Dans La Peau D'une Esclave. free porn video

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Chapitre 1 – Léantos est déprimé.

En cette fin du 25ème siècle, on est revenu à une vision simplifiée de la Société.
Le but est de prévenir les guerres, les famines, les inégalités dans la mesure du possible. Pour y arriver, il a fallu refaire des classes sociales sur un modèle antique. C’est ce que le philosophe Tien Long, appelle « Une société en forme de pyramide. »
Tout au sommet, il y le Consortium Suprême, qui nomme les Gérants des Régions.
En dessous, mais toujours au sommet, il y les riches ou citoyens Alpha. Ils sont environ 1/20ème de la population mondiale. Ile sont riches et disposent de la technologie moderne. Ils peuvent faire ce qu’ils veulent, sous réserve de ne pas déplaire à un membre du Consortium et de payer l’impôt.
Au milieu, il y a les citoyens Lambda. Ils n’ont aucuns rapports avec le sommet de la pyramide. Ils ignorent même l’existence des citoyens Alpha. Ils vivent comme au Moyen Age, sans aucune technologie, ce qui est un gage de paix ou de conflits limités. Les villes Alpha leur sont dissimulées.
En dessous et jusqu’à la base, il y les esclaves. Il y en a a aussi bien chez les Alpha que chez les Lambdas. Ce sont les condamnés de droit commun pour des faits bénins : dettes, vol, avoir déplu à un citoyen Alpha… Les condamnés pour des faits graves sont envoyés sur les planètes bagnes.
Dépendant du Consortium et des citoyens Alpha, il y a les gens d’armes : soldats, policiers, gardes privés, informaticiens.
Seuls le Consortium et les citoyens Alpha ont accès à la technologie.
Depuis, très longtemps, il n’y a plus de carte d’identité, de passeport, de permis de conduire, de cartes de crédit. Tous les citoyens et tous les esclaves ont une minuscule puce dans leur organisme, où tous les renseignements les concernant sont consignés. Il est impossible d’extraire cette puce.


En ce début de juin, je suis plus déprimé que jamais. J’envisage même de léguer tous mes biens et mon titre de Gérant de La Région 3 de l’Europe du Sud Est. Je voudrais repartir à zéro sur un des mondes que nous avons colonisés. Enfin, je me suis quand même organisé pour envoyer une importante somme d’argent, d’or et de diamants dans une banque discrète sur une planète qui l’est tout autant. Je suis déprimé, mais pas au point de risquer de me retrouver citoyen Lambda.
Une des causes de cette situation est mon récent et catastrophique mariage.
La passion vous prive de toutes formes de lucidité !
J’ai eu un coup de foudre pour Fenza, une fille de 22 ans, le tiers de mon âge. C’est une très jolie brune aux yeux noirs. Elle est petite et mince avec un tour de poitrine atteignant à peine les 85 cm et des fesses de garçon. Jusqu’à ma rencontre avec elle, je ne m’intéressais qu’aux femmes aux formes opulentes. Je suis tombé follement amoureux de Fenza et je l’ai épousée un mois après notre première rencontre : une pure folie !
Pourtant, j’avais déjà fait l’expérience d’un mariage raté. Ma première épouse avait un caractère difficile et était une véritable nymphomane. J’ai réussi à faire annuler notre mariage. C’est une chose terriblement difficile à faire de nos jours et ça m’a coûté… un bras.
Les lois du Consortium sont devenues strictes, concernant la protection des conjoints. Je n’avais d’ailleurs pas de griefs recevables, juridiquement parlant, pour obtenir le divorce.
Comment, après mon premier mariage ne me suis-je pas mieux renseigné sur la personnalité de Fenza? La passion ! Son caractère dominant montrait déjà le bout de son nez, certes, mais avec moi, elle était adorable et au lit elle se révélait perverse et inventive. Toujours prête à ajouter quelques esclaves pour pimenter nos ébats. La grande révolution de l’année 10 du Consortium, a heureusement remis de l’ordre dans notre société en créant la Grande Pyramide. Elle a aussi donné la possibilité aux citoyens Alpha et Lambda d’acheter des esclaves. Le monde Lambda étant une source inépuisable d’esclaves, que nos hommes d’armes vont « razziés ».
J’ai une trentaine d’esclaves dont une vingtaine de femmes.
Fenza, ma nouvelle femme, a une qualité, c’est une très bonne maîtresse de maison… Avant de la rencontrer, c’est mon intendant qui s’occupait de faire régner l’ordre parmi mes esclaves. Il le faisait assez mollement, toujours prêt à accepter de ne pas punir une esclave si elle était assez docile, ce qui est pourtant la définition même d’une esclave. Il s’en suivait une légère nonchalance chez certaines esclaves…
Fenza a changé tout ça, avec une main de fer dans un gant d’acier. Elle est très sévère, d’autant plus que c’est une maniaque de l’ordre et de la propreté. Elle ne supporte pas le plus petit manque de soin. Les punitions sont donc devenues extrêmement fréquentes. Les esclaves la craignent et une esclave qui a peur est d’autant plus obéissante et soumise, cherchant à tout prix à plaire à ses maîtres et a leurs invités. Et puis, c’est amusant de voir une esclave présenter ses fesses pour se faire fouetter, surtout quand elle n’a rien fait pour mériter ça. Elle a aussi établi toute une série de règles et de punitions. On ne voit nulle part des esclaves aussi bien dressées que chez nous. A tel point, que nos amis s’inspirent à la lettre de son règlement pour l’appliquer chez eux…
En ce qui concerne la tenue de la maison et la discipline des esclaves, Fenza est parfaite… Par contre… sexuellement, elle a cessé de faire des efforts comme au début de notre mariage et m’envoie régulièrement me satisfaire avec une esclave.
Nos enfants sont en pension, mais la nièce de ma femme qui a 18 ans, vit avec nous. Elle s’appelle Calypso. Je l’ai accueillie dans ma famille et je suis devenu son beau-père, légal, jusqu’à ses 21 ans. Elle est belle, très belle et a un QI de 167, ce qui fait d’elle un membre de la prestigieuse société du Temple d’Athéna, qui réunit les cerveaux les plus brillants. Athéna étant la déesse de l’intelligence. Hélas, comme beaucoup de jeunes gens, elle fait des bêtises. Fenza la punit souvent et la fait même fouetter par une esclave noire, ce qui est l’humiliation suprême pour une citoyenne Alpha. Je dois avouer que je prends un grand plaisir à voir Calypso se faire fouetter. C’est une beauté callipyge, pour rester dans la terminologie de la Grèce antique, c'est-à-dire qu’elle a les plus belles fesses du monde ! Oui, je deviens exalté quand je parle des fesses de ma belle-fille. Les relations entre elle et Fenza sont devenues explosives. Bien sûr, elle mérite souvent une punition et ce n’est pas sans raison que Fenza la punit, contrairement aux esclaves qu’elle fait fouetter pour se distraire ou amuser nos invités.
Ma belle-fille s’appelle donc Calypso, ce qui veut dire « la très désirable » en référence à la reine de l'île d'Ogygie, amante d’Ulysse et elle porte bien son nom.
Les prénoms de la mythologie grecque sont devenus une mode ces dernières années en Europe du Sud.
Calypso déteste celle qui est devenue sa belle-mère légale et qui n’a que 3 ans de plus qu’elle. D’autant plus, qu’elle a le droit de la punir à sa guise.
Fenza s’est mise à régenter ma vie personnelle, aussi… Si je n’y mets pas bon ordre, elle va me faire un règlement, comme aux esclaves et à notre belle-fille !
Mon moral étant au plus bas, je ne souhaite plus qu’une chose, me séparer de cette épouse qui devient de plus en plus tyrannique.
Je sais qu’il y a eu une enquête quand je me suis séparé de ma première épouse. Les lois sont ainsi faites que si un des époux le refuse, le divorce est impossible. Il m’a donc fallut obtenir le consentement de ma première épouse par des moyens un peu… spéciaux. Je ne puis recommencer avec celle-ci.
Ce matin, n’en pouvant plus, je suis allé chercher un peu de réconfort auprès de ma belle-fille. Si une personne peut trouver une solution à ce problème, c’est elle
Je sais qu’elle ne supportera plus longtemps, les brimades et les humiliations que lui inflige sa belle-mère. Elle a d’ailleurs, certainement, du élaborer un plan.
Concernant, ma belle-fille, j’ai un aveu à faire : je suis terriblement attirée par elle. Je veux dire, sexuellement. Plus mes rapports avec ma femme se détériorent plus mon désir pour Calypso devient brûlant.
La voir fouettée par une négresse met le feu à mes sens.
Il est 10 h du matin. Elle vient à peine de rentrer.
Sa belle-mère va de nouveau piquer une crise, étant donné qu’elle exige qu’elle soit rentrée à minuit au plus tard. Elle va sûrement la faire fouetter et l’enfermer dans sa chambre tous les soirs à 7 h, pendant une semaine.
Calypso est légèrement ivre, ses vêtements sont froissés, elle a même une tache de sang sur une manche de sa tunique de soie transparente. Elle m’embrasse et me dit :
— Beau-papa, quelle bonne surprise.
— Je n’en peux plus ma chérie, je ne supporte plus cette femme.
C’est certainement quelque chose qu’elle attend avec impatience.
A bout de nerfs, je me mets à pleurer.
Calypso vient contre moi et met ses bras autour de mon cou…
Elle a eu chaud, très chaud… Elle sent… la nymphe qui a beaucoup couru dans les bois.
A travers, mes larmes, je lui dis :
— J’adore ton parfum
— Je n’en ai pas mis. C’est mon odeur naturelle.
Elle lève un bras et met le creux de son aisselle humide contre mon nez !
Aussitôt, je m’arrête de pleurer et… je me mets à bander…
Elle me dit :
— Tu es décidé ?
Enivrée par son odeur, je bredouille :
— Oui, ma chérie… et pardon… de l’avoir laissé…
Je veux dire, pardon d’avoir laissé ta belle-mère te punir, mais les mots restent dans ma gorge, car elle enlève sa légère tunique. Ses seins nus pointent agressivement vers moi.
Elle me la donne en disant :
— Allez, essuie tes larmes et mouche-toi. Il est temps que tu te décides. Cette sorcière causera ta perte, si on ne l’élimine pas.
Je mets mon nez dans son vêtement humide de sueur comme un enfant peureux met le sien dans son « doudou » !
Elle enlève son léger pantalon. Elle n’est plus vêtue que d’une minuscule culotte à motifs léopard d’un parfait mauvais goût, mais extraordinairement érotique sur elle. Je me mets à geindre :
— Elle ne voudra jamais accepter de divorcer et tu sais que son consentement va me coûter une fortune.
Elle me tourne le dos et enlève sa culotte en se tortillant…
Les fesses de Calypso sont les plus belles du monde. Elles luisent, laiteuses, dans la lumière du petit matin.
Elle me tend sa culotte... J’ai deux « doudous » !
Puis, elle vient s’asseoir à califourchon sur mes cuisses les deux bras autour de mon goût en disant :
— Je sais comment nous en débarrasser sans dépenser un sou.
— Sérieux ?
— Oui. Et en plus, je te fais une proposition : je te débarrasse de ta mégère et tu peux me baiser.
Mon rêve… Non, mes rêves !
L’odeur musquée et entêtante de sa sueur me brouille l’esprit… Et puis, je me sens incapable de continuer à vivre avec cette garce de Fenza et… je rêve de baiser ma belle-fille !
J’embrasse son épaule me rapprochant encore de l’odeur de son aisselle
Elle dit :
— Je veux que tu me lègues tes biens et tes titres. Tu avais quand même l’intention de la faire un jour.
Avec un chat dans la gorge, je réponds :
— Et on baise…
— Oui…
Je vais enfin la baiser.
Elle sort un petit ordinateur d’un tiroir et l’allume. Je vois le document concernant la cession de mes biens et titres à ma belle-fille.
Sans réfléchir, je mets mon pouce sur le premier emplacement, puis mon iris sur l’autre. Elle fait la même chose et envoie le message.
Avant que je réalise bien ce que je viens de faire, elle écarte les cuisses en disant :
— A genoux et montre-moi ce que tu sais faire avec ta langue.
Je mets le nez dans sa chatte en jachère, ses poils me chatouillent les narines. Je passe de l’odeur musquée de ses aisselles à celle fortement marine de son sexe… Je suis au 7ème ciel.
Je reste là, à la… humer, elle me donne une claque sur la tête en grognant :
— Qu’est-ce que tu attends ?
Je vais lécher la chatte en broussaille de ma Calypso, enfin !
Bien sûr, c’était une chose que je ne fais jamais avec mes esclaves. Qui irait lécher le cul ou la chatte d’une esclave ? Il m’est cependant arriver de le faire à mes épouses et je lèche ma belle-fille, comme une esclave lèche sa maîtresse.
Rapidement, elle me repousse, en disant :
— Baise-moi beau-papa et fais-moi un enfant.
Je suis saoulé par ses odeurs et enivré par ses paroles.
Elle veut que je me couche sur elle dans la position du missionnaire. Elle croise ses pieds sur mes reins, pour m’enfoncer au plus profond d’elle.
De toutes mes forces, j’essaye de freiner le tsunami de sperme qui se prépare… Impossible, je jouis trop rapidement en elle…
Calypso, met rapidement sa main en conque sur son sexe en disant :
— Je garde ton sperme en moi… Tu peux rester, mais moi, je dors.
Je viens de réaliser mon fantasme : lécher et baiser Calypso.
Et puis, elle saura me débarrasser de Fenza, cette garce qui me pourrit la vie.
Évidemment, je lui ai légué ma fonction, ainsi que tous mes biens… Enfin, une petite partie de mes biens. Elle a beau avoir un QI énorme, elle ne saura jamais que j’ai dissimulé la plus grosse partie.
Je la laisse dormir, mon sperme bien au chaud dans le fond de sa vulve. Mes spermatozoïdes se battant comme des barbares à qui sera le premier à violer son ovule !

Chapitre 2 - Calypso fouettée pour la dernière fois.


Pour le moment, je fais profil bas, ce qui n’est pas dans mon caractère.
Je suis dorénavant, la seule propriétaire des biens et des titres de mon beau-père. Je n’aurais jamais imaginé que ce serait aussi facile. Il a suffi que ce vieux cochon renifle mes aisselles et que je lui montre mon cul, pour que j’en fasse ce que je veux. Quelle moule !!
Je sais qu’il a mis une très grosse partie de sa fortune dans une banque qu’il croit sûre, mais les biens de mon beau-père sont désormais à moi et j’ai des amis qui vont très vite me renseigner. Pauvre type, je vais l’enculer à sec !
Pour tout dire, ça m’a plu qu’il me baise et qu’il jouisse en moi. J’aime les sports extrêmes et ceci en est un, non ?? Il lèche pas mal d’ailleurs, je le garderai peut-être pour ça. Mais, je n’ai pas envie qu’il passe son temps à baiser « mes esclaves », aussi je l’équiperai d’un petit gadget, l’équivalent pour les hommes d’une ceinture de chasteté. Il va être mignon avec ça… Pas très content, mais mignon !
Maintenant, c’est le tour de ma chère belle-mère de se faire enculer, mais elle ce sera à sec et au moyen d’un énorme gode trempé dans du piment ! Ah, elle va griffer les mains de sa mère… la salope !
Elle ne doit surtout pas savoir ce qui va se passer… J’adore l’idée de lui faire la surprise
Il est impossible de faire confiance à une esclave, elles sont éduquées à être veules et obéissantes. Celle qui me plait le plus c’est Aicha ! C’est une blanche, bien sûr, mais elle a la peau mate, ce qui fait qu’on lui a donné ce nom Africain. Le nom d’une esclave est souvent insultant ou ridicule. Un jour je lui ai demandé si je pouvais lui faire confiance, elle m’a répondu :
— Non, Maîtresse, si on m’interroge énergiquement, je vous trahirai.
C’est une bonne réponse.
Ce soir, je suis dans ma chambre. Punie ! Je suis rentrée à 9 du matin au lieu de minuit. Résultat ma belle-mère va me faire fouetter et je devrai être au lit tous les jours à 19 h 30’ Mon Dieu que j’ai hâte de lui faire la petite farce que j’ai mise au point !
Elle ignore que je suis à présent la maîtresse des lieux, des biens et des titres de son époux…
Elle vient se distraire à mes dépends. Et, elle est à l’heure, 19 h. Oui, c’est une maniaque de l’heure. Elle arrive dans ma chambre avec une esclave en disant joyeusement
— C’est l’heure Calypso, on va te chauffer les fesses.
L’esclave dépose près de mon lit, 2 tranches de pain sec et un verre d’eau, mon repas du soir !
Ma belle-mère me dit,
— Tu sais ce que tu as à faire.
— Oui, belle-maman, mais, si je suis rentrée…
— Je m’en fous, minuit c’est minuit
— Oui, belle-maman…
Je remonte ma chemise de nuit blanche jusqu’aux reins. La chemise de nuit, c’est son idée, bien sûr. Je mets l’oreiller au milieu du lit et je me couche dessus de façon à ce que mes fesses soient surélevées.
L’esclave a en main un court fouet à plusieurs lanières, ça fait mal, même très mal, mais ça n’entame pas la peau.
« swwwitch », les lanières s’abattent sur mes fesses.
— Aaîîîîeee ! 1, merci belle-maman.
C’est une fétichiste de la fessée, si je ne compte pas et ne remercie pas, c’est un de plus… ma vengeance ne sera que plus jouissive…
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 2, merci belle-maman.
Elle dit à son esclave :
— Ne va pas trop vite, il faut qu’elle apprécie, chaque coup !
— Oui, Maîtresse.
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 3, merci belle-maman. Je ferai attention.
— Je crois que tu aimes te faire fouetter.
— Non, je vous ju…
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 4, merci belle-maman.
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 5, merci belle-maman.
Elle pose la main sur mes fesses, en disant :
— Elles ne sont pas encore à point !
— Oui, mais…
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 6, merci belle-maman.
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 7, merci belle-maman.
Elle s’adresse à son esclave :
— On avait dit combien ?
— Vous ne m’aviez pas dit, Maîtresse.
— Bon, je te dirai quand arrêter !
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 8, merci belle-maman. Je serai sage !
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 9, merci belle-maman. Je vous le jure.
— Bien… C’est bien, j’aime te voir t’humilier Calypso. Plus qu’un, alors.
(grrrrrr !)
« swwwitch »
— Aaîîîîeee ! 10, merci belle-maman.
Elle vient de nouveau tâter mes fesses en disant :
— On pourrait faire cuire un œuf au plat sur tes grosses fesses, Calypso.
— Oui, belle-maman.
Tu vas voir les tiennes de grosses fesses, poufiasse, et dans pas longtemps !
L’esclave m’attache par la cheville à une barre du lit.
Ma belle-mère, très femme du monde, me dit :
— Bonne nuit sur le ventre, Calypso.
— Merci, bonne nuit à vous aussi, belle-maman.
En pensée, j’ajoute « ce sera ta dernière bonne nuit avant un bon moment. »
Mais, elle me réserve une dernière petite gâterie,
— Ah, j’oubliais, embrasse la main de l’esclave qui t’a fouettée et remercie-la. Elle s’appelle, Mouche Bleue.
L’esclave me tend sa main et je l’embrasse en disant :
— Merci Mouche Bleu de m’avoir bien fouettée.
Petit gloussement satisfait de la sorcière.
Une fois seule, j’essaye de manger un peu de pain, mais il est tellement dur qu’il faudrait le faire tremper pour le manger et comme je n’ai qu’un verre d’eau, je préfère boire.
La chaîne qui m’attache au lit, ne me permet pas d’aller à la salle de bains. La première fois qu’elle m’a fait fouetter et attacher pour la nuit, je lui ai dit :
— Et si je dois faire pipi, belle-maman ?
— Tu serres les fesses !
Elle est jouette ! Enfin, plus pour longtemps !

Chapitre 3 - Le plan machiavélique de Calypso.

A 2 h du matin, Aicha entre dans ma chambre, elle scie la chaîne au ras de l’anneau avec une scie a métaux.
Ensuite, on va chercher une esclave qu’on a déposée devant la porte de la propriété. Elle ressemblait à Fenza avant que je l’envoie dans la clinique du Professeur Di Martino, et maintenant, c’est Fenza.
Bien sûr, vous vous dites, impossible de faire ce genre de substitution, à cause de la puce identitaire dissimulée en nous. Exact… Mais, je fais partie du « Temple d’Athéna » qui regroupe les QI les plus élevés du monde. Le grand Maître est aussi un membre de la Triade du Dragon de Feu qui règne sur toute l’Asie pour le compte du Consortium. Il a trouvé très amusant mon idée d’échange et m’a mise en contact avec leurs spécialistes en bio-informatique. Là, on m’a fabriqué une copie exacte de la puce de ma belle-mère. Elle est dissimilée, inactive, dans la nouvelle esclave.
A trois, nous remontons dans la chambre de Fenza
Elle dort profondément, Aicha lui a donné un soporifique puissant. Son esclave dort par terre, à côté de son lit. Elle dort ou elle fait semblant. Les esclaves ont souvent un 7ème sens leur permettant de survivre.
Je fais une piqûre à Fenza pour l’endormir pendant 24 h. Ensuite, je prends un petit appareil pour désactivé sa puce et immédiatement après, j’active celle de l’esclave qui va prendre sa place.
La nouvelle esclave est devenue Fenza.
Voilà ! Le Contrôle Central ne peut pas se rendre compte que la puce a cessé d’émettre pendant une fraction de seconde.
On met Fenza dans une grande valise et on descend dans le garage.
On l’installe dans le coffre et on est part.

Same as Dans la peau d'une esclave. Videos

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Dans le Murs Part 12

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Erotic Fiction
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Dans le Murs Part 4

Dans le Murs – Part IV Synopsis: Colin deVilliers is now hooked on the pleasures of the flesh he has experienced at the orphanage. After watching filming of the first scenes, experiencing Anne-Lise, a young Senegalese girl and a midnight orgy shared with some of the students he realises that there is no way back to his mundane life with Tessa, his wife Even the stand-offish Therese had helped him when he needed relief. Now read on. Part IV – The Sect Authors note: As this is written in the UK...

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Dans le Murs Part 11

Dans le Murs – Part XI Synopsis: Colin and Nahdya travel to Bangkok and are forced to abandon their primary plan. They meet instead Mrs T, a fearsome, mentally unstable criminal gang leader who will go to extremes to get her way. The couple fall out with her; Nahdya is tortured while Colin is imprisoned but escapes to rescue his love. During the escape Nahdya is critically injured while Colin is also shot. They make their escape by sea, are pursued but rescued by the Indian Navy to Port Blair...

Erotic Fiction
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Dans le Murs Part 3

Dans le Murs – Part III Synopsis: Colin has been gripped by the lure of filmmaking with the JOKER organisation, has met and made love to the captivating Anne-Marie. Selection of students at l’ecole has been completed and a start is about to be made with the film. Now read on. Part III - Filming Begins After thanking all those involved we made our goodbyes to Claude-Yves and Anne-Marie and drove, via a nice little cafe, back to the studio. We had arranged that I should become a semi-permanent...

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Dans Lil Sis Pt 2

–= 6 =– Danny took off a week straight so that he can show me around. He had every single day planned out. I guess he did that to avoid the awkward silence if we didn’t have anything to do. I didn’t mind so much, but I wasn’t able to see Kevin. Needless to say, I was pining for him, a lot. We started with Bar Harbor and enjoyed the scenery, threw in some hiking and site seeing up around Acadia, stopped by a few parties here and there, then finished with a rather unsettling episode at a bar…...

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Dans le Tonnelle de Mebh

Author’s note: This is a big departure from what I’ve written previously. I’ll give you fair caution however, this is a longish story with many words. I have taken quite a few liberties with Celtic mythology, and also with geography, fashions, and timelines. Oh, I was also ‘creative’ with architecture and speech too! Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Mile failte, and sláinte! This is an original work of...

4 years ago
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Dans Lil Sis Pt 4

–= 11 =– I just looked at Danny, completely dumbfounded. I didn’t know what to say, at least, I didn’t know where to begin. How did he know? Am I that bad of a liar? Did Kevin tell him? No, he had no chance to. Unless, he texted him on his phone? I played the stupid card: ‘I uhm, don’t know what you’re talking about?’ ‘Soph, I was there.’ I felt like I was going to hurl at this point. ‘Th-there?’ ‘Yeah. I had to take a piss ‘n I heard noises outside the door. Here I was thinkin’: ‘Wow,...

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Dans Lil Sis Pt 3

–= 8 =– I browsed through my suitcase for something cute to wear before we went out to dinner that Danny promised. I settled on a simple tee and a jean mini-skirt. We went to Friday’s because I was craving their fried string beans appetizer. God, that stuff is good. The three of us sat there chatting when the topic of how my day went came up. ‘My day? Oh nothing special. Just sat around watching T.V.’ I said with a straight face. ‘I feel so bad. I probably can take a half-day tomorrow. We...

3 years ago
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Dans Lil Sis Pt 1

–= 1 =– Sigh, depressing thoughts again. I can’t help myself at this point. All I can think of are all the bad things, all the wrong people have done to me, and all the worthless feelings I have of myself. I’m twenty-effing-two and literally don’t have a life. I have no job, no money. I’m not in school, and I live at home in Vermont with my parents. (Doing absolutely nothing.) Oh! You may call me Sobbing Sophie. I haven’t helped the cause much, I admit. I’ve completely closed myself out from...

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Dans le Murs Part 10

Note : This story is completely fictional! Synopsis: Colin and Nahdya have travelled to Bangkok to meet up with a Triad boss with whom they hope to cement a joint venture. They discover that he is basically a pae-do-phile and wants to push ‘porn’. Colin finds this abhorrent and they take one of his charges back to the hotel, hoping to discover more about his activities in order to destroy him. This chapter is basically a link between sections and is less erotic and more thriller. It can...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part 13

Synopsis: Colin and Nahdya have been reunited in Delhi and her recovery has allowed the sex to resume as exciting as ever. Resulting from the work, Nahdya has been elevated and Colin is set to become the next Grand master of Lille. There are some challenges to Nahdya’s status and Ceres begins to suspect that the couple have more than just a working relationship. Colin prepares to return to Lille. Now read on. Part 13 – Relaxation and Responsibility Authors note: As this is written in the UK any...

Erotic Fiction
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Dans le Murs Part II

Synopsis: A chance encounter with a group of French teenagers has drawn Englishman Colin deVilliers into the JOKER organisation- a Paris based sex production company. After some hair raising scenes filmed at a local studio and an evening at an ‘off-the-wall’ night club at which any deviation is permitted, Colin sets about scripting a feature length film loosely based on his earlier life. Now read on. Part II – L’Ecole During the following days I drafted the outline of the scenes, some based on...

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Dans le Murs

Part 1 - Beginning We had owned the property in Beaumetz les Aires for about six months when the episode that turned my life upside-down actually occurred. Who are we? My name is Colin, Colin deVilliers BSc. (Hons) to be specific, married to Tessa deVilliers (neë Wyatt) for some 20ish years and normally residing in the English cathedral city of Winchester. Tessa could not be called particularly maternal so children were always way down on the ‘I want’ list, coupled with the fact that she was s...

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Jordans sex Sequal prt 56

As I was putting on some clothes jake asked me where I was going. I told him hunting... He said okay and jumped in the bed and turned the T.V on to his favorite show. CSI. I hoped out the window and landed swiftly on the ground. I jogged into the forest and transformed into a grey wolf with a black spot on my eye. I dashed into the woods going predator mode. Ducking and dodging every branch and fallen tree. I stopped in my tracks and spotted a deer. Crouching down and getting ready to attack,...

4 years ago
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Jordans First Kiss

Revised By Avi Jordan's First Kiss Hi. My name is Jordan. Im 15years old. I am a 10th grader at Uniondale Academy. I not a very social kid. Im slightly afraid of talking to girls. Ive never had a girlfriend. Actuall, Ive never done anything sexual with a girl. My friend tells me im pitiful, because he hooked up for the first time when he was 10, and..... well..... I still haven't. One morning I woke up and did my usual morning routine. I undressed, took a shower...

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Jordans Family Little sister

Introduction: This story takes place while I was still a preteen and my sister was younger than that. Its a true story that i tried to turn into an entertaing event for you readers to enjoy. I didnt embelish anything, I only added details to make it into a story. I was tossing and turning in bed holding a pillow over my face trying to drown out the noises that were coming from the room next to mine. I sat up and peered over at my little sister who was sleeping soundly in her bed on the other...

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Aidans training

* Post Date - 4/17/2011 * PDF Download - Rate This Story Outstanding Pretty Good Average/OK Could be Better Hated It Story posted with author's permissionRead User Comments (2)I started out with a pretty happy life, but I screwed things up. I was the king of my castle, but now I'm not even the queen. More like the maid. So I guess you could call it a riches to rags story. How did it all happen, well let me back up and tell you.My name is Aidan, and I started life with a plus,...

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3 years ago
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Dan AdamsChapter 8

Early Saturday morning Dan phoned Casey and gave him the assignment to inspect the apartment buildings he was considering purchasing. He relayed to Casey what the ladies he had talked to had said about the buildings. Dan told Casey this would be a big investment so he needed Casey to be extremely thorough in doing his inspection. Casey said he understood and would do his best. Emily was ready to go with Dan when he arrived at ten. The tan shorts and white blouse highlighted her enticing...

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Dan AdamsChapter 2

Pulling into the parking lot at the funeral parlor Dan could not help but notice the large amount of automobiles that were there. Fred was a successful and popular business man which Dan thought accounted for the large turnout at his wake. Walking into the funeral parlor Dan signed the book and waited in line to express his condolences. He could see standing by the open casket was Fred’s wife Marilyn who Dan had met a few times. Standing next to her he assumed were her three daughters. Dan...

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Dan into Danni pt3 Sex as a girl with a girl

Back at Lucy’s room, Dan put down the dainty bags of lingerie and girly clothes that she had bought for him. He had been totally and magically transformed into a girl for nearly a whole day now, and every moment was a thrill. He was ultra-conscious of his body - especially his gorgeous 32C boobs, firmly held in the bra that had turned him into a curvy and sexy girl in the first place.Lucy closed her bedroom door. And for the first time in a while, they were definitely alone.“OK, babe, what do...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 2

At Banzai Bob's, once they arrived, Ayumi led Dan straight to her uncle's office, to speak to him before they got their orders set up. The other patrons looked at them with confusion, but didn't do a thing about it, as Ayumi and Dan hadn't been asked to leave or anything by the somewhat surprised staff. There sat Giichi Okazaki, better known as "Banzai Bob," a man of about average height for one of Japanese ancestry, who had a little around the middle, but was otherwise still doing good...

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Dan AdamsChapter 5

The offer made on the apartment building was contingent on many things, one being a favorable property inspection. Dan had phoned Casey Bergoles, a property inspector Dan had used before and gave him the assignment to inspect the building. Casey had done quality proper inspections for Dan in the past on buildings Dan had purchased and there was no reason to think the quality of his work would be any different on this assignment. After having breakfast and checking his calendar, Dan waited...

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Dan watches his mum go brown

Daniel an 18 year old London teenager was just about to leave his home address, when his mother Karen entered through the door. Dan was surprised to see his mum had a young asian guy with her. Karen was 49 years old and had an eldest daughter around 21 years old aswell as Dan. Karen was around 5 foot 4 curvy build and shirt blonde hair and had been married for over 20 years. Karen had introduced this unknown guy to Dan as Chris. Karen had stated that Chris was here to help her with computer as...

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Dan AdamsChapter 7

The purchasing of this new property was proceeding without problems and would be concluded in two weeks. Dan would be using the Declarations and the condo offering letters that he had done on the prior property as guides in preparing those documents for this soon to be acquired property. Sue had been managing this property for the previous owner and was providing Dan with the information on the present renters. This time she said she would include the information on how long it was till the...

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Dan AdamsChapter 6

Dan made the suggested changes his attorney suggested to the condo conversion letter and mailed out the letters to the renters in his building. He was hoping to get a positive response from the majority of the renters on wanting to purchase their units. The twenty percent down could be an impediment to their committing to buy but he was hoping that it wasn’t and that the renters could see the benefits of becoming condo owners. He placed a phone call to the air conditioning repair people and...

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I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping my third cup of coffee and looking out the window at the backyard. The grass was ankle high, weeds were taking over the flowerbeds and the roses were in bad need of pruning. That was all stuff that Dan was supposed to take care of. The front door squeaked when you opened it, the showerhead in the upstairs bedroom leaked, my car needed the brakes relined and it was due for an oil change; more stuff that Dan usually took care of. There were a hundred...

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Dan And The Deadbeat

Dan and Vicki had only been married for 4 and a half years when they attended what would turn out to the most significant office party they ever experienced. This was before Dan made his fortune, and both of them were rich enough to retire young. He was already prospering, but the millions had not quite rolled in. Vicki was working at a medical office, where she did mostly boring, clerical work, when one of her co-workers caught her eye. His name was Larry, and he seemed to return the interest....

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Dan into Dani Part 2 Getting used to girlhood lingerie shopping

OK, Dani, take off my knickers, choose a fresh pair from the drawer, and let’s get you dressed,” said Lucy.Dan sat up in bed. He was wearing a tight-fitting white bra and Lucy’s knickers - the ones he had pulled down Lucy’s legs before he had plunged his throbbing cock into her wet and inviting cunt. The night before. When he had been a boy.Now everything had changed. He had been tricked into putting on a bra that had magically and instantly turned him into a girl.He had been a six-foot shy...

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Dan aka Becca Part 2

By the time summer break arrived, Becca has gotten quite comfortable going out with Andrea, or by herself. She had become a regular at a few of the bars that catered to the LGBQT community and had become friends with several of the “gurls” as they liked to call themselves. She had also found and become friends with several of the female regulars, one of whom she was really starting to like quite a bit. Tina was helping her a lot with her makeup and styling tips as well. She also ran into Candi...

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Dan and Kims Trust

He was gripping the steering wheel tight. He was trying to stay focused on driving as wishful thoughts danced through his mind centered on the beauty next to him. Kim was about average height for a girl her age, around 5’7. She was slender and curvy. She had round deep blue eyes that he could stare into for hours. Her breasts were not overly big but not nearly small, a decent C to D cup as Dan could assume. That assumption is based entirely on theory, Kim had never allowed him to venture...

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Dan AdamsChapter 4

The seven hour drive from Atlanta to Sarasota gave Dan time to think about what was currently happening in his life and the women he had recently met. In a way he thought he was a pretty lucky guy to have recently met Lynn, Cindy and Monica. These were women who realized that having sex was one of the great pleasures in life. Not to engage in sex when the opportunity presented itself just didn’t make sense to them. All that these women needed was there to be some attraction to the man and...

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Dan Don Years Ahead In The Future

It was the first week of November, 2020. Dan suppressed the curse that he'd almost vocalized. He checked his six and saw that the rest of his small team was still well concealed. Dan reached around with Don's left hand to ensure that the tether to the towed equipment sled was still straight. What an absolute, total fuck-up! This completely degrades the usefulness of any phrase like "cluster-fuck'!!! Yeah, and what the HELL are we doing here! Just shut the fuck up, Don! We've got...

4 years ago
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Dan and Jennifer

Dan and Jennifer Chapter 1 “Come on,” Dan thought to himself.“It's not really that big a deal.Just turn around and go back to your apartment.”Unfortunately, Dan's feet didn't seem to be listening to him, and even that thread of rational thought seemed dim, distant, under his anger.It was all he could do to not take the stairs two at a time, and the to neighbors he passed on the lower landing took one look at his face and looked quickly away without offering a greeting. The events of...

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Dan AdamsChapter 3

Cindy moving out to LA was a shock and a big disappointment for Dan. He lost the pleasure of taking out a beautiful woman to dinner who was also a very exciting sex partner. That Cindy had made an effort for Dan to find a replacement for her was a surprise to him. If Monica would go out with Dan and if she enjoyed sex as much as Cindy inferred she did it would erase the problem of Dan trying to find some female companionship on his own. Cindy had emailed him Monica’s contact information....

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Dans Redundancy

Dan’s life was in turmoil, his wife had left him 4 years ago and today he was made redundant from his job and was now worried for the future and bringing up his daughter Lara. When his wife left he was a loving father and always put Lara first, it wasn’t easy being a single Dad and Lara was growing and was now a teenager and he didn’t know how she would take this setback having only recently come to terms with her mother abandoning her. Dan and Lara had built up a good understanding and despite...

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Dan aka Becca

Dan had been fascinated with women’s panties since he had found a pair belonging to his sister accidentally mixed in with his clothing. He had rubbed them against his face feeling the silky smoothness. He kept them for a few days until he heard his sister asking about them, then made a pretense of finding them stuck in between the washer and dryer. After that, whenever he had the chance, he would try to sneak in a few strokes against his cheek with a pair of her panties. When his sister threw...

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Dan at the swimming hole

It was a great day to go swimming and sunning in the nude except my son Dan, age 20, was visiting for the weekend. He was home from college and enjoying the mid summer time in Maine. I have been a naturist since before he was born and often was nude at home but never required him to go nude. It was a very hot day and we both had voiced the opinion that we should go swimming. I said it would be fun but the only place near enough was a clothes optional spot at a small lake that I liked. He...

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Dan and Marys Internet Tryst

Dan had longed for something to replace the good pussy he had with Gloria since she left him three months ago.  He resorted to looking for women online to replace the void he had...or rather looking for a void to fill of his own.  One lucky night, he met Mary while being so blunt as to tell any girl he met that all he was looking for was some holiday ass with no commitment.  Finally, he found Mary who was looking for the same thing.  They chatted online a few times talking of what they would do...

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Dan Allen met his match

Dan Allen has probably fucked me more than any other man on the planet. Many of our Island girls have been victimized and fucked raw by Dan’s massive cock. One day Dan was fucking me so hard all I could think about was having an orgasm. I begged him to put me out of my misery. Shit! Three orgasms later Dan was still ramming my wet cunt. I was exhausted and so I laid there like a rag doll while he continued fucking me. I remember my sister Amber yelling at Dan “give the fucking bitch a break!”...

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Dan and Gina 2

One Saturday at lunch her mom came into the kitchen and told her that they might as well sleep together as she saw them having sex earlier that morning when they thought she was outside. I was in the backroom and as I was coming down the corridor I heard you were giggling. Dan was looking under your skirt and you were letting him touch your butt. He then went on his knees and start kissing your butt and sticking his tongue into your vagina. What do you call that. That is pussy eating mum. ...

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Dans wife

It was summertime and after dinner Dan and Karen went to a dance club for a drink and a little flirtatious fun, something they both enjoyed doing.This night Karen was slightly uncomfortable in the short silky dress, she thought it was too short to wear in public, but Dan had convinced her to wear it and told her that a bra would look funny under the spaghetti straps. As they had their drink and dance, Bob watched them from the bar. Eventually he came over and asked her to dance. Jim smiled at...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 5

Washichi Tanaka was fuming, as Ayumi had never come home from work, nor bothered to call or text him. This wasn't the way that wives were supposed to behave, was it? She should never have been doing that kind of dangerous, physical work, anyway, but now he was sure that she was a lesbian and fooling around with a woman or two. What else could explain it? Those feminist types had gotten their hooks into his wife and now she had just deserted him. Well, he was half-right. Another part of him...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 7

Several fajitas were still left, but already most of the "raza", as Felicia put it, or as Vanessa called it, "la familia," were very much stuffed. For this part, it was safe enough to include the children, of course, and most of them marveled at learning that they were part of this huge new tribe. Of course, this consisted of Heather's kids, the two Kumar girls, plus what turned out to be the son of Alistair and Pippa Stevens, one Clarence Stevens, who was all of three and already a tad...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 3

Dan felt once again an incredible rush as he rammed deeper with each stroke into Lizzie Abramowitz, his cock taking the cute, nerdy Jewish teacher roughly as they fucked hard again. Melissa, meanwhile, had her thighs parted as Lizzie ate her pussy hungrily, not letting up while she explored as much as she could with her lips and tongue. Ms. Abramowitz was able to lose all self-control, thanks to being sandwiched between her wonderful sponsor and her sweet slut, the pleasure of serving her too...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 10

“So, attention everyone, please! You have now been extracted from Earth into the bosom of the Confederacy! You are on the Scepter, a rather typical ship used for recruiting purposes. Sponsors, gather your concubines and collect any relevant medical and other necessary information regarding them. Very shortly, once your pods are assigned to you, we will have the first augmentations by means of nannites, though these are limited to medical cleanup work. “In other words, for those of you not...

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Dan and Gina meeting the parents

On the Wednesday afternoon after a "hallo" fuck session she told him her mother called and would like to see her the weekend. Her mother would like to see her new boyfriend, but she doesn't know that Gina has moved in with him. Her dad is very conservative and would be extremely unhappy if he found out she lives with a man whom she isn't married to. Dan said he would love to meet her parents but they would have to sleep in seperate rooms. Dan said that sucks, you know I need to eat...

2 years ago
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Dan Becomes Dawn

Dan Becomes Dawn By Kathi Jo Daniels After years of being a closet crossdresser, Dan takes an opportunity to come out Chapter One: The Invitation I work from home and can dress en femme most days. Today I am wearing a pink flower pattern, button-front blouse, knee-length white a-line skirt, a pair of white walking sandals with a wavy, medium brown wig, and clip-on earrings. Under that is a corset to flatten my gut, matching white lace panties, and a 40-D underwire bra to...

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Dan and Bonnie

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Dan stopped the lawnmower and wiped the sweat from his brow. If any of the girls from his school had seen him, they would have been impressed. Clad only in shorts, the 17 year old had a lean, tan body - well muscled in an athletic, non-bodybuilder way. His wavy, dark brown hair set off an open, handsome face. All in all, a package that you’d think would have the girls all over him. But, Dan was a quiet, studious type,...

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Dan The New Girl

Dan often felt uneasy. He would nod and smile and try to get along with the lads, but they just weren’t his scene. Not really. He always felt more comfortable around girls. Girls were smarter, more fun to go out with, and they looked so much better too. Such beautiful faces, bodies, clothes - everything about girls seemed better than boys.When he started seeing Lucy, it was more admiration than love. She had a beautifully soft, calming voice. A petite girl - flowing dark hair, pretty hourglass...

4 years ago
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Dan and the DeputyChapter 4

Alistair Stevens expressed some shock, to put it mildly, as did his wife, Pippa, a fine, buxom woman, though still very much in good shape in her own way. Did the one that they had nicknamed "Rod," who had turned out to be Mr. Byron Warfield of Augusta, Maine, really agree to both of them as his concubines? Would that even work or be practical, even in a co-sponsorship deal, since he was a man? Would he be up to sex with a bloke, either, let alone two or more of them? Well, it still beat...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 9

Principal Henry Warner had barely arrived when Dan received another call from Cecil, which he naturally rushed to take, “Dan, according to our records, Brett Marvin is not only not a sponsor, but he’s been under suspicion for similar acts of seduction by fraud in the past. As you know, the Confederacy is very liberal in its attitudes toward sex, but it is death on fraud, quite literally. Brett Marvin’s actual CAP is 3.2, mostly due to sociopathic traits that drag his overall score that far...

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