Discovering Sex free porn video

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"Hi Mrs Johnson! Is Gary home?" Asked the young blond girl standing at the door.

"Yes he is, Cassy. He is up in his room. Are you two going to the pool today?" Answered the attractive older woman.

"I wanted to see if he wanted to come along." Cassy said with a sweet smile as her blue eyes sparkled.

"Well, I have to leave right now but you can go up and ask him. He was playing video games in his room." The older woman said as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

Cassy walked up the stairs and then toward Gary's bedroom. She suddenly became aware of how quiet it was. There was none of the normal game noise coming from Gary's room. For some reason she was curious as to what he was really doing.

The door was closed and her hand trembled as she reached for the knob. She silently opened the door so that she could peer in. Gary was sitting at his desk with his computer on. He was breathing heavily and his body was jerking as he stared at the screen. He had earbuds in and could not hear.

Then Cassy saw some of what was on the screen! A woman with dark hair had her lips wrapped around a guy's cock! Her eyes locked on the sight of the woman's head bobbing up and down as the man held her hair.

"Fuck yeah! Suck that dick you slut!" Gary said as he seemed to be rubbing his lap even harder as the woman in the screen pumped on the cock even faster.

Suddenly the woman stopped and looked up at the man she had been blowing. The cock slipped from her mouth and a creamy looking white substance dripped down her chin. Gary's head went back and he moaned loudly.

Cassy just watched as she realized that Gary had just orgasmed! She had heard about guys jerking off but as a virgin she had never experienced anything like this before. She watched as he slowly shook his head and then before she realized it he turned and looked directly at her.

It was hard to say which of the two turned the brighter shade of red but both teens suddenly felt extremely awkward. Gary was grabbing for something to cover his cum stained lap and slam the laptop down while Cassy tried to slip out of the room.

Gary sat there looking at the closed door where his friend Cassy had been. His mind raced as he realized that his c***dhood friend had just seen him jacking off and watching porn.

"Shit! I really fucked up this time!" He thought to himself. He had been so careful! His mom was late for her appointment and had just said good bye. He should have been all alone. How did Cassy get in? Then he reached the conclusion that it really did not matter.

"What am I going to say to her?" He thought as he pulled himself together to follow her downstairs.

When he got there she was nowhere in sight. She must have left the house. The boy tried to think of what do and concluded that the only thing to do was find her and apologize and beg her not to tell on him.

Suddenly he remembered that they were to go to the pool. That was why she had come by! Gary ran upstairs and put on his trunks and quickly headed to the pool.

Meanwhile, Cassy wanted to just get out as quickly as she could. She had never been so embarrassed in her young life.

"How could I stand there like a pervert and watch him jack off while we both watched that woman sucking cock? Even worse how fucked up am I for getting so turned on! My pussy is drenched!" She thought to herself.

She started back to her house but then realized her mom was home. She would really grill her on why she came back so early.

"I better go to the pool. Beside a dip might just cool my pussy off!" She thought as she headed to the pool.

Fortunately there were only a couple of the younger moms with their k**s there. Cassy quick wiggled out of her cutoffs. Her face turned red as she looked down to see her wetness had soaked through to the crotch of her cutoffs. She quickly tried to hide them and get in the pool before anyone noticed. As she walked toward the edge she noticed her nipples were clearly visible. She made a quick dive into the water.

She looked over at the other neighbors and none of them seemed to notice her. Cassy was just beginning to relax when she saw Gary enter through the gate. Her cheeks suddenly felt warm as she blushed.

Gary saw Cassy in the pool in her hot pink two piece. He looked at her and suddenly aware of how much her body had changed. She was small but her body was proportioned perfectly for girl just becoming a woman. He suddenly realized that her nipples were fully erect and poking through the fabric of her top.

Cassy watched as the boy who had been her best friend since they were babies approached. She was shocked when she realized that Gary was now as tall as her daddy. Even more she could see the muscles ripple in his body as he pulled his shirt off. Suddenly her pussy felt warm again despite the coolness of the pool.

Gary eased his way into the water. He slowly worked his way over to Cassy. He could feel his face grow red as he moved toward her. He slipped under the water and popped up next to her.

"Cassy...I'm..." He started to say but then she held up her hand.

"Gary, I should have knocked! You must think I'm terrible sneaking in on you!" Cassy said as she worried that he would hate her.

"I should have locked my door! I thought I was all alone! You must think I am a pervert!" Gary said as Cassy looked at him.

"You’re not a pervert! I have an older brother and I know he jerks off all the time. Mom kind of told me about how guys masturbate when she explained sex to me. I just feel bad about walking in on you!"

"Thanks Cassy but I just did not want this to impact our friendship." He said as he suddenly felt shy again.

"No way Gary! I could never imagine not having you as my best friend!" Cassy said as she realized for the first time just how much she loved him.

"So you won't tell anyone about me watching porn?" He asked quietly.

"No way but can I ask you something?" She asked as she looked toward other neighbors at the end of pool.

"You can ask me anything!" He said relieved that his secret would be kept.

"Do you watch it often?" Cassy asked quietly.

"Yes, at least when my parents are gone or asleep." Gary said as he relaxed a little. Deep down it felt good let go of this one secret that he had kept from his friend.

"Do you always...well you know...ahhh" Cassy struggled with how to finish her question.

"Yeah...I do." Gary answered the unfinished question.

"It must feel really good!" Cassy said as she giggled.

Just then several of their friends came into the pool. In minutes they were busy splashing and just being the teen k**s they were.

Gary got out of the pool and sat back on a lounge to work on his tan but it was also his chance to check out all of the teen girls in the pool. He had known most of them for years but only recently had he began to notice that they were all developing nice tits and their hips had developed giving them that distinctive female look.

Just then Katie ran over to where he was sitting to check her phone. Her tits were the largest of girls his age and just watching them jiggle made his cock fully erect. Katie looked right at his tented swim trunks and smiled mischievously. Then turned and wiggled back to the pool. His face burned with embarrassment as she started whispering to the other girls.

Cassy watched as Katie came back to the pool. She knew that her friend loved it when the boys and even men admired her body. Deep down Cassy was extremely jealous of her and those big tits and sexy ass and perfect legs.

Katie motioned for the other girls to come closer. Cassy and the others huddled near their friend to hear whatever she had to say.

"I gave Gary a bonner." Katie giggled.

"You're such a slut." Megan said in a mocking way.

"Maybe I should go help him with it. He is so cute!" Added Becky.

"You would help any boy with a hard dick. You would let all the boys fuck you." Katie teased.

Cassy remained silent as she listened to her girlfriends talk about wanting her very best friend. Deep down she knew that it was only a matter of time before her friends would begin having sex. Becky in particular was likely to fuck the first boy to ask her. Fortunately she was the least developed in the body. In fact she was nearly boy-like with tiny tits and small butt. None the less she made no effort to hide her desire to get fucked as soon as possible.

Just then the other boys in the pool decided to get the girls back to playing. In a little while the k**s all started to head home. Finally it was only Gary and Cassy.

"So did Katie really give you a hardon?" Cassy giggled as she watched Gary burn with embarrassment but then he seemed to regain his composure.

"Hey for a guy my age that is not a hard thing to do!" He laughed and Cassy quickly joined him.

"Besides she does have some big tits!" He added and laughed harder.

Cassy also laughed but she could not help but burn with envy of her better developed girlfriend.

The two friends gathered their things and started to walk back home. Gary kept glancing at Cassy as they walked. He could feel his cock stirring. He suddenly found himself wondering what she would look like naked. Suddenly an even more erotic thought crossed his mind. What would she look like sucking his cock. His cock was instantly rock hard.

Cassy was lost in her own thoughts. The other girls all thought Gary was cute and deep down she knew it was not going to be long before one would move to make Gary into a boyfriend and probably by putting out! She burned with jealousy. It was these thoughts that pushed her to her next question.

"Have you ever gotten a boner looking at me?" She asked so quietly that Gary almost did not hear her.

They stopped and looked at each other. Cassy felt awkward but then Gary reached for her hand and held it. Deep in her mind she began to fear that he was going to say that he never thought of her as a girl only a friend. She could feel tears starting to form in her eyes.

Gary looked at Cassy and he could not help but feel her doubts and pain. Still he could not let the words in his brain come out of his mouth. Instead he pulled her hand closer and then placed it on his fully erect cock.

Cassy felt the hardness of her friend and she let her fingers grip his dick. She could feel it throb and was amazed that her pounding heart and his pulsing cock seemed to be in harmony. Their eyes locked on each other.

"I guess I have." Cassy finally said as she reluctantly removed her fingers from his penis.

They started walking slowly together but then she felt Gary take her hand. They both knew at that moment that their friendship had moved to a different level.

"Are you going to watch porn when you get home?" Cassy asked.

"Probably" he replied.

"Can I watch some with you?" She asked as voice grew soft again.

"If you want to." He replied in a slightly startled adolescent voice.

In a few minutes they were at Gary's house. Cassy excused herself and went in the bathroom. Her wet swimsuit was going to get uncomfortable. She noticed that Gary had left shirt in the bathroom. Cassy slipped out of her clothes and slipped the shirt over her naked teen body. Her nipples were poking proudly through the light cotton fabric. Gary was much taller than her so shirt did come about half way down her thighs. She looked at herself in the mirror and hoped that she would look alright.

Gary was boiling in the inside with nervous anguish. What kind of porn should he put on? He thought about how he enjoyed various things like threesomes, gangbangs, facials and even interracial. He also thoughts about watching girls having sex with each other. There was so much but he did not want to freak his girlfriend out. Then he felt his face flush. Cassy was his girlfriend. She had even felt his cock!

Just then Cassy entered the room. Gary looked up at her in his discarded shirt. Her small tits jiggled she moved into the room and he could see her nipples clearly through the fabric. He did not even try to hide his cock sticking straight out in his lose shorts. Cassy looked at his obvious erection and smiled.

"You look so hot in my shirt!" He said as she came in.

"Thanks!" She said as she walked up to him.

"So is there something that you want to see in particular?" He asked as they sat down.

"I do not what there is. You know I really am kind of new to all of this." Cassy replied as she felt her own insecurity grow.

"I understand. There is all kinds of sex on here. Blow jobs, fucking, threesomes and group sex. Some of it gets kind of kinky. But maybe we should start with something simple." He said as he scrolled through thumbnails of different movies.

"How about that one?" Cassie said point to blonde woman on her knees sucking cock.

The movie started and the blonde was on her knees sucking cock. Cassy could her the slurping sounds as the woman sucked. Then the woman leaned back and stroked the cock with her hand. She leaned forward and licked the cock from top to bottom.

Cassy had never even considered how sexy sucking cock could be. Her pussy was sopping wet and her mouth watered as she watched. Her hand moved over and found Gary's cock. She began to slowly stroke it as they watched.

Gary was in heaven as his cock was being stroked by Cassy. He loved the feeling of her warm body against his. He put his arm around her at the shoulders. He could tell the video was nearing the end and he hoped it would be a messy facial. Then he let his hand move lower until he cupped Cassy's small firm breast. Cassy moaned when Gary gently rubber her erect nipple.

Cassy watched intently as the man pulled back from the woman and stroked his cock rapidly. The woman opened her mouth and her eyes sparkled in anticipation. Then the first big load cum splattered across the woman's face. Cassy nearly orgasmed from just the sight. Her fingers were gripping Gary's so tightly he had to reach down and push her hand away.

"I'm sorry did I squeeze too hard?" Cassy said as she realized what had happened.

"It's ok now. You just got a little excited that's all." Gary said as he squeezed Cassy's tit but instead of pain she moaned with pleasure.

"Let's watch another one." He said and started one with two girls sucking a rather impossibly big cock.

"Oh my god he is way too big!" Cassy screamed as she watched the women take turns.

Gary decided to push his luck and he pulled down his shorts to free his cock. Cassy gladly stroked his cock as Gary pushed his hand past her neck and down to her tit. The feel of her bare flesh and hard nipple was indescribable.

The man was now behind one of the woman and fucking her with deep thrusts. Cassy could feel Gary's cock throbbing in her hand. Her mind was now numb with passion and all she wanted was to make him happy.

Gary thought he had done something wrong when Cassy stood up. Then he watched as she pulled the shirt over her head. Her petite young body was fully revealed to him.

Cassy felt no embarrassment as she stood naked before him. Her mind whirled as she looked down at him. His cock was covered with juices from her hand stroking him. Cassy knew what she wanted to do for him. She slipped to her knees and looked at him. Her tongue ran over her lips.

Gary watched as Cassy licked her lips and he nearly came just at the thought of her between his legs. She winked at him and leaned forward and licked the throbbing head of his cock.

The slightly salty taste of pre-cum filled her mouth and she was delighted that she found it so pleasant.

"Oh god Cassy! Please suck my cock!" Gary groaned.

Cassy closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She thrilled at the feeling of his cock in her mouth. Her lips and tongue worked furiously to give him pleasure. His breath was labored as he strained to keep from cumming. Cassy had no intentions of letting him hold back. She began to pump his cock with her mouth.

"Let up I am going to shoot! Oh god!" Gary groaner as the girl devoured his cock.

Cassy slowed just enough to open her eyes a look at the pleasure she giving him. She remembered the first video she had walked in on and how the woman had taken the cum in her mouth. Cassy wanted that so badly. It seemed so much more personal to take it that way and she loved Gary. She had to show him that she would do anything for him. Gary's eyes opened and he looked intently into hers.

Gary was looking into Cassy's passion filled blue eyes as he felt his cock jerk as a big glob of sperm filled her mouth. She continued to look at him as his balls emptied into her hungry mouth.

Cassy felt her mouth fill with cum and was amazed at how much there was. She struggled to hold it and work his cock at the same time. She had to swallow some of it before he final stopped. She felt his cock soften a little and she let it slip from her mouth. He was looking at her as she tilted her head back and opened her mouth.

Gary was never more turned on than when Cassy let him see his cum in her mouth.

Cassy's hand was now between her own legs and she was on the verge of a massive orgasm. Gary's sperm felt so good her mouth and she wanted hold just a moment longer. Her orgasm hit her hard as she let the cum slide down her throat.

Gary was now stunned as he watched her jerking with an orgasm. It shocked him when he realized that he was enjoying her orgasm as much as he had his own.

"Cum for me Cassy! Fuck you are so sexy!" Gary said as he slid on the floor with her and held her as her body convulsed with pleasure.

"Oh Gary! I never thought it could be so good! I love you!" Cassy moaned.

Gary held her face in his hands and realized that he never kissed her. He lowered her lips to her and they found themselves devouring each other's mouths with abandon.

Suddenly the alarm they had set to remind them when it was time for his parents to come home went off. They both moaned but then rushed to get dressed.

Gary walked Cassy home. They both were quiet as they approached her house.

Gary pulled her to him and just out of sight of her front door. Cassy looked up at him and smiled.

"Cassy, I do love you! I just want you to know that." Gary said but surprisingly to himself he felt no insecurity saying it.

"I know! I love you too!" She smiled as they kissed passionately.

"Besides, tomorrow you are going to fuck me! So go home and jerk your big dick thinking about that!" Cassie said as she pulled away and headed to her front door.

The Beginning!

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Discovering a Dirty Little Secret 1

"Hey, Adam, come on in, mate!" said Marco to his best friend over the intercom. "How is it hanging, Johnson?" answered Adam jokingly. "Only 2 feet off the ground!" was his happy response. The two always joked around a lot. It felt like they knew each other for decades. But they only met 6 years ago on a cruise around the Caribbean. Adam, a 32-year-old well-hung stallion, walked inside and found Marco in the backyard by the pool. Stark naked and semi-erect. "Fuck, you weren't fooling around!"...

2 years ago
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Discovering Im a Cougar Part 1

My name is Robin Tate. I'm a teacher and I have always enjoyed helping students get new knowledge. The last year was a hard period for my life. My husband left me because he was bored and wanted to live again. My daughter, Heather, and I suddenly found ourselves on our own. Even worse for me was knowing that Heather would soon be moving out on her own.Another problem that I found hard to believe was just how horny I was! My x was never particularly good in bed and frankly we just kind of...

2 years ago
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Discovering BareBack Gay

I discovered bareback sex when I was in college. It is one of the greatest experiences that any bottom can have. I am super, extra, demandingly, particular who I will do this with, but when I do bareback with a I am getting chills just thinking about it now. I've only done it with three people, all of whom were long term lovers that shared an interest in safe condom free sex. We always got tested before and after we'd done barebacking, and we swore to each other that we were a...

2 years ago
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Le Cirque du Sexe

Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. "Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Le Cirque du Sexe

Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. ‘Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...

4 years ago
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Discovering The Joys Of Being Watched

“I want you to come. You NEED to come!”“I already told you. I don’t want to.”“I’m not taking no for an answer!”“Well, you’re going to have to this time.”“Oh, come on… please? It is my birthday.”I shake my head, not that she can see this.“I can be VERY persuasive…”“Yes, this I already know,” I laugh. “But please try to understand it from my side.”I don’t know why I am arguing with Lou. We’ve been the best of friends since primary school and you can count on one hand the amount of times that I...

2 years ago
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Discovering Melissas Dirty Little Secret

I am happy in my relationship with my new girlfriend, Melissa. We see each other often but still, have those moments of freedom or ‘free time’ as we like to call it. The sex is outstanding and she has a voracious appetite for fucking. She is kinky, perverted sometimes, and has proven that anything goes as far as sex is concerned, which is great. I would say we are like-minded in that respect.Our relationship is fairly new, and recently, I have been staying over at her flat a little longer than...

2 years ago
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discovering i am gay part 3

I walked out of the college building and went to my car. When I got to my car I kept saying to myself "Your not gay. Your work your way out of it. Your not gay" I got into my car and drove around. I found a place near the park and parked there I kept thinking who can help me out with this stuff and thought Leon. (Leonardo) I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called him. It took a few phone calls for Leon to answer but when he did he said to me "Blake do you know what time it is? You...

2 years ago
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Discovering myself1

I was one of the first girls in my school to develop breasts, which this garnered a lot of attention from the boys in school. By the time I was 15 I had developed into a full d cup while still maintaining a slim figured. With my black hair barely covering my ears, hazel eyes, and pale white skin I never really thought of myself as more than cute. I had no interest in trying to attracted anyone so I dressed modestly, not that my body didn't still stand out. Regardless I had no interest in...

4 years ago
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Discovering Chelsea

Chelsea sat at the table sipping her drink and quietly watching the activity in the bar. As the music blared and the other girls were up dancing and mingling, she sat alone as usual and kept an eye on her friends. She was too shy to try and mix with the guys in the bar. They never approached her or even seem to notice her, especially when her friends were around. While they were all slim and beautiful she was short, plump and average. She knew that she could not blend in with them even though...

First Time
3 years ago
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Discovering Herself

sandy haired slender girl of Irish and German extraction. She started playing sexual games with her cousins at an early age. She got caught a few times and was admonished that nice girls did not do those kinds of things however despite the threats that accompanied the lectures she found she could not refrain from doing things with other girls for long. Her sexual affaires continued much to the detriment of her reputation. When she was twelve-years old her family moved to a larger...

3 years ago
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Discovering Clara Pt 02

‘So, you’re really meaning to tell me that you haven’t been staring at me all night?’ I pressed as we walked through Goodnight’s extensive gardens. Pierce moved slowly, I noticed, taking long strides as if he expected the rest of the world to kiss the ground he walked on. The entitlement is strong in this one, I thought. ‘Pierce!’ I insisted when he didn’t answer. Suddenly he swiveled toward me, his face just centimeters from mine. ‘I prefer it when you call me sir, Clara,’ he whispered,...

3 years ago
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Discovering Daniel

It was a few days after Thanksgiving when the Christmas music began. Traditional Christmas carols, jazzed up Christmas tunes and famous old Christmas songs. Each note seemed to taunt Claire, coming from shops in the mall, on the television channels, from radio stations, and even on cell phone ring tones. The once loved melodies now brought anger and rage to her, ripped into her troubled soul and caused her eyes to blur with tears. How selfish to force this onto people, she thought angrily....

2 years ago
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Introduction: THEstory of how i discovered the darkest secrets of my life 26/DEC/09 ON A TRAIN FROM CHENNAI TO DELHI Flashing down came the lightning that night, a mere thin window of glass keeping the violent storm away from me. The flash sent me back to reality from the fantasy world I found out the window. Turned to face reality, a train compartment filled with students in the prime of their teenage all hormone charged and agitated over being put in a boys school. The year was 2009 and I...

2 years ago
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Discovering Your Roommates Hidden Treasures

Darla walked down the hall of her new home for the next nine months with butterflies in her stomach. This was the first time she had been back here in the dormitory since move-in day two weeks ago. Darla moved down the hall passing by others moving their things in at the last minute. Unlike most colleges, Darla’s future alma mater allowed students an easy weekend to move their belongings in instead of a mad rush at the beginning of school. Darla was very grateful for this since her dad would’ve...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Discovering Your Roommates Hidden Treasures

Darla walked down the hall of her new home for the next nine months with butterflies in her stomach. This was the first time she had been back here in the dormitory since move-in day two weeks ago. Darla moved down the hall passing by others moving their things in at the last minute. Unlike most colleges, Darla’s future alma mater allowed students an easy weekend to move their belongings in instead of a mad rush at the beginning of school. Darla was very grateful for this since her dad would’ve...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Discovering My Love For Golden Showers

About fifteen years ago, I discovered my love for BDSM. I was in my early thirties and in excellent shape working out every day. One Sunday afternoon, I was browsing the magazines at my local bookstore when I came across Hustler's Taboo magazine. I was very curious what it was about but it was shrink wrapped so I had to buy a copy to find out. I quickly walked to the cash register to find a rather long line of customers. I joined the line pressing the magazine to my chest so that nobody would...

3 years ago
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Discovering Irsquom a Cougar Part 9

The next couple of days after the party I could hardly walk. My ass burned from all of the cocks that had used it and my pussy never stopped throbbing. The worse part was it was time for parent teacher meetings. Most of these were with parents that were either overly involved or totally oblivious to what my students were up to. Near the end of the day I saw Emily's mother walk in. I remembered that her name was Bev. She was an older version of her daughter and could still turn the head of any...

4 years ago
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Discovering Irsquom a Cougar Part 6

On Saturday morning I woke up to the sound of Heather and Nate fucking like rabbits. It made me smile as I lay in bed and fingered my clit. I was really happy for both of them as I could tell they were going to make a great couple. Then I heard the sounds of groaning and giggles as Nate must have been cumming.I got up and went to the shower and cleaned up and then put on a pair of shorts and a blouse that let my cleavage be shown off. After dressing I went down to the kitchen to find Heather...

1 year ago
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Discovering Im a Cougar Part 3

I was looking at the text from Heather when I heard the front door open. Heather ran to me on the couch and hugged me tight."Oh mom! It was horrible!" She said as she started to sob."Calm down honey! What happened that was so horrible?" I asked feeling rather nervous."Megan's dad walked in us when we were having sex. I have never seen anyone get so mad before! He was calling us names like sluts and dykes. Then he told me to get my "pussy eating mouth" out of his house." Heather said and I felt...

2 years ago
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Discovering Sex the Dirty Way with Daddy by Jenn

When I was young and beautiful, I liked to go online and talk to men, make plans, and say I wanted to meet them.'These are silly girlish notions', my mother once told me. Perhaps, I thought, but every time I thought about doing it, my body came alive, I was living my fantasy, locked in my bedroom I craved love, the naughty kind, the pressure built up to bursting point, I wanted to experiment, I wanted to meet men and see what they would do.I chatted in the nude, it made me feel vulnerable. 'Do...

1 year ago
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The fact that I was half certain that just last week, I'd been surveying the landscape around our manor house, admiring the fall foliage, struck me as just a bit odd. It wasn't fall, and we didn't have a manor house. It was mid July, and we were in the midst of a heat wave. Moreover, we lived on a postage stamp plot in the suburbs, with so few trees around that there'd have been little enough foliage to admire even if it were October.But then, I knew I wasn't normal.I'd come to accept that,...

2 years ago
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Discovering Secrets Between My Mom And Brother

Note: Hi friends. This is into a true sex story, but a fictional one. The idea was sent to me by one of my readers and I am just writing this on his behalf. Do visit my profile to read more of my stories. Cheers We are a small family of three. Me- Nikhil (age 21), my younger brother Ajith (age 20) and my mom Meenakshi (43). Even at this age, mom had maintained her figure really well. When mom and I go out people usually mistake her for my elder sister, or worse- my girlfriend! Her 34D boobs and...

1 year ago
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Discovering my love of watching

I was chatting with someone and the subject of first experiences with kinks came up, I said I would pen my own experiences as some time so here goes.growing up there was an older man who lived a few doors down from us, he was in his 60s and not being as mobile as he had been, i was volunteered to cut his grass, and help out with a few jobs around his garden and house for a bit of pocket money.On a warm summer day one year I had just mowed his lawn and was having a cold drink inside when he...

4 years ago
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Discovering Ryan

Steve felt incredibly proud of his fifteen year old daughter, Lisa, when she got a full scholarship to a highly exclusive private school. Unfortunately, the school was over three hours away by car, which meant Lisa would have to go there and live on campus. But Steve knew it was the best thing for her even if he started missing her terribly the moment he drove away from the school after moving her into her dorm room. Yet Steve wasn’t the only one who was feeling lonely with Lisa away at...

2 years ago
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Discovering KarenChapter 2

None of us referred to that night in the weeks and months that followed. We seemed to go on pretty much like we had before. 'The Kiss, ' as I had begun to enshrine it in my memory, might have been forgotten by everybody but me. Then it was spring. April. The cruelest month, somebody once said, talking about the painful awakening of new life after the death of winter, kind of like fingers recovering from frostbite. But my desire for Karen certainly hadn't died; it had survived the dead...

3 years ago
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Discovering KarenChapter 5

And we did see. As it turned out, our Tropical Suite backed up directly onto the nude beach. When I pulled the curtains open on the full-width sliding window in our bedroom, the space was filled with flesh. Not a swimming suit in sight. Nobody seemed to have the slightest hesitation to bare all, even if the all they bared wasn't all they might have wanted it to be. There was firm and tanned out there, sure, but there was also lots of pale and pudgy. And nobody seemed to mind. Karen came up...

1 year ago
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Discovering Ben

Ben and I attended the same university and were both 18. We cared about the fate of our country and the unfolding world events. But some of our buddies seemed only to be concerned about the weekend's conquests or football scores. Ben and I were so close that we often knew what the other was thinking. There were times when I dared not to think it. But, I loved him--as a friend with my head, as a close buddy with my heart, but also in a different way. I discovered that I like men and was a man....

First Time
1 year ago
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Rediscovering Passion Ch 03

The following Wednesday I noticed the clipping from the newspaper on the refrigerator. The meeting was that night at seven, and after some thought, I decided to go. It turned out to be beneficial. I met a few other women who were in my similar situation. Young and who had lost their husbands unexpectedly. I made a decision that I’d come back the next week and hopefully each week I’d learn a little something more about healing. Overall, I was starting to feel better. I had seen Eric again...

3 years ago
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Rediscovering Passion Ch 01

June in Athens is hot. Not the kind of hot that the sweat dribbles down your forehead to the tip of your nose either. The hot where your entire face is drenched and shimmering against the sun, your shirt sticks to your body and you feel that you might pass out if you spend another minute in the heat. Granted, every summer day in Georgia isn’t this miserable, but most are and today was no exception. I’d gone inside three times already to gulp down a full glass of lemonade. Each time Drake...

1 year ago
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Rediscovering Passion Ch 02

I can feel him pressed against me. The room is so dark, I can barely see his face. His breath is close to my ear as his hands travel up and down my legs, I want to tell him how good this feels, how much I’ve missed his body being pressed against mine, but the words wont come out. They can’t, he’s kissing me, his tongue invading my mouth as I run my fingers though his hair. He moves down to my neck, running his tongue over my collarbone. I can feel his arousal against me as our bodies writhe on...

2 years ago
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Rediscovering Julie

Rediscovering JulieYikes, it was hot! Matriculation day at the Citadel. I was walking out of the sports arena where the new cadets had been assembled and marched off, leaving parents, wiping sweat from my forehead. I was intently admiring the quite fine ass of a black lady about my age 6 feet in front of me. That behind, its particular sassy sway, stirred a slight erotic memory from my deep subconscious. Forty years before a girl in my high school would cause my cock to tingle and waken just...

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