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Thursday afternoon 4.30pm. As is my required practice I was waiting naked at the door for Mistress Anna. A few minutes later Her car swept onto the driveway, Mistress exited the car along with my fellow slave puss and they entered the house.

Once inside puss was sent upstairs to strip and shower. Whilst Mistress relaxed on the sofa, I hurried to the kitchen to bring Her a cup of tea.

As soon as I returned with it the doorbell rang. I went to the door and standing there was a tall well-built man “I’m Mo, her to see your Mistress”

I asked him to wait whilst I went to my Mistress to say who was there.

Mistress immediately rose and went to the door, I could hear them talking for a minute or two and they both came into the lounge. “slut, this is Master Maurice, I’m loaning you to him”

My new Master clipped a leash to my collar and said his goodbyes to Mistress Anna. Mistress kissed me on the forehead and Master led me to his van.

“Get in the back slut” I climbed in and sat down on a blanket the was laying there. It was a windowless cell. I made myself as comfortable as I could, and the vehicle drove off.

A while late, maybe 45 minutes, after a speedy journey the van stopped, and the rear door opened.

“Out slut, follow me” I dutifully did, and my new Master led me into what I assumed to a building probably a house.
Inside my blindfold was removed. My eyes adjusted to my new surroundings, a large room rammed full of every imaginable type of BDSM equipment.

My Master told me that we would return here later but for now I could go to my room. It was a small space, just a tiny bed and toilet and shower in the corner. I noticed a couple of cctv cameras in the room.

I sat on the bed, wondering why my Mistress had done this to me.

A while later a girl, obviously a fellow slave, came in with bowl of ‘food’ not easily recognisable as such really. The naked girl left the bowl on the floor “Master expects you to eat it from the dish, on the floor”

After my meal I lay on the spartan bed, wondering how this had happened and what was going to happen to me.

It wasn’t long before I was to find out. Another girl came and told me I was required by our Master. She fitted leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles and told me to follow her.

Soon we entered the dungeon, the girl told me to kneel and wait for Master Maurice. She then joined the other three girls kneeling along one side of the room.

Maybe five minutes later Master appeared, dressed all in black. He motioned to a couple of the girls to rise “Secure slut to the Cross, her back available” (It was a large wooden cross commonly known as a St Andrew’s Cross)

My wrists were secured to the two clips at the top and my ankles at the base, my arms and legs wide apart.

I felt Master’s breath on my neck as He checked I was securely restrained.

Obviously satisfied He took a few steps back. I heard the crack of the whip, behind me. “slut I need you to count and thank me after each strike” Yes Master I replied.

Swish, I felt a stinging pain across my buttocks ‘One, thank you Sir’

Another blow again on my arse ‘Two, thank you Sir’

Then another, and again until it was ‘Twenty, thank you Sir’

Number 21 landed on my upper back ‘Twenty-one, thank you Sir’

Then it continued My body stinging from the whip.

Then crack ‘Forty, thank you Sir’

“Untie the bitch” Two girls came over and unfastened my arms and legs.

I felt unsteady on my feet, but I wasn’t going to show any sign of weakness.

“Secure the slut with her back to the cross”

Again, my wrists and ankles were secured.

Master had replaced the whip for a long-tailed flogger, He swished it through the air a few times.

“Start counting from one again bitch” He said as the first blow struck my left breast ‘One, thank you Sir’

Then with a deft backhand swing my right breast was hit ‘Two, thank you Sir”

More blows landed on my tender tits until I said’ Fifty, thank you Sir’

Sir’s next target was my pussy.

Twenty hits and twenty thank you Sir’s.

“Take the slut away and see to her wounds”

The same two girls untied me and took me to the adjacent room.

In the room an enormous bed about 3 metres wide. I was helped to the bed where my back was treated, and I was given glass of glass of water to quench my parched mouth.

The girl who was obviously the main slave came in and closed the door. She said that Master was pleased with me and as a reward I could stay with her and the other girls for a ‘bonding session’

More precise for them to explore and enjoy my body She introduced herself as Anita, the others were Helen, Rose and May.

As we were on first-name terms I told them to call me Suzy, slut was for Master’s use. Anita is a beautiful girl of Indian origin. This stay was beginning to not appear too bleak after all.

Not long after the girl’s had commenced exploring my body, the door open and Master Maurice came in. ”Carry one, don’t worry about me” He said and made himself comfortable in the leather armchair in the corner. Every now and again I caught a glimpse of a now naked Sir stroking his erect cock.


I was woken at seven, “Time to get up. Suzy” I must have been so tired I slept straight through, The last thing I could remember before drifting off was having a tongue on each nipple and Anita’s tongue deep in my cunt.

“Yoga is at 7.30, go back to your room and I’ll meet you there” Anita took me to the dungeon where five yoga mats were placed in an arc on the floor. Anita took us through the half hour session.

“A quick run then breakfast” Anita led us out into the large garden, it was pretty cold and a stiff breeze blowing. I looked around, I had no idea where I was, Anita led four naked slaves down the large gardens through a gate onto a large field. We lapped the field numerous times, my tits swinging uncomfortably as I ran.

My one concession to underwear is a sports bra when jogging, this was strange, no support at all for my floppy tits.

Finally, Anita led us back up through the garden and into the house.

“Right girls shower now then breakfast” The warm water from the shower was wonderful warming my chilled, bruised and aching body.

We all ate together in the kitchen then we were allowed an hour before reporting back to the kitchen for household duties. During the day I asked each of the girls where we were, they all said they were told not to divulge the location to me.

We had our evening meal at six in the kitchen, Helen mentioned that tonight would be memorable for me but didn’t say how. After dinner we all returned to our rooms to shower and rest.

Ten minutes to nine and Anita was at my door, cuffs were fastened on my wrists and ankles. Anita led me into the dungeon.

I was taken to the centre of the room, under the hanging chains.

May turned the handle and the chains lowered. I was asked to kneel, and Rose attached my ankles to the chains. Then more shackles to my wrist cuffs.

May turned the handle and I was unceremoniously hoisted feet first upwards.

May continued winding until I was tightly secured, my nipples at eye level.

The girls retreated to the edge of the room and knelt. I was hanging for quite a while until Master entered the room.

Anita was at His side with a tray of weights. Master started hooking weights one at a time to my nipple rings.

Eventually three on each ring, my tits dropped a couple of inches. Master then attached nipple clamps too,

He then left the room with Anita. I lost track of the time they were gone.

Finally, they returned, Anita carrying Master’s long-tailed flogger.

Master removed the clamps, my nipples screaming in pain.

He took the flogger and started to work on my breasts, striking the soft underside of them.

Sir struck them over and over again, pain wracking my breasts.

Finally He stopped, the weights removed.

Master summoned over Helen and May “Bite the slut’s nipples, hard don’t hold back”

And they did, chewing and biting. “Okay, that’s enough, take her down”

May turned the handle until I was back on the floor. “Unchain the slut and take her next door”

I was led to the adjoining room and laid on the bed, Anita checked my over for damage to my body. “Try and rest slut. Master wants you back in a couple of hours” she said.

I fell into a deep sleep, next I knew Anita was gently kissing me on my lips. “Time to get up sweetie, you have ten minutes to prepare”

Ten minutes later I was being led again into the dungeon.

I was hung over the ‘fucking bench’ my arms and legs secured, legs spread wide. Anita fitted a blindfold over my eyes.

I lay there for a while then heard footsteps, quite a few.

I sense someone behind me, then a tongue on my clit. It was expertly exploring cunt, it had to be one of the girls.

Soon my juices were flowing “Enough” I heard Master say, the tongue left my cunt.

“Lube the slut’s arse” I felt a finger, then two entering my anus with seemingly applying lubricant.

The hand departed and I lay there awaiting my fate.

Soon a found out, a cock slid into my pussy and proceeded to fuck my cunt. He wasn’t gentle, fucking me savagely.

Soon he came and with a groan, depositing his semen in me.

He was replaced by another this time attacking my arse, soon he too orgasmed.

Then another, my cunt again.

Then another, and another, I soon lost count, I had no idea how many fucked me.

Then it finally ended, my arms and legs released.

I was lifted up and laid on my back on what I assumed to be a bench or similar. No more punishment but a tongue in my cunt, she (I assume a girl) lapped at my cum-filled cunt. Then another mouth again consuming the sticky semen.

At the same time a moist mouth was on mine, she opened mine and the sticky mess was deposited in my mouth.

A tongue was now searching my arse for cum, soon to be fed into my mouth.

Once they were happy most had been removed, I was carried back to my room and sat in the shower.

The door closed, I removed the blindfold and looked at my well-fucked body.

I needed to clean myself, removing the remaining semen.

Once showered and towelled down I crawled into my bed and almost immediately drifted off to sleep.


I awoke at 7am, more precisely Anita woke me with a good morning kiss.

Same as yesterday it was yoga is at 7.30, followed by a run around the field.

This morning it was really difficult, my body aching from last night.

Back in the house it was a warming shower and breakfast.

We were allowed back to our rooms for an hour then more household duty.

We ate at 6pm then sent back to our rooms to rest. Anita mentioned that we would be needed at 9pm, it was going to be a long night.

About an hour before we were needed Anita came to my room with a bottle of tablets. She didn’t know what the were but said they would help me get through the night, I swallowed a couple the blue tablets as instructed.

At ten to nine I reported to Anita in the kitchen. She said we were needed in the main house.

We followed her into the large lounge. s**ttered around the room were a number of guys of varying ages, maybe twenty or so men.

Anita told me to ‘be nice’ to them, we toured the room sucking cocks and generally being fondled and manhandled by them.

After a while we were told to stand in the centre of the room.

Master invited bids from the men to use us.

Anita as expected was the first one chosen, not surprising as she is a beautiful woman.

I was the third one bought, surprising really as I expected to be the last one chosen.

It then appeared the men were in groups of five.

We were then taken to individual bedrooms to be fucked by the guys in whatever way they wanted.

My guys were quite nice to me, fucking through the night.

I don’t know what was in those tablets, but I was buzzing, full of energy.

The guys also had a stash of various d**gs which they fed me through the night.

The dawn was breaking before the last guy had gone to sleep, I took the opportunity to grab a quick doze.


I felt hands on my shoulders, shaking me. “Wake up slut, a few more fucks before breakfast” And so it was, a final flurry of fucking.

The phone rang, the guy who answered said I was wanted in the kitchen.

Anita said to quickly shower and then report back.

We served the men breakfast in the dining room.

Breakfast over then they left, leaving us to clear up. Anita led us through the yoga then out for our run, my aches and pains were even worse, but I managed to stagger around the field.

A quick shower and then breakfast.

Just a quick clear up of the bedrooms then Anita said the rest of the day was for resting.

She invited me to join her in the communal bedroom if I wished.

An offer I couldn’t refuse, we spent a lovely afternoon on the giant bed, such a lovely girl.

After dinner it was back to the bed, this time with all the girls. Master would occasionally come in the room, to sit quietly, watching and masturbating.

At nine the other girls left and Anita and I snuggled up for the night.


The day started as usual. Yoga, run and shower then breakfast.

An hour’s rest then back to household duties.

Later over dinner Anita said I would be needed again at nine.

After my nap, I showered and reported to Anita at ten to nine.

I was taken to the dungeon and knelt until Sir arrived along with a lot of guys who stood against the wall opposite the girls.

“Up slut” I immediate rose. Anita approached Master and handed him a length of rope.

He bound the rope around my breasts then another length around my knees and more around my ankles.

More rope was used to secure my arms to the rope around my knees, so I was leaning backwards.

The first rope that circled my tits was threaded through the rings at the end of the hanging chains.

May was told to wind the handle so I was lifted upwards.

She stopped as I was standing on tip-toe.

Sir checked my bonds then told May to wind the handle until I was a foot off the ground.

I was left there hanging by my tits, finally May was told to lower me back to the floor.

Master untied me and Helen and Rose were told to take me to the big bed in the next room.

I was told to wait on the bed, the guys filed into the room now naked.

One by one I was fucked by the twelve guys, sometimes two at a time, sometimes all holes filled.

There was a selection of d**gs there that the guys were happy to take.

I was given a couple the blue tablets which were great on Saturday night. Again I was fucked long into the night.


I was excused the yoga and run and to rest for a few hours.

A late breakfast then I joined the other girls with the household chores.

It was a quieter evening, no guys fucking me.

At 9pm I was taken to the dungeon.

A large mat was in the centre of the room, several chairs and sofas lined the walls.

A number of guys filed into the room, maybe twenty.

We girls were expected to entertain them with girl on girl sex.

We lined up on the mat and Anita started it off by going down on Helen,

May and Rose pushed me back onto the mat and their mouths explored my body.

A few orgasms later we were swapping, sometimes four looking after one girl.

Looking across at the guys, their cocks were out and gently being stroked.

All in all it was an enjoyable night


Same routine. Up at seven, then the usual yoga and a run.

After my afternoon nap, Anita and the other girls were at my door.

“I have to take you to Sir, kiss the girls goodbye”

One by one they kissed me goodbye, then Anita a long lingering kiss.

We all hugged then off I went with Anita to report to Master Maurice.

Anita led me to the van and opened the rear door, another kiss and hug and I was in the van and the door slammed shut.

A few minutes later the engine started, and the van pulled away.

Where were we going, not to another Dom I hoped?

It was not long before the van stopped and the engine stopped.

The door opened and I was told to jump out.

I was home, I was so happy.

Master rang the bell and my beautiful was there smiling at her slut. “In slut I’ll be in shortly”

I was home

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A hangover was a distinct improvement over a concussion. The plug must have a slow leak, because after she drank as much as she dared, it was half empty. The faucet dripped occasionally, but the pressure was for all purposes nonexistent. It was still dark outside, even darker without the streetlights. The power wasn't for the whole city, the sky behind the buildings glowed with electric lights. She drank a little more water from the sink, and lay back down. Wrapped in the blanket, she was...

3 years ago
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The story Of Barbara Part one

ENGLISH Confession: of, Me Barbara transvestite - How I became the slave of a Master Help for the reader. This confession is based on real facts. The first part concerns an extract from the experiences and lived experiences of Julien, then a handsome young man, a teenager, in search of sexual identity, who would secretly become Barbara a pretty androgynous doll who loved men. This first part aims to understand her journey, her feminization process and the discovery of her status...

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My Very First Time

Note: ——I am NOT the author!My Very First Time - True StoryHe said I want to cum in your mouth, if you don't mindIt was summer I had just turned 18 and graduated from High School; It has been a very good year for me. I had good grades, was learning to drive with driver training, and boys had started to notice me. During the past few years my body had started to take on the look of a woman. My nice firm ass was very shapely, my waist very much smaller, and my breasts had gone from the size...

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Faceoff Book 2Chapter 7

Our first encounter with the Grayly troops happened before we reached the entrance to the mansion. We were charged by about 25 men armed with swords and shields. That would have been plenty to overrun us if we had not had our shotguns. However, we acted quickly and decisively as we poured buckshot into the charging troops. They had never faced massed shotgun fire like that and did not know what to do. Obviously, the only thing you can do is run like hell, but they just came at us. We wound...

4 years ago
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Learning how to please

“What’s wrong sweetie?” asked Diana as she noticed that Mia was staring out into space. “Uh, what, oh nothing” answered Mia coming back from her thoughts. Mia knew what was wrong but didn’t have someone to talk to as her folks were back across the country and Mia never really had those close girlfriends growing up as one of the boys. She wanted to talk to her mother but it wasn’t something that could be done over the phone. “Did you and Steve have a fight?” Diana asked trying not to prey but...

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Gloryhole Secrets

GloryholeSecrets! What secrets does the gloryhole hold? Is that a dude’s mouth on the other side, or is it just a pretty girl with a thick, full beard? Maybe it’s an ugly chick or a tranny, or maybe there’s a goddamn donkey slurping away back there. I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but the Gloryhole Secrets at the titular website are a hell of a lot better, and hotter, than that.Slutty, thirsty, sexy babes have been stopping by the mysterious gaps in the wall at

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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Joan Awakens

Joan AwakensMature and Young, Family Play, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Kinky and Extreme“That's a cute ring”, Betty spoke viewing Joan's ring. “My workmate Peter gave it to me for my birthday, it's a friendship ring”, she replied! She also told her that he was a sweet heart, all the females young, old, married or single swooned over him. “Your face lit up like they aren't the only ones”, Betty grinned. Joan told her that he was definitely a catch and he was interested in her but he was too...

1 year ago
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My Panty Fantasy

We both got home from work at the same time. The desert heat had worn at us all day, so we immediately went to the bedroom to change out of the clothes we went to work in for something lighter. I always love to watch her undress, and today was no exception. I was already down to my underwear while she was slowly undoing the buttons of her blouse. She knew that I always glanced her way when we changed our clothes, but today she noticed my appreciation for her bulging in my underwear. Her blouse...

3 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 6 My Mistake

On November 2, a date I'm not likely to forget, the day before we were to mount up for the long trip down the coast, I spied a lovely young woman, a real heart stopper, being carried through the streets in one of those fancy sedan chairs. I wish I had not. She glanced my way and smiled before hiding behind a frilly fan. Her smile promised things I was always thinking about. She had hair the color of spun gold and as classic a profile as any I had seen depicted in images of Greek or Roman...

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Bound To HappenChapter 6

I saw Mary the very next chance I got and told her about my - that is - our dilemma. Mary smiled, a soft bemused smile, like she was about to lift an enormously troublesome burden from my shoulders, and she did! She said, "Based on what you've just told me, we can count on Ginny to be our ally and confidante; so let's let her into our inner circle and dangle a juicy carrot for Ray." The way Mary laid it all out, I could tell she took psychology classes in college, but ofcourse, that...

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The King of Toon Town

Chapter one just sets the scene and has no sex Dale sat at the reading of his fathers will. “And finally, my home, practise, $100,000 and my ring, I leave to my son, Dale” The lawyer looks over to dale and passes him an envelope “your father also asked I give you this too read at home”. Dale nodded “thankyou”. That night Dale sat in his kitchen with a photo of his dad in one hand and the envelope in the other after a brief hesitation he opened the envelope and read the letter. Son If you’re...

Mind Control
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Me and Sandy

When I was still in high-school, I went out with a girl named Sandy.On this occasion, Sandy and I hadn't had sex yet but we had been giving each other satisfaction by hand (well, more her me than the me her). Since we were both still in high-school and living at home, privacy was a problem.I lived in an old apartment building with my parents.The building was loaded with basements which were had the laundry facilities.They were also loaded with unused storage lockers.So, for privacy, Sandy and...

2 years ago
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School DazeChapter 7 Miss Davis English

I teach English at the local high school. While that may not seem very exciting, the other teachers and I have made things very exciting here... Not to long ago, we were having serious problems with kids showing up for school. Attendance was at a record low, and there was talk of funding cuts at the town meetings. realizing we needed a course of action, our Assistant Principle devised a plan. One that has made life here at the school pretty interesting. After the Assistant Principle...

4 years ago
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Ghosts of the PastChapter 2

"So, this man is Harold Green, owner and CEO of Green Worldwide Enterprises. And Donald Price is the Chief Financial Officer and his son-in-law. But we still don't know who this other man is ... the one I know I've seen before!" Tom stated in frustration. "And we still don't have a connection between them and Robert Warren ... or Clark ... or whatever his real name is!" Charles added, just as frustrated. Assistant Director Peter Woods stood up to leave the office they were meeting in...

4 years ago
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Responsible Master

What makes someone a responsible "Master" (Dominant, Daddy) who inspires a "slave" (submissive, girl), drives a slave toward excellence, holds a slave accountable, and instills a sense of respect and trust? Here are some things, as an "s" type, I feel makes a responsible "Master": Self-control. A good Master has to become a master of self-discipline and self-control first! If you don't have control of yourself how will you ever control someone else?Follow through. Although time consuming, you...

2 years ago
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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 9

After I got everyone off to work and school in the morning I relaxed over a last cup of coffee and started compiling a shopping list. I was just rinsing out my cup when the doorbell rang. I didn't think anything of it. I wasn't expecting anyone. But more importantly I wasn't expecting Tommy so I wasn't concerned. I assumed it was someone selling religion or magazines door to door. I'm not in the market for either. I was wearing my robe and slippers so when I opened the door I only...

2 years ago
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A Pirate Quest Chapter 3 Voyage to the unknown

Sabina stood on the deck of the ship. The day had finally arrived and they had set sail for the Caribbean. Sabina watched as the coast of England got smaller. She smiled to herself as she walked along the deck towards the stairs to the lower decks.She walked along the corridor meeting a few of the sailors along the way. They all nodded their heads at her. Everyone knew that Sabina was the one in charge of the ship for the next few months they would be working. They knew that they were going on...

4 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 15

The lights of the Fort reminded him so he told the Lance Naik to draw two oil lamps from the stores for when the returned to the Pass. This was the same four-man detail that had driven the first herd down to the Fort and were anxious to get their own horses back. David smiled at the bond the men had formed with their mounts. He took the ropes of the other three packhorses as the men took the herd to the paddocks. As he reined up inside the gate, Subedar Major Para’s office men were running...

1 year ago
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After Graduation

You look up at the sight in front of you. Beyonce Knowles is on her knees sucking your dick. You don't know how she got in your room, crawled on your bed or why she is doing this, but you don't care. "Wow, I don't even know you," you say, "Why are you here?" "Relax, honey. I'm just here to BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP..." You are awoken by your alarm. It was only a dream. Except that reality is pretty good too. Heather is laying on the bed in front of you- under your sheets- sucking your dick. This...

2 years ago
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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 13

Harvey Dunkin Speaks: I think that was part of the problem Brian. Whenever I was at your place, the two of you treated me like family, but eventually I would always have to go back home. You and your Dad seemed to have the perfect relationship, God how I envied you. My parents were about as fucked up as you could get. Mom was an uptight prude who ruled the roost. She made the rules, and Dad would enforce them with his belt. I know you wondered why I rarely felt like going swimming, or taking...

3 years ago
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The Promise Part 2

"What the hell is this?" Charlie asked as he looked over the envelope sitting in the chest. He gingerly reached down into the chest and pulled out the aged envelope, treating it as if it were an infectious item. With shaking hands, he turned the envelope over and broke open the delicate wax seal. Flipping over the flap, his fingers found a pair of folded papers within, pulling it out slowly. The penmanship of the letter reminded him of something he had seen out a cursive handbook; its...

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Classmate Ko convince Kakre Uske Gand Mari

Hello dosto I’m back again with a new story mera naam Ajay ha or main Haryana ka rahne wala hoon. Mera mail id hai agar koi ladki ya bhabhi mujhse chudna chahti ho to please mujhe mail karain.main ek good looking boy hoon or mere lund ka size 7’inch lumba or 3’inch mota hai. Ye gatna aaj se 1 saal pehle ki jo ki mere ek dost ne mujhe batai hai ki kaise unse apni classmate ko convince karke uski gand mari. Aage ki story mere dost ki jubni. Hello friend mera naam pawan hai or main bhi Haryana...

2 years ago
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Chap8 Transformations HoneyLee Nympho

Chapter 8 - Transformations In the days following our extraordinary adventures at the Holmstead’s, Paul and I, apparently sexually satiated for awhile, settled back into the quintessential Florida lifestyle – late, leisurely breakfasts on the lanai, afternoon cycling along beautiful trails, especially those from Port Charlotte, through Venice nearly to Sarasota, or kayaking the broad local canals, creeks and rivers. Evenings we made love, casually in the lanai, on the pool deck,...

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Married man

Hi all just letting you know that my married man picture fantasy happened. I went to a bar had some drinks was pretty boring so changed bars and caught up with a guy I used to know a long time ago we had some drinks got chatting and I noticed a wedding ring on his finger we started talking about his wife and that they have recently had a fight and are on Rocky grounds. After a few more drinks he said that I have not aged 1 bit in all those years and still look amazing I giggled and thanked him...

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An Odd Occurrence

Author’s note- This is my first time writing a racy story, so please take that into consideration. any positive feedback or constructive criticism is appreciated. If I get enough feedback, I might do a sequel. ‘Hello there, Vanessa.’ A very sexy, subtly strong male voice said. Vanessa turned around and stared in shock for a moment. ‘ Ash? Is that you?’ He just smiled and nodded. Then he grabbed her hand and gently pulled her toward him and kissed her deeply as his hand crushed her breast. ...

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Dead Write Ch 07

*A repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit.* ****** Sam enjoyed the landscape of Sherry’s body, as the shower rained on her pink hills and valleys. His fingers slid from her satisfied clitoris to splash in her belly button pond. Wrapping his arms just under her breasts, he hugged her, and whispered, “You’re beautiful.’ In the quiet afterglow, while holding her in his lap, he thought of Jan, and realized three years had passed since making love had been uncomplicated by illness....

3 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 37

Since I posted the last couple chapters there were a lot of things keeping me from writing. I had actually finished this chapter back in June, but didn't want to post it without anything else in the pipeline. I have another chapter basically done that I hope to post next weekend of the following. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to a regular posting schedule by January! Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go...

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MY Wife Had No Clue

After months of planning; tonight was the night Kip my best friend of fifteen years was going to fuck my hot twenty nine year old wife without her knowing. You see I’ve been making my wife wear a blindfold for the last couple of weeks, telling her that this has spiced up our sexy life. As for my wife Kerri she thinks it’s a weird fetish but I never heard her complain about the outcome in the end. Kip on the other hand has always gone out of his way to tell me how sexy my wife is and that he...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 63

That's how I wound up as a hostess at an illegal drink house. It opened at 9PM and closed at 3AM unless there was a crowd. If that was the case it might go till sun up. It didn't take me long to get well known. I did my thing and a little of their thing, but I did manage to remember who I was. I was collecting information the whole time on the guys who came to the house. Most of them were involved in some kind of petty crime or another. Even though it was petty, the pure volume was...

4 years ago
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Perversions with Margaret and Alan

Debbie and Tony were going on holiday, they were going to Portugal. They went every year and always went to the same villa in Lagos.It had 6 months since we had met and they had Introduced me to their "private society" of friends.Remember previously when I had the threesome with Debbie and Margaret, well I had yet to meet her husband Alan.Margaret and Alan were comfortable money wise, Alan owned a successful property business and their house was, according to Debbie, amazing. It had a small...

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Christmas for Carole

It was a beautiful personal library. Two walls of the room anchored dark wood shelves that held numerous books and knickknacks, and the sort of awards and honors and sporting trophies that a successful man earned in a lifetime. The room's other wood paneled walls were decorated with hunting prints and landscapes. There was a rock-faced fireplace hissing with the flickering flames of gas logs. At one end of the room was a large wood desk stained to match the walls and shelves. Seated at the...

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Its a bit romantic isnt it

I had to shorten some of the time passage, and change names so I wouldn't give away real information, but I attempted to retain it's natural beautey as a story... and yes I'm more of a romantic kind of guy.... SOOORRRYYY! I don't like stories which give no character development, and just jump into two strangers having intimate sex, so if you're here for that jump to chapter 5 Chapter one: Teases me. Allison was so beautiful in her Blouse today that I couldn't wait to get home and...

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