hug krke so gayaa. Tight hug kiya. Yaad rahe ki sex is not every thing for any female. Usko love pehle do badle me aapko bahot mazaa aayega. Uske baad hum dono 15 min tak relax...

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My First Time with Sloan

Sloan’s visits were always good fun. We’d go club hopping and party up a storm at all my favourite venues in the city, where the house music would pump all night long. I didn’t get to do this as often as I’d like since my husband and his friends were ‘past the party stage’. Nevertheless tonight had been fun. We had now settled in on the couch and talked for what seemed like ages about everything and nothing. His job as a surgeon made for some interesting chats as he was so passionate about the...

3 years ago
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Payal Aur Mai 8211 Part I

Hello dear readers.. mai kashyap. meri age 20 sal hai. aur mai nagpur ka rehnewala hu. mai ISS ka purana reader hu. mai engineering 2nd year ka student hu. so storie begeins…mai jub naya2 nagpur me aya tha to mai ye city dekhke bahut khush tha. chuki mai yaha naya tha to mera nagpur me koi dost nahi tha. aur meri koi girlfriend bhi nahi thi. muze holidays me ghumna pasand hai. so mai ek sunday ghumne nikla. mere pas tub bike n hone ke karan mai bus se travel kiya karta tha. so mai bus me ja...

5 years ago
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Payar Hi Payar

Hello sislover fir se hazir hai ek nayi bhadakati hui kahani le kar. Ummeed hai mere bhai issko padh kar pani behno ko chodne ki scheme banayenge aur meri behne apne iss behnchod bhai se pyar ka izhaar karengi. Apne bhai logon ke lund ke liye shubh kamna aur behno ke liye apna lund samarpit karte huye ye kahani apni latest behn/friend Mona yani Fareeha ko bhent kar raha hoon. Apne comments mujeh par likhna mat bhulen. Aapka behnchod bhai, Man. Ab kahani par aata hoon. Mera naam Rishu hai aur...

3 years ago
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The Loanshark

So I went to Gino. Gino handled the numbers racket in our neighborhood; friendly little Gino, a nice guy, always a smile on his face, always paid up when you hit the weekly ticket. I figured $10,000 would be enough. Gino was more than friendly. He even asked me if it was enough, and offered to lend me more. I didn’t much pay attention to the interest he was going to charge, because I was going to pay it back within a week or two, and put the profits back into more stock. I could quadruple my...

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3 month installment loans 3monthpaydayloansnocr

Explore 3 month payday loans for instant financial supportSometimes financial support should be accessible immediately and without hurdles, especially when next paycheque is still few weeks away. If you are also trapped in circumstances that force you to borrow money, then you can think of borrowing 3 month loans not just for instant cash but also for easier repayment. You can borrow the funds for its repayment in 12...

2 years ago
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Loan4K is a relatively innocent name for a website. It really sounds like it might be a place to borrow a few grand to start your own business or finally buy that high-end sex doll you’ve been drooling over. I wrote the URL down, forgot what it was, and then loaded the site up this morning while trying to figure out how to pay off my bookie. He’s on his way to break my kneecaps, but I’m too busy jacking off to, in case you haven’t figured it out, ain’t actually a loan site,...

Premium Extreme Porn Sites
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Payal Gayi Baj 8211 Part III

Hi Friends mein Payal apke samne hazir hu apni agey ki kahani apke samne batane ke liye.Jese ki aap meri baki kahanio me padh chuke hai “Payal gayi baj-I aur Payal gayi baj-II” me. Jinhone na padha ho padh lijiyega. Ab hum log mein mera chota bhai aur dad tauji(Uncle) ke yaha shift ho gaye the uncle ke sath kaam karne lage the aura b mein sabki randi ban chuki thi dad,uncle,bhai(Anuj) aur dono cousin(Amit & Sumit)….or agey badhne se phele bata du ye kahani sach hai na ki koi kalpnic gatha. Ghar...

4 years ago
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ThursdayThursday afternoon 4.30pm. As is my required practice I was waiting naked at the door for Mistress Anna. A few minutes later Her car swept onto the driveway, Mistress exited the car along with my fellow slave puss and they entered the house. Once inside puss was sent upstairs to strip and shower. Whilst Mistress relaxed on the sofa, I hurried to the kitchen to bring Her a cup of tea. As soon as I returned with it the doorbell rang. I went to the door and standing there was a tall...

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Pay it Forward and other drabbles

Pay it Forward by Incognito, Jackie Blue and Abdul Part 1 by Incognito 2146. The development of nano-modification had come far enough for people to change both their bodies and minds with the help of technology. However, lawmakers quickly saw the dangers of this. To be able to modify ones own body - or someone else's mind - at will had gigantic moral implications, and it needed to be controlled. It was decided that as long as the changes were registered, physical modification should...

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Pay for the Bridal Shower

Paying for the Bridal Shower It was the day of my fiancé’s (Tina) Bridal Shower. It was in the evening and was being held at a fancy Indian restaurant. I had to attend the event, because I had to play the usual Bridal Shower games. I knew I was going to be the only male there out of all the girls participating. I wasn't fond of the idea, but I knew I could kill time by the restaurant bar. I was at one corner of the bar, and started to have my first drink of whiskey and coke. I...

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Paybacks are hell

This story contains a transsexual, rape, and dominance. If that’s not your “thing”, look away now. It was only days until the school prom. It would be decided who would be crowned the dance queen of that year. It wasn’t only a great honor; the winner would receive a study diploma worth 100 euros. A 24-year-old girl named Anna was a big favorite as the winning candidate. She was absolutely perfect. She had long black hair, a pretty face, nice long legs; everything about her was just...

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I was setting at home one night in late September when the phone rang; it was Doug, a friend that I had gone to school with who had moved south after he got out of school. Doug told me that he was going to come home the second weekend in October and that Mark and Les, two other old friends and party mates, were going to come back at the same time. They wanted to check into a hotel for the weekend and spend the weekend chasing hot college pussy like we use to. I said that it sounded good I...

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PayBacks A Bitch

It was almost evening when Jim got home from work. His wife's car was in the garage but she was nowhere in sight. As Jim laid down his brief case the phone rang. "Mr. Jim Hall, we have your wife and if you want her back you will do as you are told. Do you understand?" Jim answered yes. "Go to your mailbox and look inside for further instructions," said the male voice at the other end of the line. " I will but you better not hurt her," Jim said and hung it up after hearing the other person hang...

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Paybacks Are A Bitch

"Fuck you, you fucking low cunt she screamed." " Fuck You,Fuck You,Fuck You That Hurt"Over and over again. Each "Fuck You" was punctuated by a flying object.Both pillows whistled past my head, followed by the bedside clock, my wallet from the nightstand and 2 mobile phones.Jesus she was angry.I tried to explain.. but she wasn't in any mood to listed... I pleaded..."It was an accident"... really. My cock went up her arse. I was just fucking her doggie style and pulled back to really ram it home...

3 years ago
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Payasi Padosan Ke Sath Pahla Experience

Hi dosto mera name ravi yadav hai or me chandigarh ka rehne wala hun meri umar 25 sal hai or me ik smart ladka hun mera lun 6″ ka hai aab aap sab ko jada bore na karte huye me sidhe apni story par aata hun jo ki meri pahli story hai ye baat 2006 ki hai jab me engineering college me 1st year me padta tha,us wakt meri umar 19 sal thi or mene kabhi kisi k sath sex nahi kiya tha or mujhe sex k bare jada knowledge bhi nahi thi,aab me apni story pe aata hun mere gaon me ik didi rehti thi vo kabhi...

2 years ago
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Paybacks A Witch

Hi all. I have done yet another story even though the responses to my stories have slowed down to 1 or 2 intead of the normal 8 or so. This story is one of my more creative works and is original to say the least. Also I have set it up to be a new universe but I will tell more about that after the story. I hope you enjoy it and please if you liked it let me know, I always reply if you take the time to send me a short msg. Thanks, ROBO --------------------------- PAYBACKS A...

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Paybacks A Carnival of Mirrors Story

Paybacks - A Carnival of Mirrors Story By Jerrie526 My thanks to Bob H for this tempting little universe to play in. I hope that I do his area justice. * * * * * * * August 17th, 2003 Hank 'The Snake' Preston was feeling ecstatic after his latest conquest. Not that anyone would ever call him 'The Snake' to his face unless they didn't value their lives. He was one of the most unscrupulous men that ever walked the face of the planet. A man of moderate height, he...

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Paybacks Can Be Heavenly

Paybacks Can Be Heavenly By Sheila Anne Morgan Kristen and I had worked together at the same company since we both graduated from college four years ago. We had a friendly relationship but had never been romantically involved, as we both had heard what happens to workplace romances that go bad. Over the years we had bet on the outcomes of the games of our favorite sports teams. At first it had been small cash bets but we...

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Paybacks A Bitch

Payback’s A BitchAuthors Note: Hey Guys. This is only my second attempt of a story so any feedback or ideas will be greatly appreciated. The more reviews/feedback I receive the more inspired I’ll be to write that little bit quicker. Thank you to the people who reviewed my first story ‘Taking Advantage of A Betrayed Lover? and I hope to be able to come up with some more ideas for that and finish it soon. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.The Morning After. Jasmine’s House....

4 years ago
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Payel as the

Payel schooler homework e mon dite chesta korchilo. Tar kache math tough ekta subject. Mon tao tar valo nai. Du chokhe jeno rajjer bishonnota jomat bedhe ache. Matro 3 mash age road accident-e payel tar baba-ma ke hariyeche. Kishori meyeti ekhon sompurno nishshongo. Dur somporker ek chachu take nijer kache ene rekhechen. Suhan chachu payel ke khub-e valobashen. Kinto majhe majhe payel-er mone hoy chachu ektu beshi-e ador koren. Chachu shobshomoy take kole niye joriye dhore ador koren. Payel-er...

2 years ago
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Payari bhabhi

Hello readers i’m (pabby) here again. Aaj mein aapko ek aur hot story bataunga. Hum ek baar out of station (mere chacha ke ghar) gaye the mein mere papa, bhaiyya, bhabhi or nandni bhabhi (mere tauji ki bahu). Hum wahan pahuche thodi der mein jub mien sub logo se mil liya to mien toilet bhaga kayon ki mujhey toilet bahut joor se aa raha tha. Mein teji se toilet ke aur bhaga. Mien darwaje ko teji se khola or under gaya udhar meine upni bhanhi ko niche sae nunga dekha. Unhone bhi mujhko dekh liya...

4 years ago
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The wave crushed my body against the surfboard, and I felt how I began to slide off it into the sea. I came up spitting and coughing a few yards away feeling the adrenaline coursing through my body. I looked up and saw John surfing a wave and he made it all the way to the beach before he simply stepped off the board and picked it up. I took mine under my arm and began wading through the water towards the beach.“Dude, you look like an elephant on that board,” said John and handed me a bottle of...

Straight Sex
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 1

"I don't know... I just don't know. I've gone over our books a dozen times. There's just no way we are going to make this month's payment–not with the way the economy has been around here," Charles said.Charles Davidson and his wife Honey owned and ran a small landscaping business which, when they first started it, did pretty well.So well, in fact, that they felt comfortable getting some bigger (and more expensive) equipment to take on bigger jobs and contracts with commercial properties. But...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 2

"Nicholas! Wha-what are you doing?" Honey asked, alarmed."Mrs. Davidson, you have agreed to come work for me to pay off you and your husband's debt to me. That is all well and good. But that is for future payments. It does not cover this month's payment–which is, I might add, overdue now."Like any other lender, there are penalties for missing a payment or being late with it. So we are going to take care of that late penalty tonight. I will tack this month's payment back onto what you owe me,...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 3

Honey opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the swollen tip of his cock, momentarily fighting the urge to gag at the salty taste of his manhood, at the drops of precum that had formed there waiting for her, and at the idea that she was tasting a strange man's hard cock.His hand was firm and insistent, pushing her harder onto his enormous cock and soon he was deep in her mouth, groaning with relief. His girth filled her mouth and his length made her gag as she felt him at the back of her...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 4

Dressed now, she sat in the dressing room waiting nervously to come on stage and take her clothes off for men. The club wasn't very full; it was still too early for the main crown to hit. There were about fifteen or so men in the audience.That was good for her–Honey was nervous and didn't want to dance for the first time in front of a packed crowd. It was still early, and the lunch crowd had already started to dwindle. Things wouldn't start to really pick for another couple of hours or so,...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 5

It would be another couple of songs before Angel came back out on stage, and Michael busied himself by watching another of the girls dance. She was good enough and he gave her a tip just because she tried, but his mind was on the girl coming up next. Finally, the DJ announced Angel coming back to the stage, and when she burst out of the curtain waving to the guys, there was a roar from the crowd that no one could mistake. Angel–Honey–had completely won the hearts of the men there!Angel's second...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 6

Honey had been working at the Pussy Cat Club for Mr. Sarantos for a little over a year when one day, Honey and Charles were sitting down to breakfast. It was a fairly ordinary day; the weather was nice, Charles was getting ready for another day of work, and Honey would soon be headed to the club to start her shift.She had been able to keep her "second life" under wraps and Charles had no idea his wife was a stripper. The landscaping business had kept him pretty busy and even though work had...

Wife Lovers
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Paybacks a Mother

Copyright © 2002, Phil Phantom Crystal was now having sex with her new step-father on a nightly basis, and the sex that began as clandestine anal rapes a month earlier was now full, diverse, lengthy, very mutual, very satisfying, and done with her mother's knowledge if not consent. Her mom didn't like the situation, but couldn't or wouldn't put a stop to it. Crystal felt badly about that, but gradually came to feel that Bill had the right to make love to whomever he pleased as long as...

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Are you ready for some Black Payback? Before you answer that, I should warn you this ain’t your typical premium interracial site. They say that payback is a bitch, but I’d argue that the girls on the receiving end of these BBCs are more worthy of the name. If you’re looking for tales of romantic jungle fever, you’re wandering around in the wrong part of the hood. This is hardcore sexual payback, end of story. Get ready for some motherfucking has been hawking their...

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